The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 14, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    - -MyJy
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HSV jHR'A - "Jic.r'a--"PT-w cv?yw- v ---fitSt
P5 'M-'fT.ti
," a ,y P"3P lo-vtV".
T-W"nv-vTTgir-,'" 'K
Opens Today and Will Bo Attended
by Upwards of 300 Delegates.
Matters That Aro to Come Before
tho Convention Condition of the
Anthracite Coal Trade Make-up
of tho E., L. & W. Board for Today.
Strlko nt Edwardsvllle of Short
Duration General Notes.
Tills af lei noon, tho nuarteily con
vention of United Mine Workers of
Dlstilct No. 1, which Includes the tei
iltory between Forest City and Xnn
tlcoke, 'will open nt Kdwnrdsvllle.
Over SOO delegates Milt uttond. T. J.
Nlchollst, the district piesldent, will
iM"ddo. Ho said, with icferctice to tho
"This convention In of meat Iniport
iuicl' to this mlno workeis of District
No. 1. The delegates will ko to the
convention prepared to vote on Home
very Important iiuestlohs, The by
laws und constitution will be icvifcd
and general by-laws governing nil lo
cals will be formed. Tt Is hoped ulmt
tho convention will decide to adopt n
uniform working card. At present
ihero Is no winking card used by the
mine wot kern, and It Is very nece.siary
that they, like all other trades unions,
xhould hnvo one. It Is also cNpected
tl-nt n uniform initiation fee will be
decided upon. Tlio bcssIohs will be
t"-v.ivl and none but regularly elected
delegates will bo present."
Other ofllccrrt who will attend the
reinvention nr,o: Vice President Adam
Koycavwyeh and Secretai y-Tieasurer
John T. Dcnipscy, Natlonnl Commit
teeman lillehor, Organizer It. N.
c'otirtrlght and Kxecutivc; Hoard Mem
bers Henry Collins, of Curbondale:
John Kearney, of Archbald, and
Nicholas lturko, of Scranton. Some of
the mattets to come before the con
vention are: Tho genet al levMon of
by-laws nnd constitution; tho forma
tion of n general by-law governing all
locals: 'tho adoption of a General
working enrd; the adoption of a uni
form Initiation i'ee.
Anthracite Coal Tinde.
"Within Fix months tho nnlhraclto
trade lias seen the only successful
large strike of the mine employes anil
a, great concentration of mining ln-
There's many a successful hutinefs
man who sits in hit city office and lets
his mind slip back to his boyhood itejs
on the farm. How good it felt to live !
What an appetite he had! How good
everything tasted I How bound his bleep
was I How eapeily he rose w ith the sun
aud raced with huu through the long
day. And now he's a successful man.
But he can't sleep. He doesn't enjoy
his food. His stomach is weak, his
nerves are shaken, and he no mere rises
with the sun to race eagerly against him.
His vitality is low and now and again
his heart seems to plunge in his breast
as if it would break loos,c. That's the
price he has paid for success.
The mischief of the whole business is
that he buys "tablets" of one sort or
anotner to "aid" lus digestion, and in
dulges in bromide:, ami other nerve
stimulants, just to hold himself together,
nnd wonders why he seems to be getting
The whole trouble with such u man
Kenerally lies in what is called a weak "
.stomach. The food he eats does not
nourish kim because it is only partially
digested and assimilated. No man can
be stronger than his stomach, because it
is in the stomach and allied organs of
digestion and nutrition that strength is
made from the food which is eaten.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery cures diseases of the stomach aud
other organs of digestion and nutrition.
It restores the strength of the body in
the only way strength can le restored,
by food which is perfectly digested and
assimilated, when the diseased stomach
(with its allied organs,) Is cured of dis
ease. It is a blood-making, body-building
medicine, inasmuch as blood 'is made
from food and the body is built up by
blood. It is not a stimulant, containing
neither alcohol or any other narcotic.
Ln spring, early. I wrqte you my ieellni
anS condition," ays Mr. A. J, Vanderwater, b?
Vet Ilivlslon fetreet, Chicago, 111., "and 5011
advised me to tale fir. 1'icicc'h GolclcuMculcal
Discovery (a few bottle), and tlicn wiite jou
liowl lelt. I aat happy to bay I am Rcttlae to
feci fine. In all I fine Ufceu six bottles of the
'Discovery' and four or live uls of the little
'1'elrets.' Thtyliave done me worlds of good.
