,' m fty. :mfWl iWH"i-tflt an THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1901. iWlA&t a NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA F ACTOR VVILLE. Ipeclal lo the Srranton Tribune. KautoryVlllc. Jan. 9. A vciy uul.-t, but pretty. weeldltiR ecriMiiony took place- In HliiKlianiton, N. Y., on Wed nesday, J"". - when It united In mar rlairo MIhh Hanoi itoynoldH, of tills place. l Mr. C. II. Cox, of Hcranton. The iMsrmiony waB jiorfoniiiMl by the ltev. .T. V. Phillips, pantor of the First Huptlt church, of lilnRliainton. They will lthltln In their own homo In Scran ton. The creamery nnd coiitlMwery of the Scranton Dairy company, located at l.ii 1'luinc, 1'a.l will close Its doors on .Jan. 15 nnd thrXjiiaehliu-ry will be te nioved to some other part of the coun try. The farmers of this section be came dlssatlslk'd last April with the price they were rnrelvliiR from the Scranton Dairy company and refused to deliver any more milk unless a cer tain price was paid. Theprlce was not paid and the dairymen formed an as sociation known as tlie Lackawanna anil Wyoming Dairymen's association and started a creamery and butter fac tory nt this place, which has been a decided success to the association, and tho result of the same Is the closlnir of the Industry at La Plume, makhiK this place the only market for the vast amount of milk that Is produced In tho surroundltiR territory. As a re sult, no doubt, condensery machinery will be addeil here to the butter fac tory and other facilities for the liand IIiik of the thousands of Rallons of tho lacteal fluid that will be delivered here. D 1). (i.irdncr has been confined to tlm house by Illness the past week. Mrs. K. L. YVatkln.s Is at Jennings vllle. Pa., where her mother Is serlous ,y III. It. M. Cobb, the Rental night clerk rf the United States Express company at Scianton, has been suffering from grippe and neuralgia for the past ten days and has been conllned to his home most of the time. Otis N. Stark, of East Lemon, had the misfortune recently to lose four valuable cows within a very shoit space of time with some unknown but fatnl disease. Miss Pearl Urown, of Knst Lemon, Pa., has been spending a few days with friends here. Daniel Langstaff was a caller here yesterday. Tho members of FaMoiyvllle en campment. No. 240. I. O. O. r., did credit to themselves hist night In en tertaining their lady friends at a social and banquet. Mrs. D.D. Ciardner is seriously 111 at her hoiiio on Main street. Mrs. Oorge Bailey, of La Plume, spent the day hern yesterday with her sister. Mis. C. Matthewson. tell, Jr., William McCie.iry, V. J. Mc Loud, T. D. Miller, Frank Lnwrcnce, Mrs. James T. Du Bols nnd son, Ar thur, Hobert Morton, llnut Iildtedgo nnd family, Charles Capwell, Jr.. Thomas Hatchings, James Scott, May Scott, Joe Clruslln, Hort Waterman and others. Silas .1. llubbaid. clerk In the drug store of L. 12. Tiffany, hac taken up th study of magnetism pnd mesmer ism. Mr. Todd, a wood carver In tho chair factory, Is acting a subject for Mr. Htbbard. Anawan tribe, 61, Independent Or der ot lied Men, will hold an en thusiastic war dance Ftlday evening, when live pale faces aro to be scalped and then adopted into tho order. Ucrt Aldrlch, a popular lineman of the Western Union company, has been promoted to forcmnn of a gang of lineman for tho Western Union Tele graph company at Dover, X, J. NEW MILFORD. i Sped.il to the iv-ranton Tribune. New Mllfoid. Jan. S. The ladled of the Walking (Suild will scrvu a ten cent supper in the parlors of the 1'iesbyterlan church on Thursday af ternoon, Jan. 17. The executive committee of tlio western branch union of the Young People's Society of Christian Endea vor, will hold n business meeting In the school building on Saturday af ternoon of this week, for the purpose nf anangiug n programme for the next convention Misses Josio and Jessie Dolloway, ot Itiooklyn, were leccnt visitor1! In town. Miss Ilitlh Vails spent a portion of her holiday vacation with her sister. Mis. Eugene 0born, at Harford. Misses Nettle nnd Jennie Sherman of Franklin township, mo attending ,-choul in this place. Charles Tucker Is Miffetlng with a broken rib and ojthor Injuries, ro iciwd by falling and striking against Ms bed during a 1'nlnting spell. Mr. Tucker and his wife were visiting their son In lllnghnmton when Mr. Tucker met with the accident and as et is not able to be l.tought to his It'iine In this phu e. Htalnard Cook and Floyd Axtell, ot Stevens! Point, wcie pleasfiu callers In town Sunday. I"" L. I'rynn'. ot Deposit, v.t call ing on many of his old frlnds in town Tuesday. Dr. Men 111, of HallMcad, was In town on professional buhlucs one day Inst week. Several ot our townsni"!! Mo em ployed tilling h Ice lioures itt Heart l.nke this week. Mis, A. F. Jlcllzman, who has been seriously ill the past two weeks, Is voty slowly Improving. HALLSTEAD. HARFORD. fpnlil tn Ihe Mcranton Tribune. Harford, Jan. P. Mrs. Julia Hutu brook Is visiting her daughter In Car bondale. Walter Maynard has gone to State college to taka a