The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 29, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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Till) TKND13NUV of rellBlous
' thought for the beginning; of tlio
new century seems to bo toward
the revival spirit In the churches
niid to this term n illvcralllcil in
terptclntlun Is applied. There are those
who believe It to menu llio old-fashioned
revival with lis emotional ex
cesses and marvelously bright spiritual
experiences. They look toward a repe
tition of the old methods which broke
stony natures and led souls Into mi-llled
heights of exultation. They expect to
see a tcjturn of the llo'ry preaching of
eternal damnation and the consequent
throngs of sinners weeping and wi lilt
ing at the altar In the agony of con
victions of sin. They believe that only
In such a great emotional tldnl wave
of feeling can the Hood of unbelief and
materialistic: crltclsm bo mot and Im
peded. Theie are others, though, who ate
making a careful and thorough study
of modern religious sentiment, who are
leluctant to accept such views, and
who look with foiebodlng on the ef
forts to establish the old emotional eta.
So greatly have thp times changed,
they believe, that such methods can
only result In temporary arrest of
doubt and apathy, and not In any per
manent enrichment of the world's mor
ality. The sturdy, out-of-door built
muscle and strength of the many con
lorts of the earlier years are not dupli
cated today. The strenuous life of the
present Is more subject to the nervous
emotional spirit of the times to receive
any very deep Impressions to the center
of being. It Is not so much the sudden,
violent emotional change that is needed
as the calm, dispassionate, but earnest,
teaching which must tend to practical
devoutness of life and work. Many of
the more enlightened-clergymen are un
favoiably Inclined towaid the profes
sional evangelist, whose efforts seem
often worse than lost as the time
passes. The plans for the twentieth
century are being meditated upon with
groat earnestness and just what tmn
the local feeling will take is uncer
tain. It is felt that over-worked min
isters will not add to the value of their
services by bringing nervous prostra
tion on themselves or temporary ex
citement upon the emotional of their
The Session of the Piovidence 3Jies
byteiinn chinch during the pal week
Issued to each member of that church
a oil cular letter announcing services
for next Monday evening In connec
tion with the fact that at that time
. Ill , occur the closing of the Nlne-t-enth
Cenluiy. Rev. Dr. Guild will
have chaige of the service and the
( hoir will assist in the singing and
nlo lender an nnthem especially
adapted to the occasion "Will it not
be, eminently appi opi lute thai r
spend th- closing hours ot this period
of time in giving pinise and thanks
to our lie.ivenly Father for lilg mani
fold goodness dining tin- past and in
humble piayer for Ills guiding wis
dnin mid sustaining qrac" during such
part of tlii- opening century as v e
may be s-paivd to welcome."
People In the community generally
ho will not bo attending .similar
in other places aie most coidiully
lnlli'd to join hi these appi opriale
and interesting exercises. ' Th" follow
ing is the piogramme: 9.1" to i.:ji,
srvlco of song, choir and concjiegu-tion-
9.".". to in.or, devotional service,
Serlpttiu- reading, prayer, ternaries;
10.U3 to 11, toll call: 11 to 31.15, in
terim tor social converse; 31.15, sacra
ment, the Loid's Supper, sacamental
florlng; midnight, closing rorvice.
Special moi-llnt; for men fs.iiulnv at
M.45 p. m. at the Knllioad Young Slen'.i
Chi'lbtlnn association. TI. O. "Williams-,
of Richmond, Va., International
Railroad secietaiy, will speak. Th-
Schubeil male quartette, assisted by
oichestia, will render a jrogiamme of
sacred music An advance copy of
Clovernor Roust pit's nddre.-.s to the
inn of New Yoik will be lead In
part. A pleahiint and piofltable hour
Is promised and a toidinl -welcome is
given to all.
iH ik
The invitation to the St. John's day
sermon at the Penn Avenue Baptist
church on Sunday evening is extended
to all membsrs of the Masonic order In
Scranton and vicinity. As tar ns pos
slblo It is desired that the membeis
will write their names on cards and
hand to the ushers, thus securing a
choice of seats. The paMor wilt give a
brief set moil on "The Glorified Vision,
or the Lion of the Tiibo of .Tudali
A Rag oi LigM
For woman's guidance is found in the
fact that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion cures female weakness and the dtb
eases of the delicate womanly organs
which darken the lives of bo many wom
en with suffering and sorrow. That ray
of light has penetrated many darkened
chambers where women moaned in mis
ery, and has guided them out to health
and uappiiie&i. "Favorite Prescription"
is not a tonic, not a palliative, but a pos
itive cure for the diseases which are
peculiar to women. It gives vigor and
vitality. It banishes nervousness, Head
ache, and all the aches which come from
a diseased condition of the womanly
organs. A temperance medicine, it con
tains neither alcohol nor narcotics.
"I was troubled for three year with ulceration
anil female weakness and my doctor gave me
hut little relief," writes Mrs, Lulu iluuter, nf
Alleutoo, St. Louis Co., Mo. "I saw uu adver
tisement in tlie paper of Dr. Pierce's favorite
Prescription. I began the use of It about a year
ago. I took five bottles of it, audoue bottfeof
' Colden Medical Discovery,' oud my health is
better now than it was for years. I have also
rccinntneudcd these medicines to some of my
friends, wbo suffered from female weakness,
uud good results have followed."
will render special muslo
direction of Prof. Haydn
dospel se
rvlces at the Young Wo-
men's Chris
tlun association Sunday nf
3.15. .All women and girls
ternoon nt
Res'. J. U
hat-box as
school clnss
, Sweet received a valuable
a gift trom his Sunday
on Chrls.tmns duv.
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
I'.lni Pails Prayer mid pi.iNc sr-nicc- nt
tUO; pic-jcliing nt 30.SU u. tn. rttul 7.30 p. ui.
by tin- paitor, C. 31. tlllllii, 1). U. At 12 in., a
shoit tllblo stiiclv in Siiuiliy fcIiooI room. Sun
iliy mIiipiiI nt 'l nml Fpvvortli lcai"iio nt 0.30 p. in.
'I ho subject at 7.10 p. 111. upproptlule to thf
rlrne of the wnturr, "A Iluntlreil Haons nf
At tbo Mission, 13111 I'iue sheet, Simlay tcliool
at 11 n. in.: 1'pwurth league nt 0 SO p. 111.
Asbury MilhoilUl climcli, corner
Moii-u-y avonuo and Delivvnri street Itcv. V. S.
Mmpion, 1). 11., pistor Devotional lnc-ctliig of
the lliolhuhood uf at. Paul at U.'iO a. m.j preach.
Ins nt J0.S0 n.-ni.; Sundty fcIiooI at 2.50 p. in.
l.pvvnrth league 11 1 0.')0 p. in. Pre.iclilniT nt 7..MJ
p. in, Prater mcctinir Weilnrsil.iy nt 7.S0 p, in.
Ilulnesi meeting of the Ilrotlierlioocl of St. Paul,
on tlio sccuiiil foiuth,ivi of cic-li niontli at
7.S0 p. 111. fpeelal vntcli iilglit services ou Mon
day, Dec. 31, fioni S p. 111. until midnnrht. 1.x-cn-lsc-
of nn exceedingly Interesting character
will be belli, including a sirmun by Itcv-. L. F.
