&z.v&Tw7iAr-. K, KfflKngwM ' i .. uyjrWti? M .r;..K.s F;T;g -$-Tftl'f 'Si tjl' H" ' fTW'VW ---,-. ,, ;pw'r-.TJ. i . ; , 1 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1900, IPWSferftfts mffT'--ijvT1'1 Communltatlonsol a news nature, per sonals and all Items for publication may lie lc.lt at The Trib une's new offices In the tlurke Building, or sent by mail or 'phone. THE MINERS TAKE ACTION. Adopt Resolutions Pledging Sympa thy and Aid nt Their Meeting Sunday. An Important mcetliifi; of. delegates representing the locals of the United Mine Workers of America in the ter ritory embraced between ForeHt City nnd Olyphant whs held on Sunday. The two strikes which tiffed this city directly, nnd In which all Curbondnll ans are more or Ichb Interested, were broURht up and discussed. The pass ing of the following two resolutions were voted for unanimously. The find deals with the strike of the street ear men, nnd Is: Wleie.is. It li.is tonic to our until' tlljt ,l"' -mplovrt ot til" Ser.intnn Street Hallway i-umpaiiy "he iVim-iI work In order to bitter tlmlr coiirll Hon r t lupin) mint, "'"I . Wh.ieas, Their nnplojer. Mr. Mllli.iati. I..H irtn.o.1 to RMiit lliem .my rnncessloiis whatever, theiefure, In1 il , .. , ., II. solved, Th.it C Ilii- lepiwtitutlw-s of the various local union.- ot tin- t". M. ' fiom I'Mi.i City to OUplunt, a-s.itibled on Dei. '!. I'lOU, In I-cultr lull. Ciirhonilalp. Pa., iM hereby eten'd our svnipatli.v anil niuial auppoil to the trlktr; therefoie, lie It Iti-i.ltcd. That wo ask oil union men ot our Mil, .1' "oil : other. not !u patronise said iinuiuiii; .mil at the same time dlnroiiraKC all imiii from Litdinr Hip pines ot the striken dining the piesent troulile. ISi solved, Ilnl In dolus till" we "ill lie doliiK our dutv li.v helping our brother to win their nulit, and .'it tin- wine time odd nnothcr vittoiy to Hie limner of "I'nionl-tii." I'lUlelll.llly Join-", Dudley fiiildoli, Loral 77, I'lirlHinilalc; I'aliiik llaiiKhcitj, I.oi.il till, Simp wm: C.eorae Wnlker. local, I'oiUllle; 1hil.ii Dnsc mii. locil, Oljpliant; I'. .1 MiCoimlrk, Local Pi;. Mikity; John I.. DivK 1-oeal 1. Viindlini,-. The second resolution concerns the strike of the night shirt at the Klots silk mill at Simpson, and it Is n rad ical depni'tuic fiom the resolution of the Central Labor union of two or three weeks ago, wlten a committee from that body seemed to think that the children who are on strike were not justified. This resolution rays: Mieiea, It ha-, ionic to our notice thai the rmployrs of the Klot llmtlivi' --ilk mill. nitre ted in Ciibiinilile, line teard woik in order to hettir tliiir tondition of empinjineiit; and Whereas, Their einplojiT, Mi. 1'iieder. lias re fund, to irr mt tliim an i oiicelmis whatever; therefore, be it Itesolud, 'Hut we. Hie npiest-nUllves of the virions loial union of the t!. M. W. of A., from Purest City to Olyphant, .'ienibliil on i-und.iv, Her. 2,1, 1000, in Leidor I1.1II. Caibonilale, I'a., do hricby extord our -jinpatliy and 11101 il suppoil to the strikers; and be it ttesolvcd, That we n.k all union men of our 1 raft, as well ns of oilier-, who liae ( hildrrn wnrkim,' in the mill at the present lime, to keep Ihem home lor the pre.-ent and until this troulile is settled. 'Iherefore, bo it He'olved, That by doiutr lliis we tan aid the -1 liken to win their fiht and oikp morp place uiiioni-in where it belongs in the lead. rratcrnally jours, Dudley fjordon, local S77, ('aibond.ile; Patrick l)mn;hertj. Local HO, Simp run; Ooiko Walker, Local, I'eekville; IIukIi Dun cm. Local, Olyphant; T. J. JliCoiinitk, Local, lllakily. The Street Car Strike. The streets of this city seemed lone iinne yesterday despite the large holi Ir.y crowds out. Tiiere was a some thing lacking the .sound of the whirr mr gong of the trolley car, ns the iiiotorman jumped up and down on it In it frenzied dance, the whacklty 11 hack of the flat wheel as it kerslap Md against the rail, the shiver nnd 1 .it lie of the. window frames asr the .ins buinpeil alonpr, and the sight of tlie Jaundiced yellow body of the Car bale cars and the Inllamed hue of the Scinnlon ones. Not a wheel turned or slid In this dty yesterday on the street car lines. Persons