TTrf?r-lttrT& "fv -" "- ifi v x-in.5; "ri c ' , .'"'' "HJi" N ; rv THE SC11ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JANUARV 11, 1901. jsv NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Ipfclsl to the Scranton Tribune. Montroe, Jan. W. Mrs. U s. AVut- roiis Is erltlenlly 111. Montrose 1ms been visited today with tlio worst Ice storm of tho eoa gon nntl pedosttlnns find wnlklnir our street .1 vry hazardous undertaking. The annual mooting of tho County Historical Foelety will take place In Montroso on Saturday, Jan. 20, 1901. An entertaining programme for tho occasion In bolus arranged by Prof. B. 13. James. Miss Kino Reynolds, an Insttuctof In tho high school, spent last week at the home of her patents! In Tunkhnn nock, and attended the Wyoming coun ty teachers' Institute. Tho Republicans of this boroiiRh will hold their regular caucus for the nomination of cnndldatca lor town and ward ofllces on Tuesday evening next. Miss lloso Judge, one of our popu lar school teachers, was entertained during the holidays at the home of -Mrs. Ella Williams In Nicholson. Miss Lillian Vulmer loft today for Pcranton, where she will spend Sev ern! weeks with her aunts, tho Misses Tllllo, Josephine and Mary Hnwley. Our former townsnvin, Harry 1-3. Taylor, now of Lstncsboro, was greet ing many of his fi lends In town this week. A very pleasant eent was a re union of tho Turtoll family, nt tho icsUlcnco of Mrs. Abel Turrell, on Ma pic sticot, in this ilae, on Monday. Twenty-eight of tho relatives gathered to honor tho eighty-third anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Turrell. Mr. II. F Tun ell, of this place, was tho only one of fie guests present who had been a guest nt the wedding of Mrs. Turrell, mow; than fifty years before. Four generations of the Turrell fam ily were represented at Monday's gathering. Our local lee dealeis are harvesting a fine duality of I'-lnch ice from Jones' lake. At Heart lake a force of stxtv men are busy cutting Ice for the mnm inoth Ico houses at that place. Mrs. Q. AV. Oakley nnd daughter, Miss Ella, entertained a number of their lady friends at a thimble party yesterday afternoon. Captain II. 1'. Henrdsley camp, No. 16S, Sons of Veterans, held their roRU lar meeting on "Wednesday evening. Tho olllcors for the ensuing year were Installed by Past Captain A A'. Nash, as follows- Captain, G. D. Ayres: llrst lieutenant, S. E. Urodhead: sec ond lieutenant, AV. H. Dennis, jr.; camp council, AV. II. Dennis, sr., E. R. Thompson nnd C. AV. Urodhead. Following the Installation. Captain Ayers announced and installed his staff as follows: chaplain, It. F. Aid en; first sergeant, AV. AV. Nash; quar termaster sergeant, AV. II. "Warner; sergeant of guard. ('. W. Urodhead; color sergeant, n. 73. Thompson; prin cipal musician, IT. L. Muck; corporal of the guard, ChaiJvs Van Scoten: ramp guaid. O. D. Hlckok; picket guard. Fred A. Mack. After the exor cises, which Mere wry enjoyable, Mess was served. Past Captain Harry Vance and Comrade Hi nest Palmer were present from the Fianklln Forks camp. The following tire the newly-elected olllcers of Montro.' o Fire company, No. 2 President, T. I"). Payne; vie; presi dnnt. I'.. S. Hinds; foreman. J. V. Clarev; fit st assistant foreman, It. A. "Watrous second assistant, H. AV. Oaklev: secretary, 15. It. Lyons; tieas urer. W. II. AVatn-r; llrst plpeman. II. H. Curcy: second plpeman, Klbeit (I. ITnlllstcr. llrst assistant plpeman, Olln Cooper; second assistant. Eobcit AVood; standing committee, O. IJ. Ting ley. J. J. Rliney. trustees, M. 1). Des. sauer, AV. W. Smith; historian, W. II. "Warner. KINGSLEY. Special d the Scrahtou Tiibuuc. Klngsley, Jan. 10. M. M. McMillan, of Nicholson, was In town Thursday. It. Alexander, of Hlnghamton, was a caller here Tuesday. Robert Cameron, of Clark's Summit, was engaged in doing dental work hero Tuesday and Wednesday. J. F. Adams left Wednesday for a few days' visit with relatives at Claik's Summit and Scrnnton. Wesley Sloat made a business trip to Hlnghamton this week. Mrs. W. W. Adums and son, Windsor, are this week visiting relatives at Har ford. C. Wllmarth.of Scr.inton, was a guest of Harry Adams Sunday nnd Monduy. Professor Thayer, of Ulnghnmtou, will give a free concert In tho Metho dist Episcopal church Monday even ing, Jan. 13. Professor Thayer will organize a flnglng class In this place. Miss Lizzie Tiffany will leave Fii day for n few days' visit with friends tend relatives at Blnghamton. SUSQUEHANNA. Fpeclal to the Scranton Tribune. Suseiuehanna, Jan. 10. The sti iking ICrle bollermakers returned to their work this morning, and all Is quiet on the Susquehanna. Be it said to tho great credit of the men that, tlurlntr tho strike, they were quiet, law-abiding and belf-respectlng. And now, in the languago of the Immortal Orant, "Let us lmvo peace." Tho Dorcas boelety of the Presby terian church Is pieparlng for i. "stocking social." The board of trade will hold its an nual banquet on Thursday evening, February 21. Tho heavy locomotives, recently re ceived here, are being given a thor ough test. Ice, ten and twelve Inches thick, Is being stored in tills place and vicinity. Tho board of trade has petitioned tho common council to hold a special election to bond tho borough for the purpose of raising sufficient money to erect a firemen's hall, for the uso of the fire companies of tho borough. Hew C. C. Mackay, pastor of the Oakland Congregatlonnl church, Is 111. George Kirk, of Bioad stteet, who Ja spending tho winter In Albany, is In town on business. "Tho Homespun Heart" company nppeurtLjn Hogan opera house last evening, tScjpd business. The FUk Jubilee singers will appear In Hogan Opera house, Jun. IS, under the auspices of tho Young People's Society Christian Endeavor of the Oakland Congregational church. Oeorge Hewitt, of the Oakland sldi, hns returned to the New Yotk State formal school at Cortland. Revival meetings aro being held In tho Lanosboro Methodist church. Pas tor Meeker Is assisted by Rev. W. M. Bouton, pastor of the Avenue Metho dist church of Oakland. Mrn. Hannah Harris, formerly an esteemed resident of Susquehanna, Is seriously III ut her homo In Bayonne, N. J. Mrs. Olive Bronson, formerly of Sus quehanna, Is an Insttuctor In a school of utenogruphy and typewriting In New Yoik city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick D. Lyons, prominent and esteemed tosldents of this place, will soon celebrate the gold, en anniversnry of their marriage. Mrs. Fred Pierce, of tho Oakland side, is 111. Henry Martin, of New Mllford town Bhlp, shot u lai-Rc fox on Wednesday. The Machinists union will hold a Binoker this evening. Joseph Mnglnnln Is including a district singing school at Hmlthvlllo Flats, N. Y. Vicinity farmers are receiving about two and one-fourth cents per quart for milk at the Susquehanna station. Engineer Oeorgei Lown, of tho. Oak land side, a few days since was seized with violent paroxysms, following sneezing. He Is recovering. ., P1TTST0N. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Jan. 10. Word was leeclved hero this evening from Philadelphia announcing tho death in that city of William O'Malley, aged 70 years. Mr. O'Malley, who has lcslded in Philadel phia for the past two years, was at one tlmo a prominent citizen of Pltts ton and twelve years ago was sheriff of tho county. The ImmedlntP cause of his death was apoplexy. "We're married now" was tho infor mation received heio this afternoon announcing the culmination of an elopement and the marriage of Miss Clr.ra Andrews and Charles Slroh, botn well Known West Plttston young peo ple. Tho bride is tho only daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Andrews, of Lu zerne uvenue, and is said to have a bank account of her own. Her hus band Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stroh, of Exeter street, formerly of William street, Plttston. They had been lovers for the past two years. There were said to be parental objec tions to tlu match and the young couple yesterdny afternoon slipped quietly away. While their friends und relatives suspected matrimony, nothing definite was known until today, when word was received announcing thalr marriage at Blnghamton last evening. The city Republican convention will be held next Monday. West Plttston Republicans will hold their convention on Monday, Jan. 21. Mrs. L. ;. corny will make her home for tho winter with her son, Hon. E. A. Coray, on Wyoming avenue, AVest Plttston. Harvey Lynn, formerly a. United States cavalryman, tecently given a total disability discharge, left today for Philadelphia, where he will undergo treatment for an Injury to the head re ceived from a bullet while at target piac.tlce In Santiago, Cuba, several months ago. At that tlmo the physi cians In the hospital nt that place per formed an operation on the young man, a piece of ox bone being grafted Into his skull. The operation was not en tirely successful and Mr. Lynn has been subject to paralytic spells. He goes to the German hospital In Phila delphia to have tho ox bono removed and teplaced by u silver plate. The Clerks' association of this place Is actively engaged In endeavoring to bring into line a few proprietors who hnve refused to Join the early closing movement. Last night about sixty members of the association patroled Main stteet in the vicinity of the few open stores and endeavored to per suade the customers not to patronize tho places. They were successful in not n few Instances. At some of the stores patrons returned goods they had purchased. Lyman Howe will give a moving pic ture exhibition in Music Hall here, Jan. 19, under tho auspices of the AVelsh Congregational church. Ford Brothers, who have conducted a gents' furnishing store at the corner of Main and Broad streets for the past few years, "have disposed of their stock to the New York Department Store company, of Scranton, who will con duct a big sale at the place. Thomas Ford, of the retiring firm, has accept ed a position as traveling salesman with a New York city firm. AVOCA. The Langcllffo Coal company will pay their employes today. The Republican primaries will bo held In O'Malley's hall this evening, from 4 to 7 o'clock. Superintendent F. P. Hopper, the di rectors nnd Prof. C. F. Hoban visited the boroush schools yesterday. Tho evangelistic meetings in tho Presbyterian church attracts largo crowds every evening. The conductor, Mr. Armstrong, ha3 become a general favorite. John AA'halen has accepted a posi tion as check weighmaster nt the Avo ra colliery. Patrick Bauett will leav next week to report for duty nt Fortress Monroe. Miss Knte McDonnell, of the North End, wus plensnntly surprised on AVed nesdny evening, In honor of lier natal day. The usual social diversions wero Indulged In by nil who rnmo to olfer her congratulations. Refreshments wore served. poooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL. 0 0 6 ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. I'llday night, Saturday matinee and night "The Village Postmaster." Academy. List Tin re Pa) a "Human Hearts." Gaiety. Last ihrea Dajs Itoyal llurleiueia. Vaudeville at the Xyceura. Th) bill offered to tho public at the llurke VaudcWIle in the Lyceum yctcidy af. teruoon and latt night was good but devoid of big features, MUs Cherldah Simpson, a charming loealltt, lontiibuted tun songs and some In strumental nunibiis thai were entertaining and Ills Nellie Hurt rendered the Inevitable coon songs In a way that etuscd the audience to de mand more of them. John I). Ollbcit had a monologue with n. num. bcr of bright spots in it. A feature ol Mr. (Ill liert's part of the entertainment was a bur lesque on comlo crura which was extremely mirth provoking, Morton and LIHolt did alt aorta c( insurious things on the mouth organ, or rather ono ol them did while the other tore piper Into fantastic de-signs and sang. Mr. nnd Mm. Edward Esmonds had a neat ketch," "1)111 Toddle's ttcccptton," and Fuller, Moeller "and rturkc, gate a bit of nomciuuj en titled 'Otcr the I'ikc" that was one of the fea tures of the entertainment. IHi" and Lore, comedy acrobat!, did a turn such as Is used In continuous performance hoiuws for driving the audience out. "Human Hearts" at Academy. The Academy of Music offers Its patrons ono of the prettiest plats on the road for the last thre das of this week, the play la "Human lfrarti," a beautiful pastoral comcily drama gen erally termed "The beautiful idill of the Ar kansas hills." It was prcacnted la-t nenlng and the liouar was comfortably filled and ever;" one prevent left the theater welt sntltfted with tho performance. Sherman Itoulcs a the hoinat llla-e black smith with a human heart 1 nti actor of ability and depleted the part with exceptional tatle. Ills Impersonation of Tom t.ozun mu-t hae been as Hal Held Intended when he wrote the piece. A er.v clcicr bit uf character work Is done by Mlw l'urlsh t Llmpy Morgan, the newsboy and Ihbv 1'otlne. a child antes, was o tiemoly welt fitted tor her part, that of Lllilo Urncc Logan, and won much r.vmpathy fiom tho audience. Herbert HctU as l'ielcticl; Aimsdali and It. J. Yorker ns Jem Mason, both por traed their lcspecthr roles lit an able manner. Mls Lulu Sanger, Lillian Weston and Mary Unnnes all doxrie more than ordinary mention. "Human Hearts," to fay the least, is a play that meets the patronage of cicry man, woman ami child In this city. It tcachoC a moral that urry one should know. It has n sparkling e!n uf humor running through the entire plot which serins llko a nlHtr cloud coming out of tho darkuck after a storm. One could name a hun dred reasons why