fi Tf "T" -T-- i f& THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 190i. ' .-r n: 8e Scranton Crtfiune (ubllnhed Dally, Except Sunday, by Thi ' Ttlb una Publishing Company, t I'Kly Cents Month. MVY S. HICHAM), Editor. O. T, BYXDEE. Business Manager. New York Ofuce: 150 Nassau fel. S. 3, VRCELAND. Bale Agent lor Foreign Advertising. Fntttcil at the Poslofllce at Scranton, Pa., as Second-Class Malt Milter. When space will p.'inlr, The Trlbuno It alwaja, (.lid to print short letters from IU Irtcnds bear ing on current topic, hut Ha rule hi that Jhce must bo signed, lor publication, by tho writer a rest mine) mid the condition precedent to ac i Is Ibat all contributions ahall be subject to editorial nvlilor,. THi: PUT HATH TOR ADVERTISING. The follow Ina table ahowa the prico per Inch rath Insertion, space to be uvd wltbln one jcsri Hun"cn5HrnTon Tiilf DISPLAY l'Mr I Reading roItlon Lcii'tVsrTf.i'Olricn'es. " .2? I "" .275 "' .50 MO Inches -JO . . l.Hal " 1(1 I .ITS ,Vr soon " i;,j ,i: .lei Hl , i.x ,im .13 Rale f,i Classified Ailvritlslnx furnished on application, PCltAS'TON, JANCAUV 10, 1901. An iMiiciicliiicnt to tin' Mate constitu tion, It iiiaposi-d by Judiro Archbald, wlildi will iiinlc all Imuh nflor ten yrniM' unchallenged existence Immune I rum at luck fur defective! titles or bo tittt'p they air local or special; unci cmijouciltifc the general assembly to iiol(r menus for reporting local and I'nltctl States court tlfflHlons (iffvctlng tin- coii-ctllutluiinllty of nil l'oniifiylva nlii li-Rlstliitlun. The object Is to pre vent the iiou ficqurnt defeat of the In tent of the liiw-imikliig power thtough tho discovery by Ingenious attorneys, after Ions Intel vain, of minor technical llnw. There Is ytih.Miintlal used of Mich a s-afeguard. Should Work Both Ways. I1IC HXCl'SK oifercd by Gen I oral Manager Kllllmau In be- JL, li-ilf of the Scranton Rail way company for threaten ing to Increase the public charge for ildcs on IU cars by the abolition of tho transfer pilvllcgo contrary to the letter and spirit of Its agreements with the city Is la substance that the com pany Ih hard up, that Its expenses have been Increased by the strike and that It needs moio levenue. It Is a poor rule which will not work both ways. If the Scranton Hallway company Is hard up so Is the city ot Scranton. If the traction company's expenses are Increasing so are tlu city's. If one needs more revenue so does the other. With equal, nay, with tar better grace may tho city proceed to levy a ." per cent, tax on traction company gross receipts to help It meet tho new expenses of its coming en trance Into the second class of cities. AVc say with better grace because, while tho traction company has not always dealt generously with tho city but on the contrary has corrupted many of Its former councllmen, bun roed it repeatedly In details of legisla tion and grossly shamed it by the measly quality of its service, the city on the other hand has been most pa tient, tolerant and liberal. The city has permitted the outside financiers in charge of tho Scranton Railway com pany to gobble up $4,000,000 worth of franchises for nothing and In all tho years that the people have been put to Inconvenience by the unsatisfactory nature of the traction service the city, with the exception of a nominal pole tax, has refrained from levying n dollar of taxation. The Clnrks ure reputed to have made an even million out of their manipulation of this property, but tho city of Scranton has not made a penny out of it. The time for meekness under a pro cess of plucking morally equivalent to highway robbery has ceased. If there is virtue In aroused public opinion the beginning of the new century will have marked the beginning of a change In the community's attitude toward this jmbllu service corporation. The very lja-t that councils should do tonight is to pass an ordinance imposing a . per cent, tax on its gross receipts. This has been strangled In the past and the penitentiary yawns for those who did it. The Pennsylvania Insuigcnts already see political Gunms In tho distance. Ballot Reform. ADVOCATKS of ballot leforni aie again piesslng upon public attention with great encigy and some success the urgent need of additional legisla tion to safcguaid the puilty of tho ballot. A rerent circular distributed by the Tnlon Committee for the Pro motion of Hallot Reform and the Merit System In Pennsylvania says: "Tho struggle for ballot tcfonn In Pennsylvania achieved but a partial tuiccos., In the enactment of tho ballot luw In 1S9I, nnd again In the ennct tlien.t.o lhe law of 1S03. The victory Is fJirtfrVini complete. The legislature granted the people a (.mull part of their demand, by no means the whole. The ballot Is not yet wholly secret: nor Is Us form such as to enable voters to express their choice or candidates without risk of mistake, or to give each cundldato a fair chance of re ceiving all the votes which should properly come to him without regard to tho party or policy ho represents. "Among tho many requisites of hon est elections, threo things are funda mental: 1. Absolute secrecy of tho buliot In every case. 2. A ballot which voters can use without risk of mistake '3. A ballot by which can didates of all parties have un euual chance to receive tho votes of their supporters. It is precisely In these fundamental particulars that the pres ent ballot law of Pennsylvania falls short of what the people have demand ed of the legislature for tho past ten years. "Under cover of the very loose word ing of Section 20, which allows voters, under certain circumstances, to be helped In marking: their ballots, It has often happened that men perfectly mark their own ballots have been allowed or even rcquuVi to take political workers into tli uuiuiuu-t. ments with them, ho as to prevent the possibility of, secrecy. Tho courts would almost certainly hold such n. practice t6 be a crlmlnni offense, but it cannot be effectually prevented o long as there Is tho least doubt about convletliuc nnd punishing those con cerned In it. "Tivj provision n S.