The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 26, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    m .i, r
A "
The Gem
Safety Razor
Does not require a
bnrbor to use It. Any
mnn can shave himself;
no practice required to
operate It; no danger of
cutting yourself.
Sets In neat cases.
Prices $2.50 to $17.
Foote & Shear Co.
1 19 N. Washington Ave
"When in Doiibf
Play Triimps"
wrote llojlc, Hie K.imliiK imtlinilty.
IteK.ntllne liollcljy sifts, the same rule
aptly nppUrs to tut glass.
Xo mUtakc can be made in tlic folec
tii.ti of an article in this ticasurecl ware.
Those who liae none dream ol it,
while the forluuatc possessor ot a lar;c
collection, welcomes an addition,
Crystal Opportunity
is our offer of a tine nut
, slats Stiirar Howl and
Creamer for
Gruener & Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
L. R. D. & M.
Shoes arc one of the most important Items of
chest at any time of the year, and especially pn
now that we arc certain to have changeable
weather. For style, price and quality sec ours.
We know we can please you.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
.-rM'enn Avenue. A. B. WAkAlAS.
Local data for Dec. i, MOO:
Highest temperature! in degrees
Lowest temperature ;:i) ilesice-i
s a. 111 mi per tent.
8 ! n it pu Milt,
lleiuy Celss, of Xoith Bromley aw line, enter
tained fiieniN from .Mlentown ) csti'iil.iy.
KiiiB Dickson, the fainnin IVnn-yhanla foot
bill plajcr, Is the gnct of ftranton friends
Mr, and Mrs. James Judge, of Xew Voik, are
vMtliur the foniicr'u parents in South Scianlun,
I!. A". Hau'iipoit, of ,'ew Vnil; city,' formeily
of Sciahton, spent List night at tho Hotel
Mla Kilty I'ahey ii home fiom Naareth Hall,
ltochcstcr, .V. Y to spend the holiday vacation
with her parents ox-Shcvltl and Mi. .1. .1. r'ahey.
(.'hailcs 1'. IMeice and friend, I'aul .Mullrr, of
I'hllidelphla, aie kprmliutr tliu holidays with
Mr. l'iirce'n father, Iter. Jt. 1 V. l'ieice. Jlr,
Mullcr U the son of a fonucr patlm- of tho old
Adams Annuo Methodist KpUcopal (linn Ii.
Charles W, Houser, superintendent of llio turns,
fcr depailnient of Wanainaker's, Ik al-o u giie.t
of Dr. 1'lme.
Effect of Mr. Do Vonde's Little Bit
of Fleasautry.
A funny little eplsodo took place. nt
the mntlneo nortormnnco nt tho Acad
emy of Music yoi(torduy afternoon.
As 1h the usual custom, Air, Pu Yondj
tiimo before tho curtain nrter tho
third nut to tlmnl; tho patrons In
general, also to unnounco the pluys
In which ho will appear during IUh oh
gugemeiit in this city. lie opened his
annomieemenl by wishing everybody
in tho Jtouso n vety merry Christina,
nt tho Hinno time saying, in the way
of comedy, "Ah! my friends, every
body owes me a cigar. 1 wished ycni
a merry Christmas first." Ho no
sooner mado the rcmnrk when all
ivho hupotied to have a cigar handy
,eemed anxious to pay the debt, fo,
!ho next moment tho stago seemed
covered with cigars, and Air. Pa
Vondo had to dodge to Keep away
from them.
One young man, who did not happen
to have the necessary cigar, threw
n package of cigarettes, which wero
raught by Air. Do Vonde. It is a gool
thing cigars were tho debt; it certain
Jy Jiad been bad had ho asked for a
harder article.
flttXKY At Olyphant, Deo. 23, JUOO, 1'atrlcU
W. Feclcy, I'unerul on 'ihuitilay inorniiuf at
JO o'clock. WHLcsUjiic lupus please copy.
They Will Be Heard In Bicycle Club
Saturday Evening.
