The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    yiy-n-'l r,- ,.rj -.5-,-,5-. WT
W?ft,''TOW $w
Kt., VW . Yr
"t J
Sri ,
Best M!!k for Family Use,"
"Babies thrive on It."
With Phoaphatea
end Hypophos-
phltcs Added.
Taste not changed.
Sold by Groccis and Druggists.
The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
Wrlto for booklet. SCRANTON, PA.
Ice Cream.
OC Per
3C Quart
StltpboncOrders Promptly Deliver!
l'f-3'7 Adam A venuk
Scranfon Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office J., LAW. Passenger
Station. Phone 623.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Hour- a. m. to 11.30 p. m.: S to
Wllliami Bulletin. Opp. Pastofflce.
MKLTING THURSDAY. A special meeting of
Si. Joseph'.-! society will he held Thursday aftcr
noon at 3 o'clock at College chapeL All pcrsom
not jet having tnado their returns for concert
tickets sue icqucsted to do 60.
ICC CilllST TJllUVKS. Thicoa isilecl the
pouhes in tliu rear ot a number of Washington
iiwinii nsidencos e.nly ctcrday moiuing and
rciumcd the contents ot the ire chest. Theic
vins a Jack of ClnUtmas cheer in several homes
in consequent e.
buggy, the latter badly smashed up, were found
last night about 8 o'clock at the corner of Clay
aeeiuic and Mulbeiry btreet. Tliey were brought
to city hall and were lodged by the police in
Holies' Ihrty. Inquiry failed to meal the party
to whom they belonged.
TIN" WOKKUHS' BALLr-The members of Local
union, No. feO, Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice
Workers' International association, conducted
their tlfth annual ball hv,t night in Music lull.
It was n most fcuceemful affair, upwards of 200
louplcs being in attendance. Mti-Jc for dancing
was furnished by the Lawrence oichestra.
vice this cening iu the l'irst 1'iesb.iteriin
church will bo prepnatoiy to the bpcclal cele
bration of the Loid's supper ne.t Sunday, which
will be the last Sunday of the year and of the
lentury. It H the wish of the pastot and elileis
nf tlie chinch that cecry member will, if pov.i
ble, be picaent. Tlie chinch session will meet
nt the close of Bereiee this evening to confer
with any who drsiie to unite with the chinch.
Way the Day Was Observed at Lack
awanna and Moses Taylor.
Christmas was celebrated yesterday
at the Lackawanna hospital In right
royal style. The long winds were fes
tooned with ropes of evergreen ami
there was a pretty holly wreath in
aeh of the window-. Two large
Christmas trees wore erected, one In
the children's ward and one in the
men's sursical ward.
The tree in the chlldrnn'M mini ,.n,i.
talned many gifts for each and every
one of the little sufferers. Over tho
lied of each of the adult patients was
hung a stocking filled with candles,
nuts and other Christmas goodies. A
turkey dinner was served at the noon
The hospital staff and several of the
directors, Including tho institution's
fairy godmother, Mrs. E, N. AVlllard,
.sat down at a table In tho private din
ing room. President James Dickson
presided and carved the turkey. The
convalescent patients were treated to
a dinner of their own at a special table
prettily decorated with flowers.
At tho Moses Taylor hospltul there
wero two Christmas trees, ono In tho
men's and ono In tho women's ward,
Tho few children now In the hospital
wero given numerous Christmas gifts
by a number of the friends of the In
stitution, The usual Christmas dinner
was also served.
Number of Them Entertaiued at Mc
Quhae's Dining Boom,
Nearly a hundred youngsters, some
barely clad, but full of the life and
spirit of Christmas, made things very
lively around McQuhae's dining rooimi,
on Vyomlng avenue, yesterday nfter
noon. They were tho participants in a
Christmas feast prepared at the ex
pense of Beliord Harris, of the Swift
'Beef company! AV. II, Campbell, of
Jonas Long's Sons, and Ernest Bishop,
of tho Scotch Wooolen Mills company,
Tho little folks were recruited by a
committee, of ladles from Elm Park
church apd greut euro was taken to
avoid getting those who would be so
fortunate as to have u dinner else
where, The children sat around the
tables for more than an hour and they
made tho nlr ring with the echoes of
their happiness.
