The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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"Bob," tho Pet of the Delaware and
Hudson Engineers, Sleets the
American Bird A Spasm In New
Year Poetry Novel Pickerel Fish
ing at Lanesboro Paragraphic
Pickups by Whitney.
Ipeclel lo tli' Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Jan. 11. Delaware
anil Hudson Engineer Gardner has a
big tiger cut named Bob, wlilch In Ills
constant companion on his engine.
Winter finds the cat snugged ur on
the cushion of the cab, and the run
ning board Is his airing quarters. The
engineer and fireman and the train
men never forgot to brine lunches for
Hob, who Is a prime favorite all nlong
the division
For a week n big American eagle
has been seen In trees near a bend In
the road near State Line, and the
trainmen have tried flying shots athlm
without bringing him down. When
Hon has been taking his airing on the
running bourd, the big bird has eyed
him narrowly and greeted him with
loud Roreams and fierce flapping of
his big wings As tho train was
dashing nrunnd the curve on Wednes
day morning, Hob was on the foot
board, evidently enjoying the hrcczo
and the scenery.
Quick as a flash, the eagle dashed
downward from a big hemlock tree
and seized the cat, when a terrific
comhat puttied. The eagle used his
beak and talons and twice attempted
to rise with tho cat. Hob retreated to
the pilot and put up a gallant defense,
with teeth and nails, and for three
minutes honors were even, but the
heavier bird got a neck hold on the
cat and In a moment more would
have ben In the air with him, but for
the opportune arrival of the fireman,
won, ran forward, armed with an Iron
bar, nnd attacked tho eagle, which
dropped the cat and prepared to de
fend himself against the man.
His second battle was brief, for two
blows of the Iron bar placed him hors
de combat. While the fireman drag
ged the dead eagle to tho cab, Hob
followed licking his wounds and
purring In triumph. The eagle meas
ured six feet from tip to tip of wings.
Tt Is In the hands of a Scranton tax
idermist. ,
And that New Year resolution, Is It
binding yet?
The new century may be said to
be looking already like twenty cents.
"Don't let fortune get you down,
Snap your lingers at her frown;
Whistle when you want to howl,
Smile when twinges prompt a
Straighten up!"
The Argos Heflector thus tells where
lomor alighted: "Homer Ourthet had
ankle badly sprained by falling
ki the top of a corn cilb. Had It
seen for a. pig which he fell upon
Mght havi been severely hurt."
Kc Prohibition shouter Is a person
ho cheers but not Inebriates.
Oreat Bend's chamois skin factory
will soon be In operation.
There arc gruesome rumors that the
leccnt Republican county committee
was "packed." "To what baso uses
are wc coming to at last'"
Tho day is fast coming when hon
est politicians will be scarcer than
red-headed Indians.
"i A vicinity pastor on Christmas rc-
celved sixteen pairs of slippers, most
i ly misfits. And yet some people as
sert that gospel preaching: Is not prnp
Irly supported!
New Milfor.I s Civani'ry association
win apply lor a, cnarier oi incorpora
tion. Not to be behind the times, Susque
hanna county has a large number of
grip cases.
It Is probable that several of Sus
quehanna's streets will be sewered
next season.
sow: HASH.
Write out what deeds you mean to do
In nineteen liumlml one;
Then read them when the year i through
'Twill brinfr jou loin of tun.
Those who deem marriage u failure,
as n. class believo virtue is dead.
Lightning and a mine mule seldom
fctrlke twice In the same, place.
The woman who gets but one let
ter a year, always reads it on 'he
The most curious thing about a false
hand is that, it can get over so much
territory by simply lying around.
Tho consistent preacher will not
preach Bteadlly for an hour upon the
Iniquity of lying, nnd then blandly
ask one of the leading members of
hls congregation how he liked the ser
ino'n. "My wife always comes to me with
her troubles," said a Susquehanna
"Quite right," replied the minister,
"A wife should nlways look to her
husband for sympathy. And do you
console her?" "Why," replied the
brute, "I laugh at her!"
Two Susquehanna fishermen were
on the river at Lanesboro on Thurs
day, when they saw a mink come out
from a hole In the Ice on tho opposite
sido of the stream, Just below them.
It had a big pickerel In Its mouth.
When It drew Itself out on the shore
the fishermen began shooting at It.
i'I This frightened the mink nnd It
nroppeu me piciterei una disappeared.
