The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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fpsclst In Hie Peranton Tribune.
Montrose, Jan. " Mrs. A. XV. Lyons
Is visiting relatives In Now York city.
Mis"? Lcnu. Denel, of Little Meadowa,
ltaa boon spendlnrr a. tuv day at the
liome of la-r friend, Allsa Annie Ilrow
stor. In this place.
Hanford Mulford and Franz Mack
were tlio guests of friends In Scranton
Inst week.
Mrs. J. D. Vail has leturnoil from
New Haven, Conn., where for several
month! ho has been tho truest of her
old friend, Mrs. Isaac ltlley.
Norman Stewart nnd Proprietor
Heist, of the Sterllnff, came U from
Wllkea-I!arru on Thursday to fish
throuRh the lee on Tripp lake.
Mrs. "VV. XV. Smith, of Forest Lnke,
wns In town on Monday.
Mr. D. H. Coon had a very tine horse
die on Sunday.
Mrs. J. B. McCollum went to Phila
delphia on Monday, where he will
spend the winter.
Samuel Smith has been visiting
friends hero tho past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Shepherd re
turned to Wllkes-Uam on Wednes
day, after spending tho holidays In
this place.
Eben Flummerfelt, who haa been
lendlng tho holidays here, returned to
Scranton on Monday.
Arthur Faucher has returned to
Dickinson college.
Arthur Harrington lias resumed hla
sturllps In tho Scranton Business col
lege, after a short vacation.
Sadie and Will Barron, of South
Montrose, are ngaln attending school
In this place.
.Mist Cora Marriott Is attending
school, after spending some time with
1 datives.
A. P. Scott had a valuable cow die
Inst week, caused by a vein bursting.
Henry Burgesa is out again, after his
r fine nt illness.
Mrs. Luvlna Stark will go to Illinois,
where she Intends to spend the winter.
Clarence A. Dawley has returned to
Cornell university, where ho will re
Hume his studies.
Arlington Thompson and Miss Leila
Spenoo were united in marriage at the
African Methodist Episcopal Zlon
church In this place, Wednesday. Rev.
B. P. Wheeler, presiding elder of Ith
aca, officiated.
i The county committee met at the
fourt house on Monday. There was a
full attendance from every district,
and much Important business was
transacted. They endorsed Tiffany and
Hill In their work done at Harrlsburg.
At the annual mooting of the Lacka
wanna and Montrose Railroad com
pany, Thursday, the follolwng officers
were elected: President, E. E. Loomls;
secretary, P. E. Chambers; directors,
-I. W. Fowler, Samuel Sloan, W. II.
Tiuesdale. Fred S. Chambers, T. E.
Clark, E. M. nine. J. F. Snyder, W. H.
Jessup, W. O. Parke, J. R. Cooley, W.
1). Lusk and O. A. Gilbert. A detailed
loport of tho company's condition was
not given, owing to tho Illness of Mr.
chambers. A partial report shows that
tho company's exchequer contains a
balance of J16.000, $7,000 of which haa
accrued In the lost eleven months. The
company's prospects are very bright.
The annual meeting of the Susque
hanna County Agricultural society will
be held at the court house In this place
on Saturday next, January 12.
The famous PIsk Jubilee Singers will
appear at Village hall on Thursday
evening, January 17.
Mrs. Anna M. Cox and son, XV. C.
Coy, were present on Wednesday at
the marriage of C. II. Cox to Miss
Mabel Reynolds, of Factoryville, which
occurred nt Hotel Arlington, Blngham
ton, Rev. J. W. Phillips officiating.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Jan. 7. John Hltks, of
Warren, Ohio, is visiting his brother-in-law,
George Coles.
Frederick E. Reynolds, of Scranton,
epent Sunday here.
Following are tho new officers of
Forest City conclave of Heptasophs:
Archon, Charles Rehbun; provost, J.
Four Ministers
Tell of Magleal KMUlts Brought About
in Burning, lulling, Binding Skin
1 Trtoblis by Or. Chato't Ointment.
Dr. Chan's Olatsnent draws more praise
from raialaters. physicians and lawyers than
ny other Medietas in the world. It Is en
dorsed by every profession.
Bxtraots rem their Letters.
Rev. W. N. Edwards, Baptist minister,
aoo Trinity Plaee, Buffalo. N. Y., writes.