In a Large Number of the Churches
of the City, Services Appropriate
to the Day Wore Held in the Morn
ingAt Night the Sunday Schools
Had Their Special Exercises.
Details of the Programmes Bon
derod in Different Churches Dis
tribution of Gifts.
Ono of tho best musical programmes
ever given at St. Luke's Kplscoput
church was rendered yesterday nt 10.30
o'clock, tho last sorvlec by tho vested
choir of twenty-flvo voices, under tho
leadership of J. W. Conant. There
wero throe communion services, at 0,
0 and 10.30 a. m., and there was an
especially largo attendanco at each.
The programme had boon prepared
with great care and Included Men
delssohn's "Hark, tho Holy Angels,"
Puller's "Christians Awake," and a
singularly powerful selection sung as
an introlt, "The Birthday of a, king,"
by Ncldllnger. The choir sang, If pos
sible, more beautifully than over, the
sweet voices of the younger members
blending perfectly with tho fuller
voices of tho older members.
Tho pastor, Rev. Dr. Rogers Israel,
preached a Christmas sermon on that
old but ever new message of tho
angels "Glory Be to God in the High
est and "on Earth, Teaee, Good Will
to Men." Tho beautiful Interior of
the church was prettily set off with
ropes and wreaths of evergreen In pro
fusion. At St. Peter's Cathedral.
As Is usual on Christmas the ser
vices at St. Peter's cathedral wero
very elaborate. The church was pro
fusely adorned with Christmas greens,
festoons of smllnx and ropes of ever
green being wound about and strung
between the majestic pillars and
drooped along the balcony front. The
main altar was fairly hidden behind a
wealth of cala lilies and other choice
flowers and resplendent from the Il
lumination of hundreds of wax tapers
and small red-shaded lamps. At the
south nave was erected a full-sized
allegorical reproduction of the manger
at Bethlehem, the figure of the Child,
the Virgin, St. Joseph, the shepherds,
wise men and animals being life size
and very true to nature.
There were masses every hour, be
ginning at 5 o'clock, and at 10.30 o'clock
a pontlllcal high mass was celebrated
by Rt. Rev. Bishop Hoban. It was the
first time for the bishop to wear the
"Cappa Magna," the large purple, ermine-trimmed
cloak, which bishops
are permitted to wear on the four an
nual feast days of the first class. At
the conclusion of the mass the bishop
imparted the pontifical blessing from
his throne, a special privilege granted
him by the pope.
Rev. James A. O'Reilly, rector of the
cathedral, was arch priest: Rev.
Fathers A'an Ray and McLoughlin, as
sistant priests; Rev. P. J. Gough, dea
con of tlie mass; Rev. Miles MeManus,
sub-deacon of the mass, and Rev. J. J.
Griflln, master of ceremonies. Twenty
two acolytes, censer-bearers, servitors
and train-bearers, preceded tho priests
and bishop in the procession nnd re
cession and made an imposing nnd
picturesque spectacle.
The sermon was preached by Rev.
Myles J. MeManus, from tlie gospel
of the day. His sermon was ar repo
sition of the Messianic idi j of tho
coming of Christ, as comprised in the
promises of the Book of Prophets.
The augmented choir, accompanied
by Bauer's orchestra and led by Prof.
"W. P. Schilling, rendered I.amblllote's
pascal mass. The solo parts were
sustained by Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Jo
sephine C. AValsh, Miss Laura Rafter,
Miss Agnes B. Lavelle, Miss Lizzie
Snow, AA R. Bradbury and Gustav
Reppert. AV. H. Bradbury presided at
the organ.
St. David's Episcopal.
The midnight Christmas feivlee at
St. David's Episcopal church, West
Scrnnton, was well attended, and was
conducted under tho direction of th'3
rector. Rev. E. T. McHcnry. At 10
o'clock yesterday morning tho regular
Christmas service was held. A spe
cial feature was Monk's communion
service, which wits rendered by tho
choir. Tho music was particularly well
rendered, and the singers deserve
much credit for their e-IIlclency.
