u?PfP?P??tsW rtnw THE SCR ANTON TRIBtWE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26; MOO. WEST SCRANTON CANTATAS AND SANTA CLAUS FEATURES OF CHRISTMAS EX ERCISES IN CHURCHES. Sunday School Pupllo and Pareutn Entertainod by the Methodists, Baptists and Congrogationalista. Opening of St. Brondon'o Now Homo Foativftl Wedding of J. Goraer Reeae and Miss Forigo at Montroso Athletic Club Ball Po litical Jottings and Other Notes. Klulior.ito Chrhitmas exeiclsrs we to held hint, cvunlnir In the Hltit)i.-m iUothodlst Hplecoiuil cliurt'li, Plymouth 'ongicsiillonal chut-cili and thu .luck .snn Htret't Hnptlst ehiircjli. In which the pupils of the tllffeicnt Hiitiilu; hcIiooIh took an ncllw pait, At the Klnipson church the scjliohnu nf the in termediate! anil Ulbli- class tlc'iurt jiientM presented the cantata, "All Hall to Santa Glaus," to an audience that ciiinpletcty tilled the spacious edillce. The cantata was Klven under the direction ot the ellieleiit choi later, rrof. W. W. Jones. In addition to the noiiffH and choruses there were iipie-(-cntallves of the Filipinos. Cubans, Japanese andother feature"-'. Th ''Inr acters were assumed by Mrs. Itoti-it 'Williams, William Lmiik. I.ouls Joins, Florence Williams, Koda Stnuik, Paul 3Hirros, Jessie Klorey. IJIanche Thomas. Uoda. Clark, Resale Hern, Until Acker. Kthel Carr and others, A law chorus nf children san;v In the cantata, v li'eh was an admirable production and te ilects credit on the promoteiN. The Kiownles' hvlilne, a re.il stl Know stoim and Santa Cl.itiV vl--lt tweie the features ot the exeiel'-CM at the Jackson Stieet lluptlst chinch, which were held In the lectin e rorm before an audleme that crowded :l the door space and s.illery. A .luven'- choir, led by Prof. I,evvU ll.ivb, :..s nlsted in the entertainment. John Tiloyd made a capital Smti t'laus and created much minis nuir n mring- the children. Mediations ue-e Klven by Grace Itoderli'k. Fetln l,"ivN and Lizzie Thomas, and the solti . 'i rendered by Annie llyall. Kliiwli- - Grilrhy, Bessie Powell an I iribeii Williams. A dlsti Ihution ol uiiirly .nul presents was made at tli' eloae if til entertainment. The cantata, "Klmi Kin.iiuiel." wis aendeied at tin- I'l.nmiutli Cnnc"i"-a . lionnl cliureh bv ihn Hnnday ! h ol pupils, under the dlicction of Sinur intendent A. I'.. Kynon and Chmhter ABOUT THIS ( CO'JGll' TIME LOOK -' . ."' ' . out for i aim LULUj TAK. DUFOUR'S FR.:f.U 'I A t. and Ends Sale of Left Overs from Ciiristmas Everything of a Holidayish nature is being marked down to ' ridiculously low figures this morning. If. you have forgotten any of your iriends, you can remember them now, or for the New Year, at a fraction of what the cost would have been had you made the purchases last week, jtf Globe Warehouse (Joiner lleese. An orcheslra of four pieces unhIsUh! In the exerclseH. The programme consisted ofwhoruses, tecl tiulons, minus, solos, and other exer cises, nnd at the close gifts vtie iHa trlhtitcd among the chlldicn. Now Home Festival. Tho most pietentlous affair over un d'ftnken by St. Drondnn's council, YoutiK Men's Institute, win InuitKur uted ytsluidny In their new quartern, tit 12J North Main avenue, In whit: the boys are pleased to call their "new home festival." The en tiro build ing hits been utilized In entertaining the patrons, and the crowd that tluoiitrml the place last night vn HUlIiclent evidence that the festival will be u success. The main lloor has been llxed up for the display of fancy articles, io freshment booth1) and the "plum tie" shaklntr," In which much Interest In manifested, in the basement a cii'io hall