,f ,-r. '.fa :&' ,, . v''f"'- vWm ' '-WrriJeVv -Sf(hWN(fliVjpR,'--" .p.' l'yfpyy..'fJMi, - jf. -7 1 . THE SORAKTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY, 3, 1901. POLICY OF GOV. ODELL First Meaeaoe ot the Ghlet Maols- .rate ot New York Uraes Economu of Government. A CHECK ON TAMMANY Recommends Centralization of Mun icipal Powers Single Head for Police Department, Subject to Re moval by Governor or Mayor Mu nicipal Ownership of Water Supply Favored Justice for Corporations. How Inequalities In Taxation Could Be Adjusted. By Kxclustrs Wire from Tin Assoclalnl Press. New Vorls, Jan. 2. Governor Oilell's flint mex'uiKo to the Now York legisla ture, transmitted today: The governor's message in a general lerommendation for the reduction of the expenses of the state and a plea for a more rigid economy In the differ ent depnttmentH nnd commissions. He rccommendH the consolidation of the board of mediation mid arbitration, the bureau of labor statistics and the state factory Inspection department Into one commission, to be known as the de partment of labor. He asks that the state board of charities and the pris ons commission be abolished and the uork of these departments be done by a single commissioner. He nlso ob jects to the present system of employ ing special legal ndvtce nnd recom mends that the compensation of attor neys bo fixed by statuto on a percent age basis. The governor Is of the opinion that the corporations are treated more lib erally In other states than they are In New Tork. The burdens placed upon domestic corporations, he says. Is forc ing capital to go to other states where more favorable laws exist nnd as a consequence New York Is losing reve nues which other states are enjoying nt its expense. The legislature Is asked to enuot amendments which will liber alize and make more popular the state's corporation laws. "We should exercise the same supervision over foreign cor poiatlormvliri seek to do business with in our state," says Mr. Odell, "as over our own, and they should be subject to the same limitations. Many complaints now ninde- against large combinations ot capital are Just, but owing to our lack of Jurisdiction we are unable to control, nnd therefore no law can he framed which 'will reach foreign cor porations effectively. Even though we deny their right to Hie certificates, the greatest penalty is the withholding of the right to use our courts, and this In effect Is but a slight embarrassment, as the United States court can be used for the same purpose. Liberal laws, therefore, which will accord the same rights as those given to Individuals, restrictive as to their powers and the safeguarding of the people's Itjterest, will accomplish much more than decla mation against corporations, and will at the same time aid us by relieving the burden ot taxation upon the homes af those who can 111 afford to bear .hem." Taxation of Corporations. The governor says that he has looked forward with pleasuieablo anticipation to the day whe i the state of New York would no longer find it necessary to levy a direct tux for state purposes. In referring to the taxation of corpora tions Mr. Odell says: "All corporations receive from the state cert? In rights, it seems to me, therefoie, that capital of this charac ter In our state should pay a tribute to the creating power for that which they hae received. This Justifies the present laws taxing corporations for state purposes, and all future corpora tion tax laws should be based upon this principle. That the present law works hardships to some nnd Is not fully enforced In other cases Is appar ent. This no makeshift remedy will correct, but an entirely new system should be framed to meet existing con ditions and a fair and equitable recom pense from all corporations enjoying state protection and favors should be exacted. Exemptions should be given by the localities rather than bv the state, because It Is the former which receives the greatest benefit and all corporations should therefore pay a tax based upon their earning power. But few of the many corporations In the state are now taxed In this mnnner, and therefore an unfair discrimination exists." As to the correction ot evils In the Ity of New York and the need of hus banding the resources of the cltv, the governor says: "Every department of New York needs corrective legislation. Especial ly Is this true of those departments whose udminlstiatlon Is confined to county lines. In this direction I desire to call your attention to the fact that many of the public officers In that city are receiving a larger remuneration for their services than that which Is given to the president of the United States. Your attention Is called to a few In stances of this character. Tho sheriff of the county of New York receives an annual salary of $20,000, and one-half of the fees, which are said to amount to 160,000 per year more. The claim has been made heretofore that the sheriff lakes great financial responsibility and is therefore entitled to additional com pensation. This Is not now truo in et effect, because ho can at all times de mand a bond of Indemnity nnd thus save himself from all harm. It would seem to mo that a salary of $20,000 would be ample for this office. The same may be said of tho county clerk and the registrar of the county of New York, whose salaries are excessive. In the county of Kings tho combined sal aries of tho sheriff, county