The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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a news nature, per
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be left at The Trib
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A TOPI I.Alt rUIUUSU HOUSE for llic Hem
'" lit ol All Who Have, Homes to llcnl, Heal
l.latc or Oilier rrbperty' to Sell or Exchange,
Who Want Mtuatlons or Helw-These Small Ad
vertisements Co,t One Out a Word. M ln'tr"
tlorn for Hc Cents I Wonl-Kxcent Situation
Wanted, Willi h rc Inserted t'rrc.
v --s s v t r r - '
on v roi'.sr or ww. nkiiac ok ciiakuis
MsUulIrn the lw rt IS. I', l'dttcnoii'a
n, nlmliiuU grixirs, will uc cloud today
lillrr 1 01 1 x k.
Tiumpeter Fox Describes an Engage
ment in the Philippines.
Patrick 1'. Tot, mulling clerk In the
puslolllrc, hus lecently received a let
ter Mom his brother, James, of Com
pany K, Fifteenth Infantry, which Is
in the Philippines. The letter Is dc
sotlptlve itf the scenes and experiences
which the hojH In blue have lately
passed through In our fHr-away pos-M-islnus.
The letter Is dated Muvitae,
Die. fl, and Is as follows:
"I am ntllUnllve and feeling well. 1
lui e not been sick although we feel
many hardships. Qur battalion has
M'u plenty of lighting since we left
Manila. Immediately after we landed
wo weie detailed to Santa Ciuz and on
tlii- u hail Mine sharp iilkelng '
At .-'iinta I'm we stayed three dnn
iii tin' thlid duy ut 10 p. ni. we weie.
hiiiiicdlv mdered to aims to help Com I-, who were seilously entangled
nl .Muvltttt- We maiched thiough rite
fields until almost dayllghl and Htayed
limit r (over until It became light.
Company j wiih on the opposite side
or Hie low n wllh about 100 men and
between uh weie MO natives.
"in a signal from the gntllng gun
ol uur boat I. company stoimed the
win Its and gradually tlitive the rebels
to our position. The gun-bout flic did
lit 1 1 j damage but thti Incessant vol
lev li oiu i were grandly dheeted and
made tenible havoe. The FillpIuiH
attempted to cioss a maisli and sunk
up to their waists and eveiy poor fel
low that was not killed outright wns
li owned They had not dilven tha
liisiti gents far enough for us to attack
when Company L's lire ceased. Wo
welt oidercd III to meet them. Our
olllieis were In a quandary as to who
was neutPHt uh. Company j or tho
Iti'bH. We advanred about 400 yards
when we were on the bank of a stream.
We sit tick out and were half way
anocs the ft lea m when the captain
told me to sound 'attention.' I had
baiclx done so when theio cnnie a
".olley Into us. As the water wa.s quite
deep we bad to pass on mid take the
hoiiible medicine. We gained tho
bank and weie engaged almost an hour
betoie they btoke and tun. AW killed
twenty-lluee and u lieutenant colonel.
A llttl'i- farther on we met I, and
they wero a ghastly sight having nine
teen dead rind twenty-three wounded.
Among the unfoitunates was my
f i lend, Fred., of Olyphant. He
lost it leg and has been sent home.
Manv of the dead I had seen In Cuba
and I was tcnibly cut up about them.
That night we vvlthdiew and the next
lav weie lelnfoiced by Companies J
and .M. a gunboat and several moun
tain pieces. Our tompuny foimed the
iiil:iine under Major Cornish. Our
i.iptalii was too weak lo paitlcipatc.
Aftir some leslstaiKe the nlggets lied
In utlei'-routi" and we (an led eveiy
thlng beti'ie uh. As I wns close to
-Major Cornish 1 secured a rebel flag
and one fowl. That was the first food
I had In thlilj -sl hours and wo weto
veiy Hied and coveietl with mud and
powder grime.
That night we made another quick
Journey back lo Santa Cruz and weie
In b'd about tin po hours when tho
lebcls made a night attack. Wo
diove them olf and had to keep on tho
lookout all night.
"The uiivh weie dlHgi untied when
they weie m tiered fioni China as they
wished to see tho sctnpplng theie but
1 gue-v we me getting enough for
mix one now. It Is aggravating to be
sin pi bed and awakened In the night
bv volley uftet vollty and be unable
lo Incite the enemy. They aic cer
tainly fast tllsappeailng und seem to
know just how deadly a yankee ICing-Joig-Mison-oan
"1 wiih detailed for two days follow
ing the above in Hon to Mugdulena with
a small dnt.iebment. We pre busy
lor about six weeks hlkelng mound to
Ku'p the lehnls off tho telegmph lines.
We wne fired on ten times In that
plate One night we got private lnfor-
One Way of
Saving Money
You can save 75 cents anil up
urii on every roon) by buying
your paper nnd having it hung by
: --Frank -& Son.
' Our prices on
New Wall Paper
.' Arc: 1 1.2 cents slnule roll or 3
cents double roll and upward.
Hanging paper from 16 to ao
cents, double roll.
5 Remember, we furnish p.iste
fiee of charge, and having secured
first-cljss workmen we can do
your woik at short notice.
I We thank you for your liberal
pjtronage last year and we solicit
0 continuance ol it this yeai.
Frank & Son
' 54 Seventh flvenfce
nintlon of a pioposed night nttnrk. It
cume iib we were Informed uml we put
nineteen out of commission. After n
inarch of forty-six miles we are ngitln
back In Mavitac domiciled In n church.