All ray friends savt 'Viiuderwatcr. how welt
yon arc loolcinsr. What In the woilJ liae juu
brenilolnef 1 teltthcin I have been docloriue
with Dr. R. V. Tierce, ol Buffalo, N, Y. Why"
they My, 'you haven't been there?" No, I
ay, but I took hU' Golden Medical Discovery'
nnd bis little Tellels.' These medicine have
wrought the creat change in inc. From a slow
mope of a that could hardly truwl, tired
nnd sick all the time, and could do uo work ;
to a man who cau work, ileep. eat, and ferl
tine, and that tired teeliiiE it all goliiK away.
L?n!lr? HjanWul that J wiote to Dr. I'iercr.
lilt 'Golden Discovery and hi. little
llyer 'fillets' have ulmoit made a new man
of me. I feel young us J did at Ihiity seats.
No other doctor for mc, only Dr. l'ierce."
"I, will express my tlmuks to ou for the
kindly advice you have given me in regard to
tuy case," write Miss Carrie I. Wharton, of
Dunavant, tJpottsylvatii Co.. Virginia. "When
I wrote to you last tptlng 1 wa iu a terrible
utate of health. Had given up all hope of ccr
llnc better. I spit up my food all the time
nd it aecuied sour at vinegar. I would have a
bad alek headache every utlier week : in fact,
my head never felt clear, and I wai perfectly
Vroken dawu under the strain of losing my food
constantly. I had read a great deal la your
books f wkat yeur medicine had done for
other, m I wrote you aud got your advice,
nought tw fcoUlot of ' Golden Medical DUcov.
eryrand the Ant dote I foot I felt better.
When I had (iahhed taking the two bottles the
aplttlug up lud entirely Topped aud my head
was much better. I btlleva your medicines are
lut what you have tali of t aim,
"Icatefully red the baoks yau sent me aad
aliall always speak a good wort for the ' Galdea
Medical Discovery ' whenever I kave a all a act.
"You cau publish this if yau thiak it wntk
while. It might Induce soma ant tlse U try
your medicine who was sufferiar as I 414. ft
wo j by the testimonials of others that I waa
i nduce Uo try it. I sliall always rely traea your
advice and feel safe to do as you tell me."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant relicts cure c.
atlpation, its cauies aud consequents.
teroatu. The control cf the Now Jer
sey Central and Its subordinate mining
company, tho Lehigh and Wllkes
Barre, by tho Pleading has been long
foreshadowed. Its announcement
gave rlso to the usual amount of un
intelligent comment In the dalty press
but excited little surpilso among those
who havo been aware of the niiiidy
progress toward coniolldatlng Inter
ests that hav been tho chief feature
of tho history of the trade mnce varly
In 1S08. Tho house at. J. P. Morgan iV
Company showed what It intended to
do when It took up Its opt'jn on tho
Packer ntock of the Lehigh V'nllny nnd
ciune to nn understanding 'vlth Vnn
derbllt IntorestH regarding nlilpnu'iita
from tin: Wyoming region. Mow tho
tonnage controlled by tho UelawMro,
Lackawanna nnd Western, Wehi'varo
und HiKif.oti, Pcnnsylvniila, iul New
Yorl:, Ontario and Western ntnonnu tu
but thirty-seven per cent, of the total,
as compared with tho slxty-thre; ptr
cent, of the Morgan roads. The ptev
out control of the nnthraclts trade In
dlcntea regulation of output to mar
ket needs, tho end of cut-throat com
petition and quite possibly slightly
lilghci' avetuge pi ices for coal.
At present anthracite continues In
excellent demand. There havo been
no Intcnuptlons to rail chlpnienta,
nnd the movement from the mines has
boon voiy heavy, over P.OOO.OOO tons In
Dfconiber: yet pi Ices continue very
Htm nnd spot lots of certain sizes fro
MUcntly sell nt n piemluin. It can
hardly be expected that nnothor month
of mild weather would not affect de
mand, but the outlook favors linn
pi Iten until spring.
