The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 31, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    .. ,1V .Yf'f'v KT ;5STW.
?vKc-fiT5 Tnr-r Fi',,t.,i-3r,KT5T?S'
of enamel in your food It
cooked in a Strtmeky Bteel
Enameled cooking utensil.
Each piece made from n
seamless sheet of steel cov
ered -with four coats of best
Every article warranted
Ave years. See display in
Foote & Shear Co.
fiolM. Wflshincton Ave
"When in Dotibt
Play Tramps"
wrote Hoylf, the Kamln:? sutliotlty.
ItrKrdlnc holiday jcltK tlis name 'c
aptly applies to cut gla..
No mUtnke can bn made in the iclec
tion of an nitlcle in this ttcasiircd ware.
Thosn who liave none dream of it,
while Hip fortunatfc possessor ol a lnr:e
collection, welcome an addition.
A Crystal Opportunity
Is our offer ot a flue cut
, glass Sugar Bowl and
Creamer (or
Gruener S, Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
L. R. D. & M.
Shoes are one of the most important items of
lre at any time of the year, and especially so
now tliat wo arc certain to have changeable
weather. For style, price and quality see ours.
We know we can please you.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
fcSPenn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN.
Local data for December 00, 1000:
Highest temperature SI decrees
Lowest temperature 10 degrees
5 a. Til. 07 per cent.
6 p. m 75 per cent.
Pcnnlin? Il.iljdit, of Lebanon, was a Riiext of
Ids Muter, Jlrs. A. II. -lay, of .Ictlcisou avenue,
.Mr. and Mrs. 11. .S. He.illt, of l'liilailelphb, who been kucsU of Jlr. and Mr. O. K. Lced, of
Vine street, for the pat week, retuined lioine
Tlio maiilase of Jli-s llllalioili Cijiunt Wil
liam', of this city, anil Air. Ailhur Ilntcliiii-oii
th.ise, of AViialdniiliin, 1). C, will take place
Tuesday at the home of the bride's parent', 200
School fctivrl.
Snliiiilay and jcteid.iy the follnwinir neiil to
VI.tiilF.lmit; to witness the oi inn of the
noine and senate tomnrraw and the elect tun of a
lulled Stales senator; Senator .1, (', V.iiiglian,
llepieseiilallves-eleit T. .1, Itejnold", .lolm ,1,
xheiier, Jr., lidwaiil .lanie-i, jr., 1'. A, I'lillhin.
1'niiuer Speaker .lolm It, 1'air, l'oimer .Member
.1. 1', IteynoliU and S, L. .loins, of (,'aibniidale;
A. T, Council, of this city, and W. K. Iteik, of
Moscow, Former Iteadlun Clerk of (lie House .1,
K, Walking of Taj lor; Mayor .Tames Moir,
lieoiBo .M. Watson, Jl. V. Louij-, L. S. Milliard,
II, A, Zimmerman, ,fnhn It. Kdnaids, I', Silas
Waters, ti, W. Marshall. Jr City Solicitor A. A.
osluiic:, rounty Chaliman J). .1. Davis, llany
roust. (Icuirc W. Jenkins, Colonel (leorge M.
Hallstead, Jolin 31, KdwntiK Pr, Herman Ile.wey,
.leioiue Wooilllns, T, T. Thomas, V. .1. Collins,
tbvjljiit Jones, I'lilllp Hinsland, Joseph Oilier
and V.. A. Jones, of Aichhald.
It Was Read Yesterday at the Y. M.
O. A. Meeting.
At the men's meeting In the Young
Men's Christian association yesterday
afternoon the secretary, Cleorgo ci.
Many, read the address that was being
delivered at the same hour In Carnegie
hull, New York, by Governor Theodore
Roosevelt to the young men of that
city, The address Is printed In full on
tho first page of 'this Issue, By request
a copy of tho address was furnished to
Sir, Slahy for the purpose for which It
was used yesterday, '
Sir. Mahy followed that address by
saying1 that aovernor Roosevelt had
pointed out our duty to our fellow
men, and by using Romans, 1:10, as a
text, ho pointed out the other part of
man's duty, namely, his recognition of
and sense of God,
" ' "
Conservatory of Music.
