The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 01, 1901, Image 1

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:wo CENTS.
ft: f
in the eve op
larrlsburo Last Evenlnu a Seething
Turmoil ol Political
Lrst Official Move of tho Republican
Legislators-Elect in Form of a
llaucus of Members Results In tho
Production of 102 Votes for Mar-
Ihnll, the Stalwart Candldatcr;-for
leaker Both Sides Aro Confident
I'xrlii'lip Wire from Tin Associated Press.
Inrilsburg, 'Dec. HI. On the eve of
organization of the legislature,
lirrlsburg Is tonight a seething tur-
fill of political excitement.
The first official move of tho llenub-
mi legislators-elect, In the form of
caucus of members of the house, re
filled In what appears on the surface
bo a Quay letory. This was the
Irodui'tlun of Wl votes for Marshall,
Allegheny, the stalwart Republican
lindldutc for speaker, Just the iiuin-
ler necessary to elect him. The stul-
rvuits claim that they have several
Inorc votes under cover, and Fay they
rc iiorfectly satisfied with the situa
tion, but on the other hand the antl-
iQuay or "Insurgent" Itepubllc'ans In
sist that several of the votes produced
iiit tonight's caucus were bogus and
It hut the best Marshall can do Is 97
votes, und that the Insurgents with
the Democrats will elect their cundl-
lilatc for spiuket tomorrow and organ
ize tiie house on an anti-Quay basis.
,The stalwart Republic-ins will control
the organization of the seuuto without
Almost every political leader In the
suite W here tonight, and probably at
no time since the tight against Mr.
Quay began, more than II vo yeuis ago,
hus tliu feeling been so Intense. To add
to tho excitement, political clubs and
thrust) bands from various cities and
.'owns are tilling the streets, and the
lllspluy of led lire and other ucces-
i irles Is prodigious. Mr. Quay spent
lie day nnd night at his house, rest-
g very quietly, us lie is fur from
loll. He received occasional reports
om his lieutenants, but declined to
anything for publication.
Jh branches of tliu leglulnturu wllh
LWt at noon tomorrow, and In the
Vhe eventful caucus of Repub
,11 be held to decide the sena-
questlon. The Quayltes' claim
will produce at least the 127 nec-
to elect their leader In joint
Intlon on January 1C, while tho
riunyltes are equally strenuous in
declaration that Mr. Quay will
'r be the senator.
of Legislators Who Responded
to Roll Call nt Meeting.
Ii'.xclulie Wire from The Associated Press
Harrlsburg, Dec. 31. At the caucus
Republican members of the house
Fnlght to agree on a candidate for
Ipealce-r und other officers of the lower
Sranch. one hundred of tho 154 Repub
Ican members answered the roll call,
wo were reported absent on account
of Illness, and fifty-two were absent
knd not accounted for. The two nb-
fcontccs on account of illness, Thomp-
km, of Centre, nnd Ilaldeman, of
lontgomery, were reported by their
colleagues as being in favor of the
PtalW.frt Republican candidate for
peuker, William T. Marshall, of Al-
ilegheny. This would appaienlly give
Marshall, who was chosen unanimous
ly, a majority of tho 203 members of
the house, but tho anti-Quay Repub-
Ican lenders claim that at least four
their number were Impersonated,
Id that, moreover, while tho caucus
us In progress there were present at
neetlng of nntl-Quay Republicans
ktho Commonwealth Hotel, flfty-
ht anti-Quay Republicans.
ollowlng Is a list of the Republl-
whose names were answered to
len tho roll was called ut the
Dealership caucus tonight:
Philadelphia Sclby. Maclver, Slater, Kajser,
pth, Orr, Chew, oorhccs, laliey, Hipp, Siulli,
'.es, I ulmer, Colvlllo, Hint, Hess, licjser.
rebel, Jones, Harrison, Cook, Henry, llonha'ti,
Tamlltnti, Wlllard, Coniicll, Stone,
Allegheny county Kopp, Marshall, liciulcii-on,
Aimitrone Graff.
I Beaver llrlckcr, Kennedy.
Blair Oamble, Patterson.
i Bradford Taj lor.
Lllutlcr Mates, Thompson,
Cambria Khumaker, I)al.
fCarbon Stroh,
theater Corj ell, Lack, Cope, Tor.
Jlearfleld Harris, Alexander,
Dauphin Caldcr, Peal, Itutherford, Ulrleh,
Delaware Miss, Ncwhard, Cooper,
Erie Mcrtens, Mulkle.
Va$elte McCune, Arinsberg, Pails.
Franklin Pomeroy.
Huntingdon Taylor, Monteouieiy,
Indiana Thompson, Leuid,
.TeHeuon Itamllton.
Juniata Beaur.
