The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 08, 1901, Image 1

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tBKPfr3aMBplBPWBi tTE!i MlsssUES S0j r
Testlmonu ls.Hcard In the Case o!
Booz and Bretli, Victims o!
West Point Hoodlums.
A Tout Mate of Booz Describes His
Persecution at the Military Acad
emy Tho Case of John Broth, of
Altoona, Is Taken Up Evidence
Indicating That His Death Re
sulted from Effects of Tortures In
flicted by the Hazers.
By Kxilutive Who from Th Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Jan. 7. The congres
sional Inquiry Into tlvb charges that
Cadets I3oo7. and 13rcth were brutally
hnssed at West Point was resumed here
Anthony Burnhnm.of Fiankfc , Ky
Hook's tentmnto, was tho llrst
culled. Ho said hu had asked
tent with liim when thi we
tor. to
camp m July, 1S98. no roanu iJooz a
nice sort of young man and up to tho
standard of other cadets. Tho older
cadets made a Rood deal of fun of Booz
on account of his name. The tinner
II class men and a c&Met named Bcttlson
II . I.. nt,...i.... n.. t ..i.i 1 i
111 I'tii 1.;UIU1 , 1)111 Illlillll Mllll. (MllfllM
now cadets to do various things to see
if the new men would obey them. Dooz
did some of the things asked of htm,
but Anally refused to do others, believ
ing tho thli .class men were only try
lug to harass Mm.
Hurnha"' said Booz, like all other
fourth class men, was always tired out
Uv tho severe routine of camp.
Burnhnm Kald that Keller, Booz's op
ponent In his fight, was an experi
enced boxer and a line gymnast. Booz
tudicd very little on account of his
i yes hurting him. On that account he
stood low in his class.
In regard to the tobasco sauce, Burn
ham testified that 'l3ooz was given u.
small bottle of it and was ordered to
take all of It before he left tho table,
lie took it by tcaspoonfuls. On one oc
casion I3ooz told liurniiam that he put
tho sauce on a piece of steak Intending
not to eat it, but an upper classman
saw the ruso and ordered him to eat It.
Uooz said the stuff was ruining bis
stomach. According to Buinliain, Uooz
was compelled, to take tho sauce quite
often. Ilurnham had tobasco adminis
tered to him once, but only a drop on
a spoon.
Complaint Useless.
Buruham said ho believed that IJooz
resigned because he w-as dejected, on
account of hazing and failure In his
studies. Colonel Dick asked:
"If a complaint had boon made, do
you think 13ooz would have been
treated better?"
"Uooz was very unpopular," was the
reply, "and If ho had made a complaint
he would have been treated still
"Do not tho ofllcers of tho academy
try to prevent hazing?"
"They do; but tho olllcers nro not
always around when the hazing Is go
ing on. When any hazing was In pro
gress, a number of cadets were usual
ly on duty to watch for tho ofllcers
and warn the hazers If one should
come along."
Rurnham explained the method of
making complaints against hazing. It
would be difficult for a cadet to make
a secret complaint, ho said, and oven
If he succeeded in doing so, and an
investigation followed, the hazers
would quickly reach the conclusion
that tho hazed cadet had made the
complaint, and ns a result his life
wi.uld bo made even more miserable.
Tho witness believed that only
about one-tenth of the cadets ap
proved of tho harrasslng tactics prac
ticed on tho Bristol cadet. He said
Booz was considered a good fellloiv
personally, but his actions In his fight
with Keller made him unpopular. He
was not persecuted so much after the
cadets left camp for the barracks.
The hearing was resumed at L'.iO
o'clock. After a few further questions
regarding gymnastics at tho academy,
Durham was dismissed. He was on the
Btand for over threo hours.
Tho Case of John Breth.
Tho case of John Breth, of Altoona,
Pa., who died from an ailment which,
it is alleged, he received Indirectly as
a result of hazing at West Point, was
then taken up. The llrst witness called
vas Dr. E, E. Goodman, of Altoona,
the Broth family physician. Dr. Good
man said Breth entered West Point In
June, 1S7, and died last October. His
physical condition before entering the
National Military academy w'as excel
lent. Dr. Goodman treated him fvo
weeks after he carao home from West
Point for hemorrhoids, Later on young
Breth went to Pittsburg, where he
was employed as a salesman by a
Pittsburg tobacco house. Ho returned
homo two months later suffering from
nervousness and Insomnia, but soon re
turned to Pittsburg. Last October ho
again treated hlin for typhoid pneu
monia, from which ho died. Young
Breth never told Dr. Goodman any
thing about hazing at West Point. All
the Information the doctor had came
to him from tho boy's family. He
became very nervous a year after he
relumed from West Point and tho
physfcuan often wondered what eoulu
hove caused It.
