The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 29, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    W-flrJ--f " ? 'xvit'-n
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a news nature, per-
sonals and ail Items
for publication may
bo loft at The Trib
une's new offices In
,the Burke Building,
or sent by mall or
Knto McNulty Made Application for
More Relief The Hospital Claim
PooriWd met In reRUlar session
last 'night with. the following members
'present: C'halrhiun McCa.bc, Riven
burg, Lynch and ThomaH. The min
utes Wore rend und uecepted.
Kale McNulty. of the West Hide,
pelliloned thu board for an Increase In
the amount of relief granted her. Tho
case-was referred to Director Rlven
buig, of tho First ward, with power to
nrf.'JKntc was Inclined to bo fractious,
but Chairman Mellnlo handled her
without gloves and she soon quieted
William Walker, nf the tioard of
directors of Kmorgency hospital, then
addressed tin- board In referencu to tho
bill against tho poor illntrlct. Ho said
that while tburo might be n little mis
understanding regarding the matter,
he believed u committnu from each of
Hip boards could got together and soon
straighten" It out. The hospital's nn
prnprluUiin. Is almost gone und the In
stitution' Ih badly In need of monev.
llp'siild that the hospital board has no'
iloflio to beat the poor board out of
nhy money not. clue, but on the other
hand. It would like to Ret what Is duo.
I I.wiih (finally HCt'tlpd that the hospital
tllru-tnrs or their committee meet with
thi' poor 'board finance committee on
Wednesday evening.
The seeiPtnryof the Indies' Aid soci
ety nf' Philadelphia wants Information
concerning two boys formerly cared
for-by the society. The secretary was
Instructed' to send the desired infor
mation. Home complaint was made about the
delay In getting, in the poor tax, and
the chalrpian said he would stir tho
collector up a little.
After the payment of the following
bills, the board adjourned:
Warrm .e,liiin $-- "5
.Imy Cliim-, salary '' "I
rami IijiiiI ' IS Co
1'jiiRi (lointMic 1.100
. . Wylic, outdoor iclirf 1:100
Thomas I1.uii.Ii, outdoor rdlof 1" 00
D.uld .lunii", nntiloer H'llef 3 W
.leliu lime, oiitilam relief '100
IMwauU & Itcp-c. outdoor n-lief 21 00
DuiikIici ty k Martin, outdoor relict 8 CHI
is. w. lipjnoiiN fc Son "no
1'. l'iliririi, outdoor relief TOO
.lolin MiCalie IB 00
V. K. Iciini 1" 00
M. II. Sullivan, Rpaiiih? slious 1 '-'"
.lone-, Urns., mppliw S 7."
II. ISmkr, Mipplio 11 ."it
1. .. I'lirroll, Kiiiiplli", .' 'M II
I.jihIi & llioii'on, supplies M9 iO
It'll ,V Iti'omi, Mipplics 2 !T
.lolin iu rin, toal 14 41
.lolm Mtf'alie, MipplieH ! 75
WmiicisvIIIp ,ivium 20 00
The Special Music of Last Sunday to
Be Sung Again.
The special Christmas music at tho
Methodise church last Sunday was so
much enjoyed by the congregations
that it has been decided to render the
programme that was presented again
tomorrow. Last Sunday night was
also very stormy and there were a
number of churches holding special
services, and for that reason, as well,
It has thought that, tho repetition wil!
bo welcomed. The programme, in full,
Oipin voltmt.iiy . Mif. (1. .UUinuii
SiiiKinir liy eonnrejMtioii, ll.uiui No. 81.
Tile AlioMIci (,'lped.
An I linn, "Tl:re Were Slipplionl-",. V. It. t-'prncu
llv tl:e Choir.
l'rilllll liloii.1.
tiu. i:7rriuir.
)lle;toi.y iiuel,"lliii:litiM ami HeM"... II. I'lallo
Ml-. .Ma.f'KIIi:itiii't iiml U 1). Uvaii?.
' " Violin iilillgnUi, l.eon Illy.
Ne;;ihir. No. IS'i, "Adoiiiw Hie Holy Child."
