The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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fprcUl lo the Kcrnnlbn Tribune.
Montrose, Dec. 27. Grand Jury
moots In this jilacoon next Monday
tha Inst clay ot the century.
John (Iurc, of Itushvlllc, la tho
newly appointed mercantile, appraiser
for Susquehanna county.
Tho unreor of the UIJou Comedy
company, organized by E. A. Maine,
of this place, nml which started on
the road last Monday, was short and
find I Indeed. ItH first stop wns nt
Tunklmnnoak; Its last stop was at
Athens, whore It stopped nhort nnd
gave up tho ghost. Tho several ac
tors and netrcsscs out ot n. job left
some for Now York and some for pas
tures new, while the enterprising but
unfortunate- nmnuger has returned
home with a large fund -of experience.
After January 1 the stores of this
borough will close at 6 o'clock p. m.
on Tuesday and Thursday of each
week. This, Is for the mutual bone
lit of our merchants and their clerks
and tho public will quickly ndnpt It
self to tho change.
Mr. Henry Burgess, nn old nnd
honored resident, Is seriously 111 of
pneumonia nt his residence on Lake
Robert ltnynsford, ot Cornell uni
versity, at Ithaca, Is the guest of his
parents In this place.
Ij. U. Tltsworth Is mourning the loss
of his line bull dog, which was fa
tally Injured while being separated
from a canine antagonist.
Charles Swift, ot Scranton. was a
guest on Christmas Day at the homo
of It. ri. Scott, In this place.
Born On Wednesday, Dec. 24, to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredeilcks, of
Allentown, a daughter. Mrs. Fred
ericks was, before her mnrrlngo, Mlsi
Ada Dennis, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
AV. II. Dennis, of Montrose.
Dr. F. D. Brewster, wife and daugh
ter Clare, spent Christmas with rela
tives In this place. The doctor 1)03
returned to Scranton, but Mrs. Brew
ster and daughter nro visiting friend'?
in Montrose and vicinity.
AA'illinm J. Horton, of BInghamton,
was tho guest of his parents and
other relatives in this place this week.
Sir. and Mrs. 13. T. Sweet, of Scran
ton, w'ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. A".
S. Mulford on Chrlstmns day.
r.odnny J. Stark and family, of
AVnverly, X. Y., visited relatives In
Montrose the first ot the week.
AVltliani H. Turrell and wife were
the guests of Mrs. Tin-roll's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Roberts, at AA'eit
Pittston, this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gallagher,
ot "Waverly, N. Y kept Christmas at
tho home of Mrs. Gallagher's mother,
Mrs. Margaret Lyons, at her home on
Jossup street.
Miss Grace L. Smith, of the faculty
of the Wilmington, Del., High school,
is spending the holidays at her home
in Montrose.
IS. L. Willie, wife and child, of
Conklin, X. Y.,1 visited this week at
U. D. Hinds', on Prospect street.
Mrs. W. O. Finn was at Kingsley
this week, where she was summoned
on Tuesday by the serious illness of
her mother. Mrs. W. H. AVilmarth.
Special to tlic Scranton Tribune.
I Xlcholson, Dec. 27. Mr. and Sirs.
D. W. Titus entertained their son,
Mr. A. L. Titus nnd family, of Bing
homton, Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Selh Harding, ot
Blnghamton, were tho guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Harding over Christ
mas. Mr. and Mrs. 12. It. McKlnnoy and
Mrs. Augusta Benjamin spent Christ
mas with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Benja
min, of Scranton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. X. L. Walker and fam
ily spent Christmas at their homo on
State street.
Mrs. It. M. Niles entertained her
brother and a gentleman friend over
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. D. Roberts and
family, of Foster; Mr. and Mrs. James
.TefTers, of Montrose, nnd Miss dnola
Dunton, of Xew York, spent Christ
mas with Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. Bell.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. R. Blaksleeo enter
tained friends from Scranton Christ
mas. Miss Kthel St nrk spent tho day
at Foster Wednesday, as a guest of
her grandmother.
Mr. und Mrs. H. NY. Kling had a
family dinner at their homo on Main
street Christmas.
Dr. H. K, Wilklns, Mr. T. B. Cooney.
Air. J. E. Harding and Mr. H. S. Ste
phens enjoyed a pleasant game of
croquet on J. M, Carpenter's law.i
Christmas afternoon.
Miss Ruth AA'eldman spent Christ
mas with her parents at Fleetvllle!
Mr. K. F. Johnson returned homo
from Jersey City, AYednesday night.
Mr. nnd Sirs. C. L. Spencer had a
family dinner at their home onStato
street Chrlstmns.
.. i .iii
Special to thr Scranton Tribune.
Harford, Doc. 27. Miss Nellie Picket,
of Scranton, Is spending her Christ
has vncatlon with her sister, Mrs,
Lew Burdlok.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sweet and daugh
ter spent Christmas with their daugh
ter, Mrs. U, H. Osborne, In Nichol
son. The Christmas exercises passed off
vory nicely In both churches. Tho
children did credit to themselves,
Mr. and Mrs, Purls Tiffany enter
tained their children and grandchil
dren at Christmas dinner,
Illland listabrook, of Montrose, is
spending his vacation with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs, H. 8. Estabrook enter
tained a number of friends Thursday,
Prof. K. B. Uogers, of Klmhurst, is
spending Uls Christmas vacation with
his mother.
J, H. Tiffany and wire, of New Mil
ford, spent Christmas with 13. T, Tlf
fany, Tho funeral of Miss Clara Keeney
wus held from her home In New Mil
ford townBhlp, December !C. Miss
Keortey was tho oldest daughter of
Curtis Keeney, who was a former resi
dent of Harford, and the remains were
interred In South Harford cemetery.
Her ago wus 17 years.
"O, V, Maynnrd, of Stroudsburg state
normal school, Is spending hls vaca
tion at home.
Prof. James Adams and wife, of
Huntington, Pa., mo visiting 13. O.
Tho lecture that was to have been
gven In tho Congregational church,
December II, wtis postponed till Janu
ary 4. Itov. J. AV. Phillips, D. ., will
apeak, subject, "AVhttt I Laughed at 111
Arthur Maynnrd, of Now York, is
visiting his parents,
There will be a specinl mooting ot Di
vision No, 35, A. O. H tills evening.
All members are requested to bo pres
ent, The Democratic primaries will be
held at the usual polling placo In tho
Third ward this afternoon between 1
nnd 7 o'clock.
Misses Julia Monahan, of Lancaster,
and Mary 'Monohan, of Ashley, nro
guests of Miss Mary McGowan, of Main
Tho funeral of Patrick O. Sullivan
took place yesterday morning from the
residence ot his son, John, In the North
Knd. A requiem mass wus celebrated
in St. Mary's church, interment was
made In Nnntlcoke cemetery.
The marriage of Miss Belinda Dcmp
soy, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael
Dompsey, of tho AVest Side, and James
O'Boylo, of tho North Knd, wns solem
nized in St. Mary's church on Wednes
day morning at 10 o'clock. The bride
and her sister, Miss Josephine, were
handsomely attired in cloth gowns. The
former wore brown nnd the latter a
garnet suit with applique trimmings.
Both wore prettily designed turbans
and each carried pink and white roses.
