The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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fliPV SfQfyVfi'
tM&D i tc jjeiifwf"" ' 'wyPWf'"rSrTWii8!4
i"nr- ' hfflvt
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method nnd beneficial
elTccts of the well known remedy,
Syiiui op Fiob, manufactured by the.
California Via Srncr Co.. Illustrate
tliovaluoof obtaining tlio liquid laxative-
principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
tbumin the form most ref rcMiing to tho
taste nnd acceptable to tho system. It
is tho ono perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, nnd its noting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, mako it the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing ugs
nre used, ns they aro pleasant to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy nro obtained from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho California I-'io Hybup
Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial
clfcotsaml to avoid imitations, plcaso
remember the full name of tho Company
printed cm tho front of every package.
For nle tiy oil Druggists Price Mo. per bottle.
tint bunlnc-n mtn will patronlie? the roomt to
day it the noon hour and that ladlM will drop
In during the ftcrroon a, welt ai lor luncheon.
MST1I WAIID l'MMAim'.'.-U lu brdi de
cided to hold the ltcpubllcan prlnnrle, for the
Ninth ward on H.iturelay, Jan. IP, to 7 p. in.,
at tho regular ollnj plafH. Candidate for
the tarloun oflkw mut rreclrter with 1 II.
Cirtir In the Iltpuldlinn building: by We-diicic
day noon, Jan. 10, nnd .ty their it.wr.mtnt at
the tame lime
considered at the annual
meeting: held yesterday.
Ice Cream.
OR Per
QC Quart.
J elepton OrtUri Promptly D(U virtl
"Jg-J7 Adam Arenut.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office ., 1. & W. J?asnger
Station. Phono
He Considers Them More T rust
worthy Than tho Japanese.
Rev. Courtney Fcnn, who has given
several leoturcs In this city on China
and the Chinese, nelelicsacel the Wo
men's Foreign Missionary society of
tlio First I'resbytorlan church, In the
lecture room yesterday ut 4 o'clock,
and nlRo In the evening. Rov. Fcnn
was In Pekln during the sIobc and
having lived among tho Chinese for
some time Is well qualified to talk on
tho subject.
Particularly Interesting was his de
scription of tho Chinese schools. Tho
Chinese scholars study out loud and
efforts to prevent this practice are not
only In most rnses fruitless, but also
disastrous. When 4 yearn of nge,
tho children ntc compelled to commit
the Chinese classics to memory, and
when in their teens their meaning Is
explained to them. These they nro
supposed to use on all occasions.
The uprising of tho Boxers was en
tirely unexpected, the speaker stated.
To HUtfltrate the suddenness of the
outbreak, Rev. Fcnn told the follow
ing story: A rarty had gathered to
witness the marriage ceremony of two
Chinese young people of his school.
In the midst of tho ceremony, a party
of Kosers swooped down on tho house,
killed the husband nnd pastor, but
the wife escaped.
"The Chinese people arc not so un
worthy; not so contemptible as peo
ple think," said thu speaker. "We are
wont to consider the Japanese ns a
progressive people," he continued,
"but should you go In any of the
banking houses in Japan, you will
flnil no Japanese clerks there, but
Chinese The mannger will tell you
that he cannot ttust tho Japanese, but
he can the Chinese.
"The Jnpanese are fickle and un
worthy; there air no more trustwor
thy people on the face of the earth
than the Chinese," is Wev. Fenn's
comparison of these two nations of tho
Ho believes that when the Chlneo
once get a start, and the recent trouble
ought to bring about that, we will
find that tho Chinese progress Is much
more substantial than that of the
Officers Were Chosen nnd the Annual
Reports Read That Compiled by
Mm. E. S. Moffat in a Most Beau
tiful Way Reviewed tho Work
Done Durlnn the -ear by the Home
for the Friendless Finance Condi
tion ns Shown by the Report of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
ar.rr, Hour-- . m. to !t) p. ra.: ! to V
Williams rtuMdlnr, Opp. Postoffle
ai'ipm '3
Second Contest of the Northeastern
Pennsylvania Series.
