The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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I !
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant mothod and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Btihtp or Fios, manufactured by tlio
California Fio Syiiup Co., Hlustrato
thevaluoof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxatlvo and presenting1
themiu the form most refreshing1 to tlio
tasto and acceptable to thu wystem. It
is the ono perfect strengthening' laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, hcadaclicn and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every olijcctionablo quality and sub
stance, nml its acting' on tho kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or irritating' them, mnlto it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
nro used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy arc obtained from senna nnd
other 'nroniatic plants, by a method
known to tho California Fio Svrup
Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, please
remember tho full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
For nolo by all Druggists. Price 60c. pr bottlo.
Ice Cream.
9 Per
QC Quart
Itleptone Order rromptlr Dillvirsl
!3f32J Adami Avenue.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office P., L ft W. Passenger
Station. PboDS 625.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Offic Hour a. a. to 11.80 p. m.: I to 4
Williams Building. Opp. Poatafflctt
V U.UN.V110.NS. Klghty thlldrfn vvcie vacdtv
e'ci at tlio Lackavvamn hospital jcstei Jiy.
MM.v-seun were jicinatcl Tuesday.
X OYhlTU SUl'I'int. Tb ladies of llic IVnn
Airiiue Iljptlst cliuuh v III nerve nn ovstei su,..
vr on lliureday nlzlit. Jirnuiy -I.
,s.Li: OPENS TOMORROW. Tlio sale of Mats
for tto Ilrotkwjy cnleitainmcnl rnuitp will
optn at the ln olflcc toinoriovv at 0 o'cUxk.
AS.MT.Ui IIKORG MZATIO.V. TIip annual re
crganlwlicn of the ilnectoiate of tlif I'jint Nj.
tiorul bank will lake place S-atmday uiornlui;
net at 10 o'tloik'.
DIsaiAltni'.I) TUB O'llo.vlr. o(
llivcr Mrcet, va disclurgcil ly Aldinian Millar
kit night uon the iliarge of nwuilt and luttciy
tnd thrccts to kill.
ClRKESDMtat.R PlsCIIAlir.r.I). lieiijain'ii
flrccnbcrKCr, the 10 j car-old lioy, who vva. anc-t.
rd Tuesday nisht lor tliv lancny of a Mid, was
discharged by the major jcstcnlay.
CAnDEN IINKD. lMtrirk Carrion, who va
trusted by I'aliolman IIuki'iui fur mating a ill,
(m ham c at SMnireU's rarrligp ktin-o ji.tcrclj),
tu fined fS by tho mayor yenlerday.
STRUCK RV CliANl..-Miko Ptavlti. of Seventh
ftrcit, was ttruik by one of the moving riant'
in tho loundiy of the Dickson worki jrslnday
nnd painfully Injured on the !vuk. We u
takm to the Lackawanna nospltal.
OMITTED HIS NAMK.-ln The Tribune' no.
lount of the fceentcenth ward caucus ycjtciday
the mine of John T. Howe was iiudvcilrntly
omitted. Mr. Howe was elrtlcd tho llcpubllran
andldite for alderman of the Seetilrcnlli waid
to nicccol himself.
I.U.NTII AMI TI'.A. A commltUo lon.Wiii,; of
Mill, l'rcalou Iloblnson, Miki Jennie llcjnoM. and
Jlita Martlu Dlmmick will serve lunch and tea
today at 218 Wyoming avenue for the boiuflt of
- -t"
. We offer subject to previous
. BU1C
f Syracuse Hapid Transit Rall
"f way
CQold Bonds:
5 Per Cent. Mature 1040
- The Company own and icnliol the -f
4- ttrcet lallwaj of hjiacutr, bcliij; wmic.
thing ocr lu nillei, s,racuw h.-n a .a.
. populatlau of 108,371. 'Iho ro. iainlns
. of the company for Ihe cai endliij; Julj "T
J 1.1. wcic JJIS,173.O0. "
"y I'rUe and paitliuhn on jppliculoii.