As tho bridal party entered tho church
to tho strains of a wedding inarch
played by 'Miss Elizabeth Murphy they
presented a scene of gracefulness as
well as beauty. After a wedding
breakfast nt tne home of the bride's
parents they left on u wedding trip to
Xew York city. For several years Mrs.
O'Boylo has been leader of St. Mary's
choir nnd her clear soprano voice will
be missed by the congregation. They
will reside in u prettily furnished
home in tho North End.
The funeral of Edward Fltzpatrick
took place yesterday afternoon from
the family residence on the AVest Side.
Tho Diamond Drum corps, of which ho
was a member, led tho cortege, which
was an unusually long one. Services
were held in St. Mary's church and a
sermon relative to the sad occasion was
given by Rev. James Morrison. Tho
choir, of which he was a member, ren
dered a few anthems after the services
were read. Interment was made in St.
Mary's cemetery.
Tliuitday and Friday Burke .t Cliae Vaude
ville company, afternoons anil nights.
Kilurd.iy l'lrUr Minstrel', afternoon and
Academy of Music.
.Ml rek ClarcneB DeVonde company.
The Gaiety,
l.ii'.l three days "Miss Xew Voile, Jr."
Vaudeville nt the Lyceum.
Yestciday v.w vaudeville day at tliu Ljreum
and I lip llinku & Clm-p firm presented a won
derfully elite! tabling programme at a matinee
and evening pcrfoi malice. There wcie some people
i-i tlie audience who believed they had teen won
derful juirgllng in their time, but found there
were tilings yet to be astounded at when Zlmmci,
Hie l)iol and expeit jivtdcr .-bowed his trick
of hat juggling in which he uses three sill: hats,
catching one of them continuously on his head lis
f.i-t as they can be thrown in tho air. He aHo
uses three cigars, one of them being lighted.
Tlicao lie nlso jmrgies with his hands nnd mouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Jiimnic Hairy give a very funny
sketch entitled ".Mis. Williins' Hoy," and lie
sides do topical singing nnd cake walking. Tho
street urchin quartette is one of the best num
bers which consists of songs, dances, cako walks
nnd acroahlic woik. One of tho quartette,
Wiight Campbell, is a Sciantonian. McMahon
and King, "the Units of black face, give a
sketch with a scene nt a Wabash railroad station
in which is shown the "Wabash Limited DO!),"
u I'caliitic picture ot tills famous train. The
beautiful Madame lleirmann, widow of tho fa
mous Hermann the Magician, gives a mystic
and beautlftd conception entitled "A Night in
.lupin," in which she shows that she is as
adept in the magic art as her great hatband. By
n few passes ot her magic fan she makes out ot
chopped paper and sawdust delicious coffee which
is served by an attendant lo the audience lo
geilier with cream and sugar, which she also
manufactures on tho stage, which was much rel
ished. She is real nice to the audience in tills
respect for she conjured about "five pounds of
caramels out of nn empty tin tube and scat
teied it through the audience. She also handed
out a few lemons.
Mabel Maitland, a handsome young woman, re
cited in negro dialect several selections, among
which was one of James Whltcomb lllley's poems.
This was a most pleasing number. The climax
was lacihed with Professor Howard's wonderful
ponies, dogs nnd monkeys, which was as remark
able to tho grown-up folks as to the children.
The performance will lie repeated this afternoon
and tonight.
At the Academy.
Chester DcYoudo continues at the Academy of
Music, where lie won the faor of Scrantonians,
who aro liberal in their patronage. He is on a
fair way to break all records at the Academy,
lulling already this week played to an enormous
ly largo number ot people, His play yesterday
afternoon of the "Jtancli King" was favorably
criticized In Tuesday morning's Tribune, ha hav
ing played tho piece on Monday evening.
Last evening the play presented was a luiiun
tiu drama entitled "A ljueen's Defender;" the
pleco was handsomely staged and costumed and
gao gieat satisfaction to the Immense audi
ence present. Mr, DoVoudo as Baltic, made an
excellent hero, the character being similar to
that of "D'Aitaguan" in "Tlireo Musketeer."
MKs Florence dear made a lundsomo princess.
Her costumes wcie cvpiMte and she placed her
part with etl'ectlvcncss, f-'pencer Charters as the
princess' scheming, erratic and most umutuiul
brother, Juyldlan, was extremely well east nnd
Inteipreted thu role admirably. Other mcimVra
of the company, Harry lloelie as Mouvetaec, Mor
tis llurr as I'llcurdemadt, Alma Aiken as Coun
tess Varncrcaux, were very clever in their re
spective roles. The scenery tucd throughout the
production was certainly fine and in keeping with
tho play. Tills afternoon the play to bo pic
bcntcil is "The Devil's Advocate," which made
such a tremendous hit on Tuesday evening on uc
count of whicli Mr, PoVondu lias derided to
repeat it, Tonight one of Itlchard Mansfield's
great favorites will bo uicsented, "Dr. Jekyl
ami Mr. Hyde," Mr. DeVondo appearing In the
dual lolc, that of the handsome, peaceful ami
gentlemanly Dr, Jekyl and tho hideous, cring
ing ilend hicarnate Mr, Hyde, Mr, DeVonde
changes from one character to the other without
leaving the stage,
Good Show at the Gaiety,
The "Miss Xew York, Jr.," company at tho
(Lilcly for tho balance ol tho week introduces
talent of unusual cxcellcnco In tho Hilton
lil-nlhpitl. Imtll'illlfil tm'Lrliira nwl Tin. L'... .....
-........,.,, -...,,-..... rivBS..v, .., uriuy uttium
und Lil Xelson, acrobats. Other good features arc
prcscnteu ny- i.ntina nraus, ino well known vo
talUt; Hattle Mill und Kcllla Hill, singing and
talking ccuicdicnnes, whoso singing, by the wuy,
Is iinw h mnr iillfvlnir tlntn limit 4itk- l.i.l.w....
,v ........ . .. .-..-,,.-- ....... ...v., ,,, ,VIIM
stanza; CliMfurd and llinkc, and the Seyons.
The performance closes with a Imilcsime en
titled ''Clcopalm nt Coney Islam),1' In which
tho entire cilnpany appears to good advantage in
the latest conilo songs, take walks, etc. The
title, role Cleopatra is assumed In creditable
manner by Miss tlattlo Mills. The troupe "III
be seen at tho Gaiety this afternoon and even
ing and U morrow matinee and evcnln?.
MlnstreiB Saturday.
Al 0, 1'lcld, who always gives in something
new In the minstrel line, has a card this season
which lie claims Is the strongest, feature ever
brought to this country. It Is a tribe of genuine
Mamelukes from Morocco. They oppcar first
about tho middle ot the .thirteenth century as a
body ot soldiery employed as a body guard to
the ruling sultan, Mal.iU-cl Adel II. The word
Mameluke Is derived from the Arabic "Mcmelll:,"
a slaic, and the original Mamelukes were young
captives, purchased from the Mongols. They
were born to rule, however, ns lliclr future his
tory shows.
