islili , iffjif HP JKMS'tfftBWFvS v- " " i ' - -VI 1, J r I',l J, ' " .. rntrw . ir Arriitf Totwttv ToivnAV Tnaftntoininn jrt rionA IJLiU "KyIXJ.1 Ja-VA-e J. umwvi.iJU j.ii.wj.ijxi.j.1 xfUuuiixvuMi va. is.wv " J lj'''""'L'" " m ' .-j ..,. . . . ----- - ' -'" - ! -fcifc. A.t.iJMh-1. .lJj .Jfc-aTi liuMMWim (lAMHHlBI. N MENTION OP MEN OF HOUR EKV, WARREN a. -pARXBIDGii, D. D., IS IN THE CITY. Ho Was Formerly Pastor of the Perm Avenue Baptist Church C. E. Rog ers Hits Resigned the Position of Manager of the Dr. Hand Con densed Milk Company to Engage In Cattle Business Hon. T. V. Powdorly on the Immigration Question Man from thevTar East. Jtor. AViincn (!. l'nttiiiiire, U. II., pastor of tho I'enn it venue church from 181)0 lo 1895, but' now "of (Mnt'liinnll. O., 1h In thin city rcwMvlmr, old uutiuiilM Or. Purlrltlitc 1 now inn pan tor of the largest 'ProteMunl cliliruli In tlieiHtute of Olilound thu second lurRest In the country, Hit; Ninth Street Unp tlsL church, of Clitclliniill. This church has a moinbcr.slili) of 1,7(10 iittil n Kltn diiy ntliool with an enrollment, of ::,0U0 scholars. ' It Is an hiHtllulli.iniil chinch imil haw no loss limn seven chapels fur mission work In various) parts of the rlty. (!oii neetcd with these are seven Industrial schools, In willed 700 Kills receive' In dustrial training:, Ainont? the other fpntttres of thu church wmk me u chilly free lOnilurgut'teii, a 'h I nese , Sunday school, nil employment btiteuii. hoys' brigade and literary societies, galore. In thu church proper and the seven missions there lire conducted every week no lo.s than clRhly sei vices. Dr. Partiidt'e has under him tluee ordained (.'leitfynieti and a small army of lay assistants, lie is brliutinj; lo this Brent work the rare executive abil ity, the resistless energy and the line spirit: of Christianity which character ized his labors In this' city. He Is a tlim believer hi the practical side of Christianity and rays he Is convinced that mcrelyt delivering two sermons a week and (IoIiir- nothing else Is not fol lowing the precepts of .Mm lowly Naz erlne. rt ., The news of the resignation and coming departure from the city of C. 1-3. Rogers, general manager of the Dr. Hand Condensed .Milk company, will 'e received with the keenest regret by Ids many friend. II r. Rogers was as sociated with in Ilk and cattle business from bis early boyhood days and came to this city In April, IMIS, fiom Detroit, lo erect the condensory of the Seranton Dairy company at'luine. When this wok completed lie was offered and accepted the position of general mana ger of the company. Upon the reorganization uf t,P jj,., Hand Condensed Milk company some six months ago. he became general manager and the company is already doing a paying business. He goes from hero lo .Manitoba, Canada, In the Intel esls of a number of well known American and Canadian capi talists to develop., what promises to be one of the largest stock raising and mill; pioduclug combinations in the western hemisphere. Ills friends will with one accord wish him success In Ins new Held of action and that he will succeed is beyond (mention because lie is possessed of rare executive abil ity coupled with a thorough knowledge of his particular business. 1H l. lion. 'I'. V. I'owrierly. of this city, (oniniissiimer general of immigration, In yesterday's Now York Herald, con tributed an article to the symposium on the Twentieth century. lie dwelt upon the way the title of immigration will ebb and Mow during the coming years of the century. His article fol lows: Tin. rrnlinj li.i vlliioxnl mic of (he ml re m.iilwiMr nio client -. .if ion in (lie liisti.iy .f I lip voi Id, The fit 1 ii1IH-i.ll ii'Coidi of the ,n iiciN of iilii-ii i..i,'iigei't !u lite United Slaps civ Ui'pl hi III.