It should bicunic popular with the people. It certainly Is a phy all fhould make It a point to witness. It will continue the balance of the week, with usual matinees. The Itoynl Burlesquers. Ono cf the best entertainments fcen at the Oslety this scatou is glten by thuk tlrothcrt' lloyal LurlcsqncrK, which opened a three days engagement at that house jMterday afternoon. The thou' opens wttli a burlettJ, "The Cay Tmelcrs," which lias a well defined plot and Is cleverly constructed. Incidental to this part of the entertainment a number ct the new popular songs are icndoieel by the oialUls e,f the ioiti. p.iti.v, Thcro ""'J ."' M'1"1' of good loiccs among tehm. Miss IkuclSilor Ban "'the Holy Citj" in a brilliant manner which called forth an en thusiastic encoie. In the olio the twehe mlvnouettes gave a dance with electrical ifTicts that was neat and artistic. Leslie and Adams and Kulalie and Kcr ulu, contilbutrd singing and dancing special ties and ths I.ozclle did some sensational wolk on the aerial ring. Kelly and Adams and Dix ie' ami Hughes gne lauglnble sketches snd Coulter and .Starr did an ccccntriu blaik tuco comedy turn. The concluding feuluic of the show was the burlesque, "Senator Mi Fee," In which all the members of the company appeared. The com pany will be at the Oalcty for the remainder of teh week, aft ei noun, und clcnlngs, "The Village Postmaster." Much Interest is felt in the plav "Tire VII lige Postmaster" with the quaint pictures It tun. Kin's of Xcw Kngland iiual life ami the fa miliar diameters it portrais. One is interested in the odd features of training diy, no less than in the evening wedding In the Ullage chuicli olid fascination grows as the notion of the play progresses. Archlo Bold appears In the titlo role and those who lecall this billliont actot's Impersonation of Johua Whltcomb In "The Old Homestead" and Uncle in "ihoru Ane" will need no furthiT asuiance of u eiy cntir. mining performance. The rust, M'cuciy nnd properties ate exjitl.v the same as were used during the lun uf 2i7 nights at the Kourtcenlli Street tliMter, New ork. The play will be seen at the Ljcenm to night and tomorrow afternoon and night. Morrison Company. The MitriMin Comedy companj, which opens next Monday night at the Academy for a week's ciigagimeiit at popular prices, is one of the bet en the road and prctent a repertoire of plays, most of them neier Men at low piices, Among the specialty people are the two little colored children. Mud and Kva I'lentiv, who made tho great hit last season at New A oik and Washington, V. C, with the Tluee Little Lambj company. The company Is beaded by Dainty Allle GcialJ, and the favoilte comcUian, Kuurne Powers. All of the Morrison company's phys arc given with a fine eccnlu dbplay. No doubt a large house will gleet this favorite company. SHERIFF'S SALES. JIIEKUT'S SA.LK -OK- Valuable Real Estate -o.v- FIUDAY, JANUAIIY 18, 1W1. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Ex ponas, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County, to me di rected, I will exposo to nubllei sale by vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the court house, In the City of Scrnnton, Lackawanna, Coun ty, on FRIDAY tho EIGHTEENTH DAT of JANUARA'. A. D., 1901, ut 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, all the right, title and Interest of the defendants In and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.: No. 1. All tho rlKht, title and lnteiest of tho defendant, Anelm llentley, In and to all that certain lot, piece or tmrcel of land situate In tho Elev enth ward of tho city of Scranton. county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on tho northerly side of Cedar avenue, wheio the same is intersected by a lino between lots numbers 41 and -12, In block No. 9, of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal com pany's plot of lots; thence northeasterly along bald Cedar avenue, to a point where n line running parallel with and so fet distant ftom a lino between said lots 41 and 42 will intersect fuld avenue; thence northweuterly alons euld parallel line ana teei aistani irom inn lino be tween lots 41 und 42, about 132 feet, more or less, to the southeily bank of Hoarlug broolc, thence along said Roaring brook In a westerly direction to the lino be tween lots numbers 41 and 42 afoiesaid; thenco along the line between lots 41 and 42 nbout 132 feet, to tho place of beginning. Also tho right to pass and repass over, along and upon a strip of laud of tho width of 10 feot, adjoining the above described land on tho northeasterly side; said strip of land of tho width of ten (10) feet to bo used as a private alley ns provided for In deed from Elizabeth Zclglcr, and Eliza both SCclfjlcr, trustee, to A. Bentley, dated November CO, 18S7. Excepting and reserv ing, however, unto th said defendant, his heirs nnd nsslgns forovcr, tho rUht of way of Lackawanna Iron and Coal company across the rear end of snld lands along the river bank, ns mentioned In tho deed to Simon Ward, and also tho coal nnd minerals beneath the Mirfueo of raid land, and subject to tho exceptions nnd reservations contained In tho deed from tho Lackawunn.i lion arid Coal company to filnion AVurd, for lot No. 41, block No. 9 and dated February 83, 1807. All Improved with a two-story frame double storo building, with Mansard roof and kitchen, with (apartments tor dwell. Inss. Also two two-story frame dwell Iiibs In tho rear of llrst mentioned strue- tl"'- ... Pelrrd and taken In execution at tho suit of C. A. Sisk, administrator of estate of 8. C. Matthewson vs. AtiBclm Bontley, Debt, 13.8S9.&J. Judgment No. 401, Janu ary Term, 1901. Fi. fn. to January Term, 1900. II. C. REYNOLDS, Atty. ALBO No. 2. All the right, title and 'interest of the defendant. Clara II. Hrbcas and I Edward nrlggs, in and to all that certain SHERIFF'S SALES lot, pteco or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the city of Hcranton, county of Lackawanna, nnd stato of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as tot num ber thlrty-sovcn (37), In square or block number thirty-one (31), and situate on street called nnd known us AVot Parker street, on David Cnnklln's Burvoy of tho city of Scranton. Snld lot belnor rectan gular In shape, sixty (W) feot In width In front and reur, and eighty (80) feet in depth. Coal nnd mluctat.s excepted und reserved. Being the samo premises which William S. Batten and wife granted and conveyod to tho said Clara B. Drlcgs by deed dated October 2. 1SW, nnd iecord?d in tho Recorder's office af Lackawanna county lu deed book No. 1S2, at pace 403. etc. