The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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i-T- 'T ft
owj-xw" -v
y j- V 1I-
nut uoDcns hardwaiie store.
Money Spent
In buying a bono cutter
in a good investment na It
brings In large returns.
Green cut bones and meat
Is what laying hens require.
"Mann's" Bono Cutter cuts
faster, finer and with less
work than any other ma
chine on the niaiket. Prices
$10. to $23.
Footc & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
L. R. D. & M.
Fhocs are eno of the most Important Items of
drcs at any time of the jcar, and especially so
now that we arc certain to hive changeable
weather. For stjlo, price anil quality yet ourl.
Ve know we tan pleae joti.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Local ditu for Jan. 11, l'.'pl:
Highest temperature
l.ove-t temperature
llunilditj :
40 decrees
:ifl degrees
a ;i in , ft! per cent.
t p. lit VI per cent.
l'jlnfill, 'Jl hour ending S p. m 'JO Inch
Miss Holmes, Who Recently Re
turned fiom Syria, Spoke.
TIip mliilonary tea nt the Peconl
I'icfibyleiiun church vas largely at
tended jesterdny afternoon, lllss
Holmes, who has leturned after many
years vvoilc In Svrla, gave a most In
teresting talk. She told of the child
mairinges In the Orient and spoke of
the fact that L'.S'O.OOO little girls are
man led nt the age of live years.
It Is the custom among Mohamme
dans to marry their daughters at the
ago of 10. She believed that never
was their such opportunities for work
and never such valuable workers ns
are now In the foreign field.
A delightful social hour followed
her talk. Mis. Sykes ivns In charge
of the tea.
Two Sunday School Classes Enter
tained at Penn Avenue Chuicli.
Tho Sunday school classes of Mis.
V. G. Fassold and Mrs. Frutchej', of
the Penn avenue Sunday school, gave
a. delightful entertainment last night
in the lower temple of the chinch.
Thero were vocal solos by Mis. Brand
age and Mrs. Poteet and a vocal duet
by Edward Davis and sister.
Miss Beatrice Morris gavo two reci
tations In her usual clever manner, and
Miss Dorothy Wagner also recited.
Miss Clara Browning tendered a piano
solo in faultless style, nnd there were
two selections by the Bass-Clef quar
tette. At the conclusion of the pto
gramme, refreshments weio served.
On Jefferson, Madison, Monroe,
Quincy, Clay, Webster and Other
Avenues and Streets.
Prom the most elegant homes to the
modest little cottage. For particulars,
prices and terms, see W. T. Hakelt,
Real Estate Dealer, Price Building.
A Greatly Increased Demand.
Havo now on file eleven requests for
bookkeepers and stenographets, four
ladles and seven gentlemen, with no
one ready to send out. Some nre high
salaried places. If there be any quali
fied persons who nro unemployed, or
any who are employed but desire to
change, it may'bo to their advantage
to register with us at once. No.
charge. Buck & Whltmore.
Sixteenth waid Republican pilmailes
this afternoon, 4 to 7. I am a candi
date for the nomination for alderman,
and trust my Republican friends will
come out and vote for me.
Philip J. Vetter.
St. Brenden Fair and "Festival.
Every evening. See the Musee, full ot
rare freaks. Win a plum tree prize.
High class entertainments. 1?2 North
Main avnue.
Removal Sale.
My stock of Shoes will be sold at
one-fourth price before lemoval to
my new store. A. C. Nettleton, "Wash
ington avenue.
St. Joseph's Lithuanian church fair
tonight at Mualc Hall, 213 Lacka
wmbs, venu8. All welcome.
Invitations Which Are Being Sent
Out to Members.
The following banquet Invitation Is
being sent out to pitch member of the
board of trade by Becretary Dolph B.
Athctton and the responses so far re
ceived Indicate that there will be a
lecord breaking attendance:
Fetantou, Pa., Jan. 10, 1501.