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , llev. A. 1'. (liatree, ii.i-.lor,
MuUli'.'. No. pit, "priiue of IV.uo,"
iliitiin, po-tlnde Mrs. (.'. Atkcrman
i:vi:mnii M;itvtfi:.
"man iiiluutiiry Mi-, ti. Ackeiman
-iiiiim.'. No. I".-.'. "Tin' (iiiiillin; Mar,"
find.- ,
IVi.ur. '
Aiiheiii(- 'tl'heie 'Aiiv SliephetiR"
,,i .!.". . .. - . . Clul!i: Vineint,
: " Male Vnii-i's.
Notice.-, '
!-ov,"l'li- Hi n of lleihlehenr' N Adam?
William II, i:an-..
(ll)eitoi,, "The llalie of l.luht ami tllorv."
b. It. IHe.vler.
SliiKinu, No. I", "Peaee on i:.irlh."
S imoir- ,llev. A. I'. Chinee, pator
Audi "Il.wim of the Nallvity",.l. .1, Stewait
sliiKiiir, No. l'ii, ".ley to the Wotld,"
llii'eilli tlon.
(li-XJii posilnde Mr-.' I.'. Ai'l.erinari
Will Combine Pleasure and Business.
.Isaac Singer, of the Park Clothing
house, departs this evening for u
wejflcjK.Tv.lHlt to NeW York city. Tils
pfllilnfy object Js, to' purchiuic spring
i-wodM- for the slorf and to get tho
latest things for men' 'and hoys In
W&'u-litg., apparel, Hut Mr, Singer ul
ww.s.luiH an eye on the social sldo of
lll'wnnd while away be will enjoy him
ftIf by "attending several evening func
tion? tlu uhlef of wfdeh will be a re
ception on New Year's eve by the
Fl'dellrJ club of Now York city, one of
th'o-jnost, prominent organizations in
the city.
Tlie Passing of the "Candy Butcher."
Passenger Agent Homer O. llaker, of
the Krle.'ls authorltj-'f'or the' statement
thayiewsboys on Krlu trains will hoon
bo., thing of tho past, After midnight
onMojiduy newsboys will not ,be per
mttlerf oh uny of tho trains west of
Salamanca und Huftalo, and tho same
conditions will exist on trains cast of
those points after January 31, In other
words, after January 31, newsboys wll
not ba permitted on trains on any por
tlon. of, the Kilo railroad.
v A Piscatorial Expedition.
A Wilson Ceuiy, Delbert Wilson und
3er.t W'ckwlre left yesterduy morning
for. J two days' tlshlng trip af Will
lams' lakn in Como,
Snow and Ice.
The condition of the sidewalks in the
central city is deplorable since tho
siiow.-faU of yesterday morning. Tho
cifumuldtlon of packed snow and ice
has been allowed to remain In front of
nearly all tho business houses, very few
of their tenants having taken tho
trouble to maku tho walking free from
dnngcr In front of their stores. Pedes
trlnnlsm Is accomplished by n. series
of uncouth gestures on the part of the
stroller and it certainly a dispensation
of Providence that Cnrbondnllans
seem to bo equipped with a steady head
and a sure foot. Hut a stranger who
Is unaccustomed to ti glacial crossing
may come In on thu next train and get
mad If he falls down and bumps him
self and a shovel is sometimes cheaper
than a law-suit.
Roman Catholic Hymn Writers Will
Be Remembered by Baptists To-
morow Evening.
On Sunday morning the pastor will
preach a sermon appropriate to the sea
son; "Itemembraneo of Mercies" will be
the theme. The evening sermon will be
the fourth In thu series of denomina
tional hymn services, and will be "An
lOvenlng with Roman Cajthollo Hymn
Writers and Their Hymns'." Tho pas
tor will give a brief biography of each
of the writers, tell tho story of tho
hymn In Its origin and use, and the
choir and congregation will sing the
hymn. The following well known
hymns from Roman Catholic writers
will constitute tho programme: "Rise,
Crowned with Light," Alexander Pope;
"Jesus, tho Very Thought of Thee,"
Uernard of Clalrvaux; "There's a Wldo
ness In God's Storey," Frederick W.
