The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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A Beautiful Chrlstmna Canttita
Given at the Tirst M. E. Church.
Tho Sunday school of the 1'lrat
Methodist Episcopal church hold Its
Christmas Jubilation last evening It
partook of tho nuturo of a cantata by
Uabrlel. Gifts wore exchanged be
tween pupils and tenchers. Tho enter
tainment wnw Btven In the church nil
(lltorlum, which was decorated artis
tically by Ions- streamers of ovorKieen
around the walls and n lattice work of
ground lilne around tho platform oc
cupied by the chorus, Over the Jicads
of the xlnfrcrs was one of the most
ttnlriuo dcslRiis ever seen here. It was
a largo staff of music, comprlsliiR a
roinpleto measure, with words and
miiHlc, with tho treble oloff, 2 flats, live
linen and rests, full, quarter, eighth
and sixteenth notes, and tho words,
"Glory, glory, glory In tho highest!"
'This design was seven feet high nnd
the live lines wore mndo of evergreen.
The audience was lnrge and enthusl
sittle fiver the rendition of tho music.
The chorus was composed of thirty
.sir voices, and this was aided by
twenty voices In the choir. The entire
production was under the direction of
W. t. Kvaiis, tho talented tenor and
chorister of the church. Tho pro
lamine in full follows:
paiit riiisr.
1. liilioi!iiclin-uniliy school nirheli.i.
1! "O, lle 'IlinnkV Oiiliclia nnd fdiool, Willi
n'lilr.illo fcnlo liy MIm Mary Helm', sopiann
i.liliK.iln filo by llv! llruiv.Rn, nnd accom
p.mli'il liv Ml M.iy Kllpitiick, (.opuno; Ml-a
Xrltlo nilloy, allu; H. 1I, tenor; Homer
Smith, li3fo.
S. "I Have Iteilermeil Thee" Willi lns solo by
Claude Oh or, duel bv II. F. Clarl., baritone
.ni.l MUs Jennie llutlei, contralto; anil bass
-olo by Dr. A. D. Vulcn.
I. I!iy Owl Uimkiii lit-' Chorus, with solo by
Miss OIim SlepheiH, contralto; soprano obll
e.ilo solo by Miss M. O. Abbey, and qmrtette
inmpo-eil of ilki .M.iy ililpalrlck, Miss Jennie
Hill lir. II. Di-c nnd W. H. Moon.
S. "Ho Not Iilnnnyi-il"- Ladies' Odette Sllwes
Kilpitrirk Miss Clai.i llrniinii, tlrst soprani:
Mrs. Abbe.i. Mwi Stanli-n, sernnd opranos;
Miss M.iv ilelms, Mis I'oster, firt alios; Miss
Nellie Itilliy and Mis Jennie Bullcr, sci'cnd
fi. " for .loj " Mile Septette. W. T). Kians,
n st tenor; If. 1'. (Jlar!t, II. I)l', second tenors;
W. 11. Moon. Claude Oiwr, lust bats; I)i.
1'ip-iU'ii and Homer Smith, lower bass. Chorus
lrpealed by I lilies' ortrtte and in lie frpletle.
r. "The .Mniniiic of His Ilirlh" Kiss polo by
Mr. I.oelaml.
P "fell of His Wonderful I,oe" School anil
!). ".--hepheids of Ilellilebeni" Male elioitis.
II). "Olory in Ihe llisbe.-t" Concealed ladies'
eborus; icplied to by .school; oblipalo solo b
Miss Ilrouton, soprano; qunlette as befoie.
1'AltT II.
II. "Hail Ihe Hedi ein.V School, aceoni
pinied by adult chorus
12. "Je.siis Is Iloin Tud.1" Sopiano scdo by Mlfs
Isabella, Stanton; iwimipc by luKed quar
tette. 13. "Sleeping ill liclblehdn" Contiallo solo b
Miss Xeltic llailey; quartelle and chonis, con.
II. "Hog of Ihe Wise Men" Male Irio. V. 1).
Kvans, first tinor; II. 1'. ClaiK, second tenor;
llonur Smith huso.
IS. '"Ihe Snior rnimil" 1'ull (bonis by school
l."Chri.liiuj r.iiiicV Kiglit little Kirls, in
17. "Hall! All Hail!" School and chnius.
IS. "I "Will Klol Thee" Clionis and sopiano
solu Mini; by lls M,i Kilp.itriok.
