The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 03, 1901, Image 1

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"7 '
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4 '
List ol the Men Nominated at yes-
tcrdau's Sesalon ol tlie House
of Representatives.
It Is Presented nnd Bead to the State
Leglslntme Resolution Holative
to the Erection of a Monument to
tho Lato Colonel Hawkins Ar
rangements Made for the Joint
Convention of Senate and House
on January 10 Reappointment of
Notaries Confirmed.
fly Eclnio Mile fiom "I lie Associate il Picsi.
Iluirlsburg. -Inn. 2. Candidates
weie nominated for t'nltrd Slates son
ator at today's session of the liouc.
.Mr. Keyor, of Philadelphia, named
Colonel M. S. Quay; Mr. Savage, of
Philadelphia, nominated Colonol
I'eorgo R Huff, of Cireensburg; Mr.
Scott, of Allegheny, named Con
gressman John Dalzell. of Plttsbutg:
(.le-orgo A. Junks, of Drookvllle, was
nominated by Mr. Maloney, of Venan
go; Mr. Taylor, of Bradford, presented
the nama of Postmaster Ueneral
Charles Kmoiy Smith, of Philadel
phia; Mr. Dixon, of Kilt, uomlimtcd
Colonel James M. OutTcy, of Pitts
burg; Congressman William Connell,
of Reranton, was named by Mr. Rey
nolds, of Lackawanna; ex-Oovernor
llabert K, Paulson, by Mr. Castner,
oC Lycoming; ex-Congressman Simon
1. 'W olvorlon, of Northumberland ,by
Mr. Fisher, of Noithumbeiiand: ox
Attorney (ieneral Henry C. McCor
tnlck, of Wllllams)ort, by Mr. C,od
rhaiies, of Northumberland; John
Howard Harris, of l.ewlsburg. by Mr.
Johnson, of Union; ex-Attorney (ten
oral William l Honscl. of Lane-as-ter.
by Mr llrennan, of Wayne, and Wil
li, im M. Nelson, of Honesdale, by Mr.
Fuerth, of AVuyno. Of these, Messrs.
.tanks, Gutfey, Paulson, AVotvoiton,
Hensel and Nelson uru Democrats.
The others are Republicans. Mr.
Vnorhces. of Philadelphia, was ap
pointed teller on the part of the house
to compute the vote for United
states senator at the Joint convention
of the Agnate, and house on January 16.
On the previous day the two houses
will vole separately. Tho candidate
receiving 127 votes on joint ballot will
be declared elected.
The senate resolution relative to the
erection of a monument to tho late
Colonel Alexander L. Hawkins, of the
Tenth Pennsylvania regiment, was
concurred In after It had been amend
ed to tho house equal representa
tion on the committee with tho sen
ate. Governor Stone's biennial message
was presented and read. A les-olutlon
was offered by Mr. Moloney, of Ve
nango, that the proper olllcers be dl
lected to provide suitable seats on
the lloor of tho house to duly accred
ited newspaper correspondents. Mr.
Keyset", of Philadelphia, moved that
the resolution bo referred to the rulc3
committee. Messrs. Creasy, of Co
lumbia; Clerency, of Philadelphia, and
Dixon, of Elk. spoke ar.alnst the reso
lution. Mr. Hall, of Allegheny, said
the newspaper correspondents were
satisfied that the resolution should go
to the rules committee. The motion
to refer was then adopted. An ad
journment was taken until tho even
ing of January 14.
In tho Senate.
The senate was called to order at 11
o'clock today by Lieutenant Governor
Gobln, and prayer was offered by tho
Rev. Dr. J. W. Hill.
Mr. Scott offered a resolution elect
ing V. W. Smiley, of Venango, chief
clerk of tho senate, and Mr. Ne-e'.v
moved to substitute the name of
Georgo W. Drown, of Clinton. Mr.
Smiley was elected.
The senate adopted a resolution that
when It ndjourns today It be to meet
Monday, January 11, at 4.30 p. m.
Mr. Muehlbronner offered a resolu
tion for the creation of a legislative
committee of three senators and two
representatives to act with u citizens'
committee to arrange for a monument
to bo erected In Pittsburg to the mem
ory of the late Colonel Hawkins, whl'h
was adopted. Tho adoption of the
resolution to name candidates for
United Stutes senator lesulted In tho
naming of the following: M. S. ouav.
Republican; John Dalzell, Independent
JtepuDiican; uooert K.cattlson, Demo
crat; Simon P. Wolverton, Democint;
John Stewart, Republican; William
Connell, Republican; Geoige F. Huff,
Republican; James M. Guffey, Demo
crat. Senator Cummlngs, of Warren, was
chosen teller on the part of the senate
to conduct tho electlonof United States
At 11.15 o'clock lMvate Srcietary
Gorwlff appeared and presented the
governor's message, which was read.
