"jft("1 Uf-T v 4 THE SCRNTON TRIBUNE MONDAY, DECEMBER 31', 1900, . 31 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA NEW MILFORD, peetal lo Hie Scranlon Titbun. New Mllfoid, Doc. .",0. Mr. niul Mrs. 11. U. Carpenter niul daURliteni spent ChrlBtiniiM with relatives at Clifford. MIkh Maine ITcltzmnn Is a guest nt tlio liome of her brother, A. Ii. lleltz ninli. Helen Moote, ot Klngsley, Is vlslllnp i her Rrandmother, Mrs. 1j. W. Moore. Mrs. A. U. ItctUinan, whu hnn been seriously 111 the pnst two weeks, Is 1 very slowly recovering. Miss Henrietta Hnyden Is visiting . her friend, Miss Chnrlotte Hutching!!, at OiKiunpn, J. Y. Mr. nml Mrs. John Turner enter . tallied fifteen relatives ami friends nt dinner Christinas day. The ladies of the Ilaptint church will servo n chicken pie dinner at the church, New Yenr's day. Miss Florence lnderlled will spend a few duys next week with friends ut ( Walton, N. Y. Miss Nettle Iloe left last evening for Arizona, where she will spend soma lime with her sister. The annual meeting of the Presby terian church nnd society will be held nt the church, Monday evening, Janu ary 7, 11)01, at 7.30 o'clock. Maurice Hayden, of Blnghamton.was n caller In town one day this week. Mrs. George Sparks entertained her sister, Mrs. Charles Everett, of Blng hamton, this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. I. Rogers and chil dren, of Binghnmton, were Christmas guests of Mrs. A. J. Kimball. Miss Clara Keeney died at her'homo In the township, Saturdny, December 22, from convulsions, following an at tack of typhoid fever. Miss Keeney was seventeen years of age. The funeral services were concluded from lior home by Hew J. D. Mallery on AVedncsduy. Dr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Alney entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. D. B. Alney nnd chil dren, Charles II. Alney and wife and Miss Frnnces Ammcrman, of Mont rose, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark were callers In, town Monday. D. M. McConnell and wife and J. A. McConnell and wife visited friends at Ktngslcy this week. Mrs. Li. "W. Moore has returned from Klngsley, where she has been spend ing a short time with her son. Mr. and 'Mrs. H. LcBar entertained "a few relatives and friends at their residence, on Church street, Christmas. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. CJeorge Moffatt and daughter, Viola, of Blnghamton: Mr. and Mrs. F. LeBar, of Harford; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and daughter, Miss Lily Gillet: Mr. and Mrs. Hoosa, of Great Bend; Mr. and Mrs. K. LeBar and family, of this place, nnd Miss Lillian Rook, of Bed ford. Mr. and Mrs. William Harding and ilaughtpr are visiting relatives at Tunkhannock. H. J. Tiffany and wife visited Mr. Tiffany's father, nt Harford, this week. TUNKHANNOCK. Special tn the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Doc. 29. On Wednes day next the court will be in bession here for the purpose of opening the ballot boxes of the various districts, which have been collected and stored In the county jail. The balloto will not be counted at this time, but will hi- placed In one of the vaults at th.4 court house for safe-keeping until re quired by the court in the Tiffany Stiuier contest. Morrlfcon Oswald, of Berwick, is visitlnq; trlends in town. At the court house this afternoon, the real estate of Hattlo Hettisheimer, deceased, late of Noxen township, was exposed to public sale for the pay ment of the debts of the decedent. P. O. Dershimer was the trustee ap pointed by the court to conduct the sale. The property was purchased by G. K. Mossor, of Noxen, for !J!tO0. K. K. Little, esq., of Wilkes-Barre, .pent Sunday with his parents at this place. The local county Institute will be held next week, commencing Monday and continuing until Friday after noon. An unusually good corps of in structors has been secured by Super intendent Jnrvls and a successful In. stitute is assured. The board of county auditors meet at the court house hen; on Monday, Jan. 7, for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the various county of ticers for the past year. The board nt present is composed of F. J. Tvlntnor, of Mehoopnny; II, Itozelle, of Mill City, and G. D. Wright, of Brain trim. BRADFORD COUNTY. Special to (lie Scianton Tribune. Towandu, Dec. 30. Miss Kutherlno Falrchlld, of Montrose, has been chosen as teacher of athletics and different languages at the Susquehanna Col legiate Institute. Joseph Iiause nnd fnmlly, of Snyre, came near losing their lives a few days ago by being asphyxiated with coal gns. Orlando Devlne, a North Towandu resident, while entering a hotel on Friday evening received a paralytic stroke and lived only two hours. Dr. A. A. Wlltlts, of Spring Brook, N. ,I delivered u lecture at Hale's opora house on Friday evening under the auspices of the Young Men's Chris- ttun association, The remains of T. P. Pyne, ut Ber nlcc, weio Interieil In the Catholic cemetery nt Towandu on Friday. Ho was 50 years of age. Mr, and Mrs. Judson Holcomb cele brated their llfty-llfth wedding anni versary last Wednesday. Sixty workmen were tin own out of employment on chrlstinus by