The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    v '
Will 'Remain In That Condition for
an Indefinite Period Owing to a
Strike the Men Ordered Miners at
the Oxford Dissatisfied with the
Hate of Wages Paid Them The V.,
lu & W. Board for Today An In
novation a the Shops of Lacka
.vjanna Company.
Work has been Rimpciidd ot the Mt.
rieasant colliery of the 131k Hill Conl
and Iron company for an Indefinite
period, and while overtures have been
nado for nn adjustment of the differ
ences tho end Is not yet In sight. The
trouble arose a few days ago over thi!
discharge of a. mun named Miller, who
was dismissed for noRleet o duty in
running one of the elevators at tlio
Tlio employes took tip the boy's
cause, quit work and applied to Super
intendent Bryden for his reinstate
ment. This was rcfusid, and In cou
scciucnco a strike va- oideivd by the
CUt. Pleasant local. The miners alsu
claim that they are not bclns paid tin
yardage promised for -uttlns rock In
the Clark vein.
The trouble teltitltiir to young Mlller'H
dl&cliarRO date.i back befoie the strike
in Kciiteinbej-. He hud been workliiK
outhldo for $1.10 u day and when the
men returned to woik ho was pro
moted to a position paying $1.23 a day
under the old schedule. With the pro
mised 10 per cent. Increase the job was
worth .U.37.i per day.
When Miller received his earnings
ho was only paid at tha rate of $1.10 a
day. A complaint was made to . the
boss, who Informed -Miller tlmtSl.10
was all the Job over paid, and 'if he
did not HKb it he could bo to the otllco
and get his time.
The matter was i eported to the
grievance committee and when they
failed to effect a settlement the strike
was ordered.
Will Keep Away from Mines.
At a meeting or the Oxford local
union, held Saturday evening, the em
ployes decided to remain away from
tlie mines until tho existing dlffeiences
between the men and the operators has
been ratlsfactorlly adjusted. Kver
since the People's Coal company be
gan operating tho (olllery. theio has
Icon a difference of opinion between
the employes and tho operntois regard
ing the scale of wages to be paid for
tho mining of coal In tho IJtder vein.
The company claims they are payinc,1
the same scale of wages as paid ly
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company. The same scale does not
apply to every shaft, on account of
the dlfllcultles encountered in mining
(oal in tho different veins. The Ox
ford men demand tho same rate as Is
paid by the Lackawanna company, the
highest being $1.0S per car. They claim
that but 9S cents is paid them.
Representatives of the company and.
a committee of tho men visited several
shafts on Saturday for tho purpose of
ascertaining the rates received, and
made comparisons of the different
vorklngs, and another conference will
bo held, at which an amicable adjust
ment Is expected. The colliery has
been Idle several days as a result of
the strike.
Innovation at the Shops.
Another innovation at the Lacka
wanna car Miops is the recent intro
duction of a new glass plating and em
bossing plant, which has been installed
in the old pattern rooms. Here all of
tho glass used for windows, doors, etc.,
will bo plated and embossed by an ex
port, Edward O. rtclnwald, who was
with the Pullman company in Chicago
for twelve years pxior to coming here
Tho plant has been equipped at an
expense of $1,000 and is supplied with
acid tanks, where the glass Is foiled
nnd designed. It Is the only plant of
its kind in Scranton, and the work is
only done in the larger cities. Hydro
fluoric acid is used In immersing tho
glass, and cither the gold or silver
tints are produced. There is also a
steam table and room for drying the
glass after being plated.
A number of noticeable Improve
ments have also been made In the paint
shops, where the work for the entire
service Is done under the personal su
pervision of Master Painter B. E. sill
ier. A large number of Pullman and
passenger coaches are now on the floor
being re-lettered and painted and show
tho superior work accomplished. The
panels for Superintendent Clarke's pri
vate car are also being painted under
the direction ot Mr. Miller.
The new paint shop being erected
near the machine shops Is rapWly
rearing completion and will be ready
for occupancy In a few weeks. All the
locomotives will bo painted in the new
bhop after being turned out of the ma
chine shops.
