The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Number of Surgical Cases dossed
During the Past Year Wns Over
One Thousand Mission Seivlces at
St. David's Church C. M. D. A.
OfHceis Installed Attiacttons at
the New Home Festival Boys Ar
rested for Stealing Epidemic of
Grip Other Notes.
The annual icpoit j tin- number of
nios treated at llic Wost rilde hocpl
ml f i om Jan. 1, won. to Jun. I,. 1901,
lias been prrp'iroit by riuperlnlendrnt
Hmlth. and fa us lollnwi:
Indoor surgical ruses Male, 2S, fi
niulo, 31.
Outdooi nurclrul rjes--Male. L'Oii ,
frin'il", o".
Indoor mtilicrti i .oeti .Malt', 4.": fe
male, -W
Outdoor medical aif-.M.ili, 2.:. f--
llllllf, 'Ji.
Updttf, 10. Two within twemv-four
hours after being admitted lo hospital.
Hlilh, J", ambulance rails. IB. Tin
litter f" rciponilfd to by William
Price it rion. who fitinhh the team foi
l ho ambulance
Number nf suiglcn' usee dup(i
dining Hit year, 1047.
ThN Is eonildereil an ev optionally
Rood showing fot tlii hospital and de
monstrates the usefulness of "itch an
Institution in "Went Sciautou
The olnceis. )hjlelnns anil boa id of
dhoctors of the hospital nie as follows:
-Siipi'ilntcndent Miss Sara Smith
Vursis Mrs. Jessie Smith and Mist
Tfies.t Powdorlv.
Ordeily James Kill. Seivants, ::
Physicians Dr. W. A. IMIne. Di J
AV. llouscr, for January; Dr. .1. J. C'ui
3 nil. Dr. .1. J. Itohcits, for February;
S)i. 13. t5. lScddoe. Dr. Geoige Iteynoldx,
Jor March; Dr. AV. V.. Allen Di. M. .1
IH'llllams, for Apill.
Specialists Dr. risliei, In Miai,
Jr. Stoln, Dr. Iliuni.
Dlrectois Hon. John II. I'aii, Sena
tor J. C. Vnughnn, William Tan ell,
1). D. Kvan, AV. II. V. Oav
lord Thomas, Mr. Uobei t. John Van
Ilergrn, Dr. M. J. William". Dr. W A.
The hospital lias been In existence
lour years and dining that time has
jirovcr of incalculable benellt to people
within Its scope. The aboe upon be-
out for 1 and COLDS
Our January Sale of
Ladies' Muslin Underwear
Is distiuguished principally by excellence of quality
at moderate cost. The market is full of lower priced
goods thau we quote today, and we have some of
them if you want underwear of that hind. Our aim
however, is to raise these semi-annual sales of La
dies' Musliu Underwear to exactly the same level as
our oilier feature sales, and so induce ladies to look
forward to them as the only two occasions in the when they can positively depend on getting the
b?u'c underwear procurable, at a substantial reduction
frain regular price;.
That Is the Haiti Advantage
offered in ihis sale. Does it appeal to you ?
Ladies' Night Robes
Made from tne q : ,v iuaii .Mii"-
II'- and Knsll.'H i ni? iiothn. and
Dimmed with niiieiil m -ood as
jo'i would buy i vim v e i-i lollow
llK old Iden ot mak'iK our how ns ut
home. Th ni..l.iur 's p:f n, i, ir-
b tv and styleh In'inue, and nit-n'i
Jiothlnfr skimpy aboiu the ah...
Nlelu ISubes wo. tl .Vc. .'iu nni,' !!)i
NlRht Uohes woitb 7"i are now Idc.
' I if lit Kobes woitb .ir, are now i5)
N'lglit Holies .voi Hi 1 am now 70c
Night r.oben woitb .V." , ulu now 'e
N'lRht Itobes wouli SI. In aie nuw SI.J'i
Night Ttobej, vouli $ aie now $l,Ui
NlRht Ilobcs iroith M.O'i ai. now ")
Nlpht Itobes worth Sl.75 ate now $!..ili
Tho voiy hlKhsst class conns at pin-
piiitlonatc loducdons ir you wmu
Ladies" f luslin Drawers
Also Diaeif iurcIh nom flno Cam
htlea nnd I:iir1IhIi I, our t'lothi-. r.v
prythlnt' offoicd ut this tale Is nuw and
fresh trom tho faUoiy and the styles
me tho newest and hi?, for the comlni;
bptlnc season.
Draweis ,oith 11c aie now n'i-.
Drawers worth 4V. are now 3'e.
Drawers woith 60c. arc now aiie.
'Drawers woith C2'i!. uie now ICe.
Drawers woiih 5."c. are now (iCc
Drawers woith 5l.l!:!l ure now Mt.
Diawurs woith jl.25 ar no a Oae.
Finer numbti at pioportlonuie reductions.
Globe Wareboiise
speaks a continuance of public sympa
thy and support.
St. David's Mission Set vices.