Tho tribe Mr. Field 1ms secured, comes to
America from Morocco. Their performance Is
that ot the acrobat, the balancer and Juggler,
combined with which they give exhibition ot
their marvelous ngllity in tho big spectacular
production, "Tho Fete at Mecca," At tho Ly
ceum tomorrow afternoon and night. A spe
cial bargain day matinee will lie given ot 2.30
"Quo Vndis" Coming.
Tlio?e who have seen the original dramatisa
tion of "fjuo Vndlv' by Stanislaus Stnnge, f.vy
it woutd be useless for uny ordliuiy conipan.v to
attempt to play It. There are thirty-two Impor
tant speaking parts, each requiting a pcrfouner
of special qualifications to properly interpret Ills
or her role. Ilesldrs there are scenes which
require a small army of supernumeraries to prop
erly portray, especially the scene showing the
burning of Home when the soldiery ot Xero
drive, butcher and crush the Christians.
In addition to the people required there Is a
wealth of the most gorgeous scenery to lend
realism to the magnificent stage pictures that
portray tho scenes and incidents so familiar to
the readers of the famous Slenklcwlcz novel. This
is tho production that the theatre goers of this
community will be given an opportunity ot wit
nessing nt the Lj'ceum next Tuesday and Wednes
day nlahts nnd Tuesday matinee, and despite tho
heavy expense necessary for taking such nn ag
gregation on tour, there will be no advance In
prices when it is seen here for the fiist and only
time this season. The seat sale commences to
morrow morning at 9 o'clock at the usual place.
"Remember the Maine."
I'crvent p.ittiots will have an oppoitunity dur
ing the (list half of next week to revel in the
contemplation of victoiious Aineilcaus and Cu
inns and to enjoy the defeat and discomfiture
of the Spanish characters in Lincoln J. Carter's
very .successful melodrama. "Hvincmbcr the
Maine." The plot is well thought out and co
herent, and tbe character not loo much over
drawn. It is in the scenic production, how
ever, the great stieiigth of the pioductlon
is discoveied, and in tbesp Mr. Carter may be
fairly said fo have surpassed himself.
Hull rigged battleships for a space ot ten min
utes exchange thousand of shot from deck and
turrets, and bum and sink under the waves In
sight of the audience. Another very effective
scene is the blowing up of the .Maine. Other
scenes of the play are icprcsentations of tho
forts of Cavile and Coiregidor, a view of the
beach near C.ivite. Havana harbor and Morro
Castle by moonlight, and a vie of the heights
opposite Havana. The play is called "Remem
ber tlie Maine," and will bo at the Academy the
first three days of next week
"New York Girl."
The Xew Year's attraction al the C.iiely thea
ter, commencing1 Monday matinee, will bo a re
turn engagement of Howard ami IJuerson's "Xew
York Girl," one of tho strongest and best vaude
ville aggicgations now traveling. This company
scored a positive hit throughout the United
States. The burletta is in three scenes, written
by Joseph L Howard, esq., entitled "A Xew
loik fiul," and is tree fiom all smut or sng
gostivenes", and will be interpreted by tho entire
This attraction carries a car-load of scenery,
mechanical and electrical effects and elaborate
On Monday night, Xew Year's eve, a special
midnight performance will be given.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local implications as they cannot reach th
diseased portion of the ear. There h only one
way to cure dcafne , and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inllamcd
you have a rumbling sound or impel feet lic.ii lug,
and when it is entiiely closed, Deafness is the re
sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restoied to its uoimal condi
tion, hearing will be tWioycd furcer; nine
cases out of ten are caused by Cutarih, which is
nothing but nn inllamcd condition of the mucous
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot lie
cured by Hall's Catairh Cure. Send for circular,
r. J. CIIKXirv & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 7."c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. "
Valuable Real Estate
FR1DAA', JANUAUY 18, 1W1. .
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cias, Levari Facias and Arcnditioni Ex
ponas, Issued out of tho Court of Common
Pleas of Lackawanna County, lo me di
rected, I will cxnoso to publlo salo Ly
vendue or outcry, to the highest and best
bidder, for cash, at the court house, In
tho City of Scranton, Lackawanna, Coun
of JANUAUY. A. D.. 1901. nt K o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, all tho right,
tltlo and interest of tho defendants in
and to the following described lots, pieces
or parcels of laud, viz.:
No. 1, All tho right, title und Interest
ot tho dofemlnnt, Ans-elm Hetilley,
hi and to all that certain lot, plecu
or uarccl of land situate In tho Elev
enth ward of tho city of .Scranton.
county of Lackawanna, ami sthto of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns
follows, to wit: llcKinnhiK at a point on
the northerly side of Cedar avonuo, whom
the Biimo is Intersected by a line between
lots numbers 4.1 und 12, in block No. 0, of
tho Luckawauna Iron and Coal com
pany's plot of lots; thenco northeasterly
aloiiK said Cedar nventio, to a point
where a lino running; parallel with and
10 fot distant from a line between saitl
lotH 11 and 42 will Intersect said avenuo;
thence northwesterly alnnh" said parallel
lino mid 40 feet distant from tho lino be.
twecn lots 41 and 42, about 1U2 feet, more
or less, to the southerly hank of itoarliijT
brook thenco aloiiK said Itoarlns' brook
In a westerly direction to tliu llho be
tween lots uumbera 41 nnd 42 arorcsaid;
thence alone; the line between hits
41 nnd 42 about 132 feet, to the
placo of beginning. Also thu risiht
to pass and repass over, nioiiK nml
upon a btrln of laud of thu width or lo
foot, adjoining; tho abovo described land
on tho northeasterly side; said strip of
land of tho width of tun do) foot to bo
used as a urlvutn alley as provided for in
deed from Elizabeth Kclislnr, and Eliza
beth gclKler. trustee, to A. Hontley, duted
November 30, 1SS7. Excepting und ret-erv-lug,
however, uutn tlin said defendant,
his- heirs and usslgns foroyer, tho iIkIu
of way of Lackawanna Iron and Coal
company ncross tho rear end of said
lands almip; tho river bajik. as mentloniM
In the deed to Simon Ward, and also tho
coal and minerals beneath tho surface of
said laud, and t-uhject to thn exceptions
mid reservations contained In the deed
fiom tho Lacknwiuin.i Iron and Coil
company to Simon Ward, for lot No. II,
block No, !) and dated February 23, ifv!7.
All Improved with a two-story frame
double stnro bulldlnir, with Mansard roof
and kitchen, with apartments for dwell,
lugs. Also two two-story frame dwell
ings In the rear of llrst mentioned struc
ture. Heleil und taken In execution at tho
Milt of C. A. Sisk, administrator of estato
of S. C. Jlntthewson vs. Ausclm Honlley.
Debt. f3.hbO.Cd. Judgment No. 401, Janu
ary Teim, 1901, VI. ta. to January Term,
1900. II. C. IlEVNOLUS, Atty,
No. 2. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of the defendants, Clara 11. Hrlb'KS and
IM Win it llrlKK-i. hi and to all thut ceilulu
lot, pleco or parcel of laud sttuute, lying
and being In tha city of Scranton, county
of Lackawanna, nnd atnto of Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described an lot num
ber thirty-seven (37), In tuninrc or block
number thirty-one (.11), and situate on
street called and known as West l'arker
ptrcct, on David Conklln's survey of tho
city of Scranton. Said lot bclnir rectnn
Rtilar In shnpc, sixty (fo) feet In width
In front nnd rear, and eighty (SO) feet In
depth. Conl and minerals excepted and
reserved. Del up tho samo premises which
William 8, Diuton nnd wife sranted nnd
convoyed to tho said Clara IJ. HrlRBS by
deed dated October 2, 1S'J9, and recorded
in tho Hecorder's office of Lackawanna
county in deed hook No. 132, at pago
4G3. etc.
