The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    VY1 '
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I Religious....
Ciiaum: i:. inniMuuT, for ten
yours Htuto secretaty of tlie
PcnnBylvanla V. M. C. A., nnil
now superlntendr-nt of the Penn
sylvania Bible Institute uml tbo
Afilenn Inland mission, will mldion
tbo V. M. C. A. liiectlim' tut Sunday at
3.15. Mr. Hurlburt In Just cuinplutlnif
n powerful setles of lectine" In the
Second Presbyterian (.'hutch on tin1
Kcncml tbemv, "The Power of Hod In
christian Living and Service" and bit
nddiess In the afternoon will be an In
splrlatlon to the men wlu bear him
Mr. Hurlburt has established In the
Uganda country, near Motnbassl, In
Afilca, u flouilsblnir ml'sslon, conduct
ed on the general lines of Hudson Tay
lot's Chlnu Inlund MIslon, Known as
the Faith Place. No direct N
ever made to men for funds, but the
money comes In answer to dltect play
er to Ood. The story of this mission
and Its remarkable support, with its
no less w owlet Ml success unions the
natUes, Is an impressive object lesson
In this skeptical age or Clod's mmnvr
to prayer.
Secietniy W. "W. Adair will speak nt
the gospel mooting of the Railroad
Young Men's Christian assorlatlon at
3.15 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Subject,
Heboid, He Cometh." An examina
tion of the Sciiplutal teaching of the
docttlnu of the second udvent. Mr. A.
.1. Hatber, of St. J-uke's rholr, will sing
bass solo. All ate welcome ut this
sei vice.
Hew Chatles 11. Hutlbuit, of Phila
delphia, Is vety welcome in Scranton
and especially to the Second Presbj
terlan church, whete he has been
pleaching this week. He will. speak
.Sabbath day In the morning on "The
Calls To and Howard of Service" and
In the evening on "And the Divine
ltev. W. J. Guest will lead a i.iper
befoio the Baptist Pastors' conference
on Monday at 10.30: subject, "Is Man
a Two-Story or Three-Stoiy Build
ing?" Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
11m l'aik Clmrcli I'rajer and pralic. sen Ice
at i'.0; pre idling at 10 SO a. in. and 7.30 p
in , l.y tlic pastor, C. AI. riiltln. I). 1) , at 12
in a kliott HiMe tudy la unhy sihool room;
Siniy school at 2, Jiul Kpvvortli Uamie at it 30
p in At the mission, lrilP fine street, Sun
thy Khool at 0 u. in.! I'lmc-rlli I.cjguc at 0.30
(. n.
Miiip-un Mcthudlst Kpiwopal ( hurch llev. John
II. Sweet. I). 1)., pistnr. Morning prajr nt
ti.U), preaching service al 10 30, sermon by the
pitor, Kumliy school at 12; Junior Fpwortli
Icasnp at 2 EO, joung min'i incctliitf at 4; lip.
worth lcaRiic, W, .1. Mitton, le.ider. at fl'iO:
prcichliii; Mrvlie at 7 30, sermon by llei. David
loiies, of the Pnt OoiiKrcRatlonal ( Kiee
suiH and a hutty welcome.
Hampton Mnct Methodist I'plncopal Churtli
lliv. .limes DeniiliKcr, piktor. Preaching- at
10 30 Subject of sunions, " nolnted for tho
Woik." Claw meeting at 1130; Sunday school
at 2 p. in,; Junior Iiikiio ut 3 p. m ; Ppnorth
ViiKue at o:w. livening preaching service at
7 50; wulijcct, "Self Deception." Itcvival ser
vices ever) evening except Saturdaj.
(Vdar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church ltev.
I' 1". Dot), pactor. Misting of llrotherhood at
. I"i a, ni. ; morning sermon by pastor, 10 30 a.
in , Sunday school nt noon; Junior Kpvvorlh
league at 3.30 p. in.; EpvvorlU league, TMith
llutv, kider, C 30 p. in.; evening sermon, 7,30. A
welcome to all.
Vh Street Methodist 1'pUcopjl church ltev. J.
11 Austin, pa-tor. Morning sermon at 10 30, euIk
Jcct, "flricvliig the Spirit"; class meeting at
11.3i, .1, II. Masters, Ii'.ider; Sunday shoo at 3
p, in., II. W. stone, Ruperintcndent; Junior
lugueat 3 p. m., MIm Katie Ilartman, siipcrin
undent, Ppvvoith league at 0,15 p. m., Mill
time C'orev, leader; evening picjchlng tervlee
at 7.30, subject, "He Went Away Sorrowful";
evaiigcllstli services each evening of wed. A cor
dial welcome to all.
Vav Aug MithodUt J'plwopal chinch lto. J.
II Austin, pastor. Sundav tihool at 2.30 p. in.,
W. M. Mxon, superintendent; claM meeting at
R i0 p. m., l'rank liirmr, leadei; preaching ui
vice at 730. All uclionie.
limit Strut MithodUt Hpicopil dmich Itcv.
l. (. I.jliun, pastor. Class, O.lj, O. 1). DeW'ltt,
leader; picaddng, 1030, b.v lh pator; Sunifiy
Mhool, 11.45, (i. II. t'lntv, mipirlntendent; Junior
liJMit, 3 VI p. in.; Kpworth league, 0 30 p. in,;
rtaiigclUtlc bcrvkn, 7.PJ) and also during the
wed.. Souls arc coming to the Loid. Come to
l'ioldincc MitliodUt Ppbcopil church Itiotli
(thnnil nf St Piul ineits it 111 a. in. Subject
of moinlng sermon at 10.30, "Society and the
Kingdom of Mod." Sunday tchool at 2 p. in.;
lpwnrth league ut 0 15, topic "Youthful Con.
titration," Mif. II. Wellierbcp, leader. i:enlng
ninion at 7 30, subjed "The Oldest brother
hood on Itfmird."
I'lr.t dciman Methodist 1'pUcopal diurdi,
Adams axnue and Vine street O. llohilln, pis.
tor. Pleaching rlccs, 10.30 a. in, and 7.30 p.
in.; Sunlaj school at noon, and at 2 o'clock nt
tho Tajlor Aenue chapel. 1'pworth league meet
ing at 7 p. m ltcvhul sotWics will ho hdd at
the Tajlor Aiemie chapel the coming week cery
eienlng, encept .Mondiy and Saturday evenings.
