The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 31, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Everybody Is Invited to Visit and
Contribute to the Institution.
Richard Morgan the Only Repub
lican Cnndldnte in the Fifth Ward
for Select Council Politics in
Other Wards P. 0. S. of A. Elect
Officers News of the Churches.
New Year's Attractions.
Tomorrow will bo the immiiil dnna
1 1nn imtl visiting day ill the West Slilo
hospital, Mini the event l always
lonltcd forward to with inurh antici
pation, both by Hip patients, attend
ant and friends of the iiiHtlt iitlnn.
Since the hospital wni established, a
few years ago, the vast amount of
Kimd work accomplished therein Iium
only been .surpassed by similar lustl
nitlnnn with rniiacltles for linmllliif?
more caspt, and as far as the etHeary
of the staff Is concerned they are equal
to anything In the elt or state, for
that matter. ,
It Is a well-known ract that the state
mokes an annual appropriation for the
hospital, but this sum Is nearly all ex
pended In paying for the building and
Its equipments, and the voluntary con
tributions are used in nupnlylng the
needs of patients and Incidental ex
penses. The absolute necessity for it
hospital In West Scranton has long ago
been proven, and the number of eases
treated during the short time It has
been established Is ample proof of this
Superintendent Miss Smith and her
assistants, .Miss Powderly and Mrs,
Smith, together with the medical staff,
will receive all visitors tomorrow, who
are cordially welcome to Inspect the
quartets and see for themselves the
well-kept premises where many an un
fortunate one receives treatment un
awares to the general public,
Open house will be the rule all day,
and friends may send their contribu
tions or ta-ko them with them when
they call. "What is needed ni(nt are
the necessaries of life, money and
clothing, of course, anything from a
paper of pins to a team of horses for
Ihe ambulance will he acceptable, and
it is to be honed that the responses
wilt be liberal and unlimited.
Proper acknowledgement of all con
tributions received will he made in The
Tribune In due time. Those desiring
may also send their contributions
1 and COLDS
Our Annual Inventory is
in progress at present, and
in going through
The Black
toss Goods Stock
We find it is much heavier
than it ought to be. We
have no time to prepare a
detailed price list, and would
therefore simply say
If You Want
Black Dress Goods Now
or are likely to want any in
the future, fill your needs
this week. You can do so at
prices that may never come
. your way again.
Globe Warehouse
through this office If desirable, nnd
they will be properly looked after and
turned over to Superintendent Btnlth.
Fifth Ward Candidates,
Only two candidates registered with
the Republican vigilance committee of
the Fifth ward on Saturday ror the
nomination of select council to succeed
lllehard II. Williams, loslgncd. They
wen; (forge Carson, of 122 South Main
avenue, and lllehard Morgan, of 1.19
South Itehecca avenue. The former Is
a member of the firm of Carson &
Davis, real estate brokers, and the lat
ter Is n stationary engineer at the
Hrlggii shaft, Carson withdrew his
name yesterday afternoon.
The names of Wllllnm K. Thayer and
ltobcrt .1, Williams were not registered,
but the latter made an effort to file
his name after the registration list had
closed on Saturday night. In all proba
bility both Thayer and Williams will
run Independently on nomination pa
pers or stickers. The primaries will
he hold Wednesday nrternoon from 4
to 7 o'clock.
P. 0. S. of A. Elect Offlcers.
Washington camp, No. ITS, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, have elPOted
the following officers for the coming
term": President, H. C. Hlninnn: vice
president, lOvnn .1. Jones: master of
forniv. James Unison; treasurer, J. CI.
Sanders; recording secretary, Stewart
Uesecker: financial secretary, Linden
V. Decker; conductor, George Hill.
Outside gunrd, John B. Williams;
trustee, liobort T. K hired. The Instal
lation will occur next Thuisday even
ing. The work on the foundation for
the camp's new building, on North
Main avenue, will be commenced this
Among the Churches.
