... i JJV11, FT. . ' tf J k '! M e H . ti trcwtott rH THE, ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICb OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. $ TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES. SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MOKNING, JANUARY 2, 1901. TEN PAGES. TWO CENTS. Th: ifvTT -. I- V r ' if ' " I - ! s INSURGENTS ON THE RUN A Complete Vlctoru for Partu Reo- ularltu Is Won at! Harrlsbura In the Election at Marshall. SENATOR QUtVY THE CHOICE OP CAUCUS mz a Joint Convention of Republican Senators and Mefmbets He Receives 123 Votes, Four Shoit of a Major ity on Joint Ballot The Insur gents Are Already Mak.ng Over tures for Surfrender Tlio Chief tains of the Clam of Discontent Are Mailing Desperate Eltoits to Pro duce a Deadlocjk in the Legislature When Vote Is Vaken for the United States Senator. Tentorial Correspondence of The Tilbuue lliirrlsburg. PyL, Jan. !. A coyriplete nnl e-rustilng larlty was won ictory for parly tegu- toduy nt noon In the election of Man with Knydct'K e hull us speaker, which, ectlons piesldent pro tempore of the control of nil senate, Insures regular branches of the state government. 'Jfhe effect of this wus In. illcated In tonllght's senatorial caucus, which showed (the presence of 123 votes for M S. Qualy, only four short of a majority on lloint ballot. No effort was made to I bring Into line for the caucus the colislderable number of In surgents whol, after their crucial and unexpected dlefcat on house organiza tlon this molming, have been making overtures fo.l- surrender. The votes to elect Quay oln the ilrst Joint ballot Rre nlready In bland but for strategic pur poses the reserves will not be revealed until the joint ballot is tukep. The rollaiKc of fusion and the loss of nil hold uplin legislation leaves to the Insurgent (Ihlef tains only one weapon. It was tl is which they have been using with unprecedented profusion in the prcllmi nary skirmishing, which was the most desperate ever known to American politics, and it Is this which they cxpiit to employ in a last effort to create i deadlock. B.it in their own hearts its known how they ate pursu ing a hop 'less quest. Their Jig Is up. Tonight, the crowds are scattering for linmf, tomorrow Harrlsblirg will lfsunio ilts normal cam. Zalvy S. Ulchatd CAUCUS PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Qu ay the Unanimous Choice of Senators nnc Members. Dy Licit ,ic W'iro from flic A'soclalcd Put". Hani aburg, Jan. 1. Colonel Quay was tl ie unnnlmois choice of the Joint onventlon o' republican sena- tors Tan iid members held tonight in the house chamber to nominate a candl- date, f Ipr United ftntes senator. The caucuf was attended by 123 leglsla- tors, Ir four less than the number nececshry to a chilce in the Joint con- entlop of the senile and house, which will be held Jan lfi. Three of these present were Messrs, Hill nnd Tiffany, l lif SlfK.illelinnmi nml ATi- fnThi.u-.v of-jdams, who absented themselves last night fiomjthe house caucus and voteij with the iJemociats In the house for 'Jenei.il Kobutz for Bpeaker. Mr. Bea'? of Juilata, who voted with tho stnlwaits tor Mr. Marshall for speaker, w.m present but did not an swer' to ills-name. It was stated that he '-rill abide by tho caucus. Thomp son of Centre, and Haldcman, of Montgomery, who aie detained at homo by IIIikms, were pledged by their colleagues to Mr. Quay. This appni cnt)y gives Mr. Quay, 120 of the 127 iiecfiisai y to a choice. The other ah senses voted with tho Democrats on the organization of the house nnd uio claused as nntl-Quoy Republicans. Speeches nominating Mr. Quay weio mnjlo ky Senators Slsson, of TAic-; Forht, of Union; Muelbronner, of Al legjhny; W'aehbiitn, of Crawford, and Re iresentatlve Hanls, of Clem field: MeCIlaln, of Lancaster; llanlson, ot Ph ladelphlu; McTlghe. of Allegheny; McDonnell, of Philadelphia; McCilu the '. of Moiitg piery; Vandyke, of AVe nmoreland, n ni Jlonlson, of Mer cer 1 Nominations. Garner, ot Schuylkill, named C( agressmnn John Dulzell, of Pitts. bi e, and Mr. JlcPherson, of Adami. nc .mnatea Jud o John Slewart. of Fi anklln. On I ie balloting Mr. Quay re -elved the vo ts of twenty-six gena to ' antU ninety-three membeiH of tliu ho use. Messrs. linker, of Wnrien, nr.rt ai tner voted for Kaser, and Pomeioy, of Franklin, voted for Judgo Stow int. Dt foro the result was announced thu names of Messrs. Dulzell und Stewatl vt ie withdrawn, and on motion of Mr. Gi rner, seconded by Messrs. McPher so i and Pomeioy, tha nomination of Mir. Quay was made unanimous, nnd he was thus given a totol of 123 votes. When tho name ot Representative? Thompson, of Outre, wns called a statement was read by Mr. VoorhecH, of Philadelphia, denying that ho wan ng.llnst Mr. Quay and saying that when he In able to leave his sick had he will vote for him for senator. A nlnillur statement wns made op behalf rV Mr. Haldeman by his colleague, Mr, McGlathery, who produced a telegram ) stating that Haldeman Is 111 at home, and that when he is able (n ho present he will vote for Mr. Quuy. Mr, Heaver f( nntliiui-l O'l I'oge . 