The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 14, 1901, Image 1

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' t i 'v f rsi - --v c fiWWf T'
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Justice Is Bclna Meted Out to a
Larae Number of Filipino
Copies of General Orders from the
Philippines IndicateThatthe Crim
inals Who Terrorize Peaceful Na
tives Are Receiving Just Punish
Ishmont Vlncenti Prado Pays the
Penalty for Shocking Crime.
d.v I'.xcliiihe Wiie (rom Tlir Associated Pres.
Washington, Jan. 13 Copies ot gen
fi'ul orders from the Philippines re
ceived hero show that u large number
of native Filipinos have been convicted
of murder and other crimes and sen
tenced to be hanged or to lonq; term1
of Imprlrnnmetit. In one ease the ac
cused belonged to nn organize I band
which, under the name of (iitnrdla Do
llonnre, had declared as an object the
murder of peaceful and unoffending
victims If found necessary to gratify
either .1 desire for revenge or it feel
ing of envy against the rich.
"These Inhuman ni"thodn." says
Ocneral MucArthur, "rcitiuv ull the
participants, whether chief, or willing
followers ot the band, from the twlo
of tho law and place them among that
class of cowardly and secret assassin?
which all civilized men the world over
hold to be enemies of mankind."
A native named Vlncente Prado es
tablished a camp In u strong position,
difficult of access, In tho mountainous
district near Kosarlo, in Union prov
ince. There ho entrenched his camp
and erected buildings for a band of
mined outlaws which he gathered
about him. ltecently two Americans'
were taken Into the camp as prisoners
and for no assigned reason other than
that "they were enemies." they wore
ordered to Instant death. Shortlyafter
wards two Iggorrotes, a man and a
woman, were taken before Prado and
charged with being American spies.
Without any attempt at proof or form
of trial, they were ordered to be Im
mediately executed. In both Instances
Prado personally witnessed the bloody
execution of his orders by members ot
his 'outlaw band, who used their bolos
on the defenseless prisoners. On an
other occasion Prado ordered his band
to attack and burn the Pueblo of San
Jacinto and to arrest and, "If he re
sisted, kill" the pi'esldento of Rosnrlo.
In pursuance of these orders the presi
dents of Kosarlo and his son were
killed nnd 103 houses destroyed by fire.
Prado and bis chief outlaw assist
ants wore sentenced to be nausea
Another native sentenced to be hatigel
was Pedro Laehlcu. This man wan
one of a band of natives who, retire
sentlng themselves to be policemen,
entcied nt night time several houses
and by threats and the use of lire
arms forced the natives to come out
und surrender. They then tied the
arms of the men behind their backs
nnd beat them with bolos and robbc.l
the houses of money, Jewelry and other
General Grant's Report.
Manila, Jun. 13. Genera! Grant, who
Is endeavoring to finish the latest In
surrection In his district nnd who Is
Personally commanding his acouts at
the southern end, reported today that
he had encountered a number of bands
south of Buloc mountain, all of which
retired up the hills. lie says that a
hundred of the enemy, who were wall
entrenched, made considerable resist
ance, but were ultimately driven from
their position. Tour bodies of Insur
gents were found. The American casu
alties were a sergeant and one pri
vate of Troop A, Philippine cavalrv,
In the opinion of General Grant, his
district Is now fairly padded, with the
exception of the locality south of Bn
loc mountains, and the province ot
Pampamanga Is ready for civil gov
ernment. It Is expected that Painu
managa will be, the first province -t
Which provincial government will b
Lieutenant Colonel Frank D. Bald
win, of tho Fouith United States at
tlllery, yesterday destroyed an Insur
cent arsenal in the Patunga district,
seizing a quantity of arms and am
munition, together with a printing
press and other material.
All Efforts to Bring About n Com
promise at Wilkes-Barre Futile.
By Inclusive Wiie (ruin The Associated Press,
Wllkes-Uarre, Jan. 13. All efforts to
bring about a compromlsu between tho
striking girls ut Goldsmith's silk mill
In this city and their employers have
failed and a wheel will not turn In tho
mill tomorrow. Tho striking employes
are nearly all girls und tho trouble
arises over the refusal of the owners
of tha mill to reinstate six girls who
were discharged some time ago,
Tha strikers say they were dis
charged becauso they were leaders ot
a labor union recently organized
among tho employes of the mill. The
Messrs. Goldsmith say they were dis
charged for other causes.