The comot, No. 9S, formerly used as
a private car by ex-Superlntcndcnt A.
C. Salisbury, Is now in tho shop under
going repairs. A now cab Is being built
over the boiler and the little flyer will
be repainted and lettered before being
turned out for use.
A number ot freight and passenger
locomotives are undergoing repairs in
the machine shops and will soon bo
leady for service. Tho interior ot this
nhop is being treated to a coat of
white wash and other changes ate be
ing made which will be noted later.
Carpenters' Installation.
Local union iNo. 603, Brotherhood ot
Carpenters and Joiners, installed Kb
ofllcers Friday night at Carpenter's
hall. Wyoming avenue.
The new ofllcers are: President, E.
C Patterson: vlco president, Nelson
Gordon; recording secretary, John
Lavery; financial secretary. J. B-.
Kelper; treasurer, E. E. Knapp; con.
due tor, George Shaw; warden, John
The Installation ceremonies were
conducted by Past President John
Jacobs. A smoker followed.
Board for Today.
Today's V L. & W. board is as fol
Sunday, January 6,
. p. in. T. Nauman.
Irt.SO p. ni. O. llandolph.
11.10 p. rn. J. O'llara.
Monday, Jinuiry 7,
E, Milter's men.
U.CO a, ni. J. llennlcan.
3 a. m. F. McDonnell, J.
t a. in. li. imwnir.
b a. m. A. F. Mulln.
il a. in. John huiU.
a. in. W. 11. Caitmr.
10 . ni. Thorn. 1. Caianiujh i men,
J,W a. iu.-l". tlllllgan. ,
1 p. m. W. W. LtlUrr.
2 p. m. J. Duih.
s.(S p. m. J. II. Master's, Carmody a wen.
4.49 p. til. A. flciTity.
6 p. m. O'Connor, Uennctt'e men.
0 k. in., neit U. I'rounfrlkcr.
11 i. ni., wctl W, Nichols.
2 p. m., west Cirri gg.
s p. ni., cut Motlcr. '
0 p. m., tut U. OIIIIrju.
7 p. m., went from dyujra McLant.
7 p. m., Mil from t!y Aur K. 1'.. I)u9y.
10 n. ra.--P. I.'. Sccor.
8 i. m. Homer.
11.30 I. m.Morsn,
7 p. m. Murphy.
0 p. m. Lamping.
7 r. m. Gaffncy.
7 a. in. Mthon.
3.30 p. ni. A. D. filsplea.
7 p. in.lfcOorcrn.
S a. m. O. Klwrslcy.
. in. 1 Mill". A. O. lUmmlll's mcr,.
5 n. m. C. Uartliolomciv.
0 a. ni. if. fcmitli.
11 a. ni. n. Smith.
12 noon J. Baxter, Hsrber mm.
1 p. in. T. Fltzpatrlck.
.1 p. in. A. II. limre, J, Giliasan'a men.
4 p. in. .1. Costfllo.
6 p. in. .1, If, McCatm.
A. II. Howe ulll run 3 p. in. tvlld cat west Sun.
iliy, .l.mujiy il, J. tlahaifin' men.
Si. Murphy will run 7 p. m. puiiher, Jan. C.
Stanton will run 7 p. m. passenger enjine,
Jan. C.
William Hoar ulll nm t p. rn. wlW cat eaxt
Jjn. 0, McDonnell' men.
II. Dolietty and flagman. J. Murriv and flJR.
man, T. I'itzpatrick and tUrfm-in will report at
Itjlnnu'li r'd oiticc &t 0 u. iu., Monday, Jui. 7.
This and That.
New bodges for passenger trainmen
and train baggagemen are now ready
for distribution at Superintendent
Iilue's office.
J. H. Neul, formerly outside foreman
at the Mt. Pleasant colliery. Is now
engaged In a similar capacity at tho
Twin and Seneca shafts at Plttston.
A bulletin from Superintendent
Ketcham relating to a number of
transportation tickets which have been
lost has been posted on the Lacka
wanna board for tho bsuellt of con
ductors and trainmen.
