The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 14, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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if Watch the Urine
if If too highly colored;
if Contains a brick dust like deposit;
if comes infrequently,
j! Is irregular in any way,
j! The Kidneys are out of order,
g Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly,
g Relief is prompt, cure certain.
Don't delay till it's Diabetes,
i$ Until it reaches Blight's disease.
Get what you ask for. Get DOAN'S.
Don't accept something "just as good,"
Most druggists sell Donn's Kidney Pills
and will give you what you call for.
Some may endeavor to substitute an
article they make more profit on. In
sist on having the genuine. Price 50
cents, rianufacturetl by Foster-JVlilburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mayor Corcoran Again Places
Gag Upon Eev. Dillonls.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, Jan. 13. Vincent It.
lords, the Lithuanian ex-priest,
who already has several suits against
Mayor Corcoran for refusing to allow
him to speak In Plttston, made an
other nttempt to address an audience
hi this city tonight, nnd was prevented
by the police,
Dillonls hired Armory hall and on
Friday visited JIayor Corcoran and re.
quested Information as to whether he
wytld again be Interfered with, should
ho attempt to lecture In Plttston. Mr.
Corcoran would give no answer at the
tlme.statlng that ho must first con
sult his attorney. Dillonls then ad
vertised tho meeting, designating 7
o'clock p. m. as tho hour when tho
lecture would begin.
At the nppolnted time this evening,
quite a crowd gathered nt the Armory,
but Chief Loftu-s and his gallant blues
were on hand In advance of tho au
dience nnd refused to let anyone enter
the hall.
"Tickets is no good at dls show."
snld one of tho "cops" as tho crowd
surged up to tho entrance. "Do Dago
can't speak here tonight. AVe has (un
orders. Got back, youso fellows!"
By these gentle methods of persua
sion, the crowd was escorted u block
nway from tho Armorv. so there was
no crush when Rev. Dillonls dually ap
peared. He walked up to the hall
door and was also Informed that his
rent receipt was no good, unless he
would agree to conduct Quaker meet
ing. Dillonls retreated good-humored-ly,
and tho crowd on the streets grad
ually dlsperc il, when It became evi
dent that there would be no further
About two months ago, DJUnnls at
tempted to speak In Plttston, but was
prevented by the mayor on grounds
that the talk might arouse tho Lith
uanians to deeds of violence. Legal
proceedings were at once commenced,
and the cases against tho mayor ar.
now pending In T.Uiierno county couit.
Dillonls will probably begin another
Fiilt tomorrow.
FpfcU) to ttif Boranton Tribune.
Duryon, Jan. 12. The strike that
went Into effect Thursday at tne Hull
Mend colliery, operated by the Dela
ware Lackawanna and Western com
pany, wns settled by arbitration Sat
urday. Tho result Is not yet known,
but will bo made public today. The
employes claimed they were not re
ceiving tho ndvnntngo of the ten per
cent. Increase, as ngreed by tho com
pnny, nnd consequently went on strike
Thursday, but resumed operations on
Friday, having agreed to let the
trouble bo adjusted by arbitration.
Mr. John Whyte, of Lawrencevllla,
Is 111 with tho grip.
Krln railroad paid Its employes Fri
day, Mr. John Nolan, an employe at tho
Wllllum A. colliery, had, tjie mlHfor-
tjj ,,
tuno of liavlng his Unper peilftubly
hurt by a rail. Mr. Nolan was In the
act of putting it hole through a "'!
but accidentally put the hole though
his linger.
At tho school board's Inst meeting,
P. J. Noon went before the board In
the Interest of D. C. Heath & Co.'s
mus'Iu system and presented some ex
cellent offers, but tho bill wasn't
passed. The bills of Iluds & Noble,
$-13.11! janitor, $2.", und s,ome minor
accounts, amounting to $1.05. were
passed. The next meeting will ho held
tho first Monday In next month.
Mrs. Harris, of Tunkhannock, Is tho
guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Aoe. of
Mr. Dunne Dills made a businoai
trip to Scranton Saturday.
Mrs. James Holies, of Ml'ler's Cirove,
visited In Avoea Sunday.
Tho Republican primaries jthat weiv
to bo held Saturday were 'postponed
to this week.