Ijickawanna Sclieuer, .lanio, I'
wncaicr Jicuiaia, uroMun, lloinner, i aei,
Irijtiill, Weavir,
Jjiwtciicc MrConndl, MeAnua.
I.uernc Hanortli.
Mercer Dauftlurty, f!llon, Morrlon,
Montumnery BaiKer, Dehaun, JliCilatliery,
Perry Arnold,
Tottei -Itajinond,
Scliujlklll earner, lcnebie, Ut
Hnjiler bniitli.
Buaijuchanna Tiffany, Hill
Tioga Champaign.
Warrvn -Baler.
Westmoreland Slcrrm, Beaioin, Yai.d.vle,
Total, one hundrnt
JFour Legislators Claim That They
Weie Not in the Caucus,
B, Uxeh'dii. Wlro from Tic Associated l'rcs,
urrlsburg, Dee. 31. Messrs. Tlf-
fnny, III1I. Arnold and Alexander, who
were recorded us being present find
answering to their mimes nt the house
Republican caucus, stated nfter tho
gathering that they were not present
and had given no person authority to
answer for them. They said further
that at tho tlmo of thc caucus they
weie attending a conference of the
anti-Quay Republicans at their head
quarters at the Commonwealth hotel.
The anti-Quay leaders claim that Mr.
Taylor, of Bradford, who Is alleged to
have answered the roll-call, was also
not in attendance at the caucus.
They Claim That Quay Is Short Six
Votes on Speakership Contest.
Uy Exclusive Wire from lite AJsoclitcd Press.
Harrlsburg, Dec,31. A secret con
ference of the anti-Quay Rcpubllcnna
was held tonight at which fifty-eight
members were reported as present nnl
pledging themselves to vote for fusion.
Senator Martin, of Philadelphia, anti-
Quay leader, said tonight:
"The caucus of the Quay peoplo dis
closes the fact that they are nix short
of he number of votes necossnry to
elect a speaker of the house. Tho pre
tense they had men prese , who wore
not only absent but net illy t'ik'ng
part In the nntl-Quay co- him was
a childish bluff. It work h lSU.-, 1
tlie chairmanship tight. This limn I .
only result of padding the roll Is to
bring out the Indignant denial of tho
.4 f! Uosc names nnd misused and
to hold the cheap Quav tricksters up
to ridicule and humiliation. It also
uncovers the desperation which drives
them to such shallow tactlca. Mr.
Mai shall will be defeated for Hpetker
tomorrow and this will carry with it
also the defeat of Mr. Quay. '
Adopt Resolutions Forming Fusion
with Anti-Quay Republicans.
Ily Eclne Wire from The, Associated Press.
H'Lburg, Dec. 31. A caucus of
ho 5 Democrats was held tonight, at
which forty of the forty-nine members
were present. Messrs. Shutt, Kaiu und
Fal , of York, remulned nway from
the meetlnir because of reasons per
soi 1 to themselves. The other ab
sei es, Messrs. Naftslnger and Squibb,
of Berks: Blumley, of Cameron: Gar
vin, of Adams: Jarnett, of Monroe, and
Galvln, of Schuylkill, were accounted
A resolution was unanimously adopt
ed in favor of fusion with tho anti
Quay Republicans on un equitable
basis on the organization. Tho Demo
crats will meet uguln at 10 o'clock to
morrow morning to prepare a slate of
olllcers und employes of the house and
to further confer with tho anti-Quay
Republicans on fusion.
Result of Senate and House Cau
cuses Entirely Satisfactory.
Uy !ohile Wire from The Smorioted Presi.
Harrlsburg, Dec. 31. Colonel Quay
said at midnight:
The nsult of tho senatorial and houe r.iu.
cues i cntliely satisfactory to me. The otc in
either caucus tho ataluarta bad not lott a cinsle
member pledged to them. William P. Kiyiler
will tomoirow be elctcd piexldcnt pro tern of
the fcn.Ue; William T. Maislull slll lie chosen
speaker of the house, and at the Joint caucus
tomorrow night an elective majority will be pros
tut and indorse the candidacy of tha party ma.
Jority. The dccUho result of the Knate caucus
remoea all conjecture as to the organization of
the senate. In the home caucus a number of
staluaits wetc unable, by reason cf Illness and
other Insurmountable obstacles to be present.
However, they will be present tomorrow and
Mr. Mauhall vAW bj dected by a decisive ma
jority. The organization and the senatorial cau
cus will demonstrate that the rcprrscnUthcs of
the Itepubllcan party of Pennsylvania have voiced
the will of the people as cprci'd on Nov. 0
In faor of the principles which liae controlled
the party since Its organization and which may
be expressed In the decision of the piimarles,
the caucus and tho will of the majority.