1 RAIDERS KILL 2,000 SHEEP. Qttaer Method of Revenge Employed by Montana Ranchmen. It Exclusive Wire fro- Ths Atsoclsted Tria. Miles City, Mont., Jan. 1. Masked J and mounted raiders killed 2,000 sheep on the range of Tootiey creek, n trbu tary of Tongue river, near the Wyo ming line, at daybreak yesterday. The Rheep belonged to Daupt and Selway, who are ranging about 6,500 head In the Otter creek country. The sheriff and deputies stnrtcd this morning on their 100-mlle trip over land. Out of the Daupt and Sol way herders had his Hock of 2,000 sheep at the upper corral on Tooney creek, nnd was awakened before daylight by shooting and yelling. Eleven men, mounted on horses were riding around the band f sheep and shooting into them. There are conflicting reports as to the methods employed by the i alders. One stntement Is to the ef fect Hint the sheep were driven Into a cut and piled up in a struggling mass, those not being killed by the fall being despatched by clubs. An other story says they were milled to death ; that Is, driven In elides sand piled up until the under ones were smothered. The feeling In the Otter creek and Powder river country has been quite bitter against these new outfits, and yesterday's raid Is the result of this feeling. WHITE HOUSE RECEPTION Thousands Greet President and Mrs. McKinley and Extend Congratu lations Incidents of the Day. lb KcIuIip Wlro from 1 lie Avoclatcd I'irw. Washington, D. C, Jan. 1. Tile, re ception at tho white house today was largely attended. About five thousand peoule had been received up to 1.30 o'clock, tho hour set for closing tho reception, but as the crowd still stretched four abreast beyond the outer gates tho president directed that the reception proceed, that all might come In, Mrs. McKinley endured the trying ordeal with much composure, remaining alongside the president throughout. At one time, as a dainty little girl stepped through carrying a huge doll, Mrs. McKinley not only erected the little girl but also shook hands with the doll, to the Infinite de Ught of the little mother. Later, when a negro "Mammy" held down a tiny baby, Mrs. McKinley chucked the tot under the chin und tucked a rosebud amid its laces. it was 2 o'clock when the end of the line appeared, nnd the president, wav ing a llnat salutation to the; lingering guests, escorted Mrs. McKinley to her apartments. The eU'gaut toilets of the ladles' re ceiving party formed the feature of tho brilliant spectacle. Mrs. McKin ley wore a gown of her favorite color, pale blue. The material was heavily embossed satin and panne velvet, and was trimmed with pearl and turqulfce bands and a profusion of point lace. She woie a diamond necklace, u dia mond biooch, another gleaming orna ment in her hair, and can led a large bunch of white roses. Mrs. Oage wore Fieneh gray crepe de chine, in which insertions of ic nalssance lace showed the pink lin ing. Mrs. Smith wore coral pink silk with black velvet trimming. Mrs. Hitchcock wore light brocade, and Miss Wilson white satin trimmed with rows of gilt braid nnd edges of dark fur. Miss Hay wore black net with In bertlons of yellow lace; Miss Alice Hay, white broadcloth; Miss Hoot, yel low crepe; the Misses Griggs in light silk toilets. Mr. Cleveland's Hunting Trip. Dy Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Pre. Ctorgctomi, h. C, Jan. 1. 1 lie White l.llv, tlicr strain jailit uhlcli cx-Pnuidcnt Cloelaiul and party oiiupy during tlidr hunting expedi tions at .Muiplo Maud, near tlni city, taniu up ti town to u-plenMi slou. The captain of the jaiht fc.ijn that there U an abundance of liunie In that kectlon nnd that t lie party Is having Rieat (port. They will irmalu a Heel, longei. Strange Hunting Accident. It v l'.(.lu)ho )Wrc from 'ihe AMoclaled 1'rM.t Sunliury, Pa., Jan. . While icturnlng from a huntliifr t lip tlds (enln- William Hepburn, a .muiiik hoii of M .1. 1 Upturn, ihUf rleik in I lie l'mta.)lvanli rallioad klioiu, thU ity, met with tmtunt iliHtli. He nipped whlhi runnlni; ilcun u t.tccp hill m.d liH kuii wai diuhirird. 'flic halt (nltied III- uhdouun nnd lame out hl l'a, iailiiK initant death Ignatius Donnelly 111. 