The stories of an advance In prices,
which have appeared may b net down
as baseless. The powers now in con
trol aim nt maintaining prices rather
than at advancing quotations, and
then selling nt u discount. We con
tinue to quote: for free-burning white
ash, f. o. b. New Yolk harbor: Urokin,
ti; egg, $1.25; stove and nut Sl.dO;
pea, W: buckwheat, $2.30. Knglneer
lug and Mining Journal.
Board for Today.
Today's D., L. & W. board is as fol
lows: WILD CATS, t:AST.
faiinilay, January 13.
S p. in. J. .1. Muru), It, IMuit' men. .
in p. in. 11. T. IMlout.
11 ji. in. W. lJllair.
Mond.iv, January 11.
UitO n. m. .1. J, DulT.i.
S a. in. W. It. Cattmr.
I a. m.-I. W. P11I1.P.
5 a. in. F. 1. linger.
U a. in. 1'. 1". Stpwn.
T a. in. J. Iliitkhait.
S a. in. O. ltnniloli;i.
It) a. in. T. N'auinaii.
10 a. m. T. Haumaii.
11..10 a. m.-ll. J. LuiUn.
1 i. in. I'. Wall.
2 i. iil IS, lliiuna., C. Hariholoinptt'fc nun.
J!.l"i p. in. T. J. Thompwn.
t.lj p. in. A. J. JIcDonmll.
d a. in., wtt 0. Knmnfrlker.
li a. in., past II. Gilllgan.
!( a, in. west V. II. Mcholt.
12 o'clock noon. wct .1. Carrisir.
( p. m., at II. McAlINter.
T p. m., ost trum Cnj u.i Mo! aw
7 . in., west from r.iuga (!inlf.
T p. in., eat fmm Say Aug K. Dutly.
10 a in. K. li. Srcor.
5 a. in. Hous r.
11.30 a. in. Muran.
7 p. m. Murphy.
a p. in. Lampiiig.
I'asskngiir i:m;ini:s,
7 a. in. Gaffney.
7 a. tn. Sinirer.
O.r.O . m, Mantp.ii,
7 p. in. Mago em,
4 a. in. Ikixtcr.
6 a. in. J. II. McCann.
tl a. in. ,1. i:. MuterV, 0'llar.i's im'n.
5 a. in. J. li Jlahtere.
10 a. in. A. li Kite ham.
12 oVIorl: noon Kirby, Mltli namialttN men.
2 p. in. II. Sinilli.
.1 p. in. G. Smith.
4 p. in. T. ritzpitrick.
0 p. m.-llasfjeny.
MjfK li
Cuiuliutor J. Mfllrr and new will run H.:iii
p. in. wild i'.it wt .Tjnujiy IS, in plat,' of
Mil.aui! and crew.
Told In n Few Lines.
Tho Ciru&on company, which hni ob
tained fioin the Krtipp company the
exclusive American rights to mnnti
facture the Otuvon tutiet tor const
defense, is erecting seveiul buildings
on Its land at Kdilystone, twelve mlpM
south of Philadelphia, und expects to
otait manufactuie in the spring.
II. K. Porter .t Company, of Pitts
burg, Pa,, last month slUppcd to Ionn
Island, on the IIudon, for the govern
ment, the largest compressed air loco
motive yet made. The engine is
standard gunge and wight' twenty
two tons. Tlio silr pressure in tho
main tanks Is 05 pounds, H will be
used to haul ordnance.
Tlio strike of tho employes of the
Kingston Coal company, at IMwaids
ville. Which began Friday, was un
warranted by tlm oflleers of the Mlno
Workers union, and the men hitvo re
turned to woil:. Thomas .7.,
tho foreman nt that mine, against
whom eluuges were profei'ivl by t)io
men, has resigned. Ills lesignatlou
has been accepted.