clerk nnd registrar amount to $300,000 per nn num. This could be reduced by abol ishing the fee system nnd substituting therefor salaries, the balance to bo paid Into tho treasury for tho purposo of reducing the tnxes upon property," Police Department. The police department of New York cltj' recelvewconslderablo attention In te governor's message, Mr. Odefl Is tho opinion that much of the dlfll- I'lty now oxlstlng In this department la tyio to divided responsibility nnd a lacx of a centralization, of authority. "What remedy have we," ho usks, "for this manifest evil which has brought the police force of the cltv oi Now York Into such disrepute? A stato JonsUbuVary hasTegesV hut the strong disinclination upon the part of the other municipalities throughout the state to acquiesce in this nolutlon renders this plan valueless. A metro politan police system la open to tho criticism that It Is a. violation of tho principle of home rule euaranteed by tho constitution. Wo are therefore brought to face this proposition, with no apparent remedy as yet suggested. In my opinion there should be a com plete centralization of power. There Is no necessity, It seems to me, for a commissioner who Is not In effect as well an In name tho absolute head ot the police system of tho city of New York. An efficient man, the choice of tho mayor, as a single headed commis sioner, with all the Dowera now pos sessed by the chief of police, would at once narrow down the responsibility nnd place It within the power of the chief executive of tho state to hold accountable the mayor and the com missioner thus appointed. This sug gestion, If given effect by legislative enactment, would, in my opinion, be no violation of the principle of home rule." The message recommends the entire separation of the bureau of elections from tho police department of the city of New York nnd the creation of a bi partisan election. Among the novel features advocated by the new governor Is the enactment of nn employers' liability law, or the establishment of a system of forced In surance of the employes by the em ployer, the object being to place tho employes on tho same footing as Indi viduals not employed, in cases ot ln Jury or death to tho employe resulting from negligence on the part of the em ployer. The message further recommends ex empting mortgages from taxation, the consolidation of the forest preserve board and the forestry, fish and game commission nnd the improvement and enlargement of the state prison nt Sing Sing. PLOT TO BLOW TIP A TUNNEL. Bomb Found in La Salle 3treet Tun nel Under Chicngo River. Ily Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Chicago, Jan. 2. On Information from a source which he declines to make public, Detective Sergeant Mc Laughlin found a gas pipe bomb In one of the niches ot the LaSalle Btreet tunnel shortly before midnight. The bomb was taken by the policeman to central station nnd thence carried to the lake front and exploded. Detective McLaughlin said he re ceived a hint to the effect that nn ef fort would be made to blow up the tunnel used for tho passage of tho North Side cable cars. Ho hastened to the scene and found a piece of thiee-lnch gas pipe about fifteen Inches long. In one of the small arched openings In the dividing Mall of th tunnel. A half burned fuse protuded from one end. Earlier In the night one ot tho sweepers employed In the tunnel saw a man about 25 years old and shabbily dressed lolterlnff there. When asked what ho was doing he replied: "Noth ing." The stranger loft the tunnel hurriedly. s The police suspect that the bomb waa '.placed there by a dis charged employe of the company. CHILDREN DESERTED. Pour Young People Are Found Alone In a Flat. By Kxcluslvo Wire from The Associated 1'im New York, Jan. 2. Joseph. Lizzie and Charles Polombe, 10, 8, 7 and C years old respectively, were committed to the care ot the Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Children today In the Harlem police court. The children were found alone In a flat, where they had been deserted by their mother. The father, Peter Polombe, Is a Parser, and Is employed nt Washington. The neigh bors say he sent money each week to Mrs. Polombe for the support of the children. A few days ago, It Is claimed, he Bent Mrs. Polombe a sum of money nnd Instructed her to pack the furni ture and movo to Washington. It Is charged that Mrs. Polombe did pack up her furniture, but that she did not ship It to Washington, and that she deserted the children, leaving them in the attic without food and with but little clothing. The society ngents are looking for her. CHINAMEN CAPTURED. Eight Celestials Arrested for Illegal Entry. Ily IJxclu-lvis Wire from The Associated Press. Plattsburg, N. Y., Jan. 2. Eight Chinamen, arrested at North Bulken, near Malone, N. Y December 31, and four others arrested at the same place on New Year's duy, for alleged illegal entry into the United States, were brought here tonight and nrraigned be fore United States Commissioner Woodward. The cases were adjourned until tomorrow. Four Chinamen were arrested ut Swanton, Vt., and two others at St. Albans, Vt this week on similar charges. All these Chinamen started from Montreal. There are several hun dred Chinamen In Montreal and Otta wa, and despernto attempts are being made to get them into the United States before the imposition of the $100 head tax Imposed by Canada. CATCH A MICHIGAN KIDNAPPER