A message was received from tho
governor announcing the re. appoint
ment of a long list of notuiles nubile,
whose terms will expire this week, and
all were confirmed.
The senate concurred In the house
amendment fixing un adjournment un
til January 14 at 8.30 p. m. The clerk
presented the protest of (Unities
Staples, of Luz?mo county, pintestltig
against the seating of Senator Drury,
which was refeneel to the committed
on elections when appointed. Mews.
Grady, Scott and Stiles were appointed
a cominltteo on uiles. and the sennto
adjourned until January 14.
Will Indict Spectators,
By Exclusive Wire Irom 'flm Associated Picss.
Phlllopsburir, X. J., .Ian. 2. -.ludqe (limimorc,
t llrlvidcio today, charged Iho rihthI jury to
make- k thorough Investigation of tin1 Hula in
which Pugilist Welch was Injured drill to linllct
II concerned, spuiatnis us well puiiniei
as-rf fililfi.
Put Out of tho Way by Men of His
Own Color.
By Exclusive Wirj from Tiio Associated Pi cm.
Atlanta, Qa Jan. 2. A special to the
Constitution from Quitman,' Cla,, says:
A negro, whose name cannot bo
learned, wan lynched by a mob of his
own color tonight, nlno miles north of
Quitman, for assaulting a small negro
Uullirr Pace, of tfils county, had tho
ncKro In charge and wns making his
way hero. When about to board n train
near Kennedy, u mob of negroes who
were on the train prevented him doing
so, and taking tho prisoner shot him,
with no attempt at concealment of
their crime.
Measure Introduced in the Nabiaska
Dy Euluslvo Wire from Tlc Associated Pre.
Lincoln. Nob., Jan. 2. Senator
Rmmoni, of Omaha, Introduced In tho
stntu senate today a bill to inuko kid
napping under certain conditions, pun
ishable by death. It provides for
three grades of punishment.
For simple kidnapping, thioe to five
years In tho penitentiary;- for kidnap
ping and extorting money, a life term
In prison, nnd for kidnapping and
threatening Injury to tho victim.
hanging. Three other bills bearing on
kidnapping nnd not greatly different
In phraseology were Intioduced.
Coi oner's Jury Renders Verdict
Charging Mrs. Rathbun with
the Crime.
Ily Exclusive Who from The Associated Press
New Haven, Conn., Jan. 2. Tho re
port of the coroner's Inquest in the
Rathbun poisoning mystery, which
has been absorbing public attention
for tho last week, was made public
today. It finds that tho death of W.
Rathbun was caused by poison put
Into the coffee of a boarder, John F.
Halt, hv Maria Ann Rathbun, wife?
of William. The intention of Mrs.
Ruthburn, according to the coroner's
llnding was to secure tho death of.
Hart, with whom she is declared to
have had Illicit relations. Jealousy be
cause of Hart's neglect of her and his
attentions during the last few months
to another woman Is ascribed In tho
coroner's report ns the motive for Mis.
Rathbun's alleged act. The poison
was put Into Hart's dinner pall and
Rathbun diank some of tho cotfea
when Hart declared that It had a pe
culiar taste nnd burned his i.tomach.
Both men were uftcruard taken sick,
but Hart recovered.
Mrs. Rathbun has been arrested on
u warrant charging her with murder.
John F. Hart was also formally ar
rested on a warrant charging hhn
with Intimacy with Mrs. Rathbun.
It is said that his arrest H partly for
the purpose of keeping hlni for a wit
ness against Mis. Rathbun.
New Sheriff Will Hold His Deputies
Personally Responsible.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Buffalo. Jan. 2. Sheriff Caldwell, on
assuming olllce yesterday, Instructed
his deputies in most positive terms to
enforce all laws against gambling, an
nouncing that each deputy would bo
held personally responsible for the en
forcement of the edict. In un Inter
view later tho sheriff declared that he
meant every wont of It.
"1 will not allow gambling while I
nm sheriff." he said. "There will be
no gambling either In Ruffalo or Erie
Suffering from Bronchitis In a Very
Weak Condition.
Dy llnlusbe Wire from Tho Atsorlalcil 1'ioj.
Brussels, Jan. 2. The Ktnlle Relge
announces that tlie health of the queen
has been Impaired and that sho suf
fers constantly fiom bronchitis. The
aueen Is quite weak and she does not
leave her bed for more than a couple
of hours each day.
Tlie queen mentioned In tho above
dispatch is Muile Henrlettc, tho wlfo
of Leopold II., the king of Belgium,
and daughter of the lato Archduke Jo
seph of Austria.
S3,770,000 Worth of the Former
Mined Last Year The Timber
fly Exclntlre Wlro fiom The Awioialcd l'rc
Portland, Ore, Jan. 2. The gold pio-
ductlon of Oiegon for the year WOO
amounted to $3,770,000.
Tho lumber output of the state for
thu year amounted to S9S.1CO.000 feet.