A new semaphoie distant switch sig
nal, located M5 feet cast of cross-over
and fusing point .switch at cust end of
Washington yard, has been put in ser
vice on tho Lackawanna railroad, gov
erning tho movement of west bound
The new forms of telegraph accident
reports aro now ready for distribu
tion. Tnidmasters, drlllmastcrs and
conductors will secure a supply of this
new form at once, destroying any of
the old forms that they mny have.
Employes requhed to use this form
will read same carefully and make
themselves familiar with Instructions
on back, to tho end that import may
be made Intelligently.
They Are
Acknowledged with the
of the Managers of
Worthy Institution.
The Home for the Pi-landless was
beautifully remembered at Christmus
time. Messrs. Clcland, Simpson nnd
Taylor, of the Globa Warehouse, fur
nished the annual dinner. As usual,
it was a splendid one and greatly en
joyed. Miss Jermyn gave a tea to the
old ladles and gifts to each; Mis. E. N.
Wlllard sent two dozen quart cans of
French bouillon; G. It. Clark contribu
ted the Christmas treo; Mrs. William
Connell, box ot merchandise valued at
$33.73. Others were as follows:
Junior Society ChihtUn Kmltavor, 1'in.t l'rrv
liyterian clnuili, Dunmoie, Chii'tnm Bills; C
II. Micdil, D. II. Wall, baireli apple; Mk. .1. W.
Ilnclcw ell, lidtTel flour; i'.ynon A Co., thhty slits
underwear; Mr". J, ),. Wcnlz, llrusseU carpd;
Mr. II. II. Crane, flour, frti'it; Willing Wmle
en, fit. Mail's clitinli, Duniiioic, ten Cliristmu
blocking; Industrial school, Ptlreliurp, quilt;
Mil. Thonu Pidcson, picture and bool.?; Mii
Moggie Zeidler, ." loaics hread; Ml DicMn-oii,
orjnuM; W. J. M.inel, flh, ruts etc. Turluya
wcie donated bv Mr. Willi im T. Smith, Mn,
C. S. Wcton, .Mia. H. A. Knapp, Mm. II. P.
Simpson, Mia. II. Kingiliiiry, Mra. IS. I).
Powell, P. II. Co.ine. llo underwear, Mm. 1'.
U. Pinlcy; trimming for tree and trimming the
name, Mrs Daniel Langtfafl; Mm. W. II. Per
kim, rumlltCKhlrb; Ituth II. fieaiy, gill's hat;
Mis. Sanson and Mn. llley, Prlcehiirc, booM,
cindy; Mr. S. G. liarker, inlttem; MUa Lola
feaneton, Mi. 1). II. Taylor, Mm. V. M. Spen
cer, Mr. E. i. Mofiit, Mia. Eslielman, Mr.
Mancc, Mrs. John Shertr, JlUa llaluht, Leb
anon, l'a., Kills for old ladlca; quantity ol pio
l?kn, turkey, oramjes, potatoes, no lumo; Mr.
J. L. Connell, pall candy, etc.; Mrs. Siirurn Wee,
candy, cakef and nuts; Mis. Dimllch, Miu P.o
rnar.jne Spencer, Mr. C. IJ. Scott, MiM Sherer,
candy, etc.; tuo larpe rnglith plum puddings,
Mrs. James Uttlnir, Monroe avenue; Mix. L It,
Clark, potted plant for cadi old lady and tho
matron; Mr?. '.. II. nipple, Mis. O. 1.. Dickson,
Mrs. J. L. Connell, Rifts for matron and eider;
J, K. lies', caki'4; David Holmes, mall box; Mtta
C. I)e Ktt Krsitt, Master C. W. L"d?ett, (loth
Inf, booloi and bsiiim; JIm. J. W. llockncll, ot
N'nr York, LaiTi'l flour: Dr. and Mrs. Dlancliard,
ten poundi oat rlal.ei; the Mlvei (.llinorc's
school and lctnderearten, book, clothing, etc;
No. 27 school, (andy for each llon.e child; Mm.
J S. McAnulty, calico and two dozen pair
MocUngs; Kinon & Co., SO suits nnderweir;
Mrs. It. J. Kcnnell, 70 baa randy; Mm. II. II.