There nro 600 good natives here In the
day time. We nro waiting every min
ute for on attack. When It cornea wo
fully Intend paying Company 17s neon-.
"James Fox, Co. K,
"15th Infantry Trumpeter."
John Nnylor Accepts Position in the
First Congregational Church.
J. Franklin Crovvell, who has pio
slded nt the keyboard of the new or
gan in the First Presbyteilan chuich
for some time, resigned his position
on Sunday at noon, nnd the leslgnn
tlon was accepted Immediately. On
Sunday evening n, Indv volunteer per
formed In a very capable manner.
Yesteiday morning, Uev. M. C El
llott, the pastor, made a contract with
John Nnylor, the local manager of
the Metropolitan Insurance company,
to fill the xaennt position. Mr. Nav
lor, although not at piesent actively
Identified with music, Is a thotough
musician nnd has peifoimed In many
cities and at all kinds of oigans, and
the pastor feels that In sfurlng his
sci vices he has got a gieut acquisi
tion to his church and his services.
Mr, Nnylor pluxcd a church organ In
England for six years, when but a boy
Comng io this countiy, he (studied
thorough-bass nnd eountei point and
composition, and composed a number
of selections, on of which, "The Song
ol the Patriot," has had a huge sal".
He has been chinch oiganlst In the
Forty-second Stieul (lunch In Pitts
burg, l'n., Havel, Mass.' Washbum
Street Presb terlan chuich, Scianton,
nnd as substitute In the Green llldge
Piesbjteilun chuich In Sernnton.
Opening Engagement of the Tommy
Sheaier Company a Success.
The Tommy Sheaier company com
menced a week's engagement at the
Ornnd last evening In "The Vlctotlan
Cross," before a laige audience. The
play was produced In a veiy satisfuc
toiy manner, and the uppluuse was
contlnuou. Specialties between the
acts weie good nnd oilglnnl Mls Isa
belle Fletcher, the leading lady. Air.
Shearer, and the lest of the company
rendered their parts In a manner
which Is sure to make their stay In this
city 11 profitable one.
Tonight "A llomanco of Canllne," an
Illsli piny, will be presented. The locale
of the stoty l u subuib of Ktllkenuv
and the plot Is one that will Intel est
and hold the attention of nudltois,
whether they weie boin In the Kmei
nld isle or not. Mr Sheaier Is a quaint
little comedian nnd he succeeds In
winning many Inughs by his unique
dialect and ways.
In Business for Himself.
Mlchncl Stone, who has long been
porter at tho new- Hotel American, has
icsigned and has Marted In business
on his own hook. He will establish a
ill ay and ti ticking business. Joe
Shanley, who has been porter of the
Hotel living In Scinnton, ha's ac
cepted the vacant position left by
Stone, nnd stalled as porter at the
American yesleulay.
A Shut Sown.
The Delnwaie and Hudson colllerv
at ltacket Biook has posted notices
that thev will close down until further
notice. This will tluovv about fifty
men nnd boys out of employment. At
the local coal office last night. It wns
stated that It was news theie, as they
had heard nothing of the phut-dawn.
Gone to Florida.
(Kear White and H. D. Mead, of
TonipMnsvllle, came to this city yes
teidav moinlng and left on the Kile
liver for Sanloul4 Floilda, wheie they
will spend the winter. They go to
Now York, v. heie they will take a
steamer for Savannah, nnd finish their
trip by rail.
Enteitalnment Postponed.
The public entertainment to be given
by the Knights of Father Mathevv has
been postponed until the second Sun
day In rebiunt y. An excellent pro
gi amine is being ptepaied nnd tho en
tertainment will probably be bett'ir
because ft the delay.
Will Witness Giaduatlon.
Miss Maiy (lenity left yesteiday
moinlng for New Yoik city to witness
tho commencement exercises at Hello
vue hospital, wheie her slstei, Miss
Julia, will giaduate as a tialned muse
this evening.
Two New Insurance Agents.
Mlchnel C. Cllftord and Michael I..
Munley, two well-known young men,
have accepted positions with (he
Metiopoiltnn Life Insurnnco company,
under John Nayloi, the local maiu
Rer. Meetings Tonight.
William H, Davies Monun's lteef
toips. No. 131.
St. Vincent de Paul.
Lackawanna tilbe, No ios, 1, o. rt.
A New Hnnngei.
('hailus McCann has accepted
position of local manuger of
Scinnton Tiuth, made vacant by
leslgnatlon of Thomas Nealon
A New Olllce.
The otlke of.the Webton Milling 10111.
pany Is now located at Put pie's, 73
Salem avenue, In chaige of Minx Muutle
In Peckvllle.
J. H. itimlson, of this do. Is now
employed In Simpson te Waiklmt' sioio
In Peekvlllc.
Pay Day.
The employes of the Deluwau- und
Hudson machine tdiopa weie paid yes
terday. Theatilcal.
Tonight "The Itomance of Car-
li.L. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carbon
dale edition, will be
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting Jt Tele
phone numbers: New
aS6: old, 0433,
Piny in tho Series at the Csvbondale
Cycle Club Began Last Night.
