The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    17 "7 '
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Special to It" Scranton Trllrme.
Honesdale. Jun. 11. Mis. II. 3.
Keefer Is spending the week with
friends In Scranton.
Miss Gractt Hlohop In the "hello" girl
st lhe Hell Telephone exchange.
Miss Hebercft F. Thompson hns gone
to Sandusky, Ohio, for a (stay of two
I-Awrence M. Atklnpon returned Inst
night from New Oilcatih, where ho
nindo an extended visit with his sister,
Mrs. Alice Palmer.
At the annual meeting the following
were elected dim-torn of the Wayne
County Savings bank: II. C. Hand,
Lorenzo Orambx, AV. U. Holmes, '. C
Mumford, A. T. Henrle, W. I-'. Suydam,
William Weffertlnjr and It. J. t'onger.
Mrs. M. F. Dorln left yesterday to
spend the next three weeks with
friends In Mlnghamton, Owego arid
Dr. Powell and nu assistant made
nn examination this mornlngand found
n broken hip. the result of a fall on
the Ice, that hnppencd a few days ago
to Mrs. Mrmvn, a daughter of Mr.
William Hldd, who lives on High
A recent Investigation, Instituted by
the Dplawaio nnd Hudson company,
revealed the fact that quantities of
ties ami other material, the property
of the company, had been removed
fiom the abandoned canal and gravity
land without permission from the
proper authorities. It Is said that poo
pie who have such In their possession
ulll be called upon to pay for the
The ofllceis of the Vaynu County
Fire Insurance company for the pres
ent year are: President, Paul Swingle:
vlce-piesldent, 11. C. Jadwltii secre
tary, Hon. P. A. Clurk; treasurer,
John H. Adams.
The dtrectorH of the Honesdale Na
tional bank for 1H01 are: Henry 'A.
Itussell, IMwIn I- Torrey, Andrew
Thompson. Horace T. Menner. J. It,
Dorfllngcr, Homer Greene, J. C. Hlrd
sail. J, M. nuumnn and L. O. Kost
The Durlniid Thompson Shot- com
puny have commenced work In the
.nittlug department.
Churles I.orenz, the. young man Who
was severely burned with molten brass
at tho elevator works. Is doing nicely.
Dr. Powell, the attending physician,
thinks he can save his eyesight. The
irianacement of the elevator works
have announced that the company will
pay the doctor's bill, nnd will continue
Mr. Lorenz's salary while laid up with
this misfortune, which Is another of
the commendable acts for which th.s
company Is noted.
Harry Northup. of Scranton, was a
business visitor In Honesdale today.
Mrs. I'r.xula Bauman, wife of J. M.
Hauman, died at the family residence,
on Second street, Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Ilaumnn wns born In Germany,
came to America In 1S51, and had been
a resident of Honesdale since that
date. She was seventy-four years of
nge, nnd Is survived by her husband
nnd there sons, Kdwurd II. nnd Will
iam i; of Honesdale the former' Is
engaged In the Insurance business and
the latter Is a member of the Hones
dale Shoe company and Dr. John J.
nuumnn, of Jersey Pity. The funeral
services weie held at the home on Fri
day. Interment was made In the Ger
man Lutheran cemetery.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hawley, Jan. 11. Miss Emma Col
umn, Mrs. John Decker, Mrs. Kohlman
nnd Mr. and Mrs. George Awll were
Honesdale visitors Tuesday.
W. C. Knapp spent Wednesday In
Henry Weber has resigned his posi
tion with the Electric Light and Power
company to accept a position as night
watchman at the United States knit
ting mills.
Mrs. Qulnney, of Honesdale, visited
her son, W. A. Qulnney, last week.
Mrs. Henry Curtis, of Farno, passed
through here last week on her way to
visit her duughter, Mrs. Amanda Patry,
at Blooming Grove.
Mrs. Stanley Games and daughter,
of New York, who returned to her
home after a few weeks' visit with her
parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Locklln, of Hem
lock Hollow, spent last Sunday with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mrs. A. H. Avery returned to her
home In Broklyn, N. Y., Saturday af
ter spending some time with her pa
rents here.
Wangum lodge. No. 44S. Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, will give a re
ception at heir hall February 22.
ThlB week Is being observed In the
Methodist and Presbyterian churches
ns the week of prayer.
Mrs. Eliza Taylor died at the home of
her daughter. Mrs. James D. Colgate
Tuesday morning, aged 78 years. '
Colds Melt Away
If you use Krause's Cold Cure. Pre
pared In convenient capsule fonn they
are easy to take and effect ta speedy
cure of the most obstinate cases
Price :5c. Soldby Matthews Bros. '
Bpeciil to the Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, Jan. It. Mrs. C 13
Hunt, of Factoryvlllo, Is spending a
couple of weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. miss.
Mrs. Leonard Cole was calling on
friends In Carbondale Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M.. U-wls and Mrs.
O. I. Clark went to Scranton Wednes
day to attend the Kousa concert. They
returned yesterday.