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized nnd taken In execution nt the suit of Citizens' Building and Loan asso ciation vs. Clara B. BrlgRs nnd Edward Ilrlggs. Debt. JS3S.15. Judgment No. 321. January Term, 1901. FI. fn. to January Term, 1901. ZIMMERMAN, Atty. ALSO i No. 3,-AH the right, title and Interest of the defendants, Pntilck Donnelly nnd Mnry Donnelly, in and to nil the follow lug described lots, pieces or parcels of land, with tho buildings thereon, situate, lying and being In tho City of Scranton, In tho County of Lackawanna nnd State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, viz: Tho first being Lot No. 8, In Square or Block No. S3, and sltuato upon street culled and known ns Prospect Btrcet (now Propoct avenue), upon the town plot of tho City of Scranton, In tended to bo duly registered nnd record ed. Said lot being forty (40) feet In front and forty (40) feet In rear and one hundred and forty (140) feet In depth, nnd Is rectangular in shape. Being tho Ramo lot sold and conveyed by John Rell ly to Patrick Donnelly by deed dated Juno 1, 1S93, nnd recorded In Recorder of Deeds' ofllco for recording of deeds In Lackawanna county, In Deed Book No. 100, pngo, 132, etc. Coal and minerals reserved. Improved with a two-story framo dwelling with basement and one one-story dwelling with basement. Tho second thereof being Lot No. 2S, in Square or Block No. 1, on tho northwest cornor of A'alo street (now Irving ave nue) and Beech street, ns appears on tho Plot or lots drawn by it. uoit, itinti sur veyor, In 1833 Said lot Is forty (40) feot In front and one hundred nnd forty (HO) feet In depth. Being one of tho lots sold and conveyed by John Fahey as tho prop erty of Michael Crompton by deed dated November 22. 1S0I, nnd recorded In tho of hco aforesaid In deed book No. 120, pace 239, etc. Coal and minerals reserved. Im prcivcd with one two-story framo dwell ing house and outbuildings. The third thereof being the front part of lots No. 1 and 2 In squaro or block No. S3, fronting on Stone avenue, said lots be ing each 10 feet In front on Stone avenue, nnd In depth along Beech street 107 feet to land now or late of one AVendland. Be. ing the same land sold and conveyed by Michael Hand to Patrick Donnelly by deed dated March 28, 1SD3. und recorded in the office nfoies-nld In deed book No. 9"), page 410, etc. Coal and minerals reserved, Improved with one two-story stono dwell ing, one two-story finmo dwelling, with basement, one one-story frnme building used ns a store, ono ono and one-halt story framo dwelling. Tho fourth thereof being lots numbered ten in square or block number 32. and Jltuato upon street called and named Beech street, upon the plot of Scrnnton. drnwn by II. Colt, land surveyor. Said lot being 40 feet In front and 130 feet In depth. Being ono of tho six lots sold nnd conveyed by Charle3 DuPont Brock nnd wlfo to Patrick Donnelly by deed dated December 30, 1S70. and recorded In the Recorder's olllce of Luzerne county, in deed book 151. tmce 05. Coal and mln- eials reserved. Improved with one two story frame storo and dwelling and one two nnd one-hnlf story framo dwelling. Fifth All that Innd bltuatcd in tho county of Lucknwanna and state of Pcnnsylvnnln, upon a street called and known as Irvlmr avenue. In the city of Scranton, described as follows; Being lot number threo (3) In square or block No. 112. nnd situate upon Irving avenue (for merly Vale) street, upon the plot of Scranton Intended to bo duly registered nnd recorded, said lot being 40 feet in fiont and 110 feet In depth with nn alley In the rear 16 feet wide for public use-. Being tho same property conveyed to snld Mary Donnelly by Thomas Allen by deed dated April 14, 1S92, and recorded In tho Recorder's office of Lackawanna county in deed book 89, page 3. Coal nnd min erals reserved. Improved with a two story double framo dwelling, y Sixth All that certain lot of land, situ ate lu tho Nineteenth ward of the city of Scranton, Lncknwnnnn county, state of Pennsylvania, said lot being 40 feet In front on Beech street, nnd extending of the samo breadth 130 feet In length or depth, being designated on the plot of that part of the city of Scranton as lot No. 14, In squaro or block No. 32. Being same land conveyed to Mnry Donnelly by Michael AA'agner by deed dated July 31, 1897, and recorded In deed book 149, payo 177, In Recorder's office of Lackawanna county. Coal and minerals reserved. Im proved with a two-story frame dwelling. Seized nnd taken in execution at tho suit of Monumentnl Savings and Loan Association vs. .Mary uonnoiiy unu rat rick Donnelly. Debt, Sl.92l.C0. Judgment No. 700, May Term, 1900. Fi. fa. to Jan uary Tarm, 1901. GEO. M. OKELL, Atty. ALSO No. 4. All the light, title and Interest of the defendant, Peter Roberts, In and to all that certain lot of land sltuuto lu tho borough of Dickson City, county ut Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, and being lot No. 9 in squaro or block No. 11, of plot No. 2, of land known ns Prlcevllle, said lot Is 100 feet In front on Bowmuii street, tho same In !dlh In tho rear, and ono hundred and fifty feet In depth, as designated on said plot, which plot Is re corded In tho Recorder's offlco of Lack awanna county In map book No. 1, pugo CI. etc., as by reference thereinto being had will more fully and at large appoar. Said lot contains 15,000 .qunrn feet of land and is part of tho Samuel A'aughn tract and subject to all reservations contained in deed from Delaware Lackawanna and AA'estern Railroad company to Peter Rob erts, the defendant within named, dated Juno 16, IKS. Recorded In said Recorder's ofilce lu deed bool: No. 173, pace 214. All hnproed with a btory and one-halt framo elouble dwelling house with kitch ens nnd also outbuildings, fruit trees. Seized und taken in execution at tho suit of Georgo Dauco vs. Peter Robeitn. Debt. Judgment No. 33:;, Nnvem ber Term 1900. FI, fa. to January Term, 1901. II. C. REYNOLDS Atty. ALSO No. C. All tho right, title and intercut ot tho defendant, John Gerschek, in and to all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, situated In the borough of Throop. county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, nnd bounded and described ns follows: Being lot No. fourteen (14) in square or block No. four (4) ns shown on Uarnard's plot or mnp of Throop. Said lot Is fifty feet wide In front on Tlno htrpet, tho i-ame width In tho rear, and ono hundred and ninety-two and one-half feot In depth. Being tho samo lot of land conveyed to thu oalel dofendaut John Gerschek. by II. C, Townsend In duul dated July IS, 1S98, and recorded In the of. lice of tho Recorder of Deeds In nnd for the county of Lackawanna In deed book No. 1(3, page 209, etc. Coal and minerals roserved. All Improved Willi a one two-story frame dwcllng lioiwu und outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of German Building Association No. 9 vs. John Gerschek. Debt. J2.400.O0, Judgment No, IS9, January Term, 1901. FI. fa. to