tire- dam ages ot the Sheldon Manufacturing plum, C. T, Klrby and wife are spending a week with friends In Greater New York. Judge and Mrs. Fanning haui been entertaining ft lends from Troy, The subject of starting a new furnl tiuo factory Is being discussed at Hayro end Athens. Dr. ami Mrs. K, Decker, of Uos ton, have been spending the holidays 'DrBull'sN Cure all Throat aud Lung Affections. COUGH SYRUP Gcttnegtauluc. Refuse substitutes, A Vis sure 5ltla Oil cures Rheumatism, 13 f: 35 ctj. villi Ihu gentleman's pnrenls and other friends. Civil Knglneer McCormlck Is spend ing a short time In Bnlllmore. A notice has been given out by the Lehigh Valley company that a one nnd a hnlf per cent, dividend would he paid this month on preferred stock of the Lehigh and New York Railroad company. This is the old Southern Central line running from Hayre to North Fnlr Haven, whloh is operuted by the Lehigh Valley. Miss Sarah Mercur has returned from a visit nt Philadelphia and other southern Pennsylvania cities. The marriage of Miss Miss Ruth M. Essor, of Sayre, to Rev. C. D. Jenkin, of Englewood, N. J., will occur at the bride's home on January 8. Two cases of small-pox are reported from Bentley Creek, and also another case nenr Klmlra. The employes of the Pennsylvania and New York dlvlson of the Lehigh Valley presented Superintendent Es ser, of Sayre, a Chrlstmns gift of a' sil ver tea' sot. A soldiers' monument, in the form of n Greek cross, with space on the cor ners for symbolic figures, the whole surmounted by a statue, Is expected to be erected at the county seat next year. An appropriation of $15,000 will be askod from the county. AVOCA. Watch night services will be held this evening In the Langcllffe church at 10.30 o'clock. Addresses will be given by Revs. Smythc and Pascoc. Midnight mass will be celebrated in St. Mary's church tonight. The 1900 club will conduct a social tomorrow afternoon and evening in Mansfield opera house. The following is the result ot the Democratic primaries in the Third ward on Saturday evening: School di rectorTimothy King, 76; M. J. Dixon, 69. Council Michael Gllroy, 110; Mich ael Callahan, 10. Assessor Timothy Quinn, 84; John McDonald, 4t". Inspec tor Patrick Conlon, 21; Thomas Has klns, 3G. Judge of election Michael McAndrew, 45; Michael O'Brien, 36. 11 will be stimulating to the pupils and the teachers when they return to school on Wednesday to find an organ in each building, which, together with the piano, is the result of their own labors during the past month. The receipts of the entertainment paid en tirely for the piano and partly contract ed for the organs. These will be do frayed from the proceeds of the grad uating exercises in June. The last Sabbath of the nineteenth century was beautifully commemorat ed last evening In the Methodist Epis copal church. The pastor, Rev. R. M. Pascoe, preached a. sermon which showed careful study and excellent judgment In compiling statistics of the dying century. He spoke of the won derful progress in government, science, schools and religion. The wondertul march of progress toward the setting of the sun has been most marked In our great republic, with Its innumer able churches, asylums, schools and beneficent llnonclers. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. Tuesday nnd Wednesday "Quo Vadis." Mal inee Tuesday. Xeu Yen's Day, Thiirila.v--Biirl.i,'s Viueioilllo company, Mat inee. Ki May "All on Acoomt of F.lliU." Academy of Music. Fiist Tliire i"a)s--"lleinciiilicr the Maine." Inst Tluoe Day ".span oe Life." The Gaiety. I'ilsf 'thiee l)iys--"Xov Voil Gill." l.vl 'l!n re Dais isaiti T. .lack's Hui Ifiin'i . Field's Minstrels. Al. fi. Field's minstrels pleased two latfie .11 ilk mm nt lhe l.iceiim SatiiuKiy. They cu pcitotimnies afternoon ami cirnlueT tliat hale seldom been excelled in tin's clly. 'I tie comed ians of Hie company me Al C, field, Tommy Donnelly, Dob Key. Billy Can ley, Arthur ltin liy, iioc! lnsley, Kililio McDonald and Tom Odell and the slnslne; foui; was niacin up of Ailliur Yule, .lames tlihh'ins, Paul I.a Uncle, ('. 1!. ltunnell, lirese Prosscr, A. Tied Alliens, Addison Wall and J. (.'. Homy. Ilie lliat pait of the cnleitainiueiil was entitled "A Night in Palis Diiiiucr the Imposition." Miny beautiful vocal numbeis ueie iutiodueed ill tills put. Ill the olio Pascntcl gate a most uondeilii! exhibition of contortion voik and the Kiotcsinie athletes. Hoy Keys and Kddle McDonald, did a luin that lia.s netcr been equalled lien. 'Hie peifoununce concluded with u gieat ex hibition of tumbling by a kind ot Mooilsli Mamelukes, "Remember the Maine." 'Iho patrons of the Academy of Music will tlnd In "Iteiucmbcr the Maine," which will be seen fni the llrst thiee dajn of this week, exactly the "-nil of melodrama they like. The plot of the play has been carefully themrht ,imt mid though not intiicate is intensely intficstiu;, The last scene of the fust act is a liiaaulht net hhowiiijr. the baibor of llaiaua with the shipping at .1111 hor, nnd the tiiilalu come-, down on the anital of the Maine. Other scenea aid the interior of a Spanl duiiRiou, a Wew nt the plantation mar llauiihi, a Mine laid nu tho clerk of the Waul liner City of ".'