Senator Penrose said:
DeielopmenU In the caucuses to
night Fatlsfy me that our caucus of the mem
bcirhlp of the lefrlslatuie is cornet. The rcpi.
lar liepubllcans will orcanlze loth the K'nato
and the houe and Colonel ijiny will lie elected
to succeed hhiuelf,
Holds Important Meeting at Harrls
burg. Oy Exclusive Wire from The Associated .'ress
Harrlsburg, Dec. 31, An executive
meeting of tho Republican state com
mitter was held this afternoon, at
which resolutions wore Introduced In
favor of party regularity nnd recom
mending that Republican senators and
members attend party caucuses and
abide by their action. A resolution
was also udoptcd endorsing the pend
ing apportionment bill In congress,
which gives Pennsylvania two addi
tional congressmen.
Messrs. H. W. Dardwell, of Tunit
bannock: Henry D. Saylor, of Totts-
town: David H. Lane, of Philadel
phia: Prank Puller, of Unlontown, nnd
O. 1. RIenkley, of Oil City, were ap
pointed a committee to sugg3st
amendments to the Republican rules
governing primary elections and te
port at the next meeting of the state
committee. A meeting of the Republi
can chairmen throughout the stato
was held prior to the btnte committee
meeting, at which resolutions wcro
adopted In favor of purty regularity.
An Anti-Quay Representative from
Allegheny Enters Caucus.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Harrlsburg, Dec. 31, Representative
John P. McTlghe, of Allegheny, who
was regarded as an anti-Quay Repub
lican, gave out a statement this after
noon, In which ho says he has deter
mined to enter the Republican cau
cus tonight for speaker and tomorrow
night for United States senator and
will bo governed absolutely by their
Sir. McTlghe ndds that ho is thlnk
lng"ind acting for hlmvclf und will
lco the people of Pittsburg to Judge
afc'to the correctness of his action.
General Pochamor Killed.
I'y Escluslir Who from Tim Associated Press.
I'-clin, lire, ill, Meuleiisnt Uemrid Pochain:r
was'llkd today by an ilectilv CJr.
TIig Event Is Flttlnolu Observed at
Various Localities About
the Gountru.
The City Hall Presents a Magnificent
Spectacle with tho Brilliant Elec
trical Display in Which Thousnnda
of Electric Lights Are Utilised.
The Residents of Kansas City En
Joy a Twentieth Century Ball.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pr'
Philadelphia, Jan. 1. The passing of
the nineteenth century was fittingly
I observed In this city by a spectacular
municipal celebration, which Included
n mllltarV parade and pyrotechnic and
electrical display. The great city hall
and the historic state house were the
centers of the celebrations, nnd great
crowds gathered In the vlt Inity of each
of these buildings. Tho observance of
ficially began at S.30 o'clock In the
evening with a general illumination
of the city. The city hull Itself pre
sented a magnificent speetucle. Pine
trees, on which were hung many vari
colored lights, wero grouped at each
entrance and in the court yard of tho
building. From the sidewalk to the
top of the statue of William I'onn,
which surmounts tho third tallest work
of man, was one blaze of light. Twen
ty thousand incandescent lights "'ere
used on the exterior of the strut,- iro
alone, which euch of the mora than six
hundred rooms of the municipal palace
was brilliantly lighted. In the state
house twenty tallow candles were
pluesd on each window sill, which add
ed to the ipualntncss of the old hall.
At 9.30 p. m. the First brigade of the
National Guard of Pennsylvania, con
sisting of the First, Second and Third
regiments, and the State Fenclbles. un
der command of Brigadier General
John P. wSchall, murched In review,
Mayor Ashbrldge having the post of
honor on a grand stund at the city hull.
As the troops passed Independence Hall
the First regiment left the line und
formed a hollow square In Independ
ence Square and awaited the coming
ot the new century. The other com
mands marched to the city hall' and
formed a cordon around the building.
Then began a public receptlon.""m?ld
by tho mayor, in the handsomely dec
orated rooms of his department, und
at 11.55 p. m., with tho sound of "taps,"
all lights went out, and the multitude
waited In the gloom ns the last five
minutes of the century were ticked off.
On the stroke of midnight nil lights
were again turned on, and simultan
eously a gorgeous display of fireworks
burst forth from every point of tho
great building. The soldiers drawn up
around the building fired a salute of
twenty rounds, nd at 12.15 a. m. re
veille officially eh xi tho affair.
The observance at pendence Hall
was simple, with a tinge of solemnity
about It. Tho First regiment fired a
salute, then the deep-toned bell pealed
out twenty strokes, one for each cen
tury, then one hundrid nnd twenty-five
strokes, symbolical of the years of In
dependence of the country; then nine
teen strokes, a Tuie nnd a single
strike for 1901.
Religious services were held in nearly
all the churches. The weather was
damp and foggy nnd the mist took
some of the brilliance from the display.
At Washington.