creamery course. Tho Epworth League Is planning for a social to be held January 18. It. W. Jeffera, of New York, has re turned home after spending r few days' with his paient3. E. E. Jones attended the committee meeting of the Susquehanna county Sunday school association In Susque hanna Monday. The Flsk Jubilee singers will give u concert In the Congregational church Wednesday evening, Jan. 1G, and Mrs. Work will talk to the ladles Wednes day afternoon In the lecture room at 2 o'clock. Mr. A. It. Grant has resigned his position as lmttermaker In the Har ford creamery to take effect Jan. 14. The lecture, "What I Laughed at In Palestine," by ltev. .1. W. Phillips was one of the best lectures ever given In our town. The Christian Endeavor society Is to bo greatly commended tn securing as line lecturers as they have In their lecture course this year. Miss Julia Moore Is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. York at Loomls Lake, Prof. Crompton nnd wife enter tained his parents last week. Mrs. Cynthia Picket, who has resid ed In Scranton for a number of years came to Harford to spend Chilstmas with her daughter, Mrs. Lew Ilurdlck. She was taken suddenly HI and died January 3. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Lew Burdlck of Harford, and Miss Nellie Picket, of Scranton, to mourn her loss, besides a large num ber of relatives and friends. The fu neral was held In the Congregational church Sunday. ltev. J, P. Manwell oiilclated. Interment In Harford cem etery. Her age was 71 years. Independent, has again connected him self with the paper In the name cap acity, and has commenced a canvass of Wayne county. There are ti number of cases of measles nnd scarlet fever In Hones dale, The Needlework guild will hold their annual meeting for tho election of of tlcer.i In the town hall on Saturday, Jan. 13, at 3 p. in, A large attendance of contrlbutotR and all Interested In the charitable wotk Is desired, Friday evening, Jan. 11, at the Opera house, the young comedian n "Undo lies," a pantomime farco comedy. A company of clever players. One night only. TUNKHANNOCK. fiptd'l lo H" Sen nton TrlbniiP. Tunkhannock, Jan. 0. ltev. H, II. Wilbur, of the Methodist church, who has been seriously 111 for several weeks past, Is slowly Improving and Is now expected to recover. A numerous delegation fioin hero at tended the funeral of Mrs. John 13. Donovan, wlfo of Prothonotary John It. Donovan, at Laceyvlllc, on Tues day. Sheriff John W. Oiant, Commls--doners Robinson and Farrer, Commis sioners Clerk O . N. Doyle, Deputy Prohtonotary F. It. Plnlt, Auditors O. D. Wright nnd F. .T. Klntnor nnd DIs tilct Attorney O. S. Klnner were In the parly. The week beginning next Monday Is Wyoming county week In the Supeilor court at Scranton. There are only two cases going tip from here at this term, McKlnney. Evarts & Co. vs. L. O. Stephens, In which James W. Piatt represents the plaintiff, and C. O. Dershlmcr and Harding & Harding tho defendant, and the case of L. 11. Olrton vs. tho Lehigh Vulley ltallroad company. In which Paul J. Sherwood, of Wllkes-lJarre and E. J. Jorden, ot this place, arc for the plaintiff, and F. W. Wheaton and Charles E. Terry, of Wilkes-Barro, represent the defend ant. The cases are down for Tues day morning. Asa II. Frenr, of Ovcrllehl township, nnd N. A. Doty, of Mohoopany. were In town on Wednesday. Colonel E. S. Handtlck, who has been confined to tho house for several months with stomach trouble, has gone to Scianton for treatment. Dr. A. II. Munay, who came heie ftom Sayro n. couple of years ago nnd built up u good practice, has removed to Philadelphia, where ho will tnko a special course at one of the medical colleges there. Ills health would not stand the hard riding necessary in it country practice, und at the comple tion of his course he will confine him self to his specialties. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hungerford left hero yesterday for Florida, whore they will spend the winter. ltev. W. II. lllllor, of Factoryvllle. will pi each at the Methodist church here on Sunday next. Attorney II. M. Slrceler. of Scran ton, was In Tunkhannock on Tuesday. CHANGE OF CLIMATE Not Necessnty In Order to Cure Ca tarrh. Th" popular Idea that the only cure for chronlu cuturrh In a change ot cli mate, Is a mistake because catarrh Is found In nil climates In nil sections of the country; and even If a change ot climate should benefit for u limn the catarrh will certainly return. Catarrh may be readily cured In any climate, but the only way to do It Is to destroy or remove from tho system the catarrhal geims which cause nil the mischief. The trentment by Inhalers, sprays, powders und washes has been proven almost useless tn making u permanent cure, as they do not reach the seat of dlsensc, which 1b In the blood and can hs reached only by nn Internal remedy which aclsihrouRh the stomach upon the blood nnd system genet ally. A new discovery which Is meeting with remarkable success In curing en tail h of tha head, throat and bronchial tubes and