William Sullivan Arrested nnd Mis. Thierry's Boy Recovered. Uy Kxcluslve Who from The Associated Pie. Houghton. Mich., Jan. 2. William Sullivan, who kidnapped the 5-year-old son of Mrs. Raymond Thierry, of Dollar Hay, Saturday, was caught by Sheriff Lean nt Halfway, eighteen miles south of Houghton, lust night. The kidnapped boy was uninjured, al though he had walked nearly thirty miles In as many hours during zero weather. He was restored to his mother. Sullivan was lodged In Jail. A bill greatly to Increase tho penal ties for kidnapping will probably be Introduced In the Michigan legisla ture next week. Semi-Monthly Pay Days. By Exclusive Wire from Tlio Associated Press. Shamokln, Pa Jan. 2. Tho Union and Mineral Coal companies announced today that beginning with tho present month, semi-monthly pay would go Into operation. Kho thousand men and bojs are cmplojed at tho six operations of the companies between hero and Mt. Carmel. All other companies and individual operators are now paying armt-monthly In this region as a result ot tho anthracite atrlVe last tall. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup Has been used for over FIFTY YHAItS .. MILLIONS of JIOTHKItS for their CHILUKFS WI1ILK TEKTH1NO. with PKIlKEOr SUCCFSS It fsOOTHES the CIIIM). BOFTKNB the OUllS ALLAYS all PAIN; CJ1IES WIND COLIO, ind Is the best remedy for DIMIIIIIOKA. Sold 2 Druggists In every part of the world. Be sum fet.e " "" SB inu u iwr ' "iitvw swvwiinLr hymn ' ..A ,!,, a nt..i Lin,! 1W.r,lH.s. ZlYP 00 THEATRICAL ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. Thursday Burke's Vaudeville company. Mat inee. l"rlclsy-"AH en Account of Ellea." Academy of Music. Last Thres Dar"9pan of Life." The Gaiety. I.vt Three Di)a-Sam T. Jack! Burlesquers. Vaudeville at Lyceum Today. . That Manager Ludlow, of the Hutke Vaudeville companies on the Pennsylvania circuit, did not exaggerate in pronouncing his attraction for this week the best of the aeries up to date, was demonstrated at the Nesbltt theatre in Wilkes liirre jesterday, where the troupe gave enter tainments to delighted audiences. Representa tives of the Scranton newspapers, who, In com pany with Maniger Duffy, of the Lceum, were permitted to witness the performance, do not hesitate to recommend the company ns one calculated to please tliealie-goers of the KIcclrlo City. The troupe is headed by the author, com edian and dialect artist, Joseph lfart, and the talented soubrette, Carrie De Mar, who are too well known In Scranton fo need an Introduction. It is probably sufficient to My that their sketch, entitled "The Quiet Mr. day," Is one of the funniest upon their repertoire, and their Scran ton friends may be assured that n good laugh is In store for all who witness the sketch. Ilinrl French, undoubtedly the best comedy juggler, performs feats not hitherto attempted on any stage, that are entirely new and novel and arc most marvelous. Among the most amusing ot the numbers, and one that was par ticularly enjoyed by the children yesterday, was the performance of Coakley and 1 lusted, singing and dancing comedians, and their funnv little dog, an animal that sits quietly in a baby car rlago and apphuds with his paws at the proper moment. In addition to songs by Hart and De Marr, vocal numbers ore rendered by Laura Comstock, one of tho best of interpreters of coon songs, and the Prouty Ilrothcrs. Among the other ex cellent features are tho performance of tirelle, the aerlel artist, and the wonderful mlnd-rcadlng tests of Prince Albene and May La Brant. The programmo closes with a one-act farce by the llempsey ami Mack company, which Is a fitting finish to a menu of good things in the amuse ment line. Tin-re seems no question that the great popu larity of the entertainments furnished by the Burke companies In Rcranton will be Increased by the performances to be g!en at tne Lyceum this afternoon and evening. Sam T. Jack's Company. Potion' the croud on Thursday, January .1, to the Gaiety, and witness the opening performance of tho Sam T. Jack's Own Burlesque company. This company hardly needs any further Intro duction to the patrons of the Gaiety, as its past reputation is still fresh In their minds, and It is safe to say that the company -vill more than keep up lis past reputation, i'S the company Is larger and better than ever th's jear. The performance commences with a lan-'i-able burlesque satire, entitled "A Hayseed Soubrette," and It is said to be one of the best burlesques on "Sis Hopkins" and "A Hot Old Time" ever offered, and it affords the en tire company ample opportuntles to display 'heir various talents. The vaudeville portion conta'ns such Will known artists as Mabel Hazleton, I'ete Grlmu, Lulu Darrell, Julia Katus, Host and Neff, Fisher and Clark, Mile, Beatrice, James and Flora Simpson, Lulalne and Darrell and Wal lace and Allen. Two special features are an Oriental "Pas Ma La," performed by eight hind some Turkish ladles, with all Its oriental splen dor, and an original production of Bam T. Jtc'c s Living Pictures, with special sctueri, electrical and mechanical effects, and calling for the Mr vices of twenty of the handsomest formed ladles ever seen in Scranton with a similar organiza tion. The closing burlesque, "The Sapho Trl il," while following the leading points ot that lam o s trial recently held in New York, is leplcto with comedy, music ami laughter. So come prepared to laugh, for in