The usual gaiety of the holiday sea
son this year will bo heightened by the
visit of fifty young men front Cornell,
the members of the alee. Banjo and
Mandolin clubs of the university. They
give a concert nt tho Scran ton Ulcycle
club house on next Saturday evenlnrr.
Tho programme wilt begin at 7.30 and
as soon as ended the hall will he
cleared for dancing. The social fea
ture of these muslcal'dub trips Is al
ways nr'omlnunt and even the coticnrt
will he moro like n society muslcalo
than a set performance. Some of the
most prominent women of the city will
servo ns patronesses. Cornell has many
friends In Sotnnton who hnvo inter
ested themselves In the concert and
Its success Is assured, Tho clubs hnvo
been liberally entertained in all of tho
other cities visited this season. The
list of patronesses follows:
Airs. Vv H. Klikpatrlck, Airs. George
H. Hand, Alts. .T. S. Lynde, Airs. Shep
herd Aynrs, Airs. G. D. Alurray, Airs.
"William Atattllews, Airs. W. T. Smith,
Airs. Clarence H. Stttrges, Airs. 11. K.
Watson, Airs. Jnmcs Archhald, Airs.
Paul Belln, Airs. 11. J. Honnell, Airs.
A. P. Ulucklnton, Airs. II. II. JJrady,
Jr., Airs. George O. Urooks, Airs. C. P.
Davidson, Airs. .lamps Plckson, Airs.
G. 13. Plmmlck, Mrs. E. L. Fuller, Airs.
13. W. Goarharl, Airs. K. P. Hull, Airs.
K. 13. Jcrmyn, Airs. George .Iossud,
Airs. If. W. Kingsbury, Airs. N. Y.
Loot, Airs. Prank P. AIcGowan, Airs.
Joseph Alott, Airs. Fred ,T. Plait, Airs.
N. G. Robertson, Airs. George Sander
son, Airs. V. W. Scranton, Airs. a. B.
SmHh. Airs. P. K. Taylor, Airs. A. C.
Twltcholl, Airs. 11. Ii. Ware, Airs. T.
II. AVntklns, Airs. Kvorott Warren,
Airs. F. L. Brown, Airs. Homer F. Cox,
Airs. George A. Pounce, Airs. Fred W.
Fleltz, Airs. Howard W. Hull, Airs.
Myron Kasson, Airs. George K. Steven
son, Airs. H. At. Streetor, Airs. II. L,
Whitney, Airs. X. A. AVelles, Airs. John
Ii. Hull, Airs. K. C. Plmmlck. Airs. W.
F. Alattcs, Airs. W. D. Russell, Airs.
John B. Poore, Airs. A. F. Law and
Christmas Exercises in Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church Tonight.
The Christmas exercises by tho Sun
day school of the Fvangellcal Luth
eran church of the Holy Trinity,
Adams nvenuo and Alulbcrry street,
will bo held at the church tonight at
7.30 o'clock, when tho following pro
gramme, tinder tho direction of Air. It.
Ii. Brader and Aliss LIda Garagan, or
ganist, will be rendered:
Scripture Heading
Opening Chorus '
lty I'hoir
and l'rajcr lly the Ta-lov
Welcome Clui-tinai Day"
, School
Kxerci.-e By Keen Hoys and (.ills
Hecitation Wilhclmina Heriihatdl
Chorus, "Caiol Meirily" School
Hecitation Giace Blown
Hxercise Hy l'lte Hoys
Hecitation M.iy L.uigdun
Chorus, "Joy in the Healnis of tilory' School
r.xcrciso l'ite Hoys
Hecilatiou and ,coig, "tine-Holy Xlsht,"
Amelia IViin?, Urate Uro'.in, Xeltio Hciuhaidt.
Hecitation Jennie Seaman
Chorus, "Merrily Join the Sons" School
Hecitation ....Xettle Hirnharilt and bene Kressly
Choius "The Meiry llvlU" School
Hecitation Harry Schulei
Chorus "Ho Is Bum" School
Hecitation and Sine l'ne dills
Chorus "Holy Xiuht'' School
Hecitation and Sons,
Graeo Brown, Maiwaiet Miller, Maignret Zeibe,
Millie Hohle.