African Methodist KpUcopal riiurch, Howard
plare Dr. 1). S. Hcntlry, pastor. At 10 30 a.
in, special redtal senlre foi Sunday school
chldlren; at 2 30 p. m., Sunday school; 7.4 j p.
in., pleaching, at the closo of which uu altar
senlco will bo co'llucted A SOmlmito song
and prajer service conducted by Mews. Cull unj
Plater prrcedes the regular eienlng wnlcp 'In
ill a coidial inv 1 1 itlon is extended.
Trim Ateauc llaptlst diurch, Prim aicmic, be
tween Spruce and Linden ,ticeU Pnaclilng.
morning at 10.30 and eiening at 710 by tho
pastor, ltev, Itohert V Pleuc, I), l) Mornlnj
Danger of Pneumonia.
Our old winter enemy, Grip. Is nt
hand, and In his wake will follow bis
twin In other. What Is teimed nil "or
dinary cold" is usually tho first wurn
lng, and In a few days Pneumonia fol
lows. Tho main tiouble Is centered in thu
neglect of the first symptoms. Tho
latter are more ominous of evil In pro.
portion to tho ago of the patient. Past
fifty years of ugo Pneumonia Is u ery
fatal malady.
The man who gets thoioughly chilled
after exposuio to Inclement weatlw
must needs concern himself ns to thu
ultimate outcome, especially If hlgn
temperature, cough and dldleult i expir
ation supervene. The only safety Ilea
In the prompt use of "Seventy-Sovon."
Dr. Humphreys' famous Speclflu for
tho cure of Grip and tho Prevention
of Pneumonia. At all Drug Stores, or
by Moll. 25c,
Ilumphicyi' Homeopathic Mrdldne Co., Cor
William and John Sis, Nov Voik.
pi-Oira In Hi luwtr teinplt at 9 42; topic of
noinlng (trillion, "Heboid Your King"; Sunday
mhoot, llllle, Intermediate and primary depart
ments meet at 2 o'clock; Runday tchool at the
Amermin Mission at 3.30 p. m.l Young People's
witty of Chrl'llin llndeaior at 0,30. Topic of
tuning sermon, "The Cry of the Oppressed."
Diptl'ins during cienliig sen Ice and evangelistic
nftt minting,
I Irst llaptlft church, South Mln avenue Hcv.
l". Mathews, iator. The usual aetvIcM Sab
Intt', 11.30 a. in. and 7.10 p. in. In basement of
the W'ebh llaptlst rhurrh. Subjects morning and
euuliig will be relath to the week of prajer.
Sunday school, 2 30 p. in., Plymouth church, Di.
Ilullop, superintendent; II. Y. P. U. prajer meet
ing, 0.30 p. in., Iiontn hill, Wednesday eienlng
prajir meeting, 7.30 p. m. All are welcome.
.latksoti Strict flautist Church ltev. Iliomij
dp (Iruchy, . I)., pistor Moinlng pracr
mietliig at 9.30; liadu, llrother l)add Argust.
At 10 JO, preadilng service; seimon hy the pal
lor; topic, "(Jod's Way;" Sunday school at 2
p. in.; Charles Holly, superintendent; cicnlng
scitico at 7 hirp; praise and song sen Ice,
followed by uu ouiigtlNtlr wnlce. The pi.
(oi wUI speak upon "The Master Cjlleth for
'llier." At the ilase of tho eenlng senlie
Ihe toiil'it Supper will b adnilnltcrel.
liieen llldijc. IliptUt Chlirch-Prajcr mmIic
it 10; preaching by the pastor at 10 30 a. in.
and 7.30 p. in.; undiy Khool at 11.43 a m.;
meeting of the Junior sodilv at 3 00; prajer
inciting tf the Senior orIely at C"!0 p in.
l'lit Piisbtteiiin Clnirdi Senilis, 1030 a.
in. aid 7.J0 p. ia. Dr. McLeod will priaih
'uornlrg and evening. Mrr. Chae (nee Tinn
hull) Is expected to ilng. Mid-week ser.lio
Wedncday, 7.45 p. m.
Second Presbjitilan Chuidi Hcv Chailcs 11.
KoMnson, I). ., pastor. ivices at I0.3H a,
in. and 7,30 p. in. The ltev. Charles H. Hull
hurt, who ha been pleaching s acceptably
tbiough the week, will priach morning and
cMiilng. All are welcome.
firecn ltldge Presh.vlcrian church ltev. I. .1.
Lansing, pastor; Itcv. h. It. Fostci, uiistant. At
10 ."0 and 7.20 services uf worship, with seunons
by the pastor; 12. Iliblp school; 0 30, Christian
Kndeavor. A conllil Iinltatlon and welcome
Wcslilnirn Mreet Pieh.t(rlan Clnmli It' v.
John P. MofTat. I). D pastor. Srvlcen at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m ; Iliblp school nt M
m. oung People's Christian Endeavor at 0.C0
p. m.; prajer mccliug. Wednesdaj', 7.30 p. in.
The pastor will preach morning and evening.
The band bool: for the jcar will be gheii out
at the close of cadi service; alo financial state
ment fiom all official organisations of the church.
The orltrirg, morning and evening, will be for
foreign missions.
Sumner Avenue Presbj-terlan Church Corner
Sunmer avenue and Trice street. Preadilng at
10 30 a. m. and 0 p. in., by ltev. Frank J. Mil
man; morning theme, "The Tilumphant Chuidi;"
evening, "Th Kingdom Come;" Sabbath school
at 2 p. in.; Mr. Hcz. Ilrovn, superintendent;
prajer circle at 0.15 p. m.; Undeavor society at
7 o'clock. Mid week service Wednesday even
ing at 7,45 o'clock. All eordlilly welcomed
Providence Presbjterlan Church ltev. Dr.
flcoige W Guild will have diaiRe of the services
of the day. Ills morning theme will be "Indi
vidualism In Conaecratlon." In the evening at
the evangdlstie service tin p.iMor will give a
brief Illhle reading. Sicclil time of the service
will bo devoted to Gospel music by the choir
and by choir and congregation. Sunday ichoul
at noon; I'ndeavor meeting at 0.35 o'clock.
Tajlor Presbj teriau Chin ch 1'rofewor V K.
Plumlev will preach In the morning at 10 SO.