-cltonii H ui:d 22, whereby a 'straight ticket' can be voted by marking a cross in a circle above d party soltimn, Is not only useless to the average voter, who rare ly wishes to vote fin absolutely straight ticket, but causes endless un certainty nnd mistakes. Kxpcrlenco shows conclusively ttial If a ballot can bo marked in two wuy3 many voters are certain lo attempt to use both at the same time. This causes many votes to bo lost by Inconsistent mark ing, besides leaving to partisan elec tion officers the decision of delicate questions us to the Intentions of vot ers. In so far, too, as this provision facilitates 'straluht' voting nnd ob structs tho exercise of the voter's free choice, It is un-American and Incon sistent with populur government. A similar provision has been declared unconstitutional In California, and our courts would probably reach tlte same decision if u ense came beforo them. "Our ballot law, therefore, needs to be amended so as to require: 1. That every voter shall mark Ills ballot abso lutely alone, unless clearly prevented by physical disability or Inability to lead, and that in all such cases tho man who helps a voter to mark his ballot shall himself be sworn to Be crecy. 2. One uniform system of mark ing ballots, namely, by putting a mark opposite the name of cuch candidate voted for, except In the case of presi dential electots, when a mark for a Whole group shall bo allowed." Those two changes, substantially embodied in the Keator bill of last session, have very general approval. Colonel Quay, although partial to the old form of Individual ballot, made up at home, has gone on record as favoring them and It Is a mistake, causing many well-meaning people unnecessary apprehension, to suppose that politicians as a clnss fear a clean ballot system. Thimble rlggcry at the polls, like tho corrupt use of money, is a nuisance and a hindrance sub mitted to chlelly in outgrowth of custom and through fear of what mis chief may be brewing among the un scrupulous opposition. Real politics Is a science not helped but hurt by such adventitious and demoralizing aids. The present leglslatuie should by all means resurrect and adopt tho Keator bill and with It, If called for by any considerable public sentiment, which we doubt, the twin project of a Joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing cities to re quire the personal teglstratlon of elec tors. Judging from the Jackson day ban quet speeches there must have been ."omethlng on the menus that produced instant Indigestion. Progress in Social Splendor. I N A LETTER to the Now York Sun, an observant and forceful writer, signing himself "An Old New Yorker," comments In structively upon the rapid growth of great American fortunes. After not ing the grandeur of appointments and entertainment now common In the so cial circles frequented by our multi millionaires and comparing them with tho relatively modest "functions" of other days, he takes pains to explain that ho does not disparage the accu mulation ot wealth nor overlook the simultaneous uplift which lins come to tho whole stundard of malcilal comfort, with respect to which lie specifies: Concnlenict denied to lhe ikli lid Jnd lty jcara Jgo are now cnJojtJ by the puor, Aitltln then accounted luxuries lor the (orttinatu only lup become coniiiioupljce ncceiojiies (or all who lhe In decency now. From a lilfli death laic then aanltaiy icirulatlon has made New orU lemarkable amoni; the urrat citica ol the uorH lor Ha licalthtiilnca. Tenement bouses then woic urct(hci) habitations. Iu the old daja when St. MarK's plate and Second armic were aeits ol contemporaiy wealth and when ecn about Tompkins maie weie rrsldencos rclatheiy uatc ly, there was put up in i:ieenth sheet to the eit ol Second inenue a row of tenement bouses, mere lurraik-s, in which ucio croudul families o( the poor without eyi the decencies now en forced by law en landlords, ami the filth and almost eav.iKC life of thoe people, their drunk enness, their car-plcrclng family brawls hubaudn heating wlu's as a dally exercise lroc Irom the neighborhood tho cry respectable ilcnlcn of Tcntii street among whom my bnjhooil was pent. All that ban i hanged. Tnc tenement house now, under the compulsion of drastic law, is a palaco coniparamely, and markets and gro. cerles in the dUtrictH octuplid moic particularly by the tenement population hear vitnty to the great Improvement iu the nualitt and satiety of their food which las taken pl.iie tmtc two generations ago. Not us u grumbler, but as u philoso pher the correspondent of the Sun asks the question, What U to be 'the consequence of nil the progress In grandeur now stilklngly visible wild everywhere increasing, and when will tho limit be i cached? and it seems to us that his Inquiry Is deserving of at tention. Ono citizen of New York is credited by common reportt with huv- Ins received an Income of $tS,00O,OOCi laRt year. Kvcn assuming- tho flguics tu be I'xaKEoratecl one-fold, tho amount yet represents a sum equal to the