4- M Ilroadway, ,N, V Wllkcullarie, f
tailjunilalc, -f
Ouinmoimiallli HhV, ni.iiiIoii. f
thi crout.di eommlltce ef the Home for the
ACCIDENT TO TmnLtlt. Tncoy Iloheitf, a
K-jcar-old lioj. lro two lionjit in hli Ml
foreinn lat night while tumblliar ill an enter
lalnmcnt eh en by tho Iloy' Indmtrlal no
ilillcn at Hie ft, l.uke'i palish liw. H was
irmovrd i the Lackawanna liu'iiltal.
ANNUAL Jir.KTISO.-The nnmul tneetliii: of
the Home for tlio I'llrndlctt will be held ti mor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock In ihe Youru Wo
nun'n Christian nMOclallnn tevmi. AH life arid mcinbcn are Mh1l'inl tr (te at the
election of officer. The publlo In icquedcd to
be pncnt.
I'AY-liAYS. The Uoluwarc and lludon com
pany paid yetttrday at the rialtlmorc No. 2 and
Haltimoio Tunnel mine, at Wllkcnllarre, and
the While Oak mlncn at Archbald. Tlie Hcla
waie, Iiatkananna and Western compinj- com.
pletcd their ruja for December jesterday, whrn
the employee In Lutcnie county were paid.
obtaini:!) sionxy nv rnAUD. Peter si.y-
ler, ot llunkrr hill, wai hchl under tl00 ball by
Alu'enhan Millar .icMcrday for obtaining money
under false iuctcnc. The rro-'MUtor, 1'ianl;
Sllpp, claims that frni!er borrowed fc!J from him
at odd tlinea upon a box of mine tools. When
they were in fmydcr'a wlfc'a name.
Y. W. f?. A. VOTrQ ..TI.A nu,. l..aa
aro beginning woik. Nov U the time to ugltler
for iK'Blnlng and advanced work. The girla' In
duitrlal club Is taking a moat practical couue,
that of lable tettltg and walling. GUIs up to
10 uars of ago aro cllgiblo to thi club. The
hour of meeting is Priday at 1 p. in.
COLLY IN TltOfllMI-Josepli Coley, of Mollkc
avenue, was arraigned before Alderman Millar
lat night on the charge! of anuult and batlrry,
non support, desertion and threats to kill, pre
fcricd by lilt wife. He waa diKhargcd on the
aault and b.ittuy chaigo and held under M)
ball for desertion and noiwupport and thieaU.
WILL III: TAK1IN HOMi:.-C. I). Decker, uf
fill Uailicld avenue, who w.w taken to the
Lackawanna hospital in Dcrunber utlcrlug Willi
a compound fratluto of the leg, uitlncd while
k...nt ...ii. .....
iiaiiuiiiik uiitiii ni me iiriuge iircei Mauon or
the Delaware and Ilud'ou cuinpan, tin rccov
end sufllcicntly to be lemoved to his home ."at-
rnnzKV mil! iiviv-i'nni. iiim.t.r i r.m
rir&t ktreet, Dodgetonn, w.-u invoitigaliiig soniu
ore which had frozen on the top of ons of the
chutes at the Mast furnace jrsterday, a plcio
iiiokb on ami ttrucu mm on liic lelt Ig, pain
fully lnulsing him but forlunaicly not hicak
iii any bones, lie wan takin to the Mos T.i
lcr 1 capital.
ci.or or iif.ooi) ri:movi:ii.-s. m. oron,
agent at tho Providence station of the Delaware
and Hudson company, who wa.s struck by an in
glne last week and rendered unconscious, Is ic
ported miicli impioved at the Hahnemann hos
pital. The clot of blood which formed on Ihe
brain haa b:en rcinovtd and Mr, Colon's speedy
recovery is expictcd.
oldctra vveio elected last night by the mem
bir, of Ihe UvceWor Social club to fcene for the
coining year: Prisldint, Isadorc rinodnun; vice
perslditit, l.cvl Kramer j tieajurer, lltniamln
Siinltr: seiritary, Isaac Drown; tnvtreis, Arthur
Long, ladore Krotmky, William Mose, II H.
Dels and Jo.5ep!i Levy.
a joung man emploved elevator runiiir by
.loras Long'B Ssons, was lighlly injured early
seateiclay morning. Ho was at the giound floor
an was Jiut about to i-tatt h elei.ilor wlun
he acciilcnlally fell to one lde, -lilMug l.ii
bead agaln.t tlio luip cilg ( the door, lulling
fiuile a deep ga-li. lie wis taken to his home
in West S-iranUm, where his Injuiies cie
driiitd by a pliysli Ian.