Adams Avenue Chapel, New York street. The
ltev. Janus Hughes, pastor, will preach morning
ami ivenlng nt 10 30 and 7.30; Sunday school at
3 o'cljck, Mr. Chandler, superintendent. The
Men'a Iiible ilas will be taught bv Mr Hughes.
The Christian Kndeavor sochtj will meet at 0.4".
All aiu welcome.
Saint Luke's Paiih ltev. Hogei Isiad, 1) II,
rictnr; llev. rj. J. llaughlon, wnior i urate; Kfv.
M. It. Xasli, junior eurati. I'iist Sunday aftir
St. Luke's Chuidi 7.30 a. in , Holy Coin
tnunlon, 10 30 a. m,, morning prajer und fei
mon; 7.30 p. in , evening prajei and wnnon;
9.1i a. m., Sunday school and P-ihlc dashes
St. Mark's, Dunmorc S a. m.. Holy Commun
ion; 10 JO a. in , morning pras er, set mon and
Holy Communion; 7.30 p. in., evening prajer
end sermon; 3 p. in., Sundiy Mhool aid Illhle
llast I'm! Mission, Pr'scott avenue.! p in ,
Sunday fchool and Bible classes; u.10 n. m ,
evening prajer and sermon.
South Side MIion, Kig street 2.30 p m ,
Sundij" school and Illble classes.
St. Ceorge's, Olj pliant :'.?0 p. ni , Sundiy
school and Illble classes; S.?0 p. m , cunlng
prajer and sermon.
Reformed Episcopal.
Oraie Iteformod Kpiscopal church, W joining
avenue, bilowr Mullieiry street ltev, Oeorgo L.
Aliich, pastor. Prajrr and praiso sen lie, 030
a. m.; divine worship, 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m ,
preaching by the pastor, a. in., "The riftli Com.
mandinent ; Honoring Parents," Knod 20;12; p.
in., "The Spirit of Life," a study in the eplstl.i
to the Humans; Sabbath school at 12 in.; Y 1
S. C. :. nt fl 30 p. m. Iosson study Wednesday
evening at 7.30. Prajer meetlug at S. Sialsfree.
All welcome
Evangel lent Luttainu.
Kvangcliial Lutheran First Suudaj aftei
pinny. (lopel, Luke 2; 11-52; epistle, Horn. 12:
St. Muk'i', Washburn and Fourteenth streets
Itcv A. L. Itamer, Ph. I)., pastor, Sirviiif,
10..0.I, in , 7..I0 p. ni ; Luther leigue, 0:i0 p. m
Siimliy siliool, 12 m. ; Catechetical Instruction,
Monday, 7 p. in.; Wednesday service, 7.J.0 p. in,;
Minion Hand, Saturdiy, 2.30. Morning subject,
"Jesus I.ot and Found" evening subject, "In
fant fealvallou "
Holy Trinity, Adams avenue and Mulbcriy
stiect llev, C C. Spleker, pastor. Servile,
10 30 a. in., 7 30 p. in ; Luther hague, 6 30 p.
m.l Suudaj school, 12 in,; Catcchetlial iiwtrur-
tinn, Momlav, 7 p. in. Illhle study Wednesdaj,
i.n p. m ; .Mission Hand, Saturdaj, 10 a, in.
St. Paul's Short avenue llev. W. C. 1 I.iuer,
pastoi. Services, 10 30 a, in., 7.S0 p. in.; Sunday
uliool, p. m.; Catechetical Instruction, 3.45
p. in.; Luther league, Wednesdaj, 7.30 p. m,
ZlonV, Millliii avemit llev. P. F. Zlzchnanu,
pattor. Services, 10 Sil a ni , Sunday school, 2
p. in.
Christ chuidi, t'idar avenue and Uirdi street
llev. James W like, p.utoi. Services, 10 30 a. ni ,
7.30 p, in ; Sunliy school, 2 p. in.
St. Peter', Pusiott avenue ltev. John Kan
dolph, pastor. Seniles, 1030 a. m., 7.30 p. m ;
Mindaj sthoul, 2 p. m,
l.maiiuel German. Polish Lulheian chuidi, lleese
street Itcv. Ferdinand Sattdmeier, patoi,
Preadilng in the German language at 10 a ni.J
Sunday school, 2 p. m
Chilst Chun h Corner Washington avenue and
Pail; street. ltev. F. 8. llallcntlne, rcctoi. S.i
vices, 10 30 a. in., 2.30 p. ni , 7.30 p. m All
siats free. All welcome.
Ciaie I.'iirIIiJi Lutiieiau church (General Sjnod)
corner Madison avenue and Mutberrj street llev.
Luther Hots Wailng, pastor, 0.30 a. ni Sunday
school; 10.30 a. m., divine worship, subject of
sermon, "Christ's llaptlsm and Ouis"; 0.43 p. in.,
. P. ti. C. K.; 7.J0 p. m., divine worship, sub
ject of sennon, "Christ's Temptation and Ours."
Kvirjboily welcome.
All Souls' rnlversalijt Church Pine stieet, b.
tv.ieii Adam unJ Jeffersoi. uvcnueit. ltev. O, II.
lleureUliy, pastor., C9 Adams ave
nue. Morning senile, 10.30; evening gervtio,
7,r0 ltev, .V. H, sUBc, LL. 1) will preach both
morning and evening, and each evening during
tho week. Homing subject, "True Renlce and
hi Itewaid." I.vfiilng subject, "Peace ThrouBh
Conrllet." Monday ci-ening, subject, "Why Don't
Ood Kill the Devlli" Sunday school at 11.30,
-Mrs, S. Dinjamln superintendent, All are wd
come. Drlng a friend with jou.
Kllvt Cliurcli (Clirlut rVlcntist), SIS Adanu
avenue Sunday services, 10.30 a, m. snd 7,30
p. m.l Hiindty school, ,43 s. m subject,
"Life;" testlmoiiial ineetliiKS Wednesday
at & o'rloek Tin diurch I ilsa op n
every day during the week. The Illble md all
Christian (science, litcratuic Is kept In lis free
public reading room. "Science and Health with
Key to the Strlpture," by Mary nakef IMy,
will bo leaned ti Investigators vslthout chirge,
VIsltois and lettirs1 of Inquiry arc welcomed
snd given courteous attention and inform itlon
First Primitive Methodist chuidi, Gicen ltldge
IIcv. O, Ies, psstor. Mrs. W, K. lllandy will
conduct special revival meetings In the morning
at 10.30, evening at 7 o'clock. Service will he
held each cvinlng during the coming week ejicenl
Haturdij. Xon-church-gocrs are kindly Invited to
come to theso meetings. You will ba welcome.