January Term, 1901, H. M. HANNAH, Atty. ALSO No. c All tho right title and interest of tho defendant James F. Maxwell und Mnrcella Maxwell, In and to all that cer tain mesaungo or lot of land, situate In the Fifth wurd of the city of Carbondale. county ot Lucknwanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit; On tho north by Claik street; on tho east by Blrkett stieet: on the fcouth by lands of Thomas Morrison and Theodore Pierce, and on the west by tho Carbondulo and Belmont Turnpike road, now Belmont street. Being ubout seventy (70) feet in front on said Belmont street, about fifty (50) feot In rear end of suld lot on Blrkett street, and three huii. drcd (300) feet deep. Containing eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet of land, more or less. Being tho samo premises conveyed by AValter Drennan ot al heirs of John Drennan. deceased, to Marcolla Maxwell by deed bcaiing date January 23, 1886, and recorded lu Lackawanna county In deed book No. 1,5, at page 193, etc. All Improved with threo, two-story dwelling houses and other outbuildings thereon. Seined and taken lu execution ut the SHERIFF'S SALES. suit of assigned to Mlna Robinson v. James F. Maxwell nnd Marcclla Maxwell. Debt, $2,501.00. Judgment No. 4S3. Janu ary Term, 1901. FI. fa. to January Term, 1901. VOSBUKU, Atty. I ALSO No. 7.-AII the right, title and Interest of tho defendant, Emma N. aallnghcr. executrix, and Joseph Nolan, executor of James Nolan, deceused, in and to all those certain lots, pieces and pnrcels of ihufo certain iois, pieces ann piuuem i land, together with tho Improvements thereon, and being lot No. eleven nnd lot No. 12 (11 and 12) in square or block No. iv. . ...... '.. . . .,-. u.1 I 103 nnd situate upon street called and known ns Adam nvninu, nml Mulberry street upon the town plot of tho city of Scranton Intended to bo duly re'Rlntcrcd nnd recorded. Said lots being SO feet lu front on snld Adams avenue and 160 feet in depth on said Mulberry street, nnd rectangular In shnpo the measurement of tho depth of said lot to commence ten feet Inside of the Bldewalk. Tho second party to havo tho right to enclose nnd occupy and use ten feot In front of said lot.s for cellarw.ty, porch, portico, bay window or shrubbery, but not tho right to erect any building thereon, said right to occupy nnd vncloto extending to both ntrcets. All improved with two brick dwelling houses and a large three-story and base ment store and brick building occupied ns laundry, stores and dwellings. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Scranton Savings Bank nnd Trust Company vs. llntma N. aallarther. exe cutrix, nnd Joseph Nolan, executor of James Nolan, deceased. Debt, J15.KA0O. Judgment No. SSI, January Term, 1901. Lev. fa. to January Term. 1901. s. n. price, Atty. ALSO No. 8.-A1I the right, title and Interest of tho defendant, James McUoVcrn, in and to all the following described lots or parcels or Innd, situate, lying and be ing in tho Twentieth ward, city of Scran ton, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, being lots thirty-nine and forty, In square or block twenty-one, and sltunto upon street called and known as Prospect street, upon tho town plot of tho town of Scranton, mudo by D. Cough- an, lnienueci to be tuny registered onci recorded, said lots being twenty-six feet nnd eight Inches In width In front and rear, nnd one hundred and forty (110) feet In depth. Coal and minerals reserved. 8el7Pd nnd taken In execution nt tho stilt of M. Robinson vs. James MrCIovern. Debt, JC33.00. Judgment No. 101, May Teim, 1900. FI. ra. to January Term, 1901. A'OSBURO & DAAA'SON, Attys. ALSO No. 9. All the right, title and Interest of tho delindant, Cnlvln A. Spencer, In and to nil that certain piece or parcel of Innd situate nnd being lu tho tovwishlps of Clinton, and Abington, Lackawanna conn, ty, ,Pa., and In the township of Overlleld, In tho county of AVyomlug aforesaid nnd bounded ns follows: Beginning ut the southwest corner of land now or late In tho possession of B. P, AVoodroff; thenco by ihe last above mentioned land bouth Fcvciitv-tlwi and one-hnlf degrees. east twenty-one nnd eight-tenths perches (S, 73H e, 21.6 p.) to n corner; thence south forty-seven and one-half degrees, east six and four-tenths perches (S. 47',i, E. G.4 p.) to a pile of stones; thence south twenty-one nnd one-hnlf degrees, west nine and two-tenths perches (S. 210, AV. 9.2 p.) to a corner nt tho end of a wall: thenco south seventy-three and one-half degrees, cast twenty-ono perches (S. 73',:, E. 21 p.) to a corner of land now or late ot tho said AVoodroff nnd in tho line of land now or late of Cyrus Dean; thence along the land of the said Dean south two degrees, cast alxty-elght and eight tenths perches (S, 2, E, CS.8 p.) to the cem;r of a road; thenco along the Bald road south eighty-eight degrees, west slxtv-four nnd seven-tenths perches (H. 88. AV. CI.7 ii). to a corner of school- house lot; thence by the same north nine und one-half degrees, cast seven perches (N. 9ii, A". 7 p.) to a corner; thenco north eighty-four und one-half degrees, west six perches (N. 84'A A 6 p.) to the cen ter of the road; thence nlong the same south nine and one-half degrees, west seven nnd five-tenths (S. 9ii. AV. 7.5 p.) to a coiner In the four comers of loads; thenco along tho road north seventy-six and one-half degrees, west eighty-three perches (N. 70. A. ST p.) to a corner of land hUtvcytd to Ezra Dean; thence along said rond and land now or late ot Loroy AA'all north sovcnty-elght and one half degrees, west sixty-four and six tenths perches (N. 7S',&, AV. G4.C p.) to a corner of said AA'all; thenco along the land of Loroy AVall north forty-six nnd onehalf degrees, east twenty-ono perches (N. 46'i, E. 21 p.) to a corner of land now or into of said AVall; thenco north forty five and one-half degrees, west sixty perches (N. 45U AV. 00 p.) to a corner ot lands now or late of suld AA'all; thencu north foity-sen degrees, west thirty lods (N. 47, AV. :iO r.) to a cornet- (tho lcregolng courses and distances are tuuen from a mortgage of Spencer to People's Bank, dated August 11. 