11 Kiilmhu Wiv Horn The .Wxiated Vrew. Minneapolis, Jiin. 1. Ignatlm Donnell, mIio for thiity-flio jears ha teen prominent in loial and lutloiul politick, and in literature, uoj taken (tiddiuly ill at the home of hU fatheidndaw, llarton ilun-un, this ienlnf. Mr. Doriully is Uarlv 7U eai id a(;c und hi. phUlan it douhtlul of nil id own Must Wear Union Clothes. By Kiclushe Win from The .VioUatid Pre. Ilrooldyii, Jan. 1. Todjy the order of the iliuoll.Mi Ccntial Labor union goe into filed that delegates must biyin the ear by wearliur Hi lothe except thorn) bearing tlie union label, A committee will m.il.o an Inspection 'of dele Ifates1 clothes on Sunday ne.t. Itoynl Oak Fire Extinguished. lly iJhihf Ulru from The AusoiUted l're. Phmnokln, Jan 1, A flro in .No. 11 en of tin Itojal tbil, lollltr that bioLe out four da) airo owing l an explosion of pi, nut extin guished today. Opeiation ulll be lemnuil to morrow. Papers Consolidate. t!y KxcliNhe Wire from Tie Ai-oelated 1'iim. lituburir, Jan. 1. The to leading (icrman rewkpapcrs ot I'itUburir, the VolUbhlt ant lnihclta rrciu.d, will announce in their titties tomoirow inornlnc that a consolidation Ins been Miaiiffrrl beUccn them. Nova Scotia's New Furnaces. By I'.xcluslis Wire from The Anoclated iva. 8dney, Jan. 1, Two new blast furnaces of the, ltlttcr-Conley Munufalturlnir company tvera United today, The entire product will bo hipped to Kngjand and points on tho continent. Voting Trust Dissolved. By Exclusive Wire from The Anoclated Prejs. Xcw York, Jan. 1. The ollnir trut of the Northern ' I'atltlo railinucl, which was formed Sept. 1, 1WI, when the iwnpsuy win rc-orgnn-lied, was dlwohrd today. THE NEW YEAR AT MANILA General Macnrthur Holds His First Official Reception at the Capital o! Luzon. THE AFFAIR A SUCCESS Rear Admiral Hemey and Wives of Army Officers Assist Filipinos nnd Americans Mingle Socially. Native Women in Picturesque Costumes. By TxclusUe Wire from The Anoclated PreM. Manila, Jan.l. If President Mc Klnley's New Yenr's reception proves greater than that of General Mac Arthur it will not bo the fault of tho people of Manila. Tho general's re ception wns the first social affair in olllclal circles at which Americans and Filipinos have mingled. For three hours a stream of vehicles pass ed through the grounds of the gover nor general's residence and discharged the callers olllclal nnd civilian. Tho majority were nntlves, although there was a sprinkling of foreigners. Tho American flag, branches of nlpa flow ers nnd vines piedomlnated In tho decorations throughout the mansion. Hear Admiral Hemey aided General MncArtlnir In the reception of visitors. Tho wives of several generals also as sisted. The introductions were made by General MncArthur's staff, assisted bv members of the staf of Hear Admiral Hemey. The callers, after bavin been Introduced, passed out on a broad balcony ovci hanging the Pasig river, and n majority of them lingered about the mansion until after the ceremonies had been finished. Airhblshop Chapelle. tho apostolic delegate to tho Philippines, and other ehuich dignitaries, were received first. The members of the Philippine com mission and the Judges nppearcd In black frock coats, and their attlro formed a decided contrast to tho white and gold uniforms of the officers ot the army and navy. Tho Filipino wo men wore elaborate native costumes and conversed affably In Spanish. The use of carriage numbers wis not understood by the hackmen, nnd much confusion occuned outside. WOMAN COWHIDES AN EDITOR. Her Way of Resenting an Item She Thought Refened to Her. B i:clmle Wile from TJie Aswelated I'ren. Cnrbondale, III., Jan. I. Elbei t H Wnller, the editor and publisher of the Ava Advertiser, was whipped with a short cowhide whip yesterday by Mis. John Connor for an alleged In sult which appeared In the last Issue of Waller's paper. The town Is of less than 2,000 Inhabitants, but has one daily nnd three weekly newspapers, and a newspaper war has been In pro giess for some lime. The article which raused the tioublc Is In part as follows: "A grass, widow who for a long time has read our paper and not paid for It, returned her puper marked ru lused. This knocked us clear out. Her husband Is no longer sweet on her 214 pounds of flesh and If the Isn't careful we will toll something, as we are not in school." The description led the woman to believe Waller meant her, and In com pany with her brother-in-law and an other man, she visited the editor's sanctum. Mrs. Connor demanded an imemdlato apology and Waller not complying with her demands, he drew the whip and struck him about twenty times over the shoulders and back. Strange Epidemic at Sharon. By Kxclusira Wire from 'Die Afeociated Prru Sharon, I'a., Jan. 1. I'm ten das an ipldemic of a decidedly infection allineul han prewiled In tlits plate. Ihe yiuptom3 air- find chills and feer, headache and a miivj of drnukineai and fitful bUcplnir, Tho throat Incomes tore and white patches appear, nfcmUliiic ulcerated fcora tin out; but not of the alightet diphtheritica! tendinty. No fatalities liato thai fat rcaiilled, New Glass Factory. 