"For over fifteen years the Itching piles
have been a source of coastant annoyaice to
me, and frequently, too, the suffering has
become intense. At times there was bleed
ing and the itehiag and burning was beyond
endurance. The results I have derived from
Dr. Chase's Ointment have been magical and
the benefits lasting. I feel It a duty to fel
low sufferers to recommend it."
Rev. T. N. Van Natter, Methodist mini.
ter, Albion, Wis,, writes'
"My wife was terribly afflicted with pro
truding piles and contemplated a surgical
operation when her notice was drawn to Dr.
Chase's Ointment, and less than one bos
fleeted a cure."
"I then used It for an nasightly and
troublesome skin affection, which had battled
medical skill for twenty.five years. Dr.
Chase's Ointment thoroughly cured it. For
Eiles and skia disease it Is worth its weight
i gold."
Rer. J. A. Baldrrla, Baptist minister,
rVrkona, Ont,, writes
" For over twenty yes I was a great suf
ferer from Itching and protruding piles. I
ised many remedies and underwent three very
Mlnful surgical operations, atl without
tbtalning any permanent benefit. When
ibout to give up In despair I was told to use
Dr. Chase's Ointment and did so, finding
relief at once. I used three boxes, and am
entirely cured. The Itching is all gone. I
have advised others to use It, believing it
would cure them as it has me."
Rev. Chas. Fish, Methodist minister, los
Dunn avenue, Toronto, Ont., writes;
"Ten years ago eczema began on my ears
and spread over my head ana hands. Dur.
Ing that time I wai a great suflcier. I tried
many remedies, and some of the bestphisl.
dans specialists on skin diseases treated
me. The first box of Dr. Chase's Ointment
gave much relief and Cue boxes completely
cured me I think my cure a marvel, nnd
gladly recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment."
Jijt as nod for every form of skin
trouble, no matter how long str-ndlng. 50
cents a box all dealers or Or. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. I.iiffih, ;,'. y
G. Woscottj prelate, O. P. Peasnall!
secretary, Henry Box; financier, Chns.
Arnold; conductor, T. L. Jones; war
der, John Meddloton; sentinel, J. R.
Budd; trustee, Dr. Dwyer; treasurer,
S. E. Bonham; representative to su
premo convention, J. C. Watres.
Miss Emma Atkinson, of Scranton, Is
visiting relatives In town.
Yesterday wis the day on which all
readers In the Book club should start
the books on their Journey round the
circle. Did yours get under way?
Morning service will be held In Christ
church each Sunday hereafter nt 10.30
o'clock. The hour for Sunday school
has been changed from 2 o'clock to 12
o'clock, Immediately after service. An
effort will be made within the next
three months to clear oft tho church
debt, which now amounts to less than
one hundred and fifty dollars.
RomarkableExperfence of a Descend
ant of the Famous "Pool" Tribe
Who Deserted His Cavalry.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, Jan. 7. Tho Towundu Ar
gus prints the following which will In
terest all who are acquainted with the
notorious "Pool" nation, of which tho
Heemans are descendants:
"Reuben Hceman, horse thief, bur
glar, army deserter, and all-around
crook, was brought from Wavcrly on
Friday night by Deputy Marshal Hoi
Ion nnd taken to New York Sunday
night, where ho will serve it, term of
two years and seven months on Gover
nor's Island, for deserting from Troop
L, Eighth cavalry, In Cuba last March.
Heernnn tells the following story: He
enlisted two years ago last March ut
Blnghamton with his two brothers and
was soon transferred to Cuba. Last
Mnrch ho and threo others deserted
and traveled 150 miles through the for
ests of Cuba, when two of his compan
ions were captured by the rural police,
when Reuben took to the woods and
made his escape. He was afterwards
caught In a small town and after two
months' Imprisonment In Moro castle,
Santiago, he and thirteen others were
sentenced to two years and seven
months in Fort Columbus, Governor'a
Island, N. Y. A few days before the
transport arrived to convey them
north, Heoman and a companion es
caped from the castle, changed their
clothes and went to work for the gov
ernment as teamsters at $40 per month.
Working six weeks and getting his
pay, he went to Havana, got a certifi
cate of good health under the name of
Prank Kaufman, sailed to New York,
arriving at Elmlra on Dec. 11, 1900.