By Exclusive Wlrn from Tim Associated Press
Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. It J mien Moore lo.
day Issued a warrant for Fred Alexander, the
negro who attempted to uwaull MU11 llnth yes
terday and later the ahcrilf went to Laiwlni: lo
servo it. Many crons thought the prisoner
would be brought baik here tpiiluht and a larae
crowd of determined citltens with gum and
ropea gathered at the Jail. Alexander, how.
ever, vraa left at Laming, where ho will remain
till the officials may iWnt It safe to bring him
Remarkable Demonstration of tha
Power of Sodium of Cblorido Is
Given at Hamilton, Ohio.
H.t Exclusive Wire from Tl.e Associated Press.
Hamilton, O., Jan. 13. Tho efllcacy
of sodium of chloride (common salt)
in stimulating heart,, action was dem
onstrated In a remarkable manner by
Dr. W. Z. Kumler In this city yester
day. Dr. Kumler -was called to attend
Marcus Lauer, sixty-two years old,
who has been long a sufferer from
dropsy. Ho found the patient appar
ently dead. All the symptoms immedi
ately following dissolution, including
cold extremities, nbsence of respira
tion, heart action und pulse, were
manifest. Dr. Kumler resolved to trv
the salt solution us a dual resort. At
1.37 p. 111. he Injected a quantity of
warm water, containing 25 per cent,
solution ot salt, in the left arm. Tn
twenty seconds there were signs of 11
pulse and It was plain that circulation
was being revived. In twenty-live
seconds n second Injection was admin
istered Into a branch of tho brachial
urtery in the upper loft arm. In twenty
minutes from tho second Injection res
piration was full and rhythmical, color
returned to tho patient's face; ha re
1 covered consciousness nnd asked for
j food. Nourishment In form of broth
1 was ndmlnlstered and soon after Mr.
Sauer took a drink of water, one of
, tho 'best symptoms of returned func
' tlonnl activity. Mr. Salter Is improv
. ing.
History of Soldiers 01 the State
Has Been Embodied In General
Stewart's Report.
By Exclusive Wire from The Asfocitteil Prens.
Harrlsburg. Jan. 13. The history
and record of the National Guard of
Pennsylvania In the Spanish-American
war, has been embodied by General
j Stewart In tho report of the operation
or the adjutant general'r department
for the vears 1808 and 1893, the ad
vance sheets of which have Just beer,
issued. The tdtnl claims tiled thun
far by the state against the general
government on account of expenses n
aiding the United Stnte.i. amount to
$3CI.2l0.0!i. upon which payment has
been made of $164,938.10. The report
states that tho balance of the; claims
are being speedily adjusted nnd the
other claims are being prepared for
tiling. The guard, at the breaking out
ot the war, consisted of 131 compinlcs
o't infantry, throe troops of cavalry,
three batteries of artillery and thren
divisions of stale naval mllltla. All ot
these organizations entered the United
States service, except the Grant In
vlnclbles, a company of "olored troops,
and Division C, of the naval militia.
With the exception of Companies r,
Klghth leglment; K and F, Thirteenth
regiment; I, Fourteenth regiment, and
G, Fifteenth regiment, all of these or
ganizations resumed their former
place In the guard nt the close of the
Twenty-seven companies of what
were known as the new regiments
were retained In the state service and
attached to old or reinstated regi
ments, General stewart also publishes
In the report, General Miles' letter to
Governor Stone, congratulating him
upon the very satisfactory condition
In .vhlch he found the guard on tho
occasion of his visit to the division
encampment last August at Mt. Gret
Coal Miners nt Fremont County,
Colorado, Will Quit Work.
Hy Exclusive Wire (roin The Associated l'trw.
Florence, Colo., Jan. 13. At a mass
meeting of coal miners of Fremont
county this afternoon, called on the
strength of a telegram sent by Presi
dent Mitchell, of the National United
Mine Workers' Union of America, to
District President Johnson Freer, It
was decided to Inaugurate u sympa
thetic strike for no other purpose than
to aid the miners of Gallup and Krle.
