The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 8
Ve"- ".$ 'K "'vfn r t n "i ,. i '" ttfurimifri .nvv 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1901. l2rj.T')rT"i V i NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD TROMOTION FOB MASTER ME l OHANIC DAVID BllOWN. Has Been Mftdo Assistant Superin tendent of Motlvo Power and A. O. Elvin of the Grand TruriTt Has Sc uccded Him ns Master Mechanic. Tho D., L. & W. Board for Today. Construction Worlc That Is Being Done in tho Lackawanna Car Shops in This City. ThivM T5rovji. (hc"ulI-hnown nina tor mechanic of tlie.Lackiiwannn ull ronil. wns yoitonlay promotiul to iho resiirmsllilci vm.-ltlon of Hnrlxlnnl ku liptlntcnilent of motive power nmr inn rhlncrw vhlrli 'pliii'c- lilm next lo SiipirliiteinWit T. rf.' J.loyd In the mo tive power tli'pm'tmfiit. The appoint ment tome to Jlr. Hi own as n well moiltccl pioincillon, nfter many limit jonr of KCj-vleV In the nmitmny. Hi' h:i lieeii'" lileiitlllol with tli" Th'luwiuo. I.aiknw.inn.i unci Wmlc-in Intercuts cvm' hIimv ho wus 11 hoy, anil lin Jieen on" of iln mint valn.ililo ami Ih-1 posti-d men silontr merlin lines in Ihe f-nlco. Tilt duties of his new V)Mtlon will tint lie m millions a- lhoT .il tlif mn-iei me. hani The apiiolntiiifiu ii proiiitlluuieil In the following rheulnr l"Ucd funn the otllee of tin- ftlpuilnlelidenl of mo tive power and mnehliU'iy . 4irmiii n, I' i . Inn. I"-. I'iii Mr D.imiI llinnii l lliln ili.i iiin'iiliil n-'li-Ant .ii.i iliili ii'Kiil i,t tuellif i." .ni'l nuil.ln rj f IliN iiilllvllll nltll oHiiv, ill "TUItnil, I'.i. r. S. I.ionl. NiKilnlPtiiliiit cit l I. .mil I Vnpiinl: . II liitci'.ilt. l'ioid lit. .Mr. Crown will he sun ceded hy Air. (!. i:iln,who (oiues frem the Cniml Tiunk latlway. Kur a numlitriif yean Air. Khln wan .wli'timl niaxler ear imllder ol tlii Chef.iptaUe and Ohio with lie.uloii.ii tem ul lluiil innton. V. Vu and Is the cele lion of Supei Inti'iident T. S. I.loyd, who wan aim -vlth the Chcfi.ipf.iki and Ohio ptlnr in his comlnir to Seianton. Ills nppiiliitmcnt Is made in the following ' n ul 11 . "luntnti, li , .1,111 l"i. I'fll. Wi. . (!. I.lvm l Mil Ij. ,iiiiiniiiil iiij-lcr 111I1 mli of tin- -ii.inton ilhi-lmi el Mil' cum lorn, tillli nffl'o .il c riiiit.oi, l.i., mm Mi P. Iliovin, piuiiintrit T. S Until, iiKi intend' in ..I 1 1. dnil M .n.iri II. TiiiimIiK I'io.IiI. lit Air. Kliin will asHiime the duties -if his now position duiliiR the pievnt w e. K. Aiound the Shops. Suiieilntendeiit Cl.nke'y new pilvate nil, whli h Is now beliiR lmlll nt tho av shops', will he eompleti d the lat ter pint of the month. Illds have heen Invited hv tho l.aekawanna for elslit flrit 1 lass'stlhuled, hlRh-badtcd sleel-platfonncd. Kmplio-decked, p.iMpiiRcr roauheH, anil Feven first dans, oak-llntsheU noli vevtlhuled eais, which will he put 'n .ervhe diiiinpr the I'lin-Anieilcan cx poMtlou. Two twenty-llve-hoise-power elc tile motion for driving the maehinory in tho new- cabinet sdiop.s have bien int lulled by AInster V.r Builder Can lield, and a. ikvv panel planet for tahl net woik has also been added to the e iillpiiienl. Two new water cats for the llieat I Scar Kprlncr Car company were eoiu )lcted at the l.aekawanna shops last week anil Immediately put In service. They will he ii-ed between Oswego .ind Xew Yotk. new snow (I.iiibci Is behiK built at the ear shops, which will bo used to Kep the nth ti 'o from snow. .Master lMlnter nenj,imln .Miller Is In Xew Voik on huslnesn luf iho com 1 an v. Hie huiidl.-d low muMtut Hon Hat I irs uro belllf,' built lit the shops lill'J ill he ready tot dtlhoiy tlte latter patt of I'ebruaiy. A new snow plow is also In coutse l tons-ttuctlon and will probably be le.nly fol ..civiie b.