the classics "It'i to laugh." "The Span of Life." There is no melodrama more popular than "The Spin of Life," in spite of the seasons it has been before the public, nnd its production at the Academy, commencing today, .will ba wel comed by the levers of that soit of entertain ment. The play is too well known to need any especial comment. One of the finest presentations of the play ever given is premised, both as to the (ompany and the staging. Tho scene where the ocean llmr, aglow with lights, is seen about to dash on Co'fln Kocks, and is just saved by the burst of light from the lighthouse, is said to have been worked tip to a wonderfully realistic pro duction. The usual matinees will be git en. "All on Account of Eliza." The admirers of Louis Mann and Clara Llpman, and this city holds hosts of them, have for so long a time admired and applauded the en tertaining work of these two plajers, a exhibited In "The Girl From Paris," "The Telephone Girl" and "the Clrl In the Ilarracks," that they will find it a difficult task to imagino them in a piece dealing entirely with the doings of a little village in the Interior of New York state, and enacting the central figures in a group of characters as rustic in tvpe as those to be found In "The Old Homestead." Miss Llpman and Mr. Mann have, however, fulfilled mi am bition, cherished for several jears, of display ing their talent In comedy of a thoroughly legit imate and wholesome nature; and that the am rnltlon was not gratified sooner was owing to the lack of a suitable comedy In which to seek the good will of their admirers. In "All on Account of I'.lUa," written es pecially for them by Leo Dltrlchsteln, they they have found the vehicle for which they sought. It affords them cliaucters In which they are uproariously and continuously funny, and it enables them to keep the risibilities of their audiences at concert pitch without once resorting to even a trace of ...e French nig gestlveness which characterized some of the founer productions in which they found them selves cat. The piece made an emphatic success In New York. That success, It Is pretty safe lo mj will be duplicated at the Ljceuin tomor row night. The adancc sale of scats opened at the Ljceum box office yesterday morning, and from present Indicat.ons the Ljceum will be packed "The Parish Priest." 'The Parish Priest," which plajs a return engagement at the Ljceum Monday night, will bo found by theatre-goeis a ccllghtful play, where dramatlo effect Is sacrificed for natural nets, and the heart, not the backbone, Is ap pealed to by the 'dramatist. It is a human story, a story of home, where tne glow of the peaceful fire lights the faces of reunited friends, who at sunset were separated, as they thought, for cer. In that glow Is Father Whalen, who by srts diplomatic has brought about the happi ness of his friends. In so doing, he has unconsclouly placed him self In positions where for a time lie is de nounced by those he has attempted to befriend. Comedy and pathos result from these complica tions which deulop the peculiarities of the cnaractcrs, who are alwajs Interesting, as Father Whalen, Mr, Sully has a character which demands from him more artistic work than any of his previous successes. He has surprised the most srdent ot his admirers, and has siored an individual success long and pleasontly to bo remembered. The play has Just made a long run at the Fourteenth street theatre, New York, and last season had a four weeks' run In Iloiton. Concert by Sousa's Band. The honors of the present musical season fall to the lot of John Philip Sousa appropriately enough, for the "March King" Is easily the most conspicuous of American musiclsus at this time because of his recent unqualified triumphs in Europe. It was twenty-two jears since an American band bad been heard on the rontlnent, and the experiment of a concert tour of Europe with such an rxtensho and espensbe organisa tion as the Sousa baud might well have been considered harardous, but so emphatic was the success of tho American conductor and com poser that tho tour really became a series of orations throughout France, Delglum, Germany tnd Holland. At Farls the band was one distinct and as sured success ot the Exposition, its concerts being attended by thousands dally, and in every city on the rontlnent where the Sousa band played it established new records for attend ance and receipts. And now, with the well-won plaudits ot the Old World, John Philip Sousa comes to this city with the same great band for two concerts at the Lyceum on Wednesdiy, January 0, afternoon and evening. The soloists aro Blanche Duffleld, soprano, and Ilertha Duck lln, vlollniite, as well as Arthur I'ryor, whose astonishing virtuosity on the trombone made his playing l sensation in Europe, "Side Tracked." There are til ktr.ds ot vlays, some serious, somo merry, and some with a slender thread of atory to an intrrtalnment that passes away the hours given to amusement. Of this latter kind "Side Tracked" lias been selected by the man agement for the Academy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A truly merry entertainment and one evoking continuous laughter, with here and there a slightly serious vein almost as soon turned Into merriment as it has appeared. A merry tramp, thejeemlng creature of an hour, appears at constantly opportune tlmts, and con tinually protects two pretty sisters from an noyance, by