The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The Woman Was Found Dead in Bed
In a House in NoalU Court After a
Wook'a IllnosB Without an At
tending: Physician Vaccinations
at the Hospital Moving: Pictures
at Simpson M. E. Church Willio
Greon Up Against It Othor Notes
and Porsonals.
.Maty Ooiinnn, uKt'd about :U yeum, a
fomlllur character hi polite c lii-lc.
tiled at noon yestetday In it hour' li
the roar oC 102 North Ninth stieet. The
-woman had been 111 for about u
und refused to have a physician attend
her, icniniWng to .Mm, W. .1. Van
jykc, with whom she heiitdtil, thai
Jf a doctor oamc to uttend her slm
would spit In his faro.
Tor navel nl days the woman had
licen suffering fiom convulsions und
writhed lit agony at Intel vaU dm In
llio days and nights of suffering. Her
rompnntolirt wete wholly Incapable of
(lttcudlng lo her physical ncols. Tho
houe In which she died Is sltimt.d In
NcallH' court, overlooking the l.icka
vantm lalhoatl.
Cotnnet nobctts was untitled of the
(ao and made an autopsy on llv boJv
3ast night. The cause of d'lth was
due to alcoholism. 'Deceased was a
ji.itlvo of Wllkos-Uniie. mil a step
daughter of James Pm.iit, who was
j.otltlcd of her death.
After the woman was found cold hi
death lJr. OomegH wan s'l'mnoned.
lie viewed Ihe remains and directed
The occupants of the house to notify
Ihe cm oner. .An Inquest will niobabl
Jip held In the case todav.
Moving1 Picture Exhibition
Without a doubt the 1et moving
picture exhibit ever made in this city
was presented nt the Simpson Jletho
illst 1'plscopol chinch last evening by
ihe I.ynian II. Howe company. Fur
two houi.s an audience that complete!-.
Ulled the church, sat and tluiioughly
I'ltjoved the display of the oloaiest and
most distinct set of plctutcs ever
thrown on a eunva in Seianton
The tlltns used weie exceptionally
1 tear mid fiee from the. nerve-iacklng
Je.itures that usually aeconipany ev
lilblts of this natuie. The pUtuie.s In
rinded the downed heads of Ihtrope
peenca from the Tails exposition, th
out for I and COLDS
The Great Mid-Winter
Blanket Sale
This important event is now iu full swing, and those
of our friends who know by experience what this Mid
Winter Blanket Sale means, as a money saver, will not lies
tate to take advantage of it, should they waut tniytkiug
iu that line.
Here Are the Facts, Your
Judgment Must Do the Rest.
Pure Wool Blankets
12-4 Extra Quality White California, weie $10.50, now $8.50.
11-4 Extra Quality White California Blankets, were $0.00, now $7.50
11-4 Fine Whito California Blankets, weie $5.50, now $4.00.
11-4 Fine White Pure Wool Blankets, weie $4.00, now $3.25.
10-4 Fine White Puie Wool Blankets, weie $4.75, now $3,75.
11-4 Heavy White Wool Blankets, -were $4.00, now $3.25.
11-4 Heavy White Wool Blankets, wore $3.00, now $2.25.
10-4 Heavy AVhlte Wool Blankets, were $2.25, now $1.75.
Colored Wool Blankets
11-4 Extia Quality Gtay Wool Blankets, weie $0.00, now $4.75.
11-4 Veiy Fine Puio Wool Giey Blankets, were $4.75, now $3.75.
10-4 Veiy Fine Puie Wool Giey Blankets, wete $3.75, now $3.00.
11-4 Extra Heavy Giey Wool Blankets, were $2.85, now $2.25.
10-4 Extra Heavy Grey Wool Blnnkets, woio $2.25, now $1.75.
11-4 Good Giey Wool Blankets, were $2.50, now $1.75.
10-4 Pure Wool Scailet Blankets, were $4.00, now $3.25,
11-4 Fancy Plaid Blankets (new combinations) were $5.00, now $3.50
Bath Robes and Comforts
100 Fancy Bath Bobes that sold for $1.50, now $1.10.
Eiderdown Comforts, size 0x6, -were $4.50, now $2.08.
Eideidown Comforts, fine silk coverings, were $8.00, now $5.08.
Eiderdown Comforts, fine silk coverings, weie $10.50, now $7.40.
This sale continues just
lower priced goods thau are
ior the asking.
Globe Warehouse
t yiirf'VWWrt
Hiltl.dt-lloer war In South Africa,
iicenes In China und other countries,
and many huinoiotis pictures of Inter
est. Pitt Ik nlnr mention should be mnde
of one plctuie In the exhibit, which
W the most teallstlo ever depicted.
