THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1900. 8 NEWS OP THE LABOR WORLD mEPARING FOR THE FIB ST SEMI-MONTHLY PAY. Paymaster trod Auditors oC the D., L. and W. Company' Are Getting Beady for the New fly-atom Love lnnd Throwing Company Is to Est tablish a Silk Mill at Peckville. Stocks Have Gone Up by Beftuon of the Big Coal Deal The D., L. and W. Board for Today. Tlio vrtyninnter nml niiriltors of tli.; Dulitwm-e', Liifkiiwaiiim tintl Western company urn bitnlly ciikiibimI In mnUlntr. nrrniigeincntH for tho semi-monthly pays, which will bo InniiBurutod unions the mine workers mi Jiimmry ! Tin rhniiRf will m-crsKltiitc mi itildllhimil loivo of cleiks. ns tin." pay rolls "'111 hiivo to be iiinile up iwkv a month. Slnoo openitloiiH were resumed In the colllcileH the employes lmv heen Hicmllly iMiKimvil, otlln full time unci In ('ouHL'ciut'iii'i' thi'ie Is u ureal liH'renHU In their eimiliiKrf. 'I'liere Is I'verv Indlcntlnn that tin- mine work ers will In- steadily ompl.etl for at least three months to come. Thi' shipments for TSoveniuer unit IJi-ci'inbur have .lieeii the lamest over known In the annuls of the' Lacka wanna, riillioml, ami there Is every in illf.itlon that the lilislnt's-s will he cult t limed liuleilnllely. The feellni; anions: tho Lackawanna mine workers It twnoriilly of the hest, anil the company Is -uriyiiifr out Its fiKroenipnt of ntlJiiulliiK whatever dif ferences uilie umoii'V the employes, iii'lipriil satNfarlloii N e)nessed over the Inlroiluetlon of the f-eml-nionthly ji.iy il.iy. 'I'he Delawaie. I.acluiw.lliiia and Western coiiii:ui. Is now handling nial fioin the nsfoid Ineukei which Is lielnif opeiated by the 1'eople's Coal onin:iiiy. and while the humane Is not !.'. heavy for shipment ut present, tin re Is a. stead Increase dally In the output. rurpUif of wiih!ury coal has been fit. :etl at the Hampton, where the JXmuv eonl sloiiiKe plant has been wl.Ml, lint the leal article is hold so rapidly that thcie N little prospects of any coat lielns placed in the stoiuge until spriiig. New Interlocking1 Plant. tlflwopn 11 a. m. and 12 o'clock noon, Sunday, December llrt. 1900, a iiew inter locking plant in lloboken passenger yard will he put in service, and will he operated In accordance with instruc tions governing the use of automatic, block and interlocking- signals, effect ive December 10, 1900, and special rules governing the movement of trains at lloboken terminal recently Issued. KngincH kicking trains 1'ioni train shed into yard should not puss signal bridges Xos. 1, ", IS or 4 on signal given to the train detached from engine. Should the engine, however, pass any of these bridges when kicking train out of shed, it must be moved east of the bridge and await pioper signal be lore proceeding west. C. II. Ketcham, .Superintendent. New Throwing Mill. At a meeting of the incorporators of the Lovclaud Throwing company the following directors were elected: A'al entlne Bliss, J. D. Peck, S. H. Spruks, U. AV. Cross and C. II. Ioveland. The company has seemed u valuable site in Peckville and will proceed at once to erect a handsome brick factory building thereon. The plant, when completed, will be thoroughly up-to-date in every le hpect, and will be n tine addition to the town of Peckville. it is expected that the plant will be in opeiation by the tirst of April. Stocks Go Up. The purchase of the Ptmnsylvanln. Cual company by a syndicate headed by .r, P. Morgan was n far-reaching move In behalf of the coal currying roads, inasmuch as it killed the scheme for building an independent coal road. The latter was a prospective menace to the entire coal trade, and threaten ed minims competition