Jt had been reported that Broth was
compelled to eat soap at West Point.
Tho doctor knew nothing about that,
but If tho boy had eaten soap It would
have explained his physical condition
on his return home,
Samuel J. Breth, father of Cadet
Broth testified that ftls son was ap
pointed by Congressman Hicks In
March, IS'.i". and was dismissed from
tho academy, becnuso of deficiency In
mathematics In Januury, 1K9S. ,Mr.
Broth said member of tho family had
received letters from tho son In re
gard to hardships at West Point. The
father and mother knew that the boys
at tho academy were more or less
hazed, and Cadet Breth and his
brother Harry had an understanding
between them that If he had anything
to writo about hardships, John would
wrlto to Henry only, so that the par
ents would not worry. He said Harry
and one of the daughters visited John
at tho academy in August, 1897, anl
on their return home they said John
hnd been scverly hazed and that be
lied nervous prostration. At West
Point John, told them he had been, so
severely hazed that ho becamo un
conscious. The only one that was
mentioned ns being among the hazers
was a cadet named Bonder. Tho
father was questioned at length as to
what tho cadet told him of tho hazing,
but the young man, it appears, said
lit tie to the parents. He told his
brothers nnd sister more and thoy kept
tho Information from them. Tho
father learned from the son Harry
that John had been "choo chooed." On
his death bed, the father said, the boy
went through the "choo choolng"
Miss Rosa Bretli said that she had
received a letter from her brother while
Iw was in West Point hospital In which
he said tho surgeon told him that he
had a light attack of nervous prostra
tion from overwork. John, however,
told other members of the family when
they visited him at West Point that
his condition was due to hazing. John
wild ho was hazed three times in ono
night. John wrote home that he had
to eat eight slices of bread soaked In
molasses. On his death bed ho told mo
tlmt "West Point Is the cause of the
breakdown In my health." He men
tioned tho names of Bender, Wood
nnd Yonge, as being "awful hazera."
While In the hospital, she said, John
told her that he was visited by uoper
classmen and told "that he had bettor
pet out of here tomorrow." In his lost
illness John told Horry some things
of what took place In the hospital to
make Harry bellevo that Cadet Breth
vas even subjected to hazing in the
hospital. This completed Miss llosa
Broth's testimony and she left on the
4.;'.0 train for Altoona. After Robert
B. Wallace, who was ono of Oscar
Book's Instructors In a private sonool
In this city, had told of Oscar's good
record as a scholar, William A. Breth,
another brother of John Breth. took
tho stand.
Williams' story- is substantially as
follows: "When John camo home ho
told mo that ho, had to do so much
'oagllng' that ho often became uncon
scious and until his muscles felt like
leather, a cadet named Bender made
him sit on the point of a bayonet until
ho fell off. He was mado to sit on It
again and during this operation Ben
der played a violin. On another occa
sion, a hot July day, after a hard day's
drill, he was compelled to don a rain
coat and hold out dumbbells. On a
Saturday all cadets were given a cer
tain amount of liberty, but Bender
prevented him from leaving camp. My
brother mado a complaint about It,
which resulted In Bender exercising
him more severely. Ho regarded 'field
Inspection' as a Joke. One night he
was dragged out of bed, leaving tho
clothes behind him, and was dragged
over rough stones in tho company
street. On another occasion ho was so
exhaustively exercised that on the
next morning tho olllccr In charge of
the drill compelled him to drop out of
lino because of his weakness. Ono
time John was on guard and Bender
refused to give tho sign of recognition
ns he should, which was a breach of
the regulations. He reported Bender
and the latter said ho would make him
fight, but tho threat was never carried
Upper Men Ran the Place.
"My brother considered AVest Point
Military academy the best in the
world, but said tho upper class men
ran the place."
Mary C. Breth, another sister of
Breth, was called and corroborated the
testimony of other members of the
famllv. She said her brother told her
that one night he was hazed by three
separate sets of cadets. Ho stood the
first two, but fainted during the third
act of hazing. When he regained
consciousness he taw several men rub
bing him. They appeared to be great
ly frightened. Miss Breth nlso said
that her brother in speaking of hazing,
said he "often ate soap," and "chewed
rope ends" at West Point. Miss Breth
said her brother did not ltnow Father
O'Keefc, who testified before the mili
tary board of Inquiry at West Point
that lie took a great interest In Cadet
At C o'clock the committee ad
journed until 9 o'clock tomorrow
One Hundred and Fifty Employes
of the Erie Quit Work.