-ifoie It Is needed , Boaid for Today. Today's U T.. .t V. boaid Is as fol low b: MuiuUy, .l.inii.111 II wii.n cc. iiASr. i 111. M. I, IIiiiiiIlmii. I" p. m.-C. Slun-lov. II i. 111. , I'. Mullm. Iii.'-il.n. CVM'. Ijii 13, wild r ' "'1 .1 n lolin I'oilf II11 .1 in II lll,-illlil I 111 Inllll suJrt 1. ill - 1'. Vliponnill. "ilh ( ji.11, iui;ir inni, j. 111 I. II, Jhtcn. villi .1. (iilugaii'ii incii. .1 m II. Ufinirii. F Lives only in the proem Nature throws a glamor ami' ml voittli and maiden, so that although thev saw inisety and mar nagc walking hand 111 hand in every home in the world tltev would fondlv 1 believe tint thev could marry and defj miscr. Young women should be taught to prepare for mar riage They should understand how to preserve their womanly health through the func tional changes of maternity. Doctor Piercers Favorite Prescription is the most eftectUe med icine for the pre servation of wom anly health and the cure of womanly diseases. It regu lates the nericxK dries enfeebling drains, heals in flammation and Ulceration, and cures female weak ness. It prepares the womanly or ganism for maternity and makes the oirth hour prtctically painless. "Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol, neithor opium, cocaine, uor other narcotic. "My wife wb afflicted with uterine trouble for neccral earn," write Mr. J.C. Day, of Little Tlrltaln, I.tiirjatcr Co., Pa., "anil hi November, its tin doctor tm he had a. tnlncarrloge, He United lier for about tiro months or o, but there wi tint tittle Improvement. I wrote you Mler lie hail commenced to take ' Favorite Pre fcrlptlon'aud vou told us to get ' Golden Med ical Ulsccnery' ,iltu. tilie look aix or Mven tiottlei. of ' Kivorit- Prescript Ion ' and two of il'ildcn Medical I)lcoverV and Rot out of bed ami -hie tu .c.innl to tier handhold work." Dr. t'k-rec's Pleasant Pellets cure bili- uui'iess yppi fl ti m. r. ftllllgjn, 10..10 a, m. J. A. Miiih. 11.20 . m-.l. (Ictrlt). 1 p. m. M. Cirmody. 2 p. 111. M. Imliniy. 3.45 p. m. T. McCrthr 4.15 p. in. P. D. Fceor, bUJIJIirS, LTO. " 11 rn., cut I. MoltT. ft a, in., Mt-0. rrounMkrr, 0 a. m vvcil-W. II. M1I10K 12 o'clock noon. v,rt J. tarrlKS. h p. m , ojit-ll. Clllllijan. T p. in., imt from Cju;--Mfi.ii'. 7 p. rn.. vttt from Cajiiea Olnlcr. p. 111 , Mt Iioni Aiiy Aiir E. Inf1. t'UULtt. 10 a, m. I'. I'. Sfcor. prSIIKKS. 8 a. in -Iloii-zr. ll.i.0 1. rn. Morn 7 p. in. Murpbjr. 0 p. m Limplnc. pAssr.N'OF.rt i:noint.i 7 a, m. (bftn'r. 7 1, ni. Sinner. ."..10 p. m.l"ljiilon. 7 1 1. in Vacuum, WILD CO. WKiT. 4 n. 111, I!. V, lUllrll. . a. in. (I. Mull. n 11 in. c. iidioii s 11. in. -.1. llitcr. 11 11 in. 1. .1. O'IIji.i. 1 1 1. in,- lliinrnlj. 4 in t I!. .Mj.'tcn This and Thnt. II . KIltURley, of St. bonis, AIo xpi'ilnl anont of tln Wabash railroad, called 011 Lackawanna railroad ofll elals yesterday, (ieneial Siipurintendeiit T. 12, Clarlte, of the l.ncknwnnim inilroitd, who hart been in Buffalo, X. Y for several lavs, is uNpected home today. .Inhn II. Xoouan, a conductor on th'j Buffalo division of the Lackawnni 1 r.illioad Is In the oily orpanlzlnir u class lot air brake IiihIi notion nniotiB (he tiAlmiK'ii. .Master Cat thillder I.. T. Canlleld, of the Lackawanna inllioad, went to New York lat nlRht and will be ah sent fiom the clly several days Ills chief deili, xtr. .Martin, Is surferlns: from Hie grip. I.iirUawnnna inllioad conductors have been notllled that under no eli- cttmstances win they set off nt (lOiildshoto or any other point, lined potato cats. They must be tnkn tliioiiKh to destination