- .wir IsdO. W.i they iimnlii'io.l only s,:!!m. II it (Moihiivd ilic totnl number ,' .ilicns who li.i.l nii!ptl tioin 1Ik f,.uml.itfnn "' ilip ciiM'iniiH'iil In thai il.ile m:is A'iiVhh), and it l..i; been estimated lluil nhonl 1S per cent, of tin iilidi were liir.olm.lnl-. On tlil li.i-n il i ic.non.ilil, lo Mippoe Hie iuiniiKl;inU timing the InM of the piecent lenliny num. brrcil .ilmnl IH llioiiand, Dining 1 lio l.i-t IIm.i1 jiar of the ii'iilniy llie, ininibeieil US,."!', and I lie total number of iiniim.iiits sinee the fonnda linn of the cou'rmnent. i-.(iui.itiiiK that 'M per lent, of the altm uimnls piior In lS."..'i weie iiu iiiiiiliiuls wijiild lonf up 'JI'iIa,I!I, Will ll.e llde cnutlnue to (low for the nest xiitiy,.- nl its present height? Tlii t .1 illlll, nil in ion to an-Hor. A the i.iiinliy Ikioiiiis inoie t.ukly tiopnlaled it is u-.ison.ible lo suppose that Hie pinpoilion of Iniliilm .nils In the popu lation will tail, even It tlieo. is un mateiial le ouollon In the .H-liul minificr of imiiiii;raiit. It may lie, too, tliat the fonmess will ileem il H-e at .some time ill the. Inline lo impose testlktiom ti inmiitU'ation that will lind losilll fun her ie tard It. The piobabillly i- that tho Iweutleth conliuv will see thu tide ot i.m -till flowlnt; In i onsUlcrable oluiiie to'V.inl the shines of the I "tilted States, but that II will srl still slionrr in other dircetioiu, possibly tuwniil the temiei nte regions of South Aineiiia and Africa an I inward the Island coutineiit of Australia, where Hie population is still ciy small In pin portion In the nir.i of aliiable laud, Tlieie is Utile room In I'oilo lliio for additional population, but theie Is uiioeeiipled laud In Hawaii and (lie I'hlllpplues capable o su-liiiliiliL,-a unit li denser population titan Ihey at pie,. int. In these Mauds I he inhabitants ,,( (he e.i-c will li.ivn an I'ppnitinilh In Unci lefuu-o under our .mImii ol Roeriitn(nl wltliout rami to thll con. tlncrl, . Amonrr the most remarkable men who haVc visited Seranton nf late, may ho mentioned ItadJI CherlfY, the KIpr of Vrnhtan JUKBtorn, who wan with Al, l'lelilH' inlnstrols. HndJI, who Is chlff of all AiablniiR In this country, came from Apia Minor, and Is an Ideal rep resentative, of the pure type of poim of the dpcoti. lie Is a devout Moham medan, possessing all the cltarnctrls tics vlhot. have Hindi: the dashltiB liedotiln the hero of romnnllc sonir. Thotlgh a true Oriental of the cast that has made the lalep of the Ara; blau Nlght.i among the moil fascinat ing of literature, Hadji has by exten sive travel and education added I2u rnpettn polish to a striking Individual ity, and Is an Interesting1 man to meet, lie speaks KiirIIsIi fluently us his na tive tongue and In addition can con verse In French, Spnnlfh, Italian. , Hungarian, Moorish, Hindoo, and In ni'tny of the other dialects of the countries In which ho. has travelled. Front his powers of endurance, nsan Imitator of the whirling Dervishes, he "tuts been called the "Whirlwind of the Desert." While claiming to bo quite an old man, he has not the appear ance of a person of forty, and attri butes his retention of vigor of young" manhood to a strict observance of the rules of the .Mohammedan religion. t ' H. It. T,udlow, manager of the Penn sylvania circuit of the Iturke-Chuse Vaudeville combinations, who spent yesterday in the city, 'Is probably one of the best equipped directors of thea trical .on the road. Mr. Ludlow has had vast experience In dramatic wotk In New York and clfe whete ami bus at command am un limited fund of the ever-fascinating mecdotes of the stage and profes sion, gained by personal Intercourse villi many of the leading lights In the buiilness, which makes hint lnoHt companionable. Ills long e-peiienco and keen fore sight have doubtless contributed much to the success of the T5ttrke-Cliase companies that have been under his control. Mr. Ludlow expects to bring another vaudeville troupe to the Ly o"tim this week which he nvors will be superior to any thai have been seen In Hcranton heretofore. TO AMEND THE BOND ORDINANCE Effort to Be Made in Select Council to Incorporate Newly Prepared List of Judgments in It. When the