Much credit is also due the organic;,
Mis. Sflliort, who executed the dltll
cult numbers with case and gr,te
The scololsts were Misses Phillips and
Parry, .Mr-ssr.s. Thomas Jones. Nichol
son AVhltehouse and William Morgan.
Rev. aicHonry pr-'itchu. an appropri
ate sermon on "The Doctilno of the
Incarnation," basing hi. discourse on
tli text found In St. John I: 1-1. Ser
vices will also bo held to-day, tomor
row and Friday, beginning at 7:3')
a. m.
Holy Trinity Lutheran.
A special musical programme ofr.irj
excellence was given yesterday niorn
in dining the Clulstinns sorvlco-s at
the Holy Tilnlty Lutheran church,
under the direction of Prof, C, It.
Prothei-oo, The .special liturgical ser
vice of tho church was conducted by
the pastor, Rev, Charles a, picker,
who also preached an eloquent Christ
mas sermon on "The Christmas Spir
it." The augmented choir coryisted cf
tho following ladles and gentlemen:
Bessie Shive, Lillian Blaschke, Alice
Ferine, Victoria Gruner. Katherlne
AVIntcrstlue, Jqsepblno Bernhardt.
Emma Yost, Carolyn Yost, A J.
Hopkins, David J, Duvies, J. AVIlllam
Kchuler, AA'atkln, AS'. Isaac, E, .1,
Schubert, Carl Sehoen and Charles
Miss Bhlvo and Mr, Pavles render
ed a charming duet and among the
chorus numbers of especial excellenos
were "Good Tiding," with tenor solo
by David Davits and "Arise, Shine,"
with trilos by AVIlllam J, Hopkins and
AVatkln Isaac.
St. John's German Catholic.
In St. John's German Cathollo
church on South Main avonue, throe
mas.ies wero celebrated yesterday
morning nnd vesper services wero hold
in the afternoon. Thw masses wero
sung by Rev, F, A. Flicker nt 6, 8
and 10 a. m. At tho latter the pastor
preached tin olotnient sermon on tho
birth of Christ.
The muslo was Jn charge of tho
chorister, Prof George Sless, and tho
programme consisted of selections
from Mozart's Gloria. Kvrlo in m oat.
Credo, Benedlctus.rtanctus, Agnus Del
nnd the Adesto Fldoles offertory. Tho
"Snlutarls" by Dotmneau wan mint? nt
the vesper service. In tho latter n
mixed quartette, with solos for so
prano, tenor and bass, was a: fcaturs.
The soloists wero Mrs. Enima Sloes,
soprano; August Foster, tenor, and
AVIlllam Shnumnn, bass. The "To
Dcum" was sunn; at the close of tho
service. A midnight mass will bo
sunt? on New Year's eve.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
The usual Christmas Forvlcesf'wero
held In St. Patrick's Catholic church
yesterday morning. Three masses
were sung, commencing at B, ! and
10:C0 o'clock. A high muss was cele
brated nt 6 o'clock by Rev. J. II. AVhe
lan, who also preached tho sermon,
taking his text from St. Luke, "And
there were shepherds In that same
country watching nnd keeping night
watches over their Hocks."
Tho 9 o'clock mass was snld by
Rov. P. K, Lavelle, nnd at 1":30 Rev.
J. J. Ruddy olllclnted. Special muslo
was rendered by the choir unldor tho
direction of the organist nt tho enily
nnd Into masses. The children of the
church wOre present at the I9:3i)
St. Mark's Luthoran.
At St. Mark's Lutheran church, cor
ner of AVashburn and Fourteenth
streets, matin service was hold at 7
o'clock yesterday morning, nnd tho
main" service at 10:30 o'clock. Tho
choir rendered choice selections of
Clulstmns muslo under tho direction
ot the chorister, Joseph Atherton, as
sisted by Miss Clara Sanders, organ
ist, Tho regular choir was ntigmentoil
by n number of additional voices.