Tho men secured the fish. It wns
still nllvo and uninjured by the mink's
teeth. It was twenty Inches long and
weighed four pounds.
The Erie Is getting Its locomotives
and cars ready for the expected big
traflla during tho Pan-American ex
position. Keystone Hook nnd Ladder com
pany's new chemical fire engine will
not go to Scranton, after all. The
borough has purchased tho old Tran
rcrlpt hulldlng, Euclid avenue, for a
fire ball. It is well.
Progressive pedro and whist parties
are almost epidemic In Susquehanna.
Edward Lelghton, amember of the
ninghnmton firm of S. Mills Ely &
Curos a Cough or Cold at onoo.
Conquers Croup, Whooplng-Cough, flronchhli,
Orlppc nnd Couauinptinii, tiulcL, ire rcu!l.
'Jr.ltuirsl'llMciueCanittrwtion. MJplilMOc
Co., tendered: a banquet to a number
of Susquehanna business men, at
Hotel Langford, on Thursday evening.
The Susquehanna County Medical
Pension Examining board mot In thla
place on Wednesday, tho usual num
ber of vctorans apeparlng for tho ex
amination. And "Uncle Sam Is rich
enough to buy 'em all a farm."
Susquehanna doesn't have street car
strikes. Emulating the recent exam
pip of Scranton, her peoplo walk.
There Is no renson to believe that
Colonel Charles C. Pratt, of New Mil
ford, will not bo tho next itate sena
tor from this district. Tho able and
genial colonel will mako an Ideal legis
lator. Tho number of his friends Is
equalled only by the number of his
acquaintances. Whitney.
Friday, Saturday matinee and night
"The Village Postmaster."
Last Three Days "Human Heart". "
Iiat Three Doya Iloyal llurlmquera.
"The Village Postmaster."
At the T-jcrum last night an audience that
crowded the home to the doom aw the precn
tation of "The Villain? Jtnuster." a lurnl
drama, the scene of uhlch 1 laid In New llanip.
hire in 1832. It Is a play that ha the real
rural flavor and depict the everyday life of the
quiet, honest New !lamrhiie folk with truth
and honesty.
There it plenty of dramatic and heart lntr
est In the play which was rrreled with every
I'ddcnrc ot Interne favor hy last nigh'" audi'
ence. The play Is splendidly etaged. In the
third net a threshing machine Is seen in full
operation on the stage and the illllan tries to
do away with the hero liy throwing him Into It.
Aichle lloyd was the star of the company.
There is no better delineator ot the honeit,
heaity farmer on the boards today than Mr
Hajd and his work last night was of the kind
that has achieved his cieat reputitbn (or lilni,
Miss Angela Russell wns uct and winsome In
the role of Miranda Muggins, and did seine wry
ci'erthc acting in the Inst nit. 'lhe company
throughout was excellent, the following espec
ially distinguishing themselves! Tom Magulrc,
Trunk K. Camp, Oeorge 1). Parker, .lane Mar
bury, t.oulsc Sklllman, Josephine StefTer, dace
The play will lie repeated this afternoon and
cienlm: tit the l.yemn.
"Human Hearts."
Tho Academy patrons seemed to haie taken
advantage of the faot that a flnt-rUsn peifotni
ance Is being given at that theater at popular
prices. "Human Heart" is the play, and Is
meeting with great success, which it certainly
dchcivc. Mr. Vorkey as Jem Mason, the gentle
manly tramp, Is an actor of no mean quality
and pleases immensely, William K. Illtiford, as
Jimmlc Logan, a liilf-nlttcd jouug man, In.
tcrpreta the character In a very creditable
manner. He certainly has a difficult part to
portray. In fact the entire cast Is well chos?n,
Tho play "Human lleaits" will lie presented
at both afternoon and evening performance to
day, Morrison Comedy Company.
The Morrison Comedy company, headed by
Allie Gerald and Kugene Powers, will hold the
stage of the Academy nil next week, and un
doubtedly will be greeted bv a large audience
on the opening, Monday night. The supporting
company Is a strong one, and among Its members
arc Frederick Murray and Hal. Clarendon.