Dear Mrs 'Ihc tvventr-nlnth anniversary cf
lie "cranlon board of trade will be celebrated
Monday evenlnir, Jon. 21. loot.
A banquet wilt be served In the assembly
rjom oromntlv at T.30 o'clock, followed by a
short business nieelinic of the board, when of
Been for the ensulaif year wilt bo elected.
Dlsltnjruished speakers from out of town will
be present ai guest of the board on thla crea
tion. Members who ilttnd are privileged to Invite
one uet upon th) payment of $., time to be
enclosed with tin accentanre. As usual to
charge to members.
Please ropond promptly, not later than
Thuriday, the ITth, that the committee may
lime accurate Information at to the mimlcr
to In provided for,
Itetpertfnlly jouis,
'J'. C. Von Storrli,
Cha. Schlascr,
I). T. Yost,
W. D. ltoer,
A, J. Casey,
Secretary Atherton Says That It Will
Direct the Preparation of a Com
plete New Second Class Act.
Sectetary V. M. Atherton, of the
board of trade, who was one of the
delegates from that body sent to Pitts
burg to confer regarding second class
city legislation, btated emphatically
to a Tribune man yesteiday that the
board had no Intention whatever of
abandoning the Idea and leaving It
entirely to the councllmanle commit
tee. "This committee," said he, "will di
rect Attorney James H. Toney, who
was oilglnally a member ot It, to pre
pare a general act governing cities of
the second class and this act will be
Introduced In the leglslatute. Let the
councllmanle committee lnttoduce Its
amendatoty act In one branch of the
legislature and we'll Introduce our act
In the other branch. The mote the bet
ter. If one net falls of passage the oth
er may get through. You can say that
we're not going to back out ot this
thing at all."
Select Councilman Chat lea I J. Chit
tenden, who is the chairman of the
councllmanle committee, stated yester
day to a Tribune man that the com
mittee would use oveiy effort possible
at tonlght'M meeting to dlssttudo tin;
members of the board of ttade com
mittee, who have been Invited to at
tend, fiom having any separate act
prepared and Intioduced In the loglsla
tuie. "Goodness knows," said he, "the situ
ation is complicated enough without
having this city go down to Hart Is
burg with two acts. Theie Is, to my
mind. Just about one chance In a thous
and for us to secure the paasace of
our few umendments without trying
to put thiough a whole act.
"Why, all 1 would favor would ln
to go down there with just that one
amendment giving the mayor power
to appoint the heads of the executive
departments. I'd Just us soon have the
other amendments dropped. Personal
ly, I don't think we'll be able to get
even that thtough. I am only lending
my assistance to this movement be
cause I believe It Is my duty to do so.
I don't think the people of this state
want good government, and I think It
will be along near the mlllenliim when
we get It."
They Will Permanently Organize in
About a Week.
A meeting of the maehlneiy iron
mouldeis, for the purpose of effecting
an organization, was held last night in
Durr's hall. The stovo mouldeis nro
already otganUed. but tho machinery
moulders, of whom theie are over 300
in the city, have never been formed
into a union.
Addresses weie made last night by
Fred Dlkher, or the United Mine
"U'oikeis' association, and D. M. Shal
kap, of Philadelphia, state organizer
of the Iron Mouldeis' Union of North
America. Another meeting will be held
In about a week, when a pcimanent or
ganization will be effected.
The ofilceis and menibeis of the
Bouid of Trade, the cleigy of the city,
the ofilceis, dliertors and membeis of
all hospital or charitable Institution
boauls, are lequestcd to meet at the
Bouid of Tiade rooms on Monday
evening, January 14, at 8 o'clock.
At this meeting It will be shown that
the community can materially Increase
the general charity fund with less tlun
the usual expense by simply extending
Its patronage to what will be the peo
ple's city dliectory, published for and
by the people of the city of Seianton;
the entire pioflts of which shall go lo
charity this and each year hereafter.
W. F Hmythe.
D., L.
& W. Restaurant at Hoboken.
New Yoik, .Tan
9, 1901.