Chilstlaii church, North Main avenue I'rei'h
lng at 11 a. in. and 7.30 n. m. The ordinince
of baptism will be administered it the close of
the evening service. llvinlng sublet t, "The
S'crlptutal Answer to What Mu.t I ). ti He
Saved." Sunday school, Id a. ni.) Y. P. S. U.
l' in lectuie room at 5 45; leader, Mii lulu
Davis AH are welcome.
Calvary Itefotmed Church, Monroe avenue and
Gibson stieet ltev. Marlon L. Flror, pastoi.
Services, Siindaj-, 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in.;
Holy Communion at both s,iv(M; Sunday
school, 11.45 a, in.; Chrlallan Kndeivor mertlng,
0.45 p. ni.
Some of the Handicaps In Corienpon
denco a Century Ago.
George Washington never snvv a
Doataire stamp or an envelope, says
Success. They weio unknown here un
til 1837, after Rowland Hill had Intro
duced them in Knirland. Letters weie
written, folded and addiessed, all on
the same sheet, and stuck with a
wafer or with scaling wax. Our eaily
statesmen could hatdly have dreamed
of the millions upon millions of por
traits of themselves that would some
day bo distributed broadcast by a
great postal system. In 1800, the mail
routes Included a tew cities lit .Maine,
Georgia, New Hampshire, New Yoik,
PennbylvanlH, Maryland, Kentucky,
and Virginia, making tt I-weekly deliv
eries in summer and bi-weekly in win
ter. There was no postmaster-general
In the cabinet until 1S29. Letters were
charged twenty-live cents postage for
anything over four hundred and fifty
miles; half a century Utter, ton cents,
prepaid, carried a letter three thous
and miles, and, under that distance,
live und three cents. The popular
pen was the good gray-goose quill. It
van not until 1S19 that we got our
first steel pens from Kngland, where
Peny had Just begun their man u far
tut e. Henry Clay learned to write
by tracing the letteis on sand with a
sharp stick, and Daniel "Webster's ilt.-,t
pen was surreptitiously plucked fiom
his mother's pet goose, his Ink being
soot mixed with water. A few In
dlvkltials -were the envied possessors
of gold pens -which weie made In
Kutope, hut the majority used "Dutch
An Idea of Its Achievements Shown
by Comparisons.
William 11. 'andlson, in Suece'c
One bundled yeais ago! a. e
maiUable stoiy the panorama of the
closing centuiy reveals! In lbOO, our
rounti y was a plucky fledgling,
healthy, vigorous, nident In hope, high
In lesolve. Our total population was
less than R,."00,000. fieimany and Brit
ain ench had four times our number,
Spain twice as many, and even little
Poitugal had as big a family of sons
end daughters as Uncle Sam. West
of the Mississippi, all was wilderness
We had thirteen little states and ?ew
cities of prominence except Philadel
phia, New York, Baltimore, rioston
and riiaileston. The entitu revenue
of the United States government! un
der our fit st administration was eonly
$4,500,000, while It now costs annually
$9S,100,413.3J to defray tho expenses of
the government ot 'ireater New Yoik,
Washington was then a new settle
ment. with only a few thousand popu
lation, and had been only lately made
tbe capital. The total wealth of the
countiy was roundly estimated at
Sunday School . BV
Lesson The Triumphal Entry. j- e- .
10 r. 4.A. s tt Secretary of American
Ton now 11 flatt. XXI; 1-17, Society of Religiou
January io. i-jucation.
CO.VlfJCT. it Hill bo olweneil that tli- In
ternatiunil rommi.ilttce lias turnctl luck fror.i
tlie twcn(--Kixtli to tin.- tweuty-llrt chapter. Hie
itawn for this wai stated lost tiu The anoint
ing of .Icsus Is i oroide J Ly Matthew out ot its
piojier connection, as an event antlrlpatinit tho
ircichfr.i ot Judas. While the 1 inter nilh the
prlcts occurred in Jirusalem on Tuesday, it
uas without doubt Ihe ( ulmlriatlon of thou
sinister designs which v. m- htlil on Sjiuuby
beforo In Ilethany. tc aro not Informed liow
the feat KUcn to uui Ixiid tinnlnatrd. flic
uccoiint of It in kuddinly closed by Clirid's
statement conccniln; Ihe iciiienibranco of Mau'a
act. Ihe next (iicuiintance, nlatcd in tho
hl.loiy, fornn the Icthou lodaj, tho entry Into
Jerusalem. i;coitcd by a at ciowd wlilcli
ronttanlly incrcastd, .Ieus left Hip little hamlet
of MWit repose and advanced toward the- celes
tial (liy, the closing Jourury of Ills eventful tiler.
OI.OOll U'llV. .leuisaleni wa built nu a seile?
of hills (Gen xxl: Sj. On It ta.t Mv was
tho alk of Jchoihaphat (Joel III: ; lleti. i:
2), a narrow and precipitous plen, throuali whleli
tho brook Kcdion flowed troni north to south.
Ilrjoml tho valley eastward was tho Mount of
Olives, the scene ot Important events In the life
ot David and Solomon (2 Sim. xv: .10; 1 Kings
Mi 7), the theme of prophecy, nolhphage was
a small clmier of houes perhaps fifteen fur
longs distant from tho cllj wall, occupied by
thoao who were engagtil in the culture ot the
ollvo tree oiid tho Wnc. Two miles (unlit r
iivvsv. nt Hie beglimlrn to the asint of Mount
of Olives, was liethanj, a more Impound. II
lage, the homo of a moie quiet snd peaeefnl rural
PAII U.M'.I. 'Hie lesion for todaj Is given
by all tlie (vuiigelliU .luhu being leas complete
than the others (Msrk its 1-11; John till IM'lj
I.ul.o xtx: 20-II). This fact nieasiucd the call
mated importance of the event. One bundled
incldints lu the life of, or flve-sixths ot
all are omitted ly one or another of Ills bio
graphers, being dec-mod unucsfai.v to the pur
pose ot the writer. Iwciltv five nkelcluii found
place In all the Gospels, the triumphal entry
Into Jerusalem being one of them. There
nrrarrd bv themselie', taken out of their con.