The Baptists Celebrate.
At tho 'Korean Haptist church last
evening a large crowd tnat i.ded every
seat in the church auditorium assem
bled to listen to a delightful pio
gramme furnished by the Sunday
school. The literary and musical se
lections were rendered In a manner
that pleased all. The programme fol
lows: I. Sjus, "'the Wei-scd Message" School
-', Si)iliiie Heading Mr. I.ewJley
3. Prayer by tho polni Ito. Mr. Wbalrn
I. Duct Sldla Morgan and Sadie Watkins
!. (iiiellngi Sinlis P.tttctson
ti. llespoiisie re.lllilr
7. Ituilation Wilbur .Morgan
S. Itccitiilinii Natalie Williams
!. .long, '"When M.ii-j s.iine Out" ..School
10. "Tho C'hlldien's Mrssagc" Nine lloya
11. Song "Tho I.llllu &traimci,' . .I'rimarj- School
l'J. Itcaponsiie Heading.
II. Itcciliition Annie Hughes
II. liccitatinn rauiiic Pulls
15. Itecil.ition lilitli 1 leers
Hi. I.ullaby Six I.ittlo (litis
17. Song "Tlio Holy One" School
1. mutation Dai.y Holgato
!. "Motion" Song Twelve l.ltllo Ciiils
'.Ml. lledtallon H.uel Tennlnt
1. Song ' to the Hells" school
'.'J. mutation Flossie Hoblnson
2.1. ion Umcrt-on WntMus
!!4, Song "Hoom for .lesu," School
t'.'i. TaoicUc Siv nliis
W. ItcUtatlou Maigaiet Coinioli
27. lletltalloii (il.idyo IMalirnoU
lis. Choius sieien Voiuig I'eoplo
!- Addicss Dr. Whalcu
.Ml. liecllation Pierce SiimIci
ill. Sung, "What Message?" School
After the entertainment the fun coin
msneed. The toachors and scholars In
terchanged g'lfts nnd tho otllcers of tho
school and pastor were well remem
bered. Kaon pupil received a present
and tho services were broutiht to a
close III tin era of good feeling, es
pecially appropriate ut tho end or a
day, devoted to kindness anu loving
At the Piesdjyterinn Church.
Tho Prerbytorlan .Sunday school ob
iservcd Christmas day In thu audltnrluiu
of tho clitirch, which was decorated by
a profusion of green-wreaths and ropes
of ground pine. On the,' easterly wall
was the Inscription In 'largo green let
ters; "Tho Twentloth Century Offers
Greeting." On tho platform were two
huge Christmas tiees, handsomely
trimmed with tinsel and ornaments,
and beneath and around Wus about a
wagon load of mysterious packages,
which tho children eyed wlth'oxpanded
optics. Every child received a re
membrance and tho teachers and oill
cors of the school wero alike fortunate,
Tho entertainment was devoted almost
wholly to exercises by tho primary
children, and they began at U0 o'clock,
to unable the little ones to get home
early after their unusually eventful
day. Tho programme Included;
lljmii, "Antloch."
Primary Exercises.
' Cure all Throat aud LUDff Alcctlool.
. Gcttheget
tjCllUCKCUUUic ACiuwiuuiumiMi m
I curM KbcuiaaUfu, is as
f Inlermcillite Department Chorus.
Offering for Foreign Mlulniu.
Hmn 14, "Sacrcrt Songs."
Scripture Kecltatlon MIni Ualy Jonej
IIinn, "Hark tho Hemld Angcll"
I,om Offering, for the Poor.
Address, by l'aelor llev. Charles V,
Prayer .........Ily Itev. Mr. I.eo
Dlntrllullotl ot OKU.
At Trinity Episcopal Church.
The Sunday school ot Trinity church
holtf their Christmas entertainment In
the Sunday school room of tho parish
house Inst evening. The pupils and
teachers manifested their affectionate
regard for each other by a mutual ex
change of gifts and each pupil and
teacher and olllcer was remembered.
The superintendent, Edwin C. Hnrn
don, carried off the honors of tho even
ing as a recipient, being first presented
with a handsome Bible by the Sunday
school, and then, as a token of esteem,
with a large oaken rocker, richly up
holstered, by the members of tho par
ish. Mr. llarnden Is going to Blng
htimton, N. Y., the first of the year,
and this present was given him as a.
token ot the affection In which ho Is
held by his friends In the churchy Tho
entertainment portion was taken from
a selected song and responsive pnmph
lot, entitled "Festal Song Service," and
was divided as follows:
Processional Hinn 30, "Come Hither, Ye
ReiQ!uii) Heading.
