-A-wvwSi'S'jn'' wtff ?fj? .jw-sin, VrtJJV.Pjuw L-i'Tsi rjpTfiSv- tvf -??- wjbjtpJ -v THE ORANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1900. J. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Fpeot.il In Hip Srrnnloti Trtliuiip. Monlroso, Deo. 23. The Rnpllst Sun tiny school enjoyed an nld-fnshlonod Chrlstintts tree, with literary unci ihttM leal iweninpunlnionts. The Chrlstmni festivities nt the Presbyterian, Meth ocllst unil Episcopal churches wore very Interesting. The HIJoii Comedy company, under tin munagomont of K. A. Maine, of this pliice, left Monday morning for TunkluinnocU to llll a three-days' en gagement. The pnth of th uverni-M thcntrlenl company In not one of rosc3, hut nmny friends In this place will hope for Mr. Maine's enterprise ex eoptlonul success. Misses. Ornce Tltmiin and Annie Tvriell, students nt the State Normal school at Munslleld, nro spending the holiday vacation at their homos In this plnce. Fnyette Sprout and Hurry KihiU, who attend business college at Scrnn ton, tire visiting tit the homes of their parents In this place. ' Bert Decker and Arthur Cirllils nro home from Lestershlre, N. V., where they hold positions In the bit? shoe factory. The kindergarten school conducted In this place by Mrs. Clnra Miller, has closed for the holidays, but will bo jeoponcd early In .Tnnuary. The re port In one of the local papers that Mrs. Miller was about to remove to New Mllfon! wns groundless. Ralph If. Northrop, nsslstant secre tary of the Y. M. C. A. nt Hnzleton, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. Northrop, at their homo on Church street. Miss Kva Heckmnn, an Instructor In tbe Correspondence school at Scrnn ton, Is visiting at the homo of J. V. tfpence, on Locust street. Mrs. W. "P. Bast and cbildien will spend Christmas with relatives In Pittston. Fred S. Birchard is home from Phil adelphia, where he is attending medi cal college. fi. Frank Halpln, of Lcstcrshlrq, N. Y., is the guest of his father at the Exchange betel. Mrs. I-.. A. Taylor and children, of Seward, N. Y., are guests of Montrose relatives'. Arthur B. Fancher and Pliilip T. I.onergnn, who are members of the freshmen class at Dickinson College, Carlisle, are at home for the mid winter vacation. Dr. J. D. Kelly, of Susquehanna: -William Kelly, jr., of Philadelphia, and Joseph H. Kelly, of F.lmirn, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly. Miss Lena Hnlpin, a student In St. Joseph's Academy at Binghamton, Is spending a vacation at her homo In this place. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart and little son, of Wllkes-Borre, are visit ing relatives in Montrose. Miss Delia O'Neill and Miss Mur taugb, of New York city, are the guests of Miss O'Neill's sisters and brothers at their home on Post street. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Maud Perlgo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perlgo. of this pltfce, to Mr. J. Comer Jones, of Scranton, was solemnized In the Paptist church to day at -1 o0 p. m., Rev. E. K. Thomas officiating. The ceremony was follow ed by a large reception at the home uf the bride's parents on Chestnut street. - - NEW ffllLFORD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. New Mllford, Dec. 25. MIsm Kuth MacConnell, of Harford, Is spending a few dnys with her sister, Mrs. C. II. MacConnell. Mr. 13. F. Johnson left Sunday to join his family in Jersey City, N. J. Several of the young people at tended the dance at Foster Friday night. Mrs. H. K. Wilklns called on friends In Scranton Friday. Rev. L. K. Sanford has been holding meetings at Olenwood for the past week. Misses Carrie and Cora Stevens are homo on their holiday vacation. Mrs. Llewellyn Shields spent Friday at Foster. Mrs. J. W. Vull, of Surunton. called on her sister, Mrs, Fred Colvin, one' day Inst week. D. "W. Titus has been renovating his homo on State street by putting In steam heat. A fishing party, consisting of Mr. C. M. MacDonald, T. H. Cooney, F. C. Diiggs and Arthur Smith, went to Long Pond one day last week and brought home .!5G llsh. THOMPSON. Special to tlic Scranton Tribune. Thompson, Dec. 23. Allen D. Miller Is home from Wyoming seminary; Jerome Pllklntnn Is here from Forest City, and Harry P.. Searles from Syra cuse university. Each of them seems to ho doing well, ,. .Miss Grace Olver, only daughter of Rev. A, C. Olver, who was pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal church hero a few years ago, was married at Como yesterday. Cleorgo Wallace, one of Thompson's older men, has been seriously sick for a fow days, but Is Improving. Tho usual Christmas treo for tho town shed its fruit In tho Free Bap tist church, Monday evening. Mrs. Ida Tin-roll spent her Christmas with relatives in Lunesboio, Miss Cora Lnymun, teacher In tho The Want of Working People. When the working man or woman feels sick liver, stomach or kidneys ,arc out of gear then Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills do a world of good acting directly on these organs and the bowels. BAY CITV. Mr, I If. Mads, 1301 Columbus Avenuw, Cay City, Mich., by overwork ami too assiduous utton. tlm (a bis. business, brought on an attack of ktliiey trouble, which ma-Jo it necessary for blui to leave oft working nt times. Ho states : "On the nn.,nuiieiidutlou of Sir, Oeo. Leyer, druggist, of thi.-. place, I purchased a box of Dr, A. W, Chase's Kldney.Llvcr Pills for my kidney trouble. Tlicy Acted w well in relieviug rny pula Mid backarbo that I pertlsted iu the use of them unul perfectly cured of my trouble. I am a well man uow, (banks to the use of Dr. A. VT, Chase's KI4ucyUver Pills." 3D3F1.. A. W. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. prlmury department In our school, Is spending the holidays with her par ents In Jormyn. Bay Oelntt nnd bride, of Scranton, are with his pnrentH, Mr. and Mrs, E. 10. Oelntt, on Jefferson street. Aretus Yules, of North Jackson, popped through town yesterday morn ing on his way to tho wilds of Sullivan county, N. Y., for wild game. Word 1ms come that Miss Kate Lv don, of this place, who has been with H. S. Hubbard at Unlondale as stenog rapher, nnd Emll Koehler, of Star rucen, were married at Hancock, N. Y last 'Wodnosday, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Konyon, of Leou ardsvllie, N. Y are spending the Christmas tide with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas AVnlker, on Jackson street. Everett Payne,, of Bethel hill, burled his only child Monday at North Jack son. Charles P. Lyden, station agent at derrick Centre, with his wife took din ner Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lyden. STARRUCCA. Special to the Scranton Tilbunr. Sturrucea, Dec. 2."). Miss Cnndace Stoddard Is visiting friends in Bing hamton. Miss Georgia Stoddard attended the wedding of Miss Grace Oliver, at Lake Como, today. Mr. Clinton Lcet, of Binghamton, Is visiting his parents during vacation. Mr. Emll Koehler, of this place, and Miss Katie Lydon, of Thompson, were married nt Hancock last week. Mrs. D. B. Reynolds and Miss Min nie Mumford, tit Snyre, and Mr. Harry Mumford aio guests at the home of W. W. Mumford. Mr. Harry Mumford expects to return to Brown university after the holidays to complete his course of study. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Tompkins and son. of Binghamton, spent Christmas at the home of Andrew Koehler. Mrs. Strong entertained friends on Christmas from Jackson, Thompson, and Albany, N. Y. After a sumptu ous repast, the company was enter tained by excellent music rendered by Mrs. W. F. Fout and Miss Louise Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Fout and son, Wilson, will spend the holidays with friends In this vicinity. Miss Julia Burns, of Binghamton, spent Christmas with Iter father, Mr. John Burns. A. W. Larrnbee and family spent lite day at Mrs. Larrabee's home at Thompson. Mrs. Nicholas Wurd, of Binghamton, called on her mother, Mrs. Dalton, on Monday. Mrs. Dalton returned with her daughter to spend Christmas in Binghamton. m AVOCA. Early yestreday morning the man gled body of Edward FUzpatrick, aged 22 years, was found on the L hlgh Valley tracks near No. 2 switch. About midnight he left the homo of his uncle, Edward Murphy, and it Is supposed that he was struck by the Buffalo express that passes shortly after. As the place Avhere the body was found is not directly on his way home, an inquest was ordered. The jurors were: M. J. O'.Ualloy, Thomas Cosgrove, James Wilson, James Ry an, John Collins and Frank Parks. The remains were removed to the home of bis mother, from which place the funeral will take pluce on Thurs day afternoon. Besides his mother, he is survived by four brothers and four sisters. He Wills a. member of St. Mary's choir niid tho United Mine Workers. James Slattery, a resident of this town for more than twenty-five years, died at the family residence yester day morning after suffering several years of asthma. Deceased is sur vived by a wife and twelve children. Tho funeral will take place on Thurs day afternoon. Interment will be In St. Mary's cemetery. Patijck O'Sulllvan, a resident of this town since last March, died at the home of his son John on Monday morning after a week's Illness. D ceased is survived by one son nnd two daughters. Tho funeral will take pluce this afternoon. Interment will bo in St. Mary's cemetery. The marriage of Miss Sadie, daugh ter of Mrs. Sarah Oliver, of the North End, and William Mulr, of Moosle, was solmonlued on Monday evening by now D. T. Smythe. The bride and groniu entered theparlor to the strains of n wedding march played by Robert Webber. Tho bride was charmingly attired in a handsome dove colored cloth gcvrs with nppllquo and qhlffon trimmings. After the ceremony a re ception was tendered u fow of their most Intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mulr will reside in a prettily furnish ed homo In tho North End. J. J. O'Malley, Anthony Early, Pat rick .Mo ran and Miss Murguret Hous ton, of Newport News, are spending the holidays with their parents here. How Thomas Burns, of Lafayette College, is spending His vacation at tho family residence on York ave nue. The funeral of Thomas Cummlngs took place on Monday morning, a re quiem niaqs wuis celebrated In. St Mary's church. Interment wns mada In St. Mary's cemetery. Miss Bridget Meade has returned home after trending a lew weeks In Falrmount, W. Va. DETROIT. Mr, Levi F.lsey, 805 McDotigal Avenue, Detroit, lived for years expecting death from heart fail, ure and llrlght's disease, but was cured by a few boxes of Dr. A. W, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. He writes t "For years I lived In constaut fear that I should meet death through kidney trouble, I was troubled terribly by palua Iu my back and about the heart. My troubles nro uow over, for Dr. A. W, Chase's Kldney.Llver Pills have made me well agalu. J will gladly answer any letters about this wonderful medicine.'1 i cts. a box. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Huffulo, N, y, FIFTY TONS OF CANDY, Havo Seen Sent to Our Soldiers In the Philippine- Islands by tho Government. ' Fifty tons of candy have been Hent to tlto soldiers In tho Philippine Islands by tho commissary department of tho nrmy during- tho last three months nnd largo amounts to tho soldiers In Cuba, and Puerto nico. This Is done upon advice of tho medi cal officers of tho army, because It Is iv physiological fact that a. moderate consumption of confectionery promotes health nnd satisfies u nnlimtl crnvlnr? of tho stomach. Candy was never furnished to tho United States army before, although It has been commonly used ns a rntion by tho French and Urltlsh troops In tho tropics. This explodes another old-fashioned theory thnt sweets were Injurious to the digestive organs, while a moder ate use of sweets Is actually beneficial. Very few things arc Injurious and the food cranks who advocate the use of a few grains and vegetables and de cry the use of sweets and ments are In error, ns a wholesome variety of meat and vegetable food Is absolutely necessary for tho maintenance of the highest condition of health. Tho best rule to follow is to cat what tho appetite craves, nnd If there is any discomfort or trouble in digesting meat and sweets, the dllllculty can bo read ily overcome by the regular use after meals of some saTe digestive composed of pepsin and diastase which will as sist the stomach by increasing the How of gastric juice and furnish the natural peptone lucking In weak stom achs. Tho best preparation of this kind Is probably Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may bo found at nil drug stores. Years of use have demonstrated the value and effectiveness of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In all cases of Im paired digestion. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. Tliuicday mill l'i idaj- Hml;e & Chase Vaiul" ill roiupjiiv, atterimoni nnd iiIkMs. S.iluril.i.v field's MiiiMii'Is, nltrmoon and nislit. Academy of Music. .Ml wwlt f l.wwc DeVomle rniupjiiy. The Gaiety. l'irt three d.ijs 'Mcfiint the Spoil." I..i4t lluve d.ijs "Mls Xcv Vnik, .Ir." "The Rounders" at the Lyceum. The groat Casino success, "The Uounder.s," was the Christmas attrac tion at tho Lyceum, and it packed the house to the doors at the perform ances afternoon and evening. "The Itounders" is one of the bright, crea tions that are written periodically for tho Casino in New York, in which mirth and melody are the ends aimed at. In "The Ttounders" have appeared at various times the cream of the Ca sino talent, who have won fame both In this country nnd in England. Among them might be mentioned Phyllis nan kin. Mabelle Oilman, Mnrie Oeorge and Dan Daley. Thomns Q. Seabrooke has seen tho company reorganized a dozen times, but still sticks manfully to the rolo of Maginnis Pasha, which he enacts In his ofn unapproachable way. The last organization was a week ago when several members of the company retired, one of them the iiueenly Irene Perry, who was succeeded In the rolo of Prlscllla by Jeanette Lowrle, the graceful young woman who appeared in the role last, night. Miss Lowrle Is bright, graceful and what is equally important for a Casino star, shapely, but, regrettable to sny. her voice is not her fortune. The same comment would apply to other members of the company. Sonbrooke won many laughs and un stinted applause for bis work, and "Will C, Mandevllle in the role of Duke D Paly du Clam, created by Dan Daley, did some very intelligent and pains taking1 work. Other members of tho company who distinguished themselves were Bertha AValzinger, Xellie Lynch, Mabel Blake, Harry C. Edwards and Jake Bernard. At tho Academy. Two enormously large audiences greeted Chester Do Vonde at tho Acad emy of Music yesterday. In tho after noon a beautiful piece, entitled "Sins and Sinners," was presented. Tho scenery displayed was certainly mag nificent, especially that used lit the third act. The play itself is a melo drama, with plenty of action, though void of any inconsistencies which usually e:Ist in tho average dramas now before tho public. Mr. De Vondo did soma excellent work. Ills acting all through this play proves him an actor of more than ordinary ability. In tho evening a very sensational military drama was produced, "Tho Devil's Advocate." The applause from ull sections of the 'house during the action of tlie play was at times deaf ening, nnd tho gallery contingent were In their element and proved the fact with many outbursts of enthusiasm for Mr. Do Vonde and many hisses for tho villain. This afternoon "A Night In Now York" Is tho play announced, and to night tho big Chicago nnd New York success, "Tho Ten-Ton Door," will bo produced In its entirety. "Dr. Jekyl und Mr. Hyde," Friday night. Vaudeville This Week. Thursday and Friday afternoons and evenings tho iJurke & Chase Vaude ville company will bo ot tho Lyceum, Tho company Is headed by Mme. Herr man, widow of Hermann tho Great, and herself n. queen of magic, Her act Is entitled n "Night In Japan," and is provided with an oriental setting and atmosphere. Mme, Herrmann am ply proves her ability to win fume- on her own account. She Introduces many lunovutlms In an altogether captivating munner. Tho Hussot Mnrchall quartette hus heretofore won a place for Itself, the children havo now songs, games und dances, and ,new tricks to play on tho Italian organ grinders. McMahnu and King, the black-faco comedians, in "Down at thu Itailroad Crossing," bring forth spontaneous and hearty laughter, .Mr, and Mrs. Jlmmle Hurry will glvo tholr sketch, "Mrs. Wilkin's Hoy," which proved u big winner hero as well us elsewhere. Mabel Muitluud opens up u new Held of entertainment with her negro dialect recitations. Klmmer is one of the most remarkublo jugglers of tho day. Droll and adapt, he mukes a pleasing und diverting net. Howard's comedy ponies appear in nn act wholly Indifferent from anything In thut Hue. Fieid's Minstrels. Al. O. Field's ttlg Minslrcl company, will bo tho attraction at tho Lyceum Saturday afternoon and evening, Tho Hnrrlsbtirff Telegraph says ot the company. "A unique nnd delightful perform ance Was given last night In tho Acad emy of Music by tho famous "Al. G. Field's Greater Minstrels." 11. was without doubt tho best ot that form of entertainment hoard In this city In years. .''That part of Iho, performance wall ed the vaudeville meant first-rate ar tists in clover work. There you will find "Tho Groat Fnscatol" ,ln his aerial exhibition, Keys and McDonald, comic athletes, and a bright musical skit railed "Jilted," presented by Weston, Grave nnd Stnnls. "That inimitable artist, Al. O. Field himself, gives nn excellent tasto of his quality, hud humor Is as bright as ever, Lqurilly enjoyable Is tho work of Doc. Qulgley, wiio also rets the house in a roar. Throughout tho fun Is of the heartiest and many of tho turns mo Irresistibly funny." PLAYS AND PLAYERS. ltcft'i'i'i- lllimioiillfl lllnl liU I (poll In Hie supicme cuiut estei il.i y In (lie ilhurre suit brouidit by Wlllidmlna M.irle M.udowell iigalnt William Melbourne Mttrilnnrll, the actor, euro the lni.b.ind ot Kaiiny Davenport, In which lie IIihM that Mrs. fljcilowcll U i-Mllti-d to u tie irre, 'the theatrical profession at laine, no lost than tlic playgoliif; public, ale luol.ini; foiu.ml with cumidd'ahlu Intiirt and ourioilty to the Ilrit appearance of Henry Miller, under bis new luauaKiis, Mcim. WuKjcnlkili nnd Kemper, In Madeleine Iljlej's play, "llleliaid Savage." With Mr. Millet's peiv-onal ambition nnd the well known enterprise ot tbf-t llrm, bo U bound to achleie distinction and power as he lias al ready achieved siicccs. Those who have cleaned any Inside infoiination rcg.inliiiy the play of "llleliaid Parage" appear to be very enlhml-a.