ordinance providing for the Issuance of $100,000 worth of bonds to lefund the judgments and other ad judicated claims outstanding against the city comes up in select council next Thursday night an effort will be made to have it so amended that It will specifically state just what judgments aie to be paid and Just what the amount of each Is. A similar effort was made in the common branch when the measure was up n few wpeks ago but It was unsuc cessful. Assistant City Solicitor Da vis lias been preparing during the past week a complete statement of all judg ments which can be Incorporated In the ord if the amendment carries. Mr. Davis has already worked sev cial days on tills .statement and will not have it completed for several more. 11 was prepared In anticipation of Its being wanted in the viaduct hearing but on account of the agreement en tered Into between the contending at torneys was not required. Mr. Davis will continue work upon -it, however, for future information, as It is the first complete statement of outstanding judgments ever prepared in the his tory of the city. It Is being compiled from the records in the prothonotary's office and the In vestigations made by Mr, Davis re veal the fact that a. number of judg ments which have beep paid are not satistied on the record. The reason fciven by those who favor amending the bond ordinance for so doing Is that to simply provide for the issuance of $100,000 worth of bonds without stating what particular Judg ments and claims are to be paid would be a loose way of conructlng business. Another reason given Is that the to tal amount of judgments is something less than Si),000 and that the appro priation of JIOO.000 would leave a mai ftlu of $20,000 or more which might be converted Into a sort of councllmitnlu grab-bag. AT WATKINS RESIDENCE. Will Be Used Instead of Country Club New Year's Day. Piesldent T. II. Watklns. ur the Country club, will open his handsome home, on Monroe avenue, from 2 to 6, to the members of the Country club and their friends cm Xew Year's day, owing to the stoppuge of the street cars, which renders It Inconvenient to reach the club, as had been Intended, The entertainment and house com mittee will give the tea as was an nounced, Mr. and Mrs. WatUlns giving up their home for the occasion to ho used Instead of the club. Xo invita tions are sent out, these notices being deemed sufficient for the purpose. NEWS OP THE LABOR WORLD PEE8ENT STATUS OF ANTHRA CITE COAL TRADE. There Is No railing Off in the De mandNew Version of the Pur chase of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. The D., L. W. Board for Today. Officers and Directors of the Na tional Elevator and Macnlne Com pany Chosen Plan to Control Steel Tube Output. The Engineering and Mining .totimal Haturday had th following1 on the an thracite coal situation: The demand for anthracite coal shows no falling off, nor so far as sales agents nt Now York can ee Is there likely to be any marked decrease In demand for weeks. Operators are doing their best to supply orders which continue lo come In from every part of the country whither hard coal Is shipped at this season of the year. The holidays, however, will kep down the output this week and next. The miners, with full time and good wages for two months,1 have had u merry Christmas and dining the past week the mines have not been able to run wllh full forces. In Chicago territory, as at other Western points where coal Is shipped by rail, demand Is brisk, with little prospect of the supply catchltiK up to consumers' needs. At all Inland points In the ICast and along the seaboard consumers are clamorlnir for coal. At New York harbor coal for spot deliv ery Is as scarce as last week. Con sumers getting little comfort from their regular llrms are going around looklns for odd lots, but In the great majority of eases they simply waste time, as every company has regular buyers to whom It must give prefer ences unless it wants trouble. AH sizes