Crare, M poun.l( flour, fruit, etc.; Mis. 13, J.
Shepherd, tezrtdblo ili.Wi; Mm. Thomas lid
lon, CO pouniU flour, tmar; Mm. William l!os.
rer, oranxes, etc ; section 1, NecJIcucrkera' GuiM
of America, Mm. J. It. Peck, president, qiiiii
lily clothlni;; (.uldinilth'a Ilazaar, lurte boc val
uable clothln;;, tojs, bonnetn, muirn, etc.
Officers and managcis gilt ot money to iiutiou
Mid ciiter; ilia Louis i I.iiuNav, doll furniture,
Mr. Geoiffo Mltdull, Pittston Stole (onipany, re
pairs on laundiy stove.
Other December donations were:
Dr. L. C. Kennedy, malted milk; Mis. William
Jesiup, clothing, book', games, etc.; J. J, Gen.
tcr, nuts and apples; Mm. Van llhrcnm, icadint;
rr.attir; Masonic lodire, 039, lljdo Park, sand
ulches, cakes, etc.; Mis Anna Duul, lalendau;
Mm. Chandler, quilts; MUs Zeldler, hiuv, eream
puffs, etc.; turkey, celery, meet potatoes, etc.,
MbM Lovella Williams, of California; Cedar Ale
nue mUflon (Mr. McKewIe), fruit, vesdablci,
groicrle; Cliurch of the Good Siiephwd, tojs,
gamej, etc.; Lackawanna Hair- company, mill ;
Coniumera' Ico company, Ico; (nidi,
etc., Ueynoldi Ilroi,; Mrs. ndivanl Nolan, time
chickens; Miss Jennie I'oyer, bo iIUl,on; T. II,
llughts, Gicen Illilgo market,- file tmshds pa.
talocs; Mis. J. I. DUkion, one doen eans tiult;
11. A. fierce, quantity fruit, etc.; Mm. O. O.
ltoc, quantity cioikery; W. J. Manel, tential
niaikct, llih, oytters, vegetable; Mis. John
Guntcr, (1 v, oi til sugar; 11. t'. S;.iuldiiig, Mis,
W, P. Kennedy, dothlng; Mrs. P. Dooisain, cloth
value V! Mlu P.loUn Gilmore, hats; Mis. J. A,
Duckworth, biscuits; Mis. Welniiliank, Mrs. L.
T, Connolly, Mrs, Stephen A. Dougl, Mr. O.
O. Slioup, Sirs, J, V. llmU, outing flinnel gir.
menu; Scanuns Pros., (lour; Mis. Hlmon ltlce,
coffee and cake; Mrs. C 1. Matthews, ilesicrt;
Dr. I.. O. Kennedy in attendance.
The Saturday night donations aro
greatly appreciated. These welcome
gifts from dealers and others savo
many dollars each month. Those who
contributed aro Everltt Brothers,
Ayleswortb, Hogan, Spencer, W. H.
Pierce, D. a (Marbergcr, T. E. Carr &
Son, a E. Bone, II. A. Pierce, A. M.
Storr, Ilohrwasser, Lindner, Court
House store, W. II. Allen, E. O. Cour
sen, Hughes' market, Jackson's market.
John Lukan Must Stand Sentence
for Selling Liquor Without a Li
censeNew Court Rule Which Will
Greatly Lessen tho Number of
Surety Cases Three Applications
for Renewal of Revoked Licenses
Refused Equity Court,Grand Jury
and Constables' Returns Today.
Court convened for a short time
Saturday mornlnff to permit of tho
acknowledgement of deeds by the retiring-
sheriff ond to clear away other
business for tho opening of th new
court year, today.
Judgo ArcubftM handed down nn
opinion holding that the conviction
of John Lukan for selling liquor with
out a license was regular nnd that
Lukan must stand sentence.
Lukan keeps a bottling establish
ment on Cnpouso avenue. The Men's
union accused him of selling1 at retail
and prosecuted him for selling liquor
without a license. Ho was convicted
of this charge, but when called for
sentence, his attorney, Joseph O'Brien,
contended that Lukan could not be
sentenced for selling without a license,
but, at the most, could only be sub
jected to tho lesser penalty attaching
to n violation of his bottlei's license.