It Is Major Wilson's last stand, In
Houth filca. In which n company of
rtrltlHh soldiers are massactod by the
imllvi- '11111". It Is Intensely teallstlo.
and wltlml hem t-rendlng and pathe
tic. During tin- evening the monotony of
the plctuie exhibition I" telleed by
monologue features, whtplt ate Riven
by Aekland Hoyle. an uttlst or inn
ability. His ipcltal of the story of
"King Itobcrt of Sicily," was n rluail
10I mlpf tloii and Rives ample oppoi
tuntly for Mr. Hoyle vetsntlllty. Mr.
Howe's annual visit to West Scran
ton tttliacts latgcr tuidlemes with
null succeeding year.
Gieen Severely Punished.
William (itecn, of 5.! Huberts luiwt.
svnr' out a wanant ynsteidny In Al
dei man Kellow'n court for the unest
ol his brother-in-law. Henjamin
Thomas, of S'jC North lltomley avenue,
dial glut; him with assault and bat
lei v. The defendant waived it heat Inl
and entof'd ball for his nppearnne- at
cotut in the sunt of $100.
(5t eon mauled Thomas sister, a
widow with live children. After a.
llnift they separated, but u icconcllla
tlon was effected and all went well un
til yesterdiy.
"Willie," as (Srecn - famlllaily
known, Invited bis wlfe'H futhet' and
brother mound to his house. The
biother teponded. When he appealed
In the r.ldernvtn's olllce Willie looked
like a foot ball player after a lough
and tumble scrimmage.
Vaccinations at the Hospital.
An army of patents and chlldleii,
seeking free vaccination, tesponded to
the invitation or the West Side hospi
tal dlrectoi.s yestetday, and from noon
until late In the evening theie was a
steady tun of tallets willing and anx
ious to be Inoculated free of charge.
One bundled and twenty-one arms
were scraped and punetuied with vac
cine, and as many more were tinned
away, owing to the Inability of the
phsklans to attend to them all yes-
The dlnctors le.illj Intended that the
oppottuulty was olteted mote paitlcit-
lutly for the pooler i lasses who ate
unable to pay tor the acclnatlon of
the chlldien, and while none weie
tinned uwa on that scoie, they nev
ertheless want It umlei stood that tho
poor aie piolerred. Another thing
that should not bo mlstindetstood Is
that only between the hours of 12 and
1 and t and ."i o'clock will the applica
tions be made.
Dr. J. W. Houser woiked like a
beaver on tho applicants who tbtonged
the building and the hospital nutses
and Dr. M. J. Williams tendered him
material assistance during the work.
The exclusive announcement In The
Tilbune ot such a move on tho part of
the dliector.s elicited much fnvorable
comment thtoughout ths day, and the
ten days. Those who waut
here quoted may have them
response Illustrated how generally The
Tilbunc la load.
Funorals Yesterday.
Hev. Hugh Davles, pastor of the
South Main Avenue Welsh Cul Intuitu
Methodist church officiated at tho fu
neral of the lato John Jones yesterday
nftetnoon, Tho services wcte bald at
the house on Academy street, and weto
attended by many life-long fi lends of
deceased, Inteiment was made In the
Wnshbuin stteet cemetery. The pnll
beitreis were: John H. Hlctiauls, David
C. Powell, J. J. Hvans. William Well
aids and Moigan Lake.
Services over tho leinnlns of tho Into
Clmiles Lewis were conducted yester
day inoi nlng at the house on South
Kighth stteet by Hev. J. II. Sweet, D.
D of the Simpson Methodist Episco
pal church. The pnllbeatois were:
Calvin Coons, Mr. Warner. Frank Sut
ton, John Decker, Addison Chase and
James Martin, Tho body was taken
to Walton, N. Y., on the 10.40 Ontatio
and Western ttuln, and Interment
was made there In the aftetnoon.
The funeral ot tho late Thomas
I'hllllps oceui led yestetday nftetnoon
f i oni the family tesldemc on Hynon
street. The sei vices wete In charge ot
Hev. D. P. Jones, of the Tabernacle
Congregational church, and Interment
was made hi the Wiushbuin street
cemetery. The pallbeareis were: Wil
liam Arnold, William Koons, Hdwind
O'Malley and Chatles Heed.
Wl'llain Phillips and Miss Mary
Unities weie united In ntanlage yes
let day by rtev. D. P. Jones, pastor of
tho Tabeinaele Congiegailonal church.
An eloyablp uurptlse patty was ten
dered W. Haydn Uvuns at bis home on
South Sumner avenue. A large num
ber of people weie In attendance.
T!io employes of the Oxfoid mine
weie paid off yosteiday and It was
lumoicd ai outiil town Inst evening
thai in fittute the company will dis
pense with the sei vices of the sti Ik
ing employes und operate their mines,
it' possible, with new hands.