For your Information:
The Lackawanna railroad, under the
direct supervision of Its dining car de
partment, will open on the morning of
Januaiy 12 a lestaurnnt and lunch
counter In the Hoboken terminal. For
more than four months caipcnteis,
plumbers, electric light men, palntors
and decoiators have been at work
upon these looms, which now compare
favorably with the best restaurant
plants In the city of New York. The
kitchen has been thoioughly fitted with
the most perfect modern equipment
and Is prepared to handle rapidly and
thoroughly the great variety of dishes,
which are Included in the menu. The
restaurant proper is roomy, light and
airy and its tables are fitted with
high-grade fhlua, crystal, silver and
linen. The bill of faro Includes that
Iniga variety of perfectly prepared
dlohea which within a year have made
for the Lackawanna tall load the tepti
tatlon ot giving to the publlo the best
all-aiound dining far tcrvlco In the
United States. Tho same care, dili
gence and energy which hav built up
this enviable reputation for tho dining
cars will control tho management of
thla Hoboken restaurant. In nddltlon
to tho restaurant a largo lunch counter
will be maintained in the Hoboken tor-,
mlnal for the accommodation of those
who desire quicker service and less
elaborate meals. It Is the aim of tho
management to provide the best pos
slhb meals at tho reasonable
rates and prices havo been fixed In ac
cordance with thla idea.
It Establishes a Uniform Price to Be
Paid for Water and is to Qo Into
Effect on April 1 Rates Fixed Are
About One-Half Those Now
Charged The Legality of the Or
dinance Will Undoubtedly Be Test
ed in the Courts and May Be Car
ried to United States Coutt.
The ordinance establishing fixed rates
to be charged for water on nnd nfttn
April 1 is now a law. Mayor Molr
signed it yesterday afternoon in the
presence of a Tribune man, Haying as
be did so: "Now we're ready for a fight
on this question."
There Is hurdly any question that
there will be a fight over the legality
of the oidlnance nnd that It will be
hotly contested. Lawyers say It will
be finished in the United States su
preme court.
The ordinance establishes water
rates which may be said to average
about one-half those which nre now
charged by the Seianton Gas and Wat
er company. That corporation refused
to giant the board of trade's request
to i educe Its meter rate to manufact
uieis and, as tho ordinance establishes
a meter rate almost as low as the one
requested by the board of trade, It is
to be expected that It will contest the
city's right to fix certain lates.
The oiUlnanco contains a penalty
clause piovidlng that "any person, firm
or corporation" violating Its provisions
shall be liable to a fine of $30 for each
and every offense, to be rccoveied In
an action of assumpsit befoie the may
or or any alderman In the city.
On und after April 1 If the company
refuses to comply with the ptovislons
of the ordinance some cltbon will go
before the major or an alderman,
backed by the city's legal department,
and bring such nn action of assumpsit.
The company will then undoubtedly
appeal the case to the local courts nnd
if a decision unfa vol able to Its inter
ests Is rendered It may be expected to
take the case to the supieme court and
fiom that tribunal to the United
States supremo court. If necessary.
The city, Mayor Molr says, will cany
the matter aa far as the Supreme court
of the state, in case tho local court
ihould decide that a municipality has
not the right to establish uniform
water rates. The company could take
the case to the United States Supieme
court, because the foutteenth amend
ment of tho Fedeial constitution Is in
volved. This movides that no Mate .shall
make or enforce any laws -which shall
"deprive any person of life, liberty or
piopeity." it will be probably con
tended by the company, if the case
ever teaches the highest judicial tri
bunal In the country, that to fit by
law the price to be charged for a com
modity is to deprive In a. certain sense
the person selling that commodity of
their propel ty.