By Exclusive Wiro lrnn Tho Associated PtfM,
Kusnuohanna. Pa., Jan. T. About 1&0
employes in the boiler department of
the Erie railroad company's extensive
locomotive simps at this place, wint
out en strike today. For some weeks
there hns been dissatisfaction among
the men employed, on account of the
Introduction of the piece work system
In do shoVis and, It Is alleged, thai
laborers have been doing tho work of
regular bollermakers or apprentices,
The local Boilermakers' union suc
cessfully attempted to have their griev
iine.s righted and tho strike Is the ro
Milt. A committee from tho strikers
will confer with the Krle ofllclals and
ft In likely that tho difficulty will bit
amicably adjusted. Tho chief shops of
tlfi Frle company aro located here, ,tIv
Irg ttendy employment to about 1,200
n v.
Strike at Elmira.
By exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Pre,
I'.lmlru, Jan. 7. A large portion of the ma
chinists emplosod In tho Erie thopa nt lfcrnells
vllle went on strike this afternoon and It U pos
ihlo they wilt bo joined by tho majority of the
oilier employes fomoirow, about 500 In all,
Earner Sentenced to Bo Hanged,
fly Exclusive Wire fioni The Aioclated Press.
Ilarrishurg, Jan. 7, Elmer Darner, who shot
nnd kilted his brother-in-law, Uaac Miller, near
Halifax, l'a last summer nnd was convicted of
imiidrr In lhs first degric, win t-xlay sentenced
lo lie I "I.
The Captured Rebel Leaders at
Manila Are to Be Deported
to the Island.
General MacArthur Hub Ordered tho
Deportation of Generals Rlcarti,
Del Pilar, Hizon, Llanera nnd San
tos to tho Island of Guam Pro
gress Toward Civic Rule in the
Islands First Municipal Election
In Benguet Province Natives in
Manila Holding Political Meet
ings. By Exclusive Wire bom The Assoclaled Press.
Manila, Jan. 7. General MacArthur
ha ordered the deportation of Gen
erals IUcarto, Del Pilar, Hizon, Man
era and Santos to the Island of Guam.
Nine regtmcnUil and four subordinate
olllcers, with eight civilians, including
Trias, Tecson and Mablnt, notorious
assistants of the lnsurrectlonsts, have
also been ordered to be deported. It Is
General MacArthur's Intention to hold
most of the active leaders of thu rebels
who have been captured In Guam until
tho resumption of a condition of peace
hns been declared.
The llrst municipal election was held
successfully at Bagulo, province of
Benguet, Saturday. Tho Igorrotes took
part in the election.
The Filipinos In Manila have been
enjoying recently a novel experience in
the holding of free, open political
meetings. Most of the addresses at
those meetings were mado by former
ofllcers of the insurgents, all of whom
asserted that the best way to obtain
personal liberty was to accept tho lib
erties guaranteed by the constitution
and government of the United States,
which is what American sovereignty
stands for. Tho nudlences were great
ly interested, and many of those at
tending the meetings signed tho Fed
eral party declaration.
The construction of u rebel prison at
Olongapo. In addition to those at Ma
nila, is to bo begun soon.
General MacArthur, accompanied by
his staff, reviewed the Thirty-seventh
regiment of Infantry. United States
volunteers, on the Lunula field this
evening. The companies were all to
gether for the first time almost sines
tho regiment was organized. After the
review the men were drawn up In close
order and General MacArthur, in a
farewell address, congratulated the
ofllcers and enlisted men on their
bravery, discipline and Judgment. He
concluded his remarks with a hearty
"God bless you, comrades."
Tho Thirty-seventh regiment will
sail for homo in the transport Sheri
dan on Thursday. More than half the
men and many of tho olllcers come
from Tennessee.
Cold Weather in Spain and France.
The Rhino Frozen Over.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pie's
Paris, Jan. 7. Snow is falling In
Farls for the llrst time this winter.
Tho temperature, however, has risen
somewhat. Elsewhere in France, ex
tremely severe weather Is recorded,
accompanied by heavy snowfalls.
Madrid, Jan. ".Heavy weather has
set in throughout Spain. Snow is fall-
Jng and the mall trains aro delayed.
Berlin, Jan. i.ino iinine i iruzuu
over and navigation Is temporarily
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pres.
Madison, Wis., Jan. ".-liobeit M. La Toilette
was Inaugurated governor of Wisconsin this af
ternoon. The rercinonliM wero without display.