The second contest of the Northeast
ern Pennsylvania bowling match took
place last night on the Elk's alley, be
tween the Elks and the Scranton Bi
cycle club teams. The scores follow:
l'lr.t Second
Oanie. (!jmc.
Diniler 130
Koll "3fi
Wclchel 13:.
Bartl If. 2
Phillip. 114
Tho twenty-ninth annual meeting
of the Association of tho Home for
tho FrlednlesH was held yesterday af
ternoon in the rooms of ths Young
Women's Christian association, Hon.
H. A. Knapp presiding. Owing to Ill
ness, Mrs. W. V. Kennedy, he presi
dent, and Mrs. C. P. Matthews, vice
president, wore both absent, a fact
which gave a character of unfamiliar
Ity to the occasion, ns probably since
the organization, neither have before
missed an annual moetlg.
Aother fact which caused expres
ses of regiet were tho reslgatlons of
three members who have been faith
ful workers. They were Mrs. Angellue
Henilrlck, Mrs. Daniel Langstaft nnd
Miss Jennie Reynolds. The two for
mer Indies aro among the oldest In
point of service in the organization.
Roth have labored with unswerving
earnestness for the good of the Home.
Miss Reynold", while one of the newer
members, has been none the less effi
cient and her deep Interest and ener
getic efforts will be greatly missed.
In the election of officers tho ladles
who will (111 these vncancles aro Mrs
L. W. Moras. Mrs. James P. Dickson,
Mrs. 11. A, Knapp.
Only one change was made In the
olllcors of the .preceding year, that of
chief manager, Mrs. Reese O. Brooks
taking the place of Mrs. Cora Merrl
fleld, resigned.
Rev. Dr. I. J. Lansing, of the Green
Ridge Presbyterian chuich, opened the
meeting with devotional exercises.
Mrs. U. S. Moffat rend the report of
tho last annual meeting. Mrs. T. H.
Dale road the report of the
treasurer, Mrs. D. K. Taylor, which
To lialame In bank $1,310 11
Itumnritjc rale $ 610 0.
Rnliher do S3 63
Annual excuralon 401 7j
Annutl donation day Wn vi
Arnual inrmbcrhlp 7" W
Oracling prrouml 125 00
ThanUgMnj oflcrlnff from
chmthei ' 127 00
Tl'iinWhlrg donations 32 00
lluildinsr fund W,C.I M
Cath donations ''it
C'ah for care of Immtc S27 31
Olirlfctmai donation. 21 nfl
Interest In bank to Jan. 1.... 22 00
lO.fWJ 53
cler.t ncrvlce. The rcult of the work ol the
committee on ground I. mot apparent, and
u hotter ha. glanced at the Home property thla
autumn liu withered a vast Imprencnwnt. For
a time after taking possesion of the building the
RroundJ had peibrce to remain ttnltnprocd.
Hewer connection was the (lrt thin? alwolutely
necewary nnd till. ai finally aecompllahcd,
Mes.rr. Jordan and Hannah, rendering It po..Jble
by kindly allowing im to connect with their
sewer. Then the ground committee and a num
ber of other frienda clubbed together and at
their own cxpfnie did much grading, going a
far ai poMlble, and Mr, Thomar. Arner added
a touch of beauty to the barren rcrne by letting
out aome lively flower.,
tately a fine rotdway h been made
In front of the Home, which we owe
to tlio Undue... of our county official and
to Dunmoro borough, Mr. V. I. Smith having
al.o had a ahare In the good work by giving ma
terial for filling. Thl. auintner the lawn wai
retie.hlngly green In It. emerald turf, the grad
ing IV almokt tomplcted and the trees given by
Mr. w. W. wation were act out by Mr. 0. It.