Tomorrow morning the miners will
go to their work, but only for the pur
pose of loading out such coal as Is
lying loose in their places of work and
also to pillar up their roofs, so that It
'ihe mines shall bo Idle for some time
.ley will bo In good condition when
work shall be resumed, There aro 1,
500 monworklng In the Fremont county
fields, and It Is their determination to
lay aside their labors until such con
cessions are made by the Colorado
Fuel and Iron company to their fellow-workmen
as will be satisfactory to
toy Exclusive Wirs trcm Tha Associate! Press.
Philadelphia Jan, lo.-Tha Ledger in its cos!
iillc! tomonow ill uy:
"Tlie unthiieilc real nude Li luulunufcl In
any intntial feature. Shipments continue to be
made to tl.e full oitmv if thu tiaiiMiortlng ti-
llltles nf the coal cmulunleii und tlie
Is icidlly taking x-11 tho coal forwarded, Mining
is very Utlvo and I ho muvrmenU looking to
consolidation, ot I he producluc; Interests all tend
to Loiitlnn prices The state of affam la ex.
pectcd to go nlong Indcilultely, tlie only tosr
ix'lnic that advene weather londltloiu may
tcUid mining and ti .importing. The trade has
been herctoforo ureatly favond by the open
winter nnd Is In about the bot position it liaa
ever known, with contented lalior and a general
feeling of chcirfulnet throughout. The anthra
cite production of tlie )car 1000 rcn 43,610,02
tons, compared with T,W1,MI tons in ISM, a
decrease ot 1,818,277 tonse,
11 ..
President Improving.
Dy Exclusive Wire from Tl.e Associated Trees.
Washington, Jan. 13. President McKlnley was
so much improved In health that he was abU to
go out doom in a carriage for a short time, It
Is expected that a few more days will see him
main able tn attend to business as usual.
Four Hundred Fishermen Lost.
By Exclusive ATre from The Associated Press.
Yokohama, Jan. 13. It Is officially reported
that four hundred ftshenuen are missing and
that they aro auppewed to have perished In a
storm January 10 off the west coast
Enuaoe the Attention of the
Senate the Greater Part
of the Week.
Senator Piatt's Speech Calls for Re
plies Several Special 'features
Will Require Attention Ship Sub
sidy Bill Will Be Next on the Pro
gramme River and Harbor Bill to
Consume Two Days in House.
By Exclusive Wiie from The As-octated rrcst.
Washington. Jan. 13. The nrmy re
organization bill will continue to en
gage tho attention of thu senate at
least during the first driys of the pres
ent week. The opinion Is quite gener
ally expressed among senators that tha
bill will be noted upon by the middle
of the week, and even the critics of
tho measure Join in this prediction.
Many phases of the question Involved
In tiro army bill remain to bo consid
ered, and tho general understanding Is
that there will still be no little discus
sion before the bill can be disposed of.
The speech of Senator Piatt, of Con
necticut, on Friday last, in defense ot
the bill on general principles, will call
for replies, and there nre also special
features which will require more or
less attention. Among these are Sen
ator Daniels' (intendment, concerning
the appointment of volunteers to otll
cers In the regular army: the ques
tion of the disposition of olllcers who
have held staff positions, and the pro
vision for the enlistment of Filipinos
in the American army. Tho disposal
of all these questions undoubtedly will
fill the first two or three days 6f thu
Senator Allison intends to call up the
executive, legislative and Judicial ap
propriation bill when the army bill Is
acted on, but whether this and other
appropriation bills to follow it shall
occupy the exclusive attention of the
senate, so long as they are on the cal
endar, is a question which has not yet
been absolutely determined. The pres
ent Indications are, however, that the
appropriation bills will bo considered
In advance of all other measures when
ever they are before the senate.
When there are no appropriation
bills to be taken up, the ship subsidy
bill will be discussed. There are still
numerous speeches to be made upon
this measure, and already thete Is
talk of night sessions for its considera
tion when It Is taken up, There Is
little in the legislative bill to arouse
discussion, but there Is a possibility
that senators hostile to the subsidy
hill may use tho appropriation, bill
for the purpose of delay.
Ntxt Saturday will bo devoted to
eulogies In memory of the late Sena
tor Gear.
Miscellaneous Matters.
A programme- of miscellaneous mat
ters will occupy tho attention of the
house during the coining week. Tho
river and harbor bill, which was de
bated for three davs last week, will
consume one nnd possibly two days.
