yk-O. THfi SCKANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1901. 2 k - ;t Communlutlonsof a news nature, per sonals and all Items (or publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Durke Building, or sent by mall or 'phone. SHOT BY A CONSTABLE EDDIE GORMAN MAKES BREAK TOR LIBERTY. After Being Committed Under Heavy VBnll for Larceny Gorman Tries to Assault the Hugo Officer Runs a , Block but Is Hit by Third Bullet , After Constable Fires In Air Twice. .' Eddie Gorman, known locally by the nickname (if "Oyster," had the distinc tion last evening of being the first prisoner committed to Jail In this citv in the twentieth century. Ho reached there last night about 7.15 with a bul let In his kneecap, whlrh he received while Hying to escape from Constabltl Stephen Gllby. Gbrmun wriB arrested yesterday on a charge of larceny, preferred by tht' proprietors of the Forest House in Simpson. He was accused of looting the money drawer. Ho was haled be fore Alderman Delevan, of the Sixth waul, and the hearing was held earlv last evening. The evidence was over whelmingly against Gorman, several witnesses testifying to having seen him commit the theft. Alderman Delevnn at the close of the hearing held Gorman in $300 boll for trial and committed him to the custody of Constable Stephen Gllby, with commitment papers to take him to the county Jail. Constable Gllby Is. a smooth-faced man of herculean frame, and It Is only necessary for most prisoners to glance at his huge form to convince them thift It would bo well to go along pehceably. Kelylng nn his great strength and on the prom ise of Gorman to go along quietly, Gllby did not put handcuffs on him but held him by the shoulder. The "Oyster" Is a pretty husky-looking boy himself, but there was no In dication In the way lie started out of the alderman's ottlce that ho would at tempt to mensurc his strength against his giant custodian's. Instead, he used tho first few moments of his enforced stroll In bewailing his hard luck and emphatically reiterating that he hadn't "dun nuthln' to nobody," and "that I'm mo worst inlmy." This monologue continued for sev eral blocks and Gllby, although he know his prisoner to be a "tough" character, bad begun to feel a sort of commiseration for his charge, when Gorman suddenly changed his de meanor. The two had got In front of tho Belmont school when Gorman quickly wheeled nround and made a vicious swing at Gllby. Just at that moment Gllby was looking straight M "Oyster," and saw the wicked sledge hammer blow In time to dodge. Again Goiman stiuck out, and this time hit Gllby In the Jaw. The blow hurt enough to cause the constable to relax his hold a trifle, tiorman Immediately wrenched loo3u ind started to run. Ollby called on him to stop, but be paid no heed and kept on, gaining on his pursuer. Then Gllby drew his tevolver. lie fired a bullet Into tho air, thinking the sound would hnlt him. But Gorman kept on. Then Gllby fired a second shot, this thnu tiring low so as to hit him in tho lpgs if possible. This apparently had no effect except to make Gorman let out n few additional links of srieed. Again Gllby tired low, and at tho third report Gorman threw h's hands iver ills head and tumbled headlong, Just as ho wag about to go around a corner Into an alley near Joseph F. Robinson's house, at 19 Belmont street. Gorman fell on his face, and said ns the constable seized him: "You got mo that time." Gllby saw that he was unable to walk and had one of the crowd that collected telephone for a cab. Livery man Snyder drove up, and prisoner and constable rode down to the cltv building, where the constable had to have assistance In getting him into tho Jail and cell No. 6. Then Gllby tele phoned to Dr. Glllls, who speedily nr ilved and made a superficial examina tion. The physician found that tho bullet had entered the kneecap of tho left leg, .had glanced downward and lodged in the bone of the leg. He did not think it wise to probe for the bul let In the cell of the Jail, with Its In adequate appuiteuances fori an opera tion, nor did he favor