The year opens with some Mcp-as!
of uctlvlty among -he ula.t fnniaees,
and production is on a hlgln-r level
than for Miveral months ptst. Mere
lurnuces are being prepared to go into
blast toon. As stocks decreased dur
ing December thero seems to be soma
loundntlon for this renewal of activ
ity. Thet o Is little change In pi Ices,
but sellis are generally firm In their
views and do not care to make ton
cessions, Tim Je.uiHvllle lion Woiks com
pany, of .Toansvlllc, Pa., recently
closed a contiact with the Montana
Ore PurehnMng company, Uutte,
Mont., for two compound condensing
mine pumps and two duplex Jet con
densers: tho Ilutto nnd Ectton Con
solidated company, Uutte, Mont., for
.t trlplo-oxpanslun mining pump for a
l,40u-loot lift, and for the hame com
pany a 1,000,000-galIon compound min
ing pump, with n COO-foot lift. Thu
linn has also closed a contiact with
'tho Consolidation Coal company,
Fiostburg. Md., for a 2,000,000 -gal Ion
capacity mine pump to be operated by
compressed air, and u T,000,00')-gallon
mining pump for the Jefferson ' and
Clearfield Coal company, near Hey.
noldsvllle Pa.
from tli? Wllkw-Ilarro Telephone and Democrat.
The Scranton nen.iupcrx ore ju.tly crltlcMiitf
the remit action of tho Scranton itallw.iy com
pany In announcing that the transfer sjattin will
bo abolUhcd after Tuctday, Jan, IS.
There U no question about Mr. hllliman's not
luUni; the Interest of the publla at heart, if the
opinions of thooo nht travel from I'ittiton to
Scranton on the trolley line arc of any on.
iiueute. Mnce tho last (lunsti In tho time, of
running the Durjea lari pawrtieers aro obliged
to stand frequently twenty and tnentj-llvo min
utes in all kinds of weather without any shelter
or even a bench to sit on. Id a man capabjo of
filling the posltlan of manager for a corporation
ttat will permit ol such Injuries?
We would adrlio Mr. Bllllinan to rome down
to Wllket-Harro and spend a few weeks with our
efficient superintendent, T. A. Wright, of tlio
Wllkn-rurro and Wyoming Valley Traction com
pany, and get soma pointers on the syitcmatlc
mtnigemtnt ol a trolley line.
The Bill Was Presented by City Soli
citor Vosburg at a Meeting of tho
Councllmanlc and Board of Trado
Committees and Local Members of
the Legislature Bonid of Trade
Practically Decides to Co-operate
with the City Act Will Be Sub
mitted to Pittsburg and Allegheny.
Tlio boatd of trade committee and
tho couuctlmnnlo committee,
to consider tho question of securing
changes In the present second-class
city laws, havo agreed to act harmoni
ously In securing the passage of the
amendntory act drawn up by City
Solicitor Vosburjr.
This waa practically decided tqon at
a joint meeting held on Saturday night
in tho city clerk's olllce. Present nt
this meeting were: Mayor Molr, Oltv
Solicitor Vosburg, Councllmcn C. 13.
Chittenden, Luther Keller nnd lMwaivl
Coleman, Senator J. J. Vaughan, Hep
resentntlves Edward James, Jr., und
John Scheuer, nnd D. H, Atherton and
Colonel P. L. Hitchcock, of the buard
of trade.
The amendatory net prepared at the
councllmanlc committee's toques t was
piesented by City Solicitor Vosburg. It
reads as follows:
An ait tuppltmmtiiiir and uiiunditiR ilie ait
of the lltli nf June, 1"7, eiilllltri. "An act in
rilat'.on to the got eminent of cltic nt tip ce
und ila.'j."
Section 1 lie it cnailid, (ti., Ilat ppIoii 4,
ul thu a-t of June It, 1n7, tnlitled "An art
In relation tc tho tiournimiit cf iltlc or the
tfcond clam," whlcli read an follows: "lhero
sliall he tlio following etmitlvp ileparlineiit-,
tlif hcaiU of which halt lio (homn by illy
1 lleparhintit of public afel.
2 Popartmoiit of public woiU.
!( Department of rharltlei.
Shall bo Diiumlcil to read .ii fultowm "TIiiip
fli.ill bo tlio following cccutlu Uiparum titx.
1 IKpailiiiviit of public wfety.
2 Department of public work.
.'1 Department of tharitle-i.
