The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Speilal 'i the scranton Tribune
MontroFP, .Inn. ll.-Tlu jri'itud Jury
of HuHtiiicliuniHi county, tor the Jnmi
my trim of court, ronvcneil In thin
place on Monday.
Iovl T. Hlrclmrtl, of Illrchtmlvllle,
wns tlin Biiest of frlcntls In town on
John Howard, the liicpri-HMblc -ilnno.
oi-Riin mill Hewlntf machine dealer, of
Camptown, P.t., wan trnnmtctlni; html
news here H.ittndny.
Hela Olnin, of IIusIivIIIp. I vIhUIiik
Montrose rclatlvvH.
Mlsa Maine Kccler, of liltiulmniton,
who has been vlsltlm nt Deputy
Sheriff Lcoiinrd'H. hat i canned homo.
A. AV. Kent, of Urooklyn, wan In
town Saturday.
Mim. J. K. Hunter, of S.iyre. Pa.. Is
In town. heln- Hitmtnoned here hy the
(crlous Illness of hei- step-mother, Mrs.
D. S. tViitrous. Mrs. Wutrous it re
ported much better.
The -trip Is an unwelcome vltdtor nt
many Montrose homes at present.
Walter Ilenedlct litis Biine to I.ester
shlre, N. V to reside, hnvliifr seemed
a Rood position In the shoe factory.
A second Inrife filrnace has Just been
Installed In Village hall, and It Ii be
lieved that the stiuctuie can be made
comfortable hereafter. In even the cold
est weather.
Kdwln It. Weeks, a native of this
place, who had gained celebrity as nn
Impersonator and tenor soloist, hns
Just nppenred In Uoston and his quaint
humor and drollery have taken the
ciltlcal audiences of that city by stonn.
Mr. Weeks has signed a contract with
the Hldpjth Lyceum bureau, for next
season, at it Milaiy of $1,000 a month
and expenses.
Itev. James W. Putnam. I). U., of
New York, has been eiiKUKeil by the
VIIUiRe Improvement society to give a
course- of lllustiatcd lectures In this
place about the middle of next month.
Seats are Helling rapidly for the risk
Jubilee Singers, who will appear at
Village hall on Thursday evening next.
ANoble Outcast," a four-act diama,
l- being tehoam-d by n cast composed
entirely of our best local talent, and
will be presented to the public on
Tuesday evening, January "IS.
All the Philadelphia moinlng dallies
now reach Montrose at U o'clock n. m.
All the business linns save one have
entered heartily Into the early closlnc
movement Just Inauguiated heie. and
that one tlrm Is now suffering bv a
general boycott on the part of our citi
zens. In an effoit to counteract this,
the H nn offers a discount of 10 per
cent, on all cash purchases made of
them after 6 o'clock on the two even
ings of the week when all other busi
ness places are closed.
!). J. G. Wilson has had his resi
dence on Maple street connected with
the steam nlpe from the electile light
plant and finds the heat pioduced very
satisfactory. The court house Is now
heated from the electric light plant,
mid other buildings and residences will
soon bo slnillaily heated.
The Altar society of St. Man's
church hold a service Satin day morn
ing In memory qf the late Mrs. Cnth
erlnc O'ltilen.
It W expected that a number of
prominent Republican politicians will
leave for Harrlsburg today to witness
the icnewnl of the senatorial battle.
friends, the following reports come In:
Whipple ThomoE, Improving nicely
and i.ecovery will be speedy. Rev. II.
II, Wilbur, Imnlovlnr slowly ibut very
satisfactorily, with hopes of ultimate
lefovery. IJ. D. Oardncr, getting bet
ter. Mrs. I). D. Gardner Is no better
at this wrltlnrr.
Mrs. K. L. Wntklns leturncd Sun
day from Jenulngsvlllc, Pa., where she
has been mil sing her mother the past
Assistant Postmaster Sherry Taylor
spent the day last Friday In Scrnn
ton, attending a meeting of the au
ditors o the Kast Mountain Llthta
Water company.
Prof. Henry Sherwood, of Katonvllle,
has been appointed mercantile ap
praiser for Wyoming Icounty.
The Ice thnt Is now being harvested
Is thirteen Inches thick nnd clear as
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Sprlngvllle. .Jnn. 14. Kred Cogs
well, of kymnnsvllle, died on F-lduy
night last of typhoid t'over. and the
body was burled Monday In the New
ton cemetery. A wife hnd two small
children are left to mourn the death of
u kind husband and father.
Davis D. I.ayton Is finishing the
rooms over the store which he le
cently purchased, for dwelling pur
Ralph K. Kerr has sold his farm In
tne eastern part of the township to
A. D. Johnson.
Stuart Riley has sold th house and
lot which he purchased a llitl-i over a
year ago, to Mrs. Smith, widow of the
late Justus Smith.
Ij. O. Culver will have n new 1In2
of wall paper the latter part of Jan
uary ready for inspection. Wall papjr
has tumbled In price.
Henry C. Aincy wan up fiom i.emou
Saturday on business, nnd while here
called at Culver's shop and ordered
a set of wheels for his carriage.
The funeial of Mrs. Roxle Howlaud
took place here on Fildny, her death
declining at the home of her laugh
ter, Mrs. Reynolds, of Brooklyn, Pa.,
The funeral service was heM at the
home of Mrs. Xancy Culver, also a
duughler, with Interment In Sprlng
vllle cemetery. Rev. O. II. thtvl offi
ciated. Dr. Packard was hastily summoned
Sunday to attend James I. Runnel!,
who was Koiiously sick with an at
tack of pneumonia.
Thursday evening a party of school
pupils attempted to make a visit to
one of their number, Nellie Mnicy,
who lives about four miles east iiom
here. They got as far as W. I.. Shell s'
place, where there Is a steep hill, and
It was so covered with ice that they
did not attempt to descend, and so
they came back to J. O. I.yman's.
where they had their party.
A. O. Dlmlaif was settlinr out the
fourth ho of clgais the other day on
his wedding. Art doesn't do things by
halves and the boys appreciated his
generosity. Mny his old age be gieen.
ftpcelil to the Scranton Tribune.
Facloryvllle, Jan. It. Special -services
will be conducted at the Raptlst
chin ch eveiy evening this week.
Paulowna Rebekah lodge will enter
tain their sisters from Tunkhaimock
tonight. The degree work will bo
lonfencd, nfter which a social will
In- held and refreshments served. All
nrvmbers are respectfully requested to
bo present.