I'.very play will be finely mounted with tho
company's own scenery. Many of their pltys
have neer been seen at popular prices in Ibis
Monday evening will be ladles' night, and nil
ran secure a first class seat at 1 cents If se
cured at box office before 0 p. m. Monday. "Vie
'Uns of Tennessee" will be the opening per
formanoe. ; it t. t It tt r, H it t it
V fe
; Plays and Players
P. K X K X t P. tr Si K t X X X X X
Leo IIHiu lutein's dramatization of .fudge
Grant's "Unleaened llread" will be launched by
I.lebler k Co , the latter part of the present
month, probabl) the 21st or 23th of January. It
will be put on at the Savoy, following Mi&H Urn.
rlctta Crohsman, whose time at the Saoy ex
pired on the 2it, but to whose urgent desirea for
longer time Manager Aaron may concede another
week. An unusual amount of interest center
about the dramatisation, a it ia Luonn that
Judgo (ircnt collaborated with Mr. Ditrtchttcin
in the wotk. And like Interest clusters about the
c.-ni, which has not ,cet been publicly announced,
but which, It li already hinted, will contain kv
Mill surprises. The cast will certainly lie a icry
strong one, und tit': public-, it is bclleied, will
find in tho lady selected for the part of Solnu
White one yho ha a proper conception of
Viola Allen's reappcaiance In New Yoik, allir
an absence of practically two yeais, was the
signal or a truly magnificent gteeting a erltable
triumph, the like of wlilch U seldomed wltneied
cun In the great metroioll, where pronounced
recognition of Its real faiorites Is so emphat
ically the rule tint there Is no room left fr
doubt. Ml Allen letuim-d to New York aliuu't
unheralded so far ai the oidinary picssagrut
woik U concerned jet her advance tale was one
of the largest on record in New York niauageiial
history, much laiger than ,the sale for "The
ChiUtlcn" tlio the Knioknbocker two seasons
b"toie, a rale then legarded as phenomenal,
Mary Mannerlng was tecently seen In "Janice
Meiedlth" In Washington. During that week
Kir Julian I'auncefote attended a reception. A
lady In a group surrounding the am
bassador, spoke of Miss Mannerlng and her play
and asked Sir Julian, who had seen it, how he
liked It, Her llsttneis stood aghast. She bad
forgutten all about tho antl-llrltish sentiment ot
the piece. Kir Julian rose to tho occasion. With
a bland smile be replied; "I would have liked
to have seen more of the colored servant. She
was my Interesting," The part of Sukey, -played
by Miss Vivian Dermic), Immediately became a
character ot international Interest.
Koine of the furniture used In the Klaw k I'.f
linger production of Ada Hchan's new play,
"Sweet Nell of Old Drury," ia genuine Charles
If. period, a part ot a collection Miss llelun hat
been making for scleral jears. It is insured In
the thousands, and four men arc carried especially
to care for it and handlo it in tht theater. At
the doss of each art In which it la utilised, it is
Immediately placed in padded cases to protect It
from Injury.
Klaw k Krlanger own the three greatest money
wlnnera on the American stage, "Hen llur," the
Klaw k Krlanger Comedy company, with (lua and
Max lingers, In "The ilogeni Brothers In Central
Park," and "Fojy Qulllcr," The ltogeri brothers
are now playing a four weeks' engagement at
the Illinois theater In Chicago, Tho week end
ing Dee. 21 their receipts were tl 1,1134, breaking
llielr own best record, tho record ot the Illinois
theater and tho record of Chicago at the prices
Peter K. Dailey, In "llodge, Podge k Co.,"
has scored a marked success In New York and
nearby cities during the past ten weeks. A new
feature lias been added to this production, the
Agoust family, French pantomlmlsta and comic
manipulators, who recently made wonderful hit
at tho Victoria theater, They are introduced as
a separate attraction at the close of Mr. Dallry'a
piece, and the audience is thereby favored with
"two shows In one,"
Mary Mannerlng, In "Janice Meredith," lias
played five weeks to capacity business at Wa.
lack'i theater, and she will continue at this
Proof from All Sections That Pe-ru-na Cures Ca
tarrh Wherever Located,
Congressman Smith, of Illinois.
Hon. Geo. W, Smith, Mem
ler of Congress, In a recent
letter from Murphysboro,
III., to The Peruna Medicine
Co,, says the following In re
gard to Peruna for catarrh:
Tho Peruna Medicine Co.:
Oentlemen "I tnkp pleas
ure in testifying to the mer
its of Peruna. I have taken
one bottle for my catarrh
nnd I feel very much bene
fited. To those who nre af
flicted with catarrli and In
need of a good tonlo I take
pleasure in recommending
Peruna." Geo. W. Smith.
