The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1901, Image 1

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The Congressmen lnvestlaatlno the
Booz Affair Make a Tour otln-
spectlon at the flcademu.
Much Infoimntion Bearing Upon the
Life of a Cadet Is Given Demerit
System Explained Deficiency In
Mathematics tho Cause of Many
Retirements Visit to the Banacks
B) Cti Unite Wire from The Asaeclatcd Tross.
West Point. N. Y Jan. 9. The con Investigation tominlttep
which Is Investigating the charges of
baring at Iho West Point academy nr
lixed hcio this afternoon and woie met
w Ith military honors and a salute of
seventeen guns. They (.omened at 2.30
o'clock In tho academy building and
the onlv witness examined was Colonel
A. I.. Mills, superintendent of tho mill-
tniy academy, lie was lequested by
Chad man Dick to give the committee
a Idea of the woi kings and the
niles and lcgulatlons gocinlug. The
superintendent g.ivo a veiy lengthy do
st ilptlon, during which ho qunud
fieely from the "blue book" tin 'I'lil
ted States mllltuiy tcgulatlons and the
I'lilted States at Idles of war." Copies
of all three documents will be fur
nished the Investlgatois tomouow
Tho witness went over a gieat deal
ill tho giound which was coveted by
his testimony befoie the military couit
of inqulrv on Dee. 'J'J. (Seneial Dick in
tirrupted the witness about half past
tour o'clock and ictttc ste'il that the
committee be conducted to the
i.icks. so they could form some idee
the scopo of t licit work While heii'. The
Investigation vlll be icsunied nt 3
ii i lock tnmiitrow moiullig and tliey
will in all piobabilltj hold night ses
Mons In older to get Ihiough the busl
ni ss at tliib post as soon as possible.
When Colonel Mills took the stand
today Chaiimau Dick asked him to
make a .statement In his own way
which might aid the committee In the
present Investigation. Colonel Mills
made a general statement of the plan
of the aduiinlsliulion of tho academy
and the niles and lobulations covein-
C Ing the Institution, as well as those
tnohlbltlug the hazing or lmiasstng of
.adcts and the punishments provided
for violations ace oi ding to the degiee
nf the offense. He touched upon the
inohlbltoiy niles governing "fagging"
by lower elissnien In cleaning tents
ind doing other menial duties, at the
bidding of uppei class men. t'pon
being asked to explain the demeiit sys
tem Colonel Mills said:
The Demerit System.
' Delimits are given for violations of
lcgulatlons, older oi discipline," ex
plained the witness and cadets aio te
poited by their supeilor olllcers foi all
' dellneiuencles.
He then went on to explain tho man
ner in which these lonotts me made
and how the punishments weie In
lllrted by tho commandant of cadets.
"Is theie any appeal fimn these de
cisions?" asked Colonel Cla ton
"Yes, If the cadet Is dissatisfied lie
can appeal to the supcilntendent, and
if still unsatisfied he can appeal to the
war depaitment," lcplied the witness.
During the examination ol the mi
pcrlntendent the seigeant-at-aims
handed mound a box of eigais among
the committee. Mr. Uilggn took one
and when he htiuck u match and lit
It many of the uimy olllceis who weie
sitting In tho loom looked sutpilsed,
wiillo the women In the gallules
showed signs of uneasiness, as It t hi i c
was eeitalnly ome mistake made by
the Brooklyn congiessmnn
Colonel MI1W gave In detail the man
ner In which the leeouls of the cadets
uie kfpt at the academy. Including
their demerits. He also explained how
the medical tecoids showed eveij In
stance wheic ft cadet had applied loi
or leeched medical ti catmint
"How many cadets nppiolmntelj to
tiro fiom the acadcniy dm lug tho
joarV" nsked Genet al Dick
"The number v niles," icplted the
witness. "The Inigtst eontilbiitloii is
made after the Junuaiy examinations,
when many fourth class men with
draw. The number who fall out ot
nny one class jeaily lessens towatds
the conclusion of the couise '
Cause of Retiiements.
"What causes theo letlienients
nRked the chaliman
"Dellclency In studies pai tloulailj In
mathematics picdomlnntes," icplled
Colonel Mills.
In descilblng tho pilv lieges gianted
to cadets the witness told tho chair
man that they dllfeied accouling to
the classes and each class was div
ided Into thtee grades, aecotding to
the etandlng of the cadets on the
fourth of each month Ho also In
formed the committee that In outpp
n unuutno win. mates or loom mutes
vero generally ananged neeotfllng to
class. In reply to Congn ssman Wan
srer. thei witness said that theie was
no lecord kept of the men who sit
together at the mess table, but In cate
he wished to know who weie at any
particular tabli at a staled petiod the
cxJets themselves, lotild give tho de
alt cd Infoiinatlon
t this htaicj of the pincredltiFs
Cpiierul Pick said that ns the com
mltoa was tirst teellnc Its way he
would like th members to bo escoit
rd through tb'i buildings o thai they
might visit tlm different portions of
thei academy and leain tho cadets' lim
its of the jcsoivatloii The commit
tee, accompanied bj Colonel .Mills,
Commandant llelnU and Adjutant
River, went thiough the banacks und
Insnootcd the ciuartets of tin men
Then they wrnt to the jvninaslum
building vvheifi they ppnnt nearly Inlf
an hout In conversation with lluinun
J. Kochlcr, Hwoidmaster uul lnstiuc
lor In Gymnastics, who explained the
exercises through which newcomers
arc required to go at the academy.