Spiiial t the Scrjiiton Trlbiii'i.
Plttston. Jan. 13. Tho Hist and hpc
ond teams of tho Plttston Young
Men's Christian association lined up
against tho 'varMty and m-ul learns
of the Wyoming seminary In two b.t.
ket ball games at the Petti' bom cvm-
naslum, Kingston. Friday night, an I
won nnd lost a game. The result
as follows: First team en mo Semi
nary, 13: Plttston, 14. Second team
game Scrubs, lfi; Plttston, 15. Th,
next home games will bo held In Ar
moiy hall, next Saturday e-venlng, und
tho opposing teams will be the Blooms
burg Normal vs. Plttston First, and
tho Cavalry Second, of Wllkes-Uartv,
vb. Plttston Second.
Among the Scranton peoplo noticed
In the city yesterday weie ('. 1), San
derson, Walter Smithing, Frank Wett
llng, Prof. H. L. Morgan, Jnmes Molr,
Tho condition of Leo Lavan, of South
Main street, who has been critically
111 for the past week, shows a slight
Improvement and hopes are enter
tained for his recovery.
James Touhlll, of this city but who
has been working In Scranton for somu
time, was yesterday arrested on a seri
ous charge and held under $1,000 ball,
for his appearance at court.
Mrs. C. L. MacMlllan, of Susuue
hanna avenue, West Plttston, Is critic
ally III.
Mr. und Mrs. J. D, Motile, formerly
of this place but who have resided In
AVUkcs-llarre for the past year, have
returned to this place and will make
their homo for tho winter with tho
lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Powell, or Philadelphia avenue, West
Plttston. Mrs. Monle's health Is not of
tho 'best.
MIrh Elizabeth Howell, of West
Plttston, Is visiting relatives and
friends on Lincoln Height, Scranton.
Mrs. Thomas Hewitt, of Dupont, has
lodsed In the olllce of Alderman Bar
rett Information against one T, W,
Kdwnrds, a Scranton constable, and
tho Lehlghton F.xtruct company, at
.,i4, ijihl'i ,.,., .a.-,
The Wail of the Back!
'Tis a warning cry of Kidney Ills. Backache is the Kidneys' cry
for help The aches and pains of a bad back- The lame back---The
weak back tell of Kidneys sick from overwork ; Kidneys be
come blockaded, congested, inflamed. No time should be
wasted. Go to their aid.
Will start the Kidneys working rightly, relieve the blockade,
heal the inflammation. Remove the backache cure every Kid
ney 111, cure Diabetes and Urinary disorders. The best proof of
this lies in the evidence of people you know. The testimony of
friends and neighbors.
South Filmore Ave.
.Mr. Jenkins, of 143 South Fll
mot avenue. Hyde Park, nuys: "I
ha J Htctuly piiin In my hips and
throiiKh my slilss, sn distressing nt
times Hint 1 i-oulil not oven do my work
about the house. 1 have often been
obliged to mil In the doctor. There
vn.s also an annoying kidney weakness
which was ut times very painful and
nttenibd with frequent action of the
si'i.'t elloni. My limbs were numb and
1 i.ud dropsy at times and my feel
.swelled so that I could not wear my
fthoos. The doctor said my trouble
mum be checked or ll would end In
UilBht's iUpciih?, but I did not receive
much benefit from the medicine I took.
1 hoard about Dirnn's Kidney Pills, and
us"(J live or six boxiM. They helped
me wonderfully In every way. I have
i-coinmemled them to iiumv of my
filendti and some of them received
marked benefit from Ihe use of this
Scranton. Mrs. Hewitt claims that
..nsuiuie uuwaius appeared at ner
honi" last week with u warrant charg
ing her with embezzling $t belonging
to the Kxtract company, and that by
making threats toabiibe her, compelled
her to pay to him the aforesaid $9. She
seeliH to it-cover the money.
There Is considerable Interest In
local alley ball circles In a handball
tournament which Is now on between
representatives from the PlttstonLodge
of Klks nnd the Eagle Hose company.
The series commenced last Friday af
ternoon and will continue every affer and evening of this week.