11 Inclusive Wire from The Associated l'lcu. Lancaster, 0 Jan. 1. The Columbus Plato and Window (llau company utarted Its new MO blower tank today. This Independent concern will be operated b men from combination fac. toiiej. ' Dowie in Palestine. By i:clujhe Wile from The AMOCiated I'rrss. Chicago, .Ian. 1, John Alexander Powle, leader l the "Chrlitlan Cathollo Cliu-h." Is in 1'al. entlnu today in accoidnnce with Ids original in tentions us announced when lie lift for bit for el I'll tour. Lower Freight Rates. By i:tlutle W'lie from The Asaodatid Press, Xew York, Jan. 1. Tho freight rates on pie Iron and billeta from Plttsburt; to the teaboard were reduced today about 40 cent. Conceflons will also be made- in other iiuuufa'tturliig centers. Peninsular Car Works. Br lAcln.Ue Wire fiom The Attculatcd I'ics,, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 1. Work boa been begun O'l the new pressed eteel car plant for the Amerl. can I'oumlry coinpiti-. '11 ie lViilnniliir branch has started up, with plenty ot otdcrs ahtid. Sank Receivers Divide. By nxiluihe W'lia from The Associated Ties). Manchester, K. II., Jan. 1. The lecehers of the New Hampshire Trust company paid a dill dent of S per cent, today. The company failed seven )cars ago. m Stove Trust in Canada. By F.xcluslse Wire Item The Associated Press. Montteal, Jan. 1. The bUno liust started to. day. It lias abslrhei thu leadiog stoio maii4 factureia ot tl Dominion. Wllllamsport'B Now Company. Oy Fxclutle W'iro from The Atsoclsled l're. Wllllinupott, Pa,, Jan, 1. The Hums l'iie llrlck company started today, Hie new works in, piny IK) nun, UPTON'S MESSAGE. He Replies to New Year Congratula tions from New York Press Club. lly Kxclmlve WIm from The Associate Prejg, New York, Jan. 1. Compliments of tho new century were extended to Sir Thomas Llpton iby the New York Press club today, dn reply, Sir Thomas re ciprocated tho good-fellowship shown. Tho cablegram sent by the club to Sir Thomns rend: "We toat ou today. Wish you eery luiccas that will not brinf us sorrow. (Slgnsd) New York Tress Club. The teply from liondon was as fol lows: New York Pieas Club: Thanks for your ury kind erecting. Your aorrow will be wiootlied by many trips to the old country. It (rclerriiiK to the America cup) Is bound to go this time; the best of friends must part. NEW CENTURY AT PEKIN. Tho Event Appropriately Celebratod in the Walled City. lly i:cliuhe Wile from The Associated Prens. Pckln, Jan. 1. The advent of the new year nnd the new century was celebrated In Pekln on an elaborate scale. Tho discharge of numeiSus guns at midnight created a scare and many troops were sent to discover whether the city had been attacked or whether it was a Boxer ilslng. General Chaffee held his reception In the morning nnd Mr. Conger 10 celvcd In the afternoon. A feature which caused considerable comment was n review of the Urltlsh troops In honor of Queen Victoria und of the Australian Federation, to which all the nations were Invited to send representatives. Tho French were conspicuous by their absence, not a single Frenchman being present at the review. MRS. RICHARDSON ILL. Widow of the Murdered Merchant Kay Die at Any Time. lly Kxihi-hc Wlro from The Associated Prew. St. Joseph, .Mo., Pan. 1. Mrs. Frank Illchnrdhon, w iduw of the millionaire merchant of Savnnnah, who was mur dered on Clnlstmas eve. Is In a pre carious condition tonight, and may die nt any moment. She Is suffeilug fiom nerous pros tration, caused by the tragedy, and especially has she been dangerously 111 since the evidence given at tho In quest yesteiday by the servant, Bes sie .Phillips. The relatives of the dead man discredit the evidence of this girl, which was of a seusatlonnl character, leflectlng upon the widow. POOR BOYS ARE SAEE. Bethlehem Kidnappers Send Charle3 Korshner Home. Uy i:rliulic Wire- from The .Woiljted I'nw. llethlohem, Juu. 1. Charles Kersh ner. the JS-year-old boy who Is said to have been kidnapped last night by two men, leturnetl home Hhortly af ter midnight. He said he was tuken by the men to tin abandoned lallroad cut about a mile fiom the city, after having been chloiofoimed. Attcr he