The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' 'y,r,v-(5r'ti' "tjt
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news nture, per
sonals and all Items
for publication may
be left at The Trib
une's new offices In
the Burke Hull J Ins,
or sent by mall or
Nearly Beady for the Tournament nt
the Carbondale Cycle Club.
The entry books for the Cycle club
pool tournament closed on Wednesday
night, thirty-two members having en
tolled their names. The house com
mittee is now nt work dividing tlicin
Into four classes, each class giving a
handicap of five balls to the one below
It. The games will be of fifty points
each. The contestants drew for dates
lust night. Following is the list of
.1. L. Stewait, O. J. Ilentnn. K. O.
Knopp, Trod Swingle, H. MncMlllan,
A. H. Crane, L L. Davis, F. It. Derby,
V. C. Manners, D. A. Scurry, J. C.
Dltchburn, W. II. Foster, L. n. Rob
erts, E. ( Ely, J. P. Day, M. D., Isaac
Singer, C. A. Morgan, A. O. lluther
ford, 11. 11. Hilgg, . F. James, F. J.
Moon. J. H. Iteese, W. A. Smith, (
Humphrey, A. II. Mitchell, Joseph Gll
hool. It. Itennle, It. II. Strickland, C.
n. Smith. M. G. Clifford. J. A. lloole, J.
O. Hecse.
The Hospital's Bill for Tieatment of
Indigent Patients to Come Up.
Tonight Is the regular night for the
mooting of the poor bonid. One of the
most important matterH which will
probably bo considered Is that of the
hospital's bill for J1.2I0, which was In
curred by patients sent to the institu
tion by the old board. The bill has
been up at each meeting for several
months and, ulthough several times
meetings wete nrranged for between
the old board and hospital directors,
the matter hung Hie until the last
meeting, when President Walker, of
the hospital boaul, nppeared before the
poor dliectors and urged that some
aotlon be taken, as the hospital sadly
needs the funds. The bill was finally
left in the hands of the finance com
mittee of the two boards, with instilla
tions to report tonight.
Officers Installed.
The recently elected olllccrs chosen
by tho Catholic Women's Benevolent
league of this city were Installed on
Wednesday evening at their lodge room
in St. nose hall. The lodles hail n
most pleasant evening, a fine musical
programme, a social session nnd re
freshments following the main feature
of the meeting. Mrs. Mullady, or
Wllkes-Barre, was the Installing offi
cer, and she inaugurated the follow
ing ladles for the ensuing term:
Piesldent, Mis. W. J. Snyder: vice
president. Miss Jennie Kearney; ora
tor, Miss Dildget Gllmartin; treasurer,
Miss Ella Boland; secretary, Miss Ella
Ilarte; marshal, Miss Mary Gerrity:
guard. Miss Catherine McLaughlin;
tiustecs, Mrs. Richard Kllpatrick, Mrs.
Martin Gerrity and Mrs. Patrick Harte.
Tommy Shearer Is Coming.
The coming of the Tommy Sheaier
company lo the Grand Opera House
for a. week's engagement, commencing
next Monday evening, has aroused
more than usual Interest among local
theutcr-goers. "Tho Victorian Cross"
will be presented Monday with every
attention given to proper costuming
nnd necessary scenery.
Fashionable vaudeville is Introduced
each evening between the acts, among
those appearing being John J. and
(Florence Murray, Master Edmund
Standlsh, Milton Dawson, Maymu
Keogh, Frank I Whlttier and Tommy
Shearer. Ladies' tickets Issued for
Monday evening, limited to two hun
dred. Sale opens Saturday morning.
A Family Quarrel.
A Simpson hotel bar room was the
scene of a family quarrel a day or two
ago In which an Innocent party faired
very battle. After a fierce wordy war,
which lasted for some time, the wo
man, who was tho mother-in-law of
the man with whom she was quarrel
ing, became exasperated beyond
bounds and throw a heavy article, said
to bo a beer glass, at the man. The
aim was good, but the man jumped out
of the way and the glass struck his
little daughter, who had been standing
behind him. A painful wound was
caused, but tho attending physician
said it was nothing really serious. This
distressing episode, however, ended tho
A Dog Killed.
A small dog owned by a Brooklyn
street family was run over and killed
by a passing street car yesterday af
ternoon. Tho carcass was removed by
one of tho vicinity residents.
Hcaid Sousa.