anil musee has been Htted up evceptlonally original. On the neeon I lloor the ladles aie In charge of the refreshment table". DurltiR the evening: Miss Teresa Mo Cc tendered a plcaalnir. vocal side, Miss May Jordan played a plane ? lection, and Frank McHnle gave u violin solo. The entertuliimentii coin-mllle- will provide a suitable pio Kramnio each rveuliur dining; the fes tival, In which some evellent talent will br heard. The eiitlo hall N the pilnclpal at tiactiou, and therein ran be cen the Filipino hoy. the s'hirt waist man, ,t blind hluir, the battle ae used by Slt th'B Pill!, tile Waldorf-Astoria. tlu iVKtsil maze, the fac" on the barroom llnoi, a picture no a.tl'-t can ja'tit. the sir er int. sentinel. the doilbl--headtd man. Illndn: fakir, an opium lit ml. cablt-..'t nl' curios, the ween hor.-e, i!-orti'n lynidihiK. moving pie lure", nienaiterle of wild animals, fa man's dellrh:. the vacant stall, an if ivlimi. mil otli"!- ItiloeestliiB fea tuies. The resil-.nl will be continii"d imfl after N , in's. and the funds ralse.l will be devoted to the new lionr- I Imlidlim' fund. A number of wel' knouii yiuiin; In ie i .ue a-slstinj" the boys in ("iirluethiK tlie festival, Wedded at I.Iontrcse. .!. Ctv.:- ' l'.v in-, of Smith I'ebuee.i avei'iie. .in'! .Ml-.- IMbiabeth Maude J'-'Iro '1 n:'i '"' "I" y"- and Mrs. Al b"i i i'iI'd wee mil! '.I In mnnliise :it ! .)' io"'-: ycp'enNy ."floiiioon at the M, '!!" Pi' ' ''.rii eh, in the prcs i'ii of 'i 1:1 'lit'! I" n f fiiend.i of th" .IIIIK I' ' !'!" Tli" I'li'irv '.vs pe fni nifd 1 Ke, I!. Js. Tllnmcs, pjStd! of lllL' chim h. !! i ': lufdesm.il Is wet" Jlb'e- M'v "(.t Kvi;e, sister of Hi Siwim, ii"'l Mi's Jlyi'lie Perifvo. sister of llu 'i'i ': T.ii'i"l l4. Thoimi'-, ol'thi; ol : , 's !. i; "i i im.-eian Mis Mary Ii'v't.n i 1,!." i ci'tfil a llmv r f''' lied Hie '.el''ii",' ".viieiies iveie p! ' l)V MlV llcille" Wl7!!l1l Tin- OS l'i were N '-o'l "r;i'i. D.nia A. Wat- r"ii- H':l Iii'i) Will .Imiiicoii, I!. T. l!:-nun in. i T.'l!' M. Hvens. 'I'lli i'.ide l i I'll'.'1 ." Tire ill a crstor eohi. cl iso'.'.n nl sili,. liioimel C'flM 5gf 1 rade GOVERNOR Oses Pe-rti-na wg in His Family For Colds JffiflH and Grip. ifl HBP IB Hill E22a OlD BH HHHbHBhI SHk (UP1T0L UUIMHNU, SAMIM, 01tK(.'0. A I.ctlcr from (lie Kxecullvc Ofllcc or Oregon. The Clovernor of Orepon Is an ardent admirer of l'e-ru-na. lie keeps It con tinually In Hie house. In a recent let ter to Dr. Ilartmnu, he says: .State of Oregon, Kxeoutlve Department. Salem, May 9, ISiiS. The I'e-iil-ini Medicine Co., Colum bus, O.: Dear Sirs: 1 have had occasion to use your Pe-ru-na medicine m my fdin lly for colds, and It proved to bo u,n excellent remedy. 1 have not had oc casion to use It for other ullmeiits. Yours very truly. W. M. Lord, Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Ca tanh Is well-nlRh universal, almost omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is the only ab solute safeguard known. A cold Is the beginning of catnrrh. To prevent colds, with velvet and lace, and the brides maids wore gowns of light blue and pink, with plumed hats, trimmed with velvet. The church and home of the bride were elaborately decorated with holly, ferns, potted palms and cut Unworn. The reception tendered the youni; couple was a brilliant social function, and was attended by a num ber of Seraiiton people and representa tives of the leading families of Mont i oye. Among the West Seraiiton people present weie Mrs. Morgan Evans, mother of tho groom: Air. and Airs. Ceorge W. Engle, Misses Grace Doud and May AI. Evans, Messrs. Edward Davis. Will Jamleson, Tallle