Although the bill was criticised very
severely during the debate last week,
It Is In no dancer of failure. Most of
the attacks came from members who
were disappointed In what the bill
grants to their localities, and the ac
tual opponents! of the measure will be
overwhelmed when tho final vote Is
leached. The District of Columbia!
committee, which, under the rules,
would be entitled to tomorrow, w'll
come up In the later week. After tho
latter bill Is disposed of, the bill lo
revise and codify the postal lawn will
bo taken ut. under a special order.
It will be followed bv the District of
Columbia appropriation bill and the
latter In turn bv tho nostoulco appro
priation bill, if there is any remain
ing time. '
They Visit the Locality of Cadet
Fights nt West Point Cadet
Brown Will Talk Today.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
"Went Point, Jan. 13. The congres
sional committee, which Is Investigat
ing tho alleged hazing of former Cadet
Hooz, did not attend church today, but
put In their time visiting places of in
terest In the highlands. This morn
ing, In the company of Colonel Trc
berger and Cadets Rettlxon, Farnham
and Spalding, they visited Fort Put
nam and were shown tho locality where
so many cadets have settled their diffi
culties by personal encounters. Tho
committee were led over tho same
course as that taken by cidots when
going out to light. A second visit was
also made to Fort Clinton and Hattery
Knox, Where also several lights have
This afternoon the committee visited
Washington's headquarters In New
burgh, returning to West Point in tlnm
for supper. The committed expect to
completo tho Investigation tomorrow
night or Tuesday morning. Cadet
Brown, who officiated us second for
Keller In the Boois light, will bo tho
first witness to testify tomorrow.
Fell from a Train,
By Exclusive Wire fiom Tlie Associated Picss.
Allentown, Jan, 13. Charles Hamilton, ol
Heading, a passinger on the Philadelphia and
Reading train which left here at IUU o'clock last
night bound for boms fell from tlie train near
Email Junction, Ave mile from here and was
found dead early this momlnif by Ibe crew of a
shifting engine, Internal Injurlca bad caiued
death. Tlie body waa much' bruised.
Declines to Make a Statement Re
garding His Rosignation,
It Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Prcs.
Now York. Jan. 13. -The United
States transport McPherson arrived
today from Matanzas and Havana
with four cabin passengers and thir
teen civilian employes ot tho govern
ment. Among the former were Lieu
tenant Ralph Harrison, (. S, A., and
Alexis K. Frye, former superintendent
of schools of Cuba. Mr. Frye, when
scen at quarantine, said:
"It Is truo thut I have resigned my
position as superintendent of school
of Cuba. Any person familiar with
Cuban affairs must have foneen this.
However, I must decline to make any
statement at presen or go into thu
reasons which brought ubout tho
resignation. I promised Governor
Wood that I vould say nothing con
cerning tho matter at present."
He Empties His Revolver at a Gang
of Robber Near Cumberland
German Savings Bank.
Bv Exclusive Wire from Tin- Associated Press.
Cumberland. Md Jan. 13. Oillcar
Churles W. Goss, of tho city police
force, surprlsad a gang ot men at
tempting to rob tho German Savings
bank at an early hour this morning. 1
He engaged in a single handed battle
with three of the men who were nl
ready in the bank and one noting us
sentinel outside. Ooss Is sure he hit
two as they canv out of the bank
door. Ho emptied it revolver from a
vantage point behind the shadow of a
telegraph pole and all live men shot
111 Ills direction 11 number of times.
Five bullet marks were left on the
The gang ran down Baltimore street
and then made their esoupe out the
West Virginia Central railroad tracks,
terrorizing the few people they met' on
the way by Indiscriminate tiring. They
probably numbered six persons, armed
with Winchester shotguns and large
revolvers. They shot at the operator
of the West Virginia railroad as ho
raised the window of the station, the
bullet crushing through the glass. They
nlso shot ut another policeman. Noth
ing was stolen from the bank. After
wards the gang committed two small
robberies in South Cumberland. They
are still at large. The bank has of
fered a reward of SJ.I ami voted $50 to
Thomas C. Moahler Killed with a
Club His Mother Assaulted
nnd Badly Beaten.
Uy Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Picas.
Portland, Me.. Jan. 13. Thomas C.
Moshler, a farmer, aged twenty-live,
was murdered and his mother, Mrs.