Fiank Roemelmeyer, tieasuier of
the Mozart band, attended the Sousa
concert at the Lyceum In Scranton on
Wednesday. Ho reports having had a
delightful time.
The Finance Committee.
The tlnunco committee of couiulls
he.J(l a. meeting last evening and went
over a large list of bills which will be
picsunted at tho next meeting of roun
Jell".' ', A Branch Agency.
The Singer Sewing Machine company
has established a branch agency with
Lawienco Little, on South Main stieot.
Miss Little will be the book-keeper.
A New Secretary.
Edward Carr has been elected sec
retary of tho Young Men's union, after
filling out the unexpired teini of J. f.
Crowd), who resigned.
Stores Open Nights.
All tho stoies In tho flty vveio open
last evening and will remain open each
night until the 20th, in accordance with
the time-honored custom Inaugurated
when pay-days came once a month. As
no knowledge waa obtainable as to the
conditions of the semi-monthly pay-
Cures all Throat and Lung Affections.
K. Ctttbe genuine. Xefuse substitute. A
Vis sure
3lvMon Oil ruref RbcunaUssa. ig 4 as cts,
dHy at the last ineetlng of the Mer
chants' association, no action was
tnken in regard to extending the early
closing movement. Tho first night of
tho present "open" spell did not
amount to much in the way of busi
ness, owing to the bad weather and the
worse walking.
Mrs, Eva Vnughan.
Mm. Eva Vnughan, of Honesdalc,
died at tho Carbondale Emergency
hospltnl at 6 o'clock hist evening, whore
she had been n patient for the last
three months. Claude W. Fulkerson,
the music dealer of this city, was her
brother. Another brother lives In Bal
timore, Md. "She Is also survived by
her husband and three children, nil of
Donesdnle. She was a member of th
Methodist Episcopal church at Provi
dence, where she resided before going
to Honesdalc. The funeral announce
ment will be given later.
Mrs. Mnrgnret Campbell.
Mrs. Margaiet Campbell, widow of
James Campbell, died yesterday morn
ing at 9 o'clock at her homo, No. 12')
Canaan street. She had been 111 about
thiee weeks. The cause of her death
was pneumonia. Her husband, who
died about two years ago, wus one of
the engineers on the old Guivlty ni.ll
toad. Mrs Campbell's maiden name whs
Margaret Klrkwood, and she was born
lit this city and lie(l heie nil he
year", nearly three seoie and ten. She
was a member of the Holy Kosnry
society and of St .Rome's chut eh. She
is survived by her brother, .Tamo
Kllkwood, of Seventh avenue, this
city; her bister, Mis. Mary O'Malley,
of O'Neill City, Neb., and seven chil
dren, John K or Grand Junction,
Col. j Thomas. James, Lydla, Elisa
beth, Margaret and Mary, all of this
Her funeral procession will leave the
late residence on Cannan street, to.
moirow morning nt !.!." o'clock, and
proceed to St. Itose church, whete a
requiem mass will be said. The Inter
ment will take place In St. Rnse ceme
tery. Off for the Golden State.
'Mr. and .Mrs. Alfied Pascoe. Mrs.
Harriet Ilaynor and Miss Hattle Pas
coe started yesterday for a six months'
ilslt to California. They will first go
lo Washington, then to New Orleans,
finishing their journey by the Southern
route. They will spend most of their
time In Los Angeles and San Diego.
Edwaid Pascoe will be .In charge of his
father's affairs while he Is absent from
the city.
A Now Singing Class.
Pi of. John T. Watkins, of Seianton,
was In thlp city on Wednesday, at the
it'iiKll'llt'V ui . jumill lj, r.vuur. aim .
oignnlzed a vocal class. Ho met with
much success. His new pupils will
meet him each Wednesday here ifter.
next week at Mr. Evans' home, nnd
thereafter at Mr. Watkins' studio In
this city.
Meetings Tonight.
Poor board.
Order of Railway I'ondtietois, No.
Junior Older United Ameiiean Me
chanics. Companions of the Forest.
American Legion of Honor.
United Mine AVorkers, No. IS I.
A Handsome Calendar.
Councilman Russell M. Shepherd has
been delighting his friends by disti Unit
ing hnndsomo calendars Issued by the
Equitable Life Assurance society, of
which ho is tho representative In this
city. It Is printed In water-color tints
and represents two childieu playing at
tho seaside.