Washington, Dec. 31. In 'accordance
with directions given by Pope Leo, tho
closing of tho Nineteenth and tho be
ginning of tho Twentieth century was
observed with solemn high mass In all
the Catholic churches of the city, be
ginning at midnight. At St. Patrick's
church, Mb.'. Martlnelll, tho papal
delegate, celebrated pontlflclal high
mass. Rev. Dr. Rooker, tho secretary
of the papal legation delivered tho
sermon. At St. Paul's Catholic church
Mgr. Conaty, tho rector of the Catho
Ho university, preached the sermon,
ids topic being "Christ, the Salvation
of the New Century."
Rnron Hengelmuller, tho Austrian
minister, gave a huge dinner party ut
his house tonight, nt which a number
of the diplomatic corps of continental
ICurope wero guests. At the other le
gations and embassies there were fes
tivities appropriate to tho occasion.
President McKlnley witnessed the nr
rlvul of the now year In n very quiet
way. He finished the usual evening
business, which Secretary Cortelyou
had prepared for his consideration,
some tlmo before 12 o'clock. Then,
with Mr. Cortelyou and Mr. Abnor
McKlnley, the president awaited the
hour of midnight In the cabinet room
nnd when that time arrived, exchang
ed the felicitations of the occasion
with his companions.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner McKlnley ar
rived .here this evening and are stay
ing nt tho white house ns the guests
of the president. They came to at
tend the New Yeur'H reception tomor
row. Twentieth Century Ball.
Kansas City, Dec. 31, The century
ball, the function to which all Kansas
citizens have been looking forward for
weeks past, took place tonight, tho
most extravagant hopes of its promo
ters being realized. The climax of tho
ball was reached at 12 o'clock, when
1C0 women dressed in the pic
turesque ojtume of the colonial days
danced tliu minuet. Tho dancers, with
their costumes, the spectators In tho
balconies nnd the elaborate decorations,
combined to make ona of tho most
Innutlful pictures ever seen In Conven
tion hull. A copper ball wus so placed
n t the bull that evety ono could drop
In It a curd with name, uddrqss and
appropriate sentiment thereon. He
sides such curds, photographs of the
ball In progress and newspaper ac
counts of It were placed in tho box.
The box is to be Imbedded In ono of
tho columns of Convention hnll, to re
mnln Intact until one year hence,' when
It Is to be opened nnd Its contents will
bo read by tho Kansas citizens of that
In Australia.
Melbourne, Jnn. 1, The-now century
and with it the new era of federation
were ushered In for Australia with
every sign of public rejoicing. This
city Is overflowing with visitors to
such an extent that many have to be
accommodated on, passenger steamers
In the harbor.
Tho streets were alive with people
last evening, and when midnight
struck, bells pealed and cunnon
boomed a welcome to the birthday of
United Au 'rnliau.
fin London.
Iiondon, In. 1. The celebrations at
tending the denth of the old year and
the birth of tho now followed the usual
course In London. There was a great
gathering of Scots outside St. Paul's
cathedral.whero they sang "Auld Lang
Syne" at 'midnight. Watch-night ser
vices were held U all the religious edi
fices, Midnight Mass nt Rome.
Rome, Dec. 31. The pope celebrated
mldnlzht mass In his prlvnto chapel.
Cardinal Rampollt, papal secretary of
state, celebrated at St. Peter's cathe
dral, where there was a huge crowd, In
spite of tho rain.
Speech nt a Dinner Qivcn nt Arling
ton Hall in New York City.
liy t'tilnshc Wire fnmi The Assoilzied Press.
Now York, Dec. 31. A dinner was
given tonight nt Arlington hall, under
the nuEptccs of the wnrkingmen of
New York, und was called "Labors'ii
Greeting to the Twentieth Century."
it was projected by the committee of
one hundred which was organised to
call a convention on Jan. 14 next In
Cooper Union to establish In New
Yoik city a federation or council of
delegates from labor and reform so
clftlp.s which shall demand that legis
lators frame the will of the people on
matters of the tenement house luoh
lem, sweatshop tystcni, etc.
The following lire the names of the
speakers nnd the toasts that were at
each place: Kmcst H. Crosby, toast-
master: "The Triumph of Labir,"
John Swlnt'in: "The New Federation."
A. J. Ttoultou; "Industrial Peace,"
lilshop Potter: "The Hours of Labor,"
Ceorgc Men III: "The Illght to Live'
Henry Oeorgc, jr.; "The Ideal of
citizenship," It. Fulton Cutting:
"T.nrHuIn Min .Tnhti T7mt-iI "Tlio Pi.n.
pie's Unity," Joseph Harondess; "Tho
X'ity ot New York," lilrd S. Coler;
"Labors' Need." Michael A. Kltzg -aid,
und "A Century Poem," by Ed
ward Mnrkhum.
