' VVi ff T W ' ! . ' ti.'TT -h VI ' ' -WV rihute. ormtton Tife "NLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETENEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. -1 SCRANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1901. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. saajlM .sfjBati .. T mwBPT f HNHTJiTBm'm mtT laLiDi v f eJWT MiiTitfW j- - j Kstm!i''3BHSSBiMittStS:i jss?i-.. foBB - V THE FIGHTS AT WEST POINT Gadct Bettlson Tells ol the Fre quent Encounters at tlie Rcadcmu. MORE OP INVESTIGATION Bays Authorities Made No Attempt to Prevent Them or Punish the Participants Gives Names of Men Who Have Fought During the Last Four Years How "Scrapping Committee" Arranges Contests. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. West Point. Jan. 10. Before the members of the eongrcfsionnl commit tee resumed their Inquiries) Into the charges of hazing at the military ucademy this morning they visited the camp grounds) and Fort Clinton, where many ot the tights between cadets havo taken place. Colonel Clayton, who is il graduate of the ncudemy, ex plained the arrangement of the tents In the summer encampments to his fellow-commltteemen, and when they visited tho rink in the rear of the camp the "stretching" process by which sev eral cadets were hazed was described. When the Investigators reached tho nrademy building at 9.30 o'clock Hor ace Booz, of Buffalo, brother of tho late Cadet Booz, who was to have been tho first witness today, had not ;:et ar rived, and considerable delay ensued. .A hunt 10.1." o'clock Cadet 'William R. Bettlson. of Kentucky, was called and sworn. Bettlson has been president of bis class, now the first class at the academy, for two years. He was a classmate of Cadet Broth, but said he hud never known of Breth being hazed. Bettlson said that ho knew of five lights that took place during his first year at the academy between Cadets llarlec and Bender, Dcen and Mumma, Pearson and Kerr, Meyer and Coleman (both fourth class men), and Mueller and Ingrahani. One took place In tho tower room of tho gymnasium, one In Battery Knox, two In the barracks, and one at Fort Putnam. About Soirees. When tho committee reconvened, Cadet Bettlson resumed the stand nnd was Immediately questioned by Mr. Drlggs. "1 Just want to ask you a little morn about your 'soirees'," said Mr. Drlggs. "Now, you spoke of music being played during these 'soirees' in camp and you mentioned violin and mando lin music. Did you ever know of a cadet making music by placing paper over the ordinary hair comb.and while ho sat In ono tent and the man being haz.ed was in another, the tunes that he would play would Indlcato the ex ercises that tho lower class men should go through?" "No. sir." "I mean that if 'Yankee Doodle' was the tune played, 'eagles, for Instance, would be the exercise desired?" "No, I don't remember liavlng heard of It," replied the witness. In reply to Chairman Dick the wit ness said that an Infringement of the (icademlo regulations would not be re garded by a cadet as a violation of his oath. The chairman having Inquired very carefully of the witness the effects of the class agreement to abolish hazing by exercising, or any other form of rough treatment, asked Bettlson If ho thought it was conducive to the ex termination of those practices at the academy. "I do, sir," was the reply. "But would hazing not ciop out again If future classes, not bound by this ngTcqment, should revive haz ing?" "Yes, sir: It might start up again, hut I think the Influence of the upper' classes would certainly have tho de tired effect." Correcting of Booz. Bettlson then told the story of hW correcting former Cadet Booz for Im properly patrolling his post and ac knowledged to General Dick that this was ono of the causes of Boo.'s being railed out. Ho also explained that Booz had mado an untruthful reply to a complaint made ugnlnst him by Cadet Cnples. Booz, he said, also mndo in Improper remark to an upper class man when spoken to and In conse quence of all these causes he was "called out." Booz had not been asked to resign Seforo ho wns called out. In fact Booz fid not get any alternative and did not object to fighting. Tho witness inld he had never heard Booz called "Bibles," Ho took occasion to tell tho lommlttee that he had never known i man to bo annoyed for his religious practices or convictions. Ho had seen Booz coming into camp after his fight Kith Keller and told how ho went to 'he Bristol cadet's tent and remon itrated with him for his actions In tho Ight. In reply to Colonel Clayton thg nitness said: "Tho reason that I myself did