They Attended the Board, of Trade
Conference with Reference to Sec
ond Class City Legislation.
The following Is from yesterday's
Pittsburg Conimcrclal-Gazette;
At the conference between the delegates from
the Scianton board of trade and the Pittsburg
chamber of commtrce jrttciriay nftcrnoon it de
selopid that the plan is (J 'rem- li'siilalliu
operative tor all the ccond-tl.iss cities of ll.e
ktule, I'ltttbuig, Allegheny and Scratiton. and
nut for I'cranton slaur, Tlio tie legates are T. L.
Ilitcheuck, attorn'y for the Municipal league,
of Scranton and V. II. Alherlon, tecictary of
the xranlon boaid of trade. An unexpected (all
to New- Yoik city presented cvCity Solicilirr
Jamei. II. Toiiey from being ono of the delegate!1,
as cxpcilcd.
Tlnin- present at the fiom Pittiburg
and Mleghenv were John lllidley, Ollvrr Me
( lintmk, 1', W. MeKee, Oeoige W. Buthrie, Ma-j-ir
A. P. Ilurwlificld, Ihny Duhl and II. .1.
fciciet.iry Aihcituii, .speaking of tbi- object and
reoiilts of tho confiieneo alter it was over, slid
that he had KciinJ a number of valuable 6ig
gcstlon.', as will Ja a lot of printed matter
whieh will be taken baek to Sranlon and em
bodied In a bill to be prepared at unco by
James II. Torrey, who U well known as an eu.
thoilty on modern Ideas cf municipal eiiganira
tion, Mr. Torrey will piobably bring the bill
lo 1'itli.buig to proi-cnt it to the chamber of
louimcrec, and then, it Is hoped, the uuilid
mpport of PitUburg, Allegheny and beranton
delegations may bo put behind it to help it
through the legislature.
As the main feature of the new bill there will
be muih greater power and io.ponsihilty sctcd
in the in j j or and 1cm power in the coumlla,
Mr. Atliertnn (.ays.
The reason this is urged just now, he, Is
that Scranton would now be a illy in nianj re
fcpi'cU without a chatter, bad not Cuveincr
Stone corhenled to elelay the proelauiillou nf
its eutrauie upon the plane of becond class eliliu.
In the prearatlon of the pieent lavvi. (oi eitie.
of this (Um it was taken for granted that an
old chaiter goveined a largo part of the detail
of urganlutluu, as In the case of Pittsburg, and
the law failed to piovlde for them. In Scranton
theie Is no old duller of that kind to be opir
ntlve, and that ill.v'.s eutianie now into the
higher class would ueccoslt.itc a lot of legislation,
lids being w, the present lime U thought op
pmtuno to uigc the general change.
Mi vis. Hitchcock and Vtlieitun spent the ulghi
in this lit. They will rciutn to Vranton this
morning and cqiimiU with Mi. Turiev. It i
thought that the bill will be prepared within a
week or ten elajs.
Timothy Shea Fatally Injured by
Explosion in Pine Brook Mine.
Timothy Sheu, of the corner of Mon
roe avenuo and Grove stieet, was fa
tally Injured by an explosion In tho
Pino Urook mine yesterday morning.
Shea's left left wuh literally blown to
piece, liotlilrie; bur a flinptlcs.s mass
of bone fiom tho hip downward re
maining to marls that extremity. The
rlirht mm f,rom the elbow down was
IlkewlEO shattered. There was also a
fjash aver tho- eye-, unotht-r in (ho
back of the head and minor bruises
about the body.
Shea was tiiUeu to ilm L.tekawuiina
hoHpltiil M 1 o'clock In the morning
and llveel until 7.3(1 last iiIbIiI. Two
tuse: had failed to Isnlte a chutije of
powder and Shea prepared a third.
Ho lighted thu S(tilb und watted, as
ha thought, a stilllclent lime for tho
(lie to ii'iivh the charge. While re
tuiulng to invcstlfrate, the -NpIoyon
occurred, hurling the ioek and dial In
all directions nnd inflicting the above
Injuries to Shea, Undeu taker Cuslck
took cluttgo of tho remains.