An All-Around Clippie.
Thomas Caiey, of Waymart. who
wan operated on a few days ago and
had both feet amputated, will leeover.
Some time ago he was obliged to un
dergo another operation, dltferenlng,
however, In the fact that then ho had
both hands removed.
Mrs. Watt 111,
Mis. William E, Watt, of to Wash
ington street, Is confined to her home
by an attack of diphtheria. She was
lenorted to be Improving last evening.
This Is the second caso of the dlseise
reported to the board ol heilth this
Gone to Denver.
Lewis F. Moirls left on the Erie fly
er on Wednesday evening for Denwi,
Co),, where he expects to locate. Mr.
MonU was a member of Tilnlty choir
and was known widely throughout tho
city. Many cordial wishes for success
accompany him on his way.
An Evoning Paity.
Miss Cora Giles entei tallied a large
number of her young friends on Wed
nesday evening nt the homo of her
sister, Mrs. Russei M. Shepherd, on
Parte avenue. A very cnjoyublo lima
was had by her guests.
A Baby Boy.
Mr. und Mrs. John L. Pethlck liavo
had their home brlghctned by the ad
vent of a baby boy, who arrived on
Wednesday. Both tho mother and child
are getting along finely.
Tonight "Saints and Slnneis."
This afternoon "Robinson Crusoe."
Tonight "A Night in New York."
All next week Tommy Sheaiei's
Back to Work.
1'. F. Donnelly, who has been III at
lilo home In Jessup for tho post five
weeks, has recovered sufficiently lo re.
sumo his position at Tlngley's drug
Crone to the Electric City.
William Keating, of Mill street, lias
accepted a position with A. Booth &
Compnny, of Scranton, as stenograph
er and assistant book-keeper.
EL. Ha tfieia, man
ager ef the Carbon
dale edltUn, will We
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation ordeslraut of
Imparting It Tele
phone numbers: New
a86: old, ajaj.
The Church of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Nearly Completed.
The Rev. O. S. Ccrruth, pastor of Our
Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catho
lic church, will have services In tho
church every Sunday morning nt 8 nnd
10.30 o'clock. On Wednesday night tha
congregation organized a choir of
about twenty young people. Professor
John Firth will bo tho chorister and
Miss Julia Coughlan, daughter of
Michael Coughlan, of Dundnft street,
and John L. Reed, of Rockland, Me.,
were united in tho marriago at the
t hurch of St. Hose de Lima by the
Very Hov. Thomas F. Coffey, V. G., at
S.15 o'clock yesterday morning. Tho
bridesmaid was Miss Mary F. Cough
lan, sister of the bride, nnd her brother,
James Coughlan was best man. The
bride was attired In a gown of plum
colored poplin und the bridesmaid wore
a becoming gray costume. After tho
ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served nt tho residence of tho bride's
father to tho Immediate family only.
After the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Iteed
departed for Washington, D. C, and
the south for an extended tour. They
will take up their residence in Rock
land at the termination of the trip.
Real Filipinos in Town.
Druggist Frank E. Dennis has Just
been made happy by receiving u lwx
of fine Manila cigars direct from the
Philippine1 Islands. They were sent to
him by Dr. Jenkins, who Is now out
theie with the United States army,
and were mailed to him on May '27,
1000. The box passed unopened through
the ports of this country because It
bore on the upper eft-hand corner:
"From Dr. Jenkins, Ninth United
States Volunteer Infantry. Soldiers'
The cigars were received In splendid
shape, not one of them being broken
(luring their 10,000 mile Journey. They
are of uxqulslte flavor and flagrant
aroma and are finished in good style.
Still Unconscious.
Samuel Reynolds, of Belmont street,
who Is over SO years old, is still un
conscious from the effects of the coal
Has which overpowered him on Mon
day "veiling, and It is feared that ho
will not recover. He lives by himself
nnd his daughter found him on Mon
day eening In his present state, the
looms smelling strongly of coal gas.
This, combined with his nge and a
binin affection from which he bus been
Miifetlng, make his condition precar
ious. A Coming Basket Social.
Caibondale canton, No. 10, Patriarchs
Militant, held their legular meeting
last evening. Airangements were re
ported to le well under way for the
entertainment and basket social the
canton Is to give on Thursday even
ing. January 21. This occasion will be
fspeelnlly Interesting, as It will com
memorate the first anniversary of one
( l' c'.irbondale's most successful soci
eties. Good progress was pronoun? d
b all the committees.