Physical Director Charles Itellly. of
the Plttston Young Men's Christian
association, Is considering an offer to
take charge of the classes of the To
wandti Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, and also enter the Collegiate
Institute at that place for the put pose
of obtaining nn education. Mr. Itellly
will doubtless accept.
The No. 10 colliery of the Pennsyl
vania foal company, which includes
the breakers. Nos. 9 and 10 shafts anL
the Leadvlllu mine, was thrown idle
yesterday because of a strike anions
the breaker boys. The boys claim that
on Friday tho Inside hands were al
lowed eight hours for getting out "full
coal." while the breaker hands were
shut oft with seven hours.
.-jmlal to tl.e Sir.mton Tllbunp.
Susquehanna, Jan. 13. Hev. Edward
K. Rclll, of Mnnslleld, Pa., to whom
a call has Just been extended, occuplsd
the pulpit of the Presbyterian church
today, both morning and evening.
Common Councilman Cleorge Tlsdell
l In a fair way to recover from a
severe attack of typhoid fever.
Students of the Susquehanna High
school will hold n mock trial on Jan.
The milk producers of Susquehanna
county will hold nn Important meeting
at Montrose Wednesday, Jan. 10.
It Is possible that Susquehanna will
have a uentinl tire station during tho
present year. It will (HI another long
felt want.
Susquehanna Is fast becoming a
"union" town.
The Combination Social club will re
gale their lady friends with a social
hop to be 'held In Hogan Opera House
on Wednesdny evening.
Tho new Cornet band Is making
rapid progress.
Tho First ward public school will re
open on Monday morning.
Qeorga M. Ranleth Is putting an im
mense Ktock of Ice at Drushvllle.
Tho Crescent club will liold a social
hop at tho Starrucca House on Tues
day evening, Jan. 22.
Tho week of prayer services In tho
several Evangelical churches of tho
place and vicinity last week wore gen
erally well attended.
The condition of Mrs, Austin, an
aged resident of Lanesboro, who Is 111
with paralysis at the residence of
Jesse Hart, In Oakland, is very serious.
A pet cat bit a Susquehanna lady last
week. Blood poisoning ensued, and she
came very near losing her hand und
ami, if not her lite.
The Erlo shop blacksmiths have or
ganized a union.
Thero Is much sickness hereabouts;
the physicians aro busy, nnd the drug
gists are not Idle.
The Erie will soon begin gathering
Its great supply of Ice.
There are twelve prisoners In ths
county Jail at Montrose.
Lafayette Street.
Mr. A. W. Klotz, of 15U Lafayette
street, painter by trade, saya: "Five
K-ara ago I took a severe cold which
settled In my bladder. Ever after my
kidneys troubled me a great deal. I
used many different remedies and
took medicine from a, doctor who pro
nounced my trouble tatarnh of the
bladder, but I got little If any relief,
aty condition -was continually growing
worse and there was a constant dull
pain across my back when sitting down
und on getting up or turnln"- about the
pain became very sharp. I had to
work often for hours In a stooping posi
tion and it I straightened up my back
felt ns thought It would snap In two.
Tho kidney secretions were Irregular,
of u high color and a disagreeable odor,
nnd accompanied by too frequent ac
tion. I was finally laid up, unable to
do any work. At this time a friend
recommended Doan'a Kidney Pills to
me. I had not much faith In them,
but I went to Matthews Brothers' drug
store and got a box. I received so
much benefit from this that I continued
the treatment until well."
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Jan. 13. At the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Wy
oming National bank, held at this place
last week, the following board of di
rectors was elected: James W, Piatt,
F. L. Slttser, K. E. Billings, E. N.
Stone, D. W. Stark, F. U. Hlght, John
A. Slttser, O. S. Mills and Charles S.
Knapp; president, F. L. Slttser; cash
ier, E. X. Stone. The bank hero is a
paying Institution, having a surplus
nnd undivided profits umounting to
about $60,000 on a capital of $100,000,
and the stock Is quoted at 175.
Up at the court house Saturday after
noon Sheriff Bray held sheriff sales. This
following propprty was disposed of:
Real estate of Cora Schooley, consist
ing of house and lot In Noxen, sold
to Judson Lutes, execution creditor, for
$10. Real estate of Mrs. Emma Doyle,
consisting of house and lot In Nichol
son borough, sold to J. R. Rought, exe
cution crsdllor for $200.