Arthur Rosa, of Starruccn, was
looking after matters of Interest hero
Wednesday afternoon. Tho train won
too soon for him, so he went home on
a rout train,
Htntlon Agent Arthur Foster, of
SUrrucca, Is taking n few days ofr
duty, so he nnd his wife and child
nie with his purcnts, Mr. and Mrs.
N. S. Foster.
Mm. C. F. rrossmnn. of Scranton. is
enjoying a few days with Mr. nnd Mrs.
O. M. Lewis, on Jeffert-on Btreet.
T,. W. Sanford nnd wife, of Gibson,
were visitors nt W. Pi Tnllman's on
Rev. W. H I-'ieiic-h. of tho Free
, Baptist church, Is holding meetings at
Mud Pond this week.
Thompson Is well ulmised with tho
recent netlon of the United States sen
ate on tho canteen question.
Mr. and Mm. Ninllo Reader, of Star-
rucca, were calleis In town Wednes
day, Mis. Anna Hook, of Ithnca, N. T.,
Is visiting Mrs. W. W. McNnrnnrn.
K. C. Luyton has sold his Jewelry
biulncsa to C. A. Lamont.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
I'actoryvllle, Jan. Jl. Rev. W. M.
Hlller will occupy the pulpit of tho
Methodist Episcopal church at Tunk
lninnock next Sunday.
The borough council ihcld nn
adjourned meeting last night and dis
posed of such business ns was on I he
table. Among other things, was the
reappointment of Dr. J. A. Heller on
the board of health. ,
Harry Conrad has resigned his posi
tion with Daniel Langstaft and ac
cepted u position with the Lacka
wanna road as llrcman. i
The mnny friends of Rev. H. H.
Wilbur In this place, will be pleased
to learn that he has passed the criti
cal point In the fever, nnd a slight
Improvement in his condition la re
ported. The annuul January thaw Is with
ub for the past few days, and as a
consequence muny ure suffering with
bad colds nnd the grip.
Mrs. Anna M. Cox, of Montrose,
and Mr. and Mrs. (.'. H. Cox, of Scran
ton spent Wednesday nt the home of
W. II. Reynolds.
The annual Installation of oflicers of
beforeMrs. Sarah Rice circle of ths
Grand Army of the Republic, No.
101, took place Tuesday evening In
the Grnnd Army of the Republic hall,
before a good-sized assemblage. Mrs.
Cnssle Roach, of Scranton. wan the
Installing olllcers The following of
ficers were Installed: President, Miss
Nellie Green: senior vice president,
Mrs. Fied Wright: Junior vice ptesl
dent, Mrs. D. ('. Stanton: treasurer,
Mrs. Rufils Llndley: secretary, Mis.
II. U. Cnpwcll: chaplain, Mrs. L. S.
Chase; conductress, Miss Delia Cole
mnn; nsslstcnt conductress, Mrs. Em
ma Brlggs, Inner guard. Mrs. Julia
Conrad: guard, Mrs. R. N.
Evans. After Installation of oflicers,
President Green called for remarks,
and Mrs. Roach, R. II. Holgate, Rev.
G. R. Smith, O. T. Spencer. Mrs. G. R.
Smith, John Connor, Mrs. Charles
onkloy and others responded. Light
refreshments were served nnd a soclnl
Attorney II. f Reynolds has re
cently come Into possession of the
old Mumfordi property, situated near
the old Bethel cemetery, and has had
(he house remodeled and refitted, both
exterior and Interior. Ten-foot
porches, dormer windows add much
to the exterior. A large open fireplace,
paneled ceilings, new staricases, hot
and cold water throughout, lall con
tribute to tho convenience, comfort
nnd beauty of tho Interior, The work
is being done by the Keystone Lum
ber and Supply company, of this
place. Mr. Reynolds, with his family,
will occupy ths new residence as a
summer home.
At a meeting of the offlclat board
of the Methodist Episcopal church,
held last Monday night, a committee
was appointed to arrange for the an
mini roll call.
Rev. P. G. Buckman will occupy
the pulpit in the Methodist Episcopal
church next Sunday, both morning
and evening.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
School, at the annual election of olll
cers Thursday night, elected the fol
lowing officers for the coming year:
Superintendent, Charles Gardner: as
sistant superintendent, A. C. Caryl:
secretary, Adelbert Llndabery: assist
ant secretary, E. J. Blddlemau: treas
urer. J. F. Walter; librarlln. Miss
Anna Bard; organist, Miss Nellie Mil
ler. m
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, Jan. 11. Durhrg the past
year there were forty-six divorces
granted by the courts of this county.
The annual elections of Towanda's
banks occurred on Tuesday. At the
Citizens' bank the directors are Wil
liam Ditrlch, R. J. Thompson, J. M.
Rahm, E. Overton, Morris Shepard, B.
Kuykendnll, Jr., and William Maxwell;
cashier, J. K. Newell; president, E.
Overton; vice-president, William Dit
rlch. The board of the First National
bank consists of H. Streeter, R. H.
Lanlng, H. C. Porter, D. J. Sweet, E,
F. Klzer, William Little, C. L. Tracy,
C. S. Russell and N. N. Betts; presi
dent, C. L. Tracy; cashier, N. N. Betts.