living at le mole ends of the town had to trust 10 11101 u primitive means to get at the centre of the shopping district. The sympathy of the merchants and citi zens here seems to be unanimously one-sided, and as this Is one of the strongest of union towns, it is certain ly so in this case. Jinny regret Unit the sttlke occurred the day before Christmas, for it not only hurt the holiday trade somo, but perhaps de prhed of 11 little (.'hriytmas money which it is customary to give these lalthftil men on the eve of this holi day. J Sut on nil sides is heard the wish that the men will emerge trlum phnnt fiom their struggle. A Christmas Cantata. At the Slelliodlst Episcopal church this evening the Sunday school of the ihurch will give the beautiful Christ mas cantata, "The Pr.iphet of Nazar eth." The children will "00 assisted by the church choir, Leon Dly, lolln. and John H. Kvuns, accompanist. A collection will be taken up In the hope that money will lie raised to ndd n number of new books to the Sun day school library. On Friday evening of this week It Is o.xpicted Ito gleo n icpetition of the cantata, Christmas in New Church. Services were held at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carniel last night nt midnight, and they will bo ngaln hold this morning nt 10 o'clock, In token of the holy day. Annual Meeting. -"ThV - nlinuftl meeting of the stock udder's of the Carbondale Miners' and Mechanics' Pavings bank for the elec tion of a hoard of nine directors to servo for the ensuing year will be It Takes a Remedy of Un common Merit to Draw the Unqualified Praise ot a Sueoessful Practicing Physician. Dr, J. V. Bates of Corfu. N. Y states; A most remarkable case has come under my hands of late and has fully convinced me of the wondei id power of Dr. A, V, Chase's Nerve Pills over diseases of the nerves. 'A young lady who was treated for over two yeais (of epilepsy by two doctors was given up to die. I found that her sickness was not epilepsy, but nervous troubles, due to menstrual derangements, and prescribed four of Dr, Chase's Nerve 1'ills a day, alter meals and at bed-time, Since that time she has not had a single bad spell. Her health has rapidly improved, she has gained about fifteen pounds in weight, and I do not hesi. tate to state that Dr, A, V. CbaseVNcrve fills have saved her life and restored ber to health," See that the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W, Chase are on every box, Price 50 cents a box. Six boxes for $3.50, Manufactured bv the Dr, A, W. Chase Medicine Co. Uuflalo, N, V. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT held at the banking houe on Tuesday, January S, 11)01, botweent the hours of 2 and 3 p. 111. Obituary. Mrs. Mary Connell, of Brooklyn street, died on Sunday evening about 0 o'clock. She had been fulling In Iter health for many months, being mulct ed with bronchitis. She Ivns born In County Mayo, Ireland, and came to Carbondale direct 'from the old coun try In 184G. She had since resided here. She was 11 member of the Holy Ttosary society und of St. Tlobo chinch. Her husband, Patrick Connell, died about six years ago. She Is survived by three sons and one dnughter, John J., "Will iam and Thomas P. Connell and Mrs. Hugh Flntan. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock. After a requiem mass In St. Hose church, In terment will be made In St. Hose ceme tery. Patrick Joseph, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swttnnlck, of upper Powderly road, aged two years and eight months, died Sunday morning. Interment was made yesterday after noon In St. Hose cemetery. The Holiday Trade. The business done In Carbondale stores In connection with the Christ mas holidays has been very good. At mnny of the stores yesterday the stocks hud run very low before even ing, especially In the jewelery stores, which seemed to be doing the bulk of the business. At the three principal jewelry stores In town silverware In tollel sets, manicure sets, fancy pins and novelties seemed to have tlie call, and they were depleted of their assort ments early In the flay. Next to them the clothiers wcie the busiest people in town. Tlie streets were filled with shoppers in the afternoon and