The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 25, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    "V.t.j7vV,!' ilPr
TiT'ft-Lo.i a Hg.iim-jmiPEgSlB
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Sptrll In the Scratilon Tribune.
HoiiPHdnlo, Doc. 24,Mlns Kiitheilne
llluhpnbaker, i)f Itronklyn, N. Y Is
upending the hulltlayn nt her home on
West Htl'CCt.
Mr. tmyiiioiul Clmrk'H, of NVw Vork
city, Ih it guest ut the limit c of Mih.
Kit to Allen, on IClevenli Hired.
Mr. W. W. Until, of New York city,
a L'orri'Hpondetit for the Now York
Sun, wiim at tlK! hnnit? of hl pitrrntH,
Mr. iiml Mrs. Thomas .1. Haiti, on
Third Htrcct, on Sunday.
.Mrs, Jr-sslo Dolmrntrh spout Snliir
day In Hcrattton.
Miss Florence Kuydiint and Mr.
Charles Doi-flinger will bIvc ii inan
querndo on Now Year's eve In the Cen
tral theater. About one hundred Invi
tations, have been Issued.
Dr. and Mrs. It. W. Hrady tire enter
taining Mrs. Brady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Grogs', of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Hy orders from Colonel Watrnus,
Company K will suspend drills for two
A new attraction Cor Iloiiesdiilo bus
located In the Uauman store room, op
posite the Delaware and Hudson sta
tion for one week. It Is the Oiillln kUiss
blowers and wizard workers. They
have liOrow and his original wheels
used at the world's fall for spinning
glass; also many beautiful deslRtiH In
Bohemian kIiiss and glass cloth,
which they make in Hits presence of
the sppctafots.
Mr. IjOwIh B. Nolllson Is home from
the University of Pennsylvania for llto
holiday vacation.
This (Tuesday) evening bo to the
first annual ball of Freeman's or
chestra at the armory.
Miss Elizabeth K. Bently, who has
been absent for several months, has
returned to her home on Third street
for the holidays.
Mr. Frank Drum, of the Scranton
Business College, is spending Christ
mas at his lloncsdalo home.
Miss Florence Watts Is home ftoin
the Mansfield State Xonnnl school for
the holidays.
Vice principal of the Itotu'sdale
graded school, Prof. S. 15. Churchill,
and Mrs. Churchill have gone to Mary
hind In spend the holiday vacation
with relatives.
A few invited guests were pleasantly
entertained on Saturday evening nt
the Presbyterian manse by Mrs. Wil
liam H. Swift and daughters, Misus
Bessie and Kdlth, on which occasion
the announcement was made of the
engagement of Miss Mnrchi B. Allen,
of Honosdale, and Mr. Raymond
Charles, of New York City.
Miss Jessie Keifer. of Scranton,
spent Sunday at the home of her
mother on Park street.
Miss Ella Sharpsteen has resigned
her position as school teacher and
will go to Scranton early. In January,
where she has accepted a position as
bookkeeper for D. D. Jones & Co., the
Miss Isabella Calloway, who is a
student in the art department at
Cooper Union, New York. Is at the
home of her parents, on Dyberry ave
ittp, for a two weeks' vacation.
Mr. Alfred Schuller, of New York
city. Is spending Christmas at his
iiimiP on Third .street.
Special to tlic Scranton Tiibune.
Susquehanna, Dec. 24. The Hrla
shopmen today received tlioir ducats
for services in November.
After an Illness of Mveral months
Mrs. Mary Blake, an old and respected
resident, died nt her home on Erie
venue, aged 114 yen is. The funeral
vlll occur on Wednesday Homing
'rom St. John's Cnthollc church, when
tequiem high mass will lie held. Th"
Interment will take place in laurel
Hill cemeteiy.
An Italian laborer last night, while
at work on the Eile turning table, had
me of his feet so badly crushed that
amputation was necessary.
Clilef-of-PolIce McMahon on Satui
day night arrested Patrick Dwyer,
while he was Investigating the wlnu
cellar of Mr. McMahon's Erie avenuy
saloon. Dwytr will have a hearing
Willie on his way to lit." work In th
Erie shops on Saturday morning, Hen
ry Donaldson, of Grand street, an old
itiid respected icsldenl, suddenly .ex
pired, on East Main street, lie wan
employed as a mechanic. He is sur
vived by the widow and hcveiul adult
children. Btlef services were held
at the house this morning, after which
the lemalus were taken to Paterson,
N, J the former home of the dn-
Motherhood ought always to bring
happiness. Hut it is often the begin
ning of life-long unhappiness. As a pre
paration for motherhood, and as a pre
ventive of the ills so often following
maternity Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription has been hailed as a "God-send
to women," It heals diseases peculiar
to women, tones up the system, makes
motherhood practically painless, atttl es
tablishes the sound health which insures
healthy children.
During the past year I found myself pregnaut
nd is rapidly failing Wealth," write Mrs. V. I,
Kidder, of Hill Dale I'arm. (Uuosliurjr Center),
Kuosturg, Vt, "I suffered dreadfully from bloat,
lug and urinary difficulty, I ivai growing per.
ccptibly weaker each day and nufTercd much
kbarp palu at timea. I felt that something tuut
be done. I bought your advice and received a
Kompt reply. I look twelve bottles of Dr.
crce'i Favorite Prescription, and also followed
your Instruction. I began to improve immedi
ately, my healtb became excellent, and I could
do all my own work (we live on a Rood sized
farm). I walked and rode all I could, and cu
ioyed it. I had a short easy confinement and
nave a healthy baby boy."