tho prisoner be ing removed to Scrnnton, as he said If Goiman caught cold he would lose the leg. The constable wns In a quandary, as his commitment papers made him re sponsible for the prisoner and ho did not know whether he would bo allowe.1 under the law to tnko him to, the hos pital, en Alduiman Delevan was np ltealed to by telephone and the exig encies of the case explained. He ad vlsed Gllby, to consult the hospl .it authorities. The hospital wan then called up by 'phone, nnd the head nurso referred Ollby to Dr. Nlles, M. D tho surgeon, who was at his residence on Main street. Dr. Nlles told Gllby to hire a cab, bring Gorman to his roil dence und then tnke him to the Emer gency" hospital. Dr. Glllls made a temporary bandaga at tho city Jail, swathed the Injured limb In a number of yards of linen and a bunch of cotton, nnd tho prisoner was taJten to Dr. Nlles' office. After the patient had been taken to Dr. Nlles's house, tho doctor decided that the best thing to do was to got the wounded man to the hospital with the utmost dispatch. He accordingly got Into the cab with Gorman, while Gll by perched outside with the driver. On their arrival at tho hospital the surgeons decided on an Immediate op eration to extract the bullet. So Gor man was put under the Influence of an anaesthetic and the bullet probed for. It was found that a large blood vessel bad been cut by tho leaden pellet, and tho prisoner had bled greatly. r'DrBull'sN ' Cures all Throat and Lung Affections. COUGH SYRUP W Oct the genuine. Rcftisetubstltutes, M Vis sure Salvation Oil cures Rheumatism. IS & 35 cU. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT Tho bullet was found and extracted, but up to a lata hour Gorman had not recovered from the effects of tho anesthetic,, and the head nurse could not tell how he had sustained tho op eration nor whether complications might ensue, Gllby was extremely perturbed last night over the results of his pistol practice. He said that ho had not put handcuffs on his man because ho had promised to be peaceable. As ho was responsible for his prisoner ho could not allow him to escape, and ho used every precaution to not hit him in a vital spot. It is probably very lucky for Gorman that tho gigantic constable Is nn unerring mnrksmnn, for if he had not been the bullet might have pone trated some vulnerable orgnn and thus ended n career, which Is, to say the least, unsav6ry. Tho constable has figured in many despcrato cases, but alwnys as an officer of tho law, and he Is famed locally for his courage and grit. When he has been sent to make an arrest he got his man, no matter how largo the odds against him. MUST BE VACCINATED. A Resolution Which Will Probably Be Passed at the Board of Health's Next Meeting. Now that small pox has become epi demic In so many cities of the United States, especially In New York city, with which Carbondalo has so many ways of frequent communication, the question of vaccination has been n much-discussed topic among doctors and citizens of this city. In very many localities of America, many of them greatly remote from the infected points, not only school children, but all others who pass freely among their fellows have been compelled to sub mit to the Irritating process of having their health safeguarded. The following resolution was pre pared and passed nt the last meeting of the board of health, looking to ward this result, as far as school chil dren are concerned, taking the form of a letter to tho supeilntendent of schools In this city: ".Mr. 1. K. Oiarr, Superintendent ot School", Carbonilale, Pa,: Dear felr Your attention Is liercby called to section 12, of set of assembly 121, 1S03. "All principals or other person In charge o! schools as aforcwid arc hereby required to re fuse the ndmUilon of any child to u.u schools un der their charge or supervision, except upon a certificate signed by a physician, setting forth that such child has been successfully accn atcd, or that it has previously hail small pox." The board of health will require strict com pliance with the law before .Tan. St, 1901. lly order of the board of health. C. W. Eians, Secretary. The following Is a copy of the blank which will be furnished by the board to physicians: Cirbondale, l'n. This Is to certify that of Ko. .... school ward, Carboudale, l'a., has btun succcstfully vaccinated or has had smill pox. Name ot plijalclau Itesidencc All parents whose children have not been vaccinated will tnke a wise step if they look after the matter now be fore the limit of time expires. It may save their children severat days' loss of tuition. New Year's at the Hospital. The following Is the list of dona tions received at the hospital yester day. The Baptist and Episcopal churches had charge of the New Year's dinner there this year: From tho Berean Baptist church: One-half bushel apples, two pounds coffee, one bunch of celery, five loaves ot bread, four pies, three turkeys, one cake, six cans corn, three cans peas, two cans pickles, four cans tomatoes, a quantity of cranberries, sixteen cans fruit, one and n half dozen oranges, four cans Jelly, two puddings, two pounds of crackers, one dozen pickles, one night shirt, reading matter, one hum, four crimps of butter, thirty pounds if sugar, one pound tea, one peck of apples. From Trinity Episcopal church: Four dozen ornnges, half bushel of sweet potatoes, one bunch of celery, ten pounds of sugar, three cans of fruit, three cans of tomatoes, two squashes, one peck onions, one dozen doughnuts. Besides these, severnl Individuals sent private donations, among them Mr. H. P. Trautweln, who contributed a turkey. The hospital managers and staff feel very grateful for these donations, and enjoyed their New Year's dinner very much. Stars Bound This Way. Munager Byrne announced In a not-j on the programme of the opera houa last evening that he has arranged to glvo a series o" vaudeville perform ances at that house during the present season. One performance only will bo given each week, and the proginmmc will be made up of enjoyable numbers contributed by some of the best known nnd most tulented members of tho vaudeville profession In tho country. Among those who will appear from time to time will be Pauline Hall, Marie "Walnwrlght, Frederick Wnrdo, Henry Lee, Ttobert Hllllard, Minnie Hellgman, Ezra Kendall, Charles Leonard Fletcher, Mr. and Mm Litchfield, Dollle and Milton Nobles, and a largo number of others who are equally well known. Tho perform ances will bo clean throughout and it is promised they will afford tha greatest enjoyment for all ,vho nttond them. Alderman Jones Returns, Tho Hon. S. S. Jones, of this cltv. with his daughter, Eleanor, returned last evening at 10 o'clock from Harris burg, where they had beenJo witness tho organization of Jho legislature, Mr. Jones reported that he had had nn ex cellent tlmo and predicted Quay's vic tory, inasmuch ns tho stalwarts had organized the houso and senate, A Change in Firm Name. Messrs. A. L. Patterson, 0. M, Pat terson and L. A. Patterson have pur chased the interest of their; late father, It. P. Patterson, in the wholesale gro cery business wich has beeh conducted under tho name of It. P. latterson & Son, and the firm will hereafter be known as It. P, Pattorson'r Sons. EX. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon dale edition, will be pleated to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It Tele phone numbers: New a86: old, 0423. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE ArorULAll CLEARING HOUSK for the Bene lit ot All Who Have Houses to Kent, Ileal Estate or Other Property to Sell or Kxchatigc, or Who Want Situations or Help These Small Ad vcrtlsetnents Cost One Cent a Word, Six Inser tions for Five Cents a Word Except Situation Wanted, Which Are Inserted Free. to LonaF. sEcriCTAiin:s-A laugh, iiand- soir.tly bcund minute 'took tot sale cheap. Inquire at Tribuni oifUc, llutko bulldi.ijr, Car bondalc. WHY NOT A NURSES' HOME. One Is Suggested to Relieve tho Con gestion at Emergency Hospital. At the present time there Is a sore need for more room at tho Emergency hospital, Thero are more private pa tients thero