Controller Coler said In the course of
his speech:
Tim worklnirim-n ran accomplish am thin; they
undcitake if they will mAc their tool the ballot
box instead ot liojcott. 'I hey already work
ed wonders for the betterment of their onn ma
terial conditions and th"y are Jixt PeRlnnlnjr to
nail..: tlielr power. If the IntclUm-nt laboring
men of tlilii city will unite in the tenlce of the
1,'rncial welfare, ami icnuln united, they will con.
stltutc the greatest inoial and power for
Rood that cut exerted the municipality. That
they have not done no is largely because they
don't stand together Ions enough.
Workingmen can by united, intelligent and
persistent effort, secure more parks nnd play
grounds, better m hoots, more free lilnailrs, more
public baths.
There, tliould be nn light between capital and
lahor nnd thero will be none when the real
brotherhood of man is established, but while we
work towards the Ideal existence nnd relation,
labor must learn nnd sliirpsn its wits, or It will
'"nrglo against heavy odds in cery contest for
s and benefits. Capital can command the
Uuiest Intelligence, tho best education and em
ploy all the tricks of law nnd politics.
NVhcn a man is a candidate for u local office
it is not essential to the Interests of woiklngmen
that be should belong to one of jour unions and
biibscrlbe to all jour principles, but it is essential
to jour w-elfaic and the best interest of the city
that he be Intelligent nnd honest.
John Swlnton said the greatest fact
of the century was tho introduction of
Caliban to Cadmus. "I mean thnt tho
Caliban of Karth, labor, is learning to
read. He Is trying to spell tho biggest
word In the vocabulary 'right.'
"When he finds out the meanlnsr,
look out, ye rnpscalllons, Caliban Is
starlns nt another word, 'wrong.' Ho
sees it written everywhere. "When he
get3 the full meaning of that word,
look out. In the nineteenth century tho
Caliban has begun to think. The hqrdes
of tho lower earth are beginning to
think and It Is tlmo for the evildoers."
Trouble in Venezuela.
Ily Kxclushe Wire fioin Tho Associated Press.
Curaeoa, Island of Cnracoa, Dee. 31. The diplo
matic controuisy over the rival asphalt interests
in Venezuela is approaching an acute fctagc. The
Venezuelan goi eminent Ignorrs the protests of
Washington against the semi-official conspiracy to
deprivu the New York and Uermudas compiny
lllegallj- of tho Ilennudei-o asphalt lake. Mr.
Funds II. toomlit. United States minister at Car
acas, Is strhing for a peaceful solution cf the
Shot His Reputed Wife,
fly Kxclushe Who from The Aswclated Press.
Altoona. l'a Dec. 31. .llni Green, coloied.
was arrested tonight on the vhargo of shooting
his reputed wife, Mary (Irecn, a white woman,
the was silting at her ftrejldii about 8 o'clock
when a bullet through the kejhole of the
door lodged In her shoulder. She was taken to
the hospital. Jim hid been seen lurking about
the place. The couple had not been living to
gether for some months, and Jim Is supposed
to lave been actuated by Jealousy,
Steamship Arrivals,
Py Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Piess.
Xcw York, Dec. 31. Arrived: Pretoria, from
Hamburg; Statendam, ltotterdamj Astoria, Was
gow. Cleaiedi Teuctonlc, Liverpool: New York,
Southampton. Naples Arrhfdt Kaiser Wllliclm
II, New York, for Otnoa. Antwerp Arrived:
Southwark,' New York, via Southampton. Hailed!
Noordland, New York. Lizard Passed: Hotter
dim, New York, (or Rotterdam.
Sale of nn Old Newspaper.
Ily llxclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Trenton, Pec. 31, The Stato Gazette, which
was established In 17W, was sold today by the
John U Murphy estato to Henry V. Comfort,
Charles H, Ciuo and Charles II, Hiker, all of
Trenton. The State Gazette baa a dally and
weekly edition und lias been the Ilepuhllcan or-
gan of the state since the birth of tho partj'.
Battle of thG Organization ot Legis
lation Foualit In Caucuses Won
lor Partu Rcaularltu.
And Senator Snyder Is Selected a Re
publican Choice for President Pro
Tempore of the Senate Represen
tative Reynolds Bids Farowell to
His L..ckawanna County Asso
ciates Harrlsburg in Possession of
a Noisy Mob.
Kdltorial Correspondence of The Tribune,
Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 31. The first
round of the battle for the organiza
tion of the legislature nnd for the elec
tion of a United States senator was
fought in tonight's caucuses and won
for party regularity by the selection
of Senator Snyder ns tho Ilepuhllcan
choice for president pro tempore of the
henate und by the designation of Wil
liam T. Marshall, of Allegheny, as the
majority choice for speaker. The legis
lature will organize at noon tomorrow
on these llne3. In the housj caucus
Lackawunna county was represented
by Representatives Scheuer, James and
Phllbln. During the day when It be
came known that Representative Rey
nolds had definitely decided to suc
cumb to tho blandishments of the in
surgents he was bidden un earnest
farewell. On the house slate commit
tee Lackawanna is represented by Mr.