to the IJrle and tho Ontailo & Western. "But even yet," said an authority, "the full slg nlllcunco of the opeiation has not be come apparent, although It is known that its effects cunuot be otherwise t him benellcolul to the coal proper ties." Alteady these stocks have responded 'iv lu'.vaueins to, or crossing, previous hlsh-prlco levels, and eonlldent belief prevails in the street that top notch tor these secuiities has not yet been '.etched. Jh'le stocks and bonds, On W,YTi-t''"'''.ViWMiAt'iVPn"i".TjiilfllViiatl Vou believe that statement. But yon lnlv reiillo ill imrt the obltgaticub implied hy on von ween mai iciiiuic of the hotly clean? If not, the defilewrnt attaches to every service ot me uiiipic. wit ease of the stomach tnl oth;;r nrmtil t.( lltllc'Ktioil UUll ltUtti- tion, afTects tilts tniud as 'Aell as the boilv. ttte. turn inina Mttpified by noiouoiii. j-asses, enters, on its Kerviee without desire, nml .'iccomnlishes it without tleliRht. A healthy body and u elear mind result front the ttbr of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It removes the cloiujj ami poisonous impurities from the stotuaeh, htimulates the flow of the juices necessary to digestion nml increases the blood supply in quality and ni.iliv Tim " niscoverv " is strictly a temperance medi lt,o mwi ivuitiitiKi no alcohol or whisky, neither opium, cocaine, nor ouici wiw".. ,, i l.t.,1 di.fT..rH frmtl Itltli. Kcstiou and only1 those who liuvc mffered from it kuow ...I.-. 1. nlt.t t l lurll.G lru WI13I II ICUI.J I. .............. M, J, Vagan, of 1613 Km t' nesce btreet, .....kU V V " I I1UU II" .verr attacks of headache nml dininc U cold hands mwi fii-t: oerjtliliiB ' lioweUwerecoiibtlpateak 4lwa prowlng 111(1 ILL'L 1 CCI)III111K 1 ..... - -, very tliln ami ncnous. i cauuoi inn prcsn the bait feelhiK l had when I com menced taHiig Dr. Vfeitt't Ooldea Medical I)io ery. I toot nine lOtl the Dii cmvrv I coinincnced feelloB better with the fiist buttle ami kept on improving. Now I am so Kre.illy luiprocd in health my I am so jue.illy iuiprwc fricdd.ufien pe;ik of it.' SW IUUUUI larlo & Western, Jersey Cenlral, tho Heading, Delaware & Hudson, Penn sylvania ami, In fact, all ntocks-ln any way Identllled with the anthrnclto trade are In a favorable position io make still further response to events of the past few weeks. Philadelphia Stockholder. Engines Wore Very Satisfactory. There Is nultr- a significant fact In connection with the order for six loco motives recently placed by the Inter colonial railroad of Canada with the Dickson Manufacturing company. It was the second order received by the Dickson people front this source. The llrst order, also for six locomotives, was filled some time ago and bo favor able were the reports sent on from here by the Canadian Inspector of con struction ns to the thoroughness of the locomotive department's work and the ellictency and courtesy of the officials In charge, and so well did tho com pleted engines stand the rigid tests ap plied to them thnt when an additional hull' dozen became necessary the Dominion government placed the order with the Dickson company outright, without Inviting competitive bids. These, engines are of the Cleveland type, so named from the designer, Kugeiit! "VV. Cleveland, and they em body very uuiikcd Improvements In locomotive construction, threatening, It Is said, to work u revolution In this branch of Industry. Board for Today. Today's D L. and W. board Is as follows: Wlf.U OATS CAST. W'rdncnl iy, lleeeinlier iC. S p. in.