M. Evans and Daniel S. Thomas. From Alont rose there were Judge and Airs. D. W. Senile, Dr. and Airs. Wilson, Judge and Mrs. AlcCullom.Seaiie AlcCulIom, Prof, and Alts. B. E. James, Mr. and Airs. AI. B. Perigo. Air. and Alts. Hiram Hall, Allssi Eliza Brewster, nnd many others. Ft om Hallstead were Miss Ala'ilda Atlllard. V. D. Shaw, C. W. Hanks, and others. The bride Is an accomplished 1'oiing woman, with a host of friends, and has been prominently identified with the i elisions and social life of Atontrose. The e.ioom Is Identliled with the Ait" "ow IJronk Store company, of S'"i t!i Scranton. and was formerly a r, -Ideal of Lansford. Mr. and Airs. Evans will enlov a wedding Hip In New York and will be nt home to their friends at 70! Alnn nie avenue after January 10. Voat Side Athlotic Club. The smolitii annual ball of the West t-He Alhhtie club was held in Alears' lull last evening, and several liiin drel otir.g people weie In attendance. A pinyiamni of t he latest dances was injuyul. fommllliHM in charge of the affair ' ie: dener.il manager, John P. CJal I ighei : as-sistiun manager, John J. ll-nnlgau; door committee. Alichael J. ?'"-dh a in, Alich'iel J, AIoHugh; lloor I'wnnilltee, Alichael J. Diiikin. Jacob Horowitz: check loom. John I. Car loll. 10. McTlernoy; pr impter, S. Car. loll. Political Jottings. I.vnjaniln Iloyd, of Lafayette stieet, a candidate for register of oter.i in the Third district of the Fourth ward. Thomas t'oi-grove, of North ATaln, lueime. is the onlv candidate lor the Democratic nomination for select council in the Fourteenth ward, all of the other asplrantls having wlth diawn. Axel Kullburg, of i:i; South Sheiman avenue, has registeied as a candidate for .-elect council In the Fifth ward, lie Is a member of the Swedish tte publlcan club. Christmas in Police Court. The West Scranton patiolmen wejte kept quite busy 'Christmas eve attend ing to a number of people who wote unfortunate enough to need their as sistance. Font' cases were heard by Alderman Alosts In police court yes terday luoinliig. All were cases of diuukeniit'ss and disoiilerly conduct, John liueldey, of Sumner avenue, contributed $4 towards tho city's in debtedness; Frank IHuke, of Quay ave nue, paid a flue ot $3, and Katie Alc Cilll wns left on' with iv $1 tine. James llunlon, of Sterling, was fined $3, but after "due consldeiutlon" the alder man discharged him with a lepriniand. GENEHAL NEWS NOTES. Alis. Cl. W. Jenkins, of Sou ilydo Park avenue, yesterday luet. nl a telegram 1'iom her sister, Airs. A, AI, liidleinan, of Nnntlcoke, announcing tho death of the hitter's Infant child. John Fern, of North Sumner avenue, who has been confined to the house during tho luiBt two weeks by Illness, was able to hu out for a short time yesterday. Miss Susan Aluttlunvs, of Harford, Susquehanna county, s'pent Christ mas with West Scranton friends. John H. Phillips, superintendent of the postofhee, Is able to be around aguln after a slight Illness. Tho newly-elected olllcers of Hyde Park lodge, No. tl'J'.i, Free and Accepted Atasons, will be Installed this evening, Supper will be stirved after tho Instal lation. Horn To Mr. and Airs, Schuyler Davis, ut 1113 IJynon street, a son, Yesterday was an unusually quiet holiday In West Scranton, and theio was "nothing doing" In a general way. Aside from the church and social events nothing of Importance trans utred. The Salvation At my served dinner to many poor families yesterday, and In the evening presents were distributed among tho children at the barracks on Price street, Airs. McHugh, of Sixteenth street, had a limb amputated