The special tellglous sen Ices tit tho
Wiihhbuin Stteet l'lesbytutlan and
Hampton Stieet (.hutches last evening
wete well attended, and much Inttr
esi wan munlfestid b the longru
sutlon.s. The I'enti Stoic company have closed
their stoic on Washbuiii stieet, and
the goods have been tiansfeiied to
the fuller stoics, (omer of Muln a ve
nue and Price stteet.
Hatty J J. Jon"s, the bailtone solo
ist Is confined to bis homo bv Illness.
Mis. Anna Ikelei, of Danville, Is vl
ltlng her cousin, Mis, W. (liant Kel
lei, of ICilwatds ctittit.
Miss Itoso Uvans, ol Poillauil. Pa,,
who liu- been the guest of her sister,
Mis V.. Tltman. of .laeks-jn street, le
tuined home ycstMday.
Mlts Jessie Nauinan, ol Noith Onr
Ilelil avenue, will leine this week for
Tobyhannn and Stioudsbuig.
The seeietaty and tieastnor of the
Washburn Street Piesbyteilan Sun
day school, In their minimi lepoits
show an enrollment In the uchnol of
47- hcholms. Of this number. OS weie
added dutlng the past eni. The total
attendance was ir,CJ0, an nveiage of
MO for each Sabbath. The total le
celpt.s fiom all sources weie $116 GO;
expenditures, $SSfi.S2, IeaIng a bal
ance of $"0.7S In the heasury,
F. S. Goodrich, ot Sharon, Pa., Is
In town In the Intetest of the Wide
Awake bianeh of the Home Clicle.
Miss Jennie Jones, of Plymouth, Is
the guest ot ti lends on West Locust
The local union of buibeis held a
nicptlng last evening and cm oiled a
niimbei of new mcmbeis.
Camp ."', Patilotlc Order of Anieil
cins. will serve a dime .-mpppr In
Ivorlte hall this c onlng. n excel
lent menu Is being prjpaied.
The ttincial ot Mr. nnd Mis. John
Dunn's Infant child will occur this al
teruoon at 11 SO o'clock fiom the house,
on Archbald street. Inteiment will bo
made in the Cathedral cemetery.
The membeis of the Columbia Hose
company held a meeting last evening
and tiansneted business pet mining to
the compan;
Lou J. rjcuehump, lee tut et. lunelei
and w liter, known as "The Laughing
Philosopher," will lectuie in the Ply
mouth Congtegatlonal chute h net
Monday evening on the subject, "The
Sunny Side of Life." The lectuie will
be given under the auspices of the
young men of the churcb, and the
pioceeds will be applied to the build
ing fund
Specialty. Dlbeai-es of Women.
Jtoom 1, oer Globe stote. llouts:
1 to
O.IIO p. in. Consultation fiee.
There was a laige attendance of peo
ple rioni this pint of the clt mostly
membeis of the Methodist church at
the tuneinl of Mis. Maty Hdgar, wife
of ne. William Olgar, nt the Dun
iiiote Methodist episcopal church yes
teiclny nfteinoon. There weie fully
one bundled und fltty poisons pies-ont
Horn heie, special cai.s com e lug them
to and 1 1 oni tho funeiul Ah a token of
their loc and regit id foi the dead and
the bereaved fnuill, the Ladles' Aid
society of the Piovldence chinch sent
ti wreath of loses, the ICpwoith league
a casket bouquet ami the Sunday
school a dotal piece. Hev. Cl, A. Cute,
the pastor, was one of the pall-beai-
cis. Tho trustees, at a meeting Sun
day night, adopted i evolutions of sym
pathy with theli foimer pastoi and
(lilldicu, and the Ladies' Aid society
will do so at tht it" next mooting.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter lugalls, of
(Iresnvllle, Conn.. a:o In the clt,
called heie by the death of his sister,
Mis. William Moore, of West Maiket
Mis. Butler Pletce, of Cntbondule, Is
visiting Mrs. Charles Xelgler, of Not th
Main avenue.
Mis. Hodeilck Powell, of Caibondale,
Ik visiting Mis. Samuel Davis, of Xoith
Main avenue.
Miss Ilattlo Owens, of Itilck avenue,
Is slightly Indisposed,
Dr. W. A Peck, of Noith Main ave
line, Is convalescent,
John Hcaly, of West Miuket stieet,
has tecoveted, after a week's Illness.
George 13, Athciton has puicliascd a
span of bay hoises.
Miss Catheilne Lynett. or West Mai
ket stieet, Is slowly tecovetlng ft out
nn attaik of tho gilp,
P. J. Flanagan, of Theoiloie stteet, Is
able to be about again, after a week's
A one dn rumniugn sale Is an
nounced to take place In the Ostethout
as ncll as the luudtomot, and r tin re
ire Invllrd to call on any Urustl.t and set
trie u trial bottler ol Kemp' Itjlani for the and l.unic, a rrinrdy Hut U uiurjntctd
to (urn Jii'l ullcte all ClnonU nnd (ute Couyhii,
Aaltmn, lliontlilllj Jiid Comumvtloii, I'tlec 'J'c,
and LOi;
One Cause of Sleeplessness That Can
Bo Overcome.