Thf mission services being held In
St. Davld'.i rplscopal (lunch aie piov
Ins to bo a success beyond expectn
tlon. The attendance Is Increasing
Willi each service. On Monday even
ing the Itnv. .Mr. Owllym pleached
upon "Puilty." Tueday upon "Jesus
Found and Lost"; Wednesday,
"Watching and Availing for Jesus,"
flow Mr. Owllym has b"cn asso
ciated with seeral prominent
churches In New York city and Is tho
author of book?, anions which
may specially be named, "The Sacra
ment of I'lopatnllon." and "The Vision
Thai Transform."
Installation of Offlceis.
The iiewly-elerted olllceis of ISiatuh
44, Catholic Mutual IJenelU associa
tion, weie Installed in llari Cliui hall
last evening by Installing Olllcei John
K. Uauetl. A smokct was also en
Juved dining- the evening The otllcers
an as follow:
I'lesldent, I. J. McAndrew ; Hist vlcu
piesldcnt, John J. Sweeney; second
vice piesldent. M. J. Jennings: lei Hid
ing seeiotary, J. 15. McConnon; assist
ant secietniy, Joseph nuggnn: flnnn-
lal seeietaiy John ft. nnriett; tieas
nier, Moirls T Walsh, maishai, Pat
rick Ferguson; gumd, M. I Moran.
tiustees for two year"," Puggim
and John Wi Ight.
At the New Home Festival.
An ontorinlnlng proRiamme of vocal
and lnstiumfiital music was rendered
at St. Hienden's new home festival
last night, whlili wns enjoyed by a
huge ashomblace Airangcments nr
Jn-lnir made foi the disposition of th
nuinv ai tides which aie to be chanced
oft befoie the fair closes.
The Mima band, of Noith Scran
ton, will enliven things this evening
with their choicest selection!". To
nionow ovenlng, Mis. Joseph O'Biie'i
will sing, Mls Hail let Ward will plav
the violin, uud the lidlrs will serve an
oystei supper fiom ti to in o'clock
Entcitaimnent Tonight.
A testimonial entei talnmeut and
social will be tendoied Al. r. Hoff
man the well-known vocalist, at
.Meals' hall tonlrclit. Some of Scr ni
ton's leadlns; talent has been secured,
and the piori amine Is as follows:
Pij1.i -n Mis Amu "Millban
cijI Solo Mls UhoiU Clark
Musknl Dud lid J lliolliori
luh oil lonli SMiiIni; Inlin I". I'lJcn
ccdol Mj'tcr .lulm W iihliuin
bonn uud IIjiko Ilefllop .mil Mumc.v
AirolnM (irldllln Jli'l l.lliinnol
Soprjlio sol i MK Jlnle l.llRallon
It, citation MI-
Kncik about I o ikiIiiih ...'lit' and llmln
Hie tun. vtUK . . . . .. M. I'. Ilotlinui
Mr. Hoffman Is a well known younw
singer and has klndlv agisted at
many charitable events, and a laiir-
ciowd Is rute to attend.
Anested for Stealing Tiuit.
Killlan Stoker, ased 14. and Ilauv
Aak. aRed 13. weie ane.sted Tuesday
eenlnj; by I'atiolmen John Thomas
Ladies' Corset Covers
We only fiinti pr. es foi Roods whlo'.l
we can positively KUtrantee. Th low-ei-t
pi Iced numbet fiuoted hem is not
a i- labointe nH the highest, but It will
Bie as much satisfnt tlon in rnivice
The v.nlety of stvltu offcied Is boiond
uiif lonieption and they're all new
( oi. let coois worth .lie aie now :'3e.
Cm sot rovers woitb 4.'i.c au now L'o
Oiset coveis worth 50c. .iiu now :i3c.
t'otset coveis worth ilJ'ic rue now rc
t 'oi set co voi s worth 7.1c aie now ".V.
roi-tl ovi wotth S3c. aio now UDe,
Poiet ooveis worth JUJi., now n)o.
'oiwet covers worth 11.J5 re now Use.
Corset iovois ,oith 51.00 are now 7!c.
Thcie are prices between and pilcoj
hls'lier and no end to thu selection.
! Ladies' White Skirts
If the Iuuik of the I'ettlcoat Is not
rlKht, how enn you expect the Diets
Skirt to haiiK piopeily. it If, lmpon
slble. Om whlto petticoats arc mad
from fashion's latest modelr and hanir
AVhlte 4lhiH win ih s'o aio now ilif
White skills woith .M ate now 'die.
Whitri sklits woith T1.12V-. now ')o
White skirls woith 51.25 ,iro now 3m
White skhte woith JU5 aio now $1 to
White skirts wotth "J1.7S aie now 31.3.1
"White skirts woith $.'.oo aio now $1 11
Whlto ikhts woith JJ.B-, jip m,w M r.i
Other pi Ices up to $,SK and they'io
all lediued.
and David Davie, while In tho act ot
steallns fruit from a stand at tho cor
ner of West Lackawanna avenue and
Ninth street.