On the fourteenth day of December
a petition, variously signed by citizens
of Mehoopany and Washington town
ships, In this county, was presented
to the county commissioners, asking
that the Mehoopany bridge be pur
chased by the commissioners and made
free from tolls. Today was the last
day under the law for the commis
sioners to take action in the matter,
and they met at their ofllce here and
listened to purtles representing both
tides of the controversy and, after a
hearing, Commissioners Vaughn and
Farrer, refused to purchasa the bridge,
while Commissioner Robinson voted In
favor of the purchase. There seems
to be no dispute of the necessity of a
bridge as that point nor as to tho
value of the bridge. The reason given
by Commissioners Vaughn and Farrer
wns that the finances of the county
were not In such condition that tho
purchase would be warranted. The
county Is now bonded for $30,000 and
the last tax levy was nine mills, anJ
they did not feel that they should
Increase the levy to the extent thai
would be made necessary by the pur
chaso of the bridge. The matter will
now go before the grand Jury at the
January term of court for their ac
tion, and, If reported favorably by
them, tho commissioners will be obliged
to purchase the bridge.
Rev. H. II. Wilbur continues to im
prove and 'hopes are now entertained
of his recovery. Ho has had a severe
siege of typhoid fever. His pulpit ut
tho Methodist church waa occupied to
day by Rov. W. H.,Hiller, of Fantory
viilo, a former pastor of the church.
Attorneys James W. Piatt, E. J. Jor
deu, C. O. Derslielmer and Henry Hurd
Ing, of this place, will be in attendance
at tho meeting of the superior court
In Scranton on Tuesday next. There
nro only two cases on from this county
this term. L. E. Olrton versus the Le
high Vall.y Railroad company and Mc
Kinney, Evnrts & Company versus L.
O. Stephens.
Tho county auditors, who have been
in session hero all week, failed to lln
Inh tho audit of ths county matters
and will meet again on Monday after
noon, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
HM bu u"! ,or tr '"TV YI'AKS by
Ml I.UONS of JIurilKIW for their ClIll.lmKN
WlllLu TRETltINO, with M'lttT.Crr SUCCESS
U tl Set rcniody for lJUItnilOKA. SoJj'Cy
Prugglsti In tvery part of the world. Ii0 irure
ind k for "Hr. V tvloWii Soothing .,Tup,'.
tod tVe no U,tr k,nJ Twenty.flv rents a
Garfield Ave.
Mr, Raymond French, of 519 Gar
field avenue, Hyde Park, saya; "I
suffered more or loss for ten yeara
with a kidney and bladder trouble.
There waa a constant sharp Nhootlng
pain across my back, und If I stooped
It was so Bovere I could hardly
straighten. "When 1 took cold It always
settled in my back and made It feel so
stiff and soro I could hardly mov
about. I suffered a great deal from a
bladder trouble, accompanied by symp
tomH resembling gravel. 1 rend about
Doan's Kidney Pills In our papers and
got a box at Matthews Brothers' drug
ntore. I rcoalved a great deal of bene
tit from rhetn, Tho dlfticulty with the)
kidney eecrctlons was relieved entirely,
nnd I seldom feel any pains In my
back. My wife used Doan's Ointment
with the best of results. She had ecze
ma for a year or more, and she got
Doan's Ointment and applied It and
was promptly cured. There has been
no return of the terribla plague since.'"
Special to llit Scranton TilUmc.
Forest City, Jan. 13. The Republi
can borough caucuses will be held on
Tuesday, Jan. 22, from 7 until s
o'clock. That of the First ward will
bo held In the Ames building, and in
the Second ward It will be in the Man
ning building. Tho offices to be lllled j
are: Two auditors, two poor direc
tors, one councilman for tho First
ward, and two for tho Second, one
school director for the First ward nnd
two for the Second, an assessor, Judge
of election and inspector for each
Miss Sophia Drlesen, of Scruuton, ii
a guest at the homo of Johnv Alexan
der. Cecil C. Mi iser Is home from a visit
at Cornwall, N. Y.