Th' Clulstmns services at the First
Welsh Congregational church and
Sunday school yesterday afternoon
and evening, the programme for which
was pi luted In this department on
Saturday, were attended and enjoyed
by large congregations. The music
was of n high order and reflects much
credit en the chorister, choir and
children. The singing of William
Kvnns, the baritone soloist, of New
York, who Is visiting relatives here,
was evceptlonally line and well ren
dered. "A Look Backward and Forwaid"
was the subject of Dr. de flruchy's at the Jackson Street Bap
tist ohurcb last evening, and It was
an Intel esting address on past, pres
ent, current and future events. The
Christmas anthems were repeated by
the choir, under the direction of Prof.
Lewis Davis.
The choir of the Washburn Stre t
Presbyterian chinch lepeated thel"
Christmas music yesterday at both
services, with the assistance of the
H'ibbnth school orchestra. Dr. Mof
futt occupied his pulpit both morning
and evening.
"What Maik Shall We Set for the
New Year," was the question Rev.
lames Wenninger, of the Hampton
Stieet Methodist Kplscopal church,
put to his people yesterduy morning.
His discourse was Interesting, and In
structive throughout.
The uual Sunday services were con
ducted yesterday In St. Patrick's, St.
Havld's, St. John's and St. Mark's
churches. Midnight servicer will he
hold In some of the above edifices tonight.
First Baptist Church.
At the morning service of the First
Baptist church yesterday Rev. 8. F.
Matthews took for his text Psalm SO-4,
"For a thousand years In Thy sight
are hut as yesterday when It Is passed."
H"or the evening text. Rev. xx; 4, "And
they lived and reigned with Christ a
thousand years." Both services were
well attended and the sermons listened
to with Interest.
The Sunday school Is showing excel
lent progress, and the evening meet
ing or the Baptist Young People's union
was well attended and Interesting.
The annual business meeting of the
church will be held on Wednesday
Last Friday evening the choir sur
prised Dr. nnd Mrs, B. Q. Beddoe at
their home on South Main avenue. In
the course of the evening Dr. T. M.
Senderllng presented Mrs. Beddoe with
n beautiful lee cream set of Havlland
china. Mrs. Beddoe feelingly respond
ed. Later bountiful refreshments were
served by Miss Ruth Beddoe.
At Christmas time the Young Men's
Bible class and their lady friends called
upon the pastor. Rev. S. F. Matthews,
and presented him with a set of the
"Life of Spurgeon" In four volumes.
After the usual speeches Incident to
the occasion. Charles Cadwgan enter
tained with his ready wit, after which
the merry company sat down to a
bountiful collation.
Simpson M. E. Church.
Yesterday morning the pastor
preached a review sermon which was
greatly enjoyed by a large congrega
tion. Preceding the sermon the sacra
ment of Baptism was celebrated and
six adults were received Into full mem
bet ship In the church. The choir re
peated the Christmas music last even
ing. This evening a watch night service
will be held commencing at 9 o'clock.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to nil
to observe with this church the depart
ure of the old year and century and
the coming of the new. Praise, prayer,
addresses and sermon will be the order
of the evening.
New Year's Attractions.
The annual New Year's reception will
be held at the Young Women's Chris
tian association rooms, corner of Main
avenue and Scranton streets, tomor
row afternoon and evening. All friends
are cordially Invited to attend.
The closing social and entertain
ment of 1fl00 at the Jackson Street Bap
tist church will be held this evening
from 0 to o'clock. Music, recita
tion", solos, phonographic selections
and ice cream will be the features. Ad
mission free. Everybody welcome.
The Japanese entertainment and ro
clnl at the First Welsh Baptist church
is the principal attraction for tonight.
It will be a novelty In the way of a
church entertainment and deserves a
crowded house.
Another large crowd attended St.
Brenden's new home festival Saturday
night, and arrangements are being
made for a large attendance tills even
ing. A special musical and literary
piograinme will be presented during
the evening, and many valuable
"plums" will be shaken from the tree.
Classes Nos. !) and 14 of the Bellevue
Welsh Calvlnlstic. Methodist church
will conduct an Ice cream social in the
church this evening. All are cordially
Invited to attend.
The annual roll call of members of
the Jackson Street Baptist church will
be held tomorrow evening. Rev.
Thomas de Gruchy, D. D., the pastor,
and his wife, will hold an Infomiul re
ception for all members. The ladies
of the church will serve refreshments
in the dining rooms.