Clatk, making a fine appearance. Now a fence
bt ardently desired to enclose our grounds, ao
tnat wc can have a vegetable garden, which we
ery much need, but which cannot be rtarted
until our domains can be protected. At our
la.t annual meeting Mr. J. t,. Stellc, after bear
ing the neglected condition of the grounds
touched on In the report, arose and offered to
pay half the of putting them In order
of the other half of tho money could be raised.
While the managers were endeavoring to com
ply with the terms of Mr. Stelle'a delightful pro
posal, ho made another generous offer to the
board, namely, to gltc $1,000 tqonard the debt If
$0,000 more could be raised by the first of August
a time he afterward extended until the first ol
Non ember. To this end at once all energies were
bent, and assistance flowed freely In on all sides.
The great heart of Scranton, throbbing with
kindly Impulse, manifested Itself. Men gate,
some without allowing their names to be known:
women gaej the clergy In many of our churches
appealed to their congregations to contribute to
the much-wished for object, and their appeals
bore good fruit. Out nt the Homo four llttlo
chlldicn had been gltcn a few' pennies. It
chanced that the news of what was doing for
their welfare filtered through some unknown
channel and reached their cars. They considered.
.Money was needed to help: they had some: they
would gUe It. "for," they said, with chl!dih
gtatllude. "they are no cood to us." And no
on donation tlay tho prized coins that were all
they had in the world to gle were handed to the
treasurer, and on tho list you may read: "Maud,
20 centsj Charles, 10 cent.; Robert 5 centa;
Willie, 5 cents." At the monthly meeting on
November 2 the Joyful announcement was made
that the ?10,000 had been raised. The long meter
doxology afforded the only appropriate way of ex
pressing the managers' feelings and 11 was (rang
with a will. Today we owe $20,000, against which
we hate a. an asset our Adams ncnue property.
H we could dlrposA of this we thould owe no man
anjthlng. The managers bae hoped for several
seam that It might meet a want in come one's
businos enterprise, but, thougu their efforts to
sell It hae been many, they have to far proved
unsuccessful. How happy we shall bo when it ll
off our hands, when there Is no more debt to
think of or Interest to pay, and nothing but liv
ing expenses to be provided for, only the board
can tell.
So identified with the interests of Scran
ton lias tho Home become that even to tho
children Its name Is a household word, and its
wants are treated as It they were almost a duty
laid on some one to supply. We feci as If out
thanks wire meagre in comparison with our bene-
Jury Will Mako Another Return to
Court Today nnd Will Be Continued
Next Week to Dispose of tho Busi
ness to Come Before It Two Cases
Stated Agreed Upon to Decide
Knotty Questions That Bother the
Authorities of Old Forge Borough.
Marriage Licenses.
The grand Jury will make Its second
return to court this morning and Judge
Archbalil will mako an order continu
ing It next week, to give It an oppor
tunity to dispose of nil tho cases to
come before It. Tho examination be
gun on Thursday Into the alleged of
'fensen of the magistrates of tho county
was not continued yesterday, but will
be resumed on Monday.
One of tho cases passed upon yester
day was that charging former Coun
cilman T. J. Coyno with perjury. He
was held In ball on that offense before
Alderman Fuller on Tuesday.
Worth havlnc It is not French China, but iust as thin.
2 similarly decorated and quite as shapely, being an Open Stock
j2 pattern you can select such pieces as you need. The price is
as low as you can buy i rorcelain bet sinvlarly decorated. It is
Vienna China, does not discolor when chipped; the glaze is not
affected by fruit acids. A complete set or 100 pieces for $18.70,
or select such pieces as you need.
VvxytrVfoW .
1 Geo. V. Millar & Co. "UffiSafiS' '
Repp Wants to Know.