Roosevelt a Mason.
Ily Kxiluilvo Wlro fiom The Auoclatnl I'icni.
New York, .Ian. 2. 'the ionn ot the Matlnc
cok Indue, I'reo and Amiited Mamni, at Ojner
ll.iy, 1. I,, wire emwdtd tonlitht with Mukoik tu
wltniMi tho first dvitree iimturcd uimn rhcodore
Itoo-nu'It, tho ko picsIdi-nl-t-lcU ot the United
Mate, llwiy Icilne in thW Maon!u ilUtrkt was
represented, (irand Ktcritary Elder v.u pre.
vnt. Tho reiemonlet uie ot the uiilcr.
Will Develop Woodbine.
II," i:clinlp Wire dom The AwothitcU Picj
Cape Hay, N. J,, Jan. 'J. Hie IriMic ot the
ll.u mi Do lllruli fund Mill now dcH'lop the tuwn
of Wuodblnc, ("ope May county, for the benefit
of Hut llumian Jew. They haio bImii out a
rontiact tor tho ereetlon ot fifty ilnillliiKu and
ono Isrue fattory. The tund now hn piiniwhc
udonlM at t'anuel, Itosenlujn, Itellanije and
W'ondliliic In Southern Niw Jiiw;. '
Semi-Monthly Pays.
Uy KTclmhe Wire fiom Tlie Auoclatrd I'reai.
hhainokln, I'd., .Jan. 2. The Union and Mln.
eral Coal Mining; companies announced today
that bifflnnliiK with tho prcnent month, semi
monthly pays ulll go into operation. AH other
(imipaulei and Indbldual operators arc now pay.
Inc atni.montlil In t lit iruloii a a rcult of
lint anthiuiitc ttrlkp l.i-t fall.
Constitutional Convention Is Con
sidering Two Plans ot Future
Relations with United States.
And Will Be Ready to Help the
United States in Case Assistance
Should Be NeededOne Paper Af
firms an Acceptance of the Monroe
Doctrine Willing to Grant Con
cessions to the Government.
Ily Exclusive Who from The Associated lVv.
Havana, Jan. 2. The Cuban consti
tutional convention Is considering two
promulgations of the future relntlcns
between Cuba and the United States.
One of these afllrni. In tlv llrst place,
nn acceptance of the Monroo iloctilne
and the establishment of ftlendly 10
latlons with nil nations, together .lih
a resolution to proceed In nil cases in
complete accoid with the United
States. Ii tho second place, it pro
poses to put nt the disposal of the
United States a portion of the shoro
of nn y bay on the north coast and of
two bays on the south coast, for na
val stations, together with conces
sions sulllclent in extent for tho pur
pose of defence and sanitation. In the
third place. It declares that Cuba will
place herself on a war footing to help
the United States In case such assist
ance should be needed; while a fourth
provision Is nn amplification of the
first, second and third. The other pro
mulgation contemplates:
l'lut Tliat the convention Is vetted with au
thority culy to (oniciir.
'(ocond Not lia lntr Itfeu giauud legislative
function, tho convention canii"t irr.w;,'o the
basis of fiituto relations.
Thiid Nevertheless, should Washitigtor iWie
such a discussion the convention Is willing to
illtus and a'rrc upon .in aiiangeniciit of mutual
ronrth-Tlio OM'ir.iMoir ot the innu'ivtton arc
merely t (cn-olidju- tho nmntry for ti''rntiiu
Hon. lt tnerirlca are illnstrfl tov;nd fiippnrt.
lug tin AowH tioli.y of the t'nicid Suit, to
will li I'uli.i U bound l,v IndeMiiietlMc ties of
gratitude, Mid policy helnc lud upon toe un. imeriatioii of lihirty uid Indiprnd
(nee throu(jhuut the Anieilr.iu continent.
The former promulgation embodies
the desires of delegates friendly to the
United Stutes. The latter Is n counter
check to the extremists. It Is consid
ered that the former Is likely to carry.
President Search Sends Circulars to
Manufacturers' Organizations.
By Exclusive Wiic from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia. Jan. 2. Theodore r
Search, president of the National As
sociation of Manufacturers, has sent a
circular to the membois of the organ
ization, urging a united effort to help
pass tho ship subsidy bill now pending
In the United States senate. The cir
cular says In pait:
"The attacks upon this measure,
which seem to derive their main sup
port from persons Interested In tho
operation ot ships under foreign Hags,
are in tho main uncandld, misleading,
and, in many Instances, absolutely un
founded upon demonstrated facts.''
Will Remove University Professors
for Criticizing Government.
Ily lXchi-iic Wire from The Aisoolatid Pnvs.
Stockholm, Jan. 2. General Borlkoff,
governor general of Finland, will de
mand In tho Finland senate a more
stringent censure law in order to pre
vent populur criticism of the govern
ment. In private correspondence from .Fin
land It Is announced Clovoinor
Boilkoff is about to remove live pro
fessors of Hesslngfors university for
criticizing the government.
