FT, r 'V -v III. v - THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE--TUESDAY, JANUARY 1. 1901. - - r?' NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OOES TO HOBOKEN. Torce of D., L. & W. Employes Have Qono to the Eastern TennlnuB of the Eoad Where the Engineering ' Departments Are to Be Consolidat ed Companies Aie Heady to Begin Paying Scml-Monthly Novel New Year's Card Issued by the N. Y., 0. & W. . Ro-Order Issued -y Superintendent Rlne. 1 p. m. II. Dohtrty. 8.45 p. m. O. Ilurt. 4.tJ p. m. V. V. Blevens. SUMMITS, l;Ta ' S i. m. Million, nllh McAlllttcr's men. rULLEIl. 10 . m. J, nailer. pushers. ; i. 7 t. 5.30 r p. 4 a. Division Knglnccr I'Yed Winner, to Buther with his ollice force and effects, yesterduy removed to Hoboltcn, when the local ciiRlneetlnR dupuitmi'iH will bo consolidated with tlmt of Ohlef Ihi Klnrer W. K. McPailnnd, who Ih In the city nuklnK the llrutl nrranKc inputs for the trntisfer. All of the local force will go to Iloboken except one limn, who will be Htatloncd hero. Division FiclRht uml PneHprwr AnentH Smith mid Ten Utoek will oc cupy tin- qui" torn bplnjr ncitted by ICnfilneer Winner, mid the former's iluurleiH will be utlllzeil by the puy lnnstor's department. The two looms, which arc nn the same Hour will he con nectecl with an uichu'iiy, and will thus ulToril much nicm loom for lmnilllnR the Incrensed wot I: nf the pnymatlei-'s ilcpartincnt. Semi-Monthly Pny-Days. The DPlnwnic. Ijieknwuniia und Western company .will beptii their piiy nients for December nmoiiK the mine workers, rallromleis ami other em ployes! on January 5. The semi monthly pays will begin about the l&th of the month. With the Increased of llco facilities afl'ouleil, the paymaster expects to lo as much work In one day as was picvlously accomplished In a week. In this manner the semi monthly pays can be made successfully without Inconvenience. The Delaware und Hudson company will begin paying for December to morrow and will conclude about the ::0tH of January. The semi-monthly distribution of January wukcs will be Kin about Januaty L'fitli. Similar araiiffements are also being made by many of the other coal com panies In the anthracite regions. Novel New Year's Card. J. H. Welsh, traveling passenger and freight agent or the Ontario and West ern railroad, Is Issuing a novel New A" car's card In the way of an "annual pass for pood luck" on all lines of the "Twentieth Century Hallway com pany." It Is "good the wide world over," and It Is to "pass blank and family over a new century full of health, long life, prosperity and hap piness." The pass Is good for the year 1001 nud Is signed by J. C, Anderson, gen eral freight and passenger agent, and countersigned by Mr. Welsh. The pass Is issued on condition that the recipient, when routing truffle, will remember throughout the Twentieth century the up-to-date Xew Yoik, On tario and Western Hallway company. 8 t. m, llouMf. n.:K i. m.-MIIU. 7 p. m. Murphy. 9 p. m. Lamping. 1'ASSCN'Or.R KNGINi:. m. Gaflnry. m, Sinner, p. tn. Stiinlon. m. Magotern. WILD CATS WEST, m. J. II. Majors, C a. in. C Kliigslry. C a. in. 1', ravmutiph. K a. in. (1. T. Maples. V a. in. Klrliv, wild llanimltt'a men. 11 a. m. O ll.ullioloinew. 12 u'clixk noon II. Hoar, mill, 0. Bmltli'a men. 1 p. tn. .1. II irlicr. I p. m. T. 1'itrp.ittlfk. 8 p. m. IIanK'1 1. 4 P. tn. J, (laliiKtn. 