-II. T. FiIIouh. in :'(l p. in -I'. Will. I1..IU li. in. M. Ciiinoriy. Tluiiftli.v, December 2. IJ.'Ih n. in. P. II. Pei ni. , !! .1. in. .1. t. 4 .1. in. P. V.m Worinrr. .1 .1. in. O. Civ. 1. .1. in. T. Domlicin. .i. in. T. MiC.nhty. ti .1. hi II. Doherlj. W ,i. in. P. P. Mums. IL.'M ii. til. .1. Iic'.il.c. 1 p. III. T. .1. 'lllOlllptfill. '- ,i. in. M. I. Ilciiiiiir.m. !l.4.' p. m. O. Ilaiiilnlpli t.1.1 (.. 111. W. 1). Wji ((.!. hllMMITS. KIO. 0 .1. ill., ttesl W. II. Nlrlioif. !i ii. in., wet (i. 1 intiiuelkcr. II . in., welt -I .inigir. in. i;. .McMIMt. 111. W-l-J. JIlHlfl. in., c.i-,t II. (illllitiin. in., rl f iiini Cijiiua M limp. in., wi'l from C.i.iUK.i tlinley. in., east from Njj-Aiiic I!. I niinj'. I'Ui.u'.n. , . n. '-' I'- (i p. 7 p. 7 J. 7 i. to a. m. P. I!. Serin. l'l!Slli:ltS. in. Hoiiser. u. ni. Moran. 8 a. 7 p. u p. 7 . 7 a .r,.30 7 p. 4 .1. in. Murpliy. in. Lamping. PAb5r.N(it:i. esgini:s. m. RafTney. m. kinder. p. III. Stanton, in. Magoiern. WILD CATS WIST, in. G. llaffvily. in. .1. M. McC'mm. ni. C. Thomas, with Itoeeni' mn. ni. H. IllibiiiK, Enni' mftu in. I". B.irtliolomew. in. J. Co'.tfllo. S a. d a. 7 a. S n. 9 a. 10 a. It u. 12 o' 1 I.. 2 I. :t p. p. S p. G p. 7 p. m.C. T.jpk. in. A. P. Mullen, clock noon fi. Smith. in. II. Smith. in. C. Kinsley, in. T. ViUpatili'k. in. Kirliy, ulth lUminltt's men. in. (Jaliaitan. in. .7. Uarhrr. in. llaggeity. This and That. When Chief Clnltns Agent O'Keufe, of the Lui'kuwiiiina railroad, reached his olllce yesterday morning:, his desk was literally covered with Christmas Sifts, an evidence of the esteem in which he Is held by his friends. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho Sernnton postolrlce, Lackawnn nu county, Dee. 'M, 100. Persons call Inn for these letters will please say advertised and (five date of list. Ezra H. Ripple, postmaster: 10. V. Routon, Joo Uoyer, Wukemtin Brown, AVllllam J. Bailey, L. F. Hloil Kett, Richard F. Bariy. J. CoKSlns, It. Cornell, Mrs. May Coft'man. Miss Carroll, 'JO W. 3.M.; H. C. Cromer, Jt. C. Cronke, J. Cooper, John Connerton, J. C. Coo tspecial). II. Decker, Mrs. Mary Dean (1!), Dr. J. 1 Dahlen, Lizzie C. Dougherty. K. L. Everett. Mrs. .1. H. Flyette, J. Fuhey. Mrs. John (lames. Horls Gorman, Michael C.nffney, Mrs. Henry Gardner, Mrs. Ellen or Lenke GJenson, Frank and Hurry Gardner, William Griffin. (!. F. Jlolfold, Mrs. H. T. Hoyle. Wil liam Hull. Edward Harding, H. K. Hunoy. R. M. Irwin. John W. Jones. Thomas J. Kcimt.dy. Slichuel F. Lydon, H. D. Lord, John C. Long. J. J. Maloney, chnrles Moredock, Domlnlck Moran. George Miles, G, R. Mills. Mrs. Sarah McCoy, C. W. Mc Mahon. Clinton McKwina. Mrs. Eva Oakly. G. Otte. Mrs. .Tnnnette Roller. Mrs. June Reynolds. Joe Roach, R. Rosenfolt. Mrs. Ross, care Charles Ross, druggist: J, H. Richmond, Mich ael Ruddy, Edna. Rector (special). F. D. SIrrett. Mr, Snotlrt Bros., Miss Gentle Shober. Henry Thornton, John Thomas, Je rome L. Tnrhox. George VanHcooter. F. E. Wade (2), Wutklus and Sea man, Mrs, A. Watermnn. .Miss Jlubel V, Young, ITALIAN. Luuriu. Iinudlu, Diml Gerlundo, Ron dnmun Salvator, Giuseppe Notaro, Francesco Do Lucela, Glovantu Onn tosucso, Fllonteno Perdoynu, I3ernnrd Ino Nlcostro. POLISH. Jozef Rrzostek, Ignuey Bonus, An dry Adnniskl, Martin Javorszky, Juzet Suehockl, Toth Terezla, Juchau Klol borsn, Mleszczlstaw Lihewloz, Jan Koa eletkl, AndreJ Kovalevski, Antonl Gat kowskl, HUNGARIAN. Sztefan Plis, .Mlcluil Oroneka, Adam Maslanls, Katuzyiut Dobianslta,Vlad ystawu Plonsklego, Antonis .Iguss, Audio Jacenlk, Onjdos Wnpul, Hrenyo Yaszlly, Tlmko Pareusku, ' Mlkus zauuktis, Eldla Olklonen, Martin Knrr kau, Frank Karpawlo, Plvlcs M. A'us zlly, Piter RurtkuH, Antonns YsDaugnr, jun Witskyo, Wiucent KarpanelrzlH, Peter Welentys, Johann fluzdzlol. West Sernnton Station, Miss B. Healy, Din Jackson street, Miss