Power, A. M. Attend the 8ervlee.
Hampton direct Mitliodlsl KpUropil church
llei .lames HennlnBer, pvlor. Preaching i.enloe
.it 10:iil, fuliject, Wine Mirk Slnll u Pit for
the Xew Vear:" Class meeting at 1U.0; Sunday
srhool at 2 p. in., .1. T. ltendle. (uperlntemlent;
liniior leiRiie at U p. in.; Senior li.igue at 0 SO,
leader ilis Suie Mtdli-y. Piiiilng pnaching
acrl(e at T.M.
Pioidenee Methodist KpUeopal ilnnch The
Iliiitlieiliond of ht. Paul nuets nt 10 a 111. Sub
ject of nioniing scniiou, "What Kind of Ser
icc Pleases OodV" hiindar school at 2 p. m. ;
Kpworth League at, topic', "The Old Ycir
and the New: Your I'mpowH." W. s. UuWitt.
l.udci. Subject of sermon nt 7..'0, "How Shill
W begin the Tirst Ycai of the New Ccnturj t"
I'lr-t (Jerinan Methodist Episcopal church, Ad
ams luenue and Vine street C. Itobllln, pastor.
Preaching seniccs 10 30 u. m. ami 7..J0 p. m.
Sunday school nt noon and nt 2 p. 111. at the
Tailor Avenue chapel. Kpworth league meeting
at 7 o'clock p. 111. Watch night sen ices on
.Monday evening commencing nt S SO.
Cedar Aienue Methodist Episcopal church V.
P. Doty, pistor. Sen ice: III othei hood of bt.
Paul at I'.-Ti a. in.; preaching, 10 SO a. m. ;
Junior league, :: SO p. m. ; r.puoitli lentil, t. TO
p. m.; senium by the pastor, 7.S0 p. m. Wnitli
night seniee Mondiy eicnlng at (Ml. Stiangeis
uelcome to all seniccs.
Afilcju Mcthodit Episcopal church. Howard
l'luc lir. II. S. Hentlcj, pistor. Periices 30.S0
J. 111.; subject, "Ouicomlng 1'ailh." Sabbat li
-c-Iioul, 2 SO p. 111.; rcihal scriiee, :t.30 to 4.10
in., conducted hy langeli't E. E. O'Diiau;
".!" p. 111., "The Acceptable Oflering." W.iteb
moting Mondiv night, which begins at 9.S0,
will con 1 1 line until 12 o'clock, and will be uf
special interest. Many bouls lme been awak-
licit uud brought into fellowship with tlod. meetings will cuiitinuc all nct week.
'I lie cluiii will fiunisli excellent music.
I'l-iui Aiiiui" lt.iptist clnucli, IMui .iMiuie, be
tween tpiuce and Lindci. etucts I'u.ldihi,.-.
lauiiiing at 30S0, and evening at 7.o0, bv tbo
paMor, Hev. Pobcrt V. Y. Pierce, D. P. Moin
ing piaieis In the lower temple at 9.15. 1'opli"
of ninming srimoii, "The Zial of tlio Church in
lie Ujing Ocntury." S school Renice-',
llilile. iniiniiediate and piinuiy ilrpirtincnts, at
2 o'd.ick. Simijiy schoul M the Aiiiliiiuii ims
ic.ii at J SO p. 111. S V. f O. E. nneriiig at
CIO Topic of evening stTinon, "Tlio Clloufied
Iriun, 01 llie I. ion of the 'lube of .lud.lli."
Scinion ,'ppiot.u'ate to ht. John's da, all hiliii
bci of the Misu'.ie ordci, and ilieir 1 idles, c?
leeiallr iimted. IlaptiMii liming culling scnice.
E.iugcli"tio sen ice .ifiu sennon in the lower
n mfili". Watch night smices beginnlni; Mondiy
c cning at S.:.0, to which all iminbus uf the
chinch and mend aie cordially Iniited.
I'ht Iliplist church, bouth Main a cuuc Ttev.
S. P. Mathews, pator. henices as usual, 11.80
.1. 111. Moining siibjret, "llio l'at C'entuiy,"
t's.ilins M: I. Subject fur the cuning, 7.80 p.
111., tlio Coming Cintiuy," Her. 20: ); Sunday
school, 2.'!0 p. in., Pl.Miioutb church, Dr. llcddoe,
Mipcrlntrtiilent; 11. Y. I. V. st.nlee, C.iO p. in.
at lunar ball; the annual hiiMiic moiling Wed
iiesilij, S p. in.; pincr meeting, 7.'J0 p. in. All
aie coidiallv luiilid.
Jni loii streit llnptlt church Morning pia.vej
at M.S0, lliothci lien Smith, leadei. 'I lie pastor,
llcv, Thomis de flrurliy, P. 1)., will preach at
10 SO; siilijict, "A Look liickwaid and I'oi
waul." Sundiy st,ool at 2 p. in.; evening sji
vice at 7 sharp. PiaUe and song fierviee. The
choir nlll the Christmas anthems. Tlic
p.itor will dellvei a short ndtbes on the Nivv
Ycir. You aie- all conlially Invited to attend
all the scniie of nur church. Miangers wel
come. flrceu nidge Iliplist ihuiLb Dullcatory services
(Minding tliiou'h the intln- da. Meeting for
pin.u-r at 0.S0 a. in. At 10.30 Itcv. Wan en 11.
Pailiidge, of Cincliuntl, will preach the dedica
tory seimnn; piajcr of couseeratlon b.v Itcv. W.
It. (iiovr, of Caibondale; Sundiy Pchool imi-ci-es
at H.S0, Pev. 11. T. Y. Pierce will delive
an illiLjli.tted address. At 7,;i0 Dr. Panriclge will
pleach. Ilus will leave the potolfice luinir of
the onui t 1iuiic sipiuc- nt 10 u. m. and 7 p. 111.,
iitmniiig at the clo-e of each service.
Memoiial IlipINt church Pastor, Rev. W. Y,
Davits, iserviies toinorrovv nt tlio 11-ual bonis,
pnaching liy the pastor at both sessions. Speclil
senlic in tlio evening, when the pantoi- will
preaili on the Mibjiet, "The f.eons of the Cen
tury," Aftci which the Loid'n supper will be
celcbialed. Illhle sc-honl tit 2 p, in,, Ueorge
Dulcs, superintendent. Moudaj eviuin a watch
lilMit meeting will In- lonibiciril by the loung
1'lrst l'iebteiiin c hurt b Seniles moining
and evinlng. Pi, McUod will ctlUiatc. Spuial
communion seivlco in tlio morning, "at which
uiy member of tlio church able tu bo piesc-nt
is expected, Service of praise in the evening,
On New Yen's moiiilug at 0 o'clock a senice of
piaio and thanksgiving, In which tbo Second
cluiii li will join, mid to which all otheia who cin
bo present are invited, The Plrst church will
join with tbo Second on Monday evening in a
nervlco of praUe and prayer nt 7.13 oVlock.
The Second Prcsbtcilan church Services, 10.20
a. in., 7.30 p. m. Iir. llobinson will preach in
the morning on "Retiospect and Piospect." and
in the evening on the" List l)a," A coidial
imitation is extendi d to all.