Over one hundred employes of the
Lehigh Valley shops at Sayre are ill
with the grip.
Tho Canton Agricultural society has
chosen the foilowlng 1901 oflicers:
President, J. H. Brown; vice-president,
L. T. Manley; secretary, C. D,
Denah; treasurer, L. T. McFadden;
directors, Dr. W. S. Lewis. P. J. Ronan,
W. H. Shannon, E. S. Lindsay, A. T.
Owen, T. Burk, F. S. Still, J. B. But
ler, J. W. Stone.
The Modern Woodmen of Townnda
chose the following new oflicers at the
last meeting: Consul, C. F. Heverly;
advisor, C. C. Smith; clerk, O. S.
Smiley; banker. II. C. Wilcox; escort,
F. H. Johnson: watchman, A, J. Mc
Moran; sentry, F. C. Lament; physi
cian, S. M. Woodburn; manager for
three years, E. W. Rockwell; delegate
to state convention, F. II. Johnson;
alternate, W, R. Dimock.
At a meeting of the Bralf-nri County
Medical society this week tho follow
ing were chosen o!iieers for tho cm rent
year: President, M. C. Hunter, Sayre;
vice presidents, G. H. B. Terry, of Wy
aluslng, and C. S. Blair, of Ulster; sec
rotary, S. M. Woodburn. of Tovvandu;
treasurer, F. G. Newton, cf TowanJa;
librarian, E. D. Payne, of Towandu;
reporter, C. M. Wodburn, of Towmda;
censors, S, M, Woodburn, of Towanda;
C. II. Ott, of Sayre: F, A. Thompson,
of Durell; C. L. Stevens, of Athens.
The Haymukers have elected ihu fol
lowing oiilceis: Past chief haymaker,
II. II. Cowen; chief haymaker, C. T.
Smith; overseer, W. O'Neill; collector
of straws, F. J. Kline; keeper of
bundles, W. Nuglo; steward, Dr. D. L.
Piatt; hnrnblower, O. E. White; boss
driver, 11, Heath; guard of hayloft, O.
Mann; guard of barn door, J. L. Shedd.
A laigo barn owned by the Dayton
Milling company was totally destroyed
by fire, togetVr with two carloads o'
baled hay -uvl straw, sleighs, cutters,
hides and furs, The loss Is $1,000, part
ly covered by Insurance. An explo
slon of a lantern wus tho origin of tho
Churles (Iclslnger, of Sayre, who was
to have been married to Miss Edith
Drasher at Frcelund on Ja-i, 1, and
who created consternation by not ap
pearing on the proposed wedding day.
made his appearance on Saturday,
when the couple were married. Ho
claimed that he had forgotten all about
the event, nnd, even had he desired to
have tho marriage take place nt the
appointed lime, he could not lo so on
account of rush of woik,
John Doody, a Lehigh Valley section
hand, was killed by an engine iitrlklng
hlin nt Sayre on Wednesday.
The Edward Vane Dine estate, of
Troy, hns presented $1,000 to the Pre
bytcrlun church trustees of that place
to open a library.
Tho Bradford Star Is giving a series
of articles on the political history of
early times. They are provln? very
Interesting, as Editor Heverly In spar
ing no pains In securing tho re
liable facts.
Tho county commissioners have re
tained their oillce employes, superin
tendents, physicians, etc., for the ensu
ing year.
Report from Athens gives over two
hundred cans of grip at that pin -o.
Mall Carriers Mclntyre and C'oielon
have completed their ten years service
and are now entitled to two stars,
there being one allowed every live
Miss Blanche Gardner, of Wilkes
Barre, Is a guest of Towanda friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Mason, of Can
ton, Just celebrated their fiftieth anni
Albert Morgan, esq., of Troy, has
resigned as pension examiner nnd will
live In Phllatlc-.lphia, to act as consul
for a fire Insurance company.
By nn error In the time of making
the view of the proposed county bildge
at Wysox, all the proceedings have
been set aside by Judge Fanning,
which was brought through u petltl
tlon by the commissioners. A new
petition nnd woik will begin nt once
for the rush of new proceedings.
Register nnd Recorder Ingham Is
sued ni3 marriages in 1900, a decrease
of only thiee from the previous year.
Judge E. M. Dunham is assisting at
special couit this week.
I Loren W. Swartout, a native of Mon
' roe township, died a few days ago at
, the age of 7i! s,
i Patrick Kllholleran. of Overton, wns
, found by boys frozen to death along
I the toad on Satuiday. He had left
home only two days before, expecting
to visit a daughter who resides at Car
bondale. He was 83 years of age, and
had resided with a son-in-law.
The sheriff hus advertised twenty-
two pieces of land for sale on Feb. 1.
Special to the Scranlm Tribune.
Wayniart, Jan. 11. Will Sampson,
who has been visiting his parents for
the past ten days, has returned to his
work ut Port Jervls, N. Y.
F. P. Cooper, who went to Scranton
for medical aid on Monday, returned
home Wednesday, accompanied by his
sons, James and F. P. Cooper, Jr. Ills
condition is critical.
Will Batten made a business trip to
Moosic for his father on Tuesday.