Concerning the Scranton Traction Co.
Editor nf Thp Tribune. Carbondale
see thiough the medium of your
paper that Sllllman Is trying to make
the public sufler for the advance In
wnges that they had to give to their
employes, in older to hae the strike
culled oft. Now, thee corpoiatlons do
not like to pay out any of their gold
that they have hoarded up. If thev lid
they would have paid my wife and mv
self tho twenty-four bundled and
twenty dollars that was u warded lo
us in the couitti of Lackawanna coun
ty. In October. 1S93, for Injuries re
ceived by my wife in a stieet car col
lision at the White bildge in this city,
but v.e hne to suffer because we have
not got the wheiewlth to follow It up.
1 had one of Sllllinan's scabs bofoie mo
not long ago for vagrancy, and ho
was discharged on promise of leaving
the city within one hour, never to re
turn. The nuijoilty of the people In
Caibondale may sometimes, more or
less, have pimples, but we have no win
for scabs. ) leJoLe with the emuloyej)
In their victory as I am satlitVJ that
unless you hold their noso to the grind
stone thev will outdo you every ttiu ',
but I hope to get .something out of
them eie long.
It. J. Delevnn, Alderman,
No. S2 Belmont street.
Caibondale, Jan, 11. 1'jOI.
Tho Passing Throng.
Oeoigo A. Sp.ill spent yestenUiy In
Forest City.
W. H. Gillies is ill ut his home on
Brook street.
Miss Alice Boyd, of Scranton, Is vis
iting In town.
John McGeo, of Plttston, Is visiting
relatives In this city.
George M. L.uibshlre, of Lincoln ave
nue. Is ill with the grip.
Peter Cunningham, of Forest City,
wan In town yesterday.
Merchant A. D. Wyllle, of Belmont
stieet. Is on the sick list.
Huiold Iteed, of Scranton, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
M. K. Harnden, of Olyphant, was a
visitor in town yesterday.
Miss Florence Wedeman has beon
quite seriously 111 for several days.
Mis. II S. Meyers left for Corning,
N. V.. yesterday to visit relatives.
Mis. L. A. Green, of Jcrmyn, spent
Wednesday with Carbondale friends.
Miss Rose Mulholland, of Church
street, Is confined to her home by Ill
ness. Miss Ellen Donnelly, of Honesdale, Is
spending a few days with Carbondalo
f lends.
George Mclntlic has i etui-nod to
Schenectady, after u visit with his par
ents In this city.
Miss Clara Norton, of,
Pa., Is tho guest of Miss Llzzlo Scurry,
of Wyoming stieet.
W. E. Roberts, tho Belmont stieet
meat dealer, hos been confined to his
homo by Illness for several days.
Chrlstcphor Powderly, who bus been
confined to his homo for tho past week
with un attack of grip, Is 'able to bo
around again.
Michael Barrett, formerly employed
by tho Delaware nnd Hudson, has gone
to Wllkes-Barre, where h baa secured
a position with the Lehigh Valley company.
To Xeep Healthy and Strong.
A healthy appetite and common
sense arc exoellent guides t6 follow in
matters of diet, and a mixed diet of
Brains, fruits nnd mcaU Is undoubted
ly the best, in splto of tho claims mado
by vogotarlana and fowl cranks gen
erally. Aa compared with grains and vege
tables, meat furnishes the most nutri
ment In a highly concentrated form
nnd is digested and assimilated more
quickly than vegetqbles or grains.
Dr. Julius Bemusson on this subject
says: Nervous persons, people run
down In health nnd of low vitality
should eat plenty of meat, If tho di
gestion Is too feeble at first It may bo
easily strengthened by tho regular uso
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after
each meal. Two of these excellent tab
lets taken after dinner will digest sev
eral thousand grains of meat, eggs or
other animal food In threo or four
hours, while the malt diastase also con
tained In Stuart's Tablets causa tho
perfect digestion of starchy foods, llko
potatoes, bread, etc., and no matter
how weak the stomach may be, no
trouble will be experienced If a regular
practice Is mado of using Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablots because they supply tho
pepsin nnd diastase so necessary to
perfect digestion, and any form of in
digestion and stomach trouble except
cancer of the stomach will be overcome
by their dally use.