Mt. Win. Hnndschu, of 4Ctli stieet,
Cotton Alloy, Pittsburg, Pa ex
presses himself as follows tegardlng
the new remedy lor that common and
obstinate disease, piles: "I take
pleasure In stating I was so afflicted
with piles that Tor three months I got
no tegular sleep; I became completely
prostiutcd, the doctots did mo no
good: my brother told mo or the new
temedy for piles, the Pyramid Pile
Cute, I put chased of my druggist
three ilfty-cent boxes nnd they com
pletely cured me. I am once more at
work and but for this excellent rem
edy I would be on my back. 1 take
great plcnsure In wilting this letter
because so many people are sufferers
from this) tumble who like myself did
not know whete to look for-n pcima
nent, safe, tellable cute."
Kxpeilenee with the Pyramid Pile
Cute for the past three ycais has
demonstiatcd to the medical piofes-
slon as well as to thousat.ds or sttlTor
ers from piles, that It Is the 'safest
and most effectual pile cure ever of
feied to the public, containing no
opiates or poisons or any kind, pain
less and convenient to handle, and be
ing sold by druggists at '-Oc and $1.01
per box, Is within tho icach of eveiy
Veiy often! two or three boxes havo
made a complete cute of cluonlo cases
that bad not yielded to other leme
dles for yems.
Theie Is scatcely u disease more ag
gravating and obstinate to cute than
the vorlotts found of piles, and It Is
a common ptnctlce to use ointments,
salves and similar prcpntatlons con
taining dangeious poisons to temovo
the ttouble. The Pyiamld hns super
seded all of these Ineffectual remedies
and no one suffei Injr w 1th any rectal
ttouble will make any mistake in giv
ing the Pyiamld a trial.
If In doubt as to the natute of your
trouble send to the Pyramid Diug Co.,
Matshall, Mich., for a valuable book
on piles, descilblng till tonus of the
disrate and describing tho method of
cut e.
Anv diiiggist can fuinlsh the Pyra
mid Pile Cure as It Is tho best known
nnd most popular temedy for pllen,
and If yon ask him he can doubtle-is
lercr j.ou to many people In your own
vicinity who have been cured com
pletely by It.
block next Tuesday by the ladles of
the Aid society of the Piovldenec Pres
byterian chinch. Winter clothing for
women and childien will be a specialty,
and eeiythlng will be sold at n lowpr
pi ice than nt any tumninge t-ale yet
held In the city.
The funeral of lluth, the seven-months-old
child of Mr. and Mtf.. Will
iam Cousins, of Notth Main aenin
took pluce yestetday nfteinoon at 2
o'clock. Inteiment was made in Dun
nioin cemetety
Hlble class Tuesday at 3.10 nt the
Young AVomen's Christian association;
mothers' meeting Tuesday ceulng at
7.U0. All mothers aie Invited. Ite
rresliments will be .seucd. Miss Phoebe
Smith will sing a Tew selections.
The Piovldence Piesbyteilan people
ate continuing the special meetings
of last week Into this week. This
evening, George Mnhy. tecietaty of
the Young Men's Clulstlon association,
will gIo the address the service be
ing In gencinl chaige of Hev. Dr.
Guild, the pastor. The services are
held iu the Sunday school looms,
which ate well tilled fiom evening to
c onlng.
The Team Dilveis' Intel national
union held theit regular meeting last
evening In Leonard's hall.
(Jeoige K. Athciton Is spending a
few days In Monti ose.
Diugglst G. V. Davis and Aldeiman
M.veis aie spending a tew days In Ilni
Installation of Officers of Washing
ton Camp, P. 0. S. of A., Last
Night Othor Notes.
The tollowlng ofllceis wete Installed
by Dlstilet I'lesldent Heniy C. Horf
liiaii. at the Installation of olllcers of
AVasldngton camp, Patriotic Oidcn
Sons of Ameilca, held In Hurtman's
hall, on Plttston avenue, last night:
Pte.sldent, F. P. Hans; vice piosl
dent, Henry C Vleslng; recording tiec
ret.try, Fied Guntcr; llnanclal secre
tary, John Xearher, Jr ; master ot
foim, Thomas F. Kinsl; ronductor,
Peter Y, Haas; outer guard, Fted
VIrslngj trilMces, John Seholl, J, V.
Schwenk, Robeit H. Hlter.
At a ine-etlng of the membeis ot
Columbia council. Young Men'H Insti
tute hold last evening in Pharmacy
ball, the following olllcers were In
stalled for the ensuing year: Chaplain,
Hev. 13 J. Millie: piesltlent, M. J.