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (paper
covert) is sent free ou receipt of at one
cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only.
Address Dr, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
r hood.
ceased, for further set vices and Inti'.'
m?nt. The funeral of the Into Btttlcr l'n
tlci'U'ood was attended fioin the homo
on Saturday afternoon, with Inlet mutit
In the 'Iriind street cemeteiy.
The Krlo shops Will be closed on
Tuesday. The business places will be
closed for u portion of the day.
The merchants, the postolllce at
taches tiro very busy people today.
The drowning of the two young peo
ple at Slate Lino has thrown a f-hnr-ow
over this vicinity.
Christmas exorcises will bo held In
the llnptlit church this evening. The
usual elaborate and Interesting ser
vices will bo hold In St. John's Catho
lic chin eh on Christmas morning. The
reinforced choir will render a clinic
musical progtninme. Thrio will bo the
usual Christmas offering.
Grace Episcopal Sunday s-olmo!,
Oakland Side, will hold n festival this
evening. Services will be held In the
church on Christmas morning.
There will bo no Cnilstmas exer
cises in the Presbyterian church.
Contractor William Curler, who sus
tained the amputation of a leg, in
tills place, u week pro, died nt thi
Stnrrtlocu house nt about fi o'clock
last evening. He is survived by the
widow. The remains were lust night
taken to Paterson, N. J., the recent
home of the receused, for services and
Interment. Deceased had boon In tins
employ ut the Eile for ever thirty
years, and was respected by nil who
knew him. Ho was n veteran of tho
Civil Mar.
Congressman Wilght end family
have arrived home from Washington
to spend the holidays
Rev. J. J. Cowles occupied the pul
pit of the Presbyterian chinch on
Sundaj morning and evening.
Christmas services will be held In
Christ Episcopal chinch this evening.
There will be Chris-tmas exercises
hy the Sunday school ct the Oakland
Congregational church cr. Tuesday
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ida Mc
Kune, who wns drowned nt State Uiv
on Saturday night, will occur lrom the
family residence nt State Lino at 10
o'clock on Wednesday morning. The
funeral of Arthur Munson will take
place from the Lai esboio Methodist
church on Thursday.
Snccial lo the Scranton Tribuna.
Forest City, Dec. 21. Potest City's
schools are enjoying the holiday vaca
tion this week. They will reopen on
Tuesday, January 2.
The special music rendered by the
Methodist choir last evening was
greatly enjoyed by u large congrega
tion. Mr. U. Tl. Maxey sang "Tho
Holy City" exquisitely, and other part
pieces "were very well done.
V. Vt. Reynolds spent Sunday with
his parents here.
The tie-up on the street car lines
has caused many people to realize
what ii convenience the line has be
come. As a consequence of the strike
the steam road is carrying a larger
number of people to and from this
place than formerly.
Misses Grace Menhennett and Alice
'Melvln are home from Normal school
for the holidays.
The Christmas exercises of the Epis
copal Sunday school were held this
The last lemuinliig vestige of snow
has disappeared from the hillside, and
it looks as though a green Christmas
is in store for us.
John T. Urooking, of Poyntelle, was
In town today.
The output at the new breaker is
beiiiK increased each day, as the ma
chinery loses Its stlifness.
.Mrs. Henry Uov, or Carbondale, and
Mrs. T. J. Maxey, of Pittsburg, weie
Forest City visitors Saturday.
.Miss Mary Westgate was a visitor
hi iv.ihondalc, Saturday.
The Best Cold Cure
it- one you can take without interrup
tion to business. One that does not
effect the head or hearing like the con
tinued use of quinine. One that cures
speedily and leaves you feeling fresh
and clear-headed. Such a one is
Krause's Cold Cure. Price 2,-e. Sold
by Matthews Bros.
efprclal to the Scranton Tribune.
Springvllle, Dec. 24. It Is worthy of
note that very seldom nt this time In
the year are the roads in the condition
that they are now. The dust is deep
enough that it rises In a cloud when :i
team passes.
Mrs. Lucy Wakelee started Thurs
day last for Syracuse, N. v., on a visit
to her daughter, Mrs. Mollle Drundage.
Vllllatn Lathrop wns very busy hist
week lining ice houses, of which ho
lms i wo, for the accommodation of his
meat business next summer.
On Saturday last the sports Indulged
in n turkey shoot and radio nt tho base
ball grounds. W. L. Sbelp and Clark
Giles, with the assistance of 3J. It,
Lake, disposed of the stock.
Christmas was duly observed here
with services at the Methodist Episco
pal church, and a number of trees at
prlvnto residences.
Mrs. G. II. pnvls has returned from
n visit to her old home In Cannda, She
enjoyed tho vacation very much.
Miss Evelyn Fraser, of tho Boston
School of Oratory, Is homo again, She
is u flue elocutionist.
W. E. Lott and wife visited .Mis.
Lou's parents, Mr, and Mis. V. It.
