!'iis'v WW" ' J t ,-V -fy jf "T" ;?. r -5 12 THE SCKAISTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1901. "''h''l . RAIL, MINE AND FACTORY SHIPMENTS OP ANTHRACITE COAL FHOM THE MINES. It Amounted to Over Forty-Five Mil lions of Tons During the Year 1809 Annual Meeting of the Lnck Airanit nnd Montrose Ballroftd. Scheme That Has Been Adopted to Prevent the Settling at the Ilavine Mine In Kttston The D., L. & W. Board for Today. TJ shipment of antliratlte roal from the mines to the -arlous points In tho Enst and West during' lust year amounted to i;,093,fiil tons. This ton nage Is conHlcleral larKc and It favor nbly compares with thut of ISM, which ivna tho largest In thu lilstiuy of tho .inllnaclte coal trade. If it had not boon Tor tho Ktiil- It 1r thought the production of niitliraolto onl In 1900 would linvp exceeded all previous records. The output Irnt month wan the largest that has he-en produced In December for ninny year.'. Owing to the C'lirhtimiM liollilayw there Is Bonprally 11 rnltliiff otf In the output, hut this year the preliminary tute ment shows thnt there was mined In that mouth SJ.OSl.tiC tons. The following table hIiows the n moiiii t of oonl prodiieed by each cotii pnny and the nmouut nilneil In cxces or lc. than Its iiuota, during the ,111011th of December, l'JOO: Coinpinv ("sired. Ks. Philadelphia ami Reading l.ikM.Ni) H.-'M 1 rl'tftlt nlley ;Ui,)tA 'rtUl l"rvv CVntrit ,T,Ti" 'I. US Drlr.w.in, I.arla.iimi nnd w-t- mi ;i;,um 1 1. "i.: IMauiiie and Hif1oti Itt.nn 'W.trTi Ponmjlwn'.i Rjilrojil Kl.uv ".'lOt lVtmijlwiiU Coil 21'i.SM 47.101 lino l'H.ern 'I0.IS3 S'(W orl, OnUilo ami 'tetii. C12.oifc! W.wl l)ila.iri, Mi.qurliantin and NlmjIklU 1W.1K I'Mtil .Sow Vol I;, Sli.qr.rlamu mil Wot- rin IV). 212 -'.7JI Drfirlt. The following tnbl shows the amount o-ieli company can led last year and Its pcicentnse of allotment: I'. ( . (Ympanr. Mkittnl. Philadelphia and Itcadint; so So Irhlali Willey 1', (V, .lempy C'cntial , ... 11. Til Delaware, Laikavunna uml Vest em 13.C.-I I'rrms.vlt imla Railroad 11.1(1 IVnnsjhJnli Coil 4 J lie -4 New Yoi!v, Ontario ami Wrstmi. :, in IHaware, biisqucliaiu. i and SiIiiijIUH 3.M New Yoik.liisqiirliaiiia and U'est e rn ," Tens t irrlcd, ,ix,m .VU'.MO r, fmo.sis u.l,'l,VC 1,741.070 i r.r.s,4S3 1.K,6I3 C,,091,C21 The L. & M. It. K. Meeting. The first annual meeting' In eight years was held here January 3, 1901. A number of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western ofllclals came up, and they won Hip frood opinion of all by their fianknoss and evident fair ness In deallnff with the affairs of tho r.aekawanna and Montrose branch, In which our people had put their money and wero never able before to get un satisfactory report us to the road, to nay nothing of a dividend, but thehe oillclals declared one at this meeting (.1 per cent., payable February 1.). It v.is also voted to pay off the $11, 100 debt of tho road, for which some of our citizens are holding:, from tho money In the treasury. There was $16,000 In the treasury, $7,000 of which has accumulated during the past eleven months. This shows thnt the nresent management is good for the Lacka wanna and Montrose. Among the direotois chosen wero five as representing Montrose, as follows: V. D. I,usk, "W. II. Jessup. AV. G. T'aike, J. It. Cooley. O. A. Gilbert. Montrose Democrat. To Prevent Settling. Preparations nre under way at the Kavino mine In Plttston for the exe cution of a, plan which serves the triple purpose of draining' the mine workings, disposing of an old culm pile and preventing a further settling of the workings In the vicinity of tho re cent caves on Parsonage street. It is over a year since a fire occurred In the Itavlna that necessitated the Hooding