The pastor, Rev. A. L. Rnmcr, D. D.,
conducted both services, and at 10:3.1
o'clock preached a forcible sermon on
the subject of "Christ, our Savior and
King." Large audiences were present
at both services, and a general inter
est was manifested In the services of
the day.
aillm Park Church.
The vast auditorium of the Elm Park
Methodist Episcopal church, with Its
vast seating capacity, was literally
filled from end to end last nlgtit with
such an audience as has never before
gathered In this city at a Sundav
school entertainment, for the occasion
was the annual Christmas festival of
the children of the Sunday school,
which Is the largest in the city.
Directly In front of tlie organ was
erected a large platform and on this
the exercises were given. At either
end of the balcony was n Christmas
tree of enormous proportions, bright
and brilliant with colored incandescent
lights and hundreds of yards of tinsel.
The members of the Sunday school
had the plaro of honor in the front of
the church, while behind them was
seated the rest of the audience.
The programme was opened with nn
organ prelude by Hu. T. Huffmastpr,
Prof. Pennington's assistant, and u
thorough master of the Instiunient.
Rev. Dr. C. M. Glffln, the pastor, of
fered a fervent prayer, nnd then came
one of the many unique features of
the programme.
The church was darkened and as tlie
organ pealed forth a burst of sound
there were thrown on a screen, cover
ing tlie entire fiont of the instrument,
sacred views representing the "AngM
of Night1' and the "Angel of Morning."
Then came an anthem, "The Babe of
Bethlehem," by a special choir of
twenty-five voices, illustrated with a
beautiful picture of the Christ child in
the arms of the Virgin. The effect of
these pictures was wonderfully im
pressive and they were greeted with
much applause.
The tenor of the regular church
quartette, Alfred AVooler, whose voice
was In well-nigh faultless condition,
rendered "Arise, Shine," being assisted
in the chorus by the Elm Park Sunday
school choir. After a reading by Paul
ine Cogswell Hall, there wero another
set of appropriate views thrown on the
screen, and then the programme of the
infant's department was gone through
with, under the direction of the super
intendent, Mrs. Arja AVilliams.
AVlllle Gray had a solo, "When Santa
Cluus Comes 'Round," and there were
recitations rendered In a remarkably
clever manner by Edna Pruener, Ella
Gilpin, Lawrence Scott and Romalne
Helmer. The biggest hit of this part
of the programme, and probably of th2
entile evening, was made by Bessie
Marsh, a dainty little miss just seven
years old, who sang "The Story of
She wulked up on the platform with
the air of a professional concert singer
and gazed unconcernedly at the great
throng of 3,000 persons, while the open
ing bars of the piece were being played
on the piano. AVhen she sang, people
looked around at each other In amaze
ment, for every word she said could
be plainly heard over tlie entire audi
torium. Her enunciation was perfect
and she retained such remarkable self
possession that when she left the plat
form she received a great ovation,
Tlie second part of the programme
was opened with a rendition of Meyer
beer's "Coronation March" on the or
gan by Mr. Huffniuster, and following
this was given a Christmas drill by
twelve ynuni; ladles, nttlred in white
and carrying wands. They wem
through a soiies of graceful move
ments, and upon them were thrown
vnti-coloivd calcium lights.
Miss Maltha Matthews, whose beau
tiful soprano voice is so well known In
The "Ifs"
A short name, but a very busy
family. They're also very numer
ous, scarcely a community being
without mnny of Its meinhei's.
And tiny attempted 'progress or
Improvement must pass their
criticising or foreboding cavil.
Strange It is, yet true; that
hundreds of well-meaning folks
ullow "IF" Idoas to Influenco
"their notion and deluy the enjoy
ment of comfort. Then, wonder
why their clrcumstnnces never
"If 1 knew It would pay, If
saving were easier than spend
ing. If I wero certain of living,
If wages were higher, If noth
ing seemed to hinder. If, If"
Think of It! AYero It possible
for such people to save and still
spend to "eat their onke nnd
yet keep It," all Imagined dlflleul
ties would disappear. Hut shrewd
savers long since learned the fol
ly of such logic, and will smile
Havings Department
Cor. Wyoming aud(Spruce
this city, sang "Tho Christ Child" most
acceptably, nud then came the camp
scene, Tho stage, was set In a few
minutes to tesresent a enmp, with
tents nnd nil tho "other requisite mili
tary paraphernalia.