Mrs. Jennie Potts Stanton under
went an operation at Emergency hos
pital last Monday.
'.. A. Wonnacott was called to Car
bondale on Tuesday, owing to the Ill
ness of his brother, Ulysses.
Mrs. II. C. Ensign and daushter
Anna and Miss Belle Dimock have re
turned home, after an extended
with New York friends
E. C. Doyle paid Honesdale a flying
visit on Wednesday.
Richard Chubb is soon to move on
the Vareoe property, recently pur
chased of F. Thompson.
John Thompson has started for North
t'urollna, where he has gone for his
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Lang me now
nicely situuted In their new home, tho
Ellis residence.
The Lake Lodore people are exten
sively engaged in getting out lumber
for their new Ice house from the Weed
property, purchased last spring.
Rev. James P. Ware, lector of Grace
church. Honesdale, will hold episcopal
services Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
In the Presbyterian church.
The Misses Oraund Dorothy Stephen
son spent Thursday with Prompton
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New Mllford, Jan. 11. Miss Lena
Page, of Lakeside, was u recent visitor
In town.
Miss May Seymour Is seriously 111 ut
her home on Church street.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Taft entertained
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams and son,
of Mansfield, during the holidays.
Miss Clara Miller, of Montrose, wa.
In town last Saturday. Miss Millet- will
conduct a music class In this place.
The ladles of the Methodist church
recently conducted a rhyme entertain
ment. Each lady earned a dollar and
then told In rhyme how she did It.
About $90 was ruised in this manner
and applied on the payment of the new
era pet.
Miss Beatrice Howell Is attending
school at BInghamton this winter.
Miss Nettle Bell is visiting relatives
at Peabody, Muss.
E. W. Morgan was in Scranton on
business, Saturday.
Miss Josle Diekerman, who has been
spending some time here with her
grandmother, returned to her home In
Elmlra last week.
Several of our townspeople are suf
fering with the grip.
Roy Shelp has gone to Rochester, N.
Y.. where he has secured a position
with the Steelier Lithographing com
pany. James Ilutchlngs, of Hallstead, called
on friends In town, Tuesday.
Special to thf Scranton Tilliunc.
Unlondale, Jan. 11. The sleet storm
on Thursday made tho roads a perfect
sea of lee and tho wulklng very dun
fjerous. The milk depot at Herrlck Center
has been closed, uml Newton Corey
has been lecalled to duty In tho milk
depot In Deposit.
Two homes have lecently been
broken up In our community, owing to
two iloi.fitloiiH on the part of two well
known housekeepers.
The Ice on Luwls lake Is excellent,
both In thickness utid auullty. Owing
to tho scarcity of snow, considerable
dlillculty Is belnjf experienced In haul
ing It to the Baldwin storage.
Mrs. Frank Couch, of Carbnudalo,
spent several days lately with her iur
ents, Hon. and Mrs. Phllo Hurrltt.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church met at the par
sonage last Wednesday. Theio was a
goodly attendance. Now olllcers were,
elected for tho coming year. Tho tnblo
was loaded and replenished with giud
things, and tv Joyful compiny partici
pated. Imiih! Muijran hail moved his futnl-
For the Benefit of
We wish to again emphasize the fact that the entire Gallen stock of High-Grade, Tailor-Made Clothing is being'
closed out at HALF PRICE. This is not an attempt to dispose of a few odds and ends, the worthless
accumulation of seasons, but a genuine offering at greatly reduced prices of this gigantic stock of desirable mer
chandise, nearly all of which was purchased for this Fall trade. Why sit idly by and watch others reap the
benefit of this COLOSSALSALE? Join the ranks of eager bargain seekers and visit our great
establishment, where a dollar is equivalent to two dollars in trade.
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Of all wool materials. The Suits are Plain and Fancy Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassimeres, well made and
trimmed, and are productions of America's best manufacturers. Made for this season's trade. The Overcoats
are of Imported and Domestic Kersey, Meltons, Frieze, Beaver, Cheviot and Montagnac Materials. Some have
wool linings with silk shoulder facings, some elaborately trimmed, all silk lined. The prices are less than half
In many cases.
$3.95 $5.95 $765 $10.90
Worth $5
The Best Boys'
That was produced this season is offered in this sale.
Finest Novelty Suits and Top Coats are shown here.
Novelty Suits and Top Coats
Sizes j to 1 2 years, in Vestee, Sailor
and Russian Blouse and Reefer styles,
elaborately trimmed and designed.
Also beautiful Novelty Reefers and Top
Coats of imported materials.
$1.45 $1.95 $2.95 $3.65
Were S3 Were $4 Were $5 Were $6 to $ia
Newest shapes. Union Made.
Black, Brown or Pearl.
69c. $1.19. $1.39, $
Worth $1.00 to $3.00.
ture Into his son's homo, where he ex
pects to make his home for the pres
ent. Ira H. Thomas made a business trip
to Carbondale on Thursday.
Attorney Frank Carpenter attends to
his leual dutlcn dally In Forest City
and returns at night on the Erie flyer.
