"TS- if THE SCltANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1901. T Communication sol a news nature, per sonals and all Items for publication may be left at The Trlb , une's new offices In the Burke Building, or sent by mall or 'phone. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A rorL'LAR CLEARING HOUSE for the Hit A lit ol All Who lime llemet to Bent. Beal rstate or Other Property to Roll or Exiliancc jf Wlia Want Bltuatlons or Hclp-Thcse Sm.il Ad vcrtlsemcnts Cost One Cent a Wonl. hi "' lions for Five renin Word-Lxccpt Mtualltnt MuMcd, Whhli Arc Inserted tree. PURCHvH.B WANTKD-I Oil r Nt)V STOH!.', good trade ami location. Address M., Trlli. une office, Carbondalo. DR. WHALEN SURPRISED. United Mine Workers Present Him with Two Handsome Gifts. A committee lepiesentlng the Uni ted Mine Workers of Ameilca of Cnt bondulo nml vicinity united on Itov. If. .1. Whalen, D. D.. Inst evening nnd In behalf of their colleagues pre sented the icvoieiul gentleman with u handionie gold hendeil enno and a beautiful coal paper weight. Dr. Whalen during the lecent strike up held the Htmut of the men and on sev eral occasions delivered eloquent nd di esses In thi-lr behalf. Tha members "I" the Revet nt local unions decided to give him some small tokens of tho hlch esteem In which they icgnrd him nnd (lelcBites fiom each of the vntt oils unions composed the commute? which waited on tho reveiend gentle man last evening. They gatheted In a body at the municipal building nnd nt R.30 marched In a bodv to the lliptlst piusonage, Accompanied by Miss Lillian Collins, daughter of Ilcmy Collins, tho otgnnlzor, who made the picsentatlon address Dr. Whalen lecelved tlie mliwrs with the greatest lurdlallty, although at a loss to know the object or their lslt, After n few general romaiks, Mr. Collins 1110H0 and CMitessed tho committee's gratification at being so hcaitlly welcomed. As a lule, he said, miners committees were used to being shown the door. He then Introduced his daughter. Miss Collins had a neatly woided address of picsentatlon, which she delivered In a manner most creditable to hetself, and In which she fully cx piessed the centlments of the commit tee. She stated that although the miner Is genet ally considered as a lough, untcflned man, he Is as quick to appieclnto 'the sympathy nnd gotid will of his fellows us Is any one. The dangers of his vocation force upon htm a realization of his dependence on his fellow men. While this class of men stand ever ready to extend a help ing hand to each other, they may not expect the .same kindly feeling from those abovo them In social life. The woikman nnd his employer are not bound In the same kindred ties which they should be and the piln clples of the church and nation ate little practiced in the dealings be tween them. The young lady spoke of the many Inequalities existing and said that while many professional and business men admit of the justness of the ctles of oppressed labor few had the courage to live up to their convictions. The speaker told of the objects of the miners' union and touched upon the circumstances lead ing up to the recent stilke. She told how few business and pio fesblonnl men essayed the cause of the strikers. Then she spoke of the noble and outspoken stand taken by Dr. Whalen and how much encourage ment It gae the men, and of their heartfelt gt.itltude to him. Since that time, she said, united labor has iec ognlzod In Dr. Whalen a ft lend. She then ptoduced the gift and asked him not to look upon their Intrinsic value, hut to look upon them merely as slight tokens of the feeling held by the mine workers for him. Dr. AVh.ilcn was taken completely by suiptlhe and could not lespond for sev eial minutes. He asked the lommltteo to bellce that his woids (ould not ex press the slncei e gi.itltude which ho experienced fiom their kindness to him nnd assuied them that his sympathy for united labor is as stiong today as It was. that memorable day on Sandy's Held. He said thut no man rejoiced mote at the signal victoty of the min ers In their lecent struggle than he did. He said that In taking tho couise he had put sued he had considered it only his plain duty and had not ex peeled any such mateilai reward as this. His opinions weie beyond ptlce, he said, and that ho believed the mln Isteis of the chuich should be the first to lend a helping hand towutd the wel fare and common good of tho masses. He saw In the lecent success a link in t lie chain of gteat achievements. Ho said ho feaied his ft lends had over-estimated tho value of his suppott but he Hssuied them that he meant to give them