thwarting th Mian's attempted attentions. He is ever present, from his first appearance In a box car conveniently barked Into stage prominence, until the end, when he turns gc.v tlcmsn and wins the hand of the pretty younger sister. lit Is the one IMng witness of the rnur. der that takes place, and the one final prosecu tor. He Is alwasa at hand when wanted, when not wanted, am' at any time in any circum stance can be looked for. The perfoimance is enlivened with taking muslcil and specialty fea tures. INSANE ASYLUM ABUSE. Mrs. Edward Hughes Thinks Her Husband Was Killed by Abuse nt Bellevue. By Excluthe Wlie from The Associated l'rcv. New York, Jan. 2. Mrs. Edward Hughes, of this city, but formerly of P tsburg, made a statement to tho E ining World today to tho effect that he husband, who died in St. Luke's hot vital about a year ago, lost his life because of Injuries received in Belle vue hospital. .Mrs. Hughes charges 'that her husband was taken to Helle vue in June, 1898. She says she saw film In a straight Jacket, nnd made to trot up and down n corridor In tho Bellevue insnne pavilion while an at tendant flogged him with a long strap tipped with metal. Later the man was taken to the Man hattan state hospital, where It was found that seven of his ribs had been fractured. He was In bad health, Mrs. Hughes says, from that time until his death, a year and a half later. FRED DILCHEP. RETURNS. National Committeeman of the Mine Workers Back in Scranto.n Frederick Dilcher, of the national executive committee of. the United Mine Workers, leturned to this cltv last night, after having spent the holi days at his home In Nelsonvllle, O. Mr. Dilcher proposes to change his residence to Scranton nnd bring on his family In the near future. PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press. Washington. Jan. 2. The monthly statement of the public debt shows that at the close of busi ness Dec. 31, 1MX), the national debt, less cash in the treasury, amounted to SI.OOT.IO, a de crease for the month of $l,0H3,5fi.ri. The debt Is recapitulated as follows: Interest bearing debt, M.001,119,770; debt on which Interest has ceased since inatmlty, $.,,0."l, 070; debt bearing no interest, $.183,111,800. To tal, S1,3S!),2M,010. This amount, however, does not include $754,012,371) in certiticatca and treas ury notes outstanding, which aio offset by nn equal amount of nsh on hand. The cah In the treasury Is classified as follows: Reserve fund in gold, $1 ,10,000,000 j trust fundi In gold, siler and United Mates notes, $7ol,012, 370; general fund, M50,5,!, 178. In national bink depositories, to the credit ot disbursing offlceis and the United States tieasuiei, $'W.GXG94. To lal, $1,131,271,53.!, ngalnat which tlieic ore de mand liabilities outstanding amounting to $tt,-lGi,'-Il leaving a cash balance on hand of HO, 107,3.10. Tho cash in the treasury ini reused din ing tho month, $930,Jti. DEATHS OF A DAY. By F.xclusite Wire fiom Tho Associated l'lcss. Philadelphia, Jan. 2.-Samuel V. H. Hill, (.en eral ogent of the Adams Kxpress company in this i Ity, died today at his heme in this cltv. Death was due to plcuio-pncumonia, lie wns about CS cars of ac and bad been thirty-nine scars in the service of the company, worl'lng his way from an humble position to that ot general agent. Westchester, Tu., Jan. 2. Captain IMnard Hoppey, United States army, retired, died iud dculy ot apoplcvy last night at tils home .it Frarer, near here. He sorted In the rcgul.ir army and lost en arm at the battle of Bull Hun. lie was erne of the oftlccn who were detailed lo guard tho penitentiary when Mrs. Surratiand the other conspirators were hanged for plotting tho arsrsinatIon of President Abraham Lincoln. Ho was also one of the officers detalleel lo guard tho funeral cortego that boie the boly of Lin coln from Washington to Springfield. He was tho posseesor of .1 medal, struck by order of congress, and presented to him and to each of the officers who took pait In that duly. Tunkhannocl., Pa Jan. 2. A telegram fiom Fureka Springs, Ark,, announces tho death nt that placp this inoimng of Mrs. Maria Sittscr, wlfi of Hon. John A. Sillser, ei-prculdent Judge of the Forty-fourth Peimstltaiila district. Mr. and Mrs. Sittser wort there two weeks ago fer the latter' health. Mis, SltUcr was i daugh ter of the late C P. Miller, a banker at this plice, Atlantic Cltj. N. I., Jan. 2,-Oeneial l.lias Wright, a veteran of tho Civil war, riled here today. He was 71 jears old. He was born In 1630 at Durham, Greene tountv, X. Y. In 1SC1 he was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Fourth New Jersey volunteers, nnd was nieces. Itely promoted to captain, major, lieutenant col or.el and colonel. He was breveted brigadier gen. eral before retirement, felnee lsett he lias been a rcMdent of Atlantlv City onl followed the profes. slon of citll engineer. Attempted Suicide. By Kxclusltc Wire from Tho Associated Pi ess Bethlehem, Jan. 2. While in Ids cups this afternoon, hating been on a spree slnco Christ mis day, lra Ache, a clganiuker, shot It's wife twice and then sent a bullet into his own abdo men. Ho will die. Mrs, Ache's wounds arc not considered fatal, 'I Key had been married twent). file sears. Ache teas a professional bake hall iii teller a number of jrais ai-o. Costly Christmas Tree. By Hxcluslte Wire from Tie Associated Prc-j. Hatlcton, Pa,, Jan. 2. A lighted candtct on a Clulstinas tieu in the house of Dr. Kftutr, In Hatleton, ignited coma di apery shoitly uefore midnight, reusing a fire which dcslrojcd two double dwellings. Loss, ((111,000. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and Hut Is by constitu tional remedies. Drafncns is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is IntUmed ton hato a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, Deafness Is tho re sult, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever! nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will glto One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHKNKY k CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the belt. " THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, Jan. 2. Today's slock market open ed with an upward rush of prices and closed with something very like a slump and with the list in a very ragged condition in the matter of net changes. The profcMlonal bear traders tell upon the market today with vigor ami enthii. alasm. Tho market showed an astonishingly largo demand for stock nnd In the early dealings the supply was sufficiently limited to causo a vol stile upward spurt nt prices In a. number of stocks. The general level of the market was in fact lifted to attractive profits even In a day's spurt and a great volume of the selling was due to profit taking. Ths rrallilng was well ab sorbed, If regarded from the standpoint ot buy ers of stocks on Monday, but the I elapse froi.i ino rop prices louay at wmen ineie was n con siderable volume of purchases, mikes disappoint Ing results for those who got in at the high level. The market must be ronsldeied also In connection with the positive elements of weak, ncss which developed. The violent break in sugar was a decidedly disturbing lnllueme and had more effect than similar breaks hate bad In the Immediate past. This rtock was pushed tip Hi this morning on tho published reports that the proposed advance In the prlcj of pickagc' colTcn was the forerunner of settlement of the sugar trade war which has been a pilule to Wall street for many months. This comforting assurance for holders of sugar certificates re retted a rude shock from the announcement which quickly followed of a rut in the price of granulated sugar by the Ainerlran company whleli teas followed by the other coinnvnles. bringing tho prices by all to the same basis. As tho American company has been holding Its prlco r.boto that of the other companies tho liNrglng of prices to the sani bisls Is alleged tn be equivalent to a settlement. Hut this did nt avail to rave sugar from n drop of 74 points to 140. with the closo only slightly better. The New York public utilities suffered from the io marks of tho new governor nf New Yolk un the svbjcct of taxation oflorpoiatlons and franchise and the rubber stocks violently reacted from a buoyant early rise, t'omlng on top ot the gen eral movement to rcnllre the effect on the gen eral market was decidedly oppressive and stocks were carrieil down very generally lictween 1 and 2 points. The most prominent slocks in the earlv rise were, however, comparatively firm and hand, some, net gains were conserved for St. Paul, Vcnnsvlvanla, Uiltlmore and Ohio, Union Pacific, the Hies ami Headings As to the recipients of the annual disbursement of ditldends and In tercst thev were not much In evidence. Total sales, l,5S7.0")O. Business In bonds was very large nnd widely llstrlbvletl and prices were aencially higher. Total sales, par value-, .1, 153,000. U. S. is ele cllricd M per cent, on the list call, The following quotations are furnished The Tribune by M, S. Jordan il Co., rooms 703-700 Uears building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone 500.1: Open- High- Low. Clos ing, est. American Sugar 147 117'S American Tobacco ....ll3li 1141J, Am. Steel & Wire 40 47Ji Atchison ssi; Atchison. Pr SO' Brook. Traction 87 Halt. & Ohio M'i font. Tobacco .TUfc dies. & Ohio UK Chic. &Gt. West 17's Chic. II. & Q 1I2H St. Paul 148,i Hork Island UlTs Del. & Hiid-oi 1.13U, .ackawauna It. It. . ..lW'i Federal Steel 37',i Federal Steel, Pr. .... 77? Kan. fc Te Pr. .., Iouis. & Nash Man. Flcvated Met. Traction MIsko. Pacific People's Gas ., .1. Central lib' Southern Pacific ... Norfolk & West. .., Northern Pacific . , North. Pacific Pr. . N. Y, Cuitral Out. k Western ... PcntM. It. It Pacific Mall if', Heading Ity. 2" Heading lit-., Pr. 71 Southern It. It 2JU South. It. It., Pr. .... 72)4 Tcim. Coal tc Iron .... 03'i II. S. Leather 14& U. S. Leather, Pr, .... 70 II. S. Hubber 29'i Union Pacific MU Union Pacific, Pr. .... f5H Wabash, Pr. ., 2tl Western Union SS1 NEW YOUR PHODUCF. FA'CIIAVGI'. PR I CIS. Open High Low- Clos ing. H-ja, WIIHAT. March .... May COHN. May ing. SI est. SI e-t. tr 41 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. nui. Wed. Fiist National Hank 12W ... Scranton Satlngs Bank .1,30 Thiid National I! ink H) Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 2.W r,conomy Light, II. & P. Co Lacka. Trust safe Deposit Co 150 Clark & Snover Co., Pr 125 Scranton Iron Fence S Mfg. Co Scranton Axle Works Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr JO 100 03 20 'J 30 County Satlnga Bank k Trust Co. First National Bank (Carbondale). Standard Drilling Co Traders' National Hank Scranton Holt nnd Nut Co 300 143 105 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 115 People's Street Railway, first mort gage, due 10J8 113 People's Street Hallway, General mortgage, due 1021 113 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka, Township School 5 per cent. ... City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115 100 10.! 