A case stated agreed upon between
Henry Hardlnj?, collector of taxes of
Old Forpe borough, and William Itepp,
a property owner of the borough, was
yesterday tiled with Prothonotary
Hardlnjr tried to collect $42.03 bor
ough tax from Repp and the latter re
fused to pay, alleging that the assess
ment was Improperly made. The fol
lowing facts are agreed upon; That
In 1899 there was no assessor regularly
elected or appointed In Old Forge bor
ough and that John Cook, a citizen of
the borough, made a copy of the as
sessment of the year previous, which
was before the borough was created.
On these figures the borough tax was
Itepp believes that this docs not con
stitute a. valid assessment and refuses
to pay tho taxes assessed against him.
Tho court Is asked to give an opinion
with reference to the soundness of Mr.
Repp's contention.
L J TI Ti -II IXjl r
Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain.
Our system of PAINLKS9 Dentistry 1. fat
superior to the old method of doing work.
We both fill and extract teeth without the
least particle of pain. Our prices for the
prrwnt are extremely low, and if you are In
need of any Dental work. Call and liar
your teeth examined.
510,023 CI
Reivers 110
Roper 147
Prjor HI
Worden l."7
Wardcll 1.S7
; cluh.
S 'cond
High man, Wardcll, 160; high acrjge, Dlmlcr,
MONTHLY MLKTISO. The Kim Park circle ot
KIiik". llJUKlitPra will hold their monthly meeting
Satmdiy ridilng at Mrs. Shepherd's, 321 Monroe
SOU' IS NKKUI'.D. The Heme for the Friend
lis. i. out of sojp. How in the world the family
wa.hln i to he clone on Mondiy 1. the problem
now .lffltatins the mind of the matron.
ItLTt'ItSLD TO HIS POST. fieorue Brown,
the dc.irtir fiom Compiiiy A, Seventh artillery,
ftatloned at Fort tthujler. New York, who
gtic hlmtelt up to the police Wednesday, raised
kufneient money tn pay his passage and has
returned to tho foit.
PAY PUS. The Delaware and liud.on com.
pjiiy pild jeKterdiy nt the Coalhiook mine, Car
tiond,ile, and the Cllntun mine, at VandllnR. The
Delanaie, Lackawanna and Western company will
pay the Scranton conductors and tiraUemen at 8
o'clock this niornlntr.
I'Al'KIl ON' FOHKblltY. The reguhir meeting
of thu Household Economics Section of the Wo
man's club will he held In tho Orecn ttldse li
brary Monday afternoon, Jan, 14, at 3 o'clock.
A paper upon the subjrit of "Forcstrj" will be
read by Mis. (,, Fditar Dean,
TO AltltANOK FOIt SOCIAL. Daughter- of
Frln, UltMin ". will meet in flueinsey hall,
Tucfday tuiilnir to make atrangements for their
aunuil toelal cunt, a pie-lenten dance, hi"h
will bo held In Sciiril's danrlnir acadtiny, Friday
cvenliiK, Feb. 1J. All members are urgently re
quested to attend the meeting,
I.VNTH AND TF.A llKl'KATIID. The luncheon
and tei served jesterday at 218 U joining
mio for the benefit of the itroiiiids committee' of
the- Home for the Friendless will be icn.
todaj, from n to 7 o'clock. The commit tee in
i barge jenterday ronrlsted of Mlm "tunic l!ey
fliolds, Mif. l'rfslon llohinon and MKs Miitha
jpimmlik,, assisted by Mis. 11. M. Wlnton, MikS
Van Clecf, Mhss F.leanor ltcjnolds and otheis
Jfmiy patrots were entertained and it is hoped
Has Placed His Claim in the
Hands of Attorneys.
Special Claims Agent P. O'Keefe,
who has been adjusting difference
between men all his life, will Institute
a suit against the Delaware, I-acka-wanna
and Western company, to re
cover the sum of $2"i, which ho ex
pended during the miners' strike, m
September and October.