Ectrtrd by inllltla, the newly elected official
drove to tho capltol, vthtre Governor Scoflcld
introduced his successor nnd Chltf Justice Cai
slily administered the oath of oflici
IllsmarcW, .'. D Jan. 7. Governor White and
the other new state olflceis wero Inducted It to
office today, A large croud osscniblcd nt the
capltol to witness the ceremony. Tomorrow the
legislature will woef.
i i
Killed by a Train.
Bv Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Cumberland. Md Jan, 7. T. A. Bedford, as
sistant intnlns engineer of tho Davis Coal and
Coko cumpany, and Ilichmd Lewis, of Cleai
flcld, Pa., were struck by a train on the We:t
Vligiiiia Central and Pltlihuti; railway this
morning, Mr, Bedford died In half an hour and
Mr. Lewis died about tin to hours later. Tho
men did not sec the approaching train ueciwa
of tho steam made by a ehtltliig engine. Bed
ford left a widow and tli'ce childien.
Base Ball Business.
By Exclusive Wlro from Tho Associated Prejs,
Detroit, Jan. 7. Ban B. Johnson, putldent of
the American league, was In Detroit today and
mado a combination between Tom N'avln, of this
city, and James II, Manning, for tho nianage
mint of the Waihinclon, D. C, club. Johiuou
said that Burns and Ktalllncs, of this city, were
t remain in tho American league and that Mo
Gray, of Baltimore, would oli remain, James
1). Burn tonight agreed to what Johiixnn said
In most emphatic teiuu.
From Pekin to Washington.
By Exclusive. Wlro from The Associated Piess.
London, Jan, 8. "The I'nltrd fitatca govern
ment has rtoposed to tho powers," mjh the
Wanlngton correspondent of the Dally Mall, "to
trcrsfcr the Chines negotiations from l'el:ln to
A Peace Commission.
By Etcluilre Wire from The Associate! Press.
Btoemfonteln, Jan. 7. It Is reported that an
Influential peace commission U being formed hero
to Interview General Do Wet, Mr, Fleyn and
other leaders to explain Lord Kitchener's terms
and to endeavor lo Induce them to yield.
Commandant Dupres Captured and
His Forcos Routed.
By Exclusive Wire from Tli Associated Trev.
London, Jan. 7. Reporting to tho
war ofllce, under dato of January 6,
Lord Kitchener says:
"Yesterday Bablngton engaged De
larey's and Steenkamp'a commandoes
at Naauwpoort. Tho enemy was forced
to retire to tho northwest. Our casu
alties have not yet been received, but
arc reported slight. A Boer doctor ad
mitted that twenty Boers were killed
or wounded. Commandant Duprez was
taken prisoner.
"It appears from reports of the
wounded who have arrived at Hell-
bronn that n detachment 120 strong be
longing to Knox's command came Into
contact with a" superior force near
Llndley. I regret to say that Lieuten
ant Lalng, two other ofllcers and fif
teen men were killed and two ofllcers
and twenty men wounded. No details
have come from Knox of this action."
The Naauwpoort mentioned In Gen
eral Kitchener's dispatch Is not
Naauwpoort Junction, Capo Coloney.
There are several Naauwpoorts in
South Africa. Possibly tho scene of
tho fight reported Is the Naauwpoort
on the railroad between Potchefstroom
and Frederlckstad, Transvaal.
Notable Speech Delivered in Senate
by Mr. Lodge, of Massachusetts.
Mr. Grow on Hopkins Bill.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
"Washington, Jan. 7. A notable
speech was delivered In the senate to
day by Mr. Lodge, of Massachusetts.
Addressing the senate on the amend
ment of the military committee strik
ing' out tho provision In tho army re
organization bill for a veterinary corps,
lie discussed briefly and principally In
tl'o form of a colloquy with Senator
Uacon, of Georgia, the Philippine ques
tion and tho necessity for an army of
IOO.CO'j men. In conclusion ho dreiv a
b'illlunt word picture of tho commer
cial future of the United States, de
claring that the trade conflict with
Europe already begun could result only
in the commercial and economic su
premacy of this country over the en-tl'.-o
world. In this industrial conflict
he apprehended no dnngor from a jua
terial contest with any nation in ihe
wot Id, but ho urged the necessity for a
sfong and sclentillcally organized
army and powerful navy in order that
the United States might be propa.ed
t defend Its rights against any po;sl
b'e foe. Tho npeim created a pro
found Impression.