Mury Han Is, I.M0 South Main avenue. Mrs. Martin MaeNulty, Hampton street. ' Colds Melt Away ' If you use Krause's Cold Cure. Pre pared In convenient capsule form they are' easy to take and effect ta speedy cure of the most obstinate cubes, i Price 25c, Sold by Matthews Bros. .dA4rfA5A5ftfiAAA4ft4.AANNNNNS. MERCEREAU & CONNELi: NOW OPEN IN OUR NliW STORK WITH A NEW STOCK POR THli HOLIDAYS Diamonds Watches Silverware OUU STOCK FOU EXTENT, VAni KTr AND FINENESS IN EVEflY REPATITMENT IS NOT EXCELI.ED IN THIS LOCALITY OUU WELL-KNOWN GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY ARTICLE. . . ALL ARE WELCOME .4fiSAftft&5ftftftA!44ftS&&'-&A4ftA'S $$$$ Good Furniture, Carpets and Rugs In this large and well filled store of ours you will find nothing but good furniture, carpets, rugs, etc. The goods we keep not only look well, but also wear well. We do not, nor will not allow any trashy goods in this establishment. You are invited to call and examine the good things in our building even though you are not ready to buy. In Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Avs Quickest Route across Continent CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY THE Overland Limited 6.30 p. m. every day in the year, from Chicago via Chicago-Union Pacific and North-Westem Line, arriving San Francisco afternoon of third day, Los Angeles early next morn ing and Portland afternoon of third day. No change of cars; all meals in Dining Cars; Buffet Library Cars (with barber). The Pacific Express leaves at 10.30 p. m. daily. The best of everything. Call on any agent for tickets or address 461 Broadway, Ntut Yort, 001 Chia't St , Phlladitehia SCa WatUnatenSt.,Ooitan 43S Vine St., Cnrimtalf 607 SmWifUSt,, ritUbutg SS4SufirlorEt., CUvtlants 17 Camtut-Hattlut, Dllrcil SOI Main St., - Sufalo 112 Clark St., CkloagaSKIigSt.,eatt,Toroiito,Ont EUGENE FIELD'S POEMS A $7.00 BOOK Given Free to each person Interest. eil in fulmiiliing to the Eugene. Held Slonil inent Souvenir Fund. Subscribe any amount do6lreil. Sulwcriptioru SB low .11 St. 00 will en title donor to his dalnt- THEBookofllio ily ortlitle olnnie. eentury.Hunu- "PIbLU HLOtVtJi'.-," Homely I lim- (cloth bound, 811), as iiaiea oy mir- a certltlcnte or Buusciii tj'-two of tho tlon to fund. Honk World M treat- contains a selection of est Artmts. field's bet and most representative works and is ready for dc- Dut' for the noble contribution of the woild's greatest urtWi thU book could not hae been manufactured for less than J7.UA, The Fund created is dhldad equally be tween the family of the late r.uiteiio Field and tlw Fund for tho building of a monu ment to the memory of the beloved poet of childhood. Address EuBn; FlelJ Monuimnt Snuvenelr Fund Chicago. III. If ou also wish to send postage, enclose 10 cents A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forevsr. rvii. t. FKi.ix gih:uai'U' oiiikktai. RemoTti Tan, nmplta,rrtekut. Hottt l'luli, K'jj, anil BkS UI.CMV.. M1U UTVT7 P1IUIIH vm uui7, awi uvn douciion. II ka moan is tttt nm inn, tat U m banulm Uat n t be aur it It prop, fly trade. Accwp no eounwrftlt off almllarnamt. Pr.l A. Sjr sild to Udj of ththautM 11 uueniii "A y Udlcl will uu than, 1 reeoramand Oouv aud'a Cream ' M lb( Ui.t harmful of alt f tiom 1 tor aila bv l r all DrnggWi am ftaier-OooJa Daatera la tha U, BCajiadas,na Suroa VIOD. I. aoPK Wfl. Pwe't n 0m Jaui St, .T. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousness. Constipation, pysnopsia, Sick-Keau-lacho and Llvet" Complaint. SUGAR COATBI). 