Mrs. H. I. Carpenter, Mrs. A. Lara
hep and Mrs. Albert Smith were en
tertained by Mrs. Guy Darrow last
The services of the week of prayer
are being; held in the Methodist church
during thu present week. The meet
ings so far ar very Interesting.
Edward Bennett, of the West Side,
has enteied suit against Lathrop &
Shea, railroad contractors, for Injuries
sustained while at work In tho yards
a few weeks ago.
James Allen, of the North End, has
accepted a position as mine foreman
at the Nay Aug colliery, Dunmore.
Horn, to Mr. und Mrs. Martin Gllroy,
a son.
Degree of Naomi, A. O. K. of M. C,
will install oflicers on Monday evening.
A social will bo given after the meet
ing. The silk mill employes will be paid
Burgess Berge desires to serve no
tice on all persons engaged In the sail
of liquors that he will strictly enforce
the nev borough ordinance, which pro
vides a heavy penalty for all offenders.
He serves notice upon them to either
take out licenses or prepare to close
up their places of business. The fol
lowing Is the ordinance relating to the
sale of liquors:
Section 1. Any person of persons
within the limits of the borough of
Avoca who shull keep an unllcsnsed
house, room or place, hotel, Inn or
tavern where wines, malt or brewed
liquors ure sold, offered for sale or
given away In violation of any law of
the commonwealth, shall be liable to
pay a fine of not less than J10 nor more
than $50 for every violation of the
provisions of this ordlnunce, and in
default of the payment of such fine
shall be subject to an Imprisonment In
the borough lockup for a period not ex
ceeding five days In tho borough lock
up or thirty days In tho county jail.
Section 2. Any arrest for violation of
tho provisions of this ordlnunce may
be made upon tho Information of any
person under oath, nnd It shall bo
lawful for the burgess or any Justice
of the peace to Issue warrants based
upon such Information, upon thu
churges preferred against any person
so arrested and either discharge or Im
pose upon such persons the penalties
named In the ordinance. That fifty per
cent, of tho money collected from such
tines shall be given to the persons who
shall aid In their conviction.
From the Saturday Kri-ning I'ml.
MjiUmo Harali (.mml lalrly innviitril to talk
on tho Art of IlJiiplnnM. Some ol lur upliorUiui
an- worth Uiplic.
There are minor pleasure nhov effcit U ac
cuniilatlve, anil whlih male up u happy life.
Kun In c hooting to ho mlwralile wn are happy,
alura there it liappltKM In every ut of i-lioUe.
Amongst women the to woik is not ro
criinnon that It alionhl he illi.cour.ueil.
IheiB l a creat ileil of illuVieme tcturrn a
copv ami an Imitation,
'Iho misery children make for their parenta
H well knowns the mUery parenta make for
their children not ao well.
The two prcit wiine "' lupplneu arc health
of body and trenBth of mind.
When peopln high) to ho critical they tvaaa
tu ho plrasant.
For a Cold In the Mend
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets.
to 10
Worth $10 to
Little Governor or Little Captain
Suits, warranted not to rip. Pants
made with double seat and knees.
Were $5,00 and $6 00. Are
$2.95 and $3.95
Alpines or Derbys
Wall Street Review.
New York, .tan. II. Tin fiuloin btijiiifr of
Pelnttaie and llucl.on and Ontario and West
ern in tho last half hour of the market gated
the day on the stock exchange from something
like pn-dtlu' dul!ne. The peneial iltcilli in
the IujIuk deuiii. led to larjc mIIIii? to lake
profit and for a few special points of
MrcnMh the niatket wa under ton'idetahle
pu-tMire fiom th fellln;. l'ieallina ondltwn,
himewr, led rather to a waiting pulley than to
Ml Jitlve ngi;r(Mion on thu puit of the h-nrr.
Their account are air inly o xlcnle (hat the
lujIi'U to ioer thoil h that element senci
a nu I'ffrillic prop tn the nuiket at any -we
shlriabU iKolun. The klnorptiotit of Unt'irlo
and NrMcili was uy laijie and comldent and
uu h) hiol.cri eredilcd with ruIiik fur the com.
nuiiillli; flk'urt- in the anthiai lie xitiiation. The
lneriao of li per cent. In the yearly dividend
on Delaware and Iludvm ininrht a lurac im
iutiKHt Mid there weie wild fluetuaticnt in the
Mocks under the dltrrsM bidding by this ele
ment. SiKic'iivc jiim)M of .1 hall uml e.rii u
full point carried the ..toil, up to 137, and after
a reaction of .1, up aalii to Ui'-j, wheie it
dined. The ne! ' pain l thin 14 polnu. The
oilier coaler f.wupathlzi-d, especially Ontario and
wctcin, the lleaditigi ind (hi llrlej, the hittir
after having been rcactlonaiv In the eiilirr part
of the day. The extieme advance werr Ontailo
uml Wcitern 3j; Krie flrt picftrrid, 3, and
V.x'if common nnd the Kcadlr.cs about 2 l 'inW
each. I'moti IMdHu roe to the heat price of
the day nt the doxlni;, belie; thiee points aboie
the lowrM, hut the market generally did not
close lit the top. Total i.ik'ii, l.l'.'.'.ll) tharc.