Brooks, up the narrow-gauge, over
Sunday. They will extend their visit
over Christmas,
Christmas shoppers were veiy much
in evidence the last of tho week, and
tho array of gift goods at the stores
wore very extensive and varied. Every
one went home with satisfied faces,
T. W. Strickland and S. O. Culver
have purchased a lot of laud fioni A,
Vt. Itodney, adjoining Strickland's shop,
on which Mr. Culver will build a shop
tho coming summer.
Special lo tlio Scranton Tribune.
t'actoijilllc, Dei'. Sl.Tlie funeral of Mrs,
Cliarlrs II. Capwill, ut Wot NlihoLoii, lame
ly attended at the llaptUt church last Friday,
Itev, hank Wediinau, of Lat!iroi, otllclullng.
Tho Women's Christian Trmnerame- society, of
which Mrs. L'anuell was a hclou'd member, at
tended in a body,
Tho Uji.lUt cliuich uu uouded )al Filday
cunlng to hear the lulic-tpeaking content by
ten joung inen'ot Kcjtono Atademy. Following
Is tho itroui amine t lhwiutlmi "Mr inui.,iu.
0iein tho Campjlifii." l'undcuoii Italne) j
"Jumped lien Kargo's Maim." iloiner l'eaej
"ttnrle IVte and Ilio Trolley Car," tUtli
Milr-lilM "Welcome lo i,af.ijclli" t.tnn )rkrl
"Una" (llirnbi)i "Dot heolle I'oy nf Mine,"
Albert Miritiinil "The I'rUoner nt the liar,"
l'nink Slronjt! "X Talc of Italia," tlteim Manlil
"tlitlly O'er tho Oii-in" (Mil) I '"I ho I'nkiwwn
Shcikrr," .billies llallcyj "Tho Cumlct'a Solllu
qiuy," Wiillrr Ch.nct "Mr. Donley CIom the
Campilini," Thonni 1'ouclll '"'lhe Owl and the
l'mv Cat" (limrdlutn)i aniimimtinrnt fit judRei
iHtiPiliilliin, .Xtlotnry M. V, l.ouiy, of Sciale
lun. niiliouinid the decision of llic JuiIrh. Up
MM it mii no riny nutter to iterhlp when tho
tniilulnhti all did m well. The pilrp .n awaul
id Ik Mi. .I.imci Itilley.
Wllfir W. II. r.tprtl. nl the lol.
spent Suiid.iv with hl parent, Mr. anil ih.
.1. II. I'.iiell.
Mr, filnl Mr, V. It (Unlner relumed Snnilaj
nluht ii'iiin an extruded trip Ihiousdi tho uet
nml outli.
Tiicm1i.- "the Itouinlcr," nfleinuoti Jinl ninM.
Tliunrtay and 1'rlil.iy Itinke -V: Clno V.ii"!"-
ill- luinpiii), afte: noom ami nlKht".
Sitmdn PlcIdV MlnstirN, aflrnwon and
Academy of Music.
All will. -riJicniv OeVomle i-biui,iu.i.
The Gniety.
I'iit lliicu d.iji "MrClinty Ilio iit."
Last thiTp il.i ".llsi New Vrnk, Jr."
Chester De Vonde at tho Academy.
In vpito ot the fait Hut eening wai
t'hilstin.H pic, wliiili, as u inle, i u veij iooi"
night fot people, m far .h pntronaEi'
it i oneuned, the Aeadeinj was nowdeil to the
ilonis and maul wue ptanttinsr. 'I lie altiatthin
nUered till" week l TheMer Do Vondo, who Ii
li mi incai.s ,i (Linger III this litj, niioited
li.v his own evu'llent I'onipau.i. 'I lie play pii"
Milled .i a lieautlful i-toiy of western life on
the frontier from the pen of .Mr, Dp VoiiiIp him
self. The story is beautifully vrllten and well
poilr.ijeil. A lirillljiil iiii of lomeil.i miw
IhroiiRh the entire piece. Mr. Dp VoiiiIp ill the
iuh of lloli llrlu-ht, a .louni; man of the wr-l.
Iiortuycd the p.irl with exceptional laslo and
ahllilj. A woiiiliiiul Iinprociuoiit is lioliieahle
In Ml. De Vomle's work lids mjmiii oer pii'i lolls
je.irs. Up is ,M-t a nuns man pnselnB a iimt
plp.i'lns oke, a hnniUoiuo fate and physique
and nnnly liiailmr. Up iiiiv uadlly he placed
in the fiiienio-t Links of tin inuiintlu actors of
tod ly.
Jlr. Dp nnde has glii-n Ms peisonal atlPiition
lo eaiii pioiluttioii, adilhnr wheie nm-siiy
Menu .mil eleeliie.ll elfeds to she .1 tti-l ch-s
ami hiu'hly llnUhcd pin'oiuiinie.
.Mi-s rioiemc (!ear. the loading laily of this
uiauiatiou. ii a ici. liarniiiig ouu wuiuau
and won nuiili appliup last I'lenim; in Ihp pair
of t.i-iiiui.1.
fspenier (.h.iilcis was a ei,v .meptalilp lll.dn.
In fatt, the entile fomp.iny was exieptionilly
sIioiik and ivenly liilaineil, S'einal pleasimr
sppci.illips weie intioilucid bituecn the acts by
Hairy IIolIip, (Jiaep Ileibe niid I.ce Sindnii'.