1S91, recorded In Lackawanna county, Murtgugo Book No. 40, page CGO, and tho succeeding courses nnd distances are from n recent survey); thenco north forty-seven and three fourths degres. east ono thousand nino hundred unci four feet (N. 471, E. l,90t ft.) or ono hundred and fifteen and thirty-nine hundredths (115.39) rods; thenco south seventy-two and one-half degrees, east five hundred feet (S. 72'4. E. DW ft ) 1 or thirty nnd thirty oue-hundredths I (30.30) rods: thence outh fifty-four and thice-fourths degrees, east six hundred and titty-five feet (S, 6114 E. 633) feet or 39.70 tods); thenco south fifty-six und one-hnlf degrees, east nine hundred and seventy-eight feet (S. 5'i's, E. 978 feet or 41.28 rods); thence south fUty-sovcn and three-fourths degrees, east live hundred and twenty-two feet (S. G7?J, E. G2J feet or 31.04 tods): thence touth one degree, east ono hundred and thirty-seven feet (S. 1, E. 137 feet or S.3J rods); thenco south threo degrees, cast thirty-two iods (S. 3, E, 32 iods) to the point of begin ning. Containing nbout one hundred and six-ty-flvo (165) acres of land, more or less. Improved with two (!.') framo two-sto-y dwellings and barns and other outbuild ings, fruit tiees, etc., t hereon. ALSO, All that certain piece or patcel ot lend bltuate lu the township of Clin ton, county of Wyoming, and lu the. township of AVest Abington. county of Lackawunna, bounded and described ns follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner in the road leading from Wnll's coiners oer Uio hill to Factory villa; thence south sixty-seven and one-half degrees, east fifty-nine and two-tenths rods (S. (7's, E. 50,2 r.); thence south forty-flvs do. grees, west ten und two-tenths rods (S. 43. AV. 10.2 r ) ; thoice south thirty tlo- I grees, west twenty-tlvo rods (S. 30, A'. 23 r)); thenco soutn five tterreei, west lctty four ar.d one-half ro Is (S. r,, y. 44'i r.) to u corner of land deeded to AVllllJin Camp, boll In 1SC3; thence by samo vourti thir teen reds to a corner: ihom-o notth mcv-enty-peven end nm-hnlf eleijrres. went l loriy-iwo 1-niin i.. (i-i, ii. s; j- u b:u road end tho line uf the ;lm i,:iccl; thenco nortlt ono degree wjst, along the lino of tho first parcsl to r. corner t.N". 1 AV.): thenco north flfty-stven nnd three fourths degrees west, thirty-nu .nut j.U-tv-four une-hundredths injs N. t,7')j AV, 21.61 r.); thenco north llfiN-sU and one half degrees west, foity-nhi" and twen ly.elght one-hundiedths rods (N. TAV- AV, 40.M r,); thence north fifty-four and three-fourths degrees east thirty-nine and boventy-hundredths rods (N, 5 Pi IJ. .19.70 r); thence north soventy-two and nno-naif degrees west thirty nnd thlrty-ono hun dredths rods (N. 72',i AV. 30.30 r.); thenco north forty-one degrees cust. twenty soven rods (N. 41 E. 27 r.) to a maple stump; thence north one and three fourths degrees cast, twenty-six roil (N, l?i E. 20 r.) to a post and stones: thenco touth seventy-eight und one-fourth do green east, one hundred nnd twenty-four rods (8. 7S','t E, 121 r.) to tho place of be ginning. Containing about eighty (80) nereu. moro or less, Being the greater part ot tho AA'onton Brlggs f.irm convejed to AVHHam Campbell In 1831, and the. ,. s. Reynolds tnim, conveyed to Wllllnm Campbell In 1857. Improved with a fruinn two-tory dwelling house, bums, out buildings and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of the People's Bank of AVIlkeie Barre, trustee, . Call In A. Spencer. Debt, 51.377.83. Judgment No. 122u, Sep ti'inber Term, IS1). A'cnd ex. to January Term, 1901. PATTERSON & AVILCOX. Atty. ALSO No. 10. All the right, title and interest nf the defendant Matthew A. Gettlnga, In und to all that certain lot or piece of hind, tdtunte In tho borough of Dunmoie, county of Lackawanna, stale of Pennsyl vania, boundeel and described ns follow-H; Lot number sixty-blx (CO) on plot of vl. laga lots luld out by A. D, Spencer in the borough of Dunmoro, commencing nt a corner on tho northwest side of Franklin street, at the corner of n lot owned by ono Mollnle; thenco along mild street south twenty-six and nne-hnlt degrees SHERIFF'S SALES. Sjxy-is'ijsf'sr'sojrscsj"WVVs'sr'S"S'M1' ' rfn i' west, fifty (50) feet to tho corner pf T. Kelly's lot; thenco along said Kelly's lot north flfty-nlno and ime-half(5'j4). de grees west, ono hundred nnd fifty-three (133) feet to an anglo; thenco In a north erly course ten (10) feet to an anglo, thence north twenty-six nnd one-half de crees east, forty (10) feet to tho corner of sain .mo nates lot; inenco fouim new nine and one-hnlf (59'4) dettrccs cast, one hundred and llfty-llve (105) feet along snld McIIalo's lot to tho plnco of begin, iilng. Containing seven thousand seven y"""."""'" -""' "" - ; -, r i, hundred and fifty square feet of land, bo the same tnoro or less. Corel resened , Improved with a two-story frame unetl. Inn Inlla rt.t r... . 1 ...11.1 l.i am Clinrdtl. Inn- linllart nt,1 mtll.il1i1liiira thprpilft. tielzod nnd taken In execution at tho stilt of .Tanroii Cole vs. Matthew A. Get tlngn. Debt, J1X87. Judgment No. 439, January Term, M7. FI. fa. to Jununry Teim, 1P01, HUHLER, Atty. ALSO No. 11. All the right, title und lnteiest of tho defendant, E. L. AVulter, in and tei nil mat certain lot, piece or parci-i land situate In tho city of Scranton, couti. ty of Lackawanna, and slate ot Pennsyl vania, nnd bounded and described ns fol lows: Beginning on tho eastetly side of AVnahlngton avenue, nt tho corner of lands of S. Morris, thenco In a southeast erly direction along tho said Morris' Hue 150 feet to u corner lu Dlx court; thenco ulong Dlx court In a norlheaatorly direc tion 40 feet to a corner In lino of lands now or formerly owned by John AA'ard; thenco In n northwesterly direction along tho said AA'ard's Hue 130 feet to the lino of AVashlngton avenue aforesaid: thence In a southwesterly direction ulong AVabh Ington avenue 40 feet to tho place ot be ginning. AVith tho right to use ten fret in front of th front linn of said lot for jnrd, porch or piazza or bay window, but for no other purpose, Hclng lot No. two In square or block No. 7 on the lion und Coal company's plot of lots In tho city of Dcrnniou. All Improved with n three-story frame dwelling houso in front nnd a three-story brick offlco building In tho rear. SolztHl nnd tnkeu in execution at the suit of H. M. llannnh, trustee, Vs. E. L. AA'nlter. Debt, J10.W3.00. Judgment No. 527, Jnnuary Term, 19C0. FI. ft. to .Tnnu ary Term, 1901. HANNAH, Atty. ALSO No. 12. All the light, title and lnteiet of tho defendant, Eugene II. Call, In nnd to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of lMid sltunto In tho city of Scranton. county of Lackawanna, nnd state of I'tiinsyivanla, bounded and clcscrioeu ns follows to wit: Being Bltuate on the easterly side of Prescott avenue and be ing part of lots numbctr. five (5) und six (6) In block No.. 1CS, according to the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company's plot of the city of scranton. Pa. Begin ning on the division line of lots numbers five and four at a paint In said ll'ie twenty (20) teet southeast from Prescott uviiimo fence line; thenco southeufct along said division line flfty-scveii and one-halt feet: thence northrnst and pantile! with Prescott avenue slxly-llve feet; thence, imrthwi'st tlfly-sevcn and onu-hulf foct; the-nco southwest and parallel with Pres cott avenue sixty-uvo reot to me oiac of hecinnlng. Together with twenty feet In front of the ftont lino for