-dlc, they nay the title lole it untipiely Milted to lilm temperamentally and otherwise, and predict for Mr. Miller just such another fiiciev) aa lticli.it! Mantlleld made many jears ago In "A Parisian Homancc." Chatlcs .1. ttoM U out ot Weber fc 1'lelds' Xew York company, liming resigned al mid ntcdit Wednesday after a slight mkuiulrndnud. lug with Weber tc MehN. A rehc.ual for the new burlesque pioduced was called on that night afler the regular performance and Jtuss was told that he must be pieteut. lie in foimcd Joe Weber that lie was tired and did not rate to lemain Iu the theater after the curtain dropped on the last burlcpir. Weber told Itots that he would either lehearse bis lines or not appear further with tho company and Itovi said that would suit him exactly. Iu ten minutes he was nut on llioadway no lunger connected with the Weber-Fields management. Itoss s.'i. that he bad long ago decided In leave the Weber k 1'iehls fhov iu older that he might again go into aiideville. He has signed a contract to play a twenty weel.V season In II. 1'. .Keith's continuous performance houses beginning Oct. 21, lMH. llos has been a member uf the Wcbcr-riclcls company for several sea onf, h.uing cnleied the employ of the comedian.-, with his wife, Mabel Fenton. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application? as they cannot leach the disca-ed portion of the ear. There ii only one way to cine deatness, and that la by constitu tional remedies. Dcnfiic.vi ,'.-, caused by an in ll.imcd condition of tbe mucous lining of the Kustachiau Tube. When this tube is inllamcd coil have u lumbling sound nr impeifect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness is the le siilt, and unless the InlLimmatlon can be taken out and ibis tubo re.'loicd to IU noimal condi tion, healing will be destioyed foiever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous nn face. We will give One Hundred Dollais for any cae of Deafness (caused by calauh) that cannot be fined by Hall's I'atanli One, .'end for circulars, fiee. F. .1. Clir.NY.Y Jr CO., Toledo, O. Fold br Humgists, Tjc Halts family Pills are the best. " SHERIFF'S SALES. EiTEltTJ' 'h sjai,L'i Ot'' ValiiableReal Estate ON FJttUAY, JANl'AHY 11, ll'Ul. 13y virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni K. pcinus, Issued out of thp Court of. Com mon Pleas of Lackawanna County, to mo directed, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, to tho highest and best bidder, for cusli, at the Court House, in the City of Hcrunton, Lackawanna Coun ty, on FWDAY, the MLI3VKNTII DAY Uh" .lANl'AKY. A. U. JtKH, at 0 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, all the right, title and intorusl of the defendants In and to tho following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, via: Xo. 1. All tho right, tile and Interest ot thu defendant, Catharine llyland, In and to ull that certain lot or parcel of liuui sltuato In tho Horougb of llayvlllo (nuw Muyflcld), County of Lackuwauiiu and Statu of Pennsylvania, and bounded nml described ns follows: lloing Lot No. 12 In lllcck No. 3 on tho property of tlto Mill, sldo Coal and Iron company In the said Uorougli of Muyvillu (now Mayfleld), us described and designated in tho survey of tho sumo accompanied by a map thereof, being iu front sixty (On) feet, In rear sixty (CO) foot and one hundred and lll'ly (ISO) feet depn, bounded on Iho south by LacKiiwanna avenue, on the west uy i.ot io. ji, on tne norm uv laud belonging to tho Ulllsldu Coal ami ' l..m. .im.in.Illtr fltwl rt n tltn i.n... 1... 1 .. 41 Ull l.lllt'.ll.J ...... Ull VIIW VLIOl Uf IIUl No. 1,1, Coal nnd minerals excepted and reserved. All Improved with two two story framo dwelling houses and out buildings. Seized und taken hi oxecutlon at the suit of VIIIIam It. Lewis va. Catherine llyland. Debt, $3U0. Judgment No. i.Wi. .May Term, 1S3S. FI. fa. to January Term, H'Ol. IT. U, TAYI.Olt, Atl'y. ALSO No. 2. All tho light, lliln nnd interest of tho defendants, i', J. Timlin and M. L. Langan, In and to all that certain lot, plcco or parrel of hind situate, lying ana bUuif In tho Borough of Dumuoro. County of Lackawanna, and .State of 1'ennsyi vanla, bounded and described as follows: Heglnulng' at a corner on Jackson (now Taylor) avenue: thence northwest alum? l'hlllp Goffnwn's lot one hundred and fifty (KiO) foot to an nlley; thenco south west ono hundred (100) feet to Putrlck Uarrett's lot: thuueo southeast along stild Patrick Uarrett's lot ono hundred and tlfty (1W) feot to said Jackson (now Tay lor) avenue; thence northeast along- said Jackson (now Taylor) nvoiuio ono hull dred (100) foot to tho place ot beginning. Containing nbout one-hulf of an acre, bo tho sumo moro or loss. Coal mid mineral excepted and reserved, All Im proved with ono two-story doublo frnmu dwelling house and one two-story fruma single dwelling house, and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in oxecutlon at tho suit of Michael llannlck vs. V, J. Timlin. Pobt. TO). Judgment No, C7t. March Term, HOS. Plurlos n. fa. to Jan uary Tctlii, 1Mb TAYLOR & LEWIS. ALSO AU'5'3- No, 3.-A1I tho right, tltlo and interest of tho. defendants, Mary T, Keynolds nnd Fred Keynolds, in and to all that cer tain lot or parcel of land situate, lylne and being in tho Township of Lackawan. nn, County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, designated and described as follows, to wit: Hclntr Lot No. 10 In Hlock No. V, upon tho southerly side of Stratford avenuu; said lot being forty (10) feet In front on said Stratford ave iiuo and ono hundred forty-six (HG) feet deep, moro or less, to n court for public, use, fourteen (11) feet wldo; said lot be lug rectangular In shape, as designated and laid out on thu plot or map of tho bald "The Keystono Lnnd Company." which map Is of record iu tho proper of. llco for tho recording of deeds, etc., In and for tho said County of Lackawanna, in Deed Hook No. 141, putfo 2U2. Im proved with it two-story framo dwelling house nnd outbuildings thereon. Poized and taken In execution at thu suit of Henry W. Northup vs. Mary HEfHFF'3 SALES. T. Reynolds and Fred Reynolds. Debt, ?2,6(!7.20. Judgment No. 122. January Term, 1M1, FI. fa, to Jnliunry Term, IfiUI. CARPENTKH, Atfy. ALSO No. 4. All tho light, tllln and Interest of tho defendant, Jacob Fox, In and to all thnt certain lot, piece or