had been re vived, he said the men searched him, ami when he told them he was the son of poor parents, they let him go. Ill-Eated Boyd Pamily. Uy Kxilui.be Wire from Th Avuclatnl I'rewi. l.oucll, Mas , Jan. 1. An ill file scum to h.ue followed tin- Ito.wl fainil) of tliu city, the hihl of whom, Mil, I'e'.cr II .mI, m imiidciid a rai a.ro; a tie nioiilh ,io l'ctri i.oid mis dliuiMUil dead In tlie Dia.iuitt noud-i, hat hit; coiniiiltted ruicide, and today Mr aiah llojd, Peter's niothei, was fatull Inirni-d while kind Hint u Hi- with ktroine. Sudden Death at a Dance. lly Kxclvile Wire from The ItnocUtecl Pre-. Johnstown. Ta., Jan. 1. JIIm Mary llroJulcl;, aged 20 iar, a kistcr of Tiiomas 1). llrodeilck, propiletor of the ueiu Lily hotel of tins plaic, -hopped dead last night while at il ihiucc. hlie had just llnhhrd a tw-o-tep and teemed to be feeling will, when flu- fill ovil in a chair Fennsy's Pensions. 13 I'.icbulic Wire fiom Hie Anoclated Pics'. Chicago, Jan. 1, Tho pnudon l-.itcin ot -ho I'enn-ilvanlu ltallioiid cmupaii starts on tho line ot tt at company uet uf I'ltUlmrK todjj. Puur eteran enidcies were retlied today for life, havinir reiched tlie ac of TO ear, and having tciu-il tlw crmpany for thlit jejrs. Another African War. lly i:cluihe Wile fi'om The Associated Press, London, Jan. 1. The colonial office U in re. celpt ot neuH of a native rUlne in life (ianibla liver leiiton of West Alilca. Thu despatch con nyliif this Information udds that n punitive ex pedition is Uintr c rgankcil. Idlo Glass Plant Starts Up. Uy i:xclnihe Wire from 1 lie Associated I'revi, i'itUburif, Jan. 1. Tha D. O. Cunningham Glasu company stsrted the McCiilly glass plant today, which has been Idle Ave tai. Its capa city wilt bo Imitated fiom twenty -seven to eiwlity-two pots. i m Archbishop 1'eehan Retires. By Exclusive Wlie fiom The Associsted l're'J Chlcagj, Jan. 1 iloit Reveieud Patrick A. Kcehun, archbLihoi of the ltouiua Cathollo arch. dloceso of Chlcaeo, lctlrci from active service today after twenty earV i-ervlce. Shott Milk Jars Destioyed. By Bicluslve Wire fiom The Associated Press IVuton, Jan. 1, A radical reform was Inang'i. rated today, Tho fctatu ottlclali, actlnir under the new- law-, desire) cd nil tlie short milk jars they could find ottered for rale. Increased Carriers' Pay. Hy F.xclnslvo W'lrs tloin Tho Associated Pi en. Wilnilnulon, Pel,, Jan. 1, The letter currlrra lecelvo hiiiher pay from this dale, Under the new- ceimis tbif local rirrlers receive the same pay as thoeo of the lancer cltlea. Soventy-Eive-Cent Gas in Chicago. Uy Inclusive Wire fiom Tha Assoclsted Pre". Chicago, Jan. 1, The new gas ordlrunce went Into etTict today. The kss companies me com. pellcel to sell bis at TS cents. The Tin Can Combine. By Exclusive Wire from The AstoeUtcd Prswi, Plltkburg, Jan. 1. 'file Tin Can Combine has been organized. It is contiollcd by the Anurl. tan Tin Plate cempan). New Peruvian Customs, lly Kicluilve Wire fiom The Associated Press. blnia, Pent, Jan. 1, Tlie new- tuttnius schedule unit Into ffltct fodj' LONDON IS AGITATED Tiie Gravitu of the Position In Gape Golonu Is the Gauss of Much flnxlctu In Enallsli Capital. BGcRS NUMBER 5,000 They Are Now Ranging Over Im mense Tracts of Territory Necessi tating tho Employment of an Army Corps to Deal with Them The Pre cautions of Lord Kitchener Are Neutralized Victims of the Guer illas Ask for Assistance. Dy Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press. London, Jan. 2. The Cape Town cor respondent of the D.tlly Mall, who dwells upon tho gravity of the position In Cape Colony, says: The Boer Invaders now number 5, CC0. The western Invasion gives th most concern. It has split Into two divisions, which aie marching like the prongs of n fork, one by way of Suth erland toward Mnltimmiry and the other toward Beaufort west. "The enemy are now ranging oer Immense tracts of territory, necessi tating the employment of tin army coips to deal with them. Lord Klteh- ener has poured troops Into the dis turbed ureas, but the fugitive ttictk-s of the Iloers have, to a largo extent, neutralized his precautions. "It was felt that the only imans ot excluding the Invaders from the rich districts In the western part of the colony was to call out the farmeis. Today's telegtanis promise a splendid response from the eastern portion, but the western Is doubtful, not thirty per cent, of the population being regarded as loyal. Hence the Doer concentration In that direction. "Letters are arriving here detailing damage and robbery by the Invaders and beseeching military assistance. Any action on the part of the colony will not abate the urgent