TwclW' young men, attired In Na
tional Guard uniforms and carrying
guns, unswored to voll-eall, drilled,
messed, nud finally tented for tho
night, to tho Hinging of the "Suwanco
River" and "Homo, Sweet Home" by
the choir. The effect wns very pretty,
and tho military atmosphere wns per
fectly realized.
After a reading by Miss Norma
Decker nnd another series of storeop
tlcon views, tho programme was
brought to a close by the singing of
a wondrously beautiful anthem, Gou
nod's "Noel," by tho Sunday school
choir, with soprano nnd alto solos by
Anna Strickland nnd Mary Davis.
The entire affair was given under
the personal direction of Prof. John T.
AVatklns, who deserves a deal of credit
for Its complete success,
Gorman M, E, Church.
The Christmas exercises of tho Sun
day school of tho German Methodist
Episcopal church, at the corner of Ad
ams avenue und Vino street, were
given last night In the presence of a
largo throng of the members ot tho
congregation and their friends. Tho
Interior of the church was prettily
decorated with evergreens, and there
wero two large Christmas trees on the
platform heavily laden with pretty
gifts for tho crowd of bright faced
little boys and girls gathered In the
Tho superintendent of the Sunday
school, Gustavo Deltzel, presided nnd
the exercises were all conducted In the
German language, not a word of
English being spoken. There was nn
opening prayer by the pastor, Rev. G.
Theru wero recitations and songs
rendered by the following children:
Edith Kaufhold, Karl Haendlges, Lena
AVoehiis, Karl and Theodore Bobolin,
Chnrles H. Gabriel, Fred Mehno, Mar
garet Haag, Fred Kossman, Bertha
Kemmler, AVIlllam Mellne, Paul AVal
ter, Edgar Kaufhold.
In addition to these numbers there
were several songs rendered In a de
lightful manner by the children of tho
Sunday school, a duet by Miss Baar
and Mrs. Gessler, and a selection by
the "Klntracht" Musical society. The
German spirit of good cheer pervaded
the whole programme.
Grace Lutheran Church.
The Sunday school children of the
Grace English Lutheran church, under
the direction of the superintendent, D.
L. Flckus, esq., gave a most delightful
Christmas programme Inst night in the
church, which wns simply but taste
fully decorated with Christmas greens.
After an organ voluntary rendered
by the church organist, Miss Harriet
Kline, and an opening chorus by the
school, t'lo pastor, Rov. Luther Hess
AVnrlng, offered prayer. Miss Maude
Moser then welcomed those present on
behalf of the school, nnd a splendid
programme followed.
There was a quaintly humorous reci
tation, "Tlie Little Feller's Stockin'."
by Ethel A'ost, followed by an exer
cise, called "Tlie Great Need of the
World," by the followingchildren, under
the direction of Miss Florence Irving:
Elsa Kline, Lillie Foss. Ethel A'ost,
Irene Siebecker, Florence Nicholson
and Irene Lorenz. The gi eat need was
shown to be the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mls.s Jennie Kaufman had a solo,
"The Story of Love," with a chorus by
the class. An acrostic, representing
"Christmas Fruit," wan participated In
by Emma Swald, Elmer Kaufman,
Byron AVilcox, Frank Zimmerman,
Edith Bender, Lewis Siebeck'er, Janet
Sunday and Frank and Ella. Grau.
The Misses Harriet Kline and Lynola
Lohman sang a duet in a most capable
manner, and there was a recitation by
Miss Jennie Seaman. The pastor de
livered a brief address on "A Christ
mas Star." and then came tlie giving
of gifts with a present for each child.
Express Gratitude for Sheriff Pry or's
Elaborate Christmas Dinner.
