tribune. THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN RAGES. SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MOKNING, JANUARY 9, 1901. TEN PAGES. TWO CENTS. .fcV-" a' TWENTY-SIX LIVES LOST ft Number ol Helpless Are Sullo Gated and Roasted In the Ro chester Orphan flsulum. LARGE LIST OF VICTIMS Many of the Inmates Injured, Somo Fatally Flames Broke Out in the Hospital Section Panic in the Buildings Children and Nurses Carried Out Unconscious Fire Be lieved to Have Been Caused by Boiler Explosion. Fy Excluilve Wire from The Associated Press. Hocliester, Jan. 8. Twenty-four chil dren, one nurse and a cook perished In a lire which almost destroyed the Hocliester Orphan asylum this morn ing at 1 o'clock. Many other Inmates were Injured, some fatally. The Dead. The list of the dead and missing fol lows: (Scrtrudo Poner, licit ha Hall, Vlula Stuck, Lillian Stone, Mildred fdocum. Miry Alexander, Ellen Hamllson, Hazel Murray, Minnie Tiffany, M.utlo Faltervm, Kiliel Maithagc, (crtrude MiCaw, Mary McCaw, Lorrno Owen, Tliarllo Benliam, i Conwell, Botha Potter. Mildred Wright, Minnie Milliner, Mary Kane, Cora Poller, (."liailcs Brjonl, leaclinell Carey, Evangeline Cnroj, Mis. Maiia Goidon, Mil. Martha C.illls. Seriously Injured. Tho seriously Injured, as reported at the various hospitals at noon, nie as follows: Miss It-abclle Law-son, rmre, badly burned about arms and body; condition mt!ou. I.llen Delmoro, nurse, badly- burned on face ami back; lecouTy doubtful. Fred Potter, aged two, badly burned; may die. Kate Cotlerlll, HI years old; leg broken. lllanelie Anderson, 7 yean old, colored; re xcirly burned. Maurico Keating, fireman, band Injuicd. Mm. Amelia Cllne. puree; burned and leg broken. Mary Dradd, nurse, badly bumed; recovery doubtful. Frances M. Milliard, nure, Fcvciely burned, but will probably recover. Minnie Conklln, nurse, burned. France Edwards, an attendant, severely burned, John Carey, J ears old, suffocated; recovery doubtful. Slightly Injured. Tho following named were- only slightly Injured and will recover: Maude Cannon, 7 years old; Iladley Owen, 8 jeans old; Henry Pmal, 0 years old; Irving Itemed, () jcars old; Lem Harper, S years old; Clajlon Owen, 7 years eld; Alfred lleunrl, It j ears old: Edward Conndl, S years old; Mary (Iragcr, 1ft jeais old; Edith llatt, 13 years old; llalph Wlntirroth, William Miller, Trcd, lloibrrt llcnham, John Brooks, James Siegler and Captain William Creegan, of Hose company 3. Tho llames were discovered by two young men. W. Clark and P. Young, who happened to bo passing the build ing on Exchange street. Clark ran to tho nearest fire alarm box and sent In an alarm, after which both turned their attention to arousing tho nurses, attendants and children. Miss Cllne, a nurse In the hospital, says she smolled smoke a few minutes after 1 o'clock, and Immediately notl lled Mlhs Valllent, another nurse, who reported the matter to the matron, Miss L. Dlnehart. The smoke was speedily traced to tho boiler room and word was sent to police headquarters. Then a terrific explosion was heard In tho other end of the building. In a few moments the entire half of the building In which the hospital was situated was a mass of flames. Tho smoke poured out of every window and screams and frantio cries could bo heard from the panic-stricken chil dren. Long ladders were strung up and firemen plunged Into tho stifling smoke and bore out inanimate forms. AH of the rescued were unconscious; many wcro dead. General Alarm. When it became known that tho flr had extended to the main building a general alarm was sent In, calling out tho entire department. Policemen, citizens and firemen uni ted in tho work of rescue. Pour lit tle children had been forgotten on the fourth floor, until a woman screamed out that they had been left behind. Instantly a dozen volunteers started for the stairway. Two wcro allowed to go to tho rescue and a moment later they returned with the babes In their arms. A cheer went up from tho crowd, which was hushed as the chil dren wcro seen to be unconscious. They were removed to I he house of a neighbor across tho way. About thirty children were carried Into tho home of Herman Behn, a shoe merchant, across the street on Hub bell Parle, and as fast as the ambu lances arrived from tho hospitals, the children were removed. Although the work of rescue was taken up promptly by so many hands, I'olunteers as well as firemen, the flames gained such headway and apread with such Incredible speed that It was