A month-old child of Herbcit Mor
gan died Wednesdny nnd was laid at
rest Thursday.
Tho Young Men's Institute will In
stall officers Sunday.
D. E. llutan Is confined to the house
as a result of Injuries received from a
horse's kicks.
A team of horses belonging to Chris.
Styles, of Farno, ran nway on Main
street this morning. Mr. Styles waa
thrown from his wagon, striking on
his head, and was made unconscious
for a time. Charles Williams, who
was with him, jumped cut of the hind
end of the wagon nnd was not in
jured. The tenm ran into a wagon
standing near AVellbroek's store and
was bi ought to a stop, nil four horses
being thrown. The wagons were bad
ly damaged.
T. X. 11. mix. of Maple street, Is 111.
The boioi i-uunril are still con
sidering tin tor tho proposed ii-'-out-ii
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Feldman and Mr.
and Mrs. John Alexander this week
attended the marriage of Henry Wcls.
a prominent young Forest City busi
ness man, to Miss Henrietta Jurko
witZi of New York. After a wedding
tour, the couple will reside here.
All pupils of the Forest City schools
must be vaccinated before tho 21st of
The week of prayer Is being ob
served In the churches.
At the annual meeting of the First
National bank Tuesday. 1. V. Smith
was added to tho board of directors.
Miss Emma Atkinson, of Scranton, Is
a guest' at the home of William Tay
Prof. Lyman H. Howe will give his
moving picture entertainment In the
opera house on tho 10th.
Tho Purplo Undertaking companj
has opened nn ofllco In Forest City.
The Dclawure hnd Hudson company
Is paying Its employes today.
The following Is thp renult of the
Republican primaries held In O'Mal
ley's hall on Frldav evening: Council,
.1, B. Howell; school director, D. P.
Thomas; asesssor, W, J. Williams: au
ditor, H. M. Steever: Judge of election.
Wllllnm Bennett: Inspector, flcorgo
The teachers will meet In the high
school this evening to dlscius the fol
lowing questions: "How to Regulata
Night Study In the Different Orades";
"How to Ventilate Buildings That
Aro Not Provided with a Ventilating
System," and "What Is tho Best
Method of Securing Good ond Proper
Expression from tho Punlls."
A few evenings ngo, some malicious
person hurled a stone through the
Don't neglect an aching back,
Backache is the first symptomatic indication
of Sick Kidneys.
Sick Kidneys call for prompt attention.
Neglect of Kidney Ills endangers life itself.
Kidney troubles are easily cured In the earlier
stages. Doan's Kidney Pills are for Kidneys
Cure every Kidney III from common backache
to Diabetes.
Don't wait until too late.
Backache is the first downward step,
Listen to a "bad back" warning.
Go to the Kidneys' assistance,
Relieve the Kidney blockade,
Doan's Kidney Pills will do it.
A few doses will prove this.
Prompt action saves trouble,
Dangerous Diabetes,
Fatal Bright's disease,1
Are the neglect of earlier Kidney Ills.
large plate glass window of the An
thracite hotel. It will cost about $18
to replace It.
John McCurthv. of Maylleld. spent
yesterday with friends in town.
The Democratic primaries of tho
First wnrd will be held next Satur
day afternoon.
The members of the Nebo church of
Rendhnm will give a. supper in the
church on Tuesday evening, the Kith.
The public is cordially Invited.
0 0
Mnulvin Oitiiftly company. Nljlit.
"llit? i? Hill." Matin ainl iilglit.
Morrison Comedy Co.
'II a V'mrf.nn Curnpitl' romtl.ini Will bCftlll B
i.itl.' Miirawucnl at llif? Auilcmy tonight. The
manastiuilit H to awe It putnuu sometliliiiJ
nbou- the .-iitrr.'Bi' loiv-jirlicd I'oui'unleH. The
iipcttvlie to be prrjuiipil i tompoM-d of the
bin pl.iv.
The ijiuloUUrt fcatuic ii a ulioni; one and
l eoialtlci nlll be glinatter ever act. Kleven
piUoniiancci will be (tncii during the week and
u n.-w play will It produced eu-i.v iu-tih. lm
lonipnny ftajes all of the plaja with new ami
beautiful wnerj'.