Tho becond annual pool tournnment
of the Carbondnlo Cycle club started
last night In their elub house on North
Church street. The standing of the
llrst night's play Is as follows:
Won. Lost.
lloolo 1 0
Stcwurt 1 0
lleuton 0 2
Moon 0 1
Ilcnnle , 1 0
The Hi st game, between Uenton nnd
Hoole, started at 7 o'clock. The room
was well ei ow tied at the opening nnd
until the last game was played. Den
ton Is one of the scratch men nnd his
opponct, Mr. Hoole, was given n han
dicap of sixteen balls. The game was
close, and In the sixth rack Benton
needed six und Hoole one. The latter
btoke and lleuton pocketed live balls.
He fell down on nn easy shut for the
light hand corner. Tho cue bnll forced
the ball to within three Inches of the
pocket and half an Inch from the
cushion. Tho cue bnll rested near tho
spot und Hoole secuied the game on
his next shot. Tho next game was be
tween Moon and Stewart, the former
being given a handicap of sixteen balls.
Moon led until the fifth frame, when
Stewait gained the lead by pocketing
eleven balls. In the sixth frame ho
seemed sulliclent balls to win, though
Moon wanted but one. In the game
of Benton s. Ilenule, the latter was
handicapped sKtecn bals. Ronnie won
fiom Ilehton, making the latter two
Inst and none won. Tho games will be
(ontlnued this afternoon and again to
night 1000 AT THE POST OFFICE.
An Incrense of $008.05 Over the Pre
ceding Year in Spite of the Labor
The compaintlve statement of the
postal business done nt the local post
odlce for WSJ and 19C0 shows nn en
coui aging lncieae In the receipts. For
the year ending Dee. .11, 1809, the re
ceipts for stumps, postal cards, etc.,
weie J12.-I30.0t5. while last year they
amounted to $13,03S.ll, an Increase ot
The receipts for the various quar
tets weie as follows:
(Jiurlrr IM'. Km). Imicj.f.
l.mlirg MjuIi Jl. .$ ,,1S7.I .1,171 11 frlM.17
linllnj .lime "0 .. , 2,yi0.".1 .1.317.K, 370 77
1 iuIIi.k S,pt. .0 .... 3,U.,l.hS I'.SIIUI 't)7.l
I'mlinir II11 ..1 . 3,141 M .1,10V ty 15H.7,
Tula!. . . . l.',fX)i)0 tl.Oja.ll fcoOrfOI
In the money older dcpaitment the
business tun up to $3.',0fl0, also an In
uuise over the pi reeding year. Post
master Thomas has cause for congra
tulation over the good showing, as
man of the towns thiough this sec
tion did a smaller volume of business
In postal matteis in l'.'OO than itu the
pievious j car. The poor business of
the thlid quarter of the year Is to be
accounted for because the coal mill
cis' strike wns In its zenith then and
the pt evidential campaign also hud a
little to do with the slack times. Hut
the .show Ins for the totnl years indi
cates prospeiity for the city.
Through a Tribune "Ad." He Once
Mors Has His Timopioco.
Hariy Wolcott, conductor ol the
Delaware and Hudson freight between
this city and Wllkes-Buue, lost a fine
gold wutch, valued at $115, on Satur
day. His tuiin was passing the steel
mill nt Scianton when Mi. Wolcott
pulled the watch out of his pocket.
The chain broke nnd tho timepiece
iliopped to the loudbed. Seaich was
made, but the crystal was the only
pait which could be found. On the nr
ilval of his train heie, Mr. Wolcott
come to The Tribune otllce and Insert
ed an ad, which was placed In the
Sernnton pai t of the paper, with In
sttuctlnns to report If found to the
ticket agent nt the steel mill.
Last night Mr. Wolcott caino to this
olllce and announced that the ticket
agent at the steel mill had sent him
woul that the watch had been lound
and bi ought to him In accoi dunce with
the dliectlons In the nd. Tho conduc
tor wns very happy and feels grateful
to The Tribune for Its aid
The Musicians' Union.
Prank Koinmclmyer, of tho Mozart
band, has lecelvod nssuinnees from
Ocnige C Nucliinan, of Baltimore,
Aid., first vice piesldent of the Angli
can redeiatlon of Musicians, that a
chai tei for a local union will soon bo
fotlhcomlng, and that nil musicians
trom Aichbuld to Peckvllle will be
eligible to belong to It. A meeting ot
local musicians will bo held In the
looms of the Mozart band to take
steps to otgnnlze the local union. It
Is piobable that Vice Piesldent Nuch
roiin will be Invited here to formally
intorpoiuto It and install the officers.
New Cooking Club Offlceis.
At tho meeting of the Cooking club
at MIhs Lizzie Scutrj's, on Saturday,
Mis. A, W. Burdlck was selected ua
piesldent and Miss Jessie Moore viae
piesldent of the club.
Reappointed as Consul.
Mai tin Hellstrom, of Main street,
has Just received official notification
tbnt he has been leappolntcd local
consul foi the Lcagiiti of Amcilcnn
The Democratic Convention.
The delegates elected ht the Demo
i'lutlo pilmarles held Saturday even
ing, will meet In the Academy of
MuhIc tonight for the purpose of nomi
nating candidates for the various of
fltes. It Is said the seats of somo of
the delegates who hold credentials
will be contested, Hugheb claims a
majority of two delegates, for school
illiectm fimn tho Thlid and Fourth
wauls. It Is an open question who
Cures a Cough or Cold at once.