I.esbon St. Iaike I, 1-11.
Anthem MagnMcat SI. I.uKe I, JO
Song "Caiol, Carol, Christians"
Apostles' Ciecd.
Song ..."I Know Where the Clrecn Leaves Oioh"
Song "In the Knding of the Voir''
ltcfrnin "Carol, lliothcis, Caiol"
Song "Awaken, Christian Clilhhen"
First Congregational Church.
At the First Congregational church
divine services were held yesterday
morning at 7:30 o'clock. This was th
first earb' morning service held on
Christmas day In the Congregational
church of this city, and the nttondanc2
of yesterday, which was very large,
gives assurance of future services ot
this character. The pastor, Hew Mr.
Elliott, delivered a carefully prepared
sermon on "The Incarnation of God
in Christ." The sermon was a purely
theological presentation, proving the
fact of the word being made flesh and
that Christ was either divine or like
other men He was not good. The ser
mon showed deep study, and like the
one of Sunday night, lias received
wide commendation.
As a concluding thought, Mr. El
liott said: "We are sitting here on
the anniversary of our Lotd's birth,
and only a few days before the close
of the century. In the nineteen cen
turies that have elapsed since Christ
was born Chrlstlnnlty has left Its im
print upon the face of tho earth to
,an extent that even defies supersti
tion. The closing century has grasped
its oportunity, and the sweep of the
ChiHtian religion has been far in
excess of all other religions combined.
The world Is better, and men are com
ing into closer union, Only a few
more steps and denominatlonallsm,
sectionalism, dogmatism, ,'eccleslastl
cism will be swept nsldo and In their
stead will be erected a broad, liberal
creed, based upon love to Christ and
love to man."
Christmas Exercises Tonight.
Tonight the Sunday school ichlldivn
of the church will have
their turn at holiday making. The
large auditorium of the church will be
given over to the little ones, their
teachers and friends and relatives,
and appropriate Christmas exercises
will be presented. On the platform
there has been erected a huge, old
chimney nnd fireplace, and during tho
evening dear old Santa Claus will
emerge therefrom In traditional style
and with regulation costume, and
make tho festivities merry with bis
jolly presence. The chimney will be
built of candy boxes. JCo admission
fee will bo charged, nor will a collsc
tion be taken up. Everything will be
free to all, nnd everyone will be wel
comed. A programme, made up as
below, will bo rendered:
Recitation , (lielt.i lJU
Recitation Iconic DiJz
lti citation lludd Tallin, i
Recitation Iliidd Tallmiin
ReUlallon Riluouil Wells
Recitation lliodlo
Recitation R.i.unund Lewis
Recitation Hannah Cv.iuh
Recitation Viola Jaiuca
Recitation lului T. .limes
Song Ila.wln .lenUii.s
Recitation , I.Llo l.oug
RcUtatloii (ilaihx June.-,
Recitation Miss (iarduer
Halogiie, "Chrsinns Delia," -Jclinlo
Jacobs, Annie Shelly, Mibil Reese, Mabel
Wells, Masgle Lewis, IMitli LcwL.
CliiUtnrw Recitation I.oui-a Hughes
Dialogue I'red I.cuia and (ll.ululn Dii
Recitation Maggie (iooiliiiu
Hong Gladiuii IUW.,
A Beautiful Present.
After the performance of "Thu AVo
nuin In Illack" at tho Orand on Mon
day evening the, members of Jack
Uoetllor's Stock company had a merry
Christmas celebration at the American
hotel. Tho manager, Mr, lloefller, pre
sented all of bis actors with an appro
priate gift, and then tho members of
tho company, nineteen In all, gave him
a beautiful token of esteem In tho
shape of a magnificent Elks' charm,
set with diamonds and rubles, of solid
gold, worth more than $100, The com
pany then snt down to an elaborate
bnncjuot and had a loyal time during
the early houiu of Christinas morning.
Another Fair.
The members of Columbia Hose com
pany aro uctlvely nt work preparing
for the fair to be run bv that com
pany next month. It will open ubout
Jan. 15, and will continue a week or
ten days. A number of now featurej
will bo Introduced bv which it Is
hoped a larger attendance will bo se
cured. Theatrical.