All Improved with a two-story frame
dwelling house and outbuildings.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tile
suit of Citizens' Dulldlng und Loan asso
ciation vs. Clara 1). UriRga and Edward
UrlRgs. Debt, $0.18.15. Judgment No. 321,
January Term, 1M)1. PI. fa. to January
Term, 1901. HlMMEItuUAN, Atty.
No. 3.-A1I the right, tltlo and Intercut
of the defendants, Patrick Donnelly und
JInry Donnelly, in and to all tho follow
ing described lots, pieces or parcels of
laud, with tho buildings thcrooti, situate,
lying and being In thn City of Scrnnton,
In tho County of Lackawanna nnd State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, viz: Tho llrst being Lot No.
8, In Square or ntock No. :, nnd situate
upon street called nnd known as Prospect
street (now Prospect avenue), upon the
town plot of tho City of Scrnulon, In
tended to he duly registered and record
ed. Said lot being forty (40) feet in
front nnd forty (40) feet in rear and ono
hundred and forty (110) feet In depth,
and Is rcctnngulnr In shape. Uelug tho
same lot sold and conveyed by John Uell
ly to Patrick Donnelly by deed dated
Juno 1, l.Vtt, and recorded In Recorder of
Deeds olllco for recording of deeds hi
Lackawanna county, In Deed Book No.
100, pngo, 132, etc. Conl and minerals
reserved. Improved with a two-story
frame dwelling with basement and ono
one-story dwelling with basement.
The second thereof being Lot No. 2S, In
Square or Illoek No. Tl, on tho northwest
corner ot Vain street (now Irving ave
nue) and Beech street, us appeal's on tho
plot of lots drawn by 11. Colt, bind sur
veyor, In IST.S. Said lot is forty (40) foot
In front nnd ono hundred nnd forty (140)
feet hi depth. Being ono of tho lots sold
nnd conveyed by John Faliey as tlio prop
erty of Jllcluiel Cromplon by deed dated
November 22. 1S9I, and recorded In the of
fice nforeitatd in deed book No. 120, page
239, etc. Coal and minerals reserved. Im
proved with one two-story framo dwell
ing houso and outbuildings.
The third thereof being tho front part
of lots No. 1 nnd 2 In square or block No.
"", fronting on Stonti nveuue. said lots be
ing ench 40 feet In front on Stone avenue,
nnd in depth along Beech street 107 fi-ct
to land now or late of one "VVendlaiid. Bo.
Ing the same land sold and conveyed by
Michael lit nil to Patrick Donnelly by
deed dated March 2S, 1SD.'!, and recorded in
the office aforesaid in deed book No. 9.",
page 410, etc, Coal and minerals reserved.
Improved with one two-story stone dwell
ing, one two-story frame dwelling, with
basement, one one-story framo building
used as n store, ono one and one-half
story framo dwelling.
Tho fourth thereof being lots numbered
ten In square or block number 32. and
situate upon street called and named
Ucreh street, upon the plot of Scranton,
drawn by II. Colt, land surveyor. Suld
lot being 40 feet In front and IS) feet in
depth. Being one ot the six lots sold
and conveyed by Charles DuPont Brock
and wife to Patrick Donnelly by deed
dated December 20, 1S70, and recorded In
the Recorder's office of Luzerne county,
in deed book 131, pago 203. Coal and min
erals reserved. Improved with one two
story frame store nnd dwelling and one
two and one-half story framo dwelling.
Fifth All that land situated In the
county of Lackawanna and state of
Pennsylvania, upon a street called and
known as Irving avenue, in tbe city of
Scranton, described as follows: Being lot
number three (") in square or block No.
112, and situate upon Irving avenue (for
merly vaio) street, upon tuei piot or
Scranton intended to be duly registered
and recorded, said lot being -10 feet in
front and 110 feet in depth with an alley
ln tho rear 1G feet wide for public use.
Being tho same property conveyed to said
JInry Donnelly by Thomas Allen by deed
dated April 34. 1SD2, and recorded in the
Recorder's offico of Lackawanna county
in deed book S9, pago 3. Coal and min
erals reserved. Improved with a two
story double frame dwelling.
Sixth All that certain lot of laud, situ
ate in thu Nineteenth ward of the city of
Scranton, Lackawanna county, state ot
Pennsylvania, said lot being 40 feet In
front on Beech street, and extending ot
tho same breadth 13n feet in length or
depth, being designated on the plot of
that part of the city of Scranton ns lot
No. 11. In square or block No. 32. Being
same land conveyed to JInry Donnelly by
Michael 'Wagner by deed dated July "1,
lMi", and recorded in deed book 149, page
177, In Recorders office of Lackawanna
county. Coal and minerals reserved. Im
proved with u, two-story framo dwelling.
Seized nnd tnkrn in execution at tho
suit of Monumental Ravings and Loan
Association vs. Mary Donnelly and Pat
rick Donnelly. Debt. $1,921.30. Judgment
No. 700. May Term, IfinO. Fl. fa. to Jan
uary Term. 1901.
GEO. M. OKELL. Ally.
No. t. All the light, title and interest
of the defendant, I'erer Roberts, In and
to all that certain lot of land situate in
tho borough of Dickson City, county of
Lackawanna, stato of Pennsylvania, and
being lot No. ft In square or block No. 11,
of plot No. 2. of land known as Prlcevlllo,
said lot is 100 feet in front on Bowman
street, the same in width in tho rear, and
one hundred and fifty feet in depth, as
designated on said plot, which plot Is re
corded In tho Recorder's office of Lack
awanna county in map book No. 1, pago
01. etc.. as by rofcrenco thereinto being
had will more fully and nt large appear.
Said lot contains 13,000 square feet of land
and Is part of tho Samuel Vaughn tract
and subject to all reservations contained
in deed from Delaware. Lackawanna and
Western Railroad company to Peter Rob
erts, tho defendant within n.uned, dated
Juno 10, ISfS. Recorded In said Recorder's
otllce hi deed book No. 173. page 231.
All improved with a story nnd one-half
frame double dwelling houso with kitch
ens nnd also outbuildings, fruit trees.
Seized and taken in execution at thn
suit of flcorgo Danco vs. Peter Roberts.
Debt. $300,00. Judgment No. 332, Novem
ber Term 1900. Fl. fa. to January Term,
1901. IT. C. REYNOLDS Atty.
No. 5. All the light, title and Intercut
ot the defendant, John Oersehok, In nnd
o all that certain lot. piece, or parcel of
land, situated in tho borough of Throop.
county of Lackawanna, nnd stato of
Pennsylvania, and bounded and described
us follows: Being lot No. fourteen (II) In
square or block No, four (I) as shown on
Barnard's plot or map of Throop. Said
lot Is fifty feet wldo In front on Pino
streot, tho same width In tho rear, and
ono hundred and nlnoty-two and onc-hnlf
feet In depth. Being the snmii lot of laud
convoyed lo the said defendant John
Orsohok, by II. C, Townsend In deed
dated July IS. 1S9S. and recorded In tho of.