6 p. m. (iolilcn. uitli J. O'llsra's tnen. 0 l. in. II. Nllllll. N01ICK. Pifikeinaii I., lldllctt Mill no ovt nltli J. Sart iicvt trip. llul.rm.iii J. Mi Cue will go vat with laftarr Moixlar, Hoc. 31., fondue tor II. Smith and crew will run 4 p. m. W1M Cat Wet, Ptf. Jl, In plate of ICcti'ham ml irew. llntKcinan McGulnneM will en out with Cov ill ttor Ulnlcy on 7 i. tn. Summit, Die 31. Ilral.titi.in II. L. Malliitson will U'O out with lKmillran next trip. This and That. The new blast furnace of the Can ada Iron Furnace coniDanv, at Mid land, Ont., was formally opened on De cember IS. Mlchlplcoton ore will be used. reunion papers announce that n con tract for 20,000 tons of steel rails and fish plates for the Victorian railways has been placed with the Illinois Steel company, of Chicago. The American Steel Hoop company Is preparing at Its Youngstown, O., works a largo consignment of Iron and steel bars for shipment to Bombay, India. The same works have on hand a large order for small beams for Uuenos Ayres, Argentina. The Ddwaid I Allis company. Of Milwaukee, Wis., has taken nn order for two complete stamp mills, with lower, etc., to bo delivered at Para, South America. All parts of the ma chinery are to bo sectlonb.ed for mule transportation to the Interior. The Brown Hoisting Mahlnery com pany, of Cleveland, O., ban already given out contracts to rebuild the buildings destroyed by fire on Decem ber 18. Most of the machinery wu badly damaged. The firm had a largo number of orders in hand and tho fire was most unfortunate. The loss is es timated at $.100,000, fully covered by Insurance. CLAIM AGENT O'KEEFE HAS RESIGNED Will Sever His Connection Lackawanna Railroad on Jan. Intends Going to Europe. with 10. Watch Certificates. Superintendent Hlne, of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western, has issued the following order: Conductors, Kiiffincmcn and Piitlmastiri: Orders for watch certiBenln for first quarter, lftOl, have hern issued. All lonductoiii, engine mm and drlllinastcn on receipt of thce orders will lme their watches exaiiilnril by one of the irgularly appointed watch examiner in time to i nablo all certificates to be returned to this olllie not later than Jan. 10, 1001. Please attend to this at once. Board for Tjday. ( ('Today's D., L. and W. board Is as ollows: Monday, Dec. St. wild ens i:ast. R p. in. Lai! u r. ll.au p. in. a. HafTerty. Tuesday, (Xew Year' Dj), January 1. Wlt.l) CATS TART. 12."0 a. in. P. 1). Secor. 3 a. in. V. Wall. 4 a. m. J. W. l)eine. r, a. tn. T. MiCurthy. il a. in. IV" Van Womur. 1 u. in. O. Caw. M a, in. J, lluikli.irl, 11.30 a. in. T. Ilmiillraii, 1 Itching Scalp. . Scald Hoad end tho Moat Violent Forma of Eozoma and Salt Rheum Promptly and Thoroughly Cured by Or. Chase's Olntmont. Among small tfcildien, scald bead and similar itchisg ikin diseases are most preva lent, and thiM.on-i feature Is that these ail ments, which arc apparently ttivial at fust, almost invariably develop into chronic eczema it tir;lc:ted. Thcie is but one treatment that physicians re ccmirrcui in recommending for scald ,cua ana eczema, and that is Dr. Chase's Ointment, the great antiseptic healer. It prompt ly stops the dis liessirig itching which accompanies thee diicat.es and potuivu) pioduces a thorough and complete cute.. Scoves and thous ands of iren and women sl'tr.d ready to vouch for the merits of D.". Ckac'i Ointment. It has brought bout some of thi most marvelous cures ever re:ord(U. )n justice to jourseif and family, ' you cannot do without it hi your home. Mr. J. II. Grant, 716 Joseph Campau ave. nuc, Detroit, Mish.. writes: "Fo; three years I have been troubled by I n intense Itching oa my body. So terrible was it