also catarrh of the stomach, Is sold by druggists under name of Stuurt's Catarrh Tablets. These tublcts which ate pleuaut and harmless to take owe their elllclency to the active medicinal principles of Ulond Itoot, Red Cum and u new spe cific called Oualacol, which together with valuable antiseptics ure comblnpd in convenient, palatable tnblot form, and as valuable for children h-s for adults. Mr. A. 11. Fernbank, of Columbus, O., says: 1 suffered so many winters from Caturih that I took It as a matter of course, and that nothing would cure It except a change of climate, which my business affairs would not permit me to take. My nostrils were almost nlw'uys clogged up, I had to breathe through the mouth causing an Inflamed, Irri tated throat. The thought ot eutlng breakfast often nauseated mo and the catarrh gradually getting Into my stomach took away my appetite nnd digestion. My druggist advised me to try a fifty cent box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because he said he had so many cus tomers who had been cured ot Catarrh by the use of these tablets, that he felt he could honestly recommend them. I took his advice and used Heveral boxes with results that surprls-ed and de lighted me. I always keen a box of .Stuiirt'n Ca tarrh Tablets In the house and the whole family use them freely on tho tlrst uppearance ot a cough or cold tn the heud. With our children we think there Is nothing so safe und reliable as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets to ward oft croup and colds and with older people I havo known ot cases whore the hearing had been seriously Impaired by chronic en- tarrh cured entirely by this new remedy. FOURTH HALF YEARLY CLEARING SALE Of High Grade Men's Furnishing; Goods and Hats Our entire Winter Stock must be closed out to make room for Spring and Summer stock now in course of manufacture, the biggest bargains ever offered in season. Neckwear All joe Neckwear 26c All i.oo Neckwear 69c All 51.50 Neckwear $1.00 Underwear Heavy Ribbed 50c Balbriggans 35c Silk Fleeced, $1.00 kind 59c Natural Wool and Imported Derby, Ribbed, and others, worth $1.00 and 1.25 75c Standard Makes of the $1.50 kind of Underwear $1.19 The well-known makes, of the 2.00 kind $1.39 Odds and Ends of High Grade Un derwear, worth $1.50 and $2.00... 75c Union Suits at Cost. Suspenders 2jc and kc values at tiity Kinos n ! One hundred kinds at 23c 42c 69c Night Robes & Pajamas High Grade Muslin Robes 48c and 75c Flannel Robes.. 45c Flannel Pajamas, worth $2.00 95c Bosom Shirts All $1.00 Grade 69c Some $1.50 Shirts at $1,00 Unlaundried White Shirts, worth $1.00, at 48c Hosiery Black and Fancy Hose at 12Jc The 2jc values 17c, 3 for 50c The 50c values 35c, 3 for $1.00 The $1.00 values 69c 20 Per Cent Discount on House Coats, Bath Robes, Umbrellas and Dress Suit Cases Your Choice of any $2.0(3, $3.00 $4.00 Hat in our Window, al ! $1.00 4-Ply Shapes. Linen Collars, 10c, all Oilier bargains that we cannot men tion in this limited space. Special tn the Scranton Tilbune. HallHteud, Jan. 0. Dr. A. K. .Men III was sick Saturday nnd conllned to IiIm home. Claude H. Simmons and Mlts I-Mim Waul spent Sunday in Hlnghamton. Ihe BUests of relatives. I'hllo McDonald, of Lnncsboro, la homo to visit his mother, Mrs. Oliver McDonald, who Is tlanEcrouiMy 111 with pneumonia. Oeorse Terbosd, of I.estersnlre, an i mploye of the shoe factory there, is home for a brief vacation, fleotgo now holds u good position In the fac tory and Is climbing Hlcndlly to tho ftont. W. S. lieujamln while hauling; ico fiom tho river Monday had his team of hQiscg Htep throuKh an air hob Into the liver. After much labor and an exciting struggle the team was rescued. Sidney Mack Is confined to his home with lllnens. ( W. Kessler. mummer ol the eh.il.1 factory. Is now nt Giand Ih'pld. Mich., where he Is supci Intending tho Ameilcan Chair Manufacturing com pany exhibit. The lino of samples shown by tho Ilallstead factory this year Is the Huest ever exhibited. De Witt llnmlln, of ItliiKhamton, X. Y Is this week the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Tred Ilenlck. Mr. and Mrs. Diaries Slssou, who were recently man led, arc now com foitnbly situated In their new homo In tho Van Ness block. Mrs. Jncob Urown, on Sunday, fell upon an Icy pnveimnt on Chuso nve nuo und Inoko her left v-rlst. Th In jured limb was dressed and set by it idiystrlan and It Is now doing nicely. Fifty new books havo been pur chased and will hoitly be added to th Youni; Men'K Christian associa tion llbraiy. Theco nu Hut latest victims that aro iiulfeilng tho pains of tho latest nnd revised form of grippe: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trowbridge, James Him- SUSQUEHANNA. Special to ttic Scranton Tribune Susquehanna, Jan. 9. The boa id of trade last evening nppolnted a commit tee to do what It could In the matter of settling the differences between tlw Erlo ltallroad company and its boiler makers In this place. Scianton parties are desirous of pur chasing the new chemical file engine recently bought by the Keystone Hook and Ladder company. If the borough does not furnish a building In which to store the machine It will bo sold. It Is up to the common council to do something. The majority of the tax payers favor the retention of the engine In the boiough. Its going away would be a discrace. Miss Maggie Fernan. Main street dealer In confectloneiy and baked bluffs, has taken advantage ot the bankruptcy act. A number of Susquehanna boller innkers have recently taken positions In shops at Coming. National otllcers will on Friday even ing visit Assembly No. L'", American Catholic union, and exemplify the de grees. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Parll mnn, of Jackson btrcct, a son. Duilng the Illness of General Yard master Jordan, Assistant Yardmuster John McfJlnty Is general yardmaster. William J. Condon has lesumed his medical studies in New York city. Mis. II, A. llennett is the guest of llornellsvllle relatives. Krle Superintendent of Motive Power Mltch;ll Is In town on business con reining the boiler-makers' strike. Edward F. I.elghton, of the linn of S. Mills Ely & Company, Hlnghamton, will tender the business men of Sus quehanna a banquet at the Hotel I.angford on Thursday evening. The Christmas offeilng in St. Joint's Catholic church amounted to $S50. Mrs. Harry Uryanl, an esteemed resident of Thompson township, died on Monday morning after a brief ill ness of pneumonia. The funeral will occur from the Noith Jackson Metho dist church today. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlss A. Millar left last evening for Calumet, 'Michigan, where they will spend the winter with lelotlvcs. The Erie boller-niakers' strike was settled today and the men will return tn work on Thursday morning. Tho company granted the demands of the men. Tho ending of the strike Is hailed with the liveliest satisfaction by the entlrs community. BROOKLYN. Special to tlie Scranton Tiihunr. Brooklyn, Jan. 0. The Aid society ot the Unlversallst church meets with Mrs. F. A. King, Thursday. The Young People's Christian union will hold a social at Dr. Sage'B Fri day evening ot this week. William Terry has leturned from n visit with relatives In Hush. Mlsa Ethel Sterling has leturned to Elk county, after spending two weeks with her parents. Mlsi Grace McKeever Is quite 111 with measles at N. Jr. Finn's, at Fos ter. Her grandmother, Mrs. Sterling, spent Monday with her. Friends here have received news ot the death of Mnlvlna, wire of George L. Thompson, on Jan. 1, 1901. Mrs. Thompson was a daughter of Hugh and Hairiet Stone and formerly of Waverly, Lackawanna county. Her homo for many yeai-s has been in Hardensville. 111. Dr. N. S. Sago expects to preach In All Soul's church, Scranton, next Sun day und also assist In special services during the week. His pulpit will be supplied by either ltev. Lewis or ltev. Beardsley. PIRE AT HONESDALE. LOUIS H. ISAACS, 412 Spruce Street. See Windows The Best Cold Curs Is one you can take without Interrup tion to business. One that does not effect tho head or hearing llko the con tinued UFe of quinine. One that cures speedily and leaves you feeling fresh and clear-hended. Such a one Is Krause'H Cold Cure. Price 2"ic. Sold by Matthews Bros. HONESDALE. tiircltl to tlir Scranton Tribune. Honesdalo. Jan. . Miss Helen Dodgo Is spending a week with filendr In Now York city. Tho savings depaitment of the Wayne County Savings bank has 4.700 deposltois. Mr. Lawrence, u workman In the National Elevator works, wus badly burned today noon. He was cnrrylng a hullo of melted brass when the han dle broko and the hot steam camo In contact with his face Miss Josephine Dlttrlch has as her guest, her niece, Miss Slcuccker, of Scranton, W. 8. aardner.of Scott Valley, Lack awanna county, who was at one time a solicitor and collector for tho Wayne Stock of the Boston Clothing' Com pany Badly Damaged. Electa I to Ihe Scranton Trlbunr. Honesdale, Jan. !). The alarm of tiro nt tl o'clock this morning aioused Honesdale people for the first time In about a year. The lire wus la the Bos ton clothing store, on lower Main street. The dense smoke filled the up per rooms of the building, which Is occupied by the family of Hon. L. Furth. Miss Sadie, Furth, a daughter, wus awakened by the suffocating smoke and gave the alaim. Thu Hie plug was frozen and caused a delay to the tire company. The tlames were confined to tho storo loom. The stock of goods was badly damaged by smoke and water. Goods and building are fully covered by insurance, Tho lire Is supposed to have origin ated from nn overheuteJ stove stand ing close to a table of clothing. ooooooooooooooooo 0 ooooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. 1IiuiJj llmkr'i Vainlnillc Mjtinfe. Kriiliy night, Saturday nutimc mi'l ulitlit '"1 1)0 MlljgK 1'MtllMttn," Academy. I.jt ilnrc lJJk "Human licit.." Gaiety. I.a.l 'I In or )J Itoyat lljik.qui I. Sousa's Band. Suiuu'm Kuuileilul Lund iicjIi Hum ll iiiiiui.I. In lluroiie nave to oimciU at tlio bycrnm je- lenljy. The gir.it ltjiUr uu i hail a tuml (lie. tqiul of tho onu tMirlinc; with him lh ra.on Hid lit conmU jritucljy woiq u irM'Utlon to in.iuy who hul only a Mint Met ( tlu jkuMlblli. lie. of a hJinl When illiciteil by a Son.j. 