At the Grand Opera House.
Tonight "Hearts of Cold."
Thursday night "Ranch King."
Friday night "The Woman In
Saturday matinee "The Octoroon."
Saturday night "A Daughter of Corsica."
E.L. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carbon
date edition, will be
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers: New
386: old, 0433.
The First Masses Said In the New'
Church of Our Lady of Mount Car
met. Tho first service In tho new churcfl
of Our I-aady of Mt. Carmel, erected
by the Italian Catholics of this city,
wns tho midnight mass, -which began
ut 12 o'clock Monday night. The ser
vices were held in tho basement of the
building, the church proper not being
ready for occupancy. The Interior had
been lavishly trimmed with evergreen
and other decorations nnd under tho
Illumination of tho incandescent lights
and altar caudles presented a very
pleasing appearance. By tho time set
for the opening of the services tho
room had been comfortably filled, there
being In the congregation many mem
bers of St. Iloso church and others.
The mass was said by Itev. Anthony
Cerrull, tho pastor of tho church. Ho
was assisted by a young man named
Caterlno, of Archbald, who Is a theo
logical student nt Allegany college.
Tho choral parts of the mass were ren
dered by members of St. Rose's choir,
who had kindly volunteered to assist
In the Christmas and opening services
of tho new church. The singers were
Misses Nellie and 'Maine Klllcen, Mary
McCawley, Josephine Bradley, Gertrude
WIseley, Emma Swartz and Katie
Flannelly. Prof. John Firth, presided
at tho organ. The various selections
wero very nicely rendered and reflect
ed .creditably on tho ability of the
singers. Father CeYrutl spoke a. few
words of thanks to tho singers and
to the congregation and tnen delivered
a sermon on "The Nativity," In the
Italian language. The midnight mass
lasted until about 1.30 a. in.
Yesterday morning at 10.30 o'clock
high mass was celebrated. Father
Cerrutl, assisted by Mr. Caterlno, offi
ciated. Tho same members of St.
Rose's choir who sang at the early
service wero also present at the high
mass, and in the Instrumental accom
paniment Prof. Firth was assisted by
Flore Brothers' orchestra of Scranton.
Tho service was one of oven greater
interest than tho one preceding It and
tho congregation was limited only by
the capacity of tho room.
The erection of the pretty new
church building reflects great credit
upon the congregation and in their ef
forts toward the religious upbuilding of
the Carbondale Italians, 'Father Cer
rull and his supporters should receive
the hearty encouragement of the pub
lic. When the new church is complet
ed and ready for dedication, which
will be some time about Easter, a
more elaborate service will be ar
ranged. Tho main room, or auditor
ium, of the building will be given es
pecial attention and every effort will
be made to make tho edifice a credit
not only to tho Italian residents of
Carbondale, but to the city.
Martin Malono and Miss Alice Hous
ton have the honor of having been the
first couple to be united in tho bonds
of wedlock in tho handsome new
church ot St. Rose of Lima. The
ceremony making them husband and
wife was solemnized yesterday fifter
noon at 1:30 o'clock by Very Rev. T.
'. Cofffy, V. G., pastor of the church,
before a large number of the delight
ed friends of the happy couple. Tha
bride was attired in a pretty gown
of lavender colored material trimmed
with pearl. She wore a hat to match.
Her maid. Miss "Winnlfred Hnggerty,
was dressed in slate color, the gown
being trimmed with laco. Joseph Con
nor, of Dundnff street, was best man.
The wedding party enjoyed a dilvo
to- Olyphnnt and return, after which
they enjoyeill a fweddlng supper,
soived at tho newly furnished home
on Pike stieet, where they will at
once go to houseskeeping. Both young
people are widely known in Carbon
dale, and their largo circle of friends
loin in wishing for them many mora
merry t'luistmases and a long Ufa
of marital felicity.
At 3:30 yesterday afternoon Father
Coffey was called upon to unite In
marriage another of his congregation.