at the Scranton Private hospital recently. The Young: Women's Christian asso ciation will provide dinner to a num ber of poor people at tho rooms today. A social will be held at tho Jackson Street Baptist church next Monduy OF OREGON to cure colds, Is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. Pe-ru-na not only cures catarrh, but prevents. Every house hold should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs, colds and so forth. It will be noticed that the Governor savs he has not had occasion to use Pe-ru-na for other ailments. The rea son for this Is, most other ailments be gin with u cold. Using Pe-ru-na to promptly cure colds, he protects his family against other ailments. This Is exactly what every other family In the United States should do. Keep Pe-ru-na In tho house. Use It for coughs, colds, hi grippe, and other climatic af fections nf winter, and there will be no other ailments In the house. Such fam ilies should provide themselves with a copy of Dr. Hartman's free book, en titled "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. evening, which will be free to all. Phonographic selections, recitations and singing will be the features. Ice cream will be served. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS Large Audience Saw the Production of " Arizona " in the Auditorium Last Night. A large audience saw "Arizona" pre sented in the auditorium last night by the Crystal Literary and Dramatic club. The following was the cast of characters: Henry Canby, owner ot the Ar.iri.qu mmli, V. .1. t'ancrty C'.il. Itonluni. Kleu'titli U. S. C.iN.ilrv, .1. J. Moran Sam Wnng, amok V. .1. SIcDonnell Mis. Canity, wife nf Hie i.inilicr, Mi Anna V. Hoche K, 1 1 1 1 a nonlinin, wife nf Hip Colonel, Mk4 Helen h. DuciMll I.uia Kelljr, a w.iiliiM Mi-s Anna T. Wnl.-h l.leul. Denton, Klcwntli I'. S. Civilly, I). J. i:ans IlnnlM C'.mliy, IMiell.i's SMpi, Ml. K.ithryn I. Henry Mis- MfCullaeli, a sehonl ttucher, MNs t.oretto C. lliiKuan III. Kinlon, suijfeen Kleientli IJ. 8. Cavalry, P. .7. MiOuiie Cq lain llntlgniin, Dlenntli IT. S. C,i.iliy. M. J. D.iluiran Tony Muslano, ,i Voiiin J. J. Ne.ilon l.inif. Il.illliK, t:iefnlli C. P. Cavaliv, V. ,T. MulloiineM SiMiiiMiit Kell.if, i:ieenlh I.'. R. C.nalry, P. .1. Mcllnnmll Mint. Young, I'.leienth IJ. S. C.ijhy, T, .1. .u I ett Major Coiliran, Eleventh lT. S. Cav.ilij, I'. .1. I'otey Cobo,5, SoUlid. Kle. Miii,i! Dircilor Mi- l.ililiie Ne.n'y Ma-lir of Propeitiis lolm Mi'liuii,; Stase Miinaiter M. F. I.jiuli .Maiuser I. II. Keiloy The pi eduction showed careful re hearsal and preparation, and was le celved with gieot favor by the audi ence. Beautiful Cantata. The beautiful cantata, "AH Hall to Santa Clans," was given at tho Fhst Christian church last evening. The chorus of the cantata were new and the best ever written by Charles H, Gabriel. Tho song sung by a delega tion from Japan, Cuba and the Phil ippines were especially pleasing. The delegations, six from each country, weie conectly costumed. The leading characters, all of whom had solos to sing, were: Santa Claus, John Diown: I'ncle Sam, Arthur Bright; Alts. Santa Claus, Alarg.irette Hodgson; Miss Llkety, Estella AlcCul loch; Jack Frost, John Dixon. After the cantata the favors of the Sunday school were given to the scholars. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. The pastor of the Christian church will resume his cluss in Bible study on Thuisduy evening in the lectuie room. Subject for Thursday, "Galatlans." Bert Cornell, of Philadelphia, Is vis iting his parents on Edna avenue. Olen Lvman, of Court street, and Allss Hattle Finn, of North Alain ave nue, were quietly murried at Blngham lon last Saturday morning. Air. and Alls. Lvniiin returnedV home In tho evening-, and will reside with Airs. Ly man's father, Wade AI. Finn. Thomas White, of Allegheny, is vis King his parents, Air. and Airs. John White, of Williams street. Thomas Evans, of Davis' drug store, will leave today for Utlca, where ha will attend a banquet hold by the New York Phatniacy school graduates. Sidney llenwood hn returned home, after visiting fi lends in Honcsdulo. The North End Stars defeated the Sanderson Hill Stars yesterday aftet noon by a score of H to 15, at the Audi torium. After the llrstof the month the drug gists will close their .stores at 9 o'clock, excepting Saturdays und) the first ten days of the month. GREEN RIDGE. Miss Sarah Fordhum, of Capuqse avenue, will leave this morning for a ten days' stay In Now York city, Airs. George Hay, of Dickson avenue, is fpendlntf the hollduys with her granddaughter, Mrs. W, H. Bennett, of Brooklyn, N, Y. Walter Hyslor, of C'orbondale, spent Christmas with his parents, Air, und Mrs. John Hyslor, or Mousey avenue, The Christmas exercises of the As bury Methodist Episcopal church were held nt the church lust evening-. The attendance was so large that the seit Ing capacity of tho church was Inade quate and chairs were placed In the aisles. An excellent programme was rendered, and all present were highly pleased with t,he evening's entertain ment. A couple of original Christmas carols and the seuson's greeting, nicely print ed in booklet form, have been received by the friends of the rector of Christ's church. Tho Christmas exercises of tho Green Itldgo Presbyterlun church will bo held JONAS LONQ'S SONS The Forgotten Christmas Gift i Can Be Bought for a Song Today What.few Holiday things And there are not many riust go before the end of the week, at some price or other. The .biggest Christmas that we have ever had has left us with some few odds and ends, but no quantities of any thing. These have all been Marked Down For the quickest kind of selling and includes, Silverware, Jewelry, Novel ties in Leather, Books, Perfumery and fancy articles in China and Glassware. Jonas in the chape u Thursday evening. What the entertnlnment will be Is known only to the committee In charge, but past efforts on their part promise a treat to those who attend. The members of Airs. W. G. Simp son's class of the Asbury Alethodlst Episcopal Sunday school will be ten dered a social at the residence of J. S. Miller, corner of Penn avenue and Delaware street, Thursday evening of this week. Every member is urged to attend. DUNMORE. Ttev. W. II. Williams, the "Drummer Evangelist" and district superintend ent of the Anti-Saloon league, will as sist the castor of the First Methodist Episcopal church in evangelistic ser vices, beginning December 31, with a century watch-night service, and will continue dolly for two weeks. Sub jects: Monday, Upc. Ill, 'J p. ml, "A New Veal's Sermon." Tuesil.iy, .l.in. , T.od k m., "1 lie TlooK-i Oiieneil." WeilneMlnv, .Inn. 2, 7.:.U p. in., "The l-ut In Ulntii.n." 'I'lnii -d.iy, .l.in. :J, T..1H p. in., "ConwiMim." 1'iid.iy, .T in. I, ,1. i.'i p. in,, a klndcrK'.u'tcn sermon. 7.II0 p. in., "Oonseieme." Satuida.v, .1 in. .". 7.H0 i. in., '"Hie Young Woman and Iter Coimunv." Sunday, Jan. IS. 10..10 a. in., seiinon by tlie pastor. 4 p. in., a sermon for men only. 7.30 p. in., '"Ibei Young Man and His Company." Monday, .tan. 7, 7..'!0 p. in., "Km Against the Holy (lliot." Tuesday, Jan. S, 7.30 p. in., "Will We Know Our t''iieiids in IIeaen." Wfdneiday, Jan. ii, 7.S0 . in., "Doubting Tli.mi.i-." 