Tlie following communication, re
ceived at The Tribune otllce yesterday,
written on a paper bag in lead pencil,
tells its own story:
"We, the piisonets In Lackawanna
county jail, known as Hotel Pryor,
extend our heartfelt thanks to the
sheriff and his corps of efficient as
sistants, viz., tlie warden and his
obliging keepers, for the kind way they
treated us to a Christmas dinner, It
consisting of the following:
"Soup, roast turkey, stewed chicken,
mushed potatoes, sweet potatoes, bread,
butter, jelly and peaches (canned),
pickles, cranberry sauce, oranges, ap
ples, nuts, candy, coffee or lea, cream
and sugar and close with cigars.
"Yours respectfully,
"Tlie Prisoners."
This Is tho most elaborate dinner
over served at the (all.
Bov. Dr. Piercs and AVifo Opened
Houso to Penn Avonuo Choir.
Res'. Dr. Robert F. Y. Pierce, pastor
of the Penn Avenue Baptist church,
entertained tho members of the choir
last night at the parsonage on Mlfllln
avenue. A most enjoyable evening was
spent, and a most bountiful repast
served by the doctor and his wife.
Dr. -Pierce's son, C, F, Pierce, of
AYanamuker's, Now A'ork city, and a
friend ot his, Paul Mulier, of Pnssale,
N, J., are being entertained during the
holiday season nt Dr. Pierce's homo.
For Sale.
Two heavy and one light delivery
wagons; ono buggy polo; cash register;
two pipe-cutting machines; one four
horse-power engine; $1,500 worth gas
fixtures and supplies; $2,500 plumbers'
and steam-litters' supplies, and one
two-seated open wagon.
Hunt & Connell.
Patrick. W, Vteley an engineer at Eddy Creek
mine, died jrtteiday iiioiniug lit his home in
Olyphant, iiftei two month' illness, JJr, f'teley
waa inariled hmci.iI jeai ago lat May to Miss
Jlaiy McDonald, and Is siirvlied by liU wife
and two children. HU mother, Mu. Ileriuu)
I'eeley, of 01) pliant, and thu following named
hrothcia and sisters also sunhe him: Itev, .1,
J, II. Fecley, of Nicholson j James J. I'eeley,
Mis. John Oiloyle, Mrs. James Foley, ol Oly.
pliant, and Sirs. I', W, llealey, of Ureen Itldgc
Mrs. Martin Saininon, of 327 Twenty-first
sheet, died yesterday after a lingering illness.
Piccjscd is sunhed by Iter husband and sev
eral rhlldiin. the was a sister of Mallcarrlci
William Cannlon. 'I ho funeral, announcement
will bo inado later, '
Mrs. MjiIIii I. amnion died yesterday, age It
jcuis. bite li surtbed by four sons and two I
dat'glitcis. 1'uncrul notice later. 1
He Was Ono of the Pioneer Coal
Operators of This Begion Drafted
the Charter of the Elk Hill Coal
and Iron Company W. G. O'Mal
ley the New Select Councilman
from the Twentieth Ward Popu
lar John Van Bergen, Jr., of the
Commissioners' Office.
AVIlllam It. Richmond, tho president
of tho .Now England society, who de
livered such it thoughtful and well
rounded nddress at tho annual banquet
of that society last Friday night, Is a
fine example of tho later day New
Englandor, who cossesses all the good
qualities for which his ancestors were
noted and which made them such a
forco In this fair lnnd of ours.
Mr. Richmond was born In Marl
borough, Connecticut, on Oct. 23, 1821,
his family having Its origin in Brittany
before the Eleventh century. The
American branch wns founded by John
Richmond, who emigrated from Ash-
ton Keynes, AA'lltshlre, England, In
1C37, nnd became one of the original
purchasers of tho land on which the
city of Taunton, Mass., Is now located.
Through his grandmother, Prudence
AVadsworth, Mr. Richmond Is descend
ed through seven generations from
AVIlllam AVadsworth, an emigrant
from England to Massachusetts In
1C32, and under Hooker one of the
early Connecticut colonists In 1636.
Ills son, Captain Joseph AA'adsworh,
Is credited with concealing the Con
necticut charter In tho Oak tree at
Hartford, an Incident which has been
extensively dwelt upon by the his
torians of that period.