Cowmen Croup, hooping-cough, BronchltU,
( thine audCouiiumptlon. Quick, ure retultf.
Dr. nil's Pills euro Constipation. SO pills 10c
will bp given the nomination In the
upper wards. The only other ofllces
over which there Is likely to bo any
stir is two common councllmen from
the Third, nnd poor director from the
Fourth. It seems probable that John
J. Nealon will 1ms renominated for
council nnd that Hon. Thomns Mooney
will be the other nominee, if he la
willing to nccept. James Hurke Is the
only one mentioned for tho nomina
tion for poor director to succeed A. F.
Cook. Tho convention will, no doubt,
be largely nttended.
A Slight Wreck.
Tho Ontario nnd Western yarJ,
north of the city, was the scene of a
slight wreck Sunday shortly after 10
o'clock. A coal car had Jumped the
track on a snitch where the train had
been pushed for the north-bound, .pas.
sengcr train to pass. The car was
pulled to one side, but another coal
train, south-bound, ran Into It, tho
derailed car being too closo to tho
trucks. One car was totally demol
ished and a dozen others wore badly
damaged. No one was hurt.
A Coasting Accident.
James, the young son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Richard Kllpatrlck.of Wyoming street,
met with un accident on Saturday af
ternoon while coasting down hill. He
wns coming down with the front side
of his anatomy glued to the top of the
sled, when a big stone neglected to get
out of his course and he wns deposited
with celerity on the side of his head
and shoulders in a ditch. He Is now
comfortably killing time In the house
until his cuts heal over.
A Queer Vehicle.
In tho midst of tho driving snow
storm last evening, Joseph Gllmartln
excited attention and comment on
Main street by a queer combination
bicycle, which he pushed through the
snow In good style. The iear of the
rig wns equipped with a regulation bi
cycle wheel, with chain, pedals, etc.,
which the front hnd a runner attach
ment clamped to the front foiks. The
unique bicycle seemed a geiat success.
No Quorum.
Common council was to have mot In
regular session last night, but only six
members had shown up by 9 o'clock,
and this being one too few for a quo
rum, no meeting could be held. Secre
tary Kvnns, of the board of health,
has his ropoit for the year 1900 ready,
but It was not submitted. Chaltman
Kennedy will probably call n meeting
for some night Inter In tho week.
Special Meetings.
A set lot of revival meetings was in
augurated In thp lecture room of the
Berean Baptist church last evening.
The pui pose of these meetings Is to
follow up the vvork of the week of
ptayer of last week. Meetings will also
be held this evening and on ThtrT'sday
evening. They will be conducted by
the pastor, who will make a shoit ad
dress each night. All are invited.
To Preside Over Sunday School.
H. O. Watious, esq., has been ap
pointed supeilntendent of Tilnlty Sun
day school, to take the place of n. C.
Hnrnden, who resigned recently on ac
count of his lemoval to Blnghumton.
Mr. Wntrous Is an energetic worker
and will no doubt prove a w 01 thy suc
cessor to Mr. Hnrnden. T. Gilffln
Smith has been tempoiailty In charge.
The Passing Throng.
Hairy IZbhecht Is visiting friends in
York. Pa.
John K.trly spent Sunday with Prlce
buig ft lends.
Miss Agnes O'Malley Is visiting
f 1 lends In Plttston.
Mait Dougherty has resumed his po
sition In the Hotel Anthinclte.
MIhs Nellie Little, of Pike stiect, has
recovered from a week's Illness.
Frank McDermott was among tho
tourists to Scranton esterday.
G. B. Van Goider Is In Pieston Paik,
wheie ho Is working on a contrnct.
Miss Martha Singer has leturned
from a visit with friends In Scranton.
Joe Nealon has secured a position as
trainman on the Delawaie and Hud
son. Miss Francis Knapp. of Canaan
street, is contlned to her home with
the grip.
Hon. Eeopold rutin, or Wano
county, stopped over on his way to
Hnrrlsburg yesterday,
Mrs. Udvvard A. Bronson has her
mother, Mrs. Jerry Bogg, of Mount
Upton, N. Y., visiting her.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Battle, of Scott
street, attended the funeral of Martin
Fortune, of Parsons, yesteiday.
Miss Mary McGarry, of the Watt
shoe stoic, attended the funeral of a
relative nt Parsons yesterday.
Mr. and Mis. W. G. Jones, of Wash
ington street, have been called to
Prlceburg by the death of a relative.
Master Mechanic Ronnie, of the Del
aware and Hudson locomotive shops,
has been one of the victims of tho
Michael Horan and Thomas Shan
non were circulating among their
many acquaintances In Plttston on
Silas McMullen, of the Westchester
Military ncademy, came home yester
day to attend his uncle's funeral In
The St, Agnes guild of St. James
church wilt hold an entertainment und
box soclul In Enterprise hall on Friday
evening next. The entertainment will
consist largely of out of town talent, a
programme of which will be published
Nicholas Bennett and John Claik, the
delegates fiom the local branch of tho
United Mine Workers of America, left
yesterday to attend the district con
vention In session ut Ldwardsdale.
Tho olllcers of Oscar C. Smith camp,
Sons of Veterans, will be Installed In
Windsor hall tomorrow evening by
Past Captain Hunter
The committee In chaige of the lead
ing rooms have lecelved a donation of
books for tho rooms from Dr. S. D.
Davis, for which they are grateful.
i;va, the 2-months-oId child of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Toman, of Third street,
died yesterday afternoon.