Faber; "Come, Ye Disconsolate,"
Thomas Moore; "O. Christ, Our King,
Creator, Lord," Oregory the Great;
"Lead Kindly Light," John Henry
Newman; "My God, I Love Thee,"
Francis Xavler.
These hymn services on the last Sun
day evening In each month always at
tract large audiences to the Berean
A Number of New Gas Mains Filled
with the Odorous Fluid Yester
day. That tho Carbondale Gtus company Is
making rapid headway In. Its work of
opening up streets, installing new
mains and turning on gas was evi
denced yesterday. Last night a. largo
number of houses that had hitherto
only open Illuminated by kerosene
lamps were aglow with the superior
shadow-dispelling light from the little
iron pipes. Yesterday the following
mains, were filled with gas ready for
Ignition: From Slain street, on Eighth
avenue, to Terrace and Lincoln ave
nue, 1,7B0 feet; Terrace street, on Sev
enth avenue to Park, street, T2'2 feet;
Park street to Wayne avenue, on Sev
enth avenue, 614 feet; odd ends (mains
to valves), 267; Eighth avenue and
south on Church, 953; a total length of
i.SOS feet. Over .2,000 feet more of mains
are almost ready to be illled, and tho
work is going on steadily. The new
management of the company are cer
tainly hustlers.
Mysterious Art to Be Practiced on
New Year's Day.
Second sight Is to most people one of
the most mysterious of the mysteries
that ure becoming so frequent to thu
masses and especially those who are
fond of the theater. Since the retire
ment of the celebrated Davenport
Itrothers people attempting the per
formance of second sight have been re
markably rare. Prince Albone, assist
ed by Miss May La Iirnnt, two particu
larly clever people in this wonderful
art, and who have mystified thousands
of the best known und most conserva
tive people in the larger cities of the
United States, have been engaged by
Manager Ilurke, of the Vaudeville Fes
tival company and will make their first
appearance before the theater-goers of
this city on New Year's day.
Rash Act of a Former Carbondalian
in Newark, N. J.
An Associated Press dispatch from
New York says:
"Chler of Police Hopper, of Newark,
today received a postal card from
Scranton saying that tho man who
committed suicide in Newark, Dec. 17,
was Edward noswoll, a sewing ma
chine agent, who had lived at Car
bondule, Pn., and Sit. Vernon, N. Y.
The card also said that BoswoII'm
father was a Presbyterian minister in
a small Presbyterian church. Tho sul
fide had registered In Newark us J.
Wayne. Pittsburg, Pa."
The Strike.
For the fclxth day no cars were run
in this city yestorday, and tho fulling
snow burled almost all traces of tho
rails and roadbed, so that It would
hardly bo known that it trolley car
over passed throucrli the city streets,
wore It not for the overhead wire. The
manager of the sill: mill. Sturcus
T'lieder, has chnrtored a huge 'bus and
tho hnnds were called for and dellvord
each day at all parts of the city. It
was repotted yestorday morning that
a delegation of "strike breakers" woro
on the Delaware and Hudson road, on
their way up to this city to take out
cars, tho intention being apparently to
try and forco a car down through tho
valley from this end. Hut they must
have become discouraged, for no tnioo
of them had boon seen up till night
fall. A Miner Injured.
A miner named Casey, living on the
South Side, was injured by a fall of
roek In Powdciiy mlno yesterday, Ho
was taken to Emergency hospital, but
Inquiry made there- last evening re
vealed the fact that his wounds aiu
not thought to be of a very serious
Is Pleased.
Sir. and Sirs. F. W, Clark, of Car
bondale, were guests or friends in town
sronday night und Christmas. Sir.
Clark is well pleased with his position
as manager of the Carbondale oflice of
the Postal Telegraph company. New
Slllfoid Advocate.
EL. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carbsn
dale edition, will be
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers! New
a86! old, 0433.
First Slothodlst Episcopal church,
North Church Htrcet, near Salem ave
nue Rev. A. F, Chaffee, pastor;-residence,
70 Terrace street. Sunday ser
vices, D.30, 10.30 n. m., preaching, fol
lowed by class meeting; Sunday school,
12 in.; Junior league, :i p. m.; Senior
league, 6.30 p. in.; preaching, 7.30 p. m.