Urn of tha Recorder of Deeds in and for
the county of Licltnwnuua In deed book
No. 10S, pago 209, etc. Coal and minerals
All Improved with a one twn.stmy
framo dwellug house and outbuildings
Seized and taken in execution at tho
suit of Herman Building Association No.
9 vs. John Cerschek. Debt. $2,100.00.
Judgment No. -ISO, Jununry Term, 1901,
Fl. fn. to January Term. 1901.
If. M. HANNAH, Atty.
No. 0. All tho right tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant James F. Maxwell and
Marcella Maxwell, In and to all thai cer
tain messuage or lot of land, situate in
tho Fifth wardnf tho city of Carbondalo.
county of Lackawanna, and statu ot
Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described ns
follows, to wit; Op tho north by Clark
streot; on tho cast by Blrkctt street: on
tho south by lands of Thomas Morrison
and Theodnro Pierce, and on the west by
tho Carbondnlo und Bolniont Turnplko
road, now Belmont streot. Being about
seventy (70) feet In front on said Belmont
streot, about llfty (30) feet In rear end ot
snld lot on Blrkett street, and three hun
dred (300) feot deep. Containing eighteen
thousand (18,000) square feet of land,
morn or less. Being thu same premises
convoyed by Walter Drennuu et al., heirs
of John Drcnnan, deceased, to Murcelln
Maxwell by deed hearing dnto Januury
23, ISSti, und recorded In Lackawanna
county In deed book No, OS, nt page 193,
All Improved with three two-story
dwelling houses and other outbuildings
Seized and taken in execution at tho
suit of assigned to Minn Robinson vs.
James F. Maxwell nnd Marcella Maxwell.
Debt, $2,361.00. Judgment No. 4S3, Janu
nry Term, 1901. Fl. fn. to January Term;
1901. vosHima, Atty,
No. 7, All the light, title and Interest
ot the defendant, Emma N, Uallaghcr,
executrix, nnd Joseph Nolnu, executor or
JnmoH Nolnn, deceased, In' nnd to all
those certain tots, pieces und parcels of
land, together with the Improvements
thereon, nnd being lot No. eleven nnd lot
No. 12 (11 and 12) In square or block No.
103 and sltunto upon street called and
known ns Adams nvcnuo and Mulberry
street upon the town plot of tho city of
Scranton Intended to bo duly registered
nnd recorded. Sold lots being SO feet In
front on sold Adams avenuo nnd 130 feet
In depth on said Mulberry street, nnd
rectangular In shnpo tho measurement
of tho depth of Enid lot to commenco ten
feet Inside of tho sldcwnlk. The second
party to have tho right to enclose nnd
occupy and uso ten feot In front of snld
lot3 for cellarw.iy, porch, portico, bay
window or shrubbery, but not thn right
to erect nny building thereon, sold right
to occupy and enclose extending to both
All improved with two brick dwelling
houses and n largo thrco-story and base
ment storo and brick building occupied
as laundry, stores and dwellings.
Seized nnd tnkon In execution nt the
suit of Scranton Savings Bank nnd Trust
Company vs. Emma N. Qnllagher, exe
cutrix, nnd Joseph Nolan, executor of
James Nolan, deceased. Debt, $15,130.00,
Judgment No. 3S3, January Term, 1901.
Lev. fa. to January Term. 1901.
8. B. PRICE, Atty.
No. S. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant, James McOovern, In
and to all the following described lots
or parcels of land, situate, lying nnd be
ing in tho Twentieth ward, city of Scrnn
ton, county of Lackawanna, and state of
Pennsylvania, being lots thlrty-nlno and
forty, hi squnro or block twenty-one, and
situate upon street called and known as
Prospect street, upon the town plot of
the town of Scranton, made by D. Cough
Ian, Intended to be duly registered and
recorded, snld lots being twenty-six feot
and eight Inches In width In front nnd
rear, und one hundred and forty (140) feet
In depth. Coal and minerals reserved.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of M. Robinson vs. James McOovern.
Debt, $033.00. Judgment No. 101; May
Term, 190O. Fl. fn. to January Term, 1901.
No. 9. All the right, title nnd interest
of the ilelrndnnt, Cnlviu A. Spencer, in
and to till that certain piece or parcel of
land situate and being in the townsblos of
Clinton, and Ablnglon, Lackawanna conn,
ty, Pa and in the township of Overfleld,
in the county of Wyoming aforesnld nml
bounded as follows: Beginning nt the
southwest corner of land now or late In
tho possession of B. P. Woodruff;
thence by the Inst above mentioned laud
south seventy-live and one-half degrees,
east twenty-one and eight-tenths perches
(S. 73,t E. 21.0' p.) to a corner; thence
south forty-seven and one-half degrees,
east six nnd four-tenths perches (S. 47Vi,
E. 0.4 p.) to a pile of stones; thence soutb
twenty-one nnd one-half degrees, west
nine and two-tenths perches (S. 21. AY.
St.3 p.) to a corner nt the end of a wall:
thence south seventy-three and one-half
degrees, east twenty-one perches (S. 73',
is. 21 p.) to a corner ot land now or late
of tho said Woodroff and In tho line of
land now or lato of Cyrus Dean; thenco
along the land of the said Dean south
two degrees, east sixty-eight and eight
tenths porches (S. 2, E. 08.8 p.) to the
center of n road: thence along the said
road south eighty-eight degrees, west
sixty-four and seven-tenths perches (S.
SS, W. 01.7 p). to a corner of school
house lot; thenco by the same north nine
nnd one-half degrees, east seven perches
(N. 9!i, W. 7 p.) to a corner; thence north
eighty-four and one-half degrees, wesc
six perches (N. SHi, AV. 0 p.) to the cen
ter of the road; thence along the same
south nine and one-half degrees, west
seven and five-tenths (S. 9V!;. AV. 7.5 p.)
to a corner In the four corners ot roads;
thonoo along tho road north seventy-six
and one-half degrees, west eighty-three
perches (N. 70, AV. fsi p.) to a corner of
land surveyed to Ezra Dean; thence
along said road and land now or lato of
Lorey AVall north seventy-eight and one
hnlf degrees, "west sixty-four and six
tenths perches (N. 7$i:, ASr. 04.0 p.) to a
corner of said Wall; thence along the
land of Lorey Wall north forty-six and
onelialf degrees, east twenty-one perches
(N. 4i!i, E. 21 p.) to a corner of land now
or lato of said AVall; thenco north forty
11 vo und one-half degrees, west sixty
perches (N. 43K, AV. 00 p.) to a corner of
lands now or late of said Wall; thence
north forty-seven degrees, west thirty
rods (N. 47, W. 30 r.) to a corner (the
foregoing courses and distances are .akeu
from a mortgage of Spencer to Pt-ople's
Bank, dated August 11, 1S91, recorded in
Lackawanna couply. Mortgage Book No.