Oreeii Hldgo l'iesbteiian church Hev. I. J.
Lansing, pastor; Itcv. L. 11. Poster, assistant,
servhes closing the nineteenth century, 1US0,
vvonhlp vrltli snmon by tlio pistor, subject,
"The Eternal Mcriics ol Clod"; 12, Illble school;
IU0, Cliristtan Endeavor; 7.30, worship with ser
mon by tbo pastor, subject, "following Christ
Into the Twentieth Century," Citizens and
slr.mgi'is cordially Invited and vveliouied.
Providence Picsbterlan church -Tho pator,
Iter, i)r, lleorgo E. liiilld, will occupy the pulpit,
bumlny school at noon; Endcaior meeting ut 0.S3
o'clock. The Christmas music will bo icpcatcd
at the evening tcriice.
Washbuiu Sliect l'iebterlan (lunch llcv.
John P. Moffat, D. I)., pastor. Services at 10.30
a, 111. and 7,30 p. 111. Illble, schools at 12 111.
l'racr meeting Widneaday, 7.30 p. m. Tlio en.
the piograin ol Christinas music, as given last
Sunday morning and evening, Including the or
ihestr.i, will be icpcated. Sa molts inornli.g and
evening by t(ic pastor. All cordially Invited.
buitiiu-r Aveuuu l'rcsbterlan church, corner
Sumner avenue ami Price strict Preaching ser
vices at 10.30 a. 111. and 0 p. 111. by Key. Funk
J. Milman. h school, i p. )u. tr.
lid lliown, siipeilntnideiit. Ciitle- for pi lyer,
S.Ci p. in.; (Iirlstlm Endeavor soelely at 7
The choir
under the
o'clock. Pracr and praise service, Wednesday
evening, 7.43 o'clock, .w inrdlally welcomed.
Adams Acnue chapel, New York street The
Ttev. .tames ltutfhcs, pastor, will preach at 10.30
a. m. nml 7.30 p, m. All .its welcome.
Taylor rrcsb)tcrlm cliurcli Prof. W, R. Plum
ley will preach nt 10.30 a. rn. No evening ser
lce. '
.St. Luke's Parish Rev. ltogen Uriel, I). P.,
rector! Hev. E. J, Itaiighlon, senior mimic; Rev.
to. II, Xah, Junior curate. Sunday alter
St. Luke's cliurcli 7.30 a. in., holy commun
ion; 10.C0 a. 111,, morning ptajcr nnd sermon;
7.30 p. 111., evening prayer nnd sermon; P.15 .1.
tu., Sunday school nml Illble classes.
St. Mnrk's, Dunniore S a. m holy connmin
lout 10.30 n. in., morning prayer nnd sermon;
7.S0 p. in., evening prcr nnd ermon; !1 p. m.,
Sunday school nnd Ulble classes.
E.nt Kiut Mission, Prescott avenue 2 p, in.,
Sundiy school nnd Plblc clissesj ; p, m,, even
lug pr.ijcr and sermon.
South Side Mission, Fig street 2.?0 p. in., Sun
elar school nnd Illble clflues.
.St. Geoige's, Ol) pliant 2.30 p. 111., sundiy
school nnd Illble rhjscs; ,1,30 p. In., (veiling
pnyer nnd sitmoti.
Reformed Episcopal,
timer- Reformed Episcopal chinch, W.voiuing
avenue, below Mulbeiiy slieet Hev. Hedge L.
Alrlch, pistor. Pr.icr nnd prnlso fcrvlce, 0 30
a. nt,; divine wnisblp, 10.30 n, in. nnd 7.30 p.
111., preaching by the pitor at both services.
A. 111,, "Our Coming Resunection D.i".; p. in.,
"Eagle Saints." A Illble studv, I Cur. 15; B1-3JJ
.sibbilh fchool, 12 111.; Y. P. S. C. E., 0 .",0 p.
III. Lesson study Wedne-dav nt 7.30 p. ill , fol
lowed by pra.ver meeting at S o'clock. Seats free,
slrnngcis conlially welcomed.
Evnneolirit' Luthiinu.
Evaniiilleat Luthenn. Sunday niter Christmas,
(lospel, Luke 2: 33-10; epistle, rial. I: 1-7.
St. Mink's, Washburn nnd Fourteenth streets
Jtiv. A. L. H.tmer, Ph. 1)., pistor. Services,
10 30 a. in., 7 p. 111.; Luther league, (1 p. 111.;
Sundiy school, 12 m.: Catechetical Instructions,
Monday, 7 p. 111.; Wednesday evening service.
7.30; Mission Hind, Siturda. 2.30. Morning sub
ject, "riie Fullness of the Time Prepatatory to
Christ's niith"; evinlng subject, "Clnist the
Light of th World." 'ervlei- on New Year nt
7.30 n. m.
Holy Tilnlt), Adims avenue nnd Mulbeiiy
stiect Hev. C. O. Spickcr, pastor. Suviees, 10 30
a. m., 7.30 p. 111.; Luther leigue, 11.30 p. 111. ;
Sundiy school, 12 nt.: instruction,
Mondiy, 7 p. 111.; Ulblo stud, Wednesday, 7.45
p. 111.; .Mission Hind, Htuidiy, 10 a 111.
St. Paul's, Shall av cnuc Itcv. W. C. L. Lnuer,
pistor. Sen ices, in :'0 a. 111 . 7..SO p. in. ; Sun
diy school, 2.0 p. 111.; Catechetical instruction,
!!.J"i p in.; Luther leij;iie, Wednidiv, 7.30 p. m.
Zion'.s, Miflllii nvcnueHev. 1'. F. Xizelmaiin,
pistor. Services, 10.30 .1. 111,, 7..10 p. 111.; Sunday
school, 2 p. in.
Clulst chinch. Cedar avciiiic and lllieb licit
Hev. James Wllke, pistui. Vmlus, 1030 a. 111.,
7.S0 p. in,; Sundiy eiiool, 2 p. 111.
St. I'etir's, 1'icsciitt nvenue Itei. .Tolin ltin
ilolpii, pastor, suvicts. 10. SO a. 111., 7."0 p. in.;
huiiilav .school, 2 p. m.
i:minuel ritrnian Polish Lulliei 111 chinch. Rtee
s reel llcv. Fndinand sattelmeir, pistor. Preach
ing in the Cerm 111 language at 10 a. ni. ; Sunday
school at 2 p. 111.
Oracc Englisn Lutheran cliurcli of the Gcne1.1l
P.-nod. eninti Madion avinuo and Mulbcny
stieet llcv. Lutliti lles W.iiing, pistor. 1)30
a. 111., .Sunday school; 10.10 0. m, divine wor
ship, subject of dicouie, "Clulst's Life in Ho
vicu"; 0. 15 p. 111., Y. V. S. O. li.: 7.30 p. in.,
divine wui-bip, subject of sennon, "Looking
liickwaid. s.pcni ciiriatmas uiuic will bo ic
pealnl at thee- suviecs, tonn- in the morning
and sume in the- cvonin,-. Enrvlimly welcnme.
U soul's Fnnrr-.ili-t churib, Pmc slieet, be
tween Adams and Ji Itei son avenues Hev. (). It.
ncardley, patur. ltesideni e, i)20 Adams ave
nue. Moining service, lO.'iO, sublcct,' "Christ
mis and New Ycai'a Thougiits," evening sen ice.