There will bo special services held here
tomorrow, both In tho morning and
evening, tho full programme of which
Is printed elsewhere In today's Tribune.
The choir will render special musical
services, assisted by additional sing
ers und Sirs. G. Ackerman, organist,
and Leon lily, violinist.
Berean llaptlst church, corner Lin
coln avenue and North Church street.
Rev. H. J. Whalen, D. D., pastor;
residence, 33 Lincoln avenue. Sunday
services, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.; mid
week services, Thursday, 7.30 p. m.;
Young People's society of Christian
Endeavor meets at 6.30 on Sunday
evening; Junior society of Christian
Endeavor meets Sunday, 3.30 p. m.;
Sunday school at 12 m. Topic of morn
ing sermon, "Remembrance of Sler
cles"; the evening service will be tho
fourth in the series of denominational
hymn services and will bo "An Evening
with Roman Catholic Hymn Writers
and Their Hymns."
First Congregational, corner Eighth
avenue and South Church street Rev.
St. C. Elliott, pastor. Sabbath services,
10.30 a. in. und 7.30 p. m.; Sunday
school, 2 p. m.; Young Slen's union,
3.-J5 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. K, 6.45 p. m.:
prayer service, Thursday evening at
7.30 p. m. The pastor speaks In tho
morning on "The Last Sunday In the
Year." At tho evening service the
topic will be "The Told Tale." The
evening service will be of special In
terest to all who may attend.
Trinity Protestant Episcopal church.
fiS River street Rev. R. A. Sawyer,
rector; residence, 62 River street. First
Sunday after Christmas. Holy Com
munion at 8 a. m.; morning prayer and
sermon, 10.30 o'clock; evening prayer
and address, 7.30 o'clock; Sunday
school, 12 m.: evening prayer and lec
ture every Thursday evening at 7.30
o'clock; Sunday school teachers' meet
ing every Friday evening at 7.30
o'clock; Trinity guild meets every
Tuesday evening; Ladies' guild meets
every Wednesday afternoon.
First Presbyterian.
North Church street, near Salem ave
nueRev. Charles Lee, pastor; resi
dence, 66 North Church street. Sunday
services, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.;
weekly prayer meeting, Thursday even
ing, 7.30 o'clock. The First Presby
terian church will hold their Christmas
services tomorrow, when special music
and a sermon appropriate to the sea
son will be given.
Second Presbyterian.
Christmas exercises will be held in
the Second Presbyterian church after
Sunday school tomorrow afternoon.
Welsh Presbyterian.
South Church street, corner Ninth
avenue. Sunday services, 10.30 a. m.
and ti p. m.j Sunday school, 2 p. m.;
mid-week services, Tuesday, 7.30 p. m.
Roman Catholic.
Church of St. Rose de Lima, North
Church street, opposite Park place.
Rev. Thomas F. Coffey, rector; resi
dence, 0 North Church street. Assist
ants, Rev. John Dixon and Rev. Walter
Flrs't (St. Paul's) Lutheran eliineh
Church street Rev. F. Ehlnger, pastor.
tunuay utter Christmas. Sabbath
school, 9,30 a. m.j services, 10.30 a. m.,
7.30 p. m. All are cordially invited and
will find a hearty welcome.
A Farewell Supper.
In the handsome bachelor apart
ments of Edward Coddlngton In tho
Anthracite building, on Wednesday
evening, there was a pleasant Httld
gathering of friends of Sir. Coddlng
ton. The host had tho reception in
honor of two of his friends, Anthony
Connor nnd Sllchael Tucker, both
members of Hnttory F, United States
light artillery, stntloned at Washing
ton, D. C. Tho youncr men have been
on a furlough, visiting relatives here.
Tho evening was passied In singing
and story telling.
About 11 o'clock Sir. Coddlngton
spread a supper of his own concoction.
Tito menu Included all of the season
able delicacies, and the sight produced
a most pleasant sensation to tho
friends who woro thore. Besldos thosa
mentioned, William Connor, John Too
lan, P. Kuno and Thomau Knivlun
enjoyed tho evening.