now than there has been In tho history of tho Institution. Every room set aside for patients is titled. In addition to this even the nurses' rooms and the nurses' parlors have been utilized to a large extent in re lieving suffering and caring for the sick. These faithful caretakers have been at a great inconvenience lately, but they havo cheerfully incommoded themselves to make room for the pa tients needing hospital treatment. In this condition of affairs It has been suggested, and the suggestion is a timely one, that a nurses' home or residence be erected near the hospital in order to provide shelter and a per manent abiding plnco for the hospital nurses. Even in the times when tho Institution Is not crowded they cannot get nwny from the scenes of their vo cation even when oft duty. At best their lives are humdrum, self-sacrlflc-Ing ones, and when they do have a little time they can call their own It should bo spent outside the walls of the hosnitnl. This Is nn excellent opportunity for a local philanthropist to do a splendid act. There are many benevolently minded persons In our city who could endow n nurses' home and build one without feeling the relaxation on his purse to u grent extent. Tho entire cost of such a home would not. ex ceed $1,500, and this amount could not bo spent In a better cause right In our own cltv. The time to endow this home, If such a step Is to bo taken, Is now. Leaving money for tho purpose after death Is a poor way, for it may be a long time before that occurs. Tho nurses' home should bo started at once, nnd the philanthropist who wants It done right should see to "the building of It him self. This is a most worthy cause, and It Is sincerely hoped by nil well wishers of the communtty that these faithful ministers of the sick wilt not much longer be compelled to give up their own beds to suffering mankind. Lunch En Route. An unfamiliar scene was witndssel In the Delaware and Hudson depot in this city yesterday noon. A theatrical tioupe bound from Port Jervls to Plttston cumo to this city by way of Honesdale, arriving here at 12.2(5. As they wished to take the train leaving here at 12.46 for Plttston they con cluded they would not have time lo get dinner. But a bright mind con ceived the idea of telegraphing to the Hotel American here to have luncheon brought down to the depot to incut them on the arrival of the train. Pro prietor Williams of the hotel hus lo I to good purpose, for when the hurried Thespians got here they found a smok ing; hot lunch waiting for them. Six teen were In the party and In the twenty minutes between trains tins depot wns tho scene of considerable animation nnd mastication. Election of Officers. At a icgular meeting of Washing ton camp, No. 200. Patriotic Order Sons of America, held on Monday evening, the following ofllcers wero elected for next term. They will bo Installed on next Monday evening. President, J. N. Stuck; vice presi dent, C. S, Alexander; master of forms, B. E. Durphy; secretary, F. H. Smlthi'tieasurer, Paul Burton: finan cial secretary, I. II. Colvln; conduc tor, Joe Watklns; Inspector, Charle.s Cummlngs; outside guard, O. W. Gardner: trustee, (eighteen months), F. L. Bedell; delegate to funeral bene fit association, Paul Burton. Meetings Tonight. Carbondnle lodge, No. 249. Free and Accepted Masons. Rev. Father Cnrew Branch, No. S49, Catholic Knights ot America. Itechorcho Dancing class. Pioneer castle, No. '203, A. O. K. M. C. Carbondulo lodge, No. 230, Knights of Pythias, Ladles' Auxiliary Rallioad Engi neersafternoon. Installation of Officers. Tomorrow evening tho newly elected olllcers of Captain O. E. Randolph camp. No. 12S, Sons of Veterans, will be Installed, after which tho camp will glvo a smoker. All members of tho camp and Sergeant William II. Davles post, No. IS", Grand Army of the Republic, are Invited tobe pres ent. An enjoyable evening Is as sured. A Soiree nt Burke's Hall. An enjoyable social was held Inst evening In Burke's hall, which wu well attended nnd enjoyed greatly by tho participants. The prime movers of tho affair wero