Purlng the afternoon the senate rati
fied the committee proposition to elim
inate tho house provision for the "s
tabllshment of a veterinarian corps In
the. army. Senator Teller, of Colora
do, gave notice of a substitute he wilt
offer for tho entire pending measure,
continuing in full force and effect the
act of March 3, 1S99, Increasing the
size of life army for three years from
July 1 1001.
The animated debate in the house on
tho reapportionment of representation
from the various states is nearlng Its
close. It being unanimously agreed to
day that the final vote would bo taken
before the session closes tomorrow. It
was expected there would be a sequel
today to the exciting clash of Satur
day between Mr. Llttlelleld, of Maine,
and Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois, nut the
latter mado no effort at rejoinder nnd
contented himself with the direction
of tho measure toward tho final vote.
He expresses confidence that the bill
bearing his name will be passed to
morrow, although there may be a
slight change, giving an additional
member to Florida, Colorado and North
Dakota, bringing tho total membership
up to SCO. The notublo speeches today
were by Mr. Crumpackcr, of Indian,
dealing with alleged disfranchisement
In the South: by Mr. Hepburn, of
Iowa, severely arralgntng the present
rules as annihilating tho constitutional
prerogatives of the house, and by Mr.
Grow, of Pennsylvania, comparing the
old system In tho house with that of
the present.
Mr. Grow favored tho Hopkins bill
and gave an interesting comparison
between tho workings of the house la
the early days, when the membership
was far more limited, with tho dis
orderly and unrepresentative character
of the body today.
Thanks for Captain Clark.
By Exclusive Wlro from The A.-oclatcd Press.
Washington, Jan. 7. Senator Warren today
Introduced a Joint resolution In tho senate ex
tending the thanks of congress to Captain C. E.
Clark and officers nnd men of tho battleship
Oregon "for bringing tho battleship H.00O miles
at forced tpecd frr.m the Paoiflo to the Atlantlo
station In condition for Instant service and for
gallant and meritorious services In aiding In tho
diitructlon of the Spanish fleet at Santiago."
Bryan Addresses Jacksonian Club,
Uy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Omaha, Jan. 7. The Until annual banquet of
the Jaoksonlan dub of Nebraska was held at the
Millard hotel tonight. Tho occasion was ono of
interest on account of tho presence of the Hon,
William J. Bryan, vho responded to the toast,
"Democracy," anil of Senator Benjamin Jt. Till
man, whoso address was on "Tho Pcinocrutlo
Party, lis Duty and 1U Destiny."
Only a Big Patrol.
By Exclusive Wlra from The Associated Prrss.
Piquetburg Bond, Capo Colony, Jan. 7. The
Boers boatt that their present incursion Is only
a big patrul, preparatory to an Invasion in
force by General Do Wet. The litter's Jnlluenco
over the Dutch Is so enormous that there is no
doubt his actual presence would result In a
guieral rising,
Postmaster at North Towanda.
B." Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Prc&s.
Washington, Jan. 7. Tho following was among
the fourth class Pennsylvania potmateis ap
pointed tcdoyi North Towanda, Bradford coun
ty, A. It. 1homps.ui.
Advance In Sugar.
By Exclusive Wlro from Tho Associated Press.
New York, Jan. 7. Tho Evrnlng Post sayst
Announcement was mado today that all tho re
flnen had advanced all grades of refined sugar
ten points.
Stock Business Upon the Floor
Transacted on a Garoantuan
Scale ThrouQhout the Dau.
2,197,000 SHARES SOLD
Where 100 Shave Lots Would Be the
Normal Unit In an Ordinary Mar
ket, 1,000 and Even 5,000 Share
Lots Were Bandied Like Play
things Movement in Prices Corre
spondingly Gigantic Lackawnnna
Advances 0 Points Progress in
Other Stocks.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Jan. ".Today's stock
market had all tho characteristics of
what Is usually called a trader's mar
ket. Dut everything was on a clgan
tlc sca'le. Where 100 share lots would
bo a normal unit in an ordinary mnr
kct, in today's market 1,000, 2,000 and
even .1,000 sharo Ioi wero bandied
about like playthings for a quick turn
In the market. The movement of prices
was on a correspondingly gigantic
scale. The turnover of profits in some
cases in these enormous blocks of
stocks wero made within a few min
utes of time, prices having varied in
tho intervals perhaps many points.