Today Is the last day of work at the
milk eondensory at I.u Plume. Tonight
at C o'clock the whistle will blow for
the last time and llrcs will be drawn
from the engines and a thirty or forty
thousand dollar industry will throw
up the sponge. The few families and
lesldents of La Plume borough nre
sal over the loss of the one industry
that fed the town. Not ho with the
employes of the above-named "estab
lishment. They are celebrating tlitj
event tonight with a banquet and a
Eoclal, The machinery and stock In
the tinning department has been re
moved, and this department will to
night be converted Into a banquet hall
and the echo of the laughter and mu
sic of the merrymaking employes will
vibrate through the other desetted
partn of a once-promising pjant.
From the bedsides of our sick
Eczema for
The Unqualified Statement of a Well
Known Attorney, St. Ignace, Mich.
Some of the cures made by Dr. A. W.
Chile's Ointment of stubborn and long con
tinued eczema and skin diieases are causing
much comment.
People are begin
ning to realize that
tbls Ointment is a
wonder worker with
all kinds of skin
trouble. Attorney
Jas, J. Brown, St.
Ignace, Michigan,
writes as follows:
Dr. A. W.Chase
Med. Co.. Buffalo,
N, Y. Gents: I
cannot refrain from
expressing my acknowledgment for the relief
I have felt from Dr. Chase's Ointment. For
40 years I was afflicted with a skin disease
which was located In one spot on my leg,
I have spent at a rough estimate five hun
dred dollars trying to effect a cure, and not
until I applied this ointment did I get relief.
Vou are strangers to me and this letter Is
prompted directly because I want to say and I
feel as though I ought to say It. That
Chase's Ointment has effected a complete
cure ot my affliction, Three boxes did the
work on my leg, I was also suffering from
itching piles and applied the ointment which
gave the host of satisfaction by affording me
rest at night and Vapidly causing the disease
lo disappear. I have received surh relief
avid comfort from the ointment that 1 cannot
withhold expiesslng my gratitude. I was so
long afflicted with the tortures of eczema I
tttl fiow that I am cured, a word of recom
mendation Is due from me.
Yours truly,
Dr. Chafe's Ointment is sold at 50 cents a
'nx it all dealers or Dr. A. Y. Chase's Mcdi
cite Co,, buffalo, N, Y.
Spiclal lo Hip Sciantnu Tiibune.
Honesdale. Jnn. 14. Miss Sophia
Schlager. of Scranton, has been spend
ing a few days with Mrs. David Men
ner. Miss Kmma Patterson is the guest of
fi lends In Scranton.
Work on the new Iron bridge to lake
the place of the down-town covered
bildge. which spans the Lackawaxen
river. Is nt a standstill. The founda
tion has been ready for some weeks,
but the lion structure, which was to
bo In place ready for travel by Janu
ary 21, has not yet arrived.
On Saturday the Delaware ami Hud
son paymaster paid the few residents
of Honesdale who nre still In the em-
Ploy of the company. The coming or
the paymaster at one time meant a
large sum of money for the -orkmen
and business men of Honesdale. It
means very little now. What work
done here at present Is by men brought
from Caibondale.
Sad. Indeed, is the condition of Will
iam Carey, of Farvlew, who eaily In
the winter had his hands and feet bad
ly frozen. First both hands were am
putated, and about a week ngo both of
his feet were amputated. The Indica
tions nie that ho will lecover, and
pass the remainder of his life In this
crippled condition.
Lyman II. Howe's exhibition of mov
ing pictures nt the opera house Tues
day evening, under the auspices of the
Honesdale Methodist church. In addi
tion to Paris exposition, Roor-Urltlsh
war and other pictures, there will be
an elocutionist and pianist.
Speilal tu th' Scranton Tribune
Nicholson, Jnn. 14. G. W. Weaver,
of Scranton, was a caller In town on
Mr. and Mim. A. P. Renjamln, ot
Scranton, spent Sunday with the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Mc
Klnney. ltuel Tlngley, of Foster, wns a caller
In town on Friday,
Miss Maine MacConnell, on her way
home from Wllllamsport, spent Thurs
day with her sister, Mrs. C. II. Mac
Connell. F. N. Royle, of Susquchnnna, scent
Sunday with his daughter, .Mrs, M. D.
Prof. A. 1.. Thayer has a class at
North Harford.
H. T. Wllklns, who wn seriously
poltonc.l with schumac. Is slowly Im
proving. N. I.. Walker called on friends in
town last week.
Mrs. D. W. Titus Is 111.
Several families are ainicted w'lth
Killed at Tobyhonna. to the Scranton Tribune.
Tobyhannn, Jan. 14. litis llelle
man, an elderly Oermun living about
one mllo westl of the town, was struck
and killed by train No, 2 yesterday
moinlng, The deceased was about B8
year, old and leave a wife. Mr. Heile
man bus been a resident of Tobyhanna
for a long time. Airangements for fu
neral nro not yet made.
Kvause's Headache Capsules
are unlike anything prepared In Amer
ica. They were first prescribed by Dr.
Kruuse, Oermnny's famous court phy
sician, long before antlpyrlne was dis
covered,, and nro almost marvelous, so
speedily da they euro the most distress
ing canes. PilceS.'p. Sold by Matthew
frank Morse's Experience After He
Had Tried to Save n Drowned Boy.
Prom the New Yoik Sun.
Frank Morse, the Princeton foot ball
nlnver. who has Just returned from nn
extended business trip througll China
nnd Japan, tolls nn Interesting story
nbout the Japanese.
"In the latter part of August," lie
says. "I was traveling by rickshaw
to Hlashlma. a'smnll place! In the In
terior of the Island. As we approached
a village I noticed a little knot ot peo
ple outside of a rlco field who seemed
to be vety much excited nbout some
thing. I told my man to hurry up and
when we came to the crowd I was told
that a little boy had been drowned
In one of the Irrigation streams In the
llro Held. Ho was lying on some
straw on his belly and his parents
were burning Incense und crying soft
ly while the relatives and neighbors
exhoited the gods to bilng him back
to life. Of course I did not know how
long the boy had been In the wntsr
or what the chances of saving him
were, but I did know that all the In
cense and exhortation wouldn't do him
any good, while the application of 'Hist
aid to Injured,' might. So I Jumped
down, btushed the cxhorters nslde and
picked tho boy up.
"I saw nt once that he was gone, but
."till I had seen wondeis worked on
drowned people and I sailed In for
fair. Well. I worked for an hour,
kneading his etoincli until I got all
the water out or lil-n und then rubbing
him from head to foot In an endeavor
to get: the blood circulating. I kept a
lot of the villagers working, too, and
If there had been any way of saving
the little fellow we would have done
It. Rut he was past help and so I fin
ally gave It up.