He has placed his claim in the hands
of Attorneys O'Brien and Mai tin, and
will let them carry It to a settlement.
The special agent cays he was au
thorized by Superintendent I". K.
Loomis to spend tho money and he
understood there was a fund especially
appropriated for that purpose.
Mr, O'Keefe further says that he
not only spent $225. but as much more
out of his own pocket In tho Intctcst
of peace nnd order during the strike.
By salaries and wage. $1,253 75
McichanU' and Mechanics' bank 7,401 00
Scranton Salns bank 4.2S2 20
Hcpjirs and improvement. 23(, 34
Funeral Si) 00
Diugs and medicines lbs 30
(Iroceries Mil M7
Milk 23 10
Meat 11 -"'
Diy goods
Submbin Flectrie Light Co....
Scranton (las and Water Co...
Coal MS M
Printing '
Insurance "7 00
Oradlng grounds 5SD ft",
Cartage rtj IK)
Continued cu Fago 11,
M !.'.
22 J7
1(1 73
I'll 4
111 l
10,232 78
690 SO
' t-f -r -t--r -f t
We offer
to previous
se Rapid Transit
;Gold Bonds:
Syracuse Rapid Transit Railway
Mature 1040
The Company own and control the
stiett railwajs of Syracuv, being some,
thing our 05 mllcn. Sjiucuso has a
population ol 10S.374. The gross earnings
of the company for the car ending July
1st, were $515,175 00.
1'iice and particulars on application.
Old Forgo Young Men held in Bail
for Entering Riverside Hotel.
Thomas Dale, Harry McArdle and
Robert Laird, of Old Forge, iere ar
rested by Special Officers McDonald
and Greenburg yesterday on warrants
Issued by Alderman Howe, which
charged them with larceny and threats.
The prosecutrix, Isabelle Mitchell,
proprietress of tho Riverside hotel, of
Old Forge, accused them of enteilng
the barroom of thu hotel Wednesday,
while that room was deserted, anil
stealing two bottles of liquor, valued
at $10. It is also charged that 8 In
cash was extricated from the money
drawer. They were held under ball to
appear In court.
t- Commonwealth Illdg, Scranton.
M Broadway, N. V. Wllkeidlarre.
Commonwealth Bldg, Bcranton.
Elegantly Located at 207 and 200
Washington Ave., on the Square.
Tho above property has been placed
In my hands for sale. Price and terms
made known upon application. W, T.
Hnckett, Real Kstato Dealer, Piles
The Best Cold Cuvo
Is one you can take without Interrup
tion to business. Ono that does not
effect tho head or hearing like tho con
tinued use of quinine. One that cutes
speedily and leaves you feeling flesh
and clear-headed. Such a ono is
Krauso's Cold Cure. Price 25c, Sold
by Matthews Bros.
Removal Sale.
Attend Nettleton's Removal Sale.
Shoes at one-fourth pi Ice. Washing
ton avenue.
MAI10N"-In Scrantjn, Jan. 11, JWH, John, in
fant son of John R. Mahon, aged 3 months,
at St. Joseph's Foundling home. Funeral prl
ate from residence of Mrs. John Ccary, 213
Franklin oenue, tomorrow afternoon. Inter
went in Cathedral cemetery,
1C,)23 64
Mrs. K. S. Moffat then read her an
nual report, which Is always heard
with so much Interest. It was pre
pared with great cure and at many
points touched tho hearts of her lis
teners with sudden emotion. The fol
lowing In the leport:
new century, a new jcar, a new record
stand before us todiy as we lead the twenty
ninth chronicle of the Heme's work, and jet
after nil, what are thee new conditions? Are
they not simply those of "that new world which
is the old?" A record of work, of earnest effort,
of paitlal triumph ocr di.couraglng aspects, of
kind deeds, of bcaits made Itguttr, ot fullering
icllecd, of "oe unfeigned" all this Is but
the t ot what has been told now
these many jenrf, but still we klull find freeh
evnes for thankfulnis..