Rutin Moshler, aged seventy-two, was
brutally assaulted nt their home In
Gorham, Saturday evening, by two
men, who forced un entrance Into tha
Moshler residence with the evident In
tention of robbing, After completing
their ghastly work tho tnen rnnsarked
the house, taking whatever valuables
they could llnd. One of the men was
a negro. About noon today William
Hands, a negro, was arrested at Scar
boro. In his possession were found a
blood-stained razor marked with Mosh
ler's name, ?40 in money, consisting
chiefly of bills, which were also stained
with blood, and a watch. Ills hands
nnd clothin&r were soiled nnd bloody.
Tho man admits having been at the
Moshler fatmhouse, and says he left
his companion In Portland.
Mrs. Moshler says that when the men
forced their way Into tho kitchen bar
son grappled with the white man and
the negro knocked her down, striking
her a terrible blow on the head with
a. stick. She begged for her life, and,
after striking her again, tho negro
went to the assistance of his comrade.
Mrs. Moshler then fled to an upper
room. SI10 heard the men ransack tho
house, and after they left tho house
she made her wny to the house of a
neighbor a. quarter of a mile dlstunt.
The police of this city were noticed,
nnd going to the farm, the body of
Moshler was found In the parlor, cov
ered with blood nnd with tho head
beaten nlmost to a Jelly. A heavy fence
stake had apparently been used to kill
Moshler. Kverythlng of value was
Mrs, Moshler's' Injuries, while seri
ous, aro not fatal,
Secretary Long Receives Letter from
By Exclusive Wire from Th'e Associated Piees.
Washington, Jan. 13. Secretary Long
has received a letter written by a num
ber of missionaries to Commander
Wlnslow, of the hospital ship Solace,
expressing not only their thanks for
tho courteeles of tho voynge from San
Frnnclsco to Yokohama, but uddlng a
tribute to the splendid management of
tho ship and the admirable qualities
displayed by the American bluo Jack
ets. Mr. Long highly appreciates the sen
timents of tho letter and says thut If
more of tho people would go aboard
our vessels thero would be many testi
monials of that sort for our sailors and
our ships,
Drunkenness Increasing.
Ily Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press.
Albany, V, Y Jan. 13. According to lh an
nual report of the statu tunimlsion ot prisons
dmnltenuco. throughout tho state has ini.rca.ied
to an alarinlmr extent, liurlng the year ending
October 1, last thero wrre ?2,hM committment
tn tho penllenlhirUs, JalU and workhouse of
the stato for intoxication. This make no ac
count of many thniuand of other convlctloiu for
tlie tamo offense punished by t Ine, w'ulcli vtat
paid bcfoio ccnimlliucnt.
Slonatures ot the Chinese Peace
Commissioners Are ftlllxed to
the Important Document.
The Prince Said to Be Suffering from
Bright's Disease Prince Chlng
Protests Against Appointment of
Chang Chlh Tung Envoys Are In
structed to Remain at Pekin Dur
ing Negotiations War Ships at
San Mun.
By Exclusive Wire Irom Tho AssoWated Flew.
Pekin, Sunday. Jan. 13. The Joint
note of the powers has finally been
signed by the Chinese peace commis
sioners. Prince Chlng signed yester
terday nnd LI Hung Chang, who Is bet
ter, signed It today.
It lo understood that the muludy
from which LI Hung Chang la suffer
ing Is Brlght'n disease. He was feel
ing worse yesterday nnd therefore post
poned tho ulllxlng of hla signature; but
Prince Chlng was hopeful that he
would bo able to sign It today, which
proved to bo tlie case.
Prince Chlng has protested to the
court against the nppolntment,
snld to be contemplated, of Vice
roy Chen Chlh Tung as a plenipoten
tiary In the place of Li Hung Chang.
He thinks the latter's advice absolute
ly essential, although he believes It
might be advisable to appoint a third
plenipotentiary for China nnd reiter
ates his desire for the appointment of
Sheng, who would be acceptable to for
eigners. So far as Chen Chlh Tung Is con
cerned, the-envoys who know him per
sonally say that while he Is strongly
nnti-forelgn and has never made any
secret of his likes and dislikes, they
believe he would bo a satisfactory rep
resentative of the Chinese, and there
would not be any objections to him on
the score of his recent utterances. In
deed some of the ministers think It
would bo wise for Chlng to make Chen
Chlh Tung a plenipotentiary.
Must Continue at Pekin.
Most of the envoys have received
word from thplr governments that the
negotiations must be conducted on the
ground: that for various reasons other
places suggested would be objection
able. The Russians say they will formal
ly turn the Railroad over to tho Ger
mans Immediately.