beyond human effort to prevent the loss of life. Ambulances from all of the hospitals wcro on tho ground almost as soon s tho fire companies, and the houses of tho neighborhood woro thrown1 open to recolvo tho little waifs who were 3 ragged and carried from the burning asylum. Some of the children died In the ambulances on tho way to tha hospitals. Dramatic Incident. A dramatic incident of the lire was Iho fall of Morris Keating, a fireman, who went up to the roof on a ladder to rescue women and children. Just us he reached the top, a stream of water was turned on hlin to keep off Ihe flames, but It had tho effect of confusing hlm. He reached out for a woman who had Jumped toward htm. Suddenly he lost his hold on tho lad der tind fell with the woman to tho ground. Ills charge was killed out right and Keating was so seriously In jti rod that ho may die. The roof was covered with children who had escaped through the scuttlo from tho upper rooms, and tho fire men wore kept busy carrying them down. Many escaped unharmed in that way. Managers Negligent. There was a Joint meeting of Uie board of managers and tho trustees of the asylum in City Assessor Pond's olMcc today. The meeting was hur riedly called, but the large room wn filled to the doors with members of tho board and thoso Interested In the Institution. While all sorts of excuses were put forward for the disaster, there was unanimity In conceding that tho managers had been derelict In that there had not been a better and more complete system of fire-escapes pro vided. Ono Thomas C. Montgomery, of Franklin, expressed the opinion that the managers had been negligent, in that they did not employ a night watchman at the asylum and that they had not had the building patrolled nightly. B00Z CASE REPORT IS RECEIVED Belief That Investigators Have Found That Booz's Death Was Not Caused by Hazing. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 8. The record of the proceedings and findings of the military court of Inquiry appointed to Investigate the case of ex-Cadet Oscar L. Hoos; were received at the War De partment today. They came by ex press and were handed to Adjt.-Gen-eral Corbln, to whom they were ad dressed. Without reading this report, or even the conclusion, General Corbln took them ta tha secretary of war. It Is the general opinion of army of ficers who have followed the published testimony closely that the court decid ed that I3ooz was hazed while at the academy, but that his death, many months after leaving .the academy, was not proved to have been the out come of such hazing. It Is also believed that the court has found that the practice of hazing was generally Indulged In at the academy, but not In a brutal form, and that the boatd has recommended that radical and extreme measures be taken to eradicate the practice In every form. ARGUMENTS IN PORTO RICO CASES F. A. Coudert Speaks on Behalf of the Plaintiffs. Dy Exeluslie Wire from Tho Associated Frcs. Washington, Jan. 8. Argument was begun in the United States Supreme court late today In the Porto Ilican customs cases now before that court. The five consolidated cases were taken up, and P. K. Coudert spoke In behalf of the plaintiffs against the govern ment In tho caso known as the De Lima case. Mr. Coudert devoted con siderable time to showing that Porto Hlco Is not a "foreign country," as that term Is used In the Dingley law, under which the tariff on tho Porto Itlean sugar Imported was imposed In this case. He also contended that the Porto Weans are citizens of the United States and referred to tho anomaly of giving courts which were not, ac cording to the contention of tho gov ernment's counsels, courts of the United States, power to make citizens of the United States, ns territorial courts do, by naturalization. Mr. Coudert had not concluded when the court adjourned for the day. He will be followed In the order named by Messrs. Paul Fuller, J. Chaney and IT. M, Wnrd, for the Importers. For mer Secretary Cai lisle will close for them, but not until nfter Attorney General Griggs and Solicitor General Richards have spoken for tho govern ment. The government's representa tives probably will not be heard be fore Thursday and Mr. Carlisle not be- toro i-rmay. NURSES INDICTED. Three Bellevue Attendants Charged with the Death of Louis Hillard. Dy F.clusle Wire liom 'Ihe Associated Press. New York, Jan. 8. The grand Jury repotted to Judge Cowing early today handing up Indictments against Clinton Marshall, J. It, Dean and Eugene Davis, the