Reduction of Twenty Shillings in
Staffordshire Product.
Ily Uvclushe Wi"e from 'flic Associated Vim.
Birmingham, England, Jan. 2. A
drop of twenty shillings per ton In
Staffordshire marked steel bars has
been declared, being a reduction of
forty shillings since April.
The present price Is JC9 10s. Common
bars hist week were reduced to 8, but
uro selling lower.
Mary Anthony on Taxation.
Ily F.xolunho Wire from Tins AsocUted Preis.
Itoi hosier, N. V Jan. 2. Tho latent deudop.
incut in the woman mtlr.iKc fight beKiiu mer a
quarter of a century aim Mhoti Susan It. An
thony, her hUter, Mary K Anthony and many
other women loted at tho polN in tho Kiidith
uaul and wero ut nuted and fuied, Is tho land
taken today by Miry S. Anthony in the nut
ter of tho taxation of her pioperly, Mio smt
a notlio to County Treasurer Hamilton that flio
will not In tho tuturo pay taxes ciccpt under
protest until siie is ulluwid Inc right of suf
frage. The action will likely icmik in .i test
cau beiue blought in the ixiurts.
Saved by Skin Giaftlng.
Uy Kxtlusbe Who fiom 'll'O Associated lies.s.
Mlditlitown, N. V Jan. 2. The life of Cluilei
Wntlnr. a l-je.n-olil ihlld of Matamous, I'a,,
was ..i(d by itraflluir thlity plecis of kkln ou
the hack to cover a wound tioui burns. Tlie
skin was cut 1 1 Din the anus nf two nciidiliora.
Geneinl Batcheldev 111.
Ily Kxcludio Wire fiom Tho .Uioelatcd I'riM.
Wa.hlnRton, Jan. 2. Ccneial Ilk hard M,
Dati holder, foimcily quartermaster general of the
ui my, who Is critically 111 here, Is much woieo
tonlisbt olid fears aru entcitained that he will
not llc till Mornbiic Ho l In his b'Jth year.
Senator Frye Renominated.
Ily HxcIujIvp Wire from The Associated Tress,
Augusta, Mo., Jan. 2. United BUlcs fMiiator
William P. 1'rje wa. ur.nnlinousl le-uomluatrd
by the Joint Itepubllcan caucus held In the hall
oi thu hotin- ut reiiretntatles this runln
Tho Victorian from Sknguay Lands
Passengers at Vancouver."
Py Uxclutho Wire fiom The AMoeUlcd Prew.
Vancouver, D.C.Jnri. 2. The steamer
Victorian arrived today from Skaguay
with forty passengers uml malls from
Dawson, They left us lato ns Decern?
bcr 16, making quick tlmo over tho icr.
A. F. Lauder, of Seattle, vos the last
passenger und he came out en a bi
cycle. Mrs. Dalllnger, wlfo of Dr. Dalllnger, )
who left Dawson on December 6 foi
Sknguay and completely disappeared,
also came out by the Victorian. She
heard nothing of her husband, who It
Is feared met with foul play, nnd sho
Is now on her way to relatives In Se
attle. She will Immediately return
north to prosecute the search. There
Is no clue. An application for a new
trial for John F. Slorah, who murdered
his mistress, was refused at Dawson
on December II, and the sentence of
hanging on March 1 will probably take
Its course.
Winter Tragedy of the Hudson Two
Women Drowned.
Ilv Kxclndic Wlro from The Assr latcil Prevs.
Hudson. X. V., Jan. 2. While Mrs.
Herbert Shaw n'd Mrs. Jonas Miller,
daughters of W lllain Urowne, of this
city, ncconipa'ilcd by Miss Amelle
Spencer, weie returning from n visit to
Athens today across the Ice In it sled
drawn by Harry Harmance, ot Hud
son, and Michael Keyes, of Troy, the
Ice gave way and precipitated all tlvu
Into the water. The men succeeded In
getting1 on firm Ice and pulling Mrs.
Miller out of the water, but the other
two woindn were drawn under the ice
by the swift current.
Men are grappling for t'to bodies, but
there Is little chance for their recov
ery until spring, ns tho water ut this
part of this river Is very deep.
Prospectors Take Out Gold at tho
Rate of S14 a Pan Wolves
Become Troublesome
fly l.ihnle Wiic liom Th- Aiiitid l'n.
Victoria, H. C. Jan. 2. Tho steumer
Ameer, which arrived here today from
Alaskan ports, brings news of n great
strike of gold near Tuniana, where
prospectors havo taken out gold at the
late of $14 a pan. Miners coming to
the coast from Dawson ' report that
wolves uio becoming very troublesome
on th Dawson trail. Much anxiety is
felt for the safety ot .Murray McDon
ald, who left Juno 2.1. carrying treasure
for Vancouver parties.