City Solicitor Vosburg and a number
of other leading lawyers of this city,
including ex-City Solicitor I. H. Burns,
hold that municipalities have a right
to rcgulato the price of commodities
dealt In by quasi-public corporations,
such as wuter companies, whose Inter
ests are so closely allied with the In
tel ests of the public at large. In his
opinion on the water question, sent to
councils over a, year ago, Mr. Vosburg
quoted a United States Supieme couit
decision which he believes settles clear
ly that cities can establish a certain
leasonable price to be charged for
The water ordinance, which was in
troduced In councils during the fiscal
year ot 1899-1900 by Councilman Mel
vln, was allowed to die a. peaceful
death, never being reported from com
mittee In common council. This year
the measure was ie-lntroduced, with
numerous changes, by Councilman
Costello, of the Third ward, who has
made a vigorous fight for Its passage.
The full text of the ordinance Just
signed by the major Is as follows:
.Vn ordinance lluiltiii the prli lo lie cluid
fui aupphing uater to the Inhabitants of the
city of frcronton, and proWdirm a penally for
violation of the proW'lons hereof.
Section 1. Ho it mdalned bv the lict anJ
common i mint lis of the city of ScrantoD an I it
i hereby oidaincd by the authority of Ihc bime,
That from and alter the fiist day of April, 1 K)l(
the pi he to be clured by any person, firm or
ruipoution, nip)liii' uater to the inhibltanti
of the city of Scrunton, and Using; the .tu'fU
of the JU for tlt purpose, fhall not exrerd
the follottlrt ratu per annum:
mm.UNQ HOLM."!
Tor Jingle family per annum ...i... .$ 00
Ir'or aiusle house ocfiipicd by more than
one family 4 X
1'ach bath tub 1 SO
l'or eath uater clo-.ct t .',S
I'm each urinil with spring atta'hmrnt. . l Co
l'or ef.ili urinal without spring attachment 2 00
lor street washer or lawn or hoe connec
3 00
uon i."
)l)dront (fiiuil)) keeping hotel
fi (V)
12 00
2 00
Par, with or without water
l.jdi water clo'it, double acting ,...
I'.uli water closet ot other description.
lor urinal, self closl'ic ISO
lor urinal of other dVsiription n 00
IVr tiJth tub for use ot boavdira :i i
Kitchen, for each faucet . ... . . 5 00
Pnardeni. above 10 and not exreediui; 25..,. ; (hj
Fresh Sugar Corn
Meadow Brand, 8c can, 00c dozen.
Royalty Brand, Do can, 81.00 dozen
Hubbard Brand, 10c can, SI. 10 doz
Coursen's Garden Brand, 12c can,
81.40 dozen.
Coursen's Sweet Blossom, 13c can,
61. SO dozen.
Honey Dew, 12c; value 10c.
Sweet Blossom, 10c; value 15c.
Dinner Party, 15c; value 18c.
Sugar Beets
Dinner Party, 3 lb can 15c; value
Fresh Oreen Limns, 14c.
Poiter's Lilac Tomatoes, 10c; value
15c, 40 ounce cans.
E. 6. Course,.
Kadi nddlttonil 7 boardrrt , "1 O
W'tler trmiijhj for witjrlmr hordes 7 60
A lij diart In jard or basin In slure when
occupied by a store only ." ()
Water closets, each 1 i
I'rlnal with prlnj attachment I CO
Cilrlll of all other descriptions i 00
nitua sronrs.
Ding stoics esch AM
Counter founUtn I'M)
Pl'DLIO CLif.PlNflS.
Kadi fdKft 2 1
Fncli water closet 1 M
Each irinvl 100
Shops ami banks, for Arst faucet 13 00,
each addition! IM
Poclcly room and all officer 3 (JO
Open all nlalit 20 per cent, additional.
Itrstaurmt dilnklnc bar M 00
Itftanrant ratine bar IS on
1UH1I&K f-IIOI"..
Klrct 2 W
t'urli additional chtlr t 00
i'acli Ulli tub J 00
1 ach bath tub i f0
PHOTOOKAIil U.vU.r,lllS.