TJollevue nurses, for man slaughter In the first degree, In the killing of Louis Hillard. After IIHIard's death It was found that wot al of his ribs were broken and It was alleged that he received all of his Injuries In Bellevue Hospital. Elliott Loses Dupont Trophy. By Exclusive Wire (rom The AiocIated Press. New York, Jan. 8. n. A. Welch lost the Dupont tiophy to J. A. H. DUlott at lutcr-SUte park thU afternoon In a match for 100 lUe birds. Welch was clearly out of form, not khooting up to anythlnc like hit nwtonury speed, while Fl llott simply maintained the pacn at which lie has been traellnc ot late and ran away from his competitor. He killed 07 bfrdn while Wlecb only killed S3. Charged with Two Murders. By Hxclntlvo Wire Irom The Associated Press. Mlddlctovcn, Jf, V., Jan. 8. Homer Sarvls, con fined in the Co.hen jail charged with thi murder of Frank L. Henderson, of Ncwbure, several years ago, has been Identified by Henderson's mother us tho man who murdered her sou. Har. vis recently completed a Icnu in a 1'ciiiinjhanla prison for burglary. !' Secretary Sims Buried. By belushe Wire trom The Asuclstcd Press Philadelphia, Jan. 8. John Clark Sims, late secietary ot tha Pennsylvania railroad, vs burled today at Wtiltmarsh near Fort Washing. tetn. l'l. TIia fitnnrnl ini-t lr u.r, attrwt-r1 l.i. all tho officials of thn Pennsylvania company and many otnris prominent In public affairs, COLOMBIAN REVOLUTION Advice Received from Consul Gene ral Gudrjcr Indicates a Serious Aspect. BIG FIGHT IN PROSPECT United States Government Will Be Obliged to Adopt a Vigorous Iilne of Action in Case Panama Is At tacked or There Is Any Interrup tion of the Transit Facilities of tho Isthmus American Interest to Be Protected. Dy Excluilve Wirt from Tha Associated Frtss. Washington, Jan. 8. The stato de partment received advices today from Consul General Gudger, at Panama, Indicating that tho Colombian revolu tion had again assumed a serious as pect. Ho states that the Colombian government announces that the revo lutionists are approaching Panama and are making preparations for u fight, which Is likely to occur soon. There Is reason to believe that the United States government will adopt a vigorous line of action In case the city of Panama Is attacked or there Is any Interruption of the transit fac'llltles of tho Isthmus. According to a treaty agreement with Colombia the United States has been given a certain meas uro of protection over the peaceful conduct of this traffic across the Isth mus. When Consul General Gudger a few months ago reported that tho revolutionists would bombard the city of Panama, acting Secretary of State Hill promptly sent a dispatch to Mr, Gudger announcing In unusually vig orous terms that this government would not tolerate any action likely to prejudice American Interests or In terfere with the rights which this gov ernment has assumed. The dispatch became public In Panama and had the effect of putting an end to the plans of bombardment. Mr. Gudger's pres ent dispatch does not Indicate that the cty itself is about to be attacked, but if It develops by later information that there is any prospect of bombardment the vigorous procedure of a few months ago will be repeated. At present the gunboat Itangcr is at Panama, and the Philadelphia and Iowa are on their way to that locality. TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL SITE. Raybrook, Franklin County, N. Y-, to Be Selected $100,000 Needed. Uy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Prtfj. Albany, N. Y., Jon, 8. It is known definitely that Raybrook, Franklin county, will be selected for tho site of the state tuberculosis hospital. Itav brook is situated about four miles east of Saranaa lake. The legislature will be asked to appropriate $100,000 for the erection of the first pavilions for tho hospital. Plans for tho institution are being prepared by State Architect Helns. NOVEL SENTENCE FOR BAD BOY. Must Earn His Salt, Keep Good Hours and Respect Women. Dy K.Tcluslse Wire from The Associated Preii. Allentown, Pa., Jan. S. George Moy er, aged seventeen years, who was brought before Mayor Sehaadt today on a charge of Incorrigibility and carrying a dagger, was sentenced "to earn his salt, to go to bed not later than 10 o'clock at night nnd to rise at C In the morning; may go to theatrical performances, but Is not to 'sass' the women folks." WILL SETTLE STRIKE. Chief Officials of the Erie Railroad Arrive at Susquehanna to Confer with the Boilermakers. By ExclusUe