need of large reinforcements." Coleeburg, Cape Colony, Monday, Dec. 31. Two hundred and fifty Bccim captured fourteen men of Nesblt a horse fifty miles southeast of Colea burg. The enemy, since Increased to SOO. has upneared near AVelterreden and is driving olf stuck. "The aspect of affairs Is scarcely lrsj gloomy," sajv the Cape Town corre spondent of the Times, "than at tho beginning of 1000. The Invading liner are numerically fewer, but they have penetrated further south, and their presence In such centers of hostile Dutch leellng as Oraef Itelnet consti tutes an element of danger which did not e-xist last January. "The proclamation calling for volur. teem conies very late. The Invaders have- been enabled to obtain fresh horses. All the hoi-sen In the cokinv ought to luive been comm.uideeied or bought at the llrst sign of invasion." The correspondent complains of the Inertia and letlcence of the authorities. COMPROMISE IN DELAWARE. The Addicks and Antl-Addlcks Fac- tlonu Divide the Spoils, lly Exclusive Wire from 'ihe Asocland Vitw Dover, Del., Jan. 1. The Delaware legislature oiganlzed today at 1 o'clock, utter the Addicks and nntl-Addicks ltepubllcans held u caucus that lasted all morning over a division of the of ficers of the senate and house ot ieti resentatlves. Both factions Jointly con trol 2!) of the 32 members of the as sembly, nnd they had decided to con sider a pioposltlon that would enable them to divide the plates. The antl Addlcks members were given llrst choice, nnd cho&e Henry A, KUIson, of Mt. Pleasant, for president of the sen nte. The? Addicks faction then chose James V, McCommons, ot Wyoming, for speaker of tho house. The other appointments were then made, each faction choosing alter nately. New Line to Prance. 11 i;iludve Wire fiom The Associated Picvs, Philadelphia, Jan. 1. The French Transatlantic tcamtliip company started today a leaular line of fcteamshlp between this port and Mauelllcs, Thfte viiels will bo k'ept busy for some time c.irrlnR out a cuntwet for lMl.OOO ton of bltuin. Inous coal puuhatcd here for Trench manufac turers. Linseed Oil Comes East, lly Kxcluiivn Wire fiom The Associated PieJ, Chicago. Jan. 1. The tiansport department o thu American Linseed Oil coinipuy moved today to New York, und the remainder of the depart ments will follow- later. It la repoited that the National DUcult company nlso will soon lemove to New- Yoik. Threo Furnaces Start tip. By r.xchistvn Wire fiom Tlie o:tatcd PrcM. Sharon, Pa,, Jan. L The National Meel com. pan started today lliiee more furnai ea the Hall furnace, the Alice furnace and the eoiiipaii s big tm lai o hcic. In all MM moic men went to vvoik, New Niagara Bridge, lly Kwlimivc Wiro from The v.ssoclatcd Pics', NlaRiira Fall, N, Y Jan, 1. 'llici new brhlifo across the Ameilenn rapids from the- mainland to (lost Island lias been completed by W. II, Keep era k Co., the coutiactors, at a eot of JUH.M'. RusBla Taxes Flour. Uy Kvchnlve Who fiom The Associated Prei. Tacoma, Wash,, Jan. 1, The Husslan cove in inrnl begin today the tanatlou of ttour for !l. berla Ml.ients n barrel, The object Is to inon. opollte tho rapidly growlnif trade for the lllaclt Sea millers. Spain Adopts New Tivho System. Uy Kxeluslve Wire from The Associated Pres, Madrid, Spain, Jan. 1, Thcanevv- time sjstrin was put Into practice todiy, A'cjyafler throunh out Spain the hours will be coked from 1 to 21, The day begins at inidnla-lit Wt Till; NKWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today. FAIIft OOLDKIf. 1 Oneral Party Itemilarity Carries the Psy at llarrliburg. Americans at Wsnlls Celebrate Sew Year. liners Invade Cape Colony. Chinese Settlement Delayed by lllncms ot nrltMi Minister. 2 Ocntrst Carhondsle Drpsrtment. 3 Local Report of Committee of State liar As sociation. New Year Celebration. t lMltorlal. Note and Comment. 5 8tory-"Th Visible Soul," e) lax-si tlurgess Jay, of Nicholson, Excited. Lithuanians Dedicate a Church. 7 Local-nrllllant New Year' Pall at tho Bi cycle Club. 8 Local West Scranton and Suburban. 