Later on they passed through tho ca
det conunlssury, tho workings of which
were thoroughly explained. The com
mittee watched the cadets at supper
formation In the barracks square and
afterwards went to the mess hill,
where they arrived a few seconds be
foic ho cadets. All tho members of
the committee watched the proceed
ings in tho mess hall with evident In
terest and asked a few questions of
the cadets In chat go of the several
tublcs. The members of the commit
tee went to tho West Point hotel for
dinner and In the evening held nn ex
ecutive session there.
Tho Protest of Confederate Veterans
Will Not Be Heeded at Memphis.
By ETchuhe Wlro from Tho Associated l'rcii.
Memphis, Tenn , Jan. S. The piotest
at New Ot leans of the Confederate
veteians against Inviting President
McKlnley to attend the Confederate
reunion hete next May, will be Ig
nored so far as Memphis Is concerned.
The Invitation, extended by the city's
commercial bodies nnd Confederate
veteians of Memphis, will bo canted
to President McKlnley by a commit
tee solec ted for that purpose.
Other Speakers Contend That Island
Is a Part of the United States and
That Duties Should Not Be
Special to the Vranlon Tribune
Washington, Jan. 9. In the United
States Supreme court, Mr. P. R. Con
deit, Ji., lesumed his argument In tho
Poi to Rloan cases, continuing his con
tention that I'm to UIco Is not foreign
lertltoiy and hence that It is Incom
petent lor the government authorities
to levy and collect duties upon ai ti
des lmpotted fiom Potto llleci to New
Yoik. Mt. Coudert was followed by
Alphonse Hart, who spoke especially
of the Aimsttong case In which tra
question Involved is thy collection of
duty on goods shipped fiom New York
to Potto llico. Ho contended that tlu
legislation of the United States ex
tends over cveiy pot Hon of the n i
tlonal domain, whether state, tonltory
or distiict, and that as Poito Itlci
was ceded to the Unite I States by tho
Pails tietty time was an absolute
change of soeielgnty and of title. Ho
filo argued that the piesldent being
an ONeeuthe otlleer only, theie was no
light to Impose duties un commetca
between Porto Rico and "other parts
of the United Slates" by executive or
der aftct the tatilleation of the Pai is
tteaty. Such an order was null nnd
void and wltout aullioilty ot la.".
II. AV. Ward, counsel for Uooley,
Smith & Company, presented the ai
gument In that ease. Ho laid especial
sties.s upon the fact that th position
of the Porto Rienn law piovldlug for
the collection of duties Is si'paiute fiom
other parts of that luw and that It Is
limited in opeiatlon In point of time to
Match 1. 19(U. He ehatucterUed It as
a makeshift to inovide levenuis lot
the Island ot Potto Rico, and said It,
theiefoie, was not entitled to the same
favoiable presumption that It would
otheiwlse have been. Whatever the
motive of the piovisioii, it was to his
mind a plain violation of the constitu
tion and he quoted nuiueious authori
ties In ptoof of the statement.
When Mr. Ward finished. Solicitor
Oeneial Rlehaids began the piesenta.
tlun of the government's side of the
conttoveisj, giving especial attention
to the effect ot the latlllcatlon of the
Pails tteaty upon the i elation of this
countiy und Potto Rleo. In this con
nection he said that the denial of the
power which is being exeieised bj tho
piesldent and icingiess amounts to
saving that ccdid teultiuv liecumis
by the act of cession an intcgial patt
of the United States to which the con
stitution nt Its own foice applies, plac
ing Its people. Its pioducts and Its
potts on an Immediate equality with
mis and also extending tho constitu
tional limitations to such countries.
If this was tho case, said Mr. Rich
aids, the tteaty making power In nc
qnlilng teitltory Is necessarily limited
to piovldiug loi the nieic act of ces
sion ill. Rlehaids aigucil that new is ac
quiied letiltory become) "not pait but
a possession of the United States, tei
ritciiy belonging to the United States,"
and ho wont on to saj "Its disposi
tion and government ust under the
constitution with the ti Mtj -making
power and with congicss '
Continuing, Mi. Itlcluiids contended
that tho ptesident has not power to
extend the limits of the United States,
but that the legislative branch of the
government may do so upon whatso
ever teims It sees tit. Mr. Rlehaids
had about half com hided his argu
ment when the couit ndjouincd for the
dav .
0,i IJxelulie Wire from Tho AtiocUlnl Pip.'