The old longing for chickens took pos
session of him and with his youngest
brother, Fred, and two brothers named
Storms, they organized a poultry asso
ciation. The police took a hand and
arrested his brother Fred and tho two
brothers Storms, but Reuben again
made his escape. Friday, Erie Detect
ive Charles E. Grldley, of Waverly, ar
rested him at the Erie depot, Waverly,
on suspicion of the chicken deal of El
mlra, and telephoned to Officer Hollon,
who Immediately Intervnewed Mr.
Kaufman, who turned out to be the
much-sought-after Reuben Heeman.
He Immediately aeknowlplinxi Vita
Identity and the fact that he wob a
deserter. He stated that Cuba was a
nice country, that you could get or
anges, bananas, etc. an armful for
Ave cents, but mournfully exclaimed,
"Guy, I didn't nee a huckleberry while
I was there; they don't grow down
there like they do here.' Heeman has
served three years from this county foi
burglary and three years ago stole a
horse In Michigan, one In Ohio nnd two
wagons, and with a companion brought
them here, omcer Hollon found me
owners and Reuben settled with u two
nnd a half year term in Jackson, Mich.,
prison. His brother, Francis, who has
also deserted from Cuba.and once from
Port SlocUm, N. Y., and his brother,
Henry, who has deserted twice this
year by swimming the bay from Fort
Slocum, nre both now on Governor's
Island, awaiting the arrival of Reu
benFrancis, with a term of four
years staring him In tho face. His
brother, Fred, Is wanted hero for cat
burglary as soon as he gets through
with the chicken deal In Elmlra. Reu
ben Is the tenth deserter Officer Hol
lon has landed this year, also four
counterfeiters In Allegheny peniten
tiary." HONESDALE.
SpecUl to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdalc. Jan. 7. Hon. 1.. r,'nrHi
enma up from Harrlsburg to spend
sunuay wuii his ramilr.
Mr. Xenas H. Russell returned today
to Highland Military academy, Wor
cester, Mass., after spending tho holi
days with his parents, Mr. and Sirs.
Henry Z. Russell.
There will be special services In the
Piesbyterlan chapel en.ali evening this
week, except Saturday.
Six young ladles and seven young
gentlemen were confirmed ut Grace
Episcopal church yesterday morning,
by Rt. Rev. Bishop Talbot, who con
ducted the services during the day
and evening.
A four-horse omnibus took arace
church choir to White Mills viitr,iri
afternoon, to attend the services con
ducted there by Bishop Talbot and
Rev. James P. Ware.
The next attraction at the Opera
house will be Prank Adams, In the
peerless trick comedy, "Uncle Hez," in
three acts full of fun, new tricks and
Messrs. Scheiiek & Vurco, the Main
street grocerB, have dissolved partner
ship. Mr. Vnrco will continue the busi
Special to the Scranton Tlibunr.
New Mllford, Jan. ". Mro, I), w.
Hager U entertaining her daughter,
Miss Jennie Itosenrruuts, of Blngham
ton. The Ladies' MIsMonary noclely will
meet at tho home of Mrs, L. W.
lliundago on Wednesday afternoon ut
a o'clock.
The Women's ClitlHtlnn Temperance
union will hold a meeting nt the home
of Mrs. IT. B. Olllett, on Thursday af
ternoon. Misses Bortlm nnl Rerirudu ilellnvv,
of ninghnmtdn, and Maurice Bcllew, of
Niw York, havo tif it vMtlnsr tholr
Scranton Savings Bank,
120-122 Wyoming Avenue.
Dec. 31, 1805.
Loans 9 727,580 48
Mortgages and Judg
ments 09,350 00
Heal Estate, Furniture
and fixtures 20,017 01
Bonds 30:4,827 50
Cash on Hand and In
Bank 121,083 71
$1,308,304 70
Dec. 31, 1805.
Capital Stock S 100,000 00
Surplus 100,000 00
Undivided Profits . . . 16,807 30
Deposits 1,002,557 31
1 ?1,308,304 70 ) 82,148,247 70
Paid Interest to Depositors, five years $178,000.00
Paid Dividends to Stockholders, five years $50,000.00
Paid Interest to Depositors for the year igoo $44,300.00
J6FWe Invite the public to become profit sharers with us-3u
President. Cashier.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bellow,
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. David Van Busklrk re
cently visited friends nt Thompson.