Huslness in Dawson is less active
than ever this winter, owing to the
fact that claims are all worked in
thu summer, winter work being found
The Plates for Issue of 1000 Will
Soon Be Out of Existence.
By KxilaJtr Who from Tho Associated hi,
Philadelphia. Jan. 2. The work ot
destroying the dies of 1900, used for
coinage purposes, was commenced at
the 1'nlted States mint today. These
dies range from double eaglus to pen
nies, and nie not only those used heie,
but thohe usad In New Orleans and
San Francisco, which have been ship
ped here for destruction.
During the calendar year just closed
the total number of pieces coined in
tho Philadelphia mint was 1S9.312.SS6,
lcpresentlng $66,lS2,S0:i.
The gold coinage amounted to $!$,
674,'JS3, Including monoy for Costa
The total silver coinage was $15.
47C.CS7.20, and the total base $2,031,
137.29. MR. KRUGER IS ILL.
l!y KMlinhn Wire from The Assiclatcd l're.
The 1 1.iKUf, Jan. 2. Pis. He.inans, Van Kuy.
kii and Coert, timing llm illy i-.suei the follow.
Iiik bulletin:
"Mr. Kruger lias for kouk d.ijs lieeu MifTering
tioui a rfciirrcm ! of hi our hit is which In iew
of hla ane and tho eirwts of this illtuatc makes
It .(( foi him to be niou- than oidinailly
Mine Accidents.
Ily i:tluslio Wuc fiom The Aocialcd I'rr&s,
I'ottsxlllo, I'a., Jan. 2. Mine Inspector John
Mauulre, of the Kigbtli Anthraclto district, com
prising part of Fchuylklll county, leporli for
last ."tear LIS accidents, u2 of whlih were fatal.
lie has under his supinNlon 12 collieries and
wuiheilei. i-mplojlnir In the sitKrejratc I'.OOO
Lynching: in Georgia.
By Exclusive Wiie from The Associated Press.
Home, Ua., Jan. 2. Passengers on the fcouth
cm train, which arrived here toniirht, report tho
capture and Tt thing of Tom Wilson at Wilsonvllle
to-day at noon, Wil.nn stabbed J. M. ltay, a
prominent meiclunt in Wllsomille, Ala., Christ
mas day. A molt overpowered the shorlft to se
cure its kthn.
Argentine-Chill Protocol Signed.
Dy i:cluslve Wire from The Associated Press,
lliieiios Ayrw, Jan. 2. The new Argentine
Chilian piotflcol In connection with the fiontler
settlement has been signed and the pusldents of
Aitrcntlna and Chill have cxchanccd friendly tele
crams of ccnjrnitulatinn.
Harmsworth to Edit Times.
Ily Kxiluslte Wlro from Tho Associated Press,
P'nur, Jan. 2. The Denver limes mantiKft-ni'-nt
today wired :i special pi.iposltion to Alfred
ilarmsworth, the London editor, who Is in New
York, nnd Is about to Ilt the west to edit tha
'limes clurlnt,' one da),
Kitchener to Qo to India.
Dy i:cli)He Wire from The Associated 1'iess.
London, Jan. 0. It is understood that at the
conclusions of l no npeiations In South All lea
Lord Kltibener .will become tommander-ln-chief
in India.
Vacation for Mr. Wildraan.
fly Cxcluslvo Wire from The Associated Vtem.
Wakhlnstoii, Jan, 2. United States Consul
Wlhlmaii at llnne Korft has been erinled leave
of ubsi-mo and will return to tho Unite it Males
linmiillidely for the bene lit of his health
British Have Decided That the Sit
uation at Gape Golonu
Is Serious.
The Dutch Lack Arms and They
Have Decided to Join the Intrud
ers In Many Places, However,
Horses Have Been Freely Offered
nnd Information Has Been Sup
plied to the Boers Demonstrations
of Sympathy at Granf Relnet.
fly i;clusbe Wire Irom The Associated Piets.
Capo Town, Jan 2. The British bat
tleship Monarch will land guns to
morrow ns a precautionary measure.
The situation Is undoubtedly serious.
It is true that tho Dutch have not
joined the Invaders In any consider
able numbers, but n lack of arms Is
believed to be the truo reason for
abstention. In many places horses
are freely olfeied, and Information
readily supplied to the Boars.
The curly proclamation of martial
law In the Cape Town division Is ex
pected. This division does not include
Cape Town itself.
The latest reports show the situa
tion to bo generally as follows: Kuru
nian. If still uninvested, probably soon
will be
(irlqualund West Is tilled with small
parties of Boers, who are working
south toward Prlesku for the purpose
of co-operating with or supporting
Commandant Hertzng, whose advance
parties are In the iielghboihood of
The Boers oie close to Granf Rflnet.
whfiv of late the Dutch have given
many demonstrations of extreme sym
pathy. In the eastern part of the colony the
advance guard of the Hoers Is close
to Mnralsburg, ubout 25 miles north
east ot Crailock.