I'lilljil.'li lu J, Jju. t. Iiip lio-iil ol directors
of tin1 1'fnnnlvJiila railroad tod ij accented th
Hsiiutlon r! William I. I.osc as clUitinn
tnUlit Menl c( thr I'nlti.l Killnuds ol .New
.'rrsfj Oivlslon Tho lollonlnR appointments
worci nuilo: (lllbrtt II. Cobb, now illusion
tolslit ok-cnt, IVnn.jbanl.i rsllroad clUMon, llai.
ihlur;, to succeed William J. Iloasi Itolictt C.
Wilahl, non clltUIou frittilit .icnt I'ciujl
,ni railiuad dbltlon, Altooiu, to mircrecl (111.
Inrt II Colih) (!eor, (1. Oailcn, ni trt slit
annt Jt IhnUliui, to tuccccd llolicit C
Virls'it. llrnolutloiKi on Hie dcith of the late
neirlary, Jolm V. Mnu, cre ndoplod. 'I he
incllon ot u mtceuor to Sli 6lm a not
tuVrii iii.
Di owned In Harvey's Lake,
By Kxclmho Wire from 1h Atiociatrd Vrttt
Hllkfs Il.irrf. Jan. t I'rtd rutcibiugh, mjed
i JtJK, while bVatlne on IIjhpj' lake todar,
hrcKe Ihroush the Ice and nan drocincd The
body wa iccoicrod.
Non-Combatants In the Islands Ap
peal to the Gonoress of
the United States.
Document Signed by 2,000 Natives
Bi ought to Washington by Rafael
Del Pan Foutala Advises tho
United States to Assuie Political
Self-Oovernmont to tho Islandeis.
Insurgents Would Then Lay Down
Their Arms.
By Evcliisive Wire liom The Aisoelated Tre1.
Washington, Jan. 0. Rafael Del Pan
Poutela, who Is represented as presi
dent of the Manila Bar association, Is
In Washington ns the benrcr of a pe
tition to congress fiom the Plllplnos
not In insurrection. The petition has
been shown to several scuatois, and It
will be ptesented In a tew days.
Desirous of avoiding the mistakes of
Agoncllla, who camo to Washington a
yenr ago as the alleges! lcpresentatlvo
of the Plllplnos, Mr. Foutela's ai rival
has been unostentatious, and, In fact,
he has made his presenco In the capi
tal known to but a few. Those who
have met him say he Is apparently n,
cultured man ot good legal ability.
He Is a n itlve rillplno who speaks
Ungllsli nnd Spanish fluently. He
says he leptesents the most enligh
tened and piogiesMve men of his rate.
His petition, which beats the auto
graph slgnatuics of 2,010 Plllplnos, has
been ttanslatcd into English and cov
ers twenty typewritten pages,
Mr. Poutela sajs lie does not come
.is an Insutgetit nor as a icpieseiita
tive of Agulnaldo, and his petition Is
not fiom those In lnntttectlim ngainst
the United Stales.
The Petition.
The petition. In substance, sajs that
It congress will Intimate that the
Filipinos may have political self-government,
the petltioneis believe tb it
the insurgents will lay down their
arms and submit to the "ovcicUnt
of the United Stutes The petitioner
believe that the lnsui gents will never
sin tender unless some such ngi ce
ment or Intimation Is made by con
gtess legaidlng the fuline government
ol the Islands. The petitioners admit
that the United States holds jover
tlgnty over the islands and they do
clate thc-li leadiness to acknowledge
the authority of this govetnmnt.
They concede that the United States
has the power to exterminate the. na
tives, but they petition and piny that
this may not be clone. They do not
defend Agulnaldo or the Insurgents,
nor do they complain ot the course of
the United States, but they contend
that as native business and ptoles
sional men In the Philippines claiming
peace and protection, they nte In n
better position to judge of the condi
tions nnd the way to peace thun either
this government or the liwti gents
themsilves. Their piavet Is for peace.
Tiny appeal to cupgieMs, claiming the
light ol petition.
Mi. Foutela's petition will piobably
be piesented to the Sennt' by Senator
Jones, ot Atkatisas, the Deniociatlc
Republicans who have seen the
document concede that It Is a credit
able and temperate paper. They ie
cognlzo thejjght of petition as gtta"
enteed by the constitution nnd ns the
petltioneis aie not In aims against
tho goveinmnt, but loyal minimis, de
siring pace In theh tuclilpela-?o their
petition must be lecelvod and con
Lewis Majane Suffers fiom a Rup-
tuied Blood Vessel.
B Mcluthe Wire (rem The A'wdatcd PrcJi.
Atlantic City. X. J, Jan. 0. After a
ten-tnund boxing match befoie the
Atlantic Cltv Athletic club last night,
Lewis Majane, a local pugilist, fell to
the floor In a faint. Today ho is in
the city hospital at the poirt of death
nnd his opponent, Chnriei
wltz, also of this city, ts in niMilt
Ing the lesult of his Injuil s Th"
men nie llglitwelgths and wile svcuiy
matched, lesultlng In a very fast bout
In the eighth lound Mu Jain began to
show tho effects of bis punishment,
and staggeied about tho rin.r
Just before tho gong rounded tor the
finish, Policeman diaries Holmes
stopped the contest, which v as de
clared a dt aw. On the way to li'n
dtesslng room, Majane fainted and
was at once convejed to tho hospital.