The principal attraction for tomor
row evening will b? the conceit at the
Plymouth Congiegutlonal church, un
der the auspices of the choir. The offi
cial programme will appear tomorrow
In this department. The full choir
will meet for reheat sal In the chinch
this evening.
Mis. W. G. Fulton will distribute
Christmas toys to poor chlldien at the
Salvation Army barracks on Price
street this evening. The toys were fur
nished gratuitously by the well known
firm of Jonas Long's Son..
The Keyset- Valley Hose Co. will
hold their second annual ball In M ears'
hall this evening. This event Is always
enjoyable end all who attend are as
sured of n good time.
The children of Holy Cross parish,
Bellevue, will conduct an entertain
ment and Christmas Idyl at the parish
hall tomorrow evening. An intei esting
programme has been piepaied for tins
An entertainment and s-ocinl will be
held at the Tabernacle Congregational
church this evening commencing at S
o'clock and a watch night will be kept
by the young people to commence at
11 o'clock,
Owen Price, of North Scranton, und
John TOhus. of North Kverett avenue,
are being treated at the West Side hos
pital. The former Is suffering from
paralysis and the latter has a dislo
cated shoulder.
Clarko Brothers' department stores
will be closed promptly at 6 o'clock
every evening except Saturday, com
monclng with the now year,
The now First Baptist chinch on
South Main avenue Is now under cover,
and It Is expected that the Interior Iln
Ishlngs will be mado rapidly from now
on. The contractor has been handi
capped by lack of muterlal.
All .school children are. expected to
be vaccinated before the isth of Jun
uury, or else they cannot remain In
the public schools, The order Is Im
perative and must be obeyed.
The regular monthly missionary col.
lections were taken up at theSlmpson
MethodlHt Kplscopal Sunday school
yesterday afternoon, and a large sum
was realized,
Anungemeiits aro being made for
ushering In tho New Year and century
tonight In n manner never before
equalled lu the history of West Scran
ton. The vigilance eomniltleu of the Fif
teenth ward will meet at 7,30 o'clock
this evening at the corner of Main ave
cnue and Hampton street to discuss
matters pertaining to the ward.
J. W. lllttenhouse, of North Muln
avenue, will attend tho convention of
the National Association of Retail Gro
cers of the United States as a dele
gale from the Pennsylvania associa
tion on January 20. He Is a candidate
for the secretaryship of the associa
tion. Mr, and Mrs. William Williams, of
Roberta court, ore rejoicing over the
arrival of a hoii at ther home.
Martin J.. Wheeler and Mrs. Mar
garet Smith, of Bald Mount, were
united In marriage Saturday evening
Twenty-Eight Lots of Merchandise, All tre-Eminently
Good, Contribute to This
Extraordinary End of the Century
One Day Sale of Merchandise
Monday night will witness the end of a Century, the birth of a new one. What a change in a hundred years.
How the Pilgrim Fathers of the Eighteenth Century would open their eyes at such a mercantile establishment as this
one. Isn't it a gratifying advance in education, enlightenment and industry ? Isn't it' worth a little celebration? We
think soand so we have planned this one day End-of-the-Century Sale to last
Twenty-eight lots of merchandise shall make the day worth spending in Scranton's Greatest Store. Every
item is a bargain picked from as complete and interesting stocks. Not an article but what you need or can use
goods beyond all shadow of doubt. Just for ten hours they are yours at these phenomenally little prices. Then for
the homes we'll start to await the coming of 1901 full of promise and bright with prosperity.
by Rev. Thomas de Gruchy, D. D., at
the of the Jackson Street
Baptist church.
The funeral of the late Mrs, George
Hicks took place on Saturday from her
late home on.Frlnk street. Burial was
made In the Cathedral cemetery. The
pall-bearero were Valentine Heern, Jo
seph Canterbury, John Gannon, Will
iam Leonard, John Howard and Alex
ander Wood.
James Wymbs, of Pleasant street,
has otllclally announced himself ns a
Democratic candidate for alderman of
the Fourteenth ward. The only politi
cal office he ever held was minority
Inspector of the district In which he
William Wrigley and family have
taken possession of the house formerly
occupied by ox-Chief Walker and fam
ily on Division street.