This aiteinoou "Sin anil Sinneis" will bo pie
suited, and tonight a eiy .stioiifi ensltional
niilit.ny ihani.i will be prescnled, entitled "
Deiil's .dnf.iie." Toinonow niglit another of
Mr. Dp Vomlc'a liig successes will be piodueeil.
"The 'fell Ton Door." better known as the play
Ihal staitled t'hie.iito. '1 his pieic will In- pio
ilucrd in ils entiietj, esai lly ua picsinted foi its
run at the Thud Amuiip thealer, V. .. and the
Itijou theater, in C'ldiapro. Later in the week
"Dr. .hl;l ami Mi. Hide" will be pl.i.veil.
Pictures of the Fight.
u iiiltic-lin exhibition is Kicn at the tiaieiy
this week in tho presentation of iuoimr pictures
of the Tony McGoum and (!eoic;o Dixon Unlit,
showing tho cutiii- cimlc.-.l fioni -t.n t In flni-l i,
lucludinir the scene in which .lop Walcott is
beiiisc elected from tho lint by tho pulice,
I'red and Xt'lllc Daly cie a funny sketch in
which imitations of May hwin and .Maggie Ohio
arc iicsented, and Tony Castle, a tikk
lider, thoUMh hampered by a small tapp. fier
foimeil some new fcatj on the wheel. Tho tioupc,
which is known as "Alcdinty, the Hpoit, Speehlty
ininpany," will bo at the Gaiety tocliy and to
moiiow, afternoon .mil tieniuic, and Miss .Vow
Ymk, Jr., will be the nth n thm foi the balance
of the week.
"The Rounders" Today.
'I'll" attiactiou nt the I.ucuim toilay will be
' (J. Spabrooke in the Xew Voik CisiuoS
latest and ctieatcst miccp-s, "I'ho Itoumleip."
Mr. S-aliinoke Ins won for himself the leputation
of beins ono of our oiy bi-t cniuediiiH. "TIip
IIuuihIiik" has been aihpted finui a 1'ieiuli fane,
Siien an orislnal musical siliitiK, piuductd b.
Manage rl.eclcici in Koigeous stjlP, and inteipiptcd
by one 01 the slionsest mpmialions cm' si ill
out fioni the New Yolk Casino.
A glance at the list of principals In this iciiu
piny will attc-t the liuth or the Litter i-talemint.
for in nddiliuii to Mr. J-oahrooKo therp aip such
well known people as Nellie l.jnib, lieillu Wall.-
irauili-vlllp, William T. TetrNs, Jack lienuid ami
Ilnlmt A. Ciii.ii.-.
Burke and Chase Vaudeville.
'Hip ftiongpst ioiiiuny of i,.iiidc,llp arll-ts
cur iiiK.inl7od Mill be ut the l..iceiim for pei
foinunccs c-on-mcnilnK Thm silay aft n noon next.
The company U l.eailcd hy Madame Adelaide
llciiniauii widow of the famous lleiinuiiii the
Clear. Madame Iteiiinaiin piifoinit many of hci
lale liusbaud's ilifliitilt tricks, llu new Ut is
bl,lcil "A Xlisht ill Japan." .lolin Kinimer i
ilioll and adopt jiurulir inanipulate i.iuous ai
tides (.l.illfiilly Ids best feat Inlng the. jiicslins
or ilueo hat one uf whidi ho citelim Willi hi,
lioad. Mr. and Mis. .llumilp It nr.v in tlioir
fiiimy iiniii'ily sl,e(i-i, "Mm. Wilkin's liny,"
please jut a luucli as they did last j.,ii
Mabil Mankind i'.i.liibutcis fome inipor-onationi
nt Miulhini d.nkics which aie well done. Tim
lla-ssitl .M.111.I11II imiiiijiiy, tlili .- talented chll.
drill and Mi-ie Kiant, a Killed slm,'ir, of.
fer 11 uij t'liliiialiihu act. Ilio two ho.i .up
eiy irond anoints ami do some wondei fid' feats.
McMahon and King, face iniueiliiiiis, pie.
ciit the "Italliofid Crossins" act In which they
pleased hcio lat caou. 1'iofeofOr llcinj liuw
aid'i, peifoiudutf ponies is one of the bet' animal
ail.. Kelly and Vinletle, the fa-hloii plate
shiKliirf duu, ale in) ii nod, .dtnattlur miMnn i
btinntr bill,
"Miss New York Jr."
"lhe MUs Xew Yoik, Ji" umipjiiy i, Ilio
nuclei that will tho diawlns power at
the (lilely for Ihice dajs, roniuicncini; Thuuclaj,
and Is undoubtedly ono of Ilio best as well as unci
of the most popular attiactlom of its kind on tho
load. It has hern cntluly le-wiittm and u
roiMiutiril, mi that the nun moment can imliesl
tatliiKl ay that il is one uf the mojt
piodiicllonj ot tho feafnii, 'I lie show Include the
best known atthts, while the loslmnis and Men.
eiy .llu entirely new. 'the (.how a,o containi
many original and novel fejttues ami l full of
lilely and nitihy music, IniBli-piodiiclns scenes
and iniiilc sllualloin.