Messrs, William Hottz master, Bert Collins nnd Joseph Wal ker. A New Position. Miss Edith Hucklnnd has accepted a position as bookkeeper for the Car bondnle Milling company. The Passing Throng, William Price Is 111 at his homo on South Church street. F. D. Warron, of Peckvllle, Is visit ing relatives lis town. Thomas McMynn, of Philadelphia, Is visiting relatives In town. Mrs. Ella Loomls, of Scranton, was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. La throp yesterday. Miss DollA Jones and Miss Maud 3 Dcpew, of Srunton, wero visitors In town yesterMy. Miss Margaret Cummlngs, of New York, Is the guest of her parent) on tho South Side. Mrs. Weston And daughter, Miss May, of Honesdale, art) the guests of Mrs. C. T. Meaker. Henry Mnng and Corner Morgan are visiting their cousin, Mr. Von Hcusch berger, of Honesdale. Miss Mary Connerton returned! to Blomsburg Stato Normal school Mon day, to resume her studies. MJss Emma .Carey, of Scrnnton, Is a truest at tho home of her aunt, Mrs. James Loftus, on Seventh avenue. Miss Costello has returned to her homo In Elmlra, N. Y after a visit with Miss Mary O'Connell, on Seventh avenue. Mr. and) Mrs. James II. Campbell, of Carbondnle, havo been visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mor gan. Wllkes-Barre Record. WilllAm G. Bees, of Stnnsbury's store, Is spending a few weeks' vaca tion nt Bhenandoah. Walter Davis, of Lcnoxvllle, will fill his place during his absence. JERIHYN AND MAYFIELD. The funeral of the lato Mrs. Michael Reynolds, who died at her home at West Mayflold, after a few hours' Ill ness, will take place this morning. A high mass of requiem will be cele brated In Sacred Heart church and in terment will bo mado in Calvary cemetery, Mayfleld. The remains of the late Mrs. Ncthcr ton, who died while on a visit to tho homo of her son, Rev. W. R. Nether ton, at Wyoming, will be brought hero today and taken to the family homo she had so faithfully presided over for so many years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. At 2.30 o'clock the remains will be taken to the Methodist Episcopal church, when? services will be conducted by the pas tar. Rev. M. D. Fuller. Thrt entertainment given by Mr. Comfort, the Oswego, N. Y., dwarf, in the Methodist Episcopal church last evening, was patronized by an, au dience that filled every seat In the church. The entertainment was all that could bo wished for and those who did not see It lost a treat that they will regret. Prof. Stevens' or chestra played several selections, which assisted very much In the even ing's enjoyment. Mr. V. R. Haas, who nt Christmas was presented by tho members of his Sunday school class with a very hand some chair, entertained at his home on South Main street, last evening, the members of his class by way of appre ciation of the handsome gift. Those present had a delightful evening's en joyment. Mr. Hass proved himself an excellent entertainer. Caswallon lodge, American True Ivorltes, which has been In existence for the past twcnty-flvo years, aro about to disband. The lodge, which at one time had a flourishing exist ence, hns of late years numerically decreased In membership, until at the present time there are but about twenty-one members loft. These will share up the contents of tho treasury, which nmount to about $1,4S0. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosser. of Second street, celebrated the Now Year yesterday with a very pleasant family gathering. Among those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prior, Mrs. Elizabeth Prior, Mr. and Mrs. tl. J. DeGraw and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Prior, of Mayfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Solomon, of Peckvllle. who have been spending the holidays here, returned homo yes terday. Mrs. John Burke, ot Carbondnle, was a visitor hero yesterday. Michael Welsh, of Schenectady, X. Y.. who has boon spending the pact week with old friends heie, returned home Monduy. The public schools will reopen thin morning, after the Christmas vaca tion. OLYPHANT. The fifteenth annlversaiy of the mnninge of Mr. and Mrs. Ranee Sim ons occurred Monday. In commemora tion of the event they entertained a gathering of friends nt their home on First street, Blakely, In the evening. One of the most delightful features of the evening was an interesting poem, composed and read by Rev. David Spencer, D. D. Mr. and Mrs'. Simons were remembered with n number of beautiful gifts from their friends. At 11 o'clock a delicious repastwas served. Those: present were Rev. David Spen cer, D. D.. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Young, Mr. and Mis. Terwllllger, Mr. and' Mrs. T. W. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Himmel roich, Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Grlfllths, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Mitchell, Burgess and Mrs. A. D. Hnlnes, Mr. and Mrs, D. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Berry, of this place; Mr. and Mrs. Lony Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lowrle, Mr. and MrsS. O. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John white, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Johnson, Albert Johnson, Charles Wilson, Misses Bes sie Johnson and Minnie Potter, of Jus tus: Miss Ida Wilson, of Scranton. Miss Lottie Reynolds, of Forest City, is the guest of Miss Mary Davis, of Lackawanna street. A corps of surveyors of tho Dela ware and Hudson company have Just completed staking out the route of the new narrow-gauge road which will be constructed shortly to convey coal from a new opening near the Bird's Eye dam. A slope will be put down nt that place and the coal taken to tho Eddy Creek colliery. Thomas Byrne.ndvance a pent for tho Tommy Shearer Comedy'company, was at the Hotel Mahon yesterday. The company will appear at tho Father Mathew opera house all next week. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Berry and chil dren spent yesterday at Carbondnle. A slot machine, containing a sum of money nnd a quantity of gum, was stolen from the premises of Louis Glazier, on Lackawanna street, early yesterday morning. Mls3 Ollle Murphy, of Blakely, is In New York. Misses Jessie and Nina Brown, who havo been the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. B. Matthewson, have returned to their home In Otsellc, N. Y. Miss Rachel A. Evans returned Mon day, after spending a few days in Now York. A large number of young people from here attended St. Julian's church fair, at Rock lake, yesterday. Miss Nettle Mason spent yesterday with Wllkes-Rarre fi lends. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. PECKVILLE. Tho members of the Forast und Stream club are arranging for a ban quet for Its mombois. Mrs, Kdwnrd Dougherty, of Carbon dale, and two children nro spending a The finest and most complete wholesale' tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Great inducements, and great attractions ing the Holidays. OVER i Have Been Prices will be made extremely low and Every instrument prices and see what money will buy. Remember theP!aceGuernsey few days with Mrs. Lloyd, of Main street. The mines won- all Idle lieu- yester day. There will be a special meeting of the Wilson Fire company at their looms this evening. All members are re quested to attend. The twentieth century was duly ush ered In hero with a rattle-te-bang that was deafening. For twenty minutes the gongs, bolls and cannons vied with one another to sue which could make tho most noise. The welkin rang as It never did before: the small boy was abroad and with pistol and gun worked like a beaver to help add to the din. Many people wero on the streets. It was a great event. Wutch night ser vices wero held at nil of tho churches. JESSUP. The 'Shakespearean Llteiutuie and Educational club held a very success ful meeting at Sweeney's hull last Saturday evening. Ofllcers were tem porarily elected and nt the next meet ing, which wll.l be held at the same place next Saturday evening, the of llcers will be mado permanent. The public Is Invited to attend. Cards are out announcing tho com ing marriage of Mr. P. F. Godfrey, of