total revenues of muny kingdoms of tliii liast and of many Amcilcan coinmonxvealtlia today, and ho is not alone tho number of men whoo In comes exceed all possibilities of ica sonablc personal expenditure is riuito largo and is steadily inci easing. If tho end Is not to be In class violence and forcible redistribution, as pro posed by many, what will It be? "Old New Yorker" offers this opinion; The limitations possible to luxury must have been icached already or nt least closely ap proached. What mole Is there lor money to buy in that direction? In this country, more especially, what motive is theie for regal mag. lilflcence? To what use can people put bigger houses than are now built or piojectcdf Society (using the term In Its restricted sense bor rowed fiom aristocracies) seems to have reached in numbers tho limit which makes convenient .titcrcourse possible. The tendency Is lather to restriction or to division, How can dinners bo made more magnificent than they have become? Jewels more cosily than uibles and diamonds cannot be bought and feminine costumes already exhaust the Invention of their "creators," so far as cost goes. More expense cannot be ciovvd ed into houses and entertainment!, stables, jaelits and retinues. I.uxuiy has reached the limit vond which It becomes surfeit, Tim theory of tho correction of use- less luxury by natural recoil from Its own excesses may not satisfy the an archist, who would rip everything to pieces, nor tho socialist, who would ordain n new dispensation upon a fulso postulate of luiiiinii equality; but it has many facts in its favor. This being u republic based on widespread suffrage, there 13 no chanco that the luxurious few can ever secure perma nent control of tho agencies of taxa tion and exemption. Their period of splendor, therefore, can have no cer tainty of permanence. They enter upon It beset by risks and to main tain it must give back to society al inigc a fair equivalent. Default in this obligation, either through per sonal Intemperance or the shirking of responsibilities, culls others to tho front, so that the plutocrat of one gen eration may become the beggar of tho next. Kvcrywhcro the working out of this principle Is Illustrated. Tho fam ily fortunes which carry over from gcncrutlon to generation and grow are tho fortunes held by shrewd and worthy sons and grandsons and they are few' In number In comparison with the fortunes which gather and dis perse. Yet are simplicity and moderation highly desirable nor should there bo cessation ot the Influences tending to Inculcate a wholesome perception of the right uses of wealth, the holders of which are trustees for society. The supreme court by Justice Fell has Just handed down an interesting opinion touching upon the rights of street car passengers. Justice Fell says it Is "generally" the duty of a passenger to go Inside the cur, if there Is loom, nnd If a passenger does not avail himself of the room It Is negli gent to stnnd on tho platform. When a passenger by invitation of tho con ductor, wltli his knowledge or from necessity, rides on the side steps, he Is entitled to the same degree of diligence to protect him from dangers which are known and moy be readily guarded against as other passengers. Tho plain tiff in the case at issue was riding on tho side step of an open car and was knocked oft by an Ico wagon. The Judgment of the lower court In grant ing a non-suit was reversed. This rule of law would seem to make out a clear case against the Scranton Railway company In accidents sustained be cause of overcrowded cars, and there are many such Instances caused by the Insufficiency of car accommodations nt times of extra travel. Manufacturers of tobasco sauce will miss a grand opportunity if they fall to have a recommendation from West Point stamped upon each bottle. In many respects Nikola Tosla Reptrw In lie Hire tbo nvornpo Mnlidt- uo list. Ho hears noises that no one else can understand. A largo amount of political bass wood seems to have been celebrating the memory of "Old Hickory." It is now In order for every man with n cold In his head to nurso a case of grip. BUI fo Prevent Disorderly Strikes 1'ioin a Hanlsburg Letter in the Pittsburg .Com mercial Garotte. AN ATTEMPT will be made to carry out the suggestion ot (lovcMior Stone to enact a cnmpuUoiy aibitialion law-. The bill has bceniprcparcd, but will not be mado pub lic for the present. Those who are familiar with conditions In the cnthrac-ite coal regions appre ciate the neci-ssllv for piompt action along the lines laid down by the executive. The agree ment under which lhe miners returned to work last fall cxplics April 1. The administration would like to see the arbltiatlon law enaited belore that time. Tho bill will piovlde that lhe workmen will continue at their labors while the dlffcicncca are beini aibltrated. The state Is not anxious to send another large body of troois Into this region nnd believes that the surest way to avoid the waving of soldiers there to quell dUtuibauccs U to compel both sides to nettle tlielr disputes in an orderly way. At pirsent the htate has a voluutaiy aibitration law-. It W.T.S written in tho books long ago, but has never been tho Iij.