..' , w i rwjww. MiM , l.MMPPIL flPt I iJ.'JSM SW ,, , ,i; . Vi ' K4 lx . II' 1. . 3W vf$ t tribune. : THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICb OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD". J 5 TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1900. TWELVE RAGES TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. ' l 1 EMBALMED BEEP ON THE MENU Ex-Secretaru of War flloer, in a Magazine Article, Galls Up an Almost Forgotten Dispute. HOT SHOT FOR MILES The Case of General Eagan Heviewecl. His Suspension, Mr. Alger Says, Stripped the Service of an Honest nnd Capable Officer The Statements of General Miles Criticized Serious Charges That Were Made Without a Particle of Evidence Effects of the False Impression May Never Be Removed An Injustice to Gen eral Shatter. ,y Kxcltilc Wire from The Associated Press. Now York. Deo. 2S. The North American Review In Its next Issue will contain an article in "The Food of tha Army During the Spanish War" from Inrmer Secretary of War Russell A. Alger. The article says, In part: 'Hie conmils-ioii appointed by the pieaident Jt my iciUc"t tu inustigiilo, the conduct nf the .it depaitment ill tlie war with Spain, c niniiioidy known ns the war imrstigiition 01 I lie Dodge i iiiimiisvinn, met on the '-'Itli djy of Jvptcmber, 1'w. Oil tho 2lsl day of Pceciiibcr t lit; major fdinnl, commanding the uiniy ol I hi' I'ulliil Metes, .lppcarid bofoic tliu I'oiiiinliilun, then sitting I" Washington, nml nudi' his Mulenu'lils with irpect to til'.' tanned, fresh sinil iitiigcralid href furnished to the urniy during Mie war. (Jen rril Miles refes'd to be sworn or iiftirmcel, as cecry otlier of the lO.'i witnesses had been, de claring in sailistimci' Hint lie would "make his tatcments without being -woui anil was rcipoti--ible for whit he said." Ulhough the commission hail been sitting marly thiee inontlu, the ibn, with uspect to (..nued and refrlgciated href weie now made for (hi tint time; and si rancor and more inexcus able and more unsoldieily still dining all those lie nths with Ihls pietcndcd knowledge of tints which. If they c.istid, should hue hjen nude l,i. own to the secret. iry of war, for the piotcitmn of Ihe ainiv, (iciural .Miles licur mentioned the Mibjeit. Nor did I wr heir a minor of chem h.illy treated hief being pinch ivcl for the army iii'til tin- kiupiiiI'm testimony was givm before ihe loniniivion. In answer to inquiries as to how- i aimed beef became a pail of the army i.itiou, (icneial Miles said: 'you had better ask the Mciilaij of war or the euinmlssaiy gmeial; I think lliey can Icll sen. I know it w.n- sent to the army as food ami the pri'ten-i; L tint It was in', as an cipe.r inrnt. That Embalmed Beef. '"Iheie was sent to l'oito lino, 117 Ioils of nhat '.s known n, or called, lcfrlctcialul be-f, whiih j cm might tall cinbilincil btef. .Vow, if pin w.'iit to aseeitaiu the lost to the government of this so-called rcfi iterated bcif-embalineii but-lake the original tost. 1 do not know'wint May lne been injictid into it. The undeii.t Hid ing i-, that this is a .senet process of picscmna; beef. It in ij- be tint they are still sending the Klutf down theie. 1 don't know. If I had fur nished any expedition ill this couritre, or any nlher, with muIi stulf, I would piuhihit the men flout tatting it. "I do not think that beef, sikh as was bent to Cuba and l'orlo lluo would lie row! in any louutiy in the stomath ot any nun. lliey loukl Kct home baiou, but that is not (ouiiducd hiiit able food for the tiopics. "Vou ask about lood. In my imUnienl tlut was one of the bullous causes of so muili siik iiesn and distress on the part of our Hoops." Not (.ontiut with thene KiaM' md siandalous charges', thus made puhliu for the lii.-t time biforc the war imestii;atiuK commission, Oiueral Miles permitted himself to bo inttiticwid on the follow Imr day at Cincinnati, when he made simi lar cliarsed. The ullceutioiis that niMiiliible fond, not a put of the leKal ration, had been furnished to the army under prelnise of an experiment, and that nfriijerated bief, tieated with poUonuus ihem luili, had hem and was beiu supplied to our niiny of 27.,(i00 men, weie indeed Miinu-, imply, iuj;, .is they did, ctlminal iiiiompi'teuiy on the part of tliu commissary depjitmcnt, On the p.ut of the fomnilssary department willul neIiseme mid dishonesty. Blow tTpon Eagan, t-'ontlnuliiB, Mr. Alfrur said: These ihirscs fell us a lenihle blow upon "omml.v..iry (Jineral Chailei V, Ustni, who hid been worliini; encrKelically, honestly and zealous, ly for the soldiers in i.im:i and flild. Ills health hail evrn lnen impiiied by oeiwork. CJrneral Kjk.iii la.hed to the ipihk by tlu-e al IfKatlnus of Cienci.il Mile., ami without ion sultint,' Ihe senetary ol wai, 01 olhir (i lends ni.ido u Iliiif i.itif nplv which ai hlj;hly