as billed HORSE DROPPED INTO A SEWER Gieat Difficulties Encountered In Get ting It Out. While n team of hot pes owned bv Alason & Pnowden, lumber dealets, -was st.indlnK on Wood street, early .Satur day nioinliiK, the dtlver wns bonified to see the 1 ear less of one of the ani mals suddenly drop UnouKli what a "ii'iiiniit befoie appealed to he solid toadwi.j. Tiip house was unable to e tticate its rear legst anil gradually the foieloRS followed. In this iiosltiun, almost peipendicu lar. the animal contlmted to descend until the sewer. tpral feet liplow, wns leached. Then it turned over and fell upon Its side. The descent had been as gradual and easy an If loweted hv derricks fiom a ship, and not so much as a hair was injured. The itiicstloii now was how 10 res cue the 1111I111.1I from Its remarkable situation. Uieat care had to be exer cised not to distill b the sitrrnundliiK earth, whiciv would have caved In. causing the stnotlivilnt? of the quad luped. It was found Impracticable to t'lff up a denlck and raise the lioise tlirouph the aperture by which It had descended, because that opening, due to the Itmlcht attitude assumed In slnklnir, was not greater titan tour feet sqtutie. After nuzzlltiB oier the enigma lor some time, and after various encliieer-ln- teats had been leconimended by the awe-stikken rrowd, some one con ceived the id'M of diajTKiiiK the lioise down the sewer to the 1-iuknwannii llvei, a half block .ivu.. AccordlnKly the stones and othet Im pediments, Judfi-cd lobe injuilotu- to the hide ot the animal In sliding nlons the sewer basin, weie earetully removed. Hopes v.eie fastened aiound the mil mal by men In liihher boots. Then with a long pull and a steady pull Hie helpless animal was started on Its re matkable slide to the river, wiiete nun and beast triuiuphantlj made an exit, to the prolonged cheets of the multi tude. The got upon its legs, lather stirr fiom lying in the water In an un natural postuie so long, but otheiwlse practically uninjured, excepting one or two abrasions of the skin FLORIDA. Peisonally-Conducted Tour via Penn sylvania Raihoad. ine mat Jacksonville tour of ihe i season via the Pennsylvania ' allow Inn two weeks In Flotilla, leaves Neiv Voik, Philadelphia, and Wash ington by special train I'Vbruaiy :.. exclusion tickets. Including iallwav transportation. Pullman nocnnunmin. 'tlotis (one bcithj. and meals en tome in both dlieitlons while tiavellng on the special tinlu. will be sold at the following 1 ales New York. $'0,000: Hiilfnlo, jr.l.L'.": HocheMci, $.14.00; Kl mlr.i. Jll.t": Kile, $.n.M; Wllllomspnrt. $10.00. Wllkes-Baue, $50,31; and utpro portlonuK rut oh from other points, Km tickets, itini't ailes, and full ln foi niatlon iiiply to ticket agents; B, P. Fiascr, Patsenger Agent Bittfalo DIstitct. ,)07 Alain stieet, Klllcott Buffalo. X. V., V. P.ilnuitefr, I'lty Ticket Agent. JO State stieet. cor ner I'oiluthl.iu, Itocliestot, X. Y.. K, S. Hnitar. Division Ticket Agent, IVllllamspoit, V.x or addiess Ueotge Boyd. Assistant Ceiicinl Passenger Agent. Btond stteo1 station, Philadel phia. Supeiloi Seivice via Lackawanna Raihoad. hi planning a business m pleasure trip one of the most essential leatures in ronsidei Is the lottto that "gets you theie," In tho shortest spaco of time, fewest changes 01 cars, least annoy ance bv dust 'ind smoke, pel feet road lied, best equipment of coaches, dining cats, Pullman sleeping and parlor car.i of the Highest possible standatd of ex cellence that modien Ingenuity ran de vise, such as artorded you by tho Lackawanna raihoad. Through Pull man sleeping cars and coaches to Chicago and St. Louis dally. Twenty four bout? to St. Louis, tvvtnty-oiio hours to Chicago, without olnngo of cars; eighty-seven hours lo C'alltornla. with only one chnngc of cms, and twenty-six hours to Jacksonville, Fla. Tho very lowest intes of faio to all points. Apply to tho nearest T , L. und V ticket agent, either In peison, by telephone or by letter, und you v.