nectlou, laid side bv side, in parallel, and
studlid ( onweut It f I, piiient Miverrt lines of
precious truth, wen nowhere else, fur whUli
there Is not Kpaco heie so much as to give an
outline (John xx: M). lie Mho lairs to make
the proper Etudy will not fall of his icward
ntr.l'AnATIO.V.-Afler leaving llelhaii for
ttethphage Jesus sent two dlxlplcs lo an ud
Joining tillage with Itutiucllcui to hiliin Iilin
a colt tint they would find, and II aro objected
to reply: "The Lord lulli need of 1dm " In
this lie allowed ills authority (Mark l: 7; xlv:
U), and Ills knowledge both of the animal and
tf Its owner, who must have been u plnus Jew;
willing to devote his properly to icllglous ivis
(l'alin xxlvi 1 1 riirun, s: u-is), 'Ihe
disciples obejed (Matt, xxvli U), found tlie
beast, snd brought It and its mother (Matt, xxlt
2), giving answer as dlrcctrd. They then placed
their loose- gannenls on the. colt (Mirk xlt 7),
nd seated Jesus (hereon til Kings lit 18 II)
There Is Only One Tlethod
by which
Say That the 34 Ptt Cent. RsJuctlnn
In the Death Rate tor iqoo.
This, then, Is the question you must
decide. Whether you will continue to
experiment with tho old methods of
tieatlng Catanh and Consumption, or
use the new.
The facts of the ense are these: The
old methods, which comprise stomach
medicines, cod liver oil, tonics, rtpinys,
douches, atomizers and vapots, have
been used continuously for years, and
as a test of their value you have but
to refer to the lecords published year-
ly by the United States during this
time. These lecoids show that In 1SS3
the denths fiom these diseases wete
eighty-one thousand and thirty-four
In this country alone. Ptom that date
the number of deaths caused by res
plratory diseases inct eased so lapldlv
that they had toadied the appalling
number of two bundled and fifteen
thousand In lS'JC. thus showing how
'valueless! these old methods weie in
curing these diseases.
In 189'i li-ooth discovered HYOMRI,
:i new Dry-Air Geiinlclde, which could
be Inhaled, and thus teach the germs
In all partu of the head, thioat und
lungs, but tho doctors had b this time
given up nil hope of successfully com
bating Catarrh and Consumption, and
it required considerable time to prove
to them the value of this new discov
ery. However, In ISO" its wonderful
efficacy began to be felt Hundi eds ot
suffereis were Induced to use It, and
us a result. for the first time in his
toiy, a reduction In the death rate was
reported. In 1898 and 1899 this reduc
tion Increased and in 1900 u ached a
grand total of 34 per cent. proving
beyond all question of doubt that at
last u. cure for lespiratory diseases had
been found.
These aie Indisputable facts
On the one hand you have all ihe old
methods and an Increase of two hun
dred and fifty per cent. In deaths din
ing the time they were most used.
On the other hand you have IIYO
MIM, the only germicide that can bo
inhaled, the endoisement of all legiti
mate physicians, also the United States
Health Reports, and a 34 per cent, re
duction in the death rnte, to show the
wonderful power of this new treat
ment. It Is very easy for any one to prove
the above statements. Will you do so,
or cast asides this evidence given by
the highest medical authorities In the
country: these facf and figures fur
nished by tbe government, and con
tinue to experiment with the old treat
ments and imitations of HYOMKI?
It remains for you alone to decide
and while doing so, lemeinber that
there is but one lemedy out of the
hundreds on the market for which
your money Is icfunded If It falls to
cuie. and this 1IYOMKI.
HYOMEI Is sold by all druggists or
sent by mall. Complete Outfits $1.00.
Trial Outfits 2"c. A five days' treat
ment will be sent free to nny sufferer
on application.
The R. T. Booth Co., Ithaca, N. Y..
$200,000,000, or very little less than
foi ty dollars per capltn.
MHtthew iletljrc that all this was done In ful
fillment of prophecy (Ztch. K: 0), the disciples
st the time, however, having no understanding
of what the- did (lolin xll: 10), that Is, of IU
slgnllicance, hut merely following the Niviour'a
I'llOCK-'MON, The company then moved on
toward Jerusalem. bumc broke off Lunelle
hum tiees (Lev. xiil: to), and others (at t hell
garments In the wat. Learning of the ap
proach, many who had come up fiom the cit.v
to the feat went out to meet tlie advancing
column (John xll: 12-11). nd so it came U
pasis that some preceded and home followed the
Saviour. Then began wild demonsliatlous of
Joy, Some who hid Men Lazarus ialed fiom
thu dead (John xii: 17) recited the wonderful
woiks of Jesus (Luke xl. J7). At length a
Ung united shout filled the air. "Hcsanua to
the Son of iMvId'" (Matt. I. I) "niesstil U lie
that crmeth in the name nf the Lord"' and
words of like Import (Lul.e II: it). Tho l'liart
kim who inliuUil in the crowd expostulated
wl'h Jesu', seiklug to cheil this ovation In
Ills lioior, but He replied that if the people
were silent the klones would cry out (Hah. 11:
11, Luke: SO-tO). Tailing in their purpose,
the I'lnrltecs whispered one to anothei (John
xll: 19), that the world bad gene after Jesus;
tint It wrs becoming a serious rase of popu
larity which they were tinible to check, de
manding violent and expeditious mc.iMiii'.
rXl'IXO, Another wene Uliectly opposlie to
the former, perhaps witnessed bcfoic It, demands
attention. O-t coming to an eminence whcio
tho city was fully exposed to levv, an IndJscrlb.
ublu soriow came to Ihe heart of Jeiues. Ho
paused. The proccjilon halted Vhe tumult
of acclaim wis hikhed. Ihe glad riles uanU
Into silence. As Ha gassed a ruh of divine
companion willed up Irom His Iruuoot soul.