Kvan Hughes, of North Main ave
nue, has returned home from Toby
hanna for the winter.-
William Murphy, of Schenectady, N.
Y Is spending the holidays with his
parents on North Sumner avenue.
Arthur Spencer, of North Main ave
nue, is confined to his home with an
attack of the grip.
Michael Kelly, of Brooklyn, N. Y Is
visiting at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Thomas Kelly, on Tenth street.
Miss Stella May, of North Main ave
nue, has returned home from a few
days' visit with friends In Archbald.
.Mr. and Jits. Charles J. Watklns. of
Brooklyn, N. Y are visiting relatives
on Lafayette street.
John Miller, of North Lincoln ave
nue, has leturned home from a visit
with relatives in Buffalo.
Karl Schenk, of Honesdale, has re
turned home from a visit with his
uncle, Giles Schenk, of South Sumner
Miss Esther Davis, of South Main
avenue, has leturned to her studies at
the Mansfield State Normal school.
Miss Jennie Jones, of Orange, Pa.,
has returned home from a visit with
Mrs. Mooie, of Jackson street.
Mrs. AV. II. Bartholomew and thres
daughters, of South Hyde Park ave
nue, are visiting lelatlves at Bangor,
Miss Helen La Wall, of South Beth
lehem, is the guest of Miss Gertrude
Freeman, of South Main "avenue.
Druggist John J. Davles, of South
Main avenue, has leturned from a
business tilp to New York.
Edgar Williams, of Kingston, Is vis
iting at the homeof Patrolman Thomas
Collins, on South Main avenue.
B. T. Uenshaw, of Newark, N. J
sper.t Sundav with relatives and
friends on Nnith Main avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gomer Evans have
returned from their wedding trip and
will reside on Monroe avenue.
Miss Nellie Bliss, of Capouse uv
nue, is entertaining Howe, of
West Plttston.
There will be u midnight service ut
the Church of the Good Shepherd to
night, beginning nt ll.KO o'clock. The
Holy Communion will be celebrated at
12 o'clock.
The Young People's club of the
Church of the Good Shepherd will hol.l
a New Year's entertainment and so
cial this evening at S o'clock, Admis
sion, silver offering ut the door. Mem
bers of the congiegatlon are especially
m-ked to ho present, a good time Js
promised to .ill.
Services will be held at the tiieen
P.ldge Presbyterian chinch this even
ing, beginning at 8 o'clock, at which
time the congregation will gather In
tho church parlor for a social indit
ing, after which thero will he a roll
call service In the chapel and at mid
night the sucraifient of the Lord's
Supper will be celebiated.
Miss IJattle Lindsay, of Mousey
.venue, entertained the members of 1$,
M, Social club, with a Salamagunda
party Saturday evening. Among tho
guests were: Misses Evelyn Jouos,
Louise Connolly, Helen Chnmberllii,
F.velyn Matthews, Marlon Matthews,
Frances Lindsay, Isabella Jones, Ma
bel Fordham nnd Miss Margaret nix
liu, of K'aston. and Messrs. Harold
Wells, Walter Phillips, Hairy Con
nolly. Albert Nettletou, Greer Parke
and Floyd Fuller.
A midnight mass will be celebrited
at St. Paul's Catholic church tonight.
At the South Side Young Women's
Christian association the annual New
Year reception will bo held from i
until 10 p, m. Entertainment and re
freshments will be served each hour,
The funeral of the lute Patrick Do
Ian will take place this morning at 9.S0
o'clock with a requiem muss In St,
John's church. Interment will bo mado
In the Cathudial cemetery.
Jacob Sohner, a former resident ot
this side, who for tho past few years
has resided In Chicago, III., Is visiting
friends on this side.
The Primitive Social club will ron
duct a masked ball In Athletic hall
Tuesday, January 19.
The Scranton Saengerrtinde will have
Christmas tree exercises In Athletic
hall New Year's afternoon for the children.
ON THE D. & H.