7.30, siibjiLt, "I'iue Ite-vtrencp;" hiindiy schol
nt 11.30, Mis. s, Ilcnjamin, si.peiintcudeiit; Young
People's Cluistian union meeting .it II 1 " p. in.
All ate welcome. Al: a friend to come with
with evu. Special meeting commence Jan. 1J.
Calvary Reformed chuirli, Moinoe avenue and
(iibson street Rev. JI. L. Tiior, pjstoi. Service-,
lu.SO; Sundiy school, 11.45; ClnMian Endeivur,
(141; evening service, 7.30: Watch night s. nice,
Dec. 31, 10 p. m. to midnight.
Ziuu United Evangelical church, 1 J0 Cipoiisc
nvenue Preacliing by the pistol, Hev. .1. W. JIcs
singer, nt 10.4, a in. arid 7.30 p. in subjects,
"(loci with l's Foievei" uud "The Flight uf
Time-"; Sunday school at P. I', a 111.; Kev stone
Sunday School
December 30.
LNTHODPUl IOV. During Hie nnatter wo bale
bad one lcson fiom Fiul, designed but not
adaptesl to leach temperance, and one lesson,
tint of last Meek, pcrttiiiiiiig to the adimf, In
tended ns a f'hiistnus stud. 'I he- other Ussoiu,
ten in all, have been taken in or
der fiom the iiin.itive of Chii-t's lite, beginning
in the fall of A. I). 20, x.ben He was in Pcrea,
and ending in thcspiing follovvlu,, when lie w.v,
in Jcilelio. One ol the- ten lcs.-ous 1 liom Mit
thew, one fiom Mill;, and eight Ironi Luke, ivvo
piitalu to iiiliaele, tlio cine of leptoy and of
blli.dnrs, and one- ininlves a iniiac-li. Eight
treat iinpoitaut iJuctiincs in ju (xcecdiugly lu
tciistlng way. Iho Iiistrui tivi pirt 01 Chnt's
inlnlstiy as He approaches the end becomes, more
tender and, evldciitl.v etecmd by Him
fciipeiioi tu Ills woih".
Flits I' LHSsON. Octiilni 7. " dining
with a Piiarlsce," Luke vl: 1-11, Thin leou is
in three, parts, 'the first peitlins to Sibluth ob
servance in which Christ defended himself
against tlio Phailsccs who ceusuied him fot heal
ing a mm of the drops. In the second put
Jesus, condemns tho course of the guests who
sought the chief feats at the- table- and who wctci
advised lo lie lunno.o. In tlio tlilid pait Jotis
thouii tin host that Im bid made iinwio -lection
of guests, that it would have bun belter
to invito the- poor latbei- linn tho riili, tecelvliig
tbercliy n npiiituil rcwaid wldcli would cnduic.
Tin) tliiee puts sugRcst thrio topics "Tlio Law
ful Healing," 'Iho lllgliet Honor," '-'Jhe
Ulcssed Dinner,"
S-IX'OND LES--OX. Uc tuber II "Ihe- l'.itable
ot tliu (itcat .Supper," Luke xiv; 13-21, Onx who
bcaul Clnisl's iiniaiks coucemliig the poor at
feasts thought il would lu a great privilege tn
rat in tliu kingdom of Cod. Without expo.ti '
the miii'd real iniaiiliii; or opposing his fctau
inent Je-siis proceeded tu show- that, blessed .is
nilght bo bin privilege, men weic slow to ac
cept it, even vvhm urgently Invited. He pie-se-iiU
tlueo classed of persons ono had putchoed
land which ho deslud to see, another had
bought oxen which ho would piove, tho thlld
bad married. All tbe-o classes, whose excuses
wero of llttlo value, were icjcctcd, and the- poor
wiro Invited. Tho parable li Huts upon the
Jews who did not accept tin' (!opd and wire
can off,
HUH) I.F.-ftON-Oetubcr 21. "llio l.u.l Shtep
and Lost Coin," (Luke xv 1-10), A ciovvd of
publicans and sliincis gatheu-d to hear Ji-tu and
that laitkid tiie Plnrisecj to criticise Dim. To
Sllinee- tlit Ir object Ions Ji.Us iiltind tlu-sc two
paiablej, 'I hey aie Intended to set foilh Hie
saine greal liiifli, that when au.Mliiug valuiblc
has been Inst it Is diligently sought, and that
Iheio is lejoifin.- when it is found,. The par.i.
hies rest upon familiar rxpiihuccs of shipheid
and of domestic life, J lie lost sheep U an
object of pceuliir .illtilion among a pjstoul
people, and hi Ibuso dais women wlm weic
entrusted with the caio of plicej of luune), the of tliiir vlituc and QKlify, rsleimul them
as exceedingly precious.
FOUItlH I.ESSON.-Oe tober ii. "Ihe Piudigal
Suit" (Luku xv ll-'.'l). 'Ihcio Is some- doubt
what was the chief thouclit hi the mind ol
Jc-.iis In utteiUu tills paiable. Some think- He
Intended to lepreseut the Jcvva as the elder foil
who weio ill-i'lcuid Iccaiuc Ihe- Contlln, the
-ouiigi'i s' n, uf it i- wii.vwaid III In,-, weic- ic-ee-lved
bilk lutu the favoi u( Hod, Otlnl
Inild Hut the sioi was dtulgued In ilbutiatc
Lcagui Christian Endeavor at 0 30 p. 111. t Sun
diy school exercises will lie held Month)' evening,
beginning at 7.30. Following these watch night
seniles will be held, beginning at 10 p, m. Alt
are Invited to attend nny or all ol these services.
Pint Cliuieh (Thrist Scientist), MO Adams
au nue Sunihy services, 10 30 a. ni. and 7."0 p,
111, Sunday school, 11.43 a, in, j subject, "Chris
tlnn Science." Testimonial meetings Wcdticrda)
evenings at a o'clock. Tlio chinch Is also upen
every div during the week. The Bible and all
Christian Science literature Is kept In Its free
public leading room. "Science and Health, wltii
Key to the Scripture," by Jtiry n.iker Fddy,
will be loaned to Investigators without chntgc-.
Visitors and Idlers of Inquiry nre welcomed nnd
given courteous attention and Information free.
People's Prohibition cliurcli Hev. Or. lllrd,
pislor. There wilt be regular preaching service
on Sabbitlt evening In Jlorell hall, breaker
street, (lieen Ridge, at 7.30 p. in, Subject, "Our
Farewell to a Maivclous Century." All are wel
cnme. Silvnltoii Army Temple, Hide Park Sunday ser
vices at 3 uihI'd p. in,, bv Adjutant and Mrs.
Jaeger, tut, "The living Centuiy." Watch
night scrvlie 011 Monday at 10 p. 111, Tills will
be n special public githerliig nnd of grcit interest
nnd blessing. New Yiat's day nt a and S p. in.,
tet, "The Past and tin- Future." Welcome lo
Pl)incitith Congiegallonnl church, Jackson street
Hev. E. A. Pol, pastel. 1030 11. in., sermon
bv piloi! U 111., Snbbith school; 0 p. ni.,
Christian Endcivni; 7 p. in., preaching by pas
lor, Ail Millies nie In l.i'gll-h.