-lli receive prompt attention ond com-, cous tieatmeut. An experiment farm 14 la lie slailnl ''00 mil en from Manila by Ihe United Matt Philippine coininUelon (or the purpoo of uscrrtalnlni; what weda uiiil jilant) fiori thli country ran Go tuc ceitlully lulthatcd on the Vir IUtem lilaii'U, Tho Piihertlty o( California will rnl (mm lta experiment etllonn the icqulred ntdJ und pla'iti. EFFECT OF THEJHANGES WHAT COMBINING TROCESS WILL DO FOR SCRANTON. Will Cause Many Men Who Hold Important Positions Here to Bo Dispensed with Entirely or Taken to the Head Ofllces of the Compa nies Centralization Will Take Much of the Office Work of the Companies from Scranton ruturc of the Cool Business. Tlieie Is much speculation as to the probable local effects of the gieat an thracite and railwaycomhlnatlons. The changes have tecently been ho inpU and so momentous that they make, the head whirl. A gentleman pioml nently connected with one of the mil lodds which has been a hiavy fac tor In the ttansformatlon scenes ot tho past few weeks, temaiked tho other day: "I'vcij morning wc get tip wondering whom we are wot king for today. We can't pretend to keep Hack of the changes. Tltev ate simply paialvzllic." Porno of these big dels lur.e been accomplished In on Incredibly brief space of time. Lot ally, the sale of the Alount Pleasunt colliery, fiom stait lo Mulsh, rcall occupied but 11 few minutes. The nwncts when fltb appioachcd had no mote idea of sell ing their mines than of selllni; their lamilles. In the case of the Conltal Ualltond of Now Jersey, Ptesident Alaxwell hut a day ot two befote sold a quantity of prefcired stock In tho Heading, m utteily unionsclotis was ho that the deal was pending. I'eiltaps Piosldcnt Alacwell was not a cry wiatliful man, but those who know him best are not prep.ued lo give a certiorate of amia bility of temper posesssed by that gen tleman for the past ten days, lie had been dining with Alt. Baker, of tho I'lle, and other well-known railroad men, dally at the Lawyers' club, but had not the remotest notion of such a change in his pilnelpalllles and pow ers The loss he sustained through unloading his Heading stock was con siderable, us Heading went upward Immediately after the sale. INFORMATION' SCARCi:. In the mmored negotiations with which the Delaware and Hudson com pany Is connected, those most con cerned nppaiently know as little of the piobable fate of their holdings ni of a copper mine In Alontam. Plot pom Alorgan does not seem to be taking the public, even the infinitesimal por tion or It which lias happened to en teitnln the delusion that It contiolled Trunk lines, nto his confidence Any morning he mav set lorth to buy .1 railroad which not a soul among the owners thereof have the icmotcst Ide.i ot selling. The Delnwni" and Hudson stock reached "Oil In war times, since when It has been near Ps present status. It Is stated that the stock will go much higher befoie It stops. Todav the flist of the Important changes uricctltis th Pennsylvania coal company will take place In tho transfer to the Kile. Just what local metamorphosis will lesult Is as yet undlvulged. It Is sal, to even those supposed to be most Intel csted. Per "latent rumors ate slill extant tint the Smith legime will be lesumed. It Is declined by those In