Miss Bessie Shelp left last week for
Mansflold.where she will attend school.
Miss Ellen Fagan and Mrs. Peter
Dale attended the funeral of a friend,
at Montrose, last Wednesday.
Miss Lettlo Woodhouse returned on
Monday from Dlmock, where she has
been spending her holiday vacation.
Mrs. D. B. Iteploglo and daughter.
Mildred, of Scranton, spent Saturday
with Mrs. Replogle'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. V. Trumbull.
The Best Cold Curs
is one you can take without Interrup
tion to business. One that does not
effect the head or hearing like the con
tlnued use of quinine. One that cures
speedily and leaves you feeling fresh
and clear-headed. Such a one Is
Krause's Cold Cure. Price 23c. Sold
by Matthews Bros.
Wednesday Sousn's band. Matinee.
Thursday Burke's V.ittdcv-llle. Matinee.
Friday and Saturday "The Village Postuiai
tr." Academy.
First 'Ihrce Dajs "Side Tucked "
last Three Da) "Human Heart."
"The Parish Priest."
For the second time tills ec-awn "The Tamil
Priest," Daniel L. Hart's delightful play, vvm
presented at the Lyceum last night by a com
pany headed by Dinlcl Sully. The audience was
lar;;e and received the play with cvtry manifes
tation of appreciation and iHI;it. Mr, Hart
came up frcm Wll':esDarre to witness the Per
formance and after the second ait was c.illul
before the curtain and made one of h(4 charac
teristic speeches in which he referred to hi"
pride at having hi play receive- such splen
did reception In Scranton,
The company which supported Mr. Sully Is
different In tome reseects Irom the one v.hlch
was with him earlier In the season but It U
more evenly balanced and last nifjlit's perform
ance was it anything superior to that given
earlier in the season.
Mr. Hart hat Jut completed a melodianu
which will be a revelation In that revolver,
knhed and the otlur pariphi'malia of th mod
ern melodrama b distinctly eschewed. It will
have its But production in tliN iil next
"Side Tracked."
A. 0. bcjminon'g own company pi evented
"side Tracked," a railroad comedy drama, at
the Academy of Music but eienlnir. to an over
flow In house. The play Itself U rare to plcu-c
the Academy patrons and with tho tpiclaltici
included should draw immense erowiU during
their engagement in this city.
lhe plot of the piece in htronidy u-usulloiul
anl thrillintr. Many specialties are Introduced
by tho JU(lclllo mcnihcM of the company who
mult 1 scu'rnl new and talrhv sot's. A new
departure In the way of stillng a play would bo
to term "Side Tracked'' "A Farce Coined
Drama." The piece will be presented the lirst
half of tills week, "Human Heart." to lollow-.
Sousa Band Tomorrow.
It w.11 luincthlt.g lu the r.aluie of an aitLik
iiunilvi to the musically knowing ones of llurope
to tlnd that dcaplsed mllllaiy baud was
capable, when under the dominating impulse of
master mind like John Philip Souu, of per
fectly itimulating the cuYcU of the utrlng or
chestia and of giving thoroughly tdtltfactory and
artlftlc pcrtoinuncitf of tho (.Teat muilcal
work that hate never before lieeii legarded uv
possible military band literature. Tho Cologne,
Cur many, VolUblalt In this connection runaiked
that "although brans bandt for general artUtlc
purposes ate Icmi acrtlceablc than tiring orches
tras owing tn inevitable limitations, It may be
averted that this deficiency Is overcome an
much at possible by the Sou band. The mott
delicate passage aro plased with baflllng light
ness and MiiootlrneM ami all the musicians are
so ceitaln in thilr work that there is 11 ur
the slightest deviation from tone quality,"
In tho eourso of lib great concert tour, which
embraces M dlrteient cities of this country,
Sousa will bring his great band here for two
concerts at the I.sccum on Wednesday afternoon
and evening, .Ian. 0, with Illancho Duffleil, so
prano, aoid Oertha Ducklln, violinist-, as soloists.
A tpeclal matinee will be given at 2.S0 p, ni,
Vivacious Vaudeville.