Scheuer and his one reiiuest will bo
for the appointment ot (Jeorgo Mar
shall an message clerk.
Tonight Harrlsburg is In the posses
sion of a howling mob, with bands, uni
forms and banners, who open things
up for Matthew Stanley Quay. It has
bc-en the most picturesque polltlcul
struggle in the history of the common
wealth and the Insurgents are yet
claiming victory, but they ure count
ing without their host. Fusion is dead.
The Democrats cannot longer be en
trapped Into u barren alliance with a
tevolting Republican minority and will
this time block by themselves.
Llvy S. Itlchurd.
Condition of Trade as Indicated by
Dun's Review of Trade.
Oy llxcluihe Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Now York, Dec. 31. Dun's Review In
Its summary, reviewing the business of
the year Just closed, will say regard
ing the leading markets:
Condlttuns In iron and steel during
1000 were much more sound than in the
preceding year, when speculation was
rife and prices Inflated far beyond the
bounds of reason. The statistics of the
weekly capacity of furnaces in blast
show that the highest point or. record
was reached February 1, while there
was little diminution duting the next
few months. Hut, with the collapse of
speculation during the spring, and re
alization of the fact that operations
had been overdone, there came a steady
reduction In output. From 296 furnaces
In blast on February 1, there followed
a continual shutting down until hut
201 were in operation on November 1
and tho weekly production decreased
82,710 tons. Even at this rapid rate of
declining output, stocks .accumulated
with startling rapidity and on Octo
ber 1 the top was reached at 070,534
tons. These conditions were satisfac
tory, however, and demand expanded,
while exportsof finished products grew
very heavy when prices reached a level
that made competition possible with
British and German producers. In two
months, ending December 1, furnnce
stocks of pig Iron decreased 113 S35
tons,, and the tone was so much Im
proved that many Idle furnaces re
sumed. Manufactured articles have moved
along similar llns. Quotations of Iron
nnd steel products at the beginning of
the year were little below the level
prevailing thirteen yenrs previous and
the fall was almost uninterrupted until
October, when the average was but 63.
68 per cent, of the figure prevailing
January 1, 1887.
It Is difficult to select nny branch of
this industry as being pushed harder
than another. Railway supplies of all
kinds have sold very freely and the
market Is flooded with urgent orders
for freight cars. Structural material,
particularly for bridges and ships, has
been In much better demand than sup
ply. Steel rails were reduced from last
year's price of J33 to $2C, but It was an
open secret that tho former figure had
only been nominal for mouths prior to
the ofllclal change in September. Con
tracts for 1,200,000 tons, deliverable
during 1001, have been placed at J20,
and numerous export orders ulso sug
gest the probability that tho list will
be maintained.
i m i
Congressman Lentz Will Contest,
Ity Kxcluslie Wlro from The Associated Press.
Columbus, O., Dec. 31. Congressman John J.
Lentz, of this district, today sened formal notice
on Consrc-Minaii-elect Kminet Tompkins that he
will contest the latter'a seat in the house. Mr.
Lentz stated that lie will base his claim on
charges of wholesale bribery and fraud In the
count of tho ballots.
Associate Judge of Cameron.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Harrlsburg, Dec. 31. Governor Stone today ap
pointed George A. Walker, of .Emporium, kso
elate Judge of Cameron county,! vice J, U. lion-
ham, resigned.
Weather Indications Today,
1 General IfirrUburg In a Pollllcil Turmoil.
Party Popularity Wins First Pound.
Commercial Crisis In llx Philippines,
raising of tho Nineteenth Century.
2 General Catbcnd.ile Department.
3 Local KITect of the -Elimination ot Individual
Argument of the Viaduct Case.
1 Editorial.
Note and Coirment.
S lAx-al Street Hallway TralBc Opened Up.
Kx-Councllmen Must Iti-slgn from IJoard ol
C Local West Scranton and Suburban.
7 General Northeastern Pennsylvania,
financial and Commercial.
8 Loral Lie Kews ot the World ot Ubor.
Letters Sent in Her Capacity of Sec
ond Vice President of the Inter
national Women's Auxiliary
of Y. M. C. A.
Py Hxclushe Wire from Tho Associated Trew.
Washington, Dec. 31. In November
Miss Helen Miller Could In her capac
ity of second vlco president of the In
ternutlonul Women's Auxiliary of
Young Men's Chtlstlan associations,
addressed a letter of Christmas greet
ing to the enlisted men of the navy.