'lluuda, Jan. to, 7.H0 p. in., "Xn Itoom for Jeu." I'll, lay, Jan. 11. ::.4. p. in., Uiildien'H nu'et inir; miIjJmI, "LIrIiI." 7.:'0 p. m., "I'lie l'iodi;.il Sun." Nituidiy, Jan. 12, 2.S0 p. in,, j meeting for aei people, 7.1:0 p. m., "Tile Last ltonip with Hie TiKei." Sunday, Jan. 1:1, 10.:i0 a. in., a sermon by the pnsior. t.lHl p. ni., a meeting tor men and bojs. 7.) p. in.. "Ilicihlng Home Ties." Mondiy, Jan. IJ, 7.30 p. in., a faiewell seimon. A praise service will be held eacli evening for fifteen minutes. Every body Is Invited to attend all these ser vices. Persons who have carriages will lie asked to loan them to take old peo ple to the services. HIS SUSPICION CONFIRMED. A Great Deal of Money Lost Dally in a Large City. 1'iom London Tit-Oils. An old gentleman, evidently a gath oi er of statis-tlcs, but with, a kindly face which shaded off to something like philanthropy about the ed.es, was gazing' abstractedly down ftegent street. Suddenly he stepped up to ,i gentleman who was waiting for a bus, and, touching him lightly on tho shul der, said: "Excuse me, but did yu lust drop a sovereign?" holding out in Ills hand the coin mentioned. The gentleman questioned made ,i hasty sr-aroh of his pockets and said: "Why, so I did! And I hadn't misled It!" holding out an eager hand. The old man drew forth a note book and took his name and address, and then Mild: "I thought so," turnlncr a way, "Well," suld the other, "do you want It all us a i award''" "I did not find one," sold the old man, "but It s-truck me that In a large city like this there must be u lot of monoy lost, and upon inquiry I find you are the thirty-first man who hos lost a sovereign this very morn ing." DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW. Illustrating That It Hakes a Dif ' ference Whose Ox Is Gored, l'lom the Albany l'osl, "We heard you whipping your boy in tho woodshed last night," said the spokesman of the, party. "Yes," replied the Indignant paient, "the youngster played hookey from school, ate up two jais of his mother's jam, tumbled his little sister out of her high chair and tried to build a bonflie In tho barn." "No mutter," returned the spokes man "It Is government without tho consent of the governed, and we can not permit it," , "Uesldes that," went on the Indig nant parent, "ho broke three windows In your busenient." "What!" cried tho spokesman; "is he the boy who did that? Why, he ought to be licked within un Inch of his lire! I'd like to have the handling of him for a day or so and I'd teach him to behave himself," "Hut government without tho con sent " "Is a theory, nothing but a theory a measly little impossible theory!" JONAS LONQ'S SONS Long's Sons EISTEDDFOD A BIG SUCCESS A COMPETITIVE CONTEST AT TAYLOR YESTERDAY. There Were Three Sessions; all of Which Were Well Attonded- The Contests Were in all Instances Very Spirited and the Programme Was One of Exceptional Merit. Prize of $30 for Best Adult Chorus Divided Between Taylor and West Scranton Parties. There have been eisteddfods and eis teddfods hold In the borough of Taylor, but never a more successful one than that conducted yesteiday, morning, af ternoon and evenLug.in the First Welsh Congregational church in that place. It was successful In more ways than one. There were large audiences pres ent at the three sessions; the pro gramme had been prepared with great care and those who contested for the various prizes were till capable artists In their particular lines. The morning session was presided over by Alorgan AI. Williams, esq., and the conductor was James E. Watkins. At this session and at the other two the following gentlemen acted as ad judicators; Aluslc, Prof. Cynwyd Evans, of Wilkes-Barre; literature, Rev. D. D. Jones, of West Scramton. The pianist was D. E. Jones, of Taylor. FIItST COMPETITION. The first competition was a boy's solo, "The Story of Old," and two youngsters with well trained voices, Evan Howells, of Tay lor, and Willie Reese, of Scranton, un tlie Hint and .