Heie, over fallen Jmi-ilcn., He wept aloud Hut
whT Ho was gazing with tin (.) I e glance cf
piophecy on a (ir-dlstant nene, and as the
vl.lou of tlio future liwlul upon Him and He
recalled the promlte of peacu which the very
name of tho uitv bieallnd, ard knew that
sho would sih peace sgiin no moie, The Saviour
who was soon lo be cru. Illul, ulcd out". "If
thou ludst known, evin thou, at leatt In Hits
thy day, the things that belong unto thy peace,
but now they aie hid from thine ei"" (bto
I'-iirar'a "Silence and VoIks of flod"). So
Jems mourned the tate of tho Jewish inetiopo
111 (Matt, .xxlll: S7), who.o destnirtlon by the
Unman army In the Kar 7u A. I, was the es
edition of divliiu jiidgiueiit for long continued
snd de.pnalc wickediew, Tin re his been rnuih
.pictilation, Innocent jud natural, if not profita
ble, concerning what might have bein had Jem
salt m oucptcd the Lunl as Messiah,
Itllt'KI'llON". How long tho Satour luoutned
over Ihe fated cltv wo are not Informed, The
piocrs.Ioii naJ-iil on again down the i-Iope of
Olivet, aciois the ravine, tluoiigh tho gate. The
excited exort renewed the Jojous rtemonstia
tlou, and the metiopolis, filled with ttrangcu
fiom all parts, was greatly moved by the shouts
of the multitude, "Who Is IliU" Ihe eager
Inquiry spread from lip to lip (Matt, xxit in 11),
and the answei was n fumed with rnthuifa.ui,
CclitlttdcJ from Vise 0
fits received. The kindness cf the telephone com
psny list been of Incalculable service t ous, snnl.
Misting distance M It does and fadlllitlns the
woik In an Infinity of stoji. The traction corn.
rny liM frequently nude III their deblois Iiy
furulihlne trsiupottatloti for the Home famll;
when tickets to entertainments had lie sent them
Not lour ago such happiness was theirs when
tickets for a performance at the I.vcciim were rent
liy Mr, T. II, Watklns, and cars for the eventful
Journey neio furnished liy Mr, Sllllmm. One ol
the oldest Inmates, who counts her four score and
five jean, overjojed at the piospcct ot such an
unusual outburst of sunshine In her sombre life,
ejficuhted with inueli fervor: "Hless their Kod
kind hearts for such consideration ot we old
To the dairies, the bakeries, the Consumers' Ice
compvnv, the Ladles' Aid societies and millds ol
the different churilies, the clcrcv, tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad, the press, the
ih)s!elan, the Inaikcts, the club", the beloved
juniors from all oier the city and Dunmorc, tc
various orginlzitlons, to Mr. ('. II. Scott, to om
merchants, to the Saturday night donors, to little
folks and M;, to all sorts and conditions of men
nc site our heartleit thanks. We should like
to mention each itlft, ich ulirr, fur nil save so
thoughtfully, so lovlnifly. When the sweet flilds
of South Canaan in no dressid In llvltne green an
appeal was uncle one lovely dar last summer
b.v a clerKjman to his people. "(Itvcl" old he.
"(live to the Home, snd don't give what ,on
don't want, but glie where jou will feel It." A
llttla later, In the gulden iIj.v of Vptember,
twenty live thickens camp over the hilts, together
with li.irrcls of ipples and pars, potatoes, sacks
of v oki tallies and delirious fivill, "and," said a
friend who knows that lovely rcfrion by hcirt,
"when I uw a basket of choice plums and knew
tint the sender had only one plum trei- I felt
sure tint the minister's words had been heeded."
The Delaware, I.ukawann.1 and Western engi
neer.! keep the Homo dlnln? loom tlulr chosen
Meld, In mind, and supply Its neiiN. Once more
the two bots who hid the same brilliant Inspira
tion the Fumukr before, made a IorM.all) ion
ducted rvcurjlon to the mountain side, from
win uce they returned with twenly-scven quarts
of InuMcbetrlc for the Home, where Jov and
hutklebeiry rie soon prevailed, l'requently en
tertalmiments of sonic and recitation are given
at the Home by friends who thus brighten many
lo.ilie hours for the old people and delight the
little ones. An afternoon with a eraphouhone
afToidcd iiitcre amusement seme time ago and
occasional teas gracefully served by deft hinds
luve been bright spots to nmeinber.
Donation l.iv. Thanksgiving day and Christmas
day were occasions of great note, snd were
crowud with gladucc. The receipts of the first
surpassed those of al! previous donation di.vf.
TlianUkiviiii; was a "feast of fal things." Agiln
did the children ot No. HO school tend all man
ner of good things two wagon lolds enough to
proride for many .i day. Prom other benefactors
came manv otteilngs among them twelve turkejs
V.K Sheriff noblnon's turkey of thirty -one pounds
was a iuiirco of nuny wonders to many an un
precedented sight. Nor was tho feasting sclQdi,
as seviial wire heard wishing tint other ehildrni,
not at the Home, might have so good a dinner.
One little girl, who uus a pitiful sight whui
first brought tn the Home, to dicadful had been
her Ireshiient, could scaicely wait till the- event
ful div came Mie had a tradition thai time in
her life she had (iten turkey, but it was so lonp
ago that her remembrance was very luwy and
conllned onlv to the- name. Dinner over, onic
one tnuulrcd how the turkey tasted, and with a
apt look the answer cctistliallv came: '"-plen-did,
and I feel as If I'd bustl" Al ChrMmas
the gifts were piofue, but, tlmugli one little
T-.vear-old puson announced thit It was the Rood
est t'hlistmas she ever bid, and tho children
were absorbed with their toys, for the Wilder ones
it was not so bright us usual. A shadow had
fillen on tho house, one of the old ladles was
borne to tier last resting place on Olirlatmis ec,
and the other-, miwcd her. jet they tried lo be
One iiinutial treat was (njo.ved .m Knit
llali plum pudding tt delicacy they had heaid
cf, but bad nver eaten, o It was tatcd with
much awe and great circumspection, and was
pionunu'd "perfect I v delicious." The dinner
from the (llobe Warehouse was placed, as usual,
in Ihe same categoi.v. A bountiful contribution
came from a lonely daughter in lar-off Call
foinl.i, wl oec thought, though not epreed,
could be read without words: "Mother wo'dd
do it If 'He were line." .Mi! the abtnt mothers!
Their intltience rem ilns, though for them t.i'
former thlnss jie passed away, and they haie
entered "In tfnoi'gh the gales Into the cllj,"
Utters from ehlldrin placed In homes often
come to tl e uulitii ttlllni; ofucw plcasuict and
duties, and it is a tribute urieni sdutislv ten.
dctcd to 5Ir. Walker thai Ihej begin "
'This Is Jesus, the piophct of Xamttli and Gdll
lee." .Sueli cenen were not iarc in this Jewish
capital. 'Hie proud dependents of Alirahim, Te
lling on the piomlses of God thiougli their pio
phcts (V.zlI. xxxiv ; -Jl!4), regaided themselves
as the custodians of His law, and Ihey accom
plished thch de.tlny (Amos. i; 11.12) Hence,
on miny of the feast ouaslona, when Ihe national
spirit revived, It was expected that thele would
bo some popular demonstration in favor of some
gnat leader. Hut this reception of Jems far
exceeded in numbeis and liupui lance anv acioid
ed to another.