"I had accomplished absolutely
nothing except to get my white flan
nels covered with mud, nnd I wasn't
sure but thnt the villagers might re
sent my Intcrfeience In their method
of saving tht- boy, In view of the fact
that 1 had failed to bring him back
to life. I started to get back Into my
'rickshaw when nn elderly man mo
tioned me to stay a moment. I turned
mound and saw coming from every di
rection men and women with whltu
cloths nnd bowls of water. They put
tbi' water down alongside of me and
then went to woik on my soiled cloth
ing. In a few minutes they had me
looking quite lespectnble again. I
wanted to do something In return for
this courtesy, so as tho mother nnd
father can-led their dead boy away I
gave my Interpreter some money and
told him to take It to the patents with
my compliments and tell them to use
It lor the funeral of the little fellow.
Then I Jumped Into the 'rickshaw and
we went away on our Journey.
"Later in the day on the reuirn ulp
I passed through 'the same vlll.igo
where I tried to save the boy. Well,
rlr, the tip went ahead that 1 was oo'ii
Ing and every mnn. womnn and child
tinned out to greet me. They formal
Into two lines, through which I passed
In my 'rickshaw and as I passed they
bowed very low. The mother and
father of the dead boy came out and
prostrated themselves on the ground
In fiont of me. I was quite touched
by It all and felt that I would have
given almost anything to lu able to
save that boy. They would have de
tained us If I had let them, but I Mill
had a long jouiney to make and so In
sisted on going on.
"Well. sir. not satisfied with the
demonstration they had made In my
honor, whnt did the parentrt of that
bov do hut trudge over to the factory
I had visited und try ami find out who
I was. The head man there told them
the name of the reproontntlvo of my
linn at R.mto and at their request he
wrote a lotl-'r which I have just le
coived here in New York. The Mter
Is in Japanese, but our men at Rants
translated It for me and snt on both
the orlginnl letter and the translation."
This Is the letter leferred to hy Mr.
"When a gentleman trom your New
York otrice came around to this vil
lage on his last visit to the matting
district ho passed a boy drowned In
the ditch by the road. As soon as ho
look at the corpse he went to him
and exerted his utmost efforts to ies
cue the hoy with eveiy possible means.
Unfortunately, tho coipse being found
unrecoverable at any way, lie went
away leaving the parents of the lx,y
a certain sum of money In hand, and
then he looked as It he had done noth
ing In It.
"The family being a very poor ll'ar
mer In the country hnd flt the blesi
Ing as If htey met with a light In
tho darkness. A few days ago the
parents ot the child proceeded to my
lesldenee hero and heartily expressed
their gratitude, asking mo to send
their best best regards to the gentle
man, with as much woids of thanks
as possible. I shall feel obliged If you
weie good enough to deliver their
words to the gentleman."
jralnf. The tosses aro confined to the
four western provinces, those of Santa
Clara, Matanzus, Havana nnd Plnar
del Rio. In tho eastern provinces, San
tiago and Puerto Principe, every dis
trict gained. Some districts In the
western provinces gained slightly; they
were those In which the reconccntrn
clos were collected, nnd those In which
there was little or no reconccntratlon,
Into which the people had fled for ref
uge. The losses of population were
where Weyler's rule was most felt.
Thero nro ninety-six cities In Cuba
of over 1,000 Inhabitants; sixteen
have more than 8,000 Inhabitants, five
more than SJi.OOO, and one more thnn
200,000. The exact population of Hav-.
una Is placed at 235,931. A vety large
proportion of the population Is thus
foen to be In the cities. The centre of
population Is In Snnta Clara province,
thirty miles southwest of the city of
Santa Clara, and eight miles north
east of Clenfuegos; It has moved
twnty-rour miles southeast since 1SST.
The census shows that even In Cuba
the women ale more apt than the men
to piefer round nnd small numbers as
their ages. "In a stationary popula
tion, 20.3 per cent, of nil persons be
tween the ages of 20 and 25 are actual
ly 20; hut In Cuba 23 per cent, ot the
males and 27. per cent, or the females
leported themselves as 20." The na
tive whites constitute ilT.S per cent,
of the population; foreign whites con
stituted ! per cent.; colored. Including
negroes and mixed, 32 per cent., while
the Chinese made less than 1 per cent,
of the population. The foreign-born
element, ns In the United States, con- j
gregates mostly In the cities: nearly
one-third of the total foreign-born I
nooulatlon is in Havann. Flchtv-threc I
per cent, of the population Is Cuban, l'
per cent, claimed Spanish citizenship,
and 11 per cent, had not declnred their j
Intentions when the census was taken. !
Of the Inhabitants, 63.9 per cent (1,- '
001,884) were unable to read; 2.1 per
cent. (23,003) could rend, but could not
write1 32.7 per cent. (,".11,310) could
write, but had nn superior education,
nnd 1.2 per cent, had superior educa
tion lfl.l&S In number. Two persons
in Cuba out of every fifteen aie Il
legitimates. THE MANY-SIDED LLOYD'S.
Special .Features or tlie Uient Marine
Insurance Agency, s
I'luiii Aili.leu'H M.iiiarinr.
There Is n phllanthiople side to the
coiporatlon of Lloyd's. Whenever they
hear tluougli any of their vast army
of agents of any deed of heroism on
the deep they Immediately communi
cate with the hero or hciolne and com
memoiate the deed by striking oft a
medal which Is presented to the on
who hus earned It. The committee i.f
Lloyd's has a standing advertisement
111 Lloyd's Weekly Shipping Index, re
questing all captains who may call at
Rrltlsh ports to "communicate any In
formation concerning any wieck or
vessel In dlstiess, or making u long
passage, to Lloyd's agent at the first
port of call. The 1 value of such Intel
ligence to lemlnd captains how often
such news may he the means of con
veying to the wives 'and families of
officers anil ciewn the assurance of tho
safety of their husbands or fathers."
At an otllce on the ground tlnor of
the Royal Exchange, .Lloyd's nnswers,
iivu of charge, all soits of Inquiries
lrom the Wives, other relatives, or the
sweethearts of, sailors anxious about
the cruise of poor Jack, or deslious
of finding out where his ship may be.
There Is a list kept by which the
whcieabnuts of any Rrltlsh vessel may
he found In a twinkling. An import
ant book Is the "Captain's Register,"
containing the blopraphy of more than
30,000 camuinnderr In the merchant
service of Client Rrltaln. Another
volume not high In favor with tho
undenvrlteis Is called tho ("Rlack
Rook," In which milng and wrecked
ships are lecorded. Lloyd's publishes
what Is pinctlcally a list of all tho
mei chant vessels ot the world, meas
uring one hundred tons or moie. It
Is called "Lloyd's Register of Rrltlsh
and Foreign Shipping," and It tells nil
about every seagoing craft worth men
tioning, giving her tonnage, dimen
sions and the name of her captain and
Taken Almost Wholly by Cubans
and Approximately Correct.
