The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1901, Image 1
f.Ei5' ? r -T? A . " ributte. cmnton I THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1901. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. t- ' i d Hwa.. TnMkjVCriU'f'r'MJfDjHrfHlGHM HUlKf" P"V J1 Xsiunvi .0061 THE 061 I - TRUTH Congressional Gonnnluce Wrlnolno Testitnonu Out of Unwlllina Witnesses, at West Point. THECASEOFCADET TYLER Under the Impression That "Honor'' Compels Ono to Shield His Brutal Tormentors the Witness Objects to Answering Questions He Is Forced to Reply and Gives the Names of Evens, Barry nud Others. Uy Itolmltc VVhe lioin Tlie Associated Press. West Point. .Inn II. The congrcs nlonal committee, which continued Uh Investigation of hazing tit the military ncademy until a Into hour lust night, resumed Its Inquiry nt 9.30 o'clock this morning. Cadet John K. Heir, of New Jersey, who wns ft classmate of Cadet Hooz, imd who was one of his seconds In the Keller light, said he had never Been to hasco ciiuce Klvcn to Itooz. He Kald ho was so disgusted with Uoox's con duct In the light that after Booz had refused to light again he never spoke to him unless Hooz spoke first. He as sorted that men's religious beliefs wero respected at the academy. Exercising, he said, had been done away with at Vest Point, lint fighting still existed. "Then this litis not become a Sunday school Institution yet?" remarked Mr. Drlggs. "No, sir." Morr said ho had been told by former Cadet Moigan that he had hazed Cadet Krlnton until the latter fainted. Mr. Drlggs asked him several ques tions regarding notorious hnzers but Ilerr could only remember the nanips of men who had left the academy be fore graduation. "How Is It that you can only remem ber the names of men who are not now In the academy?" "I have told you nil I remember, sir." "Ton are not withholding anything?" "No. sir." In answer to Colonel Clayton, the witness said that brutal hazors were the kind of men who would be most apt to (.ever their connections with the academy lxjforo graduation. "Did you know Cadet Bender?" "Yes. sir." "What was His reputation as a baser?" "He was said to be the worst that ever came here, ho left the academy before finishing his course." "He was bright, bold and brutal wasn't he?" said Mr. AVanger. and then udded, "his retirement was not connected with hazing?" "No, sir." A Humane Hnzer. The witness, in reply to Mr. Smith, said ho had been dismissed from the academy about a year ago, but had gone to AVashington and secured his reinstatement a week later. His dismissal was connected with hazing offences, of which the authorities had beconiu cognizant. Ho had never hazed a cadet to tho extent of his endurance. "Then you nre a humane hazer, If I may use tho expression?" said Con Kressman Drlggs. "Do you distinguish between cruel hazing, such as that done by Bender, and humane hazing, like that enforced by yourself and others like you?" "Yes, in a way, sir." Cadet O. N. Tyler, of Maryland, an other of Booz's seconds In the Keller fight, took the stand next. Ho described tho fight, but added nothing new to what had already been elicited from tho previous witness. He acknowledged that ho had told Booz that ho was a disgrace to tho corps. This was In the evening of the day of tho fight. In reply to Mr. Drlggs, tho witness said that ho had been exer cised almost to the point of exhaus tion. "What heinous crime were you expiating?" asked Mr. AVanger. "I had done nothing, sir. I wns walk Ins up the company street when Cadet Ilarlee, who is now out of tho corps, met me and told me to go to a certain tent, where I would get a few points on woodenness." In reply to questions, he said be ha ; been eagled 400 times, was required ti hang from a stretcher, hold out In dian clubs and sit on a box and hold hla feet orf tho lloor. All this look about an hour. "AVero you very tired?" asked Mr. Wanger, to which Tyler replied: "I was very near to fainting, sir. I got back to my lent nnd my tent-mato helped mo to dress for parade, i at tended tho parade, but my knees wero very weak. I nlso had to do ruanl duty that night." added tho witness. "Were you laid up nfter this?" "No, sir; I was pretty well fagged all next day, but Iot along all iIbIT " Afraid to Reveal Names. The chairman asked Tyler the uunio of the man who had hazed him, but tho witness said: "I would rather not toll." . "Was it Harloe?" "No, sir, Harlec sent me to tho tent. It was a man who is now in the corps ivho hazed