The bond market was turn but not very act he.
Total fales par value, .UJI.IKX). I), !a. bond
were all unchanged on !at call.
The following quotations are fiir.-iiihcd The
Tilhune by !. S. Jordan k Co., room 7u1-70o
Mcura hulldlnt', Scranton, Pa. Telephone WW!:
Open- High- Low- CIo-
ing. est. cat. ins,
American Sugar ..ISis'i IP) 1.17a; liny,
American Tobacco UUi HVi 1NH 111V4
Am. Steel I: Wire .... II iV,i UYi l
Atchlion mi iO 4-"'i t'tV,
AtchUou. Pr MTi Sfl't SaTj tIV&
Jlrnok. Tructlon 81?! oJ'i M MV4
Halt, k Oho m R!4 !n4 f2V4
Cont. Tobacco 41 tilt, iV.i 43J;
CI. cm. k Ohio 3'ju 11 1; .;:i4 40
ride, i- (it. West lh IdTi I0'i 10V4
rhle., II. & Q 14P.& IIV,1 HIA 111
St. Paul 11.1 HI1. I.S 1Sl
Hock Island 12lsi l.'i. 12l'ji 1S1M
Del. lluiUonN US llt'i.i Hd Ift'iVi
Lackawanna II. It 10",i I'd pills IP)
Pederal steel 5V,'t 55; Slit, 5T
federal Steel, Pr 7.1 7.M, 73 7"
Kan, & To-;.. Pr. 47i IS'i 47',i 4t
Louis, k Nah !u',j (11 !); wlli
Mull, l'.leiated lliii; 11714 IP.'i 117
Met. Tlactlen JP7l$ llrt JH7 li'i
MImo, Pacific 8'i SHI4 81 5i;
Pocplc'a Oaa 101 J0I14 10i?; 10
N. J. Central 11114 Jj-.H Mill ni'4
Scuthern 1' trifle 4iA lift lH 4;
Norfolk t Wett lift inii 4'lft HI
Niothcrn Pacilie ejft s-,-,14 M (J(
Noitli. Pacific. Pr. .. . H S7'4 M S7H
N. V. Central 111 11(1 141 MVi
Ontario k West lilii S3 .1ia J1
IVmu. It. II llsXi 150V W3 15'l)i
ratine Mill i! 12i 4J 4"i
Heading J3 111; :V,, R
Iicdii-8, l'r 72 7.1ft "Hi "3
Southern II. n 21 21 '4 20',s, 21'4
South. I!. II., Pr, ... 71'4 :! 71l3 72'
'Jinn. (V.1I .V. lion .... 37 S-ift 37 37
V. S. Leather I". 1.1 Id 1.1 JHJ
I S. Leather. Pr 3H 71 73i T1V1
l'. S. Htihhcr Ill; 22 loft 2
l'l Inn PitIMc M fin HI Ki
fnlon Pacific-, l'r sl'l SI?; M?', M?4
Wil.ush, Pr "Mi 2'.i 2H7; 27I-,
Wnctcin Union S7!3 8S,i il' r7-
m:v yoiik piioDt-CH i:cn mii; puic r.s.
Open- High. Low. Clo-
W'lir.W. (ng. est. nit. Inf.
Ma S2'.i S'.'vi ol?i BlfJ
( OI1.N.
May Illi 4IU 41ft 4i;
Scranton Hortvd of Trade Eschnnrjo
Quotations All Quotations Basod
on Tar of 100.
bTOCKS. md, Alked,
Pint Nutloral Hank p.-uu
Scranton Savings Hank sM ...
Third National Dank i-jj
lllmo Deposit and Discount Hank.. 23i)
iJconcniy Light. II. 4. P. Co 40
fjeka. Trust Safe Deposit Co l.V)
Claik & Snover Co., Pr 12)
Scrantcn Iron Kener k Mlg. Co 100
Scranton Aalo Wcrka V3
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. w
County Saving Uank & Trust Co,. iOO
l-'irst National Dank (Carhoudale),, ,,, 30)
ctamlanl DrllUtu 'o 33
Traders' National Pank ,,,, 14.1 ,,,
Scranton linlt and Nut Co lnj ,,,
Scranton Paasenger Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1020 , 113
the People
Worth $12 to $15
No store in Scranton ever produced a better line.
Double-Breasted Suits.
All leather, fine qualities, patent leather, Enamel,
Vici Kid and Call. Finer goods, hand-sewed.
Boys'-69c, 83c, $1 09 up. Men's 1.09,$i.79, $2.29
Worth $2.00 to oo.
reople'a Street Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1018 113
People's Street Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1021 113
Dickson Ma-iufacturlnu Co 100
Lacki. Town-hip School 5 per cent. ... 102
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
cent 102
Scranton Traction t) per cent 115 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrcited by II. G. ri'le, 2; Lackawanna Ave.)
Dutter Creamery, 2la23e.
L'gga Select western, 21c. ; nearby state, 31c.
Cheese Full cream, new, 12c.
llcans Per bu., choice marrow, $2.30.