The next entertainment of tho Hurt. Vaude
ville Festival embraces a programme of rare at
tractlvcne. It Is the endeavor of Manager
flnrke to secure the best talent that ran be
engaged and for tins purpon he spare no cu
peine. He uiidcltanU that vaudeville must bo
present! d by artists, people of high reputation
and expel ieuce vvilh new and bright ads, This
gives to tlio performoncn that freshness and
flavor which commends them to the ploy-goers
and establishes a leputatlon for the festivals.
Among lln.e who come to lhe L) renin on next
Thursday afternoon and evening arc Mr, and
Mrs. IMward llmnoude In a plajetto lint U pm
tlcularly lulglit, omuilng and sparkling, Mr.
Ktmond Is an lutor of distinguished 1 cumin,
while Mrs. Fsmonde lun wvn lhe hlghl his.
Irluilc lionet 1. Hi- is a woman of ImnrcMiie
pmniul ih-inns that add Much to her stx'ilal
work. There .lie nnnv ether tis In the 10m
blnatloti all '.I v-hnu make up a constellation
as brilliant .1 atttjdlw,
A tperUI baig.iln dty trutlmr will be given nt
2.10 p. in,. 81 irnts, icticrveil ttt to any pail
of lioiife, am) ihlldien 1,1 tents In any psrt nt
lh I iV'Ji'.
Deo. 31, 1000.
Loans SI, 101,023 00
Mortgages and Judg
ments 30,555 67
Heal Estate, Furniture
and Fixtures ..... 50,000 00
Bonds 601,705 00
Revenue Stamps .... 825 88
Cash on Hand and in
Banks 214,047 58
82,148,247 70
Dec. 31, 1000.
Capital Stock 8 100,000 00
Surplus 200,000 00
Undivided Profits. ... 11,318 80
Deposits 1,830,028 03
"The Village Postmaster."
"The Village 1'ewtmastcr," one of the most
aucccssful plaja of the past decade, which met
with such an extraordinary degree of popular
favor In New York during lit long run at the
Fourteenth street theater, will visit this city
and be seen at the Lyceum Friday night, Satur
dty afternoon and night. It b the production
of 3, Wesley Itoscnquest, manager of the Four
teenth street theater, New York, where the play
had Its origin and where It ran for 22 nights.
The original production, company, etc., will be
een here. The company b headed by Archlo
Doyd, long and favorably known from hb con
nection with "The Old Homestead"' nd "Shore
Acres. A delightful ihsracteibtlc of "The Vil
lage 1 osltuaater" b the quvlnt costume of forty
odd years ago and the beautiful stage picluroa
true to life and nature in every detail. The
scenes of "The Village Postmaster" are laid In
a quiet Jfcw Hampshire town in 18Ji
Included in the company b MLss Angela litis
soli, a joung actres of unusual ability, whose
excellent impersonation of Miranda, the Post
master's daughter, lias been very highly com.
Stock Quotations.
The following quotations are furnished The
Tribune by M. ?. Jordan A. fjo,, rooms 70;-708
Heara building, Ftranton, Pa. Telephone MM:
Open- High- Low. Clos
ing, est. est. Ing
American Sugar 1.17?, 111 KiV, 137i
American Tuhirco ...1M'2 lll3 112J4 111',
Am. S. i V ; 4414 11.3 4314
Atch., To. & S. Fe .... 4G4 47,,, 41i 47';
A., T. & S. F.. Pr is bu! s-fi?; S-m,
Drooklyn Traction .... s.t s.1 wi, St';
Halt. A Ohio BO !4 SOU ni"J
Cont. Tobacco 41'J 42 41 H&ji
Cites. & Ohio JH; 11?; n 41
Chic. Ic C. W 1(,' 17 lU'i Id;
Chic, II. & O. U3J4 14'i 1IJ UU
St. Paul US 101i 15111 15SS1
Itock Island 123',-j 12sai 122 12',iv4
Delaware & Hudson ....138 14s 1'ie 111
Lackawanna lul mjaj i:nt(, n;
Federal Steel .15 05 CV.i Hi's
Fedtral Steel, Pr 7di 7ilU 70 70
Kan. It lex., Vr 418 43 I1' tC
Louis, k Nash b77i eM-j M',i 7
Manhattan Ulc 114 113'; 11.1 114,
Met. Traction Co lCI'i 1G$, lOj'i lC7i
Missouri Pacific 7Ji TTJa 73Ni "oij
People's Oas 101V4 Mi mm 10.1',
N. J. Central 1.17 117 110'i J .17
Southern Pacific 4li 41 4t 42',-
Noifolk .V Western .... ll'i 4lVj 4IV6 4IV
North. Pacific h" Si MR4 S7
North. Pacific, Pr xs'i H7- SM'.
ti. Y, Central Ul'l l luiJ ill
Ont & Wot :ila JDSg i "js(
Penna. It. It 131 132 llv'4 111i
Pacific Mall 4l'i 4li II, 4lai
Heading 3rt ,"U S.)Si 33''.