Mrs, Fied Green, of Mayllcld, Is seil
ousl 111.
A llttlo daughter was boin ester
day to Mr. und Mis. Thomas Hockn
day, of Fourth street.
Allium MtCleary, of Lancaster, is
visiting his sister, Mrs, John Gruves,
Mr. Coles, of ltlehmnndale, rcptesent
Ing the miners at that pluce, attended
tho meeting of the Tlrst Aid society
bete on Sutuiday und witnessed with
Interest tho Ut Ills of the membeis. Mr.
Coles stated tho miners of Itlchmon
dale vveio about to organize a similar
society and it Is probable the Jermyn
society will go to nichmondalo In the
near future to give un exhibition drill.
Liveryman Bray, on Saturday, found
a two-seated buggy at the bottom of
an embankment In a secluded pnrt of
the old Carbondnlo road. Tho buggy
hnd apparently been there- for somo
time. Inslda of it was a set of hnr
ness, the traces ot which had been cut,
a i-obo nnd whip. It is supposed the
driver, whoever he was, must have
driven over the bank nnd then was un
able to pull tho rig out and probably
has since been unnble to locate the
Mrs. William Jcnkln is confined to
her home on Main street by sickness.
Samuel Hvans, of Providence, Is vis
iting friends here.
Tho Ladles' Aid of the First Baptist
church will hold a supper In the church
on Frlduy evening.
3Ilss Margaret Grlfllths, of Olyphant,
who has been the gttest of her broth
er, Samuel arimths, of Fourth Btreet,
for the past two weeks, hao relumed
Patrick Tougher, aged forty-seven
years, died yesterday afternoon at hln
homo on Grassy avenue. Deceased had
been 111 for some time of dropsy, which
disease caused his death. Tuneral an
nouncement later
Mrs. William Vandervort still con
tinues dangerously 111.
The First ward primaries will be
held from 4 to 7 p. m. on Saturday,
Janunry 22, nt Arnold's olllce, Main
A new furnace Is being' put In the
ccntrnl school building.
Maple Bell, of Taylor, Bpent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Bell, of West Peckvllle.
Class 13 of the Peckvlllt Baptist
church wilt hold a social at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Warren, cor
ner of Academy and North stieets, on
Wednesday evening, January 16. A nil- I
ver collection will be taken nt the door.
All nre Invited to attend. The follow
ing programme will be rendered:
Chorus, class; piano solo, Miss Mattle
Pickering; recitation, Miss Bessie
Thomas; solo, Frank Williams; tes
tation, Miss Anna Nutc; vocal duet,
Miss Helen and Milton Thomas; piano
solo, Mrs. Selbert; rending. Miss Cas
sio Williams; solo, Miss Florence Tay
lor; piano duet, Mrs. Sclbeit and Mis.
Sltgreaves; solo, William W. Watklns;
choius, class; phonoginph selection,
Messrs, Wan en and James.
The Central Sub-Dlstilct Kpworth
league convention, Honesdale dlstilct,
will bo held Friday and Saturday even
ings, Janunry 18 nnd 19. In the Metho
dist Episcopal church, Peckvllle. Even
ing Session 7, song and prayer service,
led by Uev. A. O. Williams; 7.30, music
by the choir; 7.40, "What Help Can
Chapters Bender In Revival Work?"
D. Stanley Kvans; 7.50, music by the
choir; 8, nddreHS, "The Bible In Refer
ence to tho Problems of the Hour,"
Uev. M. D. Fuller; 8.4r,, nltar and con
secration service. Moinlng Session 9,
devotional service, led by Rev. K. D.
Cavannugh; 9.20,buslness session; 10 20,
"New Testament Standard of Chris
tian Life," Miss Sadie Miller: 10 40,
"The Duties of the President," Blnncho
Taylor; 11, "Party Spirit in the Elec
tion of Officers nnd Who Should Pre
side In Such Elections?" John F. Doo
ley; 11.30, discussion of hindrances, led
by Rev, L. W. Karsohner. Afternoon
Session 1.30, devotions, led by Rev. B.
R. Hanton; 1.4r, discussion of hind
rances, led by Rev. B. B. Hanton and
Prof, Hockenberry: 2.15, "Relation ot
tho League to the Chuich," Rev. L.
W. Karschnei; 2.35. "Methods and
Purpose In League Socials," Miss L.
Peek, discussion led by Miss Wnde
man; 3, "How to Make the Junior
League Work a Success," Miss Maud
Tteveiton: 3.20, recitation. Miss Lena
Gendall; 3.30, address, Prof. II. J.
Edison's wonderful Invention, the
wargraph, will be exhibited at the
Welsh Bnptlst chuich next Friday
nnd Satuulay evenings, presenting a
laige collection of animated scenes
from all parts of the globe, including
viewH of Galveston harbor, the South
Afilcan war, bombardment of tho
Chinese forts nt Taku, the gieat bat
tle of San Juan Hill, the Hoboken
steampshlp fire, international yacht
races, scones of the Pails exposition
and of the Dewey celebration: nlso a
production of the entire extravaganza,
"Cinderella and the Glass Slipper," A
great treat Is In store for you. Ad
mlslson, 10, 20 nnd 25 cents
The Juvenls Dancing class will hold
their weekly social In Mahon's hall,
on Thursday evening, Lavvience's
orchestin, of Sernnton, will fuinlsh
the music.