Removal Sale.
Attend Nettletem's Keinoval Sale.
Shoes at onej.fouith pi Ice, Washing
ton avenue.
ia-. .ttiAiJSiiJL-tiv v .. fr .A .. ..-.,." .ni,-
J. Picrpont Morgan Closed a 850,
000,000 Deal in Four Minutes and
Outwitted" the Slower Baltimore
and Ohio Negotiators Rending
Will Take Full Advantage of the
Opportunities Its New Position
Gives It Reported Real Object of
the Consolidation of Interests.
Tho Philadelphia Press had litis yes
terday from Its New Yoik corres
pondent: The gieat coup of Mr. Moigan In getting wn
tiol of (he Jersey Central (or the Heading com
pany Is still the topic of Interest In Wall slue I.
ami 1'reslilint Hanls, who came over from Phil
adelphia to talk over the details with Mr. Moi
gan, was much suught after, but when found
thi newspaper men could not secura any Infor
mation ficm him.
The latest phase of tho ellsctwdon Is the (Sect
of tho purthaso on the trunk line situation, and
there Is a dlspoltlon lu some quarters lo re
gard It as serious, if not peulmlstlc, and some
ot the piomlncnt 'runk line people base not re
coured from tho shock of Saturday.
The llaltlmore and Ohio trowd has been dick
ering fot the Jersey Central for months, and
they have regarded the outcome as certain for
some weeks and have Indeed, not hesitated in
private conversation to talk of what would hap
pen when the negotiations were at an end, They
wcTctaklnginittcmcasily as If they vvcie cngagde
In some quarter of one per cent, tr.uii.irtlnn,
when Mr. Moigan suddenly appeared and bought
the propert)
The Press has said tint the great financier did
the wholo business in twenty-four houi:, but a
leading financier sa)s it was concluded In four
minutes. Mr. Morgan merely aklng the price
and accepting the thing as soon as it wns slated
to him. ft is said tho Ililtimorc and Ohio pen.
pie wero pencilling away on their pads within
ten feet of Mr. Morgan when he iloed tho bir
gain, nnd vvcie still figuring when they wire told
Ihat the road was solel.
s this was the first l.novvleilgo tlie-j- hid bad
of n competitor they weie aitoundeil, and In
thllikln? the nutter nvel, hive been luoie lin
pnwKi with the chanccti they have lot than
thry were. Their feelings have not been im
proved by the appearanic of short i-llps in "In
iI I red" language suggesting that the llaltlmnrc
and Ohio can get into New York over tho Penn
sylvania, or it worst cornea to worst, use their
own Btaten Island property, getting theie Ihe
best way posvlble. Tho truth Is the lliltlmore
and Ohio Is shut out of Xcw York and lis trail! 1
to the metropolis is safeguarded only by a tiaf
tie contract. 'Hits may bo sufficient, but it is
not what might hive- been.
As to the effect on the IViiii-vh.lllI i load,
there are obeadv Htorles here that Mi. Caitt
does not fully like the- piniiiine me that lull
facilities on the North river give- the Heading
and tint be clemuned a little to Mr. Morgin,
and this has given rlhC to a stoiy tint the Jrr-
ney Cential piinliac will be divided up in
home- way among the high conli.iillng tiunk lines
This n port Is pei fee I ly ab-urd. On the eon
tlar.v, the Heading company will ue its new
metropolitan petition to increase Its anthracite
coal, bituminous coal and weMerii, ficlght tiaf
fie It Ins been frequently pointed out that
tin- Iteaillng'is bituminous coal tiaf He has in the
last few jears leached a point at which It is
important. Lvery means will be taken (o de
velop it and to increase It, ami It may be- said
now that the Heading company will brimne a
factor in the soft enal trade.
Looking at the mailer mi all miIi-., It ni.iv be
Mid Ihat the Mmgaii-Vandnbilt eiul of the trunk
line combination regard the .TeP-cy Central ai.
eiuMllon with (.omithlng like hll.ulous Interest,
while the I'liin-'lvanla-Ilaltimoie ami Ohio end
do not see anything funny in it at all.