New classes besln January 3. J1S.75
PAi for Course A until June 19.
Compromise Offer of the Scranton
Railway Company Is Ac
cepted By the Men.
Yesterday the Officers of the Scran
ton Railway Company Communi
cated to the Executive Committee
of the Strikers an Offer Which In
cluded a Ten-Hour Day and a Con
siderable Increase Over the
Amount the Men Have Been Re
ceivingAt a Meeting of the Strik
ers, Which Ended at 2 O'clock
This Morning the Offer Was Ac
cepted and the Men Agreed to Go
to Work at Once.
The strike Is settled!
It was called off at l-'.-ir, o'clock this
morning, after n. spirited two hours'
discussion of a compromise proposition
from the company, resulting' from the
negotiations which The Tribune told of
exclusively Saturday morning' and
which every other puper, excepting tho
Free Press and Klmlra Telegram, de
nied were under way.
The men secure almost all that they
They were getting: First six months,
12i cents: second six months, Vi'x
cents; second year, 14 cents; .third
year, 1" cents; fourth year, 15 S3-100
cents; fifth year, 16 67-100 cptits.
They are to receive: First six
months, 14 cents; second six months,
15 cents; second year, 16 cents; third
year, 17 cents; fourth year, lS'.i
cents; fifth year, 19 cents.
This was their demand:
1. A llMiour day.
'J. All coiuluctois and niotumieti in liie im
plny of the .Suantnn li.iihiuy company lur one
(1) year or ocr, 20 cents per hour.
.'!. For new men: l'ii-l tluee months, 1., mils
per hour; second thiee months 10 rents per
hour; tliinl lliice months, 17 tents per hour;
fourth time mouths, lb cents per hour. AH
barn employes, shall louche .' tents per how.
Uarn men employed hy the company -i- months
or more shall leceive 17' tents per hour, and
when woikir.e; with a helper shall leceive Ji ccnls
per hour. Men cinplojed in teh iiiaililno shop on
the floor shall leceive IT1,-, cents per hour, ami
when employed on iloor and lathe .shall ioceie
20 cents per hour, after one year. 'IVn horns
shall coistitnte a day's uoil..
This scale is to prevail on all lines ,pci.iliii
between Forest City and 1'itlstou.
The ten-hour day Is granted, but the
adjustment of the wages of the barn
men is left for future consideration.
The barn men objected to this at Hist,
but after a committee of their own
number had had a conference with
President Clark and General Manager
Sillhvian, they withdrew their objec
tions. The Carbondale men wanted to be
placed on the same footing as those of
this city, but this the company would
not concede. When the Carbondale
company was taken In by tho. Scran
ton company last March the men were
placed in the second year class. This
gave them a twenty per cent, advance
over the -wages they were receiving
before the consolidation.
The new scale is to take effect to
morrow. The men are to be paid from the
'time they take the car out of the burn
until it is returned by them.
Meal time is to be deducted and not
paid for.
Straight, runs are to be arranged as
soon as possible.
The re-arrangement of the runs will
reaulre two more men for every ten
now employed. Tho company oflicials
suggested that as they had a lot of
extra men on hand this would present
no great dllllculty. The strikers' con
ference committee said they could not
for a moment even consider the idea
of working alongside the Imported
men, and the company agreed to send
them all away,
Hecauso of his son being among the
strikers, It was very cmbanasslng for
Dispatcher Charles Powell to continue
to act with tho other nlllclnls, so Gen
eral .Manager Sllllmau considerately
gavo hint a leave of absence until tho
strike was settled. The strlkeis' con
ference committed wanted assurance
that Mr, Powell was not to be made to
suffer for his conduct during' the strike
and the assurance) was readily slvcu.
It was further stated by Mr. Whitman
and President Clark that no man
would be discriminated against be
cause of his connection with the strike,
no matter how prominently he may
have figured in it.