his best. He compli mented Miss Collins upon her addiess nnd thanked her for tho many kind woids shj said for him and assured tha committee that they would eer find n win m welcome to his home. Following the picsentatlon the committee- enjoyed a delightful social bonis, Mrs. Whalen adding gieatly to tlnr nnjoyment by tendering seveial beautiful ocnl selections. Mls Col Jlns also iccltcd u poem In a seiy of. '.fecllVf manner. The committee de patted, olclng their great feeling of 'gratitude to Dr. Whalen, to which ho heartily responded. BURKE-TOOLAN. An Early Morning Wedding in St. ! Rose Church. A very pretty wedding look place yestctday morning nt St. Hoso church, "When Miss Mary F Toolan, daughter ,"pf Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Toolan, and lEdward, son of Mrs. Thomas Burke, pf Cottage street, were united. About 9.15 o'clock the two young persons, with thcli attendants, drove up to tho Church In a coach drawn by two whlto horses, the animals being adorned villi losettes of pink nnd white satin ribbon. Tho party entered tho church to tho strains of Mendelssohn's wed Mlng macrh, nnd wero met nt the altar DilBuU's COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at once. t Conquers Croup, thooplni;-Cough, TironchltU, (irlupe and Consumption. UuicK, sure reiuu. "Ur I (uU'aPIIU care Cont'tlon. sopllli 10c. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT mil by Very Itev. Father Coffey, V. G., who performed the ceremony. Tho hrldc was attired In a dark blue tnllor made gown of lcunn, nnd she cnrrled a silver nnd pearl prayer book. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Rose Toolan, sis ter of the bride, who woro a costume of wine-colored broadcloth and cnrrled a bouquet of Mnrechnl Nell loses. The best man was Thomas Walker. After tho ceremony, Father Coffey congrntulnted the happy couple nnd they left the church to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin. Prof. Thomas wns In chnrge of tha music. A wedding bicnkfast was served at the bride's homo, only the Imcmdlnte telutlvcs of tho young couple being present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurke left this city on the 11 o'clock train over tho On tnrlo and Western railroad for New York and other points of Interest. They will be absent about ten days. On their return, they will begin house keeping ut the homo of tho bride's parents. A LUNCH WAGON ON FIRE. Hed, Green, Blue nnd Vnrl-Colored Flames Cause Excitement. An alarm of tiro from box No. L'l at S.41 o'clock last night brought the hose companies nnd a Intgo concoutso of people to witness a btllllunt but brief blaze In the lunch wagon owned by Isanr Durros and leased by Fred Wil son, on Salem aenuo. The Hie com municated fiom nn oil stove, which became ovci heated. Mr. Wilson was Inside nnd had n narrow escape fiom Injuiy, us the Humes siirend with In ctedlble rapidity. When the (lie started the wagon wns In close prox imity to the Wall Street hotel, nn Sa lem avenue, and but for the prompt action of a few men, who wheeled tho burning "beanery" out into the stieet, It would have been s2t on III o. As It was, the walls of the hotel weie scorched. The flames were of a spectacular va riety, about twenty huge coloied glass windows giving a kaleidoscopic Illu mination. When tho fliemen turned the water on the first gush of the dampener swept tho fancy panes out of existence nnd In two minutes tho 111 0 was out. Damage, about $150. In s in a nee, light. A SNEAK THIEF'S JOB. Robbed the Clothesline of a Poor Wo man of Patron's Washing. Mis. Jane Davis, widow of John Davis, who lives at 4S Kler stieet, and supports herselt and her octogen arian mother-in-law by selling home made pastry and doing washing for a few patrons, was the Ictlm of a sneak thief on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Daln had commenced to take In a customer's laundiy, which1 was drying on a lino beside tho tear of her home when a llttlo gill came to buy some yeast. Mrs. Dnls went Into tho house to get the yeast and loft the remainder of the clothes on the line. When her Juvenile customer had depaited Mrs. Davis went out of tho back door to ilnish her taking-ln of the clothes. She wns just In time to see a pair of boy's knickerbockers mysteiiously suspended In the nlr and traveling toward a high fence back of her house. She screamed and the trousers, In company with a polo with a hook in the end, fell into her yard, while a woman's face which had been plainly In iew, suddenly vanished and a sound of quick footsteps was heaid. Mrs. Diuls took an instant only to see if tho thief had