Choius, "The Stais the Hells, the Song,"
Hecitation Jeninc Seaman
Chorus "( ilad Tidings"
Hecilatiou William Goto
Choius, "All Hall Incarnate Low" School
Hecitation and Song,
Mamie Schobert, Dora I'aupiait, .hy.c. Held,
Amelia ronne, l.,dia Hiukel and Sarah
Chorus, "Tiie Guiding Slat" School
Distribution of Gilts.
Benediction and Do.xology.
Popular Manager of tho Lyceum
Remembered Last Night.
Between the second and third act
of "The Rounders" last night word
reached Alnnager A. J. Duffy in tho
box olllce of the Lyceum that Comedian
Seabrooke of the company, and one
of the stage hands were having' trouble.
-Mr. Puffy hastened to tho stage and
as soon as lie got out where he could
be seen the curtain was rung up rud
tlenly, Air. Puffy started to make a hasty
exit but was stayed by two lusty scene
shovel's who carried him back to the
stage and turned him over to Comedian
Seabrooke. The latter determined not
to lose his prey grasped him kindly
but firmly by the arm. and then de
livered himself of a little presentation
speech. In which some nice things
about Air. Puffy as a manager and a
man wero deliclously sandwiched In
between a lot of Seubrookesqua humor.
Having said his say he presented to
Air. Puffy, In behalf of tho orchestra
and tho employes of the house a hand
some Knights of Columbus watch
charm. Tho recipient was so affected
by the evidence of tho good feeling on
the part of those who labor with him
that ho did not attempt to make u
speech, but contented himself with
bowing his thanks ns he retired from
the stage.
Presented with a Travelling Bag by
Employees of tho House.
Hurry A. Brown, tho manager of tho
Academy of Aluslc, was called back on
tho stage yesterday before thu curtain
was rung up for the nftetnoon per
formance and was there presented with
a hundsome travelling bag by thu m
tachos of the house.
The presentation speech was made
by the treasurer, R. V. Alexander,
who in a few graceful words expressed
the kindly feelings of every ono con
necled with tho house for the manager.
Air. Brown was quite overcome, hut
managed to tell the little assomblago
how much ho appreciated tho gift, but
mote than that tho kindly feelings
that prompted the act.
Elite Dancing Class Conducted an
Enjoyable Affair Last Night.
Tho nnnuul Christmas social of the
Kllto Dancing class was conducted
last night in thonssembly room ot
John Boyle O'Reilly council, Y, AI. I.,
and proved to bo a most delightful
affair, Nearly 150 couples danced in
to tho early hours of tho morning to
nutslo furnished hy Miss Rcurdon.
Tho door committee consisted of
rror. AI. F. Ctilkln, John F, Walsh,
Frunk Kramer and James J, Alurlon.
Yesterday- Witnessed Larue linpor
tatlon but Theu Were Almost
Equalled by the Exportatlons.
All but One of tho Syraouso Impor
tations Refused to Go to Work and
When a Batch of Thlrty-ono'
Arrived Last Night From Now
York tho Strikers Got Among
Them and Induced Sevontoon of
Thorn to Agreo to Return Homo.
Largo Crowd Collected at the
Arrival of tho Now Yorkers and
tho Police Patrol Was Called but
Thore Was No Iininodlato Occasion
for tho Interference of the Police.
Well-directed missionary work on
tlto part of tho sttiUeivt, resulted In. ti.
csflrlko among the men brought on,
from Syracuse to take their places,
and as a consequence only two cars
wero run yestetdny, and theso wero
manned for the most part by company
Fourteen men all (.old were recruit
ed by the company In Syracuse. Ono
of these quit Immediately after reach
ing the city and learning from tho
strikers' missionaries the conditions
existing here as they saw them. Be
fore 1- o'clock Monday night nine
others were won over by tho strikers,
and after enjoying a very merry
Christmas evu as guests of the execu
tive committee, left for Syracuse on
the 4:'i0 a. m. train.
