The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 29, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    mmmmmammmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmm JAwmwmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmimmm
Three' of Them with nn Enoimous
Lifting Power Secured Erie Com
pany to Issue 935,000,000 of Bonds
on Its New Coal Properties Con
ductors on Lacknwtuma Rond Di
rected to Explain Why Engines
Tall to Make Time D. & H. Has a
Traveling Engineer.
Throo now stt-uni diTiloUx lutw tiein
ordered by tho Liii'ltuwuiiiiu riillnmd
from the lndimtrJul lion vorltn lit Buy
City, Mich. One will ! hii-Mi'il at
Scranton, one nl lluljulfn mid thi
other at WilTnlo. M'lm lit r-L "lit1 of the
order vnH seen In tlt Soritnton yaid
yesterday. It Is n monster oi' nieclmti
ii'al ingenuity. The denials ihm ji lift
luff capacity of forty tons when lite
nun 1st extended In tiny direction, and
on a Bltort Htuilght lift llfty tons cmi
be raised without nn effott.
The derrick sent here yesterday was
used Hllcee.Msflllly III the wieek at Daitrt
vlllu, N. Y., on necentlier 17. and kiivi
excellent sntlsfaetlon. In addlllon to
thelr.value In leniovltitf wreekaw Urnn
the tracks, the ilrn Icka aie of
jrrtrtt servlceln hoisting heavy Iron and
utecl girders In biiilHo work and other
ImpiovementH on the toad, which are
constantly uelmj made.
935,000,000 Erie Cool Bonds.
A semi-official statement has been
made that the Hrle ltallroad company
would Issue 535,000,000 A per cent, col
lateral trust bonds to pay for the Penn
sylvania Coal company's stock. It is
intended that the interest on these
bonds shall be paid out of the earnings
of the coal company and that a part of
the future surplus earnings of the coal
company shall ko into a sinking fund
to take care of the principal of the
bonds. This arrangement will relieve
the Erie Railroad Jrom any additional
linancial burden.
The new bonds, It is asserted, have
been underwritten by a syndicate com
posed of J. P. Morgan & Co., the First
National Bank and other banking in
stitutions. It ii intimated that these
new securities will be offered to sub
scribers at 921b.
Order from Superintendent Ketchnm.
During Saturday, December 29, 1900,
automatic block signals, west-bound,
Xos. 63, 75, 91, 101. Ill, 121, and east
bound Xoa. 72, SO. 94. 102, 110, 118,
121 and I3S, between Kingsland and
l'ateison junction will be put In service.
The placing of arms on the signals in
dicate they are in service.
This still leaves unprotected by auto
matic signals, west-bound track fiom
home signal at l-yndhust draw to sig
nal No. !tl; from west-bound home sig
nal at Paterson junction to signal No.
li::, and eastobtind track fiom east
bond home signal at Lyndhurst draw
to signal No. SO. and from end of pres
ent block at Pater.son to signal No. US.
('. II. Ketchtnn, Supetlntendent.
Failure of Engines to Make Time.
The following bulletin has been Is
sued to pass,enger conductors on the
Jackawanna railroad:
A) we are ti,iIng a many iUIjj,. un ac
luiint of the failuif of ciik'imut lo 111 lie time, in
nuking up J'HT diduy reports be c.neful to cue
the correct, whether irreen tliemun, pro r
ior,l, Hues Ic.iUuir, or what it i, :mil t,ute et
.11 tly tin- nunilior of minutes lo-t, in well .is any
other ilelajs uu ni.iy line on the line fiom
prions c.iuaeo.
it U not niocsaij lo say jou left fecunton .it
a certain time, passed Lehigh at a certain time
mid left StrouiKluns at a ccrl.iin time; tin's
information e.111 lie laken troin the tram shoot.
Uhat wo desiio is .1 detailed dtlay report, ;
pljinins every delay in lull.
Kiln in M. Itinc, Superintendent.
Running Through. Switches.
Lackawanna train and englnemen
liavc been notified that the road de
partment complains of frequent oc
currences of engines or cars being run
through split switches.
There can be no excuse on the part
of englnemen, especially in daylight,
lor running through a switch, and
no excube for trainmen signaling an
engine to move ahead or backward
before a switch is properly thrown.
AH concerned will be hold to strict
Accountability hereafter for violation
f this rule.
Board for Tuday.
Today's D., I and W. board Js as
Friday, Dvcmher 8.
6 p. m. J. flush.
h p. m. M. Finnerty.