the Grand Central, to Miss Mary Ellen Curran, of Hyde Park. Tho street commissioner would be making a big Improvement on Depot street, one of tho principal streets ot the town, by making a crosswalk at Third street, opposite the dwelling of James Mullen. A great many people are compelled to cross nt this point and wade In tho mud to their ankles. John Sweeney, proprietor of tho Na tional hotel, Is attending the Rev. J. M. Smoulter'H fair nt Rock Lake. W. A. Fhtlan, of Scranton, wns a business caller In town yesterday. Misses Reo and Margaret Godfrey, of Scranton, nro visiting their brother, 1. F. Godfrey, of Depot street. Mr. Thomas Woods Is able to bo around after his recent severe Ill ness. Mr. Michael Gallagher, who was sedlously 111, Is slightly Improving. The social held at tho St. James hall New Year's evo for the benefit of William Lynott was a grand suc cess both financially und socially. Misses Ella and Lizzie McGIrl at tended tho midnight mass at Olyphant last evening. A largo number of our young people attended tho fair at Arrhbnld Inst evening. James Lawler and son. II, V., were callers In Scrnnton yesterday. Rev. Jules Humborszky was a call er In Scranton yesterday. OLD FORGE. Frank Hughes, who was Injured In the mine by being Jammed between the cars, Is Improving slowly. Mrs. John Thornton Is sick nt her home with typhoid fever. Owlnsr to the absence of Rev. If, Green, the services at the brick Metho dist Episcopal church will bo conduct ed by Mr. Thomas Martin next Sun day. William Relies, who Is very 111 with typhoid fever, was taken to a Scrnn ton hospital on Monday. Mrs. Roberts, of Jermyn, spent Sun day with her sister, Mrs, Georso Fletcher. A runaway occurred near the Lacka wanna station on Saturday evening, A horse owned by David Freldman be came frightened nnd ran against a telephone pole, overturned tho wagon and the occupants wero thrown out and slightly Injured. C. W. Hrodhend, of Montrose, who ONE HUNDRED i 'in li Provided for the Holiday Trade. fully guaranteed. Don't fail to calll and get 314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa. J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. was on Ills way to Wllllnmsport, called on his parents here on Sunday. 'Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Edsall visited nt West Plttston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Naylor have gone to housekeeping In Mr. Qrlfnth Richards' house. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Robinson havo the sympathy of the community In their bereavement. About three weeks apo their four-year-old daughter died of diphtheria. On Sunday their younpr est child died, nnd the other two aro seriously 111 with the same disease. Mrs. ThomaH Playforth,.of Dickson, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Walker. TAYLOR. The services over the remains of the late Miss Smith Harris were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David P. Griffiths yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. Dr. H. H. Harris, pnftor of the Cnlvary Raptlst church, olllclated und delivered a very touch ing sermon. Numerous floral offerings were contributed and presented a beautiful apeparnnce. Among tho pieces wero large bouquets presented by lady employes of tho Renard silk factory und from the Grlfllths family, muny others being from friends. Tho Calvary Baptist quartette rendered several excellent nnthem3 during tho f uncial services, where were very pa thetic. Interment In Forest Homo cemetery. The flower bearers were: Maine Giifliths, Delia Davis, Hnttlt Palmer. Emma Curtus, Mary Jenkins, Annie Powell: pall bearers, John W. Thomas, Thomas Jones, Henry Wil liams, Thomns Davis, William Rogers nnd Titus Evans. Funeral Director R. J. Davis had charge. The annunl entertainment ai.d ball of the German Beneficial society was held yesterday afternoon and evening1 at Weber s rink and wns nn enjoyablo event. Price's oiehestr.i furnished excellent music for dancing. A delightful Watch Night reception ns given nt the home of Mlsss An nie and Mary Seherer, of