Losses were recovered, gains were lost
and there wero strong rallies from re
actions. All this made the utmost ex
citement and confusion in tho market
all day long. The eagerness with
which stocks were unloaded and the
reckless disregard shown for a half, or
even a full point In the price Indicated
a ncivous dread that tho passing min
utes meant loss of opportunities for
fortune. But even in that the early
period of tho market there were not
lacking signs of strength and there
was quite a long list of gains of be
tween 1 and 2 points. New Jersey
Central was carried down an extreme
flvo points, Northwestern 3)g. North
ern Pacific 2"i, Reading and Delaware
and Hudson 2 points, and Erie first
preferred tiVt. and Rock Island and
Pennsylvania 2 points. It Is only once
or twice in a generation that such ner
vous anxiety and uncertainty are re
flected In tho stock market as wero
shown during this period of oonlnx
reaction today. Prices Jumped about
In the most violent and erratic man
ner by wide Intervals. Gradually the
fact began to emerge that there were
brokers on the floor who had appar
ently orders to take all offerings at a
certain level of prices below the mar
ket. The course of prices thereupon
gradually steadied and then moved up
wards with an impresslvo surge. Bur
lington and Ohio was tho first point of
aggrosslvo strength. It bad risen 1
at tho opening, but had lost all but a
fraction. Its upward sweep carried it
5 over Saturday's level. During the
rest of the day It was simply a ques
tion where the new points of strength
would develop. With the appearance
of anything like a bull leadership In a
given stock, or with tho first sign of
manipulation for an advance, a perfect
horde of speculators wero ready to
rush pell-mell to buy the same stocks.
None of theso advances were well held,
and the process of profit taking cost
them all the way from 2 to nearly 5
points. But even at that reaction
many Handsome net gains were con
served for tho day, tho Grangers being
foremost in the midday advance, the
three leading members of tho group,
Burlington, Rock Island and St, Paul,
advancing 8 to CvA-
Rise In Anthracite Coalers.
Later in tho day the anthracite coal
ers, which have not hitherto moved
largely in sympathy with the Readings,
New Jersey Central and Fries, made
Impresslvo progress upwards. Dela
ware and Hudson rose no less than
1, Lackawanna C and Ontario and
Western 5. These were the most
striking movements of the day. Sugar
was very erratic, working upwards an
extreme 5j& on the reported advance
in the price of refined sugar, and re
lapsing 4 In the late selling move
ment. Tennesseo Coal showed acute
weakness on tho decision to pass the
dividend and fell an extreme 6, clos
ing only a fraction above that. The
steel stocks wero Inclined to heaviness
In sympathy except tin plate, which
was advanced 4?a- The rubber stocks
wero Inclined to weakness, but had a
good rally. Northern Pacific moved
up 4?i, after its sharp opening decline,
and People's Gas had a midday rise
of 4',4- The list of stocks which rose
as much as three points nnd a frac
tion Is a long ono and the stocks which
did not fluctuate affmuch as a point
or over were very few. It was evident
that the Inciting cause of the furious
speculation waa tho recent develop
ments In the railroad world looking
towards vast consolidations. The ac
quisition of the Pennsylvania Coal
company by the Erie and of the Cen
tral Railroad of Now Jersey by tho
Heading prepared tho speculative world
as a prelude to further important de
velopments in the anthracite carrying
properties and ready credence is given
to almost any suggestion of a plan for
railroad consolidation. The day's rec
ord of business was carried far be
yond tho previous high level, the ag
gregate Bales footing up 2,197,000 shares
compared with 1,837,000 shares on last
Friday, which mado the record up to
the time.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Exclulie Wlro from The Associated Frew.
New York, Jan. 7, Arrived! Potsdam, from
Rotterdam and Boulogne. Gibraltar Arrjved:
Aller, New York for Naples and Genoa, Sailed i
Columbia, Genoa and Naples for New York.
Southampton Sailed: Southwaik from Anlweip,
New York. Llurd Passed t Bulgaria, New
York for Hsrobnrg.
Weather Indications Today,
1 Central Unprecedented Dealings In Will
Testimony In the lining Inquiry.
Captured Filipino Leaden) Wilt lie Deported.
Draft of a Commercial Treaty for China.
2 General Carboiidalo Deparbnent.
5 Local Busy Day In tho Lackawanna Courts.
Opinions Handed Down by tho Judgtf.
4 Editorial.
Not a and Comment.
6 Local Changes of Officials in the Court
Amendment tor Second-Class City Laws.
( Local West Scranton and Suburban.
7 General Kortheastcrn Pennsylvania.
Financial aud Commercial.
8 Loral Live News of the Industrial World.
Directors of tho Reading Authorized
to Purchase the Stock Rumors
Regarding Lehigh Valley.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated TrcSs.