That large class of people who come
under tho head of nervous dyspeptics
should eat plenty of meat nnd Insure
Its complete digestion by the systemat
ic uso of a safe, harmless digestive
medicine like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets composed of the natural digestive
principles, peptones and diastase,
which nctually perform the work of
digestion nnd give the abused stomach
a chance to rest and fo furnish the
body and brnln with tho necessary
nutriment. Cheap cathartic medicines
masqueiadlng under the name of dys
pepsia cures are useless for relief or
cure of Indigestion because thev have
absolutely no effect upon the actual di
gestion of food.
Dyspepsia in all Its forms Is simply a
failure of the stomach to digest food
and the sensible way to solve the ilddle
and cure the Indigestion Is to make
dally use at meal time of a safe pre
paration which Is endotsod by the
medical profession and known to con
tain active digestive principles, and a'l
this can truly lie said of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablet-,
All druggists throughout the United
States. Canada nnd Great Rrltaln sell
them at the uniform price of fifty
cents for full treatment
Lyman Howe's high-class mov ng
pictures, which will Ik? seen here In the
Methodist Episcopal church on Satur
day evening, will without a doubt be
the most Interesting entertainment
given here for the winter. The pro
gramme Is guaranteed to be entirely
now and embrace up-to-dato scones In
China, the South African war, the
Paris exposition, In connection with
which a thrilling experience will bo
shown by a novel moving picture of
the grent Eiffel tower. Two solid
hours of fun and umusement and no
wnlts or delays.
James Treslze, of Iieaver Meadow,
Carbon county, Is visiting his son, John
Trcslre, of AV'cst Mnyfleld.
Louis Morris, formerly of this town,
left yesterday on the Erio flyer for
HIchard Evans, of Third (street, was
In a very critical condition last even
ing nnd his death Is hourly expected.
W. P. Jones, of Mud pond, left yes
teiday for California, where ho will
spend a few months visiting.
Dr. P. C. Manley, of Mnyfleld, ex
pects today to relinquish his practice
here und join his brother. Dr. Manley,
tho well-known Scranton physlc'an.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. George "White,
of .Second street, a son, and to Mr. and
Mis. H. Llghtner.of Mnyfleld, a daugh
ter. Esther, the daughter of Mrs. Me
Lean, of West Mnyfleld, Is seriously III.
James Treslze, Mr. and Mrs. John
Treslze nnd Will Trcslze.of West Mny
fleld. will attend the funeral of their
sister, the late Mi. Smith, nt Wilkes today.
Miss Emma Scull, of llncoii stieet. 1 4
seilmislj 111.
.... -
The doll which has been on exhibi
tion In the window of Miss M.irv .1
Davis' novelty store, on'.c.iwamni
street, wus chanced olf Thuisday
evening. Ticket No. 1::." was the lucky
number. Any person holding that
number will please call at the store and
secuie the prl.e.
Mr. and Mis. Homer Jones gave a
delightful dancing party at thMr homo j
111 .uartnnoou on TiieMiny evening. At
mldnitthl a delicious tepnst wits served
to the many guests, iiinong whom weie
the following. Mr. and Mrs. Pied
Hrovvnlng. the Misses Hilling, lilshop,
Ciiitllths. Snyder, Eininu Snder, Wil
liams. Patten, lloban, I.ultu and Hub
erts. Mihsis. n. 11. Ilolleran. Louis
Hoyle Otis Hopkins, Joe flrownlng.
Ernest Urownlng, Junies Lake. Eugene
McDonald, Oeoigfj Lake and Frank
The Father Mnthew Opeia House
wus filled again last evening, when "In
the Heart of the Ilockles" was pro
duced by tho Tommy Shearer com
pany. This evening tha company will
present "A Woman's rtedemptlon."
Tomorrow afternoon a matinee will he
A most cnjoyublo social event was
held In the looms of the Ladles' Catho
lic Benevolent association In Father
Mnthew hall last evening, when the
members tendered an Informal recep
tion to a number of their fi lends. Af
ter a season spent in the usual social
diversions refreshments were served.
Mrs. John J. Jones nnd children, of
Nantlcoke, nio visiting relatives in
Miss Maine Moyles, of Green Ridge,
is the guest of Miss Mary O'Brien, of
Lackawanna, street.