Another of the iniporlcd men throw
up his Job and entered suit against the
trolley company for his wages rind the
price of a return ticket. He saldi the
agent who hired him assured him that
there was no trouble here, anil tlnu
If upon reaching bore he did not Had
everything satisfactory lie would lie
paid off and given a ticket home. He
could have his fare paid by tho strik
ers' committee, but he declares that ho
will walk home before he will take
a cent from the strikers' treasury.
His name is Clyde Orrlngcr, and ho
is a carpenter by trade.
Another quit work at the solicita
tion of the .strikers, but declined to
accept fate to his home. He said he
liked the looks of Scranton and would
stay hero for a while. He assured
the strikers, however, that he would
not go to work on the oars.
Three new recruits from Syracuse,
arrived early yesterday morning, and
are being cared for at the company's
ofliees. There was a report prevalent
yesterday that twelve men bad been
brought into tho city timing tho night
by the company and quartered tit a.
small hotel. The strikers' scouts at
the stations did not credit the story,
and when other scouts mado a thor
ough search of the city without find
ing any trace of th" reported new
comers, the" executive committee be
came satisfied there was nothing In
the rumor.
At 0 o'clock last night another batch
of Imported men arrived over the Peln
ware, Lackawanna and Western from
New York city. There were thirty-one
in the party and they were in charsre
of a. man named Welnor. 'J'he strikers
learned of their coming ami gathered
at the station In large numbers. A
crowd of three hundred spectators also
When the Importations were led out
of the station and taken to the Scran
ton house for lunch, the strikers' mis
sionaries followed them, went among
them and proceeded by quiet argument
to convert them. Seventeen of thu
thirty-one quit op the spot and ac
cepted tho strikers' offer to keep llieiu
over night and pay their way back to
Xew York in the morning,
The seventeen converts wore marched
tip to tho strike headquarters in tho
Grand Central hotel and taken In
charge by tho executive committee.
Tho other fourteen followed the lead
of Special Agent Sweeney to the trol
ley company's oflice at the upper end
of the same block and were stowed
away in the improvised bunk room.
The crowd cheered the men who
turned into strike headquarters, and
.leered the fourteen who wont to the
railway company's ofllces.
A telephone message sent front the
latter place when the crowd began to
make nolso brought Chief Robllng and
a squad of patrolmen to the scene with
the patrol wagon. Their services were,
however, not required. As a precau
tionary measure the chief had the
crowd disperse.
One of the Xew York men. William
Walters, made a. speech to tho crowd
from the entrance of the Grand Cen
tral. He said lie and his comrades
came here with no knowledge of there
being a strike In progress. Tho agent
who recruited him, lie said, told thorn
they wore wanted to work on a new-
road In Scranton, and that they would
huvo their faro paid and given $J a
Olive Sale
Finest French Olives, full
piuts 29c; value 50c
Finest Spanish Olives, 25c
and 35c.
Pimento Olives
Selected Olives, with finest
sweet pimento, 35c, $3,60
per dozeu,
E. G. Goursen
day, with assurance ot steady work.
Walters further said that ho was stiro
(hat nil, with the possible exception of
one, of the fourteen who Itttd gone up
to the cotupnny's nlllco would quit to
morrow, when tho trite state of affairs
was presented to llicin,
The Xew York men, when Inter
viewed by n Tribune reporter, Hinted
that they answered advertisements
which appeared In yesterday's nntl to
day's World nntl Journnl, asking for
experienced trolley men to go to a
suburban town to work on a now road.