-I.h of settlement ot many if any differences between eapital and labor. It is tin' opinion ot Factoiy Inspector James Camp bell that arbitration to be effective must be compulsory or nearly so. He has had experiences under tho picsent act as a labor leader and found that It was Impossible) to accomplish anj thing with It. The bill closely conforms to the governor's iccommcndations. If within a given time the workmen rrfue to select arbitrators, then statu tioops can be put In'to allow the own em of the mines or mills to operate their plants. It It is the oporator that ictuses to go into ar bitration then force can be ued to prevent him fiom operating his vvoiks until attempt ii matin to adjust the differences. After hoth sides have selected arbltiators the court of tho county can name ono or three Impartial men to sit with the aibitrators alieady selected. o The flisl iiut'stiou that the filcnOU of the meas ure heio raised is that ol constitutionality. The bill has twen submitted to some of the brightest lavvjrrs iu the state. They agree that the act would stand the tret of the court. They hold that if the stale has the right to quarantine a family on ai count of some contagious disease, the commonwealth has the privilege to take tho means herein piiMribed for the preserva tion of tho public peace. The mine workers ef the authtacitu icginn In a convention held it l'uttMille last week endowed the proposition. It is lo lie submitted to a number ef other labor or ganizations thiniigbout tho state. A copy of the bill will alio be shown In the ptlnripal opera. tors in the haul coal counltv. While the act will apply to the entire state, the legislation was Implied by the trouble in the anthracite region, and the special purpme nf its passage Is to attempt to avert possible trouble in that lo cality In the coming sprlpg. a recent spceeh in Chicago John Mitchell, picxldcnt of the National Mine Workers, advo ci led arbitration. He Is doubtful about the suc cess of compulsory arbitration, fearing lest It would mean tho imurlsonment of those who would ictuoe to accept Its award. This sam view is said lo have been taken by Patrick Dolan, piesldent of tho United Mine Workers of the Pittsburg district. It has been explained to him that such would not be the result and he is now said to be in hearty accoid with the proposition. It Is not the intention of the tramers of the bill to directly compel the einplojer and em ploye to submit their dlPrreuces to arbitration. The Idea Is to make the law so it will be neces sary for all parties concerned to voluntarily set tle their disputes by aibitration and the state will stand ready to seo that no violence Is done on either aide. o Governor Stone made lhc state's poaltlon cfear when he raid In his mesgei "The office of the state authorities is an Impartial one. The ttate troops are sent to the scene of disturbance for the solo purpose ol protecting life and prop erty and preserving order when tho county au thorities arc unable to copo with the difficulty. The owner of tho mine claims the right to stop work at any time. Tho Tnlner claims the light to stop work at any time, 11 capital can strike labor cm strike. No greater right la claimed (or the one than for the oilier, and no right can bo withheld from Tone thai la con- I ceded to the other. But neither has the light to resort to violence. Experience In the paat JuitU flea the passage ol audi legislation aa will pre aene public order In the too frequent trouble that grow out ot libor disputes." The governor's work ended when he had written hit menage. His labora were at onco (sken up by labor or ganisations and the bill Is the rrault. The mess ure wilt hare tho tupport ot the admlnlttratlou. " THE WORLD ojjjjj ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAY" jMjM.. tCepjrilght, 1J30, by II. E. Hughes. Louu vllle.) SOKOTO, later an important Fcilili Kingdom, In Central Soudan, wa little known until now, the country being divided among a number ol until chlefa, a prey to the piw. erful kings of Bovnu, Ktbbl and fionywal. The Kulaa, then little legarded and scmUerfu In poli tic n, were scattered nil oer the country appar ently without any national pride to unite them to common action, Othamndan Vodlo appeared,as their deliverer. Willi the watchword ot Iilain he gae a new life to his tribesmen, nnd In un Incredibly abort time transformed them from peaeelul no.nads Into soldiers of the crescent, and swept like a whirlwind oer an tnormuus area, establishing himself rji ruler and Mohvn mcdar.lsm as the religion of the whole of (Antral Soudan. I'hrenjlogy atliactcil much attention under tl.c various names of "cranloscopy," "tocnomy," etc. Gall, who formulated this empirical sjs tem of psychology, had just publioheel his llrst paper on the subject at Vienna, and was gltlng public lectures, ,ehen the Austrian government, nt the lijitanco of the potleslasttcal authorities, commanded him to discontinue his lectures. In this jear Spurihelm, a native, ol bongwlth, near Ticcs, Prussia, became Call'a pupil, and proved a puweiful ally In promulgating the system. Be ing pronounced dangerous to religion greatly stimulated flail' celebilty. t Matthcvvc Flinders, 1'ngllsli navigator, csploier and man of science, sailed on the sloop "Invesll. gvtor" for :i thorough exploration of the coast uf Teira Australls, as the southern continent was called. Flinders was the Erst to givv it the name Australia. Commencing from King Ccoige'a Sound, he discovered and made a preliminary sur vey of alt the south coast of Australia to Has Strait, and the cast coist from the barrier reef to Torres Strait, as well as the east coait of the Gulf of Carpentaria. 