M. De Olers, the Russian minister,
objects to the British attitude In re
fusing to distribute rice and wheut to
destitute Chinese In the British sec
tion. Warships at Shanghai.
Shanghai, Jan. 13. The Italian con
sul at Shanghai, In explaining the pres
ence of Italian warships at San Mun
bay suys they went there for target
It Is again reported that the allies
are preparing to enter the province of
Shan SI.
A French foice Is reported to have
defeated a body of Boxers west ot Pao
Ting Fit, killing a thousand.
His Uuerillas Very Active in the
British Territory Boers At
tack Zurfonteln.
By Exclusive Wir from Tlie Associated rres.
London, Jan. 13. Tho war office has
received the following dispatch from
Lord Kitchener:
"Pretoria, Sunday, Jan. 13, About
1,100 Boers crossed the line, attacking
Hurfontcln and Kaalfonteln stations,
but were driven off. They are being
pursued by a cavalry brigade."
Lord Kitchener reports, also, several
skirmishes at different points, with
trifling British losses, and adds:
"Three ugents of thu peaco commit
tee were taken as prisoners to De
Wet's laager, near Llndley, Jan, 10.
One, who was a British subjeot, was
flogged and then shot. The other two,
burghers, were flogged by De Wet's or
ders." 'Pretoria, Saturday, Jan, 12. Last
night the Boers cut the wires between
Iron and Ollfantsfonteln stations. Ear
ly In tlm morning 800 Boers, under
Commandant Beyer, Invested Kaalfon
teln station. A hot fire and shell fire
with two field pieces and a Maxim
was maintained for six hours.
An armored train and reinforcements
were sent from Pretoria, but bofore
they arrived upon tho scene tho garri
son had driven off tho Boers, who re
tired unmolested with a transport train
lmlf a inllo long. Tho Boers blew up
the lino beyond Kaalfonteln, compell
ing the mall train to return here.
It Is supposed their object was to
obtain supplies, a great quantity of
which nr) stored at Kaalfonteln, Tho
British had no casualties.
MantellB Are 111,
By Excluslv Wire from The Associated Press.
Toledo, Jan. 13. Mr. and Mrs. ltobert Msntell,
the adorn, who have cancelled engagement
Ins to illiufa, rested fairly well today. Sir.
Manttdl la miltu ill, lunevr, and conflm'd to
hla room nt the bt. Chirlea hotel. Mrs. Man.
tell la at lit. Vincent' hospital and shows more
marked slgna of improvement.
Stoainshlp Arrivals.
Ily Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Prexs.
Now York, Jan. 13, Airhcdl Phoenicia, llam
burir and Boulogne, Queenstown Sailed! Cam.
panla, from Liverpool, New York. Choibourg
Palled! Vaderland, New York. TarifU Passed 1
Furst DUmarck, New York tor Oibraltar, Naples,
Genoa, etc, Pranle Point Passed 1 Minneap
olis, New York for London.
Weather Indication Today,
General Regular and AAtli Catherine at
Chlneso Peace Commissioner Sign thu Joint
Desperadoes In the Fhllipptnri to lie Pun
ished. Programme for the Week In CongreM.
Oentral Carbondale Department.
Local Iter. Dr. Pierce on
piny' Proposed Action.
Dl(c Boiler Explodes.
Note and Comment.
local Traction Company Will Continue the
Transfer System.
Saturday' Ward Primaries ,
Local West Scranton and Subuiban.
General Xorthraalciii Pennsylvania.
1' and Commciclal.
Local In the World of Labor.
Chingesi Promoted In Second
Charter J.
Clan City
Newport Overflowing with Guests.
The Decorators Are at Work
on the Church.
Uy Exclusive Wiie from The Associated PreM.
Newport, R. I., Jan. 13. With the
exception of the decorations at the
church and the house, tho prepar.'i'Ions
for the wedding of Alfred Uwynne
Vnnderhllt to Miss IClsl" French nr
practienlly completed. Ml the guests
who arrived In the city today were
shown their different residences ami a
well-known caterer has arrived with
his force of assistants.