Wire from Tho Associated Pre. Susquehanna, Pa., Jan. S. The chief officials of the Krle railroad arrived here tn a special car today to confer with the local oftlcluls and the strik ers' committee, with a view of settling the bollermakers' strike, which began yesterday. Tho road Is doing a very heavy business and' tho crippling of the motive power would bo a serious affair, as the largest boiler works are located here. It Is expected that the strike will end by Wednesday. Tho strike has not yet reached the other departments of the shop. Tho strikers are orderly and law-abiding. Separate Trial in Bosschieter Case, by Etclushe Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Jan. 8. .Justice Dixon In tho court of oyer and terminer In Pateuon, N, J., today announced that he had granted the ap plication ot counsel (or a separate trlel (or Ceo. J. Kerr, Indicted (or tho murder o( Jennie Ilos sibleter, 911 the alleged ground that Kerr bad not been present uben knockout chops bad been giicn to the girl. Congressman Neville 111. By Exclusive Wire (rom The Associated Preej. Washington, Jan. 8. Congressman Nedlle, o( Nebraska, Is tery ill at bis residence in this city, Mr, Neville lias had several hemoirhagta during the past (cw days resulting (rom an ac. cldent be met with during the Christmas hull days which reopened a trouble be suffered dur ing the Chll war, Hope ot Ills recovery is in cieaslng THE SHERMAN IN A TYPHOON. Narrow Escape of the United States Transport Off Japan, Dy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Presj. San Francisco, Jan. 8. Tho UnlteA States transport Sherman wai caught In a typhoon off tho Japanese coast on December 18. Tho waves broke so high that tho hurricane deck was Hooded. Ono of the port lifeboats was smashed Into kindling wood, and another had to be cut adrift. All the windows on the port side wcro stove In, and the roof of the cabin was taken off bodily and piled up around the smokestack. Tho ends of the staterooms were stovo In, and tons of water almost filled the rooms. J. It. Duff was hurled with great vio lence against a chair, sustaining a fracture of three ribs and somo of the bones of his right hand, besides sev eral bruises. Captain Grant, on tho bridge, was knocked down, but suf fered no Injury. One of the search lights, held by Iron supports, was thrown across the deck with great force. Other minor damage was done by the typhoon, which, the officers of tho Sherman say, was the worst they ever experienced. COLLISION ON THE JERSEY CENTRAL t -i Powder Oar Explodes with Terrific Forco Freight Conductor's Heroic Act. By Excluilve Wire from The Associated Press. Wllkes-Barre, Jan. 8. Dy a collision on the Central Railroad of New Jer sey, near Laurel Run, late this after noon, ti car lilted with black powder exploded with such force that the re port was hoard a distance of twenty miles. The cur was attached to a freight train bound bouth and was the third car from the rear. When near Laurel Run station, an empty engine follow ing crashed Into the freight. It plowed Its way through the caboose, a car tilled with beer and went half-way through the powder car. The powder did not explode at once, as it was not subject to concussion, but hot coals from the firebox of tha wrecked en gine set lire to It. Then every uound of powder in the car exploded. The locomotive was bent and twisted Into a shupeless mass and live of the cam were crushed Into klndlln.? wood. The trucks of tho cars were hurled hun dreds of feet away, and underneath the powder car n great hole was1 torn In the ground. The crew of the empty engine, seeing thut a collision wfiB "Unavoidable, Jumped after the engineer had te versed the locomotive. Tho engineer knew that there was a cat load of pow der on the train ahead and he told tru trainmen to get away from the rioene of the collision as far as possible. This Is the only thing tliut saved their lives. After the explosion thu wieck caught lire Wrecking crews trom Ashley and Munch Chunk were sent to the scene and at 9 A:Iock tonight they had suc ceeded In extinguishing tho lire, but it will bt morning before the wreckage Is cleared up and tiuil'- r'sumed. Tho window glasj In the houres at Laurel Run were broken. People liv ing in Wllkes-Uarre township thought a great earthquake hud taken place and they ru.shed out of their houses Into the street. At Wtlkcs-Dnrro, AVhtte Haven and Plttston houses weio shaken on rhelr foundations. Peter Stromc, the conductor of the freight train, 'erformed