gotten anything and discovered Immediately that a dozen palis of silk stockings belonging to ono of her pations at the Hotel Ameilcnn wete missing. No clue was left of the thief nor does Mrs. Davis know who the woman wns. Shu is a woman who can III nffoul a loss, even a trifling one, and the theft of the valuable hosiery is a serious matter, indeed, to her. A NARROW ESCAPE. Young Scholar Knocked Down by Trolley Car, but Is TJnhaimed. Little Hryson Wlckwite. about 8 ycaia old, the son of Sir. and Mrs. K. O. Wlckwlie, was tho centie of con sideiable excitement yestetday uftei noon at about 4 o'clock. The a was on his way home fiom Mhool and stopped In the middle of the loadway at Saluni avenue nnd I'liuivh stiept to fondle a yellow und w hlte dug. At this corner theio Is a sliatp cutie of tho stteet car tracks, iciUlilng plenty of loom for the fender to swing. The lad evidendly paid no attention to a car coming up Salem avenue, or thought he was far enough fiom the tracks to avoid getting hint. As tho cur swung Into Chuich stieet a cor ner of the fender or the step hit him und knocked him off his feet, and he appaiently went paitly under the car. Tho motounan stopped with a Jetk, and Jumping off iiished buck, think ing he hud tun oer Btsoi. He found him still on his back, Ills foot only a few incites from thu wheel, but unharmed. A ciowd collected quick ly, but the boy picked himself up nnd ran for home. Last night his patents knew nothing of their boy's fottunnte escape until Informed by a lepotter. National Bank Directors Meet. The following dlrectots of the Fltst Natlonul bank weie elected nt a meet ing on Tuesday; J. Udwln Watt, 1M ward Clarkson, Charles Hagan, James Stott. Ldwatd W. Mills. It. A. Jadwln, of Caibondale, and Chntles D. Winter, of Jeimyn, all re-elected but Mr. Win ter, who succeeds C. W. Wisher. At the meeting tho piosperous condi tion of affalis was levenled A divi dend of S per cent, wns paid on tho stock during 1900 and $40,000 was add ed to the surplus, making a total of iluO.OOO in thut fund. Yesterday tho boaul of dltectots us ganlzed for tho coming year by re electing J. Edwin Wntt, president; IM ward Clarkson and James Stott, vlcr presldents, and R, A, Jadwln, cashier. Mlsa Kllpatrlck Improving. Miss Mary Kllpatilck, daughter of Mnyor and Mrs. J, W, Kllpatrlck, who was operated on recently for np- ,i iriuui:iun, id irwvciim u iftt,on Vory uallsfactorlly. pendlcltls, Is recovering from tho oper- EX. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon dale edition, will be pleated to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It Tele phono numbers: New aSS: old, 0433. VETERANS INSTALL. The Boys In Blue" of 61-'Q5 Have a Gala Night. Last night the recently elected offi cers of Sergeant William II. DavUs post, No. 187, Grand Army of the Re public, were Installed amid much en thusiasm and In tho presence of a large number of friends and well wishers. Tho function was a public one, nnd Invitations had been Issued to all the kindred and affiliated pa- trlotlc societies of the city and to out- of-town visitor nnd tho result wan lows' hall, on Salem avenue, were crowded to the doors. 1'nst Commnnder Joseph M. Alexan der was the Installing officer, und h began the public part of tho evening's . programme with nn eloquent and hap- , ,, , i ,, , ,i , i . py speech, referring brlelly to tho h s- tory of tho past, nnd paying especial ' tribute to i etlrlng Commander Gnmer , Davis and Adjutant William 13. Chnso ; for their excellent work nnd untlrlwr fidelity the past year. Ho concluded his speech with a most glowing peror ation on tho nation, tho national des tiny nnd tho flog of our country. Tho piesldlng officer then publicly Inducted tho officers according to the . Impressive nnd beautiful forms of tin Clrand Army of the Republic. The of ficers Installed were: Commander, John McComb; senior vice comman der, Alamander Felton; junior vice commander, William Blake: adjutant, W. U. Chase; quartet master, A. W. Daley: fjurgeon, Mtlo Kelts: chaplain, John Jennings: officer of the day, Christopher SehulU; officer of the guard. Geoige Heddon; sergeant ma jor, John Drnndow: quurtormastcr setgennt. James C. Decker: trustee. Alamnnder Felton; delegates to de puttment encampment, Chtlstopher Sohultz: alternate, A. V. Daley: park commissioners, J. M. Alexander, Itob ett McComb teprescntnllve to county commissioners, John McComb. Commander McComb, after being lnauguiated, nddtessed the members of the post and their guests, as fol lows: "Ladles, Gentlemen und Comrades In assuming command of Sergeant William II. Davies' post, No. 187, de