Tonight Mrs. Cornelius Vmiderbilt
entertulned a large house party, as
did also her son-in-law. Mr. Harry
Payne Whitney, who married Mls.s
Oerlrude Vnnderbllt In this city three
years ago. This afternoon, the, entire
wedding party visited St. John's
chinch, known to the psorle here as
the Zabrlsklo church, nnd thero a
short rehearsal was held. At the con
clusion of the regular service tonight
a large corps of decorators from New
York took possession of the cbui'li
and they will work until 0 o'clock to
morrow morning. Scarcely bad tho
congregation left the church when
great express wagons and vans drovo
up, laden with boxes and standard,
the latter being the feature of the
decoration of the tnnln aisle tomorrow.
With them came a laivje number of
professional lloiists.
The chief event tonight was tho
elaboroate dinner given 10 a number
of prominent guests by Mrs. Harry
Payne Whitney. All the ushers am
occupying a house by thamselves and
the bridesmaids ure occupying anoth.jr
houc across the street, while the rest
of the guests except those entertained
at house parties, are at fashionable
1 nardlng houses. Tomorrow at noon
lie wedding will occur, and although
it takes place nt one of the highest
KpUcopal churches In tho city, tho
programme of the ceremony, 11 1 the
request of Miss French, has been sim
plified as much as possible. Tho choir
boys will be In attendance, but will
sing only twice, and will do p march
ing. At tho conclusion if ' cere
mony, which will probably not occupy
more than seven minutes, all the
guests will be driven to the French
residence. It Is expected that Mr.
A'anderbllt nnd his bride will leave on
their honeymoon about 2 o'clock In
the afternoon. It Is rumored tonight
that they will go no further than
Rlvorton. six miles up the Island,
where Mr. Vanderbllt has an exten
sive country residence.
A Possibility That the Town May Be
Harboring "Pat" Crowe.
By Exclmlve Wire fiom The Associated Prcis.
Wllkes-Barre, Jan. 13. The police of
the town of Nantlcoke are looking for
"Pat" Crowe, tho alleged abductor of
the Cuduhy boy at Omaha. Burgess
Williams Is said to be In possession of
information received from tho police of
Chicago to the effect that Crowo Is
somewhere In the anthracite region of
Pennsylvania. It is thought ho may
have decided to disguise himself as ti
miner and located In Nantlcoke, which
has a large Polish population.
It Is said the alleged abductor can
speak Polish, having acquired tho lan
guage whlleworklng in the stock yards
at Omaha. Thus far the police have
made no arrests, although they wero
busy in tho foreign quarters of tho
town today.
Mary Spltzman and Clara Meyers
Perish in Flames.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presa.
Buffalo, Jan. 13. Mary Spltzman
nnd Clara Meyers, servant 8, wero
burned to death this morning In a nre
that destroyed tho llfth lloor of tho
Buckingham apartment house. The
fire started In the kitchen of the fifth
floor, directly below U10 servants'
room. Ordinarily, eight girls oecupy
these quarters, but last night idx of
them were out of town, b aving hut
two girls In the house. Tho woiipn
came originally from TItusvllle, Vt.
Tho property Iohs Is nutlniated nt
Will Suppress Bull Fights.
By Exclusive Wlra from Tlie Associated Prcrs.
Barcelona, Jan. 13, A mass meeting was. held
hern today presided ovtr by Scuor Ercoert, 11
fonner major, for the purpose of formulating a
demand upon the 8p3iiish roi eminent for the
suppression of bull tight. Numerous apeeche
wire niado and Mveral of the speakers expressed
the hope that this national spectacle would toon
disappear from the country.
River Captain Killed.
By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Pre
London, Jan. H. Tho Odessa correspondent of
the Pally Netv wiles that a hundred and
twenty people were frown to death in Russia
during th billiard of a few day ago,
Reoulars and flntPs Prcparina tor
the Ballot That Will Re-elect
Senator Quay.
Senator Quay the Choice of the Re
publican Caucus Is on tho Ground
Looking After His Interests The
Antis to Place Their Ballots Upon
Half a Dozen Favorite Sons 111
noss of Legislators May Make m
Difference in the Vote.
toy Exclusive Wire from Tha Associated Tres.
Hnrrlshurc. Jun. 13. The result of
tho 8trugglo for United States senator
Is still in doubt, with both sides pro
fessing to be confident of victory.
Colonel Quay, tho cholco of the Repub
lican caucus, is hero directing hla
candidacy and ho savs there is no
doubt of his election. He has given
his friends the assurance that he wilt
be elected on tho first ballot, and they
claim to have no reason to bollevo
otherwise. United States Senator
Penrose, Attorney Oenernl Elkln and
Insurance Commissioner Durhnm nre
with Colonel Quny, looking after the
details of his light.