early evening, but after 9 o'clock the great mass had gone home to prepare for tlie coming of Santa Claus. To Be Repeated. It was said yesterday that owing to the stormy weather on last Sunday night and the comparatively poor con gregation duo to It, that the pro gramme of special music given at the Methodist Episcopal church on that evening will be repeated In its entirety on next Sunday evening. Miss Kilpat rick, who was to have sung a soprano solo in the anthem, "Hymn of the Na tivity," was suffering from a severe cold, and 'William D. Evans, the tenoi, relieved her, rendering tlie part in a splendid manner. It is also said that the Congregational church will repeat its fine musical programme on next Sunday evening for the same reason. A Dinner Party. A family dinner pai ty will be held today at the home of Mr. am! Mrs. "Willis Searles, In Peekville. Among those who will be In attendance ate: Mrs. "W. -D. Searles, Mrs. T. J. Maxcy and son Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colds, Mr. and Mrs. Klmer .loslln, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Box and daughter Alice, of this city, and Mrs. C. D. Sands, of Wlnterdule, N. Y who is visiting here. Councilmen Celebrate. Last, night was tlie regular meeting night for common connell, but the city fathers were out playing Santa Claus and not a single one showed up at the municipal .building. Theie was very ilttle business scheduled, however, and it is ptobable the iii-xt meeting will be defeired until the date for the first session in tlie new century, An Error Corrected. In iliu report of the election of of ficers in yesterday's Tribune the name of the society should have been For esters of America Instead of Ancient Foresters of America, as the two bodies are separate and distinct or ganizations. Court Lily also oloctotl Francis Snedocker ns chief ranger and Fred Flederbach as sub-chief ranger. About Early Closing. One of tlie most important matters which will come before the meeting of the Helali Merchants' association on the first Monday In January will bo the question of early closing, which lias been somewhat complicated by the system of semi-monthly pays lecontly adopted by several of the large cor porations, Must Be Vaccinated, The local board of health has de elded to enforce vacclnntlon for the prevention of smallpox, The matter has been under consideration for some time, but as yet no definite steps have been taken, The law will, however, probably bo made operative early next month, Meetings Scheduled for Tonight. Division No, II, Ancient Order of Hibernians, St, Vincent ile Paul, Lueretlu Lodge, No, 10!), Daughters of Hebekah, Lackawanna Tribe, No, ios, I, O. H. M. Knights of Honor. Local Union, No. l.illl. A Fine "Christmas Gift. C.eoio Spall, of Ninth avenue, 10 celved a line Christmas piesent a day ahead of the holiday. His wlfo pro setnted him with a bouncing baby girl yesterday morning, and both the mother and dnughter are doing nicely, His Foot Injured, A Polander or Slav, employed In the Northwest mine, was caught by a fall of rock yesterday, but escaped with a badly crushed foot, Family Gathering, A family gatheilng will be held at, the home of Mr, and Mrs. V. Watt, on North Church street, today. Communion Holy communion will he celebrated tomorrow, Thuisdayund Friday morn ings in Trinity cluirch, they being holi days In the Episcopal church. Christmas at Postofflce. The local postofllco will he open from 7 a. nt. to noon tomorrow. The car riers will make one general delivery and the lobby will be open 'or lock E.L. Hatfield ( man ager of the Carbon dale edition, will be pleased to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New aBG: old, 043J, box owners fiom iMO to 0,30 p. 111, No registry or money order business will be done. The Passing Throng. Dr. lliitmler, ot Unloiidule, was in tlie city to day. W, H, lldiildnt spent ytalcrday In tlie Clrctrlc City. Keith Manvllle U homr hum rollfRc for the liolldiyi, t?rnk Kllpalrlrk, of Kodmtrr, X. Y., Ii liome for the ho)ldj. Ilfii Suiildfr Ii fpcmlliiir ChrUtitm with his home folk in Klmlra. Mlis tahrl!. Watt, of Xorth Oinrrli illeft, spent ycntrnljy In Scunlon. Trunk Manic, of I'lilluilelphli. I