Plum Hie New Yoik Sun.
By the census taken last year the
population or Cuba Is placed nt 1,572,
"97, 0 decrease or CS.S10 In the twelve
years since the last previous census
was taken. The process or taking the
censuH was Interesting, and is set forth
in General Sanger's report to the War
department, dated August 20 of this
year. It wns decided hy the secretary
or war thnt, us the census was ror the
Cubans primarily, they themselves
should take It under competent guid
ance; so that, as General Sanger points
out, It Is n census of Cuba by the
Cubans. Thcio mny be defects In It,
but It Is the "opinion of the people of
Cuba and of the expert statisticians
who have been analyzing the figures
thut they bear the Impress or honest
It was necessaiy to educate almost
tho entire corps of officials. The super
visors of the six provinces were
brought to Washington and Instructed
for a week In the work which they
were to manage. On their return they
Instructed their deputies and selected
enumerators, who In turn instructed
the others. The eensus wns taken very
iiipldly; General Sanger says It com
paies favorably with our own census
In that respect. One bundled und
forty-two women were engaged as
enumeratois nnd rendered excellent
service. This is said to bo tho (list
time In thet history of Cuha that wo
men have been employed In tho public
Of the results shown by the census,
General Sanger presents many of in
terest. The mortgage Indebtedness of
the Island amounted to 58 per cent, of
the vuluu of the rural real estate and
to 79 per cent, of the city real estate,
on the valuation on tho registers of
property made before American occu
pation began. As to tho population. In
seventy-nine dUtrlcts there was a loss
since 1SS7; In fortv-seven there were
1 1 he fulloniiig cler lurcily of KIplins'H iiuiiu
was wiltteii li.v l'rt'ilerkk Tietnr Hill. .111 Inti
mate Mtml o( Itoliert W. Chamber', whosu
"fjmliilc MjV" It ilioetts:)
V 'jf written of a bool.,
'of uur Poll,
An' V nii('ilnit 'our il' Ium'-
With tli" inoli!
lint Vh ilone tli' tliliiR afme.
An It's come to be J lime
,lit to reail Itomelke Noie
Ain't It Hub?
(I. 'o tuning to tudillii (jiue,
llii nui Hob,
n' 'p uolii' up lth a mine
Sanio as llobf.
An' wot others get so low,
'e uicoinplliht at ono blow.
Ilif.t n(ar buried Mm in ilouuli
What m.v, llcb?
can WTlte u I holy lut'ij.
Can our Hob.
'c' a master 11 imMco
If our Hob
n'i 'c' onto nifjic' cunen
All tli' ark If '! prccie,
- Ihcn caterplllcrV nmn
'thrill Ihroujdi II0I1V.
'e ran shake n lesr In rli.' me.
Can our Hob,
An' 'Is "Shadows" it jM pi line
Puller soli.
'e tan white In pioe 01 fcne,
e la "icmtlle" or worse!
Now I'm join' to 'ao a tuii-a
At jer. Hob!
Yer Mal If pictl) foollii
.Master Hob,
Hashed with scientific nhoulln',
P'lcioor Hob.
Hut It doesn't all rins tiue;
Therce's an opera-bouneUh hue
About the llilmr. It will not dot
Vo 'em; Hob!
1), I know wot .von will ay
Skipper Bob,
Tint yer "pllotln' jer way"
Through yer nob:
nut jer'ie got too big a ale
To be caielcw In n (tale,
Spaie our Craft 'tore Tiade wind fall!
Ilout ship. Hob!
o, I know wot you iaii ipiote
At me, Hob,
n' It may be jei 1n.1v o(e
Me a snob,
tint jou've n W01I; to do;
Vou 'e power In piuli It lhiotia,Iij
so I'm going to 'annncr you
Dam, yer. Hob I
ile us koiiielhln' that's mature
"Hy request," 1
(ilve in somelhln' due and pure
I.lke )er best.
I'ut )er puppet In ir bo!
Mop yer "dallying with loiksl"
I'ut Mime bodies In er fioikil
At It, Hob!
If jer couldn't ilo no better,
rtobeit C
Well yer wouldn't let thU letter
Writ by me.
Do yer want to 'ae a swear
Aat mef-Oo It I don't care!
Moth my ftstl It full of hair
Which wtt Hob'st
Muslin Underwear.
The Very Best for the Very Least
Of M the inusllii uuJciwear sjles be
ing held throughout the t'nlted states at
-4A WKBX 4l.l 1.a aj Artiil lt tiliiA-svlalttr 4l.
1 .rj.wjn ! inn-, iit'iu; i - 1 1 in idiui -11 111 1111:
JMrJm'&M' piewnt oflerlnm hire. No need to ex-
r uggeiaie snu leu auu wp nue nircu
IfTfr-' C hundred tlinuumi garments you don't
rj& ..-. 1.. .. ... 1..... . i.. ...
(are iimr mitj nc ,i,7 . m'hk ""
ipialitles aie best ami pi ices the lowest.
Plain faffs sml figures tell th? slnrj.
itfKtiUK'j'xr m
tI .....! ..until a i.t jKitiiltrl.t a til tli lliu
1 ig 11 )juni ijiimiiij in iaui"ni 11
MWlrii best slfle and llnUheil with felled C.
AMnaiL scum. The White file '-
T jfij 'Mr Of tine iiiillly mullti, nil In
AfiffrJtT st.ilca. handsome trimming-; two a I
5fa.U9ll'wMf . ' . I....... l l.t,.. c.l- OIL.
f- j.fTtm l" 1. mi.,,, 1 ..Hill' .atv ,.,......
!Ki Drawers.
Of kiiiiiI quality (ainhrir, hcmMltihrd,
"S'vfA "t '"Hi deep infill'. Tho While 1,.
tKV j,p 4C
W Skirts.
LL?JiX 1 murium mic. oi uur inmiiiw nrcii nunc
The White Sale yi71"
Of good Ki'idn muilln, cut good wldlli,
trimmed Willi pretty late. The I Or
While Sale nrtce -"-
f8ff) Skirts.
mZXZh ' Wl"' "'"'hi', "'f iimbrell.i lle, wllh
9 a. J ihcp beni and lucks two to a iOf
l" wmr. riie Mice . w
Ehoil uiu-llu style, Hnlshed wUb Hue
finked camhilc luftt'"'. The TCf,
White Pale ''
jr-wiL'f y inuiiiv aim-, nunc ci niie ii.umiu, i nines
r 7jyi&! .... .. . ...Vi i .rt... at .f, -
Hit ir.a uiiu ht'i'i iiiu twine up
3.000 yards of Nainsook ahd Swiss Kmbrolde
ries in both edgings and insertings from i to 5
inches in width all of recent importations.