4 Kainchamelu was chief of the Island of Hawaii, nnd from a start given him nine years before by Vancouver, who laid at his request the keel for a ve'scl on the Kuropean model, had a built twenty vessels of from twenty-five to fifty tons each, which traded amongst the Islands. Having encouraged a war-like anlrit in his people, and Intioduced firearms, Kamehameha attacked and overcame tha eblefs of the other Islands one after the other until he became undisputed mas ter of the whole group, discovered In 1778 by Captain Cook. t The perpetual motion crank was In evidence at the dawn of Nineteenth century. Magnetism (.eemed to have been the favorite field for the vain epnt. A shoemaker of Linlithgow, Scot land, called Spence, pictendid that he had found a black substance which intercepted magnetic attraction cud repulsion, and he prodeced two machines whleh were moved, as ho asserted, by the ngcrcy of permanent magnets, thanks to the black substance. The fraud tm speedily exposed, and another page of tho chapter of the book cf human folly was written. Forty In 1501. million pounds cf cotton vvcie lalsod John Calhoun, a leading politician of the Unit ed States, commenced to study for the bar at the age of clghte.-u. AS VIEWED ELSEWHEKE. Fioin the Wllkcs-tJarrc llecoid. Ilecau-e the people of Scranton sympathized with the emplojes of the Traction company In their late strike, and refused to ride on cars manned by imported crews, tho company's offi cials have resolved to punish t lie community. The general manager Ins publicly announced that the people of Scranton having made the suc cess of the strikers possible they will now have the pleasure of paving the Increased wages. One of the methods resorted to by the general man ager to "get even" with the people of Scran ton Is to abolish the svstcm of transfers. Hereto fore passengers could travel between anv two points within tho city limits for a single fare of 5 cents. An order has been Issued, to take effect next Tuesday, compelling passengers to pay a full fare on each division of the system. If ever a coiporatlon adopted an unprofitable policy in order to be revenged on the people upon whom it Is dependent for prosperity and dividends, this Scranton company certainly has committed such a uiunder. Tho company will not be long discovering tho full inagnltuih) of its short-sighted policy of le vengc. Unless the municipal government of Scranton Is hopelessly debauched, or to the last degree Imbecile, the Traction company will be speedily biought to Its senses. The people of Scranton did exactly what might be expected of any self-rcpcctlng community when they refused to ride on cars manned by strangers brought there for the purpose of permanently displacing worthy employes, most of whom had been lesidents of the city for many jcars. The managers of the- Scranton Traction company is adopting the picsent "spite pollcj" are mani festing the same absence of common sense that eliaraeterhtcd them when they brought gangs of so-called professional "strike-breakers" from New York and other cities and expected the people of Scranton to support the company in such proceedings. We venture the prediction that the managers will speedily discover that Instead of "getting even" with the people of Scranton the latter will find means of "getting even" with the company. If the people ot any city should choose to assert their power they could so thoroughly boycott a traction company as to throw it Into bankruptcy in less than six months. We think we know Just about what the people of Wilkes liarra and adjacent towns would do If confront ed by the conditions mat have been forced upon Scranton by the local traction company. THE CHARTER QUESTION. Fiom Tuesday's Pittsburg Dispatch. llils afternoon the Scranton Board of Trade delegation Is scheduled to meet the I'lttjburg Chamber of Commerce to discuss the matter of city charters and classification, 'lhe object ol the Scranton people Is to obtain the aid of the Chamber toward procuring legislation to re lievo their city from tho prospect of adopting Pittsbuig'a SjStcm of government. Their desire will be met half way by the Pitttburg body if they offer a chance for Pllbhuig to escape from Its present nondescript plan of diffusing power under (our or five separate beads. The matter is simple enough if the Piltiburcr, Allegheny and Scranton people can get together on a platform of disinterested cftorl for the pub lic good. There Is not and never was any good reason why a city of 100,000 population and one ol 500,000 could not be governed under the same rjstem without burdening ono or hamper ing the other. There Is no good reason why the classification qualifications should be changed to temporarily bar Scranton out of the second class, or to keep Pittsburg from passing with Philadelphia Into the first class. Classification was Invented to enable Philadelphia and Pitts burg politicians to get special legislation for their respective bailiwicks under the guise of general bills without coming into conflict with each other or the smaller towns. Tho icsult has been to saddle each with many local fea tures not suitable to any other city details which should originally have been left to the cities themselves without the Intervention of the state legislature. The time Is opportune (or the business men of Pittsburg, Allegheny and Scranton to make an effort to dbpciue with all permanent features that will prevent any city from passing smooth ly Into the rank to which It li entitled by rea son ot Its ascertained population. Two daises are ample for all practical purposes, one for towns of Iras than luo.uOO imputation, the other for cities having more than tuO.UOO. Details may be trusted to the municipalities tnemsclvcs, with the advantage of stimulating popular in terest In the matter ol local government. There hare been too much shirking of resporulblllty snd too many appeals to the general assembly to save communities from the consequences o( their own neglect at the ballot box, ooooooooooooooooo The People's Exchaegeo ArorUUlt CI.F.AMNO HOUHF. for the ' nenefU of All Who Have Houses to , lter.t, Ileal Estate or Other Property to Pell or F.achange, or Who Want Situations or i tteln Then Kmill Advertisements Cost . One Cent a Word, Six Insertions tor Five uents a word Kxcept situations wamcu, ivnicn Are inserted Free. ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Male. WAVTF.n as fiALRSMAV nmriHT. F.XF.H. getle and sober man familiar with plumbing and machinery supplies. II traveler, state teni tory worked, salary expected, and experience. Cuvler A Mohler, 2324-2126 Iloston street, llaltl. more, Md. WANTEDTHIIKK nOILKH-MAKKRS. APPLY at the works, Pimmore Iron and Steel com pany, Dunmore, Pa. WAXTrn A GOOD OliDF.rt COOK: WHITE staling term', etc., at once. Hlnman House, Menroeton, Pa. Help Wanted Female. TWHLVK i:XpnilSCi:ti SALF.SLAUIKS WANT cd at once and live good experienced sales men for (hoes and clothing department, in Treed man's Department Store, 1)7-13') I'enn avenue. Recruits Wanted. WeVsA MAItlN'K COlll-S. O. S. NAVY, UECRUITS wanted Able-bodied men, service on our war ships In all parts of the world and on land In the Philippines when required. Recruiting of ficer, 103 Wyoming avenue, Scranton. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNG LADY to do general housework. Can give reference. Apply 007 Forest Court, City. SITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT WASHING i washings and ironings taken home also. Ad dress L. II., S3 1 N. Suinncr avenue. SITUATION WANTED I1Y A GOOD GIRL FOR general housework. Call or ddres S. V., 137 H. Grant avenue. SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNG JIAK lied man to drive stoic wagon or teaming, or any kind ot work. Address t. W., 1821 Jackson street. A YOUNG MAJ WANTS A TOS1TION OF ANY kind; has lid six vears experience in gro eery store. Can speak English and Geiinan. Ad dress A. J., G15 Lee cuurt, City. WANTED A POSITION AS llOOKKEEl'KTt, DV a joung man. Address, H. F., care of Trlb. tine. POSITION WANTED-HY A YOUNG MAN TO learn the electrical business, at present studying electrical engineering. h., 700 Stian ton street, Scranton, 1'a. A YOUNG LADY WISHES A TOSITION AS second girl in a good family; has had three jears' experience as housckcepci; also handy with the needle; is willing to do almost anything; hotel work preferred. Address A.,,"fribune ot- nee. WANTKn POSITION AS TUTOR OF LATIN, Greek and Mathematics. Address, X., Y., .., Tribune. SITUATION WANTFD-DY A YOUNG GIRL, 11 jcars of age, to take care of children or do light houscvvoik or dish washing In hotel or restaurant. Call at 406 Putnam street. ' SITUATION WANTED BY A GIRL U YEARS old, to take care of children or do light housework, or help with second work. Call at 407 Ferdinand street. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS SEAM stiess; good sewer; 73 cents a day. Ad dress O. F., Tribune. WANTED WORK HY THE DAY FOR MONDAYS and Tuesdajs, as laundress; would like office to clean; can give best of city references. Ad dress M. M., 702 Elm street. For Sale. PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP-REST MAKE, WAL- nut, upright. Wambs, Tribune otllee. FOR SALE-A DELIVERY COVERED WAGON', has been lu use about two montlis. Suitable for a grocery store, dry goods store or other mercantile purposes. Apply to William Craig. FOR SALE-GOOD DRIVING HORSE, FIVE years old, weight 11M. bound. Can lie seen at Gorman's livery. Vanted To Buy. WANTKD-SECONDHAND SLOT MACHINE8: must be in good order, state particulars as to make nnd price. Address L. M., general de. livery, Scranton, Pa. Board Wanted. BOARD WANTED-FOR THREE ADULTS AND one email child. In respectable Jewish fain Ily, living ir. first-class neighborhood. State price. W. A., Tribune office. Wanted To Rent. A COUNTRY HOME WITHIN FIFTEEN MILES of Scranton wanted to rent by the year. Healthy location; near depot; state lenlal and describe tho place. Responsible Party, Trib une office. Room Wanted, WANTED-FURN1SHEI) ROOM convenient to Court House. WITH BATH; K., Tnbunc of- flee. GENTLEMAN WANTS LAROl.', WELL FUJI- lilslied loom; desirable locality, wltli or without board. Address E., Tellium-. Lost. LOST-SUM OF MONEY BETWEEN 2130 WAYNE and Scranton. Liberal reward if returned lo either Mis. I'crn, 2U0 Wajue avinue, or Tribune of lice. LEGAJU FLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROLLING mill building, being part of new snlke works and rolling mill to he erected in this city by the undersigned, are now icady at the oltiie nf the Hoard of Trade, Board of Trade building, this city. Builders are Invited to rail and in spect same and to inako lowest possible bid for furnishing materials and electing building, In arcoidance with plans and Sxellii'aioiis, Bids will bo cpen next Wednesday, the IBth lint. We' reserve the light to reject anv and all bicK. TIMMES & HECIIT. ESTATF, OF ARMINDA NEELD, DECEASED. Letters testamentary on the estate of Armbula Neeld, late of the City of Sciantnn, deccainl, havo been granted to the undeislgnd, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are rcuurstcd to maku pavment, and those having claims or demands, to make known same without delav, C. M. M'.ELD,. 