"Jack and the Beanstalk."
"Jack and the Rennstnlk," which
conies to tho Grand on Monday, is an
extravaganza In nil that tho woid
Implies. It was written by R. A, Bar
not, of Boston, who has taken for his
themo good old nursery ryhmes. Tho
characters Include "Juck, thq Glnnt
Killer," who Is tha son of "Old Mother
Hubbard," and whose chum Is "Fin
bad, tho Sailor." Jack Is In lovo with
"Princess SInry, so contrary," who Is
tlio duughter of "Old Klnif Cole," Tho
story of tho play follows closely tho
enchanting fnlry legend wo till havo
rend, from tho time that Jack disposes
of his mother's row for n hatful of
beans up until the marrlago nf tho
dating young fellow to tho Prlnnesa
Slary. A large company and a most
attractive corps of young ladles will
bo seen In conjunction with tlw play.
Storage Plant Empty,
Tholust of the huge coul piles at thu
Anthracite Park slorugo plant has tils
appeared, all uf the coal having been
shipped to market. It Is not consid
ered likely that anymore will bo stored
there until next spring.
A Special Meeting.
The members of Court Dunlel O'Con
nell, Foresters of America, met at St.
During December Only
In order to Introduce the Emopenn Sytcm ot
Treatment to llic people of Scrnnlon nnd vicin
ity nnj prove, Iti nupcrlorlty over all oflicr
mcthoth, all patients applying for treatment at
tlio oflice, 400 Lackawanna avenue, wilt be treatcil
until cured at the rate of $3 a month for all
medicines nnd treatment. This offer will be In
forco for tlio month of December only. The
offices of the European System are the, most
completely equipped of any medical offices In
flic state. They contain all of the latest Im
proved instruments nnd appliances for examining
and treating; the afflicted, as a visit wllPprove.
Tills f.vdtem is today the most successful in tho
world. It lias produced cures In tho following
diseases when nil oilier treatments have failed:
Chronic disease and so-called Incurable cases;
dyspepsia, rheumatism, diseases of the nose,
throat, bronchial tubes and lungs.
Diseases Peculiar to Women
Diseases of the stomach, liver, 9plcen, kidneys
anil urinary organs, heart, bowels, blood and
Nervous Diseases
Caused by an Impaired or abused condition ol
flic nervous system from various causes.
applied In cases when indicated by the latest
improved electrical apparatus.
An extensive experience In the principal hos
pitals of Europe and in private practice enables
us to treat tiie ahove diseases with the Rreatest
possible success. All medicines prescribed In our
office are prepared In our own laboratory.
Consultation and examination ee. Offices, -100
Lackawanna avenue, over the Paris store.
(Mice bourn: 0 to 12, li to fl and 7 to fl
o'clock. Sundays, 10 to 12 only.
Rose hall last evening at 9.30 o'clook
to make arrangements for the butinl
of their late fellow-member, John P.
Itoach, who died in the Carbondale
Emergency hospital on Thursday after
noon of injuries received while at work
In tho Wilson Creek mine.
Waiting for a Car.
Two strangers, with grips, stood on
the corner of Church street and Salem
avenue yesterday at about the noon
hour. One of them leaned with a tired
air up against a telegraph pole and
made "comments on the state 00 the
weather, the accumulation of ice on
walks, and other seasonable topics to
his companion, who replied in grunts
of assent. Occasionally he -would vary
this by leaving his support, walking
a few steps away and peering up and
down the two streets. A citizen,
with nn idea of mnklng new acquaint
ances or of welcoming two prospective
additions to the next census of the
city, strolled across the street after
awhile and saluted, politely asking if
they wore looking for somebody.
"Ves, which way is it to Forest
A comprehensive sweep of tho hand
that covered the whole horizon from
west to east, Indicated the exact loca
tion. "Well, we've been waiting here near
ly an hour for a trolley car to go that
way! How often do they run?" petu
lantly queried tho man leaning on the
The courteous citizen gasped several
times, nearly swallowing the cigar he
was smoking, and then answered cau
tiously: "Well, they's supposed to make a
trip an hour when they's running on.
schedule time. The last car down
from there passed here some time ago.