a position to know, that the mighty consolida tion of coal and railway Interests io going to have an effect on this city de cidedly unexpected by the tnajoilty of people to whom the ptosperlty ol this legion Is a. mutter of vital Importance. The gieat combinations will tesult In the centiallzatlon of olllelal and clett cal fotces In New Yoik, thus abolish ing many local positions, now held. For instance, one large company has nl leady mnteilally alteted Its bookkeep Dr. Jamus' Headache rowdcra. A WOMAN'S NERVES. Cares and worries of life are often too mnoh for tho delicate nerve organ ism. Headaches conic dis truotingjpoai'edeMroying lieuditches. But there's a cure. Dr. James' Headache Powders S00U10 and strengthen tho irritated norves take ttway t lie headacho al most before you know it. No stupefying, deadening drugs. Nothing that can a fleet the heart. At all DriiK Stores. 4 doses 10 cents. Curo Win re otlicri Fall. A Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forover. Dn. t. PEI.IX r.oriiAUli-s miiFNTAi C'llKAM. UU MACilCAL UKAUllFIEJt. as e all a TtniAa Tn IHmnli Ramon Ttn, rimrlM, rncklaa, sh'im ),.., iinii una OKia dlitucj. ud crerjr blcmUh os 23S e j "aiy, uia aun tfrurilan. II ku (luua u MO M M Jmii, ud 1 hirniln, tut M tn b mir It It proi exly tottl. Acctpt uo counterfeit of Imlloxuune. Dr. I A. fiajr aild to av ladr ot tha bauVtom a iiaiientii -ai 70m tales will me them. I recommend 'Oour aud t Crtam ' aa tb lettt bermfol of all the SUn prtptr. llont " Ker aIe bT all Draraleta ana FamJT-Oo1 Dealera lo the H, S, Canacat, and Kan, run. T. BorXIKS. rnp'r, n Ore Jes , K.T. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousnoss. Constipation, I Dyspopsla. and Llvof Complaint. SU&MR COMTBI). ISold by all drugftst ay man. Ncn lis Medical Co., Chlcj; dold by McGarrah k Tliomu. DniL'iiti. ZOO I LatLiuanna atcnue, bcranton, l'a. 5&jrTC .rO nmsr zx m r.v) 'i2S3 St' Jf BC7 rrikV-B.-flfYl y yk Kdpy aft) I' 1 tilll JIl flKl cli'ijimil 100 PILLS 25 CTS. ing system, and much of the work hitherto done In Scranton has been taken to tho general ofllces. TO CUT KXPKNSKS. Several positions hcrctofme com manding fancy salaries will be dis covered n no longer Oiling a long-felt want anil will he abandoned ir ie solved Into mere clerkships. Theie will bo a consolidation of duties hitherto divided among several superintend ents, thus cutting off another material source of expense. Ah to the future of the coal 'business In this legion, a prominent citizen closely In touch with the greatest In tel ests ot the city said on Saturday: "There will be no mure buying up tho pioperty of Individual operators at fancy prices, Tho operators who have held on to their conl enterprises would be dunces to sell now to the big cor porations. Since the adoption of tho i'l per cent, contract, the men who hnvo not sold will Ond that they can make good pmllts, ns they are ptotcctcd hy the his companies. "You will notice," he continued, that there Is little more talk of the 1 cumin liitf mines being sold to the cairylng companies. The coal properties of E. L. Fuller. William Council & Co., Brooks t Dale, and others aie not now dally repotted as about to be trans feried. I believe some of the men who have sold are now sorry, even though they may have tecelved a high llgurc. As for the peilodlcal ciy that the coal In tills valley Is neinly exhausted, wo need not worry about it during the present centitrj, when the subsequent ptoccedlugH will probably Interest us no mote. "Theie Is coal enough heie to make a gieat many men rich and to furnish sustenance and comfort for thousands of wotklngnien and their