The ktatlslics for the woik of the
pist turbo months arc toon giicn. Dur
ing the ear thre weie 2a bois, Dl
girls, 11 babies and 20 adults; 75 Inmates were
discharged, 4 lave been indentured to the Home,
and 1 to a family; 8 are out on trial. We have
lost by death 5 bibles and 2 old ladles. Decem
ber 31 the family numbered 05; 23 new life mem
bers lilc been added to thu roll, on which we
also star ono nunc that has stood there since
the brginnlui; of the Home's existence, that ot
a lite member and a charter member Mrs. Jo
seph A. Scranton. On Sept. 27, 1871, she was
appointed ono of a committee of ten for or
ginlzlng tho Home, and from that day leas
been cer a warm friend of the institution. Ily
the death h'.t summer of Mrs. Rubscll B. Will
lams the Homo lost a benefactress whose goner
nit) nnd lmc were unfailing.
During tho ,icar our old enemy, the
scarlet feier, has gltcn us a great
deal of trouble and oinlitj, but as all
who were Hfllktrd with it revomed we feel
profoundly thankful. Tho attending phjslclans,
Drs. Corser and Kennedy, were untitling in their
deletion to their little patients, as the Home's
medical adiseirs hae always been, gllnrf
their time and skill unstintedly, and the result
is most gratif) lug. Ihe kindergarten woik un
der tho direction of Miss Lillian II. Motrls has
gone merrily on, bringing Instruction in its
moil pleasant form to minds eager to recti e it.
It has been a bu.y jcar for our committees and
they hae not spared themselves. To our ad
U.ory board and inspection committee we ten
der our hearty thanks. Err willing to gie
counsel and help, they are of invaluable assist
ance, as our needs ami experiences are of so
many kinds that sonic arc most perplexing, and
"j. woid in season how good is Iti" Tho execu
tlio committee has to deal with grave problems,
and the tales ot sin and tonow listened to at
Its weekly session mean much work to those try.
fng how brkt to relieve the distressing condl
tlons brought before them. When wo mention
that tho fliiunco committee has successfully con
ducted a cake walk, a rummage sale, an excur
sion, a "lubber da)'" and un elocutionary en
tertainment within the )ear It will be seen
that Its n sources nro aried in the eitieme.
Although our building 1. pen, the committee on
ir pairs and Improvement has found much to
occupy its attention, and has contributed largely
to the satlsf) ins the necessities of tho house and
to the comforts ot the inmates. 1 lie question
of our coal supply Ims become a momentous one
with which the fuel committee laliora as best
it may, faithfully as ever, but with a certain
sense of discouragement. Owing to the preval
ence of scarlet f'ver this year it was impossible
to hold many religious cervices at tho Home,
but those that were enjoyed were most acceptable
to all present. The committee on desserts Is the
means of much material enjoyment. The com
mittee on burials Is, happily, not often called
on, but when occasion demands, renders ertl-
ll'nder this heading short letters ot interest
will bee published when accompanied, for publica
tlon, by the writer's name. The Tribune does not
assume responsibility for opinions here expressed.
Mr. Soper Breaks Out.
Hditor of Tho Tiiliuiic.
Sir: Is it the refuel cf tian.fen or ths
withdrawal of passes tint is causing the trouble?
When jou enmo to touch the nickles in oii'i
rocket "It brings a sigh to the heart, and a
tear to the eje " Ymi (,-ct into tlio meat of the
controversy. All this lamentation over trans
fers or no tiensfcrcs sounds well In the cars
of the laboier who lesldes in Duumoro and is
obliged to go to Iticlo Park to ram his dilly
bread. He must be Immensely gratified and
somewhat surprised at thl. time over the In
terest tho public pre) and the citv councils
aie takhs in his behalf, fiieat urines thry
pottos to exhibit such a duo appreciation for
tho dignity of labor and the fluanclil intircEts
ot the poor man.