Thirty Millions In Bubber.
iiiui'i. .ju.iuiit'i ,,' I. i ( r, .. I'.ir , iv ('
Uy Ilxiliisivo Who from The Ajsocialed Picss.
Tienton, V, ,T Dec. Sl.Tho Inteinalional
Ciinle Itubbir company, with an aiithorlred capi
tal of jfW.nofl.CKlO, vw inooi pouted lieiu today
to manufailuio and deal In lubber poods nf all
kinds. Of tho capital stock, iiio.ocm.tmo u to bo
prifiiied Willi K pel lent, (iiuiulalhe dlilileml
Di owned In n Onntu.
Ily i:clusIio Wii fioni llic A'soclaled Pie..s.
Iliiirl.buicf, Dec. 21, John, aired 10
ytaw, and William Uourir, utci ti eai,, weie
diownid todaj in tho I'cinnjhanla lai'ul in Wot
llaiiUliiui;. Tho boys wue pjlu ou the Ice
which K-" ay under their weight and both
Sank In the. bottom.
How's ThlsP
We oiler Olio Hunched Dollars Itewanl ior any
laso of Catarrh that lannot bo cured by Hall'.
Catarrh Cure. '
V. J. fllKNKV 4 CO., Toledo. 0
Wo, tho undersigned, luve known K 1. Cheney
for the last IS )iur, und hcllevn him petfettly
honorable in all hiiliicsi transactions ami tinaii.
cUlly able to tarry out any ohllgation, mjii,.
by their nun.
West fc Trim, MholeMle DnigRUts, Toledo, O
Wahlint;, Kliiuan & 31anln, Wholesale DiU".
Hist, Toledo, O.
Hull's Catarrh Cuie ii Uken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous nirfacts of
the j6tciu. TctlmonlaU tent file. Pilce 76c.
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family I'illi arc the best.
To Cure Every Form of Piles.
The only ptne wtty to cttro nvcry
form of piles Is to use ti remedy IIUj
tho Pyramid l'llo Otitv, which la up
lillnl directly to llu- partit nfCoctcd,
ntid Its woudorfttlly licmllnp; cfiect
tiro uiipntcnt front the lit st fippllcntlon
hccntiRu Km medicinal properties nre
rapidly iih.toi'bed rlrjht wher6 needed,
hy tho delicate IHmicm and fensltlvo
mcnihrnnca of the rectum, The cure
l natural and easy and almost before
the patient In nwnre of It, every trnce
or piles has left him.
This Ih nnt tpasun why the JyrnmlJ
l'lle t'ttro hart been ko uniformly suo-
It la In suppository form, applied
at nlBht directly lo thn diseased parti,
whuiu It Is most needed, ntid not by
the round about way of tin Btomnch
nor tho harsh, barhnrotm method of
Hiirfflenl operation,
Direct applications to the wat of
dlseiisn Is the only common smso euro,
ntid thla Is fully accomplished by the
I'yranilif Pile Cure.
If the voluntary testimony of thous
ands Is worth miythliiK then no suffer
er should delay In giving this splendid
remedy at least a trial, as It costs hut
fif) cents at any drug stote, and Is guar
anteed absolutely safe and free from
opiates or cocaine so commonly found
in so-called pile cures.
Nearly every' druggist bus some fa
vorite pllecure on which he can make
a larger profit than he can on tho Py
ramid, find often-times to substitute,
but when It is 'lonicinboiod that tile
Pyramid Pile Cure Is the only remedy
for piles that has u national reputa
tion and Is sold by every druggist In
the Vnlted States and Canada, It
means something: It menus that 110
remedy could do till- unlcsp II pos
sessed positively unniLsliihiible met P.
The Pyramid Pile Cure has cured
thousands of sutferers ftom the dif
ferent forms of the disease, whether
Itching, bleeding or protruding piles.
Discoveries Made in Pacific Waters
Which. Will Necessitate Numerous
Changes in Existing: Maps.
S.111 I'l.iuii-io Coliespondeiicp In Pldcco lteeor.1.
One of the most successful voyages
over made by a. XTntted States vessel
for hclentllie put poses has just been
completed by the steamer Albatross,
after a cruise of fourteen months in
the southern Pacific, along the eastern
coast of Asia and In the Bering- sea.
Scientists who are conversant with
the difficulties attending any attempt
to extend explorations in'o entltelv
new fields of research connected with
the sea regard the oyige of the Al
batross as of greatest consauenco.
The voyage will prove most valuable
to navigators. The stiictly scientific
methods of tho expadition led to the
remarkable discovery That the charts
of many of the Islands in the southern
sens are entirely untrustwoithy. It is
now believed that their Inaccuracy has
probably led to tho larsJ number of
wrecks which have occurred In those
waters. Most of the Islands of the
P.iumotu group, as well as those of
Ellice, Marshall ami Caroline groups,
were so Inaccurately vhnrtcd that the
chart was a positive hindrance to safe
navigation, many of the Islands being
as far as twenty and thirty miles from
the boundaries reptesented on the
charts. The Investigations of the Al
batross ioem to show that hundieds
of the Islands had been hastily
sketched by sou captains in connection
with their casual voyages In those
waters, but never accurately located
and properly represented on the charts.