Wreck Led to the Serious Injury of
S. M. Corson, the Agent in Charge
of the Providence Station Pledges
Made to Reduce the Debt of the M.
E. Church Rev. S. G. Reading, D.
D., Will Leave the City Today.
Vigilance Committee of First Ward
Meets Other News Notes.
An open switch at the Marvlno
breaker on North Scranton, where the
Leggett's Creek track branches off
from the main line of the Delawaie
nnd Hudson railroad, cuused n
wreck Saturday forenoon which inter
fered cpille extensively with traffic on
the road. "Hog" engine 319, pulling
frleght train No. 40, south bound,
caught the open switch, resulting in
its .lumping the track and b?!ng
thrown over on Us side, with s' me
of the cars following, jumbled up Into
a pile that blockaded the tracks. En
gineer Crawley jumped when the en
gine toppled over, and sustained se
vere bruises in falling, but his In
juries nre not serious. He was le
moved to his homo In Carbondale.
Wrecking ciews from Green Ridge and
Carbondale were hurried to the place,
but several hours elapsed before they
had the roadbed cleared and the en
gine lighted.
Owing to the wreck, It was neces
sary to switch all trains around it by
the north-bound track, and as a result
of this change in running trains, S,
M. Corson, the well known agent of
the company at the Providence sta-
i tlon, suffered a serious injury, the full
extent of which is not yet determined.
He was walking down the track, be
tween Dean and Depot streets, on his
way back to work from his dinner,
when an engine came backing down
the road. Forgetting that south
bound trains were using the north
bound track, he did not perceive his
danger until too late. The tender of
the engine caught him with consider
able force, knocking him some dis
tanci.', but luckily clear of the track.
He suffered a sarlous concussion of the
brain, and was unconscious when
picked up.
He whs can led to his home on North
Main avenue, near Parker street, and
Dr. D.,H. Jenkins called to attend
him. He did not recover full con
sciousness until late Sunday morning.
The attending physician reported last
night that Mr. Corson's condition was
somewhat better, and unless other
complications set In, would recover.
Elynn-Sullivan Nuptials.
P. J. Flynn, formerly of this city,
now of New York', und Miss Anna Sul
livan, also of New York, were united
In marriage In St. Lucy's church, cor
ner of Grove and Fifteenth streets, New
York, last Friday evening. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. John J.
Boylan, pastor of the church, The edi
fice was especially decorated for the
occasions, the colors being pink and
The bride was becoming ly attired lu
a gown of pink crepe de chene, trimmed
with old point lace. Shu carried a
bunch of bridal loses anil wore a dia
mond pendant, the gift of the groom.
The bridesmaid was Miss Bessie
Cleury, of New York, who was attired
In a gown of pink material, with velvet
trimmings. She curried a bouquet of
orchids and fern leaves. Thomas Lof
tus, of this city, was the groomsman.
Following the ceremony the bridal
party and guests repaired to the pink
room of tho Waldorf-Astoria,
was especially decorated with ferns
and palms. An elaborate menu was
served, after which Mr. and Mrs, Flynn
loft on a wedding trip to the south,
The bride Is the daughter of Con
tractor Michael Sullivan, and thu
groom Is a son of .Mr, ami Mrs, John
Flynn. of West Market street, Hn
was formerly engaged In business lu
this city, but Is now engaged In the
commission business hi tho metropolis.
Both aro well known In Scruuton und
have the well wishes of hundreds of
Reducing Church Debt.
An effort wuh made by Rev. G, A.
Cure, of tho Providence Methodist
Episcopal church, yesterday to secure
Mitbclent pledges to clear up the debt
remaining on the church property,
during tho lliht year or tho Twen
tieth century. Tltn subject
brought up at the morning and even
ing services, and also In the Sunday
school, und the result wus highly sat
isfactory, nearly the whole amount or
$l,fi00 being provided.
This doht bus been an encumbrance
tor several years, principally am the
parsonage properly, and Its clearanco
Will be one of I ho commendable rea'
nits or the chinch's work the coming
ypar. Or the amount pledged, tho
Ladles' Aid society will givo $300. Sov.
oral or tho members give $50 each, and
a dozen others $25 each, with lewnr
amounts credited to many others of
the congregntlon.