Onions COS. per bu.
Hour Beat patent, J4.G0.
Philadelphia Grain and Produco.
Philadelphia, .tan. It. Wheat Weak, ;c. low.
ci; contract grade, Jan., 7i)a70'ie. (urn Weal.,
Uc. lower! No. 2 mixed, Jan., 4JWc;. Oats
Finns No. 2 whits clipped, 32lia33c. flutter
- Unlet hut atcudyj fai ey western creamery,
1(-.J do. prints, 2K-. I.ggs Knnis frtsh in-ai.
by, 22e. j do. western, 22c : do. southwea'crr,
22c.; do. southern, 20c. Cheese Firm j N. V.
full creams fancy small. Ilal2c.s do. do. do.
fair to choice, lOHilll-e. lteflned iwgars Un
changed. Cotton -Steady Tallow Finn S city
inline In lihda., ffc.i ticrcca, oTjCj county
prime In bids., I'iaSc; rakes, 5',4e. Live poul
try Dull and weak; fowls, SVia'l'e.; old roos
ters, 6a7t.; cliifkina, ,Ja1c. ; clucks, llat-Jr. -,
gee-e, t'alOc.s turlceis, PalOe. Dicwd poultry
-Films fowls, choice. Ilk-.-, do. fair to gusd.
tiaUlse.s old roosters. Ca7c. : nearby chickens.
Malic. ; western, Halle.-, tuikeys, cliolcc to
fance, 10a12e. ; duckr. Dalle.
ltcoclpts- Flour, .-i.uOl barrel, and 1,103,000
pounds In sacks: wheat, lf.,0ui bushels; corn.
64,000 bushels, oats, 11,000 tnnhrls. Shipments
Wheat, 7,0n0 bushels; cum, )3,00i) bushels; oaU,
New Yorlc Grain and Produce.
New Vork, Jan. 11, Flour Weak, and 5al0c.
lower, but ttill above hums' views. Wheat
Spot weak; No. 2 led, nl'ii1. f. o. b. aticat;
No. 2 red. 7oi70'Jic. clcvittoi; No. 1 northern
Duluth, so',i-. f. o. b. afloat. Options vvcai all
day, clewed weak at ' net loss. March
closed Hftc; Mij. SUsc; July, eolse. Corn
S;ot easier; No. 2, 4i)fte. elevatoi, and 47lie.
f. o. b. aticat. Options opened easy, steadied
up a llttlo and then j lidded a second time,
closing easy at ftc. net decline. Jan., 4fifte.;
March, 4Hic; May. llllo 5 July. HSc. OaU
-Spot cpilet; No. 2, Jla31Vjc; No. 3, 3011c;
No, 2 white, niin3Ji-.i .No. 3 white, SVe.;
track mixed western, 30i32c ; track white, 31H
a"3c. Options quiet and barely steady. Huttjr
Weak; creamery, 10a2i'e-. i factory, llallc. ;
June creamery, l(.i21c; Imitation crmnrry. II
al8e. ; state dair), 11a21c. ChceaeFInn, but
quiet; fancy large, fall made. Il'ialllic; fancy
small, fall made, MftiUV. F.ggs--Stead.v; stati
adn Pcnna , 21a2'jc; western, avcrasc packed,
lta21c. ; western, loss off, 22-
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, Jan. 11. Heavy reielpls and umc
spmivf cables were f.ietcra unfavorable to
vein at nrlees louav. ami .uav cioslui j-a-.iiu. iw.
cr; com dcn-cd 'se. lower, and oats at a like
decline. Pioilslons at the close were a shade
to 3c. deputed, Cash quotations weie as fol
low st
Flour (,iilel and easy; No. 3 fprlng wntit,
72c; No. 2 red, 7i77lii; No, 2 corn, 37',ie.;
No. 2 vcllow, 17l'ic; No. 2 oats. 2l.i2ll4r.; No.
2 white, 27a2r'ic ; No. .1 whin, 20',a:7Vi .;
No. 1, l.nV, No. I i.otthwe.t, H.1,7, timo
thy. ?l.73; M,rk, illl.il4.10; lird, -J713; iS,
5e.liOan.li3; shoulders, tl'iaU'ic.; sides, ?7.30a
7.10. Whhtty, 1.2I.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
( IdcMRO, Jan. II.-Cuttle Ileceipti, 2,tW;
slicis, stiong to 1'V.; Tesaiu, steady;
bulcheis' Hoik, slow; good to prime steers,
t3.33jil.10; pour to mtiliuui. Is.lii0a3.23, ttoik
ds and feeders, stra.lj, e2.73a4 45; lows, 2.t!3
l'l. 15; heifers, S2 7Sa4.40; canueis, 2a2.ei; bulls,
lf2!!.0; c.illes, stronger, HatU3; Te',i fed
steiri. ifl.lual.tio; Texas glass steers,,
Texas bulls, 2.WJa3.c0.
Hogs llecelpts today, 23,000; tomorrow, 20.
bun; lift nier, 3,000; aellvo at yesterdaj'a
i lose; lop, 3,4'M-j; mixed and butchers, -V10
.i5.t2',i; good to thol.-e heavy, if3.15a3.40; rough
hmi.v, $; light, $a.t0a3.35, bulk of
aales, JS.iiaS .S3.