not Ight Booz was that I was several Inches taller nnd neurly thirty pounds leavler than ho." "Did Booz object or did he make any objections to tho preparations?" nuked the colonel. "No, sir, ho did not." Cadet Bettlson wns on the Htund for over five hours and prior to his being excused Chnlrman Dick asked him If ho had anything further to say. Ho replied: "I want to say, sir that the differ ence between tho hazing of a man here and at the colleges Is that in colleges freshmen nre hazed by sophomores in a spirit of mischief and sometimes hands aro laid on them brutally. Her wo never lay hands on a man except Jn the caso of a fight. Our hazing Is upeclflrnlly for the purpose of making o fourth claim man realize tho ncces- Blly of promises nml untitles obo- dlence." Cadet Ennls was called, but, as bo was not available, the committee ad journed until 7,30 o'clock. ATLANTIC LINER PUTS BACK. Machinery of the Frlsla, Bound for Boston, Deranged. By Exclmhe Wire from The Associated Prcu. Queenstown. Jan. 10. The Hamburg American lino steamship Frlsln, Cap tain Schmidt, from Hamburg, Dec. 20, for Boston and Portland, Me., which was reported off Brow Head last night, returning, arrived hero at 8 o'clock this morning. Her machinery Is de ranged. She had also sustained considerable dock damage and had large holes In both her quarters and considerable water In No. 4 hold. It Is feared her cargo is damaged. The Frlsla encountered terrific weather when about C00 miles west of the Irish coast. She rolled heavily and her spare propeller tall shaft, which was secured on her main deck, broke loose and smashed through sev eral plates. The shaft also knocked a hole In the dock nnd a portion of It crashed Into No. 4 hold. The rest rolled overboard. The vessel was In the greatest danger for several hours. The repalis will probably necessitate the Frlsla being docked here. The German tnnk steamship Hollos, Captain .Tanson, from Rotterdam for New York, has returned to Rotterdam with a high-pressure cylinder cracked. APPEAL OF THE PEACEFULHLIPINOS Mr. Teller Introduces the Memorial in the Senate Signed by 2000 Citizens. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Trcs.). "Washington, Jan. 10. In the senate today Mr. Teller presented a memorial from 2,006 "Filipinos and peaceful In habitants of Manila," In the form of an appeal to congress. "Mr. Teller said It was "signed personally by the lead ing people of Manila and that section lawyers, bankers and professional men, representing the best elements of that community." The appeal reviews tho circumstan ces leading up to the present struggle of tho Filipinos for Independence, and pays a high tribute to tho work of Agulnaldo nnd his coadjutors In their endeavor to obtain liberty nnd Inde pendence for the Philippines. Reference Is made to some of the principal events of tho revolution, tho petition urging that the American troops have failed to make a serious impression upon the revolutionary par ty. It points out that Agulnaldo de clared thnt he might lose the hope of victory, but that he would not lose the hope of dying for the liberty and Independence of his people. It declares that the revolution has the support of practically all the people of the Philip pines and that though 100 revolutionists be destroyed 1,000 will rise up to sup port the fight for Independence. All of tho islands of the archipelago, says the memorial, are supporting the revo lution and they will not yield until the last drop of Filipino blood has been shed. "The Filipino nation," the memorial continues, "bearing In mind the his tory of America nnd Its humanitarian doctrines, asks tho government of tho United States to cease Its 'persecution of men struggling to be free strug gling against greater wrongs than those which Inspired the fathers of this republic This Is asked 'In the name of Washington, of Jefferson, of Lincoln, in the name of justice and In the name of God eternal.' " Tho appeal declares that an auton omy similar to that enjoyed by Can ada or Australia would not be accept able to the Filipinos, who desire full liberty and independence, which the government of the United States Is urged to grant. When the reading of the memorial had been concluded Mr. Teller asked that it bo printed us a document "I object," said Mr. Hawloy, of Con necticut. "It Is a treasonable denun ciation of our government and an at tack upon our soldiers." RELIEF FOR RUSSIE'S CREW. Line Carried from Shore to the Wrecked French Steamship. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tro.. Marseilles, Jan. 10. In a message from Furaman at 0 o'clock this morn ing It Is reported that, In spite of the heavy sea still running, ft lifeboat t-ucceeded In reaching the stranded French steamship Russle at S o'clock. A line was attached by which food can bo sent to tho famished passen gers and crew, numbering 102 persons, who have been huddled together lu the forecastle since Monday evening. Tho wind blow with terrific violence all night, but the rain had ceased when dawn bioke. On the bridge and fore castle of the wrecked vessel some of tho crew and passengers could bo plainly seen. They signalled: "Hasten, or wo die of hunger." A few minutes later a second mes sage was sent from tho ship: "We nro constructing n raft which wo will try to launch, with a sail." ADMIRAL CERVERA VERY ILL. Little Hope for Recovery of the Spanish Naval Officer. By Exclusive Wiie from The Associated Press. Madrid, Jan. 10. In a dispatch from Puerto Real, near Cadiz, whero Ad miral Cervera Is lying 111, It Is an nounced that his condition has grown worse, and his friends aro almost hopeless of his recovery. Commander Quackenbush Dead. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated PreM. Washington, Jan, 10, Commander John W, Quackenbush, United Statu navy, retired, died at his residence In this city. He was born In New Voik and wax appointed In the navy In 1SI7. He served on the frigate Cumberland durlnr the Mexican warand was actively employed during the entire h-rlod of the Civil war. He was ro tired In UUi. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS Considerable Pronrcss Is Made bii the Senate on the flrmu Reorganization. APPEAL OF THE FILIPINOS Mr. Teller Presents a Memorial from More Than Two Thousand Fili pinos at Manila Urging the United States Government to Cease Opera tions in the Philippines Debate on River and Harbor Bill. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'rcss. Washington, Jan. 10. Consldernblo progress was made today by the senate with tho army reorganization bill, but the final vote upon tho measure seems to be as far off as ever. Today's pro ceedings were characterized by several sharp colloquies, some of which were of a decidedly personal character. An appeal was presented by Mr. Teller, of Colorado, from more than two thousand persons m Manila urg ing the United States government to ceaso its operations against th$ Fili pinos. The nppeal Is sensational In Its .statements and so unusual In form that Mr. Hawley, of Connecticut, made a vigorous objection to Its publication as a document. He declared that It was treasonable denunciation ot the government and an attack upon our soldiers. Consideration was concluded of tho committee amendments to the army reorganization bill and the senate took up the amendments proposed by Indi vidual senators. The amendments pro viding for the appointments of Gen erals James II. Wilson, Fltzhugh Leo and General Shatter to ue major gen erals of the regular army and retired, precipitated nn extended, and, on the part of Mr. I'ettlgrew, a bitter debate. Tho amendments prevailed, however, despite tho opposition. An amendment to the army bill of fered by Mr. Penrose authorizing tho members of societies and corps nnd regimental organizations of Spanish war veterans to use and wear upon occasions the distinctive badges of such organizations was adopted. In the House. The general debate on the river nnd harbor bill continued In tho house to day until 4 o'clock, when tho denth of Representative Clarke, of New Hampshire, was announced nnd the house adjourned out of respect to his memory. Tho features of the debate today were the speeches of Mr. Cush man (Wash.) and Mr. Hepburn (Iowa). The latter had been a persistent oppo nent of river and harbor bills for years and he attacked the bill all along the line in his usually vigorous lash Ion. Mr. Cushman's speech was unique in many particulars. He was In favor ot river and harbor appropriations and his complaint wns due to tho face that the members of tho committee, ac cording to his Ideas, had located tho bulk of the appropriations on their own states and had given scant con sideration to the needs of other states, especially to tho Seattle ship cnnnl In his own state. Mr. Cushman Illustrated his remarks with a series of carefully prepaid! charts. He criticised several of the Individual members of the committee In breezy style and became engaged In half a dozen very spirited encoun ters before he concluded. Members crowded nbout the area In front of the speaker's desk where ho stood explain ing tho figures upon tho charts anil every one seemed to enjoy the pictur esque performance immensely. When ho wound up with a glowing nppeal for justice to tho Seattle project ho got a stirring round of applause. DOWAGER STILL BIGOTED. Viceroy Tao Mu Believes She Will Resume Anti-Foreign Policy. By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Tress. Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 10. According to mall advices from Yokohama, Vice roy Tao Mu of the two Kwangs, who recently had nn audience with tho em press dowager, expresses the opinion that she Is as bigoted ns ever. Al though tho empress lias been forced to conclude peace by existing circum stances, tho viceroy believes she will again resort to the anti-foreign move ment whenever tho opportunity offers. Viceroy Chang-Chlh-Tung believes LI Hung Chang and I'rinco Chlng powerless to carry out their reform Ideas, and suggests the establishment ot a mildly progressive central govern ment, with the help and under tho pro tection of Japan, England and some other powers well disposed toward China. School Directors' Convention. By Exclusive Wlro fiom The Associated Tress. Lancaster, I'a., Jan. JO, At the fifteenth an nual convention of tho Lancaster county sdiool director' Institute at Mlllersvllle, this afternoon, resolutions worn adopted requesting the Icgisla. turc to enact laws adding; mo million dollam to the school appropriations for the jear ending June, 1900 and 1001, In view ot & recent an nouncement of tho governor that the statu treas ury would warrant Mich action, Brokers Assessed. Uy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress, London, Jan. 10. Six brokers nnd outside op. eratori who engineered the recent collate of Lake Views and the consequent downfall of six. teen firms have been compelled to pay over &Q0, 000 for the bineflt of the Injured firms, under threat, It Is reported ol an exposure of question, able transactions. ii i -. Mnjane in Jnil. By Hxcluslve Wire from The Associated l'res Atlantic City, N. J,, Jan. 10. Prank Majane, the local pugilist, was removed from the honpltnl to lh c it v U this morning. Ho will anawer the churns ol prlie Hsliting hs alwt will Charles AbramowtU, who to teverely puulslied Majane, MR. GARRETT RETIRES. No Longer Vice-President of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Vy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Jan. 10. John B. Gar rett announced today that ho will re tire on. Tuesday next from the vlec prestdeney of tho Lehigh' Valley Ilall ixiad company. This decision was communicated to President Walter in November last, and ho has remained In ofllco since that time at Mr. Wal ter's request. Mr. Garrett's decision was known only by a few personal friends. Ho withdraws from railroad life and will devote his time to edu cational and philanthropic work. The directors of the Lehigh Valley Railroad company hold a special meet ing this afternoon. In presenting his resignation, Mr. Garrott said thnt his chief reason for resigning was tho fact that his duties required his presence in Now York city, and this divided his Interests to Huch an extent that he decided to re linquish ihls office. Mr. Garrett's resig nation was presented In November, but was not made public until today. A successor to Mr. Garrett was not chosen at today's meeting. The an nual report of the company was read and adopted, but was not made public. ARBITRATION BOARD AT READING They Will Settle the Strike Question Today Demands of the Men. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Reading, Pn Jun. 10. The third day of the tie-up of the United Traction company's Hue found no change in tho situation. No attempt was made to start out cars, although thero had been rumors that this would bo done by the use of men brought from Philadelphia. This afternoon the striking street railway employes, through the execu tive committco of tho Federated Trades council, submitted their de mands to President Rlgg. Tho de mands Include the reinstatement to their former places of all employes discharged since January 1, also twenty cents an hour be paid, that nine hours shall constitute u. day's work, ono week early and one week late shift, that nones but members of the association in good standing shall be employed after two weeks of settle ment, and that If the present trouble cannot bo adjusted It shall be sub mitted to arbitration. President Rlgg rejected all the pro posals except the last. In reference to this proposal, Mr. Rlgg made the fol lowing suggestion: "The; Traction com pany will appoint two urbitratois to meet two uppolnted by the employes and these four shall choose tho fifth, and the board thus constituted shall hear and determine