parcel of land sltuato In tho City, of Scranton, County of Lackawanna -nnd Bttile of Poniisylvnhla, bounded and described ns follows, to wit: Known and designated on J. irermnn's map of South Hyde Park its tho northenstcrly one-half ot Lot No. 13, In Hlock No. fil, being: forty-nlno (19) feet In width on nn alloy and nevrnty flvo (75) foot In depth. Improved with a two-siory frame dwelling; house, out buildings nnd other Improvements there on. Seised nnd taken In execution at tliA stilt of Tnylorvlllo Handing nnd Loan n-j-soclatlon vs. Jacob Fox. Debt. Jl.aiS.fifl. Judgment No. 1210, September Term, 1M0. Lev. fa. to Jnnuarv Term, 1901, . ClfARLKfl K, OLVRR. Att'y. ALSO No. C All tho rlitht title nnd Interest of the defendant, Thomas Collins, In and to nil thoso certain lots, pieces or parcels ot land In tho Old norougb ot Hyde Park (now City of Scranton), Lackawan na County, Pennsylvania, Jcnowu os Lots Nos. IS and 15, in Square or Uloclc No. ID and fronting on Fillmore avoutio; be ing each twenty-live (25) feet In front by ono hundred and eighty-seven nnd one hnlf (lbT'.fj) feet In depth, according to a plan or map entitled "Price and Pancoast Addition to City of Scranton," recorded In Luzcrno County, Pennsylvania, In Deed Book No. 121, page 312, the twenti eth day of October, A. D 1S07. Being tho samo plcco or parcel of land con veyed to Anthony Dtiggnn by Kll K, Price ot nl by Indenture dated. Oct. 1, A. D 1S74, nnd recorded In the olllco for recording of deeds In Lackawanna Coun ty In Deed Book No. 2, pago 372, and devised and bequeathed to Mnry Duggnn by Anthony Duggan by will probated Juno 30, 1S8.1, nnd registered In ofllcc for registering wills In Lackawanna County In Will Book No. 3. Improved with a two-story framo dwelling und outhouses thereon. Seized nnd taken in execution at the suit of Winifred Collins vs. Thomas Col llns. Debt, $fiOO. Judgment No. St. Jan uory Term, 1MI. FI. fa. to Jaiiunry Term, iflOl. 1TANYKN, Atl'y. ALSO No. C All the right, title nnd interest of the defendant, Robert A. Lindsay, In and to nil that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sltuato in the Thirteenth ward of the City of Scranton, Lnckawanna Coun ty, Pennsylvania, commencing at a point on tho division line between the properties known ns the "Von Storch" properly nnd lands now or Into of the Thomas Dickson Fstnte, at a point tlfty (E0) feot north from Capouso avenue: tbenco in a northerly direction alone said division line ono hundred (100) feet to a corner; tnence In a southwesterly atrec tlon, nt right angles to tho last-mentioned Hue, to a point ninety (00) feet from tbe divslon lino between Lots No. 44 and 4G of the Thomas Dickson Estntc: thence nt right angles to the last-mentioned line nnd parallel to tho division line between lands of tho Dickson and Von Storch Es tates, In u. southeasterly direction one hundred (100) feet to a point fifty CO) feet distant from Capouse avenue; thenco at right angles to the last-mentioned line, in a northeasterly direction, to the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution at the Milt of Theodore O. Wolf nnd F.verett Warren, surviving executors and trustees under the last will and testament of Tlen Jnmln II. Throop. deceased. Debt, $4,273.73. Judgment No. 'J22, September Term, 1000. Alias n. fa. to January Term. 1001. WILLARD, WA9RRKN & KNAPP. Att'ys. ALSO No. 7. All the right, title and interest of the defendants. Henry Reynolds, Ku geno E. Steele. William J. Douglas, own ers, and Edwin Ilouck and Eugono E. Steele, doing business as Ilouck & Steele, contractors, In and to nil that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the Township of Lackawanna. County ot Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, und benig Lot No. S, In Block No. 2, us designated and laid out on the plot or map of "The Koystnn Land Company," known and described as Lincoln Heights Annex, which said plot or map Is record ed in the ofllce for the recording of deeds in and for Lackawanna County: said lot being forty (10) reet in front on South Main avenue and extending on its north erly side ono hundred nnd hlxty-one und elghty-flvo one-hundredths (lGl.Sri) feet deep to an alley, fourteen (11) foot wide, and on southerly side one hundred and sixty four and suventy-nlne one-hundredths (1A4.7!)) feet deep to tho alley aforesaid, and being forty-one and one onc-lnindredths (11,1) feot widw in the rear, as shown on said map. Being the same premises which "The Keystone Land Company" conveyed to Henry Reynolds by deed duly recorded in Lnck awanna County hi Deed Book No. 17!i, page 90, etc., and by him to Eugene E. Steele, which deed was duly recorded in said Lackawanna County and Inter con veyed by tho said Eugene E. Steele and wlfo to William J. Douglas by deed dated May 21. ll00, which deed has never been recorded. Excepting and reserving the coal nnd minerals as the samo are heretofore reserved. All Improved with a large two-story frame dwelling house, with basement. Said dwelling hoiis,o Is forty-four (11) feet by twenty-six and one-half (2t!(;) feot, Willi shingle roof. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of Hower & Slender vs. Henry Rey nolds, Eugene E. Steele and AVilllam J. Douglas, owners, and Ilouck & Steele, contractors. Debt, 57S2.7C. Judgment No. 127,'i. September Term, 1000. Lev. fa. to January Term, 1001. OEARIIART, Att'y. ALSO No. S. All the right, title and Interest of tho defendant. James Sheridan, in nnd to till thnt lot of land In Old Forgo Bor ough, Lackawanna County, Pa. Begin ning at a corner of n tract of land late ot William Beosockor. being a part of a lot of lnnd deeded to said Beesecker by Ernst us Smith, tho twenty-second day of February, ISC!), recorded in Luzerno County, in Deed Book No. 131. tiace 432. on tlif north sldo of the mnln road from Pittston to Scranton; thenoo by same north forty-two and one-fourth (42!5)'dn juees west twelve and slxty-flvo one-hundredths (12.Ci) perches to a post corner; theuco by hind of Erastus Smith south forty-two and one-fourth (42U) degrees east thrco and thirteen thirty-thirds (313-33) perches to a post corner; thenco by land of said Smith south forty-two and one-fourth (I2U) degrees east twelve and sixty-flvo ono-hundtedths (12.Cj) perches to a corner in tho north westerly sldo of satd road: thence along snld road south forty-two nml one-fourth (42!J) degrees west three und thirteen thirty-thirds (3 13-33) perch es to thu beginning. Containing uluvou thousand six hundred and eighty-eight and live-tenths ill.UbS.a) feet of land, more or loss. Improved with cellar und foundations for housu theieou. Seized und taken In oxecutlon at tho suit of Mulhurln & J ml go vs. James Shcrldun. Debt, L'.SCo, Judgment No. li.'il, March Term, 1!A). F. fu, t jnn. nary Term, I'M. DEAN, Att'y. ALSO No, 9.