Hoth were looked up In the police
station over night and when nttalBii'd
ttcfore Alderman John In pollu cottit
yesterday morning they weie ills
charKed with u heere reprimand. In
future, boys caught at this offenfo
will be punished severely.
l'he was dlscovetcd In thu ante,
loom of lied .Men's hall at I o'clock
esterduy morning, and before the
llames weru extinguished, about ?1.'0
damage resulted. The llames were
dlscovetcd by Mrs. Jacobs, who i.
sides In the adjoining bulldlnu:. llu
(.'olumbhiH and rriinkllns worked haul
und sucieeded in confining the llame
to the room stated,
Mrs. John 1). Hlchnrds and thlldien
of South Main avenue, havo returned
home from a visit with relatives In
Hiooklyn. X. V.
William, the 15-year-old son of Mr.
find Mrs. Keller, of Stratford nvenue.
Lincoln Heights, accidentally shot
himself In tho right hand on Tii?diiy,
while playing with a levolver, The
Injuiy Ih not seilous.
A powerful levlval Is In piogiess at
the Hampton Htteet Methodist Hpls
copal (litirch. Men and women are
Highly coming to the altar to kail a
new life.
Dr. W. J 1.. Davis, of Noith Main
avenue. Is confined to his loom with
bronchitis und a general cold,
Maty, the young child of Mrs. Cath
eilno riillllps, of 2010 Washburn
stieet, died yesterday The funeral
will occur tomonow. lnteiment will
be made In the Wnshbiiin ftieet rente
tciy. Philip LouergHii, of Monti ose. culled
on his uncle, Richard I.oneipan, of
Chestnut stieet, on Tuesday, while
en route lo Dickinson Law school at
Cai lisle.
John Cinynor. of :imlrn, .V. V is
visiting his mother on Ninth Lincoln
-Mm tin Donnelly, of Chestnut stieet.
has mimed home fioui a lsli with
fi lends hi Illnghamton and lClmiia,
X Y.
James Cavanaugh, ol Chestnut
street. Is suffeilng fioui an utlack nf
Voteis of the Thlul dlstllot of the
Slvth waid who asplm to illsttlct of
llces aie requested to register with
IMwIn lion en. of Landls stieet.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Slmp
on Methodl't Kplscopii chttich will
nift loday.
I'rnl.tmlu flllbcrt Is n laiulldate for
ngisiei of oleis In f'e Thhd district
ot I It Fourth waul.
meeting of thn William Council
Allthi.icite Olee dub was held In
Meats' hall last eenlng for the put -poM
of making aiiansements to at
tend Piesldent McKlnley's luaiiKiira
tion The fuiieial of the late Kredeilelt
C.iossman will occur tomotiow nftei
nooon, Instead of In the inointng as
picvlously announced.
The entei tnlnmcnt and ut tho
Piisi "W'lhlt Conieg.itlonal chuin h
lint eenlng was an enjoyable affair
and was llbeially pationlzed.
To the Republican Voteis of the Thir
teenth ward.
I heieby wltluliaw as a iiindldato
toi lln olllce of select councilman for
the Tlili teenth ward.
Since the announcement of my can
didacy, ceitaln bmincss complliatlons
hau uilscn which would hae len
deied It evcesslvelv incouwnlent, al
most Imposlbie, in fact, for me to
attend to the duties of the olllce In
the euiu of my nomination and elec
tion I lake aihantage or this oppoiiunlty
to most i untidily thank m fi lends
lor the many expiesslons of good-will
and piomlses of suppoi i which I hao
recehed tiom them, and I beg that
they will tiansfei their support to
Mr. V.. L. Met ilin, in, the aunounie
ment of whohe candidacy appears this
I huH been intimately uniualntid
with Mi. Metrlman foi twenty
and heaitlly eiuloise him 1 know him
to be a niiin of steillng Integiity, and
woilhv of the fciippoit of all citizens
of the 'Dili teenth waid.
George S. Atkins
Seiunton, Pa., Jan. it, 1001. u
The revival seivlces of the riit
Pilmttie Methodist chiiith aie full of
interest. Mis. W. H. niandy, evangel
ist, I" an excellent speaker. The lingo
congregations appieilate her labois.
Many have responded to her logical
and pathetic appeals to begin, and
continue, to lead a better life. Come
to these t-ervlec"
F. 11. S.kes has announced Him
self as a candidate lr the Republi
can nomination for common count II In
the Thh teenth waul
Mis. Claicnce Foster and son, of
Iloncsdale, aie visiting Mis Fostei's
Pirents, .Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I). .Mason, of
Kandeison avenue.