Dr. Reading Leaves Today.
Rev. S. G. Reading, D. D who has
temporarily tilled the pastorate of the
North Main Avenue Baptist church,
since his resignation last September,
will leave today for Willlamsport to
rejoin his family. His sermon last
evening was on "The Great Question,"
and was In the nature of a farewell.
Mr. Reading leaves this part of the
city with the well-wishes of all who
liad the pleasure of his acquaintance,
and with the sincere regrets of the
congregation he has so ably served.
What his future course will be Is not
fully decided. He Is wanted to become
the president of a Baptist college at
Colfax, Wash., and has been repeat
edly importuned to come there. It Is
also stated that he hus been suggested
to the First BaptistiJhirch of Spokane
ns a suitable successor to tho minister
who has Just left there, and It Is quite
possible that the coming year will find
Rev. Dr. Reading in the far north
west. For the remainder of tho winter
he has decided to give much of his
attention to evangelistic work in the
central part of the state, with his
headquarters at Willlamsport.
The merchants' names appearing be
low have complied with the demands
made by North Scranton's Retail
Clerks' International Protective asso
ciation, No. 44, the most Important be
ing the closing of their stores at 6
o'clock every evening, except Satur
days and the evening before holidays:
McGulra & Guire, J. T. McNamara.
AV. F. Healey, E. M. Casterllne, Bert
Stevens, W. C. Cowies, Stephen Chay
pell, W. Meredith, J. K. Smith. C. P.
Crossnian, William Chapped, Fenner
& Dlckerson, O. V. Palmer, estate of
Ambrose Mulley, Enos Flynn, Ruane
& Clarke, Mulherln Bros., Clarence
Steele, M. Cohen, F. M. Schoener, H.
Vlnkelstein and It. Judlcke.
The vigilance committee of the First
ward met In Fidler's office Saturday
und concluded to call the primaries on
January 1-'. for the nomination of can
didates for common council and for
ward offices.
George Gritman, of East Benton,
spent yesterday at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Frank Clark, on Church
Surprise Party Given in Honor of
William Bachman by a Num
ber of His Friends.
Tho mcmbbis of the mining englner
ing department of the Pennsylvan'a
Coal company tendered one of their
number, William Bachman, a surprise
at the home of Chief Engineer Alex
ander Bryden, on Dudley streot, Fri
day night. During the course of the
evening, Mr. Bucnmau was presented
with a htiudrome roll top desk by his
fellow cnglneerf, who took this means
of showing the regard In which ho
is held by hh associates. Owing to
trouble with his eyes, Mr. Bachman
has been compelled to discontinue his
engineering woik, and will shortly lo
cate near Easton, where he has sc
um ed congenial employment.
Cuds and other diversions went to
make a pltnsnnt cvsning, after which
dainty refieshments wero served,
The following weie present: Mr.
and .Mrs, Jesse rainier, Mr. and Mic.
George T Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Hncliman, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Nouifer, .Mr, and Mrs J. S. McMillan,
Mr. and Mm A, L. Bryden, Mr. and
Mrs. James Y. P.ryden, Mr. and Mm
C, F, Nlemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Warg, Walter Nlc-moyer, George Oi
wald, Thonins J. Taylor, James F.
Hnrnn, Mrs, Mary B Allen nnd Mlwa
HowKley, of Plttston,
Two Funerals.
The funeral of the lute Mrs. Kog-ir
O'Mnllcy, of Apple street, took place
from her home on Saturday afternoon.
A large number of friends and neigh
bors followed the remains to their lait
resting place In St. Mary's cemetery,
where Interment wus made.
The funeial of Mis, Ellen Wnrdell
occurred from her homo, on Grove
street on Saturday morning. Rev. W.
F. Gibbons, or tho Presbyterian
church, officiated, the deceased being
mi active member of that church. Tho
home was crowded with many rela
tives and friends of the depurted.
Many beautiful floral offerings wore
strewn on the bier, The remains wsim
taken to Carbondale, where Interment
was mad.