The funeral of William Smith will
take place Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock from tho family home on Sus
quehanna street.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cuied
by local ippllcatloiui 11 they cannot rcaih the
illwawd po"la ' tl' ar. There li only one
waj to cure ilcajnivi, anil that fi by contttu
tlonil rrmeiliea. Doafnt.a ',a caused by an lu
named condition of the mucous lining of the
i:ustathln Tube. When tills tube fa Inflamed
ou liine rutnullra; sound or Imperfect hcarlnp,
anil unen it li entirely closed, DcifneM li (he re
sult, and unless the Inflammation ean be taken
out and tlilj tuba restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing lll be destrojed foretcrs nine
cava out of ten ire caused by Catarrh, which is
nothing but an InQaincd condition of the mucoiu
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caw
of Peifness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be
cured by Hill's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars.
F. J. CHENEY It CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by nnugLta, 78c.
Hsll's Family Pills are the best.
Of Hieh Grade
Men's Furnishing Goods arid Hats
Our entire Winter Stock must be closed out to make room for Spring and Summer
stock now in course of manufacture, the biggest bargains ever offered in season.
All 5i.5o Neckwear
Heavy Ribbed 50c Balbriggans 35c
Silk Fleeced, $1.00 kind 59c
Natural Wool and Imported Derby,
Ribbed, and others, worth $1.00
and $1.25 75c
Standard Makes of the $1.50 kind of
Underwear $1.19
The well-known makes, of the 2.00
kind $1.39
Odds and Ends of High Grade Un
derwear, worth $1.50 and $2.00... 75c
Union Suits at Cost.
Night Robes & Pajamas
High Grade Muslin Robes 48c and 75c
Flannel Robes -45c
Flannel Pajamas, worth $2.00 95c
Bosom Shirts
All $1.00 Grade 69c
Some $1.50 Shirts at $1,00
Unlaundried White Shirts, woith
$1.00, at 48c
See Window
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ciminiliigs
celebrated their silver wedding mini- j
veisary at their hospitable home on
Main stieet on Wednesday evening.
About 150 guests were present. Mr.
and Mrs. Cummlngs were the recipi
ents of a large collection of beautiful
presents. A sumptuous wedding feast
was served. Tho young people In at
tendance were given a dance In Web
er's rink. Among, those present were:
Prof, and Mrs. Thomas H. Duvls, Mr.
and Mrs. Fells Day, Mrs. John Weber,
Mr. and Mis. John Thomas. Mr. and
Mis. At. J. McDonald. Foi email nnd
Mis. John It. Johns, Mr. nnd Mis. M.
Lydon, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hayes,
Foreman und Mrs. II. E. Hnirts, Mr,
and Mrs. John P. Grituths, Mr. und
Mrs. Thomas Haddock, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hussion, Mr. and Mrs. HIch
ard dimming''. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gal
lagher, Mts. William limits, Mrs. J.
P. Law, J Mr. and Mis. William Fox,
Mr. and Mis. James Powell, Mr. an J
Mrs. Thomas Moran, Mrs. P. Judge.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Coleman. Misses Mar
garet Culck, Mnrgaret Dembler. Kate
Gallagher. Mrs. O'Horo, Ethel O'llom,
Nellie Doyle. I). Gallagher. Mrs. P.
Connolly, Ella Jones, Joii's
Etta. Mulherln. Hnnnnh Daey, Mar
in ret Kllpatrick, Sarah Grltllths. Mar
garet Burns, Maud Haddock, Maine
Day, Julia Burns, Annie Lydon, Ella
Uurn, Agnes Scanlon, Anna Burns,
Tessle Shea. Ella Cummlngs Man I
and Leah Evans. Mary King Jennie
Caimcl, et Manaroy. Mi.'. t.
iMU McDinald. Mary McDouili'.. Nel
lie and Jennie L-iughtiey. Nora an 1
Loretta Sullivan Kate ned Maisaret
Ludgate. B. Wright, Kate Shea, Mar
garet Shea, Agnes Shea, B. Jordan,
.Mary and Lizzie Ynunghlnod. Maggie
King, Jane MeDoverlck, nnd Me -.-is
M. J. Grogan, Charles (Slogan, Prank
Jordan, Daniel McDonald, Hobeit Gil
gallon, John and James Shea. AnJrew
Sullivan, James Connolly, John Han
nlck, Edward Hobbs, Ellsworth Davis.