Wise Girl Company.
Mji.iKir I.onv' Mill liavi another bly bill of
burlco,iic and v.olerilli for hi- patrons thlt
i.e, when Ilj'A.nd k IltncrsonV 'Wise Unl" y will till a thico d.iy engagement,
t oiuineiicinif llli nullum thl afternoon. Tho
liiiU with tbli icirK-Katioii are cry ehaptly,
laie guid oIcc.n and avo beautifully costumed.
'jlie loiiieiilali'. nn cuipiiunaii.v licirr, mm mi
nMi amiHciiKiit 111 Unja nunitltli.
Tho iiiuli' I' biijlil. lui'ilul and up-io-dite.
'I iii luiulcwlle poiiion ut we piuBiaiuiiic n iwi.t
I pored of u iiumb.-r nt Mull lni tpecially actJ,
luii.otit: whom uiv M!3 JJalle Cbentir, In opcutlc
nlcillo'; th" tlnee Clardnui, mu.lcal attUtSj
Mile, (,'arrie, "The Hollo of Hells"; Wdlc I.M
, He, niiinlo nnd tvmedUn; lii.ue and Chapman,
i. . . ...... ..i iii. n. .i i..i.. i..
iri.u raiKinr i-oii.cumh, iiuu .u.u i.imi. ii
ilhutralid tomi". In conjunction with the le
will bo n n.ot Hie lil;c n-inodu. lh?n of the Or-
litlt-MiCtiy lOM.-t.
"The Christian."
Tlie melted druwliitf i.irJ on the load today
U Hall faint's "Tho fhilktiaii," adaptid from
hi (anion novel of the mmo nam. Thl ipl'ii
lid attiactlon in all It metiopolitan com-ilrtem-w
will bo hero on next Thursday nUht
when l.llla Vanu will be kcu a. "Glory (juayle.J'
wppoilcd by .1. Ildiiy lioll-er an "John Mom.''
The cast Inilmlea fifl cvple. Tho oilftlnal
niriiriy and Haie illetH lAartl.v a fen In New
York wheio the play hid a ran of K3 intrht
will he tien here.
Philadelphia Live Stock.
Philadelphia. Jan. U-'He'i'lpt! (attic. i.Ul;
rticeu, ",7lli, Iior t.'-'. Cattle Demand fatily
BOOd und pliuM btl, W.37',a5.Wi iliolci',
l.l.23a5.371u .rood, 9.V.!'iir.3ii medium, Ift.ls7!a
al.l-J'.i; Cfimiwiii, iM.ti0al.i8. Micop and faunbt-
Suppllia libcial, with v-ilue aomowhiit firmer;
lieep, i holer t'iitfciM mod. iV4lHe.: me
dium, 3!4uHiC.l (unr.non, S'iaSc.s priwr lamb,
ftiU'tc. lloisii- Pair Inquiry) pricu ateadyj bert
WMtftu, 7',ta"-hi . other hind, 77Jie. tatn
hott, lionu olTiiiil. Pat tow aold u.odemtoly
well fioni !iaiUt-.t thin cow, ordinary re
uet ut 2aUc.i cal caluti, kteidy aud failli
aifhe, Aaft'.l ettru tholm reallted fcv.i milch
eoi, only euod klndi wire wanted; dremed
uteen, ktesillly held at S'fk-.i ilrewed cowt,
- S.
wmmLM "
Die following- quotations are lutniaiied Tin
Trllnine by M. H. Jordan & Co., MUM 7070
Meara buildlns, Hcranton, Pa. TeleyhoM M03:
Open, lllgu- Lor 01o.
inc. e?t. at. ins.
American .sugar .
American Tobacco
Am. Steel & Wire
Atchison , ,,
131 U9i UIA 1354
1144 116U Ui US
i i 4J)4 41 4ti
, Jli'i 9i V4
. MV STi Mti 17
Atchiioti, Pr.
Brook. Traction 81 'i 87T4 MK tK
halt. & Ohio MT4 WJ Z? tt
Cont. Tobacco Ui 4J tVsi. a
ChM. Ohio 4H4 W.i itli
Chic. & fit. wear. ... 16 i. i
chic. ii. tc q hah. ur iu;
St. Paul IU 150
Itock '.-land , lu4 12SU
Del. & Hudson 1(11 1(3
Lackawanna It, R 19',4 1W-4 U
l'cdcral Steel nOa K'm ?