Photocrsph galleries
Thrty itablea, per horse
Private stable per horse
Cowl, each per head
Ilotllin; establishment
1 no
1 to
2.1 00
Nliiigliter hoiiAci to 00
fountains floulna; 1J hours per div tor sit
months during J ear, fiom a U inch fct
rulr. first opening- Si
I-iwi fountains 3 00
Hose ud as a laun sprinkler 3 00
flreuerlcs, che bousca aud luinuficturim;
etlalilUhments rated aicotdlnc to con
sumption 1 00
Section 3, Wliiicx'r meter is uied, the
charges shall be as folloua:
l'or dally aveiaje of water meet by an) per.
aon, firm or coiporution, of 10,000 gallons or less,
ten rents per thousand nations.
l'or dally average of water used from 10,000
to 20,000 sallons, eight cents per lhouand tat.
Tor dally average of uater meet fiom m.wiO
lo .10,000 gallons seven cents per thousand ipl
Ions. For dally acne of vvslrr used from 30,000 to
10,000 gallons, r cents per thousand gallons.
For dally average of uater used, ot 60,000
gallon or over, flu- cents per thousand gallons.
Provided, That the provisions of this etljn
shall apply only when a meter is ued to
measure the amount of unter used
.Section 4. Any person, firm or eoiporatlon,
violatlm? the pioviilons ot this ouliiunee, shall
pay n penalty of $t0 fur raeli ollense, on" half
for the use cf the ill of Sranton. and one-
l.ilf for the person who brings suit for the
simo, to be recovered In an action ot assump
sit before the major or anv alderman of taid
cllv. Fach offense under tl.e provisions of this
ordinance shall be considered as being com
plttc, every time a bill U sent bj anv firm,
individual or tuiporatlon supplying uater to
tie people of the tltj of beranton, which bill
N fur a larger amount than would lie due end
painble miilir the rates fixed b this ordinance.
The piesent lates of the company
differ gieatly from the lates fixed by
the oidlnance. The price for a slnglo
family Is the same, but l'or each addi
tional family In a single houre It !s
6 Instead of 14, as In the ordlnanc
The price for bath tubs Is now t-i,
Instead of the tl.30 piovided In the
oidlnance, and the price for water
closets In pilvate houses Is now Si
each, Instead of $1.2i ns fixed by tho
ordinance. For lawn or hose connec
tions, ft! Is now chaiged. Instead ot
the late of Jl estiblMied by the or
dinance. The meter lates nt present charged
aie as follows: For dally aveiage of
10,000 gallons or Ies. 20 cents per
1,000; from 10,000 to 20,000 gallons, IT.
cents per 1,000: from 20,000 to 30,000
gallons, 10 cents per 1,000; from 30,000
to fiO.OOO gallons, S rents per 1,000; for
dally nvernge of .".0,000 or over, 6 cents
per 1.000.
The greatest "avlng In meter late,
If the new ordinance goes Into effect,
will be to the small consumer, such
as -the saloon keeper, hotel man und
met chant, who use less than 10,000
gallons per day. It will mean a sav
ing of just one-half. They now pay
twenty cents per 1,000, while the ordi
nance fllxes n late of 10 cent.
If the ordinance Is ever declared
legal and If the citj Irs placed In a
position wiiote it can enfoice Its pro
visions, the company can be expected
to continue Its meter system lionise.
In all such places ns those mentioned
above, lather than chnrge according
to the other fixed schedule. That
method would mean In the majority
of cases a i eduction of two-thirds.
The ordinance gives the company the
right to put In a meter wherever It
may deshe.
Had Been Deposited in an Ash Dump
Near the Power House of the
Scranton Railway Company.
Exposed to the drizzling lain, care
fully wrapped in a tiny night shirt
nnd cotton, the dead body of nn un
known infant was found yesterday ly
ing upon an ash dump near tho
Scranton Railway company's power
house, on Providence road.
While ovei hauling the heap for bot
tles, CJeoige Looker, of 743 Kiessler
couit; Oeorgo Hainba. also of 74?