J 0.30 p. m. O. Kearney.
11.30 p. m, E. M. Hallett.
j,, Saturday, Pie, 29.
12.30 a, in. P. Cavanaugh
it a. 111. J. II. M.usteis, with llcCann'ii men..
4 a. m. II. Ginuody.
f. a. in. 1'. 311113, with Latlarr's men.
(I a. 111. S. O'Connor, with Bennett's men.
5 11, m. II. T. I'ellous.
0 a. 111. I'-. Mahon, with J, 1!. Marten,' men.
10 .1. in. C. lUlkriy.
11.30 a. m. 1 D. fckcor.
1 p. in. F. Wall.
2 p. in. J, lturkliail,
",tj p. in. I'. L Viui Wormer
iAj p. la, O. Case.
f, a. 111. east V.. McAUItter.
, fi p. in., cast II, GIIUkjii.
1 ti. in,! west W, II. Nichols.
0 a, m.i went O. rrountelkcr.
11 a. m., west Cairitttf.
7 p. in., vet from Cayuga McLjue.
7 p. in., west liom Cayuga Ginley.
10 a. m. F. E. Stcor,
S a. 111. Homer.
11,:.0 a. m. Moian.
7 p. 111. Murphy,
0 p. 111. Lunuliifr.
To suffer tbe most excruciating ptloi, to loss
,lif uee ot limb, and to have tbe Joint swollen rilsllgured I tbe lot ot tho victim ot rbuuuis
ti.un. Viluacld in' the blood is tbe cuie ot rheuma
tism. If the kidneys re active, they remove tbe
urlodcld. That is their special work. If, on tbe
other band, tbe kidneys are deranged, there is
mii e to be uro acid in the blood and rheumatic
ualu itarouglUnbody.
No amount of liniment will ever cure rheuma
tism. It onvsUmta relieves, but cure can only be
brought about by setting tbe
kidneys rlgbt. Tkauiostefloc
live kidney remedy knowu to
man is Dr. A. W. Cbaso's Kid-
? 1. m. Oiflney. 1
J i. tn. Singer,
f 80 p. m. Stanton.
7 p. m. Ma(oern. , ,
4 . in, II. 0. narlliolnmew.
C . in. W. Hoar, with (I, hnlili'a mm.
11 a, in. .1, llaUcr, with lltrlxi'n men, .
8 a. 111. tliRKirty,
ti 11. in. ,1, (litlmirati,
to it, 111. Kttlliam.
II . tn.-O'llar.i.
1 p. in. Tlioman, with Hoitem' inrn.
2 p. in. Illfhlnu, wltli IJiuiln' tn'n.
!l p. in. si. t.'iictcllo.
4 p. tn.--.l Murtiiv, Willi Stnplev men.
C p. tii.-A. P. Mullen.
Iliaki'iu.ili It. Pepew win Ku out Willi V, U.
Scuir niAt 11 tii. , , 1, .
lliakeiiuii M. (linley will out witli V. h. Hori'H,'
ml'ti hevt trip.
llMkilimn II. 1'olliatiuM will gi out with tav
aiiauitli tiet trip. , ,
lliakiln.lli t'ulvlli lleikei will go out with i-ll-ples
Ill'Xt till".
This and That.
Harry Woods, of Chicago, has been
appointed foreman of the machine
shop, to succeed Thomas Langan,
William II. Trtiesdale, piesldent of
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern railroad, has been elected ti trustee
of the Mutual Life Insurunce company
to fill the vacancy caused by the dettth
of 11. Walter Webb.
A new book of special rules govern
ing the movement of trains at the
iloboken terminal has recently been
Issued, and are now iK-Ing distributed
mining l.aekawutma tliilumett, engine
men and slgalnten at Iloboken.
Mr. (' .1. Phillips, heretofore getteial
agent of the Delawate, Lackawanna
and Western, In elmige of the opera
tion and truflk! of the Bangor and
Portland, has been given title of su
perintendent and general agent, (with
ofilcc at Bangor, l'a.
Statlonmaster Peter .P, McC.iun, of
the Lackawanna tallroad, was inlaw
ing from the platform yesterday, and
when intiulry was made about him it
wsts learned that he was confined to
his home by Illness. His many friends
hope for speedy recovery.
Lackawanna conductors and en
gine men must leport promptly by
wire when a car or engine is itm
through a split switch and must notify
operator or sectlonmen at nearest
point of occurrences of this kind, not
leaving switch until 'it linn been put
in safe condition for further use.