M. .1. Cuslek. James Pin cell, Martin
McDonoiigh, Frank Judge, James Tim
lin, James Hart. T. J. Unban, Daniel
Slice. P.obert Moore, .Trim Moore, John
Ludgate, F Gallagher. John Gal
lagher, Thomas Hcnlv, M. Judge. Ed
win d and lta Fox, Philip Lally, Pir
ilck Ludgate, Funk Lall.v, James
Ludgate, John 1-illy, Mlshcs Kate
Sulllvin. Margaiet Gnllughei, Mui
gittet Mm 1 ay, B. Moran. Maggie Mai
loy, Barbara Nealls. Kate Clatk, Sarah
Roche, Margaret DoiiRhuity. Nel.lo
tin I Sarah Moses, Kate Roche.
A Bi-nnd cako and faggot totlal will
bo held In the Welsh Congregational
church basement, under tho nusplres
of the Pride of Lackawanna lodge. No.
IS, American Protestant Ladies' asso
ciation, on Tuesday evening next.
Tonight the panoramic entertain
ment will be held, under the nusalces
of the Patriotic Order Sons of Amei
lea, ut their looms In the Red Men's
Basket ball tonight nt Fallon's rink,
Taylor basket bH team vs. tho Belle
vue Stats. Much rivalry exists be
tween both teams, and a spirited con
test can be looked for. A social will
follow tho contest. Admission, fifteen
Evan G. Watkins Is a candidate for
school director from the Third waid,
subject to tho decision of tho Repub
lican primaries.
Tho Republicans of this borough will
bold their primaries on Tuesday after
noon, between the hours of 4 and 7
o'clock. All candidates desiring to
register nnd pay assessments are le
quested to be present at tho meeting
on Monduy evening in tho council
chambers, where tho vigilance com
mittees will nssemble,
Tho entertainment held last evening
nt Weber's link, under the auspices of
tho United Mine Workors' Drum corps,
wis well patronized,
Oomor Jones has returned bomo
from his visit to Pottsvlllo.
Invlnclblo commundery, No, 252,
Knights of Malta, will meet this even
ing In Important session.
Edward Fox, of Grove street, Is
bomo from a two weeks' visit with
relatives In Philadelphia,
Misses Bertha and Oertrudo Reese,
of drove street, bavo been entertain
ing ns their guest Miss May Evans, of
Bloomsbutg, Pa.
$1.00 KUunA"r:""" S?
Your Choice
412 Spruce Street.
With every set of our best leeth contracted for on
or before February 15th, 1901.
Gold CrouJns, $3.00. Bridge Work, $3.00
Fillings, 50 Cents.
Extracting free when teeth are ordered. All
work guaranteed in writing: for ten years.
Union Pa in less Dentists
OR. C. S. FAATZ, Manager.
305 Lackawanna Ave. Scranton, Pa.
At a leuular meeting of the Wilson
File compnny held nt their looms on
Tuedav evening. Lie following olltceiM
wor elected" Pt"Mdent. Harry E.
Malms- first vice piesbient. W. J. Me
Kelve.v second vice president. Wil
liam Vandervoori: lecoidlng secre
tary, C. J. Canzemullei; financial sec
letaiv. Knbeil I.inteiu, tieasuier,
W. B. Stevens; foieman. W. J. Urodd,
Hist nsstiiiit, Alex. 1'iazler; second
assistant, William Walker; tiu.'te",
o. II. Beuttys: repres'Utatlve to stai
tinmen's convention. X. II. Johnson:
altei native, S. W. Newton.
Mis. Mniy Barnes is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. Andiew Hale, ol Vates
vlUe. Mr. A. J. Hazen has announced his
Intentions of becoming a candidate
tor the olllce of Thltd wind council
man. Mr? John Puidy. of Main street, Is
ii.nnneil tn her home bv illness.
Mr, K. II. Btlggs, councilman of thJ
Plist waid, has declaied his Inten
tions of becoming n candidate for tho
same otlleo for another term.
An oyster Mipper will be bold tins
m-cninp- i Wrlilnv). from ." to 8 o'clock,
nt 111 homo nf Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bnbeits. by the ladles or uie uapusi
chinch. All are coidlallj Invited.
Misr Uchsls Mulllnex lelurnod home
on Sunday last, after a few days' so
journ with relative.- In Scranton.
The following otllceis vvero elected
In the Methodist Episcopal Sunday
acluml tnv tho ensuing year: Super
intendent. E. M. Lenclr nsslstnnt. W.
S Trace- secretary, Mls Emma E.