40, page 500, and the succeeding cours
and distances are from a recent survey);
thenco north forty-seven and three
fourths degres. east one thousand nine
hundred and four feot (N. 47i. E. 1.001
ft.) or one hundred nnd llfteen and thii-ty-nlne
hundredths (113.39) rods; thenco
south seventy-two and one-half degrees,
east five hundred feet (S. '2. E. COO ft )
or thirty nnd thirty one-hundredths
(30.30) rods; thenco outh fifty-four and
three-fourths degrees, east six hundred
nnd fifty-five feet (S. nt"-', E. 033) feet or
39.70 rods); thohce south fifty-six and
one-half degrees, east nine hundred and
seventy-eight feet (S. ",'iV.., E. 97S feet or
I9.2S rods); thence south fifty-seven and
three-fourths degrees, east five hundred
and twenty-two feet (S. 57-TJ, E. 522 feet
or 31.04 rods); thence south ono degree,
east ono hundred and thirty-seven feet
(S. 1, E. 137 feet or S.33 rods); thence
south three degrees, east thirty-two rods
(S. 3, E. 32 rods) lo tho point of begin
ning. Containing nbout one hundred and slx-ty-flvo
(103) acres of land, more or less,
Improved with two (2) frame two-sto-y
dwellhiKH and barns and other outbuild
ings, fruit trees, etc., thereon.
ALSO, All that certnln piece or parcel
of land situate in tho township of Clin
ton, county of Wyoming, and hi tho
township of AVest Abhigton. county of
Lackawanna, hounded nnd described ns
follows, to wit: Beginning nt a corner
In tho road lending from AA'all's comers
over tho hill to Factoryvllln; thenco
south sixty-seven and onc-lmlf degrees,
east flfty-nlno and two-tenths rods (S.
C'l's, E. M.2 r.)j thence south forty-live do.
grees, west ton und two-tenths rods (S.
43, AV. 10.2 im; tlnmco south thirty do
grees. west twenty-llvo rods (S. 30, AV. 23
r)); thenco south five decrees, west forty
four and one-half rods (S. ",, AV. Wi v.) to
a corner of nnd deeded to William Camp
bejl In 1S03; thenco by same course thir
teen rods to n corner: thence north seventy-seven
and nne-hnlf degrees, west
fortv-two rods (N. 77'.!!, AV. 12 r ) to said
road nnd tho line of the llrst :ucel;
thenee north ono degree v.''3;st, along thn
lino of tho first pare"! to r. corner (N. 1
AV.); thenco north fifty-seven nnd three
fourths degrees west, thlrty-ono :iihI six-tv-four
one-hundredtliH rods (N, r,7vi w.
31.01 r.); thenco north fifty-six, und one
half degrees west, forty-nine nnd twenty-eight
one-hundredths rods (N. .,',& w.
19,23 r.); thenco north llfty-four nnd
thrco-fourtlm degrees cast thlrty-nlno and
sovonty-hundredths rods (N, Mii E. 39,70
r); thenco north seventy-two and one. Half
degrees west thirty and thlrty-ono hun
dredths rods (N. 72',f- AV. 30.30 r.); thence
north forty-one degrees east, twenty
seven rods (N, 41 E. 27 r.) to a mnpln
stump; thence north ono and three,
fourths degrees east, twenty-six rods (N,
14 E, 20 r.) to n post and stones; thenco
south .soventy-cight nnd one. fourth do
gives east, ono hundred and twcnty.fniir
rods (S. 76J4 E, 121 r.),to the placo of be.
Containing about eighty (SO) acres,
moro or leas, Being the greater part of
tho AVonton Brlgga farm convoyed to
AVIlllnm Campbell In 1S.11. nnd tho 7.. H,
Reynolds farm, conveyed to William
Campbell In 1ST.?. Improved with a frame
two-story dwelling house, barns, out
buildings and fruit trees thereon,
Solzed and taken hi execution at the
suit of tho People's Hank of AVIIker-.
Barre, trustee, vs. Calvin A, Spencer,
Debt, $1,377.83. Judgment No. 1220, Sep.
tembor Term, 1900, A'cnd ex. to January
Term, 1901.
' No. 10.. Ml tho right, tltlo und Interest
of the defendant Matthew A, Clotting.
In and to all that certain lot or piece of
laud, situate In tho borough of Dunmorc,
county uf Luekuwauua, stato of Punuuyl-.
vanla, bounded nnd described as follows;
Lot number sixty-six (GO) on plot of vll
lago Iota laid out by A. D. Spencer In tho
borough of Duumure, commencing at a
corner on tho northwest sldo of Fcankllu
street, at tho corner of a lot owneu by
ono Me I lulu: thenco along bald street
south tweutv-six and one-bull degrees J
west, fifty (60) feot to tho comor of .T.
Kelly's lot! thenco along paid Kelly's lot
north Ilfty-nlno nnd ono-hnlf (E)',4), de
grees west, ono hundred nnd flfty-thrcii
(133) feet to nn nngto; thenco In a north
erly courso ten (10) feet to an angle 1
thenco north twenty-six and one-Imlf do
grees east, forty (40) feet to tho corner of
said OlcHnlo's lot; thenco south tlfty
lilno nnd one-half (3!H'a) degrees east, ono
hundred nnd ilfty-tlve (153) feet nlong
said Mctlnle'n lot to the place ot begin
ning. Containing bcvcii thousand seven
hundred nnd llfty square feet of land, bo
tho Hitmc morn or less. Coal reserved,
improved with n two-story framo dwelt.
Ing house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized und taken hi execution at the
suit ot JntiBon Colo vs. Matthew A, act
tings. Debt, $I30,S7. Judgment No. 439,
January Term, U97. Fl. rn. to January
Term, 1901. HURLER, Atty.
No. It. Alt the right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, E. 1,. Walter, In and to
nil that ecrtiiln lot, piece or parcel ot
land situate In tho city of Scranton, coun.
ty ot Lackawanna, nnd stato of Pennsyl
vania, and hounded nnd described ns fol
lows: Beginning on tho easterly side of
AVashlngton avenue, nt tliu corner ot
lands of S. Morris, thenco In n southeast
erly direction along thn snld Morris" lino
150 feet to a corner In Dlx court: theiicu
along Dlx court In a northeasterly direc
tion 40 feet to a corner 111 line of lands
now or formerly owned by John AVnrd;
thenco In u northwesterly direction along
the snld AVard's line 150 feet to the lino
of AVashlngton nveniiu aforesaid; thence
in a southwesterly direction along Wash
ington avenuo 40 feet to tho place of be
ginning. With the right to use ten feet
In front of the front lino of snld lot for
yard, porch or piazza or bay window, hut
for no other purpose. Being lot Nu. two
In square or block No. 07 on the Iron and
Coal company's plot of lots hi the city of
All improved with n three-story frame
dwelling house in front and n three-story
brick office building in the rear.
Solzed and taken in execution nt the
suit of H. M. Hannah, trustee, vs. E. L.
AValter. Debt, $10.90.".UO. Judgment No.
527, Jnnunry Term, 1900. Fl. fa. to .fnnU
ary Term, 1901. HANNAH, Atty.