nil questions now ut variance between the company and Its employes." This evening It was definitely de cided that arbitration will be resorted to as a means of ending the strike. Five well-known citizens u 111 be named. Tho motormen and conductors have been asked by the company to report for duty at S o'clock tomorrow morn ing, pending arbitration. Arbitration wus agreed upon it a lc. hour tonight. There will be five arbitrators. H. F. Degour and Samuel D. Dlbert will act for the strikers, U. L. Jones and II. F. Fuller will iepre-f-ent the company and the fifth man on 'the board will be Mayor A. H, Leader. It Is understood that the strikers will return to work tomorrow morning, pending negotiations for a settlement. The company has already conceded most of the demands, nnd only the question of wages anil hours remain to be arbitrated WOMAN STAYED A SUICIDE. Italian Cut His Throat After At tacking His Boarding Mistress. By llxclusho W'lrt" from The Aaiocintril PreM. Philadelphia, Jnn. 10. James Fox, nn Italian boarder in the house ot F. Cravaglo, at No. 22S Taylor avenue, Camden, was yesterday arrested, on complaint of Mrs. Mary Cravaglo, charged with assault and battery. Ac cordlns to Mrs. Oravnglo's statement, Fox yesterday morning nttemptcd to entice her Into his bedroom and as sault her. Sho fought him off and ho left the house. During tho afternoon ho returned and renewed his attack. Fox then cut hl3 throat with a razor, lnlllctlng nn ugly though not danger ous gash. Mrs, Cravaglo succeeded In wresting the razor from Fox beforo ho could mako another slash, and her soreams for help brought Policeman Stowo to tho scene. Fox was taken to Cooper hospital, where his wound was dressed, after which ho wns locked up nt tho oltv hall. In explanation of his escapade Fox said that his wlfo und six chil dren wero In Italy, and rather than live longer apart from them he pre ferred to end his life. Killed by Her Brother. Dy Exclusive Wirt from The Associated l'rc'.s. Cliambcrsburs;, Pa., Jan. 10. At New German. town, ilx miles from here, this afternoon, Alice, the 12-year-old daughter of fleoi-gi- Carter, was accidentally shot and killed by her brother, Ar tliur. The boy was handling a shotirun when the weajKin was accidentally discharged, tho chargo intcrlnir tho tUter'i neck. Arthur sur rendered ldmelf tn the authorities ami w.is brought to Jail here. Elect United States Senators Direct. Py Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. St, Paul, Jan. 10, A resolution was Introduced tiluy In the legislature favoring the amending of the federal constitution to provide or the elec. Hon of United States senators by popular oto and aslilni; the cn-oieratlon of other itaten to te em e constitutional convention for tho purie ot incorporatlns the provision, it is stated that Identical resolutions oro to tie introduced in me legislatures of thlrtv-ono states. No Cars Run in Reading, lijr Hxcluslve Wire from The Associated Tress. Heading, Va,, Jan. 10. Tho third day ot the t!'i-up ot tho United Traction company's line found iio rharuro In the situation. No attempt was made to Mart out cars, although thero hid been rumors that this would b done by tho us I of men brought irum rmiaucipnia, JOINT NOTE IS SIGNED The Preliminary. Staoe ot the Nc- ootlatlons at Pekln Has Been Concluded. MUCH TROUBLE AHEAD Clashing Interests of the Powers Will Havo Full Play in the Coming Discussions Reasons Given for Refusal of Powers to Transfer Ne gotiations to the United States. Great Britain's Attitude Feeling Favors Shanghai. Uy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press, Paris, Jan. 10. Tho Associated Press Is given (he following statement: "The Chinese plenipotentiaries signed the Joint note yesterday, thus con cluding the preliminary stages of the nnrrnttf.tl Ann It was added that this Important step was Insignificant compared with tho difficulties to be met with between the powers themselves, where clashing In terests will have full piny In tho coming discussions. The United States pro posal to shift seat ot the negotiations finds no favor In the Kuropean chan cellories. "iWee reasons ure given tor this opposition: FlrBt It Is considered a great mis take to transfer the negotiations from China, where nil tho Information i at hand respecting the situation and the feeling among tho Chinese themselves and more especially regarding the con ditions of trade and commerce with which tho negotiations will bo chiefly concerned. Second The United States commerce with China Is comparatively small when compared with that of several other countries. Therefore the