At that hour he said tho words which
married Miss Elizabeth Coleman, of
this city, to John Mnhady, of Arch
bald, The ceremony was a very pret
ty one, and was witnessed by a largj
Tho bridal couplo was attended by
Ml?s Mary Padden, a cousin of the
bride, and Martin Mnhady, a brother
of tho groom, and also of Archbald,
was best man. Tho bride wan attired
In brown broadcloth with Fatln trim
mings nnd hat to mntch and her maid
was costumed In navy blue and a
black Galnesborough hat. Tho gon
tlnmen wore tho conventional black,
Following the ceremony a qulot le-.
caption was held at tho home of thj
bride's sister, Mrs. Thomus Fan ell,
on Sand strrot. The young couple
will Immediately go to housekeeping
In a cozlly furnished homo on Barrett
street. Doth the contracting parties
aro very popular in this city and
Archbald, and Mr. Mnhady will be
cordially welcomed to a place In Cnr
bonllale's social circles, In which his
bride Is nlready a prime favorite..
They havo the boat wishes of their
host ot friends In their now life so
auspiciously begun.
Big Holiday Audiences.
At thu Grand opera house yesterday
there wero the two largest audiences
that havo been guthered thero this
season. At the matinee "A Daughter
of Corsica" was presented with a
strong cast by tho Hoeltler Stock com
pnny, Every seat In the house was
occupied, and It was necessary to turn
uwuyovor 200 persons for lack of room.
In tho evening, when "Alone In Greater
New York" wtis the bill, the same
scene of a crowded hnuso was present
ed. Tho company at tho Gruud this
week Is a strong one. Mr, Hoelller has
nineteen capuhlo actors in his company
and , carries his own special scenery
and accessories. Between tho acts spe
cialties were presented by DoHollls
and Vatoia, Jugglers; June Agnott,
singing specialties; McMillan and Grey,
comedy sketch artists; Bruce Richard
sou, singing and duuclng' comedian;
Master Paul Brady, the famous boy
madrigal, .and tho Jack Hoelller quar
tette. The following" prtsents are to
be given during the week by the com
pany! Wednesday evening', handsome gold
watch to person holdlntr lucky coupon;
Thursday evening, handsome gold hat
pin to every lady occupying a thlrtv
cent Rent; Friday night, beautiful gold
watch to tho most popular lady In Car
bondale, to be voted for by tho audi
ence; Saturday night, an elegant gold
watch to person holding lucky coupon.
Tho Street Car Strike.
The tocat trolley men havo opened
up strike headquarters In The Lender
building, In tho store lately occupied
by the striking miners. Here tho men
while away their time In discussing
tho situation nnd In various gaincsof
cards while awaiting the termination
of tho trouble. A long-dlstnnce 'phone
has been put In which Is used to send
and to receive reports from Scranton,
the headquarters of the strike. About
thirty Carbondale men are Involved In
the strike and they all havo proven
true to their organization. Not awheel
turned In this city on tho railway
tracks yesterdaj', and last evening one
of the restlnsr motormon told a Trlb
uno man facetiously that tho strikers
Intended to paint tho rails tomorrow
to keep them from rusting. The" men
In their strike headquarters ure very
comfortable, with a glowing lire and
plenty of light, Instead of driving a
rickety car through the dark and cold.
Observing: Christmas.
All tho stores In this city, excepting
tho liquor stores, were closed yester
day after 12 o'clock. Tho evening peri
odicals, bdth local and from Scranton,
suspended publication, and tho news
boys had a chance to. enjoy the day In
their own way.
Home from a Long Visit.
John Bergen and his sister, Miss
Bergen, who have been visiting rela
tives In South Dakota for tho past six
months, have returned to their homo
In this city.
Meetings Tonight.
Board! of health.
William II. Davies post, No. 187,
Grand Army of the Republic.
Recherche Dunclng class.
Pioneer castle. No. 20o, A. O. K. M. C.
Fidelity conclave, No. 130, Improved
Order of Heptasophs.
The Passing Throng,
with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Norris, of
Clark avenue.
Henry Baker, ot Honesdale, spent
yesterday with friends in town.
Dr. Ernest Downtown, of Philadel
phia, Is spending a few days in town.
Newsdealer W. J. Roberts visited
his father in Scranton last evening.
John Abbott, of Wilkes-Barre, spent
tho holiday with his parents on Spring
II. O. Lister, of Washington street,
spent yesterday afternoon with friends
in Plttston.
V. K. Manners, of the People's Shoo
company, spent Christmas with his
orother in Mcosic.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Reynolds and
son Louis spent Christmas with rela
tives In Honesdale.