It Is believed a blood vessel In his
btaln was luptured. At the end of
the tight both men weie covered v.'lth
Aluantowlt. was anested at his
his home early today and "expressed
sin prise on learning ot Majino's con
dition .. i
Appeal of Molineux,
By I'Arluiho Win doui 11m A'ociatd Pre I
New Voik, Jut U. lticorder (inft today tlgncd
the pipus in the cate ot ths appral u( llolatid
II Molimu:., under kcntence ol death lor halng
imivd tlm death ot Mi. Kate VUiih In pole
cili.j Hie papeis which rcner tl.oon tjpcnrlt
ifii 'usei, will now un to the prlntd, nliiu
in. t cm litem will occupy flu week. Oiku
piliitcd the papcra will he .ciit to the couit
ot appcala at Huui fir oamliulloii
Hognn and Gardiner Matched.
Dy Excliube Wire from Tho Vfeoclated I'resi
llemphiii, Jan. U. The PhocnW .tliletlo club
hat. matched Toinni) lloiran. the pun nt holder
of tho 12(1 pound chmipiorshlp uf I inland, und
O.rar Gardiner, ot Wheeling, for a 0ioiiii1 ion.
teat to a dccUlon. lhe bout w 111 take place in
Memphis. Jan. IV, Defore leaving ileinphU to
day Terry Mcflomn iirreed to fljht Ilinn lie.
frrr the I'hoenlx elnti on 1 iliniary 1U, In tlm
ev'ent that tho latter ilull best tiardlncr.
No Cars Run on the Tiaction Com
pany's Linos Yesterday,
Hj l.xclitslvc Wire fiom the Associated Vttu,
Reading, Jan. 9. The second day of
the trouble on tho United Traction
company's system, due to the ells
chaise of nearly a dozen union cm
plovos, found the situation the same
as last evening. Not a cur moved to
day and no attempt was m tele by the
uiatuigeis to lesumc, although they
claimed that all tho men would not
stand tlrm.
Since '.'.SO p. m. vp.erday no cars
over the traction system havo been
moved In Reading or Ii; the suburbs.
The men held a niicMn.T today and
decided to ienuli ilrni. .
Not a ear has moved toduy or to
night on the fifty miles of track of
tho company's system. Piesldent Rlgg
is still in Philadelphia, but Is expect
ed here duilng the night to meet a
committee of the stiect lailway em
ployes tomouow If they put In an ap
pearance. He Is willing to meet them,
but it Is understood will refuse to con
fer with uny committee of outsiders,
teptesentlng the locnl federated trades
Plan for a Through Tians-Conti-
nental Lino fiom the Atlantic
to the Pacific.
Di Excluine tthc fiom Tho Associated Trcsj.
New York, Jan. 9. The Mali and
Hxpross .avs. "William K. Vauder
bllt's plan for the welding together uf
tho Union Pacific nnd Chlcego and
Northwestern inllioads, which lie con
ceived moie than a yeai ugo, is now
about to be eat tied out. When It Ii
completed It will be found that the
Vandorbllts have a thiough tianbcon
tlnenlal line of their own from the
Atlantic to the Paclllo ocean
"The oilglnnl .scheme vvas to lease
the Union J'aclllc to tho Northwestern,
lint it is not jet cot tain whether this
will be done or not. The control of the
foinici Is to be acquired through the
putihase of a majority of the Union
Pacific stock, and this Is being done
In the open uiiiket, which accounts
tor the big Jump In pi ho dining the
last two daj
"The ViindeiblltH nlteady have a.
considerable icpiobcntatlon in the
Union Pai lllc directoiy, .Man In llugh
Itt, Uu'.ttell Miller. Hoiace O. Bint,
U. II liariituau and James Stillman
nelng teguiled as ft lendly to AVilllum
K. Vandeibllt. The ashuiupttoii of
control will be In ought about by the
naming of a mulmltv of the boatd.
which Is expected to take pluce at an
eatly date."
"Tho Union Paclllo stock acquired
by the Noi thwestern will be heated
In much the ijtno way as the major
lt of Jei.'-ey Centinl stock, which was
bought b J. P. Slotgan .t Co for
the Reading. A collate! ul tiust bond
may be hsued, but this is not yet
eettaln Some favor a lease of the
Union Paclllo to the Chicago and
Not thw ostein.
"This deal was hastened by the dis
covery that the Chicago, Ruillngton
nnd Qulncy was anxious to seouio
Union Paclllo ot at any late to make
a close tiatllc deal with the latter.