0 Cieneral Northeastern Pennsylvania News. 10 Local Live News of the I lbor World. PAT CROWE CAPTURED. The Supposed Abductor of Young Cudahy Is in the ToilB at Chad ion, Nebraska His Brother Caught in Omaha. lly Ilxcludve Wire from The Associated Piexs. Sioux City, Iowa, Jan. 1, A special to the Journal from Chadron, Neb., says: lnt Crowe, the supposed nbduetor of young Edward Cuduhy, has been cap tured near the state line between Ne braska nnd South Dakota. Three de tectives following Crowo came upon him on the line HIdgc reservation near Oelrlchs, South Dakota, and cop tured htm after a wild chase. Crowe was driving a team und buekbpard. He whipped the horses and tried to out run the hoi semen, who soon brought hhn to a halt with their six-shooters. John Dclfeider, a cnttleman, has just reached town with the news, and says the posse had stopped at a ranch about thirty miles out for lunch ana to feed their horses. Omaha, Jan. 1. The first arrest hi tho Cudahy kidnapping case has been made. J. J. Crowe, brother of Pat Crowe, whom the police believe to be a principal In the abduction, was tak en Into custody In Council Bluffs this nfternoon by Omaha detectives, and brought to this city. The warinnt charges Crowe with the abduction of young Edward Cudahy on December 18. Crowe, who was arrested at his saloon, consented to accompany tho otlicers across the river without the formality of requisition papers. Crowe was e-Iosely epiestloned by tha police tonight, but denied any knowl edge of Ills brother's whereabouts or that lie had anything to do with the kidnapping. The police expect, how ever, to secure some valdable Inclina tion about Pal Ciovve and his iccent doings. EMANCIPATION CELEBRATED. Colored People of the South Read Lincoln's Proclamation. lly Exclusive Wire ftoin The Associated 1'iew. Savanah, Oa,, Jan. 1, Emancipation day was celebiated by a paiade of tho colored tioops of the city under com mand of Colonel J. H. Deveaux. TheM was a long line of caulages tilled with prospeious negiocs. I-iirge crowds witnessed the function. Charleston, ri. C, Jan, 1. Emancipa tion day wns celebrated with more than the usual enthusiasm In Beaufort, this stnte, today, There was a stieet parade of coloied xeterans and colored inllltla and leading of President Lin coln's proclamation at the school house. Reduction in Wages. By Ilxcluilvr Wile from 1 lie Assoclited Piew. YounKstowu, O., Jan. 1, Volie.M of a reduc tion in wages that will effect about four thou and men weie posted today at all of the hint furnaces in tlie .MihonliiK and MienaiiRn villi'. What is known us the bai.0 price la fjl.fiO per day to bottom hilcin and lulpeis and tlie notiiM hlate that after Feb. 1 the bae price wll be fl.(u. Tho uduttion will plaee the wages of tin- furiiaie men on the (ante bails as In Minh, 18'itl. The emploes lefuse to si now whether they will accept the reduction. An Increase in Pay. 11 nxiluilv-r Wire from Tie Assoclitcd Piess. btlca, N Y., Jan. 1. Superintendent Moon, of the- Home, Wutcrtown and OjrdtnvburK cllvinlon ot the New- York Ccntial rallmad, give" notice, that taking cftect today an increase of pay will be made which bIuk patoenirir londuitois an iMicatc ot about Jri per cent., the bagirascciiien about VI pel nut. and the trainmen alut 9 per cmt. At rested for Mulder, fly Ux-cluslve Wire Iron The Associated TreH. Caillsle, I'a., Jan. 1. Charged with the miir eler of William 1). Itebuk at Newbinpr, this conn tj, on Dee-. 2J, Willis Miinabiook, whom Ilebiik bad einpl.il fd for a number of jean about his faun, was .iiii-sted tills moinliig on a warrant mom out b the muidered nun's lather, Thomas ( A. Itelmk. Shlnabrook was hrnught to the Jail . lieu- later in the day. Palatial Hospital. Dy Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press New orh, Jan. 1. The mw (Jouveineur lionjil. tal Ins been opened foi limine. It Is fttted up ill a palatial maimer, with Tuiklsli and ?m,vrna runs, .olid silver Hrvlee and $1,000 grind ilano, It his all modem appliances. The building cot fXM,uno. No More Negro Ofilco Holders. Ry Kvcliislve Wire trom Tlie Avsoriated Pre1. Italclgh, Jf. C, -Lin. l.--Tho cla.vs of negroes holding otflcis ended today, Ihe law vUilcli takes effect todiy prohibits negroes holding town Klilp, county or slute office They can still hold federal olllce. lionet ei. Changes In Russian Calendar, ily Exclusive Wire from fho Associated I're-J. M. Petprsbuig, Jan, I.- 'IliC goternimnt puis In eipeiatlnn today the (iiegoilau Cycle In plsee of tin- old Mile of Julian (lieek calendar, which won twelve davs behind the nt id the world, causing much anno) cm i- In huslnos. Providence to Danlelson, lly Exclusive Wiie from The Asiocluted Press, Providence, II. I., Jan. I. The Ki-mllo clcctilo Hue from this ell to Danlelson Is completed and was put in operation today, PROGRAMME AT PEKIN The Proceedlnos at the Tartar Gltu Delaued bu the III Health ol the British Ministers LI HUNG CHANG ILL Meetings to Be Held as Soon as EM Recovers General Guseloo, th British Military Commander, Also Sick Suffering1 from Pneumonia. Li Hung Chang's Views on thu Situation. Py Exclusive, Wile from The Associated Press. Pekln, Jan. I. A meeting of tbe for elgn ministers is to be held