impioper. lie was tried by i ouiiiiiiill.il for iou dutt linbeeomlm: an officer and for londuit pirjwlicial to tiood older and inllilaiy disilpllne and was fcentenced tu suspension trom i.mk and duly for six jeais. Tiu siwpemlun of (,VnuaI lliiran slilppid the senlie of an honc-.t .m.j able offlier. Ills rouit-nuitl.il was not thu out- nino of tiriirr.il Jill's" thiiit, but (ho i,.,iilt of inteinperati' mid iimiillilaii lan.rii.ii , umi ii'lved in iiuliKiutlon. Vs it was, mil tin- silf prejinllii.il ami inltiupualn 'K-niuul,.ii ni.nl,. I.y eiicr.i) Ikivau loiuinud the I'luniulloii llu'i there was no foundation In fut (m U,. diirk'rs and InslnnUloiw dedi'iihle fioiil Ihe leniis, "preieiise of eperlimnt" und "unbilimil but" The ihaims of (n'lier.il Mlh- Willi lopeu to I'liliucd loast lieif were tli.it It was inn pill ol the ntniy ration and (by iuiVienie) had been ikaiied tu the uiniy by tliu sunlary of war and the comuiisiary ueneial without .iiuhoiltj of law and tint it was the meat icdiluc- a li'if pulp which was lilt after the 1M1.u1 ud hun taken from It, With leput to icIiIkujIhI U-if he illeed thai it was "embalmed I net" whiih had been aitifliially prescned by lneitlnt,- ihemlials intu If, that lie had oci Iivliiiint; cxidtiee that Ihe "(nibalmed heel" was lieand with cliemliali to pitteric It, and that the ufilneratul beff wuuld not bo "kuuiI in anj 1 unliy in th stomath of nuy nun." Miles Displayed Ignorance. flencral Miles should have known tlmt nelthi 1 tho sieretaiy nf war Her the c01111niss.1i) uninal could Ic-aally ultii' 01 add to tho nllou of the miy, Tho ration is flut by law and lis 10m pouents can bo ihuuitcd uul.t li.v the president of the United btatc-i. II Ornerul Mile, did not know that canned fresh bief wa a pat of the aiuiy ration, then be displayed an icuoiaiuc In an important nutter of his piofisslou, thai is to say the bait most lemarkable; If he did know that 1 aimed flesh beef was a iccokiiIuiI p.nt uf tho ration, then his allegation to the (outraiy is so much more irpirhensible, AJr. Alger says tltt'bo Kerlous ehurgefi of 'General Miles were made absolutely without a purtlclu of evidence or ox tuse, and contliuiutl; The imputations with ii.peit tu lunnul fresh beef were most carefully and thoroughly exam tr.ee) and icpoiled upon by two Impartial litb uatls, one b-'liir; loiupmcd uf eiiiiiieut citiziu-, ex-sotdlera and 11 dlstlngulslied neurrat officer ot the regular army (the war Investigation com mlsalon); the other, the court of Inquiry, con. alidlhir wholly ot uflkcrs of the regular army ol high rani: omt unimpeachable Integrity, and especially oseinhlcd to Investigate ttil question. Thctc was no subject lo which the Dodge com mission deleted more lime or morn tlioroughly Inverttlgaled than the nssertloni of tho senior major general of the nrniy. These trlbunali found that there was no foundation tor the chnrgei that canned fresh beef was not n pan of the 1 at ton. or tlmt. It had been furnished as the preletice of eicrlmcnt, or that It was tho pulp uf the beef. It had been furnished lo the army twenty j earn prior lo the Spanl1i war by (lei!. Kagan'j picileicssor. nml had been furnished to nur Cuban allien by (iener.it .Miles' order ilmmg the Spanish war and had been furnished regularly by the naty depaitment lo its sailors und marines. Mischief Made by Allegations. In conclUHlun, the ex-soctetary said: While the tilleiMtioii" of General Jllles weie not based tiioii facts, and weie conclusively dls proxen by two separate tribuiiuls, tuilmpeacliablc In their composllloii and methods of Imestlga tion, the lircp.irable dimage hud been done. A In.iU', honest, and faitliful oltiiir, suffering un der the lash ot such ciuel, unwananted nml un justified imputations, while Cionciatcl fioni tho liemy odium of those rli.11 ires, was as u result of them, saciillceil on the altar of his own piti sion, righteous in its twistenec but tniexeus.ible in its expression. Disldes this :i fale Impres sion had been rriMtnl tluoiighout the country 11s to the food finnlslied the army, which may neter be lemmed. The ihaiges of General Miles, twice prmen false in vpitit and Kuhstanec, arc theiefore the more heinous In their effect. Yet the presint eongrevs promoted Oeneral Miles to be lieutenant general, and has thus far failed to giie to Genera! Shatter the rank of major general to, retlie upon in his old age, and thus after his magnificent campaign at Santiago, as well as his former distinguished sen tecs. TERRIFIC STORMS ON ENGLISH COAST Many Vessels Adrift Others Are Driven Ashore Masts and Bul warks Swept Away. By Kiclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Jvomloii. Dec.S. The storm today on the itooR was it terrific one and cre ated ftreut havoc- to ships. A terrible accident took plueu near Taunton. The breakwater