Slaybe there'll be one up before long.
Are you going to wait?"
The two strangers allowed that they
thought they would, and the dispen
ser of Information passed on, occa
sionally taking a backward look anj
hitching his overcoat pockets closer
together, so as to hug himself moro
tightly. After an hour moro the wai
ters hailed another man, who gave
them a tip that the "last cur down"
passed that corner sit days ago. What
they said then will take too much
type to repeat, but a little later they
were bound for Forest City in a bug
gy. A Former Resident Dead.
Sirs. Ellen A. Wardoll died at her
homo on Grove street, Dunmore, on
Thursday, aflor a long illness. Sir.?.
Wnrdell had lived In Dunmore for tho
Inst thirty years. She was born In
Carbondale in 1834. and her maiden
name was Ellen Shafor. While a resi
dent of this city her home was at tho
corner of Wyoming street and Lincoln
avenue. She is survived by three
children, John, Richard nnd I.tllie.
The funeral services will be held In
Dunmore this morning nt 9 o'clock,
nnd the remains will then be sent to
this city via tho Delaware and Hud
son, reaching hero nt 12.37 p. in. The
interment will be made in this city.
"Carbondale Night."
Last night was 'Carbondale night"
at the Archbald bazaar. Local talent
was drafted to furnish tho evening's
entertnlnment. .Among those who con
tributed to the enjoymentof tho bazaar
from this city were the Slisses SI.
Duffy, SI. Brown, Sarah Slendclssohn,
SI. Lewis, Annie Grady and Messrs,
Ambrose Battle and Edward Carroll,
A large numberwent to Archbald from
this city and enjoyed themselves.
Closed on Account of Funeral.
Seamaus Bros.' generul store on
North Church street was closed all day
yesterday on account of tho funeral of
tho uunt of the members of tho tlrni,
SIlss Henrietta Seumuns, who died nt
her home In Honesdale on Wednesday
morning. The funeral was held ut tho
Staple City yesterday afternoon.
This afternoon "The Ocjtoroon."
Tonight "A Daughter of Corsica."
Monday night "Jack and the Bean
stalk." Tuesday Burke's Vuudevllle com
pany. Visited His Parents,
fleorgo SIcIntyre, a former resldeut
of this city, but now an employe of tho
Edison General Electrical works, N, V,,
teturiis to his home today after a short
visit with his parents, Sir, and Sirs. E.
SI. Slclntyre, on South Slain street.
Is Convalescent.
SIlss Slarlu Addley, daughter of Sir.
and Sirs. Jumes Addley, of Forty-second
street, who underwent a skin
grafting operation somo weeks ngo, has
recovered and Is now In her usual
Not Intermittent Fever.
Master Edward Purple, of North
Terrace street, who has been reported
as being ill with Intermittent fever, has
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays.
Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extremely .low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
Remember the PlaceGuernsey Half
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
been suffering with a cold Instead, vlth
malarial symptoms. His condition had,
much Improved yesterday, and his par
ents expect ho will be all right In a few
Miss Mclean's Funeral.
The funeral of tho late Miss Mitrv
JIcLane will take place this morning.
The procession will leave her late resi
dence, corner of Belmont street and
Hoblnson avenue, at 9 o'clock. After
u requiem mass In St. Rose church, the
Interment will take place in St, Rose
Meeting's Tonight.
Diamond lodge, No. 29, Shield of
Honor, holds its regular meeting this
The Passing; Throng-.
AV. A. Nealon is home from Phila
delphia. Miss Cora AVllllams, of Port Jervls,
Is u visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Nye attended the
Denlson-Mace nuptials at Pcckvillo
this week.
Michael Gannon and daughter Mary,
of Pike street, attended tho funeral of
a relative In Scranton yesterday.
Judson Ijott, who has been living In
Carbondnle for some time, has moved
to Forest City and taken rooms In the
Allen block.
The Misses Mary Ruddy, of Phila
delphia; Maggie Ruddy, of the South
Side, and Annie Gavin, of Jermyn, nro
visiting Mrs. James McAllister.