as soon aa Sir Ernest Mason Batow, the British minister, who Is suffering from chllla nnd fever, has recovered sufficiently to be present, and when a date and place for meeting tho Chinese commission have been agreed on, A tepiesqntatlvo of the Associated Press yesterday had a personal Inter view with LI HunK Chung, who show-i pit" Inly physical evidence of bis re cent Illness., Ills mind, however, has not been affected by his slckncfls and ii ai vigorous as over. In tho course of his conversation with the corres pondent Kitii LI said ho should pre- , fer to meet tho ministers nnd commis sioners at his house, If such an nr laiiKement weio possible, on account of the condition of his health, but he would not, hi tho circumstances,, make suggestions. He n&sorted that the em peror is desirous of complying In all pnitlrulars with the demands of the powers. LI believes that tho powers should order a cessation of tho fre quent Irritating expeditions, which ho regnids as uniiccessaiy and harmful. It will be eiulte possible now, he says, to maintain order In tho province, with the asslstnnce of a smnll number of Chinese tioops; nnd he hopes the powers will agree to keep, as at pres ent, tho troops now stationed at Pekln and Tlen-Tsln nnd along the railway. The emperor, LI Hung Chang adds. Is willing to punish all those named by the powers by banishment to the fur'"' thest portion of the Chinese domin ion, on the northwestern frontier, and their return will be prohibited under penalty of decapitation. His majesty is anxious, also, to have tho number of legation guards limited nnd that other boundaries be specified, and hu hops that the foreign armies will be recalled as early ns possible In the spring, China will endeavor, by every means In her power, to prove that she Intends compliance) with tho dcmand.i contained In tho note and to show her desire to make the country safe and habitable for forelgneis. LI Hung Chang believes that tho poweiH will not Insist on the total de- structlon of the forts. General Sir Aided Oabelce, com mander of the British forces in China, who hns been 111 for a few days past, Ih pionounccd to be suffering from ' pneumonia. Lieutenant Colonel Wlnl.of the Sixth United States cavalry, who left Pekln In command of an expedition sent to Investigate the alleged burning et Christians by Boxers, as reported b' tho ltcv. Air. Kelly, a Presbyterian missionary, telegraphs from Tung Chow that he has not found any trouble, although he has covered nn extended area. The Garmans have sent two regi ments twenty miles south of Tien-Tsln to Investigate the troubles reported. to have occurred In that vicinity. The Germans and French. It Is said, find frequent causes to "stoim," which tho Ameilcuns and English, on investiga tion, seldom find' to be well founded. Berlin, Jan. 1. In a dispatch fiom Pekln, dated Monday, December 31, it is announced that Su-Hal, the mun derer of the German ambassador. Uaron von Ketteler, was decapitated on the scene of his crime at 3 o'clock that afternoon. I... i VON KETTELER AVENGED. Murderer of the German Minister Beheaded Publicly in Pekin. By Exclusive Wire from The Asioclated Press. Pekln, .Tnn. 1. Tlie man who ItlllerJ Baron von Ketteler, the German min ister to Chlmi, In June last, was be headed yesteiday In tho presenoe of a large number of spectators. Killed by a Burglar. By l.ulrstve Wire from The Associated Press. Pueblo. Col.. Jan. 1. Walter C. Castley, diuirzltt. was shot and instantly killed In hUl store this morning by .1 burglar. The body tv-aal found lit- a clerk. Tim cali register had been I rifled and etery pocket In tho murdered mail's clothes bad been turned imlde out. Tho inur- deied escaped. New Malls In Alaska. Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington. J in. 1 -Tlie molls start todsy on the new line from Katon, Alaska, to KaUebue Minion. Anothei Irip will be made March I. The route ! 100 inllca each way. Universal Penny Postage, tly Fxcluslvn Wire from Thu Assoclsted Press. lnd.m, Jan, L New Zealand begins todaj tho syitcin nf universal penny postage. She will send a letter nwlure In the world for one penny, or 2 cents In American money. Bristol's New Building. Uy Kxcluilvo Wire from Tho Associated Press. Ilristol, Va,, Jan, 1, Tho new government building waa turned over to tlie government to day. It cot v,uoo. -r fff tt t WEATHER FORECAST. Waihirglcn, Jan 1, forecast for Wed- V neiday und Ihuradayi Kattcrn I'ennsjl- 4- vanlu Fair Wednesday! colder In snuth- ) euit portion, ihurula, Mr; winds -V - generally weslt-rl ; mlk on the cosit, 4-tttttlttttttT 4 r. v : iSfctiAjrtl jtera-x VJU i HEM-.. J.C