a heroic act. Juot before the powder car exploded ho "cut" i ear, lon-W with dynamite, which was coupled tu the powder car, and gavu c engineer the signal to go ahead. The dynamite was moved to a place of safety before the explosion oc curred. PAUNCEFOTE TO REMAIN. No Successor to the English Ambas sador Will Be Appointed. By Kcluslvo Wire (rom Thi Associated Press. London, Jan. 8. Lord Painccfote, British am. baioador to tho United Sta-cs, according to In formation (urnWied to tho Associated Press to day will remain Indellnltel; in Washington. It was the intention ol the IrltUh government to appoint Ids succesfor net March but the ues tlcns now- at Iasuc let" en the United States and Great Britain am beleted to be far too serious to pcnnlt Ids iemo-al. It Is understood alio that Lord Piunccfote Is willing to stay on and is likely to reprrreit Creat Britain until the tloso of this year at lest il not longer. As yet the Nlcaraguan contioversy lias not engaged tho attention of tlo British government nor has any decision hcn eien tentatively formed. Before the matte; Is discussed in the cabinet Lord Lansdownc, tcretary of state (or foreign allaln will have sa-cral conferences with United Mates Ambassador tlioate, enlightenment being desired by the (orcim ofllee upon various points In the amendments to the Hay-raunee-(ote treaty. Thso confeurva will begin within a few da; a. Frame of the Cip Defender. By Kxcluslve Wire (rom T Associated Tress. Bristol, It. L, Jan. 8. T 0 second consignment ot about 100 steel angles 'or the (nunc of the new cup defender arrived fere today (rom Steel- ton, Pa., having como b- special train (rom FroUdence. The angles re 20 (eet long, two Indira wide on the legs and Hi Inch on the angle. They are Intcndejfor the bow and the stem o( tho frame. Tlii keel plates will be readv tor the setting up if the frame tomoirow or Thursday. Steamship Arrivals. Ev r.xcluihc Wire Irom 5he Associated Press. New Ymk, Jan. 8. Arlvcd: Fumcisla, Irom Glasgow; Cap Frio, llaiiiuig. Cleared: Ken rlngtuii, Antwcip, sla Imtliampton; Cymilc, Live 1 pool. Hilled : Nemllic, Liverpool. Havre An heel: la Noriiunle.f rom Ntw York. Boulogne Balled1 patrbia (liom Hamburg), New York. Liiard rasfcd: Arasteidam, New York (or Bouuogne anl Jloterelam. Cheibourg Airived; l'rnnts)lvanli, New York via Ply mouth for Hamburg (aucl proceeded), Baltimore Stinks Closed, By Kxcluslve Wire Iron The Associated Press. Baltimore, Jan. 8. Taj "Old Town" bank, a ksed Its doors and went tew day ago, will re The American National statu Institution, which into a receiver's hands sume business tomoirow. bank, which closed Its for the day before the (allure ot tho "Old Tow bank, and which was closely allied with It, Isalso expected to resume husincss shoitly, althoufr no definite announce ment to that effect has ft been made. HAS THE D. & H. BEEN LEASED? Report That It Has Passed Into the Control ot the New York Central Railroad. WHAT WALL STREET THINKS ABOUT STORY This Proposition Has Been Talked About for a Long Time Object Io to Bring the Two Koads More Closely Together and to Glvo the IMorgan-Vanderbllt Combination a Firmer Orip Upon tho Anthracite Coal Trade The Officials of the Delaware and Hudson in This City Have Only Heard Rumors of the Change, but Believe There Is More Truth Than Fiction in It. In railroad circles In this city for the last two days It has been rumored that the Delaware -t Hudson company Is about to pass Into the control ot the New York Central and Hudson Itlver railroad, a suillclent amount ot Dela ware and Hudson stock having been secured by the New York Central peo ple to enable them to secure a lease of the property. Nc-ne of the Delaware and Hudson officials in this city could vouch for the truth of the rumor but the manner of nil those approached Indicated that they believe there Is more truth than fiction In the story. The activity In Delaware and Hudson stocks also lends color to the story. Tho New York Commercial Auvor . of yesterday afternoon -hIV Wcllin ttou tin aiccrarn leaic t rc&d a ufMrte of tho of the of thlo ". ton o 000,n t i hliiwt nitn liae lnforr.ii r il: Gntral railitad t.inn- ii. Till nial-e i tiov)iiil. "- t ltnJc ciimpmi m . Thi proposition, il I I over by iireei Utn i ! lonif ol Ihe lat(.e lioltK.rj i it t ' t'lson ilut-l;. Thetemn kiM t At, "&UJ. to rjti guiran- " f it. pir iinruuu on ?X,. Obi-a t jf 'J At riulditlon. t oq 'Hitlnn ot the Delaware' -i ilts ik (aid to be t vo- V ( ntnl nnl the- TJcli , i v rlr.vlr affiliated in iv nd freight tuflle l Aw, Lmr (.'eoffc and 1 1 ti cr rk, and second IV and il -1 fol 1- t ware a the ma .'aratoj, ether point "" Underbill-. .i corrMr.ition dcuu it Arable to brlii.r Ilelawme and UliUjQ ni 1 1 piodnror and cairler Into the great coal com bination now forming. The wiututions for the control of the Hell Hare an. I Hi'dson have been conducted so ipintl) that but few men are- Informed as to the details. 