'J lie con. cert" were inatl up largely of pi.nibt mibln inl for Hicnrrs Sowa imully gate kiiijiI, ilj-.liin; troit(ii I'lijoil Willi Ho Soii-i- K'vlr.if. Iho jt tcrnooii ronccrt mn uttmJnl by about l,0u) pepiiini who llntrnnl lo tho Inllnwlng jiroKHiinilg with fcicol delight: Overture, "rwl-ci" Wettuurr Cornet Solo, "Tho Brhlc ot tho iim"...CI.ul;o lletbcrt U Clar!o. Pallet Suite, "Henry VIII" fUlul-Sacni Soprano Solo, "Pfliitenii" (new) l,o Mern Ml llUnihe PuifUhl. drawl Scene and Knwmblr, "Andira Cho iter" (lew) f.lotdmu IXTKHHisMO.S'. Ju)ll,'"iuU .Scene." CVilmlka (a) Conceit Polka, "Fe.he r'ranen" (new), , Llebllnir (b) March, "Hall to the Milt of Mb lily" (riCA) , Soua (Composed for the dedication of tlii Lafayctl Monument, l'.iil, duly t, VM.) Violin Solo, 'Tolorulv In A Maloi"..WItnlatttkl JIUs Ilettlu ilucklin. Ficludi tn "Carmen" Ilizel MM fiutfli'ld's inoIo was wannly ruciwil and ehe iei!puiided with "Partinir" an an encotc. She has u sweet pleasing olto of wldo LinKf. MIS1 HiicMInN performance on the tlolin hlioucd man tiry of tho Irwtmintnt at well ympathetlo intripietatlon of the numben fhu contributed to the contort. At (he eenlns concert the theater was crowded nnd the number rendered weie applauded to the ethu. The piORminnta wj: Owrturc, "Isabella" Suppe I'.ncore, "Starn and Stilpes." Kncoie, "Salome," nn Intennezo. - Tiomlione Solo, "The Patriot" l'rjor Arthur I'rjoi. Kncnie, "Tall ot a Kangaioo." Pallet huite, "Tho History of i'ienoi," M.iiu (.Jito Kncoiv, "Coon Hand Loiilcitt." Kncore, "Man behind the fiun." Soprano Solo, "Whcic la Lino" MJina MKs Plane he Pufllcld. llucoic, "The bwallowa." (Ir.mil Seme, "Jh 1'utal 'om- t iitl.i) Veiill l'.ntore-, "llulhi, Hulla." Kurorts "Hand Arrcm the f.ea." "Imitation to l.a Valw" Weber Encores ScUettc from "Lucia." (a) Conceit, "In the souelan," lien Ml Choiui l-cbe!. (b) Maiili. "Hall lo spirit of Liberty" .. .Ju-.i Curore, Mulch km repeated. Violin Mo, "daithi and Main I'eipeliitii ltle MWs llerllu HucUin Unions a number by Thome. IVjida., "Hitter Paninui." The tiomboi.e solo of l tliur I'mn and li! plajins In the Vrrdl iiuin'irr wcie among the mo-l eriojrd featwi'i ef the concirt. 'Ihe telle ftom "Luelt" wn lieaiitlfiilly rentlered. "Human Hearts." The peocluctioti of that beautiful, old-iailf inncd nl.iv. the idel ol the Arkansas Hills. "Hu- man lleartr," is onu In uhkh tho false nnd true character n! rirmlay life are lvldty depleted. It poerti a clevtrly conceived plot, and ap peal til tho lender aide of human nature. Lous hate, sympathy, pilon ar.d vrngronrc aio all cxcinplitleel In the anfoldliiK of the tdoiy in uci a nalural matter of fact way aa to keep up In terest from the iwa until the final fall of thu rurtaln. In its coined llnea one In made to laugh despite himself, hi natural and Hue to llfo do the laughable runts tomu in. "Human Hoarls" is a play Hut will pleai ever) body and khold nol be oei looked. The en BJtrement at the Ae-aeicnij ! for three dav, 'lliurjday, Friday and Silurehy." All Kinds of Amusement. 'the eerellent 01 ray of attista ensafcl foi the net appearance of tho llutko Vaudevtllo Pes thai company in thl city which occurs tiila afternoon and night will, wo bolleus be able to kIi tuch a varied entertainment that all who visit the theater will In .some way be pleased, there will ba cei JuKgllwr, of tho best kind. rlever and pleasing orallt, legitimate and high cLoS a'.lliu, (ieimau comcdlaix ol the flint order, kplcndld Imliatlous of ill kinds of musical Initrnmei.ta, fliulng and danelnic jnd eomedy ivciU of sailor rla"sc, but all of a hicli ordu. In fact loimloircrallon f aitl.tlc ceellencf coicrlnic all lines of pleasing entirtalniniiit, ev cipt tragedy, ot wldch the pient gennalion eeiu to haw had a gieal ktilflelency. "The Vllage Postmaster." Much Inteiel Is hit in tire play "The Vil lage Postmaster," ulllt the rpulnt pictures It fiirnUbes ot New LiiKland mral life and Ihu familiar clnrartrra It portras. One Is Inlcie-trel in the odd featurcK of ttalnlng day, no leas Hun in tlie eienlig wedding In the illlao i hm tit and fii-tlnatlon uro ua tho action it Ihe play progrec.'