Special services are being held In
the Presbyterlnn church ngaln this
week. The services were conducted
by Rev. B. r. Hammond last evening,
who preached a very interesting and
edifying seimon. The meetings begin
at 7.30 p. m.
The condition of Mis. John MeAn
drew, wife of Officer McAndtew, who
has been at thti Moses Taylor hospital
for the past ten days, remains un
changed. The membeis of the Blakely Whist
club were entertained at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. T. I, Paisons last
evening. The time was delightfully
spent in caul playing until about U
o'clock, when the guests partook of
a dainty lunch.
Martin McLane, of Dunmorc, was a
visitor In town over Sunday.
Miss Jennie VanWngner. of New
York stattf, Is visiting nt the home ot
her uncle, Mr. K. Biodhead.
Mr. and Mis. Henry Hinds, of Scran
ton, spent Sunday nt the home of the
formers parents.
The Sewing circle met at the homo
of Miss Emma L'dsell yesteiday af
ternoon. Mrs. J. N. Bailey spent Sutuiday In
Dr. nnd Mis. Itlchnrds wore made
happy on Saturday morning by the
an I vol of n daughter.
Miss Relle Monle was n cnller In
Sernnton esterday.
Mr. W. O. Dtake is III at his homo
on Mlnooka avenue.
Miss Carrie Seberhlne enteitalnetl a
few f 1 lends at her homo last evening.
Miss Blunche Tiegellart Is visiting it
Miss Lueietla Aston left Saturday
morning for New York, to seive In the
capacity ns governess with a family
Mr. Will Kirk Is III with the gilp ut
his homo In Spike Island.
Mrs. Aimfleld, of Parsons, visited
her daughter, Mrs. Al. Smith, jester
day. Mlsa Nelllu McCormlck Is visiting
her brother In Scranton'.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take I.axatlvo Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund thu money
If it falls to cure. K. W, Grove's alg
nature la on each box. 25c
The young people of the Archbatd
held a social time at James' hall, on
Saturday evening, which was attended
by about forty guests. The usual par
ty diversions were indulged In until a
late hour, when refreshments were
served. In nttendnnco were: Misses
Kmma Nash, Mary Jones, Mnmle O.
Lcnahnn, Minnie Kahn, Mnbcl Gaul,
Minnie Evnns, Mamie Davis, Lizzie
Evans, Llzzio Curtis, Nellie Bobbins.
Annie Morclnnd, Lizzie Nicholas, Jen
nie Thomus, Dora Williams, E1U
Ratchford, Annie Dunnegun, Mamlo
Hart, Esther Pcnnlck; Messrs. Mnroy
Pennlrk, Ezra Gaul, Thomas Morris,
William Nash, Frank Nash, Henry
Hippie, John L'nglc, William Pfaff,
Harry Engle, Harry Barrier, Reese
Thomas, Walter Gets:. Edward Wal
cott, Bert Barrier, David Stanford,
George James, Edward Jones, Lewis
Hoffman, James Clark, Joseph San
ders, Ezra Kahn, Owen O'Lennhan nnd
David Richards.
Misses Bessie and Gertrude Collum,
of Newton, were guests of friends in
Oris place on the Sabbath.
Tho Young People's Literary society
of the Church of the Immaculate
Conception will hold nn important
business meeting this evening at their
usual meeting place. The prcsenco of
every member Is requested.
Don't forget that the Ladles' lodge,
No. 18, American Protestant associa
tion, ntc to conduct a grand enke and
faggot social this evening at the halt,
on Main street. Other eatables will be
served. Price of supper only 10 cents.
In honor" of his forty-sixth birthday
anniversary, Thomas Lewis, of Rcnd
ham, was tendered n, reception by his
many friends on Saturday evening.
Mr. Lewis was taken by surprise, but
entertnlned the guests in n royal man
ner, assisted by Mrs. Lewis. Mr.
Lewis wus presented with a benutlful
smoking set. Mr. W, J. Hosklns maJe
the presentation. Mr. Lewis lespond-
ed. thanking tho gathering for the 1
gilt. A sumptuous repast wns served
during the evening. Those piesent
were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis,
William Groin, James Tlbbs. Misses
Ldlu Hosklns. Emma Lewis, Ella,
Dorothy, Alice and May Corcoran,
Delia Df-ckor, Satnh WHIInms. Lena
Shields, Ml p. C. Rlppcn, Mrs. Freder
ick Wilson, May Shannon, Kdltb, May
and Lizzie Fnscett, Mny A. Price. LI.:
zie and Esther Hughes, Bea Brennan,
and Messrs. W. J. Hosklns, jr.; Rich
nul Roach, Robert Gram, James
Hughes, Frank Ojster, J. H. Tomklns,
Thomas 'Williams, James Shannon,
Clarence E. Whitney, Patrick Lnugh
ney, Isaac and Walter Tlbbs. and ny
lon Grom.
Joseph Reese, who was Injuied some
time ago at the Taylor mine, Is slow
ly recovering.
The Ladles' Aid socletj of the Nebo
Congicgnttonal chinch, of Bendhnm,
will conduct a grand nipper tonight
at the church basement. Oystcis,
enke, Ice cieam, etc., will be seived.
All are welcome.
The funeial or Meriitt Lovvry will
occur this -morning. Deceased's ie
mslns will be conveyed to Cllft'otd.