-AII tho right, title and interest of tho dofendnnt. Ocorso ifumloy, in mid to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of hind sltuato In iho Boroughs of Olyphaut and Throop in tho County of Lackawauim and Stato of Pennsylvania, und bounded and described us follows. Containing a front of sixty (CO) tout southwestwurd on Oak street, bounded northwestward ut light angles to said street one hundred and cighy-fcet by Lot No. ,(j op Ba, btieet; northeustwatd parallel with said street sixty (CO) feet by Lot No. G on Lino stroot, and southeastward ut right angles to said Oak street one hundred npd eighty (ISO) feot by Lot No, -1, on snld street. Coinprlsnlg Lot No, ti, on Ouk street, ns tho sunio is represented and designated on map or plot of bulla, log lots In tho Boroughs of Olyphaut and Throop mado by tho Delaware und llud son Canal compuny. Being tho sumo lot of land convoyed to said defendant by tho said company in deed dated March 29, 1S9j. All improved with a iwo. story fruino dwelling with mi oil, and outbuildings. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of German Building association No. 7 vs. Oeorgo Huntley. Debt giill.ls) Judgment No. D90, September Term, 1000. Lev. fu. to January Term, 1901. HANNAH, Att'y. ALSO No. 10. All tho right tltlo and Interest of tho defendant, Ben. Aruovltz, iu and to nil thut certain lot. plcco or parcol of land sltuuto in tho Eighteenth wurd of tlto City of Scranton, In tho County of SHERIFF'S SALES. Lackawanna, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beltlg tho easterly part of Lot No. 3. In Sqtmro or Block No. 18, us'iitntkcd nnd designated on Ji llccr ninn's map ot South Hyde Park, being thirty-seven and ono-hnlt (37',4) foot In front on Scranton street, and ono hun dred nnd titty cir.0) feet In depth to Lot No, fi. Being tho snmo lot of land con veyed to tho snld defendant In deed dated Jan. 21, 1S97, and recorded In tho offlco of the recorder of deeds In and for Lack awanna County In Deed Book No. Ho, pnl?o 407, etc. All Improved with ,a thrco story doublo building, brick In front and framo In tho rear, used na a saloon, a stoio and dwellings, with out buildings. Seized and taken In execution at tho suit ot German Building twaocl.itlon No. 9 vs. Hen: Afnnult nnlil. st.nno .Tttdnmcnt "No. G0, January 'Term, 3901. FI. fa. to January jerm, iwj. HANNAH, Att'y. ALSO No. 11. All tho right, title und interest of the defendants. Martha A. Bono and Francis A. Bone, In and to all that cer tain plcco or parcol of land sltuato Iu the City of Scranton, in tho County ot Lackawanna nnd State ot Pennsylvania, being part of Lots Nos. 11 and 12, hi Sciuaro or Block No. 120, upon tho plot of Scranton. Said piece ot land hereby conveyed commences at a point on vine street twenty-two (22) feet soiltheastorly from thu Intersection of said Vino street with the line of the alley of uforesiild block; thenco southeasterly ulong Vine btreet twenty-ulna (39) feet; thenco ut right angles with last line across Lots Nos. H and 12, of aforesaid block eighty (SO) feet; thenco ut right ungles with last lino northwesterly twenty-nlno (29) feet; thenco ut right angles with last line across aforesaid Lots Nos. 11 and 12 eighty (SO) feot to thu placo of begin ning; the measurement of the depth to commence ten (10) feet Inside ot thu side walk, with the light to enclose, occupy and uso ten (10) feet in front ot said piece of land on Vine street for cellar way, porches, portico, bay-window, or shrubbery, but not the right to urect any building thcrecn. Excepting and re serving to tho Lackawanna Iron and Coal company, Its successors and assigns, all coal and minerals beneath said lot. Being the sumo premises conveyed by Charles Schlugcr and wlto to tho said Murtha A. Bone, by deed dated April 27, IS90, und recorded In tho recorder's olllco of Lackawanna County, In Deed Book, No. 137, pago 112, etc. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution tit tho suit of William Council el ill., ex ecutors and trustees of Alexander Council, deceased, vs. Martha A. Hone and Francis A. Bone. Debt, 51,321. Judg ment No. 39, November Term, 1900. Lev. fa. to January Term, 1901. WELLES & TOR REV, Alt'y.s ALSO No. 12. All tile light, title and Interest of the defendant, W. J. Retiulniun, nil nilnsitrator of A. L. Coinuton. deceased. In and to nil thoso parcels of land sltuato in Jefferson Township, Lackawanna County, described as follows: First A lot of land beginning at a stone corner on public road: thence south fifty (fiO) degrees east on line and stone wall of Oliver Osgood thirty and one-half (3'; rods to a stake or post corner; thence south forty (.401 degrees west twenty ('-') rods to suid public roud to a stone corner; thenoo northwnidly iu tbe middle of said road to the place of beginning Contain ing one and one-hulf (Hi) acres, more or less. Being the same land convoyed bv E. S. H. Cobb and wife to A. Compton, by deed dated Sept. 22, 1ST.", and record ed In the recorder's ollleo of Luzerno County in Deed Book No. 199, puge 42, etc. Second Beginning ut a post and stones corner of land of John -Mitchell, hi line of Bedella Compton kind; tbenco south tlfty (50) degrees cast on llnu of i-iild John Mitchell, eighty-nine (S9) rods to black birch corner; thence north twenty llvo (2j) degrees eat eighteen rods to a corner; thence north sixty-live (C5) de grees east fourteen (II) rods to a stake and stones corner: thence south seventy (70) degrees east eight and three-fourths (S;,l4) rods to end of a stone wall: thenco south eighty (MJ) degrees east eight (S) rods; thence north tweuiy (20) degrees east eiciht (S) rods io Hue ot John P. Mitchell's laud; thence north fifty (fiii.l degrees west on said Hue ninety-seven 197) rods to a stake and stones corner of Bedella Compton, and thence south forty (10) degrees west forty-four (14) rods to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-four (21) acres and seventy-si'. (7(i) perches, moro or less. Being the snmo land conveyed by J. M. Mitchell to A. Compton. by deed dated May 1, 1ST.",, and leeoided In Luzerne County hi Deed Book No. I'9, page II, etc. Third A lot of land bounded on tho noith by land of J. U. Compton. and on thu oust, south and west by hinds of Be della Compton and the estate of Adorn ram Chase. Being the same land con veyed by H. D. Sp.ingenberg and wife to A. Compton by deed dated Nov. Iu, ls73, and recorded In Luzerne County in Deed Book No. 171, pago 217, etc. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, two framo barns and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of Assigned to Richmond Compton vs. W. J. Renniniun, .idmlnstrator of A. L. Compton. deceased. Debt, 50"i.72 Judgment No. SOS, January Term, 1S9S. FI. fa. to January Term. 1901. WILLAKD, WARREN & KNAPP, Att'ys. ALSO No. 13. All the right, title nnd Interest ot tho dpfiiitant. M. H. Simtvll, ::ccutor of tho Estate of John Ungues, deceased, In and to all that certain piece, parcel or lot of laud sltuuto In the Township of Clifton, County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded at the northeast corner of said lot; thence bounded on tho north b the public road; on tho west by land Into owned by John Shaw, now by J. L. Simons; on tho south by land lalo owned by Theodore Rls-ler and others, now by Ira C. Harvey and others, ami on the east by lands of the Reading Lumber company. Contain ing fifty (CO) acres, moro or less. Being tho samo premises thut Daniel Slglnn and Almlrn, his wife, by Indenture dated the fifteen day of September, ISM, and re corded iu tho olllco for the recording of deeds, etc., In and for Luzerne County, in Deed Book No. 110, page 233, otc. drain ed und convoyed to Samuel II afford in fee, and the same property which the Haul Samuel minora conveyed to John Hughes by deed dalod tlm fourth day ot May, IStIS, and leeoided in Luzerno County In Deed Book, No, 3u, pago 2SS. Improved with a two-sturv framo dwell lug houn', barn and outhouses thereon. Seized and taken In oxecutlon ut the suit of Henry A, Kuapp nd Ellgabeih D. Doud, executors of tho Estate of Mercy F, Fuller, deceased, vs. M. 1). Shut ell. ex ecutor of John Hughes, deceased. Debt. $100. Judgment No, 72. November Turin, 1900. Lev. fu, to January Term, I'.'iil. WILLARI), WAR RUN it KNAPP, Att'ys, ALSO No. 14 All tb right, tltlo and Inleivst of tlm defendant. M. V. (lderusey, In and to nil thnt certain lot, plecu or parcol of laud cnmuicmdug at a point on tho west eily sldo of Capouse avenue, at tlm southerly corner of lot of i. !f. Rurns, In thu Thirteenth ward of tho city of Scran ton, Lackuwi'iinu County. Pennsylvania; thenco along tho southerly lino of taiil I. H, Burns' hind In a westerly direction ono hundred and elglity-uno und nm-half (IblU'l feel: iheni'o al right angles in a southerly direction along lines ot laud of Baptist church and W. W, Ltithrop llfty (60) feci: ilu-nce at right augles'oiiH hundred and eighty-ope. and iniclialf (ISlli) feet along land of Valentine Blis3 to Capoiiso avenue; thenco along Capouse uvenuo northerly lll'ly cm feet to placo ot beglnnnlg. All Improved with a two. story dwelling house and barn, used as a livery slablo thorcon; ten (10) feet of Iho depth of suld lot next to Cupoiihu aveium may bo used for yard, eellurwuy, porch or piazza, but not for thu erection of buildings thereon. Solzed and taken In execution at tho suit of I). H. Decker vs. M. W. Ouernsey Debt. $G,030.IK. Judgment No. :v Novell), her Term. 197. Allan II. fu. to January Term. 1901, I. H. BURNS, Att'y, ALSO No. 13.-All tho right, tltlo and Interest of the defendants, O, F, Wcdemnn and Irene Wedtuiuii, In and to all that cer tain plecp of laud In l.aPlumo Borough, I.uckawnuna County, Pennsylvania, Be ginning at a coiner of lot of Mrs. S. 1). Wage: tlfelieo along laifds, of II. Senmans toiith forty and three-fourths (I0','4) do grees cast ninety-six and eight-tenths (93.S) porches to .t corner; thouco ulong binds late of N. K. Chaso north forty eight and ono-hnlf (tSl'j) degrees cast fifty-six (M) perches to laud of E. C. Hanson; theuco north thlrty-clght (M) degrees w.st thliteen und ono-tcnlhs (13.1) perches to a corner; thenco north forty-eight and ouo-balf (4blj) decrucut eusi -to u corner iu middle ot the turn- 3HEIF'S SALES, pike tbenco north fifty-two (Si) degrnef west fourteen and iivo-tentlm (14.B) perches; thenco north thirty (30) deroe west twenty-thrco and one-tenth (2J.1I perches to land of Tllllnghast; theno south thirty (30) degrees west twlve and' Blsty-nvo one-hundredths (12.CB) pcrehei t a corner; thenco north sixty (GO) dcgro west twelvo und sixty-flvo one-liun dredths (12.C5) perches to a corner; thenc north thirty (30) degrees cast twelvo nnd sixty-flvo one-hundredth (12.65) perchsi to middle of turnpike; thenco north sixty (CO) degrees west two (2) porches' to it ccrnorj thenco south Ihlrty (30) degro west twelvo and slxty-ilvo ono-nun-dredtbs (12.05) perches to a corner: thencd north sixty (On degrees west twelve and Blxty-flvo onc-humircdthB (12.(15) perches to lands of Ellas Reynolds; thence south thirty (30) degrees west ono and fifteen one-hundredths (13.1) perches; thtnaa north sixty (GO) degrees west twenty-llvo and seven-tenths (23.7) perches; thonca north forty-six and one-halt (Ui) de grees cast thirteen and five-tenths (13.5) perches to middle or said turnptkn; thenco north clghty-ono (81) degrees west ono nnd three-tenths (1,3) perchos; thenco along land of Mrs. S. B. Wngo south llfly-ono (Dl) degrees west thlrty-nlno nnd two-tenths (39.2) perches to beginning. Containing thirty (30) acres nnd eighty llvo (S3) perches of land, partially im proved and part woodland. Seized und taken In execution nt tha suit ot A. D. Colvin vs. O. F. Wcdeman und Ireno Wcdemnn. Debt, $300. Judg ment No. 1237, September Term, 1900. Lev. fu. to January Term, 1901. . DEAN, Att'y. ' ALSO No. 1C All tho right, title and Interest ot the defendant, James F. Gallagher, in and to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being In tho Twcnty-ilrst ward ot