Tint there are other Classen of men that appear
to have been ovcrlocked and neglected In this
all-absoiblng question.
What about the poor policcinun, drawing ills
salary of only a thousand a jcar, racking his
weary bones daily in tho service of tho city,
poorly fed and 111 chd, being obliged to walk
or else pay five cents 'o ride? Think ot the
amount of filrtlon his lame back undergoes,
milking smooth ulcgraph poles, and street cor
ners, now obliged to walk or stick to his port.
Then there Is the enterptlslng attorney, who
knows a good thing when he sees It, possessing
a political pull, .1 council pull and a lonK pull,
who heretofore has dUplajcd uls ' ficc pass
with evident satisfaction to a full car, occupy
ing tho bet teat, while the more unfortunate
pascng'.-r Is eearchlng lilt pockets, perhaps 'or
the last nlckle to pay ids fare. Must tiie at
torney now como down to tlio level ot tho
common man nnd pay for his ride.
"Alas for tlio rarltj
Of Christhn charity
I'nder tlio tun."
flood taste, under the circumstances, forbids
me to mention tho editor and his scoie ot ie
portcis; his wife, his cousins, and his aunt..
Must they walk In the futuic? "Ah, there's
the nib." "Why does thee not speak for thy
It ha been taid tint .1 "corporation Is a
body without a soul." That's Mr. Stlllman.
That's why he is pouting. That's why he has
made an order and written a letter. Its all
wrong and evidence of bad faith to take away
the "free passes." It's a violation of contract.
it's unconstitutional to disturb vetted rights ob
tained for a consideration, namely "free paascv."
These have test tho citv cf bcranton the sacil
flee of hrr beautiful streets; her rmlct paiiu
and groves. Tho sound of the three-sided wheels
have taken Hie place of merry children at play.
The cheerful chase alter ball and hoop has
been taken by a wild scramble to escape the
murderous trolley, The peaceful hours of night,
when men slumber and fclecp to "knit up tho
raveled aleovn of care," are disturbed by this
thing "without a soul," stealing the streets
and demollshins pavements Tho maple and tho
elm tint have heretofore graced the liomea ot
many a plain denizen of this great city have
beeu tupei ceded by stately poles fiom tho wilds
of Canada with notices, "Post no bills," F.ven
the woodpecker takes notice.
We have paid a pietty dear price for these
free passes and other little things too numerous
to mention, and of unpleasant memory, for
upon tho altar of tins "body without a soul"
hoensty, manhood and Independence have been
sacrificed. And so
"III farca the land to hastening ills a prey
Where wealth accumulates and men decay."
C. II, Soper.
Scranton, Jan. 11, luoi.
E. L. Walter, Architect,
has opened an ofllco ot Ul Connell
building. It will pay you to consult
Question of Who Should Pay.
The borough of Old Forgo and the
school district of Old Forgo are the
parties to a case stated presented to
court yesterday.
It Is pet forth that the borough and
school district are separate and dis
tinct corporations, but that the bor
ough has paid the salary of the audit
ore who audit tho accounts of the
school district as well as the borough.
For this reason the borough believes
that the district should pay half the
cost of the audit, or $25.
The court will endeavor to settle the
question of just how the cost of tho
audit should he paid.
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillines $1
Bridge Work (T5!M $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work (ruaranteed for 10 yeara. Call and
have your teeth examined free ot charge.
Satisfaction or no pay.
We make a specialty of fine Crown and
Bridge Work and It will pay you to call and
et our price before colng elsewhere. Alt
work absolutely Painless.
Dr. ReyerT Dentist
SM Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
That's the name. You've heard it a good many times
most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver
sation, for the one implies the other.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Hns much to show you in the Giftji e more than you'll see
in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif
ferent" novelties
that appeal to you, because of their
The Viaduct Opinion.