Major Longstreet.
Major Hubert I.. Long
street, who served on the
staff ot General Lee, Gen
Dial Francis V. Greene.Gen
Pral Arnold, ot the Regulars,
and General Wllliston, In
the late war with Spain, Is
the son of the great ex-Confederate
General. Major
I.ongstreet was mustered
nut in June, and be is now
In Washington trying to get
fid of the pernicious malar
ial fever which he contract
ed In Cuba. Ho found Pe
rnio of benefit on his return
to the United States, und
ays the following Ini regard
to the great catarrh cure
and tonic:
"I have taken Peruna as a
tonic on my return from
the Cuban climate, and find
ct excellent."
Miss Jennie Johnson, Vice
President Chicago Teachers'
Federation. 3U8 Lake Park
ivenuo, Chicago, HI, .writes.
"Among the different rem
edies I have tried when In
need of u tonic none have
helped me more than Peru
na. I find It especially help
ful In cases of catarrh ot
the stomach: It restores the
functions of nature, Induces
sleep and builds up the en
tire system."
Catarrh of the pelvic or
gans Is the bane of woman
kind, i
Most cases of backache
.ire caused by catarrli of tho
kidneys. Peruna Is Just the
medicine for catarrh of tlie
kidneys. It stimulates the
kidneys to excrete from the
blood the accumulating poi
son. It gives vigor to the
heart's nctlon and dlgestivo
i.vstem. Peruna should bo
used in all cases of catarrli
of the kidneys.
homo for many weekn to come. She lim de
vi'loiml liitu a utroiin woimn' htar. Iter imili
eiicei nre notalilo for (lie large lmmlvr of u
men present. At a recent matinee, with Wal
luck's packed to the door, tlieie wen- liut twenty-one
men in tlie Ihejter.
The llli'liilou. ".Monte Crlsto" nodiiclioii o(
Ueliler k Co., ulilcli do-id Its Inn; inn at ths
Academy of Music In -New Voik on Saturday (
nltslit nnd H now en tour, mil fcoltc a piuMem
most Intercstlm; to theatrical nuiuneri, und that
it Jut how (iiormcnn a production ran he and
jet lcat open the quc.llou of quick tiun.ioiU.
lion, and alio whether the cpnue attending
bucli rtmovaW admiU ot po&lhlo profit.
It l authoritatively stated that "Tho Ilos
tonlaus" will, during the latter part of the tea
ion, male a most tumptuous mhul of "Itohin
Hood" in a leading Ilroudway theater, presenting
It with east, rhorm, rccuery and cftrcU ot un
usual magnitude. It h the purpose of Klaw
Krlanger to assemble one ot the strongest casta
of ilngcn to he had In thla country In tlil.i re
The Klaw k Kilanger Opera company In Smith
and De Kovtn'a new opera, "foxy tjulller," la
breaking the record of the aeason In the prlncl.
pal rltlej in New York state and la proving the
musical sensation of tho jear. The company,
composed of twrnty-flie noted principal and a
chorui ol 100 voices, la unquestionably the great.
e.t organization ever Ken in this country in a
comic opera production,
Critics concede that John Ihmamurc, the young
bawo with "The lloitonlaiis," la thepecr of
any ot Ida predecrasora with thla famous organl.
ration. Possessing a voice of rrmarkahlo range
anil a magnetic and pleasing personality, he la
rapidly becoming an Idol ot the music-loving
public. Mr, Dunsmurc ii a native of Scotland
and has hern on the lyric atago but three years.
The music of two organization! touring the
country has become immenly popular. "When
Iteuben Come to Town" and "Hun, Druddrr
l'osMim, Hun," from "The Rogers Ilrothcra in
Central Park," and Jerome SykiV songs, "Tho
Cheating l'eddler" and "I Can't Stand for That,"
c- iflPL"unsByfi r
' Sir
: S
Miss Jennie Johnson.
Perunn Not a Curo-AU.
Peruna Is not a "cure-all:" It cures
Just ono diseasecatarrh. Hut since
catarrh Is able to fasten Itself within
the different organs of the body, fto It
Is thnt Peruna cures affections of thesa
organs. Hut wo Insist that Peruna
cures ono disease only. We claim that
Peruna Is the only Internal, scientific
remedy for catarrh yet devised. Wo
claim that catarrh Is a systemic dis
ease: that Is to pay, It Invades tho
whole- system. Wo claim that Peruna.