Mi Hugh vlco president F. P. Rindy;
second vice pie.sldcnt, Thomas Folan;
tecoiillng sectetnry, James Vaughan:
flnancla' secietary. M. J. Hnft'eity;
coieispondlng sect etui y, Tliomas Sul
livan: tto'tsurer, John II. O'Mnlley;
mnthhal, Mauilco Dugitn: Inside senti
nel, James Folan, outt-lde hcntinel,
Michael Riley: executive committee,
JI, Ruins, (ieoige Ruins, William
Daniels, John Ward, James Bauett.
Fiank, tho young son of Patilck
Mooie, while playing yosteiday with
other boys In ttont of bis home, fell
and lan a stick Into his ,Ieg, badly
lnceiutlns It Dl. Walsh wok sum
moned to dress the wound.
The funeral of the lute Mrs. Wll
bplnilna Scliank, who died Sunday nf
ternoon, will take place this after
noon nt 2 p, m.. fiom the family tesl
dence, I0J Willow stieet. Inteiment
will be made In the Plttston avenue
Patilotlc council, Junior Oulir Uni
ted Ameilcan Meehnnlcs, wll lhold a
tegular mooting tonight.
John Ci.iey, of Irving avenue, Is re
roveilng fiom a seveie attack of pnue
mnnla. Ceoige II a m m, of Company C, Uni
ted States matlne coips, Is visiting his
patents on 131m street.
William Phillips has left on a visit
to Musltoogan, Mich.
Constable Joseph Mooie, of Cheiry
stteet, Is seriously III with pneumonia,
.Mullen Schop, of 1015 living avenue,
has gone to the Dr. Thompson Pri
vate hospital, where he will undotgo
an operation.
Charles Ieuthold, of BIS Cedar nve
nue, Is confined to his homo with" in
attack of grip.
A lance mthon which hsd ,ren fjtllnj; fur
two months In the Perth (WeFt AnMralla) Zoolo
gical Curdim, made Its vtv Into a cacti ot
ouvanc-outansi and swallowed two ot thr oc
Services Were Conducted in the
Methodist Episcopal Church Rov.
Austin Griffin Pteslded and tho
Funeral Sermon Was Freachod by
Rov. Goorge E. Forsytho Many
Vislting'Clorgymon Proaont Re
vival Services Still Drawing
Crowds Miss Palmer to Lecture.
Othor Newo and Porsonal Notoa.
The fune'ral of the lote Mis. William
Kdgar occurred fiom the Methodist
chuidi yesetrday nftetnoon. The laigo
edldco was crowded with filends of the
deceased, who came fiom the seveinl
towns of the vulloy uheie she and her
husband have lnboied for many yents.
The Scilpturo lesson was lead by
Hpv. Austin Gilfllii. presiding elder of
the Wyoming dlstilet. Hev. A. J. Van
Cleft, pastor of the Dunmoie chinch,
then ofletod piaver. Hev. George H.
Pot sy the, presiding elder of the Owego
dlstilet, pleached the funeinl sermon,
taking his test from Hevlntlons, 21-1,
"And theie shall bo no more sea,"
Dttilng Ills tommies be often ed many
consoling thoughts to the living and
paid a veiy loving tribute to the do
parted. Music was furnished by n
double quartette, composed of Mis.
George Simpson, Misses LMsle Powell,
Anna Powell, Jennie Kden, Messrs. J.
W. Plnnell, William Lutz, Garfield An
gwln and Hev. J, W. Kieamer. Mnny
handsome floral olierlngs weie banked
about the casket.
The pall-bearers weie the Hev. A. P.
Chafree. Cnrbondnle; Hev. V. Gcndall,
Peckvllle; llev. G. II. Cute, Piovldence;
Rov. J. 11 Sweet nnd Hev, James tten
nlnger, Hde Paik, and Ttev 11. M.
Pascoe, Avoca, Inteiment was mnde
In Duiinioro cemetery.
The following cleigymen wete ptes
ent nt the mm vices: Rev. W. G. Simp
son, llev. C. M. Sin dam, Rev. O. L.
Sevoison, Hev, It. J. Austin, Rev. P.
W. Young, Hev. .1. V. Newell. Rev. C.
P. Heniy. Hev. J. Madison, Rev. T. M.
Fiuey, Rev, R. R. Haughton.
Farewell Sermon.
The "Dittmmer Evangelist," Rev. W.
II. Williams, pieached his fntevvell ser
mon lait night in the Methodist
church, taking for his text Phil , 1
27. He said conversion Is that by which
wo convey Information to another. It
Is not what we suy that speaks the
loudest, but what we do. Many of us
speak too many languages, one In
chinch and several when outside of
the c'huich. Let us as Chilstlans tiv
nnd speak only one language and that
the language of Canaan. We touch
some one for good or bad every dnv.
AVo can not go to heaven or hell alone.
AVe are taking otheis with us.