. Aiehie Iloil nppeane in the title lohi and Iho.e uho i ecu 1 1 this billl lant eicte.r Impel onal Ion ol Johui Willi iiiu!i In "Ihe Old Homestead" and t'ncle Xal In "hhoie Aeii" vill need no (mtlici asmiance of a ury enlerlalnlng pwrioriuane c. The eit, kceneii and luopeities aio fiacllj the atme as were ucd dgilng the run of 'V.l nlghla nt I lie I'tiurtecnth ,ticet theater, Xrtv enk. Tfinorrow liolght and S-aturday afternoon ami n!ht at Ihe L.wcuin. sent "One Night In June" ncct Tuenlay matinee and night. "The Christian" Coming. One ot the moat prctcntloua dianutiu ivenu ol the season heru will he tho engagement of ll.ill Cnlne' celebrated play, 'The Christian," whlcli come,-, to the Lyceum theater for a llinltcd en ejageinent of one night, Thursday, January 17. Tunis P. Pcan, representing this attraction, is now in the city completing the piellmlnary ni range ments. The stage ot the Ljecum will he tased to Its ulino.l repetiiy to aerommodite the two ratlonds of t-tcnciy and paraphernalia. MINOOKA. Thuie will be a drawing for a puilor lamp for the benefit ot St. Joseph's Cadets on Sunday, Jan. 13, In Ht. Jo seph's hall on Main street. The pro ceeds will be used in organizing a drum corps in the Cadets. Tickets aro being sold for 10 cents. The Mlnooka Union Drum corps uro making extensive arrangements for their entertainment and social, which will be held In St. Joseph's hall on Monday, Jan. 14. Miss Maty Duffy, of Plalnsvllle, Is the guest of friends on Main street. The funeral of the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch, of West Mlnooka, was held yesterday afternoon at 2.20 o'clock. Interment was mnde in Minooka Catholic cemetery. Mr. M. (1. Cusick made a business trip to Carbondale yesterday. John Maloney, of Cnrbonelale, called on friends In this town yesterday. "One Night in June." Hepeiioire rompinie air its leaes of the for rt oi the Mild of the keaihoie they aic a good many! but it do?iii'l often happen tint in one of tiiem there in found a tcion of a cllktluguUhed finilly, a nephew of a goemor, at In the Mor rloii Comedy company, which play heie next weeks we find n actor nnd alo at one of the piporletor, Lugeue I'oneia, whoso uncle, thu Hon. I.lenelljn Powers, Is at the head of Malne'i alfah of atate. And further than that, it Isn't often that an actor and theatrical ptoprlttor It at the name tlniti it dramatiit and pr in the lead in the play ot hla onn writing. That Is what will happen when the Morrison Comedy company pre, MONEY IN FARMING. It Is Theie if You Know How to Get Jt Out. J. V. MowUay, In The World's Wink. To woik a small farm to a pioflt within easy reach of railroad commu nication Is simply a matter of some capital, n decided preference for tho woik, average Intelligence, persistent nnd patient Industry and good health. Therei are thousands of small farms within a radius of one hundred miles fiom New York whose owners have abandoned other pursuits and taken to tilling the land, and who could not be Induced to go back to their former occupations. Tho farms for the most part were bought by part payment, the balance remaining on bond und mortgage. Twenty per cent ot these farms have been redeemed In live year", nnd as a rule the debt wns paid by the thrift, self-sacrifice, and Co-operative determination of the man and his wife. One typical example conies to mind. It Is of a coach painter. He hnd work ed ten years at his trade, for twelve tlollate a week, and saved a hundred dollars a year. In tho eleventh year there was a strike of his guild and he had to fuce the piospect of belnc out of work for some time, bv no choice! of his own. He went down into Jersev, bought ten acres of land nt a hundred dollat.s an acre, paying live hundred cash nnd giving his bond for the remnlnder. With the bnltincs bo botiuhl a hoi so and cow, a second hand wagon, and settled himself to earn a new living. He and his wife, with a five-year-old child, lived fnr two years In n shanty. Hut this man had the tenacity of a bulldog, the self reliance of a drummer, and the pa tience, of u trained nurse. When ho had been on hlrt nbice eight years 1 paid him a visit. His wife met mo nt the elepot, three miles fiom her home, with a two-se-ated ilg and u. lively team. 1 found the couple living In a n'-w cottage that Intel been built by day labor and which the own er had painted himself. It was a vety tasteful structure and was alteady ptettlly shaded by the -trees that he had set out. In reply to my iiuestlons, he Haiti thai ho calculated to make about elsht hundred dollars u year clear. He had bought the adjoining twenty acres on easy teims und hail most or It Into good growing shape. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothinu Symp His been used for oier ITl'TV VL'AItS by MILLIONS of MOHIEltS for their CHII.PHK.Sl Willi K TBBT1II.no. with PLitFKCT SUCr i? H SOOTHLS the CHILI). SOHLXS the IWm, ALLV" 'AINI C"JUKS W1N" tout'. iiiJ I, the bet remedy for lllUtmiOKA. Sold by Druggl'U in every pail pi the world. Ite iure and ak tor "Mit. lnlow'a Soolhln.- Sirup," and Uko no other kind. 'lwenty-n ( cuts a hnttlt. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Kavtsvr. Ne lork, Jan. !). After a short pieliiiiliuiy routeil today with tha reactionary foitos. tho stock market renumcd Its recent bull cluiacttr Istlca. Theie w.is a prompt and Irihlng re fponse to any demonstration of strength, the bull leader finding no dlfllculty in running prices up by rapid stages several points in any stock In which they began bidding for shares. The Influ ence of these eay adianeca c.ciclcd ?o strong a sustaining influence on the ret of tlie niaiket that the intcrcittj long of stock had no difficulty In maikellng enormous holdings without any sny notable effects on prices. The beaia, who sold tho market under the comlctlon that the culmination of the ilse had been reached and tlie reported Hint's of the- piesldcnt might proe tlie deciding factor in precipitating a reaction, were forreil to coier In some dUorder. The bear ef fected some declines at the opening, aided by tli lower range of prices for Anieilcans in London and by the acute weaknc of a few stocks, rspe dally tlie Xatlonal Tube stocka on the an nounced piojcct for the building ot great com peting for work by the Carnegie Inteiest. Tiila caused an opening break of I points in National Tube common and of l'i in the pictured. 