partment of Pennsylvania. Grund At my of the Republic, It is my desire to have each member understand ful ly thnt there Is no lack of apptccli tlon on my part as to the honor con- eyed. "A man who receives the unanimous vote of nny organisation for tho high est office which their suffiage can give, ought to feel great satisfaction in contemplating the returns. "A comrade of n live Grand Army post who Is nominated and elected commander without solicitation or electioneering work of any kind on his pait, ought to experience pecu llatly Intense gratification when ho realizes thut eveiy vote cast boio hla name. "Such weie the circumstances which existed when you, my comrndes, se lected me as your chief executive and tetuesentatlve. "The honor Is accepted by me In the same splill which actuated you to be stow It, and to mo it implies that you look to the wearer of tho silver eaglo during 1901 for good results. "We nre not sti angers In the post loom. Hut we ate familiar with each other's capacity and qualifications for Grand Army work. Knowing each other as we do. and knit together as we nre by tho three gieat principles of our oider. let us qualify ourselves to attain a high stundaid of excellence. "Let us try to moie fully romptehend the tiuo spit It of the duties which the teachings of our organization me In tended to Inculcate, and let us strive more zealously to exemplify those beau tiful piecepts which nre a pait of our lltuul. "As fraternity is tho broad founda tion stone on which our order rests, let us not forget to take with ur Into our dally lives that fraternity of feeling which shall bind us together as com rades. "As charity is tho greatest of all virtues, let us not foiget to take with us Into our dally lives that charity which shall prompt us to the noblest sacrifices for the needy and destitute wards of our Grand Army. "As loyalty Is tho crowning principle of our otitVr, let us not forget to take with us Into our daily lives that loalty which shull bind us to a faithful per fot mance of our duties as citizens. "And let the lemembrance of what It cost tho soldleis nnd muiines of this republic to perpetuate our national government und mnlntnin our flag un sullied, bo ever fiesh In our minds, so that you may always feels that you me entitled to the respect of every per son who enjoys the liberty and free dom of Ameilcan Institutions." Them weie a number of other speeches made by membeis of the post nnd one by Comrade Hardy, of Glen wood, who was piesent when tho post wns Incorporated In 1SS0, was partlcu Iaily apt nnd btllllunt, abounding In wit and happy sallies. The Women's auxiliary to the post provided a vety appetizing repast, which wns served after a number of selections on thu phonogmpli and sev ct ill songs hud been rendered. Meetlngs Tonight. George 13. Randolph camp, No. 13S, Sons of Veterans. Hinnch 39, C. M. U. A. Oarbondnle council, No. 121, Arcanum. Cnrbond.ile canton, No. 40, Royal Patrl- archs Militant. Ladles' Auxlllaiy of Railroad Train men afternoon. Intei national Haibers' union. New Officers. The Met chants' association have elected the following officers for tho ensuing term- Pteildent, A. D. Wyl He: vice president. Hdwnrd Dougher ty; secretary, Robett Klnback; assist ant secretin', Hnriy Dolphin1 nudlt liiff committee, N. T. Stephens, A. J. Seaman and Chailes Cavunaugh. Physicians Are Busy. These uio the days when tho local doctots of mcdlclno liavo their hund.i full. Tho prevailing epidemic of gtlp Is enough to cause thorn conslderublo extra work. The board of health's or der thnt all school children must bo vaccinated bofota Jim, 21, combined 'with tho epidemic, has taxed tho M. PRACTICING THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM. lr, O. II. Strong, who conducted a Urge ami successful practice In Staunton during 18S7, 1SSS an J leSO, liu opened an officii at 400 Lackawantu venue (orer the Paris atore), here lie Is rrc pared to give the public the advantagca ol an etenlve esperlence extending over eeien jears In the leadline hospital ol Kurope (Dr. Strong lining- resided abroad tlnce 1813 until recently). In re-establishing hit prartlca here ho ia more fully tqulped than ever ta treat tho diseases to ! which he glrra special attention. Practical excellence la the greatest teacher; he who Is roost successful In the practice of medicine 1 he who hat had the advantages of the greatest ex perlcnce. Dr. strong; haa certainly been at- forde(1 ,,', ponm,..,, ,or .quiring; a thorough knowledge of the mot auceeMfitl melh. odd of treating the alfllcUd. Having all of lha ery lateit lmproed Amer ican and