No. 12. All the right, title and Interest
of the defendant. Eugene II. Call, In nnd
to all that certain lot, pleco or parcel of
b,ml situate in the city of Scranton,
county of Lackawanna, and state ot
Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns
follows to wlr: Being sltunto on the
easterly side of Prescott nvcnuo and be
ing part of lots numbers five (3) und six
(ti) In block No. 1GS, according to tliu
Luokawaiina Iron und Coal company's
plot of the city of Scranton, Pa. Begin
ning on the division Hue of lots numbur.s
five and four at a point In said line,
twenty (20) feet southeast from Prescott
avenue fence line; thence southeast along
said division line fifty-seven and one-half
feet; thence northeast and parallel with
Prescott avenue sixty-five feet; thenco
northwust fifty-seven and one-half feet;
thence southwest and parallel with Pres
cott avenue sixty-five feet to thn place
of beginning. Together with twenty feet
In fiout of the front line for yard, vault,
etc.. together with right of way tunning
wltn said lot.
All Improved with two two-story framo
dwelling houses and other outbuildings
Seized and taken in execution al the
iilt of William Schuster vs. E. II. Call.
Debt, $l.'iO.0o, Judgment No. 30, March
Term, ISPS. Alias fi. fa. to January Term,
1901. RCPLOOLE, Atty.
No. 13. All the l'lgbl title, umf interest
or tlie defendant, Michael Ollroy and
Catharine Gllroy, in ana to all those cer
tain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situ
ate, lying and being in the Sixth ward of
tho city of Scranton. county of Lackn
wanna, and state of Pennsylvania, known
and distinguished on J. Herman's map of
South Hyde Park as lots numbers six
teen (10) and seventeen (17), In block
number forty-one (41), the llrst of which
being llfty (50) fet in front on Luzerne
street (formerly called Sixtli avenue),
and about ninety (90) feet in depth to lliiu
of lot number ono in tho sumo block, bo
the same more or less: excepting and re
serving, however, nil tho coal beneath tho
surface of and belonging to the said land,
with the riglit to mino and remove the
same, in the same manner and to the
same extent as the same is excepted and
reserved in tho deeds ot tlie same which
are as follows:'
The first from. .T. Heerman's.-trilstee, lo
Catharine Ollroy, bearing date the 9th
ilny of July, A. D. 1S7.3. and recorded In
the offico for the recording -of deeds, etc.,
in and for the county of Luzerne in deed
book No. 195, page 211, etc." The second
from AV. II. Jessup, trustee, to the said
Catharine Ollroy. hearing date tho tith
day ot May, A. D. 1831. and recorded in
the ofllce for the recording of deeds, etc.,
in and for tlie county of Lackawanna, in
deed book No. 13, page 137, etc. Tlie other
being from Quincy W. AVellington to the
said Catharine Gllroy, hearing date tho
0th day of December, A. D. 1SSC, and to
be duly recorded.
All improved with two two-story frame
dwelling houses with basements, one
frame barn and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Mlnu' Robinson vs. Michael Gllroy
and Catharine Gllroy. Debt, $3,79S.3i.
Judgment No. 1S4, January Term, 1901.
Fi. fa. to January Term, 1901.
Nn. 14. All the right, tltlo and interest
of the defendant, tho Ira Tripp Huso
Company, in and lo nil that certain lot,
piece or paicel of land, situate, lying and
being in the Twenty-first ward of the ;lty
of Scranton, county of Lackawanna mid
state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Being lot No. 32, In
square or block No. I, of the plot known
as "Farr's Ideal Homo Sites," said lot
measures 30 feet in front on Dorothy
street, the samo width on the rear, nnd
13', feet In depth, to a court opened for
public use, as delineated on said plot,
which said plot is intended for record by
(.aid parties of tha llrst part. Said lot
contains 10SO square feot and being same
lot of hind conveyed by John R. Farr to
the sold Ira Tropp Hose Company, by
deed dated the 2Sth day of December, 1899,
and duly recorded In Lackawanna county
In deed book No. 1S3, page 205. Coal and
minerals being reserved.
All Improved with a two-story framo
Seized and taken hi execution at the
Milt of the I'nlon Dlmo Pernutnent Loan
As-roolntion vs. Irn Tripp Hoso Company.
Debt, $1,509.09. Judgment No. 57., Janu
ary Term. 1901, FI. fn. to Janu
ary Term, 1901. STARK, Atty.
No. IS. All thn right, title and Interest
d' the defendant, A'. J. X.olkoskl, in and
to all that pleco of land situate in tho
borough of Dickson City, county of Lack
nwanua, nnd siato of Pennsylvania, tie.
scribed as follows, as per survey of E. A,
11m 11. October 2.1, ISffi:
Being lot No. 14, in square 3 on tho
westerly sldo of street known as Boule
vard, and being forty (40) feot hi front and
rear, and one hundred anil fifty t!50) feet
in deptli to a court llfteen (15) feet wldo
for public use .Coal reserved.
Seized and taken in execution at tho
suit of John Kimball vk V, J. Zolko.skl,
Debt, $50.23. Judgment No, S7S, .March
Term, IKW. Fl, fa to .li.miary Term, liwl.
No, lfi. All tbe right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant. Charles Krnua, In and
to ull that certain lot or parcel of land,
hltunte, lying anil being In tho borough of
Dunmorc, county of Lackawanna, and
state of Pennsylvania, being lot No. 2).
in block No. 3. upon thn plan or plot of
"Prospect Park," m wild borough of Dun
ninre, Irtendcd to bo recorded, Said lot
contains hi front on Sherwood ave
nue forty.ono (II) feel and In depth ono
hundred and eighty (ISO) feet to nn alloy
llfteen (15) feet wide, excepting nnd Jc
t-ervlng, however, in H, II, Throop and
his heirs by such terms as nio sufilclent
In law all conl and mineral beneath the
mil lace uf and belonging lo suld laud
with tho solo right and privilege to mine
nnd remove tho samo by any subter
laiienu provision incident to the business
of mining without thereby Incurring In
nny event whatever any liability for In
jury caused or damaga dono to the sur
face of suld lot or to the buildings or hn
.prtivements which now nro or hereafter
may ho erected thereon us fully und com.
plctely as thu same are reserved In deeds
of former ronvuvancu and with ull the
facts incident and stipulations therein re
cited, provided that no mino or other air
shaft shall bo Intentionally opened or uny
milling llxtures established on tho sur
face, of said premises.
It being tho say,o pleco of laud which
was oenveyed by'Edward J. .Lynott unrt
Nellie A. Lynett, his wife, to Charles
Kronn, by deed dated .10th April, WOO.'and
recorded In tho office for recording deeds,
)ii 'deed
book 187, lingo 100.
a.,1.1 n, I. .,,..-. II... ... 1
.j.ww iui iiiivniK iiieieon erecicu a iwo
nnd onc-hnlf story framo d walling houio
und outbuildings.