Walter Wilbur, of Sanderson ave
nue, icturned to Meueiberg college
The annual business meeting ot the
Clicen Rldgo Piesbyteilau ihurth will
be held next Monday owning at half
past seven o'clock, at which time pews
will be lented and tiustees will bo
The icgular meeting of tho music
ttitlon of the Creen Ridge Woman's
club will take place at the Scrantop
Coiihcrvatory of Muhlc this moinlng at
W.S0 o'clock. Mr. Pennington will lec-
The regular weekly meeting ot the
Amity Lltoiaiy socletj will bo held
at the homo of Charles Kear, coiner
of Sunset and Mousey avenues, this
evening at 7 o'clock.
Atfied Harvey, the piesent common
councilman fiom the Thii teenth waul
has registered as a candidate for the
Republican nomination foil that olllce.
The other laiidldatcs teglstered nia
Find Sykes nud August Kiugotinnn.
Specialty. Dlseaocs of Women.
Room 1, over Globe store. Houis: 1 to
R.30 p u Consultation A e. Dr
Tlevcitou "
The Fielllerath lodge, No. iSu, Or
der of Hail Gail, ai a meeting last
ovenlng, held In Haitman's hall, lu
fctalled the following oillois for the
ensuing cai. Piesldent, Chailei
Sendler; vice piesldent, Lrnest Rclden
bach; secietniy. Jacob Petty; tteas
urer, John F. Schwenkor; tuistees,
D. Mayer und George Kiniuer.
Last nlghf, Samuel AV'els, of Flist
Btrect, appeared as piosecutor against
Miuy Hollduy In Alderman Lentes' of
flee. Ho chatged her with disorderly
conduct. Tho nldermnn sentenced the
defendant to pay tho costs und spend
fifteen duys in the county Jail. She
chose, tho latter alternative
A Large Amount of Jttoutlne Busi
ness Was Transacted and a Num
ber of Bills Ordered Paid Newly
Elected Offlceis of Knights of
Pythias. Neptune File Company
and St. Maty's Council, Y. M. I.
Rovivnl Seivlces In Tripp Avenue
Christian Church Marriage of
Walter Dings and Miss Bessie
The tcliool boatd met In tegular ses
Mon last night at No. t building with
Mcnibeis Spencer, Costello, Irwin and
Haggeity piesent. The committeeman
for No. 7 school was ordeied to re
lieve the teacher employed from the
c'aic of the building and hire a Janitor
to attend to the same. Ex-Tax Collec
tor Roland nppeuird lfoie the boaul
with an old list of exoneintlons that
had pievlously been allowed, the lec
ords of whit h had been lost, and asked
that they be allowed by the present
boaul. His laciuest was granted.
The following bills were ordeied
paid: C. C. McCannon & Company,
$123 75; Rejnolds Brothel s, $15.60; Wal
ter Clie.ii os, $59.45; John Rice, $52.yj;
Scr.inton Times, ifi; T. H. Swurlz, $1.50;
fMwaid Cunen. $27. li; J. W. Plnnell.
J2.SJ; T'nlon Cash Store, $11.51; Lmer
hoii College of Oratoty, $21; Appleton &
Company. $20 12 Hutler. Sheldon &
Company. $110.10; William Rogeis,
$2S.0S; P. F. Collier, $32; Dunmore bor
ough, $t!.20: Krle nnd Wjomlng Valley
Ralhoad company, $1,6!); E. O. Car
Jionter, $21 SO. Dunmoie Gas and Water
company, SIT CO: Raub & Company,
$17.20.' F. i; Swaitn. $22.59; J. G. Bono
& Son, $1.50, Maynard Men HI, $10.S3;
Gustuv Uiady, $51; T J. Hughes. $50.91.
The secmniy was oulerod to pay tho
interest due on $5,000 Issue of bonds.
Tho pay-roll for December was or
deied paid. A coiumunlcatlnn was le
cclved fiom Miss Ullen Flannelly ask
ing that an Increni-e of $5 per month
be allowed her. On motion of Mr.
Spencer this was allowed, making her $50 per month
A leptcsentatlvo of A U Ulodgett &
Company was present and explained
at length the value of his maps and
i halts to the hoard, who left the pur
chasing of the sumo for another day.
Newly Elected Offlceis.
At their meeting on Tuesday night
the Knights of Pythias installed the
following olllcers: Chancellor com
mander, Heiuy Hopf; vice chancellor,
Samuel Haddon, master exchequer,
Joseph Heal; financial lecouler, James
Hi ure; keeper of u-couls, Hyron
Hrnd , master of wolk, Geoigo llle
setker: mastei of arms, Clarence
Watious; Inside guard. William Sel
ger; outside guard, Geoige Rnglcrt;
Pi elate, J. W. Plnnell.
At the annual meeting of the Nep
tune Flic company the following olll
cers weie elected for the ensuing year:
Piesldent, W. S. Potter; vice presi
dent, W. F. Ii.u ley. iccoidlng secie
tary. H. H. Cole, financial secretary,
T, F, Sanscnbaugh: treasurer, L L.
Setter: foi email, Josh. Warfel; flist
assistant. W. L. Piucell; second as
sistant, Chailes Hurper: tuistee. Jas.