Ilia hcad of these ilepartiiuntj, whop lerim
shall not exceed three year", t-hall bo appolnltd
and riniovcd by the mayor, with the adiicc
ami L'otiMnt of the silcit I'riHi'U.I,
that in i.iw of tl.o rimoial of the head of any
department by tho major pecitic rauw fIi.iII
bu asslKtiod, and i.icli head of department shall
rontluiie to cxenU the iluties of the poiltion,
until thU nmoval is conuurrd in by the select
council: and any such department, shall nut
take etrcct until it it coueunul in by tlio select
So. 2. Section ijth ol nald act of Juiip II,
ll-e-7. which icadii ai follows: "The major
shall commit with three dally newspaper.-!,
oiip of which may be publl-lifd in the (leriuon
liniruage, for stuh turn as may he proiidnl by
(inlinancc of cotuuils, for the piihlicatlon of nil
unliiMtiicf, icwcrs' riporti and proposals for
public voik and Mippllix, fitch contract to b
let to tlio lowest hiddri, a,-ite iiieaaurr, per line
f,.r each tlioimud of iluulation tlio lndt nf
iliciilallvn to v the aieraso iliily ciiculatlon
(icIuIl of Sunday lues) ut such newspapers,
for tho slv inunthi next pnceding the month in
which such ndwrthtnient may be publWied,"
be and the same li hereby lepcalcd.
.. .1 I'ioiii and afler the p.nai;c of this
ad, no Ucuin, shall bo appointed by the limit
iu cities of tin' M-cond cIhs, to .icsim dam
aitm nnd benetit ariiiig by re-asun of thn con
ftructlon of any publlo iiuproieniciit, such ai
Iailncl, liridgm, sewers and the like, or in
cases of opeiilm;, widniliiff or pailna; fleets
and alloj of the ilty, but In all such cisn, tho
danianeit and tHiiellts, if anj, be asuvsoil
by the lie l of tic department ot publio works.
mid the brjul ef city nvcwiu, who slnll ifle
ten davs' notlrc lo tho proprily owner"
alTcclcd bj slid inipiintnunt. of tin. time and
J'licr for healing -aid pmpeitj iiwmis, ami an
appeal inav bo taken from the anaid or aww
mint of sale! head nf the ikp.ivtinent, nf public
works, and the city .i-cmiis:, which appial hiij
In; taken at any time wlll.ln thlitv dais .itlt'r
their a.o.v,riunt n cmplete, to the court of
lomiuou pleas of the proper lounty, b any per
snii in liiteioat, which apwal shall be tried In the
Minn inamiii ,is appeals frn'n the annul of view
cr to jrfci boncllH and daiuams uudii existing
See. 4 In all eases where public woiks or im.
pioceiiuiit', arc tni.structfd in cities of the sec
ond elav. slcIi .is paciiu, uradlii?, tevvirlng
and the llko. Ihe city solicitor shall tlio liens
apalnst Ihe nwnt-ij of ptnjisrly bcuchtcd thcro.
by. wllhlu sK nicntlii Ironi the date uf the
completion of the w il accoullnt,' to tho certificate-
of the head ol the department of public
w orks.
Sec. 0 I'ioiii and after the pimrc of th'J
act, Iu dllm of tlio scriiiul elm, the illy
Kr.nttnr shall mt n ,i locelcer of all the
taxes payable within said city, iniludim; cltv
end Khiuil, poor taxci-, stale and county, and
spclal tae, und he "lull rei-cite n coinnilvmn
for lh rolle-btion of each of said taw, to be
flxrd b tho proper aiilhoritiii,
oi-. lJwry city of tl.o second tlavt shall
have power, Inr jrrncral reienue purpooi-s, to levy
and collect u license- ta, lo bo llxed by ordl
nance, upon stivct railuaj, haik dritcn. auc-
tloiiecr, ami all and eccrv roriwratlon, company, '
or liutliiduat clnlic l)Ulne.v, In tin- said ilty,
p.u.ible aiinuallj ; and to icaulatii the collection
of tho same.
It will be noticed that there are two
additional amendments to those de
cided upon by the committee at last
Monday night's meeting. One of these,
the sixth, was mentioned In last Fri
day's Tribune. It will bo noticed that
It gives tho city unlimited power to
Impose and collect a license tax upon
street railway companies and all other
corporations or persons elolng business;
within its limits. Tlio only limit to tho
size if this lax. under the amendment,
Is a limit of reason.