are In short, supply. One man who had no stova coal In his yard is reported to have gone lo every firm In the city that he thought could let him have a spot cargo of thut size, bill with no success, although he was willing to pay a bonus. It may be said that the recent Dur ch'ase of a controlling Interest in the Pennsylvania Cool company was pure ly the act of the house of J. P. Mor gan & Co., consequently all newspaper stories as to what roads would handle the output and how it would be mar keted were pure moonshine. Other stories about the folly of interested roads not securing such a control a year or more ago have no better foun dation. The Pennsylvania Coal com pany's stock was so widely held tb'at no group of men was able to turn over a fntrolllng interest: to secure this It was necessary to buy shares In open maiket. something at which a board of directors would hesitate, though the act offered no difficulties to a powerful financial bouse. Board for Today's D., L. and W. board Is ai follows: Saturday, Dec. 29. V1I.I CATS EAST. "" ( p. in. .1. VV. Devine. f p. in. T. JJuudican. lll.SO 1 1. in. T. MtCutlli-. j i. m. Dolicrty. SiiiidHy, Dee. :W. WILD CATS EAST. 12.80 a. in. I'. I'. Slovens. M n. in. T. Tlioinpi-on. 4 a. til. .1. UciiniKiin. ft h. in. O. Ilawlolpli. 6 a rn. VV. P. Warfcl. 7 a. in. T. Naiim?!' 5 a. in. Ci. Hurt. 9 a. in. F. Mullen. 10 a. in. John Sw.uK J1.SU a. in. P. Oilllgaii. 1 p. m. I!. Outlier. 2 p. in .1. .1. Dully. a. 15 p. in A. II. Hone, with McDonnell' nun. 1.15 p. m. C. W. Diin'n. summits, rrc. S t. hi., cist II. Me.MlMrr. 8 a. m., west If. V', PiritLER. .1. Muiry. in a. m.- PUSHERS. i'. a. in. Golden. 11.30 a. in. Motan. 7 p. m. Murpliy. !) p. m. Lainpin'p. PASSENGER E.NOINES. 7 a. m. Gaffney. 7 a. m. Singer. 7 p. in, P. Stanton. 7 p. ni. Mifforem. WILD CATS WEST, in, 13, Dtifly. in.-VV. Kirby, with A. G. Ilainniltr men. in. ('. Bartholomew, ni, W. Hoar, with 0, 'Smith's mm, m. T. Kitzpatrtcl.-. ni.--.lnhn Raxlcr, with Bailiei's men. . hi. .J, (;an. (loci, noon A. 13. Keleham. in, J. OMIuu. nt. .lames Can Irk. m. NUliintr, with .1. KiniK' men. in. J. Coblello. ni. II. Staples, with Staples' men. in. -McLane. m. Ginley, I a, 5 a. it a, 7 it, fi a. S a. II .i XI o' 1 p. " 1'. :s p. t p. :.P. ti p. 7 p. NOTICE. i'ontliitlnr (!. Thomas and P. I.. Itogem' men, S. O'CoMtor and R. Dennett's men, V. Hallett anil crew and .1, nurMiort and crew will report at lulnm.ietcr'n ofliee, Monday, . Dec. .11, at a .1. in. W. Harvey: Have Englnemen Stanton and Mc. Amlirvv repcit at trainmaster's ofllce Monday. Il a. m the Hlt, The Wlnton II ran .-It engine will he brought to Seranton Saturday, Deo. W, Give in three of them on fi a. in., Hnmniit East, Sunday, Pec. SO. Officers Chosen. a meeting of the National Ele. At vator and Machine company, of Hones dale, the following directors were elected: Hon, William Connell, Henry Belln, Jr., Luther Keller, Hon. Alfrd Hand, Conrad Schroeder, of Seranton: W. H. Holmes and W. V. Wood, of Honesdule, Hon. Alfred Hand was elected presi dent; J. S. MoAnulty. secretory and treasurer, and V. W. Wood, general manager. A dividend of ten per cent. waH declured out of the earnings of the company, The works at Honesdale havo been materially enlarged and Improved dur ing the lust year. This and That. Plrectors of the Hock Island road have finally decided on the extension of their lines to Kl Paso, Tex,, ho as to connect with the Southern Pacific and form a short line tiom Chicago to Los Angeles, Constiuctlon work has already begun. Patrick Kelly, of Dorranceton. mine foreman at Haddock's Black Diamond mines at Luzerne, has resigned ufter a service of seventeen years. Previous to his connection with Mr. Huddock's mlno Mr. Kelly was for eight years a foreman for the Lehigh and Wllkea Barre Coal company ut Plymouth, The cause of his resignation Is poor health. A charter was granted at Harris burs', Friday, to the Lackawanna Coal and Coke company, which proposes to operate soft coal