Is a systemic remedy; thnt Is to say. It
eradicates catarrh from tho system.
Catarrh is not a local disease; Pcrun.i
Is not a locnl remedy. Since catarrh
Invades tho system, only a systemic
remedy can reach It. This Is, In brief,
our claim In assigning to the dlceaso
catarrh our remedy, Peruna.
Hooker T. Washington, President ot
Tuskegee College, Tuskegre, Ala., says:
"I have used one bottle of Peruna
and I can truthfully say that I havo
never taken any medicine that has Im
proved me as much tin Peruna."
There Is no medicine that can take
Its place. Address The Peruna Medi
cine Co., Columbus, O., for freo ca
tarrh book.
Says of Peruna : ' ' I join Sen
ators Sullivan, Roach and
McEnery in their good opin"
ion of Peruna as an effective
catarrh remedy1
from "I'nxy Qiilllcr," have met with a pro
digious bale.
Helen llertram, the pilmt donna of (lie Klaw
k r.rlangrr p.-iu company, hat declined an olfer
to fing In opera tuo .war In j,oudoii and will
continue mnler her piescnt iinilugeinent.
William II. MaclKituld, the bniltone of "Tho
llostouluiiK," will deliver lecture on the ait of
singing in M-vrial ol the cities hN company will
visit this M-aton.
Ada liehau's rrcclpu durl i',' her week in
"Sweet Nell of Old llrnry"' at the Knickerbocker
theater exceeded tfll.OOU.
MIr.s Gwcn U.ivIh, who has been the
Buest of relatives here wm tendered a
farewell reception on Wednesday cven
inir, previous to her departure for her
homo In Lindsay, Jcffcrnon county.
About twenty quests assembled to do
her honor. Games and other diversions
Incident to ninii events were merrily
IndulKCd in. At a suitable hour dainty
refreshments wore nerved. Those pres
ent weio: MlbsrH Mnry A. Davis, Mag
pie A. Tliomac, Mary .lones, Owen Da
vis, Ella M. Davis, Mary U Howolls,
. Harah Kvuus, Sarah M. Howells,
devln Kvans, UzeIo Uriveidcr. Llzzlo
James, Martha Price, and Messrs. Da
vid T. Davis. Enoch Williams, Thomas
Harris, David J. PubIi, David Howolls,
William Phillips, William Hooper. Mor
gan J- Jones, Itexford Cardwell nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans.
Evan O, Evans is a candldato for ho
rough auditor subject to tho decision
of tho Republican primaries,
.Master Evan J. Howells Is qulto sick
at his home on Main street,
Habbath services at tho Methodist
Episcopal church tomorrow at tho fol
lowing hours; 10.30 a. m, and 7.30 p. m.
& i
i Hon. Wm. A. Deane, of San Francisco.
Hon,. Wm. A. Dcnne.Clerk
of the city and county of
San Kranclsco, In u letter
written from San Francisco,
"I would not bo without
Peruna, as I have found It
to be the best remedy for
catarrhal complaints that I
have ever used, I havo
tried most nil of the so
called catarrh remedies ad
vertised, and can conscien
tiously say thnt of all the
remedies for catarrhal com
plaints recommended to mo
none have been so beneflcUl
as Peruna." Wm. A. Deane,
Everybody Is subject to
catarrh. Peruna cures ca
tarrh, acute or chronic,
wherever located.
, O
Hon. Thomas Gahan
O &
Hon. Thomas Gahan, of
Chicago, member ot the Na
tional Committee of tho
Democratic party, writes as
"f was afflicted .with ca
tarrh for fourteen years and
though I tried many reme
dies nnd applied to several
doctors I was not able to
find a cure. Finally I learn
ed of the remedy, Peruna.
through n friend who had
used It. I took Peruna for
twenty-two weeks, nnd am
now entirely cured. I have
renson to think my cure M
permanent one, as it as been
n year since then. I can
heartily tecommend reruna
as a catarrh remedy; It will
euro when nil other reme
dies fall." Thomas Gahan.
W 5? ffm
'$. Ai,A il
N"-j -r- r.ssji
&& m
HI 'V."
Mrs. Hrackett.