In 1S42 Mr. Richmond entered busi
ness life in Honesdale and three years
later opened a store at Carbondale un
der the firm name of Richmond &
Robinson. In I860, Mr. Richmond be
came Interested In the mining of an
thracite coal. His keen business mind
showed to him the important place
tho coal with which the valley
abounded would in later years have In
the business world. The mining of
coal was at that time practically In
its infancy and few men realized the
great value of that commodity ns an
article of commerce.
Mr. Richmond obtained possession of
a tract of land at what Is now Dick
son City, but which at that time was
a part of Blakely township. He or
ganized the Elk Hill Coal and Iron
company and proceeded to develop the
coal land he had acquired. Ho framed
the charter or the Elk Hill company
and also the subsequent amendments
to it which the legislature allowed,
special legislation not being forbidden
at that time.
The thoroughness with which he did
his work Is best evidenced, pel haps,
by the value that Is now placed on
that charter. Some months ago, the
New A'ork, Ontario and AVestern com
pany purchased the coal properties of
Mr. Richmond and came Into posses
sion of the charter of the Elk Hill
Coal and Iron company. They have
utilized it to combine about all of the
coal properties they have obtained In
this region, which are now opeated
under the title of the Elk Hill Coal
and Iron company.
To speak of a city official as having
been tried does not convey an Intelli
gent meaning In these parts, so In re
ferring to the new selectman from the
Twentieth, AVIlllam G. O'Malley, as
having been tried It ' Is necessary to
make specifications. Mr. O'Malley was
for four years the representative of
the Twentieth on the board of school
control, and to say that no better man
ever came out of that ward and into
public life Is scarcely doing him full
His recoid for Industry, honesty nnd
intelligent action was one that any
man might well be proud of. He
proved himself a man of no mean
dimensions in any part and at once
came to be regarded as one of the big
men of his party. His name has been
used in connection with the nomina
tion for several important offices since
his retirement from the school board,
but ho never encouraged any move
ment to bring him 'back uctlvoly Into
the public service and only last fall
refused an unanimous tender of the
nomination for county treasurer.
Mr. O'Malley holds the highly Im
portant position of master, mechanic of
the South steel mill. AVhether or not
he will go to Buffalo when the com
pany moves Is a question yet even with
himself. Scrantonlans will hope that
Mr. O'Malley will find It to his Inter
ests to stuy hero. AVhen elected to the
select council a week 'ago, he was a
member of tho board of henlth, nnd
the two oflices being Incompatible, ho
relinquished his place on the henlth
It seems to be a happy, though pos
sibly unconscious, faculty of Lacka
wanna county olllclals to select excep
tionally capable subordinates, Every
olllco In the court house presents strik
ing examples of this, and, for years,
veiilv from tho very Inception of tho
county, It has fortunntoly obtained.
On various occasions It has been tho
Pleasure of The Tribune, In this col
umn, to comment along this line, nnd
present the nrgumentuin by pointing
out Individual Instances,
These Instances, It seems, are not to
bo exhausted. One who fairly sizes up
to nil thut Is demanded of an Illustra
tion of the aforementioned argumeu
tum Is one of the newest comers to tho
county's forco of court house nttaches,
John Arun Bergen, 'jr., deputy clerk In
the county commissioners' otllce, Mr,
Aran Bergen Is not a whit out of place
In tho aggregation of capable, courte
ous and industrious men who are en-
countered In tho court house offices.
His work Is done with ease, accuracy
and dispatch; he Is ulways pleasant
and striving to oblige those with
whom he s called upon to deul, and
In his leisure moments can always bo
counted upon for sociability of the re
freshing, Impressing kind that makes
friends und cements friendship, Al
ready ho Is one of the most popular
men In tho court house, and tho time
promises to be not far distant when
the people on looking about for avail
able timber of which to make an In
cumbent of some ofllve of responsibil
ity will not let their ycs wander idly
past his commanding llguie.
Mr, A'an Bergen Is looked upon as
one of the most energetic and success
ful lieutenants of his party In North
Scranton, and the caudiduto who has
his uctlve support can roly upon sub
stautlul returns.
I he Night before Ihnstmas
Look at Our Bargains.