of the mine, says the Plttston Gazette. The fire- has been extin guished and for several months the pumps have been removing water. Tho water has been turned Into a small creek leading to tho river, but under the new regime It will he used for the (lushing of the old workings with clum. Worklngmen were yester day digging a trench to the culm pltu for a four-Inch plpo which will bo tnken Into the mine through tho air shaft, nnd through which a stream of culm will bo Injected Into the aban doned places. The culm, it Is said, after drying, becomes as hard as a brick and serves Its purpose well. Board for Today. Today's D., L. & V, board Is as fol lows: rrlday, Jan. It. WILD CM. FAST. R p m. II. Mtbliifr. I'l p. in. II. J. I.arl.lii. 11 .,i) p. in. 1". Wall Saturday, Jin. 12. WILD CATS, l'AST. 12.80 a. in. T. M. MiCartlij. 1.15 a. in. (I. llioma, villi C. Uiithclnmcw" men. 5 a. m. T. J. Thompson. t. m. W. Hoar, with McDonnell! men, a t. in. M, .1. lU'nnljan, 6 . m. C. Klntnlc). 7 u. in. A. r. Mullen. 8 u. m. L. llallctt, villi .1 Snarl' mm. u a. in. P. Cavunaugh. 10 a. m. A. II. ttoivr-, wllh J. fialicffjn', men. 11.30 a. m.-!'. (illllBJii. l'.'.rso j. m J. A. limli. 1 p. m. 11. nennell. 5 p. in. J. (lenity. S.5 p. m. M. C.mnudy. 3 p. m, V, JlrDoniitll, nlili II, Doherty'i men. 0 p. in. O'Connor, with 11. T. rrilo" mm. SUHMUS, rro. a. m., wet 0. Frounfclker. 8 a. m weat W. II. Niclmls. 12 o'clock noon, weet J. Carrier. 6 a. m., tut U. McAllister, A p. m., cast II, nilllaan, 7 n ni., west from C!a)-uga OInley. 7 p. m., west from Cayuca McLane. 7 p. m., cut from Nay Aiie K, V., Dnlr, I'ULLKK. 10 a. m. F. i:. Secor. rusiinits, y a. n Houser. 11.5) , in. Moran. 7 . in, Murpliy, V p, m. Lamping. . PASSKNOnit KNaiNHS, 7 i. m.fJiffnej. 7 a, m. Singer, 11.50 p. m. Ktinlun. 7 p. in. KCucrii. i WILD CATS. WEST. I a, in. J. II. Mler, with lhxter' men. B a. m. J, It. McCann. 6 a. m. J. O'llara. 5 a. in. J, JJ. Matter. II a. m. A. K. Ketrhnm, 12 o'clock noon Kliliy, lrlth llammltt'i men. 1 p. in. II. Smith 2 p. m.-(l. hmllli. p. m. T. I'itrpatrlik. 6 p. m. llaujerty. This nnd That. A now homo block signal -will be put In service on Monday at the point of curve west of the new water tank at Patcrson junction. A now banjo signal was put In ser vice yesterday Just east of the cross over switches at the weft end of the Washington yard. On and after Januaty 11 the duy telegraph olllce at "8. W Lehigh Summit will be discontinued. The night olllic will run open as at pres ent. .Schedule speed may now be used over the new main track of the Lack awunna railroad between Washington Summit station and C. & D. cabin on tlu; Pussalo und Delaware branch. Admiring friends of Special Agent P. O'Kaefe. who leaves the Lacka wanna railroad next week, yesteiday presented lilm with a gold-headed cane, sultubly Inscribed, and a valu able meerschaum pipe. Lackawanna passenger conductors have been on tho lookout for a num ber of Kew York-'Uuffalo excursion tickets Xos. 27S0 to 2099 Inclusive, form llx's. minted on red paper und dated 1S1G. These tickets were stolen from New Vorlc live years ago. If any of these thkets are presented for pass age, tondiictois are ordered to take them up and collect fare, advising Superintendent Rlno by telegraph. The Onlailo und Western is getting into a unique position. With the Mor gan Interests In control of the Erie, the Lehigh Valley, the Heading, the .leisey Ccntial, the Delaware and Hudson and the Lackawanna, tho On tario and Western is piratically tho only Independent anthracite co.nl road In the field. The company mines about -',500,000 tons of co.il a jour, which Is enougrh to make its control essential. It seems a logical necessity that the Ontailo and Western must be acquired