The two exceptions to this general con
dition ate the Fiji gioup, owned by
lit eat Britain, and the Tahiti group,
belonging to France. All the Islands
of the mlsehartetl groups were located
with mathematical precision by the
crew of the Albatross, and from the
sketches made on the ground entirely
new navigators' charts were prepared
by the government and distributed to
all the nations of the world.
Another result of the voyage that Is
of great value to navigators and lo
those who Intrust their lives to them
was the discovery of a bank In the
middle of the JJcrlng sea at u point
where the charts show a denth ot
i.000 fathoms. Tho soundings showed
that this bank is ton miles long and
I rom 11 half mile to a mile In width.
It lies at a safe distance beneath the
surface, but the knowledge of its ex
istence ulll enable navigators to make
soundings in that part of the ocean
when they wish to determine their
hearings in cloudy weather. Foi- long
periods the sky Is overcast In those
latitudes, and the usual solar or astral
observations at 0 Impossible. The
knowledge thai there Is a subnicrireil
bank l00 fathoms below the surface In
latitude 45 deg. 30 mln. north and In
longitude lTfl deg. .10 mln. east will en
able confused captains on taking
soundings to dlieet their course wjth
Ou th.s expedition the world's record
for deep sea net dragging was In
creased i,l'00 fathoms. The gteatest
depth ever pieviously attained was
that reached by tho British scientific
deep-sea exploration steamer Chal
lenger, between 1S73 and 1S70, when she
drew up material from u depth of 3,000
fathoms. This was thought to be 11
feat that could never bo surpassed, but
tn Albatross reached tho enormous
depth of more than live miles, exceed
ing that of thu ChalleiiEor by more
than a mile. From this great depth
the Albatross drew up specimens of
low forms of sponge life adhering to
pumice stone, showing the bottom to
be of volcanic lock.
Tho lesults of tho expcilmoul.s made
to ascertain deep-sea pressure were re
markable. A hollow glass globe eight
ineiies in diameter, with walls half 1111
inch thick, was kpiu down empty. After
reaching u depth of U',O0O fuiit 11 was
drawn to tho mil face and found to be
throe-fourths full of water. Tho water
had been forced through the smooth,
thick, llawless glims. This glass, with
Its sealed contents, will he preserved
at Washington as a souvenir of the ex
pedition. A bottle of wine lowered to
cool It came, up with tho cork forced
into the bottle und the contents spoiled,
That shrimps Inhabit great sea depths
was first diseoyeiod on tills expedition,
Shrimps of Infinite variety were
biought up from depths varying from a
t'uw yards to 15,000 feet. They runsed
from little ones not more than half
an Inch In length to shrimps a foot
lonir, and all weto found to bo edible.
They were found wheiover the nets
weie lowered in the outh sea mid off
tho southern coast of Japan. That
shrimps could be found at greut
depths came ns a real surprise to llu
scientists on the Albatross, for on the
California coast, where the Chinese
catch about $225,000 worth of shrimps
umiuully for domestic and otieutul
A Merry
marlv-l.s. the big nets urcMowcied to
the cVpth of only twenty or thirty
feet, and it was supposed that this
was the limit at which they could he
The discovery that the sea at the
depth of 2,000 fathoms has a uniform
temperature of o"3 degrees, or only
about tluee degrees above freezing,
was another of the Important lesults
of this expedition. Fouuer deep-sea
soundings had shown practically a uni
form temperature over small areas, but
It was thought that latitude and ocean
currents would affect the temperature.
The soundings of the Albatross, how
ever, show that whether In tropical or
arctic legions, and whether on the sur
face the sea Is cold or warm, at the
depth of 12,000 Tfet the temperature is
absolutely uniform.
How the Duchess of York Got Bid of
a Vexatious Bore.
The Duchess of York is fond of lead
ing novels, says a London correspond
ent. Recently, when she was a guest
at a "great house" In the south of Eng
land, she wpnt lo the library early one
morning to finish a novel in which she
was deeply Interested. A busybody dls
coveied her and began annoying her by
unsolicited rematks.
"Do you know," said the distill her,
not at till abashed by the mouosvlht
billc answers of the duchess, "that you
really surpiise um when you tell me
that you are fond of reading novels?
For iny part I am never so happy u.s
when I am reading something elevat
ing, ns you might say. Biowning's
poems, for Instance, carry me com
pletely itw.iy when 1 once commence
reading them."
"Indeed," quletlyyct frigidly leturned
the duchess. "I wish, then, you would
begin leading them now."
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations AH Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
hl'OCKb. Hid Asked.
Plii-t National Hank Unci
S .intern SjnIuks II ink ,:vi
'lhiid National P.tnk I'll
Dime Pepcnil and Discount lljnk.. ?;u
Kconomy Unlit, II. (c I'. Co ii
I.acka. Tiust sate Denosli Co
Clark k Suovvr Co,, !': V.'j
Scranton linn Tence & ills. Co 100
Suaniou Woiks , ftf
Lackawanna Daily Co., I'r -M
Count v Suiuxs llinl; tv Tuist Co,, 'inn
I'hst National Raul: (Carhondale) ::0jj
staiulaid Plilllm; Co MU
Tiaders' National 11 ink 11.1 ...
Scranton Holt mid Nut Co lui ...