Beautiful Plates, goc. Toilet Pieces at less than cost. A
Dorfllnger Cut Glass Carafe for $4.00. A Llbbey Carafe
for $a.7s In the latest lovely Chrysanthemum and Brilliant
cuts. Open Stock Dinner Sets much reduced in price.
Geo V Millar &
VJCU iflllKU X
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillings $l
Bridge Work (TSfh) $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work guaranteed for 10 years. Call and
have our teeth examined free of charge.
Satisfaction or no pay.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
That's the name. You've heard it a good many times
most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver
sation, for the one implies the other.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll se
in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif
ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because f their
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ot what
you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality is
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
q The NewNeversli? As-
phnlt ltcmovablc
Horse cannot slip
and will outwear three
sets or any other calk
The JEWETT is modern, up -
and rapid.
JEWETT No. 10 Has Ninety-Two Distinct Char
acters. Eight riore Than Any Other Standard fla-chine.
215 Board of Trade
This Honor, It Is Believed, Belongs
Rightly to the Lentil.
Front tho New A'orl: Sun.
Of nil the legumes, the ono least
grown In this country Is tho lentil,
though It Is a vegotnblo held In high
es,teem In foreign lands, particularly
In the Oriental countries, Tho lentils
that we have In our markets are near
ly all Impoted, although tho vegetable)
Is grown to some extent In the south
western parts of tho country. Now
Mexico nnd Arizona, for Instano?.
whore tho seed was first Introduced
hundreds pf years ago by direct Im
portation from Spain by the ancestors
of the mixed race who now ltvs In
that region. Tho Kuropeun supply of
lentils comes largely trom Bgvpt nnd
tho reddish Kgyptlnn lentil probably
furnished tho red pottage of Kstut.
It Is the most ancient of food plants,
tho lentil, and for that reason nlono
has right to respectful consideration
fiom Americans even If they do not
take so kindly to It us do gome of the
foreigners who come here to live and
who at present are tho prlnclrnl pur
chasers of tho vegetublo In the nmr
knt. Americans, however, are begin
ning to eat lentils more and mora
from being Introduced to them In ths
VvxyafaxW. I
Co m Wjomlns Avenno jE
VUi Walk In .nrt Innk A,n..nrf. 5"
Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain.
Our system of PAINLESS Dentistry is fir
superior to the old method of doing1 work.
We both fill anil extract teeth without the
least particle of pain. Our prices for the
present are extremely low, and If you are In
need of nny Dental work. Call and luVe
your teeth examined.
We make a specialty of fine Crown and
Pridgo Work and it will pay )ou to call and
get our prices before going elsewhere. All
work absolutely Painless.
Dr. Reyer, Dentist
314 Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
nn 126 and 128
LUh Franklin Ave.
Writes and shades seventy-five:
letters to the line.
Writes straight on ruled lines.
Has automatic type-cleaning
brush. I
The best manifolder and stencil
The lightest touch to keys and
least fatigue.
The JEWETT ball-bearing car
riage "beats the world."
The JEWETT liner is easily
the most clever device of its kind.
to - date, simple, convenient, durablr
French nnd Italian and particularly
the German restaurants where they
are not unfrequontly served. Tho len
t, It is bellovec), was tho first of the
food plants to bo brought under culti
vation by map.
But the Thoughtful Young Man for
Once Made a Mistake,
From the Washington Po'.t,
The thoughtful young man went out
to Glen Echo one evening last week,
and there wasn't a thing that ho could
see to do for anybody's comfort that
ho didn't nti once proceed to make nn
accomplished fact, Ho was falrlv
bubbling over with a desire to help his
fellow men. One of his fellow men,
who happened to bo a woiuun, and n
young ono at that, sat directly In front
of him. His eye caught sight of a largo
spider om her Huffy buck huir. Ho
leaned forwurd.
"Pardon me," ho said quickly, "don't
move; I have him. There!"
And with tho triumphant "thero" a
shriek from tho girl startled all the
car, Tho helpful young man sank bad;
In his sent, and an auction Hag wasn't
a circumstance to his face for color, A
wire und enumel spider dangled from
the girl's dishevelled hair.
l !