Miss Tlllie Turner, of Nay Aug,
spent Christmas with Miss Ruth Dills,
of Belmont street.
John Roberts, mail agent between
Wilkes-Rarre and Nineveh, is lying
quite ill at bis home in Scranton.
Mrs. C. M. Meyers and daughter
Sadie, of Port Jervis, nnd Mr. Jess 3
Norris, of Munhall, spent Christmas
Thomas W. Loftus, of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, arrived in 'town
Monday for a visit with his homo
Mr. Larry Rowlson, of Scranton,
who is connected with the Dime Sav
ings b'ink of that city, spent Christ
mas in this city.
J. B. Hoyt. of Johns-town, lately
manager of the Simpson nnd Watkins
store at Simpson, spent Christmas
with his family on Washington street.
The Misses Katie and Annie Alexan
der ate their Christmas turkey and
cranberries with their brother, Joseph
Alexander, and wife, at their pleas
ant home on Clay avenue in Scran
Miss Lucy Wheeler, the well knowii
and estimable daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Wheeler, and Mr. Charles
W. Snyder, of Port Jervis, N. Y., wore
united in marriage yesterday after
noon. Tlio ceremony took place at
half past i o'clock and wus witnessed
only by the immediate members of
the family. The bride was attired In
a pretty cream lansdowne costume and
was unattended. Rev. M. D. Fuller,
pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal
church, performed the ceremony. At
the conclusion a bumptuous repast
was served and later on, Mr. and Mrs.
Snyder left for a brief wedding trip,
and upon their return will take up
their residence at Port Jervis, whore
the groom is employed as engineer
on tho Erie railroad.
Tho Christmas exercises at the
Methodist Episcopal church wero held
last evening und were largely at
tended. From a musical standpoint
tho exercises were superior to that
of former years. The Sunday school
orchestra ably assisted tho singers.
Rev. M. E. Lynott, pastor of Un
church of the Sacred Heart, who bus
been seriously III for several days, was
In a critical condition yesterday. An
operation Is to be performed upon him
Both tho Citizens' and Hogarth's
bands serenaded tho people of tho
town yesterduy.
Miss Mattlo Knapp Is spending the
Christmas with her mother at Proinp
ton, AVnyno county.
James Seymour, of Shenandoah, Is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Seymour, of
North Main streut.
Frank HIckB. of Plymouth, Is visit
ing friends' here.
Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Shields yesterday
entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. R.
A. Jadwln, Mr, and Mrs. H, B, Jad
wln, Hal Jadwln, Miss Mabel Jadwln
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMillan,
of Carbondale.
The Christinas cantata given ut tho
Primitive Methodist church Monday
evening was excellently sung and was
much enjoyed by those who wero pres
ent. A great deal of ciedlt for the
biicess of the singing Is due to tho
leudor, Mr. John Martin, ot West Mny
Ueld. Tho chlldien's exercises and distri
bution of gifts of St. James Episco
pal Sunduy school will take placo on
the evening of Holy Innocents Day,
Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup
Has been used for over FJFTV YIIARS by
... 1.WU n, imrilUlts! far llml rtlll t.m...
Blll.l. . " -' .. ..,,.tfirji
WHII.i: 'li'-CTIIINQ. with l'i:ilKKQT SUCCKSS.
fa the belt remedy lor DIAUIIUOIM. Sold by
PruuiiUtu in every part of Ihe world. lie. 6uro
und ak for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Srup,"
and take no ouier ninu. iwcniyme ccuta g
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays.
Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
Remember thePlaceGuernsey Hall
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Patrick "W. Feeley, one of OlypluitiL's
well-known citizens, died at his Home,
on Lackawanna street, yesterdayniorn
lng ut 4 o'clock. Mr. Feeley had been
111 for soma time and death was due
to heart fullure. He was born in Haw
ley, forty-three years ago, and came
here when a lad and secured employ
ment with the Delaware and Hudson
company and for a number of years
wus engineer at the Eddy Creek col
lleiy. llesldes a wife and two small
chlldion, he is survived by two broth
ers, Jamep, of this place, und llev.
Fattier Feeley, of Nicholson; tluee
sisters, Mrs. John O'Doylc, Mrs. James
P. Foley and Mrs. V. V. Healey. The
funeral will take place on Thursday
niornlnp; at 10 o'clock. High ninss will
be celebrated in St. Patrick's church.