Kuropean Instruments and appliances for examining; and treating the alltlcted he ia "" to effect ctirea uherc other pnytician. ;1I,"l,lo,r "T ? "T.umt"l1 .V pam " laming the exact condlt on of Iho patient, FAIU M rmcdlf, prcsctlbH , ,)r s c ptt. ,,, ,pecU1iy for .,, caM tn the com- rfte medical laboratory connected with hi office, thua Iniurlng the purcit and mot effect. ie medicine. Ppeclal attention U given to the successful treatment of chronic and ao called incurable dls ea?, diseases of the Nose, Throat, Bronchial Tube and Lungt, Catarrh, disease of the Stom ach, l.tver. Kidneys, Heart, Bladder and Urinary nrrrmia tllsiAit ae.l Stln i11iiAa iu-.mI tar In tfa ,.. j,1(, . ,,, -' ,,., o,,.. .tc. Consultation and examination free, Offices, 400 Ijckinnnna atenue (oer the Paris store). Hours, 0 to 12, I to 5, and 7 to S l o'clock. Sundaja by appointment only. D.s' hours to the limit One doctor, has vaccinated 140 children In four days, and nt another office hero pupils have had to wait four hours In line to be attended to. Republican Nominations. Tho Fell township Republicans held their primary elections on Tuesday night In the Simpson town hall. The counting of the vote delayed the ren dering of the returns until a late hour. Joseph Scheck, Joseph Wllce and John Cot by composed the board. The result wns as follows: Supervisors (a) Philander Hoin, 113; D. C. Kenyon, 6; John Heath, 30; John Bosak, 93; Thomas Horner, 16. Snhool Directors (2) Caleb Howard, 91: George Russell, 109. Poor Director (1) John T. Thomas, 115; Peter Curnow, 47. Assessor Christmas Dals, 101. Treasurer John Corby, IOC. Auditor (1) Silas Jenkins, CS; James Apple, 26. Town Clerk (1) W. J. Hdwnrds, 111. Installation of Y. M. I. The recently elected officers of the Young Men's Institute of this city were Installed last evening umld scenes of much enthusiasm and good fellowship. The oiganlzatlon wns Instituted by Deputy Supremo Piesldent J. P. Col lins, and Is now In a most flourish ing condition, halng nn enrollment of 112 members In good standing. The olllcets Installed Inst evening wero: President, J. P. Collins: first vice president. Michael Brennnn: second vice-president. Francis Coleman: re cording secretory. Thomas Finnen; financial secretary, John T, Hatte; treasurer, A. F. Padden: marshal, P. F. Tlghe; Inside sentinel. William Mnllady; outside sentinel, James J, Duffy. In the Sick Room. Thomas O'Connell, tho Pai k place giocer. Is ill at his home on Seventh avenue. Miss Josephine Hiadley, of the Pio neer Steam laundiy, Is ill at her home on Brooklyn street, William Lowry, of Belmont street, Is confined to his homo by an attack of pneumonia. Miss Josephine Bradley Is 111 at bet home on Woodlawn avenue. His Jaw Broken. Geoige W. Slmrell, of 21 Clatk ae nue, had his Jaw broken yesterday af ternoon while handling cars at No. 1 shaft. The pushing pole broke and hit him on the jaw, fracturing it. He wns slightly injuted otherwise, but was ex ttemely fot lunate to escape ns he did. The attending physician is Dr. Ma lawi. Mr. Sinn ell wns testing quite comfoitubly last evening. Mny Vaccinate Silk Workers. It is tumored that the mnnngeis of the Klots Thiowlng company are con sidering the advisability of having all their emplojes vaccinated in the nenr future, in view of the rumors of small pox being close at hand. If this is done some of the recent strikers inuy regret before long that the sttlke end ed as quickly as It did. Two Coming Socials. Tho Simpson Drum corps will con duct two socials this month nnd com mittees are already at work making elaborate preparations for tho first of tho events, which will be held in Walk er's hall on Friday evening, Jnn. 18. The second social will be held in tho Germanla hall, In the Keystone block, later. Theatrical. Today "The Queen's De- Matinee tender." This I3vcniug Hyde." "Dr. Jekyl nnd Mr, Elected Organist. Prof John Firth has been elecUd or ganist of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic chinch. The Passing Throng. Georgo .1. Denton w'aa In Ilonesdale Tucsduy. Miss Margaret Morrison, of Oneontu, N. V Is visiting ft lends In town, Peter F. Lynch left here last eien ing for New Votk city, where he has becured employment. John Flnerun, of Dundaff stieet, leaves this morning to icsume his studies ut St. Mary's college, Haiti more. Miss Stella Hunter Is the latest uddltlon to the Carbondalo Tele phono company's force at the local exchange. John F. Abbott, of Wilkes-Ilnrre, cashier In tho Dolawaie nnd Hudson freight ofllco there, ivns In ths city yesterday. Miss Ollle Moone of this city, is the guest of Miss Nnn Drown, In Hones- dale. Upon her return home Miss Moon will leave, for Devonshire, Kng. Joseph K. Drennan haa returned to the Dickinson Law school at Carlisle to resume his studies. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Tho members of Corporal Oscar C. Snifch camp, No, 294, Sons of Voternns, attended tho public Installation ' tho Carbondnle Grand Army of the Repub lic Inst evening. Tho Twentieth Century Sewlnic cir cle meets nt the homo of Mrs. Thomas Hunter, of Main street, tho third Fri day of the present week. Members are requested to look upon their hospital account. Tito Delaware and Hudson mine em ployes will receive their pay for last month's work this afternoon. Miss Jennie Rattenbcrg was elected a member of the Hit or Miss Cooking club In place of Miss Lucy Wheeler, who has moved from town. Miss Jessie Winter Is visiting friends nt West Plttston, Wllkcs-Barre and Plymouth for a few days. A little daughter was born last even ing to Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, of H street. Miss Madge Gannon, of Main street, has been confined to her homo the past few days with a severe attack of neuralgia. "I3rncst Bovard, of Dunmore, was call ing on old-time friends In town yes terday. Frank Winter, who has been con fined to the house for several days with an attack of grippe, is out again. The entertainment In Enterprise hall for tho benefit of tho reading room will bo on Wednesday, not Tuesday, as pre viously stated. Quite a number of people from both boroughs attended tho performance ot Sousa's band at Scranton last evening. There w.ir little, If nny, change In the condition of Rlchnid 13vans last even ing. Mrs. Charles Davis, of Second stieet, wns a Carbondalo visitor yesterday. Frank llnrber, of South Main street, lias sevcted his connection with the street car company nfter seven yeat's service, Mts. John Maynard and daughter, Ruth, weie Carbondalo visitors Mon day. Miss Kate Brady, of Now York city, is visiting Mayfleld friends. PECKVILLE. Blakely borough council convened In regular session on Monday evening, with all members present. Minutes of former meeting were read and ap proved as read. Street Commissioner Cole's time sheet for month of De cember ordered paid, ns wns also tho following bills: J, J. Mcttets, cart age, Jl.r.O; C. B. Scott, electrical sup plies. $31.61 : "Wilson Fiic company, cartage, $1.75; V. N. Jones, engineer, salary. $n"3; K. M. Darnes. engineer, salary, JfiO; Lloyd Parry, fireman, sal aty, $10: U. S. Terwllllger, police duty, $6; L D. Thompson, police duty. SI.B0; Theodore DIkenian, police duty, $1: Al bert Pentecost, services ns janitor, $r: W. S. Uloes, supplies, $1.10; F. P. Benjamin, ecretury. postage, $3; Lackawanna Coal company, fuel, $100.09: Atlantic Refining company, oil, $11.18; Olyphant Wuter company, fire hydrants, $71.25; water supply at electric light plant, $37.50. President Hartmnn stated that ho did not like the id( a of placing his namo on any mote borough orders, knowing thero were no fundq to meet their payment. After an nnlmnted discussion, during which time several members became heated about the collar, the presi dent was given to understand that It was compulsory on his part to sign nil oiders diawn by council. Third Ward Councllmnn Halfoid took the oppot Ut ility, at this moment, to denounce tho author of seveial at tides that had ap peared In a local paper. Ilcvlng re lieved himself of his pent-up wrath, the order of business was again taken up. It. J. Iteese, n member of the elec tric light committee, submitted a statement showing that the commit tee liHd by judicious methods saved the sum of $133.15 in the past four months Irt fuel oer that paid for the some months In 1899. The chief engineer wus instiueted to make a complete Inspection of the commercial light system every three months and report to the council A resolution was passed charging the school boaul for electric lights at tho chapel. The pole tax1 matter came up for considetation nnd it was decided that $1 per pole, as per the reading of the ordinance, should be collected, and Borough Attorney Gllioy was au thorized to proceed to collect the tax by law. Lloyd Parry was hired as fireman at the plant nt a snlaty of $40 per month. Several people who hold botough or ders weie icfused their ietuest to make the orders interest benrlng or ders. Adjourned. Mr X. H. Johnson, one of the Third waid's most leprcsentatlve citizens, has given his consent, thiough tho solicitation of his many friends, to come befote tho voters of the Third ward as a candidate for tho office ot councilman. Adveitised letters ill thu Peckvllle