mo." Congressman Drlggs Insisted that the witness should tell tht name, as tho man ought to bo brought before the committee, ho said to give some ex planation. Tyler said that he did not like to do so, as it might injure tho man, who Is now near graduation. Tho committee then went into exe cutive session to discuss whether the witness would have to answer. During the time tho committeemen were In executive hesslon in another room tho witness sat still, but was so affected that the tears ran down his cheeks. He was approached by a reporter from a New York newspaper, who poke to him In reference to tho queB- &HV GETTIN reportcr was Immediately F.WM unio his seat by Bergennt-at- Arms Casson. Major Casson then re ported tho matter to the committee and on returning to the court room General Dick addressed the reporter: "Have you approached this witness while we wore nway?" "Yes. sir." "Well, sir, you are excused from any further sessions of this committee," said the chairman, nnd the reporter Immediately left the room. Then turning to the witness, who seemed on tho point of breaking down, (leneral Dick said: "Mr. Tyler, the committee appreci ates your franknets In answering questions nnd all your embarrassment tit this question, but It appears from your testimony that no severer test of hazing has been presented to this com mittee. AVhllo this committee cannot guarantee to prevent punishment. It Is not tho Intention of iho committee to secure punishment. "The object of the committee Is to secure evidence for presentation to congress with a view to preventing a recurrence of such practices. The committee feels that It must Insist that' you answer the question." The Truth at Last. Tyler iiitened intently to word uttered and when the every chalr- innn finished speaking, the witness In a faltering voice said: "Cadet Evans, who has been since expelled, nnd Cadet J. A. Barry, of tho present first class." Tho witness, in answer to some other questions, said that nothing had been done to force a man out of tho acad emy, but the "cutting" of a man seemed to have the desired effect. Judge Smith questioned tho witness at length on the cause of "calling out" of Cadet Boo. Tyler said that he una called out on account of refusing to walk his post properly and making an untruthful statement In reference to it. Mr. Smith read the copy of the report and statement which was In reference to relieving guard properly and the wit ness was mistaken as to the matter to which the report referred, "Do the upper classmen attempt to determine questions of veracity le tween cadet otlleers and fourth class men?" asked Mr. Smith. "Yes, sir." Congressman Drlggs, addressing tho witness, said: "Mr. Tyler, I want to exonerate you with every cadet, and I may be frank with you. This committee wants to know all about the Booz case, the Breth case and hazing. I will Insist on answers, nnd 1 want you and every cadet to know and understand that we are here to get the facts and that hazing must stop. AVo will shield nobody. Now, I wunt you to tell me of all tho cases of severe hazing." "Cadet Carpenter was so severely hazed that ho had to go to bed." said the witness. Looking over a list of the corps, the witness mentioned the names of Ca dets Shorldan, McArthur, Carpenter, Albert, Alvord, Atnnierman, J. B. A. Barry and C. B. Clark. The last throe are not now In the academy. "Who hazed McArthur?" "There wero two men, of whom Cadet Dockei y was one." Case of Convulsions. Tyler told of the hazing of Carpen ter, one of his classmates. Cadet Meyer, of the present first class, In terrupted the hazers and made them desist. Carpenter was put to bed, suf fering from muscular convulsions. Ho was nlso hysterical and delirious, but was all right In the morning. He was not attended by a physician. "Do the cadets not call for a physi cian when a man Is hazed Into con vulsions?" asked Mr. Drlggs. "I never knew of a doctor being called In any case." "What about McArthur?" "Ho waa the worst case, sir. He had convulsions and It took quite awhile to bring him mound. I saw him In bed, whimpering hysterically." The witness mentioned other cases, but could not remember the names of the hazers. In reply to the chairman, Tyler said that the class which came here In '89 suffered from more severe hazing than his class (the present third), to which Booz belonged. Since 1SD9 he said severe hazing had been done away with and theiv was no exercising now. COL. QUAY AT HARRISBURG. Will Remain Until