Tho general opinion heio Is that the
position Is not properly appreciated
In England. The Wot coster confer
ence excited the Dutch throughout the
colony. Many old residents, who are
by no menus alarmists, regard a gen
eral uprising of the Dutch as quite
Martial Law Proclaimed.
Amnion, Jan. 3. "Martial law has
been proclaimed In the Worcestershire,
Ceres, Prlmv Albert. Frazerburg a d
Sutherland divisions," says tho Capo
Town correspondent of tho Dally Mall,
wiling yesterday.
"The enlistment of voluntoeis In
active, and the best authorities antici
pate favorable davelopments shortly.
"The great troublo Is the scarcity of
horses. Seven thousand Boers have
broken through the cordon at Zuru
burg and aro ndvanclng upon Rich
mond. Th9 magistrate there reports
that they urn burning and looting a
few miles from the town."
Boers Continue Marching.
Carniivaron, Jan. 2. The Boom
commanded by Hertzog, Weasels, Pre
torius anil Nleuwcnhaut are continu
ing their march on Fruzerburg. It is
reported that they have arrived at
Splonberg. Looting continues. The
Boer horses uro footsore, and there Is
great want of fodder, as the country
Is ban en.
Communication with Frazerburg Is
suspended, nnd It Is doubtful when
It will bi- reopened, inasmuch as the
Boere nie, travelling the line. Colonel
Thorneycrott and Colonel De Lisle aiv
continuing the chase, but their horses
and mules .ire very tired.
Many Dutcli lesldents attended 1112
funeral of u Boer killed In action and
placed wreaths upon his cotlln,
The Boers captured and destroyed
the malls due December 20.
Welsh May Recover.
Dy nxclushe Wire from The Associated Tress.
ridlllpsbure;, X. J.. '. '-'.The condition of
Prank Welsh, tho Philadelphia puilllt, io
was knocked senseless during a tight wltli "Pad
dy" I)onoau, of KeimliiRton, at the Cedar Park
Athletic club on Monday nlht, was much Im
proved today, lie did not leiMln con-clousncss
until this morning and Is hWiccly able to talk,
but tho doctors attending hlni have lioiwa of his
Hands and Feet Were Amputated.
Dy V.xcluilve Wlr fiom The Anorlitiil Press.
Ilonchdalc, Pa., Jan. 2. William Caiey. e
Waynurt, bad both hands amputated nnd both
feet will also bo taken off In u few da) a. On
Pes;, it Mr. Carey was leading n cow fiom South
Canaan. The animal became frightened, threw
hhn against a rock and lie was tendered unron
selous. When found the neU morning Ills limbs
were no badly frocn thai phjslclnis lOtild not
saio him.
Lavish with One Son.
By Hxiluslve Wlic from The At'oclated Press.
Kinffston, N. Y., Jan. 2. Miss 1'ianils ltob
erts, of Highland, has commenced proceedings
to havo her father, Chailts II. Itobnts, a wealthy
retired dentist, declared incompetent, claiming lie
is lavishly dealing out bis fortune to one n,
Dr. ltnbcits li over M jcars of a?e nnd his for
tune amounts to tfi.OftO.lKUl ncemlreel lugcly by
speculation in railroad bonds.
Trolley In Porto Rico.
Dy Kxcluslve Wire Irom Tho Associated Pre.
ban Juan, Do Porto Itico, Jan. 2. Thousands
of people jesterday witnrsjsed the starling of tho
new trolley s)stem, the island's lint road of that
description, The people were much astonished.
Weather Indication Today.
1 General Tho Cliocrtl Aswtnhly Nominate
Candidate for I'nlteil Status Sciutor.
Knglanil Iti'ttarda ns fcerious the Situation lu
Itiuula ami the Powers hi Chlni.
Culnn Constitutional Coin rnt Ion In Scualon.
2 Oencral Carbondale Department.
3 (leneral Xtcusage of (lovemor Udell, of New
Financial and Commercial.
4 Kdllorlal.
Note and Comment.
8 fleneral Governor Stonc'a Mesiugn to the
Oencral Assembly.
(1 1H'al Vallum of tho lut Year In Lacka.
wanna Ccur.ty.
Court I'rcxcedlnrs,
J Wal Victory of ijuayltes Means Much tor
S ranton.
Brilliant Krut.
8 Iiial West fkranlim and buhurban.
0 Oencral Northeastern Pcnnnyhaiili,
in Local Mc Nius of the World of T.ali&r,
The Writer Threatens the Destruc
tion of tho Entire Cudahy Family
Unless the Offera of Reward
Are Withdrawn.
Ily r.xclibitft Wire from The Afc-oilatrd I're.