Rills; plpemen, C. Chainberlln, James
Ellis, Geoige Russell, Owen Ulesecker;
enslneeis. W. S. Potter, 'P. F San
senbaugh, peimanent man, Geoige
The following ofllceis will be In
stalled by St. Maiy's council. Young
.Men's Institute, on next Mondav even
ing: Chaplain. Rev. M. 15. Donlan;
pitMdent, T. J. Taylor; Hist vice
pieMdent, John Ilttiku. second vice
president, Thomas O'Hora; llnanclul
scci-etaiy, James Horan, iccordlng
secietnry, AV. J. Cawley; tieasuier,
Michael Walsh, Inside sentinel, Thos.
Coicoiair outside sentinel. Thomas
Walsh, marshal, W. J. Crane: execu
tive commltue, Fiank Cullen A. H.
Golden, Edw.iid Johutou, Michael
Revival Services.
The i cvlval seivlces at the Tilpp
Avenue Chilstlan church weie well
attended laat night. Rev. Mr, Cobb
fcpoke fiom John, lv;5(.. "He that
reapeth," ald he, "recelveth wages.
Tnev who labor for God are suie of
their toward. They who gather fiult
unto eternal life, their rewaul Is etei
inil life. This woild cannot be satls
llcd without Clu 1st. Wealth, position,
things wo may asplie to without
Chi 1st utlng no satisfaction. Lastly,
that they that soweth and he that
leapeth shall lejolco together."
At the close of the seivlco thieo
tamo forward and ncreped Chi 1st as
their saviour. The Rev. Mr. Kiamer,
of the Raptlst church, was piesent and
lent hla assistance In tho service. Tho
topic for this evening will be "Faith,
What Is It? How Does It Come? and
What Ih Its Purpose?"
The man Inge of Miss Resie Kt ea
ger, of Cheiry stieet, and Walter
Dings, which took place last week,
has just been announced. Miss Ki ea
ger Is one of the boiough's most popu
lar young ladles, while the gloom Is a
well known young man, being em
ployed In a cleilcal position hy Wil
liams ,fc McAnulty. They ure at pies
ent stopping with the bilde's mother
on Clint ty stieet.
The membeis of the Ladles' Aid so
ciety of the Ruptlst (ihuich will meet
nt the church this morning at 10
o'clock and will come piepuied to
woik. The annual church business
meeting will be held In the chinch to
night ut 7..10 o'clock All membern and
contilbutoi'i to the chinch aie inged
to bo piesent.
The funeral of the lute Julius We!
ncT, ot Piescott avenue, took plueu
fiom tho Geiman Presbytotlan church
veateulay and was largely attended.
The members or the American Outer
United Workmen attended In a body.
Interment wus made In Dunmoio
The Ladles Aid society of thu Dud
ley Street Haptist chinch and all la
dles Inleiested In tho cliuich uio u
ipiested to meet nt the chinch this
morning at 10 o'clock. Come pie
puied to work. Tho annual chuip'i
business meeting will be held this
evening nt 7.20 o'clock at tho chinch.
All membeis nnd contributors to tho
church tu-ft in god to be piesont.
A son has been born to Mr. and Alia.
Henry Shaffer, of Drinker sticel.
Miss Mattlo Chamberlln Is1 III at her
homo on Apple street.
Mr. Fred Nickerson, of Uutler street,
Infants' Wear
Slips. Sacques.
Drawers. Skirts.
Here is a store that everybody
likes who like children. Complete
In every detail, presenting not only
assoitmcnt and variety, but quality
and cheapness.
INFANTS SMI'. Made ,f Hie fltiot unite it
tiitiMlii with cmbi-olileml joke. Tlie O--WliltO
Sale A
IMMMS M.ll'S-Vljitr el fliiMt cMinlirlc with
n iiirnw linn ami kIIUIkiI ruffle. 'Die AKn
HIilloMle tO
1NTANPS DUC&M'.S-Hieit llrff. ot tine
mudln Irlmmrd wltli embroider nnd dirp TS.
lorn. The Whlto Mle ""
rillt.l)Ili;VS nilKisl'.S-Kxtri fine caml.rlc
hhort l)ii,.,, tiicl.cil nnil rmlitoldrr ei),
trimmed. Tim Wlilto hilc 0"'
INKAVT's SACQUKS AND SKtlt I S-s irnuci aio
wlilte wool, vciy pirttv trc loiif
.iml rlnlshcd with ilcip hciu. Tho Wlilto I"),
Sale "
Big Sale of Ladies' White Kid Gloves at 65c.
Not so many, but so good. We have never olTered you a better glove so good a glove for
the money. They arc made Irom a superior quality of fine grained, smooth finished kidskin, cut
and finished to fit the hand perfectly, They are the most popular two. clasp style, with three rows
of white or black embroidered stitching on the back. Sixty.flve Cents the Pair. Good Value at a
Dollar. All sizes in the lot, but not a great many of a sue. On sale while they List probably
today and Friday.