Judgo Archibald says in overruling
Mr. O'Bi ten's contention:
"If the defendant having a llcensa
has been Improperly convicted, he ban
his remedy by an appeal to the court
above us, where our errors, If any, will
bo reviewed nnd corrected. But so far
as tho case now stands the sentenco
must follow tho record as It has been
made. As tho defendant has boon cou
lcled of relllng without a license, tho
penalty for that offense must be Im
posed. Let the defendant bo called.
On his failure to appear let a capias
An impoitant order was handed
down adding' to the court ruins one
which will prohibit in a great meas
ure tho multiplication of criminal
cases, and consequently cut down the
foes which aldermen, Justices and
constables draw from tho county
Tho uile reads as follows: "No sep
arate cases of surety will be enter
tained where the defendant has been
returned on any other charge between
the Fame parties growing out of the
samo ti ansaction."
Almost invariably, a large number
of tho aldermen nnd Justices havo
been wont to hitch a surety case on
to every assault and battety case. The
surety case would of course be dis
posed of with tho assault and battery
case, but tlK" maglstiates and consta
bles would collect lees for two cases.
Couit refused to grant applications
for licences for the remainder of the
year for three places where the licenses
were leccntly revoked for Sunday sell
inir. Tim applications lefused were:
Jacob Faust, for Peter Hoss' place,
at !02 West Lackawanna avenue.
Harry Flax, for Wolf Johnson's
place, at 32S Penn avenue.
Thomas Jlfkltw, for the old White
house, nt 113 Penn avenue.
Appointments weie made as follows:
II. A. Coureeii as guardian of hi
son, Walter II. Courson, a minor
grandchild nnd heir of the late James
Patrick Mackln and Thomas Beech
am as overseers of th special olpctlon
to be held In tho Hlxth ward, Tuesday,
Jan. S, 1901.
A. F. Gebhardt, of Jcimyn, to suc
ceed himself as a hide-path commis
sioner of Lackawanna county for a
tetm ot three- years.
William F. Toy as constable of the
Tenth ward, to succeed William Beck
mtin, resigned, and Joseph Gardner, as
constable of the Nineteenth ward.
The plierlff's deeds acknowledged
Properly of Meriltl ciott in eprlnu Iliook to
'Scorp-e l. Okell for 610.
Piopeily f J. D. Mocker in Fill township to
Woodbury Coil for 05.
Pioperty of J. I. Mocker lu Carbondale to
Junes Hell for sdt3.
1'ioperly of Louis S(itJ! in Winton to . If.
Pierce for M".
Property of .1. I), hiockcr lu Veil township to
1). i. II. (o. for 5X.
Ill the cu so of John VJenore . Son
nsalnst 11. K. Leonard the rule to file
a bill of particulars was discharged.
In the matter of the estate of Martin
demon, It was dliccted that a Jury
o'f Inquest bo selected Jan. 21, 1901, to
hear the evidence, which will ho taken
beforo Judste Kelly.
Tho report of the auditor of as
signed estate of the Scranton City
bank was confirmed conditionally,
Kqulty court will begin this morning
and a Brand Jury will enter upon a
week's session, lietutna ot con-itables
will ulsn be heard.
.Tudce John V, Kelly will enter upon
his ten-year elective term at high noon
and at the .amo hour tho newly
elected county oniclals will assume
Mexico pmcliauri over .100,000 wortli of United
Statot furniture the tir.t nine months of the pres
ent j car.
HatUis fur dogs nrc very much In demand
in Paris, and Ihoke wl,u aie cspcit arc said to
i-:uti cnmfoitahlo incomes,
Melbourne, Australia, reports that a sjstem of
"olcctilcs" ax to bo built, supplementing the
cable railwajs, to U as fecden from the subur
ban districts.