Philadelphia, Jan. 7. At tho conclu
sion of tho meeting of the board ot
i' (rectors of tho Reading company this
afternoon, tho following official state
ment was given out:
"At a meeting ot the board of direc
tors of the Heading company, which
wish held at Its ofllce at 2 o'clock, tho
proposition from .Messrs. J. P. Morgan
A: Co., of New York, for the sale ot
the majority of the capital stock of the
Cential Hallroad of New Jersey was
submitted. President Harris recom
menced that the proposition should be
accepted as tho two properties can be
managed In connection with one an
other to the best advantage, and lr-
tually supplement one another, glvlns
his reasons In detail.
' After full consideration the officers
of the company were authorized to ar
range for the purchase."
Tho meeting adjourned at 3.S3 p. m.
and no further statement of what
transpired could be obtained.
It way said on behalf of President
Han Is, however, that any statements
concerning tho financing of tho deal
are premature. Tho directors held a
nuviiSiig this afternoon and reached
this conclusion after a session of an
hyur and a half. There were present:
Josepl S. Harris, A. J. Antelo, John
Lowber Welsh. Oeorgo C. Thomas,
Henry A, Dupont, Henry P. MeKean
and Samuel Dickson. The absentees
v,re Ceorge F. Baer and Cluiles
At the conclusion of the meeting tho
following official statement was given
"A meeting of the board of dlicctors
of tho Reading company was held at
its ofllce at 2 o'clock. The proposition
from Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co., oi
New York, for the sale of the majority
of the capital stock of the Central
Railroad of New Jersey was submitted.
President Harris recommended that
the proposition should be accepted, as
the two properties can be managed tn
connection with ono another to the
best advantage and virtually supple
ment one nnother, giving his reason
In detail. After full consideration the
officers of the company were author
ized to arrange for tho purchase.."
As to the manner in which the
money Is to bo raised to pay for the
stock, it is said there will doubtless
be Issued a collateral trust bond bear
ing about 4 per cent, annually. To
secure this bond it Is stated that tho
stock of the Central Railroad of Nesv
Jersey will bo deposited with the trus
tees. At the office of President Harris to
day, however, It was announced that
this matter was not discussed at tho
meeting of the directors. While It la
generally believed that eventually the
Lehigh Valley Railroad company will
company, nothing was done In regard
to that company at today's meeting of
the directors of the Reading company.
Tho annual meeting of the Lehigh Val
ley company will be held on January
Trouble Brewing Between Colombia
and Venezuela.
I'y Excluslie Wire from The Associated Press.
Kingston, Jamaica. Jan. 7. Litters
received hero from Panama say tho re
lations between Colombia and Venezue
la are much strained in consequence
ot the lattor's connivance with and tho
assistance being given to the reolu
tionlsts In the former country.
The activity of the rebels, It Is add
ed, cniy restrains Colombia from tak
ing warlike measures against Vene
zuela and even now Colombian troops
aro being removed to the border. The
rebels aro still rec-lving large supplle
of aims and ammunition through Ven
ezuela. Gardiner Put Out.
By Exclmlvo Wire from Tho Associated Tress.
noston, Jan. 8. Oscar Gardiner, better known
In tho fistl" world as "The Omaha Kid," was
cleat ly put out by Tim Callahr.n, of Philadel
phia, In the fifteenth round of their bout at
tho holirla club tonight. The distance tho
lads had to liavel for a decision was fifteen
rounds and the knockout Mow came just niter
tlks round started.
Wllkes-Barre Republican Convention
By Excluslie Wire from The Associated Pre.
Wllkes-Barre, Jan. 7. Hie Itcpubllcans held
their city convention tonight and nominated the
following ticket: For mayor, Oscar Smttli:
school illreitnrs, O. II. Andirson, T. C. Grif
fith and J, II, llouscr.
.i m
By Kxcluthc Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Jan. 7. Frederick Clarke Wtthcrt,
ono of the most famous architects in America,
died today at Ids Yonkcre home, lie was born In
England feventy-threo years ago and carno to
this country in 1&3.
Liverpool, Jan. 7. Captain J. P. Bulloch, a
famous sgent of the Confederates during; tho
American CI) II war, died in this city today,
Conditions Proposed bu Sir Ernest
Mason Satow, British Minis
ter, to Other Envous.
The Court Officials at Pekln It Is
ported Still Refuse to Sign an Ac
ceptance of the Joint Demands,
Massacre of Children.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Shanghai, Jan. 7. Sir Ernest Masorl
Satow, British minister to China, has!
proposed to tho other foreign envoys
the draft of a commercial treaty with
China, based upon tho following con
ditions: First Freedom for ll ceastlnit vessels.