11. O. REYNOLDS, Attorney feu Estate. IN RES KSTATF. OF DANIEL W. SULLIVAN. To Whom It May Concern i Tho Orphans' Court of lnckawaiina County has granted a mle to show cause why Mary Mil 1 1 van, executrix of the last will and testament of Daniel W. Sullivan, should nut be discharged. Returnable to next Argument Court. . MMtY SULLIVAN, Executrix. THE ANNUAL MEETING QV THE STOCK, holdeia of The Mooslc Powder Company will be held at their ofllee, in the Cil) of Scranton, Pa., on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1KH, lit h o'cloi 1; p. in., for thu purpose ol circling dim tors for tho ensuing jear and tiaiuacllng such other buslnesH as may come before them. No transfer of stock wilt be made for ten ila.vs next pie ceding the diy of election, JOHN I). SIlEREIt.Sccrctair. THE ANNUAL MEETINOF TlllbTOCI holders of the Trlbuno Publishing Company of Scranton will be held at the oftlce of tho Company on Tuesday, January 'ii, ut 3 p. lu., to elect otCccra for the ensuing ;car, and for the purpose ot trania-.ting any other business that may come before the meeting. O. I '. nYXBEE, Secretary, ALWAYS BUSVv lCOl-'TIl True. NEW CENTURY SALI--OF- HONEST FOOTWEAR. IOU TIIF. lAulKS-Tliay are nice. New Cen tury Vlcls heel and no heel, button and lace; sizes 2Vi to 8, $1.23. New Century Vlcl WelU, smart styles, sites 2 to S, &.S0. FOIt 1IIH MtsaThty are lor school. New Century Vic! and Dox Calf, spring hcclsi sizes 11V4 to 2. Jl. FOR THK GENTt,F.MEN-Xew Centmy Gum Hoots. He Gosh; sizes 0 to 11, Z.tO. New Cen tury Mining BooU: they are to ork; sizes 6 to II, 1.W. New Century Mining Shoes; they are to work; sizes 6 to 11, 1. FOR THK HOYS They are to play. New Cen tury Satin Calf Shoes; alzes It to ib, S5c. i a OUR GUAHANTRB GOES WITH EVERY TAIR. It Is to laugh they are so easy. Oh, jesl We claec evenings at fl o'eletk, ex cept Saturday. Established 1SS8. You will please call for our shoe before 6 p. m,t except Hiturdays. We are for business In the day at IK and 110 Wyoming avenue. LEWIS & REILLY. We carry the most com plete line for office and pocket use. Calendar Pads of every description. If you have a stand we can lit it. Reynolds Bros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. Money to Loan. STRAIGHT LOANS NO logic, Attorney. NONSENSE, REf- MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, any amount. M. II. Holgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT Ol," MONEY TO LOAN-O.UICK. straight loans or Building and Loin. At Irom 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, Sll-315 Conncll building. Special Notice. bl'I'ERFLUOUS HAIR-SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles icmoi'cil by electric needle, harmless, painless, permanent; charges moder ate. Helen S. Buchanan, Dermatologist, 312 Washington av enue. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Nov. SS, 1000. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at fl.2n, T.M, 8.M, 10.13 a. m.t 12.00. 1.20. Ml. 3.52, S.IV, 0.2S, 7.W, 0.15. 11.15 p. in.; 1,16 a. m. For Honesdale .20, 10.1.1 a. m.; Ml and 5.29 p. ni. For Wilkes-Barre-0.s3, 7.18. 8.1.1. 9.3S, 10.1J, 11, 55 a. in.; 1.28, 2.18, 3.33, 1.27, 0.10, 7.W, 10.11, 11.S0 p. m. For L. V. R. It. points-6.13, 11.55 a. m.; 2.18, 4.27 and 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. points 0.13, 0.38 a. in; 2.18 and 1.27 p. ni. For Albany and all points noith 6.20 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 0.00, 11.33 a. in.; 2.11, 3.52, 5.47, 10.52 p. in. For Wllkcs-Bairc 0.33, 11.63 a. m.; 1.38, 3.28, 0.27, S.27 p. m. For Albanv nnd points north 3.52 p. m. For Honesdale U.00 a. m. and 3.52 j. m. Lowest rates to all points In United States and Canada. .1 W. HURDICK, O. P. A., Albany. N. V. II. W. CROSS I. P. A., Scranton, I'a. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New York Foot of Liberty street, N. It., and South Ferry, TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 41, 1000. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Newark, Llitabeth, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Al lentnwn, Maueh Chunk and White Haven, at 8.S0 a. m.i express, 1,10; cxprcM, 3,60 p. in. Sun davs, 2.15 p. in. For Pittston and Wilkes-Barre, 8.30 a. m., 1.10 and 3.50 ii. in. Sundays. 2.15 p. in. For Baltimore and Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem, 8.10 a. ni., 1.10 and 3.50 p. in. r-unuay, -ia i. in. I For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, elc, at S.30 I a. m. and 1.10 p. m. I For Reading, Lebinon and Harrlvburg, via AI- Icntonu, S.30 a. m. and 1.10 p. m. Sundays 2.15 p. in. For Potlsville, 8.S0 a. m, and 1.10 p. ni. Ihiough tickets to all points cist, south and west xt louc-t rates at the station. II. I'. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. II. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. Iehlgh Valley Railroad. In Effect Nov. 25, 1000. Trains leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. k II. II. It., at 0.45 and 11,53 a. In., and 2,18, 4,27 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. bun. davs. U. A. II. II. R-, 1.8'. 8.27 p. ni. For White Haven, Hazleton and principal points iu the coal regions, via D. It II. R. R, 0.45, 2.18 and 1.27 p. ni. For Pottsvlllc, G.45, 2.18 and 4.27 p. 111. For Bethlehem, Eavton, Reading, Harrisburg and principal Intermediate stations via I). & If, R, li., 0.43, 11.55 a. m.J 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dit. mond Express), 11.30 p. rn. Suudaya, D. -. II, Jt. It., 1.58, 8.27 p. in. Per Tunkliinnoek, Towanda. L'lmlra. Illura, Geneva and principal liitenuecllate stations, via H, L. & W. R. R., 8.08 a. m.j 1.03 and 3.10 p. in. For Geneva, Rucbcter, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Chicago, and all iwlnls west, via I). St , it. it. 11.55 a. iu., 3.SJ (Black Diamond Express),, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundavj, I). & . jt, p 11. 