Sci.mton Pu-sseiiKcr ltalhuiy, lint
MoitKuue, due V)J0 113
l'i ople's stieet llallnay, flul niort-
U'.i;.'e, due 10B Ill
People's Mieet llu I In ay, Oeneial
moitgaKf, due 1!IU 113
Diclison Mniuilactm Illi,- lo um
l.aeka, Township School B pel cent, ... 1U1
City ot fscinntnn St. Imp. 'I wr
cent 1ft!
Scianton Tuition fi per cent Ill ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected hy II. O. Title, 27 Lackanauna Ave.)
lluttei Cieameii, SlrHe.
KilHs Select wetein, ih:i neaihy state, ale.
Cheese Pull cioani, new, lie,
llians Per hit., choice malum-, itiM.
Unions oils, per uu.
J lour lie.i paienr, i.w,
Fhilndelphin Grain and Produce.
riiiUdelphl.i, Dee. !!. Huttei Meady; fancy
uMi-iu uiaiuelj, -.'d.c'. ! do, minis, ;,-, Kni;--rnchaiiifcil;
tudi iieaili.v, Jlc; do. nesliiu. il:;
do. southwestern, '.'h-.j do. outlieiii, 2.1c, Cheeso
--(Julct hut tin 1 1 ; Now Voik full cieauu (amy,
ll-Hul'Je. j do. do. do. fall' In cliuiie, lU?4alllji',
lltlmiil Suuais IJulet lull oteacli, Initou L"u.
ihanu'ed. Tallow Pull nml weak; ill) piiuie, In
lioiche.uU, l.'Je.; rouiiliy do., lunch, lUaPIU'.!
i i he's, fi'ie, I.ho 1'uulllj btealy Lul tili, t ;
fowls, Si'ie.i old rnstiis, He,; thickens, Sa.-ati'.;
ihukj. ic'je and tinkers, Maine I'uul.
Ii.i Dull, uuthaus-ed; on I.., choice,'Vjc . ; do,
fair to itooil, Mfiic", old lo.oten, lilia'e.j
li fhh kins lillc i wei-teiii do. Mllc.i turkejs,
choiio lo laiuy, -Ullc. ; ducks, H.illc.j Kief,
Chicago Live Stock Mniket.
Clileattu, Dee. 21.- Catlln lteceipts, fl.SOu; it.
the: hutthcig' block lUe. hiulier; natit best
mi hale toda, tun tailoaiU at yJ.'-'i; kooiI lo
inline,'j.i; poor In meiliniiLs, I.T.'i.l.'i.uO;
M'lecled tedem blow, T.I."5H.:in; inked ftoikm,
fJ.uOj:l.TIS; rms, s'.Wiil.2i liellus .'.Wlal.Wj
c'.iimcis, il.7aa2.lU; hulls, Ktead.v, f 2,lOal,;ill;
alves, acllie, lioutiir, Vlai.Uj; Texaim, '
fid bt eel's, sial.H0; do. guivc rlecit, t3..'Wal; do,
liulli, .lOaa.25. 4llug lli'irlptk today, 23,lJ;
ivllnulid left ou, 2,una; opuicil ,ul(k-. liighet;
(lostsl easy; lop, t'tM-'i; lulled and liutcheii
aJ.O.V, i;oud lu ihoice lieaij , :I.70.iV0-"i; iciuuh
do., sl.Ual.7a; Huht, 4I.7IU3; hulk of i-alis. $1.70
n 3. Sheep lliieipls, 7,iOU; hee)i and laiulig, uc
the, 15.12SO. hlt'litr; trond to iholio uellieij. s-3.7',
al.ifl; fair to iliolie, isl.2ja3.M; westiiu bheep,
s.l.7311.30; Texas kIuc, s.'.23a.l.l,i: nathe lanihs,
I20i3.Vi; w i stem J.iiiiIj l.73a.3 111.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
I'.M Uullalo, Pie, 21. Ilei-lnti i attic, hi
Christmas to
Jim & Tf
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvin; Place,
American PUn, $3.60 per day and upward.
European Plan, $1.CQ per day and upward.
L D. CTtAWFOrtD, Proprietor.
- s.s. 4.sf.s.
X lor Business Men t
-f in the heart ot the wholrsala 4.
.r district. T
is ni.... "t
r ur oiiuiiiicr.i
4. S mlnutos' walk to Wannmakers;
T S minutes to Sleeel Coopei's, Big .
T Store. Easy of acceaa to the gieut
Dry Goods. Stores.
X For Sightseers
f Ono block from B'way Cam. glv- ;
4- Ins easy transportation to all T
4 points of Interest.
-t- Cor. 11th BT. A UNIVERSITY IU -f
4. Only one Block from Broadway. 4.
X ROOIDS, $1 Up. Prices Reasonabls
'Through the Hesperian. Gnrdens of
tho West" Runs the Luxurious
The Finest Thing' on Wheels,
Summer Lands of " Ccillfornin."
Special tliioticli trains coinUtiritr of Bleeping
ami iHnlng-can-tolll loaic Xciv Vnrlc cviry Sjt
unlay, 'I'ucmIjj anil Thursday, cQinu'ctlni; di,
nelly nilli Hi" " l.linlteil" at Xc.v Oilcans,
Put' lull Infornuitlriii, inn illmlratcil p.iuii!i
let;, maps ami tliuctalilcs, aUo luwi'st rale,
blvvliliiur car tkl.ils ami l,..u".iwc- tin, aily
10 Snutln-rn I'.uilli' to, IU'1 S. TI1I11I t-tltc-i.
Philadelphia, IM.
uis; slucp ,id ljiulu, is: hn, lil. 1.I ,lil lit - -Citlh',
"1 cars: ihi'i'p ami laiuhs, pi; lings, ..'