.uldnxtou and I lie eplolou cif the Maine. The sensation of the play, linn c or. Is in the l.ut act, which (Iosco with n lepierculatimi of the bittlc of Manila, one ot the mo.it inavsbe and aitnuMilnzlv ae (male staue counteifcils eer placed befoie the public. New Year's Attraction. ,i a New Wm'a ltiacll6n for the l.jceu'u Muuser A. .T. Dully has secured P, t', Whitney and l.imln Minulcs' inoJuillnii ut "Quo Yadi, ' which was cinematized by Ktanhdaua Ktauge, Those win) hate lead the bout, will not find the lines of the play to be tho same, for .Stance has taken ll.e oilgiu.'.l fiout which to mal.it out many of the liner points not to be found In Ilia I.'iikIUIi eilo'i. Uf coino the utoiy is tho tame and the many thrilling Incidents portin.u'd, The urU of i'etronius Vludus, ITitus, Aulut Plautius, l,)Kia, t'oppaeu, Ponipunla aud the beautiful blaic, Kiiukc, hate hern placed In competent hands and u most faithful poitiayal of Iho Keener and Incident tiiuoiuiillug the ly. rant .S'eio may be expected. ''Quo Vadls" will be tirescnlfd New Yeai'.i nflrinoou aud evenini;, aud on UVhiot.il.iy night, Burke's Vnudeville, 'I he top lincM of tlic JJuikc Vauclci'illr com. pany, which will appear at the l..ticuiu Tlmis. day afternoon and euntug, urs Joe Halt nnd Ids tlctrr and tcrsatlle wife, Cauio DeMar, 'Jlity will Kite a dellgltful little ikeltli, '"lie Quiet Mr. flay," Among the other fatorlte on the bill aie Laura Conutock, the 1'ioiity lliolhers and Um gieat llcrnl I'lemb. These uie only a poitlon of tint features of the piograumie. "The Span of Life." John lluflel, lie bn-huM manager of "Hie flf III A Citizen of Scranton Pays a Well-Earned Tribute, The following public statement of a respected citizen adds one more em phatic endorsement of meilt to the scores that hnvo appealed befoie. Mr. .T. U. Stephens, of 304 Green Ridge avenue, says: "At times T hud much 'palu in my back and loins nnd that It was almost impossible to walk. At nights, sometimes I rolled from one side of my bed to the other all Might long, trying to find p. comfortn bol position. In the morning when I attempted to get up, a sharp pleielng pnlu caught me In the small of my buck, so severe Unit T had to cry.out. I doctored from time to time, but al ways without obtaining relief. Doan's Kidney Pills had cured some of my friends, so I got a box at Matthews Bros.' drug store. A few doses gave relief. I continued the treatment and they made me feel like n different per son. After a very hard day's Jirnrl, If I feel any symptoms of a lamo back a dose of Doan's' Kidney Pills quickly removes them." For sale by nil dealers. Price f0 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for the United Stales. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. Span of Ufc" enmpany, lias been in town the past few dajs nuking an.iugemenls for.the pio deletion at tho Academy of Music, Thmsdny, I'll day nnd Satmday, Jan. ", 4 and '. lie pioinlsc9 one of the greatest fiensatlon.il melodramas of the day, claiming that the human bridge, which Is formed by three men falling acioas u supposed chasm (which is in irality lie toon feet high), is one of the most wonderful feats peipetrated on any stage. I The acrobatic work of the Donareltas Is fupcib and meets with gieat approial. "New York Girl." Ifowaid & Dllioison's "New York fliil" com pany, which comes lo Manager Long's popular Oaiety theater, is knoun to be one of the best burlesque attiactions now- on the io.il. Howard & Emerson are well known bj- the Iheatei-lovi.ig public Among tho many httong fc-aluiei with this atti.iction arc llowind Ihnerson. I.ixlua; stou family of ncroluls Williams and Ad.uiH, Miss .losephiuc Ilartey, Kelly nnd Vails, M'ns Kitty NeNon, JIKs Lilly Tudor, Annie Dai Is, Dfivsic llartell, Dole Kesner, Dora Parker, Anna Wtsterfleld, Tillle Molltor. Charlotte Ppeiu, Jieb lilf Clark, Marguerite May, Ida flilffen nnd lles fcle Gordon. 'Iho huiletta In thiee ccenes K be .lo-cpli II. Iloivaid. Among the many fealmes to be sren is elegant new eceiiuy, wondeiful iieeliauicil and electrical eflects and cliboe.ilc waidiohs. Thirty people in the cad. 'I lie hurlciiiip is fiee from all smut and suggest iieno-w aud can be attfnded by the most fastidious. Sam Jack's Company. The piogiamme oilcied by tho Sam T. Jaclv's own binlesque eompanv at Hie liaictj theater (lining their engagement of thiee nights and luilinee, commencing 'lhumday, Jan. '.', is a long and laiied one, and includes, besides two eleier liurlciities, such well known aitiats as Mabel Il.irelton, Julia Xatus, Lulu Danell, l'i-chei aud Claik, M'lle neatiiee, I'eto Oiiflm, Wallace and Allen, Hojt and Xcfl, the SIinpsoiM and l.idainc aud Datiell. Twi) sjiecial fealuie-, will be an oiienlal dance entitled "The Pas Ma La," as peilmucd by eiglit handsome TmKMi ladies in all their oi i ental sidendor, and an oiigiml pioduclion of anl T. Jack's living pictuics with speeial sreu eiy, elertiual and mecluinlcul ehiK Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot leach the diseased portion of tho car. Theic Is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by constitu tional lcmcdies. Deafness ,' caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous 11111115 ef the Kustachlan 1ibe. When this tube is intlaiued you haic .1 inuibling sound or Impelled healing, and when it is entiuly closed, Deafness is tin lc sult, and unless the inllammatiou can be taken out and this tube rcroicd to its normal condi tion, hearing will be de.stio.itd foicvci; nine case;) out of ten aio caused liv C'utaiih, which is nothing but an inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaeck. We will giie One Hundied Dollais for an.i case of DeafiiChS (caused by catairh) that cannot be cuieel by Hall's Catatih Cure. Send for ciiculais, fire. K, ,T. CIIII.Nin V CO., Toledo, O, Sold by Dniggisls, 73c, Hill's 1'amily Pills aie the liel. ' GOING OF THE OLD YEAE AND COMING OF THE NEW I hear a knell! It stiikes my ear With accents bull, and ,iet so clear, 1 list to hear the talc it tells The story s id told by these knells, I wait to -ee the mourners go, With lulling step and heads bent low, To .louder plot the bleeping glouiid, Which lich aud poor alike baie found. I wait. Dili seel The lcstlcss tliiong, With lofty looks and meiry rong, Co up aud down with lnuiied tio.i.l, Xor slop to ask whoe f 1 lend is dead, Dell lietc comes one wc knuw cm tell 'Hie meaning of that sad, sad knell, His form erect, he looks content. His djis, tho' long, hate boon well fpint. With gentle wouls, he answers me, "My htiangrr fiiend I'll tell to thee, The knell so sad that stiike.s thine car Tells or the death of this old jear." This )car so fiaught with good to nun, That'll added to Ids life's shoit spin, And glien noil; and joy and giace TI1.1t lifts lowaid Cud our falhu lae e, Xor is this all told by tliat knell, Which liulds the world as in its spell, The ,oais hale cnuui and gone so fast The nineteenth centiiiy I. past, , Oh woiicl'ious loaisl Vh can icl.ite Tlie good tliey'ie brought to man's islate, '1 lie eat Hi Its secrets jicldi lo man, Wliile beaten make clear tho geipc pi in. Hut listen! O listen! "lis Joy bells I hear! With their peal upon peal, exultant and clear, The multitudes hasten lo Join in the llucing That'.s tilling the air with Ibelr shouts and their songs. The new i ear is coming! 'I'K coming we kuniil The daikues lecedes uml lieu moinlng's iiglcm', 'JI10 new j ear, the tlit in tlie (ciitmy new, Auake all xe people and catch Hie blight lint'. Awake lo Hie lniislo all notions will ing. Awake jo to Iho woik Iho new jcai will bilng, Jlecelie the rich Biace, the l.o.'d has lu glie, And ho wle III J our lime, nml Iho while 1011 live. Mount nut for lieu put, that xx 111 nenr avail, Although many the teals aud long be thy wall; Then lUc the hiat 111I1111I0 to do what jou can To lulnc; into (Tiii.t's Kingdom your fellow man, -ltd. 1'. II. Tower, llest Cottage, 'lhcmp,on, I'a,, Dee, 27, llflio. Mrs. Winslow's Sootliing' Syrup lias been used for oier I'llTV VI.' MIS by !.(, inr iiiiiii (! iinii., t, .!. l.n.l IIIIIPllv fni lllllllllel- k DiuggUts III eury pait of I he woild. Do uro slid ak tor "Mrs. Wliulon's Sootldna; Sviup'i and lake no other kind. Tiieiity-rlyej cinti a bottle. 1111 1 si iih w nt 111 s 1 1 whim: TKirrniKo. with i-i:hit:ct iucucib- It hOOnilM Hie CHILD. KOITI'.XS the (UMH Ail.AVS all PAIN: t-'JItl'.S WIND cell. in ,.,.', ROOSEVELT TO Y. M. C. A. (IVineltiilecl fiotn l'age 1, now confronted. Our Industrial lite hsj b(eome so eiiiiiplex, Its rate of moiement to rapid, nnd sperlalluitiou and (llfTerentlstlon m Intense that w find ourselves: face lo face with conditions that were practically unknown In this nstlon half a century go, The power of the) force of nil Ins been cjrratty Increased, and It Is nccrssary for our setf-prmrrvatlon that we should slmllsrly strengthen the forces for good. We are nil of us bound to work towards lids end. No ono of in ran do cieijthlnj?, but each of us can do some thing, nnd if we work together His nugregate of these somethings will be tery considerable. There are, of course, a thousand different wajs In which Hie noik can be done, and each man mul chooso ss his tastes and his powers Mil him, If he is to do the best ot wlilrli be is caps lile. Hut all the kinds of nolle must be carried along on certain definite lines, It good Is lo come. All the work must be attempted as, on tlie whole, this Young Men'n Christian association work has been done; that Is, In a spit It of good will toiiaul all and not of hatred toward somei In .1 splilt In Aihlcli to bioad chiilly for mankind theie Is adOcd a keen nnd healthy aaultjr of tnliid. We inmt letaln rar lf respect, each nnd all of us, nnd wc inetst bcw.ue alike of mushy sentimentality and ot cmy and hatred. It ought not to be necessary for me to iv.il 11 you igalnst mere sfiitimentallly,agalnst the plilt nntluup.v and chiilly, which aie not merely In sufficient but harmful. It Is eminently desir able that wc should none of lis be liant-lieiiiliil, bul It Is no less desirable that 110 should not be soft-headed. I leally do not know which naallly Is most productive of nil to iiiiiikbid in Hie long urn, baldness of hcait or softness of head. Naked charity is not what we per manently want, 'there aie, of couise, ccitaln chives, stttli as joumr chlldien, widows