Second Freedom for all vessels on Inland w
ter, and erpeclally tho Vans Tse Klang.
Thlrd-Pcrmlsslon to Import foreign salt.
Fourth Adoption of regulations encouraging
Chinese investment In foreign coucsra.
Fifth Steps extending China's export and lm
Sixth Protection ot trade marks.
Seventh Protection of treaty port
Tho draft has not been nccepted by
tho powers and discussion regarding It
has been postponed.
Bigoted court otllclals, It is reported,
still raise objections to signing an ac
ceptance of the Joint demands.
London, Jan. 7. A sister of charity,
writing from tho Mnlson Te Jesu En
fant ut Ning Po, Nov. 20, describes the
massacre at Nan King ot the ono
hundred little boys. Some of them.
she says, wero roasted nllvo in tlu
church. Others escaped to the or
phanage out side the city, but nil were
killed and the place burned. "Desplto
threats of torture and tho frequency of
most painful deaths," the sister de
clares, "apostacy was wonderfully
London, Jan. 7. Tho British foreign
olllco considers the report of an agree
ment between Russia and China re
garding the Manchurlan provlnco of
Feng Tien as probably referring to
military measures of a temporary
There Is nothing in tho possession
of the foreign' office to show any such
agreement has the sanction of Rus
sia and China. In the opinion of tho
foreign office, there Is likely to be a
great deal more discussion before tho
Chinese royal personages finally agree
to the penalties Insisted upon by the
Expeditions Cannot Cease.
Pekln. Jan. 0. Count von Wniaer
seo says that China's request, through
her representatives nt foreign courts,
that the expeditions should cease, can
not be complied with at present. No
expeditions, he asserts, nro sent out
without a definite cause. Where there
are scenes of bloodshed or disorder,
troops are sent to interfere, this being
tho only means of preventing outrage.
Ho declares that tho expeditions aro
not intended for punitive purposes, but
merely for police purposes, with a
view of giving the necessary protec
tion to life and property.
Has On Board 600 Soldiers, 437 Sick.
Other Passengers.
By Excluslie Wire from Tie Associated Press.
San Francisco, Jan. 7. The trans
port Sherman arrived hero today,
twenty-one days from Manila. Sho
had on board twenty-nlno cabin pas
sengers nnd COO soldiers, ot whom 437
are sick. There were also threo con
tract nurses, a number or civilian cm-
- 1 , j.,il.,,t l,.
' PloyeH of the army, one destitute evil-
Ian, seventy uischuikcu nuiuioi
twenty-three quartermasters' era
ployes', twenty-three hospital corps
men, six Insane patients, forty-two
general prisoners, fifteen soldiers of
the guard, and the remain of twelve)
dead soldiers on the transport.
Six soldiers died on the trip. They
wore: William Hart, Company A,
Thlrly-slxth Infantry, who died of dys
entery Dec. IS; Matthew J, Comlskay,
Company M, Seventeenth Infantry, of
tuberculosis Dec. 24; Charles O. Hall,
Company A, Forty-second Infantry, of
tuberculosis Dec, 27; John H. Cham
bers, Company A, Thirty-sixth Infant
ry, dysentery. Dec. 28; Axtel Johnaon,
Company K. Twentieth infantry, dys
entery. Dec. 30, and Nelson II. Rlmbery,
musician, Thirty-ninth infantry, of!
dysentery, Jan, 1.
Supreme Court Decision.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Jan. 7. Tho Supremo court to
day reversed the judgment of the common plc
court of Lackawanna county in the case of Mc
Cann vs. Mct'ann.
Gable Elected U. S. Senator.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Picss.
Pierre, H. !., Jan. ".Congressman It, J,
Gable, has been elected us the unanimous cholc
of tho llepuMican caucus for United Btstsl
Martial Law Proclaimed. .
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Cape Town, Jan. 7. Martial lair has beta Pro
claimed in the districts of Calvinla, ClanwlUUm
Plquetberg, Tulbagh, Pearl and Btellebosob.
Drowned In tho Danube.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Pre
Bula Pest, Jan. 7. M. Lukasics, former Hun
garlan minister of commerce, committed sulcldsj
by drowning birasdf in the Danube.
t "T ' 1 f
Washington. Jan. 7. Forecast for east
ern Pennsylvania! Fair Tuesday and
Wednesday; fiesh north tn northeast
winds; colder Wednesday night.
,t-f -t--T-t t -t- t-rti
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