at Watchot harbor yielded to the force of the gale and became a wreck, pertnittinp: a tre mendous sea to have full play arrainst the shipping in the harbor. Several vessels broke adrift, two foundered and flvti others were driven into a hopeless tangle in a corner between a pier and a. wharf, where they lay irrindinff en eh other. Their masts and bulwarks speedily went and their hulls were greatly battered. The damage will reach many thousands of poun Is. The Austt.ian bark .Capricorn was driven ashore near Undo, Cornwall. Nine uf i.n ciew weie .liiwnoil, onC' was saved and four are still on board, with little likelihood of being rescued, as they ate unable to avail themselves of. the tocket apparatus. Two other vessels are ashore on the Cornwall coast. Several were stove In at Tlfracombe harbor. The bark Uagna was wrecked off Trevine, near Cardiff, three of her crew being drowned and nine being rescued by rocket lines. Paris, Vov. 20. Storms of extreme violence have swept the west and northwest coasts of France. There has been some loss of life, toeether with considerable damage to shipping. INTERVIEW WITH POPE. The Matin Publishes Article Devoted Exclusively to Attitude of the Waldeck-Rousseau Ministry. Dy llvilualie Wire from The Associated Press. Paris, Dec. 29. The Matin publishes an Interview with tho pope devoted exclusively to the attitude of the Waldeck-Rousseau ministry toward the religious congregations. Heferring to the premier's speech at Toulouse Oct. 2S, when M. AValdeck-Housse'iu enlaiged upon tho necessity of the chamber passing a law regulating as sociationsa measure directed against religious congtcgatlons the pontiff raid: "The concordlal Is being changed from tin instrument of peace Into one of xvar and oppression. Kven In prn testant countries, religious circlets are excluded from the liberties enjoyed by other citizens. They will probably re turn to Kngland and the United States as In the days of the terror, to find a tefuge agulnst the Iniquity of Catho lic r'r.tnee. "Tho associations bill Is the negation of all tho laws of liberty. I liopo the Krench government will not renounce tho services I am still able to render her. Several times recently 1 have born solicited by the head of a power ful state to permit tho rights of Krtttuo lit the east and fur east to ba illhregardeil. I littvu lefufeil, al though compensations were offeied to tho church. Hut If Hie or lot's, with out which Cathollo expansion Is Im possible, are to bo suppressed, what nnswer shall 1 give In a day when hliiilliir propusals ant made?" Steamship Arrivals. By Inclusive Wlie trom The Associated I'icss Vvw York, "ee. 2(5. Clcaud: Campania, Mr U pool J Alihtcidim, Itotteidain; Aiulinia, filas gem; Alio. Naples und Genoa; I'miwlvaiila, Hamburg ia I'ijmoulli and Chi'ihouig; l.a Neumui'die, llatie, Glasgow' Armed! Hthioplu, New Yolk, Sjlh'd; Sardinian, Xew Yoik. Mo. I lie-Killed! I'liinesoia, (lla-ov lor Siw orl:, f'.lbraltai Aititeili KaUcr Wllhelni II, sew Yoik for Naples aril liiuoa. Southampton "alledt Kalserln Jlaila 'Jhetisla (fiiini llrenun), New Voik, Aiilicdl Soulhwark, New Yoik for Aiilvcip, Mxard Passed! l.a 'luiiinasne, New Yoik lor llatre, IJiowhcad-l'assedj llinbrla, Niw York for Mmpool, DEATHS OF A DAY, By Kxclusivo Wire from The Associated Press. Doylcstown, JM., Pec. i. K..Sherltf Johuj P. K. llelnhart died from heart falluie. today, at his home in Qiukettonu, aged 71 yea is. lie waa ilcttt'ij sheilll of Duiks county Id 1675 und biled one tcttii. Lisbon, Pec. 28. Major Alexandic Alberto Da Hoc ha Serpa Pluto, tho African explorer, ! dead, lie was born April 3d, lb 10. llhaea, N. Y Pec. a3.--.Mo.es Colt Tjler, pin lessor of American hUloiy In Coined iiniteulty, died today allu an illness of tluec uiiks. OUR PORTO RICAN POLICY Senator Foraker Answers Ex President Harrison on the Subiect 0! Expansion. REGARDING THE DUTIES Legislation for the Island a Depar ture, but Not from Correct Prin ciplesNo 15 Per Cent. Duty Levied, but 85 Per Cent, of the Imposts Under Dlngley Tariff Re mitted Congress More Liberal Than It Has Been in Dealing with Any Other Territory Porto Bicans Apparently Content. Uy Kxclushe Wile from The Associated Press. Cincinnati, Dee. 28. Senator J. R. Foraker, In u speech before the Manu facturers' club of this city last nlnht, replied to the speech delivered by for mer President Harrison In Ann Arbor recently. M. Foraker said: "All the questions arising upon the Porto RIcan legislation are soon to be passed on by the Supreme court. For that reason I do not care to discuss them at this time, but it is in order to say that tho view taken by congress, as reflected by that legislation, was creditable to the generosity, the patri otism and the industrial spirit of the American people. We found Porto Itlco as poor as poverty could make