with laigc families or (tippled or lory aged people, or ricii strorij men, tcmpniarlly citishcel by "luniilnif lulsfoiliiue, on whn-e behalf wc may kaic to make) a fi rink and direct appeal to charity, and who can be the leclplcnts of It with out any loss of self tesperr. Hut liking us as a whole, taking tlic mass ot Amriicans, ne do not want charity, wo do not want sentimentality, wo mciely want to learn how to net both )n dlilchially and together in sucli fashion as to enable us to hold our own In the woild, to do good to olhcis accoidlrg to the measure of otir opportunities, and to icrelve good from otliers in wayis which will not entail on our pait any loss of self icspect. It ought to he 1.0 less unnecessary to ay that any man who tiles to solio the gieat problems that cnnfinnl us by an appeal to anger nnd passion, to tirnoi.iiico and folly, to malice and cmy, is not, nnd noier can be aught but an enemy of the vcij- people ho pro fesses to Left lend. In the wolds of Lowell, it Is far safer to adoDt for n motto "All men up" thin "Some men down." Speaking bioadlv we cannot in tlie? long run benefit one man by Hi" downfall ot another. Our energies can as u rule be cinploied to much better ndiantage in uplifting some thin in iiulllng down olhcis. Of eomse there must sometimes be pulling down too. Wo have no business to blink at eiils, and iiheie it is neccssaiy that the knife should lie Used, let It be used unsparingly, lint let it be used intelligently. l hen there Is need of a ehaslia lemeely, apply it, but do not apply it in Hie meie spiiit ot bale. Xoimallv a pound of constitution is worth a ton ot destruction. Degradation in Malice. Time is ricftrndallon lo us if we feel eniv and malice and lulled of one's neighbor, for any cause, and If we cmy him mcielv because of his liolics, we show- wc b.iie n s..ies low ideals. .Money is a good thing, it U a foolish aflectalion to deny it. But it is not Hie only gewd thing, and after a ccilnin amount has been amassed it ee.ises to bo the chief cun of matciial good tilings. It Is far belter, for instance, to do well a bit of work which is well worth doing. I do not care whether this woik is (hat of an engi neer on a gieat laihoad or captain of a fishing boat, or foiemin in a factoiy or machine shop, or section boss, or diiUion chief or assistant astioiinuier in an ohsctvaloiy, or a .second lieu tenant snmewheMC in China or the Philippines each mm ot these has an impoitant piece of woik and if he is leallv inteiesteel in it and has the light stud in bini, lie will "lie alto gelhor too pi 0111I of what he Is I'olug and loo intent on doing it well, to waste his lime in eni.iing otheis. I'rom the days when the chosen people leee'ned the! decalogue, to our own, envy and malice hue been leeognleel as evils, and woe lo those who appeal to them. To hicak the tenth coin. maiidmenl is no move nioiat now- than it has been for Hie past thhly ecnliuies. The ii(o ot eniy is not only .1 elaiificious but al-o a mean iee, for it is alw.ijs a confession ot In feiioiitj. Il lliay piovokc conduct which will lie fi nil ful of wiciiig doing lo others; and il imi.t c.we mi-eiy lo tho man who feels it. It will not he any the lews finitleil of v long and mlsciy, If as Is so often the; case with e.il motiies it adopts some high Founding all is, 'I he 1 1 tit )i K gentlemen. Hint cadi one of u has In him eoil.ilu passimis and instincts which if they gain the upper hand in hU soul would mean that the wild bea-t I1.11I come uppcimost in him. Liny, malice anil hatred are such pissions, and they aie just as bill if diicrtcd against a class or gioup of men as If eliieetcd against an indiv idual. What wc need in our leaeleis and teach ers is help in siippiessin: Mich feelings, help in arousing iiiiel directing the feelings that uie tholr eslieine opposite. Woe to us as a natiuu it we eier follow the lead of men whu seek not to smother but to iull.ime the wild beast qualities of the human hemt! In social nml indiistiial, no less than ill political icfoim, we can do healthy woik, woik fit tor a five country, fit for self l,oionilng cleuiociacy, only by licading in Uie footsteps of Washington anil I'laiilelln and Adams uml I'llilclc Homy ainl nol In the steps ot Maiat and ltobespieiie. (so far, what I liaie had to say lias dealt mainly with our leliltons Willi one auuthei in what may be called tlie serine of the stale. Hut the basis of goeiel e iliciv-hlp is in the home. A man 111119I bo 11 good e,ii, husband unci fallie--a ween. 111, a good daiiglitci, wife anil mnthei, ih-t anil foicinost. Theie must be no shliking of duties in big things or in Utile thing-. 