'lb.- following music will lie givui
Second Pieb.vtcrl.m church tomoirovv:
.it the
Puli-de AmbioUc 'Ihomae
(Jinilelte, "O, Power Etuual" L11J
Continlto Solo, "Holy l it" d.1111s
(11 trqurat.)
Foeticide- llcielluianii
Prelude Pisi
Quailitli-. "Father. O Hear IV Handel
Inter, "They Will Ho Done" Jerome
(Juaitette, "O Come- Evcr)onc lint Thirst-
etli" Heed
Postluclt Chiiivet
Einst von Ilohinii.vl, the- ccbbralid Hungailm
pianist, is winning new- triumph nt oveiy ap
pcaiaiue. His lite appeirarces with tin- llos'im
hvmphony oiclie ti.i, .it which times lia pcifoim
ed his own iimccito fin pi 1110 and ou-bestia, 1
still "the piinclpil subject of conservation among
the inuslclaiis ot New- Voik. No sub pla.ving
as that done bv Dolimnyl has been licaid in
New- J'ork since- the fust teur ut conquest lii.nli
bv Ills recitals, which arc so nitls
tle nnd successful, aio well woith wai'bitu fr,
11s be- is iiiumlsed by bis 111 111 iger, Ml. lit my
Wrlfsolin, to visit tbio city, during the season.
'flip following music will he sung b the qiui-tettc-
of the Fiist ricsb.vltiiiin eliuich at toinoi
low's suviecs:
Continlto Solo, "O, Je-us, Thou All Standing,"
Mr. , h. Kcllei
Coniuiiminii nlheni, "Ilreail of the World"
Hiss "olei and (m.ntette.
Anrliini, "While with Ceaseless Cmnt"
Alto and Utss solos and tniirtellc.
Mis, K.tthi.vti Thicle, soprano; JIi. II. S.
KcllT, contralto; Jlr. David Slipbciis, tuioi: Mr.
J. T. Wall. in, director; Mi's 1 lorence 11. Itleb
inond, organi-t.
!i ,
The- anions -vhiibut finile(te will givp one
of tlieii utiiqup enteitjininent this cvcnliiR at S
o'eloik at the- Hiiliuad Joung Mi n's ;luilian
asoeiilion on Liekivvaniu avenup, and on New
Yen's eve they give a giar.d conceit at Tunk
hninoek, a-iled bv Jlis Jlittha .Mntthtvvs, Mis
flea trite Morris and Mr. Ch.11 lex Hirtley, Mis
Florence Hichmoud, pianist. The Schubtit quir
tctte is in deimnd and ppei-t to pnticipite In
the m 11 futuie out tu the wi-steni part of our
'Jhp ( !iii-tlnn rtiieises at the Elm l'aik chinch
unihi the auiiiccs of the Smidav sehriol weic tiie
most siicieuil and elnboi ite pier given by the
Sundiy school. The pnpuluil) of the enteitain
ments .lie nttestcd to by tin- lame number who
could not be seited The programme was pre
pired bv J!i J. T. Wilkiiis and the- smoothness
with vvhieli one miiubci- lollowed the other is
due to his bioul i.pcrience in this line.
Knnni Kiaiisp, who li .1 member ot the "JIIs
New- oik Jr." lumpauv, is, with the exception
of Inez Mtiibkc-i, pirbibly the be-t xoi ilit on
tiie butlisquo stiie.
'Hip Vlmbeit qiuitetlc- will smg tumuunvv af
l - li, - y''l'l' - 'l - yyysyvryi. -
Fourth Quaterly Review.
the method ,uul spba of a puilfent siimci, and
lliu gi.icfom iccejiticiii accorded by the meie-iful
(,'ud. 'J iii. latter is rbe moie geucial view. It
would be pintll.ilili if the Miulcnt would ttr.ep
Hie ihangpi in the mind of the piudlgal uud
compaie thilii with the titcs txpeiieiued in
I'IFlll LEssO.N. Novembir 4 "I lie I iiju-t
Stew.iid" (Luke xvi: 1.1), Hcie 1 dibalable
gioiuid, Mali) hive lued lo flud something in
Hip spirit of a fimidiilent fennnt which may b,
comiiiended for Iiuliution. Tiie puipcMi oi Jesus
was lather to exlnbit the nil of worldly iiu-ii
lis n wainln-r tn His fullower-, 'liny aie eallul
to niako filends of the iioii-Chiiiiiu classes, nut
by simp piacllcei, but b.v ilnvviiriRlit holiest
and fait deillng. 'ihi.v ate itiged lo iciiipuiIiii'
tliat tidelity in freculu- or miteriil toncc-in is
iii-ci viar, to obtain slaudng in societ) as well
a tu mik" plogliss spliiluill. Tin- good will
of the tuiROill Is ilesliable but not by any coin
piomlse. steadfasl ndhi-iciiici to the ii,hi is Hit
piicc- to be piid tor confldcii'-i and appiovil,
sIXlll Ll.-istiS.-Voipmber II. "Ihe Hub Mm
and Laants" .Luke Ml: 1-12). H holllll In
lioliicd in (his pir.iblu that tin- 1 icli nun is
not ilcscilbul as being wicked, neither the pern
man as in lug pious. Nothing Is ulil idiom,
the char.tclir of i-liher, .-ilthouglt that miv be
jsiinikil. 'Ihe- lissou U not, thiiefure, Intindul
tn tucli flu- doetiiu- of rewauls ami punish
mciitj. It hluiply piescnbs to us two mm, wv
of wlioiii lived in luxury and tho other in want,
wli-i In the next life leversed their inndlilnii,
Evidenllv the puipevi was to show thit woildlv
I ii-n ssiotis do not determine denial destlnv, .1
i lick tn the- ambitions of tho weilthv, uu ell
coiiiagondit lo tho iio'it.
SF.iTVM Li:SOV. Novenibei- 1". "-ip Thi
I.-peis Cleulisid" (Luke Mil: il-lb), Upiuy
lim ever been regarded an appropriate (inblciu
nf sin. Fur each tluio is uu known hu'
rnneciy. In cleaiitiu tho lepir Jesus hhoweil
Hli power, 'iho method eni loved revealed Ills
purpo-p to recogni'o the orilliiauip of Judiisin,
not ),t tcpialed, ami lo ailiun their value, at
thn sum tlmn Ills ability was lnidc avail ible,
Tho mum of thinks and piuLe undo by oi.u
and tin It mil- of tin other nine llliilrut
tho M.miKi i.f nun) who aieepl tin inanlfi id
blisslugs of Hod but foigcr film the (iivn, lilt)
filth clrnu nt appeals in stilklng niiiiiii-r.