Dinner In the Restaurant,
25 Cents.
Best in the City.
lias been Indisposed tlie past lew
The cblldien of Mr. Kdwmil Illnna
hnn. of Hpoit 11111, nie snlforlns fiom
the measles.
Mr. Klelurd AVnideli. of Oiove
stieet, Is MtfteiiiiK from nn uttnclc ot
An mini Conntiy Dance Given by the
Tather Wlvitty Society Other
News Notes nnd Peisonnls.
The conntiy dunees Riven annually
liv tin' membeis of the Father 'Whltty
hoclety have conic to bo lecoRnlzed as
belnK among the most delightful boclal
nffalis Riven In this part of the city.
The membeis lived up to their pievlous
excellent lepulatlon last night, the oc
casion belnff the thlid annual affair.
It was conducted In the Auditorium,
which was most beautifully decoiatecl
for the occasion with vnrl-colored bunt
ing and tings. The stage was banked
with farm pioduco nf all kinds. The
grand march nt 9 o'clock was led by
Joseph J. Stew.ut and lady, followed
by a timing of merry-makers In coun
try costumes of all conceivable kinds
and shapes. Tlieie weie twenty-sl
iiumbeis on tho dance progi amine,
which kept the il.inccis busy until long
past the midnight hour.
The geneinl committee of ariangc
ments which t.o successfully conducted
the nffalis, consisted of the following
membets: W. A. Lynott, II. A.
O'Hoyle. T J. Nolan, John J. Horan,
T. F. J. Homer, D. J. Oerilty. J. F.
Saltiy, M. M. Cavanaugh, J. F. Mur
taugh, Joseph J. Stmvait, P J. Mul
herln and Anthony J. O'Hoyle.
Funeral of Bernaid Davis.
The funsial or Beinaul Dnvls, con
stable of tho Second ward, took place
yesterday moi nlng from the family
residence on Oal: stieet. The services
were conducted by Uov. O. A. Cure nnd
Hev. CI. C. I.yman. A quartette from
Hip Providence Methodist Episcopal
church bung seveial hymns under the
direction of Professor Cousins.
The pall-beaieis were: l'dward
Fldler, H. Ilnlderman, Frank White
and Alvln White. Interment was made
in the family plot at Lemon, Susque
hanna county.
Btief News Notes.
Tho funeral of John I.euahan, ot
Urlck avenue, who was killed near the
Dodgo mine on Sunday night, took
place ycsleidny afternoon from the
Chinch of the Holy Ilosaiy. Ttev. J
J O'Toole read the set vice for the
dead, nftar which Interment was made
In tho Cathedral cemetery
Tho Hndeavor society of tlit Piovl
denco Piesbjterlan chinch will havo
their semi-annual meeting this oven
Ing at the clcca of the pi.iyer ses.
hlon of that church. Officers will bo
elected nnd repot ts of commltteas
acted upon, and aftetvvmda tha social
committee will seive o. dainty lun
cheon to the members.
The week of pinjer rervtces In tho
Providence Presbyterian church thus
far have been sustained by a largo
attendance and tlinracterlsscd by deep
interest. "Pityer for Ttlght Helatlons
in Society and In tho Nation, with the
(lolclen Itule Obeyed as Hetween Man
and .Man" will bo tho tin mo this even
ing for gencial confeience.
The North V.wX Star basket ball
team vein defeated bv the Tlguf's
ilyniiiQbiuin team, or the icntinl city,
Tuesday evening-, bv ti store of t-0.
Mlhs Sat ah Hudson, of P.tikor
Mi oct, has retuind home, nfter visit
ing filenls In Pltuton.
Miss Sarah Leonard, of West Mu"
ket stieet, letuincd home lioni Now
Yoik clt.
Lost. Between Waync .iveiill? and
Sci anion, a laige sum of money. Ho
waid will be given If letuincd to Mis.
Pei n, 'JluO Wayne iivenm. "
louU h.icm. ut laii 1'iorprct iuciiiip, 7u
)""i Jl'il Iat muine .iliout U oMixk j(ui u
biief lllnwi, 'ilio ilc4il U.11 1.11 iKI ic.lilenl
ot boutli htranton, aiii lit, diinUc in ircrcttiil
by a lirifo iliclo of frliiiiln, Hi- l (invited )
lx ililldren, m folluttm Jlr. Pitu Ilohn, Vr
'IlicrfnU Wibcr, ihi. Jmuli Mkluely. )li. Will
lam, MUs Carrie Kacdu und Mikolau. Kactfr
Ihi (initial Jiruiigniicnu u,c not ,ttt been com.
Jobn llftvltt, our ot (be oldest and Ixwt knoitn
icildtnti ol tho Iklletuo Mitlon of the city
illfd ycklrrday mornlni; about 11 o'tlocl. lie
had been 111 for a few weeki. llo li turtited by
Has Created the Liveliest Kind of
Men's Shirts
. White Shirts.
Night Shirts.