'I lie man who will not woik hatd for Ids wife unci bis little ones; tho woman who sin Inks I'loin brniing and leailug many healthy children; these hale no place among the men ami women who aie stilling tipwanl and onuuiel. Of couise, the family Is tlie foundation of all the tilings In tho slate, .'ins against pine iiuel healthy family life aie those which of nil olhcis aia sine In the end to be ibitoel most hc.nlly upon Hie- nition In which they take place, We miisl bciaie, moicoiei', not mciely of the great sow, but of the Josser ones which when liken to gether cause such an appalling acjgiigalo of mlsciy uml wioug, The chiiukaiel, the lend llier, the couard, the liar, the dishonest man, tlie man who is Inula! to oe itcglcctfeil of pat ents, wlfu or chlldiei, of all of theic tlie slnlft slioulel be sheut when ne speak of decent cili'ii ship, ilirry otuu3 of clloit for good in ,iour i'soilaHons Is put 01 the ceaseless win ugaiiH the traits which produre siuh 111011. Hut in ail I 1 1 Ion to condemidug Iho ginger (onus of eul we must not foigct to eeimleiun nlo the evils of bad IrmiKl, lack 01 geutleues.s, nagging anu whining firtfiillicss, lack of consideration lor olheis tlie ell Is of selfishness In all Its lujiiacl fnims, L.ich man or woman must icmuubcr his or her duty lo all ninund, ami especially to thu-e ilnsest rend neatest, nnd such irmeinhiamy Is the best possible picpiiatlle to elolna; duty for tlie state as a whole. Pinctlce Christian Doctrines, We ask tliat these associations, and tlir mm and women who take pait lu lln-iu, piadiec the ChlMlan doetilnes v.hbli ate iirtaelied fieun c'leiy Hue) pulpit. Tlie Deoilngue and the Hold en llule must sljnd as the fouiidaliou of eu'iy successful client lo better either our social or our political life "1'c.ir the Loid and walk lu Ills iiajs," and "Let radi man love Ids neigh bor ns liliiiM.lt" nl.cn wc puttier these two piecepts, the lelgu of social and clilo tightcoue uess will be ih at hand. Cluisllanlly teaches not only that each of us must so lite as to bale his nun soul, but lliat each must also Milvu to do Ids whole duty by 111 i lu-lgliboi, Wc cannot lite up lo I hcs- teachings as 11c should; for lu tho pieseuce of liillnito micilil and infinite wl iloiii the slieii'.-lh of the stiongest nun ii hut weakness, ami the kuuest of mental rjt'S see but dliiely. Hut each of us can at least stilic, ai light and sliciigih aio giieu him, (onsid the Ideal, litloi t along any one line will not suf llce. Wu lutist not only tea eoojl but itlong. Wc must not only be high-minded but biave-heaited. We must think lolllly aud we must also woilv haul. 11 is not mitten in Hie ILdy Hook that nv mast menly be haimlesn ai elous, II Is alo The Tribune's year ffaok for 1901 Ei A daily record of all the important happenings. Official vote in detail for all the elections of the past year in the city, township, county and state. Platform of the political-parties. Delegates to the National Conventions from every state in the Union. Crawford county rules. Vote of the June primaries. Names of all city and county officials. Official records of base ball players. National League percentages. The Year Book will be ready for distribution January 1, and will be for sale by carriers. Remember them on New Year's Day ! wiittcn Ileal we must, be wise sin sotponK CiaH, unaccompanied by conscience, makes Hie c rafly ntan a social Mild beast who pieys on tlie com munity and must be hunted out of it. (ii'nflc-iie and mieetnesj, unbacked by strength (end high re'-olie aie almost impotent for uood. Tlie tine Chiistian is Hie tiue citizen, lofty of purpose, icsolute in endeaioi, leady foi a hero's deeds, but neier looking; ilouii on his link because it is cist in Hie day of small things; scornful of baseness, awake to his emu duties as well as lo his lights, follow tnir the higher law with lev eieuee, and ill this nolle! doinc; all thai in him lies, so Heat when death conies he liuv feel thai mankind is in some degice heller because he has Hied. liobert F. Sjieer, lay tajeretury of tlio l't'esbylui l:in board nl" foreign mis sions, wade tiie ronclutllnir tulilrps-s. HONORS CONFERRED UPON FATHER GARVEY The Vicar General of the Diocese of Scranton Is Elevated with the Bank and Insignia of Monsignor. !-iei ial In Iho Scianlon 'tribune. i'lttstnn, Dec. :!0. Before a routcre gtillon that completely filled the large St. John's lEomnn Catholic edifice the Investiture of Hew E. A. Ourvey, vicar jreneral of the diocese of Scranton and rector of the Plltsston church, with the rank and Insignia of the officer of nion nlgnor, took place here this morning. The honor.s iere bestowed ut the opening of the lust muss. The altar ius prettily decorated for the occasion with hinilux and ground pine, dotted with pink and white carnations, Hew Father Qnlnnan, assistant to Father Gurvpy, read the ofllclul document from the pope, bestowing the honors, llrst lu the Latin language and then In the Kngllsh, as follows: ritoM i-oi'i: 1.1:0 xin. To our beloicd son, lluajcnc A. (.alley, liear Itcueial of the dineese of bcrantoii; Helen oil Sou: Health and apostolic bi'ncdio tlou. The distiiicruishcd pialse jou have Hon in cHscIi.ei Hint,- the eleilii'S of the saeied mini-til, especially the smtec ion hale undeied that dloce-e as a paitielpant In the bis1iop' labels, and ,iour singular icvc'ieiice for tlie Holy ,vj, impel us, In icccitfiiillon of thee lueiits, to cum. fei oil jou a lety llliistilous title of honor, Nheiefur, Kiaclou-Iy absoliiuir you li.i lliin lettei fiom any eensiiie of ex-comiuuuicatlou, lulei dlet or oilier ceclc-lxulcal penalties, If any such bate pel chance been Incline el, we make, con stitute aud appoint ,inu mhau bishop, or pielate