The New Tork Evening Post has
this to say about the sale:
The real object cf consolidation U bald to be
the establishment ed a single selling agency in
this city, after the fashion of the Standard Oil
i:oiiip,iny, and by doing this tla; great eoal triM
li'Miltaut would be able to dispense with many
high Kilailed ofticlaK nd ulllmatcly In ofter
'onipititlon to the gas and bituminous eoal i-oi.i
panics by liduiing the price of anthracite coal.
The Idea of a tingle ugmcy is not favorably
liwcel by a number of ofllccis In the leading ..n
tluaiite luiuiunlcn. The prceldcnt of one- a
Moigan piiperl said today that thus far no
null tetania had been piopo'ed, iinrciit tall, lav
ing no Inundation in an; thing dune, lie aild-il
that It wai. manlfeatly dlliuult to dUcu-s or even
to have an opinion as to the feasibility ol a On
tie coal oclllng agemy until -.oine ilillnlte plan
liah been frrmulated. Peitoiially, he thought tint
theie wcro ccmmcicial lonsldei'atlons lrliiili
would have to lo allowed for, even wllh the
loads under a single contiol.
John Gibbons Says the Trolley Peo
ple Are Trespassers.
School Controller John Gibbons Is up
In aims against the Scranton Hall
way company and threatens to block
ado their lino running, to Mlnooka and
Plttston, His daughter, he nays, owns
mine property on Cedar avenue, near
Hippie street, over which tho company
tuns Its lines, and ho propones to com
pel it to vacate.
The property belonged to Mr. Gib
bons a number of years ago and ho
Hold It to tho old Scranton Passenger
Hallway company and bought It back
again when tho franchise of that com
pany was taken up by tho present
.Scranton Hallway company. Tho deed,
he says, contained no clause giving thei
company any right of way over tho
land, Ho deedetl the lot to his daugh
ter f-oine time ago.
The Traders National Hank held
their annual meeting of shareholders
for tho election of directors for the en
suing year, January Sth, nt tho offlce of
The Traders National Hank.
The Judges of the election were Geo.
W. Finn, Wlllard Matthews, and ir.
W. Ilnwley, At tho closo of the polls
the Judges reported tho following gen
tlemen duly elected to hervo as direc
tors for the ensuing year:
John T, Poller, Jm. J. Jcrnijii,
diss. Sihlagei. ;. ,1. UoIiIiimiii,
Chas, I. Matthews, M. h. Keinmeicr,
0. H, Chittenden, W. I,. Council.
K. S. Jones. . . riuib,
1. W Mor.s, . v. Walson.
Statement of
January 8, nml.
la'ans and Investments M.JJitVXS ,0
I'nited Slates llouds wllh pieiiilunis, ll, (mil (h)
Cash In vault and hauls tOI.Wl "(5
I) j nl. building .-, Iin,iiu0 is)
Capital luek i -.'.Vl.ljml exj
h'uiplu.1 JOO.ODO ft)
I'ndlvlded piodta 17,71'J (H
IHv Id' mis unpaid 1,(111 W
Circulation 'iio.tmo ou
Ueposll hWiflU itl
JOHN- T. Pllltnat, President.
W. W. WAThOX. Vlir-Prrsiilem,
"I'm going to give the company thir
ty days' notice to take Its tracks off,"
said he last night, "nnd If they fall to
do so I'll build a fenco across the
tracks and contest In coutt their right
to tuke It down. , The company Is try
ing to do all It enn to deprive the citi
zens of this city of their ittnt rights
nnd I'm going to do all 1 can to pay It
back In Its own coin."
Angollo Macco Was Going to Use nn
Axe on Constable Cole.
Angelo Macco, of Smith street, Dun.
more, was hold under $500 ball by Al
derman Howe yesterday on the charge
of resisting an oillcer.
Yesterday nfternoon, Constable Cole,
accompanied by Deputy Constable
McDonald, aimed with a search var
iant to recover bottles owned by John
letikan, a bottler of avenue,
went to Mucco's house, on Smith
street, Macco was chopping wood
with an axe In the yard when the offl
cers arrived.