W. T. Colvllle, of the Hendricks
Manufacturing company, left last even
ing on the Krle (Iyer for Mount Ver
non, Ohio, for a visit of a few days
with relatives there,
Mrs. Harriet Grillln. of Farviow
street, Is happily engaged In entertain
ing her two sons. C. L. Grlflln, of Mor
lisvllle. N. Y., and G. II. Grlflln, of
Hornellsvllle, here for a few days.
Will Sullivan, who has been In a
Now York trade school for somo time,
has returned home and will bo engaged
In tho plumbing business with his
brother, J. F. Sullivan, on Salem ave
nue. .
Krause's Headache Capsules
are unlike anything prepared In Amer
ica. They were first prescribed by Dr.
Krause, Germany's famous court phy
sician, long before untlpyrlno was dis
covered, and are almost marvelous, so
speedily do they cure the most distress
ing cases. Piico 23c. Sold by Matthew
The school board met In special ses
sion last ovenlng. The icslgniitlon of
Mr. Arthur Fowler, teacher of room
No, JO, was read and accepted. Tho
vacancy wus illled by tho promotion
of Miss Sarah Mullen from room 8 to
9, und tho following teachers woro nd
vunced ono room each; Miss Murray,
Miss Mulheiin, Miss Davis and Miss
AVIlls. This leaves ti vacancy for
room No. I. Thu vacancy will ho Illled
at tho regular meeting of the board
on Jan. f,
I,ewls Pugh, the little Muylield boy
who was so frightfully Injured by a
coul train on tho Delaware und Hud
son railroad on Thursday, as desctibei
In yesterday's Tribune, died at mid
night Thursday. The little fellow wus
conscious ulmost to tho moment of
death, Tho funeral will tuko placo at
2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Ser
vices at tho house. Interment will ba
mudo In the Jermyn borough ceme
tery. Rev. M. 13. Lynott, who Is at Dr.
Thompson's hospital, Scranton, was
operated upon by Drs. Gardner and
Thompson yesterday. The operation
was a severe one, tho patient being
under the Inlluonce of ether for nearly
five hours. The result of the opera
tion cannot definitely be stated for
forty-eight hours.
AVord was yesterday received of the
sorious illness of Mrs. Jane Notnerton,
of Second street, who Is visiting her
son, the Rev. V. R. Netherton, at
Forty Fort. Her four sons, Joseph,
Thomas, SamueL and Charles, went to
Forty Fort yesterday.
Rev. Stephen Jay, of AVyoming, was
a visitor here this week.
John AVolsh, of Mayfleld, formerly
assistant foreman of tho Glenwooil
shaft, and who has for some time been
Identified with the engineer depart
ment of the Temple Iron company,
lias accepted n position as mine fore
man with the Hillside Coal company
at the Rutler colliery at Pittston.
There will be a. special meeting of
Kxcelslor council, No. 174, Young
Men's Institute, at their rooms tomor
row afternoon, Important business Is
to be acted upon and a large attend
ance Is requested.
The Christmas exercises and distri
bution of gifts to the Sunday school
scholars of St. James Kplseopal
church last evening was largely at
tended, many present having to stand
in the aisle. Some very protty and
useful things were distributed to tho
children, nnd all were npparntly de
lighted with their presents.
Prof. E. D. Rovard, superintendent
of the Dunmore schools, was a visitor
here, yesterday.
Mia. Asa Klrby, of West Mayfleld.
is suffering with a severe attack of
A son of Jacob Hlller, of Ttacoii
street, was stricken with convulsions
Mrs. Henry Myers Is recovering
from uu attack of neuralgia of tho
There was u slight Improvement lit
tho condition of Mrs. Berry, of Fourth
street, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs, Stafford, who havo
been tho gucstsyof Mr. and Mrs. John
Humphrey, of North Main street, left
yesterday for Bethlehem.
Llttlo' Mr. M. I.. Comfort, nn Owcgo,
N, Y., dwarf, who Is only four feet in
height, will glvo a delightful and
unique uutortalninent with his up-to-duto
phonograph In tho Methodist
Kplseopal ohuroh next Tuesday even
ing. The Ladles Aid of St. James church
wll hold another of their ten-cent
suppers In tho church basement from
5 until 8 o'clock Monday evening,
Miss Alary Nealon died at tho home
of her brother, John Nealon, on Dun
moro street, yesterday afternoon nbout
D o'clock after nn Illness of two weeks,
Deceased was born In County Mayo,
Ireland, and was about CO years of age.