INMnX-lION.-HavIng entered ihe ill, Juu
proceeded to the temple, and "looked lound
about on all things." In this was fulfilled the
prophecy nude (cutuites before (Mai. Ill; 1), He
saw many disorder time, but kept silence fer
the timo (I'ajlm 1: SI), although He Intended to
buppnss them on thu moriuw (Mail, xl: 1V1U)
Miat lioly ncdltatlons He miut have had n
spelling the sacrifice und tlcs to be so soon
fultllled in Himself, How must He have been
paimd by the worldllne-ws and iiiiincciil ap
parent on all hands! The Inspection being com
pleted Jesus retired toward evening fiom the
city, accompanied by His disciples, and sought
reht for the night in Ihe home of Ills beloved
Lauius (John l: r.), irinoved from the noUo of
tlm ell, refreshed by bearu filled with grateful
KINGDOM. The leon bears dilieil.v and foul
bly upon the Minslanlo kingdom. II is evident
that the shouting multitude, Im Hiding the
pits, thought Hey were ii'heiing in the king,
who would break the Itoman oke (Acts I: 10),
unci revive- the national hopes 1'iobablr thev
were disappointed when Jr. us did not asiit
Himself a ml assume the Ihionc (Luke xxlv: f!7)
Hut what was Ills purpose? In oiderlng tn.
colt did Ho meirly Inlind in otter oppoilunlly
for such poptilir expression, that He might (lis
slpate tho mt.takeu uotloin? Oi, did He, bv
this meek and lnotlenhe method. Intend to II
lcstiato the natmo of His kingdom (Luke 1: o.'Jr
Coming not on a war hoie, nor et with weapons
nf war, but with the glad aulalm uf folio en
and admirer, lie nuj have Inlmded thus lo
show forth Ihe relgu He -ought tn (stahlUh (Isi
Ix: C-7)
I'ltAdflCAL. v ne Hut elite. ti well us
Indlvlduils aro auountablc (I.Vek, vli. 23). Their
Judgment comes tn tills world, Hutned up foi
a puiiKx-e, possessing oppoitiinlllevs und lilesslngs,
they may be sp.urul for a lime, but, If mifaith.
ful, God will punish mid devtro (I'.alm hi 1).
toilom, Gomorrah, JciiuiUiu ihelr names aie
a warning to all iiiunlilpilliles, who "know not
the dav of their vMUIInii.1 pgei(eil oppor
tunltlcs. reiultlng In Jeiusileiu's ovirtlirow, ex
cited Jons to tears, Kverv gift of (iod is
piompted by be. n Inhnlte Heart carn to
bestow, and Ihen coiicws when Ihe leelphut
ubiises tho gift (lleb, ,-ti 20), A stranger gave
Jeius his colt foi the asking, How much ate
we. willing to five tor tbe .presd nf Ills'1 .king.
dumf Will w help to swell the untheiiurthil
now may be arouul the globef (I'hll, II: 1J),
When lie comes Into our tunnies and "looVi
around aliout," will He approve what Is there,
(John In 29) f
Constant Dull Pain in My Back
Mr. Samuel Cleveland Is c&rpentcr,
resldos at 01 Cottage Row, Bradford, Pa.
hat tho following to say concerning
trouble and the wonderful euro accom
plished by Morrow's Kid-ne-oids.
"For th past three years 1 bare bad Kidney
trouble so us to not be able to do much work. I
had a constant dull pain lu my back and at times
tt was aocompii tiled ty a sharp shooting pain Just
oTor the kldueyi, My nerves wore aftecied so 1
could not sloop wotl or Ret proper test. Th
secretions from the kldnojs showed a deposit
IndloatlnK it constant drain on my system. I
tried a number of doctors nod took nearly every
Kind ot kidney medicine In existence, but noth
ing did ins any good until I took Morrow's Kld-ne-ottls.
After taking them a foir days I noticed a
change in my condition. One fflcent be lias
entirely rcmovod the dull pain la my back and
done ine more good than all the doctors and
tber medicine I took tn tbe past ino yean.
cx.&rrj; -vcgK
Wgipriten';' '!
The JP.WKTT is modern, up -
and rapid.
Jv I
tf3v W
iHHk Kidneyi.
LsT V4ssssisibbQssSss9bsH VV
I .- lZl-rf,'i,SiSsTTiA 1'f'WflN 2Tl-'j' irTT It
i4tw7Xw u far
JEWETT No. 10 Has Ninety-Two Distinct Char
acters. Eight flore Than Any Other Standard Ha-chine.
215 Board of Trade
.Mother." The record closes onl heiaue It must,
not foi lack of hidden t or mateiial; it could go
on like the broo'i
"lW evir) moinlng Is the love
Out wakming snd tipiisliig piuve "
This is the underl.ilng piinelple of the support
of the lfuiue, 'Ihe end of the commandment is
charily Love Is Ihe fulUHIng of the luw,
Anna 1'. MoITat,
tteioidlng y-ecitt ir Hone for the Triendleni.
beranlou, Jin. tl, UiOl.
A nomlnatltiB' committee, composed
of Mrs. A. K. Hunt. Jlrs. C. H. Scott
and Mis. J. Attlcim IJobeitson, pre
pentcd tho following list of olllceis for
the ensuing year, who wore unani
mously elected: Mrs. AV. D. Kennedy,
president; MtH. C. V. Mntthews, vice
ptesldenl, Mrs. 1. O. Brooks, chief
manager: Mi s. K. S. Moffat, recording
teeiutnty, Mrn. ( H. Penman, cor
respondlni; secretary: Mrs, D. K. Tny
lor, tteasurer.
Manajrers For tlnee yt.ti", Mis. r.
W. Mason. Mrs. C. n. Scott, J. H.
TDImmlck, Mis. II. A. Knanp, Mrs. A.
12. Hunt. Mrs. 12. F. Chamberlain,
.Ml H. K, ltlchmond, Mrs. J. P. Dick
son. For two yeais, Mrs. H. J. Fos
ter, Mis. U. M. "Wlnton, Mrs. AV. II.