Omaha, Jim. 2. Another letter, print
ed with a lead pencil, was received by
K. A. Cudahy this afternoon, demand
ing the withdrawal of the reward for
the kidnappeis. The fact that tho ad
dress was printed lu similar style to
the former ones gave rise to tho sus
picion that It was fiom the same
source, but Mr. Cudahy stated tonlisht
that he did not attach the slightest
significance to It. He said It was ot
tho same class as several others that
hud been received from vurlous points,
except that It had been printed. The
letter demanded the withdrawal of the
Cudahy offer of reward and of the
city's offer as well, under penalty not
only of trouble for the children, but
tho destruction of the entire "Cudahy"
fnmlly. The epistle closed with nn In
junction to "heed this winning."
In spite of the two fortunes which
have been offered for the arrest nnd
conviction of the kidnappers, their
secret Is still kept. Nothing In the
way of cildcnco to connect John Crowe
with the kldnupplng was produced. He
was brought before Police Judge Learn
this afternoon. No complaint was tiled
against hlni, and he was discharged
without ceremony.
During the afternoon Hddle Cudahy
was taken to the city jail by Detective
Donohue. In the Hertlllon room had
congregated a number of police olll
cers. Into this assemblage Crowe was
brought and questioned, the purpose
being to let young Cudahy hoar his
voice. When the Inquisition was nt an
end, Eddie Cudahy df dared that tho
voice of John Crowe bore no resein
blunce to the voice of his guard. He
said, In addition, that Crowe was not
nearly so stout as the man who had
pointed the revolver In his face and
called hlni "Eddie McGee."
Equally bud fortune befell the police
In their efforts to identify the horse
and buggy belonging to John Crowe.
Seciot Service Agent Wltten today
stated positively that ho saw Pat
Crowe !n St. Joseph, Mo the Fii-Jay
after tho kidnapping. He docs not
think he wns one of tho kldnnppers.
Pardoned Indiana Prisoner viTants
Money He Reports Withheld.
Dy Inclusive Wire from 'I he Associated Pros.
Marlon, Ind., Jan. 2. Isaac Noirls,
of this city, illed a suit In Tippecanoe
Circuit court today against exWnr
'inn James Murdoch, James AV.
French and Charles Hurley, of the
state jit Hon at Michigan City, to ic
cover ?2,dOO. Tho complaint alleges
that the wanlens collected and held
this amount c-f money which came to
hlni monthly as a pensioner, and ap
propriated it to their own usu while
plaintiff was a prisoner In the peni
tential .
Norris was convicted on the charge
of murder lu ltf"0, nnd was sent to tho
Michigan City penitentiary for life.
In 1SA after NorrW had served nine
teen ye-ais, the man who committed
the niurd'-r, liiadu a statement on h's
death-bed that he had 'oiumltted the
murder, and Norris was panlonod on
April 4, 1900.
Round Up of Tramps.
Ily r:cltulve Wire from The Associated Pres.
New Yotk, Jan. 2, -The police mado a round
up of tra'mH in Palerpon, X
tonight and
today and .incMcd nineteen men, all more or
Icta'cHity and ranged, on the eliaige of street
begging. The city has been Infested with tramps
of late and n numbei nf persons have been held
up on the streets and lobbed. It is believed by
the police that some of the men anesled today
have been concerned in recent outrages.
Westervelt Pleads Guilty.
Ily i:cliislve- Wire fluin The Associated Press.
.Sew York, Jan, 5. Cliarlra) It. Wesieivelt, for.
mer cashier of the Dime Riving institution of
Newark, X. J today eiiteicel u plea of guilty
to two indictments loi forgery nnd not guilty to
two Indictments of embezzlement. The amount
h,i Is charged with iinlsztxllnir Is W.WW, He
will be cntiiiifd net week,
nis Name Was Dennis.
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Asoeiated Press.
Omaha. Jan. 8. It was learned today that the
man auci-ted yittcieluy near Pino Itldgc agency,
alter a chase, nnd who It was it ported Imm
t'h.idron, .Nib., was Pat Clowe, accused oi being
Implicated In tlie Cudahy ease, was a collector
of specimens, named Dennis, of llortou. lie
was released today.
m i
Democrats in Caucus.
Ity exclusive Wires from TI.e Associated Tress.
Horrlsburg, J". 3-A Joint caucus of the
Democratic senators nnd members was held this
afternoon, at which It was decided to meet ou
the evening ot Jan. It to nomlrudt a tandldatc
for United States Hooator.
Pekln Correspondent Hints That
Russia Has Inspired Unlounded
Gharaes o! Barbarltu
By Conciliating; the Russians Ars
Trying to Secure Special Advan
tages nnd There Is Belief That
They Will Receive American Sup
port. $
Ily Kxuliislti! Wire! fiom The Associated Press.