The men at first decided to resume
work at noon after a parade In uni
form, but at the solicitation of the
company officials they will get around
tills morning as early as they can. It
Is expected tho road will be in full op
eration by noon time.
Tho negotiations for the settlement
of the, strike began Friday. Henry J,
Collins, the Lackawanna avenue cloth
ier, prompted by an Interest In the
city's business welfare, arranged u
meeting between Director Timothy
llurUe, of tho Rullway company, and
a committee of tho strikers, consisting
of P. J. siessett, .George Keglar and I
J, Tlgue. They met In Mr, Uurke's
otllce In the connell building at 4.30 and
were In session for over an hour.
The committee suld it had made a
proposition and had no other proposi
tion to make. It would, however, glva
due consideration to any proposition
the company might muke, 'Sir. Burke
promised to see what could be donu.
After consulting Sir. Sllllman, he te'e
graphed for President Clurk and Sir.
Clark came on that very night, arriv
ing here
not exiect him so soon and was not 'it
town when he nrtived,
Mr. Burke and his brother, John, who
is Jointly interested with him in the
trolley company, returned to tho city
at 11,30 Saturday night nnil nt once
hastened to the Jurmyn and had a. long
consultation with President Clark unci
General Manager Hllllman.
At midnight the strikers' conference
committee was given notice to meet
the company oflicials at Burke Bros.'
office yestcrdaymornlngat 10.30 o'clock.
They met and conferted, and the com
mittee came away with a proposition
from the company. It was submitted
to the executive committee of the
strikers' union, but was not satisfac
tory in some minor respects and an
other conference with the officials re
sulted. The offer was reconstructed
and in Its new form was given the
unanimous approval of the executive
committee. ,
A meeting of the union was called
for !l o'clock in Carpentets' hall, Wyo
ming avenue, to consider the proposi
tion. Nearly all the employes from
every line were In attendance.
P. .T. Mes.sselt presented the com
mittee's report and recommendation,
and made a scries of strong- speeches
In favor of the acceptance of the pro
position. Others of th? committee,
various of the members, and National
Executive Committeeman Howes nlso
spoke in favor of acceptance. The
Carbondale men made a mild objec
tion, but when It came to a vote, few
voices were raised against tho motion
to accept the offer and call off the
The objections from the barn men
kept the meeting In session much
longer than it otherwise would have
been. A recess was taken to give
them an opportunity of consulting the
olllcials of the coinpauy, who were fit
tho Jerniyn, waiting to hear the action
of the union. "When the barn men re
turned, the expressed themselves as
satisfied to let the strike be called
oi'f, having been assured of th same
liberal consideration given the car
men. Their wages arc to be regulated
according to tho individual's worth in
tho estimation of tho master me
chanic. Most of them are practically
assured of a generous increase.
When the vote had been declared a
committee was sent to invite the com
pany officials to come to the hall. They
accepted and were given a rousing wel
come. President Clark, General Mana
ger Sllllman and the Messrs. Burke
each made happy responses to the
greeting extended by Chairman Pat
rick Shea and Executive Committee
men Hooves and each was given a
hearty cheer.
The officials expressed the hope that
the men would turn in and give their
heartiest co-operation in putting the
property of the company on a paying
basis and nil expressed their satisfac
tion at the early settlement of the
The strikers went in a body yester
day morning to Elm Park church and
listened to n sermon doliver.-'d by Dr.
At 11.35 last night ten more
men arrived in the city from
New York in charge of two de
tectives and wore taken ,at once
to the company's office on Lacka
wanna avenue and later to the Lin
den street barn. There was no ob
jection to the landing of this- party of
"imports," as the strikers were in at
tendance at the meeting in Carpen
ters' hall.
Two of the "imports" were taken
from the Linden street barn yesterday
to the Scranton private hospital. One
is suffering from pneumonia and the
other from grip.
Quiet, Then Disorder.
Though It was tho Sabbath, the
strike sympathizers could not restrain
their tendencies to demonstrate their
sympathy in an active way, and as a
consenuence a number of exciting In
cidents are to be recorded. The un
warranted denials by the afternoon
papers of The Tribune's story of tho
negotiations for settlement were re
sponsible In no small measure for this.