the. City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna nnd State of Pennsylvania, in a lane or alley running in an easterly direction from Providence road. Being Lots Nos. 0, 7 and S, in map or plan laid out by J. It. Campbell In his addition to Park Place, Intended to bo duly registered. Said lots being each thirty (30)' feet in front and rinr and one hundred and twenty (120) feet iu depth. Improved with a doublo two-story frnmo dwelling bouse, occu pied by tenants, and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at tha mil of The Ai lit.im llulhling and I.'iin association vs. James F. Oallughcr. Debt, $1,200. Judgment No. 712. May Term, 1S97. FI, fa. to January Term. 1901. VAUGIIAN, Att'y. ALSO No. 17. AH the right, title and Interest of tho defendant, N. E. Collins, adminis trator or administratrix of Frank or Francis Collins, deceased, in nnd to all thut ccrtuui messuage tenement lot or parcel of land situate in the City of Scranton, late Borough of Providence, iu the County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, known as Lot No. 1, and the westerly half of Lot No. 7, In Squaro or Block No. li, and fronting on Mulu and Throop streets. Being seventy (70) feet In front on Main street bv one hun dred und seventy-eight (17S) feot In depth un Throop street, according to a plan or map untitled Parker's Addition to tha Old Borough of Providence of the Spen cer Farm. Being tho same premises con veyed by and subject to the same excep tions and reservations mentioned and contained In deed from Wllliird Parker. M. D., et itx., el ul to Francis Collins, dated Oct. 1, 1S74; recorded In Luzerno County in Deed Book No. 183, puge 201. Improved with two two-story 'frame dwell ing houses and outbuildings thereon. Seized und token In execution at tha suit of Oeorge M. Okcll, trustee, vs. N, 13. Collins, ndmlnstrutrlx, of Frank ot? Francis Collins, deceased. Debt, $512.73, Judgment No. 41S, January Term, 1901. Lev. fa. to January Term. 1901. OKELL, Att'y. ALSO No. IS. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Henry L. Hartranft, lit and to ull thoso certain lots, pieces or parcels of land sltunte In tho City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna, Stata of Pennsylvania, being part of Lots Nos, Hi and 17, in Block J.. ,in Williams' Ad. dltlon to the City of Scranton, Pennsyl vania, and situate on tho easterly sldo of Dean street, i,n the First ward of said City of Scranton. Said lots being each ibirty-two mid one-half (32',y feet In front on Dean street, und same width in reap and eighty (SO) feet in depth, and being Lots Nos. 9S and 99, in Block J., as laid out by D. L. Fields, mup of which was recorded in said county In Map Book No, 1, page 73, on the twenty-seventh day of June, 1S99. Coal and minerals excepted and reserved, Improved with a two story framo dwelling, blacksmith shop and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tha suit uf Securliy Building and Savings Union vs. Henry L. Hartranft. Debt, $S7liV!0. Judgment No. 39S. January Term, 1901. Fi. fa. to January Term, 1901. Also Same vs. Same. Debt. $1,241.23. Judg ment No. 399, January Term, 1901. FI. fa. to Januray Term, 1901. II. C. REYNOLDS, Att'y. ALSO No. ID. All the right, title and Interest ot Hie defendants, James Palmer, Reesa T. Jones, Oeorgo Edwards and David P. Thomas, in and to all that piece or parcel of land sltuato in tho Fourth ward, City of Scranton, in tho County of Lackawanna and State ot Pcimslyvaiiiu. bounded and described as follows, to wit: Heglnniiig at a point on. tho southeasterly side of Everett avenue, on the division line between Lots Nos. 21 and 22, iu Block No. 21. on tho second map ot the estate of William Swotland, in Hydo Park: theuco along said division line south tlfty und tlireo-fourths (50?;) degrees east ono hundred and eighty (ISO) feet to an alley; thenco ulong said nlley north thlrty-nlno and one-fourth (39'i) degrees cast fltty (50) feet to Lot No. 20; thenco along said lot north fifty and three-fourths (3o?.j) degrees west one hundred and eighty (ISO) feet to Everett uvenuo aforesaid; theuco along said avenuo south thlrty-nino and ouo-1'ourth (39',4) degrees west llfty (.".0) feet to tho place of beginning. Being tho hind conveyed by Caroline M. Pettcbonn et al., to James Palmer, by deed dated tlic twenty-Urst day ot March, 1S91: ro eoided In Deed Book No. 73, pago 490, In Lackawanna county. All improved with two two-story frame dwelling houses and other outbuildings thereon, Solzed and taken m execution at tha suit of New Schiller Building and f.oun itssoelatlou vs. James Palmer, defendant, und Reese T, Jones nnd Oeorgo Edwards and David J. Thomas, torro tenants. Judgement No. Kin, September Term, 19). Lev, fu, to January Term, I9nl. STOKES, Att'y. ALSO No. 20. All tho liuliti title and Interest of thu defendant, Charles It. Knapp, M. li., iu und to ull tho MU'fuco of right of soil of nil that certain lot, plcco or parcel of hind sltuuto in tho Borough of Van dling, i.uokuwuunu county,, Pennsylvania, bounded nnd.descrlbed as follows, to wlti Containing a Hunt of tlfty (50) foot south east ward on Main street; bounded south westward at light angles to snld street ono hundred (1W) feck by Oak street; northwestward parallel with Main street tlfty l&i) foot by tho northwestern Una of laud ot the Northern Coal and Iron company, and northeastward at right an gles to Mala street nno hundred (liKi) feet by Lot No. til), on said utroet. Comprising Lot No. ltd, on Main street, ns the samo is represented and designated on a map ot building lots of the Northern Coal and Iron company in suld Borough. Seized and .taken In execution nt tlo suit of Assigned to William Tinker vs. Charles It. Knapp. It, D. Debt, $35o. Judgment No. li'5, November 'form, 1900. FI. fa. to January Term, 1901. WATROUS Att'y. TERMS OF SALE. 1'im V DOLLARS CASH WNBN PROP' ERTY IS STRUCK OFF, AND BALANCE IN CASH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SALE IS CONCLUDED. WHEN SOLD FOR COSTS, COSTS MUST BB PAID WHEN STRUCK OFF, ALL PROPERTIES ON WHICH ABOVE TERMS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH WILLBB RESOLD BBFORR AD. JOIIRNMENT. CLARENCE E. PRYOR, Stiwlff. Sheriff's Ofllcc, Scranton, Pa., Decern bur IS, 1900. ' ife iifc- ,&'. u . ... ..'!. ''., uJk- ' -. i ,. .., ., ', . (