United States Is not entitled to expect the ne gotiations to be carried on at Wash ington. The third nnd most delicate reason advanced Is that the European powers have not felt sufficient confidence that tho United States government might not find Itself Influenced In the nego tiations nt Washington by tho pressure of Interests having an eye to tho ex ploitation of China. Tho attitude lot some of tho powers, moreover, Is swayed by other motives In opposing the United States proposal. Great Britain, for example, which seems to be most strongly antagonistic, has probably taken Into consideration tho United States attitude towards tho Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Feeling Favors Shanghai, The feeling here favors Shanghai, If any change Is made, as It Is pointed out that Shanghai Is the most Import ant trade center In China nnd more over, that the southern viceroys who are favorable to foreigners and anxi ous to further trade could make their Influence felt. Falling Shanghai, Ber lin or Paris are more likely to bo chos en. The enormous British Intsrests are In favor of the choice of London, but It Is Improbable thnt the other powers will agree to this. There Is no reason to suppose that Russia will withdraw from the Joint negotiations. The treaty she has con cluded with China concerns her special Interests in regions contiguous to her territory, but she has great political Interests to defend, nnd further in tho Joint conference, which will bristle with obstacles to a speedy settlement. Russia alms chiefly at n wide expan sion of her political Influence, TOO MUCH FOR PAPA PARSONS. Got Policeman nnd Drove Merry makers Out of His House. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Truss. Trenton, N. J., Jan. 10. "Surprise parties may bo all right, but I don't propose to havo my house turned into a dnnce hall," says William 3'nrsons, of No. 133 Hamilton avenue. Pursoiw has two pretty daughters, and they have n host of friends. Last night about thirty of these friends went to tho Parsons homo lo give the girls a surprise party. Fnpa Parsons answered the ling of tho doorbell, and wns nearly knocked oil' his feet by tho rush of enthusiastic young men and women. When tho visitors began to tnko up the sitting room carpet preparatory to dancing he protested. Then he went out and got u policeman. Tho merry-makers were driven from tho house. Tho Misses Parsons have been in tears ever since. Papa Parsons says it was probably the most successful surprise party over given In Trenton, take it all nrounii BURNHAM DEFEATS CHANDLER. He Is Nominated for United States Senator. By Exrluilvs Wirs from The Associated Trru. , Concord, N. II., Jan. 10. Judge Henry 13. Uurnham. of Manchester, was to night nominated by the Republican mombers of tho legislature for United States senator over Sonutor William K. Chandler nnd other candidates. Burnhnm won on the first ballot. Chandler received 47 votes: Burn ham, 19S; Congressman Bullowny, 23; Henry M. Huker. 20; Henry B. Quln by. 22: If. W. Blair. 1. Tho Democrats today nominated Charles F. Stone, of Lnconlu, as tho candidate for senator. President Improving. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Washington, Jan, 10. The president's Improve ment continued tonight. There are no compli cations and his temperature Is normal. Earthquake at Turin. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press, itome, Jan. 10. Two slight earthquako shocks wero felt tod:y at Acqul, southeast ol Turin. THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today. RAIN) COLDCIt. I General Chinese Tlenlpolcntlarles Sign the Joint Note. Implication ot Haling at West Point. Day's Work of Congr.-sa, South African Situation drawn Wont, i Central Cirbondale Pep.irtmc.nt. 3 Local Epidemic of the Otlp. Grand Jury Investigates Aldermen and Justices. 4 IMltorlal. Note ond Comment, tj Ixic.il Councils Tale Troinpt Action on the Transfer Question. Second Class City Legislation. 