Those who answered the advertise
ment received a postal card, Instruct
ing them to report ready for duty at
tho corner of the Bowery and Canal
sticet, or to Xo. ii Ann street. They
wero rated for ot theso places until
yesterday afternoon, when they were
taken to Hobokeu and brought on to
The fact that th" pollrp force hero Is
so small will, in tho opinion of tho
converted Xew York men, result lit
tho oilier fourteen quitting just ns
soon us (hey understand the condi
tions hot", oven though they wcr
not estoppetl from taking the strik
ers places from sympathetic mo
tive's. Four men in "shifting clothes" got
oft tho 11:WJ p. m. Delaware, Lacka-
w'tinna and Western train from Xew
York, and wore at onco surrounded
by tho strikers' scouts. The new
comers protested that they were
wrongly (suspected; itliat they wetv
Iron-workers from Paterson, and that
they canto here to work on the new
armory, and that they could prove
their statements by displaying their
union cards. They were escorted to
strike headquarters', and there proved
to the satisfaction of the executive
commltlco that they wero "all right."
The company ofllclals claim that
there are three recruiting stations In
Xew York, and that they are getting
plenty of men. Welncr, the chief ro
crulling agent, stated Inst night that
ho would have (mother &qttad of fifty
ni"ii here tonight.
Special Agent Sweeney, of the trol
ley company, was Jeered and hissed as
ho came out of tho company's of
fices last night to go homo, and tho
crowd was advancing toward Jilm
threateningly, when the appearance
of a couple of patrolmen caused the
rising excitement to subside.
The company's force yesterday, as
far ns publicly known, consisted of the
throe now men from Syracuse, two of
the first batch from Syracuse, ono old
employe and the sub-olllclals and of
fice force.
These took turns at running a cat
to Hyde Park and another to Provi
dence from early morning until short
ly after noon, when, on accoitntwif tlu
conviviality which obtained on Christ
mas afternoon anil evening, about the
central city, it was deemed advisable
not to attempt the running of anyears.
On aoount of the irregular trips and
tho feeling among many against tid
ing 011 cars during the strike, very
few passengers wore carried.
As on the previous days, there were
no signs of disorder, and the most
the men 011 tho cars were called upon
to put up with was jeers and op
probrious names which greeted thorn
all along the routes their cars trav
ersed. ,
Tho car running to Providence
jumped tho track near the Diamond
switch while Superintendent Patursuit
was at the motor. He had to walk
to the barn ad take out the wreck car
himself. After 'an hour's delay the
ear was replaced.
General Alaimger Slllimnn was not
a whit downcast over tho desertion
of the Syracuse men. "That sort of
thing is counted upon," he said. "Wo
expect wo will have to biiug on hun
dreds of men from other places befor3
wo will have enough of the right kind
and who will not be weaned away by
the strikers' entertainment committee.
' The company has recruit agents
at work in various parts of the coun
try, and after the holiday rush Is
over there will bo more men avail
able than we can possiblv want. In
tho course of two or three dnyn we
will have things running pretty well."
When asked if he saw any possibil
ity of an amicable settlement, Air.
Slllimnn answered In tho negative,
and added that if tlto men wcultl re
turn to work al once tind then send
on their committee to talk things
over some understanding might be
reached which would he satisfac
tory all around. "It they do not re
turn within ti. reasonable time," I19
went on to t-ay, "we have no eouise
left but to thresh It out."
"Tho men have only one grievance."
said Air. Sllllman, " und that we can
not redress at this time. Jfiwo could
raise the fares, as 11 coal company, for
instance, can the pi lee of Its product,
wo might be able to grant nu Increns?
in wages, even In the face of unfavor
able conditions, Alost men who had
received an unsolicited advance of flvo
per cent, would hardly strike In that
same year for nu additional twenty
eight per cent, advance."
Tho men likewise declare that they
see no chance of an early amleablj
settlement. They have mado a de
mand which they believe Is modest
and in every way jttst, mid do not
ptoposo to recede from It. They nro
highly elated over the success of their
work so far, and feel very confident
of success, "Tho company may btluiT
men here," said oneot' the strikers yes
terday, "but they can't keep them
hero, Thu road cannot tesume opera
tlons until our demands mo granted,"
His Foot Badly Crushed by a Lacka
wanna Train.