Constable Cole entered tho house
and found six cases of empty bottles
nnd two cases of bottles contalnlni;
beer. Tho bottles wero examined and
two were selected as belonging to
Lillian. Cole was leaving the house
when the defendant and his wife tried
to prevent his passage.
Macco became ungry and rushed out
Into tho yard. Cole followed nnd Mac
co picked up the uxe and threatened
to split the ofllcer's head. McDonald
steppeel between tho two and arrested
Amendment to the Constitution Sug
gested by Judge It. W. Archbald
in nn Act He Has Drawn.
As a means of checking the attacks,
nut do so often fur mere put poses of
delay, on nets of tho general assembly,
Piesldeiit Judge Archbald proposes
au amendment to the couhlltutlon
maklnr; all laws Immune from tho al
legations of defective title or special
leglliition, after I hey have been In
existence ton years.
Tho elraft of the bill incorporating
the nineiulincnt reads as follows:
l'ioio-lng an Amendment to the Constitution.
He it resolved, etc., that the following be pio
posod as an niuiiiihiiint to the constitution, to
be designates! .13 the MX artlilc thereof, viz.:
Vo iv t of the general assembly, after ten
Jimis Hum the elate of its passage, slnll be
held unconstitutional by reason ef any defect or
inu()li itm v in tho title, or 011 the ground that
it Is a local or special liw relating to any of the
siihieits piohlbllrd by the constitution, etcept
ism li ait, within lint period, shall have been so
adjudged by the luurls of this state or ot the
I lilted States, having jurisdiction; and the gen
eral noiembly by appropiiate legislation shall
piovlde for the .i-ccitalnmi nt ami promulfntion
ot Midi dii'Moii".
Tlio Mil will be offered al the com
ing session of tho legislature. To
b"coiuo operative the amendment must
have boon approved by two consecu
tive iihseutbllos.
The latter i-Iiium? of tlio act, lefer
ring to tho reporting ot locul and
United Stutes court derisions, Is for
tlio purpose ol providing a means
whereby It can bo icadlly known
whether or not any net has been de
clared unconstitutional by any court
'luring 'the vten years following its
The present lack of any such pro
vision as the amendment contemplates
makes It possible for n lawyer to -assail
any act that happens te come up,
and as lawers desiring to elelay or tie
up litigation are open to the tempta
tion of making this assault, It often
happens that the Supremo court Is
burdenc-el with a lot of inquiry upon
some technical question that was
raised solely for the purpose of ele
luv. The pioposed amendment would 10
sult in interested parties keeping a
closer watch on legislation and hav
ing It tested, once for all, during tlio
early years of Its opeiatlon. Instead
of allowing it to do set vice for thirty
or forty years and then attacking It It happens to bo objectionable
to some particular parties' Inteiests
Just at that particular time.
Largo Number of Cases Now in the
Then- is an epidemic of gilp and
pneumonia prevalent In nearly every
section of tho city, and the physicians
nro kept constantly on the movo lo
attend their putlents. Ono well
known practitioner lunarked last
evening that the ptosent grip Infec
tions are rapidly enveloping Into pneu
nioiiU nnd that there will ssoon be
extra work for tho undertakers If the
dreaded disease continues.
Extraordinary caic should bo tnken
to avoid draughts und exposure. H'ho
wretched condition of many of the
streets, where the overflow of sur
face water has become stagnated, !s
undoubtedly one of tho principal
sources of sickness, but physicians
generally attribute the grip to climatic
He Held Up James Smith, of Mul
berry Street.
Au unknown man said to bo a special
police oltlcer of Duntnore, attempted to
hold up James .Smith, of -110 Mulberry
street, Just befoto 12 o'clock last night.
Mr. Smith was walking through Cen
ter street, between Penn and Franklin
avenues, when a man stepped out In
ftont of him with a revolver In his
hand. The man with the gun demand
ed where ho was going. Smith called
out and Patrolman Karitis and Lieu
tenant Davis responded, Tho unknown
was urrested and taken to the Center
street station hoiihe, where ho tefused
to reveal his Identity.
The Colliery Resumed Operations
Yesterday Morning.
The strike nt tho Mt. Pleasant col
liery of tho Elk Hill Coal and Iron
company, has been settled and the
men resumed work yesterday morning.