properties at Vinton dale, Cambria county, this state. The capital Is $fi00,000. The company, It Is said, 'will be allied with the Lacka wanna. Iron and Qtcel cornpany nnd will furnish the coke for the new steel plant at Buffalo. It was stated at Philadelphia, Satur day, that V. V Qlbbs and tjthor capi talists are engaged In effecting a com bination which will control the steel tube Industry of the United States. It will be one of the most jrlsrantlo con cerns In this country nnd will bo capi talised at $150,000,000. It Is said that the syndicate has secured exclusive license under the American patent to manufacture steel tubing by a new Kngllsh process which reduces the cost of manufacture nearly B0 per cent., and also does away with the present method of manufacture. The new method Is also said to Increase the power of tho resistance over the lap and butt weld from three thottsnnd to eight thousand pounds to the square Inch. MARSHALL OOT THE PLUM. He Will Make the Mercantile Ap praisement Next Year. At a meeting of the county commis sioners Saturday, It was decided to al low John Courier Morris, the chair man of the board, to name the mer cantile appraiser for the coining year. He named Thomas' Marshall, of the A Vest Side, and he was forthwith ejected. ' It Is customary for onch of the commissioners to have tho naming of J mercantile appraiser during; his term of omce, and this custom Is usually extended to the minority as well us lo tho majority commissioners. If this rule holds good with the present board, and Saturday's action Indi cates that they have accepted the ciiKloiu of their predecessors, John Penman will nume the appraiser for 1'jOl' and John J. Durkln for liHKI. Mr. Marshall, who will make the ap praisement, next year, Is a newspaper compositor, and has been active In Republican politics In the West Sldo for a. number of years. HUE'S TJ P. 1WX) ii, ahont ended, and for the hut time this year, we want lo say. get our Kull Press Re quisites. You will always thinU ot our etore a the one most likely to get the proper thinks for Full Drew. Shlils, Pe.ul Gloves. Tics, in fact everything- a man requires for Kull Dress. uilfiJj, 412 Spruce Street. Tiy our special 10c. collars, all shapes. Tbe Dickson Manufacturing Co. i.cranton and WllttevBarra, I'jk, Mauiifaciuran of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES Bolter. Holitlng and Pumping Machinery. General Offloe. Bcranton. Pa. Short Sea Trips of two tc fve days' duration, are oflered by the OLD DOiNION LIKE TO Norfolk, Ua. Old Point Comfort, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Steameri call dally except Sunday from Pier 26, North Illver, foot of Bcacli street, New York. Tickets, Including monk and stateroom acconv modatlons, $13,00 and upward, for lull Information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y. H.lUVAI,KKR,Traf.Msr. .U.BHOW.V.d.l'.A, Not In Nature for anyone to always feel tired. There is no need to drag out an existence without ambition. Weak nerves are responsible for lan guor, depreaslon, debility and varico cele. Diseased nerves, whether due to over work, over-indulgence or any otber cause, can be made strong as steel by the use of rbtggSS They tone and Invigorate every ore in of the body, soothe ami strengthen the nerves and transform broken down men and women into strong, healthy, vigoious. ruddy-cheeked persons. If you find this isn't so, you get your money back, 1 1. 00 per Ixti j 6 boxes (with guarnn. tee), So.OO. Dook free. Vxau MUDI cinbCo., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale ly John II. Phelps, Pharmacist, corner Wyoming avenus and Spruce street. It, ttlUUIhU, r. l(JrtjtMbr ini. fu t liuU?.ii$cAiMi,iuiH,uulU: USUI ( uiu ng put. ut no (SU.tlc hij.(tirn.-. rv.ltM iti'e rir tllnlh.rt fell, HYAT: lf nftiitClllnifrtrui., W'JitflMIJ.Slsoirsiiwj.. I. afirmniMa noottilof .3; ,TT. rvn..wwv'd. ;-- ."-7 ---- . - --.