John Sherlock, of North Scranton,
attempted to board a Lackawanna
train at tho Cliff street crossing yes
terday morning shortly after !i o'clock.
Ho slipped and fell, his right foot be
ing caught under tho wheels.
It was badly crushed mid several toes
had to bo amputated at tho Lacka
wanna hospital, to which Institution
he was taken.
Tor Sale,
Our warehouso property, corner AVest
Lackawanna uvcnuo uud Klghth street,
bolus; about 23 feet front on Lacka
wanna avenue and 130 feet on Elshth
street, and about Uf feot on tho Jlno of
the Delaware, Lackawanna und West
cm railroad, with a live-story brick
warehouse, track und switching privi
leges. Also,our burn lot on 131s court, about
SG feet on Dlx court by 00 feet deep to
Leo court, with brick stable and frame
warehouse; located between Lacka
wanna avenue and Spruce street.
Tho Hunt & Connell Co.
Notice to Taxpayers.
1'ay 1000 poor tax this week uud savo
costs. Municipal building,
Charlie Colbert, Pennsylvania's
Famous End, Led Scranton Team,
Which Was Composed of Many
Well-Known Local Foot Ball War
riors It was Quite a Fnmlly Af
fair, Three Colbert and Two Koefo
Brothers Bolng in the Game Ab
sonco of Sensational Features.
On it field wot and soggy, nntl In tho
presence of about eight hundred spec
tators, two picked teamsv of Scranton
foot ball players struggled nt Athletic,
park yesterday afternoon for victory,
and utter two halves of twenty nntl
fifteen minutes the game was called
with the score a lie, neither side being
able to cross the line.
Tho ono eleven captained by Left
13 nil Charles' Colbert, of University ot
Pennsylvania renown, was mudo up of
many well-known local gridiron stars,
several of tho players being members
of tho invincible Scranton team of '05.
Tho other side was picked from the
St. Thomas and Thirteenth regiment
elevens, and was captained by "Poc"
Keefo. The game was begun about S
o'clock, there being a good deal of de
lay In starting. Otto Wngonhurst, an
other ex-Pennsylvania player, who
was counted upon to piny ono of the
tackles, could not be accommodated
with a suit and his place was taken by
Gllbride. John Horan, Lafayette's half
back, was chosen as referee, and as
he gave the signal the two teams lined
They were very equal as to weight.
While 011 tho Scranton team could be
scon tho faces of big Sweeney, John
Keefe. Coggins, Cleveland, Posner nnd
Charlie Colbert, the avoirdupois they
contributed to their eleven was bal
anced bj- llaggerty, the young St.
Thomas giant, who with his heavy.
fiery-headed partner, Langan, played
at the guards for the Thirteenth; Bill
O'floro, Jack Alalia, High School's old
center, Xlver and Kelllher.
The field was In too wretched a con
dition to permit of many long runs or
very spectacular plays, still there were
a few of these, contributed by Charlie,
Pan and Fred Gelbert, for the Scran
ton team, and O'Horo, Gregory and
Keefe, for tho Thirteenth. The rival
quarterbacks, Oney Wulsh and Pick
Gendall, played strongly, the latter in
particular running his team with fine
judgment. Both elevens wore handi
capped by thu absence of a good
punter, and throughout the game there
was not a single good punt made.
Pan Gelbert made the longest run ot
the game, a. twenty-yard dash in the
first half, and Charlie Gelbert made
several of his fierce, hard sprints. The
latter lived up to his 'varsity limita
tion, and in both offensive and defen
sive work proved a tower of strength.
O'Horo played his best game of the
year, and with Ralph Gregory carried
off the regimental honors. Several
times theblg fullback prevented touch
downs by hurling his sturdy frame
through the air and dropping with a
vice-like grip upon ono of the Gelbert
brothers. He also played well on' the
Continued on Page S.l
in the smaller lixings for the
perfectly dressed man is here,
new, snappy, up-to-date.