1'resnlent It. M. Ol pliant and other cj( ol the Delaware and Hudson company disclaim knowledge cl an' impending change In the control. They are pur-.lcd, liowetrr, by he extraordinary activity ol the Hdaware and Hud con stock in the Stock exchange, and the steady advance In price. There are SJO.OOO nharcs of Delaware and Hud eon stock each of the par value ot $100. The names of more than 20,000 shareholders appear on the company's stock books, and lor secra! years the shares have been so widely distributed that It has been a notibl) fact known to financiers and railroad men that no particular group of men either owned or controlled the property. Directors of the D. & H. The directors or managers of the Delaware and Hudson company .'epresent a wide dlcrity ol Interests. The members of the board arc It. M. Oljplnnt, W. IL Tillingluut, Alfred Van Sam oord, A. E. Orr, Chaunoey M. Depew, James W. Alexander, John Jacob Aslor, Captain B. Somers Hays, Frederick Cromwell, James R, Tay. lor, Horace G. Young and David Willcox. Tho late Jamcd Uoosevelt was a large stock holder and lcc president o( the company. A large block of the stock Is also sold to be owned by tho Enultablc Llle Assurance society. For sevrca! days thcro has been rumors In Wall street of private buying ol the Delaware and Hudson stock. It was Intimated a short time ago that the Rockefeller interests were large puichascrs. One of tho rumorsi current In Wall street to day was that the control of tho Delaware and Hudson was being lought In the interest of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. Chairman Samuel Sloan, ot the last limned company, said that he knew nothing abojt any sucli negotia tions. EASTMAN WORKS PARTLY DESTROYED Two Firemen Are Killed and An other Seriously Injured Loss Placed at $8,000. By Exclusive Wirj (rom The Associated Treu. Hocliester, N. Y., Jan. 8. Tho nitrate building of tho Eastman Kodak works was destroyed by fire today. Two fire men were killed by tho fumes of burn ing chemicals and ono other was bo seriously Injured that ho will probably die. The dead: Lieutenant Edward Mur phy, George P. Long. Injured: George Kltllngcr. The Are started by the contact of es caping nitric acid with tho wooden floor. The loss Is placed at $8,000. Monument for the Dead of tho Tenth. By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Tress. Harrlkbuig, Jan. 8. A concurrent resolution providing (or tho appointment o( three sena tors and tbreo members to assist the social clti rens' e-ominlttee-s already appointed In the erec tion ol a monument to the deceased soldiers of the Tenth Prnntyhanla regiment, was signed to. day by Governor Stone. Strike of Machinists. By Inclusive Wlro Irom Tho Associated Press. Homrllsville, N. Y Jan. 8. About 100 ma chinists in the Erie llaitroad company's shops here are on strike, As to whether the strike wss due to tho discharge of a workman or to the ob jections of the men to piecework csnnOt bt learned as both sides are reticent THE NEWS THIS H0IJUN6. Weather Indications Today, ' FAIR; NORTHWeareitLY WINDS. 1 Fatal Fire In a ItochcsUr Orplun Allium, lias the New York Central Control ot tlio Delaware and Hudson? devolution In CcloinliU. The Chlnoe Question. 2 Gcrcral Carbondale Department. 8 General Work of Hie National Congres.1. Editorial. Note and Comment, 5 General Gltta Making at IlufUlo. 6 Local Opinion of Prominent Cltlens on the 1'ropoted Action ot the Trolley Company. J Local Councils Will Tike Action at Once If Street Hallway Matter. Hearing in Councllmante nrihery Caws, 3 Local West Kcranton and Suburban. 9 General Xortheajtem Penmylunla. Financial nnd Commercial. 