Iliincl tu host smooth .it I'Spoit i.iltli', M.i'ia'i. IUj
hllliplli rti i-i-., "1. 111.11,1.1; t-sf UJIl I111II-, 1 hop 0
m lAUJi lil in; nml in losl tu liulls. M,.),-,,
.''i; ii'.ullus Hunt, ffcioil to chulcc-, s,.',"."!'!;
fat Ill-lffli. llllli'l- tc 1.I, s,j 'J; (hiIIiij
kluis,, iliulii' 11 i'Mi.i, s.t.,"iil; I . iiuila iictltis,
unuii In ilioloc, . l'i l'i.b", ; Mlclilvin lui-hois,
iinimon In uooil, Wi:i..'U; MlrhiK.111 luihi., '.j
a:l,7t inilUcis .llnl cahr. ihniii1 ti, 1M1.1, i'ni
05; calu'H liiolcu in c'Mr.i, ;,.'iii7.7",: uwnl to
ilinite, is7fi7,7"i; hc.ii.v c.ilns,',D, l,.inihs
riolcc to oxti.t, Mjl,71i (tnoil tu iliolcr. i-.l. I'll
J.IU; lii,'i, flioin' In t'ir.i, T l.i t.'-'.l ; ijuuil i.t
ihoice-, H7J.H. Una's- Hem nml iiiiiiil, Vi),lj
iia.Ulii VoiUun ifl I la VI (;.; pis-, i13Iii,"'i.
rcllflis, l.."a'.il,(l).
New York Live Stock,
Vi'iv ml, llu-. SI, Item's Ailhc; li-ii,
sli.uly; hulls .mil um.., lulu; ttcvis, !,iv:n;
hull.'. ?.,.',.i:i..MI; cliolii' ;iml rspnit mail1-.,
?l.l-1 jJ I.Ti'i (., l T.'u..iUi ual, Jh. hUhu;
1.i.vmi, Jj.l.'idr. Ilililui: M'.'lls, !rl..MLi-s.."Jl; llllli!
i.ilu, iss Ki.isr-rid, '!.i:l..'i(). Micc'p Dull, c;iu,i
u iliuicc iamlu, fli.nly. Iu'j shJili' IiIkIiii; unilir
lilutli'j. ucaL: sin ii, ?-'.-J')al: mil,, .': Iiiulis,
irl..W.iVi), Huts -ITimrr Jrcliniri,iilons, if,'i; limit u pl;rs,
Enst Liberty Stock Mniket.
(Ia.1 l.ltiily, Hoc. 21-Catlh lllshin i'Mim
i'i. HU.j.lJ); pilinc, s-'li'l'i; iuiiiiiioii. taU.'.V
llot AC'tlvu unci Mxlipr: prime inuliunn .111 1
hot YuiViiii, r.'-l'a3.i!jj lit hi Vorkcis ami plir,
Vi.K'aj.;o;ihijvyilK'i.'!i, a,.J'i; juiiuIk, W.5i)al,7').
Shcii Moacl.v; Mthv, .I.Wijl.l0; ronunoii,1
.sl.50.riW; ilinico lanihs, J5.10.i5Ln; ccnimon tu
jicnl, WJ'i U'al i-ahc, $C.50j7.3u.
jfiLy jLS-Mf'M fittings and mag;a2ine a
IfepiNtrimra great heat is produced with a small
I lli (flSa amount of coal; automatic dampers I
J &-wfflHB9 regulate the heat and prevent sudden
I 'Ait49StL changes of temperature. It is an econ-
TmaffllfeiS3f oray of both fuel and heat. y
' JBlfSSSSnH One purchaser heated 1 3 large rooms from December H
r'2clU!J''''"l''lw3Bj!b I to April t with seven tons of chestnut coat. Send (or H
7S8Wfeyy li;'PlWra booklet giving the experiences of other purchasers. H
.... ,
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
W Heaters.
Daylight St. PaUl
y 1 1 K rj.ooa, m, train; a trip unsurpassed
in beauty. Other tra 11s rom Chi
cago are the North-Western Limited
electric lighted 6,30 p. m.; the St Taul
Fast Mail,, and Night Express,
10,15 p. ni., all daily and the best of
Call on any agent Tor tickets
or address
4QI Brwduiay . Ntm York
601 Clifl'l St..PhtldlDlia
3J VI11 St., ' Cincinnati
i07 Smlihf 'lit SI., fltMurg
234 Suplrllr St., ClltllttxnJ
17 raiHnu. Untllam. DMtralt
368 Wellington SI,, Bolton
301 Alain SI,, Bsffald
III Clark SI., Chltsagtl
TI10 Dickson Maniifiicturliig Co.
fceruiHon and U'lllii-Uiirr, l'i '
Maniifacturor of
llollcn, lloljllngancl Pumping Machinery.
Qeneral Office. BorantoB, Pa.
1 l