Kreshler couit, Und Samuel Portar,
colored, dlscoveied n bundle, which
upon Investigation pioved to be the
body ot a newly-boin Infant. The
baby was tendoily picked up and
placed In a tin box. The police weio
notified and Detective Molr put on the
There is no cine to the identity of
the poison who deposited tho baby.
The place wheie found is situated
In a field within a half block ot tho
power house.
How long the body lay there Is not
known to a certainty, but as there Is
no odor. It Is thought that It must
have been deposited yesterday morn
ing, , The men who discovered tho
child say that the smell of ether was
quite strong.
Coioner JtoueMis v. as nouiteu, out
has not yet conducted an autopsy, so
there aro no means ot ascertaining
whether the child was still born or
otherwise There nro no marks of vio
lence on the body.
Large Number of Children Vaccin
ated at Lackawnna Hospital.
Notwithstanding that the board ot
control Is about to extend tho time for
vaccinations to February 1, tho num
ber of applicants for vaccination at
the Lackawanna hospital yesterday
was the largest yet.
Ono hundred and fifty-seven children
were vaccinated.
Copy of the Measure Will Be Served
on the Officials of tho Company.
Some Dispute as to Whether or Not
the City Has the Right to Revoke a
Franchise with a Resolution A
Lawyer's Views on the Language
of the Resolution and the Purpose
to Be Achieved by It.
Mayor Molr yesteiday afternoon
signed the resolution giving the
Scranton Railway company ten days'
notice to Issue transfer tlcke, and
declaring a; forfcltute of all thcWtan
chlscs of the various street railway
companies meiged Into that corpoia
tlott. The resolution will be served upon
the company officials some time today.
The company' poltlon In sending
one of their attorneys before councils
on Thuisday night with the proposi
tion that Mr. Vaughrvn's tesolutloit be
teferied to a committee for the pur
pose of conferring regaidlng the
question, Is taken ns nn Indication of
their desire to back down gently, In
the face of tho great public sentiment
which has been nroused against the
obnoxious order.
The objection was made by seveial
of the councllmen during the progress
and after Thuisday night's meeting,
that tho city had no right to declaie
an Immediate forfeiture of the com
pany's franchises until the company
had violated some provision of them,
and that It had not done so. Inasmuch
as the transfer system his not yet
been abolished. Scvenl who opposed
the tesolutlon on Tlnuday night did
so on this giound.
A well-known lawyer stated v ester
day to a Tribune man that the only
proper Kind of n tesolutlon tu pass
was the resolution prepared, by Solici
tor Vosburg and introduced by Coun
cilman Vaughan. lie said that tho In
sertion of tho clause declaring an un
conditional fnrfeltuie of tho com
panv's franchises was nboluiey tie
cessar Councils alone, he said, had author
ity to forfeit n franchise, but the final
adjudication of such a quetlon was
always made by com t. In other
vvoids, th" foifelture of a franchise
by councils was not necessarily bind
ing upon the company. It was moiely
a ptellnilnary step which had to be
taken to make the question ripe for a
Judicial opinion.
If the company recalled the trans
fer order within the ten days given It
by councils, the forfeiture of the
franchise by councils would have no
effect, unless It was followed up by
more aggirsslvo notion and to so fol
low It up, the city would have to be
sine that It had icasonable ground for
action, which It, of course, .would not
havo If the trnnsfers wcie Issued.
Those who believe In transacting
councllimtnlc business uccoidlng to
the strict letter ot the livv, and In
such cases as this, where there Is n
.st lung possibility of the matter being
bi ought Into couit, such adherance to
the technicalities is neeessmj, con
tend that the franchises of ilio com
pany which weie gi anted by oidl
nance cannot be forfeited bv a iomi-
They claim that a privilege- gi anted
by an oidlnance can be i evoked only
by .m oidlnance, nnd point to th
state leglstatuies and congiess, where
laws ine lepeoled by acts and not by
simple esolution. It is also con
tended that there should have been a
loll call on the resolution. Theie was
no roll call In either the select or the
common council and no reeoid appeals
on the minute books as lo the num
br of membeis who voted for eaeh
Fiio Boss Fortune Dead.