The company took out n dozen cars
and had as many as eight men on
some of them, but the assaults were
so numerous and vkioiis that it was
deemed advisable to take the cars In
at noon. Every car had some of its
windows smashed. No attempt was
made to take tho cars out again.
A Green ltldso suburban car, with
eight Imported men aboard, was held
up on North Adams avenue, near tho
Consumers' Ice company plant, during
the morning, by a crowd numbering
several hundred. Tho crow became
frightened when the crowd commenced
to dose In on them, nnd when the
crowd saw they were thoroughly
cowed, some of the leaders jumped
aboard, pulled tho crew from the plat
forms nnd ordered them to decamp,
Boston Head Lettuce,
Long Island Celery,
Very Fine Jersey Sweets,
Florida Oranges
and Grape Fruit,
Fresh Huyler Candy,
Rnssett Cider,
F. 6. Coursen
The "Imports" beat a hasty retreat
through the fields lit the direction of
Dunmore, followed by a couple of hun
dred boys, who pelted them with stones.
What became of the fugitives could
not bo learned, i
A car on the laturel Hill line was
held up, near tho Dunmore Lumber
company's office, and tho crew assault
ed. The crowd ngreed to let the crew
off If they wotlld desert the company,
nnd upon their promise to do so they
were released. The wreck car brought
ln the two deserted cars.
On Capouse avenue, between Gibson
ami Pine streets, bricks had been piled
up along the curb, preparatory to pav
ing between the street car rails. Yes
terday morning boys curried these to
the trucks and piled them on the rails.
On "Washington avenue, near Phelps
street, thete was a pile of obsl melons
made up of all sorts of rubbish,
Swetland street was made almost Im
passible by the obstructions piled up to
block the car tracks. Old wagons, a
bob-sleigh and an old bellows tilled
with rocks are some of the obstruc
tions brought Into use here.
On North Muin avenue, near Price
street, a, mound was built up of a bob
sleigh freighted with barrels, pieces of
timber and a large amount of rubbish.
In front of Becker Bros. factory, on
Hoblnsoit street, another mound ws
built ot' a varied mass of material and
atop It was displayed a placard read
ing: "Union Job. Eight Hours."
Barrels Jllled with stones were placed
on the tracks on Prescott avenue. At
the corner of Pcnn avenue and Linden
street rubbish was piled on the track
and tho latch pried froniK.the switch
with a crowbar.
In Mlnooka the rails were torn uo
In several places and Immense rocks
placed on the Hacks.
The Tribune's exclusive announce
ment of the negotiations for settling
the strike resulted In a comparatively
riuiel Saturday. The strikers',, sympa
thizers thought that further demon
strations of sympathy by means of
violence were not called for and con
tented themselves with hooting and
jeering the imported men who ran half
a. dozen cars about the central city for
a few hours of the day. Some cars
were stoned while passing through the
suburbs, but there was no throwing ot
missiles on Lackawanna avenue, as
was the case on the previous day.
.Mayor Moir had given orders to the
police to rigidly enforce the law, but
they found that the order had been
made finite unnecessary by The Trib
une's appearance with tho exclusive
story of the negotiations for strike
settlement. A teamster, "William A.
Young, who evidently had not heard
that the war was over, persisted in
blocking a car on Franklin avenue and
was taken Into custody by Patrolman
Neuls. Me was discharged with a rep
rimand. Imports and Exports.
Twenty-three of the twenty-five
men brought on-by the company from
Philadelphia and who laid over In
"Wllkes-P.arre during the night, ar
rived here Saturday morning nt 0
o'clock, in charge of Special Agent
Sweeney. Nino of them deserted im
mediately upon their arrival and ac
companied the strikers to their head
quarters. They told that they had
been engaged as special officers to
protect street car property, and were
to receive $5 per day, board and trav
eling expenses. The treatment the
loceived at the hands of the "Wilkos
Barreans caused two of them to desert
on the spot. The nine who deserted here
would have turned back from "Wilkes
Barro, they said, but they had no
money and tho company officials re
fused to send them home.