by the combination to permit the oanylng out of its plans. Philadelphia Stockholder. FUTUB.E RAILWAY TENDENCIES No More Trunk Lines but Many New Tributary Lines. Jain II. Hill, in Hie World's Woik. The forces likely to determine in futuie the construction of new lines of railway in the United States aie the need for better terminal facilities, and the special requirements ot particular sections. That the building of great trunk lines has come to un end Is shown, 1 think, by the fact that dur ing the past dozen years there has been a steady decline In lailway con struction In nil paits of the United States. A railway that will not yield a prospecthe profit to its projectors lias no legitimate reason for existence, and, as tho existing lines between the AVest and tho Enst aie ptepared to transport twice or thrice tho tonnage now offering, or likely to offer for many years to rorae, to attempt to parallel them with new ones would bo a financial blunder little better than a crime. The competition or older rivals and the consequent division of busl nesswould render the stocks and bonds of the newcomers practically worth less, and Investors have learned cau tion from the disasters or tho past. Lines now- In operation aie pretty sine to seek nnd secuie Improved out lets, and there Is bound to be a small but steady Increase In mileage having for its object the development of some particular Interest or section; but more than that should not be looked for In the near future. Indeed, in most of the states of the East and Middle West, the existing mileage supplies nil the facilities wanted. In such states no considerable amount of new mileage can bo built with the arsur ance of profit, and this fact will exert a salutary Influence In checking doubtful ventures and compelling obedience to the veiy excellent rule that where a lino is capable of hand ling the transportation of its section, the construction of a second should not be undertaken. Capital seeking investment will be mainly directed In future to the development of urban ami Interna ban electric ralhoads, a department of transportation which Is still In Its infancy. For a Cold In the Head Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets. Ladles Common Seas, 90c Robbers At 15c. Extraordinary Shoe Bargains TODAV, SATURDAY. LOOK AT THE BARGAINS: l-Xri&rl&tfESsKa The above are only a few of the raauy bargains. We invite you to call and ex amine our goods before buying elsewhere- Remember, there is no trouble to show you goods, and you will surely save money by it. MYER DAVIDOW THE 25 ct. FAMILY DOCTOR. r CEDAR SPRINQS, MICH. ' Mm. Imiae Dunham, well-known lady of that place, wrltca : " I cannot pralao Dr, A. W, Chase's Kldncy-Mrer Pills too much. They did for ms what doctors and other medicines could not do. I iraa troubled with severe disorders ot tho kidneys and enlargement of the liter. My family doctor treated me the nholsot last winter, but did not help me very much, so I f-tUa him up nnd began using Dr. A. W. Cliaae'a KldnoT-I.Ier rills. The result was alniply wonderful. I nm now strong and healthy again, thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney. UTer rills." 33 A.W.CHASE'S A KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. With every set of our beat teeth contracted for on or before February ,15th, 1901. Gold CrouJns, $3.00. Bridge Work, $3.00 Fillings, 50 Cents. Extracting free when teeth are ordered. All work guaranteed in writing for ten years. Union Painless Dentists DR. C. S. FAATZ, Managor. 305 Lackawanna Ave. Scranton, Pa. NEW YORK HOTJiLS WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, NEW YOBK. American Plan, (3 0 per day and upward. European Plan, $1.50 per day and upward. I. D. CmWIORD, Proprietor. - 4- IUI IJIl3llli;.