The temptation will come for us to
step aside Just once from the narioiv
way mapped out by the Master's finf
gets. Daie I take one drink of whlsV
key? Xo. One drink would snap the
communication between my soul and
(5od, tor led liquor und the giaco of
Ood do not stay In the same hide at
the nunc time. Whiskey goes In, grace
goes out. Dare you uttend one whist
puity, one dance, tell one He, defraud
your neighbor Just once? When we
step aside just once we strike our
names from the role In the Lamb's
book of life.
Dare you go to sleep with the lights
of heaven In ti listed to your hands, or
go Into the fight with no turns or oven
one piece laid aside'.'
I came to you a sti anger. You uskud
mo to pieach to ou and teach. In 10
ttnn you have given me our love and
( onlidence. I have honestly tried to
Pleach the gopel. not cteed. The
bin den of my pleaching has been the
tatheihood of Clod nnd the biothet
hood of the race.
I look out today thiougli the fog that
rises up fiom the Joitlnu of death to
the leunlon. I expect to see ou there.
What a time we will have, talking
over sins pardoned and battles won. I
am going In. I urn going to take all
my family with me. I have so much
faith In the manger and the cioss Hint
I would eon ou In, push ou In bv
holy strategy; 1 would sut prise ou In.
With all the concentrated eneigles of
my soul, physical, moral, mental nnd
mortal, I would compel you to come In.
I like you so well that I would like to
spend eteinlty with you. See to It that
your parting would aie not words ot
regret; my faicwell my be Until, Then
let eveiy wotd spoken be said ns If It
was our I.'tbt
In conclusion, last, but not least, I
wish to thank the dally pioss of
Hciunton for tho veiy rjeueious icpott
they have given me In this meeting
and not In the meeting alone, but In
meetings all over my district. If I
have been a blessing to any life or
home, tho press has been n veiy great
help to me by so geueiously tepoitlng
the meetings. Theie Is not a city In
this whole countiy where the pnpeis
devote so much space to nioial and ic
llglous leforms as the city of Scranton.
and my players Is that God may blet's
the press of Scranton, devil and all. If
Mr. Sheldon would like to know how
to mn a lellglous dally, I think he
could get homo very line polnteis fiom
the pi ess of the Hleuttie City.
Revival Services.
The icvivnl setvlces at the Tripp
Aveiuin Chrlstinn chuich wns well at
tended last night Hev. Mr. Cobb
spoke on "What Shall I Do to Ho
Saved," taking his teNt fiom tho six
teenth chapter of Acts. It Is Impos
sible to divorce the Intelligence and
emotional natuie In conversion, ho
sold. Tho apostles are snld to bo the
servants of the most high Ood, who
show unto us the way of salvation.
They knew what was the will of Clod
and icvealed tho way b the holy
spirit. Faith, tepentnnie and obedi
ence aie necessuiy tor our salvation.
At the cloe, two confessed their
laith In Christ and uccepted Htm oh
their savior. The topic for tonight Is
"Tho C.ospel Is tho l'owei of (lod I'nto
Miss Rose Palmer, who but recently
letttrned from China, after undoi going
extiemo hntdhhlps anil having many
hazardous escapes fiom death, will
speak on her experiences befoio the
Women's Mlsslonmy Boclety, at the!
mooting with Mrs. W. V, Decker, of
Chert y street, on Thursday nf'ernonn
The Women's Guild of St Mark s
church wll hold a cruller and coffco
social at the homo of Mis. Unil Neuf
fer, on Pudley stieet, on Tltuisday
evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock, Tho
publlo Is coidlally Invited to attend.
The usual monthly teucheia' lnstl-
WomKn. r woll nainitn. It tuhlfrt tnkMnnjr
lei, a (not which It lometlmci loit sight of. M.vny of
the o called emaln complalnti are nothing but kid.
tier troublei. If the ItMneyt lire sick tlicv make the
uuicr orgaai iick. inouinnui ot irrimuie,
nerrotK, ttrcl nndbrniten rton women liavo
been restored to health and strength by tho
uoof Mnrrow'sKld-tichOldn. Amonittheciired
ones Is Mn. II. M, Tiittlo, 87 Archibald Street,
Tfor tho benellt of her turTrrliiK sisters
T orerywliere: "I miflcrert with disordered
zkidnojsfor Sore ears nod durlne that
I time I doctored considerably nnd took
z W"ral dlflererit kinds of medicine that
X ;ves recommended to cure kidney trouble,
? but It seemed I could get nothlnir that
I would (tire me moro than temporary relief.
TTIiedlicharsea ot the kldnem' aecretlon
W Vi ft 1 .jinn, n4 ami nnn
f tal
talned a sediment like brlckdust.