yurd. vault, etc.. together with right of way uinntng v;ltn said lot. All Improved with two two-story frame dwelling houses and ofher outbuilding:! thereon. Sel7fd and taken In execution at thi suit of Wllllnm Schuster vs. E. II. Call. Debt, 130.0i. .ludgmwit No. 30. Match Term, 1S98. Alias II. fa. to Jnnuary Term, 1901. ELPLOOLE, Atty. ALSO No. 13. All the right title, and Interest of the defendant, Michael Gllioy and Catharine Gllroy, In ami to all thoie cer tain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situ ate, lying and being In tho Sixth ward of mo city or Hcranton. county ut iicica wienna, nnd state of Pennsylvania, know n und distinguished on J. Herman's map of South Hyde Pink ns lots numbers six teen (1C) and seventeen (17), In block number forty-one (41), tho first ot which being fifty (50) fet In front on Luzciuo street (formerly called Sixth avenue), nnd about ninety (90) feet in depth to Unu of lot number otrj In the samo block, bo thu same more or less; excepting and re seivlng, however, all tho coal beneath the surface of and belonging to the said laud, with the right to mine and remove the same, in the samo manner and to the samo extent us the sanieds excepted and reset veel in the deeds eit the same which ure as follows: The first from J. Heerman's, mttee, to Catharine Gllroy, bearing date the 9th duy of July, A. D. 1875. and recoided In the office for the recording of deeds, etc.. In and for the county of Luzerne In deed book No. 133, page 211. etc. The second fiom A If. Jcssun. tiustee. to tho said Catharine Gllroy. bearing elate the 0th day of May, A. D. 1S31, and recorded hi tho office for tho recording of deeds, etc., lu and for tho county of Lackawanna, hi deed book No. IJ, page 117, etc. Tho other being from Qulncy AV. AVelllngton to the said Catharlno Oilroy, bearing date tho Oth day of December, A. D. 1SS0, and to be uuiy recorded, a uuiy recorded, All Improved with two two-story flume .livnlllxr. Iinnrna ivllh liocnmnnto nilB frame barn and outbuildings thcieou. Seized nud taki-u In execution at the suit of Mlna Robinson vs. Michael Gllroy and Cnthailne Oltioy. Debt, $3,798.51. Judgment No. 431, January Term. 19'd Fi. fit. to January Term, 1901. A'OSUl'BC! &. DAWSON, Att. ALSO Ne. 14.-AI1 the light, title nud luleie.-t of tho defendant, tho Ira Tripp llom Company, in and to nil that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tho Tweuty-tlist waul of the city of Scianton. county of Lnckawaniui and state of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd de scribed ns follows: Being lot No. 32, In pqunre or block No. 4, of tho plot known as "Fair's Ideal Homo Sites," tnld lot measures 20 feet In front on Dorothy street, the same width on the rear, and 13-'i feet In depth, to a court opened for public use, as delineated on bald plot, which suld plot Is Intended for recoid by said parties of the first part. S.iid lot contains -WM) square feet and being same lot of land conveyed by John R. Farr to the said Ira Tropp Ifoso Company, In deed dated the 2Sth day of December, 1899, nud duly recoided lu Lackawanna county in deed book No. 1S3, pngo 3;3. Cnnl and minerals being leseivcd. All improveel with u two-story frame buildlner. Seised nml taken in execution at the suit of the Union Dime Permanent Loan Association vs. Iia Tilpp Hose Company. Debt, Jl.M'O.CO. Judgment No. 673, Janu ary Teim, 1901 FI. fa. tn Janu ary Term. Ffll STARK, Atty. ALSO No. 13 -All the ilnht. title and lnteiest of tho defendant, V, J. .olkoskl, In and to all that piece of laud sltunto In the borough of Dickson City, county of Lack awanna, nnd st.ite of Pennsylvania, de scribed as follows, ns per survey of E. A. Bnitl. October '.'), 1J39: Helm; lot .No. 14, in squaie 2 on the westerly lido of sttei't known us Boule vnrd.nnd bring forty (10) fcut In fiont and rear, and one luuidrud and llfty (130) feet in depth to a court fifteen (15) feet wide for publlu uio. Coal reserved. SeUcd tird taken In execution at the (uit of John Kimball Vh. A. J. ZolkosM, Debt, S30.23. Judgment No. S78, Mnicli Term, lixm. FI fa to Jrmuary Term, 1901, AVOODRUFF. Atty. ALSO No. 10 All the light, title and lnteicxt ot the defendant. Charles Krona, In and to all that certain lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tho borough of Dunmoie, county of Lackuwumia. nnd state of Pennsylvania, being lot No. 21. in block No. ?, upon the plan or plot of "Prospect Path." in fald borough of Dun. more, Irtendcd to be recorded. Said lot contains In front on Bherwood ave. nun forty-ono (41) feet and tn depth one hundrtd nud eighty (180) feet to an alley llfteeu (16) feet wide, excepting and le seivlng, how over, tu B. II. Throop and his l.clrs by such terms ns aiu sufficient In law all con) and mineral beneath the iutriaco ot and belonging to said laud with tho solo right and pilvllrge to mine und removo tho biinio by any subter lanean pioslslou incident to tho business of mining without thereby Incurring in any event whatover any liability for In jury caused or dnmugo done to the sur face pf i'U 111 lot or to the buildings or tin. provements which now urn or hereafter may be erected thereon un fully und com. plctely as tho samo nre reserved hi deeds of foimer conveyance and with alt the facts Incident and stipulations therein e. cited, provided that no mine or other air slinft shall bo Intentionally opened or any mining fixtures established on the sur face of said premises. It being the unine piece of land which was oenveyed by Edward J, Lynett nnd Nellie A. Lynett, his wife, to Charles Krona, by deed dated 30th April, 1900, nnd SHERIFF'S SALES. recorded in tho ofllco for recording deeds, etc., for Lackawanna county In deed book 187, pngo 100, Said lot having thereon erected n. two and one-holt story framo dwelling house and outbuildings Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Curtis Huff, agent, vs. Charles Kronn. Debt, $372.51, Judgment No. 8J, January Term, 1901. Fi. fa. to January Term, 1901. NEAVCOMB & BALLENTINB, Attys. ALSO No. 17. 1. All the right, title anel inter est of tho defendants. Mnry Shamrock and Julius Egreczky, in and to the fal lowing described lot of land, lying and being lu the vlllngo of Prlceburg, Dlok son City borough, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, being lot of ground bound ed by Dundnff rond, Railroad switch and lands of Miles estate, In square er Mck No. 4S, and situate upon street called and limned Dundnff rnnrl. llnrm n. nlst nf snld town. Intended to be duly registered nnd recorded, ns by refcrenco to which plot thus registered and recorded, will ttilly appear, on map entitled, "Mswre'si Mop of Prlceburg." Said lot containing 3',i acres, more or less. Improved with on fi unto dwelling house, four frame dwell ing houses partly built, and cellar wall for threo others. 