White Shirts are of the best
New York Mills muslin, rein
forced over the shoulders, long
and short bosoms, unlaundered
three sleeve lengths perfect
Night Shirts ol tine heavy mus
lin, splendidly made, of full
length and prettily trimmed with
tancy colored fronts. The best
possible vilue for the money,
Jonas Long's Sons
the follottlnj children: John, James, Milllim
and Lawrence. Tin- funeral will be hi hi satui.
day moinlns at 9 o'clock. A requiem nusi wilt
bi celebrated In Holy Cio chinch and iutri.nent
w 111 be In tho (athdril reinctir.t.
)lr 0 VV. Tcnnint, I hlRhly ie-.pfitcd lad',
died W'cclncid.iy inornine at !i o'clock at her
dni'irlitpre, Mrs. W. I,. Conrad'.. Funeral pri
vate Saturdvv moinlnir at S o'clock. Interment
at (llbwn, hu'riuehinna county. She Is inrtltcl
by one on and three daushter., K. W" Ten
nant and Mrs. (!. II. PdnariN, of Clark's Nun
mil, and 3Ii. If. A ficcho and Jlr W. I. Con
rad, of tlili cltt.
Mrs. fitt entile Snook, aecd M jcau, died Vlon.
diy eicnlnu at the famll.t rerldincp on (ireen
Micct Mid. Snook wjs cll knoun und had
lived In North Scrantou for a number of .tear.
She I. sunltcd by ,i huiband and one daughter,
Mrs. Matthew Jlonl. Interment tvlll he inado
at Pljmouth. Sen will be held at the I'l.f
mouth W'ebh PiptW clmnli.
Pitrlcik (laraiiiiujrll, ot llelletue, ai;eil -
..fare, died la-t nUht at the larkauanna hospital
nftcr an illness of kcteral week. The remalni
were rrmoted bv Undertaker Cmlek to the home
nt his brother, John at 617 Oichird street. The
(i.ucial am ouneemrnt will be made later.
11. J Krupp, of llrecnnood. died at 0 o'clock
last night I'uneial announcement later
The funeral of the late I'Uie htalil, of Ui Mul.
berry ticct, I1I be held this morninir. The
tm.alni are to be tJken on the l.OJ tnin for
PilUton, herc tliet will be intencd,
Ihc funeral of the late John f)o,le, ot lUilmul
ntcnue, will be held tlili moinini; at U oMork
treni Holy Ciou chuuh Interuirnt in Catholic
His Relatives Aio Anxious to Locate
What has become ot 12-year-old Jo
seph Uolthune? His sister, Victoiln,
Mrs., of tho boaul of chari
ties, Alcleunan Millar and Special Olll
cer Joseph Greenbeiger nie anxiously
striving to settle thin question. All
races of the boy's whcieabouts van
ished Monday afternoon and diligent
search since has failed to account for
his mysterious dlh.ippeaiancu.
The outcome of the boy's splitting
uvvnv will be the an est of Thomas
MllcavIUi and wife, of Baibertown,
on the serious charge of kidnapping,
unless tho lad is pioduced sound and
heaity, within a very Inlef period.
A tew yejis ago Joseph nnd his
father went to boaul with Thomas
Mlleavl&h, of IJarbertovvn. Last Sep
tember the father died, and It Is
claimed Mllcavlsh compelled oung
Joo to enter the bleaker and tuin
over his meagie earnings to him,
Last week the boy's ulster. Vlctoi l.i,
about il years of age, up from
New York, wheio she resides, to gut
her bi other with the Idea of sending
him to school at the llutfnlo icfoim
ntory. She wpiu dotvn to Harber
town and saw her brothei. but Mil
cavlsh stubboinly lefused to release
the boy.
In her despair Victoria went to Mrs.
Duggan and stated her tumbles. Al
derman Millar was consulted, and as
ti result Special Officer Greenberger
went ilotvn to get the boy. Hut alas
the lad hud disappeared, as If by
magic. Milcavlsh declaied up and
clown that ho did not know where the
boy had gone. Tho bi either boys weie
closely flcrutlnUed but Joseph could
not be found.
Last night .Milcavlsh called upon
Alderman Millar to relteute his state
ments that ho knew nothing about
the boy's vanishment. Thus the mat
ter stands and Just what steps will
be adopted to recover thu boy aio
not known, but the piobablllty Is that
Milcavlsh will bo anested as a kid
napper and compelled to trauster Jo
seph to the care of his sister, ir he h
In his po.-isebMon.
St. Joseph's Society In Most Flourish
ing Condition.
The annual meeting of St. Joseph's
hoclety was held yesteulay afternoon
lu St. Thomas' eolleo chapel and was
Inrgely uttended. The lepoit of th
tieasuier showed that the oiganlz.itlon
was In splendid llnanclul condition,
over $300 having been icallzed from
tho iccent ndcrod concert.