Ballot Has Been Taken for Senator, tly i:cltulve Who from Itir Ai'oclatecl PrrK lliiuisburg. Jan. 11. Colonel M. S. iuay U-turned this atternoon fiom AViibhlngton with United States Sena tor Penrose and will remain In Harrls burg until after the senate and house ballot separately on Tuesday for United States senator. Mr. Quay declined to discuss the. situation, except to repeat his previous declaration that he Would be elected on the first ballot and that It would not be necessary for tho two bodies to ballot Jointly on Wednesday. Insurance Commissioner Durham and Itepresentatlves A'oorhees, of Philadel phia, and Bliss, of Delnwaie, are also hero to assist Colonel Quay In the dl lectlon of his campaign. The senate and house will reconvene on Monday evening and It Is expected that a ma jority of the meuibeiH will icaeh here by Sunday night. Steamship Arrlvnls. By Kxcltuht Wiie from The AmocIjIciI Pre. New Yoik, Jan. 11. Airbed: Hotterdam from Hottcrdjm. Cleared: KaUcrlu Mjtla There!, (linoa and Nuplesj Scrla, I.hcrpoolj Cap Pilo, Hamburg; 1', Glanpow; Potsdam, Hot. tcrdam ti Iloulocjiie. (Icnoa Arrived! Aller, from New York via Nnplr. Sailed: Holienaol. lern dale KaUer Wllliclm II), New York. Ilare Anhcd: La Oajcoijno, New Yoik, Queen ton n Airbed; Etrurla, New York for Llw pool (and proceeded). Marwllleit Arrived: Vic torla, New York for Genoa, ete. Story of Attempted Assassination. By Exclushc Wire fiom The Aatociatcd Piow. London, Jan. n, The. baila of a report of m attempted anamination of the Prince of Walea turni out to be that a hirmlcji furdjii muib clan followed the prime, Wednesday, when lie wan returning fiom ahootlns on the Duko ff Peronihlri" rtatc. 'flio atraneer ran when de. ter-thcu went toward him. He eluded them, but nut Identified later. WARM DEBATE ON ARMY BILL Oblectlon Is Made to the Portion Which Confers Dlscretlonaru Powers Upon President. MR. HOAR'S AMENDMENT Tho Proposal to Limit tho Military Force In tho Philippines Is Laid Upon the Table Tho Bill Appor tioning the Representatives Is Passed Without Debate Tho House Passes Many Private Pension Bills. By nxcludve Wire, from The Associated Press. AA'ashlngton, Jan. 11. In tho senate today a vigorous attack was made up on that portion of the army reorganiza tion bill which confers upon tho presi dent discretionary power to Increase iho strength of tho army to the maxi mum tliult fixed by the bill. Mr. Ba con, of Georgia, began the attach, and Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, replying, maintained that discretionary power ought to be conferred upon the ptesl dent and cxpressad astonishment that anybody should entertain a fear that tho power would be abused. Mr. Ba con declared he would rather see his party condemned to universal and never ending banishment from politi cal power than see such authority placed In the hands of tho president. An amendment opening tho way to the appointment of volunteer officers to grades as high ns that of captain In iho ragular establishment was adopted. An amendment offered by Mr. Hoar, Mass., providing that no further mili tary foice shall be used In the Philip pine Islands except such as may ba necessary to keep order In places In the peaceable possession of the United States was laid on the table by a voto of 32 to 19. The army bill went over till tomorrow, and just before ad journment Mr. Carter, of Montana, culled upon the bill apportioning tho representatives of the United States among the several states. AVIthout debate It was passed prsclsely .'ib It camo from the house. It now goes to the president for his signature. The resolution offered by Mr. Teller. Colorado, providing for the printing of the Filipino appeal presented yesterday was, by consent, laid over until next Monday. Pension Bills. N'ot since the fifty-first congress has the liotiM! passed ns many private pen sion bills at a single sitting as It did today. In all, 170 special pension bills were passed at today's sessions. The most Important was one to increase tho pension of Ueneral Amcrlcus V. Hlce from $3G to $100. General Bice made a gallant record during the rebellion. He was wounded several times and lost a leg at Vlcksburg. He was formerly a member of congress from Ohio and was the author of the arrearage? of pension act. The senate had passed a bill to Increase his pension to $r,o and the house raised tho amount to $100. To morrow the house will proceed with the consideration of the river and harbor bill. PLACE OF HORRORS IN