London, Jnn. 2. Tho Berlin correal
pondcnl of thu Dally Mall, wiring Jun,
i, savs:
"Russia, by conciliating, Is trying to
secure special advantages, and there Is
a strong belief that she will receive
American support. It Is hinted that
Russia Inspired unfounded charges of
barbarity against the German troops,
her motives being to sow dissension
between Great Britain nnd Germany."
In a dispatch to the Times from Pc
kin, dated Dec. 31, Dr. Morrison given
tho text of the Russo-Chinese agree
ment for tho misslnn protection of the
Manchutiau province of Fen Ting.
Russia, he says, consents that China
shall resume tho civil government on
thu following terms:
first The Tartar, fleneral Tsenir, undertakes 1o
protect and pacify tho produce and to assUt 'n
tin- touhtiuctinu of the rallroid.
Second- lie must kindly treat, feed and todejo
Ittfalanrf iniMged in the milltaty occupation and
lu the protection of the railway.
Third lie must disarm and disband the (,'hi.
neso Mildlery, drlhrring to the ltuvtlans all mu
nlllons ot war in such an.rii.iln as the liussians
haio not ct occupied.
rourlli All ctforts and ilrfcmra in the prov
ince not occupied by the Itiissiaus and all pins'
dor mazarine not lequlioil by them must bo dU
mantled In the piescncc of ItusMan ofllcials,
Kltlli Nlii f hwamr nnd other nlnora now In
ItiiMdan occupation idiall bo restored In the Chi
nese administration when Itiusla, is BAll.linl
that the Ion of tho pmvlnce Is complete.
Milli Tito Chinese shall maintain law and or.
iter by local police under a tartar-general,
Scsenth A Kusslan political resident, sslth
general powers of control, shall bo Ftationed nt
Mukden, to whom tho tartar general Tseng must
Khe all information respecting any Important
KIkIiIIi In the eent of the local police brins
liiMiltlclcnt for any cmcrnci.ey, Central Tseng will
notify the Hnssian icsldent and Invito Russia, to
send leinfortements.
Ninth Tlin Russian tct Miall be the standard.
"Th'o functions given the Russian
resident." suys Dr. Morrison, "are
similar to those ot tho Russian resi
dent In Bollhara, or those of the Brit
ish residents In the native states of
"The agreement wilt necessarily bo
followed by similar agreements with
reference to tho other two provinces.
Then Manchuria will bo de facto n
Russian protectorate, Russia by a pre
existing arrangement having alreadj
the right to maintain all troops neces
sary for tho protection of the rail
President and Mrs. McKinloy Enter
tain in Honor of Cabinet Members.
Dy I'xclitoivp Wlro from The Associated Prcas.
Washington, Jnn. 2. Thu social sea
son of the new year at the white 'house
was opened tonight, when President
and Mrs. MeKinley gave a dinner In
honor of tho members of tho cabinet
and their ladles. The tables were In
the shape of a double T In the dining
room, and presented an attractive ap
pearance. The prevailing decorations wera
plnlts and begonuls with ferns. In this
east room large wreaths of evergreen
and holly were hung over the groat
mirrors, nnd garlands of tho same
were twined about tho pillars. Tho
Marine band furnished the music.
Alfied Roe Fatally Stabbed by Mr
Josephine Eagan.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press,
New York, Jan. 2. Because tho mov
ing of furntturu of tenants made so
much noise, Alfred Roo went to th
hall of the houso where he lived today,
and after going Into u cjuarrel with
Mrs. Josephine Dagan, who lives In
the same houso, was fatally stabbed by
her. He was taken to tho hospital,
where ho lies In a dying condition.
Mrs. Eagan was arrested and was
held pending the outcome ot Roe's
Proposal to Have Him Spend Six
Mouths of the Year in Norway.
Dy Exclusive Who from The Associated Press,
Stockholm, Jan. 2. Captain Torklld
sen has written a stiong article! pub
lished In the Norwegian newspapers,
urging members of all parties In the
Storthing to pass a law compelling the
king to live for sis months of the year
In Norway.
Steam.lilp Arrivals.
Il,v Kuluxlvo Wlro from Tlie Associated Pies,
New Yoik. Jan. 2. Arrived! Wcrra, from
depot ami Naples. Cleared: l.a Gasc?gne, Havre;
KaUer VMlhelm Per (!rie, llrcmen sli Cher
bourg and Southampton. Jailed: New York,
(soutliMi, Teutonic, Liverpool. aouthanu..
ton Arrived I fit. I-ouls, N'sw York. Rotterdam
Arrived: Itcttcrdam, New Y.ll. via Uoulogiw,
Doulogne-Sillvolt Phoenicia (frara Hamburg),
New York,
1 m i
"f -f "f "f f
Washington, Jan. 2. Forecast forThur-
day and Kriehyt pattern Pennsylvania- s
Continued old) fair weather Thursday: 4"
nest to northwest winds, (reth to brisk i
1-f on the coast. Kilday, fjr. -sV
tt"T ttt tt tftt