100 PILLS 25 cts; Bold by all drugaluti or sunt by mall ii, ' Nml to Medical C.,Clit Sola by McQarrah & Tliomns. Dru. gists,, S0 ave., Scranton, ?. FREE ELECTRIC BELTOFFER Di'tfmiwiiaiMa 11 lalujronuliuuie. wu uruLh the ueiiulnu and lUtlUUUItUU iUlkMT. UUll UKkM tUCIIIK HUTS to any rrader of tliU paper. & aiasf J U aiJuuMi irri lw aaaiiati u ailiMMi irri lw cetilllrKa&rMU. CISTS AIMMT NITWmncomteJ ivuia. Curti wats all clb.r tlM. wlUi moat all other tritmu Ui bin, aaallutn aa' UU. QU CI Cl tor dlMaac. iikiiuii uui dlaordart. For coopltM alail conadtaltal csUtsfua, nl IkU 4 Ml aa4 aall it aa. 81AM, ROISU0KOOChlWig, SS 4S91h fv mi "j-V!. SiK5 Al sSsSSfro fm MUsiMti&gili $$fc$W$$$S$$$$$$ Jewelers Silversmiths Fine Jewely Cut Glass Leather Goods No. 132 Coal Exchange Wyoming Avenue Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co. (REQISTEItED.) Y-i&& You made out your list of what j-ou have to get for 11 of jour male friends for Xnni. Whether cr not. add a fcUlT C'ASF. On HAT BOX, HOUSi: KOBE or &MOKIKG JACKET. Wo h:.c them, the finest kind, most modern, $3.00 and upwards. The handsomest line of Neckwear and Ulovcs ever exhibited in town. AY2 Spruce Street. NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvine Place, NEW TORK. American Plan, SJ.W per day and upward. European Plan, $1.60 per day and upward. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. "'' For Business Men In the heart of the wholeaala district. For Shoppers S minutes' walk to Wannmnkerai S minutes to aicjcel Cooper's Big Store. Easy ot access to the great Dry Good Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'war Cars, gtv. block irom u war cars, civ 1TIK CADjr iimhiui points of Interest lK easy transportation to all points si uuoiuau HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOHK. Cor. 11th ST. A UNIVER8ITT PI Only one Block from Broadway. Booms, $1 Op. pSS7?.,. f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-"""' WINTER RESORT. Thrnuph the Hesnerian Gardens ot the West" Runs the Luxurious "SUNSET. LIMITED." The Finest Thing on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Bummer Lands of ' California." Special through tralnj consisting ol sleeping ami illninR-eara will leave New York every Sjt. tr I... .ml Tl.t.FE.Iti. vtnrwlliif .11. rrctly with the "Sunset J-imited" at Ncv Orlrana, tor lull imorniUllOll, IfVB llimiiattM imilitl. Jet, maps ami time-table., alfco lowest rates, leeplna car lichen ami bcusoge clieeUd, apply to Koutliern IMclno Co., 100 S. Third atrtct, rhlladelphia, I'a. The Dickson MtiuuracturlUK Ut. kcrmton and WlthvUitrr !, .Muufuo:ureN o.' L0C0M0TIVCS, STATI0NAKV EN0INES Ooll.ra, Holitlns and Pumplnj Machinery- Otnerel Offlca. 8crnton. Fa. jtnlyoflcrcaatacilclt.Kulns inoutinu. ariiuit'inwur. TntlaoliUa Ik! .ip-.tlnn m.tlical ,Vcl;-C'iltil Hud ni.i.niitt.ittlivlliill. Im.i.iii vllpT. 7-Urll.C mVT,MiHimhTinimimimi,niitTniTrn TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS mwJjaaai iS 3 T4 bl.,fklla,lpl,l.,-., H.Jr.l.kfrir.t. f.u. 3 1 JM rnu M i'ii lur illciliti. fill. rRlY4li jCTVlltS.OUCHArqtS,RIJHHIIttt,UUl: 3cir3l??ai,i-sd...g.iiiBri$i$.ii09Briiifi5:,. nt.,c.rAfl...i&hiilllLllciuerlenClllUCrniinv t ;l'ietlciilcjicitTn4tiilli)i. Avui.Uln-H'I".'. ConnHjallac You don't cat e wheu we take our semi-annual inventory, and we do not bother t tell you anything about it, as a rule. But this year we shall be stricter with ourselres, and the stockmen must be very sure not to hold on to a piece of goods at a price that would need reducing after January 8th the inventory time, And as the measuring and counting is well under way getting ready for the final entry, we shall take all possible losses beforehand and sell off the broken during the next few days. Halt the news will not get in the papers because the lots as discovered will go on sale