55. 8.27 p. iu. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley pairur cars on all trains between Wllkesdlarre and New- York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Bridge. KOLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass, Agt,, 2C Coitland street. New York. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Dir. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman rcseivatloni apply to 300 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pis. Y fls fD I 7" a wm I x m vm i r X m sV : n O sssm X vm . n. s :. 3 EKElMll OKIES FOR HOOH INLET'S Anginal January Sale of " Ladies' and Misses' Fine flimslin Underwear This announcement will be ot special interest to many besides our regular customers who now look forward to these sales as important events. Months of preparation have been In progress on our part to make this sale in all respects meet our usual high standard and equal, if not better, any preceding one, and we can safely say that never has our New Muslin Under wear opened up more satisfactory. Advancement has been the order of the day all along the line; dainti ness and goodness being embodied in every individual garment. Corset Covers, Chemise, Drawers Night Gowns and Skirts, with the prettiest of trimmings of Maltese, Point d' Paris and Vat Lace and embroideries, and in designs that are altogether new, original and exclusive. We make a specialty of French hand made and hand embroidered under garments. Our linen sale still continues. -512 LACKAWANNA AY1ENU1B RAILROAD TIME TABLE: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton, D. E. Station: 0.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harriuburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. D.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts vllle, Reading, &c., week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Fottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. D. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western?' In Effect Dec. 2, 1000. South Leave Scianton for New York at 1.40, 3.00, 5.50, 8.00 and 10.03 a. in.; 12.55, 3.33 p. iu, For Philadelphia nt 8.00 and 10.03 a. m.; 12.5ft and 3.3.1 p. m. For Stroudiburg at 6.10 p, inT Milk accommodation at 3.10 p. m. Arrive ut lloboken at (1.30, 7.18. 10.28, 12.08, 3.15, 4.48, 7.1U p. in. Arrive at Philadelphia at 1.00, 3.28, 0.00 and 8.22 p. m. Arrive from New York at 1.10, 4.00 and 10.23 a. m.; 1.00, 1.32, 5.43, S.43 and 11.30 p. m From Stroudiburg at 8.03 a. in. North Leave Scranton for Buffalo and Inter mediate stations at 1.15, 4.10 and 0.00 a. m.; 1.5i, 5.48 and 11.35 p. ni. For Oswego and Syra cuse at 4.10 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. For Utlca at 1.10 a. ni. anil 1,53 p. m. For Montrose at 9.0ii a. in.; 1.05 and 5.18 n. m. For Nicholson at 4.00 and 0.15 p. in. For lllnghamton at 10.20 a. m. At. rive in Scranton from Buffalo at 1.25, 2.55, 5. 1"i and 10 00 n. m, 3.30 and 8.00 p. in. From Os wrgo and Sjrarusc at 2.55 a. m.; 12.M and 8.0(1 p. in. Fiom Utlca at 2.55 a. in.; 12.38 and 3.30 p. in. From Nicholson at 7.50 a. m. and 6.00 p. m. Troni Montiose at lO.On a. m.j 3.20 and 8 00 p. m. Bloomsburg DIvirlon Leavo Scranton for Northumberland, at 6.43, 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and 5.50 p. in. For Plymouth at 1.05, 3.40, 8.50 p in. For Kingston at 8.10 a. in. Arrive at North umberland at 0.33 a. in.; 1,10, 5.00 and 8.45 p. in. Arriv-t at Kingston at 8.32 a. m. Arrive at Plv mouth at 2.00, 4.32, 0.43 p. til. Arrive in Scranton from Northumberland at 0.13 a. m.: 12.33, 4.50 ond 8.45 p. m. From Kingston at 11.00 a. m. From Plymouth al 7.53 a. in.; 3.20, 5.35 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. South Leave Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 5.50, 10.01 a, m.; 3.31, 3.10 p. m. North-Iavc Scranton at 1.15, 1.10 a, m.; 1.55, 5.48 and 11.35 p. m. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton at 10.03 a. nt. and 5.50 p. m. New York, Ontario and Western R.R. TIME TABLE IN EITECT SUNDAY, NOV. 4, 1000. North Bound Trains. Leave Scranton. 10.40 a. m. 6.0U p. iu. Leave Cadosia. 2.03 p, in. Leave g Arrive Carbondale, f'adosli. 11,20 a. in. 1.05 p. in. Arrive Carbondale ti.10 p. m. South Bound. Lravo Airlvn Carbondale. Scranton. 7.00 a. in. 7.10 a. m, 3.34 p. in, 4.20 p. m. Sundajs only, Noith Bound, Leave Arrive Leave Scranton, 8,30 a, m 7.00 p. m. I eave Cadosia. Caibondale. (sdotu 0.10 a. in. 10.45 a. in. Airive Caibondale 7.10 p. in, Leave Arrive Carbondale. Scranton. 7,00 a. in. 7.40 a. ni, 5.54 p. in. 6.33 P. m. 4.30 p. m Trains leaving Scranton at 10.40 a. m.. dally. and 8.C0 a. ni., Sundays, make New Yoik, Corn wall, Mlddletown, Walton, Sidney, Norwich, Rome, Utira, Oneida and Oswego connections. For further Information consult ticket ageiits. J, C. ANDERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., New York. J. U. WELSH, Traveling Passenger Agent, Scran. ton. Erie nnd Wyoming Valley. Time Table In Effect Sept. 17, WOO. Tialns for I law ley and local points, conncit lug at Hawley with File railroad for New York, Newburgh and intermediate points, leave Scran ton at 7.05 a, m. and 2.25 p. ni. Trains arrive at Scianton at 10.30 a. in, an 0.10 p. in. ,i