-erond piies ot 1 and 00 relit, iopeilludy. Them weie fum eonipitltois for the Knglisli ieiitii.il, ".Some Mother' Child," and Hit: prUe wlimeis were: rirt prize, 7T. Mi-s Maud WeatliuhOBg, ot Wesi .vr.uilon; sei -ond pii?e 50 ants, Mi-s LoiiPu Mi!iola, of Taylor. The first prize of $1 hi tlie girls oo compe tition oil the piece, "Window.) Open T'owaid Teiirulcin," was Hun by Itutli 'tlioina-, ot SeMiiton, and the scimul nii.c of .'ill tents wh applied by Miss lllodwin I'wms of l'ltlstmi. Then? were four competitions for the prie of .10 irnU for the lust leadng at sight, but lll-s I'.dilli W.ilkius won mil mer .ill. Mls'i Olweu, of 'la.vlor, named lllty-seun wolds beginning witli the letln II in .1 given time mil won the piiie of .VI lent-, olleied. '1 tie big dent of llie iiiuinlug M-Stlim w.n the llillilli'ir hotll lolllpelilloll nil till" selLltion, "1'iuco He Still." Time wue two I'loiusis mm. luting, one fiom (iiecnwuod and one fioiu Tuj Iiiy, The luulist was inil.iily spiillid and Urn prize of SID was im,iiil"il thi Tailor i-linru-, William II, Tlii'iii.i-, le.nlr-1, 'I he mi ulii-jr ,n tin-id by tin' i-inging of "My I'ouutiy "l'ii of Tine" b,i tlie iiudli'lue. Unvlil 1!. Lewis, of llhphiul, pie..lded at tho afternoon seasion and livv. Dr. II, II. Iliiri-, t Til) lull .it tttl 11s condiiitor, Tlie l.rat munliir was a lumpclltuii for a prize of .SJ for tlie best lui dltlou of a liass solo, "The N'oble Hoy of Tiutli." There wire four competltois and tlie jni.a win ner w.u lllcliutl Watkins, of Tiijlor. Mmiicl ,1, I'liilllps won tlie piie of id tor liaiisl.itlng tlie l.itui I nuiuber mil nf .1 ginn twelve Wel-li wools Into Cngllsli. Al Will lams, nf West I'itutiiii, won llie ul7e of 4 if. It 1 i'il for tlie best lendlllnu of "lli,inl.iii C.nsl.i," li) men m or f0 ,e.iis old. There were im levi tlun elglit old men cninpitliig for this pile, .MISS W.VTKINh WON. MI.- (intitule Wutl.lns' es.-ay on "A Mulhei'a Intlueiite In Soeitty," won tlie prize, of $'. 'ilirre were two eoinpetllloiis foi tlie prize of 50 coins iiifrictl foi tint btst liiiiironiptu spicili anil Will iam llinii", u Tujlar, was clrcl.ucil the prize winner. Iliero was n mosi ipiiitid contest for the prizo of ii offeied (or the tinor mlo, "l.uie l.lcs llleedhig," The pilze winner was William .lone, ot Taylor, 'llie FnglUh riellatioii selecteil for loinpetltlon ii Tenii.non's blliilng battle ode, "Tlie Charge of the Light llrlgade," Um (Irlffllha, of Wcs-t Scianlon, won the prize of W ollered in Hits lontesl. Mm. Hubert l.lewvlhn vas llie only torn petltor for llio prize of hi offered for the best leiidltlon of "Meith y Mellnydd," by women of over 15 years old. .lames II. Winklns1 paity won tlie pilze ofined foi the best leiidltlon by a double quartette of "'llie Hadiant Morn Hath Passed Away," Tlie' afternoon session wan iloi-d with the singing of "dug y liar, O I'Dinan Cairalem," by Hie audleiue. Judge II. II. L'dward prerldiil In his usual happy manner at the evening session and aln arted a? conduelor. The big event was- the choral coiiipetlllou on tlie H'lettioi, "Tlien Hound About the Starry Tin one," for a prize of MO ami a ilulr for the suuesaful leadir. Tivo clioruaes, one from West SiaiTiou, uud one fiom Tajlor, tomptteil and both tang so well tlut it was de cided to divide tlio money prize. Just wlut will be done witli the ilialr I) an open iUealion, Tbu competition for tlie prize of fi vlTried (or the best sopran tolo, Ibc selection I, 'ing "The lleggar Girl," ii one of tlie best of the day and tho prize went to Mlis Kdilli Watkins, of Tajlor, Them weie two tompetitors for tliu prize o( ?