F.ltlinil LE-sOV. Novembei y,. "sber ll.
lug" (Tilus II: l-l"i), An expdlinctd minister
In his oh) age, as he- is about to lay down Ids
cattldy I in-1 and go the wa) of all tlio t-aitli,
advises jouii-f miuUUis loiiiernlng tho duties of
tho s.icild ulllce, 'ih:.t iiiallttv-i should be
found in the- pastor, what n.otlvea thoiild put nipt
him, wlut teachings he should give tu ditfiti-ut
ihsses of persoiis-,-all thU is laid down in ouhr
and with gu-at simplicity. Here- Is an tplloma
ot piaetltiil theology which might bo followed
bv men In our tine. line ate wholesome ideals
of life for men, women, children, servants and
iiustiis which, if udoltcd, would build soibty
upon a basis ami pattern well suited to feeure t tie
lightk ami happiness uf all,
NINTH LESSON. Dice-inter 2. "'Ilia Itiili
Youiijf Ruler" (Mali, xix: lO-.'c)). It is evi
dent that this li.iuathe ihous the peill of
wealth. One who bus propeity iluiao
tcr in rouduct. Je-siis tiled him t'.v Hut ndo
and obtained only .i profession nf te.oiig con
foiinily lo Iivv, 'fu levc-al Ihe it ul slate of Hie
ternoon at lh Railroad Younc Men's Christian
association sellers nt 8.43 o'clock.
Mr. .1, T. Walklns will ti at Tuiiklnuinoik all
of ncU week directing the music during the
teachers' institute-,
Curious Compilation by a Convict In
the Eastern Penitentiary,
The following cm-loslty was sent to
J. W. IltistlnRS, BUpetlntcndont of tho
Life Line leaitue, ua a Christmas offer
ing, by Convict No. 4, 805, in the East
ern penitentiary;
Colosslnns Iv, 0. I'-ilm fill, 1-1.
Turtlc, Jeieinlah vlll, 7.
Chicken, Matthew xxlll, 37.
Mock Mutton broth, Judges vl, 10.
llnley, II Sinuiel, xtll, 2S.
Vegetable, II Kings Iv, Sii.
lli oiled Fl'h, Luke xxlv, 4 1.
Small Fish, Malthevv .xv, 31.
(Ileal Fish, John xl, 11.
Virlety ol Fisli, Luke v, 0.
(Jnall, Evodiis, xt I, 11.
l'.iitiidges, I Samuel xtll, 20.
Pigeons, Luke II, 24.
Peaeoeks, Job Nxxlx-, 1'!.
( liolce Fowls, Nelicmlah v, 1".
Hoit Lamb, Exodus ll, o.
pil, tender and good, Ue-iusls, .will, 7.
Ill cast of Mutton, Exodus xxk, 20.
Hoist Href, Leviticus iv, 12.
Savoury Kid, Leviticus Iv, 25 31,
Halted Oxen, I Kings -tlx, 21.
Deviled Kidne.vs, Leviticus Hi. 10.
Hiolled Liver, Leviticus W, 10.
Cniiunhii, I1.1t lit I, S.
Liiks, NumbcH l, .".
Ili-ilw, Exodus xll, S.
Veiilsun, Ciiuesis, .xxv, 2s.
Wild Ot, Deuterotiomv xiv, ."1.
Vv lid CJ0.1l. Psalm civ. 18.
( hamols, Dcuteionoiuy xiv, 'r.
Fallow Peer, I Kings iv, 2.1.
lint. Psalm .lli, 1.
Itoclnii-k, Deuleronoiny, .xv, 22.
llen's Fg(!S, Luke xi, 2s.
I'.titiidgp Eggs, Jciemlah xill, 2,
0tiicli Egg-, Job xxxlx, 1SU.
Jlehius, Niimbns.xi, '.
Cicen Coin, Livltiius 11, 11..
Onions, Numbers M, J.
I.pntils, II Siiimcl xxlll, II.
Cirlick, Niinibcis xl, "
lli-ans, II Samuel xli, 2.
To 1st, Juiin xxi, i).
Hot, I seimi-l xxi, li
Mali is and Hone, F.xodiis xvi, .11.
( uiinuoii Hieiicl. lieiiisis iii, li.
Ilillnvvnl lln-ad, I Siniutl xxi, 4.
I'nleaveiiid Ulead, Genesis xix, ".
II 11 lev Loaves, John vi, 0.
FI011. Cakes. I.evllleus II, 1.
line Meal Cakes, 1 Kings xvli. 1.'.
s.ilt, Luke .xiv, 34.
Jliistaid, Jl.iik iv, .11.
Viuegit, Ruth ii, II
Mint, Mitthew will, 2.!.
-.puis. ( .llltiiles i. II.
Coiiandei Seed, Exodus, xvi, .It,
l inii.iinnu, Canticles iv, 11.
Olive- Oil, Leviticus, ii, 1.
Hiittn, Isalib ii, l'.
(hcee, I Samuel xvii, 11.
Olives, Judges xv, .'.
Honey, i'ilni xix, 10.
(omb Hone), Pioveibs xiv-, 11.
(,'i.ipes, Levitiui xix, 10
I'omtgianites, Canticles vi, 11,
Manclrnkes, (ientsis xxx, It.
ppli-, Canticles ii, ,"1.
I'lea-int Flints, Canticles iv, J t.
Twelve Kinds of Fiitits, Hev. xxii, ,
siniimei Emits, Amos vlii, 1.
Figs, -olomoii'b song ii, 1 :
Humus, Numb-us xl, 1.
Mmnuels. t.eiici, xliii, 11.
t onfettious, 1 Sinuiel vui, 11.
Jliinks, Ezekiel .xxv, 4.
Wine mil Milk, I-1I.1I1 lv, 1.
Alllk and Honey, Jn!iin v, c-
I mil uf the Vine, Jluk iv, 2
I'iue lllood of the (liapp, Driueiiiniiiiiv xxxi,
Ml Kinds of Mine, Neliemiah v,
Pino Ci.vstil Watei, Hev. xxn,
W a 1 ei of Lite. John iv, II.
Fy - y'F'ysi''yyp'vi w sy w ww wi
J. E. Gilbert, D.D
Secretary ol Ameri:un
Socletv of Religious
heart, wldcli is a initu-i nt nr-t eoiiecin, the man
wa uipihid to give aw-.i) Id, piopeitv. but he
went away sonowful. He wbo lovo ticli moie
than cod must give theni away to find Cod. He
who love-s urn Cod siipieiiiely may not In tl listed
with wealth, which i in obstai le to keep men
f loin Cod. 'Hut I a lib.iug that help men
to srii llim.