They were sent back by the strik
ers Saturday night. Six others, four
lrom Cleveland nnd two from Now
York, were sent back yesterday morn
ing. Some figure that the company has
brought In 210 men and that there are
about ninety of them still in tho city,
most of them working for the com
pany. Tho strikers say they do not
know how many men the company
has Impoi ted, but they do know that
they have sent back 157 and that there
arc only between thirty tind forty men
on duty for the company.
To Appoint Specials.
In 1SC5 an act was passed by the
legislature empowering the governor
to appoint special officers to protect
railroad comfiany property, the ap
pointments to be made on petition of
tho railroad company and tin com
pany to hire and pay the officers.
Claiming that it was unable lo se
cure police protection hero the Scran
ton Railway company mi Saturday
despatched representatives lo llar
rlsburg and made application for
commissions for special police, The
act has never been brought to apply
to street railways and the authoiltles
it llnrrlsbui'g were somewhat diffi
dent about Issuing them, but when
the trolley company's representatives
ramo forward with n decision saourei'f
from the Dauphin county court that a
trolley road came within the moaning
of tho act, the governor agreed to Is
aio tho commissions.
If the strike was not settled, Presi
dent I'iuik said yesterday afternoon,
and tho Interference with tho running
ot the cars did not cease, tho company
would proceed lo engago enough
specials to assure full protection In
its properly.
"Wo could secure a thousand men
under this act, if we wanted thorn,"
President Clark went on to say, "They
would not be under the direction of
the .sheriff, the mayor or any other
nubile official, Tho company would
have full direction of them and would
ho sworn to do the company's bidding.
They can be recruited from any
who'ro In the state and tho commis
sion gives them the same powers as
those of a city pollen rllleur, Tho ict
prescribes that their powers shall bo
the sumo as those of n pollen officer
of tho city nf Philadelphia,
"I hope we will not havo occasion
to bring special officers here, but we
are determined that our .iroporty
shall be protected, "Wo applied to the
mayor to give us protection, but ho
has failed to do so. "Wo wanted htm
to swear In specials, but this he re
fused to do, AVn went to the sheriff
and asked him to appoint deputies to
guard our property, Ho promised to
do so, but didn't, Ills excuse was that
ho could not secure any. Ills deputy,
a Sir, Ferher, was sent out, I under
stand, to secure deputies and re
turned with tho statement that he
could not secuto oven one man to take
lio job. That was probably true, but
we offered to furnish men secured
cllned to accept theim The public
Bhould understand Hint we did Hot go
looking for stnte aid tttttll we had
pxhnUsed nil the local sotttces of protection.''
Sympathy Expressed.
The following was adopted at the last
meeting of Local union, No. SOS, United
Sllno Workers of America, located at
North Scranton!
We, the United Mine Woikru of Am-ihn, vlh
to make known to the stilklin; employes of tin;
iM'Kinton Hallway company .mil Hie niihllo Hat
our sympathies arc nltlt Hide warloiicn 1(1 their
piesent struggle for what we totnlder Just and
We alo assuie the striken Hut we will not
ride on any car or allow our f.inillln to do so
nut II the stlllie Is settled salishiitoilly.
At ti meeting of Federal Labor union,
No. 8740, of North Scranton, held De
cember 2, 1300, the following resolu
tions were adopted:
Whereas, Tin employes ot the Scranton Slieel
Hallway company have been compelled to resoil
to I hi! last defense of Hie nppiesseil, HiioukIi
the blank tefihul of the lumt.tgcmcnt for shorter
liMirit mid better pay, nnil
Wheiciis, We believe tliey me Jiisllfled In miir
Inic war uirnliisl the tiddler of the limning Home;
tlieiefoie, lie It
Hesoheit, ' Me, the liieinlieis of I'edeml
union, No. S7U do i.stoml our sluceie sympathy
uhd luniiil suppoit to our atlllcteil tilothris; and
do further
ItcMihc, That no ineuihrr of our union will
ilile on snld tuis until mth time as the stllkc
shall he nflii'lallr declared off.