at once, and many will go out each day. Some facts you will be interested in You have given the store a more prosperous year than ever a greater volume of business, which we have been able to care for with less and less friction. Our ideals are not reached but you and we are working toward them. This is a very great co-operation the building of a business for careful people ; a store that shall value quality above all else ; that has grown, large enough to be a strong factor in many markets, and that conse quently can give, and is giving The Really Lowest Prices Known in 5cranton . . . Yet no store shall excell it as a style setter, nor show such a range of exclusive and elegant things along with its grert stocks of every day merchandise. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, STATEMENT OF THE I OF SCRANTON. United States Depositary. At the close of business Dec. 13. 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and Investments 3,175,478.36 Banking House 38,599.64 Cash and Reserve 536,879.19 $3,750,957.19 LIABILITIES. Capital 9 200,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.29 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits . . 2,415,536.98 TJ. S. Deposits 422,729.39 Due to Banks 54,785.53 83,750,957.19 WILLIAM C'ONNKLL. Prelilcnl. IICSRV UEL1X, JH., Vice-President. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cuihier. 11 Lager Beer Brewery Manuracturera or OLD STOCK PILSSMER N. Niath Btreet, SCRANTuN PA Telophons Call, 2333. THIS NIOOSIC POWDER CO, Uooms 1 aii(12, ComMtb B'l'd1 OBANTOW, PA. nitiing and Blasting; POWDER MfaalMooiloQd Uuallt Workl. ' LAFtIN RAND POWOBR CO.'S ORANOE GUN POWDER leetrla BatUrlaa. KUotrlo ICiploian, Mplodlug blMti, aafaty Vuaaaal Riiawi Clinical Ci't bxpVve SOU'S s SORANTON'S SHOPPINQ OENTER. BARGAINS Here's a chance to make a dollar do double duty. We cut prices deeply to close out these little lots at once. C.annai SwoononQ Y Oriental Foot Rests gft& 75c Wilton Rugs 2aJs, 1.2 Prices cut deeply on Smoking Tables, Taborettes, etc. SST-K- Rockers Williams & 129 Wyoming Avenue Keating Stoves, uangoo, Furnaces, I Oil Stoves, I lias oiuvss, X Heaters. MINSTER fi FORSYTH, KS.3i7 PBNN AVENUE. DR, DEKSTEN Fiiyslclau anJ Sar.4i 311 Spms) St. 'Jtrep.ti Uuit BuiUiQg &GKAN10H PA. All acute and clircnlc dUeasja oj men, wo meo and tblldrcn. CllltO.NIO NKltVOUS. UllUN ASU HASUNQ UISKA3ES A Sl'KU lAl'l'V. All diasaael ( the Uvcr, Kldmjra, lllldder. SUn, Uluod. Nrve, Womb, Uye, Ur, Nose 'lliroat, and Lun;j, Camera, tamers, I'lled, llupture, Unitre, lllieumitlsiu, Aitlinu, Catarrh. Varlucoiele. IjJbi Muiihuud, NUhtljr t'liuwloiis, all 1'cuule I)iii'.ut9, Uuiorrhoca, etc. (iunoorilica, SH'hllU, lllooil 1'oUon, IndUcra tlon and youthful hub in obliterated, burti'iy, Fits, tlillejiiy. Tape and Stomucli Wonna, CA TAKHHOZOSE. SpeeiHu lor Catarrh. Three montlis' treatment only $5.00. Trial tree In oitlte. Contultation and examination Itee. Olllce hours dally and Sunday, 8 u. in. ta 9 p. n. ' DR. DENSTEN 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUP ?-7 1.00 Special price McAnulty, ooooooooooooocooo We have a nice line of Hockey andClubSkatea Hockey and Polo Sticka Skate grinding a specialty. Florey & Brooks 211 Wasii'niton Ave. ooooooooooooooooo HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent tor th Wyomlrif Putrict (or POWDER. lllnlne, tllastln?, Eportlnc, FmoLeleaa and tW ltcpauno Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety Fuse, Cipa and KiploJerj. Boom Ml Cou ncil nulldlnf, Serantou. AUCS'CIES: TII03. FORD ,,...., Pittoton JOHN I). SMITH 4; SON ,, .....Plymttitli W, E. MUUIUAN f...,f,...WilkeiBrr hfeafes DUPCriTS d v &. ' f V r-t