'Die rubber atocks fell 2U for the loinmou nnd 3 for the pretencd and there wax a drop of .Ti In Lake Krle and Western. Kweptlng tlie luhbrr Mocks there were good rallies In all of thee in sympathy with the gcnciul tieiiglh deeluped. Missouri Pacific was easily the lender of the market and was lifted In the afternoon o'j points more than above last night' b'el. Theie weie many rumors cuirt-ut of coming coiisollditions of the southern lallioid ysti-iiH, without .mj au thority cited, and which were met In some ease by stuii-olliclal disclaimers, but, notwithstanding llie disclaimers, the ro called llould southwe.l crn all advanced fiom '.' to i',i. Manhattan and Western Union also gained " and .".3 irspttlive. ly. The various stocks which were sutccsslrl. brought foiw.ird in the advance would make a lung list. The must conspicuous weie Louise HI. and Xa-lnlllr, with a rise of :l"i: Delauaie and Hud.ou, 4'i: IHIiioU Central. V.'y, Uical S'oith eru piefened, f,9i ; the local tiacilnriH itoin 2lj to , outside of Third Aeenue, wide ti lose nn e. Ircme OVi; Sugar and People's Ga 2Vt eath; Union Pariflo ami New oil Cenlial .n much and n number of lees piomliicut stocks with run wider gains. The (iiaugeia weie lather le e ell posed to tally than the geneial ll-t and Hie eoalcra were arTccted by piolll taking throughoiii. The dealings cue again on a teiy laice scale, but did not nppioach Mondaj's ivconl. T.ual iale, l,70l,.'00 ahairs. Theie was a eeiy ncllie demand for bonds ol southwestern railroads and the whole II-I showeil strength. The gains weie not In all rj- tullv mallitailied, Total Mies par alue, S,5T1,ihii. t'nitcd Stales lefimdllig is adeamed 'i per eeiit. on Ihe last call. The following tiuolttlons aie fiuiiUhed Tlie Tribune bv M. s. Jordan &. Co., loans 703-ToO lliiis building, siiranton, ra. Telephone finale Laika. Tnist ftafe Deposit Co Clark k hnoecr Co., Pr Scranton lion Fence k Mfg. Co. ... Scranton Axle Work Lackawanna Dairy Co, Pr County Saelnga ank k Trust Co.. r'irst National Hank (Carbondale).. itunelard Prilling Co. Traders' National Pink Scranton Holt and Nut Co PONDS. Srranton PaMcnjer Hallway, Mist Mortgage, due I MO People's Mreet Killwae, first mort- Xuge, due 1D1S People' Ftreet Hallway. General mortgage, due 1021 Plcksoii Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School ." per cent. City ot hcianlon bt. Imp. per cent Scranton Traction d per rent VJi y, ion 20 son ... 2UU ft) 1(5 ... 105 115 115 115 IIS 1(10 1M lOi elpen- High- Low. e lo. lug. est est. li g Aluelkaii t-uua i:7 MO'i l.Su'Ji HT-'i Aiiielcaii ToImciii . ..111!., ir, II Uj III', sin. e. 4: W Li ll, 1 it tch., To. .t is. Ft- .... tv , 17 i; Hi A., T. i: is. I'.. Pi ts7a 1SI' ti, e-l's Ilrookhn Tiactlou M o s..i d Halt, k Ohio 'IP, ftl". uPi mi.', font. Tobacco 4i'j I l'i ti'. i'. Hit's, k Ohio 4u ini, in 4 1 Chic, kit. W ll.'i liT lt.iu b.ij nc. ii. . () mil h;j ih in?, St. Paul 15SSJ j.vjs; ,-Ti; urij ltnel; Island lit i: V!o l!,'; II.I.IW..II- -V lln.-on....lls 151 II.1, 1 HI Lackawanna '.M" am P's'i P'-'j rnici.ii strd .".v; ; .v. ., I'eslrlal Mee-I, l'i 751 "', iJ 71, Kail, k Tes., I'r 17?, t'rt, 17U Is', Louis. cV Nasi is'i til" s,i; ',,, M.iniultui! III. III! li.s ir.. IM'j Met. Traction Cu pa.ij nil lia,',i n,"i Mi.ouri Paclue M'i S7 "M V.U People's (i. HII lOeP, lW,a 104'i N. .l.lelitial I.'a.'j IV.'a 151 I.V. Smtlii'in i'aelll.' I.", Ii4 IJi li . Norfolk k Wo.iciu .... 1'i'i LIT; s.lf l.l't Nc.ltli. Pailtlc, Pi M'i M.ij Ml. ci, North. Pacific. Pr D'i 7, Ke'.'.a w,, V. V. (rlllllil 1ISS, III! HIK Il'i'i Out A Wr.i H "JP, ;ti'i "i'.i INni.j. II. II r)'i 151 in IV"; t'acllic Mall IJ'.', 43Vs II 4 4l, llejilli.g :u r, :: :.tv, Heading. IV '..IVi 7.1N 7J'4 7Jj K.iitheiu It. It JJ 2J -'.I'. iV, r-oiithrni It. II , I'r . . iS 7:!'. 7:! 7i Tfim. ('. k lift, .Mi .Vi 4i .'hi I. , Lealliei I.H'i I'l'i 131, i;;i; I. S. I.talhtf, I'r Mi 7n'i Tola "Uij I'. S. Hublier -iJ'." -iJ'.i '.tn1,, aI I 111, Ml lUellie sj'4 .sl'j Sjl. fiiJ, I'llloii Paelflr. I'l M'i, M'. Sl"a M' Wabash, Pr !'' '!'i .'n -JTI.. Wrslelll t'l.loli Sl'j Sn'l, Wj S NT.W YOflK PltOIHt i: r..CIIA(!K I'ltlfl-.. Open- High- Low. t'loi- WIIHAT. I".'. esl. .i luir. Manli W SJ"i H SH, Mav s.'-; SJ'i y. sj.. Scianton Wholesal Market. (Corrected by 11. 0. Dale, 2J Lackawanna Ave. Butter Creamery, 2la2.3c. Kggi Select wtotcrn, 21c; nearby atate, SI' Cheese Full cn-ani, new, 12c, Heans Per bu., choite inanow, WM. Onions-COs. per bu. Flour Uest patent, i.W. New York Groin and Produce. 