Heading, Pr 7.1 71 "?. 7!a
Southern II. H aie; 23 21?s S-!',
twuthem 11. 11., Pr .... 72 7I,4 7I 7.1
Teiin,, C. tc Iron bi 0'i 5.1 .W
U. fi. Ivthcr 11'i 1J', lJtj 111."
U .S. Leather, Pr .... 7f, 77's iiifc. 77's
tf. S. Itublier 223s 2.1'i 214 2J'i
Union Pacific Mi S2T; vis; fits;
Ulnon Pacific, Pr &3i St 3 KIVJ
Wabash, Pr if, so vii; "il;
Wcteni t nlon s.i tu"i W f!
nkw yobk pRonrn: r.xciiANGi: pnicr.
Open- High- Low- Pies-
WIIIIAT. Ing. est. et. Ing.
March S3'i S.1"; S24 R"V-
May til S4U 3 8.1
May 4l; 41'; il 4l'i
Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Far of 100.
First National Hunk
Scranton Savings llanl;
Third National Dank
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank .
Kconomy Light, II, & P. Co
Licka. Tiust rule Dt posit Co
Clark 1 Suuver Co, I'r
Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Axle Works ,,.,,
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.
County Savings Hank U Trust Co..
First National Bank (Carbondale)..
Standard Drilling Co
Traders' National Hank
Scranton Holt and Nut Co
Scranton Piustnger Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1W0
Piople's Street lttllwa), first mort
gage, due 101S
People's Street Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1921
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Towndilp School .1 per cent.
City of Scranton St. Imp. G per
Scranton 'It action 0 per tent
Bid. Askei
12 W
I'iO . .
2111 . .
121 ...
. . 20
113 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by 11. O. Dtle, 7 Lackawanna Ave)
Butter Creamery, 2la25c.
Kggs Select western, Sic; nearby state, 31c
Cheese Full cream, new, 12c.
Beans Per bu,, choice rmrrow, $2.30.
Onions 00s. per bu.
Flour Ue.t patent, $l.G0.
New York Grain and Produce.
Sew York, Jan. ".Flour Inactive but
chetked by the sharp afternoon diop In wheat;
quotations were nominally unchanged. Wheat
CK1 quiet; No. 2 red, 82?4. f. o. b. afloat; No.
a red, Sl',ic. elevator; No. 1 northern Lniluth,
87 (lc f, o, b. alloat; options opened steady mid
quiet working later into a feverish inaikrt. In
the late afternoon a heavy break occurred, rlnseil
weak at Via'ic. net loss; January closed Sllic.j
March, S2Hc; Mav, Wc. .Com Spot firm; No.
2, 47c. elevator and 47ijr. 1. o, b, ufloat; options
ilrm ull day but broke finally am eloiecl steady
nt );c. net advance: January cloned l.lHc. : ilay,
41',ic. Outs Spot quiet; No. 2, 29o.; No, ,t,
2HSH', No. 2 white, S2',Cc: No. while. 32c;
track mixed weMcin, 2tJ',sa30c. ; trad; white. ,il
n3.1c. ; options slow- hut aleadr, llultir Will,
but not quotablv lower; creamer', 1723c: Ijc
lory, Malic; Juno creamery, itVji'rc,; Imita
tion crcamciy, llallvc.; state dairy, l$a2Jc.
C'liec-c Flint; fancy large fall made, lliall',;o. ;
fancy sniatl fall nude, ll'iSlJc, Fggs Steady;
sin 1 1- and Pemtstlvuiila, 2tU2iJ-. western aver,
aged packed, 22a20c; western, Iom iff, 7v.
Pliilndelphla Qrnin and Produce.
Philadelphia, Jan, T. Wheat Uc. lovvei) con
tuct irrade, January, 0?4a77c. Corn Finn,
lie higher; No. 2 mixed January, 434at1)ie.