102 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Correctid by II. Q. Dsle. 27 Lackawanna Ave) Butter Creamery, 24a23c. Kggs Select western, Sic: nearby state, Sic. Cheese Full cieam, new, 12c. Beans Per bu., choice marrow, $2 60, Onions Cos, per bu. Flour Best patent, ,4,co. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Pldladelphla, Jan. 2. Wheat Firm, lUc. high, er; contract grade, Jan., TO'ia'Gftc. torn Quiet but steady; No. 2 niixen, Jan., HUUi!. Oits Firm, fair demand; No. 2 white clipped, 31c. Flour Firm and 10c. pel barrel liighei; do. evtras, winters, $2.03,i.,.03 : Peiuu. loller dear, $.1.10x1.30; do. do. straight, .l.33aJ,00; western winter clear, &3.23a3.IO; do. do. straight, ?3.la 3.G3; do. do. intent, $3.70a3.0U; Kansas htralght In sacks, $J.40a3.oO; do. patent In sacks, fc.l.Ma 3 S5; spring clear, 2.S3a3.J0; do. straight, $.1 W n3.1); do. patent, $..il.20; do. fatorlte brands, 81.23at.40i city mills, extia, &J.7l)j2.M; do. clear, (J..13a3.SU; do. straight, 0.5Oi3.O3; do. latent, V."3a4.S3. Hjc llnur Steady at 1 per barrel for cholco Pinna. Butter Steadv; fanee western crcuiueiy, 23,,$c; do. prints, 27c. i:t,:s Firm, good demindi ficsh nearby, 27e. ; ilo. western, 27i'., do. soutl.wctcrn, 2tlc.j l. southern, 23c. Cheese Quiet but firm; N. V. lull cretms, fancy small, UtialSc-.; Jo. do. elo., fair to choice, lOftallUc Helmed sugais Dull and 0 tn 10 points low el, powdcitd, !t3.u0; tubes, J3.75; crown a, 3S3j granulated an I crtstal a. ijeJ.50, (luifrctloncis a, P3.30; No, 1 at $5 13 down to ''LSO for No. 10. Cotton Firm, 'ic. higher; middling uplands, 10e, ' allow Unchanged; city prime m hhds,, 4sic, ; eoun'ry do., bbls., 4Ual9ic.; cakes, riV,e. Lite poultrv -Firm; fowls, OalOc.; old roosttis, 7c; chick', ens, SMaBVic; ducks, lOVialllsC ; geese, palOc; turkejs, OalOc. Dressed poultri Steadr, fowls, choice. OaO'.ic. ; do. fair to good, SaSlic; old roosleis, fie. ; neaiby chickens. lOallc-,; western do., flallc. ; turkejs, choice to (amy, Cal.'e, ducks, tVJl. New York Grain and Produce. New York, Jan. 2. Flour held S lo 10 cents higher on the strength of wheat checking de mand; winter patei.ts, IM.70.W; winter rtralghts, HB0a3.o.i; Minn, pitents, l,10af.4d: winter extras, $2.53a2 03; Minn, bakirs, t)i?.31; winter low giades, f.43a2.W. Wheat Spot 1.1st; No, 2 red, b2ic f. o. b. afloat, and 7'Jlic. eletatnr; No. 1 northern Duluth, 87c. f. o. b arlo.it. Options opened weak, adtauccd to Monday's high point and closed weak at A&ie, net loss. Jan. closed 6015c; Jlarch, BiYtc; May, SJHc. Corn Spot sttady; No. 2, 43lc delator, and 43Ti. f, ii, b. afloat. Option market was quiet all dav and closed easy at &c net loss, Jan. close!) 4',c; May, 42ic. Oats Spot firmi No. .', MUc; No. 3. S7c. No. 2 white, XHl31Hc.l No. 3 while, SlHcj track mixed western, 2714a liO'ic; track white, Jla'Wc Options qubt end about steady. Butter Firm; cieamery, 17a2Je. factory, lllialOc. ; June cieameiy, l7uUe, ; iml. tatlon creamery, ItHalOe-.; state dairy, Ka.'.ic, Cheese Finn; fam-y hrgc, fall made, UVta HMc.i fancy small, fall made, llaUr. Cggs Firm; state and Penna., 2VJ7c.; western, average packing, 21a2lc; western, loss off, Gc, Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, Jau. 2. Wheat scoied the lilanctc price of tho season today on hcaty general buj. ing, but broko sharply later on profit taking and est. Ing Z lit) nou 11 Hi lbl',4 Z in w 4Si i,', s7' Z WV, K?4 h"4 P7M, 81 H:,a S tV 81 hi',4 sot; .i'i 40 Z U)t 4iV4 Wi f ITU 17 17 i 144 142V Hi's V WiVt HUi 149V1 A I22,4 120 12014 W 1.14 1201-6 I -".Hi m 103i IMS, inr,!), V jo r.7i 57 m 7S 7712 7714 7 . 40 4T", 40 to m Wt MT 874 wV 5 .us-, 117 nr.i; nv,; .173 171 172 172 Z . 71'4 7214 711,; 7IVJ .us.;, iiHi),, 1111 nui , .1IMZ 1434 IMi 140i; G . 44 4V4 4IT4 4H4 i . 4V,, 4,".H fi',4 4-iV4 9 . Wi Ml, 8IV4 es k . WJ SK. h7'i h7 W .14-,', HUi 1I4'4 14IH A . 3214 -T2'4 aW Ml'ii f .l'sl lWi llfiii 14W B 4IT4 1374 41 W 2S 2-y 27- A 72?; 7IH 71V, W 22 V4 2' 22'4 H 72'; 72'4 72? 2 M 0.17 j 04 H 144 H'i H'A Z 70 7n T.s 31 2s rtr'j S Mil 814 My, V M'i 81'i M?4 S 20 2V4 2-1'2 V SJi M' K'j S JONAS LONQ'S SONS. PoVSPtpspsjLVSpepspsjpspsBStpsSMtBtpsBs0tpepepsjp9psv The First Friday Sale of MCBttl If vnu h.ive nol itcntiired thi to do so now, at the commencement of the New Century, They me woiiiicriiuiy uiieresung events to inose wno practice economy, because they offer so many uncommonly good opportunities- to save Our Great Friday Afternoon Sate Will try to make new records through the New Year to grow better with each week, always presentintf the strongest of attrac tions to meet public approval. First sale at Two O'clock, suc ceeding sales at Three and Four sixty minutes. BE ON TIME. Sale No. 1. In the Basement at 2 O'clock These Basement Sales of Household Utensils at 2 o'clock are the very best that we can make terest each week judging from the profit that accompanies their visit. . At I wo O clock 5harp. DINNER SETS Fine quality English Porcelain, full 100 plece sets, worth $10; Qp Friday at 2 o'clock.. U. O Sale No. 2. Ready at Some very important events at this hour bargains that don't come with every Friday Sale. It's your good fortune that they're here this week. At Three O'clock Shnrp. FINEST