Tho other additional amendment Is
the fourth, which provides that liens
for municipal improvements shall not
be Hied until within six months from
tho date of the completion of the work.
Tho present Uw directs that such liens
imut bo filed within six months nfter
tho continuation of the vlewets' re
port. This has come to be a gieat In
convenience to property owners against
whom these liens are tiled.
Iu sonui cases the contract for the
woik may not even bo awarded for a
year, or pet haps a year and a halt,
after tho filing of the Huns and vet
they tiro recorded against tho property
owners and act' as an incumbrance in
case they wish to borrow any money
on their propetty. Neatly every week
tho city bollcltor Is requested by such
property owners to havo theso Hens
taken off their property, Inasmuch as
the work of constructing tho sewer or
pavement has not yet been begun, but
he Is powerless to do hi.
At tho meeting, Mr. Vosburg present
ed a letter from his assistant, David J.
Davis, who, with Select Councilman
John E. Hoche, Is in Pittsburg now
conferring with a number of tho legls
lators and others regarding tho pass.
ago of the amendatory act. In this let
ter Mr. Davis reported that tho act
mot with tho hearty approval or tho
city omclala of Allegheny, which is
I really a Quay city, and that tho only
thing they didn't oxactly llko was tho
clause requiring tb,o concurrence of the
select council In tho removal by tho
mayor of tho heads of departments.
Messrs. Davis and Itochc will make
no nttempt to secure the opinions ot
the city olllclali of Pittsburg regarding
the act, for tho latter consider the
present Hocond-rlass city charter to
bo tho most pcifcct thing of Its kind
over constructed by mnn. They will,
however, remain in Pittsburg till the
middle of the week, nnd will secure
opinions anl suggestions from a num
ber of other perbons.
Mr. Atherton gave n report of the
conference hud by hint und Colonpl
Hitchcock with tho Pittsburg and Al
legheny "boards of trade, and explatncd
that tlu buslnesu men of both cltloi
wvro heartily In favor of amending the
ptesent charter so as to give tho mayor
the power to appoint und remove the
heads of departments.
It was decided to havo htm forward
to the Pittsburg and Allegheny boards
of trade copies of the amendatory act,
with a request that It be Immediately
considered. If tho committees of these
bodies had any chnnges to suggest
they could then send them back to this
city to bo acted upon by the councll
manio committee.
Secretary Atherton stated to a. Trib
une mnn thnt this plan might possibly
have tho effect of causing tho board of
trade to abandon for the present Its
Idea of preparing and submitting to
the legislature, a complete act. Ho said
that the amendatory act contnlncel the
provision giving the mayor the power
of appointment, which was exactly the
thing the best element In Pittsburg
nnd Allegheny wanted. He stated that
hi? believed since the conference that
the city and the board of trade could
work hatmonlotisly together on the
The committee will meet aguln some
night this week to hear from Messrs.
Davis and Itocho, nnd from the Pitts
burg and Allegheny boards of trado.
of two t; fve days' duration,
art offered by the
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Poinf Comfort, Ua.
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D. C.
Steamers ssll dally except Sunday from Pier 26,
North Itlcer, foot of Deach street, New York.
Tickets, Including meals and stateroom accom
modations, $13.00 and upward.
1'or full information spply to
81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y.
EUGENE Given Free
PIPI fV5 ch person interest-
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i ""T mc-nt Souvenir Tumi.
A S7 flfl t-'ubscrlbo any annunt
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THKlIookoftlie lly artistic volume,
ociitiiry.lliinrt- "HliU.I) PI.0WI3KS"
Honicly 1 lus- (cloth bound, Sxll), as
trnteit by tn r- certificate of tuUciip,., ?f th.e Hon to fund. nook
World nt.reut- Mntatns a selection of
cstArlit. weld's bet and most
rcprcscntathe worlca and lj ready for do
limy. Put for the noble contribution of the
world's preatet artists tbi-s book could not
have been manufactured tor lesa thin ilM.
The Hind created Is divided equally be
tneen the family of the lata Cuecno Held
and the Tund for the liullding of a monu
ment to the memory of the bcloed poet
ot childhood. Address ,
Uuzeiie Pleld Monument Sotivenclr Fund
Chlcuiio. III.
If you also wish to send postage, enclose
10 cents.