A large number of new engines to
be used on the Lackawanna railroad,
aie expected to be leady for delivery
some time in February. The Brooks,
Dickson und Schenectady Locomotive
woiks ate now beirnf rushed with the
orders for the Lackawanna, company.
New standatd gilt badges for Lacka
wanna station masters and agents are
being distributed, and nickel badges
will be furnished brakemen, baggage
men, gatemen, porteis, janitors and
door-men. There will take the place
of the plain badges heietofore In use.
The Delaware and Hudson Railroad
company hag cieated a new otnee. A
travelling engineer has been appolnte-1
to serve on the Pennsylvania divlsk n
of the line. Mr. Bach, a former em
ploye of the Lehigh Valley railroad,
has secured this position, and he has
nlrtady entered upon' his duties. It
will be hin duty lo employ all end
neers and firemen, inspect engines,
make trial tilps, etc.
There has been a little sluike-up
among the freight foremen. L. ('.
Coon being ttansferred from eight
wheel shop to jimmle shop; Mai tin
Kunth from limmie shop to general
freight foreman; 13. J. Stuckle to
Kingston, and Company B. Thirteenth
veteran, Charles Werner, coming froim
Kingston to till vacancy in eight
wheel shop. Lackawanna, Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Becker and Kd
ward Getts, of Scranton, were enter
tained on Christmas by Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Wage and daughter.
W. D. Smith and Miss Bertice Tib
bets, of Scranton, spent Christmas with
the formers parents.
Leroy Benjamin, of Middletown, N.
Y., is visiting his parents and friends
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller have re
turned home after a short visit with
friends in Dalton.
Mrs. Fiank Smoke, of Binghamton,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Jennings.
Mrs. Azor Phllo and daughter, Mrs.
Walter Leonard, attended the wedding
of Asa Moon and Miss Lillian Wilson
in Scranton on Christmas day.
Miss Carrie Colvin is visiting at lock
Miss Edna Townsend visited in
Scranton yesterday.
P. M. Young has been elected Sunday
school superintendent for the year 1901.
For a Cold In the Head
Laxative Bromo-Qulniue Tablets.
The many friends of Miss Lizzie IColb
tendered her a surprise party Wed
nesday evening, December L'6, it being
her sixteenth birthday, llor gentle
man fi lends presented her with u very
handsome bracelet. The usual amuse
ments were indulged in, after which
refreshments Avere served. Those
present were: The Misses Lizzie Kolb,
Klim Roberts, Annie Davis, Heden
douse, Urine Travis, Sara Decker,
Daisy Wardell, Susie Kdwards, Eliza
beth Lyman, Alice Eshelmun, Jessie
Travis, aiessrs. Orin Travis. Louie
Millard, Lloyd Travis, Joe Wardell,
nuy Swarts, Fred Depew, Clair Pelton,
Arthur Gardner, Dave Roberts, Win
field Decker, John Van Brunt, Joe
Van Burnt, Ray Hinds, George Kolb,
Mr. and Mrs. S, J, Horulmker and
daughter May bpent Chilbtmus with
friends In Dunuiore.
Mr. and Mis, Milton Blown, of Ban
gor, are visiting their parents he:e.
The Chilstmas exercises of the Sun
day school of the Methodist church
were held Monday evening. The Inter
ior of the church was prettily decot
ated with evergreens, and a large
Christinas tree lllled one end of the
ney.IJver Fills. They cure rbemnaUeta perma
nently by waking the kidneys active la their
work of removing the urlo acid from tbe blood.
Mr. William J. Coad, No. U Branson Btreet,
Oswego, N. Y., write ; "I am very glad to praUe
Pr. A. W. Chase' Kidney-Liver rills, and tell vbt
they have done f or ve. I suffered for many years
with severe constinatlon, Rheumatism and kid
ney trouble, and could jget no relief until I tried
Dr. A. W. Chase' Kldaoy-Mver Fills. la tbem 1
found Immediate relief, and can honestly recom
mend them to other sufferers."
One pill a dose. 86e. a box
at all dealers, or Pr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Company, Buf
falo, N.V, .
platform, loaded with presents, The
excreUes consisted of sin (ring, llit
logucs and recitations by the Sunday
school. The programme was welt ren
dered, showing the result of the care
ful training given by those in eharcte.