Pa., whpre services will bo held at 2
o'clock this afternoon. Intel ment will
nlso be made In Clifford.
Mr. Llvy Day, of Olyphint, called
on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodworth, of
North Main street, on Sundnv.
Lily lodge, No. 319, Independent Ol
der of Odd Fellows, will meet In regu
lar session this evening.
Misses Cora Davenpoit and Ruby
Bleserker spent Sunday visiting rela
tives In Mooslc.
On Saturday evening, Jan. 12. 11 sui
pikse paity was tendered Mr. and Mrs.
B P. Wheeler. It being the thirteenth
anniversary of their wedding. Re
freshments weie seived, after which,
as n token of friendship nnd high es
teem, a handsome couch was piesent
ed to Mis. Wheeler by her many
ft tends In the Giecn. Among those
piesent were the following: Mr. and
Mrs. N. S Davis and dnughter. Mr.
and Mrs. Silas White. Mr. and Mrs.
James Holgate, Mr. and Mrs. E. It.
Jones, Mr. nnd Mis. H. N. Northup,
Mr. and Mis Jobeph Leuch, Dr. nnd
Mis. B. r. Evans, Mr. and Mis. A. D.
Uobliibon, Mis. Edwattl Lutsey, Misses
Nellie Lutsey, M. E. Bevan, Jessie
Robinson, Leah Chapman, Fiances
Northup, Rev. H. Parlett East and
Judsou Calender.
Revival sci vices aie now In progress
at the Clatk's Green Bnptlst church
and will be held eveiy night this week
The pastor Is being assisted by Rev.
r. I. Froy, of Elmhurst. Thus tar the
attendance has been good, and the
Loul has ilchly blessed our cffoils.
Come and bilng a friend.
The Ladles' aid of the Claik's Green
Bnptlst church will meet nt the home
of Mrs. A, W. Terlsse on the afternoon
of Jan. 17th for tea. Pleahe rome
early. Everybody welcome
Miss Daisy Billings, of East Lemon,
spent Sunday with her friend, Mis
Ilnttle Jackson.
Miss Grtrtrude Finn, of Keystone
academy, was the guest of Mr, und
Mrs. S. E. Finn on Sunday.
The Women's Chilstlnn Temperance
union will hold a mother's meeting at
the home of Mrs. O. P. Stoll on I'll
day afternoon net at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. M. H Sheunun. Mrs. E. G. Von
Storch, Mis Samuel Stanllck will
serve a supper at the home ot Mis.
Sherman on Wednesday, beginning at
1.30 o'clock In the afternoon. The pio.
ceeds will bo used for tho benefit of
the Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist
Ollvei W. Mason has been quit" 111
ngaln at his home.
Tho rhlldren of Mr. Brovvcr, the bni
bor, nie ill with measles.
A. Al. Johnson will move the latter
part of this week Into the house toiui
eilv occupied by Mr. Singer.
On Thursday evening of Inst week
it lecoptlon wns given at the home
ot Mr. and Mrs. Smith In honor of
the recent irrjrtlugo of their son. Bur
ton J. Smith to Miss Katie
J. Aunstrong, of Strantcn. A plens
ant evening was spent b nil who
went pwsent. Tho Dalton quartette
ipndeied seveial (.elections to the de
light of tho guests.
All membeis of John Wesley castle,
No. SVJ, Knights of tho Golden Eaglo,
aie ic-quested to meet In their castle
lnll nt 1.30 o'clock this afternoon,
from which pluco they will pioreed In
a body to the lute homo of Brother
Wntkln J Williams, deceased, to at
tend the funeral ceiemonles, which
will comenince ut 2.30 o'clock. Inter
ment In Prleaburg cemeteiy,
Fred Bariett, a young man em
ployed us outside hand nt Storis No
1 shaft, wus caught while coupling
cars, losing two of his flngois, on
Satuulay last.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Browning, of
jJessup, vveio thu guests ot Mr, and
Dr. C. II, Slrotif, ho conducted 11 lirgc Sst
urcMtiil practlc: in l-rrnton during 1MT, 1M
rj 1&59, hw oucnl an other nt 400 I.ickawinti
iwrr.up (over llic I'arut tote), wlire h li rr
pirctl to (tle the pulillu the mhinUifcs of an
exteiwbe fxpcrlrnrc extending otr untn yrra
In the leading hosptUIa of Kurope (Dr. Strong
having tended abroad tlneo WW until recently).
In re-eatablUhlng lilt pntctlee here he is more
fully equlpetl than ever to treat the dlwivs to
which lie gives special attention. Practical
experience la the greatent teacher; lie ho It
niOKt auccenful in the practice of medicine U he
who hn had the advantage! of the great rut ex
perience. Dr. Strong haa certainly leen af
forded iinusunl op(iortunltin for acquiring a
thorough knowledge f the most auoccwful meth.
od ot trratliur the nlfllctcd.
Daring all of llu very latent Improved Amer
ican and Kuropcan Instruments and appllaucea
for examining and titatlng the alfllcted he 1
enabled lo effect curea where other physician,
who do not poaten th aanie meant ol ascer
taining the exait tondltlon of the patient, TAIL.
!l remedies prescribed by Dr. Strong are pre
pared enpcclalb for each rase In the com
plete medical laborjtnry connected xvllh Ida
offke, tlitia Insuring the purest and most effect,
lie medicines.