her. She had no money, no credit, no syHtem of taxation of any kind. She wanted a. civil government and a reve nue do support It. We gave her a far more liberal civil government than was ever given to any territory prior to the Civil war. so far as participation in it by her people is concerned, nnd we dealt by her more generously In pro viding support for1 that government than we have ever yet dealt with any territory. x "In teciuiring her to pay tat iff duties on imports from foreign countries we did only what we did with Louisiana. Florida, California and all our other territories; but In allowing her to put those duties, when collected, into her own treasury, for the. support of her local government, wc did what was never done before for anybody else: for hi all other cases we have not only required the payment of these same duties, but we have also required them, when they were collected, to be paid into the national treasury at Washing ton, for the common benefit of tho whole country. Duties on Commerce. "As to duties on commerce between Porto Rico and the United States, we did not levy 15 per cent., but we re mitted So per cent, of the existing rates on a number of articles, and the whole duty on all the remainder, and provi led that the 15 per cent, should be remitted on and after the first of March, 1902. or sooner, it the legislature of Porto R'co shall so provide; and that meanwhile all collections of that 15 per cent., both there and in the United States, shall be paid over to Porto Rico for her own support. We made that provision be cause It was the easiest and least bur densome way possible to raise Indis pensable revenue for the government, and not because it was In any sense of any benefit to either our government or people. "The Porto RIcan legislature is now in session, but neither that body nor any merjber of it, nor anybody else, has takci any steps to repeal or alter the tax system so imposed by con gress. On the contrary, all concerned alike testify to the highest satisfaction at what congress has done, and the request will be almost unanimously made that the provisions enacted may bo continued, If not Indeilnltely at least until some satisfactory system of proper taxation may be substituted. "In addition It should be said that congress nlso, In the same generous spirit, exempted Porto Rico from all Internal revenue taxation another favor never before extended to any part of our people anywhere. ' "It Is true that the legislation for Porto Rico was a 'departure,' but It Is not true that It was u departure from correct principles." BRYAN LEAVES FOR OALVESTON After Delivering a Lecture on Politi cal Issues at Abilone, Kan, fly llulmive Vlis fioni Tho Aocltted Pim, Abilene, Ken,, Pee, 1'S, Willlttm .T. Rryan lectured heio last night for tho benefit of tho city library fund, hav ing an midlonce of about six hun dred. Ills topic was "The Ancient Land mark," and he discussed taxation, trusts, the money question and im perialism from a Democratic stand point. Ho left last night for flalves ton. Verdict in Hilliard Case, By Kxelutlve Wire fiom Tim Anoilalnl 1'itJ. New York, Dee, S8. Tliu Jury in tlie liiquMt lulu tln eaui-e of the death of l.oui. It, J. Haul u mitred u verdict dtiUring tint he had conic lo his death from aph)mtlon and hue lured Hu earned by Jo.e It. Uaiia, lattvaid l. pern and Clinton I, ljnl.yl, nor.-,.-, at the Hellenic hospital where Milliard was n patient In tint Insane ward whin he died. P.'.iille the proteaU of Assistant District Attorney Mcllitire, pavla, Dean and llainhall were teleased in ',Ukj lull ujeli. To Suppress Vice. Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Picas. Philadelphia, Dec. 23. conference of repre. tentative clergymen and lay men was held lure today for the purpose of luiugurutiui; Ilia moe ment to tupprctd vice in laige cities. William Phillips Hall, of NW York, chairman uf the central committee in chaw of the twentieth ceil. luty national gospel campaign, was piin-nt i ml outlined thu general puipose ot the mouiiunt. NEW POINT OF LAW. Judge Craig Holds That Tributaries to Rivera Form Fart of Stream. By Exclusive Wire from The Awoclatcd PrrtJ. Stroudsburg, Pa., Dec. 28. Judge Crtilg, of tho Monroe-Carbon district, hits handed down an opinion In the In junction obtained some time ngo against the Spring Water Ico company by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company. Judge Craig's decision makes the Injunction permanent. Tho controversy urose over the damming -of thu water of tho Tohy li.mna creek on the Pocono mountain, which creek Is a tributary of the Le high river. Judge CralffH decision in cludes a now point In Pennsylvania law, namely: That the tributaries to a river foim part of the river. Tho com plaint of the Lehigh Coal and Naviga tion company, which Is