Lloyd Travis, who hns been spending
several months In New York, has re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs, Kennedy and daughter
Lou, of StroudRburg, tire spending the
holidays with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. K. X. Welts left on
Christmas morning for 0 trip to Wash
ington, D. C, where they will visit
the former's btothcrs, '
Miss Xelllc Grtftln, of Scranton, Is
visiting Iter aunt, Mrs. M. W. Vaughn.
Mrs. Weed und son Charley, of
Scranton, wore among the visitors
here Christmas.
A family reunion was held Chi Mi
mas day nt the home of Mr. and Mn.
Ulchard It. Jones, on Storm street, 111
honor of Mrs. Catherine .toned, of
Keyset- avenue, Scranton. Mrs. .Iimei
is three scote and (if teen years old,
hale and hearty: the mother of seven
children, forty-nine gtnndehlldren and
seventeen great grandchildren. The
reunion wan a happy one and joii
gratttlatlous were showered on the
popular old lady. Dinner was served
and a pleasant afternoon was spent
in talking about by-gone days. Tlios.
present were: Mis. Cutheilne Jones
and sister, Miss Elizabeth Zlegle, of
Oatawlssn, Pa.: Mr. and Mis. T. 11.
Shepatd and children, Misses Kate.,
Margaret, Elizabeth, Jennie and Fred
erick: Mr. and Mrs. ft. ,1, Shepsrd and
sons, Lester und Raymond, of Wllkea
Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wheeler
and family, Roy and Myrtle; Mr. and
Mrs. J. Archie Jones and suns, Ar
nold and Orvllle, of West Scranton;
Pi of. David Dlckry. of New York, and
Mr. and Mrs, Rlcluird H. Jones and
family, MiHes Bertha, Ethel, Llzsle
and James, of Taylor. Vocal and In
strumental music was tendered.
A meeting of the striking employes
of the Renard & Son silk factory wan
held in Bashan's hall on Wednesday
evening, lor the purpose of forming
a better organization. A committee
waited upon their employers on Wed
nesday. Nothing definite could be
learned concerning the meeting.
The Taylor Silver Cornet band wltl
hold a grand concert audi ball In
Weber's rink In Junuary. The var
ious committees are making extensive
preparations for this event.
Adam Kherr, a miner at JPyne. was
instantly killed while engaged In
di awing a large piece of bony on
Wednesday. A great mass fell on
him, covering him completely. His
neck and back were broken. Ills
death Is extremely sad; a. family of
ten children are left, the oldest a boy
ot sixteen years. The deceased was a
member of the Taylor camp, No. 492,
Patriotic Order Sons of America.
Masters Russell O'Horo, Brue Ward
and Harrv Howells have returned to
resume their studies at the Oirard
college, Philadelphia, after spending
the Christmas home heio.
Mrs. William M. Evans and son
Milton, of South Taylor, ale visiting
in Philadelphia.
Mis. George Hood, of Noith Main
stieet, has teturned home from her
visit to Pittston.
Mr. Milt Lowry moved bis family
from this town to Scranton.
Mis. Hurry Tock and children have
gone to Stroudsburg for a week's visit
with relatives in that place.
13. D. Caryl, of Scranton, visited the
Hillside and Spring Brook collieries
The services in the churches Sunday
will be conducted as usual. At the
Methodist Episcopal church the text
lor the morning will be, "Jacob's Vow
and Its Results;" for the evening, "The
Second Coming of Christ." At the
Presbyterian church the morning sub
ject will be "The Duty and Wisdom of
Remembering the Past;" the evening
subject, "Onward and Upward."
On Monday evening a congregational
meeting will be held in "the Presby
terian church for the purpose of elect
ing three new elders, and celebrating
the payment of the church debt by
burning mortgage and note. Dr.
Brooks, of Wllkes-Barre, and otheia
will assist in the service, after which
the ladies will serve hot coffee. From
10.30 to IS o'clock a watch-night ser
vice will be held.
The programme for the watch-night
service at the Methodist Episcopal
church Is as follows: Eight o'clock,
praise and prayer service; 9 o'clock,
Epworth league hour; 10 o'clock, ser
mon by pastor; 10.30 o'clock, roll-call:
11.30 o'clock, consecration service; 12
o'clock, doxology and new century
Only Partly 'Written by Washing
ton Hamilton Helped Greatly,
W. E. Curtis in tlio CliiaiRii Kecoiil.
In answer to an Inquiry I would say
that the authorship of that "Immortal
document," the farewell address of
Piesldent Washington, which Is one of
the stateliest examples of English
composition, has been ascribed to
Hamilton, Jefferson and Adams. Cien.