This compelled thu Noithwestein peo
ple to huttj their negotiations. It Is
still noslble that tile Intetests of the
Ruiliugtou will be considcitd nn.1 that
tho gieat systems will be btought into
close, haimony. But tho control ot
tho Union Pacific will rest with tho
Vandeibilts. A laigo block of Union
Paclllo stock was bought by Burling
ton Inteiests with a view ot uniting
with the foimer.
'It was repotuil in Wall blieel to
da that the new Union Pacific alli
ance' would bo still fill tiler i ged by
the addition ot othei lailtoads In the west, liicludlng tho Alton and
Rock Island
"Pot t.eeial veins the Noithwestein
linn sent most of Its west bound traf
fic oei the Union Paelllc, and tho
latter lim leclptocated on castbound
business "
An Alleged Infilngement Upon the
Rights of Speech.
B Kxeluilic Wiic fiom Iho Associated Press.
Wllkes-Bane. Jan. 0. Tho enso ot
Rev Vincent Dlllonls veimis Thomas
P., major of the city of
Plttston. was called lor Itlnl In couit
this afternoon, The plaintiff, who
claims to be a Lithuanian in lest, wants
damages fiom the cltv of Plttston for
false Impilsonment
Several months 11150 lie attempted to
deliver a leetuie In Plttston, but by
oidor of the mayor the hall was closed
and Dlllonls was locked up.
Major Coicoian, hi his own defense,
says the deliverance of tho lecture
tliieateued 11 Hot and to preserve tho
peace he piohlblted the minister fiom
Rev. Dlllonls sajs the maj-or exceed
ed his authotlty and Inf tinged on the
right ot fieo speech
As a Filvate Citizen He Dcslied to
Thump Mi. Black,
special to the Scrantiii frllnme
St. Paul, Jan. fl. (icnemoi John Llnd
tetlied irom olllee ut noon. At 3
o'clock this afternoon he visited tho
ofllcc of tho St. Paul Dispatch, which
had ciltlclzed him blttoily duilng his
term, told Maiinglng 1'dltor Harry T.
Black. "I am now 11 ptlvate citizen,"
and stunk Mr. Black .1 sharp blow
1 between the ejes.
The nun clinched but weto Immedi
ately seimtatisl and Governor Llnd left
the olllee.
New Pennsylvania Branch.
Ily Kulmbe Wire fiom The Araoelated I'resj.
I'hiUdclphl 1, Jan. D It wa ruinoied that tho
I'ciin.jbanla railroad had ecured the old Jlld.
land load'a rlglit of c n in IMford and Hlalr
lomillcK and that the cuinpany intends to at once
extend Ita linei to Central ritj, near the 80m.
cirt und llrdford line, thui opcnlns up another
channel oier the mountains and by way ot Cen
tral I'llc. 'II 10 new lonto would open up large
coal tun) lumber field in borne rut county.
ft Mass Meeting ol Citizens at flend-
emu ot Music Is Addressed
bu Bishop Potter.
Rev. Dr. Wayland Hoyt in an Ad
dress Asserts That Philadelphia
Contains Seven Hundied Houses of
Evil Repute Resolution to the
Effect That the City Han Fallen Un
der Sway of Its Woist Elements
Is Adopted.
By Kicleihe Wlie from The Atsoclated lre.
Philadelphia, Jan. 9. A mass meet
ing of citizens, of which meeting
BIho) Ilcniy C. Potter, of New York,
was tho central llgure, was held In
tho Academy of Music tonight for tho
purpose of taking preliminary steps In
starting a general crusade against
vice In this flty. The big building was
crowded, most of those piesent being
women. Bishop Potter had been In
vited by a committee of clergymen to
addtes an audience on cilnie In large
The blHhop when Inlioliiccd wn en
thusiastically welcomed. He refrained
fiom saying much of the conditions of
vie ci ns they ptcvall In this city, leav
ing that foi local speakers to tell. The
bishop touched briefly on his bovhood
dajs which weie spent heie. and then
discussed In a general waj the ini
tialization of power which ho snld ex
ists toelav In many walks of life. Ho
snld theie Is in the popular mind a
belief th it judges on the bench, men
in tho legislative halls and the small
est politicians nie purchasable. That
such a condition should eht, he said,
was a dishonor.
Bishop Potter then spoke of the groat
movement for better government stait
cd In New Yoik and friild the condi
tions that exist In Philadelphia are
no different fiom those prevailing
elsewheie. Spoilsmen and public ofll
ceis who bctiaj- their trust should be
given no peace. If Philadelphia would
take up the work, he said, the two
cities could go foi ward hand In hand
In tho right diiectlon.
Shocking Immorality.
Tho Rev. Dr. Wayland Hoyt. ot this
clty.dellveied a stiong address against
the, alleged Immotallty ot tho city. Ho
severely ciltlclzed thu present munici
pal administration and said theie
were in the cltj "over 700 houses of
women whose path led to death."