-3 .UWI In the heart ot the wholesale r district. I For Shopper X minutes' walk to Wanamnlters; S minutes to S.pgel Coooer s Ble Store. Easy of access to the great Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block fiom IV way Cars, giv ing easy transportation to all points of interest. I HOTEL ALBERT l I . NEW YOItK. X Car. litis 6T. UNivnasrrv ru -f Only one Block from Broadway. t Rooms, $1 Up. pSSFSXSSSL, WINTER RESORT. "Through the Hesperian Gardens of tho West" Huns the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED." The Finest Thing on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." Special thioueh trains coraltiing of keeping and dinliiff-eiiM will leao New iork ery Sat urday, Tuesday and 'fhursd.ij, conntctlnt; dj. rictly with the ".Sumct Limited" at New Orlcins. Kor full information, free Illustrated pamph lets, maps and tlmc'tablc, also lowest rates, deeping car tickets and Icecap;,1 chicktd, npply to bvuthtrn I'atiftc Co., 10') S. Tliird stieet, Philadelphia, 1'a. FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER WlinilSOAT 51KUWEAWH0. k TRIAL in your o"n home, o mniiMii tm genuine ana onlylllltlJ.IHHllil.TEHMT. IU 1 1 KEEM KUXTIUl RSirS tftunv naderof thlntiMriAr. &.ON.B.r la .iltaiic.i irrr Ion sfflxaiKWMi! with most ill other trtm.nt. Cur. wm .11 oth.r tire. trie btlu, rllutof ! reutdlti (.11. OUtCK edit for pore than Wallmr nti. OUY 81 HKmnYor irn"rvoui UtosHO). weaLnesrea und disorders. For completo :l( J confidential vaUloKUO, rot lhl ad cat u4 Mill, m, :)EAR8, ROEBUCK fc CO., Chicago. oiMmMKa,;.:;.':. msrxm nTjnyasMi 'w' Myer Davidow, The Cheapest Shoe Store, 307 Lackawanna Ave. 98 pairs Ladies' Fine Kid Lined Button Shoes, worth $3.00 to $3. 50, at $2.00. 140 pairs Ladies' Extra Heavy Sole, Goodyear Welt, $3.00 aud S3.50 Shoes, all' sizes and all widths, A to E, at $2.50. 300 pairs Ladies' Shoes, broken sizes, worth $1.50 to $2.00, at 98c and $1.25. 76 pairs, Ladies' Spring Heel Button Shoes, worth $2.00, at 98c. MEN'S SHOES 48 pairs Men's Patent Leather $3.50 Shoes, Goodyear Welt, at $2.50, 60 pairs Men'u Box: Calf, Leather Lined, Goodyear Welt Shoes, at $2.50, worth $3,50. 60 pairs Men's Winter Russet $3.50 Shoes, at $250. 300 pairs Meu's Congress and Lace Fine Shoes, broken sizes, worth from $2 to $3, at 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.98. Men's Mining Shoes, all sizes, at $1.00, Boys' Shoes at $1.00. Youth's Shoes at 75c to $1. Misses' and Children's Shoes at all prices. EATON RAPIDS, MICH. Mrs. Rosn Charted, a business woman of Eaton Rapids, writes : " For a long tlmo my system was In a terribly weakened state, biliousness, aerert Indigestion and kidney troubles made me, ao miserable that I was hardly able to work, A friend told me of Dr, Chass's Kidney-Liter Pills, nuil I found them just as represented. They restored my health to me, and I think they are ft wonderful medicine." The marked success of Dr, AAV. Chftie's KMney. Liter PUIs with Backache, Kidney Trouble, Con XV. stipation, Headache and Stom ach Weakness make theme family requisite. 31 cts. ft box. FREE Faster than ever to California CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY THE OVERLAND LIMITED leaves Chicago 6.30 p. m. daily via Chicago Union Pacific and North-Western Line. arrives San Francisco afternoon of third day and Los Angeles enrly next morn ing. No change of cars; all meals in Dining Cars. Buffet Library Cars with barber. The best of everything. The Tacific Express leaves 10.30 p. m. daily. Tourist Sleepers daily to California. Per. sonally conducted excursions every week. Send 4 cents postage for "California Illustrated." Call on any agent for tickets or address 4tl Broadway, Him