BALTIMORE Shocking Disclosures Made Regard ing the Female House of Ref uge in That City. I)y Inclusive Win from The Associated Prem. Baltimore, Jan. 11. The December grand jury today. In its report sub mitted to Judge Phelps, Hays the pres ent management of the female house of refuge. It declares tho Institution Is a place of horrors, where Inmates aio outrageously treated nnd where the Innocent are morally corrupted and ruined. An alleged Instance Is given where an Inmate was knocked down by an enraged officer, dragged about by the hair and whipped with a horsewhip. She was afterward gagged, put In a straight Jacket and locked In a dark cell. Another Instance Is given where an inmate was driven insane by such treatment. Tho report says further that the de praved, by alluring descriptions of lives of ease and plenty, corrupt the virtuous. It is recommended that stato and city aid be taken from the Institution, thut the Inmates be taken away and that maglstiutes be asked not to com mit femaleB to the place, pending the founding of a reformatory. The grand Jury also makes a pre sentment to tho court against tho superintendent of the place for crimi nal punishment as the one directly re sponsible for the enormities descilbed. Robert Bryan Indicted. By Kiclurho Wiro from The AtbOtUtcd Preu. Phlladilplila, Jan. 11. Tlio urjiid Juvy today Indhted llobm Bryan for the mmder nt Father Hla'cl, tho Roman Cuthollo priest, Wicm- dOJlli occurrrd Ut Saturday morning, utter "knockout drops" had been fciven him with a I'W to 10b. blng him, llrjan l now In the tomlis prison In New Yoik nuultlnv the arrival of rrvihUlon papir. Today' Imllcliiuf '$ the Drt usilnst any of the hl how iindtr i,,i in toniitrtion with iho (rime. 'c Si DEATHS OF A D Y. fly Gxcliulve Wire from The Associated Prey. Altoona, Pa., Jan. 11. Alter a lone lllneM of dlabetci, complicated Hill week with grip, Her. man II, bampt, head ol the firm nt II, H. I.airpe company, owntr of the largest department torea In this eectlon ot tha atate, died thla morning. He had redded here for fifteen yearn, t tarred a email atore which expanded with jenn. He waa a native of W'illlaimport, and 3d yean old. it---, J" twaf nl.itartTtiiitii.Ai DUN'S REVIEW Oj? TRADE. Only in tho Textiles Is Special Hesi tation Shown In Business. By Exclusive Wire, from Tin Associated Pre. Now York, Jan. 11. R, G. Dun & Co.'s AA'cekly Itevlew of Trado tomor row will say: Only in the textiles Is special hesita tion shown. Staple products nre linn, Iron und steel prices are held without trouble, boots and shoes and wool are. steady, und all with fair demand, so that manufacturers aro busy. In tex tiles, however, the improvement which seemed to be promised with tho now year Is still delayed. Construction of bridges nnd build ings, together with contemplated track elevation, crowds the capacity of nil concerns making structural shapes of Iron and steel. Otders for locomotives, cars, rails and all forms of railway equipment, are also abundant, nnd thoio Is no sign of lonction in tho In dustry. Plate nnd sheet mills have Inrgo business nnd merchant steel Is In brisk demand. Competition Is keen, however, and Increased operations fall to affect prices. New schedules are promised In the near future and lower freight rates nre anticipated. Stocks decreased slightly in December, but more is rrnr or accumulation and quo totlons nt Pittsburg nnd Philadelphia have declined during the past week. AA'heat wns agitated by icports of a corner In the May option and for a time exhibited strength. A sharp re- l action followed. holder parting I readily with their contracts. Despite the advance of about 10 per cent over tue puce a year ago. Atlantic exports show an Increase to 3,:r,r.,0."i3 bushels, flour Included, agalnit 2.315.5SS In 1900. Kven more remarkable Is the compari son as to corn, of which shipments abroad atnountd to 4,R13,140 busheli. against 3.40S.793 last year, while the quotation Is nearly 15 per cent, higher. Failures for the week wero 321 In the Tfnlted States against 274 last year, and 37 In Canada against 2.1 last year. RUNAWAY FREIGHT AT YATESVILLE Engineer of Express Prevents nn Ac cident No Damage Besults from the Runaway. fly i:xclule Wire fiom The Assochtcd Press. AVUkes-Bnrrc, Jan. 31. A runaway frleght train on the Delaware and Hudson, came near caus ing a disastrous wreck last night. Owing to the heavy rnln tho rails wero very slippery and tho brakes would not hold. The train dashed down tho steep mountain