postoflko: Miss A. Hlchards, Mr. Joe Snydet Hungarian Michael Do bos, Josef Makarewlcz, Andra Semon cik, Michael Sutynk; Italian Andrea Cocettl, Olacoma Mnllnoil (J), Lulgl Rossi, Agnvfl Rudemue. The young people of the Presbyter Ian church will bold a "socle social" at tho new parsonage Wednesday evening, Jan. 2i. Refreshments will bo served and a good piogramme ren dered. All aro welcome. A ullver of fetlng will bo taken at the door, from those who nie not In posfccsslon of tho customary "socks." Krause's Headache Capsules are unlike anything piepated in Amer ica. They were first piescilbed by Dr. Krause, Germany's famous com t phy sician, long before nntlpyrlno was dis covered, and are almost marvelous, so speedily do they cure the most dlstieFS lng case. Ptlce 2ic. Sold by Matthew Bios OLYPHANT. William Smith, the 18-yeai-old sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ddwnrd Smith, of Susquehanna struct, wus Instantly killed at tho Tcmplo Iron company shaft yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. Tho iinfnttunatii young man wns wulklng In front of a tilp of moving cats when tho mule suddenly Jumped to ono side, removing one of the props which was supporting the roof, cutis Ing the coal to fall, ctushlng the joung man beneath It. Willing hands weto soon Rt woik, but It took nearly n half an hour to romovo the coal cov ering his body. The remains, which weie badly crushed, weio removed In his homo In the ambulance. Deceased was a member of tho Lackawanna. Accidental fund. 1,1 o wus a voting man possessed of many admirable Constant Dull Pain in My Back Mr. Samuel Cleveland it a etrpenter, resides at 01 Cottage Row, Bradford, haa tho following to say concerning trouble and the wonderful curs accom plished by Morrow's Kld-ne-olds. "For the pait three ytan I hare hat Kidney troubles to at to not be able to do much work. I had a eomta.ni dull nils In mr back and at times It was accompanied oy a iharp ihootlni pain jutt OTvr sua auaavya. jay nvrTw wr uw to i oouli. not Heap well or Ret proper rest. The Mcrettoni from tha kldneri ahowed a deposit Indicating a constant drain en my lyitem. I tried a number of doctors and took neatly every kind ot kldnay msdlelns In etlatenoo. but nolh ln did rae any eood untlll took Morrow'a Kld-ne-ol Js. After taklni them a few days I noticed a chance tn my condition. One eoeent box hat entirely removed the dull pain In my back and done ma mora good than all the dootor and tber mediotoa I took la the past tiro years. KID-NE-OIDS V Williams' Basement Store After you have taken in the Main Floor ; seen all there is to see in Confections of every sort; the finest ot Bake Stuffs and Toys, until you can't rest; had a fine Luncheon in our thoroughly ap pointed Restaurant then drop in the Elevator to the Basement and see Housefurnishings Tinware and Hardware of every sort, No larger or better assortment In Scranton with prices that are just as little as we can make them a little less than in any other ttore J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue. traits which made him friends wher ever he went. Besides his patents, two brothers and one sister survle him. The funeral artungements have not yet been made. Miss Catherine Owens, of Lackawan na street, and Robert Austin, also of this place, were mart led at Scranton on Tuesday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. AuMtin 111 reside on Lackuwanna street. Willie nvuns, of Lackawanna street, spent Tuesday at Jetmyn. Miss Anna Mahady, of Atchbald, spent Tuesday with Mends at this place. Dr. L. Kelly has returned home from a visit to Mill City. PRICEBURG. Mrs. (leorge Cooper, of Albert stieet, lias returned trom Trenton, N. J., whete she has been visiting relatives for two weeks. Miss Oettritde Wntklns. of Biook stieet. spent Sunday last witli her friends. .Mr. nnd Mis. W. J. Wllsbn, ot Holllster avenue, Scranton. A very plas.ant blithday patty was held at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilghtson, on the Uoulevatd, on Monday evening lust, in honor ot their daughter, Llzze Ann, aged 19 yeais. G unit's and other amusements weie Indulged in until a late hour, when lefreshments weie seived and the guests depaited, wishing the young lady manv lvuppy leturns of the day. The following weie In nttendnnee: Misses Rebecca Ware, Adelaide Smnies, .Mamie Ruckland, Lizzie Foster, Sat nh Cooper, Norma. Motgati, Annie nnd Minnie Hall, Delia and Lizzie Wrlglit hon, Thomas Rold. Chntles Morgan, Chailes Dairett, Dan Ouaul, Albeit and Oliver Pettis, Joo Gieattlx, Willie Cooper, James Armsttong, Aithur Da vis, Hnu-y