AVashlngton was neither an orator nor
it writer, although he expressed himself
with a simple directness that Is often
more forolblo and convincing than tho
most (lorld eloquence. According to
Mr. Jefferson Ills farewell address, de
llveied to congress at Annapolis, was
a composite of contributions from sev
eral sources, and In a letter to Judge
Johnson of South Carolina shortly be
fore his death, he olfered this explana
tion: "With respect to his (Waahlngton's)
farewell address, to the authorship of
Which It seems, there are conflicting
claims, I can state you noino facts, He
had determined to decline a re-election
at the end of his first teirn, and so
far determined that he. eriuested Mr,
Madison to prepare for him something
valedictory, to be addressed to his
constituents on hU retirement. TI1I1
was done. But he was finally per
suaded to ueciuleseu in a becond eleo.
tlon, to which no one more strenuously
pressed him thun myself, from a ton
vtotlou of the Importance of htreiigth
enlng, by longer habit, ttie respect
necessary for that otllee, uhlch tho
weight of his character only could ef
fect, When, at the end of his second
teim, his valedictory came out Mr.
Madison recognized In It several pas
sages of his draught; several others,
we were both satisfied, were from the
pen of Hamilton, and others from that
of the president himself, Those ho
probably put Into the hands of Hamil
ton to fotm Into a whole, and hence It
may all appear In Hamilton's hand
wrltlnar, as If It were ell vt his composition."
The Misses Esther and Bessie Sweet,
of Elmhursl, nnd Miss May Lowry, of
Taylor, dined Chrlstmns day nt tho
Baptist parsonage with their nunt.
'I Iia I'ftnill, ttnn.n t'ttrtil.Mnr! Vlh
Out Sale
of Barney & Berry's
$2, 50 Skates for $2, 00
1.90 Skates for 1,25
' 1,25 Skates for .85
,75 Skates for .45
Foote & Fuller Co
Mears Building.
1WX is jliout fluted, and (01 tln list tlnii- this
year, wo ujnt to saj, get our Full Dress Ite
rniiiltcs. You will ahwi.v.i think of our stoii;
an tlio one most likely to pet tlio propel thinks
for Full Drew, Shiils. 1 V.i rl (lloen, Tin, in
tiU ecif thlnir a man requites for full Diess.
AVI Spruce Street.
Tiy our special 10c. collars all Iupc9.
The Dickson Matiuracturlng (Jo.
i-cranton and WItUevrlarrA '-'.
MnnnTuomreri .'
Bolters, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery
General Office. Scranton. Pa.
Electric Lighted
THE North-Westem Limited service,
6.30 p. m. daily to St. Paul and
Minneapolis, cannot be excelled and offers
the best of everything. Any agent will
give you information about 'it. Three
other first class trains from Chicago also
9.00 a. m. Daylight Train, 10.00 p. m.
Fast Mail and 10. 15 p. m. Night Express.
Call on any agent for tickets or address
4$t Broadway, Ntio Ycrk
IOIChn'1 $t.,PMIadilihla
M( WathlngHo St., Bolton
301 Halii Bt Buffalo
112 Clark St., Chicago
4SS Vim fit., Clwlnnatl
607 Smith fid St., Pltttburg
134 Sultrier St., Clutan4
llCamout Uartlu; Dotrolt
IKIngSt.,ea$t, Toronto.ont.
Cor. Sixteenth Et and Irving Place,
American Plan, (3.60 per day and upward.
European Flan, $L60 per day and upward.
L D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor.
X For Buslucs Men
In the heart of tbs wholesata 4.
V district. T
For Shoppers .
4. t cilnutett' walk to Wauumakera; -f
I S nilnutus to Slegel Cooper's Big .
T Store. Easy of access to the stent
Dry Oooda Stores.
X For Sightseers
One block troin B'way Cars. glv. T
4- Ins easy transportation to aU "
4 points ot Interest. 4
Cor. 11th ST. UNIVERSITY PU -f
amy one moc irura uiuuuwiy, a
I ROOmS, $1 Up. Prfc'et'oTatb
"Through the Hesperian Gardens of
the West" Buns the Luxurious
The Finest Thing ou Wheels,
Summer Lands of " California,"
FpccUl tbroiiKli trains consisting ol sleeping
and dlnlnij-cars villi leao New Voilt every Su.
urdjy. 1u.wsd.iy and Tliursdiy, connecting: di
rictly with tbe "Sunset Limited'' at Ne-.v Orleans.