10 Local County Commljsloners Alter the Fee Grabbcnt. News in the World ol Labor. COLLISION ON THE BALTIMORE & OHIO Eight Ken Are Killed and Three In- jured Twenty-three Cars and an Engine Meet. Dy F.clmho Who from The Afsocialed Preaa. Falrmount, W. Vm, Jan. 8. An east bound engine with twenty-three empty cars collided with a west-bound en gine running light on the bridge cross ing the mouth of Koon's Kun, above Evetson section, on the Mononzahela division of the Burlington nnd Ohio to day, killing eight men and injuring three more, one fatally. Both engines wre going nt full speed to reach a switch, as tho Pittsburg tlyer was nearly due. The dead: W. It. HOWWAN', ol Falimont, engineer; in stantly kilUd. W. J. O'.ST.IL, of Mhciy, Pa.; Instantly killed. M i: rniKVViv Cf jinWfmnnrt. Pa., conduc tor, killed lliitantlj. inns prvrvv, 1'alriuonr. Iirrman; lived forty minuter. WILLIAM PARlUSIt 61 Kcym, W. Vlf, brake men; lived W mtnut. .1DSKFH V Kl-N'O, ot MMoneabela, W rpiiductor; lltcl ?fl mlnjlm. U". II. WntlllXL, ul Fairmont, llremiu this jfiirnoon. olid iVihMWN TIMMP, killed inMnntly READIM.m7fi ---EMPLOYES STRIKE Had Just Beau Grunted an Increase of 15 Pejr Cont.. but Wanted Dis charged m Reinstated. Uy Exclusive Mlro The A Reading, Jan. S. Trouble between the United Traction company and Its men culminated shortly after noon to day In a strike of its 150 motormen and conductors. Recently the em ployes organized a branch of the Amalgamated Union of Street Rail way employes, and half a dozen men were discharged during the past few days. The company officials say that they were discharged for other and good causes, but the men believe that it was because of their connection with the union. The Federated Trades council, composed of all the city trades unions, took tho matter In hand and the strike camo at noon today. The men took the cars to the barns and then ejult. Last Saturday night the company made nn Increase of 15 per cent. In wages, but the union decided on a strike when the discharges were made. This evening the street car traffic is completely paralyzed. Not a car is running. The men held a meeting this afternoon and all were reported firm and determined to remain on strike until the discharged hands shall be re Instated. The Street Car Men's union has asked the two hundred striking motor men and conductors to obey the law and to do nothing which might tend to create a breach of the peace. PRESIDENT HAS GRIPPE. Will Probably Not Attend to Busi ness for Several Days. By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Preis. Washington, Jan. 8. Secretary Cor telyou this evening said, concerning the president's Illness: "The president's cold has developed Into a well defined case of grippe. His physician states that there aro no com plications and that everything Is pro gressing favorably. The disease must run its regular course and the presi dent therefore Is not likely to be out of his room for somo days," GOVERNORS INAUGURATED. By Exclusive Wire (rom The Associated Press. Columbia, S. O., Jan, 8. finvcrnor M. B. Jlc. Sweeney, was Inaugurated governor today for tho second time. The governor in his message, di rected attention to the (act that not u lynch ing had taken place In the state in the year Just dosed. Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 8. William S. Jen nings was inaugurated governor ol Florida this attcrnoon. Ills message favored free schools, Iree school bonds, uniform assessments and low taxes, To Establish a Colored Colony. By Inclusive Wire Irom The Associated Tress Cape May, N, J., Jan. 8. Prominent colored men met here, toilay and considered tho question of establishing an industrial colony In Capo Hay county. It Is said that a wealthy colored man has agreed to establish the colony giving each colonist a farm and seed and live stock enough to begin operation on an agreement to pay (or the (arm within ten years. i i m No whnrge for Collecting Checks. By Exclusive Wire Irom The Assoclsttd Press. Philadelphia, Jan. 8.-Tlie Philadelphia Clear, tng House association lias decided lor the pres ent to mtablisli bo Charge tot collecting checks in other cities. TO REMOVE FROM PEKIN Some of the Subiccts ot Interna tlonal Negotiation Mail Be Taken to Washington. SUGGESTION OF CONGER Better Progress Likely to Result if the Deliberations of Foreigners Aro Eemovod from Local Influ ences The Empress Dowager Still Exerting Her Influence Against Acceptance of the Demands ot tha Powers. By nxclusho Wire dom The Associated Vnm. Washington, Jan. 8. Tho negotia tions which have been pending for somo time, relative to tho removal from Pekln ot some ot the subjects of International negotiations, so that they could bo taken up nt Washington or at tho capital of ono of tho other pow ers, have now advanced to a stago where there Is promise of a satisfac tory understanding among the powori on this move. The plan originated through a suggestion of Minister Con ger, cabled about a week ago, to the effect that there was little prospect of securing united action on tho subject of Indemnity and of new commercial treaties with China, Mr. Conger sug gested that better progress in the ne gotiations were likely to result If these two phases could be removed from Pe kln and taken up nt some point en tirely removed from local Influences. Mr. Conger's Idea met with favorable consideration here, and tho suggestion was mode to the other powers Inter- I.. HIiIh. 