Union stnet, on Tuesday evening, where the dawn ing of the now century was fittingly observed. A very pleasant evening was spent In games nnd other party diversions, nnd nt tho dawn of the new centuiy tho assembly sat down to dainty refreshments. Those present were: Misses Annie and Mnry Ochcr er, Lizzie Davis, Ella Pretzold. Liz zie Price, Annlo and Minnie Raker, and Messrs. Mlchnel Strlne, '.ViUInni Davles, William Williams, James ln glls, Fred Wilson. Jacob Glmball. An drew Rrezzy, Jacob Seherer nnd An thny Schultels. Mrs. Renjamln Davis and Mrs. Wll llamv Allen, ot Kingston, were guests of Mrs. John E. Davis, of North Tay lor yesterday. Mlnonka tribe, No, L'G7, Improved Or der of Rod Men, will meet In regular i-eslson this evening. Mrs. John R. Price hns returned homo from her visit with her sisters at Glen Falls, N. V. Rev. D. C. Edwards, pastor oil tho WeWi Raptlst church, has received a call from tho Welsh Unptlst church In Pittsburg. Mr. Henry Ayres, of Dickson City, called on relatives In this borough yesterday Tnyloivlllo lodge, No. IM, Knights or Pythias, will meet in regular session this evening, when Installation or of llcers will ho held. Mr, nnd Mi's. John Reynolds nnd, Mrs. .Tonkin Hnrrls, of Scranton, at tended tho obsequies of tho late Snr.ih "Harris hero ytsterday. Miss fk'ssle Powells, of West Scran ton, visited friends hori yesterday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Wdlsh and iueraseyHal Headquarters for J.W.GUERNSEY'S EXTENSIVE ( ITI and retail) musical es will be ffered dur i ii terms reasonable. " 4- 1 -f t- . , - JUSL UUL I t The CtieUerfleld Ohrercoat ASK TO SEE I'l Samterl Bros.: -f -f 4- - V -f - -f - BEAUTY, H GONPERQR BELLAVITtA axsotilo Beauty lblU and P&Us- C ."ectly safe and guaraitead treatment! for all skua dlsonUra. ReitorithiiloomolOutht faded laces. 10 dnya' treatment Met 80 days' tf.UO, by mafi Send for circular. Aidrees, l, ..,. HEBV1TA MEDICAL CO.. '.Ilntao ft Jacktaa tSU., Cikaf Bold by McGamh ft ThomaM. Drug- glsts,, 309 Lackwamm ave.. Bora, nton. Fa. BUY THE CENUIlNE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUTAOTORED BY - CALIFORNIA Ftf SYRUP CO. tsT-NOTB THE NAME. I T X(fociitime).lJi.i"iii"'""k"On.Ti.i aiymrimnelABvearlio.pltJ!e.p.PencetnGcrm.nyJ Nr.d r.r b.k"Tn.lk".ipiU iwdU.I lelrl., fn.S 1 children spent yesterday as tho Eliest.i of relatives in Plymouth. J Miss Ella Petzold, of Hyde IVark, was the guest of friends hero yester day. Mr. and Mrs. KobeiH Ingllfj, of Yatesvllle, visited relatives hereye terday. , , AVOCA. The Sons of Temperance will InWall ofllcers on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Royle Ihave returned from New York city, and nro now domiciled In their new horn on Main street. Mrs. Edmund Bennett, of the orth End, Is seriously 111 of pleudlsy. ' ,C. F. Druffner und son George! ur9 spending a few days In Wllllo ms- port. The Injuries that Edward Ren sustnlned In tho new yards on Su ictt ur for duy afternoon will Incapacitate him several months. His arm Is b Idly smashed, and there Is n deep cut f 4om the wrist to the elbow. Mr. and Mrs. George Pointer 1 ave returned from Montrose There will be a sale of eatablrtl at the M. E. parsonage on Friday af iter- noon nt 2 o clock. Mrs. Reglna Dommermuth land brother Charles, of Shelton, Conn., nro spending a few weeks nt the faulty residence on the West Side. j Tho following ofllcers for tho 'M. K. church wero elected on Friday eyen Ing: Superintendent, E. C. Kellum: as slstnnt superintendent, J. W. Ony; hop letary, II. M. Steover; librarian, Jv. e. Hosklns; organist, Miss Mabel Hlnix. Tho Epworth League have elected the following olllceis: President, Ray Smith; first vice-president, H. M. Stee- ver; second vice-president, Mrs. J. c Ony; third vlca-presldent, Mrs. N, E. Hosklns; fourth vice-president, Miss Myrtle timlth; secretary, Miss Mabel Illues; treasurer, J. W. Gay; organist, Miss jennlo Keith, Mrs. E. C. Kellum Is recovering from a serious Illness Jj Pnf.a.F.THELM.D. n.SI W-1 Surklls4tllila.l,a.la.iilHkrSni.CiM.1 ki-WlBST MAh-tllil.VAIICtCMJi WRiBtlllH -n a