Being judges ot values
connoisseurs of fashion, you
can rely on our prices being
the lowest and styles abso
lutely correct.
If you want the right fur
nishings for any and all occa
sions you must buy them
Article 1
Christmas Crtimbs Sale
Holiday Goods left overs broken lots goods that arrived too late,
what we say ; Crumbs but they're off the Christmas table and they
picking:. Not enough of a kind to bother with. We must get fixed up
out, price is no object we torgot what they cost we must close them out..
We Have Made the Prices Ridiculously Low
Think of someone you have forgotten
Couch. They are not luxuries now-
somebody s birthday that
connect them with Christmas
We didn't have time to make
A Line of Fancy Rockers
(Arrived late on Monday)
Should sell at $5 to .$7. 30
Vases Just about 40 left,
value two to three dollars
Lamps Th at sold for
5 to
Palms All that's
per cent reduction.
left at 30
II i
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Come in and see the Water Color Drawings just brought over from
Europe English and French subjects from life by Hiss Macartney.
You'll buy one if you see them.
R. EL.
Victor Koch Remembered
Friends Yesterday.
Every employe of the Scranton
House, from the olllce boy to the gen
eral mnuager, was generously remem
bered yesterday by thu proprietor, Vic
tor Koch. Eaclt Individual was pre
sented with a pound box of the choicest
candy, and attached to each box was
n crisp ?5 note.
The patrons of the house wero also
remembered in a, neat anil hnndy
match safe, with a. patent cigar Clip
per attached. The latter was In great
demand anil the supply was exhausted
early In the day.
Conservatory of Music.
New classes begin January ".
pays for Course A until Juno ID.
We Will
Our Great
Plan All
Next Year.
Clarke Bros
The Chesterfield Overcoat
Samter Bros.
f f f - -- -T-M'
-then think of us
not at Christmas
s coming
perhaps. Think
Crumb Prices and see if you can beat the combination.
a " round up " Monday evening. Below we give an idea.
Childrn's Toy
Furniture at your own price
S31-S23-325-8S7 WyomiugAva
The modern way is to sell you
something you do not want and re
fuse to allow you to exchange it.
Your money back if you're not sat
isfied with anything bought here.
We have the most complete Hne'of
Holiday Goods in the city.
You've forgotten to get some little reminder for
some one We have a number of pretty things
left on which we will make low nrices to close
out. We especially offer a
AVENUE. Scranton, Pa.
for Men
If you are buying for men,
buy at a man's store. It's our
business to know men's tastes
Dress Suit Cases, $1.00 op,
Bath Robes, $4.00 up,
Silk Suspenders, 00c up.
Silver and Gold trimmed
Umbrellas, Gloves, Caps.
Neckwear, Mufflers, Initial
305 Lackawanna Avenue
Established 1866.
Furs and Fur Garments of
all kinds, and our prices are
low, it is in fact unsafe to
pay less. Call and see our
Laylored Suits, Jackets, Long
Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces
Boas, Muffs and Children's
Furs. We carry these in full
Furs repaired.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
We mal:c a specialty ol fancy Creamery But
ter mit strictly fresh eggs and the urica is aa
low as first clao good can he sold at.
We do not liavc any special nalta or leader
lint .it all times cany as complete; a line ot
.Market CooiK fancy (iroceries and Tabic Delica
cies as can ! ttiiiml in llio largest New Yntk
ur I'lilluiii-lhliu MaiU-'U which we tell at' right
W. H. Pierce,
19 tacl:wnnna Ave. 113, 112, lit Pcnn At,
1'icnipt clc'limy.
All this
In fact just
make choice
a Morris Chair, a Rocker, a
Crumb Prices. Think of
of household necessities,
Parlor Tables-Odd Lots
Regular price $3 to $4
A Few Rugs Some sold .for
$1.75. at
A line that sold for
Ladies' Desks More than we
should have. A fine line at
' -V.v A
U ', N -
. , a
- '. 'H-Saifca.-'