R- r.vdu-lvr Who liom The Associated Tress
Wilkes Bane, .'an, 1 1. Mas tin luilum, ih
flic boss .it the Tine Hid re mine if the ls!'i
ejuln Coal compiiiv, died tndav fiom ihjmin
lerelved In tl.e accident at the enlllns It't
week. I'oituiie aeentiiptnleil supe ilnlriidciit Wil
liam and .VJ-isUnt uncrtntendeiil Moicjii Into
th mine. All three weie overeuini with Hie
dimp. Williams and Vlorjin weie taken nut
dead, l'ortuue was unconscious. Vt firel il was
thought he would leeover, bill lie lud inlnl d
too much of the iijl-oiicnu as and last nUht
he bejan to sink nipidlv
Eight Diugglsts Anested.
Dy Inclusive Wire fiom The Assochted ficss.
Wilkes Dane, Jan 11 -lleliitlws In the- un
ploy of the st.uo iiliaiiiiucutleil bouel lodav
anested citilit eliui-ts III tldf. c liv, eluued
with violating the "file liw tn lei dis
play their ceitllliates in a icnspliuous place
in their aloies. The defendants weio aiiaisrri'M
befoie Magistral. Pollock, who fined iheiu 10
each and costs.
" London "
Ily hulu.lie Wire fiom '"he Associated 1'ieis
London, Jan 11 The liabilities of the sit.
teen stock exchaiiire fums which leeeutlv failed
aggregate 2,000,0W pounds, In eMie es the
figuies reaehinic DOO.OOO pounds
Specialty. Diseases of Women.
Room 1, over Clobo store. Hours: 1 to
D.SO p m. Consultation frv. Dr.
Tievcrton, "'
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. P. &. M. T. HowIey,23l Wyoinlns ave.
Do You See
This Price?
It represents the price of a
good colored shirt with culfs
to match. They are not cheap
shirts, made to sell cheap1
but good One Dollar value
choice patterns.
Br wiMrvsjtn Avicir
H(f f 'fWf Jm&' J
PPPPss -iV wuf -SksssV
Wwf'X JH
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Building Committee Will Recom
mend That They Be Erected.
The building committee of the board
of control, at a meeting held last night,
decided to recommend to tho board nt
Monday night's meeting that the fol
lowing new buildings be erected: First
ward, eight-room building; Second
wurd, twelve-room building; Sixth
ward, twelve-room building.
The money for the construction ot
these Is to come out ot the nppioprla
tlon for the next fiscal year. The cost
of each Is to be $2,500 per room, or a
total of W.000.
William Mahon Was Committed
the County Jail.
William Mahon was committed
the county Jail In default of $5 fine
yesterday, by Mayor Molr, for dump
ing ashes on the street. Mahon was
anested Thursday by Sticet Inspector
llobert riynn.
He Is un old offender und has been
anested on serial occasions, but until
yesteiday has always managed to es
cape without penalty,
Joseph Snyder the Victim of an Ac
cident In Hyde Pnk Mine.
Joseph Snyder, of 7L'0 Willow slteet,
was taken to the Lackawanna hospital
yesteiday suffering fiom a compound
fractuie ot the leg.
Snyder Is a miner employed at the
Hyde Park mine. He was too near a
charge of powder when It exploded. A
large piece of coal stiuck him on the
leg, indicting the above injuries.
Steve Brawlltz Badly Injuied at the
Blast Furnace.
Steve liiuwllly. of South Set anion,
fell from a scaffolding at the blast
furnace to the giound, twenty-four
feet yesteiday.
lie sustained a fractuie of the leg
and a bad cut over the left eye. lie
wns taken to the Moses Taylor hospi
tal. Rates to Boston, Mass,.