Addresseg weto also made by Philip
C. Ganett, chairman of the meeting:
Bishop Whlttaker, of the Protestant
Uplscopal chinch of the diocese of
Pennsylvania, and e-Postmaster John
Pield A lesolutlon was adopted by
tho meeting to the effect that the citi
zens of Philadelphia "lecognlzo that
our city has fallen under the sway
of Its worst elements, otganlzed Into
a political machine, which by its con
trol of vast levenue, the spoils of of
fice unwari anted use of police power
and oher agencies, afflict us with al
most every foim of mlsgovernment."
The tesohitlon also piovlchs for the
appointment of a committee to begin
a movement for the betteimctit of tho
picvnlllng conditions.
The Miiulciptl League convention
met tonight and adjourned until Jan.
19, without making any nominations
foi leeeivei of lnvet nv mnirlRtr.itr.
j This plan was decided upon in order
to await the co-opeiation of the com
mittee appointed at th citizens." meet
ing held in the Academy of .Music to
nlgllt. When the Municipal League
convention icnsi-embleH on Jan. 19, It
is ovpected an understanding will have
been reached between the Municipal
League manngeis und the other -e-foim
foices, looking to the selection of
candidates mound whom an agrosslve
fight can be w ii,ed ai net month'p
deal is denied
Officers of That Road and the New
York Central Say That tne Re
pot t Is Based Upon Queases.
Py kxclusle Wire fiom The Associated Pren
Now Yoik, Jan. 9 The Post today
"Ottlceis of the New York Cential
and Dolawaio and Hudson companies
again denied toduy that there had been
a Guarantee of the shares of the lat
ter bj the former company or that
such n guai antee or lease was pro
posed. It was said that this report,
like so many of the others which are
circulating In Wall street arc mere
"It la. known, however, that besides
previous huge holdings of stock bj
the Vanderbllt-Moigau Interests, a
heavy block of stock of tho Delaware
and Hudson 'was lecently transfeirtd
at private sale. There I?, of couise,
practically only one latge buj-cr of
these shares at cuncnt pi lees."
Susquehanna Strike Settled,
Bv l.xcliHhe Wlie fiom The .WoeUtcd rrc.
8iif.i)iichanna, Ian P. The klrike uf the boiler.
mbVcri employed In the locomotive hp of the
1 rle Itillioad eoinpan), loiuted hen, cms ended
todiy ami the I Ml men will rrluin In work to.
morrow. The luinpant Granted Iho icn,uet nf
thu men u!n had t'prd wirk oil ai count of
the introduction of piece work nnd tho imploy
mi lit of laboicne on Mull, ihcj claimed should
bo ilnnn lj liollermakin
Twenty-ninth Fire Victim.
Ily LicluMio Who from The Aotlatcd Prew.
Itochestri. Jan. U. One ol tho children burned
In the orphan aajlum Are jesterday rooming,
Allen Uellinore, two jears old, died today, Tld
was tho twent) ninth death from ths fire.
Weather Indications Today,
1 fleneral Senate Votes Ralnt the Army can
('ongrotional ln litigation ol the llooz Hit
1'hlladelphU Will AUo Have a lee CniMdc.
r'lllplnrai Appeal lo Consrei.
2 (icneral-Tarbontile Depaitment,
.1 Local I ffect ot the l'uiiiiac of the Jtuey
Grand Juiy Mill Imcttlgate Vldirmcn nnd
4 editorial.
Note and Comment.
3 Local tViinc 111 Will Vet en Trollc ( onipany
U (dilation
IKlietho Harris Chen rcltinonc Against
6 local Wet Srarton Hid -ubmltn
7 Ci'cncrnl Norlheaitcrn IVnujlianiii
linanclal and Coninicuiiil
8 Local iw in the World of I ahor.
Robert Bryan Ai rested for tho Crime
in New Yoik Makes a Con
fession. Il.c Euluilie Wire fiom The Associated IV n
New Yoik Jan. 9. Robeit Bijnn,
ullab ".Sailor Bob," alias "Jink Jlarils,"
wanted In Philadelphia for complicity
in the inuider theie on l'llday night
hist of the Rev. Untlir Rlegel, a pioni
Incnt pi lest of the Roman Catholic
chinch, was ai tested In this cltv to
night by detectives of the centrnl office.
Bryan was anested at 11 o'clock and
when token befoie Captain Titus, of
thi detective buieau, made 11 confes
sion In which he told the1 stoiy of the
minder of the pi lest. Captain Titus
tefused to give any names lepeated to
him by Hi van. stating that the otliets
Implicated would doubtless be ui tested
In Philadelphia tomoriow.
Philadelphia. Jan. 9. The body of the
Rev. Chiules Rlcgc I, of the Cliuieh of
the Piesentatlon of Cheltenham, lit. at
this city, was found In thu hallway of
a lodging hntiho at lh0 Noith Illghth
street last Siituielay moinlng He was
not ldcutllled until last Sunday night
and gieat mj-steiy sin rounded the case.
Tho police were and, In fact, still aie
extremely letlcent and nvor admitted
the man vvas muideied. The Inquest
on the body held Inst Monday was
abruptlj adjourned and It was mi
nerunecd by the coiouer that the cler
gjman had died of mutual causes.