Perkins. Mrs. X. Y. I.eet. Mrs. 12. II.
nipple, Mrs. John Genter, Mis. T. H.
Dale, Mrs, I.. AV, Mors". For onvi
year, Mrs. K. V. I.uee, Mrs. J. Ij.
Connell, Mrs. Charles Sehlager, Mrs.
J. A. Itobei tfcon, Mm. U Tt. Stellc,
Miss J. Tl. Shannon, Mrs. V. AV. Wat
son, Mis. Coru Merrlfleld,
At the eotu'luslnn of the bushiest
session, J. I.. Stelle, who has been of
Mich aid to the Home, was called upon
for remaiks. He nioke briefly of ails
Interest In the work and of the
(UconuiReincnt which seemed to be
offeicd now for the Institution He
was followed by Judge Knapp, who
referred to Mr. Stelle's valuable ns
tlstnnee, which he said was the In
spiration leading the ladles to secure)
a substantial sum for tho relief of the
strained financial situation. Last
j ear's almost hopeless outlook was a
meat contrast to thW, when the pros
pects are so much bilchter. Great
credit, he said was due to Mr. Stelle
ar.d the other Rood friends who had
come to tho ie.cue and relief Avium
hope was darkest.
rolonel nipple, of the advisory
board, spoke bilelly. congiatulatlnir
th management upon tho ImproA'cd
piospt ets. Ho spoke l'Jitteularly of
the secretary's lcpoit, Avhlch ho had
Bieally enjoyed,
ISoa'. Dr. Lansing lolloAA'ed, with ap
piopilatp leinnrks, In Avlileh he ex-pi.-sed
u I'cellnsr of exhllaiatlon In tho
rally hopo of thr hoav century He
believed that In, tho co-operatlon with
the unfoitunnto In the offoit to lift
them, the helpers are alto stientrth
t'i'cil. ( then refened to tho late
Philip Armour, Avho Ahen asked Avhnt
of all his possessions he counted an
slvltis' him most Jov and satisfaction,
ald thn Atmour Institute, which does
n benevolent and Kiaclous woik some
thin? ."Initial to this The speake
ihoiiKht that lu nldlnr the suffeiltn-,
hh In lllf Home, the vvoikets do ocn
moie for tliemselvcH than for the tin
foil unities.
The meatlng tlnsed with a olt ot
tluuiKs for the valuable assist nice of
Colonel L. .. WntioH, Colonel T2. H.
P.lpple and Hon. H A. Knapp, In plan
ning the matter or uilslnsr the $10,000
n Ire ail A' noted, and to .ludge Knapp
for pieslillmr at the meeting. A A'oto
n' regret was iiIho taken on the leslg
imtlotiK of Mis, l.imgstalf. Mis, Hen
di Itk and Miss Iloyuolds,
For a Cold In the Head
Laxative Diomo-Qulnlne Tablets,
are made for Kidney Diseases and that they cure
Kidney Diseases can be attested by a "cloud of
living witnesses," one ol which tells his story
above. Morrow's Kld-ne-elds are for sal by all
druggists or by mail, prepaid, on receipt of 5c
Morrow's KM as ol Js r mails sol hj
Writes and shades seventy-five
letters to the line.
Writes straight on ruled lines.
Has automatic type-cleaning
The best manifblder and stencil
The lightest touch to keys and
least fatigue.
The IEWE1T ball-bearinir car-
? ,.i . .i- iii.
nape "ueais incworici.
The JUWETT liner is easily the
most clever device of its kind.
to - date, simple, convenient, durable
Madame A, Ituppert nj :
"UyFaca Ulcitcb Is not new, untried
roamdy, but bos been used by tba beet
lHjople lor years, aud for dlssolTln and
removing forever pimples, freckles, moth
patches. Blackheads, eczema, tan, sunburn,
sallovrtiMS, roughness or redness of the
sklu, and for bilghteuius; and bcanttfylnr
tho complexion It bag no equal.
It Is absolutely harmless to the most
delicate skin.
Tho ruurvollons Improvement aftir a
few applicAtlona in moat uppsront, lor the
skin becomes as nature intended It ekould
be, smooth, clear snd wblts, free from
every luiputlty nnd blemish. It cannot
fall, for Its action Is suob that It draw the
Impurities out ut tbo akin, aud doea not
cover them up, and U invisible duitag; use.
This Is tbe only thorough and penaaaeot
Durlnp this month, I will offor to alia
trial bottlo of my -world renowned Face
Dieacli, suOlolent to show that it la all that
I claim for it, and any reader of thisoan
send ma M cents in Btams or etlver, and
I will send the trial bottle, securely
pack, ed In plain wrapper, sealod, all charges
My book 'now to lie Beautiful' will bo
mailed freo to all who will write for It."
6 East Mth Street, New York:
rime. Ruppert'a dray rlalr Restaratjve
netittvlly restores gray ualr to its natural
color. Can be uwdon any shade of balr,
und Is not n dyo. and does not discolor th
sklu nor rub off. Perfectly harmless aud
ul vnyit ttlv a satisfattlou.
Mme. Kuppsrt's Depilatory romovea
supvrlluotis Iialr lu Ave minutes, without
pain; will not Injure the most delicate
rime. Runpert's Ctyptlan Balm for soft
eulnir and hoalinir tbe race and bands.
rime. Ruppert'a Hair Toale positively
remove dandruff, all sculp diseases, stops
lulling- hair, aud in many coses restores
Mme. Ruppsrt's Almond (XI Csmplnleo
foap, medp of pure almond oil and wax,
Dolllfhtful for tho complexion and war
ranted not to chap the most delicate sklu,
.Ml of thotibovii toilet preparations are
hIwhvs kept tn Btook and can be had from
our local aireur.
Mint". A. Ruppert's Colebrttted Com
jilexlou SpaclultieM uie for sale in
rjcrutituii liy
Jonas Long's Sons
Arsenic Beauty Tablets and Pills. Acer
foetly s i ft) uml treatment for all skin
dlsritdors. ReslorM the bloom clouth to faded Ucss.
10 diiyf)' troatmont .Wat 80 days' 1.00, by mjll
Hunn for circular. Addrasa,
iEW VITA MSUICAL CO., Cllslsa Jtcksea Sts.. Cfclcsf
Sold by McQarrmh ft Thomas, Uruc
gists,, t Lackawanna ve., Scranton, l'.