'IF. NTH Ll..l-0. lJ.c-iuh.-i -i. "ilaitimeui
Healed" (Mink : 111-,.'. There an- three
iiiodes uf appioiching this liuou fiom ihe stand
point oi tlio blind beggar, who ciied for men)
mid would no the sllcnrnl, who came when bid
den and t.ited hi de-slit simpl.v, wlio praled Oud
and Joined the multitude of followers when sight
was lestoicd; ttoni the standpoint nt the- multi
tude who tiisl icpiuvid tin spi-kii, who after
ward Invited and led liim lo the .avioiu, wlio
(ball lejulttd at the gieat deed; limn the
nandpoint nf Jis-is, who heaid the pleading of
ihe blind, and paused and railed him, who
questioned on Ids appioaih, who touched and
sjiol " and the ivnilc was clone,
EIF.VENTII LIS-ON. Dec ember 111 "Zacel a
Hi Publican" (Luke xl.x: 1-10), Sec- him, the
little man in tlio s.vcalnot,- tree, led by emio-lty
lo sec Jesus, v.illlue became of the ciovvd In
lay aside llu- dignity lint belonged to wealth
ami station, See ,leus pislng along 1 lie stuct,
HU c.ves luined aloft, aril bear III words ap
pointing a feast for Himself at llio rich nun's
table'. .See the- Ivvo when Hay meet with joy
ful giec'lfiig. Hear the piopysil lo lectiiy all
wiong In pul lie lite, a prnpostl that vvutild bank
nipf soiiie olliclals. Hiai iho :i iour'n woms
lieclaiing that Mo had ionic Into tbo vvoild to
seek and save- the- hs-t '
TWELFTH LESSON -DiMinbt i i. iMatl. li,
Ml), "Cliilsimis," llicltw.iid we me uuned to
tbo beginning uf tlio dispel sloiy thai wo nny
with apptopilnto lillccton obsrivo the grcat
chinch festival. Let the thought take hi Hie
journey cf tlio wis,- men hum the east, led b)
tbo atai; their interview with Herod at Jem
slleni, desliing In know win re lo Ihid tin in
fant king; llt-iod'a anxiety followed by Iho as
sciubllug ot Hit) chief priests, his answer uud
lOpouiliial rtpii'Shlon of desim to woiohipj
Hie deparluio of thn wlso men, tbeli Jouriu-) to
HiHilchem, ilieir guidance- in the manger et.idle,
unci llieli Joy in liuiliiu llm nbjerl uf Hull
search. No being t-vir began an laitld) carepr
so highly lioiioicd. 'Ihno clvlllitloiis g.itheiecl
about tho place of His udvmt us the) suunuiidnl
the no at Ills derail. Isii.g.s ami pilit. ion.
phtd and tho wise honoinl, piuphny uf wiiat
uwailed llim ami His cause-.
I ONCLl.'slON.-Let the student tell wheie- llm
following nulla aio taught in the Ic'sou. and
how: , Jtstis tame unknown to piict, hated
by the king, foietold in f-crlptuii, sought by llio
wise- 2. It Is hwful lo elo good uu Hie -sabbaths
!l. Iluinlllty luciedes lionorj 4, Coneleseciisioii tx
alts; S. Seeking for the lost Is attending to
human iiistliuts- il. fiod's fiet- gilts aio some,
tlmti rejietedj 7, The tiy of the unfortunate,
dlsrcgaided b.v nun, awalcein Divine iupullii
and brings idicfi S. 'Ihe penitent sliiiier will
be welcomed ou his litum, U. 'IliauUsglvliig for
Hod's favors is a t online ndablt- ililiic; lu. Favor
with tlio woild must not be son.-la by tiatul;
H. Wtalth Is no pledge of heavenly Joy and pov
erty H no bn; 12. vVeallli iintieiiilied In the
IicjiI if It alienated fiom Hod is an rill lo be
last away; .). 'iho i it h man may seek Jesus and
make Him u guest.
tKBH Simple I
WSfiNKl Stove
MsiuHi f
to a
" '!HHSiHOT3i
(Steam or Hot Water)
Is made extra hcuvj', with every joint iron lo iron. There is no heat lost, nd
at (he enil of the winter the healer shows no sign o wear. It Is made for heat
and wear. . . , ...
Let us nontl you our tnoklet, )ou will knoir
all about h titers that II worth knotting.
The Sperl Heater Company, Carbondale, Pa.
Clod' Gift, John Iv, 10.
Cup of Dlcntliiir, 1 Corinthian v, 111.
Furnished by Stole Choir with llaips, lie vela,
tlona .lv, 2j and The Chief Sinaeis, II Chroni
cles xc, 21,
Sons of Moses and the Lamb, Itcv. xv, ?..
(.mid Anthem by a Great Multitude, Itei. ill,
9-1 ..
"oiifr of Redemption, llcv. v, l.
Xew- h'ona;, Hev. .iv, ft.
Fraise Cod from Whom All Itles.lngs Flow I
An Exhibit nt the Pan-American Ex
position Will Show All About This
Popular Beverage.
Long1 liofoic eoffeo was generally
known throughout Kiu-ope Loul llncon
Moto. "Tlioy have in Tuiky a drink,
coffee5, which eo-nfj-'ti-th llio heart and
aldeth digestion." The olahoutu eiof
foe exhibit In tho Alanufactures and
liberal Arts exhibition buildlnjr at
Buffalo, in the section devoted to foodi
and their accessories, will demonstrate
how Lord Bacon's opinion has de
scended to (succeeding- generations. Cof
fee at the exposition will receive the
attention that It due the most popular
bevoiago the gods evar bestowed upon
Foods and their ac-cessoilcs will ip
celvc at Buffalo more elaborate atten
tion than has ever been given to n
like exhibit. The object li to familiar
ize the people of Pan America with
the food products of the whole Ameri
can continent. The exhibit will be
housed in a beautirul building, which
is a third of a mile In clrcumfeienec,
and as elegant In appearance as it is
magnificent in Its proportions.
Coffee, being one of the widely known
articles of this exhibit, hap been se
lected for description as a type of what
may be expected in a bundled other
products, each of which will receive
ut the hands of G. Kdward Puller, the
manager of this tlepniuneut, the same
painstaking caie at, the subject of this
ai tide
liRO'U'S L.1K1-. A ('IIRRlty.
Coffee grows more like a cherry than
anything else with vMiich people in
north temperate latitude aie familiar.
The tiee, If allowed to glow naturally,
will attain a height of twenty feet,
though It is often in lined to keep the
blanches within leach when standing
on the giound. FOr beauty it cannot
be excelled, even in the noplcs. With
its deep green, shining leaves and
pure white, fragrant, though transitory
blossom, together with the lipenlniT
fiult, it pioducf-s a picluie peculiarly
The fiuit, til .-st ti tiny ieen ball,
changes to pale led as It develops, and
llnally, when ilpe, the color is a ilrh
blown. It has a pleusant flavor,
though rather sweet and somewhat in
sipid. Its pits Is the coffee beau of
commeiue. Each nult contains two
beans, which grow with the Hat sides
together In f-epattile cells, though
should one become aboitive, Uu- other
grows round and fills both cavities.
These tounded berries aie .sepaiated
and sole1, as Pea Beriy Mocha because
of their resemblance to the genuine.
Those abortlce cells occur usually to
W'uul the ends of the branches and nie
encouraged by pi lining.
Mocha Is the oldest colfee known lo
commerce. Wheie or how It oilginul
ed is sin ouded In piehlstoiic mystery.
Tiadltion says the seeds weie Imported
ft urn Abyssinia and 1-Jthiopla und
planted In Aiabla about the(t)eglnnlris
of tho Ufteeiuh century. However, It
adapted Itself readily to the soil and
climate-, especially In the southern part
of Arabia, where It has fot mod the
principal at tide of export ever since,
Mokha, a smrtll town ou the coast
of the Red sen, gave Its name to this
coffee, because It happened to bo tho
pott wheie the earnpl caravans unload
ed and the shipments to the unlet
woi Id weio made.
Java coffee gets Its name fiom tho
Island of Java, though the great bulk
of .Tuva coffee now comes from Ameri
can plantations lying between tho 30th
pautllels of latitude north and south.