Htint; his pjirnts on South Jtalii street. Mki S'.iu llurr, of Hyp M-mlnjiy, Ims relumed to CnrlioniliIi for the holiday". Mr. and Mw. D.uiil Zelly, of Ilrookbn, .lie ut the home of Superintendent C. It. Mnmllle. I'rntik M.mjr, of nnlllmoie, U spendltiR a few dis with hit p.irenU nn South Main rtiect. A. Ilolilm, W, .John .Ioiich nnd Oeorfie Swindle. Iuirt, of Johnstown, I'a,, ate home for the holl dajs. Myrtle nini'kwctl, of Kingston, i-i tpendiiiK the holldnjn with her ), Mr. Kngene Wonn.icott, of Parte au'liue. Iesp XorrK who holds .i lespomible position Willi the tfou'rnnient nt llomete.iil, I'd., I home witli liN pirent.i for the hollilajs. .lo"eph Minphy, of Schenectady, ,1 foimer resi lient, Ii spending Chrlxtnias dth his parenti, Mr. and Mi.-). Miiharl Miirphv, on South M.iin sheet. TIkiiims l.oflui. of the Unleiity of IVimsjl Miiili, and John Kineraii, of St. Mary's ncminary, are home to spend (lie remainder of the holidays with their patents. Itamond IINteil who has heen esti.i operator at the Western t'nlon ofllfe, has lieeu piomoted to a responsible position at Master Meehanle ltennie'-, ofllee at the lnaihine shop.. JERMYN AND MAYHELP. The poMotllro will bo opened today for the delivery of letters as follows: Morning, from I0.-S0 until noon, and afternoon, from l':,10 until A o'clock. All mails will be dispatched ns usual. The Christmas exercises were held last evening at (the First Hnptlst and I'ongregatlonai chinches. The enter tainments were very enjoyably ren-d-red, and the full joyous feeling of Yulellde were reflected in tile happy faces of the little ones. At the Con gregational church the programme was of unusual merit, the cantata "Santa Claus in a Plight" being the piinclpal feature. The children were trained by Mr. David Hill. Mr. Michael "Walsh, of the Univer sity of rieorgetown. and Claude Stock er, of Lafayette, are both home for the Christmas holiday;. Dr. Stanton, of North Scranton, was In town Sunday. John Carey, of Wavorly, formetly of this town, Is visitin friends here. George Beiry, of Honesdale, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Berry, of Fourth street. 1 Mr. T. M. tlrffflths, of Second street, was taken seriously 111 fit acute bron chitis 011 Sunday. , Mr and Mrs. Thomas Solomon and children, of Peekville, are spending the Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John .Solomon, of Main street. The Christmas eei rises of the Meth od 1st Episcopal church will take place this evening. The children have been training for the happy affair for sonv time past under the leadership of Prof. Stevens. The singing will be accom panied by the Sunday school orches tra. Mrs. Badger, of tJonUling, N. T is visiting nt the home of her son, Councilman Badger, of Cemetery street, John Osborne and Naboth AVilliams are spending the holidays in Candor, N. Y. OLYPHANT. Tlie members of the Presbyterian Sunday school produced a very pretty cfiiitata, entitled ".Ml Hal! to Santa Clans," In the social room of the church last evening. The young peo ple In the cast performed their narts in a very creditable manner and great ly amused and delighted the lurge and appreciative audience. At the con clusion of the performance the schol ars and their friends repaired to the Sunday school room and presents were distributed from a large and brilliant ly lighted Christmas tree. At the Susiiuehanna Street Baptist church the annual Christmas tree ex ercises were held last evening. An In tel esting programme was given, after which Christmas gifts were received by the scholars and teachers, The Mineral of Patrick O'Malley will take place from the home of his brother, James O'Malley, on Dunmoro street, this nfternoon nt 3 o'clock. The funeral of Hannah, the little daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William James, of Sixth street, Blakely, was hold yesterday afternoon. The services were conducted by How George Hague, pastor of the Susquehanna Street Bap tist church. Interment wus made In Union cemetery. Fdward Ferguson, of Newark, N. J,, is spending 11 few days at his homo ,heie, The postolllce will hi ope.j today be tween the hours of 8 and 12 o'clock a. 111. Mrs. W. II, Kennedy, of Green Ridge, was a visitor In town yesterday, Mrs, John Klllott, of New York, Is visiting relatives nt this place. John Dempsey has returned home from a trip to "West Virginia, Mr, and Mrs. John "WalkltiBshaw, of Wilkes-Barre. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Jones, of Lackawanna street. PECKVILLE. A pretty homo wedding wns solem nized nt the home of .Mr and Mrs, Ti, V, Mace, Main street, at high noon yesterday, The occasion wns the mnr liage of their accomplished' daughter, Miss Louisa, to Mr. William M. Dent son, of Laneslioro, Pa, The ceiomony was performed by How J. S, Thomas, pastor of the Peekville Baptist church. Mr. Denlson Ik a highly respected young man und holds the position of principal of tho Lanesboro public DrBulIs COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at onoe, Conquers Croup, Wliooplug-Coueh. BrouchltU, (lrlppeaudCuniiimptiou. Qu ck.iuicrcsultit. Dr.UuirtPilUcurcConstlpatlon. SOpillslOc AN UNUSUAL OFFER, The followlnir card I placed In the Hoceptlon and Consulting Rooms of the European Medical System at 400 Lack awanna avenue, over the Paris Store: NOTICE. Any person receiving treatment at this office who Is not satisfied with the benefits received enn have the full amount of the fee paid refunded nt any time within thirty days from commencing treatment, and no charge will be made for treatment or medicine furnished, The European ledlcal System. C. H. STHONQ, M. D. Medical Director. Such an offer ns the above has never before been mnde to the people of Scrunton or vicinity, and It should con vine the most skeptical person that the practice of The Kuropean Medical System Is conducted in a straightfor ward and honorable manner. This sys tem of treatment Is applied with re markable success In the following dis eases: Chronlo Diseases, Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs, Catarrh, Diseases of the Stom ach, Liver, 'Heart, Kidneys nnd Utin nry Organs, Blood nnd Skin; Diseases Peculiar to "Women, Diseases of tho Nervous System arising from various causes, Hheumntlsni, Dyspepsia, etc. Conultatlon and examination free. Office Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, 400 Lacka wanna avenue, over the Paris Store. Office Hours!! to 12, 2 to B, and 7 to 9 o'clock; Sundays,t10 to 12 only. schools, Mrs. Denlson has been one of Peckvllle's most popular and highly esteemed young ladles, and has been nn earnest worker In every branch of church work. The presents were nu merous and beautiful. Among them was a handsome fruit basket, present ed to tho bride by the members of the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Denl son will be absent on a brief wedding tour, and upon their return will icsldc at Lancghoro. TAYLOR. Today will occur the grand musi cal event, under the auspices of tho Welsh Congregational church. The committee have left nothing undone whatever to make this occasion sur pass any similar event held hero for some yeais. The following is the ex cellent programme of the day: Morning session Conductor, J. K. Watkins, esq.; president, M. M. AVil liams, cst.;chlldren's solo, boys, "The Story of Old," prize $1, second fiOc; English recitation, "Some Mother's Child," prize $1; second ."0c; children's solo, girls, "Windows Open Toward Jerusalem," prize $1; second 50c; the most words on a given letter, piize ROe; children's chorus, "Peace, Be Still." prize $10. Afternoon session Conductor, Hew II. H. Harris, I). D.; president, David K. Lewis, esq.; bass solo. "The Noble Boy of Truth," prize $2; translation of twelve words, prize $1; essay, "A Mothers' Influence on Society," prize $3; impiomptu speech, prize 30c: tenor solo, "Love's Lies Bleeding." prize $2; Knglish recitation, "The Charge of the Light Brigade," prize $2; singing Merch y eMIinydd, for women over 4o years, prize $1, second oOc; double quartette. "The Radiant Morn Has Passed Away," prize $S. Evening session President and con ductor. Judge II. M. Edwards; so prano solo, "The Beggar Girl," prize $2; Welsh recitation, "Ffurtd Ddelsy liad Judah nt Joseph," prize $2: duet, "Larboard Watch," prize $3; speech, "The Difference Between Anarchism and Socialism," prize $1; Reading mu sic at sight (four), prize $1; impromp tu debate, prize $1; choral competition, "Then Around About the Starry Tin one," prize ?:I0. Adjudicators Mu sie. Prof. John C. Kvans, Wilkes-Barre; literatuie, Rev. D. D. -Tones, Scrnnton; pianist. Prof. D. 10. Jones. Admission, season ticket, HO cents; night session, 2."i cents, children, 25 cents. The striking employes of the Iten- rird silk mill have effected an organ ization which will meet In the Uni ted Mine Workers' hall on Wednesday evening. All aie requested to be pies ent. The Cluistnuis exorcises held In the different churches here last evening were carried tint in a most excellent manner and a credit to their respec tive leaders. The Century Hose company, No, I, ure making extensive preparations ror their fair, to be hold at Weber's link In April. Services will b held in the Cal vary Baptist and Methodist churches this morning, commencing at 7 o'clock. Pastors, Rev. II. II. Harris and Rev. C. B. Henry respectively In charge. Operator George Hitter, of Railroad street, will leave today tor Hlooms burg to spend the Christmas at his home, Mr. Thomas W. Kvans, of Cozier seminary, Lewistown, Pa is visiting relatives In town. There will be no session of the Lily lodge, No. 3II9, Independent Order of Odd Follows, this evening. Mr. Frederick Holpo, of Lansford, and Foreman G. S, Decker, of Provi dence, visited relatives In town on Sunday. Mrs. Levy Day, of Olyphant, and Mrs. James, of Peekville, wore guests of tho former's sister, Mrs. Joseph Woodworth, on the Sabbath. This morning u. shooting mutch will ho held at Kverly's grove grounds, be tween Frank Leuthold nnd Richard Taylor, for $25 a side. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Browning, of Bellevue, visited relatives hero on tho Sabbath. Krause's Headache Capsules are unlike anything prepared In Amor Ica. They were first prescribed by Dr, Krause, Germany's famous court phy sician, long befoie antlpyrluo was dis covered, and are almost marvelous, so speedily do they cure the most distress tr.g cases, Pilco25c, Sold by Matthew Bros. DICKSON CITY, FostnuiMer Mcl'heison has had a telephone placed In his otlice for tho benefit of tho public. Jacob Klman removed Ills household goods to Scranton yesterday ami will reside there for the future. John Shafer, of Scranton, has broken ground for a double dwelling near No. 1 school house. Joseph Ollgallon, of New Ymk, la spending Chiistmas with his parents on Lincoln street. Kdwaid Richmond, of Potlsvllle, Is The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur ing the Holidays. OVER 1 1 Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade. Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable. Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get prices and see what money will buy. Remember the PlaceGuernsey Hall 31.4 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa. J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. spending: the holidays at the Lloyd House. Tlie nostollicc will be open for busi ness today from S to !) and lu.30 10. 11.30 a. in.. rcmnlnliiK closed tlie balance of tho day. 'Our local met chums wcie benetilud somewhat yesterday by the tie-up on the stienl car lines. j Messrs, Hawke. Orier, Foley, O'Hara and Median will witness ihf iiroduc- 1 tion of "The Kounders" at tlie Lyceum 1 this afternoon. Charles Picketing has opened a grocery and meat mil tice 1 In Odd Fel lows' bu lldi UK Samuel liairett, of Ilalste.id avenue, and Miss Myrtle Seutt, of Lincoln street, were nmiried last evening. ELMHURST. Mr. Kizer, the new aent ut Ur. lirie and Wyoming Valley station, spent Sunday with f 1 lends in Puninore. MlhS Schlnucrliiifr. is spending: her vacation Willi ber patents nt Thorn hut si. Prof. ItoKcts left on Satin day for his home at Ifnrford. Mi. AV. J. .Snyder, of StioudsburK, nnd Hubert Snyder, nf IlnlneshurK, arc spending the holidays with their par ents hero. Mr. M. J. Curtis, of .Innesville, Wis consin, Is vihitiiiK 1 datives here, beiiiR called east by tlie death of Ills father, who was buried ft 0111 Ills late home on Monday, December 1". Miss Lvdla Frey, of Kast Strouds burfi: Nounal school, is spending her vacation with her patents at the tiar sonase. Mr. Charles Xew, of Allentow 11, Pa spent Sunday with