The Dickson Mnmiracturlng Co.
tcrauton nnd Wtllcsvllarro, t'A,
MauufacuuraM of
Uollerj, llolstlnzand Pumping Machinery,
Qeneral Ofllca. Scr&nton, Pa,
The Blues
is one signal which foretells physical
decay. Another is pale lifeless skin.
The muscles Ehriulc nnd become flab
by; the body becomes emaciated, and
there is nu early tendency to rouud
shoulders. The step lacks elasticity,
the nerves become weak; mental and
physical activity ure a burden.
This condition is called A'tnvus De
bility; it is cured by the use of
They feed thehungry nerves, revive
the weakened organs aud make life
brighter and sweeter to any man or
woman who lus suffered from physical
1 CM per twi: i 0 boxes (with legal
guarantee tocu re or'rcfuiul the money),
$500. Hook free. 1'eai. McojciNn
Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
For salo by John II. l'holps, Pharmacist, corner
Wyoming avenue and Spruce street.
... MANtn7AOTUHED BY ...
ranted to rura A allr.lhar fail. JHUATt"'
St lllll (uvtsn9mtrrurynoriuttieinleiIm,.
tut n.ii,iitinri....iffif!rttf.aiflflasflinu-
ilfllYllaiHfill. Vkrl.u.ala A Sr.T.n.r... noruuin.. !
,1-inn CIU1 ct e.l in 4 Is 10 iliyl. AtoI.I clmplieslmenlt
y;lyoirld It latch. Snl f..r Sw.r.f
I.- ""' "' "vli nit .licit cf etillll t
3,rrf almeiiebrilliill. Inslnnt rrltif.ttTrtui
Sea Trips
v Ma
if J
ll 1
a. y
NO. 199. NO. 199. NO. 199. NO. 199
The above is the number of our famous Connolly &
Wallace Special Long Cloth, put up in 12-yard pieces
at $1.50 per. piece.
M 1 11I
The name of the finest, heaviest and best Bleached
Cotton on the market. These are short lengths of from
2 to 10-yard pieces. It is universally sold at I2jc
per yard. During the White Sale at 84c a yard.
81x90. 81x90. 81x90. 81x90
The above refers to Atlantic Bleached Sheets, size
2 1-4 yards wide, 2l2 long. This is well known as
the very best brand of sheets to be had and the above
is the best selling size. During the White Sale 50
cents each.
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
13. 1900.
Loans nnd Investments
Banking House 38,500.04
Cash nnd Reserve 530,870.10
Capital S 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 57,005.20
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,530.08
U. S. Deposits 422,720.30
Due to Banks 54,785.53
IICNItV HUMS. Jit., Vlcc-l'reilent.
WILLIAM II. l'i:CK, C'a-bier.
Hauufacturer.s or
435 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telophcme Cull, 2333.
Booms 1 nml2, Com'lth B'l'd's.
lining and Blasting
iiXUat Mooslo and Rushlal WorUi.
ill's IS
Sltetrio BttUrlt, EHotrloBxplolsrs,
splollDs blasts, Bafsty Vusa not
Riiaum CNnical Cos BX ?&-
-M-H--H-M"-f tlMIHMH HtlHH
I S3 Lace
I W Curtain News
Shrewd buyers will take advantage of the special
prices made on our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many
small lots at a fraction of their real value.
- 120 Wvrritnlnor Avaiiiip i
t J
ing Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
M Heaters.
DR. DP.SRTnN. jii Sprue Street, St ran.
ton. Pa. 'II Acuto an J Chronic Olsesses ot
Men, Wom'n an J Children. Consultation and
(lamination trse. Olllci Hours Dally and
Sunday 8 a. as. to p p. m.
I! 1 I IS
Washington avenue
& Brooks
Otoersl Agtnt for tbs Wyoming
Dlstriot tor
Ulnlnf, niaitln.', Eportlnr. Pmokslsas and ti
ItepauDO Chcmicsl Ccmpsny's
High Explosives.
Ealet Fuse, Capo and Exploders. Iloom 101 Csa
ntll Dulliilnc, Scranton.
TIIOS. FORI) Plttiton
JOHN D. SMITH St 60.V Plymouth
W. K. ilULLIOiN Wllktt-BatT
i a J 1 m