The men went out about a week ago
because, they alleged, that a boy em
ployed at the mine had not been paid
what had been promised him.
District President Nlcholls called on
Superintendent Uryden and arranged
tho settlement. Tho boy has been giv
en 11 similar position, at another col
llcry ait a wage satisfactory to tho
President Judge Archbald, It Is Un
derstood, Will Specially Charge
the Jury Today as to Its Powers in
Making nn Investigation of the
Alleged Illegal Fee Taking by the
County Magistrates John Luknn
Goes to Jnll for Six Months Two
Murder Cases Hetud.
It Is understood that .Judge Arch
bald will today send for tho grand
jury nnd give Its members detailed
Instructions as to their powers In
making an Investigation of the al
leged crookedness among aldermen
nnd Justices of the peace, In collect
ing fops on fictitious cases.
When the Jury retires. District At
torney W. It. lewls will have ready
for Its consideration a number of bills
of Indictment founded on Information
furnished by County Solicitor Herbert
L. Tnylor, and secured by him through
tho activities of ex-County Detective
Thomas 1. neynolds, as told ot at
length In yesterday's Tribune.
There Is Just a possibility that the
thing will go over for another term,
as tho commissioners believe tho de
tective has not rounded up nil tho of
I'endeis, anil that ho should be given
more time, that he may miiko the Job
complete. The chances are. though,
thut the district attorney will proceed
with such cases as aro ready and deal
with the others as they nre brought
The county commissioners say (they
do not want to have the affair imade
subject to criticism by any seeming
partiality. They gave orders to tho
county solicitor to Investigate nnd
break up this evil. Further than that
they have no concern In tho mnt
ti'i. The dlsclosuio of the names of the
accused magistrates will occasion sur
prise, It Is ?ald. Some, who, from
current report, twould be the first to
be included nmong them, are found lo
have been wholly frc from any act
which would make them liable lo pros
ecution, while olhers who would be
nmong the last to be susroctcd, are
reported by the detective to be the
worst offenders.
Luknn Goes to Jail.
John Lukitn, the Capouse avenue
bottler, who was couvietPd at tho Inst
term of court of selling liquor without
a license, yesterday ptesented himself
lor sentence nnd wns fined $300 and
f-ent to the county jail for six months
by Judge Archbald.
I.ukau hail a bottler's license but
sold at tetall over a bar. The Men's
union charged him with selling with
out license nnd ho was convicted of
this charge. Ills attorney, Joseph
O'lhien, contended tho Lukan could
not bo sentonceil for selling without a
license, as he had n license, and (that
the only penalty that could be im
posed up on him was that prescribed
for violating the provisions of his liot
tler'K license, which Is much milder
that that imposed for selling without
a Hcensip.
Judge Aichbtilel held In an opinion
rendeied last Saturday, that Lukan
was charged with and convicted of
selling without a license nnd that It
remained for the court to sentence
him accordingly.
Tho case will not bo appealed.
Grand Jury Return Today.
The grand Jury will mako Its first
return today. It will alfo hear tho
Taylor borough annexation case and,
as told above, listen to Instructions
from Judge Archbald. on th? pro
posed Lexow of the aldermen and Jus
tices of thel peace.
Yesterday was devoted almost en
tirely to police cases. Among the
cases hoard were those of Uarnatto
Papa, charged with the murder of
Harry Davis, and Josephine and Pas
quale Uovalacquo, accused of the mur
der of Mary Paul P.ose.
Court Houso News Notes.
Attorney W. A. Wilcox was jesterday appointed
master to distribute the Hem, etc., in the ease of
Dean against Ilrovvu.
The returns of the elections in the Fifth, Hth
and Fourteenth wauls were received )cterday
it Prothonotary Copeland's office and will be
counted today by court.
A writ was jekterday granted to klrltie off
Judgment in the case of the Commonwealth to
the use of Lackawanna county against John Yon
olauj and otheis. It is returnable net Satur
day. The will of William C. Beaumont, late of
Scranton, was estcrda.v admitted to probate,
liertha Hlliabeth Ueaumont ur.d Jeihn H. lleau
mont, diughter and ivon, respectively, are madi
heirs and eotutori.