relatives hetc, Mrs, Ilyinn UucklnRhnni .spent yes terday and last nlKht at Scranton, A. II. AVIlllnms, Jr., of New York city, is enjoying his holiday vacation with his parents here. Miss Mildred Shoemaker arrived home from Keystone academy on Sat urday evening for a week's vacation. The Ladles' Aid society of the Han tlst church will serve a twetltv-flvii cents simper at the parsonage on Thursday evening, Everybody wel come. The chilstnias entertainment of the Presbyterian Sunday s-ehool will be gien on Friday evening next. All ate invited, Mrs, Rankin and Mrs. Kttedler en tertained their Sunday school classes ut the manse on Thursday evening. A very enjoyable limn was reported by those present. PRESIDENTS AND CABINETS. Second Term Changes Used to Be Moro Rare Than of Lato Years I'lem I.ilio'ii Weekly. In the early days of the government changes ainontf cabinet oilleurs dur lug tho service of tlie ptesldcnt who appointed them were rarer than they have been since, Washington nuidu 1111 alteration In IiIh council ut the be ginning of his second tetnt, but there were soniy retirements In it heroin that teini ended. All the members who were In Washington'? cabinet at its close weio retained by Adams at his accession to power, .Whims belong ing to the .same party ns Washington Jefferson nnd Madison Jacli made only one chnnse In their cabinets ail the beginning of their second temis, and Monroe made none, Jackson, tho next president who wns re-elected, iiiiule many chunges at the beginning of his second term, and at other times in his service. All the men who were In Lincoln's cabinet at the close of the first term wore continued llu his second, lioutwell's leslgiuttloii us ec- J ONE HUNDRED p 1 j retnry of the treasury wns the only change made In Urant's cabinet lit tlvj beginning of his second term, although many changes occurred before and af ter. Cleveland, the only other presi dent except McKinley who was elected twice, had an interval of retirement between his first and his second term, and constructed an entirely new cabi net when he entered ofllee the second time. Tyler und Johnson, two oil the vice presidents who became piusldent by the death of the president, retained their picdeeesMirb' cabinets, but trouble began soon after their service began, and most of the cabinets step ped down. In the case of Fillmore and Arthur, tlie other two vice presidents whom death sent to the While House, there was a sweeping change in the ablnet when they entered power, ex cept that Hubert T. Lincoln, one of bis predecessor's appointees, remained in the post of secretary of war through Arthur's term. The tenure of olTlce of members of cabinets lias been very Inseeuie In the past half or two-thltds of a cen tury. Only one president ever retained ills ofilcial family unbroken during his entire service. Tills was Franklin Pietee, who was in olt'ce but one tenn. CLEOPATRA'S EMERALD MINES Account of a Visit to Them, with a Discussion of the Gems. I'iiiiii tin- I.oihIiiii MjuiI.iiiI, A joiiri'oy of exploration 10 whnl aie known as the lOmetald Mines of Cleopatra Is described bv I"). A. Mnc Alister In tho new numb'T of tho Cieu graplilcal Journal, They He In tho mountain range that extends for 11 long distant e parallel t.i the Red n.i, and a lew leagues west of its coast, in a latltudo rather smith of Kofti. nil the Nile. Tills, like some other parts of the region, such as tho por phyry iUitrtles of Jebel Dokhan, wni far better known than It Is now and nioie thickly peopled, ubout twenty centuries ago, and only during the present one, m fur as we know, have Isolated explorers, at long Intervals, found their way Into the treasur-j house of ancient Kgypt. That It was known 10 the Unmans I certain, and the mines now re visited med to semi their ttoasuies lo'tlie gem cutters of ilm capital Ever since then the stone has been highly esteemed. In the mlddlei uges few Jewels com manded a higher price, for, In addi tion to Its beauty, fnr.ty endowed It with medicinal vlitues. it was pro phylactic against epilepsy and a cure for dysentery, Like the sapphire, It mini ded the cltastltv of the wearer, and lesentcd liny ttespnss by In caking Into pieces. Though 11 moie piosahi