of the papal household. We penult ion to wcai the piuplc lestute ami eicu In Hie Human t uria lo wear the lochel and In make Use and enjoy, aiiilhlnu' to Hie eouhaiy uotwillHtaudiuu:, liiicu at St. lVlci't, Home, inidci- Hie soul of tlie rishciniau, on the tllleenth dcy of Oclobei, lioo, and In the twintj-lliiiil ,iear of 0111 poii lillcMtc. C-luned) Aln.mliH M.leililm, raiilliwl. The purple vestments niul the tochet weie then blessed by bishop llubau find bestowed upuii (hit honored Father fiarvey. Following this came the cele bration of aioHtirt'H Twelfth mass, the following clergymen ofllciatlng: Father Qulnnun, Plttstou, celebiant: Father Crane, .Wocu, tleuunu; Father Hreve, I'lttstnn, .siib-ele. icon; Father Clirisl, scraivton, muster of ceremonies, Tho choir wits assisted by Itlppard's or chestra, of AVIlUes-lluue. Father Oof fey, of Carbondale, preached the ser mon, his Ultimo being "The Nullvlty." During his discourse Father Coffey re fened pleasantly to the high honor be slowed m Father Ourvey and lu be half ot the clergy wished lilm long life and happiness under his new title, Tho occasion was u most compli mentary one, both for this cty nml for tint dlocehe, It being the liiisl Umo a title of this rank litis ever been be htowed on a priest In the Herunton tlio cese. At tho clo.se ol the muss, aion slgnor tlarvey expiessed his great up pieclutlon of the event und lluiukett Hlsliop ilolian for his Imstrumeutallty lu bringing II tibotit. At the close of tlie service tho visit ing priests weio tervetl with dinner In the dining looms of the convent, which iiero u charge of Caterer SI, J, Hughes, of the Sinclair house. i Portions of Its Contents. The following priests, were In at tendance, and those not official big oc cupied seats In the sanctuary: Seianlon llcv. fallieis N". .1. Jle.Manus, V. .1. VcManus, .1. O'lleilly, K. .1. Melley, W. 1'. O'Domiell, .1. .1. ltueldy, .1. .1. Orifiln. Kingston llev. Father O'.Malley. Wilkes-llaiK Itev. I'alhiTs M. H. Dunn, ('. .1. CJoeckel, It. A. .McAncheeis, .1, ,1. Cun an. I'.iisons T. r. Kieiinu. Plains Itev. ratlins .lames Ilussie. Old Fen kc Itev. fathers .1. .1. .Ionian, Willlsm (iislflll. Aloca llcv. Falher -M. 1'. t'lanc, f'aibonelalc Itev. Thomas P. t oBry, .Minooka llev. Father T. .1. Ilia. Dunmnie M. It. Donlau. Taj lot llev. Father I. A. Motlatl. Suaar .Votcli Hev. Fathei .1. II. .IiuIkc Willianispolt Rev. l'allur .lohu Costelln. Philadelphia Itev. Dr. (J. Kelly, S. ,1. I'lttstnn-llev. Falheis Qillnnan, I'. .1. Me Hale, .1. .1. (iieie, It. O'llvnie, William lliulii, Michael Soelilelis. N'eiv Yoik city lliolher Kiln aid, of Manhat tan rolleae. Aiiioui; the oiit-of-loeiu people in altenelanee weie the following: Mis. (.'aiiei, mother of the incline! fathei ; Mr. and Mrs. P. .1. lloiau, the latter l'allur fiane.i's xislci ; Mi-. Ur, (,'ancy, sistci-in-laiv of the leieieud fatlier, all of Dun moie; Mr, and Mis. Mai then Can ley, of S i.m tnn; lss Finlly 1'l.nni, of nunnioie; MIsS Kate rurlin. of Wllliani-poit J Miss lluth llue' ler, of Wilkes-1 la ne. HEROES OF SCIENCE. Physicians Who Invited Death to Test Certain Theories. W. 11. I mils in Hie Chicago liccord. A remiirkabUs example of nerve and ssplf-pacrlllco lias been exhlblt-'d in the experiments that are being conducted with mosquito Inoculation by the armv Mirseons in Cub;. 'Phori has been no doubt lu tho medical profession for several ynrs tutu yoiiow lever, ty pholel fever nnd other contagious ills eases could be communicated by Hies, mosciultoes and other insects, und It has recently been discovered that inoc ulation can ho tifed to protect people from yellow fever just as smallpox can be prevented by vaceliwUgn. The matter Is Mill lu an experlnicnlcUl stage unci has not yet reached that develop ment under which medical men can safely use It. In order lo accomplish practical ends and nscerlniu how the discovery coiilel best be utilized for lite' human welfare In countries to sub led to yel low feer epidemic!) Dr. Jess- M T.u. car and Dr. .lume.s A. Can oil, asslst r.tlt mii germs of the United States iirntv, olt'ered their llv.is. It tins ftilto ns heroic ns the net of llobson In sink lug the .Merrlniuti lo obstruct tin. channel of Santiago haibur, hut eom liaiatlvi'ly few pernio will evnr liear nl tlicli' lieiolsni. They fed inosciul toes upon the bodies of yellow-fever pall' ills In lite lii'spilal ut Uuv iilia and (Tien deliboiately allowetl those inosriulliics to utlficl; thelf uinis, 'I'lie Infection of both was promptly discovered und they wero Dented with all the skill and cum that their associates could devise, while the study of their symptoms and the course of Uie disease was I'tirol'tllly obsei ved. Dr. l.azear died, but Dr. Can oil sur vived antl his icport Is one of tho most Important contributions to the vast lit erature concerning' contnglutiH dis eases, AT THE OTHER END. One Chronic Fault-tinder Paid Duck in His Own Cain. Fiviii Loudon .space Moment. A CHiiuIn iiavitl olllcer was very pompous und convened when un duty. One duy when he w'as olllcer of iho watch, and he could not, as usual, Iiuel anything of consequence to mumble about, he attempted to vent Ills spite one one of the