Oals Firm and ',jc. higher; N'n. 2 white clipped,
Kl'iaSIHc Flour-I'm hanged. Butter (jutet
bu. steady; fancy western ereamery, 23c; do.
). tints, iik. Ken Ii.tll and Jc, lower; fresh
naeiby, SOr-.j do, western, 2flo.; do. southwest
ern, 2fic: do. Boulhein, 23c. Cheese Firm; New
York full c tea ms Isnry small, ll'islSc.l do, do,
do fslr to choice, lft'jnllljc Hi nits fiugsrs .
W"MM"""" ' "I,MWM''"''MMW""WWWM"M
Ladies9 jflmisMe Umiderwear
White Goods aed Umemis
Laces aed Eimlbroideries
Haodkerohiefs aed Apromis
ilee's White Shirts aed Gloves
Don't Miss
Jonas Lonnir's
It's an event well known to the people of this city and
surrounding country. It's an event waited for twice every
year. It's a Clearing Sale in every sense of the word.
What's left of our Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits and Over
coats placed on second floor must be cleared out before the
new Spring Goods arrive.
The Manager of
Our Children's Department
And his assistants have marked down prices on Boys' Suits
and Novelties. This morning everv Suit and Overcoat will
have a big slice of their original price knocked off.
Samter Brothers
Ten points liiislur; povvdeicd, $3.,0; cubes, j.S"i,
irown , 5.)-. granulated and biystjl A, f3.t0;
rbiifectioncri,' A, t-5.Ui; No. 1, $.-i down tu
hi flu or No. 10. Cotton Uncli msed Tallcw -Klnn;
city prime In hogsheads, U.i tommy
inline, in barrel, 4Via3'.. ! cakes, G'lc Live
Poultry ulct but utrudy; fowls. t-.ilUc ; old
HHMteia. Tc. i chickens. 8-4al0c: ducks, llilict
KCiv-c, n.UOo.; turl.ijs, UulUc. DiesseU Poultry
I'liiii. Rood demand;, choice, liVialOc;
do, fair to eood, Do,; i.c-atb.v chickens, lual'Jc ,
western do., Salic; turkeys, choico to fancy,
10il2c; ducks. ;iUc. llecelpts Klour, 4,(100
liarreLs and 3,8'iO,0W pound In sacks; wheat, is,
000 bushels; corn, 11S.U0O bushels; oats, .W
barrels, shipments Wheat, fll.ODU bmliels; iom,
7,000 bushels; oats, 12,000 bushels.
Chicago Live Stock Mnrkot.
ChlcaRO, Jan. 7. Cattle llecelpts, lfl.OOi), in
tlitdlnit ,00 Tetans; choice strong, others) slow;
butchers' stock and Tcxai.s steady; irool tn
prime steers, 3.23aii.l0; poor tu medium, M.'&a
fi.SOl stocken und feeders, bcshI to choice
monger, IfJ.OOal.tO; cows. ?J03j1,23; heifers,
K2.73a4.7A; lanncis, Ws-.u); bulls, tJ.S3al.lj;
ijIvm, flafl,23: Texas led steers, ?tal.H0; Tesis
itrass steers, f3,S0;v.10; Texas bulls, f&GOa&'sl.
IIok. Receipts tenia, a",fXt; toiuonow, 33,(JiJ0;
climated lelt over, 3,000; active, 10c. hlKlur;
top, j,40; mixed and butchers, j.VtJ.IUj kooiI to
chloco heavy, $3.15a3.IO; routh heavy, i,'uj.l0,
llsht, S.U0i3.3iVi; bulk of sales, if3.l3a3.A),
Hhcq llec clpts, iiJ.OOO; sheep stimly to 10c.
lower; lambs, I0.il3c. lower; Rood to choice
wethers, t3.73al.70; filr tn choice mixed, -2. I0a
ll.Hl; western alteep, f0.73al UO; Teas sheep,
SJ.30a.1.nO; native lambs, ta3.73; wcstein lambs,
Chicago Qrniu and Produce.