Interment will be made In Olyphant
cemetery. "Wllkes-Barre papeis please
A family reunion was held at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Ken
nedy, In Blukely, yesterday. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Kennedy, of Old Forge; Mr. and Mrs.
A. AV. Benscoter and son, of Carbon
dale; "V. J.i. Kennedy, of Ulnshamton:
Mr. and Mrs. George "Wescott and
daughter, of Green Illdge; Mr. and
Mrs. J. AV. Kennedy, jr., and children
and Miss Jennie Kennedy, of this
The many friends of the lute Patrick
O'Malley attended Ills funeral, which
was held yesterday afternoon. After
the remains had been viewed at the
house, the cortege proceeded to St.
Patrick's church, where the burial ser
vices were conducted by ltev. P. J.
Murphy. Interment was made In St,
Patrick's cemetery, Tho pall-bearers
wero as fllows: Hugh O'Royle, John
MoNoeley, Patrick Cannon, John Mc
Iioughllu and 'William Gibbons.
T. H. Hull, of Now Yoik, spent yes
terday at tho homo of his mother, Mrs,
M. P.. Hull, on tho West Side.
Christmas was appropriately ob
served in St. Patrick's church yester
duy morning. Musses wore sung nt
6.30, S.30 and 10.30 o'clock. At the luto
mass llev. Father Huuley, of Brook
lyn, acted ns celobrant and ajso
preached an eloquent surinon befitting
the duy. The music rendered by the
choir wus superb.
Miss Lucy Farrell has returned fiom
Nowburgh, N. Y to spend a short
time at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gannon wore
thu guests of Mayfleld relatives yes
terday. Miss Nellie Klletillen, of Philadel
phia, is visiting her homo In town.
Stops the Cough
and works off the Cold,
LaNatlvo Uromo-Qulnlno Tablets
euro a cold In one day. No Cure, No
Pay. Prlco 2D cents.
The uccuunt of thu Taylor eistedd
fod will be found elsewhere In this
Tho shooting match at lOverly's
grove yesterday attracted a very large
crowd. Tho contestants were Frank
Leuthold and Illqliard Taylor. The
former won, killing three birds out of
live, the latter killing two out of live,
Special music will bo rendered ut the
Calvary Jiaptlst church ntxt Sunday
evening, Tho choir have been reheats
lug for tho occasion for some time,
under the direction of Prof. D. 13.
Tho Taylor basket ball team will
meet Tlguo's Gymnuslm team In bat
tle at Fallon's link, Old Forge, on Fri
day evening. The local team, al
J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
though but recently organized, are ful
ly capable of holding their own, as
was shown In the way they van
quished the Hellcvuo Stars. Tlgue's
team comes 1th a well-earned repu
tation. The contest will commence at
S o'clock sharp. A social will follow.
A meeting will be held this evening
at Rashorn's hall by the striking em
ployes of the Itenard silk mill.
Kdward James, jr., of Scranton, had
a thiililng experience here on Sunday,
while driving; a spirited horse along
Main street. The team ran away, but
Mr. James finally checked his horso
by turning the animal into the bank
near the Keyser creek. He emerged
none the woixj for the mishap.
Itichard Uemlnll and William Tubbs,
of this place, participated In the foot
ball contest between the Uoglment and
Scranton teams, taking pai t with the
former team.
Mr. and M,Vs. James Grllllths. of
Ilnzleton, weie guests of relatives In
this place yesterday.
Taylorville lodge, No. -1G2, Knights of
Pythias, nnd Mlnooka tribe, No. 247.
Improved Older of lied Men, will meet
In their respective halls this evening.
Christmas Evans, of Kdwardsdale,
spent yesterday as the guest of rela
tives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Powell and sons,
Silas and Arthur, of Plymouth, were
guests of their daughter, Mrs. John
R. Price, on Ridge street, yesterday.
Funerul Director J. K. Duvls has an
nounced himself as a candidate for
council in the First ward.