nge has divested It of these virtues, It Is still highly valued, nor do wo con temn ltd less brilliantly coloteil joIa live, tlie aiiuaniaiine or beryl, which is practically the sunn mineral, tin tint of tho entoiald being due to tlv? presence of 11 Miiull itiunllty of tho metal chioinium. Theso miner of the northern Htbal seem to have lemaitt cd untouched since the decline and fall of Homo caused them to be de serted. According to Mr. MueAllster, the workings aro only small passage, hardly more than bin rows, excavated In the cnwrald-beaiiuK schist, ant sometimes extending foi n long dis tance. Many scattered iitlns may also be heon dwellings, watch towers and tombs, besides those ui ten settle ments. In these, no d'Uibt, the min ing population used 10 live, and tin illlieicnces In style suggest they wore occupied for a long time. Some me mere hovels, vety roughly built; oih- 1 Guernsey Hall Headquarters for J.W. 'J 1 4- JUSl UUL The Chesterfield Overcoat X ASK TO SEE IT. Samter Bros. "f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f BANKING. lii.Tonr or the condition op tub FIRST NATIONAL BANK il SrtJIiton, in tlie Mute of 1'cmisiHmiia, at tlie iloi-e 01 business Tliiireilnj . Ucc. I.'t, 1000; ntSOURCES. I.oiiiH uiul discounts $t,973,hl0 Oil (livnli.iflH. seemed ami unsecured.... 111,114 07 I'. S. bonds ti peuifc clnulation .... W,000 Oil Slock.-, hecuiitle?, clc 8,303,000 li ll.mUiiiK house furnituic and flxtmoa 30,000 00 Due from National ll.in.i (net reserve Jireiits) 41,122 I.S Din- fiom htute BunU mil Hankers.. 30,405 la line from niiprou'd resent" -utents ... (,1.1.110 l:i lntein.it leienue stamps l.'S'l 00 1 lift k and oilier tinh itine 17,781 OS V.MliaiiRCk for tlearlnff hniiv 10,372 :!8 Xokii ot ullier national banks 13,000 00 ri.ulion.il paper imioiicy, nickels nnd renin '"- " Lawful money ieeie in bank, viz: Specie S7.S0S 3(1 Leir.il lender note-, 2M.291 Oil 307,.V!) 30 tmleuinlioii fund Willi IJ. S, tleas- uier, o per tent, of elreulalion ... 2.S0O Oil Due fiom I". S. tie.ii.uiei, other Hull o pee tent, ledrmptioii nind 3,300 Oil T0I.1I SV)8.67 7 i.i.nii.irir.. (apilal i-lmk paid In $ 200,000 00 Nirplm fund 1,000,000 00 I'ndiUiled proUK lent espemes and Lues p lid SS 1,001 l.t National bmk notes iiuWaudinir .... 30,000 00 Hue In olhtr union d bjnkx M),U2 Sit Due 10 Mate banks and binkep. 10,170 Ut Do Mentis unpaid 20,2.V no Individual deposits mibjett lo tliedc.. 6,741,170 .'10 Diuniid iirtifliales ot ilcpoiit 03.M10 (10 entitled ilierk . , S.KS1 fin f'.i.liler'it 1 link iiiititaiHlinir 1 15 2rt olc and hllh. ledUouuiitl Voiie 1II1K pajalih None Liabilities other than llioo aboie Mated one T11l.1l $$,3113,337 7S Slate ot l'riiu-l.nil.i, Count) of Liekawanna, I, Kiao Post, ialilei of llie abow-iuiued bank, In aolunuly uf.!i' lli.it the above .statement is Hue tn I lie biM of my kiiimlidiie and belief, l.AO POST, Culiier. Substillied and swoin to befoie me this twenty Mod iln- of Ili-umber, IWi. WltO.V V. UOWKIt. (orieit-ttil: Vot.iiy I'ublle, ti. I.. DICKSON, .1. .. I.INL.V, Direi loin. ers show a more careful conhtructlon; while a third group are well finished, Mr. MncAlii'ter also found tines rocU-cut temples, for tho sott stone lends llself lo that Kind of architec ture. Ho thlnhs that their pillars, though very primitive in style, Indi cate Kgvptlan designs, with traces of flrcek Inlluence; one, Irdeeil, contains 11 crumbling Inscription In that lan guage, Rrokdi pottery, sometimes or uamentnl. Is abundant, but there Is no evidence that tho neighborhood nt triifted visitors for any but business purposes. Notwithstanding this, thei was In those times u settled Instead of a nomad population, and traveleis must hnve been rather frcfiuent, for In one place many drawings of persoui, animals anil tribal marks aro scratch ed upon the locks. The itibjccts are various enough: family scenes awt llghts-In which the weapons err swords und spears, bows and unow.s camels and diomedniics, l:oies, dogs goats and oxen, besides ibex, gastelle. and ostriches. Tp Cure a Cold in One Day Tako Laxative Uronio Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. V.. W, Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 25c. EXTENSIVE BEAUTIFUL 11