- JONAS LONQ'S SONS A MUSEMENTS. I YCEUn THEATRE -Rej & Burgunder, Lessees and Manager A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. 1'vening Performances at 8..10. Matinee Performances at 2.SG. Thursday and Friday, Dec. S27 and 28 MATINEE 1101 It DAYS. Burke & Chase Vaudeville Go. Headed bv MADAME HERRMANN. Queen of Magic In her oiiginal conception, "A NIGHT IN JAPAN." And .1 company ot vaudeville artists including McMahon and King, .Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bar. ly, l'rof. Howard and ids ponies, dogs and mon key;, Keller and Violctte, Zimmer, Mabel Halt land and tlie Hessett Marshall Company. Pi ires Evening, 23, CO, 'ioc.; matinee, 25 and C0f. Children to any part of the house, 15c. Seats on sale Tuesday at 0 a. in. Saturday, AMS?r. Dec. 29. AI, 6. Fields' Big Minstrels The mo-t expensive Minstiel Organization in cslence traveling in their own special train ol oalace and luggage cars. MOHE FEATURES! MORE NOVELTIES! ) MOKE PATROXS! Tlie ciicUacuJar first part, A r-JIght In Paris Durlngthe Expoaltlort See daily paper) (adv.) for prices. Seats on sale Thursday At 0 a. in. ACADEHY OF HU5IC, RBIS & BUUaUNDBK HARRY A. BROWN Managers and Lessees. Local ltcpresenlativt ALL THIS WEEK, Supported by his own big company. Presently high class productions. Matinee daily. 1'riccs, 10 and 20 cents. Even ing prices, 10, 20 and 80 cents. New Gaiety Theatre THREE DAYS. COMMENCING MONDAY DECEMBER 24. The High Class Vaudeville Production, Mcginty The Sport Three Davi Commencing THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 27. Tlie universal favorite. (Vilas New York, Jr. MVITNEES DULY. Ii ins-Mn line-, 1.1 and iJe. Cuiiing, 15, 23, 33 and 50c. Uuistinaj- iu.it luce, 13, U3, 35 and OTc. Cornell Concert Glee, Hanjo and Mandolin Clubs. SCRANTON BICYCLE CLUB HOUSE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2!J. Ilelng diveirt vocal and lnstrmiiental doings ol a college hind by i-ountyllvc ttludtuU. Conceit begins at 7.C0 Miarp. .,., Tli M Hat li. B. I'ovvellV, Washington Avenue, . 4 "f-f-f IIIQT OUT I X The Chesterfield Overcoat X ASK TO SEE IT. Samter Bros. t 4-r-f-ff t-r'f t -' for the Welsh letllallon. David James, of Weat Suanton, was deeliu-il the v inner. 'I.MIUO.MID WATCH." Twelve person competed for tlie prize of & for tlie duet, "l.arbo.ud Watch." It was won by Harry Evans and Richard Uatliiiu, of Taylor. William Evans, of Ta.vlor, made tho boat speeili on "Tlie Dilfcrtnce lletvveeii Anarchy and So itaUni," and vvaa avvaided tliu prw ol $1. Koiir parties of four voices each, contested lor tho prle of l nlteicd for tlie bent sight read, ing of iniijli'. The prlie was won by the party led by Thoni.n Evans, of (iiimvvood. Tho prize if St (or tha linpiouiptii debate wai won by David Davis and William Evaiu. AUSTRALIA'S FIRST PREMIER, Edmund Bm-ton to Head First Cabi net of the Federation. Ily Eulusive'1 Win (lorn Tlie Aswclated Prcis. Sydiifiy. N, S. V.. Die, 25. Eilmunil lirttton, who wins tho leader of tho fed eral convention, hits accepted the cat I of Hopcoun'fl offer to reform the first t'iililnct of tlie federation. Ho antici pates no difllculty. II MINI Mu-;. t rfer ' .,..