I'dw.iid Wllkts, 1'iesldeiit.
W. II. lllrtley, Secretary.
At the succlal meeting or the Bar
tenders' Local league, No. 134, held yes
terday afternoon in their looms In
Hattb's hall, the following resolutions
were adopted:
Be it resolved, That ns the stteet ear em
ployes are on stiike for u nl mill fair cinu
ptmatlon for their l.llini-, we, t lie llaiteiideis
Intnl. No. l.'U, ctend our sluceie simpalhy and
support to tlinu; he it fiulhcr
Ue'obfd, That w donate twenly-llie dollars
to. the striking sheet tar employe' acting; com
mittee to use us they may see tit. lie it
Itesohcd, That these resolutions he published
In Monday's papeis.
Hemy W. Zeldler.
Tli. una- O'lliifii, ("iiiiiuiIIIm'.
LABORERS. Apply at once at
Scranton Hallway company's office.
Extended to the Employes of the
Scranton Office.
In the following graceful manner,
Postmaster E. II. Hippie on Saturday
extended ills thanks to the employes
of the office for their assistance in
handling the rush of holiday mall:
To the employee of the Scranton postotlice:
It is due to you that some lecOHiiiliou should
be had of the admirable manner in which your
aoluous duties of Hie busy holiday season hale
been pcriotmed. For the week preceding Christ
mas the olume ot business transacted at this
nlikc was as heavy probably as has cer been
known in the lnstoiy of the office, but, as it came
ill regularly, you veie able lo keep it in hand so
that each day's woik was pretty well cleaned up
hefoie the net was engaged in, and no veiy
great an iimiilatioii of mail occmred at any time.
In order that you might be able to do this, you
wele obliged to woik long hours in the office,
and taiiy heavy sacks on the delivery routes.
This was all done checi fully and uncomplainingly.
The people of the city of Scranton are under
ureal obligations to jou, although they may not
lealie it.
As tin- postmaster of the city, I acknowledge
the debt we all owe you, and lender you my
thanks for your painstaking elfoits to do jour
woik to the complete satisfaction of everybody,
whetlnr patuin or oflicial.
Very truly join-,
lra II. Hippie, Postmaster.
Special Services Conducted in Penu
Avenue Church Last Night.
l!uv. Dr. Robert F. Y. Pierce, pastor
nt' the Pcnn Avenue Baptist church,
delivered a special sermon last night
to the members of the Masonic order.
There were a large number of Masons
present from all parts of the city,
though they did not come In a body.
"The Glorified Vision," was the topic
of his sermon, and he found his text
In Rev. v: 5, "Tho Lion of the tribe of
.ludah." He dwelt especially upon the
wonderful principles of the order,
which has endured the persecutions of
centuries. He said that with the ex
ception of the Chtlstian church, thciv
is today no single organization doing
so much for the uplift of mankind and
the softening of humanity as the Ma
sonic order.
Tn Its ranks, he said, might be found
the foremost Christian men of overy
prominent city in the land. There are
not attracted, he said, by the high
sounding titles or by the regalia of
office, but bv the Christ-like princi
ples of the organization.
Supply Shanty in Lackawanna Yard
A tierce blaze was discovered in the
oil supply shanty in the Lackawanna
j-ard at 10 o'clock last night, which
threatened to destroy the old Everhart
brass foundry and other surrounding
buildings in the vicinity of Cliff street,
lirlilge street and the stone bridge.
The fire was of unknown origin, but
hi supposed to have baen caused by a
naked lamp being left in the shanty
by one of the yardmen. The (lames
were fortunately confined to the In
terior of the shantj', otherwise a very
destructive lire would have resulted.
Tho burning oil and timbers were a
mass of seething flames and It was
with extraordinary precaution that the
Hremen approached the the.
The alarm was rung from box 12
in the sum Her fixings lor the
perfectly dressed man is here,
new, snappy up-to-date,
Being judges ot values
connoisseurs of fashion, yon
can rely on our prices being
the lowest and styles abso
lutely correct.