This announcement, however, was not
genet ally believed, as It was known
that the man had been tobbed and that
the police had bunt woul to miinj- cities
to look out for certain persons, whoso
deseilptlon the police lefused to give
to the public.
Uathei Rlegel was bulled todaj'. Over
fifty ptiests attended the funcial, the
set vices "being held at the chinch of
which he was the pastor. Solemn le
qulem mass was held, the Ut. Re.
Bishop Prendeignst ollletntlng.
Eighth Annual Gatheiing to Be Held
at Hnrrlsburg, Februaiy 0
and 7.
Special to lhe Sciantoii liihtme.
Haulsburg, Jan 9. The eighth in
nual inciting of the Associated Health
aiithoiltfcs and i-anltniions of Penii
sjlvania will bo held hete lb. i" and
7. The annual uitdtess will be df
llveicd In the hull of the hcnie of
lepieseutatlves at 8 p in. Wednesdav.
Peb. 6, bj Dr Oeoige (. ihoit, late
brigade siugeon, lr. S. V.. and so ie
tary und lieitsuiet of tin supeilor
boaul of health of Potto lfleo, mil "ot
mei piesldent ol the state boatd of
health of Pennsylvania, tho .abject
being, "Sanitaiy Voik Accompllslied
In Potto Rico Since Ameilcnn Occupa
tion." Govornoi Stone will piesleh' on
the occasion.
As this meeting villi constitute the
biennial legislative session of the as
sociation, attention will be given piln
cipally to the needs of the stale In
tho matter of sanltatj legislation and
few general or sclentlllc subjects will
be discussed. The piotcctlon of water
supplies the telnltlon of boards of
health lo municipal councils, the
woi king of the law autliotlzlug boiuds
of school dlrectois to enfotee the sani
taiy laws of the state, the iiumuuU
Ing value ot dlphtlieiiu anti-toxin,
and the resposlbllity of boat els of
health for tho pteventlou of dlphthethi
will bo piomlnent apiunr the subjects
foi lousldiiatlon
All bonuls ot he 1th. whether of
cities, boioughs or towiuhips, nie eiu
ncbtly Invited to send nt least oho
delegate to this meeting.
By Kieluthe Wire from The oclated I'ipw
ritunllle, Pa, Jan. -W II hbott, Mldeh
kno n tlitoimli liU lonnecllon with the eaili oil
Industrj of tho lounlij, died at hit hoin' hue
kit night, 'f llrliiht'a dinaic He n i )irna
old Mr. bhott clahll.hel tlm first oil in-i
let in .New ork after Initatlnu llOKifl in Hie
Icaie upon wlilch the aecond well daa ilrill.d. He
Luilt the flrat refiner in Iho oil region and wat
the uroniotrr of lhe first pipe Unci and of the
old I'rilou ami Tiliuville railroad, the llrat line
earning oil from Hicac iprIoiu lo the trunk linen,
( hliairo, .'an 0 John 11 Lane, bellend to
luc tictn the oMcl I uc MaMUi In tlm I tilled
fctidcti, dleil Irie mdaj, aned 100 jiarii Lini; the orchr in Nntlanl In llJ)
I'rteiluiei, N II, Jim t).-lion Irani. I.
(lake, iriirsentitle In rnii;rras fiom I lie ?
end .Sm Ilaniiahlri' let dlrd at Ida home
hue tonight of quick consumption, aged CO jeara.
.sidiiej, N. s, W , Jan Id -Sir Jamei, llobert
Dickson, inlnUler of defcruo in the new federal
cabinet, died todae
Hoinellsvlllo Strike Settled,
Py Kxtlutlvn Wire fiom The Atsoclated Pms.
Home Hal Hie, N. V Jan. 0. Tho dlflcrinces
between tho llrle e-ompany and the atrlklng ma.
ehlidbta uire amicably settled and all nturned
to Kork thli afltrnooo
Bu a Vcru Decisive Vote the Senate
Concurs In the House Provis
ion Relative to the Subicct.
Contiary to Expectations, tho Senato
Instead oi Killing tho House re
vision Rcgaiding the Canteen,
Concuxicd in Action of tho Lower
Branch, Which Is Intended to
Abolish tho Canteen fiom Aimy
Camps Naval Appropriation Bill
in tho House.
By Uxcludeo W'i-e from Tie .Woclalnl t'lcrt
Washington. Jun. 9. Tho aitnj' can
teen is to be abolishes), as the senato
toelav by a veiy decisive vote cou
cuiicd In the house ptovlslon lclatlvn
to the nrmy canteen. Onlv flfteecu
voles could bo miiHtcied, In the senate
In favor of the canteen, while thirty
four weie cast agulnst It. Mort of the
time loelnj was occupied by Senators
Tellei, of Colorado: Pettlgrew, of
South Dakota, and Ilutler, ot Not th
Catollnn, who all opposed the adop
tion of the senate committee's amend
ment, which provided for a contin
uance of the canteen,
IJcyond disposing llnally of the can
teen question, the senate accomplished
little, and It seems doubtful whether
a final vote upon the meastue will be
reached belotu Ktidaj or Saturday.