families. "In this tespect we aic entering upon an era of unexampled prosperity lor Kcranton, as there Is a ptospect that the conditions will be so controlled thnt there will be little opportunity for friction and consequent uncertainty." Colds Melt Away If you use Krause's Cold Cine. Pro pared In convenient capsule form they are easy to take and effect ta speedy cure of the most obstinate cases. Price 23c. .Sold by Matthews Bros. Fast Time to Portland CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY T11K "CHICAGO-l'ORTLAND SrE CIA1." leaves Chicago 6.30 p. m. dally, la Chicago-Union Pacific and North Western Line, arrives Portland, Oregon, afternoon of third day. No change of cars; meals in Dining Cars. Ituffet Library Cars with barber. Tourist Sleepers daily. Personally conducted excursions every week. The best of everything. The Pacific Express leaves 10.30 p. m. dally. Call on any agent for tickets or address 4St Broadtail, Nitit ferft 415 Iit St., Cincinnati 307 SmlthfH St., Pit tl burg 134 Suptrlar St., Clwtland Ml Cm'f St.SMIadtlthla SC8 Wathlnaton St., Botton 301 Haiti St., Suffahl 17Campui'Martlu, Detroit 112 Ctr SI., Chicago 3KlngSt.,Eatt,Toroi)t;Ont. WESTMIiNSTEli HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvine; Place, NEW YORK. American Tlan, (3.W per day and upward. European PI id. $1.C0 per daj and upward. t. D. CRAWrORD, Proprietor. -A--f-f-a----f-f-f-t--f'--t-f-t--f- -f . rui uuaiiics') jut;" 4- In the heart ot Uis wholciala - diitrlcu I For Shoppers a. t minutes' walk to Wanamakeraj I.11I1UICO lU k3tda wui.a. a Mi Btore. Easy ot access to tho great Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'war Cars, giv ing easy transportation to all points of Interest. i HOTEL ALBERT : X NEW YOKK. I - f Cor. 11th ST. UNIVEnBITT Pu. -f 4- Only one Block from Broadway. t ROOmS, $1 Up. PrfcEef.AnNal.e f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f WINTER RESORT. "Tlr.ough the Hesperian Gardens of the West" Runs the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED." The Tlnest Thlujj on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." Special Ihroujth trains eonalrtliif ol uleeplntt and dining-cars will leae New York eicry Sat. urday, Tuoday and Tliuwday, eonnjetinj di rectly with tho "itint Limited" at New Orleans, for full Information, free illustiuled painiTi let, mapj and tlme-tatile, also lowejt rate, aletplna; car tickets and bcgeairc chrckril, apply to boutlirm I'aclnc Co., 100 8. Third atrtel, Philadelphia, Pa. The Dickson Miuiuractiirlns Co. fccranton ond Wtlket-IIarra, f.c, Manufaciurara of L0C0M0T1VGS, STATIONARY ENGINES Hollers. Ilolatlnnand Pumplnz Machinery. Qeneral Offlce. Scranton, Pa, arftr arrrr tt.lni.lnj tpmallu, aiTT. 117, no.pitai aaa aiuit ourgeou lant. Or. THEEU 527 North Sixth St. Philadelphia, l'o.OAU Abases, OloodFolscn.Varlcocole.Strlcture cnreil 111! to 10 rinva. The moat danserou aollrlted. 'IIM DIUTSOHIR ARXT." Treat. mrni 11; n,u. , nenn or Mworn le.umoniaia hook ei. poiing cm j I sis luiillule.Lleclrkal Medical traud. FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER Dai'ttRltwiiamn AL In uur own home, we urnUh the aenulDB anrl onlylltlUlLBUlilULTiEiJT. UUllKHIMkUCTHasiLia toauy reaaeror inn paper. pe Hverr a,,Bf vrri l lo coin Benin, eu.rMii rlf,, COSTS with moet all other treatmeu AlMOIT HOTHIKO i eat!i.C,rewliie ell competed I other ,lc. rie teiu, eiieii.ece, tea nnlin ull. OOICK ORE tor ir.