tcik43S Vim St., ' Cincinnati C01 CAo'l St.,PnlhdtlthhC07SmltnfldStPlttiburg SSS Washington St., Buiton'sSISupirltr St., Cltntami 301 Vain St., Buffalo 17 Camouifartul,0trolt SI2 Clark St., Chtcago!KlrgSt.,alt,Tlnnto,Oit. 1 HE CELEBRATED QORDON PIANO Before buying, send for catalogue. H. S. QORDON, ftR. fa The Dickson Mauuracturlns Co. tcrantonaud Wllkes-Barra, .'a, Manufaolurera of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENQINES Dollar, Hoisting and Pumplas Machinery. General Offlce. Scranton. Pv Hen's Mining Shoes At $1.00. The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue ConnfljjSfalIac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING O ENTER "44 - a4" 4 -or v -f r ( f 1 c f' CONNOLLY STATEMENT OF THE 11 HL OF SCRANTON. United States Depositary. At the close of business Dec. 13, 1900. KESOUECES. Loans and Investments $3,175,478.36 Banking Houso 38,500.64 Cash and Eeserve.... 036,879.10 $3,750,057.10 LIABILITIES. Capital ? 200,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . 57,005.20 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits . . 2,415,536.08 IT. S. Deposits 422,729.39 Due to Banks 54,785.53 $3,750,957.10 WILLIAM CONXKLL, President. HENRY DEL1N, JR., VIcc-Prcstdent. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cahler. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48S to 45S IT. Ninth Street, Telephone Call, 233.1. THE IIIOOolC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and2, Com'.th BTd'g. OEANTON, PA. lining: and Blasting POWDER MatUat Mooslo and Uuiuiaie Works. tAFLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANOE OUN POWDER Keetrle Batteries. Eleotrlo Exploders, plodlng blasts, Bafoly Vase aal Rnauni Chsilcal Ci.'s dxploT.Ve. iiis s - Z - 4 - 4 ' 4 8"3"LV4"fc 4- Visit the Great XAhit lo 'l'1 T ? x syjUiji)ni fi & WALLACE, Sa HHHH-rfHHHfHKHHfH M f H Htt QQ W Curtain News ! 1 Shrewd buyers will take prices made on our entire JL,ace Uurtain Stock. Many small lots at a fraction of their real value. r I FURNITURE COVERINGS - COUCH COVERINGS I -1 ARTISTIC HIGH-GRADE BEDDING I I WILLIAJlS&ncANULTYi I LEADERS IN CARPETS, WALL PAPER, DRAPERIES, J 129 Wyoming Avenue X t - Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, M Heaters, i m-m penn avbnuis. DR. DENSTEN Fbjslcian and Sureoa 311 Spurn St. Idupiu Uun Building SCRANIOH PA. All acute bdJ cbrcnle disctsea ol men, wo men and children. CllltO.NIO NEl'VOUS, DRAIN AND W'AbTINO DISEASES A SPEC 1ALTY, All dlsesscs ot the Liver, Kidneys, UUdder. bkln, Dlood, Nerves, Womb, Eye, lar, Nose, Throat, and Lungs, Csncers, Tumors, Piles, Ituuture, Goitre, Rheumatism, Asthma, Catarrh, Varicocele. Lost Usnhood, Nltfhtlr Emissions, all female Diseases, Lcucorrhoes, etc. aonnorrhea, Syphilis. Illood Poison, Indiscre tion and youlhlul hablu obliterate. I. Surgrir. Kits, Epilepsy, Taps and 6tomacli Worms. CA TAimilOZO.NE, bpeclBo tor Catarrlu Three months' treatment onlr IS.oo, Tilal tree ia office. Consultation and examination free. Offlce hours dallr and Sunday, 3 a, m. to p p. to. DR. DENSTEN . fc &ftri ' -I jti sSi m 7o y jr, , 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE Lace X advantage ot the special -O FURNITURE. I HEAVY DRAPERIES I .- fH - - mMWtft)MMtt Florey & Brooks 211 Washington Avenue. sK Iff HENRY BELIN, JR., General Aeent for the Wyoming ,, Distrkt for j: vri DUPONT'S POWDER. Ulnlnir, niastlnr, Sporting, Smokeless and thV Itepauno Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety ruse, Caps and Exploders. Itoem (01 Oes. nell Building, Scranton, AGENCIES TTI03. FORD PttUtoa JOHN II. SMITH k SON Plymouth W. I.'. UULLIQAN WllkesCarre Q& AllSeasons'Spohts Br I SKATES If $ SHAPED I Wl Washinlton 8 U uStmmtmmmmmmammMmmkkmmmmm 111 .A r