Judge John P. Kelly Is engaged In
writing tho opinion In the viaduct
equity case and there Is a probability
that it will be handed down Monday,
the first day of the three wool's' term
of common pleas court..
Because of tho Importance of the
case to the people of Scranton and the
desire of the parties at Interest to
have tho case reviewed by the Su
premo court In February, the judge
has hastened the woik of rendering
an opinion In tho case.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol what
you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality v
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
In "Register's Office.
The will of Abraham Polhiunus,
late of Lackawanna township, was
admitted to piobate yesterday and
letters testamentary granted to Ella
C. Polhamus.
In the estate of Patrick Haggerty,
late of Scranton, letters of adminis
tration were yesterday granted to
Mary Haggerty.
Hearing Before Viewers.
In tho arbitration room ot the court
house yesterday there was a hearing
in tho matter of damages 'to iproperty
caused by the grading of the main
road In Mooslc borough,
A considerable amount of testimony
was heard by the viewers, Attorney
James O'Malley, II. D. Jones and
Thomas Heck.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
ratrick Manley Uunmore
Catherine SfcDeimott Scranton
Charles Tachion Covinerton
Kva dulus Ol-pliant
Wladjslaw gatuto Scnnton
Ithillvsa Kcsler Scranton
benjamin It. Davis Scranton
fcusan Davis Scranton
William Phelps bcranton
Mary 11. Haines Scranton
The New Neversllr As
phalt Removable
Horse cannot slip
and will ontwenr three
sets of any other calk
H 61TTENBENDER i CO., FrSn fo.
him, If von contemplate building.
uointuit for Mother and Child
In the Infants' outfits to bo had at the
naby Hazaar, 612 Spruce stteot.
Service via Lackawanna
In planning a business or pleasure
trip one of the most essential features
to consider Is the route that "gets you
there," In tho shortest space of time,
fewest changes of cars, least annoy
ance by dust and smoke, perfect road
bed, best enulpment of coaches, dining
cats, Pullman sleeping and parlor cars
of tho highest possible standard ot ex
cellence that modren Ingenuity can de
vise, such as afforded you by tho
Lackawanna railroad. Through Pull
man sleeping cars and coaches to
Chicago and St. Louis daily. Twenty
four hours to St. Louis, twenty-one
hours to Chicago, without change of
cars; olghty-Feven hours to California,
with only ono change of cars, and
twenty-six hours to Jacksonville, Pla.
Tho very lowest rates of fare to all
points. Apply to tho nearest P., L.
and "W. ticket agent, either In person,
by telephone or by letter, and you will
receive prompt attention and cour
teous tteatment.
I will be a candidate for tho office of
common council of the Ninth ward,
subject to the primary elections to bo
held Saturday, Januaiy 19, from 1 to 7
p. m. II. E. Paine.
it S9$tt$S99$i&&&&SS$$&&9&S&l
Fine Jewelry
Cut Glass
Leather Goods 1
No. 132
. ---
The Big: Auction Sale of
- C J j f Tlie Big: Auction sale ot
t LfflWflfifl Iffll V Genuine Japanese Goods
J VI V YY UWU 1lUIJ Is stm G0llO. on at t t
f 124 Wyoming Avenue,
: Special Sole This Afternoon TIS
of the finest assortment ever brought to this city will be sold to
the highest bidder, regardless of cost or value. Sales begin at 4
io. 30 a, m., 3 and 8 p. in. Sales conducted by Theodore Stanton,
-v . -f ,
When you need a New Desk or Chair for the
office, see us. The same is true of every
other office equipment we are absolute lead
ers iu these lines. All sorts of Wall Cabinets,
Index Files and the very newest things in
Sectional Book Casps something to please the
lawyers whose libraries grow like sunflowers.
Euttro Building:
4U6 Lackawanna Av:
Scranton Carpi.
? Furniture Co