0 Local West Scranton and Suburban, 7 (Jcneral Northcutern Tcriin.vlvanla, 8 Local Lite News of tiir Industrial World. Financial and Commercial, RIEGEL MURDERERS ALL UNDER ARREST Police Authorities Believe That They Have the Entire Gang Connected with Plot to Drug the Priest. By Exeluslte Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Jan. 10, According to the police authorities all persons In any way connected with tho murder of tho Rov. Charles P. Rlegol, pastor of tho Romnti Catholic Chinch ot tho Presentation, of Cheltenham, near t':ls city, who wns found dead In a dis reputable section of the city an a re sult of having been drugged with "knock-out drops," lire now under ar rest. Those In the grasp of the law ure Robert Burns, alias Bryan, ul.t.i "Sailor Bob," nominally proprietor of the furnished room house at 438 North Klghth street, where Father Illegal was drugged and robbed; Jacob Wynne, who enticed tho priest Into the house and who. It Is said by the police, purchased and administered the poison; Charles Burns, or.i of tho men who helped rob the victim; Anna Miller, alius Bryan, the mistress of "Sailor Bob"; Klla Barrott. the mlstrens of Charles Burns, and "Kid"- Howard, aged 10 a witness of the affair: Ste phen Bryan, Lena Bryan und r. ninn whose name has not been announced. "S-ilIor Bob" wns arrested In New York lust night and his confession to the New York, police resulted In the ni prehension ot the others In this city today Requisition papers aro in the emirrc of preparation for his transfer to t Is cilv, and nil tho others wpro lnM tr av alt the action of the coroner. ' Sailer Bob" 'In his confession Inst night told the police who It wus that poured the luudnnum Into the glass of beer which the already Intoxicated priest drank, but the name wns not disclosed. It wns learned today through the police after Wynne had been taken Into custody that It was be who drugged the beer, he being identified by a druggist as the man who purchased laudanum from him. Although tho police will not say, It 1 believed they discovered all of the priest's valuables which wore taken by the gang. There wns much mys tery as to how Futher Rlegel fame to bs In the "Tenderloin" district at no late an hour on Friday night, but this has been partially cleared up. He, with another priest, was In a contest as to which could collect the most money for tlie church, tho one getting tho largest amount being presented with a gold watch. Father Rlegel had been collecting money all day, It Is said, nnd at night found himself In the vicinity of Eighth nnd f'allowhlll streets. He went Into a baloou for the purpose of collecting and there met the men, who enticed him to the furnished room house and gave him the "knock out drops." The penalty fixed by law in tills Mate for administering knockout drops," which result In death, Is hang ing. Assistant District Attorney Cleni (nt, In discussing the caso todny, suld: "When 'knockout drops' nre admin istered for the purpose of robbery and tho victim dies, the person who ad ministered the poison Is guilty of mur der In the first degree. There can be no 'second degree" verdict In such cas-os, and 'knockout drops, when proven to have been given, are pre sumed by tho law to have been ad ministered for tho purposes of rob bery." JAPANESE CREW RESCUED. The Ship Shoyostu Found Disabled by the Steamship Doric. By Exclusive Wire from The .Uwclalrd Tress. Victoria, II. C Jan. 10. Tho steam ship Empress of Japan brings news that tho steamship Doric, bound for Yokohama, on Doc. 17, found the Japa nese ship Shoyestu, which had been blown out to sea by. typhoons, water logged and with nil Its canvas gone, But one day's food remained when the crew was rescued. The steamship Skarpano. which left Portland, Ore., Nov. !), did not reach Yokohama until Dec. 23. She was caught In a heavy southeast galo and, running short of coal, put back to Ben in Island, where she received wood and obtained fifty tons of coal In oxchunge for flour from a Japanese vessel. DEATHS OF A DAY. By Exclusive Wire from The Anoclated TrfM. Chambersburtr, Ta,, Jan. 10. George W. Hoor. er, aged 22 years, who was stabbed by Joseph Tosllii on Christmas afternoon, died laic last night si Ids home noar Kalscrvllle, Tostln was arrested about ten d.is ago near Clear Spring, Md., and will be analgned for murdtr at the February term of court, Paris, Jan. 10. Ciencral Umbcrt, senator for the department of Kinlstfrie, U dead after a shoit lllneks. He commanded In the defense of tho mansion mado famous by the battle painter Alphonso Po Jfcmllle, in tho painting known as "Tho House of tho bast Cartridges." The Ethiopia in Bad Position. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Loudon, Jan. 11, 4.50 a, m. Tho Anchor line stnemer Ethiopia, Captain McKensle, which left filasgow today for New York, via Hovlllc, Ire. land. Is ashore on Holy Island Id the firth el ) Clyde, She Is in & bad position. THE SITUATION GROWS WORSE British Troops Seem to Be Unable to Gontrol the Guerilla Bands at Gape Town. KITCHENER'S DISPATCH They Are Said to Be More Laconlo Than Thoso of lord Roberts' Th Times Finds Comfort in Viewing; the Inevitable Result Danger Threatens Johannesburg. By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Tress. London, Jan. 11, 5 n. m. Tho situa tion In South Africa grows worse-, rather than better. Lord Kltchener'sj dispatches nre more laconic than those of Lord Roberts and little else ot Im portance Is allowed to come through. Tho Times, In an editorial today, finds comfort in the thought that tho "process of attrition Is doing Its work and muea shortly lead to the Inevitable result." In other quarters, however, there Is less satisfaction with tho position of affairs, which tins practically necessi tated tho fortification of Capo Town. No steps have been taken to comply with Lord Kitchener's demands for re inforcements. Lord Coleridge, In a let ter excusing his non-attendance nt a political meeting, says: "I loathe and detest this war and tho policy which brought It about, tho method In which It Is conducted nnd the undignified excitement over the defeat of a handful of peasants defend ing their lands by ten times their num ber of trained soldiers, backed! by the wealth of ICngland." This morning's despatches report that a small party of Boers carried off cattle cioso to tho east fort at Pre toria. Nine hundred Boers, under Commandant Krltzlnger, aro fifteen miles from Richmond, In tho direction ot Murrnysburg. Rwnors are spreading 'at rortr-rvlllo thut tbo rebels have Joined the Boers In the CAiVinla, district. The military commissioner ot police at Johannesburg hns warned the pub lic to beware of tho dangerous dyna mite mines laid In tho Raand to protect the mines as the authorities cannot bold themselves responsible, for injur ies resulting therefrom. CHINESE DRILLING IN SIAN-FU. Army of 85,000 in Temporary Cap ital Eager to Fight Foreigners. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Pekln, Jan. 10. A Chinaman from Slan-Fu. whero tho court Is at the present time says that within that city S5.000 Chinese troops nro being drilled continuously, nnd the majority of them aro armed with modern rifles. The feeling of the people, he adds, Is bit terly antl-forolgn. and they beltevn that they can, meet the allies In open light and defeat them. Tho foreign ministers hero are con- side! ably astonished by tho Clilnefo grant to Russia of a concession north of tho Pel-Ho at Tlen-Tsln. Th-i grant, according to the Russians, wns made voluntarily for service in en deavoring to bring ubout peace. Thi ministers aro of the opinion. If that Is the case, that it Is good pay when tins annexation ot all Manchuria Is tuken Into consideration. LI Hung Cluing believes that ho will receive a favorable reply today re garding the signing of the power?' Joint note. Senor Corogan, the Spanish minis ter, believes that the peace negotia tions will bo begun In Pekln, and will be ended possibly In Kurope. M. do Oleis, tho Russian minister, thinks hat the negotiations will be ended at The Hague. FILIPINOS QUARRELING. Disagreement Between Aguinaldo and His Followers. llv Exclusive Wire from The Atsoclated Tress. London, Jan. 10. A serious disagree ment has arisen between the Filipino representatives In Kurope. Agonclllo, whom Agulnaldo ordered to Hong Kong, to direct the operations of tho Junta there, has revolted and refuses to go to Hong Kong or glvo up his post In Paris to Dr. Apnclblo. Tho latter Agulnaldo ordered to go to Canada, from Hong Kong to watch tho Unttod States elections. Ho was then ordered to replaco Agonclllo. The disputants have both cabled Agulnaldo and aro waiting for his reply. Dr. Apaclblo favors acquiring the In dependence of tho Philippines through an nrrangemcntwlth thoUnltod States. Read Admiral Phelps Dead. By Exclusive Wlro fiom The Associated Tress. Sew York, Jan. 10. Hear Admiral Thomas I". Thelpa. of Washington, D. 0., died at tho New York hospital tonight ot pneumonia. He was taken t the hospital only yesterday from tho hotel whero he was stopping. He hsd com to this city together with Miss N. It, Adams, Mrs. T. II. Mason, M, Mason, J. A. Adams, to be srtth. Mr?, Thelps, who has been sick at the Kevr Ycri hospital for the past thrse weeks. Italian Brigand Arrested. By Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Press Rome, Jan. 10. A dispatch from Regglo D. Calabra announces the arrest ot Stcphino Po Lo rento, a companion ot the celebrated Italian brigand, Mussoltno, i t "r -t--r f-- t-t'f WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, Jan. 10. forecast for etst 4" em Pennsylvania! Occasional rains turn 4 lug lr.to snows Friday, colder; brisk to -4 high t-st to eouthcast, shifting to north. - west winds-, Hiturduy iirnhihly fair, -s tt -H- 1 1 1 1 -H-1 1 M
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