-wfc preciusi iiiipiitiiiiitiicinbtniitnv.. catiieu,f in SlnlaHin. AtalA chtintieAlmtnlt ;i!ly o(T(d St I catch. Ruins 1 bvmnH. Send far Svrt 3T.lltBMUIf A Bms tpAtlnif mdicil cVtct,tcit ft audi C OTnmiimnnrtmrmmTMrmttTrrinmrrg gj3v9p&9 v' SUUJttii. 3 J 22 T xHl HLl Yqu don't care when we take our semi-annual inventory, and we do not bother to tell you anything about it, as a rule. But this year we shall be stricter with ourselres, and the stockmen must be very sure not to hold, on to a piece of goods at a price that would need reducing after January 8th the inventory time. Atid as the measuring and counting is well under way getting ready for the final entry, we shall take all possible losses beforehand and sell off the brokau during the next few days. Halt the news will not get ia the papers because the lots as discovered will go on sale at once, and many will go out each day. vSoiue facts you will be interested in You hava given the store a more prosperous year than ever a greater volume of business, which we have been not reached but you and we the building of a business for else ; that has grown large enou jli to bt a strong factor in many markets, and that conse quently can give, giving The Really Lowest Prices Known in Seranton Yet no store shall excell it as elegant things along with its CONNOLLY STATEMENT OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. United States Depositary. At the close of business Dec. i j. 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and Investments $3,175,478.36 Banking House 38,599.64 Cash nnd Reserve.... 536,879.19 83,750,957.19 LIABILITIES. Capital $ 200,000.00 Surplus - 500,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.29 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits . . 2,415,536.98 U. S. Deposits 422,729.39 Due to Banks 54,785.53 83,750,957.19 WILLIAM LONN'KU., President. 1IENHV BELIS, .IR Vice-President. WILLIAM II. riiCK, Cashier. Lager Beer Brewery llauuracturew or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48S to 455 17. Ninth Street, .PA Tcluphous Call, 2333. THB INK POWDER CO. Bdohs 1 and 2, Com'Uh BTd'f. OBANTON, j? A. nining and Blasting POWDER Mp4 M Mootlo and KusU ItJt Work. LAKJN RAND POWUBR CO.'S ORANGE ClUN POWDER MtetrU BtrtttrUt, EUotrla KxpIo4r, splodlas blMti, ejry JSusi itui J Ruiiifli ClMiIca. Cfc's l.x.Kv. lilS ' SCRANTON'3 SHOPPfNQ OENTER. able to care for with less and are working toward them. This is a very great co-operation careful people; a store that a style setter, nor show such a range of exclusive and grert stocks of every day merchandise. & WALLACE, ; M - Htr - r Lace Curtain News 1 Shrewd buyers will take advautage ot tbe special prices made on our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Manv small lots at a fraction of FURNITURE COVERINGS -J ARTISTIC ! - I HIGH-GRADE BEDDING I -f I WILLIAflS&ricANULTY! -t- LEADERS IN CARPETS, WILL PAPER, DRAPERIES, 129 Wyoming Avenue .M-H-4-M- -M-f Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, M Heaters, fi niilT PENN AVENUE. PR. DUNSTEN, an Spruce Street, Scren Ion. Pa- 'II 'Cute an I Chronic Dlscuce ol Men, Uomr II en i Children. Consult lo.iend cyealnetlon free. Office Hours Pally and kunJey 8 a, m. to 9 p. cu. less friction. Our ideals are i shall value quality above all 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE - r - - H"f - H - -fH-Hf-HH their real value. - COUCH COVERINGS FURNITURE. I HEAVY DRAPERIES I I t X 4 f " -f-MH ooooooooooooooooo o Skates We have a nice line of Hockey andClubSkates Hockey and Polo Sticks. Skate grinding a specialty. V 0 t Florey & Brooks 211 Wash'n?toii Ave. ooooooooooooooooo HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent lor ths Wyoming District for DUPONT'S POWDER. Vttolog, Dlsitln?, Sportier, Smokeless end tbe Ittpjuno Chomlcsl Compsoy's High Explosives. Safety ruse, Cape and Eiplodare. Room tOl Oe. ntll DulMlny, Ucrsnton. AUENCir.Si TII0S. FORD .,.....,, Ptttston JOHN D. SMITH & EON Plymouth W. E. MULLIUAK .....Wllkts-Bure n L Lj18 S li- vieatVw&iUueA JUa. .in-itA