Tho canteen ciuestion vvas disposed
of on motion by Mr. Onlllnger that thu
canteen amendment of the cutnmlttec
bo luld on the table. Tho motion was
cm t led 'U to 15, as lollows:
rcinrcxc, i iiil e,eonii j, run c.. .j, nimo
leiier, lowne, iiniej, i iiiueon. roiai, ui.
r.aj eiinej. iiiik, icickiiii, tiuni, nnw.
Icj, Heilfeld. Aid iiiriii. Mallorj, Jlorgan, Pet.
tie", rrilehard, Vcscll, .-houp, f'pooncr, btewart.
Total, 11.
Thi! eftect of the vote Is to restore to
the bill the house piovlston abolishing
the aimj' canteens so far as the sale
of any kind of Intoxicants Is concerned.
Naval Committee Healing.
The house committee on naval nf
falts Is considering the naval appro
piiatlon bill which the sub-comtnlttco
has agieed upon. The full committee
has tentatively agieed to Increase the
enlisted foice of the navy three thous
and. The bee rctaty of the na j- reconv
mends an Incieaso ot flvo thousand
men. The committee also has scaled
down the nppioptlatlon lecommended
for the various navy yaids, i educing
them nn aveiage of about 10 per een
from the estimates. The committee
has not jet i cached the question of the
Increase of tho navy, which Is genei
ally tho last subject passed upon, but
there seems to lie a genet al ue quies
cence In the leconiinotidatlon of the
seeretatj oi the unvy for two battle
ships ami two cuilseis
River and Haiboi Bill.
The house tod ly consldetod lhe
ther mid limbo.' appiopilatiou bill
Little piogns win made. In a bill
cnirvlng Mieh a ciift stun tor loci'
iinpinvcmcnt, manj localities ar
lioiinci to b- di..appolnud, and thciii
Is geneialiy i mislileialile soieness
among the niembeis vho fall to gei
vhat tlicv want. This soienes out
ciopiied In evotnl places today, tho
disappointed meiiibiis letuslng to nt
low iin.v limit to bo placed on tho gen
eial debate. It extended throitglioul
the day. being f.eeniiiirflv no nemer
cone lii'lon nt iiiljriiii anient than wh'ti
it Mnrled .Alt. Cm ton tialuuaii of
lhe committee on llvei and harboii,
who is In ihmgc of tile bill, made nn
elaborate explanation of Its piovlsious.
Suveinl westcm members assailed it
for not containing pi ov l.-lon for Irri
gation leseivolis and Ml Corliss, of
Michigan, attacked it foi not giving
piopei recognition to the gieat lakes
deep wutct-wnv pioject.
lie Will Havo Assistants Heicattcr
in Tininlng U. P. Athletes.
B) KxcluMco Wire fiom The Associated IVis
Philadelphia, Jan. 9. At a moot I no;
of the boaid of dlicctoi.s of tho Ath
letic association of tho University of
Pennsylvania, held this afternoon,
licorgo Woodruff, Pennsylvania' well
known football coach, wut e Iccttei
fluanchtl secietaiy ol the association'
and was alto selecttd as hi ad coach
of the new board of graduato toachet
that Is to be iippointed. The cu eat loi
of u boaid of graduato coaches to in
struct foot bill candidates Is a radical
change in the method of training the
plajets, ns heretofore Coach Woodtufr
was practically the only poison at tho
unlveislty to perform those duties.
The position of financial secretary
and ticuHitier were always tilled hv
one person, but the duties of the dual
posit lolls became so arduous thut tho
board decided to uepmatc them,
Bank Charters Extended.
Ily Kxcliulie Who from The Associated Preaa.
Walilngton, Jan. 0. The house committee ti
bankirc and currency todaj reported faiorablj
the Broalur bill to extend the rliartcri of iuv
llonal li .s.
f-f-t- t -r-f-f--f--f-t-f 4i
iTasMreton, Jan. p. l'orecajt for east
ern PennnhanU: Ralm Thuradi) ;
crarmei In noithcrn porlloni brUk caat
erly nlnd-i, brt omliwf touthwcsterlyj l'rl
ilaj fail.
II 1- 111,11. .UIIMMI null, nan, I.VI.J, i.i, -
ciliUe, UurroMH, llullcr, ("hllUin, Claj, Daniel,
lirhoc, Ihilllvei, I llihinks, Foster, trje, Oil
IhiKcr, Hale, HaiiiihroliRli, Hoar, Jones (rk,),
biidce, VliConut, Jletumbcr, el!Oll, Perkins,
rcllit.rcn, I'litt (Ceinii), PI lit (.. .). Simon,
. . ,11 .III. D.-.l tlnl. (I.-.. If. .
Jttt-ft t tTTf tt-f--