A buaintH inau of Ioi t Worth, Tor., has
brought suit for cO.noo aealiut the pub
IMicu of a rlty directory for Junius doicrlbed
him as i olorrd,
PivliriittTitibiir.', .South Afrha, h to build an
electric, to be owned and cpoutrd by
tho munlilptllty. risht-Mheeler doulilc-deckcd are to he tried.
In isLoiland a tucntlctli of the area Is foict
land. 'I1ii creater portion f th country I"
inounlalii heath and laic. Tin uiltlvatnl land
Is coinpaiatlvely eiy limit. it in IM ana.
St. Louis has eood ttaturt of lltlne, Schiller
and fioethe. Tlio larRC (icrman KpulJtluli there caro that the jrcat men cl tho 1'utherland
are properly bonoied in the city of their adop
tion. Tin.- chief sanitJiv Inspector ol Chliaito has
diK-oieicd that all the churches ot that city are
full of bad ulr, and fays tlio inoio jou steam
and beat foul air the more itnnholcJomc It he
romcH. There hat been fcui.-li a iiipeiabunduiico of fruit
til Switzerland this autumn that in Ueru, one day
In No ember, 10,000 school children received each
a baslclful of apples, presented by nclBhborlng
An ilk prit-crie has been established at Jack,
sons Hole, Wjo., by M. V. fllltncr, uho fears
that elk m1U share tho fate of Iho buffalo. He
now has a herd of 10, hailns started four years
at'O mtn nail u doten,
Union carpenters in Pan Kranclauo tiaie fully
demonstrated hat can be done by oiEonlned
labor when acting as a unit. They haio a union
plsnlnc milt In full operation, giving employ
ment to 2,000 unlm wen.
Prom clerk to millionaire from the drudgery
of dried apple and sugar to th luxury ot a.
palaca cir fqroin $10 a wctk to $1,000 a month;
that's a Uap mad.) by a Kansas boy Joe Chans
lor In halt a doien years of les.
efforts are to bo made by Philadelphia people
to preserve the old monastery near WUtthlckon.
The monastery was oonitruetcd by the Seventh
Vty n&ptlst when thty weie an order, and dates
back a ccrtury and a half. It Is of great historic
Interest, but has fallen Into decay since tlio de
cline of the orders by which It wsi onca inhab
ited. M the remit of an election btt lo black
bean ulll march In the Inaugural paradn In
Vi'MiiiiKtc.n next March. W. M. Hoey and Will
iam Tiggart, of Nogales, Arts., made the) bet.
Tin former won and by the terms of the wager
wilt lead the bears, which were captured In the
Santa lllta mountslni. After the parade they
will be glun to the Washington toologlcal gar
dens. In Nagasaki, Japan, there Is a firework mater
who manufacture pyrotechnic birds of irreat
slxe that, when eaplodod, tall In a lifelike man.
ner through the air and perform many move
ments exactlr like thee of IMntr bird. The
tectet of making these wonderful things has
been In potscMlon of the eldest child of the fani.
lly of each generation for more than four hun.
dred yeirs.
and Furnishings
The right kinds, the
right prices. All grades
48c and upwards.
412 Spruce Street.
Winter Hose at reduced prices.
Sea Trips
of two t: fve days' duration,
art offered by the
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Poinf Cdrrtforf, Ua.
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D. C.
Steamers tall dally except Sunday from Pier U,
Noith ltlver, foot ot Beach street, New York.
Tickets, induding meals and htatcroom accom
modations, $13.00 and upward.
l'or full Information apply to
81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y.
ll.B.WAI.KF.n,Traf.Mgr. J.J.nilOWN.C.r.A.
A $7.00
THE Book ofl lie
sonicly 1 lus
trntcil by ttitr-tv-two
ol the
world's Great
est Artist.
Given Free
to csch pereon Interest,
ed In subjcribins to the
Kugene Field Jlon'i.
ment Souvenir Kuml.
Subscribe any am lunt
desired. Subscriptions
ns low as $1.00 will en
title donor to his daint
ily artistic volume.
(cloth bound, 611), as
a certificate of subscrip
tion to fund. Dook
contains selection of
Field's best and most
representative works tad 1 ready for de-
Put for tho noble contribution of the
world's RTratest urtUts this book could not
have been manufactured for lew than $7.00.