Later n reply wus sent to Miss Gould
by the acting secretary of tho navy.
This, In turn, elicited a response fiom
Miss Gould. Today the correspond
ence was made public by tho navy de
partment. It follows:
To the enlisted men of the I'nlled lalcs naiy:
My clear friends: An lnltat.m Iu been gitcn
nc tu write ou a saiurt letter of I'lirUtmu
wMlnfr .-iml 1 accint It ulidly. lov since the
Spanish war I haie felt u warm inkiest In our
allor mil' soldiers.
As day approaches, with its message
of peace and good will, our thoughts! turn rc-.
irmtly to the Christ whose birth we till ""le
bratc'loUngly, although nineteen centuries hao
elapsed since His coming. Ills llfo o"'l teach.
Ings aro still the wonder ol the world, for tlo
taught the loie ot God ox a father, the brother
hood of man and the loc of righteousness: and
III beautiful life exemplified his theories. Hu
man life took on a new aspect and he it a
wider meaning than It ever poiseicd before, ills
ide-i ot the brotherhood ot all be ifry beautiful,
and I think we should emphasize it more than
we do.
During the past year tho members of our wo.
men's auxiliary lias become deeply Interested in
everything that tone cms the wellaro of tho
riilitel men of cmr navy and army ami our
picslclent. Mis. Mc'Alp'n has asked me to rxtend
jou a cordial peeling and slncers irood ulslie..
Hoping jou will all baxc a happy Christmas
and a bright car. I remain
Vtiy sincerely,
Helen Miller Gould.
Nov. 22. 1000.
Navy Department,
Washington, Dec. IS, lUuu.
Dear Miss Gould: A copy of the Christmas
letter, addressed by jou s second xfee presi
dent of the International Women's auxiliary of
the Young Men's Christian association, lo mo
enlisted men of the navj', lias Just been brousht
to my observation.
I Imo read It with lively interest. The secre.
tary of the nivy, after reading It, has expressed
to me his grateful appreciation of jour thought,
fulneis. It is with a peculiar pleasure that I
act upon the suggestion of the secretary nnd tell
jou bow sincerely the department is gratllled at
this frcih illustration or tne interest jou nave
so Mcadlly evinced In the welfare of the enlisted
men of the navj-.
In thanking you, the secretary and myseit ao
but voice the thanks, ns we bellece of every
sailor who Is cheered by the receipt of jour beau
tllul and appropriate l'tter.
Yours respectfully,
frank W. Hackftt.
Miss Helen Could,
Fifth avenue, New York.
370 riflli avenue.
Mr. Hank W. Hacl.clt, assistant secrctarj-. navy
elepirtment, Washington:
Dear Sir: It was quite a suiprlsc to leeclve
your Und letter thanking me In behalf of the
secretary and yourself for my letter of Christ,
mas greeting to the enlisted men of tho navy
and I assure jou I greatly appreciated jour
rending It.
In our hoclety we arc much interested In work
for tho soldiers and sailors, and we are aiding
the army and navy elepaitinent of the Young
Men's Christian association to the extent of our
abllltj'. Personallj', I have felt a warm Interest
in patriotic work ever since the Spanish war
and I think I may add that I have been touched
and surprised to have my efforts meet xvith so
much more appicclatlon than they deserve.
Thanking jou again for your letter and wish
ing you and Secretary Long a happy new year, I
remain, eiy Unci rely,
Helen Miller Gould.
Dec. 20, 1000.
Mrs. Chnrlotta Brown and Miss Lillle
Brown Suffer a Horrible x'ate.
By Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Press.
Pittsburg, Dec. 31. Mrs. Charlotta
Tlrown and her daughter, Llllie, aged
22 years, wero burned to death at their
home, 1203 Lake street, Allegheny, to
ilay. There is consldernblo mystery
about the origin of the fire, ono story
being to tho eft?ct that tho daughter,
after quarreling with her mother, lo
ltberately set fire to the clothing of
both, A neighbor says Mrs. Drown
told her Lillle did the deed "becausa
she had Vieen mad at her since Christ
mas. Tho hospital authorities, how
ever, say that beforo Mrs. Brown died
she said her daughter was set afire by
tho explosion of a lamp, and in going
to her assistance she (Mrs. Drown)
waa also enveloped In (lames. Ho'h
women wero horribly burned and Uvea
only a phort time.
Mrs. Urown is said to have como
hero from Wheeling, W. Va., where
she has a daughter living.
Bridge Workers Strike,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
ritubuig, Dec, 31, Tomorrow morning one
thousand bridge workers of Pittsburg and rtcinit)
will strike to enforce a demand for an advance
In wages fiom 27 cents an hour for an tight-hour
dsy to 33 1-3 cents an hour for a nine-hour day,
Killed His Wife.
Uy Eicluslvo Wire fiom The Associated Preen.