'ce Voik, .Ian. P. Vlonr Dull and weaker) but not qiidaldj le.rtei. M heat hpot weak; .No. 2 red. S2Hc, f. o. h. allof, No. 2 red, SOVic. de-utoi- No. 1 northern Duluth, Blc. f. o. Ii allo.it; options had nn opcn'iitr decline, after which they tecoeicd, linally jleldlng and closnl weak at :saV. net lowci; Januniy elocd l0Tc; Maieh. -Pie.; Mav, Wh'. "forn Spot III til ; No. 2, 11' i" eleealor and 47?ie . f. o. b. utto.it; eplloii thai kit opened eaj and eloe.d l.nn al 'aR'ie-. net advance; .f.tnuaiy closed K.'ic; May M5lc Oai spot dull; No. 2. .'ft... No. li, JO'.jc; No. S white, .!2',ia3.'c. ; No. .1 while, u'.'e.; line I uihrd woleiii, 2i"ia3lr.; track white. .Ili.ga.i5i.; i'illoi'S quiet but sleaily all ilav. Iliitter Ijiilrt: neainery, Ifliile.; fac toiv. Hall .; .fun- ircimi-l. Icu.'I'.ti-.: Iniitj-t!.i- .iiiiiuiv, ll.tisr.; -titr dalic. IJi-."i-t h.'cse I'iliii; fines Ulge tall made, miill'lc; l.iuei MH.-.II fall made. JK,,il.'i. Lgga-'teady, si.H.. and IMiii.jImi i.i, 21.2k.; ileili. aer aged pail eel, .ii.iji ; e-r-teiu, loss olt, i'li. Chicago Girt u nnd Produce. (U'.iro, .1 iii. 0 Llbtil ircelpls and di-ap-pointing (aides wrc- fnilii m tin- wheat mail;t tmlaj. Mi.) cloius 3 t. hiwei. Coin ehisul ii. Iilglci; "4i a sliaue lowei and pm l.lons li'tu I'm-, imi'imisl. e'arh quiititions wen as lull'inii; Flour- -slejilv ; No. .! spiing when, Uix "I.., No. - i i, 7in,-. : Nn. -' eiirn. 37'ii-.; S. 2 sdlow. ...'at., No. ' oats. 2l'i.; .No. 2 Willie, !7l27J,l.; No. .1 while. inn2'lc.: No. 2 t. j.;i.a5li.: No. I lla, -1..VJ; .Nn. 1 iioilhwe.i. vl.id; llnioll.). s 7.-,: p.nk, Mli5al"; lard. "7.V5 a7..!7'j; lib-. S'U.tsiaT.25, Imiildi i, Miad'si.' iddis, s7..t7'..i7..'al w'ilke., Ml.27 Clilcajo Live Stock Maiket. I liieago, .Ian ' i aiile-Iticcipts, -.o,twi. In. (hiding ."IS) 'lisansj elwltr steeis. stead.); othils slo; IniUhcis' sirel weal, lo Itt,. biwir; good In piimc steen. Ki.2.'ai.iu; is'iii tn medium, si.im a5.t.'i; stoel.en. .'iid teti , nail lo slow, i7' al.l'J; eowa, I.Miil.Hl; beilers. n2ii5a!.4(l; ran uel, 'jJai.JJ; t.nlN. vJ.Wil.40; talies, 4iiJ.M, T'.'as led steers. .bi4.M); do, giaw sliei. l .ala 1: no. bull-, s:.5n, :l u. Pugs -lieerlpts toda.e. 42,UCHi; toiiionuw, :i7.hO; (.i uiei, 2,.VsJ; actler 5r. highci: ilonel itruiiki l"p. V.D; niKed aid liiinlitu, Hu.u5a5..i2la; hull, of s.ilr.. 5.'Ja..;ii. hlieep lleiclpt. Is.isO; weak tn HV. lower; gooel to choice' weiht'l.. si.73it.tij; lair to ehohe mUid, 1-1.10.1.: sji, undent sheep, IM.75al.i)Uj 'IVxas lieep, )!.?Aii.V), imIIm hmibs, 4a..al, Westell! lamb., s'u',. Ij. cons. May sit lc. Il's 4ts, Scranton Board of Trade Exchanges Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. MOCKS. Hid Asked. First Natioral Hank l.tm fa'cranton Savings Hank ,.. , 260 ,,, Third National Hank 4 mi ,.. Dim Deposit and Discount (lank., ."M ... . l.'cononiy Light, II. & P. Co t it New York Llvo Stock. Ne. Yo.:., dan. H.Ceccs ''teen, geneisllv Ilk. lowef cows. 10c. lower cM'cpc ' for tlilr cows; stern, jl.0.i5.4U; bulls, ifJ.i'OalJ co, l-l.Nlaii.e5, t alv flood seals shout ateadi ; ollic-if. weak tn luwei ; Utile ultra, 25?. f,1; bainjaid sloik ra.iei; teals, laS.oO; lhll iiiltrs, Ijsl,flai4i hnin.tjnl ealtrs. .f.25a.l.75 jir llng. Li;t.2i "Ineji and I anile lllglirtt Mr set ut the se.i.on; pilri-a na15i. highei; sheep, is.:.25a.75; culls, xial; lambs, i.50.ij,70. Hogs ii.il.it weak; ipi'utallc.iis, f5.nuiS.ii5 lor onilnaij lil's Eftut Libel ty Stock Market. Li,l I.lheity, Jan. . ''at tie-Steady ; lra 'i..Via5.7t); prinits i5.15.i5.:i5; coninion, Val.'i. Hogs Lower; pilme mediums und beat Yorker?, 5. Ii5.45; common to fair Yorker", 5.35a5.40; lnaty hoas. sf5.35i5.4U; plg, ?5.25a5.SO; roughs Ifl.7ft'a5. llelI Mi'ong; clioiee welheia, l.85a 4,5rt; coiumoii, sji..V)a2.i; dtolee lambs. Jdail.25j eommoii tn kood, ilr.5.e5: veal calves, 7.Wa. Oil Miuket. (ill lilt, .lull. ('. I5edlt lulanrra, l.ii; ceitl. fit ati-i. L24 bid tor laslt; shipments, 04,015 Ur iels; ateragr, 102,742 bairrU; niiis, 97,401 bai iel; atriagr, 75,2i0 bnil. Deafness Cannot Be Cured be total applications as they cannot leach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one nat to cull dea(iie, und that Is by (orutitti. Ilonal leinediea, Drafness is lausrd by an In Hauled condition of the mucous lining of the Lustaehlaii lube. When this tube Is Inflamed vou hate u tumbling sound or impel (ect hearing, and when it l entirely chwd, Deafness ii the re suit, and unlnu tho inflammation can be taken out and this tuhu tesloied tn Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed fortvtrt nine easts out of ten aio caused by Catarrh, which ii nothing but an Inflamed condition of th mucous surfaces. We will alte One Hundred Dollars fer any ran of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot N cured by llsll'a Catarrh Cure, fiend (or clrculint, free. 1. J. OIIKNET t CO., ToUdo, 4, Bold by DruggUU, 75c. Hall's Family PI1U am tht ue.t, ' V . - fi ., .J kjQ ,h .. K 4 .mo..frt-- S1lfti.l-?fct.fc l-wtut . --S-.-SS'