SVhen conditions aie fnvoiable, paii
Amcilcnn coffee Is fully enual, If not
superior, to tha best foielgn giown. If
any one doubts this statement, one of
Mr. Fuller's exhlbltots will be pre-
paied to prove It with a delicious con
coction piepared from puiely Ameri
can blends,
Old government Java oilglually got
Its name when the government of Hol
land compelled nallvo Malay planters;
on the Island to pay their tn.ves in
coffee, fiovenmient godowns (w a re
houses) wero built, In which eoffeo win
)ctultcd to be wntelioused seven year.i
liefoie offering II for feaio, There aro
people who ftiy that was no Improv"'
ment, that the beiry does not Improve
with age, but tho probability Is thoso
peopli! never had an oppoitunlty to
sample .Keiiiilno Java coffee seven
yeat.s old. Javu Is an exception la
this tespeet, as most colftes do not
linpiovo afler tho second year, There
is pot profit enough In tlio liuslue.n
to hold coffee such a length ot time,
though borne do mi in u limits el way,
Tlioiso who really Jov a fine coffee
Huvor, and want the Ui&i vestige
is contained In llio bean, may get from
c-ertnlu dealers Aniei-can eoffeo In
which tho natural niutna has been no
cutefully developed that it will ccpial
any old government Java Iho good
lames of Holland wore pcimltted to
Coft'eo Is sold by tho cup In Now
Ycik for one cent: It Is also sold for
is a simple thing when you
have a Sperl Heater (coal re
quired once in 12 to 20 hours)
It is so simple any one can keep
going and have the house heated
degree as you want it, day or
Every part of a
Sperl Heater
Miidame A. Rtipport says
"My Fue-6 Bloucb Is not n new, untried
lcmeily, but beta boon used by the beet
people tor yours, nnd for dlnolvitig nil
icniovliitr forever pimples, freckle, moth
patches, bltrkhenilii, eczema, tan, (unburn,
mellowness, roughness or minces of the
nielli, and for britrhtening' and beautifying
tho complexion it linn no equal.
It Is absolutely harmless to the meet
delicate skin.
The uinrvellous Improvements after a
fi-vr applications in most apparent, lor the
tkiu becomes u nature intuneled It should
be, smooth, clear and white, free from
every Impurity und blemish. It cannot
lull, lor Its action Is riigIi that it draws the
impurities out of the Bklti.nnil does not
cover them up, and Is invisible during use.
This is the only thorough and permanent
During this month, I will offer to alia
trlnl bottle of my world renowned Vat-e
lllench, Bulliolent to show that it Is all that
I claim for it, nnd nny reader of thlsoan
-luml me 25 cents in stamps or silver, and
I will send the trlnl bottlo, securely
packed lu plain wrapper, sealed, all chargea
My hook 'Bow to be Beautiful' .will be
mailed tiijo to all wbo will write for It."
6 East I -Itli Street, New York
rime. Ruppert's dray Hair Restorative
ucttially restores gray hair to its natural
c-olrir, Cuube used on any shade of hair.
und is not a dye. uud does not disoolor the
ilciu nor rub off. Perfectly harmless and
nl w:ny gives nafhfnotlriri.
Alme. Kuppert's Depilatory removes
superfluous nnlr in Ave minutes, without
pnln; will not injure tho most delicate
rime. Ruppert a Egyptian Balm for soft
ening and healing tho face ami bands.
Time. Ruppert's Hair Tonic positively
teinovesilandiuiT, all scalp diseases, stops
fftlllng lmir, and in many eases restores
Mme. Ruppert's Almond Oil Complexion
Soap, mndo of pure almond oil andwux.
Delightful for the complexion nnd war
ranted not to chtip tho most delicate skin.
All of thonbovo toilet preparations are
iilwa?H kept in stock nnd can bo had from
mil-local agent.
Mine. A. Ruppert'H Celebrated Com.
plexion Specialties are for Bale in
Scran ton by
Jonas Long's Sons
A Skin of Daauty Is a Joy Forevar.
Uiei"tl, UI.AU 11J11US.
ltcuiovrt Tun, Pfmplt. rrooltUa,
lluth rtWihCF, Itarii and Sklf
eilKtuies, son mymtj DlcmilD oa
Dc-niiiy, eua
mil defics-
t is t3
tood Uw I
yum. -end
hirmleti w tut W
tn bo t.ure It Is pro"
crly node. Ace-)
no counterfeit osl
slmUkrna-n. Xr.l,
A. Sayro wJ(J to a.
1J of ttie tout-tail
to vatlentli "Asjow
laxflos will u then.
autl a rrr am ' aa Ika,
trait harmful of all
tti-i Hinn r-ra:
etnna." Fat aa.
alt DniffffUta
lni Onoi a Dealer! In tna u. a., eanaaaa, uu i
gajLO. T. BOFKIKB. Pree'r, tt Qrtat JoaM It, I.T.
twenty-rue ci)iit, . jji-cntor ranfte of
lirice tlmn any otlior Iciiowu com
nioillty, PiiceM of tbo kiwis beiry In
tbo open market vary neuily as much.
It li the bo vos age of the iiooi, tho
Kieat mass of -,voikor, und the
The I'uitt-tl Suites is Iho latge-st eof
feo inaiket In tlio vtnltl, 1 1 ton si t Hor
lanil uses moie jivi" capita. Our Im-.
jiotts ilurlncr tho iLocal yent- entllnu
Juno SO, M):i, amotinletl to S7S,397,li
poiiiul-). which 1lovH the lmpoitanoi
of this market. C'offeo urowora to th'.i
-oiith of us Mill iinpn-cInU this when
llioy visit tho oxiiosltlon ait'l pee tlio
I'Oft'ep exhibit.
Senator Jones of Nevada Eligible to
n "Don't Worry" Club.
Cm Hi In Cliicjso ltriuiil
When hlgliwiiymen oiun heltl up
Junes uf Novnilu lu a htiiRO coach lia
jitomptly haiuletl out his pocket-book
unil watch unil stilil to tbo bandits;
"Hoyn, leave mo Ua lilts to pay for
a ill Ink at the next Htnppliifr place. Tile
man that keeps tho bar is a mean citsi
anil never trusts unyboily, Ami I ilon't
bellevn you want that watch,' he. i-on-tlnuetl,
heruiiho It's i?ot my monogram
on tho iitshlo of tbo case ami my niinie
ami atltliess on the Insltle, so It
wouldn't do you much pood,"
The hlKhwaynien handed back his
watch ami handed back his pocket
book with his I'ulluuid pusses nnd a J.'
bill. ,
Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing: Sytup
Hii licoii urfil for over l'11-TV YCAns hv
MII.I.IOMi "I JIOIH1.IW lor their Cilli.DRKV
It hOOIIIFS llie- Cllll.ll. SOn'KNS the OUMb,
1h tho bwt limcely for DIltItHOi:A. bqij i,y
)riifc'8lt I" Wt "I "" orld. lie hura
ami ask for "Mi. Wlnslow's Soollilng fcrup ,'
anil UV.U no other klna. Tvvcuty-flia tent
bottle. - '
ZfcS l!EulH
lr CJIiCAJU. uic
a- A&t
rfi aV"-a. 7VI
i-5BjjinEivw i
u i-Y if
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