Worth up to 25c yard. The White t 1
Saic Price is only 1 X2C
Linens and Spreads
Nalnsook"!:ine White Checks
for children's dresses and
aprons. All new pat- ,
terns. White sale price OC
Table Linens Hull 62 inches
ffW-ai w'de, half bleached Scotch
i n?CSnLtvk Damask,cheapat50C
JvtfTI. The White sale mice 3.SC
Bedspreads Exceptional val
ues in close imitation of real
Marseilles patterns. Q
White sale price... yoC
Toweling Best giade of linen checked glass
Toweling.' six patterns. The White
sale price . C
Turkish Towels Good size real Turkish Bath
Towels; would be cheap at 1 5 cents. t -.
The White sale price lUC
Jotias Long's Sons
Mm it.
11 1
-tin Mhe (
iitil,-d inuip.tnt.
ill." Matinee .
Ml .!
Morrison Comedy Company.
'the MoirUon Coiredi- lOinpanv nptneii a wei-k'n
i-iDCJuoiient at the Aiadciiy ot Muslr la-t ion
Inc piereiitlne .Mark SwanVrelcbwlcd i-uini-l.f
diaitiii, "The l'lintu uf I'Jtdief." 't'be cotiiiiu.i
If eiepllonally tloiu and far the er-ii-e
lrinrtohe erjfaiilritlom pl.iylnir it po 'liar
priu. Mls .tllio (inahl, In the title u-lc, liiado
11 detldul hit nnd won lniuli applan-e. till ell-
tianee In the Hut nit floated inmli bintl.lir.
she enters clad In what -he teini a wnod-u
mother liubbaul. a eiigar luriel.
IIuki-ih- I'owerf. a Rcntlciniii who uniU no (iitinduUlnii In Sunton tlieitei.gnri.,
.ppciitd In the loic ivf Wasslet. A the pbll
ov)plir. foinmoidv ealUd tramp, he wa e
ncilliiRly il-cr, and ud.led Rivally to I lie vn
fnimulice. Ill-It Walter, a Jail. Men, anl
I'l filer Kk Muuay, Sihertboine, a r anthem
planlir. both wire ei ood, In fait, the entlia
rompany If well nelecfei! und e-iih ne 1 lilted
for their i.'ipcit.w putn. The muciy ued
Ihiniislinul Ibe entile iroduit'in l inw aid
lundsonie. All U (.i-.ilid by the toinpai,. The
neiie of the lottou jald iwed In Hie hut i
w.m siipeih. Hie fommiea worn are in keeplii-;
wllh the play.
Thlf aflemoon Ml. I'owcik' owii pl.ii, "One
XUhl in .line," wiilih ilerlvea Im uii.e fiom
the sonir of the Mine title, will be cltcii, nnd
tonlitht Aithin'ii cihbi-.itrd louthini mil'-tan-
lomi'ily-ilrinit. "We I'l" of Tennere." will
bf pteented.
A Good Performance.
"A Mm f,iil iuiiip.iii" wa ibe (laieli .11
tiaitiou jfftiphn, and In the olio cave nil en-ti-rtalnine'nt
that w.n cty meiltoiiouf. It ton.
Wed of the WlUom, the roloi-ed aitllatom; lloi
nard xlstein, anoballi- honj and dame aitUI!
DeremU and llieen, coined' JiikkIIiir- knRii, wh)
were i-iy uinii-lnir and lem.ukablc In their line;
Itljnu KiMell. who wh tailed the lady with the
lagtlmo js; Talknler, ilianiplnu hoop roller of
Kuiopo and AineiUa; inilronic lnotliirf, llm
foniedlans who cae piich nn enleitalnhis: nun,
lur In the lluike Vaiuleillle loinpanj at the l,y
reum i-eMril week nstn, Clark mid Hilton Hie
ileier tmni-dlaiK, a-, well as ixpeit peifoimern on
many dillerent iiiibtlt al litruininU,
One of the (rood mimWiii of Ibe progiaimi.e
waf the plituref ir the Coibctt-Mifoy iiI?h
fisht. 'tlie plctiuoa weie more ilMim-t than the
aeras;e machine pkture. 'Ihe lion wa ciowdjd
at both afternoon and cvenlnij perfoimanie.
Wnll Strost Kevlew. j
Niw uik. Jau II.-The fiiiieiiu in lmlj
tutk uioikel weie evi-eetlliiRl f ontiisiiiu and ti-ri-Kiilar
mid Ibe innlel lulweeii pnulallie
foue w.11 h no im-aiif lonilu-iie. 'Iheie wa a
leiy l.nve .imciinl of rpeiulatlte Ihiuldatim
uirompll'hed and lime wile period of jiule
aid utueial wiakm. Njiue of Ibe leei-nlli-pioiiilmiil
Muik in Ihe aih.inie Milluid Iiom
1n.1le1l.1l Mllhiiko On the nihil- hand Iheie
were .tokf wIiom iiiiieIIi w.h initaut In nt -imr
(hiiiii- tlmiiiiiliniit the w'.flon. The lliiiir
nioMUKiit hlmwiil e. iiiploiiii of h.iUu'o- laiuely
i-.piudid ltstlf diiilui; Ihe fom nf the da ami
thuc wi-10 sikih 11I u-iicwed iivitiiinliiiie-a on
the p.t it nf the bull lnlerctf and the mil kit
lied lliiouuhoul fiom the nildilay low lcel The
brokeif who wen- the lirte-l relliM In the rail
load INt-f wie ei ln-.nv buviif of mine of
the -.tttl ftufk-i and ll wa eihhnt that it wt-f
lo In- 111. lli- to inuihiit .1 double tauiiialun In
the maikit 1111 feme of the lalhoaiN. 'Ihe mai
ket ilnseil hi flit with Mnie notiihle ndv.tni.-
Mored in the Hteel iiioup atnl with leiu-wrd
W'eakne.f anion;; the lalbo.irU and perlaltiri.