stolteis of the vessel, who was, lu the eiiglue-room on duty: liolug to the ppenldug-tllbe, the olll cer yelled, "Is theiu u blithering Idot at the end of this tubey" The reply came quick unci sturlllng; "Not ut this end, blr!" The feelings of tho olllcer, as he tinned away with a blue I; frown, - can bu better Imagined than described. Si -A mi More Comply? Than Euer Before FMI of Accurate Inforrnafion Inualdable for R?f?ren(? Results of the 1900 census, including cities, boroughs and counties of Pennsylvania. All the important events of the Spanish American and Boer wars. Valuable statistics regarding siege of Pekin. Leading one hundred events of the nineteenth century. Interesting coal statistics. Household receipts, and an endless variety of- other valuable information. THE MARKETS. SATURDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS The follow Infer "piotatiou-i arc furnished Tho Tubune by M. S. .Ionian .V: Co., rooms ,03-70a Meais biuldiinf, Sjciauton, Pa. Telephone SOtt'i: Open- High- Low- Clos- inir. est. est. ins Atnciieati .Sujf.ir i.t'lij ls.'(i 130 14.1U Anieiieaie Tuliac iu 112 llj'.j IXJ?i lllt M: Steel & W'ne -l(l ariU 4V Atehi-oii 8& 4(i-. 4;,r., 4f, Atclii-uii, I'r f.S .ssii Si, sis;; lliook. Tiaclioii S4U SUdi M'i SI Hill. : Ohio eVP.i SC;i &)H b",i I'ont, Tobacco :WVV ;i)H tltii, :ei ;l.ec. fi Ohio 411.'. 4 4ii; a:j7i Chio. d Ot. West 17 17',-i 17 I7U Chic, B. & ii I41-!i 14.1i-. i4ja; 11214 M. Paul U21-, 141, 1421,1 1407, Hock island VJD IHlli 120 121 Pel. A: llud-eiu 1:1014 VJi U0j latfi l.aek.mamia . It lt)0 ini'4 1110 lulli IVder.it Steel j(',i C7i cW',4 MU Feileial Steel, Pr 77-!i 77?8 77U 77', Kan. ir Tev., lv, 45 411 44 4311 laiuis. .V Na-I S7?i S7!i 87 S7ii Mail. i:iciateel 114 11514 IN 11" Met. Ti.iLtiou lfilli "71Vi lGO'.i 171 .Mi-so. Pacific 71 71:14 70r) TlVt People'- t.'as till im4 10.1V4 ICMS4. .V. .1. Cenfial 14'i'i ltd lin'O, U S'oiitheiu Pacific 4JKt -4Vi J.'l,4 4:1 Xorfolk i: West 4II 4.1, Hi 4.1, Neilllioin Pacilic bl'ij St?i 61 s KIH .V ltli. Paeillo i'r. .... W ?7'.i 80 h7U X. V. Central 14414 145 ) 1IP.S 11.1'h Ontario A. West r.0?j l'A .'(0 80 Pi'iina. It. If 145ri 11714 115? H7M. I'aeitlo Mall 4' 43i 4.'IVS 4.'l-i4 Iteailins- ll.v 1 21 Wt 2l"c Iteadlns: Ity., Pr. IW4 70 W4 70 Southern lUi. 2l(!( 22 2114 '-2 .Smith. II: It., Pr 71V2 7i'i 71 72 Tenn. I'oal k Ii tin lilli fll?4 M'i Ut U. .1. Leather 11 1.1 U 14Vs i;. S. Leather, Pr. 77 7h 77 78 V. H. itubher 20Ts 2'l 26 20 I'nloii Pacilio 77'i 0Vj 71 'vl I'nlon Paeillc, Pr. .... M SI '4 Sl hl, Wabash, Pr ffll-M 2.1 2.1 2.1 Westell! Union Xl 81 St St 'lliirel Aieiuie 118 118 US 111 .ni:w Yoftif piiootioi: iixciiAxaE pnicK". Open- lllith- Lou- Clo- WIIIIAT. ins. est. en. iielf. Ikueli 70 R0 711 S0'.4 May 7ST4 S0 7S cS0 toit.v. Miy i-l'.i 42 4J 42 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. 1'iist Xatluual Panic Sciunlou SaiiiifS Hank Third National I! ink Dime Deposit and Discount Uanic. economy l.ifc'ht, II. it P. Co I.eecku. Tiust Safe Deposit Co flails 4: Snuier Co., Pr Seianton lion Fence k Mle. Co. ... Seianlon Ale Works I.ael.imalina Wall)' Co., Pr. fount v S'alus Pink : Tuist Co,. I'iut Jiallonal Bank (Carbondale),. Standaid DrillliiK f Tudeis' National Hank Scmilon Holt and Nut Co IION'DS, Seunlon Passenaer Italluay, flist .MoiUage, ehie HHO People's htieel ltalllia,v, Hist mort- Kai,-e. due PU8 People's Street Hallway,' Oeneial liioitiiJKP, duo 1il ,,.,.,. Illiksou Manufactutiuir Co j.acka, Tciiinslilp Seleool .1 per cent. City ot Suanton St, Imp. o per cent ,. m Scranton Tuition II per cent Hid. ISM) ::jo 4s j;o iii'i Asked, 100 01 20 Slici .11) :mi 145 111 115 too 10i US Scranton Wholesale Market'. " (Cotrecttd by II. a. Hle, 27 Lackairatma Avo.) Hiiitei-fieauieii, 2la25c. I'k'gs Select iiri-le'iu, 21c; ueaiby stale, 31 o Cheese Full ticain, new, 12e, Ileum Per bu., choice liiatrow, t-5u. Onions- MM pet Ini. t I Flour llest patenl, $4.00. Philadelphia Cattle Marget. I'lillaileliihla. Dee. .10.- Ileerlnts (or the wrrk faille, 21U1; slui'p, :ir,iS; Imits. IIVM., Cattle hu.il.v liiiht and in.ill.el u shade filiiltr; liest, i5..lia5.fi.; choice, l.'J5.i5.:i7; k'Ooel, )a.1I26j medium, si 7'ial; loiiimou, I,. 10al.fi.', Sheep and lainhs, sliouir and blither for cliohn oflvr luKd. Sheep, ilmlce, lal"e'.l good, ilKilHc i medium, '.Mia 1)1. i (ouuuoii, J.e'i(e.; tptiii lJllllis, l jill.C. lli'KS 1'iim on eii'i.i t;i. nl.' and season dile hii.ellik' cleaui'd up 1 1"' luail.it ulk'iimts. llest iicilerii, 7u7'ic j cither kinds, iBiaVe.: slute hot, not on sale; Ial nm., cpdet, at 2ia.'t?ic. ; thin (Olid, dull, at 2a2'ii'.; leal calies, eaie ii I nl iiaulid al 4aU't; elia ileoice sold tor.7',lei. Milch (cms of the better Kiaeh-s ((muiiiiudec-ii.l.1 a.lU; dicssed Meets, heavily hehl at Sat)'.iv. Uis(.(l cun, 0a7?ie. Buffalo Live Stock Market, Vla.t Ilutralo, Dee. 30. HccelpU Cattle, 137 cats; sheep aud lambs, 21 cats; ,bogs, 22 cart, Shipments-Cattle, Fid caia; sheep and limb,., II (.aid; hogj, II ran). Cattle Light demand; (alien, choice) to e.tra, $5aS.2S; lambs (hoii'i to rtra, .Ma5.50; tsheep, iliolca.to eitra, 'l al,23. HoKS-lleaiy, f1.U1aO.10j uigj, p.iM 35, I .4 h f -il ;i I i i Jtt ' . Ai- Aa.f