Mr. F. E. Hrackott,8 Sable
street, Medford, Mass., says:
"T have been treating my-s-eir
for catarrh for about
twenty-four years. During
that time I have used many
different kinds of medicine,
but since using your medi
cines 1 find them far super
ior In every respect. The
tonic effect of Peruna on me
H truly wonderful. My wlfo
uses and recommends Peru
n:i." F. K. Hrackett.
Few stop to realize In how
many ways catarrli can af
fect the body. Kvory organ,
every duct, every passage,
wry opening of the human
body Is liable to catarrh.
Peruna is an Internal, sys
temic catarrli remedy, and
acts beneficially on all of I lie
mucous membranes of tho
human body. Consequent
ly It Is equally effective to
cure catarrh In any organ.
Sabbath school at 2.1.1 p. m. Epwcnth
league at G.ilO o'clock. tti-v. ( it.
Henry, pastor, oillclatlng.
All members or the Taylor Choral
union arc reijestcd to meet at the
Welsh Congregational church tomor
row evening.
I.ticka wanna Vulley council, No, Si,
Junior Order United American Mechan
ics, Installed the following olllcers at
their business meeting on Thursday
evening: Past councillor, John W.
Crltllths; councillor, Oonier E. Davis;
vice councillor, Charles Parry; record,
lug secretary, Evun O. Wntklns; as
Elstant recording secretary, Oeorge Ev
ans; financial secretary, Evan A. Da
vis; treasurer, John Van llorgen; con
ductor, Elmer Belsecker; Inside senti
nel, Henry Sperber; outside sentinel,
Oonier Davis,
The vigilance committee ot the Third
ward will met this evening In the bur
gess' office for the purr-oso of fixing
tho dale for their primaries anil for
candldntcs to register and pay assess
ment H.
The Fourth ward vigilance committee
will mot on Mondny evening In tho
ward booth, when tho candidates will
register und pay assessments.
The First, Second nnd Fifth wards
will also meet on Monday night nt tho
council chambers for tho sumo purpose.
All tho candidates arc requested to bo
The panoramic entertainment, a trip
to tho moon, held last evening under
tho nusplces of tho Patriotic Order
Sons of Amerlcu, was well nttended
nnd undoubtedly was n grand financial
Taylorvlllo lodge, No, COS, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet
this evening In regular session.
W. E. Plumloy, M. A., of the School
" "v"A
A, JktV rt-sStN
Saturday News of ' . - '
The White Sale;
The sale is a success beyond anything ever held by '
us, bringing buying crowds to the store daily. It is a
prompt public response to an exceptional lot of offerings
which includes the best sorts of
Women's Muslin Underwear Fine Linens and Bedspreads
Laces and Embroideries, Art Goods and Muslins,.
and a host of other things m white. Even if you do
not care to buyand you'll not be urged to, the store is
worth coming to see and admire.
Men's White Shirts
One ol the leading features of the sale. These nre made up
of the best grade of New York Mills muslin, reinforced over
the shoulders, and in three different sleeve lengths, all-linen
bosoms in either short or long styles- Finished button holes
nnd patent neck bands. As good as most 75-cent A
shirts. The While Sale Price is 42C
Men's Night Shirts
These are made of an extra good grade of muslin, cut full
length and fashioned after the most approved patterns; ex
quisitely trimmed with embroidered fronts, cheap at .
6oc, The White sale price is 4.ZC
Big Book Bargain
Not white books, but so thoroughly good that we must tell of
them. Brand new just came in. Over two hundred titles
of standard and well known stories, bound up in fine, silk
ribbed cloth; printed from large type on clear paper, finished
with head bands and gilt tops. A regular fifty-cent
book. The White Sale Price is ZOC
Fine Bedspreads
The best imitation of real Marseilles Spreads that we have ever
seen. Made from very fine cotton and in several of the new
est and most original patterns; full size and all hemmed ready
for use. Would be very cheap at $1.39. The White
Sale Price is 9oQ
White Groceries
Wc mention the "white" ones so that you may think of all
the others. Good time to buy now especially Canned
Goods, of which we have newest packs in full assortment.
Whatever you need you'll find it here best and best here.
Others do.