William T. Creasy, of Columbia, the
house leader of the Democrats, hays
Quay cannot get a slnRlo Democratic
vote, nnd without the Democrats ho
cannot hope to be elected. Colonel
James M. Ouffey, of Pittsburg, will
be nominated for senator by tomor
row's Joint house and senate Demo
cratic caucus.
F. A. VanValkonberg. who is hi
charge of the anti-Quay Republican
headquarters, reached here tonight
from Philadelphia. With him were
Representatives Edwnrds nnd. Wilkin
son, of Bucks county, and other antl
Quayltes. Mr. VanValkenberg Issued a formal
statement In which ho says enough
Republican legislators, with the Demo
crats, are pledged to oppose Mr.
Quay's re-election, to accomplish that
result, and that . the antl-Quaylteu
have no reason to doubt that every
man will remain truo to his pledge.
"Under tho circumstances," he adds,
"I cannot sco how Mr. 'Quay can" be
elected on the first ballot, and If ho Is
not elected on the llrst ballot he cer
tainly cannot, ns he has admitted, b.i
elected at all."
Several legislators are 111 at their
homes, and neither side can tell with
accuracy how many of their followers
will be absent when the house and
senate vote separately Tuesday noon.
Thero Is not more than a score of
legislators hero tonight and neither
side is apparently making any effort
to ascertain its relative strength. Both
houses will reconvene tomorrow even
ing, and bv that time tho city will
bo crowded with legislators and politi
cians. Colonel Quay's frlsndi are
planning a largo street parade for
Tuesday evening If he should bo elect
ed on tho llrst ballot.
A conference of the anti-Quay re
publicans will bo held tomorrow af
ternoon to formulate a plan of action
when tho first ballot is taken. It H
expected that they will repeat their
practice of two years ago ot distribut
ing their votes among half a dozen
of "favorite sons."
Congressman John Dalzell, ot Pitts,
burg, seems to be the choice of a large
malorlty of this element, and it is al
most certain that be will receive some
The standing committees of the sen
ate and house will not bo announced
or the oftlcers and employes elected
until after the ballot for senator.
Louis Mentz Charged -with Compli
city in Jewelry Robbery.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Tress.
New York, Jan. 13. Louis Mantx, at
traveling salesman, with olTlcos In
Maiden Lane, was arraigned today,
and held in $3,000 ball by Magistrate
Mayo for further examination.
Mentz Is charged with nemg a tugi
ttve front Justice tnd is said to be
wanted In Pittsburg for alleged com
plicity in a recent Jewelry robbery
He furnished ball and was released.,
leaving the court room hurriedly and
refusing to make any statement
Mentz was arrested lust Saturday
cvenlns at his office. It Is declared
he was detected selling some of the
stolen Jewelry in Buffalo and that ha
was arrested here on a request of
Chief O'Mara, of the Pittsburp; police.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Jan. 18.-Joaeph Yatea Paige, tot
tho past six ycari chief cleik ot the eomp
troller ot the currency, died this morning of
pneumonia. Ho waa well known to tlie banking
intercut of thu country. Mr. Talge waa botm
In Albany. X. Y., in W. ot '"''"r di'
tlngulshed In the slate' hl.tor'-
London, Jan. 13.-Samucl Lewis, tlie notorious
money lender and usurer, who ha been called
the "greuteiit and meanest ot niodun any
lock." la dead.
London, Jan. 14,-lord Lionet Cecil, half
brother of tho Marqul ot Salisbury, Is dead.
Twenty People Frozen.
Uy Exclusive Wlra from Tlie Associated Pre.
PitUburg, Jan. 13. Captain John Dlppot, ent
of the oldest and best known river raptalna.
was instantly killed today while standing on
th railroad track at Baden, his home, Watching
tha coal boats going down tba Ohio.
f-f-f i'-t-4!
Waahlngton, Jan. J3. Forecast for east
ern Penru)lvjnla: Kulr Monday) north.
wert to nonthwi'st wlnda; fresh on tha
th coast: Tuesday fair.
ttt-t-t-t-ttttttt 4-tt t,
. vii!i'j-'-J.i:'i.'i UA-iteJVJN
... V.