sustained, was that the damming of the tributaries to tho Lehigh river cut off the volume of water In that river and Interfered con siderably with navigation of bouts, to which tho company claimed to be en titled. MONEY SQUEEZE . DID NOT OCCUR Complaint of Banks Over Scarcity of Mercantile Paper. Offered for Discount. Dy IJxclushe Wlie from The Associated Press. New York. Dee. 28. Jt. G. Dun & Company's Weekly Review of Trado tomorrow will say: So general preparation had been made by eastern business Interests for a squeeze in money near the end of the year that the expected advance did not occur and collections In the Interior were so good that banks made com plaint of the scarcity of mercantile pa per offered for discount. This outcome wits particularly encouraging, though business will need more money after Jun. 1. Meanwhile a good undertone has been continually in ovidence, founded upon the active distribution of merchandise south and west. Some wage differences have been adjusted and In this respect tho situation is un usually bright. One large foreign contract was lost on this account, and at many points domestic operations were delayed by inability to secure material. Instead of the agitation for cheaper steel rails that was so prevalent a short time ago, producers are said to contemplate tin advance. Domestic contracts In this line exceeded 5,000 tons at Chicago and among foreign orders Is noticed one for 17,000 tons for Australia, with many smaller .sales. Structural material is wanted for building rndbrldges, with noticeable activity In this departmbnt for export. Tlie local jobbing trade in footwear is quiet. Xew contracts are not large, but factories are running at full capa city, and in many instances refuse to duplicate orders at previous prlees. Wool lost the temporary increase in activity, sales aggregating only 4,576,700 pounds, a decrease of L'.riGl.UOO compared with the preceding week. Contradic tory estimates are still heard regarding the cotton crop. KILLED BY POISONED CANDY. Charles Williams, of Plttston, Ate Fink and Yellow Creams. Special to the serunlon Tribune. Plttston, Dec. 28. Charles P. Wil liams, son of Mr. ttnd Mrs. Benjamin F. Williams, of Pine street, died this morning from the effects of eating poisoned candy. The parents had pur chased a quantity of mixed candy for tho children's Christmas celebration and during the day the' boy ate freely of the pink and yellow creams. That night ho was taken violently 111 and Dr. Thompson pronounced It poisoning from the matter used In coloring the candy. The poison spread quickly through his system, discoloring the body and he died in great agony this morning. The funeral will take place Sunday af ternoon, with services in the Broad Street Methodist Kplscopal church at 3 o'clock and Interment in Plttston cemetery. DYNAMITE IxPLOSION. Six Men Are Dead and Several Others Are Not 'Expected to Live. By Kicliulvc Wire from The Associated Press, Keyset', W. Va Dee, 2S, As a re sult of a dynamite explosion at Baker camp, near Durbln, Pocahontas county, on the line of tho Coal and Iron rail road now running out from Elklns, plx men tiro dead and several others aro not expected to live. The accident hap pened! nt noon yesterday, while the men were at dinner. Some dynamite had been placed ubout the stove to thaw out and shortly after a tertlllu explosion wieeked the camp, killed thteo men outright and Injured Plain others, three of whom have since died. Tho dead men went blown Into atoms. Qn acrount of Indirect connections with tho cntup, It Is Impossible to secure complete details tonight. Million Dollar Bonds, fly Kxcluklve Who from The Associated Press, Philadelphia, Dec. :!!. The one million dollar bond ixsue, made by the Pennsylvania lUilioad company, dan. 1, 1?7S, and maturing Jan. 1, Paul, has been lliiildited, The loan was icn,ulred for Ihe puichije of the old lUiy jaril In this city and paid .1 per cent, iiitrieat. One-lull, of theso wiie tahui by j local naings fund. President's New Team. Uy i:elublvc Wlie fioni The As-oclated l'tea Akron, O., J lec. 2S, A team of line coach hoisi., puiihased for 1'tii.idiiit JleKlnley by an agent, were tdilppcd fioni 'alikinn, Summit tounty, today, They are pet fully matched bay ultli black points, IMi hand, high, and weigh 1,200 pounds lucli. Thu hoises were sired by a Moigait atalllon. Faderowski Located. Uy Kxilibhu Wire from Tlie Associated Pron. London, Dec. 2'). M. PudcrettjM is at baiij anue with his wife, saya tlie Yiemu correspond ent of Ihit Dally Tylegupli, and declare the nlory that ho let cutty fought a duel to be au intention. THE CAMPAIGN IN AFRICA Boers Harrassino. the British Troops in Gape Golony, but Are Being Driven Back. MAJOR BOTHA'S OPINION He States Tlmt the War Will Last Four Years A Revolt of the Afrik anders Is Certain Boers Damage the New Klelnfonteln and Chimes Batteries. Dy Exclusive Wire from The A&soclatad Press. Cape Town, Dec. 2S. General Do Wet's attempt to break through to the south has been frustrated and ho Is now reported to be at Senekal with a lurge commando, holding the coun try between Flcksburg, Senekal and WInburg, Oeneral Knox Is holding the coun try between Ladybrand and Wlnburpr. The eastern parties of Invading Boers are being constantly harrassed and driven back toward the Orange Rlvr. i London, Dec. 