2. Also all those certain lots of ground In the vlllngo of Prlceburg, Lackawanna, county afoiosald, known as lots Nob. 10 and 11 In block No. 13. on the aforesaid plot, raid lot No. 10 bjlng 50 feet in front on Dundaft rond and 50 fet In rear by 170 feot lu depth along tho lino of lot No. 9. nnd 150 feet along lino of lot No. 11. Said lot No. 11 being 143 feet In front, moro or less along said Dundaft rood to lino ot lot No. 12, by 110 feet In depth nlong line, of lot No. 10, and 167 feet along the south line of lot No. 12 according to a plan, entitled, "Price, Pancoast & Throop'n Map of Prlceburg." Coal and minerals rebcrved. Improved with one frame, dwelling houso and outbuildings. 3. Also nil that ceitaln lot In tho vll lngo of Prlcebutg, Lackawanna county nforcsnld, known as lot No. 8, In block No. 11, acordlng to it map, entitled "Mooro's Plun of Prlceburg," snld lot be ing rectangular in shape, about CO feet In front on Pancoast street, tho itame In rear, and nbout 135 feot In depth. All Im proved with a two-story framo dwelling houso and a slnglo frame building used for hotel purposes. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of E. Robinson' Sons vs. Mary Shnmroek nnd .Tnllim Fcreczkv. adminis trators of cstuto of Antoul Shamrock, dcceaeil. lnht, $3."0.iX1. Judgment No. 97, Muy Term, 189. Alias fl. fa. to January Term, 1901. Also at tho suit of August Hnblnsou s. Maty Shamrock and Julius Egreczky. administrators of estate nf Antonl Shamrock, deceased. Dcbt.J2.O60.Oi). Judgment No. 92. Mav Term, l. Alias fi. fn. to January Term, 1901. Also at the suit of August Robinson vs. Mniy Shamrock. Debt, 1W0 00. Judg ment No. 20S, Junuury Term, l!99. Alius tl. fn. to Januuiy Term, 1901. AVJLLAHD, WARREN & KNAPP, Attys. ALSO No. IS. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Jumes J. AValsh, In and to all the surfneo or right of soil of all that cortnln lot, piece or parcel of land, sltunto In tht) borough of Olyphant, in tho county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennylvnnla, and bounded and de scilbcd ns follows: Beginning nt a point in the southwesterly lino of Culm street, Hiild point being dlntant fifty feet north westerly at light angles from the center lino of tho loaded tiack of tho Gravity railroad of tho Delaware and Hudson company; thenco by other land f tun said Delaware and Hudson company south seventy-one nnd three-quartern de grees west ono hundred and slxty-eno nnd five-tenths teet to a corner ausiani fifty feet northwesterly at right angle- from the aforesaid center line; thence by lotviumber twenty-threo on Bell street north forty degrees west seventeen feet to a coiner; thence by lot number twenty-four on Culm street north fifty de grees east ono hundred and fifty feet to tho aforesaid line of Culm street, and thence by said lino of streot south forty degrees east seventy-seven feet to th place of beginning. Comprising let num bered twenty-six (2fl) on Culm streot as the samo Is represented and designatecj on n map of building lots on lands of th said tho Delawaio and Hudson company In tho borough of Olyphant. Improved with dwelling house nnd out buildings thereon. Seized nud taken In exefcution at the suit of C. M. Putman vs. James J. Walsh. Debt, $237.25. Judgment No, 310. Muy Term, IS"?. FI. fa. to January Teim, 1901. NEAVCOMB. Atty. ALSO No. 19. All tho right, title nnd Interest of tho defendant, Llnley J. Stonier. In and to the following lot, piece or parcel of land Bltuate in Provi dence, In the city of Scranton, coun ty of Lackawanna, and stato of Pennsylvania, known and described as lot No. 69. on Ferdinand street, on a cer tain property entitled "fcaecinc uiiy i Tjnri. ,, nrmrrilni? tn n survey of the same La.r.,K' i"cco... '.! M.w So, wy ?ii" v,. 111UUU 111 J'isr,- " " " " '"" Duync, engineer and surveyor. (The map of which is recorded In the office for the recording of deeds in Lackawanna, coun ty, in deed book 111, page 1), being 23 feet lu front, and 23 feet In rear, and 114 53-100 feet deep, ljlng on tho southerly side of and at right angles with Ferdinand street, and tho east side line of said lot Is distant 300 feet from the west side line of Summit avenue, with appurtenance. Subject to tho same reservations and ex eeptloim as set forth in deed from tho "Blectrlo City Land Improvement com Jany," to said Llnley J. Stonier. Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house, story and one-half kitch en and outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution at th suit of Dortheu Fell vs. Llnley J. Stonier. Debt, 16C0.90. Judgment No. 402. January Teim, 1901. Fl. f.i. to January Term, 1901. II. C. REYNOLDS, Atty. t ALSO No 20. All the right, title und Interest of th defendant, C. M. Lancaster, execu tor of tho estate of Franklin Lancaster, deceased, tn and to all that certain pleea or parcel of land situate and being in the Township of Madison, County nf Lackawanna nnd State of Pennsyl vanla, bounded and described as follows: Beginning nt a beech tree hi lino of lands now owned and occupied by Edward Simpson; thence by tho sam one hundred nnd sixty-two (162) perclu.s to tho east bank of the Roaring Brook: thenco up said broeilt thirty-two and one half (32Vi) perches to lino of land owned bv George Swarts. now Scrantons and others: thence south sixty-seven (67) de ilegrees west two hundred und thtrty thrco (233) porches to a post and stones corner; thenco by land late of th estate of Charles Butler, deceased, now John A. Shnpon nnd others; thence north by said Butler's land ninety-one (91) perches to the plnco of beginning, containing sixtj threo (63) acres of land, be the same. mnrn nr Iphm. KXCOntlllff. however OUt Of the said tract of land certiiln Istty pieces and parcels of land heretofore seSld; aiid conveyed bv tho aid Franklin Lancaster to Jesse .Megargei. u. u. buiiuouiiiuikt, Thomas B. Howo and to John Carey; tl)o ilcods for hald lots or parcols of land having been duly recorded In the Record er's otneo of Lackawanna County. Im proved with a two-story frame dwelling house, largo frame barn, other outbuild lugs, applo orchard and other fruit trees Selzcel' and taken In execution at the suit of Mary A. Gardner vs. C. M. Lan caster, executor of the estate of Kranklln Lancnstor, deceased. Debt. JS20.47. Judg. ment No. 202, November Term, 1900. Lev. fa. to January Term, 1901. O'BRIEN & MARTIN, Att'a. TERNS OF SALE. FIPTY DOLLARS CASH WHIN PROP FRTY IS STRUCK OFF AND BALANCB IN CASH IMMEDIATELY AFTCR SALB IS CONCLUDED. WHEN SOLD FOR COSTS, COSTS MUST BE PAID WHEN STRUCK 0FP. ALL PROPERTIES ON WHICH ABOVE TERMS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH WILL BE RESOLD BEFORE AD. JOURNMGNT. CLARENCE E. PRYOR, Slwiff. Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa., Dectmbeg 20, 1900. r