Special attention l gben to the successful
treatment of chronic and so-railed incurable dl
eaxes, dlieases of the Nce, Threat, llronehlal
Tubes and Lungs, Catarrh, diseases of the Stom.
uch, Mer, Kidneys, Heart, Bladder and Urinary
Organs. Ulood and Skin, disuse peculiar to wo
men, dleasei of the Nervous Syatem, etc.
Consultation and examination free.
Oltlici, 4U0 Lackitxiinna menuo (over the Paris
store) Hours, 'I to 1.', I to 5, nnd 7 to S
o't lock.
Nindajs by apHiliitineiit only.
A $7.00
Given Free
to each person Interest
ed In subscribing to th
Kugrne Field Monu
ment Somcnlr Fund.
Subscribe any aimunt
desired. Subscriptions
as low as $1 00 -tll en
title donor to Ida daint
ily at (title volume.
(doth bound, Bitl), aa
a certificate of subscrip
tion to fund. Book
contains a selection of
Field's bett and most
t lus
tiHtnl by tnlr-tv-two
of tho
VvorUI'a (treat
est Artists.
representatlte works and Is ready for de
lliery. Mut for the noble contribution cf the
world's greatest artists this book could not
hae been manufactured for less than $7.00.
The Fund created is divided equally be
tween the family of the late Eugene Field
and the Fund lor the building of a monu
ment to the memory of the beloved poet
ol childhood. Address
Eugene Field Monument Souvenelr Pund
Chicago, lit
If you alio wish to send pottage, enclose
10 cents
Mis. George Cooper, of Albert street,
on Sunday.
Thlity-flve Days' Tour via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Ballroad company
has arranged for a special peisonnlly
conducted tour through California, to
leave New "Yoik and Philadelphia iri
February 11, by the "Golden Gate Spe
cial," composed exclusively of Pullman
parinr-sinoklng. dining, drawing-room
sleeping, compartment, nnd observa
tion ears, returning by March 0. This
special tialn will be run over the 'en
tire route. The best hotels will be used
wheie extended stop are made, but
the tialn will be at the constant com
mand of the party.
Itound-trJp tickets, eoveilng all nee
eary expenses, $t50 from all points on
Pennsylvania lalltoad except Pitts
burg, from which point the inte will
bo $445.
For fuithei inttii matlon apply to
ticket agents; Tom 1st Agent, 1196
Broadway, Now York; 4 Court stioet.
Biooklyn; 789 Bioad sticet, Newark.
N. J.j B. Couilaender, Jr., Passenger
Agent Baltlmoie Dlstilct, Baltimore.
Md.: Colin Studds, Passenger Agent
Southeastern Dlstilct, Washington, D.
C; Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District, Pittsburg. Pa.; 01
address George W. Boyd, Assistant
Geneial Passenger Agent, Philadel
phia. D., L. & W. Restaurant at Hoboken.
New Yoik, Jan. 9, 1901.
For your intormatlon:
The Lackawanna railroad, under the
direct supervision of Itf dining car de
partment, will open on the morning ot
Januniy 12 a restaurant nnd lunc.'i
counter In tho Hoboken terminal. For
more than four months caipenteis,
plumbers, electric light men, palnteis
and decoiators have been nt woik
upon these 100ms, which now compaio
favorably with the best testauranl
plants In the city of New Yoik. The
kitchen has been thotoughly fitted with
the most perfect modern equipment
and Is prepaied to handle inpidly and
thoroughly the gieut vailety of dishes
which aie Included In the menu. The
lestauiunt piopnr Is roomy, light nnd
aliy and its tables nie fitted with
high-grade china, crystal, silver nnd
linen. The bill ot fare Includes thut
large variety of perfectly prepared
dishes which within a year Iiavo mado
for the Lackawanna in II road the repu
tation of giving to the public the best
all-around dining car service In the
t'nlted Slates. The same care, dill
genco and energy which have built up
this enviable leputatlon for tho dining
cars will contiol the management of
this Hoboken lestuurant In addition
to tho rcstnurnnta large lunch eountei
will be maintained In tho Hoboken ter
minal for the accommodation of thos
who desire quicker service and less
eluborattt meals. It Is the aim of the
mnnugement to provide the best pos
sible meals nt the most reasonable
rates and prices have been fixed In ac
cordance with this Idea.
When the ldgl fCliool courses for gills weie
opened at Mouou- a few weeks ago the number
of students v as livid at .'Oil, 'there were, how
ever, 2V) applicants at the stilt.
Deafness Cannot Be Cmed
bi local appllutlaiu as they cannot leach the
dl.eai.ed portion of llic ear. lluic Is only one
wj to cure dcafum, and that is by toiutllu
tloiul remt tilts. Deafness fa uuieil by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Kmtachlan Tube. When this lube l Inflamed
j oil have a tumbling sound or Imperfect hear Ins,
and when it is entirely cloul, Deufnei Is the re
sult, and unlevK the Inrlannnatloii tun be taken
nut and Hits tube restore d to Its normal condl
lion, hearing will bo dettocil turner; nine
ijmii out of ten uie ijinJ b (utairh, which It
nothing but an Inflamed tondltlon of the mucous
Wi will give One Iluudied Dollars tor any cstc
of Deafness (tausid by tatairh) that cannot be
ruied by Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for circulars
V. 3. CIIKSKY c CO., Toledo, O
Kold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Famlli I'ilU are the belt
' i