Sugar, fine granulated, 18
pounds 1.00
Flour, Jonas Long's Sons'
Best, barrel 4-5
Soap. "White Cloud," large
bar, 7 for 25c
Codfish, Cream of Codfish,
3 packages for 23c
Lard, Swift's Best, per lb... pc
Rice, Fancy Carolina, six. . .
pounds for 25c
Corn, Fancy N. Y. Cream,
3 cans for 25c
Starch, large lump, laundry,
5 pounds for 25c
Jonas Long's Sons
Basement Store
After you have taken in the Main Floor ; aeen all
there is to see in Confections of every sort; th
finest ot Bake Stuffs nd Toys, until you can't
lest; had a line Luncheon in our thoroughly ap
pointed Restaurant then drop in the Elevator to
the Basement and see
Tinware and Hardware
of every sort, No larger or better assortment In
Scranton with prices that are just as little as we
can make them a little less than in any other store
312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue.
ot l,aclsawannu. Scranton. will address
the eongiegatlon of the Presbyterian
church at tomorrow morning's ser
vice. AH arc Invited.
Mrs. W. M. Evans and son, Milton,
have returned fiom their visit with
relatives In Philadelphia.
John E. Davis is a candlate for conn
ell In the First ward.
Services nt the usual hours at tho
Calvary P-aptlst church tomorrow.
Pastor Hew Dr. Harris oillclatlng.
Misses Annie ltafferty and Hachel
Stevens, of Old Forge, visited friends
in this town on Thursday.
AVIlllam J. Hosklns, of the Metropol
itan Insurance company, called on
friends In Pltston yesterday.
Miss Leah Thomas, of West Scran
ton, visited friends in town on Thurs
day. Oeorgo M. Thomas has announced
himself ns a candidate for borough
MUs Mamie Stair, of North Scranton,
was the guest of the Miss Banflcld on
Main street on Thursday.
James Scrlvens left on Thursday for
Virginia, where he was summoned ow
ing to tho serious Injuries sustained
by his brother, Jesso Scrlvens, who
lives In that state.
Mrs. Wihslow's Soothing Syrup
ilia lcn used tor over I'llTY YKARS by
""....i . . ,,tTill.ta Ia- thl. ftur i. .,,..,
DruuBists in every part of the world, lie sure
and ask tor "Mra. V flow's Soothing Syrup,"
and take no otlier kind. Twtnty-ave rent
Will v" TEKT1IISO. with l'EItKKCrr SUCCKSS.
Salt, Diamond Crystal, fine,
package 8c
Baking Powder, J. L. S.,
pure, per pound 18c
Baking Powder, Royal, J4
pound can 19c
Apples, evaporated, N. Y.
State, pound 7c
Crackers, Hitcbner's Tid
Bits, package . . . . 7c
Condensed Milk.Dr.Hand's,
ball brand, ? for 25c
Scouring Compound, Army
and Navy, package 5c
Cocoanut, Schepp's Im
proved, Ji lb package.... 10c
EUGENE Given Free
PIPI IV o rack person Interest..
1 IL.UI o fd jn (ubscrllime to the
POFMS Kugene Field Monti.
i vauhiiJ n,ent souvenir Fund.
A 7 (III Subscrlbs any amount
f ?'"" desired. Subscriptions
ROOK " 'w " H-00 will en-
uuu" title hi dalnt.
THKllookortlid fly artlntlo volume.
centiiry.Umicl- "PHiLD FLOWBKS"
Bomely lilun- (doth bound, 8x11), as
trated by tnlr- a certificate of subscrlp.
M':1.0., Vf th.e tlon to fund. Hook
WorldaClreat. e0Ltaln a (election of
estArtlRta. Fleld'a best and most
representative works and Ii ready for de-
Hut' for the noble contribution of the
world's greatest artists this book could not
havo been manufactured for less than $7.00,
The Fund created ia divided equally be.
twren the family of the lata Eugene Field
and the Fund for the building ot a monu
ment In the memory of the beloved poet
ol childhood. Address ,
Uiigens I'leld Monument Snuvenelr Fund
Chicago, ll.
If you also wish to aend poat'aee, enclose
10 cents.
Nethersole 111,
Philadelphia, Jan. 11. Olga Nether
sole, who Is filling a two weeks'1 en-'
gngemont at the Uroad Street theaten
is 111 with the grip. She wns unabl
to npepar In'Sapho'1 last night and
the theater 'was closed. Her physi
cian said tonight thnt s)io Will have;
to keep to her ropm until Monday,,
when sho ngaln may ho able to appear
nnd complete the final week of her
For a Cold It? tho Head
laxative Dromo-Qulnine Tablets,
""'' fHv.
..- oM1-'---- tMti-Vw Ij.i