Fed. Steel. Pr. 7CA 1W, ..
Kan. k Tex., Pr. 3 tf U
I.011I1. & Nash MH SOH 9 W
Man. Elevated 1174 1W, M 121
Met TracUou w HJStt IK ifK JtlW,
.MUo. I'aciflu U S7 AS KM
I'oeple's tla. U3Vi 1(4 V IK
N. .T. Central 150V4 Ui Wft 1S)W
Southern Padfle 43 4H4 44 4IH
Noifolk & West i 40H 4IU IV
Northern Pacltto 05 85 14 M
Vortli. Pacltlc, IT. .... 53 S3 ST
X. Y. Central 143 1K US'
Ontario li WnU UH ttt
l'enna. It. It. 150'A V4V, K
Jle.lrilno- Itv. S3 M U
ncadintr Hy.. 1'r. .... 7(54 747 73
Bouthcm It. It 2114 21 2tti MM,
South. R. It,. IT. .... 72V1 tl
WV4 11
Tmn. Coal k Iron ....00'i 67
U. H. leather ....... 13ft 13
V. S. Leather, Pr. ... 76' 7li
U. S. Itubber !li Eli
Union raclfid 87 83
Union Pacific. Ve. .... 8451 Silk
Wabash, l'r. 23 2iV. 271 87'.
Western Union 87?i 87 S; NU
sew youk 1'HonucK exchange iceh.
Open- Illfih- tmr- 01s.
WHEAT. Ins. U tiL la.
March r. Sl f"l?i 81 81ij
May KH ,82H JIH SITi
May U Hi UV 4i
Dcrnnton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotatia Saaed
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. BK. Atkel.
Firet National Uaok KM ...
Hcianton bavlngs Hank SJO ...
Third National Dank 4) ...
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank,, : ...
Kconomy Ugbt, 11. & l, Co 4-1
Iicka. Trust Safe Deposit C 1.V)
Clark 4: Snovcr Co,, l'r. HI
Scranton Iron l'epco & Mffc Co. ... ... 10(1
bcranton Axle Works W
Latka-.vanna Dairy Co., IT, SO
County SaUna Dank & Trust Co,. 300
First National Dank (CarboniUle) 300
tjtandsrd Drlllluct Co ... 29
Traders' National Dank 1(5 ...
Sctanton Holt and Nut Co. ...... 105 ...
Scranton ras-enger Hallway, first
MortKaue, due 1W0 115 ...
I'copleVStrert Ttallway, first mort-
esite.'due 1W1B 115
I'cople'a Street Hallway, Qtneral
inortjase, due 1921 114 ...
Dickson Minufacturlni Co 100
l.acka. Township School C per eeut. ... 102
City Of Scranton St. Imp. tl per
cent 1W
Scranton Tiactlon 6 per cent 115 .,.
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave)
llt,tti.p f.r..niiii.rl'. !i.l5.?.p.
Ess Select western, 21c. ; nearby itate, 31o.
Cliccse Kuil cream, new, Ue.
ItcaiK l'ir bu., choice marrow, ?J.50.
Onions to, per bu.
I'lour llet pittnt, ?4.W.
Buffalo live Stock Market.
East Buffalo, Jan. 13. Itccelpts-CiWq, 113
cars; thevp and lambs, 30 carat lioip, 70 cars.
Hilpme,nts Cuttle, 130 carst shop 14 lsjnhi,
20 ran; Iiokk, 20 rare. Cattle tW4rnt d
iimndi p-neral fecllnn weak; but with eool
weather the nrosiH'cta were Uady tt nert weelu
I Calie staedy on tho basil of So. fffrinm mod.
eraie.. l.anins. cnoic i txv. to.roaoj inecp,
ihnlre ti extra, VI.7JJ5. Ilc Clojod well
and lower; ha?l on best Iiok bclrs 5.33 and uu
l'ls, 33.I.1.
i WH
164H (.
1343 1MK
Vl Sl'
j n
S 140
m2 ttttt