Thiii- weie point of hkii'IIi ihiilmf Mie da In
tin- i.iilroad INt. The Cliif bail a wildlife inui-
eiy lnim early wi-akni.f, the lul pu-reiml
Raining- i'.j. The snitliuei.liiii irioiip idiiiwoi'
hIkim of lillinmli mid M. laiuis Niiuliui-teiii
piifirred Rot n point uboo .'-ktiiiday ut one
time, ('leu-laud, limlniuti, L'hiiauo and t,
Loulf Moikt nwe .1 und .1"4 ITspeitlu-ly for the
t Amnion and inclined. The Xitlunal !-alt stoikf
Rained -23 und i le-pu tiielv and Lead pir
fineil leioieiiil 5 polntf of Its reient lieai.v de
i line. Ami'ilian 'iubiiio was i'i points out
Situiday at llu- IiUI.imi. Hut thest iluU of
htuiiRth weie the eieptiou In Ihe maikeu al
thoiiah the bad .111 tfleil lu lallvliu nlhir
links jn.l lu laiRel iidutinii Ihe aiciue u'-l
h-e-. Disappointment was kcenl manifest
uiininir Ibe holdeis it -(. Paul nwi the falluie
of imfii Ion of tin iiunv stories 01 a let-e
tn Voitluin I'jtllli. now putty thoioimblv ills
ciedltiik The stoil, w.i fniii'd at one lime he
low Till, whlili W114 P bilow aliiiuay mil
eloMsl with 11 net Ios ot :!'J. 'the otlur urann
eis were weak app.iri.ntl in Minp.illii. 'Ihe In.
tal tuitions Nlniks u-lm-id sbaipl aller tli"
buoyaiil mm elm lit nf Mluiili aini M.,uhali.iu
ilo-id Miak ut the lone-t afler 11 lallv
at ii ntt ri'i of S'a. 'tin- I'jriflcs w-i-ie nIroiou.Iv
mid but .MbMiiui l'aillii- allowed .1 1,001 1 nioi.
el. Total Kjles imlay. UII,(JI sliaies. 'I tie
liiilioad bond m.nkel wa weak lu iivmMth with
ioik. Total -all , pir .iliu, J.svi,(iini. fulled
State f bonds wue all lint haiiRcd on the la.t 1.1II.
KfiRf Select western, 21c.: nearby atate, 31e.
I heeiie I'ull uiulii, lien, 12c,
lleans l'ir bit., iholie 111 Jl row, .'.50.
Oidona (. T bu.
l'lour tlet patent, M i'0.
The follonhiR iintatioiis
Tilbune hi M. . .Inidaii ,V
Hear ImU'iinf, vrantnii, I'j.
ale furiil.hed The
1 o,t nun 1 7o.i-7Uii
Teleiihriii- .'Oil.:
Illxli- Low-- I o.
"The Christian."
Hall (aine'if Rreat play, "tlie tiitlaiuu,
imheraally i-oniedcd to bo the ationuent diain
alio work hrought out oil the Aiueilcan nacc
In tho past twenty jearn. .MHioiirIi not iiiou
(ban elRhtecn nioiitlw old It has made a fni
tunc for ilf maiUKers, I.lebler . Co,, and 101
all eoiuei-neil in the pimliKtlon. Hall Callie'.
roaltlc9 fiom It in America alone me under
tooil to be aoinetlilliK fabulouf. The I.libler
maiiaprenicnt aie keeplnir tho prodm Hon up lo
Iho IiIrIi atandard that maiked tt 0rlRln.1l pii
entatlou whin It wa tho llelc(ul feldile for
MU Viola Mlen'ii stellar debut.
'Ihe I.leblcM are ut now the lno.l luiporlinl
prodiicera of p1as In the tTnlted States, eontiol.
IIiir at they do more than fifteen oiK.inlralloin
en tour. At the I.euni net Thuri-dav eenln-.
Jan. 1". Feat ute now on wle.
Allen's "Serenadeis."
The Milhllle, N". ' ltepubllcan .is of i:iab
Allen' "Sen-nadcM," whlili isjincif to the I,
leum net r'lldjy cieninc, Jan. IS: "They ai-j
tinger of Individuality In lolie and -tile, (.11111
IriR a chorus of evcellcnt ipulltv, and their nil
t'ltlon of tho ancient aidheins v.jb both Riaiiful
and Inspiring."
"They wen- Rirctcd 1 fieiiu:il iiiaulfisiatious
of enjorment mid apiumal from .1 Inrue .null
enic." IMilladelplila I.eihjer. Hie. U, WOO. Mlsi
KnUU Knih, formeih of r-'i-iamon, will appear,
upporttil by lourtcen uitl'ts.
"Because She Loved Him So."
I ,i)i-iii of IiiIkIiI and ileiu roiuody .lll be
pleased to leuiu of the oiiilic n' muIi u null
toilom pioihiitlou jf "lli-iaiiM' Sir- I,oed lllin
Si," at the I.jiciun next Mouda, Jan. -Jl. "fie
i.iue fho I.oted Him St," wa-( the lOiuedy .ni
dation of New Yoil. all last eaou aini It tested
tho capacity of the Jlodl'on Sipure the.itei fur
oir one hundred and tU) lilshts.
William (lillcUe Is llu- adaplti- ot the piece
and bU wort: Is of such .1 ilunnlnj iluiailir
that It been at; ltd "The hlttlc Mlnlaler of
fan C." To Inli-s neeliia' "lli'i.iuo Mie lom-d
Hint ho" Is lo uiUf the unit of the .eason,
A half foiiiotleii n law in .Malho pcuniti
iho Kclzuio ot real or nr.oiul pinpeily of any
Inbabllant of 11 town wl.lili la unable in pay 1U
dtbta. A HaiiRor alloruey obtaliud a JuilKUimt
ntalnst tho town rf Oils and Kent an oltiio- to
lolled. rindliiK the town tivaauiy imply, II .
o.lleer proceeded under tho tlatute mentioned and
K-lted a joke of uxcu belonging to ono of tho
acleetmen and a iloten imn belonging to other
iltlzena. Other nedltora thiealcii klmllar ao.
. 11
. :mi
. t.p;
. 21J
1 M,
illR. Il.
Anieiiian -iu.'ii- Us I .'i
Amerliau Tnbau 11", 1 1 7'-
Am. S. k W in ll'j
Atib.. To. .V S IV .... Hi'i lt,-"-
A., T. k S. I. I'r Nil., viij
Ilruoklin 'lYaillon .... n','t sit,
Ilatl. k Ohio 'M iii-i;
t'oiit. T'nbiiio 4?i IPa
riii. .t. Ohio 4U, II
(hie. (J. W 17' Is'..
Chli-.. II. k if IT,', lf.