Rradf- Tiitcsvllle. Tho track It was on rnn parallel with the main track, on which a fast ex press tiain was travelling In the same direction. Tho engineer of tho express did not know that the train running by bis side or a little ahead of him, was run ning awny until ho saw It shoot ncross the track whore It converges with the main track. Then he re versed hl engine and applied the air brakes within a few feet of the run nway train, Strange to say, the run away train did not Jump the rails at the Junction of the tracks, but got over the frogs safely and continued on the main track until It reached an up-hill grade, when It stopped of Its own ac cord. No damage was done. . RAILROAD BLOCKADED. Wesley Grantham Tears Up a Lot of Tracks on His Farm. By TJxclmhe Wire from The wociated Prei. Crawfordsvllle, Ind., Jan. 11. Traf fic on the Chicago and Southeastern railroad Is blockaded houtheast of this city and government malls nre at a standstill on the line. This Is the re sult of n legal tangle, the outgrowth of attempted condemnation proceed ings ngalnst AAresley Crantham, a far mer. The fight has been In progress seven years. C-ranthani obtained, sev eral years ago, a writ of ejectment against the railroad company, and, falling to secure a settlement placed the writ In tho hands of tho sheriff, who at once took a force of men to the farm and tore up a lot of track. The company's representatives rushed Into court and sought nn injunction, but this was denied today. Hundreds of farmers, sympathizing with Grantham In his fight, gnthored and established an armed guard ovr the land. During tho night, two rail road bridges, ono of them sixty feet long, were dynamited by unknown parties, NO CARS AT READING. The Arbitration Scheme Does Not Seem to Be Successful in Restoring Peace, n.r i:cliulve Wlit him Tie Associated Pre.v, neadlnsr, T'a., Jan. 11. Xo fuither attempt was made today by tho United Traction company to inn cars on Its linos nfter the abandonment of an ef fort to do ho early this morning. The arbitration board of live got together again tonight and may continue In ses sion nearly all night. It Is thought that unless the com pany recedes from its announced posi tion respecting wnges, hours of woik and recognition of the union, no Het tlement can be reached. An Editor Killed. 11 Kxiltiklve W'iro lioin The Associated Pieu. nation, Jan. ll.-Clurlc i:. I!oku, for many year an writer on the lliutnn Herald, was limtantly killed tonluht by an epres train on the New Vorl., New Hacn nnd Hut. ford railioad at the Harrison Sqnaie station, Doichesttr, Ho attempted to cro the tracks aftir the Ratc8 weie down. The gatemaii, Kduard Ulclard, had both less broken In trjing lo rcu.ue Mr, lloikui. Senator Hoar's Bill Favored. Dr Kxclu.he Wire from The An.otlattd Prew. Washington, Jan. It. The eenate committee on Judiciary today authorised a faiorable re port mon Senator lloar'fc hill for tho nunUh nviit of train lobbery. Tho hill proldea a renally ot twenty yeara' IinprUonment and a tinu o( $Ti.OOO, or Mb, for the olienae. '),, irjfriniii fii,M- mi,, mmmmftmm FILIPINOS ARE TIRED OF WAR An Ultimatum Is Sent Insuroents Notifying Them to Gome Into Gamp. PUBLIC SCHOOL QUESTION First Public Discussion of the School Bill Demonstrates That Trouble May Be Expected from the Sectar ian Elements of the Country Atti tude of tho Commission. By Inclusive Wire fiom The Associated Prew. Manila, Jan, 11. Tho campaign In northern Mindanao Is directed person ally by UrJgadler (lenetal Kobbe with headquarters at Cayagan. Colonel lllrkhelmer, with live companies of the Twenty-eighth regiment has swept the country and destroyed Filipino strong holds In the vicinity of Santa Ana. Major Case, of tho Fortieth regiment, Is" operating In ihe mountainous region of southwest Cayagan. He has de stroyed several strongholds and cap tured some prisoners. Minor captures and surrenders con tinue In Luzon. The chil officers of hcveutl towns In H-imbales province met at Ban Antonio tecently and signed an ultimatum to rend to tho insurgent leaders, notify ing the Insurgents that they will bo paid thirty pesos apiece for tides and liberated If they agree to keep quiet, setting forth that since General Mnc Artbur's proclamation It Is Impossible to any longer contribute assistance nnd announcing that If the Insurgents do not return to their homes by Janu ary 30 they will be considered enemies of their people who will then nHslst the Amei leans to pursue Ihcm. School Discussions. The