Christmas services weie held in
nearly all the chinches hero yester
day. Mr. and .Mrs. AVllllam Junes and son,
Willie, of Carbondale, spent Christ
inas Day with relatives here,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hood and chil
dren, uf North Muln street, spent yes
terday as tho guests of relatives In
Howard Matthers, of Centermoie
land, visited friends In this town yes
terday. Mrs. Daniel Jones, of South Scran
ton, visited relatives In town yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, nf
Hellevue, were guests of tho lutter's
parents. Mi', nnd Mrs. Thomas M,
Davis, of Main street, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Davis, of this
place, spent yesterday at Kingston,
Mrs. John Jones, qf Hellevue, was
thu guest ot rriends hero yesterday.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
hTOCKS. Hid. Asked,
rit National IIjiiK , l'M
ftTJiiton Savin? Hank 35)
lliircl National ll'.uk HI ...
Dime lli'iiitoit uii'l Discount Hank,, -'in ,..
Kc-unoniy l.iulil, II. & I'.fo. ... J.1I
I.aika, Twt SJ(o l)c'lt Co 1J1
ClarU & Shout l'.. IT. 1-1 ...
Fcranton lion I'tuce (c Jiff. Co. ... ... 100
Scranton Axlo WorU Oj
I.uckaaiinu Hairy Co., l'r. ...... ... 20
County Saiiit Hank i; liuit Co., uuo
Kirst National Hank (Carlioiiclalc)., ,., ;iU)
Stumlaiil Drllllnu Co , 30
Tiailcra' National Hank ,.,,, 113 ,,,
Scranton Holt unJ '? 'l3
Scrunton 'Jscnscf Itailwjy, llrst
MurtKUKi', due 'Vr "", n' "
l'roiilu'd bticct Hallway, lliot mori-
lmV. elm.' 1018 in ,,,
IWlo's Stui't Hallway, UiiU'Hl
morliMBC duo 1031 113
Dickson SlanuficturliiK Co 100
j.acka. ToMilili School 5 per cent. ,,, lOi
City ol Scranton St. Imp. 0 rt
cent .,.,,.. ... ... 10J
Scianlon Tuctlim 0 per cent. ,.,,, Ill ,,,
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by H. Q. !ale. 2? Lackawanna A.)
I'utlci Crciinviy, ilaUc. 1
Kubs Select uiatvru, ilc; nearby stale, 31c.
Cluoe 1'ull criam. new, lie.
lleans 1'cr bu., choice mallow, $.50.
Onion C0i. per bu.
Vlour llcst patent, fi.CO.
Guernsey Hal
The Topular House. Furnishing
i r .
Keeper s
That is a service our
store performs. It
you can walk
through, it -without
seeing something
needed, you are in
sured against error
without the payment
of a premium. Try
Foote & Fuller Co
Mears Building.
A $7.00
Given Free
to each person Interest,
eel In subscribing; to the
Uugeno Field Monu
ment Souvenir Fund.
Subscribe any amount
desired. Subscriptions
as low as $1.00 will en
title donor to his dalnt-
TilKlloolt ciftlit) ily artistic volume.
cuutiiry.unmi- "HIULU 1-L.OWBRS"
Homely ! lm- (cloth bound, 8x11), as
trtttod by lull- a certificate of subscript'o. of tlio tioit to fund. Book
W Orld KUreflt" rnnlnliw n Knlffetlm ,.f
ot ArtlHW. Field's best and most
representative works and s riady for de
Hut' for the noble contribution of the
world's greatest artists 1I1H book could not
hmo been nunufaittiicc! for less than $7.00.
The Fund created is divided etualljr he
tween the family of the lato Eutfeno Field
and the Fund for the building of u monu
ment li tho memory ot the beloved poet
of childhood. Address
IIukcii: r-'leU Monument Souvenelr Fund
Chiciigo, III.
If 3011 also wish to send postage, enclose
10 icnts
t Just Out X
i The Chesterfield Overcoat
Samter Bros.
---4 -----f-f-r--'"-------------'
Tho Dickson Mnmiructurlng Co.
reran ton and Wllkes-Ilarr I'.,
.Maiiufaoturert or
Hollers, HoUtlneand Pumping Machinery.
Qeneral Office, Bcraaton, P.
Arsento Beauty Tablets and Fills. A per.
foctly sufo unci Kuuruiitecd treatment for all ukla
illsorden. Restores the lloom ot outh to laded Ucet.
ID days' treutment SO01 80 days.' $1.00, by mall
Bend for circular. Address, . . ., ,
EB VITA MEDICAL CO., Clloton Jtckiea He-. Ctk
Bold by McQarrab ft Thomaa. Drug;-
' (1st,, JCJ Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa.
;i i . , rtit
,4. - w