EIDERDOWNS Very best quality of plain col ored Eiderdowns In tints of red, pink, blue, gray also cream. Full 27 inches in width, firm and heavy fleece. Cheap nt 20c. Friday nt 3 1Q o'clock 1 - GROCERIES IN BASEMENT Prunes nnd soda crackers. The prunes are first quality Call fornlas, small, meaty and ten- . vjSiLf. ',., iV ,sX jy VTIWTT'v'7rcJi' Sale No. 3. Ready at the Stroke of Four Most important at this hour is the sale ol Taffeta Silks; not much less so is the sale of Ribbons and other things, including the Parlor Tables, At Four O'clock Sharp. FINE SILK TAFFETAS The greatest offering ofthe day one thot will be haid to beat all through the year. A lot of about one thousand yards of finest Taffeta Silks of itch lustre nnd firm, heavy quality; shades of pink, cadet blue, nlle, brown, navy, gray, green, tan, light blue and lavender; a regular 75c. quality; A T Friday at 4 o'clock. . . rJU On Second Floor BOY'S CAPS Made up from heavy blue serge with double XwSvV I ! 1 irU JI E i Jonas Long's Sods cIomsJ weak, ilay V.'. lower. Corn ilooJ ,a He lower, oats Uc lildlirr, anJ provisions prurf llially iincluniful. ".jIi qiioUtlonj were us (ol. lowsi rioui Ailhe, slomliicl bumls 10c. IiIkIicis No. J spring wheat, (ea7lc. i No, 2 red, 74a7lTc,j ,i, 3 coin, HOa'tiliiiv, .No. -J jelluw, ailaSOc. j So. 2 oats, 'ilUnlili.. No. 2 white, i!?a2fl'iC, ; .Nn. a while, 2s.ba.lIUr,; No. 2 r)f, B.'ailt,: No. 1 flak. $l.S7i llmotlij, ).70i pork. 12tthil2.M; l.inl, lj.0 is)a0.0.'i; rllw, $il.lUa7i shoulders. OUa OHc.i sides, iHl.R0a0P0; wlibkry, I.S7. hilars Cut loaf, A29j Bramilated, $3.70, Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Jan. '.. Cattle lleci'lpts, U.OfO; rcii. rrully strong In 10c. higher, uitlie; Kood to prinio steers, $3.t3a0.20; poor tn medium, jil.Mu oidj stockeis and (eiders, about steady, $2Ma iSO. Cows, strung to 10c. higher. J6Ja.S0; helleia, fr2.Mai.30; tanners, steady, ?Js2.ai; hulls, steady, 3aM0. Cahes. strong, attle, !.50aU; lexas fed steers. SJ.105: Texas grass (tcrrs, I (3.0al,lS; Texas bulls, 2.i0aS.60. JONAS LONG'SpONS- "Frldnv snlp" h.illlt . irnnti -time One Hour O'clock. Each sale lasts Just them. They are glowing in in extent of the crowds and the ICHAIiliENOE CLOTHES WRINGERS About the best of any kind you enn buy. Full size nnd wnranted to give the best or service ifri dny at 2 o'clock 98c CUPS AND SAUCERS Made from the best Porcelain, all pure white and perfect. Or Friday at 2 o'clock. ... "- WATER PAILS Your choice of wood fibre or real cedar water palls, worth 29c. Frl- 1 Q day at 2 o'clock 1 - TEA SETS Handsomely dec orated, finest porcelain, 08 pieces to tho set. Big O OQ value Friday. 2 o'clock WASH BOARDS Good size pall wash boards, the best make; verycheap at 15c. Q Friday at 2 o'clock. ... - the Stroke of Three LADIES RUBBERS Good rub bers the best that money can buy. You cannot associate the price of these with the quality, for they're Al. All sizes and cheap at G5c the pair. 52 Friday at 3 o'clock.. OOK, BOY'S SHIRTS AND DRAW EES, of fine ribbed cotton, close knit, finely finished with pearl buttons. An ideal win ter garment. Friday 1 r7 at 3 o'clock 1 L AMERICAN COTTON PLAIDS A great offering if you re quire material for children's dresses or waists for yourself. Exquisite patterns in cotton plaids, many colorings; good width: Friday at 3 3c o'clock der; the soda ciackers are the best we can buy. Your cholco for an hour, six pounds 25c RAINY DAY SKIRTINGS Here is just the material for It; a fine quality of 30-inch frieze in exquisite shades of gray, blue and brown. Very heavy A and durable able. Cheap at 50c. t Friday at 3 26C ! yard, o'clock I INFANTS' FELT SHOES Just the thing for winter wear. They come in red, blue, black, green ana tan. or best felt, i lined, lacing style with white bows. Sizes 1 to 3. Worth 35 cents. At Four 1 7 o'clock 1t- KID LINING CAMBRICS First quality of cambric in nil the shades; ti;i opportune time for diessmakers and others to buy at 4 o'clock on 5 T p. Friday, yard O OC RIBBON BARGAIN The fin est grades of satin and gros grain ribbons in nil the newest nnd standard shades and in widths of 2 and 2 1-2 iches. A big lot of it for Friday at the very special one 1 f hour price 1 UC I bands to pull down over the ears makes skating on Lake Scranton comfortable. Buy the youngster one of these 50 cent ones on Friday J Q On Fourth Floor PARLOR TABLES These come in both oak and fine ma hogany finish, cut with serpen tine tops and largo undershelf ; good size and finished with brass claw feet. Nobby and worth S2. Friday at 1 on 4 o'clock 1 0 Hogs ltecelpla today, 2il,0Oflj tomorrow, 2S,. CKiOi strong to Co. highcrj top, $.U3 j mixed and butchers, $I.Sia5,15j good to clml-n I,l.iv, l.l)5a5.13i lough heavy, SlSOal.TO; light, M.80 aS.10; hulk of sales, $Ui0a3.10. Sheep Itecclpts, 12,000. Sheep nrl lambs, ojxncU aliout stea.d,v closed inc. lower! good to choice wethers, &.I.MU1.7&! fair to choice mixed $J.I0o3.Mi western sheep, If3.76s4 M Tests sheep, $.J.Na3.M); natho lambs, Jl.15s3.ffl w,t. em lamlu, 3a3.50. East Liberty Stock Market I'.ast Mherti. Jan. 2. Cattlo tsteadjs estm, 3.40a5,rsi prime, 3a3.23j common, $33.73 Hogs Light; all grades, $3a3.0V, roughs, ji.3i) S4.33. Oil Market. Oil Ctly, Jan. 2. T'lodit balances, 1.5ft car. tlflcates, nri l,Jd. Shipments, Dec. SI, lr,l.t$5. average, fil,t)D2. 'Huns. Dec.' Hi: ll9,9ll;'"aifra(, W,33i. Shipments, Jan. I, 01,110; runt. Han. 1, y - . v , s V -S