Sheep-llecelpts. 6,000; sheep, dim; lambs,
steady; good to choice wethers, $J.80al.64i fair
to choice nihcd, $3.tvm.SSs westein sheep,
s.l.N'ial.73; Texas theep, $2.50a3.O3; I.athe
1,111,1k, fl.25a3.bOi, wcstewi lambs, $3a3,rX).
New York Live Stock,
New Vork, Jan. II. Beeves Steers, slow, good
beeves, rteadyl medium and common, weak to
10e-, loner; medium and good cows, 13i25c,
off; steers, JI.HOi5.MI; oxen, $2.IOs4,flci; bulls,
$,40; fat Ohio eons. 32.73. Calve, msiket
steady; veals, f3a$.S0; little calves, l.
Miei-p Weady lor desirable stock; lambs, 23a
4(Y. loner; sheep, $.l,30a r,5j lambs, $3.7Sa(M
eholee and extra. ifci.33i'l,00; culls, iaJ.73; most
of tho rales,
Hogs Feeling weak; choice pigs sold at t5.75.
Worth $18 to $25
All-Wool Suits, welt made
$1.45, $1.95, $2.95, 3.65
Worth .oo to 8.oo.
Long Pants Suits, sizes 14 to 20
years, $3,65, $6.95.
Worth $8.00 and $12.00.
Reslore Vitality, Lost Vigor sad Manhood-
Caro Ira potency. Night Amissions, Lous of Mem.
ory, nu xtastuir; ruscases.
nil effects of ceif-abuso or
excess nnd indiscretion.
A norve toiuo and
blood ljulldec. Brings
'tho pink clow to pale
choeks nnd rostoros the
fire of youth. Iiy mall
(50c ner box. 6 boxes for
B2.60, with our bankab'.e saurantos to euro
or refund the money paid. Send for circular
nnd copy of our bankable guarantee bond.
ToioVuTtt) Immediate Results
Positively gnnrnntccd euro for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Ncrvoui Prostra
tion, Hystcrin. Fits, Insanity. Parnlysls nnd tho
ltcjults of Excessive Uno of Tobncco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain packiwn, 81.00 a
box, O for $5.00 with our bankable R-uur-antee
bond to cure In 30 days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jack&on Sts , CHICAGO, ILU,
Sold by MeGarrah & Thomas, Druggistl, 209
Lackawanna avenue, fcitranton, Pa.
I, t",SttSTTl"-SflSSSfW Si'J
fa Prof.G.F.THEEL.M.D. r.1,,,1
f W MMrhllil,llils. I's. Iliiitrnl.rlifrlrd.Cui. t
Hrnitrtfrbook'-Trutb rtpiHlssmsdlrst Aslrrlrlpsl franH
lnucullin(..l Bnprt,iiiu4Hi,.BsritiisrRiirsnn.
East Liberty Stock IHarkit.
East Liberty, Jan. II. Cattle Heady; ettn,
5.W)a5.70; prime, $j.iia3..i5; eommou, Mali.75.
Hogs Lower; all grades, ?3.10a3.1i; rouln,
Sheep Steade; choice wethers, $I.Sil.."')i
immon, $I.30a2.M; choice limbs, ;3.b3a'J
jmmon to good, ta5.73; calies, ,'..'.0as.
Iter Admiral Watson Snys Wc Huct
Overawe tho INatlvcs.
From Hit World's Work.
Thei-e must b a strong: display of
nrnied force. Tho FUlplnon must tin
Intltnlclatcd. They must be treated
with Just severity, but not with cruelty.
Our extreme leniency hns utnazod thr
natives and cost us many valuibla
lives. Hut some severe lossons hat
boon taucht tlio Filipinos, und more)
must follow. '
I anticipate beneficent results from
tho work of the new Philippine com
mlsson headed by Judge Tuft, not only
because of tho high character of tho
commission, which merits and hus tho
confidence of the American people, but because It Is "backed up by w effi
cient a military and naval force. Tho
progress of the settlement of all
troubles will dejwnd largely ujxm tho
success of the commission In Its dcil
lng with the friars and In Its conduct
In reference to tho church property.
There Is a popular desire among the
natives that this vast church prope ty,
so long the boms of contention, Fh uld
revert to tho people. If the title to
much of It can bo shown to have been
obtained by fraud or to be In any wuy
Invalid,, a great deal of the present
bltterneFa will be remove's.
There Is no longer any Filipino gov
ernment. There seems to bo no head
to It, and demoralization has followed
tho scattering of the insurgent forces.
It was faith in the Integrity of Aguin
aldo and what he stood for that kept
alive the solrlt of revolt. There Is,
however, now a strong Impression that
he Is either dead or Incapacitated; aiwt
I myself am strongly Inclined to t It Li'
opinion In spite of the recent ulleccil
proclamations from him. My own opin
ion of tho Filipino Is that he U ,at
present capable only of local oolf-gov-ernment
to a Very limited extent.' !