"i aurrored constantly with govern pain
across the small of tnyb.trk and wai rery
ISAfVAiifl i ilHh... ff ftlk tHrtfltlhrt
1'I1"U ilUU BirnitlfRS J II IIIH IIIU11I1IIK
frinn first atvnllnn f liI1 tut tirnti
. ttxaniUKi itiw w stw
AJV J3&lbsXv
xziKs-f iwnr '.'HM.sSS9y2rt
im mimammn ii
With every set of our beat teeth contracted for oil
or before February 15th, 1901.
Gold CroWns, $3.00. Bridge Work, $3.00
Fillings, 50 Cents.
Extracting free wheii
work guaranteed in writing
Union Painless Dentists
DR. C. S. FAAT2, Manager,
305 Lackawanna Ave. Scranton, Pa.
tute will be held In the ccntiul school
building Sutuiday moinlng at !)
o'clock. Among the themes to be dis
cussed aie "Arithmetic." "Methods of
Heading" and "I'ses and AIiuim of
Text Rooks." All tcnclieisaie irnuest
ed to come piepured to tnko part In
the proceedings.
The ofllceis recently elected ..y the
Young Men's Institute, mention of
which was made In this column, vvciu
Installed last night. After the Instal
lation the membeis passed the balance
of the evening In a social way, cigars
being passed. Wuhler's oichestra ren
dered many tine selections.
A Inrge audience gatheied to hen.
Rev. J. .1. Cum. in, of Wllkes-Raire, de
liver his lectuie on tempeianco In
Washington hall last night. The rev
oi end speaker handled the old subject
in a new way that undoubtedly pleas
ed the large number piefcont
Muster Xorman Murkle Is confined
to his patents' home as the result of
an accident that befell him leccntly,
when his arm was broken.
Prof. William Jones, instiuctor ot
music In the public schools, is con
fined to his home on Grove .street with
a slight Illness.
MerreU Lowry.
Merrrtt lowrj. of firTnllcld. vtlm lias liocn at
tlie Wert, Mile lio-.plu! for a Ions time, sullcrin,'
fiom i romplliatlon ot diseases, died at that
Imtltuttnn sitndiv lilclit
Tlio lemaliw wete lemoxrd to the home of de.
ciard'a nlalluK in T.nloi. He nas about 00
jeaik nf age
Helmet' L. Footo .
Ilolmcr I.. Poole died jcsteidiy it his laic
lydririKi, (17 Mum avr-nue, .iard U eir,
3 months ami ti (lavs
The fun. ial will lie held Thuiaday at ID oMod
a. in Interment pilule
Miss Efllo Bainoy.
n l.ule !ljine, ilnifclitrr of Vr and Mr.
Willi nn II. Ilirnii, ot 110 l)i at on rtrett, died
fnii(!a itlcrno.ii jltu a brii I lllmro. 'Ihe de.
ceased luil been ill with imeuinoiiU loi omo
'I hu funcial ttlll tal.e iiU(o tomonow moinins
it h u'doik. Intuimiil In t'ool. (enielfi), hcott
The toiu ;en old wmi of Mi. md Mi Perdl
mid Ileldii, of Til ldei Mrect, illul terday
iifternoon lit the home ol Ills mint crandmothei.
Mm lleniard llohn. of tort Plttston nieiiue. This
U tho uecornl i liild that Mr. Ilcldir lias lost
through death Inside of four daw. 'I ho funeral
villi bi held on Wednesdai afternoon si 2 o'rloet.
fiom l lie famllj loldeme. liiliiinent Mill lc
nude In M .lehn'a Cjlliolio rcmeten.
Ileibert ltlitl.inorc, tin1 oni. car-old ton of
1'nliMlni niaeknioie, of Ward miirt. Ihm.uore,
died jeHcrdav alter a borl llliicis with mem
braneous noiii followlmr nicaslii I' no
tlee liter.
Walkln J. WIlllaniN who wis kllUd In iho
Sloris' mine on Mturdj) nioiiilui;, will In
burled from the home of his iannU. 'Npiiia
anil Mrs William I. Wllllaim, on Tuewlaj af-
tiruoou at J n'lloik
'the funeral nt the late Tliomas Wilidil, of
Wit Miaiiten, will take plaie at n o'cloik lo
moiiow inuinlnj wllli a hum al M. Patild.'s
Catholic ihuiih. Dm 111 will be made In tho
( atbedral (inielri;.
tlio funeiul of Ihe late Mia. Juliet NoalU will
tuke plaio at 0 o'rioik this numilng ti mn hev
late home mi Mnth klnet. A iiqulrm inais
will lie itlibntid in St. 1'ntll'U's Cathollo
thuirli and internum will be made in Iho Ca
thedral Cdiietin.