M. I'aul l.lj'i nj't
Itoik Wand UP 121
Delaware A llud-oii ....rsi I.Vs'..
laiikawamii H7 I'i7
Kedeial Steel .",P3 ij
Kcdeial Steel, I'r , 7'i'i 7n
Kan. & Tev.. IV Ji lt
I.ouls. k XjkIi Il '"I
.Maiihallun Cle ll'i'i
Met. Tiactlou Co Ki'l
Mlsotimi I'ailllo hV.i
I'ecplc's (lis 1111
V J Central I'm1!
Soulhiiu I'.nilli- ll'-,
Noitolk k Weitciii .... Iili.j
Nnilh. I'.u Uio Mi;
Nnrib. r.ullli-. I'r .;
V. V. Cinlial Il'i
Ont. k Wet
IMiltK Mall
IteailliiR, I'i
Soul bein It. It ....
istulhcin It. It,, I'i C. A Imn .
P. S. t.ealber
P. is. .eathir, I'i .
P. x. llubber SI'' Sl'i ll.'a 'JP
Plllnll I'jflfll' Ni'-J Nil. si oi;
P11I011 i'..iilli'. I'i .si's M'i Mi Si,, IV 'J'' 2' ill'' 2(1
ileiu P11I1111 Nl'a M'i Mil H-1!
sr.w vtniK I'litiiipfi: i:riiAvni: I'ltirr-".
diH-n- IIIkIi- Low ( lo-
l,ib'. est. est.
It'll i
Mji.1i .. ,
.May . . .
1 1' I I',
Scranton Hoard of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
ITi.U Xatluiail Hank
Kmiilon sailiiRf Hank
'Ihlid Nallonul II mU
Ilium Deposit ami Dlfiount Hank..
lUonomy l.ttlit. II. .V I'. Uo
Laika. Tui't fale Hi p.wll Co
ClaiU k Snover Co, I'r
Kranton lion IVnio k Mlg. Co. ...
Kianlou .Ule Works
Lmkuwaiiua Paiiv Co., I'r
County t-avliiRf HanU k Tru-t Co..
I'lMt .Vatlnn.l Hank (Carbondalc)..
Standanl Drllllni,' Co
'llnthis' Kalbmal Hank
isciantoii Holt, and Nut Co
Siraniuii l'4.?ncir llallwa, find
MoilKape, due Itf.'O
I'copU'ii siicet Itallna, flrtt mort-
LJe. due 191?
I'tiipli-'k Mieet Hallway . Uinersl
itioiluaae, ilue lli.'t
HUkon M.i'iu(.iclurln-; Lu
I.utka. Towiuhlp Sihnol 3 ,tr cent.
City of Snanton St Imp. u per .
int fl IW
Sirunton Tiuitlon 6 per cent II" ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. a. rule. S7 Lactawaima Avi)
llutlnr Plnir-. liii.
ISId A.Lec
'i ...
. . 31
in ...
113 ...
Philadelphia Qrnln nnd Produce.
I'lilludilphla, Jan. II. Wheal lTim; lontucC
liiade, Irfiiit-.a-.v, 7n.i"u'iu (.'out Firm, Ut.
bliil.ei 1 No. ' lulled January, 1alt'lc. Oats
t'niii; No. - white iUppsd, .Mlaa.l.'c. Fiom
Iriluii'.-iil; winter -upeiiur, "J.Waiifl; do. e
tuts, S''(i3a.(i; I'eniisyliauU i-oller clear, .l.bU
::.i"ij do. do., s.t.HO.i.l.'O; western win
ter ilear, !!.-i3a3.IO; do. ilo. stialRht, $3.45a.1.b3;
iln. do. p.itint, t.70i:t.!0; Kannaa .straight in
Miks, do. patent ill nacks. $J.0ja.".di;
uptime ihar. sj,s.-,a'J.::ii; do. atralght, It-LOoal; do.
patiut, "l.l''JJ: do. favbiitc brands, 1:Mjl
I.."iOj ill mills iAtt.1. s-2.70a2.Ki. ill, clear, H::
.i.l.oiij do. tialRbt, -il.snri.trtt io. patent, J.7" Hi,- riom- Was dull mid weak at ?'.!Si.l
ier ballet lur i hoke V!itislvant.i. Hutter--sieady:
lam- wiMirn iieauu-iy, 2-Je.; do. piint,
JJi. I's-j-t Dull und f. lowei; fieh nearb),
Jtc: do. western, !lt.; do. innuthnestern, ill'.:
do. Miutlit-iu. 'JiVi. Clieoe Steady; Xew Yofc
full iri-.tms tain mi.tll, l'.'i,; do. do. fair tt
i Imli e, lit'.allliji-. Iti lined Sugars I'lilel. Cot-ton-'ii-.
Iin-rrrinlddllrii; uplands 'lfl"lc. Tallow
--tacd ; ill) pilmo In hoRsbeails, ,V.i tlenes.
.i ; tniuitiv pilule, hairil, IVjan-.; inke-, aVa(.
I.iie I'oultn Hull; fowls, Oa'i'.ic: old ruo-.leis,
Ii';.i7i-. ; i Mi l,i ih. S'a.i'ie. : duikf, llollVi'.;
Ku-e. 'I aUH-. : luike), IM'I'.jc. Dressed I'oul
ti) i'itni: fowl-, (holic, lor.: ilo. lair to Rood,
iM'i'i.: old luoiter. Im7i-.; niarby chickenn, l"i
I.V.; wC'.tein do, !i all; I lilki.l -, iholce to fanii,
fOaU f.j etcln dink', !l all. lteieiptl---Flour.
1,'iH) bain-Is; !i-,.Vm( pounds In sacks; wheat,
none; corn, 173,Uts) bushels; nits, 7,nuo buahelf.
Shlp'iicnls Wheat, .tinni-; ioiii, io.l,IW0 bushels;, ii,.Vs) mil-lit Is
New York Groin and Produce.
New t.iU. Jan. ltvl'loui 'saln weak and
loner tu -ell. " heat s-it ias) ; No. 2 nd.
MV. f. ' Ii. nlloat and Sue. eluator; !so. I
iKUlI.ein Duliiih. "li'sC f. ". I. atlnat; options
opt lied Meady anil lor a time luled quiet ami
film tuit closed weak at -"ii. net decline; Jan
mny ilo-id MJ'le.; Maiih, ClNie.; May, 81Ti..
Jul), M'ti. f"oiu-Swt ste-uly; No. 2, lU'ji
iloator, ami 47'ir f. " b. alloat; options opened
tlim but later ea-ed oil and ilo-4-d easy ut '.i
'ai. mt di-illne: Janiiii ihiM-d tin-.; .Maj, III ,
.lull, ll"i,i. Oals-.s-pot ipllet; No. 2, "HlVai-.; No.