flint public discussion of the bill to establish a department of public In Mrurtlon today before the Philippine commission developed ti contest on tho question of religion In public schools. In the centers Is the section permitting priests and mlnlsteis to teach tellglon for halt an hour thro times weekly outside of school hours, provided the parents express n wi ltten desire fur uch Instruction, and prohibiting tbo teachers from conducting religious ex ercises or teaching religion. The direc tors' of the federal party were repre sented by a committee, who, although Catholics, argued strongly In favor of tho elimination of the section. They declined that the use of school houses for religious purposes Is contrary to the United States constitution and also to the platforms of the Ameilcan par ties and the Philippine, federal party and is certain to cause discord. Kep rehentatlves of the Central Catholic society who appealed In behalf of per mitting icllglous instruction In the schools Hfild they did not assume to represent the Filipinos politically but religiously. They asked time for the pteparatlon of a teply and were given until Monday Judge Taft said the attitude of the United States Philippine commission was ono of absolute Indifference be tween the Catholic, Protestant of Mo hammedan religions. The remainder of the day was devot ed to the discussion of tho proposed amendments, the most Important being the establishment of agricultural schools. It will probably be adopted. RUSSIA'S SLICE OF CHINA. It Is Believed That Partition of the Country Cannot Be Prevented. By Kxclmlve wire from The Asioclated Prcn. London, Jan. 12. The Daily Chronicle makes the following Important state ment: "From a trustworthy source we learn that Lord Salisbury has agreed to cede to Russia the railway from Nlu Chwang to Shan-Hal-Kwam. It is not known what compensation will be re ceived for the concession." Leading- financiers versed in Chinese nffaiis, who were Interviewed voster day by a representative of the Dally Mail, appeared to think that, If tho news went correct, It Indicated that Lord Salisbury recognised tho Impos sibility of preventing tho partition of China, and that Russia would get tho north nnd Great llrltaln tho Vang Tse valley, Tho original prospectus ot the rail way company stipulated that the bond holders, mainly Hrlllsh, could bo bought out at any time at the rato of 120 pounds per 100 pound bond. Tho Dally Chronicle, in an editorial on tho subject, taunts Lord Salisbury with having made another "graceful concession," because Great Britain's entanglements deprive her of tho strength to lwck up her diplomacy. TARRANT INVESTIGATION. The Jury Finds Members of me Drug Firm Responsible. By lliclutlro Wire from Tho Awoelated I'rc.u. New York, Jan. 11. Tho coroner's jury .Investigating the explosion In the building occupied by tho wholesalo druggists, Tarrant & Co., returned a verdict today holding tho members or the company criminally responsible. Tho firm members, Thomas S, Main and AVHllam G, D. Powois, wore or dered to bo produced before the Jury tomorrow to 'be admitted In ball of $5,000 each, pending tho action of the grand Jury. President Improving. By Kxcluilve W'iro from Tho Aooclated Preu. Wellington, Jan. 11, It aa stated at the while! Iioumi IhW eu'iiintj that tin! president continue ti linpioro and that no feer cr other unfaorabIe conditions luc appeared. It tho present rato of improvement continue there la no doubt that he will be permitted to 1cm e hla bed early in the comlnf veck. M mmttimklmtii ' mm Nt mtm THE NEWS THIS HORNING. Weather Indications Today, SNOW Oft KAIN. 1 Ceneral Teillin'mjr Ik lore the Hailnu Cm. minion. Filipino Are Tired ot War. henate Debate the Army Bill. Iithirmcn fiao Shipwrecked Pawngem. 2 Oenerat Cirbondjie Priurtment. S Ueneral Whitney' Budget of Varieties. 4 IMilorlat. Weekly letter nn .Municipal Affalr. NoIp and Comment, 5 Ixxal Social and Pergonal, Ono Woman' Vlcna. C Local Annual Mevtlne of the Home (or llns I'rlcndli'M. Pay's Dolnja In th Court. 7 Local Mnor Molr Mgna the Water Hates Ordinance and Approve the Tnnafer lleanliitinn. S liml Writ Seiantun and SdliLtban. 