On and aftci .Tunuaiy G. K'01, the fol
lowing lates will bo hi elfect to Hos
ton, Mass., via the Dolawnn- ami Hud
son I a II load (the must dliect loute),
for (list-ela'-s limited tickets Kioiu
C.ubcunlale. Scranton, liuston, Wllkes
IUne and Inttimedl.ite stations, S 35;
lloni'-dal, $s:i-, -
r-liues at S.i c osl
Shoes ut 'i9c e ot $'
Xettleiciii's Removal
ton uveniu
$1 flu and $.' 00.
.00 and KOO, at
Sale. Wn-dilng-
We have for sale si-winl fine- lesl
denccfe In bi"t p.ut if cltv. diaries
Sehlagei Price Iiulldlmt
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
theprofitfrom aTELEpHONE
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manu-er's office, 117 Adams avenue.
America's foremost concert
pianist, and one of her foiemost
teachers and musicians, writes
as follows concerning the
"The greatest Improvements during the
past ten years Is solMitv of construction and
reliability of action, combined with capacity
to stand In tune, have been made by the
Mason & Hamlin Co., in their Grand and
Upright Pianos.
"As these pianos possess also the most
beautiful, rich qualities of tone, combining
extreme delicacy and .sympathetic possibili
ties of touch with greatest power and bril
liancy, I consider them the best pianos of
A full supply of these superb
instruments may be seen and
examined at the wareiooms ot
L. B. Powell & Co.,
i:U-le: Washington Ave.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
Wo make a specialty of fanej Creamers' liut
ter and .trlctly fre.h ejes and the price is ai
low as first class eoodd can be sold at.
We do not havo any special sales or leaders
but at all tlnu. cairy as complete a lino cf
Market Ooocb, I'anc) tlroccrles and Table Delica
cies as can bo found In tho largest Isevr lork
or Philadelphia Markets which we sell at right
W. li. Pierce,
II tacks-anna Ave.
Prompt delivery.
110, It!, lit Pend As.
' 1
Three j
Why you should patronize us!
First We are a thorougly re
liable and responsible firm.
Second We Give you the best
Third - Our prices are th
Get Ready
For cold stormy weather is coming.
Woolen Cloves, 20c to $1.00
Woolen Jackets, 91.SO to f4.
Mufflers, 50c. to $1.50.
Ear Muffs, 10c to 25c.
305 Lackawanna Avenue,
AU'ku Seal Jstkelv,
!"!: .$175.00
I'erslsn Lamb "Uauinirtm" cot
lar and levcise, S1j0; now,,
rcitlau Lamb .Uiiet, fliOO;
II ink Oue, i0 In. deep, 00;
Mink Cai'e, M inch deep, $73;
Mailiu Cine, 10 inch dsrp, 7J-i
Marllu Cape, :!7 inch eleep, !o0j
Deaver Cape. 27 inch deep, V$j
HOW .......... ......... a......
lleclui Seal. Martin tiiuuncd, S9
Inch deep, $-!i; now
Ileetlic Htal, plain, (.M;
1 Us ti li-
now .
now .
S..11. plain. iiS;
N-al, plain, .20
All cloth Capes, Co its and Suits at sreatlj
iieuiecd pi lies.
F. L. Crane,
.324 Lackawanna Ave.
Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repaired.
The I'cpnhr House FurnisMnf
Jwo Cent
Isn't a good wringer
woith two cents a weekP
Can you afford not to
have onoP Our Boyal
Wringer is guaranteed for
live years, making the
cost per week only two
cents. It will last more
than five years of course,
but that's your gain. A
written guarantee with
each wringer.
1 !
Footc & Fuller Co
Wears Building.
s? t V (W sf V W V W WViYV .
if -TnnJinpiY
Clean Su)eep Sale
A Most
This sale means business
It isn't gotten up to or
der, A real live, clean-up
sale a sale to clean our
stock. We are not loaded
up with desirable goods.
Our stock is in good or
der but "good" is not
good enough here,
Much to Sell,
13 Days to Sell in,
221-223-225-227Wyomlnsr At