If you want the right fur
nishings for any and all occa
sions you must buy them
Every j
Article I
They Can't
Hold a Candle
to us when it comes to liigli
at low prices. Never miud how
we do it; that we do it and you
benefit thereby is enough.
Green Valley Rye Will Convince You.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Come in and see the Water Color Drawings just brought over from
Europe English and French subjects from life by Miss Macartney.
You'll buy one if you see them.
207 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Scranton, Pe,
and the central city companies re
sponded, together with several hun
dred people who were on the streets
at the time. While the shanty Is com
paratively small, tin- loss will amount
lo several hundreds of dollars, as a
large quantity of oil was kept In the
place for supplying the engines and
yardmen who are engaged In oiling the
cars as the.v pass through the yard.
it was nearhv two hours from t lie
time the flames wjre discovered until
tups were sounded.
For Sale.
Our warehouse property, corner West
Lackawanna avenue and Eighth street,
being about 23 feet front on Lacka
wanna avenue and 130 feet on Eighth
street, and about 147 feet on the line or
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern railroad, with a live-story btlck
warehouse, track and switching ntivi
leges. Also our barn lot on Dlx court, about
S5 feet on Dlx court by ilO feet deep to
Lee court, with brick stable and frame
warehouse: located between ' Lacka
wanna avenue and Spruce street.
The Hunt & Conuell Co.
Mine Host John '. Ha rues, pro
prietor of the Brunswick, at 111 Spruce
street, will have a big celebration at
his place tonight, to fittingly usher in
the new century. There will be a lunch
served as only- he can serve one, and
Bauer's orchestra will furnish music.
Everyone Invited.
Always Busy.
"We begin the new century by elusion
our shoe stores evenings at 0 o'clock
sharp, Saturday excepted.
- 111-11C Wyoming A v.
January 1st
We will close our stores
at 6 p. ni. every day in
the niouth with the ex
ception of Saturday, when
we will be open even
ings the same as former
ly. We do this to shorten
the working hours of our
employes, and we hope
our customers will join
with us in this good
work as it will be a good
help to the clerks.
An Old Record
to he proud of for 1000. Our custo
mers have increased. Our stock hns
Increased, and the only decrease has
been the prices on Barney & Berry
skates, prices were never so low,
Foote & Fuller Co
Mears Building.
t4 ffHtf ltft t
The Chesterfield Overcoat
Samter Bros.
Carke Bros
. :.
You've forgotten to get some little reminder for
some one We have a number of pretty things
left on which we will make low prices to close
out. We especially offer a
Gloves of
All Kinds for
Hands of
All Sizes.
305 Lackawanna Avenue
Established 1866.
Kurs and Fur Garments ot
all kinds, and our prices are
low, it is in fact unsafe to
pay less. Call and see our
Laylored Suits Jackets, Long
Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces
Boas, Muffs and Children's
Furs. We carry these in full
Furs repaired.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
Wo nuke II spsrialty of fancy Crcumry But
ter and strictly frcsli cuss and the prica la aa
low a$ first olan Roods can bo sold at.
We do not liavo any special sales nr letdcr.i
lint at nil times rnny ai complete n line of
Market floods, Fancy Groceries and TW Delica
cies ai can lie found in tlic largest New York
or IMillailvlnliiii .Mail.eli wliicU we sH at right
. H. Pierce,
IS LacUwanni Ave. 113. 112, 114 Pcott At.
Prompt ilrlhcry.
a Little
We believe tfiatwhen a woman
thinks of good furniture, she
tlilnksof tills More, That's right,
"We want the Impression to pre
vail even more wldelj-. "We are
showing a llneof sideboards that
will strengthen that Impression
Into a conviction that Is, If you
admire broad variety nnd up-to-date
A SIUEnOARD will give the
dining room n tone on New
Year's day, Don't be backward
about asking credit that's our
business, cash or credit, Pay ui
when you get paid a little every
time it's convenient.
We chow a Kd hldiliojrd jt, ,,$17.50
We liuw a lullir one at AOO
Slid ! Iilijli a you inic tn go.
221-223-325-227 Wyoming Ave