'IS. Lieutenant Colonel Sprogge, who commanded tho Yeo manry nt Llndley, has resigned. Sev eral other resignations have been gu f.etterl, among them being that of Mr. Ivor (irest, M. P., ti captain of Yeo manry. The Hon. Ivor Churchill Guest Is the oldest son of Lord Wlmberton. H belonged to tho Dorcstshlre Yeomanry cavalry, and Is one of the members of parliament in tho conservative Inter est from Plymouth. Rome, Dec. 2S. Major Grower Bo tha, brother of Commandant General Louis Botha, has arrived In Home on his way to the Hague. Ho carries dis patches for Mr. Kruger. In the course of an interview here today ho said tho war in South Africa would last for vc-nrs; that Mr. Styn had planned the invasion of Cope Col ony and that a revolt of tho African ders was certain. Johannesburg, Dec. 2S. The Boers damagd the new Klelnfonteln and Chimes batteries yesterday. Cape Town. Dec. 28. Tho Yoonianry who were captuted near Brltstown have been .released. MORE BOOZ TESTIMONY Court of Inquiry Discovers New Wit nesses Who Have Been "Exercised." By Exclusive Wire frrm The Associated Press. West Point, N. Y.. Dec. 28. So far as the taking of testimony the work of the military court of inquiry In re gard to the death of former Cadet Oscar L. Booz will be finished at the West Point Military academy tomor row afternoon. Today's investigation brought out testimony to the effect that cadets had been hazed to a degree of exhaustion. The victims In particular are Cadets MacArthur and Haskell. MacArthur himself denied that he had convulsions, but acknowledged that he had been exercised to such an extent that he had cramps in his muscles and that he lost control of them. Haskell is not In the corps now, so his testimony was not available. Cadet U. S. Grant was examined and told of the ordeals through which he was put as fourth class man. He said he felt no ill effects from tho treat ment afterward. Several of tho present fourth class men told of what forms of hazing ex dsted durlniT last summer's encamp ment and while there was a few cases of men being made to stand on their heads, there was very little exercising done, which would show that tho ma jority of the cadot are living up to the class agreement made last year to abolish severe hazing methods. The Inquiry will be resumed tomor row morning. MOBE EVIDENCE AOAINST CROWE. He Rented the House Where Young Cudahy Was Confined. By Inclusive Wlr from The Asuiclatrd Pre. Omaha, Neb,, Dec, 2S. One of tho most Important developments In the . I'udtihy kidnapping case Is tho positive j identification by Mis. Schnelderwlnd ' of a photograph of Pat Crowe, as a ' pictute of her tenant, tho llght-coni-plexloned man who rented tho old house used as Kdtllo Cudahy s mlson. Daniel Uurrls, living northeast of the city Hints, is satisfied that he sola the bay pony found at Pacltlo Junc tion, In., to tho kidnappers. His de scription of one of the men to whom he sold the horso on Dec. 13 for a watch and $1f., Is that of Pat Crowe, Hurris will be taken to Pacific Juno lion toduy to Identify tho animal. BLIZZARD IN COLORADO, Fears for Men Penned in Mines on Mount Blanco, By KXL'luiho Wire from The Associated I'res. Wasenberg, Col,, Dec. 28. A blizzard has been raging hero during tho last thlrty-slx hours. Feurs are expressed for the safety of the miners who urn working In the Corando and other mines on tho Mount Hlunco. They aro penned In nt an altitude of 11,000 feat. Rlttman Succeeds Morris, Dy Emlusltci Wire fiom The Associated Preaa. Cleveland, Dec. 'J3. Frederick K. Itlttman, nf this city, lie accepted the position of fourth ludltor of tlie treasury depaitment tendered Idm by the president to succeed Frank It. Morii, who was muidired a we'll; ago. Mr. Itlttman was foriuttly cashlir of the National Bank of Coimncue here. THU NEWS THIS MORNINU. Weather InJIcatloru To 4 jr. "fAlrtj COLOBIt. I General Oeneral Alger Opens the Beet Con tleneisy. All in Keadlness for the Senatorial Fight, .'enator KoraKcro Kfl'resldent llanlson. The Mouth African War News. !i CJctieral Carbondalo Department. :) General The bcnalc In Eiccutlvo Scslon. I Editorial. Weekly Letter on Municipal Aff.ihis. Note and Comment. 