The rund created Is divided equally be
tueen the family of the late Eugene Field
and the Fund for the building of a monu
ment to tho memory of the beloicd poet
of childhood. Address
Eueene Field Monument Souvenelr Fund
Chicago, IIL
It you also ish to tend pottage, enclose
10 cents.
For years this remedy has been the
standard nerve restorative. Thousands
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to its use,
Seilne Pills replace weakness and
exhaustion with strength and vigor;
the brain becomes clearj the nerve
steady and calm; gloomy forebodluBi
are banished and perfect vitality Is ful
ly restored.
If you are suffering as above, try a
box; you'll be encouraged by Its effect
to take the full course of six boxes
then If you nre not entirely cured, ve
will refund your money. This satis
factory offer is one of the factors ot
our success.
$1.00 per box ; (1 boxes (with guaran
tee to cure or money back), J." 00, mailed
In plain packages. Hook free. I'nar.
Mbukink Co., Cleveland, Olil..
Tor sale by John II. Phelps, PharmacUt, corner
Wyoming uvenue and Spruce street.
trxo-tx thi: xamk.
f64 8t.,rhllil.lbU(r, ! doUther Art. C11
I !;?".5."riT..c.. (icrtsts.Biooo poison:
-tOST MANHOOD. rll SpHirlrUf... no cuius. ;sjv:
31rhcieinrlinlto(lill). Aol.UliHilr'me
1 .ciW offlMil si a citeh. Rulni Thmntii.1.. ,fcM f '
ll'i'iiiliiirlilli) .llnll. Inwlnnl rrller.17'iv,ii. p
Still Greater Reductions in Prices of
Ladies' Winter Jackets
At $5.00
Jackets Regularly Worth from $10.00 to $12.50.
At $7.50
Jackets Regularly Worth from $15.00 to $18:00.
At $ 1 0.00
Jackets Regularly Worth from $20.00 to $25.00.
Connolly & Wallace
127 and 129 Washington Ave.
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
13. 1900.
Loans and Investments
Banking House 38,500.04
Cash nnd Reserve.... 530,870.10
Capital S 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Proats . . . 57,005.29
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,536.08
U. S. Deposits 422,720.30
Due to Banks 54,785.53
III'NKV DLLl.V. JR., Vice-President.
Manufacturer!, or
48B to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telepltons Call. 2!W:.
Rooms 1 anU2, Com'lth D'Pd's.
ninlng and Blasting
Mr-Oa at Mooilo and Rashdal Works,
Bettrla Btttsrles, KleotrloEzplolsrt.
iplodlng blasts, Bufctr fuisunl
Rsiauni Chonioal Ca's cxploViV
iU, I
Curtain News!
Shrewd buyers will take advantage of the special
prices made on our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many
small lots at a fraction of their real ralue.
FURNITURC coverings
t 129 Wyoming Avenue
4 - f - H - - H - f - - H - f - f - H - T - H"H
HU'JIIIIir NlllUUk' 0
Oil Sioves,
Gas Stoves,
Steam and UnQloro x
Hot Water nUdtOlb,
DR. nnNSTUN, 311 Sprues Street, Sersn.
ton. Pa. tl Acuta anJ Chronic Diseases ol
Men, Womtn an I Children. Consultation nnd
examination free. Olllce Hours Dally and
buaday a. sn. to p p. m.
- COUCH coverings
- - f t M t H
Good skating New
Year's day. Our
store will be open
until 12 a. m. today
for the accomodation
of skaters and others
Skates sharpened
while you wait.
Florey & Brooks
211 Washington Aa.
Central Aient (or the Womlifj
District let
Ulnlntr, niaitlnir, Pportlor. Emcselsss trnl
Keiauno Cb'mlcsl Coropuiy's
High Explosives.
Ealetr Fuss, Ops anl Csplodtn. Iteom 401 Gen
nell UulldlnE, Ucrsntoi.
....a,.,..,.,... Mttinuiiva
....... ... .IN jTH0Ut
W. i:. ItULLlOAN Wilkes Dane