9 (lencriil Xoitheaitcin IYiiii)lunU. ami, 10 Story "A Piemhman' Blunder. " It Lipcal Sunday School Lcuum for 'lomonoar, KcHkIoui Xtvt of i lie Week. U Local l.lo New ot the World ot Labor. TWO OF THE SUSPECTS HAVE ESCAPED Philadelphia Police Have Not Cap tured All of the Gang Concerned in the Riegel Murder. By r.icltiahe Wiie from The Associated Preii. Philadelphia. .Tan. It. Despite the. fact that the notice declare positively that they have arrested all thoso who wore implicated In the murder by means ot "knockout drops" of the Itev. Charles P. Itlegel, a Roman Catholic priest, It Is hinted that two of tho ring leaders In the cni-0 are still at large and that strong efforts are being piado to apprehend them. The two fugitives are salil to be Michael .Tudson, alias "Red Mike," and James French, alias 'Trench Jim." Hoth of these men nre well known to the police. Kvory place where the two men were likely lo be hidden. It Is s.ild, wns searched without avail, and It was ul timately learned that at least oiip of the suspected men had shipped on a vessel thought to be the American lin er Ikbal. which cleared from here a lew days ago for Liverpool. A cable gram has been sent asking thnt either Judsou or French be held on his arri val there. The police also learned that the other fugitive how gone In the dl- tectlon of Ibiltlmore and all southern cltlos nre being watched. The preliminary steps to in Ing "Sail or Hob" Bryan, who wns anested in New York AVedncsclay night, back to the city, wero taken today, when four indictments were returned by tho grand Jury against him. The Indict ments charge inuider, conspiracy, lar ceny and administering a drug to com mit a felony. GILSON WAS NOT MURDERED. Result of Investigation in Case of Plymouth Mine Foreman. Py KxcliKhc Wirci from The Av.ocl.itcd Pun. AVIIkes-Barre, Jun. 11. After thor oughly Investigating tho cno. District Attorney Jones has come to the con clusion that Thomas Gllson, the minis foreman ut Plymouth, was not mur dered last Saturday night. It Is learned that ho lost his way while returning to his home nnd In his wandeilngs fell down a steep embank ment. He was badly Injured and ren dered unconscious. He lay on tho ground all night, with the temperature nearly down to zero. AVhen found on Sunday morning he wns nearly frozen to death. He was taken to a boiler houso to thaw out. He was not Identllied until late on Sunday. The first Impression of those who discovered him was that he was a tramp. Had be received prompt medical attention his life might have been saved. ATTEMPT AT KIDNAPPING. Two Strange Men Try to Cany Off John Kllnollne. Dy Kxcluilve Wire from The Associated Prci. Harrlsburg, Jan, 11. Two strange men made an attempt last evening to kidnap John Kllnellne, aged 12 years, at Mlddlctown. Klinellne Is a newspa per carrier and was Invited by tho ptrnngers to join them In a carriage ride. He declined und one of them Jumped from the vehicle and tried to tako the boy by force. Kllnellno escaped by running Into a nearby grocery store, whero he fell on the floor In a faint from fright. An Immediate search was mado for tho strangers nnd their carriage, but no trace of them could be found. FOUR MEN KILLED. By i:clujiio Wire (rom The Atwlated Pi cm. Pittsburg. Jan. 11. Three foremen and twenty-threo workmen were pre cipitated Into the Monongahela river today, wjille loading a burge with steel tails for the Carnegie Steel company at nraddoek. Four men are known to havo been dtowued and seven Injured. Th- dead: Edward Duffy, John Ko wntch, Patilck CVMalla, John Plshtu. The missing are; John Pisco and Kdward Pope. The Injured men will all iccovier. Cudahy's House on Fire. By i;cluflie Wire from The Awoclatcd Prei. Omaha, Jan. 11, A Miull Merc occuued in tho bate merit ( the K. A. Cudahy mamion thin eu'iilni;, The fire waa innlsnlficant In money luiw, but an Imcitlgation li In protrctJ, the expectation being that the firo will be proun of Incendiary orlcln. Hie tlneats recebed hi Mr, Cudahy lluoui,h tho mails since the, abduction of hi koii several wecka ayo are the Inula for the belief aa tu ineemltarltm. Foot Ball Player Dead. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Taunton, Ma., Jan. II, -lawrence, Martin, ased SO, who waa hurt tn a football gamt at Call Itiver, Chriatmaa day, died today ol hit Injuries. rlifftiiiiiiiviifi.'iilnniriliKiiiittinr n n HEROIC RESCUE BY FISHERMEN Theu Save, the Lives of Passenrjerfc and Grew o! the French Mall Steamer, Russle. FOUR DAYS OP SUSPENSE The Stranded Craft In Violent Storm Terrible Sufferings of Pass engers The Boats of the Plucky Life Savers Are Again and Again; Tossed .Ashore Spectators and Passengers Dlllrious -with Joy .fl the Arrival of the First Boat Load on the Beach. Dy Itxcluitre'VTIrp from Thn Aaaoclateci rreav Faraman, France, Jan. 11. Tho pajn sengers ami crew of tho French mall steamship Itussle, which stranded ncaf here during a violent storm on Monw day, have been safely landed. Ono huin dred and two lives were saved. The lifeline which connected tha wrecked vessel with tho shore parted agnln yesterday afternoon, and -when night set In communication with tho Hussle was cut off. The last signalled message read as follows: "We have not a scrap of food left. Consternation prevails on board," The fishermen at onco made ttvo more plucky 'launches of their boat, but they were beaten back by thn waves, and when the Russia was last descried through tho gathering dark ness, those on board were apparently" trying to launch their only remaining: boat. The storm raged with renewed fury during the night, and only those ivho were compelled to do so stayed on tho beach, part of them huddlod beneath a tarpaulin nnd others sought refuge from the gale In the Faraman light house. In the early hours of the morning torches were lighted on the Russlc's bow and in response, to the signal the Carro fishermen made another effort to reach the wreck with their life boat. Again they wero tossed ashore, drenched to the skin nnd suffering from cold. A bonfire was built of wreckage on tho beach. At daybreak Ihe weather rwrrepttbly moderated, tho M?a became calmer and the wind shifted from east to north. At about fi.30 a. m., the Carro flsh eren ngaln put to sea. The spectators watched with fast-beating hearts as the boat disappeared through the waves. More thnn once It was be lieved to be engulfed, but the little craft rose gallantly on tho crests of the mis and gradually approached tho wreck Then a rope was thrown from the Rusr.Ie. The fishermen caught it and the life-boat wns noon nlongsld. Above the bowling wind, the cries tot jov from those on board were heard, re-echoed on the shore. Another iioat, manned by four men, then succeeded In reaching the wieck od vessel. A few minutes later the Carro life boat left the Hussle's side heavily la den. As she approached the shore tho occupnnts were seen to be women and one baby Tho enthusiasm was delirious. The spectators plunged Into tho sea. Soino dragged the lifeboat ashore and others lifted the women out of tho boat and carried them In their arms through the waves. One woman was clasped in the arms of her son, who had been waiting on shore since Monday. Sho swooned nnd had to bo carried to tho lighthouse on a stretcher hastily con structed from tho wrecknge nnd cov ered with blankets. The other women collapsed with fatigue, cold nnd want of food. Their hnggard faces and trembling limbs told of their awful xperlences. Passengers at Marseilles. Marseilles, Jan. 11. The passengdrn on the Hussle arrived here by rail at half past seven this evening. A great crowd was In wnitlng at the station to greet them. They were loudly cheered ns they left the train and many touching scenes ensued when tho suf ferers met their relatives. Lieutenant Gautherot, ivho was a passenger on tho Hussle, In a detailed story tells of the terrlblo anguish ot thoso on board from Monduy morning, when the vessel tan aground, until tho day when they wero rescued. Ho said they almost despaired of hope of being rescued. All tho corgo was lost and only, a part of tho mull and tho pas sengers' baggage was saved. The ac cident was duo to mistaking the Fara man light for tho Planler light, a mls tako which has caused the loss and wreck of more than twenty hteamer.i nnd given to the coast tho name of tho "Mariners Graveyard." Roosevelt's Hunting Trip. Oy P.tc1ul6 Wire from The Anoclated Preu. llllle, Colo., Jan. 11. Gosenior lcdoeelt anil his hunting; companion kit here thla moinlnj fur MicUl In a four-hori. tallj-ho. On their arriwil nt Meeker, the hull I era will at onen turt with Cuide John CofT lor Coyote buln, wiieie the (tame la expected lo be found. Colliery to Be Operated. Oy Inclusive Wire from The Auoclated Prew. hhamoMn, Pa., Jan. 11. The Shamolln Coal rompany, operating; the Natalie colliery, today notified iM 1,200 employe, who had asked that tho colliery bo operated ten horns Instead at nine that tha petition waa granted and rou)4 so into effect at onco. -"-- ! f WEATHER FORECAST. Waahlniiton, Jan, II, Forecast for fJa. urday and Sunday) Kaattrn Pennsylvania Snow or rain followed by clearing Sit Unisys colder In northern portion) north erly winda, baeilnz to northwesterly! biUk to lilih nn roat,' Sunday, prob ably fair. f f ttttt tttt-T-t-t-ttttt