Now Yenv'a Reception,
Key. and Mrs. AV, P. Gibbons will
hold a New year's reception at tho
niiiiiNe, on Klin street, on Tuesday
niKlit from T until It o'clock. Tho
members and congregation of tho
ProHliyteilnn church aro cordially ln
vlted to bo present.
Theso New year receptions have
Krown to be a regular I'eatuie of the
holiday season, large mimbora always
availing themselves yt tho pastor's
hospitality at this time.
-'Rels ft BurRiinder, Lessees anil Managers)
A. J. Dully. Business Manager.
New Year's Day,Matlnceand Night
and Wednesday Night.
F. C. WMtnry and Kduin Knowtes, Original
New York Production ol
stupendous, Gorgeous, Coloiml, Magnificent,
RppctacuUr, Brilliant, Clever, Orrut. Dramatized
by Stanislaus Stange. Mualo by Julian Edwards,
htuged by Max Freeman.
Sale of eeatu opera Saturday morning at 9 a. m.
Prices Night, 25, 80, 75c. and $1.00.
Matinee, 2.', Kl nnd 7" cento.
Thursday Matins) and Night, Jan 3
J. K. Burke's
High Class Ualideville
Joseph Hart and Carrie Be Mar
The Great Henri French
Dempsey Mack and Company
Laura Comatock
Frouty Brothers
Prince Albene and Haya and L&Branfe
Trices N'lglit, 2Jc, 3,'c. S0e. and 78a Mtttnen,
23c. and 50c. Children to any part
of the house, 15c,
Manage! s and Lessees. Local Manager;
Three Nights, Commencing MONDAY, DEO. SI,
Matinee Tuesday and Wednesday.
Matinee prices, 15 and 25 cents. Evening
prices 15, H5. ib and 60 cents.
Three Nights, Thursday, Friday and Saturday'
Mutineo Friday and KatunLiy.
Introducing the Famous Acrobats.
Matinee I'riccs, IS and 2fi cents. Eventag Prices,
in, 2J, 35 and SO cents.
New Gaiety Theatre
Three Days, Commencing MONDAT, DEO, 31.
Return ot the Season's Favorites,
"New York Girl"
Headed by Howard and Emerson.
Special Midnighf, Matinee Monday Night, Nevr
HJ Yc,ir's Uve'
Three I)s, Commencing THURSDAY, DEC, 3.
The Original
Trices Matinees 15c. and 25c. Evenings, 15c.,
Jjc, 35c. and JOc. New Year's matinee, 15a,
25c, :15c. and 50c,
f?. 4. 4 f-f'-r
The Chesterfield Overcoat J
X Samter Bros.
Told in a Few Lines.
Watch Night services will be held
In tho Methodist church tonight. Th
service will be In charge of the pastor,
and will commence at 9 o'clock. Tho
publlo n cordially Invited to be pres
ent and enjoy the layt hours of tho
closing century In a servlco of prayer
nnd lejolcliig.
Itev. A. Ji (ilbbons will preach a.
series of civenliiff sermons extending
through the months of January and
February from the theme. "Christ for
the New Century." The sub-topIcn
will bo as follows: Jan. 6, "Christ anil
(ho New Century": Jan, 13, "Progress
Toward Christ's Ideal During tho Old
'entury"; Jan. 20, "Christ and tlm
Printing Press"; Jan, 27, "Tho New
Cliuioh In tho Now Century": Feb. :i,
"young Teoplo of the New Century
C. K. Day": Feb. in, "Tho Christian ot
the New Century' ; Feb, 17, "Ameri
ca's Placo In the New Century": Feb,
H, "What fchall the Twonty-tlrst Cen
tury no?"
The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church will moot ut thn
homo of Mrs. 11. P. Savage, on Oreou
Hldge street, on Thursday afternoon
at :i o'clock,
Kdward Matthews, a former resident
of this place, but now residing in New
York city, s spending some time lu
town, icnowlng old acquaintances,
Mlno Host John W. Harues, pro
prietor of the llrutmwlek, at i 8pruco
street, will have, a big celebration at
his place tonlslit, to tlttlngly usher In
the new century. Thero will boa lunch
served o only ho can servo one, mm!
Bauer's orchestra will furnish .music,
Kvuryone Invited.