Tlio icport of tho sisters In charge
of tho Foundling home showed the
reuuukablt) economy which Is prac
ticed nt that Institution. The uver
ago monthly cost of maintaining the
homo with Its eighty Inmates during
the past year wns less than $260. The
following olllceis were elected:
President, Mis. P. J. Horan; vice
piosidanl, Mrs. It. C. Wlllb; secretary,
Today's Selling; Sug
gests More Tomorrow
Listen to the steady click of
the scissors today as they cut off
the embroideries,yard after yard.
Take nil you want enough for
Today One lot of more than
two thousand yards of exquisite
cambric and nainsook, embroid
eries in both edgings and t 1
insertings, at the yard. . . 1 xC
Here is a collection of the new
est and most thoroughly reliable
patterns, imported direct from
the big factories at St. Gall and
offered at a third less than their
actual worth. As narrow as one
inch Us wide as five inches.
l 'Reli & Burgunder, Lessee and Manaxer
A. J. Duffy, business Manager.
r.vculnc l'crfonnanio at S. 13. Matinee at 2 30.
Thuisday, .jfe Jan. 10.
The followlnc artlt will appeal: Tlie Foiu?
.Tiureling; Johnsons, John I). Gilbert, Cheridah
Mntron, Mr. and Mri. Edward Imonde, Morton
and Klllott, Maud lowivcnd, Fuller, Mailer ami
llurke, Tiptco and Daniel.
Special Ilargaln Pay Mitlnco, 23c. to any pars
of the house, lliildrrn to any part Ifw.
Slfcht prlcei IJ, 35, 50 and 75 tent.
j:inluff Performance at 8 15.
Matinee performance at I..W.
TIIItKR PKIiroitVt N( I'.s ruin v Mfill r,
JANUARY 11 nnd 12.
Th?UiIIage Postmaster
Under the manaRemcnt of Mr. ,T. Wciley norn
n,uet, also manaucr 14th Street Theater, New
ptallni; to mm, uoman and child, and withal V
I1IC1 CAST includlliff AltCIIlE UOYD ai the l'o.t.
Mght PiicM-23. .'.0. 7"e. and ?1 00.
Vtitineo Piicis Fnliie loner floor, 50o.; hit
conj, 25c , children to any part of houte, 1&.
Managers and U?sscc. Local Manigcr.
iivi.vnci: OP WEEK.
Hi Ileld's beautiful I'la.i,
Human Hearts
l ull cf lulho-, he-rt thiul.s and sparkling humol)
Matinee Prices- 15 ami 21 cents,
l.tenlui; Pileeh- 15 2, 3" and 50 rents.
IS ItEPEltlO'leE.
Mutliee Pilcet-10 and 20 cent"
l.i cuius Prircv-IO, 20 and SO cents.
New Gaiety Theatre
II It I.OMJ, 1-csiie and Jlanajer.
fhiec Diji ("imiiieriin? Thursdij, Jtn. 10.
( I.MtKK PltOh.
Peautlful eneri
r,uiKcoiu fctumer
Electrical Vtfrilr
hipcl Girl
,ai--;il n:i.Y-30
Dalit Vlatinrc.
Prices -Evening, 1. 2J, .Ti and 50 rcnU.
Vlatlnccs, 15 and 25 cent.
Mis. Anna Cuslck: tieasurer, Mrs, V.
W. (iiinsterj financial secretaiy, Mm.
T. C. Melvln: directors, Mrs. M. Flah
erty. Mis. I'. W. (lunster, Mrs. P. J.
Horan, Mrs. O, T. Burke, Mrs. Iloban,
Miss J. McDonald, Mrs. Anna Cuslck,
Mrs. W. n. Duggan and Mis. Hugh
Enjoyable Evening Spent by Mem
beis of the L. C. B. A.
Mis. Cnllary. win Is the deputy su
preme chancellor of the Catholic Wo
men's Benevolent Legion, installed tho
following newly elected offlceis of tln
local suboullnnte council In Guernsey
hall last night.
Chancellor, Miss Kate U. O'Malley:
president, Miss Kllz.ibcth Snow; vlca
president. Miss Maiy Coleman: cc
retuiy. Mrs. Maiy Tierney, collector,
Mis, Maiy N.tlllu, orator and treas
iiii'r. Jliss Ullzabeth McManama;
tiustees, Mis. t'ulkln, Mis. Golden and
Miss Margaii't Murphy; marshal, Mlsa
Nelllo aibbons: guard, MUs Mary Glt
maitln. '
Tollowlng tho Installation exerclsea,
dainty lefieshmcnts were served and
an enjoyable soclnl hour spent by tho
membeis and n number of their
f i lends.
Professor M. J. Dtvyer, formerly ot
this city, but now of Wllkes-Uarre,
won another wieslllng match In tho
latter city last night, defeating John J.
Little, a well known lightweight wrest
ler from Boston, Mass.
The match was pulled oft In the Ncs
bltt theater before a large audlenca for
a side bet of J12C. Dwyer won In two
straight falls, the time hedns 43 and 224
minutes. Hugh Keenan, of this city,
acted au referee,
'' "-1tjL-.i t
' l -A