Tor lull information, free illustrated panipli.
letl, maps anili time-tables, also louert rate,
leeping cur tlckcU and IterKase clitcktd, apply
to Southern I'aclUe Co., 109 B. Third ttrcet,
Philadelphia, Pa.
L V t
PrOFiBir.TrUtL.lH.U. N.ViVt.,1
at-I'biuoipki. .'. iuv("?ir2:i1;:
, v r -(noiiuim:).i,"""
' "liulti"tipM.a(tdrfci4trlfrtrlflfu
I Clean
'S U.
You don't cate when we take our seinirannual inventory, and we do not bother to
tell you anything about it, as a rule. But this year we shall be stricter with ourselves,
and the stockmen iu,ust be very sure not to hold on toa piece of goods at a price that .would
need reducing after January Sth the inventory time,
Aud as the measuring and counting is well under way getting ready for the final
entry, we shall take all possible losses beforehand aud sell off the broken during the next
few days. Halt the uew will not get in the papers because the lots as discovered will go
on sale at once, aud many will go out each day.
Some facts you will be interested in
You have given the store a more prosperous year than ever a greater volume of
business, which we have been able to care for with less aud less friction. Our ideals are
not reached but you and we are working toward them. This is a very great co-operation
the building of a business for careful people; a store that shall value quality above all
else; that has grown large enoujh to be a strong factor in many markets, and that conse
quently can give, and is giving
The Really Lowest Prices
Known in Scranton . . .
Yet no store shall excell it as a style setter, nor show such a range of exclusive and
elegant things along with its grert stocks of every day merchandise.
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
13. 1900.
Loans and Investments
Banking House 38,599.64
Cash and Beserve 538,879.19
Capital S 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.29
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,536.98
V. S. Deposits 422,729.39
Due to Banks 54,785.53
WILLIAM CONNIXL, l'lcoldcnt.
UENItV BIXIN, Jit., Vice-President.
WILLIAM II. 1T.CK, Cashier.
Manufacturer or
438 to 455
N. Ninth Streat,
Telephone Cull. 2333.
Hi tins 1 audi, ComMH BT4'f.
lining und Blasting:
MMattlMloul Ruik.lal Wotlu.
Iretrta BatUrlca, ElwtrloHxplodari,
Mplo4lux blaati, tiafety tfma uu I
IUiiuii CNiioal Cfc's uxhR
lis m
Curtain News
t R
Shrewd buyers will take
f prices made on our entire
X small lots at a fraction of
t 129 Wyoming Avenue
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
K? Heaters.
Plijslcian aod Surrfeoa
311 Sprues St,
Ttmpte Uuri Building
All acuta and clircnto dlseasn ot mtn, no.
men and children. CiJUOMO NXHVOUS,
IALTV, All dlas ol the LUcr, Kidneyj,
Uladder. bklo, Ulood, Nervta, Womb, Eye, far,
Note, Tluout. and Lunt, Cancem, 'I'umorj,
I'ilcs, Itupturc, Goitre, IthcuraatUm, Astliina,
Catarrh, Varlocwtle. Lost Manhood, Nightl
Einlbsloiu. all l't'iiula DUemcs, l.eueoriuoej, etc.
(lounorrhca, Byphllln, Blood l'olou. Indiscre
tion and youthlul hatit-ii obliterated. Surgui,
Fits, KpUevsy, Tape and Stomach Woimi. CA
TAlinilOZONE, Spcclflu for Catarrlu Three
morula' treatment only $5.00, Tilal free in
otBi-c, Coimultatton and examination fice.
Ottlce boura dally and bundjy, 8 a. in. to 0
127 AND 129
advautage ot tbe special
Lace Curtain Stock. Many
their real value. -
We have a nice
line of Hockey
Hockey and
Polo Sticks.
Skate grinding
a specialty.
Florey & Brooks
211 Wash'ngton Ave,
General Agent tor the Wyominy
District tor
Ulnlnz, niasttn;, Sporting:, Smokelesj and r
HopiuDO Clicmkal Company'i
High Explosives.
Eafcty Fuje, Capa and Exploders. Homo 401 Coa
ncll Building, tscranton,
1IIOS. lOItl) PiHitoo
JOHN' V. bMITH & SON IMymoutn
W, t'. MULLIGAN , ,f,,WilWBarr
4 '
1 i
i.- s