Oakley, Mr. Simpson, of Oteen Ridge. Mi. und Mrs. John Wilghtson nnd Mr. William Kennedy. Storrs mine quit work at 10 o'clock yestetday thiough a bieaknge In No. l shaft. Cephas Cooper moved Into Ills new home neai Dickson school No 1 yester day. JWOOSIC. Daniel Hesrtler, of Wllkes-Uatic, vis ited his mother on Wednesday. Mr. anil Mrs K. D. Caryl, of Scran ton, spent yestetday nt the home of George Tugellas. Mis. Finnk Wlldiick, of River stteet, Is confined to her home with Illness, William McAndrow left yestetday for Sttoudsburg, whete ho will attend the Stute Noimal school. Mis. John McCotmlck t etui tied to her home In New Yotk yestetday, af ter spending o few weeks with her parents. Wnlter Hinds, jr., of Sciantott. Is visiting his gmndpnients. Mr. nnd Mis. S. J. Hinds. Mrs. Jennie fiiover was a caller In Scranton yestetdny. The Mooslc Powder lompany pay their employes todnj TAYLOR. A piett iiuiiiingo ceiemony was solemnly. 'Ml at the Calvary Duptist chinch lust evening by the pastor, Rev. H. II. Hurt Is, Ph. D when he united Miss Dlla Hrownlng, an esteemed young lady of Hyde Park, nnd Mr. John Morris, of Notth Taylor. The hrldesmnid was Miss Maine Doweii nnd the best mini was Arthur Marsh. A reception followed tho ceremony. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take I.axntlvo Dromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money If it falls to cure. D. W. Grove's alg- I nature Is on each box. 25c. and Pa. Ho his MORROW'S KID-NE-OIDS are madt for Kidney Diseases and thai they curt Kidney Diseases can be attested by a "tlaud of Hvlntj witnesses," ona of which tells his story above. Morrow'a Kld-ne-olds ara for sale by all drujslsts or by mall, prepaid, on receipt of 30c Morrow's Kid is-oldi r mada ealy ky JOHN MORROW A CO.,Ohamlst PRINOFIILO, OHIO. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. i:. C. SPAULD1NO, 2i0 BROADWAY, NEW' Yorl. Architects. l.DWAItl) 11. DAVIS, AKUlirhUr, CONNKI.L bultdlnir, Scranton. nir.DEnicK l. nnowx, akchitlct. thigh Imildinar, 12H WathlnKtoi avtniie, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUIIIIKlFTiltKb DADS AND CAi'ltfAUEbJ BVT of service. Prompt attention lven nrdcis by 'phono. 'Phones C'i72 and 5312. Joseph Ktlle), lil Linden. DantlBtS. DU. C. ):. IH.KNnEIUlEIt. l'AUU IHTHallXO, J-pruce street, .Vrunton. 1)11 I. 0 LYMAN', SCltANTOV PRIVATE Hos pital, corner Wj omlnu anil Mulbeny, Hit C. C. LAUIIlCll. 115 mOMINCJ AVKNUI.'. Ilfl. H. F. IIKYNOLDS, OPI'. P. O. Lawyers. J. W. BftOW.V. ATTOIINT.Y AND COUNSEL, lor-at-law. Booms ail 313 Mean building;. v. n. iini'Loai.F, a rTonsnY-LOANS necq. tlatul on real estate security. Meara bulldlnff, corner Washington acnue and Spruce atreat.- WH.LA1ID, WAltllEV k KNAIT. ATTOBNEYS and (omi.-ellorn at-law. Kepublican bulldlwr; Washinicton avenue. JKSSUI' & .IKSUl', ATTOKNEYS AND COUN aellors at.'j. Ccmmonnealtli bulldlnt;, Booms 19, SO and SI. EDWABD IV. TII.VM:II. ATTOKNEY. Mil MM, Ptli floor, .Menu building;. nooi L. A. WATBM. ATTOBXEY.AT.LAW'. BO Mill of Trade InilKIInu, Scianlon, l'i. I'VITEHSON k MH.COY. tbmjkbv national Bank buildta,'. C. COMEGYS, 1)13 lll'.PUBLICVN' BUILDINO. A W". ni'.BTIIOLl', ATTOnSKY, MEABS BLDO. Physicians and Surgeons, )II . V. VLI.EV, SH N'OBTH WASHINGTON .ixeliue. llll. S W. L'AMOIIKAUN. OFFICE 3.!fl WAFII Inglon avenue. Bealdenee, 131s Mulberrs Clnonlo diseases, lungs, heart, kldnejs and Rtnito utlnaiy organ a kpecUllj. Hours, 1 to I p in. Hotels and Restaurnnts. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FBANKLIN AVE. i;uc. Kates tessouable. V. ZEIOLEB, Proprietor. bl'UANTOV llOHMI. NEAB D, L t W. PAfl. mtrci depot. Conducted on the European plan. VIC'IOR KOCH, Proprietor. Schools. m iiool or mi: bn;WANN4 si iianton, Pa. Coure pifparatQiy lo colleRe, lsr, medi cine or biMlne4. Opens Sipt. 12th. Send for ut.ilogtie. Bet. Diomus M Cann, LL. P.. prln cipaland propihtor; W E, Plumloi, A. 11, lieadnutter. Seeds, 0 it. n.MiK i io., m:mismf.v D nuiii iijimn, ktoie ttll Wellington aenuc; green houses, lft0 North slain avenue, stole talc phone, "SI Wire Screens. josi pii kit.tti:l, beau an lvckaw.wnv (i untie, xianlon, Pa,, minufacluier of Win Succiu, Miscellaneous. l)llrbMKINfl I Oil ( IIILDHh.VTO OltliniU jIki lullm' waists. l.ouli hhomaker, til Adjins mmue, A B. BUKiOS CI.IHNS I'HIVy VAULTS AN!) cebs iHioli; no odor. Improted pumps useil A 11. Ilrlfwi, proprietor, Leato orders It'll North Main avenue, or Hide's drug stole, cm ner AdJin and Mulbeir), Telephone 9H. MBS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREATMENT. ."A. shampooing, Mc, j facial massage; manli tiring, lie; ihiropodj. 701 Ouincy,