Uihcaajo, Jan. ".Speculative fever ran ilot In
ner.tly nil of tho trraln and provision markets
today and trailing was the heaviest In xome time,
A ttronit reallzlnir movement broke wheat bad!)
near the end of tho swloii, May closlntc at a
decline of 1 Vial He (!orn held part of an early
mliance, closing ',c. hlahcr; oats advanced Mr.,
mid piovl.lons (IcmchI SV-jC hleheito 10c. lower,
the decline being In pork, Cash quolatlon.1 wtre
n sfollowst Klour Steady; No. .1 spring wlteit,
70H"3c; No. 2 red, 7(ia78Hr.j No, 2 corn, 37V4
a3c-.l No. 3 jrllowr, 37VJ"37ic-.l No. 2 oals, W,
JiJC! No. S white, 2U'4aS7le. ; So. S rye.
W'ic; barley, 43s52c; No. 1 flav, fl V); No, I
Tomorrow Wednesday
And Everything in White
Clearing Sale
Scranton's Leading Outfitters.
riuilliwest, ifl.37al.iiO; pork. MX 70 1 1.1.75; lard.
A7 17'8a7.20; ribs, ftUOaTOj: sliouhleH, 3'ia
l.'.c ; sides, $7 40a7.30i whiskey, tl 37
New York Live Stock.
New York, Jan. 7. Beeves Steers and bulls,
stradr; cows, lower; sleeps, -.lAi'j 33: oxen
and sHirs, (l.3ilat,C(); stockers, ,30 ! bulls, la
4; coivs, l.h(U4. Calves Veals, steady; barn
jjtii calves, lrun; veals. $3aS CO; bjinjird
calves, $.1.23.14;' yearlings, W.8.'a3.25. Sheep and
I.tmbs, hlKhcr; -liccp, Mil. 30; lambs, fil.TO;
C'dnada lstnUs, M,30. Hoes Maedy at $3.10i
East Liberty Stock aVrukat.
.'jt Liberty, Jan. 7. Cuttle Steady; extra,
3 50.i3.70; prime, $ common, e-J.i
3.73. Hoi;j Active; best mediunu -mil good
oYrkei, VtAWt.Ui; heavy boss, fj.40a3 45; pigs,
$3 83J3.40; roughs, I.73a5, Sheep Illcher;
(hotcc lambs, S3.7'u0; common to good, $lu3.30;
veal call en, (723a7.73,
Oil Maiket.
Oil lll.v, .Ijii 7. Credit bnlances. J 2,i; ier-tllicale-s,
t.2(i bid: sales, P,0iY bariels at tjl.!1);
shipments, 1111,324 luirels; average, 103,0TS bar
rels; mas, 32,nod bariels; average, V),53l bar
rels, Deafness Cnnnot Be Cured
hv local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. Tltero Is only ont
way to lure- deafness, and that Is by coiutltu
tlonal remedies. lKaineM is csumiI by an In
llamed condition of the inueous lining ef the
Kustaihlaii Tube. Whcii this tube. Is inflamed
vuu have u tumlilliiK sound or Imperfect hearing,
and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the le.
suit, and uiiIcm ths Inflammation can be taken
out and this tubo rcstoied to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten aro caused by Catarrh, which it
nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous
turf aces'.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness (caused by rutarrh) that cannot be
cured by Hall's CaUrrh Cure, Send for circulars,
F, J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c,
llsll's Family I'll Is are ths bsst "
t- -- iif" IMHII,!
One Night to,
Denver .
Chicago at 10 every morning via
Chicago-Union Pacific & North -Wtsttrn
Line; arrive Denver 1,20 next after,
noon and Colorado Springs and Manltou
tume evening. No change of cart', all
meals in dining cars. Another fast
train at 10.30 p. m. dally. New book,
Colorado Illustrated, mailed on receipt
of four cents postage. Call on any agent
for tickets or address
441 BitUttit. Mm Urk,
001 CiM'tat.,rl7at'sfJW
iiSVlutt,, . ClMlmtll
107 t mHhf Id It., HIM,r,
iJ Stinrttr St Cltntahi
irCasiss Wsrflst, D.trtlt
3 IVaiS.jUs St., Bsstea
SOI Main ft., Ktfue
212 Clark it., . Csssge
The DIcksBn Manufacturing C.
fc.oranton and WllkvUrr, raw
vilnufoturers of
Boiler. Hol'tHngaim Pumping Machlnts-y.
' Otnerl oiBcf tnutoa, R
ljk . - L 'J.
. , J. i