'Iho funeral ol Mi. I'mll Mooir, of UV WeH
Maiket strut, will take ilaeo this attdnnoii at
J M o'cloek from tho mldinu. Intrrimnt la
Dunmoiu iiuntei
, m ,,
I'luni the l.onuon ,Nei
one dav Alevandir Punas vlsllfd Maisvld's
and nude a trip lo the Chilean d'lf tu vMt
the palace be bad help, .IK. nuke lan.ous. The
LlVt whffb"..: pund
Abbo 1'iih u.r.1 to ,a.i, thci. "li.u
pwaui) was due bv the Abbe I'aili
I. tho aid of ii u,lil.(.iic" th kuI.Ic
r'xplJlmd. "M. Dumas tells about it In Ids
nnu wouia narn no amor itrencin. vvnro i
read Iu thenatierntiout Morrow iKId-no-oldiX
fe I
.v- &r9raBsK. &X T"
X vKBe.. -w 1 III T
'kCS W'.l?' o . . 4 Wj0r . T
-, Jy II decided totrythomand after taking aorord-X
kV? Sjr . Ulna A .t luuitlAiid ttm A tfnn A AM T m nitmt T
iuk iu uiiiiivuiui m ion uniiti uo.iruitvij a
relioTrd from suftrrlng and havo been per- X
fectly oil ever since." X
are rradefor Kidney Dliaatea and that thy
cur Kidney Dlieaieacan baattettadby X
"cloud of living witnesses," on of which X
tells her story above. Morrow's X
re for aale by all drug(lst or by mall pre- X
paid on receipt of SOcts. X
Uorrow's ara made onlx by s
teeth are ordered,
for ten years.
-"Vels A Burgunder, Lessees and Manager'
A. J. Dully. Uuslnci Alsmager.
Splendid inoductlon ot
Great I'1j,
As prcwntcil for lv nlRhls In J."cw York ami
110 niirlits in lloslon.
I'llcru $1.50, $1.00. 73c., IjOc. mid 25c.
ats on aale Tuevlny at 9 a. in.
Managers and Lessees. Local Manajer.
Morrison Comedy Co.
Piesentingr a lopertolre of high class
comedy and melo-dramas.
Monday Night, Princess of Patches.
Tuesday Matinee. One Night in Juno
Tuesday night, We 'Tins of Tennesseo
Matinee Prices, 10 nnd 20 cents.
Evening Prices, 10, 20 nnd 30 cents.
New Gaiety Theatre
It, R. LONG, l.ewo and Manager.
Iluee P13 Coinnifiulng Monday, .Tan. 14.
Tho oriRlml, up t.i dato luiln,ue entitled
Pireilion of lluvaul i' 1,'iniuoo.
IHir Vaudeville Aets 3
Oranl riproduitloii of the CotbUt-McOoy Contest
I'lltis Miitlnem, 11 and 21 cents
r.teuing, 10, iJ, ii and M cents.
rimy of 'Monte Crista.' " "Indeed," replied
the author, "Alexander Dumas mut bo hmlliar
wllli ill tho surrounding lure. IVrhaiis ou
know lilml" "I should think so; lie is one of
ni best friend) " "And jou are one of hi,"
reiilled the ImpiiMve mi ihe, lottini; two loul
dor slip Into the hand of the astonished gutdu
riuiil lnho'd MaRa?ine
The lomniktblii thlnp about William
r Whitney Is that bin business career
bepan only after ho left Woshlnffton
nnd when ho wan tory-llvo years oj
nBO. Ho has now dune with politlsi.
npimienlly. In tiuth, he has never
been out of polities for a month of
bis Hie Hlneo he cnnio to Now York.
Ills Inlluence with itleh.ird Croker Is
hnld to bo as Rioat a nny that tho
l'loidiet of Taminany Hall Inclines to:
nnd If, for nny ic.ison, it should hap
I'cu that Whitney and Tammany Hall
came to diiKueis' points, tho stock of
the Metropolitan Stieet railway would
bo di lipped like a lust potato. When
Whltniy was appointed secretary of
the navy, Tammany had no bitterer
foe than Ouncr Cleveland. TovvntdH
the close of this administration It used
tn bo said that tho government a(,
under the cnntiol of Tammany Hall.
Cleveland Is lepoited to hava uttered
thehe wolds to Charier 8. Falrchlld:
"I am on to Whitney nnd his tricks
and I don't want any moie. of him.'
The methods of tho men are diame
trically opposed, Cleveland hows his
way through opposition by main force.
toppling over nil that hnrj progress.
I Wbltliev. on the rontrniy, builds a.
i,lge OVCP obstacles, or, more fre-
,,,,. U,BS n tunne, undep thom a(l
-uldenlv leappeats to v.ew on the ad-
nnta sllU'', ' ,ls, only nutural
"lllt Whitney should ho subject lo
eiltlclsni. Wo liavrt nothing but eus-
plclon fur stiutcuy not our own,
4Lffjjjtjfcjsa &t,jJZZ&tiU
. . j. UL.l
.twi4aslttsvAsV.,M.i' siIihissVj
'lM&liltoflPt?'t'&tkJfi'r jAJ0Ai l
.safrsv THsW