- . '" ui.iBiMiiii jcr ttu nrrrou. dltea.w. and dlwrderi. Kor complete sealed ranadentlal reteloKue, eut iku adeul eed sell leak SEARS, ROEOUCK&. CO., Chicago. rjyRI aevea ) SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. NO. 199. NO. 199. NO. 199. NO. 199 The above is the number of our famous Connolly & Wallace Special Long Cloth, put up in 12-yard pieces at $1.50 per piece. Hi M 1 The name of the finest, heaviest and best Bleached Cotton on the market. These are short lengths of from 2 to 10-yard pieces. It is universally sold at I2c per yard. During the White Sale at 8)4c a yard. 81x90. 81x90. 81x90. 81x90 ATLANTIC5. The above refers to Atlantic Bleached Sheets, size 2 1-4 yards wide, 2)4 long. This is well known as the very best brand of sheets to be had and the above 'is the best selling size. During the White Sale 50 cents each. CONNOLLY STATEMENT OF THE OF SCRANTON. United States Depositary. At the close of business Dec. 13. 1900. RESOURCES. loans rind Investments ?3,175,478.3G Banking House 38,590.64 Cash and Reserve.... 536,879.10 $3,750,057.19 LIABILITIES. Capital ? 200,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits .. . 57,005.20 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits . . 2,415,536.08 U. S. Deposits 422,720.30 Due to Banks 54,785.53 S3,750,957.10 WILLIAM ( ONNLLL. TrfiiilenU 1IEXUY DELIN. .III., Vice-lVeildent. WILLIAM 11. PECK, Cashier. Lager Beer Brewery Mnmiracturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 480 to 450 N. Ninth Street, Pfl Teleplions Cull. 233 J. THE IIIIOOSIC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and2, Com'lth BTd'g. B0RANTON, TA. ninlng and Blasting POWDER Muds MMooala and RualiJsJ Work. LAFLIN RAND POWDnR CO.'S ORANOE OUN POWDER Klictrlo Bsttsrlas. KlootrloKiplodari, zplodlDz blaal. Safety Fuas a,al Roiaum Chemical Ca's p'i'vh mm w M full; M i & WALLACE, f -M-ft-f f tfr-H"H"f H SB Lace I w Curtain News! Shrewd buyers will take advantage ? nrifpS marie nn nut" nnfirA T eir Pii.fnin small lots at a fraction of t I FURNITURE COVERINGS 4 t -I ARTISTIC - I HIGH-GRADE BEDDING I f t t WILLIAnS&flcANULTY LEADERS IN CARPETS, WALL PAPER, DRAPERIES, 129 Wyoming Avenue t-H-H-H-r-H-H-M-t- t-H-H-f 4 - - H Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, M Heaters. i KG-S17 PENN AVENUE. DR, DENSTEN Tbyslclau and Sureaa 311 Spry;) St, Tcnip.u Uun Building SCRAN ION PA. All acuta and cbrcnlc cliteuss ot men. wo. men anJ children. C11UO.MO hEUVOUS, 11UAIN AND WAS1INQ UlsiEASKS A SPEC IALTY. All diecasca ol tho Llvtr, Kldneva, Uladder, bklo, lilood, Nervti, Womb, Eye, I'ir, Ncie, Throat, un.l Luii, Cancera, l"umor, I'liei, Kupturr, Uoltrc, ItbcurnatUm, Aittima, Catarrli, Varlocotele. Loet Jlanliooi, Nightly Emissions, all Female Dneaaes, Irfucorrhoea, etc, Clonnorrhca, Syplillli. Ulood 1'oUon. Indlicrc. tlcn and joutblul haulta obllirjicl. burgery, HI,, Lpllcpy, tape and btom-i Uorrut. CA. TAItimUONL'. bpeclflo lor Cutarrli. Tlirej month' treatment only ti.00. Trial tree In cltlce. Coniultatlon and examination free. Omce houn dally and Sunday, 8 a, in. (a 9 p. m. DR. DENSTEN GUNSTER New rork Mills 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE ot the special Stock. Many their real value. " -est. - COUCH COVERINGS FURNITURE. i - -t I HEAVY DRAPERIES I e . - - M - H t t ft Florey & Brooks Ali.Seaso.ns'Sports u7 211 Washington Avenue. eJLlfA HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent lor the Wyoming Diitrlct tor DUPONT'S POWDER. Mlnlnc, niaatlmr, Eportlnc Smokeless and thj Kepauno Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety Tux, dps ami Eiploden. Roots 401 Cvn oell Dulldlni:, Scranton. AUENCIKS: m 'A I o ;i SKATES SHARPENED TH01. FOItl) Pltliten JOHN n. SMITH Is SON l'ljmoutl, W. i:. MULLIOAN WllkeaBans r f k t i&m .esMfrvlWU i U Jsf4eV . . jfcutu nf,"- JnSJint.m'm u