41.n. .t-A. VMntfMM 1? f.t.l esevu in vwiiiiei. uitit. cue 11111.111:1 wi jiii- nese? lndemnltv nnd of commercial . treaties bo taken up at Washington 01 at one of- the other capitals. In, exe cutlng this plan, it has been the pur pewo to assume an tnternutlrthat com' musion which could pass on all quel tlotm of Indemnity, both among them sijlveH and aa aif.iltist China. It would bt In tho inaln-'a conference among the powers, although It Is expected that Chlnet-e eiivoyn would bo lmi'ed to participate after the procOMlugs reach a stage where unity of anion among the powers was aasured. . The stateV''fpurtmcivt "ns. received! nomo of tho povvom 'ou this propoST thin. There apyorius lo be no n:ki. anticipate uerlous opposition to tlw transfer, us most of the powers have appreciated the obstacles at PeWiti In tln way of an agreement, on the tb jcetit of indemnity nnd conimn Ul treaties. Conpor Confirms .Reports. Minister Connor was luaid from day In a cablegram to the state de partment. The text of tho dispatch was not given outj but It was mado known, that In substance, Mr. Conger confirmed recent press reports to the effect that there was reason tt be lieve that tho empress dowager was exerting her Influence against tho ac ceptance of the demands submitted by the powers. It is the feeling among officials here that the Influence Mill wielded by tho empress dowagpr may . lead to serious complications In enso v she seeks to bring to a halt the nego tiations now pending. The powers, by stating their demands to bo Irrevoca ble, -made them practically an ulti matum and while a refusal to sign by China would not result in a declara tion of war to enforce tho demands there would be a prolonged occupancy of Pekln and thl9 might lead to fresh complications threatening to tho In tegrity of the Chinese empire. The United States government Is seeking to Insist upon the signing of the treaty by tho Chinese envoys, on tho ground that they presented credentials cloth ing them with complete authority to act without the necessity of first sub mitting their acts to the imperial court for approval. Based on these credentials, Minister Conger and tho other ministers at Pekln are urging that the envoys should sign without reference to the attltudo of tho court, and In caso tho signatures aro given they will be ac cepted as a complete expression of the will of tho Chinese government. ARIZONA KNOCKING. Delegates from Territory Present Ar guments in Eavor of Statehood. By Exclushe Wire (rom The Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 8. Governor Slurphy and delegates Wilson, o( Ailsona, were heard by the houso remmltteo on territories today In lavor o( the bill fcr tho admission ol Arizona aa a state. Each presented an elaborate argument. Delegate Wilson used tho figures of the present census and mado a strong showing for state hood for the territory. Tho committee took no action today and tho general opinion Is that no action will lo taken at this session. But It the bill for tho admission ol Arizona is reported It will ties accompanied by bills lor tho admlsston ol Oklahoma and New Mexico. Assistant District Attorney Arrested. By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Press. Altoona, Jan. 8. Ex-Asdslant Attorney Stm. uel A. McNcal, an attorney ol this city, wbs suddenly disappeared several months ago. utt arrested at Norlolk, Ya., yesterday it the re quest of Chief ot Police SectJenburg. JIcNeal Ii wanted here for conspiracy, forgery and embei. zelment. Peedenburr rill leave tomorrow (or Norfolk to bring hlm back. Meeting ot Zionists. By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Preu. Berlin, Jan. 8. A large nesting of Zionist held today voted to rail a national Jewish con gress (or tho protection ol tho Hebrew inUresta, t -t- WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Jan. 8. Forecast far east 4- em rsHBtyUaaUl Fair Wednssdsyi 4. winds becoming norihv-Ysloriyi brisk' on 4- tha totntl Thursday (sir. tolder, 4. t -t't4-t-t'ttt44--t-t-ft-t'4J