Sho came to America when quite
young and for many years resided In
Albany, N. Y., but had made her homo
with her brother at this place for tho
past two years. Tho funeral will tuko
placo Monday morning with u requiem
muss In St. Patrick's church. Burial
In St. Patrick's ceniolery,
The Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows and Knights of Malta lodges will
hold a watch meeting on Monthly night
to usher In the Twentieth century. It
will also bo the thirty-fifth anniversary
of the Odd Fellows' lodge. A pro
gramme has ben arranged as follows:
Address, by chairman, W, II. Davis;
America, audience; recitation, Miss
Lizzie Parry; song, John P. Hughes,
Providence; address, Attorney A'os
burg; song, Robert MeCormau; recltu
tlou, Ellen Powell; selection, Roberts
Guernsey Hal
4. Just Out T
t The Chesterfield Overcoat t
X Samter Bros.
and friends; song. Miss Annie Jones;
address, Mayor Molr, Scranton; song.
Miss iMagglo A. Evans; recitation, Miss
Jenine AVard; duet, McCormac and Mo
ran; song, Miss McEIroy; song, John PV
Morgan; address, W. H. Priest; solo,
Thomas Abraham, Scranton; song,
Frank Moran; recitation, Miss Mary
Evans; selection, by phonograph, Ed
wards Evans, jr.; song, John P.
Hugrcs; song, Thomus Dodds; com
mittee, J. I,. Davis. D. J. Coleman and
John James. At the conclusion of the
entertainment a social will be held in
Keystone hull, wheie refreshments
will bo curved.
Interesting watch night services will
be held In the Presbyterian church
New Year's eve. There Mill be seen a
number of stereoptlcon views on the
life of Christand a sermon by Rev. F.
J. Mllmnn, Ph. D of Scranton. Thu
service begins at 7.30 o'clock,
In the.Blakely Baptist church ser
vices will also be held to welcome In
the now century. They will begin at
H o'clock when a short sermon will
bo delivered by the pastor. All are wel
come. Miss Elizabeth Conroy died suddenly
at her home on Moosic street Thursday
night. Her death is attributed to heart
failure. Deceased complulned of being
HI a few days ngo and gradually grew
worse until death relieved her of her
sufferings. She was about 48 years old
and wus an uunt of Jnnies Casey, of
Dunmore streut. Deceased was re
spected and esteemed by a host of
friends. The funeral will take placo
tomorrow afternoon at .1 o'clock. Inter
ment will bo made In St. Patrick's
Richard Foote, of Archbald, Is work
ing In Burke's drug storo during tho
absence of Mr. Burke.
Raymond Marcy, of Carbondale. who
has been visiting relatives In town,
has returned home.
Tho members of St. George's Sunday
school attended the Christmas festival
at St. Luke's parish house lu Scranton
last evening.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J, Peck,
of Dean street was the scene of a
pleasant gathering on Christmas day,
Tho families of both had united In
making them a Christmas party. Af
tor a graceful speech by Dr, V. A,
Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Peck wore present
ed with a china dinner sot us u token
of tho regnrd in which thoy were held
by till present. A sumptuous dinner
was spread and thu day spent InHeusi
Ing and merry making. Those present
we're: Mr, and Mrs. J, M, Rhodes, Mr.
and Mrs. M. P. Rhodes, air. and Mrs,
AV. F. Bross, Mr, nnd Mrs. B. F. Hard
enbergh, Dr. nnd Mrs. AV, A, Peck, Mr.
und Mrs. C. AV Rhodes, Misses Maine
Rhodes, Nelllo Peck, Lillian Peck,
Messrs Friend Rhodes, Walter Peck,
Percy Rhodes, Masters Ralph and
Chirk Rhodes, Oren Peck, little Misses
Edna and Fnruu Rhodes und Rutli'
Peck. All retired early, voting the day
u merry Christmas Indeed.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tako Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tab
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