0 Local Social and Pergonal. One Woman's View?. (I Local Negotiations tinder Way to Settle the ' Strike of Trollej men. 7 Local Itev. Pr. N, (J. Paike Describe the Mlncis nf This lleglon. West gjiuntcm Girls Sleep In tlie Woodc S Local West hcraiiton and Sulmib.in. ti General Nnrthcisli'in Pennsylvania. Kinauilal and (Joumicniil. 10 (ieneral The World in tIKX). 11 Local Sunday School Lesson fnl ToniouoW. Hellglous News of tliu Week, IJ Local Lite News In the World of Labor. BLOODY BATTLE NEAR HARLEM Four Men. Are Shot Two Wounded Belligerents Escape Live ly Session. By Ecluslc Wlie from The Associated Press. New York, Dec. 2S. One of tho fiercest and bloodiest fights that has taken place in this city in a long time took place In Harlem early today. Kour men were shot. One died, and another Is dying. Two wounded men escaped and the police are looking for them. One man is under arrest, and the dead man's brother has sworn to kill the prisoner who Is accused of shooting him. The men engaged in the fight are for the most part gamblers. The dead man was George Ptice. a printer and bartender. The wounded are Edward Courtney, alias "Slats," shot In the abdomen; Thomas Ken nedy, alleged proprietor of a pool room, shot In one leg; Edward McGlnnls. alias Edward McMttllen, sporting man, shot in the left arm. Kennedy and McCInnis cannot be found. The prisoner Is Miles McDon nell, fifty-one years old, of City Island. He Is a well-known gambler. The shooting took place in the Ott awa hotel at One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street and Park avenue. Mc Donnell and two ot' three friends were drinking at the bar, when Kennedy and several friends .came In. A quar rel, which started when McDonnell and Kennedy were partners In a recently closed gambling house, was renewed. Kennedy knocked McDonnell to tho lloor, and this was the signal for te friends of both men to rush into the fight with drawn revolvers, and In stantly a fusllade began, with the re sults as stated. The barkeepers dropped behind the bar to escape the Hying bullets, more than fifty of which were fired. The first man to drdp was Courtney. The cithers then seemed to realize that the police would be on them soon and be gan to separate. Kennedy and Mc Glnnls ran out and escaped. The police arrived and arrested McDonnell and took Courtney to a hospital. Price was carried to his home by friends, and it was some time before the police got track of him. After Mc Donnell had been arraigned in police court, he was taken before Price, who was dying, but who said he was the nvan who shot him. It was at th's point that Harry Price, a brother, told McDonnell ho would kill him If George died. Price died soon after. EMPRESS APPOINTS A NEW EMPEROR He Is 15 Years Old, and Is Taken to Sian Eu in the Imperial Yellow Chair. By i:elusive Wire ft am The Associated l'reo. London, Dec. 28. "Private advices from the province of Shan Si say," wires tho Shanghai correspondent of the Standnrd, "that, while tha court was sojourning at Tul Yuen Fit, tin. empress dowager secretly appointed a new emperor, with the tltlo Tsung Hsu, Ho Is 15 yenrs old, and was taken to Slan Fu in tho Imperial yellow chair. This explains the permission given to Emperor Kwang Su to return to Pekln, "Emperor Kwang Su has notified tho loform parly that ho is returning to tho capltul and will need their assist ance." MAX ARNOLD INSANE. Blind Comedian Will Be Removed to a Sanitarium for Treatment. Dy L'xcluslte Wlm front The Associated Pie Philadelphia, Per, !!B,JIai lie-ad, profef'doiial ly known a Mat Arnold, tlie blind comedian, id Inwne and it Is probable he will lute to bo re united to u aanltarimn for treatment. 1'or the pat mouth or more lie has shown extreme tier tciunuestf and etldcncei. of Ida mind thing ay hate been apparent to Ida rclathes und friends. Arnohl wan formerly u partner of Daniel sully and pla.ud vtlth Hairlgan und Hart for hunic time. His but engagement with a theatrical fompany waa with John Kernell in "Tho Hus tler." About that time his e;e sight failed. Mr.ie thin he has been tilling principally con cert engagements. Krupp Wants Free Oil, By Ilxclushe Wire from The Associated I'rea Berlin, Dec, 2$. llerr Krupp and otlier great nunuljcturcra hate petitioned for the free ad I liaelon Into Germany of mineral oil for motor consumption, with a lev of saving the coal deposits of the loimtry. Corporations Chartered, By t'ichuhe Wire from The Associated Press. HairUburg, Dec. 23. Tho state depaitment to day' Usucd a charter to the lleliauce Coal com pany, Scuiitou, capltil $100,000, READY FOR THE FIGHT Senator Quail and Many oT His Friends Have ftlreatlu Ar rived at Harrisbura. EASY VICTORY IN SIGHT Colonel Quay States That tho Regu lar Republicans Won Their Eight at the Polls in November and That Their Has Been No Change in the Situation An Informal Conference Is Held. By Ilxclwhc Wire fiom The Associated Picv. Harrlsburg, Dec. 