January HI, at 1.30 p. in., was yreterda) fixed
by Judge Archbald as tho time for hearing testi
mony in the dlvone cases ot Litzle Connor
against Michael Connor and Maigartt McGovvan
against John J, Mcfiowan,
Constable Kimuel Hodvvay, of the First waul of
Archbald, isterday appointed John McOrail as
bis deputy, T. J. Priie was appointed deputy to
Constable Chailes W. Noaik, of the Thirteenth
ward. Couit approved the appointments.
The trespass ease of Kdward T. Davis and his
wife, I'.tla. against the Sirnnton Hallway com
pany, vva.s jeterday leported settled. The com
pany paid the plalntilTii .o00. They sued for
20,000 damages for injuries sustained by Mrs.
Davis in the Hendham lollUion of last rummer.
Wellen & Torrey represented the plaintiffs.
In the case of Xlba Van Loon to the use of
William Stoddaid against tho (school district of
Old Forge a wilt was yesteiday issued, return
able Feb. 1, 1501, fo compel the defendant to
pay (he Judgment of $2,.1ICWP, founded on a
verdict returned In the plaintiffs favor March 22,
Superior Service via Lackawanna
In planning a business or plea-suro
trip one of the most essential features
to consider Is tho route that "gets you
there," In the shortest space of time,
fewest changes of cars, leabt annoy
ance by dust and smoko, peifect road
bed, best equipment of couches, dining
cars, Pullman sleeping and parlor cnr.i
of the highest possible standard of ex
cellence that modren Ingenuity can de
vise, such as afforded you by tho
Lackawanna railroad, Through Pull
man bleeping cats and coaches to
liilcago and St I.ouls dally. Twenty
four hours to Hi. Louis, twenty-one
hours to Chicago, without change of
cars; olghty-teven hours to California,
with only one change of cars, and
twenty-sK hours to Jacksonville, Flu,
Tho very lowest rates of fare to all
points. Apply to the nearest D L.
and W ticket agent, either In person,
by telephone or by letter, and you will
receive piompt utteutlon nnd cour
teous treatment.
St. Joseph's Lithuanian church fair
tonight nt Music Hull, '.'IS Lacka
wanna avenue. All welcome,
I Listen
Richness and daintiness are added to your table when
articles from our present showine are found t crcon. New
itvlec. rich rlernratlnin:
--, ..v, ..... -.VHV, ....V..W, vHv.,,,ia 4IIMfv.3fi bllUIUieiflllb SJUI g---
stcck. If you are looking for the newest, best quality and gj
lowest prices, come to 5
a r af
s 1 ueo. v. Miliar cc
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillings $1
Bridge Work GKW $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work guaranteed for 10 jean. Call ind
have your teeth cxnmlned free of charge.
Hatlafactlon or no pay.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
That's the name. You've heard it a good many times
most every time In fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver
sation, for the one implies the other.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll see
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ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol what
you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality i3
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
(jx The New Ncyersll? As
K phalt Removable
d Y -rse cannot slin
and will outwear three
sets of any other calk
if BlliENBEB
When you need a Nevr Desk or Chair for the
offlce, see us. The same is true of every
other office equipmeut we are absolute lead
ers in these lines. All sorts of Wall Cabinets,
Index Files and the very newest things in
Sectional Book Cases something to please the
lawyers whose libraries grow like sunflowers.
entire Building:
406 Lackawanna Ave.
t-imit!fnl ilnn, -V.r(rl- . S-
VuxvfrYCaAX . i
- lOl 11flfAMtlll 1 ha 5
co. "T
, Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain.
Our sjsteiii of PA1NMS Dentistry Is hi
mpcrlor to (he old method of doing work.
We both fill and extrait teeth without the
least particle of pain. Our prices for the
present aro extremely low, anil if you art in
need ot any Dental work. Call and har
jour teeth examined.
We make a imperially of fine Crown and
Ilrldge Worl. and it will pay you to call anil
(ret our prlcea before going elsewhere. All
work abioluttty Palnleaa.
Dr. ReyerTDentist
SU Spruce St., Opp. Court Houae.
fA nnrl 17(1
Franklin Ave. II
Fine Jewelfy
Cut Glass
Leather Goods
NT. ,-,. g
1U. lOA
Scranton Carpet
& Furniture Co