Coon; assistant. Bessie Mulllnex;
treasurer. W. S. Fraco; organist, Miss
Anna Bthblo; assistant organist, Miss
Carrie M. Wells.
The MIpscs Cora and Emily Leach
returned home on Sunday nfter a s
lt of a few days with relatives In
Mnster Wallace J. Cook left here on
Tuesday to spend a week with his
ginndfnther In Scott.
Stanley Stevens was a caller In this
plare on Sunday last.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Colvln, or Car
bnndnle, spent Sundny with the Jai
ler's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Mul-
K. r Miller, who has been suffering
for the pan two weeks from la grippe
and eiulnzy. Is somewhat Improved.
Mrs. It. S. Harlan is visiting her
sister In Danville.
N. S. Davis attended the funoral of
his bt other. Hernnid, In Providence,
on Wednesday.
Mis. Wluslow'8 Soothing Syrup
H.s lcn viM-d tor ovtr FIFTY .i:AH8 by
llll.UONS nt MMIlUrtS for lliolr CIIILUHKN
Wit B TKinillNO. with I'KUFKOT SUCCrSS
It BOOTilW tho CHILI). S0FTi:N3 th, ou,8
AU7V8 sill l'AIKl r'jm:s WIND COMO. Inj
1. thVbest remedy lor PHItltHOKA. Sold i,
Druggists la every part ol ;ho world. ne ,ur,
snd sk lor "Mrs. imIow'i Soothing Sjrun,"
ind take no other kind. Twenty-flvo rtuts a
Black and Fancy Hose at 2Jc
The 17c, 3 for 50c
The 50c values 35c, 3 for $1.00
The $1.00 values 69c
20 Per Cent Discount on
House Coats, Bath Robes,
Umbrellas and Dress
Suit Cases.
of any $2.00, $3.00
in our Window, at
4-Ply Linen Collars, 10c, all
Other bargains that we cannot men
tion in this limited space.
Special lo the Kranton Trihunr.
Hopbottom. Jan. 10. Tho Universal
l.t Ladles' Aid met on Wednesday for
dinner with Mrs. Oney Case.
Mr. William Itboades has returned
from Newark, where he has beer,
spending a few days with his daugh
ter. Miss Cliace MoKeever, teacher of the
Intermediate department of our school.
Is 111 with mensles. The board of
health intend to close the school at the
end of this week, hoping thnt by In
stituting a vacation of a few days
they may prevent the disease becom
ing epidemic.
Mr. Steadman, the buttermaker at
the farmers' creamery, Is suffering
from a severe Injury to his foot,
caused by Jumping on a nail, which
penetrated through tho boot into his
Pile broke out on Monday In the top
of the grist mill and occasioned some
thing of a scare, but fortunately it
was extinguished before mucb damage
i faulted.
There was quite a sensation In town
on Tuesday, when tho leport became
cut tent that instead of mensles there
was .1 case of smallpox In town. The
mistake was caused by some person-
seeing the word smallpox on the quart
iinttne notice before It had been altered
to read measles, and the report spread
with tho rapidity that only false ic
ports can spread.
Mrs. E. M. Tiffany Is on the sick list.
The subject of next Sunday even
ing's sermon nt theUnlversallstehuroh
Is "The invitation of Christianity."
Stops the Cough
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno Tablets
euro a cold In one day. No Cure, No
Pny. Price 13 cents.
Head of the Jesuits.
Dy Exclusive Win from 'Die A'socistcd Treu.
Wn.liinttm, Jan 13. lUv. Francl J, Gannon,
has been appointed hud ol the eastern provim
(I l lie Jesuit order in tills country to fill thx
vaeaney occasioned hy tho restcnstlon ol ltev
lUluaid I 1'urbrick. Father Cannon us the
first assistant to Father 1'urbrick. He was bom
In fambrldse, Mai.
i ".."''i T "1 mmr n i ittisi !
Ishsss bcihMis" rlHBT0n?Bhrar!u.
BIIIIIB8. n orns,fulljr restore.1. Frith cue
cared lM lo jf. pit most dinsorous rases
Pliriica. "IH KUTaSSHIR lIIT.n Tiut
)T rrflllZnendf A! llworn TaallmonTTa Jk 11w.h --
vsis ttf rr U iwuiBtt ,UoMcsa Ma7t toad.
laii.ncuaivrnworn jnnmon aisa n