Seized nnd taken In execution at thn
suit of curtls Huff, agent, Vs. Charles
Kronn. Debt, $372.51. Judgment No. M,
January Term, 1901. Fl. fn. to January
Term, 1901,
No. 17.-1, All tho "right, tltlo nnd Inter
esl. .c ..tUu defendants. Mary Shamrock
and Julius Egreczky, In nnd to the fo.
lowing described lot of land, lylnic and
being In tho village of Pricobur. Dick
son City borough, Lackawanna county,
Pennsylvania, being lot of ground bound
ed by Dundnlt rood. Railroad nwltch and
lands of Miles estate, In square or block
No, 48, nnd sltunto upon streot called
nnd nnmed Dundttff road, upon n, plot of
snld town. Intended to bo duly registered
and recorded, ns by reference to which
plot thus registered and recorded, will
tttlly nppenr, on map entitled, "Moore's
Map of Prlcoburg." Said lot containing
,',!i acres, moro or less. Improved with one
finmo dwelling house, four framo dwell
ing houses partly built, and cellar walls
for tlireo others.
2. Also nil those certnln lots of ground
In thn village of Prlcoburg, Lackawanna
county n foresaid, known ns lots Nos. 10
and 11 In block No. 43. on the aforesaid
plot, said lot No. 10 b.'lng 50 feet In front
on Dutidaff road und 50 fot In rear by 170
feet In depth along tho line of lot No. P.
and 150 feet along lino of lot No. 11. Said
lot No. 11 being 113 feet In front, moro or
less nlong said Dundaff road to lino of
lot No. 12, by 140 feet In depth nlong line
of lot No. lo. and 107 feet along' tho south
Hue of lot No. 12 according to a plan,
entitled, "Price, Pancoast & Throop's
Map of Prlcoburg." Coal and minerals
reserved. Improved with one frame
dwelling houso nnd outbuildings.
,'!. Also all that certain lot In tho vil
lage of Prlcebiirg, Lackawanna, county
aroresald, known us lot No. 8, In block
No. 11, neordlng to u map, entitled
"Moore's Plan of Prlcoburg," suld lot be
ing rectangular In shape, about 60 feet In
front on Pancoast street, tho samo In
renr, nnd about 135 feet In depth. All Im
proved Willi a two-story frame dwelling
houso and n. single frame building used
for hotel purposes.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of E. Robinson' Sons vs. Mary
Shamrock and Julius Egreczky. adminis
trators of estate of Antonl Shamrock,
deceased. Debt, $350.00. " Judgment No. 97,
Mny Term, IMfi. Alias fl. fa. to January
Term, 1901. Also ut tho suit of August
Robinson vs. Mary Shamrock and Julius
Egreczky, administrators of estate of
Antonl Shamrock', deceased. Debt,$2,or,0.00.
Judgment No. 92, Mny Term, 1890.
Alius fl. fa. to .lanuary Term, 190L Also
at the suit of August Robinson vs.
Mary Shamrock. Debt. $400.00. Judg
ment No. 208. January Term, 1693. Aliiif
11. fa. to January Term, 1901.
No. 18. All tho right, title nnd interest
of the defendant, James J. Walsh, in and
to nil tho surface or right ot soil of ail
that certain lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate in the borough of Olyphant, in
tho county of Lackawanna, and state
of Pennsylvania, and bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a point
in tho southwesterly line of Culm Btrect,
said point being distant fifty feet north
westerly nt right angles from the center
line ot tho, loaded track of tho Oravlty
railroad uf tho Delaware und Hudson
company; tlicnco by other land of the
said Delaware and Hudson company
south seventy-one und three-quarters de
grees west one hundred and sixty-one
and five-tenths feet to u corner distant
llfty feet northwesterly nt right angles
from the aforesaid center line: thenco by
lot number twenty-thrco on Boll street
north forty degrees west seventeen feel
to a corner; thence by lot number twenty-four
on Culm street north fifty de
grees east ouo hundred nnd fifty feet to
the aforesaid line of Culm street, and
thence by said line of street south forty
degrees east seventy-seven feet to the
place of beginning. Comprising lot num
bered twenty-six (20) on Culm street as
the samo is represented and designated
on a map of building lots on lands of tho
said tho Delaware and Hudson company
m ton Dorougn ol uiypnunt.
Improved with dwelling house and out
buildings thereon. " "
Seized and tuken in execution at tha
suit of C. M. Ptitman vs. James J.
AValsh. Debt, $237.23. Judgment No. 310.
May Term, 1S99. Fl. fa., to January
Term, 1901. NEAVCOMB, Atty.
No. 19. All the right, title and Interest!
of tho defendant, Llnloy J. Stonier, in
and to the following lot, piece
or parcel of land sltunto In Provi
dence, in tho city of Scranton, coun-,
ty of Lackawanna, and stato of
Pennsylvania, known and desoribod as
lot No. 59, on Ferdinand street, on a cer
tain property entitled "Electric City
Park," according to a survey of tho same
made In August 1892 by Lewis A'an
Duyne, engineer nnd surveyor. (Tha map
of which is recorded in the offico for tho
recording of deeds In Lackawanna coun
tv, In deed book 111, pago 1), being 25 feet
In front, and 25 feet in rear, and 114 53,-100
feet deep, lying on tho southerly side ot
and at right angles with Ferdinand
street, and the enst side line of said lot Is
distant 300 feet from tho west sldo line of
Summit avenue, with appurtenances.
Subject to tho same reservations and ex
ceptions as set fortli in deed from tha
"Electric City Land Improvement com
Jany," to said Llnloy J. Stonier.
Improved with a. two-story frame
dwelling house, story and one-half kltch
en und outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Dorthea Fell vs. Llnloy J. Stonier.
Debt, $000.90. Judgment No. 402. January
Term, 1901, FI. fn. to January Term, 1901,
II. C. REYNOLDS, Atty. f
No. 20. All the right, title and interest
of the defendant, C. M. Lancaster, execiu
tor of tho estate of Franklin Lancaster,
deceased. In and to nil that cortaln piece
or parcel of laud Mtuata and being In
tho Township of Mndison, County of
Lacliawtnuia and Stato of Pennsyl
vania, bounded una described nl
follows: Beginning at a beech tree lit
lino of lands now owned and occupied hy
Edward Simpson; thenco by tho same
one hundred nnd sixty-two (162) perches
to tho east bank of tho Roaring Brook;
thenco up said brook thirty-two and one
half (32,i) perches to line of land owned
by George Swarts, now Scrantons und
others; thenco south sixty-seven (07) do.
degrees west two hundred und thirty
three (233) perches to a post und stonei
corner; theucti by land lato of tho estato
of Charles Butler, deceased, now John A.
Simpson und others; thenco north by said
Butler's land ninety-one (91) perches to
tho pluco of beginning, containing sixty
three 103) acres of land, bo tho same
moro or less, Excepting, however out of
tho said tract of land certain lots, pieces
nnd parcels of land horetofore foldrand
conveyed hy tho said Franklin Lancaster
lo Jesso Megnrgel, U, tl, Schoonmaknr,
Thomas B, llnwn and to John Carey; tha
deeds for said lots or parcels of land
having been duly recorded hi tho Record
er's oflleo of Lnckuwannii County. Im
proved with a two-story framo dwelling
house, largo framo barn, other outbuild
ings, apple orchard und other fruit troos
Seized nnd taken In execution at the
suit of Mary A. Gardner vs. C. M, Lan
caster, executor of tho estato of Kranklln
Lancaster, deceased. Debt, $$20.47. Judg
ment No. 202, November Term, 19u0. Lev,
fa, to January Term, 1901,
Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa., DeceriVbe
20, 1900.
JH .. vi.I