.1, lllio.; Vn, 2 white, 82'-llic.: No. II white, SJ( ;
tiail itilved we-li'in, .liia aiVji.j taaik white.
::t'i.i.:."i.: nptlons lu.ulHc bur tcadv. nuttei-
Sleadv at llu- ih-ilme; iieatiicry, liiajle.; factor,
Halle.: June iieainciy. I".i2fk-.; imltatloti
i ii. tun i.e. Il'(.al7c. : -.tale dairy. Ual-di'-, riieese
-teadi ; f.,ni l.tiu'e fill made, ll'i,ilte. ; j
fine)- Mil ill fill nude, ll'ialJt. KRRs-I'irm;
state and I'cnnsilv.iiiii, Il'jiivSli-. ; western met-,
a-ied puked. ltlaJil'ii-.; wiltan, loss off, 21c.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
t liUaito. Jan. II. Wheat-held film for a ilioa
lislay lu I In- face of be.irili atatl.tics, beaiy n
ulpts mnl liullflrrciit i-iblia lniti.ti- way iatoi,
Mai tlis-iii'T iuV. lower; lorn ilnscil a -lutle
lowir ami o.ils a shule hlsher; prmlfloiis at (ho
i lie wen -itiS'iiv li"Pi""l. Pash quotations
wen- af rollows: Plniii stead) : .No. 3 piliu
w Ik at . Wa7:ii'.'; No, 2 ml 7a7.'"sc,: .No. 2 ioiii,
,-17.r:7'ii.; No. 2 icllnw, .I7a:i7'4i'. i No. 2 oats,
2lj-.'P,ic. : No. 2 while, 2t,"aJ7'fC, ; No. :i while,
JOrJTi.: No. 2 ii'r, .',il.i.")li-. i No. t Hat mci),
tsl.iai; No. 1 noithwe-t -l.i-7: tlinathy, sjl.i'i;
polk, -ll.-J..ill..17'i; laid. W.HU7.I2'A; ribs,
Ni.'f.a7.!l; almuldew n.aOlif.; 'idia, 7.S0a7 l';
wbl-key, -1. 27.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
(Iiiiaun. Jan. II -Cattle- llcielpts, 21,0u0. In-iludln-
7UO Tean-: tUolic rtcern, Meaily; othen
.'.jI.'k. luwii; bttli hi i.' toik mtlic, fbm; Tev
iius ueaily (ti.iil.i; Rnisl In primp steers, .:: i
(l; poor to medium, i.l.(').i,j.2n; iitnckeis and fce.l
u.. about Ktejdr. ?2. 73.1 1 HI; lows, t2.70al.t0.
lulfiu, i-2.b3al.73; iMiiiiiis, t-J.iki2.i3; hulls.
ln'. "--J.?,'!.!! Id; i.iln. wink. )la0.23; 't'esas
led teiie, ifl.lfl al.-3; 'lexas. ciaas atecr,' iS'l.-'nt
I; Ti-ms bull, i-.'.rAil.oil. Ilo-rs-lleiclpta to
da), IJil.lXH); tninniimv, ."S,(V10; ueft uier, li.utW
t pi led weak, iiiieicn, rlo-csl traily; toji, $..!'
inlveil ami imliliin, " uj.i"..'IUi roimI tn choiie
hea). 3.13.i3.::l; lough heavy. aa5.lU; nc't
welishl, S.i3.27'.iil bulk of dales, .S.20a3.2.i
Si ip lteu-lpts, 2J,iii): sebep, choice tead) .
otbeis flow- to I'm. lower; lambs, weak to n
lnwci; Rood lu i bolt e wetheia, M."al.7J; fair
lo i hob c uilMsl. ! KU.1. i; wedern (-beep. Sl.73
al,i3: Texas -lieci'. t'J.SOiJ.n'l. native lambs
ifl.-J.'a VI; wcti'Hl lamlw, M"ia"i.."ii1
New York Live Stock.
Ni-m nik. Jau 11. Iliv-cs. -teeia. IiIrIiit.
liilhl bull- Inwii, olheis steiulv. Steers, iM.Wa
,'i.tiil; bulls, Hj. Via 1.23; unu, M.S",a1W: i-alin.
U lis. Mi. uly In 2"i u nt's low'ir; bani)aid calies.
low pi : r.ils, l."ai.iS..Mi lluhl i.ilies, -jil.Oi); barn
).ird do,' S2.TVil.3Di wilerna, Yl.Jfl.
slieep anil Uuubf- l.nwtt; slucp, $!., M; cs
poit do, sl.T'r, mils, 2 73: lumb, -5.0oa(.S."
two i.ns iltolie. NI.-IO; (liintlj lambs, a) oOaklD:
mils, I.V1.
Ibw l.owu at S3. tVa'i Ii3 ; fi-M out.lde ale- o
ula'e plus ut xV.TV
East Llherty Stock Market.
I.ii l.ibeitv, Jan. II, -Cuttle Lower; eviia,
F'i.Imi.VIJI; piluie, s.'',"!); louiinou, .la.l.7"
Hon.-Hull' iiimI loiwi-; prime iiiedlumf, i'l.'iu
.V.Hii; lit-t nikeis, s.,.23j eood mKeil, ii.23
be.ny hoRn, -sV.2iliV.2"r roughs, J.l.",-,al.(i. Sheep
"Steady; cholco wethers, SI. i'i; common,
ifd.'-U'J.'iO; ikulin land-, H.Mid: lonimon ti
Rood, la"i.73i leal lalies. is..Vla.
Oil Market.
Oil (in, Jan. 11 ( I -.-ill t bilaliies, --I.20; i'r,
llluatc, no bid or otter, ulilpiuitit, Miklul lur
u-ls; tiiiMKi-, Isl.SW liarielf, run-, 10s,0".l lur
ic Is; auiase. s,()7,l baiicls,
Mrs. Vfinslow's SootUhify Syrup
d for oi er ITFTV
tJ1' " . af rill'll-J . II. -I-
Mill ni-m ivr .lifi-r
VKAni by
H HOUIIir.S the Cllll. ..S0FjrBN9 tl ajjis
AI1.VYH all CAM ('"Ilia WIND COLIO. aiut
U ttoUat remedy lor lArtIUIO''A. Kid i
UruKiatl,!-! ever P"' if 1 1". ojld. H -u,
and i.k lor "UH. W nalowV Foothl.i; t.)rup'
and take no oll't-r kind. livenly-8ve uua a
bottle. - ..
ksw;-aas, tA
fiafui-J-i-..saA. ,
,. I-