'JS. Colonel M. S. Quuy reached hero today from "Wash ington to take personal charge of his canvass for United States senator. Mr. Quay has leased a house a short distance from the capltol and will stay here with his family during tho legislative session. Mrs. Quay and the Misses Quuy and Private Secre tary Wright came, hero yesterday to arrange for the coming nf tho former senator. United States Senator Hole? Penrose arrived this morning to as sist in tlte management of the Quay campaign and will stay until after the organization of the legislature next Tuesday. Senator William P. Rnydnr, ot Chester county, the choice of Colo nel Quay for president pro tern of the senate, and William T. Marshall, ot Allegheny, the candidate of the stal wart Ttepublicans for speaker of the house of representatives, are also on the ground. Senator William Fllnn, of Allegheny, and other leaders of tho anti-Quay Republicans, are scheduled to arrive tomorrow and Sunday. Na tional Commltteeeman James Guffey. of Pittsburg, and other state Damo cratlc leaders, will also be hero Sun day. The Republicans of tlie senate and house will caucus on Monday evening In select officers and employes. The Democrats have not yet fixed the time for holding their caucus. On Tuesday evening, tho Republicans will hold a, caucus for the nomination of a can didate for United States senator. Colo nel Quay Is tho choice of the stalwart Republicans. Tho senate and house will ballot separately for senator on January 15, and on the following day a joint convention of both houses will ie held for the same purpose. Should no candidate receive a majority oC the votes cast in joint convention, It will convene daily thereafter" to ballot for a senator until there is tin elec tion or the legislature closes. Governor Stono has completed hla biennial message, and It will be de livered to the senate and house after the organization. Mr. Quay's Statement. Colonel Quay said tonight that the stalwart Republicans won their fight at tho polls oh November ti and the situation has not changed since he had made his original declaration that he would have 150 votes on joint bal lot in tho senate and hcuse, or 2" moro than necessary to a choice. Senator Penrose issued a formal statement, In .vhich he says he has no doubt what ever that both branches of tho legls latuie will bo organized by tho regu lar Republicans and that Colonel Quay will bo elected senator. Repre sentative W, T. Creasy, of Columbia county, one of the Democratic leaders, says the position of the Democrats In the legislature is very clear. "Wo were elected." he added, " to secure an honest primary and election law. nnd it certainly seems to me the first step in tho performance of this duty to our constituents is the organization of tho house and senate under offlciifs antagonistic to the forces that have s'o long prevented the passage or non et election laws and kept the people of our state at the mercy of an un scrupulous machine." An informal conference of Colonet Quuy and his lieutenants was held this evening, tit which Deputy Secro'nry of Internal Affairs Urown was chosen chairman of the steering committee of tho stalwart Republicans. COUNTERFEITS CONFISCATED. Several Collections of Bogus Notes Seized by Government Officials. Py Kwlu-lve Wire trcm Tim Associated Pica-i. Philadelphia, Pee. 23. Sciciul huge collections of loiinteifelt totes wciu tecently telcd and con flsftitrel in lids ciiy !y Secret, ScrWio Agent (Irifrtii. Hun as eiuios tho collection of bogus lanh notes Interested tho minions of the law. A bank c.u-hiii' wilb r"d the Jo of the finest collec tion of counteifi'lt bank totes een in recewt jeers. Ho began tn eolleet them onie lime ago, ami when depositors) olteied n purloin note liei v.nulel .ireept It and replace it with good money fiom lilt own pocket. In tldi way li ah ablo to gather notes af unions denominations, and It was with iitanv piotests that ho parted with his collection. Oilier e.ishtus lot (.mailer tol Icctloiis in u bliiillar w iv. I'ongrith pi"cd n law prohibiting the collec. tlcu of counlcifelt hanlt pete, unless, each Horn is (.tamped, cheeked ai.el teconled, and It must be bhown on leiyicst of any rcetet ten ico agent. MRS. PEPPER DEAD, She Expires at Shamokin at the Ago of 104 Years. Uy Exiluihe Wire from The AssoclateJ Preu. shainoMii, Pa., Pee!. 2S.-Mra. Francli Pepper, aged JOl years, tho oldet resident of Nortlium bcrland county, died In Locust Cap today, from general dissolution. Her husband died twenty )earj ago. She out. llcd neural children and until si-ural wtslw ago enjoyed excellent health. f WEATHER FORECAST, f Washington, Dec. 23. Forecast tor Rat- s- unlay and Sunday: KasUni Pennsylvania f Pair, colder Satuiday, tSuivhy, lJr; f freklt noilheily wind. ttt-t'tt-f-t-i ttt tt-t l a i-i: il m' -Vt r.A. - frjuuA. -5