at times that I could cct no rest night or day, I tried all hinds of ointments and blood purifiers, but could Ret no relief, Mr. II, A. Nlcolai of 379 Division street recom mended Dr. Chase's Ointment. A few applications stopped the itching and I have felt nothing since." P. O'Keefe, chief claim ngent of the Lacltawnnna railroad, yesterday morn ing tendered his resignation to General Superintendent T. K. Clarke, to take effect on January 15. Mr. O'Keefe has been with the company since Match, 1S9U, and during his supervision of this important department 'It was thor oughly reorganized. When seen by a Tribune man yester day afternoon, Mr. O'Keefe confirmed the resignation, and gave as bis reason that he has something else In view. He has three liberal offers from Western railroads, sotno of which he has previ ously been Identified with. Ho Is also considering a proposition from the Pan-American Exposition company, of Buffalo, N. Y., to act as their chief of police during the exposition. At present Mr. O'Keefe intends to take u much needed rest, and will sail the last week In January for a two months' visit with his brothers and sisters in the Kmerald Isle. After his retirement from the Lackawanna com pany's service he will leave for Chi cago, where he will spend a few days prior to his departure for New York, from which port he will sail for Europe. Mr. O'Keefe has been identified v!th special railroad work for over twenty six years, and Is one of the foremost and best known men In the United States and Canada In his line. Prior to Joining the Lackawanna's foises he was with the Illinois Central rnllioad from 1&92 to 1S99, Among railroad men, Mr. O'Keefe Is respected and admired fiom New York to Montreal and from Maine to San Jranclseo. Ho leaves the company with the best of good feeling, und with tho assurance that he will always bo held In kindly rtunembraneo by the olliclals, and employes of the road and the people of Scranlon. HAD A QUIET LITTLE GAME. iS2 Now Herman Klein Is Chniged with Keeping- a Gambling; Place. Heituan Klein, of 4M South Washing ton uvenue, was arraigned before Al derman Knsson yesterday afternoon on the charge of maintaining a gambling bouse, prefoned by Lutils Iteltcr of 837 Second street. Kluln Is 0, merchant tailor, and it is claimed he and his ft lends are wont to engage In a quiet little game occas ionally. Hclter was a member of a parly which gathered ut Klein's tail oring establishment last week, and, It Is said had the misfortune tn lose a small sum of money. Klein was held under $300 ball. M. Swaitz, or South Wushlngton avenue, became bis bondsman. Baby Eczema. Mr. F. S. Hose of 133 Sixteenth street, Bullalo, N. V vviltef: "Our baby boy suffered for some time with that wretched eczema, and we were un able to find anything to cure or crenrelieio his pain, A few applications of Dr. A. Y. Clusn't Ointment stopped the itching and healed the soreg, and a bright, natural skin awjiv taVei their place." e 1)'. Chi.t'f Ointment does not c.ase pain Wien apjilie.1, hut soothes the sore or in. rlacrd 3.(i!-i.-j. $0 cents at all dealers, or Dr. A. Y.' O-ss Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, Y. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. GOVERNOR HASTINGS' COUSIN, MR. JOHN O'NEILL, TELLS OUR REPORTER HOW HE WAS OUREO OP KIDNEY DI8EABE OP LONQ BTANOINO DV THE USE OF MORROW'S KID-NE-OIP8. "Iliad becnbothereilforiometlme with sotting acroyj the small of my back accompanied at times wltli sharp ptn. It scorned as If Dothrn I oould do would rclloro It. I do not behave la taking medicine unlets one Is compelled to, bnt Iconoluded that my kidneys were out of order and that It would be dangerous to let It run on. I am not a believer In patent mr-dlclnes, but see Iriff Morrow's Ktd-ne-olds so highly recommend ed by others whoso symptoms trro similar to my own, I decided to try them. I took them to cording to directions for three or four days, and have sot bad a slim of backache since. 1 would not bo 'without them It tbey cost their weight In gold." Mr. O'Neill, reildes at 810, nth St., Altoona, Pa.,li a wholesale dttaler In stationery, wrapping paper, oto. Ho has been In bmlneM In Alloon a lor more than so years: Is one of the best known men In that part of the stato of I'enntjlianla, and Is a oouslu cf Kx-Coremor Hastings. Mr. O'Neill 1 glad to ilroToluntary testimony con cerning the raluo of Morrow's Kld-no-oldi. Morrmw'a Morrow's KM-neioids are made for Kidney Disuses and that they cure Kldnty Dis eases can be attested by a "cloud of living witnesses," one of which tells his story above. Morrow's Kld.ne-olds are for sale by ail druggists or by mall pre paid on receipt of SO cents. 4 fff I Cure liBSintti I Sick wD I Morrowi KM n-old ar made only bj LLLflLVKiiV Vm JOHN MORROW & CO., OhomlaU KlnilAVit LaaaaaaaaHtW 1 aPBiHCFitto. ohio. niuupyqe JKKKKm q KID-NE-OIDS VonnolljSUjallk BORANTON'3 SHOPPING CENTER. tinder tlili liftJine short .Utters of lntrrit will be publUlinl when accomiinlrl, for pulillea tlon, by th -riter'i name. The Tribune dees not luume rtiiioii-iuiiuy tor opinions iifre mnesiea.j New Year's Reception, KJItor of Hie Tribune Sir: As jour next publication ulll appear ultH the opcnlns of the New Yfjr, may I mk a hort pace In jour column!, since the circumstance! kiwvot, the cxtcndlii of the fceaon' coiisratula tioni to tha IlfV. W. V. and Mr. Oibbom, of Dumnorc, ulio Mill entertain at the Jlame on New Veat'n day, from 7 p. in. until 10 p. ni., tho inenibcia of the congregation ol tho Prcbterlan cIiukIi and their filemU. Thwe occanloiu liae, ln;e Jlr, and Mia. Gibbons t.ettlcil In the bor ou :h, been momenta of tender reminiscence, aud th'a event will prove no exception to them or tl.otc uho will gladden their hearts by partici pating In their hopltallty of thli evening. While thl day and etent is one ol Interckt and good will, wo am not unmindful that audi pre vail! among Mr. Gibbons' fellow clergy, who likr visa auare thia lore of their several llockt. It I equally interesting to nolo tho friendship and Christian spirit existing between pastor and pas tor of this community, as was apparent through out the recont revival services In Duntnore. Frederick Ilartnoll. Scranton, Deo. 81, lt00. An AHthe-Year Toy Store. . . . . . While we make a special feature of Toys, Games and Dolls at Christmas time, belling more than all the other stores in Scranton put together, this is in a sense a Christmas Toy Store. It is an all-the-year store, with just as complete an assortment now as at any other time, though of course the quantities of a kind are much reduced. Bake Stuffs, Ice Crcnms and Appetizing Luncheons. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue. Sale of Ladies' Jackets Here are consolation prices for those who, for one reason or another, failed to procure new Winter Jackets!. There are about two hundred and fifty which are to go alt greatly reduced prices. All in most recent styles. For Instance: At $6.50, Jackets Worth $8.00 to $10.00. At $800, Jackets Worth $10.00 to $12.50. At $10.00, Jackets Worth $12.50 to $15.00. At $12.50, Jackets Worth $15.00 to $20.00. Equally good fortune for those seeking finer gan There are lots of fine Cloth and Velour Jackets from $25.00 to $50.00. These also will be sold duced prices. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVHNUE rzSZSSSSSSESSSSmSOBSi. v55!wn -- --". Warmth .n jj Midwinter lri 1 t 'Mlmmft Simple M (. ' i '-- .fatJ Sperl 3 (Steam or Hot Water) furnish the temperature cf summer throughout the house, day nnd nlnht. The automatic damper and fuel feed take the work and the worry of watching off your hands and keep the hcut ct the desired point; a hcultli. ful heat free of cJiiil end offensive odors. It Is n temperature that can be regulated lowered or rais ed at your will and the economy of fuel Is wonder ful. Catalogue mailed free. The Sped Heater Co. Carbondale, Pa. I STATEMENT OF THE Fast Time to Duluth CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY fUE Duluth Limited and St. Paul Fast Mail leaves Chicago daily io.oop.tn., arrives Duluth 10.30 a. in. next morning. Drawing Uoom Sleeping Cars, Observa tion Parlor Cars with Cafe and free Reclining Chair Cars. Fast train to head of lakes. Tiie btst of everything. Call on any agent for tickets or address 481 Broadtyay . New Ytrk 601 CAta't St.,PhUatillMa Si3 WasMngfen SI., ficxtoi SOI Main St., Buffalt S2 Clark St., Chicago 35 Vim St., Clnthnatl SOT SmlthmSi.. eitttbura '234 Superior St., Cltvtiani 17 Camput Martini, Detroit 2Klr,aSt.,lattJttimtO,Ont, NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Slitrenth St. and Inlsg Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, 11. W per day and upward. European Plan, $1.60 per day and upward. L D, CRAUTOItD, Proprietor. ---- - --- m:m t flrvi Diseases,! (ilitj?vfrr uaTcnuias ipetYJlHt Jw lift jiospiuu ana axuxj Durgeoa imii. Dr. THEEL, 527 North Sixth St. l'ltUadelplilli, 1'H.OAU Abosci, BloodPoison.VarlcocelG.StrlcturB PRIVATE, nnd OBSCURE Lrfvai iisniiiionci,Biiruns- fnnlinn? norcans.fullr restored. Fi o lOilitya, Tfas moat danseroua cases nil bulb seica, n nrrani cureillnt to lOiluya. The rolictteA ,'BJN OEUTBOHI inrnt hy mall, ficurtf or Hworii IV irunl resli cases BR ARZT." Treat- i. ncutiiur nwuni li'siiniouisisc itooa rs. posing cm? late- ImUtme.UocWcal XMedical traud. FREE ELEGTRSG BELT OFFER UlHTlHDATSfRllWIARINt TAIL m your own home, hi fmufth the tceniilne anil &nlylllLlI)ll.mU(JiLTRiT. liQltHUKMlLltlKlLlikLTH to any retderof thlmAncr. Jloniat; U bJtim tfrr loir iiuAct untuiua Bn,V.tI.i with most all otbtr treatmHiu. r m tJi tbr ! Iria IIU, iitplUscM rrsaMlf fall. QuiCIt CURE for niorathinbOalluitDt. UXLVMUUKllUKYur aUnerrwii dlHAWB, wtiUneceei and dtsonlera. For complete aled ronfldoiitUl caUloue, cat UU i ob! n4 nkl) U 8EAR&, ROEBUCK & CO., OhlOQCO lisT flBBETeirSsnrV I'll wmmrrr.'wi v?iL'wmrsr mr For Business Men In the heart o tba wholesala district. i1 OF SCRANTON. United States Depositary. At the close of business Dec. i). 1900. BESOUEOES. Loans nnd Investments $3,175,478.36 Banking House 38,509.64 Cnsh nnd Eeserve.... 536,870.19 . $3,750,957.19 LIABILITIES. Capital ? 200,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.29 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits . . 2,415,530.08 U. S. Deposits 422,729.39 Due to Banks 54,785.53 3,750,057.19 WILLIAM CONNEtX, Trcjldcnt. HENRY 11ELIN, Jit., Vice-President. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. H- -H-f H Lace Curtain New, Shrewd buver3 will take advautatre ot the SDecie prices made on our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many' small lots at a fraction of their real value. I FURNITURE COVERINGS - COUCH COVERINGS I t & A ARTISTIC FURNITURE. i - For Shoppers S minutes' walk to WarmmaU-ent; S minutes to Q'.eccl Cooper's Big Store. Easy of access to the treat Dry Qoodr Btores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars, el v. Ing easy transportation to all points ot Interest. HOTEL ALBERT : I NEW YOKK. X -- Cor. 11th ST. A UNIVEftSITT PI -f 4- Only one Itlock from Broadway. . X Rooms, $1 Up. PrrRA.u.?oAN.j;8 ill) ft Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturera or OLD STOCK PILSNER HIQH-QRADE BEDDINQ I " " V - I HEAVY DRAPERIES I WI LLI AflS & flcANULTY J LEADERS IN CARPETS, WALL PAPER, DRAPERIES, 129 Wyoming Avenue IHHHM -H-t--f-H--H--H--f-r-H- HHMtMtllHIUHttif 435 to 405 N. Ninth Street, . SCRANTON, Pfl Telephone Call. '2333. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, K? Heaters, k tU-lK PENN AVENUE. WINTER RESORT. ''Through the Hesperian Gardens of the West" Buns the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED." The Finest Thing on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." Special lliroupli trains consisting ol sleeping and dlnlnir-cara will Iraie New York every Sat urday, Tuesday and Thursday, connecting d. rrctly with the "bunsct Limited" at New Orleans, For full inlorination. Ire lllmtratcd pamph. ltti, mapA and time-tables nlo lowest rates, tletplng tar tlcketa and Unratfe checked, apply to Southern l'acia Co., 103 S. Tldrd street, Philadelphia, I'a. Tho Dickson Miuiufacturlns Oo. tcrsnton and WllltavUsrr 14, .NUHUfaoturor) or LOCOMOTIVES. STATIONARY ENQINBS Uollcrt, llolatlne and Pumping Machinery. aeners.1 Office, Scranton, Pov THB SIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and'2, CoinMth B'l'd'g. BCEANTON, PA. ninino; and Blasting POWDER Mi A at Mooalo and KuiU.lado VVorKi, LAPUN RAND POWDRR CO.'S ORANQE QUN POWDER Ktotrlo Dattarlea. Klootrlo Br plolarv xplodloi bluti, bkfaty lfanl Repauni Chenlcal Co.'s man KXPLOtlVe DR, DEKSTEN Pbyslclaa aud Suroi 311 Sprtio St, Timp.u Uurt BulUlDg SCRANIOH PA. oooooooooooocoooo COLD WAVE Good skating New Year's day. Our efnri. vll nm rrrn :i -- a.j lv uuui xv. u. ut. tuuiiy ;a for the accomodation of skaters aud others Skates sharpened while you wait. Florey & Brooks 211 Wash'ngton Ave, ooooooooooooooooo Alt acute and chronic dlatitea ol men, wo men and children. CIIUUNIO NK1IVOU3, UltAlN AND WASsHNO WSUASES A bl'UC IALTV. All !iteaaea of tho Liver, Kidneys, bladder, bkln, Ulood, Ncnca, Womb, Eye, tar, Nose, Throat, and Lungs. Cancers, Tumors, Piles, Itupture, Uoitre, Itucumattsm, Asthma, Catarrh, Varlococele, Lost Uauhood, Mghtly Finlulons, all Female Diseases, Leucorrltoea, etc, Gonnorrhea, Syplillis, Ulood 1'olson, Indlicre. tlon and ynutiilul hahiu obliterated. Surgriy, Kits, Kplleniy, Tape and Stomach Worms. CA TAIIItllOZONK. Bpecillo for Catarrh. Threa months' treatment only U.00. Trial fret In office. Consullsllon and examination free. Offli hours daily and Sunday, 8 a. tn. to 9 p. m. DR. DENSTEN HENRY BEL1N, JR.. , General Agent for tha Wyoming District lor DUPONTS POWDER. lllning, Masting, Eportlng, Smokeless and til IWpsuno Chemical Company'! High Explosives. Eafety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room 401 Coav nell lluildlng, tkranton. AUENClESl Titos, ronn ............. ...,,, .Pittston JOHN B. SMITH t SON Plymouth W. E. UULLIOAN Wllkes-Dure 4 tkiSBAo-'; !W . ,'4!g&'J?-;J.-J,1 tit-iU, est.. '-JI-H. I .-. . V