Drunswick, Go., Dec. 31, J, O. Davis, living
In the suburbs, of this city, shot and killed his
wife last night, mistaking her-for a burglar.
Commercial Interests In flrchl
pelano flre Confronted bii Seri
ous ; netaru Dililcultles.
Taft Commission Appeals to Con
gressStock of Sliver in the Isl
ands Rupidly Diminishing Substi
tute Needed for tho Moxlcan Dol
lai Impossibility of Maintaining
the Arbitrary Ratio of Two to One.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Washington, Dec. 31. Tho secretary
of war has communicated to congress
a cable message from tho Philippine
commission Indicating a grave crisis
Irs the monetary affairs of the archi
pelago. Tho message wan communi
cated to congress in connection with a
maFs of memoranda bearing on tho
problem which is now to be solved na
to the colnago of some kind ot silver
to tnke the place of tho Mexican dollar
in the Philippines.
The commission has cabled that the
stock of sliver in tho Islands is rapidly
diminishing, nnd1 urgently requests an
answer to thu message sent by It on
September 5, setting forth the neces
sity for prompt notion, and asking
what remedy should be applied.
It has been found impossible, appar
ently, to continue the ratio of 2 to 1
established nnd maintained arbitrarily,
and tho Mexican money is being
drained away very rapidly toward
China and India, making It difficult for
tho army disbursing officers lo trans
act their business.
The Commission's New Bill Provides
for Land Taxation.
Manila, Dec. 31. Tho Philippine com
mission has completed the preparation
ot a general municipal government bill.
The provisions, in many respects, are
similar to General MacArtnurs order
establishing municipal governments
and authorizing elections; but they aro
much more elaborate, covering all de
tails. The most Important new feature Is
the establishment of land taxation, do
ing away with the sedula, or head tax,
and taxation on occupations. A fea
ture new to the Philippines Is that the
revenue from lnnd taxes is to be ex
pended where it Is collected, The man
ner of holding elections and tho duties
of officers are prescribed.
A decision" In the San Jose Medical
college case has been deferred until
Councils Will Offer a Reward for thVv
Capture of Cudahy Xianappers.
Uy Exclusive) Wiro from Tho Associated Prcts.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 31. At a specially
called meeting of the city 'council,
that body today unanimously adopted
a concurrent resolution offering a re-
ward of $25,000 for the apprehension
nnd conviction of tho desperadoes who
abducted Edward Cudahy, Jr., on tho
nlght of Dec. IS. For the arrest and
conviction of one, the resolution pro
vides a reward of $t,000; for two, $13,
000 will be paid, ami the whole amount
Is offered for the three principals.
Tho council nlso asked Mr. Cudahy
to withdraw his offer of a reward of
nn equal amount for the capture ol
the criminals. The object or tne cityi
nffer Is largely to rellvo Mr. CuJanl
and his family of the fear of reprisal
from the bandits and to removo froa
the DoIIce and detectives tne restrair
they have felt In trolling tho bandll
on account of the very trying posltid
in which Mr. Cudahy has bed
Membors of Theatrical Companies HI
with the Prevalent Disease.
Dy Exclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Denver. Deo. 31. Pneumonia is prev-
alent In Denver and several prominent
members of theatrical companies play
ing here are 111 with the disease. Adela
Rafter and Belle Fremont, of tho Bos-
tonlans. havo been Blck foi several
days nnd have been compelled to re-1
main in Denver while tne company!
iroes on to Omaha.
Miss Fremont's condition Is veryserl-1
ous. Miss PurBell, ot the "My Frlpnal
from India" company, Is in a critical
condition at St. Joseph's hospital.
Strike at Lace Mihs.
Dy Exehulvo Wire from The Associated rreu.j
Wilkes-Darrc, Dec. 31. The strike at tha MJ
oming Vnlley lace mills, this city, which
been on for nine monins, was amicauiy sens
this evening. Tho settlement Is the result ol
conference between the executive board of
Amalgamated Association of Lace Makers
America nnd J. C. Atkln, superintendent ot
mill. All the old bands, numbering 300,
return to work on Weduesdaj-, rl
Senator Washburn Tirm.
Dy Excluslvo Wlro from The Associated Prj
Harrlsburg, Dee. 31. A committee of l
cratlo members waited upon Senator WasL j
of Crawfoul today and asked him if bis r,
statement that he would attend the Kepu'J
caucus and be bound by Its action was cJ
The senator said that his position was
set forth in this statement and that lie ha, i
ing to add or to retraot.
t -r -r t -U
vTsrhlngton, Pec 81, ForecaiJ
Tuesday and Wednesday! Easterns
sylvanla fair, much colder Tuesdsl
4- wave at night. Wednrsdayi
f cold: frexh nortlirily winds,
t -rf t -ri
'r.4 il